Journalism and Media Studies Centre, The University of Hong Kong Environmental politics and communication Media, Politics and the Environment (CCGL 9012) March 30, 2011

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Journalism and Media Studies Centre, The University of Hong Kong

Environmental politics and
Media, Politics and the Environment
(CCGL 9012)
March 30, 2011


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Journalism and Media Studies Centre, The University of Hong Kong

Political system types:

Democractic states:
 Liberal democracy (Western Europe)
 Majoritarian democracy (Eastern Europe)
 Presidential vs. prime ministerial systems (US vs. UK)
Authoritarian systems:
 Electoral autocracy (Russia, Singapore)
 One-party regimes (China)


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Journalism and Media Studies Centre, The University of Hong Kong

Fields and key factors in policy

State apparatus as a field of action
Traditional and new media field of
Consumer behavior and public opinion as key
changing factors
International regulation regimes

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Journalism and Media Studies Centre, The University of Hong Kong

Multiple stakeholders

Government as an actor: environmental legislation,
regulation, implementation
Political parties (national and local levels)
Businesses, corporations, industries (all different
interests: e.g., nuclear, carbon, renewable energy)
NGOs and citizens
International institutions


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Journalism and Media Studies Centre, The University of Hong Kong

Structural problem areas of
environmental politics
Democratic states:
 Party financing by unsustainable businesses
 Campaign financing (parties and candidates)
 Lobbying of lawmakers
 Corruption at national and local level
 Political expectations (e.g., cheap gas)
 Consumer and cultural habits
 Commercial media (advertising of unsustainable

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Journalism and Media Studies Centre, The University of Hong Kong

Forces of renewal in
democratic states

Free media, unrestrained agenda setting
Changing public opinion and consumer habits
Green parties and greening of parties
Implementation of environmental legislation
Rule of law (trust in and performance of courts)


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Journalism and Media Studies Centre, The University of Hong Kong

Structural problem areas of
environmental politics
Authoritarian states:
 Lack of freedom of speech, censorship of media
 Lack of democratic public opinion making
 Lack of rule of law and implementation of environmental
 Use of force (even violence) against independent voices
 Weak civil society (NGOs)
 Corruption at national and local level
 Political expectations (e.g., cheap gas)
 Consumer and cultural habits: regime legitimization by
economic growth

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Journalism and Media Studies Centre, The University of Hong Kong

Forces of renewal

Online media, avoiding state censorship
Changing public opinion and consumer habits
NGOS: support of international NGOs and civil society
Support of international medial
Environmental authoritarianism

Progressive environmental policy-making
Implementation of environmental legislation
Rule of law (especially in the environmental area)


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Journalism and Media Studies Centre, The University of Hong Kong

Case study:

Ruby Yang documentary about environmental pollution and
conflict in China – the Warriors of Qiugang