New Teacher Orientation Welcome to Bibb County School District Leigh Olsen CTAE Department Chair Howard High School.

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Transcript New Teacher Orientation Welcome to Bibb County School District Leigh Olsen CTAE Department Chair Howard High School.

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New Teacher Orientation
Welcome to Bibb County School District
Leigh Olsen
CTAE Department Chair
Howard High School

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Bibb County School District
 Vision - Achievement and Performance for Every Child in

Every Classroom in Every School.
 Our Mission is to provide a high quality education for all
Bibb County students in a safe and comfortable
environment, and to make use of all human and
technological resources in preparing graduates for posthigh school objectives.
 Strategic Goals
 Highly qualified workforce

 Positive culture and climate
 Communication and Information
 Student Achievement

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CTAE Standards
 DVD from GaDOE – CTAE Department
 Agriscience
 Computing
 Engineering
 Marketing and Management
 Small Business Development
 Therapeutic Services – Nursing
 Transportation Logistical Operations
 Transportation Logistical Support
 Foundation Skills

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Other Resources
 Peach State Pathways: Programs of Study, New Rule
 National Standards for Content Area

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Standards-Based Classrooms
The major characteristics of standards-based classrooms
are as follows:
 Teachers develop clear learning outcomes for each
lesson based on the academic content standards they
are teaching, and they communicate this information
to their students and to students’ families.
 Student progress is measured against a clearly stated
and understood standard.
 Time and support are varied depending on the needs
of each student.

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Standards-Based Classrooms
 Students know what is required to reach the
standards, the rewards for meeting them, and
the extra work necessary if they don’t meet

 Students are guided in their work by models
that meet the standard.
 Students see connections between their
learning, their backgrounds, and the real

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Standards-Based Classrooms
 Students know how they will be assessed and
are assessed frequently.
 Students are provided with additional expert

instruction when they don’t meet a learning
outcome or a standard. That instruction may
be in a small group or individually and may
occur during the school day or beyond the

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CAREER PATHWAY: Small Business Development
COURSE TITLE: Business Essentials
Business Essentials is a foundations course for the Small Business
Development Career Pathway. It is also appropriate for students
enrolled in any Career Pathway who plan to own and operate
their own businesses. The course will help students build a strong
knowledge base and develop management skills as they study
forms of business ownership, functions of management,
budgeting and finance, technology, communications, legislation,
leadership and teamwork, marketing, and economics. Mastery of
these standards through project-based learning and leadership
development activities of the Career and Technical Student
Organizations will help prepare students with a competitive edge
for the global marketplace.

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BCS-BE-1: The student exhibits appropriate oral and
written communication
on personal and professional levels.
a. Demonstrates proper respect for authority and
diversity using written and oral communication.
b. Determines problem-solving strategies for resolving
c. Examines the difference between passive, aggressive,
and assertive behaviors and the appropriate response to
d. Discusses various types of unethical behavior in the

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Bibb County School District Website