TARGeted Intra-operative radioTherapy (TARGIT) for breast cancer - a randomised trial Jayant Vaidya, Michael Baum, Jeff Tobias, Joan Houghton,Mo Keshtgar, Irving Taylor, Richard Sainsbury, Derek D’Souza,

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Transcript TARGeted Intra-operative radioTherapy (TARGIT) for breast cancer - a randomised trial Jayant Vaidya, Michael Baum, Jeff Tobias, Joan Houghton,Mo Keshtgar, Irving Taylor, Richard Sainsbury, Derek D’Souza,

Slide 1

TARGeted Intra-operative radioTherapy

for breast cancer - a randomised trial
Jayant Vaidya, Michael Baum, Jeff Tobias,
Joan Houghton,Mo Keshtgar, Irving Taylor,
Richard Sainsbury,
Derek D’Souza, S Morgan, M Metaxas,
K Harte, A Sliski, E Thomson

Slide 2

Local treatment of breast cancer
Have the principles really changed?
Halsted’s Radical Mastectomy

Limited Surgery plus Radical

Slide 3

Are there any problems with
current approach?
 Radiotherapy typically takes 6wks to deliver
 Patients don’t like these 30 daily visits
 Geography prevents many women from
receiving conservative breast surgery
 Breast cancer = 1/3rd of RT work-load

 Long waiting lists in many centres

Slide 4

The Solution
A novel radiotherapy technique that will
accurately deliver all the necessary
radiotherapy in ONE sitting
Treat only the index quadrant of breast

Slide 5

The Rationale
Whole organ analysis of
mastectomy specimens*

3-D analysis
 63% harbour

*Vaidya et al, Br. J. Cancer; 1996

occult cancer
 80% of these
are in other

Slide 6

The Rationale
but, in trials of conservative surgery:
>90% recurrences occur in the index

- whether radiotherapy is given or not
The occult cancers in other quadrants of
the breast are probably not the cause of
local recurrence.
Radiation to the index quadrant alone
might be sufficient

Slide 7

Targeted Intra-operative
Radiotherapy: (Targit)
A Novel Approach

Slide 8

The Technique

PRS400 (Intrabeam)
A miniature electron generator and accelerator

Accurately delivers radiotherapy
from within the breast
in about 25 minutes.

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•Soft X-rays
•Small ‘very-high-dose’ region
•Quick attenuation (1/r3)– distance protects normal
•Shielding is easy






20 Gy at 2mm


Physical radiation


1 Gy at 27mm

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Applicator is inserted and purse string is tied

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Rather than the complicated
conformation of the source
to the target...

the target - the pliable
breast tissue is conformed to the source

Slide 13

Estimated Biologically equivalent
radiation dose (BED)

Distance from



with PRS




2mm e.g. breast

12 Gy

53 Gy

121 Gy

10mm e.g. skin

12 Gy

7 Gy

21 Gy

Slide 14

1. To test the the TARGIT technique
-its feasibility and safety

2. To test the approach
of treating only the index quadrant

Slide 15

Phase I/II study
July 1998-Jan 2000

Early operable breast cancer: <4cm in size

Wide Local excision + axillary surgery
Boost radiation with Photon Radio
Surgery (PRS) intra-operatively
Whole breast radiotherapy post-op

Slide 16

Results – the pilot study
25 patients treated
With tumours ranging from 0.42 -4 cm
Median follow up 30 m

No major complications
No recurrences

Cosmetic results are good

Slide 17


Our 3rd patient had radionecrosis of skin near
the scar- skin was too close to the applicator

9 months

28 months

Slide 18

Cosmetic Results
1) Photographs
2) Patient’s own assessment of the cosmetic
result – appearance and texture:
a) What would be your expected score
(out of 10)?
b) What is the actual score (out of 10)
Satisfaction index = Actual / Expected

Slide 19

Cosmetic Results
Satisfaction index (observed/expected)



95% CI



In only 4 out of the 25 patients in the pilot
study, was the observed less than expected.

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Slide 21

Breast cancer - breast conserving therapy
Study Arm

Control Arm

Wide local excision of
primary tumour +
SNB/ axillary dissection
Targeted Intraoperative

Wide local excision of
primary tumour +
SNB/ axillary
dissection +
6 wks of Postoperative

(If histopathology is
Lobular or EIC, add
5wks of postoperative

Slide 22

1st patient randomised on 29 March 2000
- 29 patients randomised until June 2001
No complications in the IORT arm
1 wound infection in the post-op RT arm

Median follow up is 15 months
Cosmetic appearance is good
No recurrences to date

Slide 23

If proven, Targit could
Save up to 1/3rd of the
workload of radiotherapy
units world-wide
Allow women from remote
areas to avail of breast
conserving therapy