Crosby & Associates The Accelerated Leadership Program (ALP) © Crosby & Associates Crosby & Associates • • • • • • • © Crosby & Associates Historical Foundations Theoretical Basis Components Business Application Program Schedule Faculty Past Outcomes Crosby &

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Transcript Crosby & Associates The Accelerated Leadership Program (ALP) © Crosby & Associates Crosby & Associates • • • • • • • © Crosby & Associates Historical Foundations Theoretical Basis Components Business Application Program Schedule Faculty Past Outcomes Crosby &

Slide 1

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated
Leadership Program (ALP)
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
Theoretical Basis
Business Application
Program Schedule
Past Outcomes

Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is based
on the life work of Dr. Robert P Crosby.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s History

Crosby & Associates

• 1953 Attended his first experiential process in communication skills.
• 1957 Attended his first training at National Training Laboratory (NTL) led
by Dr. Ronald Lippitt, Dr. Leland Bradford, and Dr. Ken Benne.
• 1957 – 1986 Mentored by Dr Ronald Lippitt the primary graduate
student of Dr. Kurt Lewin (creator of Action Research and T-Groups).
• 1965 Attended first ever Organizational Development (OD) training at
NTL led by founders in the field of OD.
• 1969 Founded institute called LIOS in Spokane Washington, USA.
• 1973 LIOS became a fully accredited Master Degree program led by
Crosby with two other faculty, Dr. Ronald Short and Dr. John Scherer.
• 1980 Created the People Performance Profile (PPP) with Dr. Scherer. The
PPP is an OD effectiveness survey.
• 1981-82 Son Gil Crosby attended LIOS and joined Dr. Crosby’s consulting
business in 1984.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Son Chris Crosby (West Coast President of Crosby & Associates)
attended LIOS.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s Programs

Crosby & Associates

• 1973 Created the LIOS Graduate Program.
• 1987 While working at PECO Nuclear created Tough Stuff™, a 1 week
with one or two 3 day follow ups that uses the experiential education
foundations of the graduate program. The emphasis is Emotional
Intelligence (EQ) at work.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Created the High Performance Leadership Program (HPL).
• 2008 Sons Gil and Chris, using the basis of Dr. Crosby’s above work,
created the Accelerated Leadership Program (ALP). ALP is a 7 week
program (each week separated by approximately 1 ½ months). ALP is
tied to business goals more directly than any other training program
Crosby has created to date.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis
© Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis

Crosby & Associates

Through his years of experience and exposure to the
founders of OD and Family Systems Theory, Dr. Robert P
Crosby created a unique theory of authority in systems. It
can be summed up by the title of his first book “Walking the
Empowerment Tight Rope: Balancing Management
Authority and Employee Influence.” Crosby’s theory is
intertwined throughout his three business books. His
advantage over other OD authors is that he wrote his books
out of years of experience working in business rather than
from a purely academic/theoretical perspective. His books
are based on applied theory, grounded in practice.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s first book is derived
from the PPP. After giving it to
600 workplaces a trend was
seen in the highest performing
work groups. Those groups
performed the best in all key
indicators such as Safety,
Productivity, Absenteeism,
Quality, and Costs. Crosby
identified 25 factors from the
PPP and first presented it in his
work with NASA in 1986 after
the Challenger disaster.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

While working at Aldus (the
creator of PageMaker) Crosby
noticed an emerging trend of
dotted line relationships and
matrixed workplaces. Aldus lost
millions because they were late on
their software implementation of
PageMaker 5. This book outlines
how he helped them implement
PageMaker 6 on time and with
quality. It’s principles apply to all
projects and initiatives.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Cultural Change in Organizations
was written after years of helping
plants align their leadership and
reach results. It’s a composite story
on how to create a change of culture
and get business results. It is a
rewrite of Dr. Crosby’s 1998 The
Authentic Leader and is co-written
by West Coast President Chris
Crosby. Both father and sons have
replicated the methods in this book,
which consistently lead to record
setting business results!
© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

Crosby & Associates

The following page outlines the
extensive Organizational
Development influences in Dr.
Robert P Crosby’s career.

© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence related to work
Experiential Education
Systems Theory
Personal Growth

© Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
grounded in Emotional Intelligence (EQ).
The methods used by Dr. Crosby starting
in the 1950’s were popularized by Daniel
Goleman in his ground breaking book
“Emotional Intelligence” in 1986.
Research has shown that EQ is a much
better predictor of success than IQ.
Ironically, at the time of Goleman’s book,
Dr. Crosby had been teaching EQ for over
30 years.

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Daniel Goleman pointed out in “Working with Emotional
Intelligence” (only one of his numerous texts on the subject):

EQ accounted for 67% of the abilities deemed necessary for
superior performance

EQ mattered TWICE as much as technical expertise or IQ

Unlike IQ (which is a fixed capacity - we either use it, or we
don’t, but it can’t be increased), whatever your current EQ, with
intention and guidance, you can improve. ALP increases EQ!

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

EQ has 3 Core Capacities
All the capacities of EQ are intended to increase ones capacity to notice,
name and own their experience.

Capacity One
Self Awareness – In Tense Moments
• Awareness of my Emotions
• From moment to moment
• Access to a full range of Emotions
• Ability to differentiate
• Judgments from observable facts (behavioral specifics)
• Thoughts from Feelings
• My experience (self) from others
• Clearly articulate wants (Goals, Expectations, etc., from up, down, and across
the workplace)

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Capacity Two
My Patterns – How I manage tense moments
• Recognize my patterns (especially during conflict)
• Increase capacity to calm down during and after tense moments
Capacity Three
How I Honor Others – Empathy
• Accuracy –Getting their experience
• Compassion – Feeling and understanding their experience
• Interaction –Actively demonstrating it
Plus providing space for the others to be different

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby learned about experiential education starting in the
1950’s and continuing throughout his career. All of his leadership
programs utilize experiential education as their foundation. From
his beginnings in 1953 he understood that you cannot learn
about leadership or communication skills through lecture alone.
There must be a significant aspect of experiential techniques to
truly impact behavior.
ALP utilizes experiential education as its primary learning

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Levels of Experiential Learning

Level 1 - Pure Cognitive Learning – learning through lecture and testing,
reading books, memorization, etc.
Largest impact is to IQ.
Little or slow behavioral change.
Level 2 - Mainly Cognitive Learning - Reflective learning from the past - such
as thinking back, looking at your side of things (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments), and thinking through other
Largest impact is to IQ with some impact to EQ.
Slow behavioral change.
© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Level 3 - Mainly Experiential Learning- Reflective learning from the present
interaction - such as receiving feedback (coaching) about actual behavior in
recent situation (scientifically verifiable as to what you said and did only, no
judgments), thinking about what you were feeling, thinking, and doing, and
then re-engaging with situation.
Large impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.

High behavioral change.
Level 4 - Pure Experiential Learning – Debriefing your immediate situation
with person you are having the experience with. This involves giving and
receiving feedback on immediate interactions (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments).
Largest impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.
Highest behavioral change.

© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Robert P Crosby was heavily
influenced by two seminal thinkers
in the twentieth century: Dr. Kurt
Lewin (1890-1947) and Dr. John
Dewey (1859-1952). Not only did he
study their work, but he also was
trained by Dr. Goodwin Watson, a
colleague of Dr. John Dewey, and
had a 30-year mentorship and
colleagueship with Dr. Ronald Lippitt
(starting in 1957), one of Dr. Lewin’s
top graduate students.


Kurt Lewin
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Both Dr. Dewey and Dr. Lewin believed that
democratic leadership is a learned behavior. Further, it
is more difficult to learn than either autocratic or
permissive styles of leadership and therefore must be
learned anew in each generation. Crosby has spent his
life helping organizations learn how to balance
management authority and employee engagement,
including leading several efforts to recover from poorly
planned experiments of moving towards self-managed
work teams.

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby worked with Dr. Daryl
Conner and came up with his own
approach to Conner’s
Sponsor/Agent/Target/Advocate (SATA)
theory. Dr. Crosby’s clarity about the
role of Sponsor—specifically, the
critical distinction being that you can
only “sponsor” your direct reports is
critical to effectively managing crossfunctional work and change. Dr.
Crosby’s clarity about the role of each
subsequent layer of sponsorship - the
sustaining sponsors - is the key to
successful matrixed work.
© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s approach is also heavily influenced
by Family Systems thinking through the work of
Dr. Murray Bowen, Dr. Edwin Friedman, Dr.
Salvador Minuchin, and Dr. Carl Whitaker.

For example, our habitual reactions to authority
(to having a boss or being the boss) begin early in
life. Family Systems thinking helps one
understand these and other reactions learned
early in life (such as our habits during conflict), so
as to adapt a broader range of behavioral choices
and become a more effective leader.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Business Application
© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
designed to both train your leaders and
obtain bottom line business results. To do
this there is a constant focus on
application of ALP activity to your
immediate business needs.

© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

A case study based on a mission critical project or
initiative and approved by their area VP. The case study
includes business results.

A mid-point assessment and conversation with the
participants direct report about their developmental
plan linking it to leadership development objectives.

A day of onsite coaching to ensure maximum learning
and integration with the ALP models.

A final behavioral competency based assessment.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule
© Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program
contains six one week modules and a half
day of individual coaching for each
participant. The Modules are separated by
about 1 ½ months. Each program is custom
built for the client based on their unique
needs and closely tied to business results.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Example Schedule

Module 1

Module 2

Module 3

Module 4

EQ Profile

Leadership &
Systems Theory
Related to

Skills 1

Skills 2

Coaching Skills &

Individual and


Helping Skills

Jay Hall Conflict


3rd Party

Authority in

Case Study
Process Begins

Business Change



Case Study Due/

Family Ties
That Bind


Intro to Family of Sponsor Agent
Prep for Group
Leadership Skills


Goal Clarity

Basic Self Skills

© Crosby & Associates

Basic Self Skills

Case Study

On Site
(Faculty with
students in

In Field

Module 5

Module 6

and Group

Synthesis &



Group Process

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Faculty Standards

Crosby & Associates

At Crosby & Associates we hold a strong belief
that Organization Development is a
professional discipline. Our trainings involve
experiential learning using a group process
that holds to strict behavioral science
standards. All our faculty hold Masters
Degrees as well as at least ten years of
coaching and training with a master in the
© Crosby & Associates


Dr. Robert P Crosby
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby has 60 years of
experience helping organizations.
He is a master in his field, having
founded the Leadership Institute of
Seattle (LIOS) in 1969, and held
faculty roles through LIOS contracts
at universities such as Antioch in
Seattle and Martin University in
Indianapolis, Indiana. Crosby led
successful efforts at PECO Nuclear,
Addy Washington (72% productivity
gain as quoted by Business Week),
The Riverfront Park Project in
Spokane Washington, and
numerous others.


Crosby & Associates

Chris has 20 years of experience coaching
leaders and their teams throughout the
USA and internationally in Germany, Costa
Rica, Wales, Jamaica, England, Hungary,
Egypt, The Philippines, Korea, China, Peru,
Spain and Mexico. He holds two Master of
Arts degrees from the Leadership Institute
of Seattle in both Counseling and
Organizational Development. He knows
how to engage the workforce in such a
way as to build ownership and
commitment yet does not let go of the
realities of structure and authority. Also a
published author, Chris did a significant
portion of the editing in “Cultural Change
in Organizations”.

Chris Crosby, MA
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Gil has 29 years of experience in
the field of OD. He specializes in
Leadership and Organizational
Development. His expertise is in
facilitating cultural change in
support of key initiatives including
technology implementation, cost
reduction, productivity increases,
employee morale, and mergers.
He is a published author whose
book “Fight, Flight, Freeze” helps
leaders improve their interactive
skills and is a do-it-yourself version
of Tough Stuff.

Gil Crosby, MSW
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Past Outcomes
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

The following are a
selection of outcomes by
graduates or participants of
Dr. Crosby’s leadership
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• CSI achieved 6 R&D project in one year after they had not successfully
completed any for the past year.
• Alcoa plants at Warrick, Indiana and Knoxville, Tennessee were managed
by the same person who began using Dr. Crosby in 1992. In 1994 those two
plants created 1/3 of Alcoa’s world wide profits after having gone through
two years of intensive OD work. 500 of the population went through Tough
Stuff (Dr. Crosby’s short leadership program), including many steelworkers.
In addition, 30 students were in Dr. Crosby’s corporate based Master
Program from which the ALP program is based.
• In November of 2011 the President of the United States visited the
Davenport Iowa plant to highlight its remarkable business results. From
2002 to 2010, 60% of all Davenport Employees had completed a Dr. Crosby
leadership program.

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• A graduate created the Bench Mark Change Management Program in the
largest software implementation in the history of Alcoa and achieved go
lives in 20 plants with minimal disruption and no missed shipments. The
previous Alcoa BU had 50% on time delivery for one year after its Oracle
• Dr. Crosby led a project to recover the Alcoa plant in Badin, North Carolina.
At the time the Associated Press reported that Alcoa was threatening to
close the plant if cost reductions of $5.5 million could not be achieved. Six
months after implementing the project, the plant was able to confidently
project a budget far exceeding that goal. Dr. Crosby developed a significant
amount of people in the plant through his leadership programs.
• Dr. Crosby led the OD portion of the turnaround at PECO Nuclear. In 1987
the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) shutdown the Peach Bottom
Atomic Station. Following years of extensive OD work PECO was designated
in 1996 as excellent by INPO, and given a strong Systematic Assessment of
Licensee Performance (SALP) rating by the NRC.
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• Following years of Dr. Crosby’s leadership programs and interventions in
the plant Jamalco went from the worst on cash curve amongst Alcoa
bauxite refineries in 1999 to tied for best on cash curve in 2005.
Improvements included a reduction of $38 million in annual operating
costs. Jamalco was the only refinery in Jamaica to stay at full production
throughout the Great Recession.
• After a critical mass of employees went through Dr. Crosby’s leadership
programs Sherwin Alumina was the only US bauxite refinery to stay in
production throughout the Great Recession.

Slide 2

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated
Leadership Program (ALP)
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
Theoretical Basis
Business Application
Program Schedule
Past Outcomes

Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is based
on the life work of Dr. Robert P Crosby.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s History

Crosby & Associates

• 1953 Attended his first experiential process in communication skills.
• 1957 Attended his first training at National Training Laboratory (NTL) led
by Dr. Ronald Lippitt, Dr. Leland Bradford, and Dr. Ken Benne.
• 1957 – 1986 Mentored by Dr Ronald Lippitt the primary graduate
student of Dr. Kurt Lewin (creator of Action Research and T-Groups).
• 1965 Attended first ever Organizational Development (OD) training at
NTL led by founders in the field of OD.
• 1969 Founded institute called LIOS in Spokane Washington, USA.
• 1973 LIOS became a fully accredited Master Degree program led by
Crosby with two other faculty, Dr. Ronald Short and Dr. John Scherer.
• 1980 Created the People Performance Profile (PPP) with Dr. Scherer. The
PPP is an OD effectiveness survey.
• 1981-82 Son Gil Crosby attended LIOS and joined Dr. Crosby’s consulting
business in 1984.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Son Chris Crosby (West Coast President of Crosby & Associates)
attended LIOS.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s Programs

Crosby & Associates

• 1973 Created the LIOS Graduate Program.
• 1987 While working at PECO Nuclear created Tough Stuff™, a 1 week
with one or two 3 day follow ups that uses the experiential education
foundations of the graduate program. The emphasis is Emotional
Intelligence (EQ) at work.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Created the High Performance Leadership Program (HPL).
• 2008 Sons Gil and Chris, using the basis of Dr. Crosby’s above work,
created the Accelerated Leadership Program (ALP). ALP is a 7 week
program (each week separated by approximately 1 ½ months). ALP is
tied to business goals more directly than any other training program
Crosby has created to date.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis
© Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis

Crosby & Associates

Through his years of experience and exposure to the
founders of OD and Family Systems Theory, Dr. Robert P
Crosby created a unique theory of authority in systems. It
can be summed up by the title of his first book “Walking the
Empowerment Tight Rope: Balancing Management
Authority and Employee Influence.” Crosby’s theory is
intertwined throughout his three business books. His
advantage over other OD authors is that he wrote his books
out of years of experience working in business rather than
from a purely academic/theoretical perspective. His books
are based on applied theory, grounded in practice.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s first book is derived
from the PPP. After giving it to
600 workplaces a trend was
seen in the highest performing
work groups. Those groups
performed the best in all key
indicators such as Safety,
Productivity, Absenteeism,
Quality, and Costs. Crosby
identified 25 factors from the
PPP and first presented it in his
work with NASA in 1986 after
the Challenger disaster.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

While working at Aldus (the
creator of PageMaker) Crosby
noticed an emerging trend of
dotted line relationships and
matrixed workplaces. Aldus lost
millions because they were late on
their software implementation of
PageMaker 5. This book outlines
how he helped them implement
PageMaker 6 on time and with
quality. It’s principles apply to all
projects and initiatives.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Cultural Change in Organizations
was written after years of helping
plants align their leadership and
reach results. It’s a composite story
on how to create a change of culture
and get business results. It is a
rewrite of Dr. Crosby’s 1998 The
Authentic Leader and is co-written
by West Coast President Chris
Crosby. Both father and sons have
replicated the methods in this book,
which consistently lead to record
setting business results!
© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

Crosby & Associates

The following page outlines the
extensive Organizational
Development influences in Dr.
Robert P Crosby’s career.

© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence related to work
Experiential Education
Systems Theory
Personal Growth

© Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
grounded in Emotional Intelligence (EQ).
The methods used by Dr. Crosby starting
in the 1950’s were popularized by Daniel
Goleman in his ground breaking book
“Emotional Intelligence” in 1986.
Research has shown that EQ is a much
better predictor of success than IQ.
Ironically, at the time of Goleman’s book,
Dr. Crosby had been teaching EQ for over
30 years.

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Daniel Goleman pointed out in “Working with Emotional
Intelligence” (only one of his numerous texts on the subject):

EQ accounted for 67% of the abilities deemed necessary for
superior performance

EQ mattered TWICE as much as technical expertise or IQ

Unlike IQ (which is a fixed capacity - we either use it, or we
don’t, but it can’t be increased), whatever your current EQ, with
intention and guidance, you can improve. ALP increases EQ!

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

EQ has 3 Core Capacities
All the capacities of EQ are intended to increase ones capacity to notice,
name and own their experience.

Capacity One
Self Awareness – In Tense Moments
• Awareness of my Emotions
• From moment to moment
• Access to a full range of Emotions
• Ability to differentiate
• Judgments from observable facts (behavioral specifics)
• Thoughts from Feelings
• My experience (self) from others
• Clearly articulate wants (Goals, Expectations, etc., from up, down, and across
the workplace)

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Capacity Two
My Patterns – How I manage tense moments
• Recognize my patterns (especially during conflict)
• Increase capacity to calm down during and after tense moments
Capacity Three
How I Honor Others – Empathy
• Accuracy –Getting their experience
• Compassion – Feeling and understanding their experience
• Interaction –Actively demonstrating it
Plus providing space for the others to be different

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby learned about experiential education starting in the
1950’s and continuing throughout his career. All of his leadership
programs utilize experiential education as their foundation. From
his beginnings in 1953 he understood that you cannot learn
about leadership or communication skills through lecture alone.
There must be a significant aspect of experiential techniques to
truly impact behavior.
ALP utilizes experiential education as its primary learning

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Levels of Experiential Learning

Level 1 - Pure Cognitive Learning – learning through lecture and testing,
reading books, memorization, etc.
Largest impact is to IQ.
Little or slow behavioral change.
Level 2 - Mainly Cognitive Learning - Reflective learning from the past - such
as thinking back, looking at your side of things (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments), and thinking through other
Largest impact is to IQ with some impact to EQ.
Slow behavioral change.
© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Level 3 - Mainly Experiential Learning- Reflective learning from the present
interaction - such as receiving feedback (coaching) about actual behavior in
recent situation (scientifically verifiable as to what you said and did only, no
judgments), thinking about what you were feeling, thinking, and doing, and
then re-engaging with situation.
Large impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.

High behavioral change.
Level 4 - Pure Experiential Learning – Debriefing your immediate situation
with person you are having the experience with. This involves giving and
receiving feedback on immediate interactions (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments).
Largest impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.
Highest behavioral change.

© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Robert P Crosby was heavily
influenced by two seminal thinkers
in the twentieth century: Dr. Kurt
Lewin (1890-1947) and Dr. John
Dewey (1859-1952). Not only did he
study their work, but he also was
trained by Dr. Goodwin Watson, a
colleague of Dr. John Dewey, and
had a 30-year mentorship and
colleagueship with Dr. Ronald Lippitt
(starting in 1957), one of Dr. Lewin’s
top graduate students.


Kurt Lewin
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Both Dr. Dewey and Dr. Lewin believed that
democratic leadership is a learned behavior. Further, it
is more difficult to learn than either autocratic or
permissive styles of leadership and therefore must be
learned anew in each generation. Crosby has spent his
life helping organizations learn how to balance
management authority and employee engagement,
including leading several efforts to recover from poorly
planned experiments of moving towards self-managed
work teams.

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby worked with Dr. Daryl
Conner and came up with his own
approach to Conner’s
Sponsor/Agent/Target/Advocate (SATA)
theory. Dr. Crosby’s clarity about the
role of Sponsor—specifically, the
critical distinction being that you can
only “sponsor” your direct reports is
critical to effectively managing crossfunctional work and change. Dr.
Crosby’s clarity about the role of each
subsequent layer of sponsorship - the
sustaining sponsors - is the key to
successful matrixed work.
© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s approach is also heavily influenced
by Family Systems thinking through the work of
Dr. Murray Bowen, Dr. Edwin Friedman, Dr.
Salvador Minuchin, and Dr. Carl Whitaker.

For example, our habitual reactions to authority
(to having a boss or being the boss) begin early in
life. Family Systems thinking helps one
understand these and other reactions learned
early in life (such as our habits during conflict), so
as to adapt a broader range of behavioral choices
and become a more effective leader.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Business Application
© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
designed to both train your leaders and
obtain bottom line business results. To do
this there is a constant focus on
application of ALP activity to your
immediate business needs.

© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

A case study based on a mission critical project or
initiative and approved by their area VP. The case study
includes business results.

A mid-point assessment and conversation with the
participants direct report about their developmental
plan linking it to leadership development objectives.

A day of onsite coaching to ensure maximum learning
and integration with the ALP models.

A final behavioral competency based assessment.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule
© Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program
contains six one week modules and a half
day of individual coaching for each
participant. The Modules are separated by
about 1 ½ months. Each program is custom
built for the client based on their unique
needs and closely tied to business results.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Example Schedule

Module 1

Module 2

Module 3

Module 4

EQ Profile

Leadership &
Systems Theory
Related to

Skills 1

Skills 2

Coaching Skills &

Individual and


Helping Skills

Jay Hall Conflict


3rd Party

Authority in

Case Study
Process Begins

Business Change



Case Study Due/

Family Ties
That Bind


Intro to Family of Sponsor Agent
Prep for Group
Leadership Skills


Goal Clarity

Basic Self Skills

© Crosby & Associates

Basic Self Skills

Case Study

On Site
(Faculty with
students in

In Field

Module 5

Module 6

and Group

Synthesis &



Group Process

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Faculty Standards

Crosby & Associates

At Crosby & Associates we hold a strong belief
that Organization Development is a
professional discipline. Our trainings involve
experiential learning using a group process
that holds to strict behavioral science
standards. All our faculty hold Masters
Degrees as well as at least ten years of
coaching and training with a master in the
© Crosby & Associates


Dr. Robert P Crosby
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby has 60 years of
experience helping organizations.
He is a master in his field, having
founded the Leadership Institute of
Seattle (LIOS) in 1969, and held
faculty roles through LIOS contracts
at universities such as Antioch in
Seattle and Martin University in
Indianapolis, Indiana. Crosby led
successful efforts at PECO Nuclear,
Addy Washington (72% productivity
gain as quoted by Business Week),
The Riverfront Park Project in
Spokane Washington, and
numerous others.


Crosby & Associates

Chris has 20 years of experience coaching
leaders and their teams throughout the
USA and internationally in Germany, Costa
Rica, Wales, Jamaica, England, Hungary,
Egypt, The Philippines, Korea, China, Peru,
Spain and Mexico. He holds two Master of
Arts degrees from the Leadership Institute
of Seattle in both Counseling and
Organizational Development. He knows
how to engage the workforce in such a
way as to build ownership and
commitment yet does not let go of the
realities of structure and authority. Also a
published author, Chris did a significant
portion of the editing in “Cultural Change
in Organizations”.

Chris Crosby, MA
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Gil has 29 years of experience in
the field of OD. He specializes in
Leadership and Organizational
Development. His expertise is in
facilitating cultural change in
support of key initiatives including
technology implementation, cost
reduction, productivity increases,
employee morale, and mergers.
He is a published author whose
book “Fight, Flight, Freeze” helps
leaders improve their interactive
skills and is a do-it-yourself version
of Tough Stuff.

Gil Crosby, MSW
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Past Outcomes
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

The following are a
selection of outcomes by
graduates or participants of
Dr. Crosby’s leadership
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• CSI achieved 6 R&D project in one year after they had not successfully
completed any for the past year.
• Alcoa plants at Warrick, Indiana and Knoxville, Tennessee were managed
by the same person who began using Dr. Crosby in 1992. In 1994 those two
plants created 1/3 of Alcoa’s world wide profits after having gone through
two years of intensive OD work. 500 of the population went through Tough
Stuff (Dr. Crosby’s short leadership program), including many steelworkers.
In addition, 30 students were in Dr. Crosby’s corporate based Master
Program from which the ALP program is based.
• In November of 2011 the President of the United States visited the
Davenport Iowa plant to highlight its remarkable business results. From
2002 to 2010, 60% of all Davenport Employees had completed a Dr. Crosby
leadership program.

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• A graduate created the Bench Mark Change Management Program in the
largest software implementation in the history of Alcoa and achieved go
lives in 20 plants with minimal disruption and no missed shipments. The
previous Alcoa BU had 50% on time delivery for one year after its Oracle
• Dr. Crosby led a project to recover the Alcoa plant in Badin, North Carolina.
At the time the Associated Press reported that Alcoa was threatening to
close the plant if cost reductions of $5.5 million could not be achieved. Six
months after implementing the project, the plant was able to confidently
project a budget far exceeding that goal. Dr. Crosby developed a significant
amount of people in the plant through his leadership programs.
• Dr. Crosby led the OD portion of the turnaround at PECO Nuclear. In 1987
the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) shutdown the Peach Bottom
Atomic Station. Following years of extensive OD work PECO was designated
in 1996 as excellent by INPO, and given a strong Systematic Assessment of
Licensee Performance (SALP) rating by the NRC.
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• Following years of Dr. Crosby’s leadership programs and interventions in
the plant Jamalco went from the worst on cash curve amongst Alcoa
bauxite refineries in 1999 to tied for best on cash curve in 2005.
Improvements included a reduction of $38 million in annual operating
costs. Jamalco was the only refinery in Jamaica to stay at full production
throughout the Great Recession.
• After a critical mass of employees went through Dr. Crosby’s leadership
programs Sherwin Alumina was the only US bauxite refinery to stay in
production throughout the Great Recession.

Slide 3

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated
Leadership Program (ALP)
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
Theoretical Basis
Business Application
Program Schedule
Past Outcomes

Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is based
on the life work of Dr. Robert P Crosby.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s History

Crosby & Associates

• 1953 Attended his first experiential process in communication skills.
• 1957 Attended his first training at National Training Laboratory (NTL) led
by Dr. Ronald Lippitt, Dr. Leland Bradford, and Dr. Ken Benne.
• 1957 – 1986 Mentored by Dr Ronald Lippitt the primary graduate
student of Dr. Kurt Lewin (creator of Action Research and T-Groups).
• 1965 Attended first ever Organizational Development (OD) training at
NTL led by founders in the field of OD.
• 1969 Founded institute called LIOS in Spokane Washington, USA.
• 1973 LIOS became a fully accredited Master Degree program led by
Crosby with two other faculty, Dr. Ronald Short and Dr. John Scherer.
• 1980 Created the People Performance Profile (PPP) with Dr. Scherer. The
PPP is an OD effectiveness survey.
• 1981-82 Son Gil Crosby attended LIOS and joined Dr. Crosby’s consulting
business in 1984.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Son Chris Crosby (West Coast President of Crosby & Associates)
attended LIOS.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s Programs

Crosby & Associates

• 1973 Created the LIOS Graduate Program.
• 1987 While working at PECO Nuclear created Tough Stuff™, a 1 week
with one or two 3 day follow ups that uses the experiential education
foundations of the graduate program. The emphasis is Emotional
Intelligence (EQ) at work.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Created the High Performance Leadership Program (HPL).
• 2008 Sons Gil and Chris, using the basis of Dr. Crosby’s above work,
created the Accelerated Leadership Program (ALP). ALP is a 7 week
program (each week separated by approximately 1 ½ months). ALP is
tied to business goals more directly than any other training program
Crosby has created to date.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis
© Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis

Crosby & Associates

Through his years of experience and exposure to the
founders of OD and Family Systems Theory, Dr. Robert P
Crosby created a unique theory of authority in systems. It
can be summed up by the title of his first book “Walking the
Empowerment Tight Rope: Balancing Management
Authority and Employee Influence.” Crosby’s theory is
intertwined throughout his three business books. His
advantage over other OD authors is that he wrote his books
out of years of experience working in business rather than
from a purely academic/theoretical perspective. His books
are based on applied theory, grounded in practice.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s first book is derived
from the PPP. After giving it to
600 workplaces a trend was
seen in the highest performing
work groups. Those groups
performed the best in all key
indicators such as Safety,
Productivity, Absenteeism,
Quality, and Costs. Crosby
identified 25 factors from the
PPP and first presented it in his
work with NASA in 1986 after
the Challenger disaster.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

While working at Aldus (the
creator of PageMaker) Crosby
noticed an emerging trend of
dotted line relationships and
matrixed workplaces. Aldus lost
millions because they were late on
their software implementation of
PageMaker 5. This book outlines
how he helped them implement
PageMaker 6 on time and with
quality. It’s principles apply to all
projects and initiatives.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Cultural Change in Organizations
was written after years of helping
plants align their leadership and
reach results. It’s a composite story
on how to create a change of culture
and get business results. It is a
rewrite of Dr. Crosby’s 1998 The
Authentic Leader and is co-written
by West Coast President Chris
Crosby. Both father and sons have
replicated the methods in this book,
which consistently lead to record
setting business results!
© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

Crosby & Associates

The following page outlines the
extensive Organizational
Development influences in Dr.
Robert P Crosby’s career.

© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence related to work
Experiential Education
Systems Theory
Personal Growth

© Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
grounded in Emotional Intelligence (EQ).
The methods used by Dr. Crosby starting
in the 1950’s were popularized by Daniel
Goleman in his ground breaking book
“Emotional Intelligence” in 1986.
Research has shown that EQ is a much
better predictor of success than IQ.
Ironically, at the time of Goleman’s book,
Dr. Crosby had been teaching EQ for over
30 years.

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Daniel Goleman pointed out in “Working with Emotional
Intelligence” (only one of his numerous texts on the subject):

EQ accounted for 67% of the abilities deemed necessary for
superior performance

EQ mattered TWICE as much as technical expertise or IQ

Unlike IQ (which is a fixed capacity - we either use it, or we
don’t, but it can’t be increased), whatever your current EQ, with
intention and guidance, you can improve. ALP increases EQ!

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

EQ has 3 Core Capacities
All the capacities of EQ are intended to increase ones capacity to notice,
name and own their experience.

Capacity One
Self Awareness – In Tense Moments
• Awareness of my Emotions
• From moment to moment
• Access to a full range of Emotions
• Ability to differentiate
• Judgments from observable facts (behavioral specifics)
• Thoughts from Feelings
• My experience (self) from others
• Clearly articulate wants (Goals, Expectations, etc., from up, down, and across
the workplace)

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Capacity Two
My Patterns – How I manage tense moments
• Recognize my patterns (especially during conflict)
• Increase capacity to calm down during and after tense moments
Capacity Three
How I Honor Others – Empathy
• Accuracy –Getting their experience
• Compassion – Feeling and understanding their experience
• Interaction –Actively demonstrating it
Plus providing space for the others to be different

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby learned about experiential education starting in the
1950’s and continuing throughout his career. All of his leadership
programs utilize experiential education as their foundation. From
his beginnings in 1953 he understood that you cannot learn
about leadership or communication skills through lecture alone.
There must be a significant aspect of experiential techniques to
truly impact behavior.
ALP utilizes experiential education as its primary learning

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Levels of Experiential Learning

Level 1 - Pure Cognitive Learning – learning through lecture and testing,
reading books, memorization, etc.
Largest impact is to IQ.
Little or slow behavioral change.
Level 2 - Mainly Cognitive Learning - Reflective learning from the past - such
as thinking back, looking at your side of things (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments), and thinking through other
Largest impact is to IQ with some impact to EQ.
Slow behavioral change.
© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Level 3 - Mainly Experiential Learning- Reflective learning from the present
interaction - such as receiving feedback (coaching) about actual behavior in
recent situation (scientifically verifiable as to what you said and did only, no
judgments), thinking about what you were feeling, thinking, and doing, and
then re-engaging with situation.
Large impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.

High behavioral change.
Level 4 - Pure Experiential Learning – Debriefing your immediate situation
with person you are having the experience with. This involves giving and
receiving feedback on immediate interactions (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments).
Largest impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.
Highest behavioral change.

© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Robert P Crosby was heavily
influenced by two seminal thinkers
in the twentieth century: Dr. Kurt
Lewin (1890-1947) and Dr. John
Dewey (1859-1952). Not only did he
study their work, but he also was
trained by Dr. Goodwin Watson, a
colleague of Dr. John Dewey, and
had a 30-year mentorship and
colleagueship with Dr. Ronald Lippitt
(starting in 1957), one of Dr. Lewin’s
top graduate students.


Kurt Lewin
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Both Dr. Dewey and Dr. Lewin believed that
democratic leadership is a learned behavior. Further, it
is more difficult to learn than either autocratic or
permissive styles of leadership and therefore must be
learned anew in each generation. Crosby has spent his
life helping organizations learn how to balance
management authority and employee engagement,
including leading several efforts to recover from poorly
planned experiments of moving towards self-managed
work teams.

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby worked with Dr. Daryl
Conner and came up with his own
approach to Conner’s
Sponsor/Agent/Target/Advocate (SATA)
theory. Dr. Crosby’s clarity about the
role of Sponsor—specifically, the
critical distinction being that you can
only “sponsor” your direct reports is
critical to effectively managing crossfunctional work and change. Dr.
Crosby’s clarity about the role of each
subsequent layer of sponsorship - the
sustaining sponsors - is the key to
successful matrixed work.
© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s approach is also heavily influenced
by Family Systems thinking through the work of
Dr. Murray Bowen, Dr. Edwin Friedman, Dr.
Salvador Minuchin, and Dr. Carl Whitaker.

For example, our habitual reactions to authority
(to having a boss or being the boss) begin early in
life. Family Systems thinking helps one
understand these and other reactions learned
early in life (such as our habits during conflict), so
as to adapt a broader range of behavioral choices
and become a more effective leader.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Business Application
© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
designed to both train your leaders and
obtain bottom line business results. To do
this there is a constant focus on
application of ALP activity to your
immediate business needs.

© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

A case study based on a mission critical project or
initiative and approved by their area VP. The case study
includes business results.

A mid-point assessment and conversation with the
participants direct report about their developmental
plan linking it to leadership development objectives.

A day of onsite coaching to ensure maximum learning
and integration with the ALP models.

A final behavioral competency based assessment.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule
© Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program
contains six one week modules and a half
day of individual coaching for each
participant. The Modules are separated by
about 1 ½ months. Each program is custom
built for the client based on their unique
needs and closely tied to business results.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Example Schedule

Module 1

Module 2

Module 3

Module 4

EQ Profile

Leadership &
Systems Theory
Related to

Skills 1

Skills 2

Coaching Skills &

Individual and


Helping Skills

Jay Hall Conflict


3rd Party

Authority in

Case Study
Process Begins

Business Change



Case Study Due/

Family Ties
That Bind


Intro to Family of Sponsor Agent
Prep for Group
Leadership Skills


Goal Clarity

Basic Self Skills

© Crosby & Associates

Basic Self Skills

Case Study

On Site
(Faculty with
students in

In Field

Module 5

Module 6

and Group

Synthesis &



Group Process

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Faculty Standards

Crosby & Associates

At Crosby & Associates we hold a strong belief
that Organization Development is a
professional discipline. Our trainings involve
experiential learning using a group process
that holds to strict behavioral science
standards. All our faculty hold Masters
Degrees as well as at least ten years of
coaching and training with a master in the
© Crosby & Associates


Dr. Robert P Crosby
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby has 60 years of
experience helping organizations.
He is a master in his field, having
founded the Leadership Institute of
Seattle (LIOS) in 1969, and held
faculty roles through LIOS contracts
at universities such as Antioch in
Seattle and Martin University in
Indianapolis, Indiana. Crosby led
successful efforts at PECO Nuclear,
Addy Washington (72% productivity
gain as quoted by Business Week),
The Riverfront Park Project in
Spokane Washington, and
numerous others.


Crosby & Associates

Chris has 20 years of experience coaching
leaders and their teams throughout the
USA and internationally in Germany, Costa
Rica, Wales, Jamaica, England, Hungary,
Egypt, The Philippines, Korea, China, Peru,
Spain and Mexico. He holds two Master of
Arts degrees from the Leadership Institute
of Seattle in both Counseling and
Organizational Development. He knows
how to engage the workforce in such a
way as to build ownership and
commitment yet does not let go of the
realities of structure and authority. Also a
published author, Chris did a significant
portion of the editing in “Cultural Change
in Organizations”.

Chris Crosby, MA
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Gil has 29 years of experience in
the field of OD. He specializes in
Leadership and Organizational
Development. His expertise is in
facilitating cultural change in
support of key initiatives including
technology implementation, cost
reduction, productivity increases,
employee morale, and mergers.
He is a published author whose
book “Fight, Flight, Freeze” helps
leaders improve their interactive
skills and is a do-it-yourself version
of Tough Stuff.

Gil Crosby, MSW
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Past Outcomes
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

The following are a
selection of outcomes by
graduates or participants of
Dr. Crosby’s leadership
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• CSI achieved 6 R&D project in one year after they had not successfully
completed any for the past year.
• Alcoa plants at Warrick, Indiana and Knoxville, Tennessee were managed
by the same person who began using Dr. Crosby in 1992. In 1994 those two
plants created 1/3 of Alcoa’s world wide profits after having gone through
two years of intensive OD work. 500 of the population went through Tough
Stuff (Dr. Crosby’s short leadership program), including many steelworkers.
In addition, 30 students were in Dr. Crosby’s corporate based Master
Program from which the ALP program is based.
• In November of 2011 the President of the United States visited the
Davenport Iowa plant to highlight its remarkable business results. From
2002 to 2010, 60% of all Davenport Employees had completed a Dr. Crosby
leadership program.

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• A graduate created the Bench Mark Change Management Program in the
largest software implementation in the history of Alcoa and achieved go
lives in 20 plants with minimal disruption and no missed shipments. The
previous Alcoa BU had 50% on time delivery for one year after its Oracle
• Dr. Crosby led a project to recover the Alcoa plant in Badin, North Carolina.
At the time the Associated Press reported that Alcoa was threatening to
close the plant if cost reductions of $5.5 million could not be achieved. Six
months after implementing the project, the plant was able to confidently
project a budget far exceeding that goal. Dr. Crosby developed a significant
amount of people in the plant through his leadership programs.
• Dr. Crosby led the OD portion of the turnaround at PECO Nuclear. In 1987
the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) shutdown the Peach Bottom
Atomic Station. Following years of extensive OD work PECO was designated
in 1996 as excellent by INPO, and given a strong Systematic Assessment of
Licensee Performance (SALP) rating by the NRC.
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• Following years of Dr. Crosby’s leadership programs and interventions in
the plant Jamalco went from the worst on cash curve amongst Alcoa
bauxite refineries in 1999 to tied for best on cash curve in 2005.
Improvements included a reduction of $38 million in annual operating
costs. Jamalco was the only refinery in Jamaica to stay at full production
throughout the Great Recession.
• After a critical mass of employees went through Dr. Crosby’s leadership
programs Sherwin Alumina was the only US bauxite refinery to stay in
production throughout the Great Recession.

Slide 4

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated
Leadership Program (ALP)
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
Theoretical Basis
Business Application
Program Schedule
Past Outcomes

Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is based
on the life work of Dr. Robert P Crosby.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s History

Crosby & Associates

• 1953 Attended his first experiential process in communication skills.
• 1957 Attended his first training at National Training Laboratory (NTL) led
by Dr. Ronald Lippitt, Dr. Leland Bradford, and Dr. Ken Benne.
• 1957 – 1986 Mentored by Dr Ronald Lippitt the primary graduate
student of Dr. Kurt Lewin (creator of Action Research and T-Groups).
• 1965 Attended first ever Organizational Development (OD) training at
NTL led by founders in the field of OD.
• 1969 Founded institute called LIOS in Spokane Washington, USA.
• 1973 LIOS became a fully accredited Master Degree program led by
Crosby with two other faculty, Dr. Ronald Short and Dr. John Scherer.
• 1980 Created the People Performance Profile (PPP) with Dr. Scherer. The
PPP is an OD effectiveness survey.
• 1981-82 Son Gil Crosby attended LIOS and joined Dr. Crosby’s consulting
business in 1984.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Son Chris Crosby (West Coast President of Crosby & Associates)
attended LIOS.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s Programs

Crosby & Associates

• 1973 Created the LIOS Graduate Program.
• 1987 While working at PECO Nuclear created Tough Stuff™, a 1 week
with one or two 3 day follow ups that uses the experiential education
foundations of the graduate program. The emphasis is Emotional
Intelligence (EQ) at work.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Created the High Performance Leadership Program (HPL).
• 2008 Sons Gil and Chris, using the basis of Dr. Crosby’s above work,
created the Accelerated Leadership Program (ALP). ALP is a 7 week
program (each week separated by approximately 1 ½ months). ALP is
tied to business goals more directly than any other training program
Crosby has created to date.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis
© Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis

Crosby & Associates

Through his years of experience and exposure to the
founders of OD and Family Systems Theory, Dr. Robert P
Crosby created a unique theory of authority in systems. It
can be summed up by the title of his first book “Walking the
Empowerment Tight Rope: Balancing Management
Authority and Employee Influence.” Crosby’s theory is
intertwined throughout his three business books. His
advantage over other OD authors is that he wrote his books
out of years of experience working in business rather than
from a purely academic/theoretical perspective. His books
are based on applied theory, grounded in practice.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s first book is derived
from the PPP. After giving it to
600 workplaces a trend was
seen in the highest performing
work groups. Those groups
performed the best in all key
indicators such as Safety,
Productivity, Absenteeism,
Quality, and Costs. Crosby
identified 25 factors from the
PPP and first presented it in his
work with NASA in 1986 after
the Challenger disaster.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

While working at Aldus (the
creator of PageMaker) Crosby
noticed an emerging trend of
dotted line relationships and
matrixed workplaces. Aldus lost
millions because they were late on
their software implementation of
PageMaker 5. This book outlines
how he helped them implement
PageMaker 6 on time and with
quality. It’s principles apply to all
projects and initiatives.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Cultural Change in Organizations
was written after years of helping
plants align their leadership and
reach results. It’s a composite story
on how to create a change of culture
and get business results. It is a
rewrite of Dr. Crosby’s 1998 The
Authentic Leader and is co-written
by West Coast President Chris
Crosby. Both father and sons have
replicated the methods in this book,
which consistently lead to record
setting business results!
© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

Crosby & Associates

The following page outlines the
extensive Organizational
Development influences in Dr.
Robert P Crosby’s career.

© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence related to work
Experiential Education
Systems Theory
Personal Growth

© Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
grounded in Emotional Intelligence (EQ).
The methods used by Dr. Crosby starting
in the 1950’s were popularized by Daniel
Goleman in his ground breaking book
“Emotional Intelligence” in 1986.
Research has shown that EQ is a much
better predictor of success than IQ.
Ironically, at the time of Goleman’s book,
Dr. Crosby had been teaching EQ for over
30 years.

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Daniel Goleman pointed out in “Working with Emotional
Intelligence” (only one of his numerous texts on the subject):

EQ accounted for 67% of the abilities deemed necessary for
superior performance

EQ mattered TWICE as much as technical expertise or IQ

Unlike IQ (which is a fixed capacity - we either use it, or we
don’t, but it can’t be increased), whatever your current EQ, with
intention and guidance, you can improve. ALP increases EQ!

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

EQ has 3 Core Capacities
All the capacities of EQ are intended to increase ones capacity to notice,
name and own their experience.

Capacity One
Self Awareness – In Tense Moments
• Awareness of my Emotions
• From moment to moment
• Access to a full range of Emotions
• Ability to differentiate
• Judgments from observable facts (behavioral specifics)
• Thoughts from Feelings
• My experience (self) from others
• Clearly articulate wants (Goals, Expectations, etc., from up, down, and across
the workplace)

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Capacity Two
My Patterns – How I manage tense moments
• Recognize my patterns (especially during conflict)
• Increase capacity to calm down during and after tense moments
Capacity Three
How I Honor Others – Empathy
• Accuracy –Getting their experience
• Compassion – Feeling and understanding their experience
• Interaction –Actively demonstrating it
Plus providing space for the others to be different

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby learned about experiential education starting in the
1950’s and continuing throughout his career. All of his leadership
programs utilize experiential education as their foundation. From
his beginnings in 1953 he understood that you cannot learn
about leadership or communication skills through lecture alone.
There must be a significant aspect of experiential techniques to
truly impact behavior.
ALP utilizes experiential education as its primary learning

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Levels of Experiential Learning

Level 1 - Pure Cognitive Learning – learning through lecture and testing,
reading books, memorization, etc.
Largest impact is to IQ.
Little or slow behavioral change.
Level 2 - Mainly Cognitive Learning - Reflective learning from the past - such
as thinking back, looking at your side of things (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments), and thinking through other
Largest impact is to IQ with some impact to EQ.
Slow behavioral change.
© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Level 3 - Mainly Experiential Learning- Reflective learning from the present
interaction - such as receiving feedback (coaching) about actual behavior in
recent situation (scientifically verifiable as to what you said and did only, no
judgments), thinking about what you were feeling, thinking, and doing, and
then re-engaging with situation.
Large impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.

High behavioral change.
Level 4 - Pure Experiential Learning – Debriefing your immediate situation
with person you are having the experience with. This involves giving and
receiving feedback on immediate interactions (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments).
Largest impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.
Highest behavioral change.

© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Robert P Crosby was heavily
influenced by two seminal thinkers
in the twentieth century: Dr. Kurt
Lewin (1890-1947) and Dr. John
Dewey (1859-1952). Not only did he
study their work, but he also was
trained by Dr. Goodwin Watson, a
colleague of Dr. John Dewey, and
had a 30-year mentorship and
colleagueship with Dr. Ronald Lippitt
(starting in 1957), one of Dr. Lewin’s
top graduate students.


Kurt Lewin
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Both Dr. Dewey and Dr. Lewin believed that
democratic leadership is a learned behavior. Further, it
is more difficult to learn than either autocratic or
permissive styles of leadership and therefore must be
learned anew in each generation. Crosby has spent his
life helping organizations learn how to balance
management authority and employee engagement,
including leading several efforts to recover from poorly
planned experiments of moving towards self-managed
work teams.

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby worked with Dr. Daryl
Conner and came up with his own
approach to Conner’s
Sponsor/Agent/Target/Advocate (SATA)
theory. Dr. Crosby’s clarity about the
role of Sponsor—specifically, the
critical distinction being that you can
only “sponsor” your direct reports is
critical to effectively managing crossfunctional work and change. Dr.
Crosby’s clarity about the role of each
subsequent layer of sponsorship - the
sustaining sponsors - is the key to
successful matrixed work.
© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s approach is also heavily influenced
by Family Systems thinking through the work of
Dr. Murray Bowen, Dr. Edwin Friedman, Dr.
Salvador Minuchin, and Dr. Carl Whitaker.

For example, our habitual reactions to authority
(to having a boss or being the boss) begin early in
life. Family Systems thinking helps one
understand these and other reactions learned
early in life (such as our habits during conflict), so
as to adapt a broader range of behavioral choices
and become a more effective leader.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Business Application
© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
designed to both train your leaders and
obtain bottom line business results. To do
this there is a constant focus on
application of ALP activity to your
immediate business needs.

© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

A case study based on a mission critical project or
initiative and approved by their area VP. The case study
includes business results.

A mid-point assessment and conversation with the
participants direct report about their developmental
plan linking it to leadership development objectives.

A day of onsite coaching to ensure maximum learning
and integration with the ALP models.

A final behavioral competency based assessment.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule
© Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program
contains six one week modules and a half
day of individual coaching for each
participant. The Modules are separated by
about 1 ½ months. Each program is custom
built for the client based on their unique
needs and closely tied to business results.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Example Schedule

Module 1

Module 2

Module 3

Module 4

EQ Profile

Leadership &
Systems Theory
Related to

Skills 1

Skills 2

Coaching Skills &

Individual and


Helping Skills

Jay Hall Conflict


3rd Party

Authority in

Case Study
Process Begins

Business Change



Case Study Due/

Family Ties
That Bind


Intro to Family of Sponsor Agent
Prep for Group
Leadership Skills


Goal Clarity

Basic Self Skills

© Crosby & Associates

Basic Self Skills

Case Study

On Site
(Faculty with
students in

In Field

Module 5

Module 6

and Group

Synthesis &



Group Process

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Faculty Standards

Crosby & Associates

At Crosby & Associates we hold a strong belief
that Organization Development is a
professional discipline. Our trainings involve
experiential learning using a group process
that holds to strict behavioral science
standards. All our faculty hold Masters
Degrees as well as at least ten years of
coaching and training with a master in the
© Crosby & Associates


Dr. Robert P Crosby
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby has 60 years of
experience helping organizations.
He is a master in his field, having
founded the Leadership Institute of
Seattle (LIOS) in 1969, and held
faculty roles through LIOS contracts
at universities such as Antioch in
Seattle and Martin University in
Indianapolis, Indiana. Crosby led
successful efforts at PECO Nuclear,
Addy Washington (72% productivity
gain as quoted by Business Week),
The Riverfront Park Project in
Spokane Washington, and
numerous others.


Crosby & Associates

Chris has 20 years of experience coaching
leaders and their teams throughout the
USA and internationally in Germany, Costa
Rica, Wales, Jamaica, England, Hungary,
Egypt, The Philippines, Korea, China, Peru,
Spain and Mexico. He holds two Master of
Arts degrees from the Leadership Institute
of Seattle in both Counseling and
Organizational Development. He knows
how to engage the workforce in such a
way as to build ownership and
commitment yet does not let go of the
realities of structure and authority. Also a
published author, Chris did a significant
portion of the editing in “Cultural Change
in Organizations”.

Chris Crosby, MA
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Gil has 29 years of experience in
the field of OD. He specializes in
Leadership and Organizational
Development. His expertise is in
facilitating cultural change in
support of key initiatives including
technology implementation, cost
reduction, productivity increases,
employee morale, and mergers.
He is a published author whose
book “Fight, Flight, Freeze” helps
leaders improve their interactive
skills and is a do-it-yourself version
of Tough Stuff.

Gil Crosby, MSW
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Past Outcomes
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

The following are a
selection of outcomes by
graduates or participants of
Dr. Crosby’s leadership
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• CSI achieved 6 R&D project in one year after they had not successfully
completed any for the past year.
• Alcoa plants at Warrick, Indiana and Knoxville, Tennessee were managed
by the same person who began using Dr. Crosby in 1992. In 1994 those two
plants created 1/3 of Alcoa’s world wide profits after having gone through
two years of intensive OD work. 500 of the population went through Tough
Stuff (Dr. Crosby’s short leadership program), including many steelworkers.
In addition, 30 students were in Dr. Crosby’s corporate based Master
Program from which the ALP program is based.
• In November of 2011 the President of the United States visited the
Davenport Iowa plant to highlight its remarkable business results. From
2002 to 2010, 60% of all Davenport Employees had completed a Dr. Crosby
leadership program.

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• A graduate created the Bench Mark Change Management Program in the
largest software implementation in the history of Alcoa and achieved go
lives in 20 plants with minimal disruption and no missed shipments. The
previous Alcoa BU had 50% on time delivery for one year after its Oracle
• Dr. Crosby led a project to recover the Alcoa plant in Badin, North Carolina.
At the time the Associated Press reported that Alcoa was threatening to
close the plant if cost reductions of $5.5 million could not be achieved. Six
months after implementing the project, the plant was able to confidently
project a budget far exceeding that goal. Dr. Crosby developed a significant
amount of people in the plant through his leadership programs.
• Dr. Crosby led the OD portion of the turnaround at PECO Nuclear. In 1987
the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) shutdown the Peach Bottom
Atomic Station. Following years of extensive OD work PECO was designated
in 1996 as excellent by INPO, and given a strong Systematic Assessment of
Licensee Performance (SALP) rating by the NRC.
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• Following years of Dr. Crosby’s leadership programs and interventions in
the plant Jamalco went from the worst on cash curve amongst Alcoa
bauxite refineries in 1999 to tied for best on cash curve in 2005.
Improvements included a reduction of $38 million in annual operating
costs. Jamalco was the only refinery in Jamaica to stay at full production
throughout the Great Recession.
• After a critical mass of employees went through Dr. Crosby’s leadership
programs Sherwin Alumina was the only US bauxite refinery to stay in
production throughout the Great Recession.

Slide 5

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated
Leadership Program (ALP)
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
Theoretical Basis
Business Application
Program Schedule
Past Outcomes

Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is based
on the life work of Dr. Robert P Crosby.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s History

Crosby & Associates

• 1953 Attended his first experiential process in communication skills.
• 1957 Attended his first training at National Training Laboratory (NTL) led
by Dr. Ronald Lippitt, Dr. Leland Bradford, and Dr. Ken Benne.
• 1957 – 1986 Mentored by Dr Ronald Lippitt the primary graduate
student of Dr. Kurt Lewin (creator of Action Research and T-Groups).
• 1965 Attended first ever Organizational Development (OD) training at
NTL led by founders in the field of OD.
• 1969 Founded institute called LIOS in Spokane Washington, USA.
• 1973 LIOS became a fully accredited Master Degree program led by
Crosby with two other faculty, Dr. Ronald Short and Dr. John Scherer.
• 1980 Created the People Performance Profile (PPP) with Dr. Scherer. The
PPP is an OD effectiveness survey.
• 1981-82 Son Gil Crosby attended LIOS and joined Dr. Crosby’s consulting
business in 1984.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Son Chris Crosby (West Coast President of Crosby & Associates)
attended LIOS.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s Programs

Crosby & Associates

• 1973 Created the LIOS Graduate Program.
• 1987 While working at PECO Nuclear created Tough Stuff™, a 1 week
with one or two 3 day follow ups that uses the experiential education
foundations of the graduate program. The emphasis is Emotional
Intelligence (EQ) at work.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Created the High Performance Leadership Program (HPL).
• 2008 Sons Gil and Chris, using the basis of Dr. Crosby’s above work,
created the Accelerated Leadership Program (ALP). ALP is a 7 week
program (each week separated by approximately 1 ½ months). ALP is
tied to business goals more directly than any other training program
Crosby has created to date.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis
© Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis

Crosby & Associates

Through his years of experience and exposure to the
founders of OD and Family Systems Theory, Dr. Robert P
Crosby created a unique theory of authority in systems. It
can be summed up by the title of his first book “Walking the
Empowerment Tight Rope: Balancing Management
Authority and Employee Influence.” Crosby’s theory is
intertwined throughout his three business books. His
advantage over other OD authors is that he wrote his books
out of years of experience working in business rather than
from a purely academic/theoretical perspective. His books
are based on applied theory, grounded in practice.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s first book is derived
from the PPP. After giving it to
600 workplaces a trend was
seen in the highest performing
work groups. Those groups
performed the best in all key
indicators such as Safety,
Productivity, Absenteeism,
Quality, and Costs. Crosby
identified 25 factors from the
PPP and first presented it in his
work with NASA in 1986 after
the Challenger disaster.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

While working at Aldus (the
creator of PageMaker) Crosby
noticed an emerging trend of
dotted line relationships and
matrixed workplaces. Aldus lost
millions because they were late on
their software implementation of
PageMaker 5. This book outlines
how he helped them implement
PageMaker 6 on time and with
quality. It’s principles apply to all
projects and initiatives.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Cultural Change in Organizations
was written after years of helping
plants align their leadership and
reach results. It’s a composite story
on how to create a change of culture
and get business results. It is a
rewrite of Dr. Crosby’s 1998 The
Authentic Leader and is co-written
by West Coast President Chris
Crosby. Both father and sons have
replicated the methods in this book,
which consistently lead to record
setting business results!
© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

Crosby & Associates

The following page outlines the
extensive Organizational
Development influences in Dr.
Robert P Crosby’s career.

© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence related to work
Experiential Education
Systems Theory
Personal Growth

© Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
grounded in Emotional Intelligence (EQ).
The methods used by Dr. Crosby starting
in the 1950’s were popularized by Daniel
Goleman in his ground breaking book
“Emotional Intelligence” in 1986.
Research has shown that EQ is a much
better predictor of success than IQ.
Ironically, at the time of Goleman’s book,
Dr. Crosby had been teaching EQ for over
30 years.

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Daniel Goleman pointed out in “Working with Emotional
Intelligence” (only one of his numerous texts on the subject):

EQ accounted for 67% of the abilities deemed necessary for
superior performance

EQ mattered TWICE as much as technical expertise or IQ

Unlike IQ (which is a fixed capacity - we either use it, or we
don’t, but it can’t be increased), whatever your current EQ, with
intention and guidance, you can improve. ALP increases EQ!

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

EQ has 3 Core Capacities
All the capacities of EQ are intended to increase ones capacity to notice,
name and own their experience.

Capacity One
Self Awareness – In Tense Moments
• Awareness of my Emotions
• From moment to moment
• Access to a full range of Emotions
• Ability to differentiate
• Judgments from observable facts (behavioral specifics)
• Thoughts from Feelings
• My experience (self) from others
• Clearly articulate wants (Goals, Expectations, etc., from up, down, and across
the workplace)

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Capacity Two
My Patterns – How I manage tense moments
• Recognize my patterns (especially during conflict)
• Increase capacity to calm down during and after tense moments
Capacity Three
How I Honor Others – Empathy
• Accuracy –Getting their experience
• Compassion – Feeling and understanding their experience
• Interaction –Actively demonstrating it
Plus providing space for the others to be different

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby learned about experiential education starting in the
1950’s and continuing throughout his career. All of his leadership
programs utilize experiential education as their foundation. From
his beginnings in 1953 he understood that you cannot learn
about leadership or communication skills through lecture alone.
There must be a significant aspect of experiential techniques to
truly impact behavior.
ALP utilizes experiential education as its primary learning

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Levels of Experiential Learning

Level 1 - Pure Cognitive Learning – learning through lecture and testing,
reading books, memorization, etc.
Largest impact is to IQ.
Little or slow behavioral change.
Level 2 - Mainly Cognitive Learning - Reflective learning from the past - such
as thinking back, looking at your side of things (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments), and thinking through other
Largest impact is to IQ with some impact to EQ.
Slow behavioral change.
© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Level 3 - Mainly Experiential Learning- Reflective learning from the present
interaction - such as receiving feedback (coaching) about actual behavior in
recent situation (scientifically verifiable as to what you said and did only, no
judgments), thinking about what you were feeling, thinking, and doing, and
then re-engaging with situation.
Large impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.

High behavioral change.
Level 4 - Pure Experiential Learning – Debriefing your immediate situation
with person you are having the experience with. This involves giving and
receiving feedback on immediate interactions (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments).
Largest impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.
Highest behavioral change.

© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Robert P Crosby was heavily
influenced by two seminal thinkers
in the twentieth century: Dr. Kurt
Lewin (1890-1947) and Dr. John
Dewey (1859-1952). Not only did he
study their work, but he also was
trained by Dr. Goodwin Watson, a
colleague of Dr. John Dewey, and
had a 30-year mentorship and
colleagueship with Dr. Ronald Lippitt
(starting in 1957), one of Dr. Lewin’s
top graduate students.


Kurt Lewin
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Both Dr. Dewey and Dr. Lewin believed that
democratic leadership is a learned behavior. Further, it
is more difficult to learn than either autocratic or
permissive styles of leadership and therefore must be
learned anew in each generation. Crosby has spent his
life helping organizations learn how to balance
management authority and employee engagement,
including leading several efforts to recover from poorly
planned experiments of moving towards self-managed
work teams.

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby worked with Dr. Daryl
Conner and came up with his own
approach to Conner’s
Sponsor/Agent/Target/Advocate (SATA)
theory. Dr. Crosby’s clarity about the
role of Sponsor—specifically, the
critical distinction being that you can
only “sponsor” your direct reports is
critical to effectively managing crossfunctional work and change. Dr.
Crosby’s clarity about the role of each
subsequent layer of sponsorship - the
sustaining sponsors - is the key to
successful matrixed work.
© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s approach is also heavily influenced
by Family Systems thinking through the work of
Dr. Murray Bowen, Dr. Edwin Friedman, Dr.
Salvador Minuchin, and Dr. Carl Whitaker.

For example, our habitual reactions to authority
(to having a boss or being the boss) begin early in
life. Family Systems thinking helps one
understand these and other reactions learned
early in life (such as our habits during conflict), so
as to adapt a broader range of behavioral choices
and become a more effective leader.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Business Application
© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
designed to both train your leaders and
obtain bottom line business results. To do
this there is a constant focus on
application of ALP activity to your
immediate business needs.

© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

A case study based on a mission critical project or
initiative and approved by their area VP. The case study
includes business results.

A mid-point assessment and conversation with the
participants direct report about their developmental
plan linking it to leadership development objectives.

A day of onsite coaching to ensure maximum learning
and integration with the ALP models.

A final behavioral competency based assessment.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule
© Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program
contains six one week modules and a half
day of individual coaching for each
participant. The Modules are separated by
about 1 ½ months. Each program is custom
built for the client based on their unique
needs and closely tied to business results.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Example Schedule

Module 1

Module 2

Module 3

Module 4

EQ Profile

Leadership &
Systems Theory
Related to

Skills 1

Skills 2

Coaching Skills &

Individual and


Helping Skills

Jay Hall Conflict


3rd Party

Authority in

Case Study
Process Begins

Business Change



Case Study Due/

Family Ties
That Bind


Intro to Family of Sponsor Agent
Prep for Group
Leadership Skills


Goal Clarity

Basic Self Skills

© Crosby & Associates

Basic Self Skills

Case Study

On Site
(Faculty with
students in

In Field

Module 5

Module 6

and Group

Synthesis &



Group Process

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Faculty Standards

Crosby & Associates

At Crosby & Associates we hold a strong belief
that Organization Development is a
professional discipline. Our trainings involve
experiential learning using a group process
that holds to strict behavioral science
standards. All our faculty hold Masters
Degrees as well as at least ten years of
coaching and training with a master in the
© Crosby & Associates


Dr. Robert P Crosby
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby has 60 years of
experience helping organizations.
He is a master in his field, having
founded the Leadership Institute of
Seattle (LIOS) in 1969, and held
faculty roles through LIOS contracts
at universities such as Antioch in
Seattle and Martin University in
Indianapolis, Indiana. Crosby led
successful efforts at PECO Nuclear,
Addy Washington (72% productivity
gain as quoted by Business Week),
The Riverfront Park Project in
Spokane Washington, and
numerous others.


Crosby & Associates

Chris has 20 years of experience coaching
leaders and their teams throughout the
USA and internationally in Germany, Costa
Rica, Wales, Jamaica, England, Hungary,
Egypt, The Philippines, Korea, China, Peru,
Spain and Mexico. He holds two Master of
Arts degrees from the Leadership Institute
of Seattle in both Counseling and
Organizational Development. He knows
how to engage the workforce in such a
way as to build ownership and
commitment yet does not let go of the
realities of structure and authority. Also a
published author, Chris did a significant
portion of the editing in “Cultural Change
in Organizations”.

Chris Crosby, MA
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Gil has 29 years of experience in
the field of OD. He specializes in
Leadership and Organizational
Development. His expertise is in
facilitating cultural change in
support of key initiatives including
technology implementation, cost
reduction, productivity increases,
employee morale, and mergers.
He is a published author whose
book “Fight, Flight, Freeze” helps
leaders improve their interactive
skills and is a do-it-yourself version
of Tough Stuff.

Gil Crosby, MSW
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Past Outcomes
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

The following are a
selection of outcomes by
graduates or participants of
Dr. Crosby’s leadership
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• CSI achieved 6 R&D project in one year after they had not successfully
completed any for the past year.
• Alcoa plants at Warrick, Indiana and Knoxville, Tennessee were managed
by the same person who began using Dr. Crosby in 1992. In 1994 those two
plants created 1/3 of Alcoa’s world wide profits after having gone through
two years of intensive OD work. 500 of the population went through Tough
Stuff (Dr. Crosby’s short leadership program), including many steelworkers.
In addition, 30 students were in Dr. Crosby’s corporate based Master
Program from which the ALP program is based.
• In November of 2011 the President of the United States visited the
Davenport Iowa plant to highlight its remarkable business results. From
2002 to 2010, 60% of all Davenport Employees had completed a Dr. Crosby
leadership program.

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• A graduate created the Bench Mark Change Management Program in the
largest software implementation in the history of Alcoa and achieved go
lives in 20 plants with minimal disruption and no missed shipments. The
previous Alcoa BU had 50% on time delivery for one year after its Oracle
• Dr. Crosby led a project to recover the Alcoa plant in Badin, North Carolina.
At the time the Associated Press reported that Alcoa was threatening to
close the plant if cost reductions of $5.5 million could not be achieved. Six
months after implementing the project, the plant was able to confidently
project a budget far exceeding that goal. Dr. Crosby developed a significant
amount of people in the plant through his leadership programs.
• Dr. Crosby led the OD portion of the turnaround at PECO Nuclear. In 1987
the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) shutdown the Peach Bottom
Atomic Station. Following years of extensive OD work PECO was designated
in 1996 as excellent by INPO, and given a strong Systematic Assessment of
Licensee Performance (SALP) rating by the NRC.
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• Following years of Dr. Crosby’s leadership programs and interventions in
the plant Jamalco went from the worst on cash curve amongst Alcoa
bauxite refineries in 1999 to tied for best on cash curve in 2005.
Improvements included a reduction of $38 million in annual operating
costs. Jamalco was the only refinery in Jamaica to stay at full production
throughout the Great Recession.
• After a critical mass of employees went through Dr. Crosby’s leadership
programs Sherwin Alumina was the only US bauxite refinery to stay in
production throughout the Great Recession.

Slide 6

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated
Leadership Program (ALP)
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
Theoretical Basis
Business Application
Program Schedule
Past Outcomes

Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is based
on the life work of Dr. Robert P Crosby.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s History

Crosby & Associates

• 1953 Attended his first experiential process in communication skills.
• 1957 Attended his first training at National Training Laboratory (NTL) led
by Dr. Ronald Lippitt, Dr. Leland Bradford, and Dr. Ken Benne.
• 1957 – 1986 Mentored by Dr Ronald Lippitt the primary graduate
student of Dr. Kurt Lewin (creator of Action Research and T-Groups).
• 1965 Attended first ever Organizational Development (OD) training at
NTL led by founders in the field of OD.
• 1969 Founded institute called LIOS in Spokane Washington, USA.
• 1973 LIOS became a fully accredited Master Degree program led by
Crosby with two other faculty, Dr. Ronald Short and Dr. John Scherer.
• 1980 Created the People Performance Profile (PPP) with Dr. Scherer. The
PPP is an OD effectiveness survey.
• 1981-82 Son Gil Crosby attended LIOS and joined Dr. Crosby’s consulting
business in 1984.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Son Chris Crosby (West Coast President of Crosby & Associates)
attended LIOS.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s Programs

Crosby & Associates

• 1973 Created the LIOS Graduate Program.
• 1987 While working at PECO Nuclear created Tough Stuff™, a 1 week
with one or two 3 day follow ups that uses the experiential education
foundations of the graduate program. The emphasis is Emotional
Intelligence (EQ) at work.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Created the High Performance Leadership Program (HPL).
• 2008 Sons Gil and Chris, using the basis of Dr. Crosby’s above work,
created the Accelerated Leadership Program (ALP). ALP is a 7 week
program (each week separated by approximately 1 ½ months). ALP is
tied to business goals more directly than any other training program
Crosby has created to date.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis
© Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis

Crosby & Associates

Through his years of experience and exposure to the
founders of OD and Family Systems Theory, Dr. Robert P
Crosby created a unique theory of authority in systems. It
can be summed up by the title of his first book “Walking the
Empowerment Tight Rope: Balancing Management
Authority and Employee Influence.” Crosby’s theory is
intertwined throughout his three business books. His
advantage over other OD authors is that he wrote his books
out of years of experience working in business rather than
from a purely academic/theoretical perspective. His books
are based on applied theory, grounded in practice.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s first book is derived
from the PPP. After giving it to
600 workplaces a trend was
seen in the highest performing
work groups. Those groups
performed the best in all key
indicators such as Safety,
Productivity, Absenteeism,
Quality, and Costs. Crosby
identified 25 factors from the
PPP and first presented it in his
work with NASA in 1986 after
the Challenger disaster.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

While working at Aldus (the
creator of PageMaker) Crosby
noticed an emerging trend of
dotted line relationships and
matrixed workplaces. Aldus lost
millions because they were late on
their software implementation of
PageMaker 5. This book outlines
how he helped them implement
PageMaker 6 on time and with
quality. It’s principles apply to all
projects and initiatives.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Cultural Change in Organizations
was written after years of helping
plants align their leadership and
reach results. It’s a composite story
on how to create a change of culture
and get business results. It is a
rewrite of Dr. Crosby’s 1998 The
Authentic Leader and is co-written
by West Coast President Chris
Crosby. Both father and sons have
replicated the methods in this book,
which consistently lead to record
setting business results!
© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

Crosby & Associates

The following page outlines the
extensive Organizational
Development influences in Dr.
Robert P Crosby’s career.

© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence related to work
Experiential Education
Systems Theory
Personal Growth

© Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
grounded in Emotional Intelligence (EQ).
The methods used by Dr. Crosby starting
in the 1950’s were popularized by Daniel
Goleman in his ground breaking book
“Emotional Intelligence” in 1986.
Research has shown that EQ is a much
better predictor of success than IQ.
Ironically, at the time of Goleman’s book,
Dr. Crosby had been teaching EQ for over
30 years.

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Daniel Goleman pointed out in “Working with Emotional
Intelligence” (only one of his numerous texts on the subject):

EQ accounted for 67% of the abilities deemed necessary for
superior performance

EQ mattered TWICE as much as technical expertise or IQ

Unlike IQ (which is a fixed capacity - we either use it, or we
don’t, but it can’t be increased), whatever your current EQ, with
intention and guidance, you can improve. ALP increases EQ!

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

EQ has 3 Core Capacities
All the capacities of EQ are intended to increase ones capacity to notice,
name and own their experience.

Capacity One
Self Awareness – In Tense Moments
• Awareness of my Emotions
• From moment to moment
• Access to a full range of Emotions
• Ability to differentiate
• Judgments from observable facts (behavioral specifics)
• Thoughts from Feelings
• My experience (self) from others
• Clearly articulate wants (Goals, Expectations, etc., from up, down, and across
the workplace)

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Capacity Two
My Patterns – How I manage tense moments
• Recognize my patterns (especially during conflict)
• Increase capacity to calm down during and after tense moments
Capacity Three
How I Honor Others – Empathy
• Accuracy –Getting their experience
• Compassion – Feeling and understanding their experience
• Interaction –Actively demonstrating it
Plus providing space for the others to be different

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby learned about experiential education starting in the
1950’s and continuing throughout his career. All of his leadership
programs utilize experiential education as their foundation. From
his beginnings in 1953 he understood that you cannot learn
about leadership or communication skills through lecture alone.
There must be a significant aspect of experiential techniques to
truly impact behavior.
ALP utilizes experiential education as its primary learning

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Levels of Experiential Learning

Level 1 - Pure Cognitive Learning – learning through lecture and testing,
reading books, memorization, etc.
Largest impact is to IQ.
Little or slow behavioral change.
Level 2 - Mainly Cognitive Learning - Reflective learning from the past - such
as thinking back, looking at your side of things (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments), and thinking through other
Largest impact is to IQ with some impact to EQ.
Slow behavioral change.
© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Level 3 - Mainly Experiential Learning- Reflective learning from the present
interaction - such as receiving feedback (coaching) about actual behavior in
recent situation (scientifically verifiable as to what you said and did only, no
judgments), thinking about what you were feeling, thinking, and doing, and
then re-engaging with situation.
Large impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.

High behavioral change.
Level 4 - Pure Experiential Learning – Debriefing your immediate situation
with person you are having the experience with. This involves giving and
receiving feedback on immediate interactions (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments).
Largest impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.
Highest behavioral change.

© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Robert P Crosby was heavily
influenced by two seminal thinkers
in the twentieth century: Dr. Kurt
Lewin (1890-1947) and Dr. John
Dewey (1859-1952). Not only did he
study their work, but he also was
trained by Dr. Goodwin Watson, a
colleague of Dr. John Dewey, and
had a 30-year mentorship and
colleagueship with Dr. Ronald Lippitt
(starting in 1957), one of Dr. Lewin’s
top graduate students.


Kurt Lewin
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Both Dr. Dewey and Dr. Lewin believed that
democratic leadership is a learned behavior. Further, it
is more difficult to learn than either autocratic or
permissive styles of leadership and therefore must be
learned anew in each generation. Crosby has spent his
life helping organizations learn how to balance
management authority and employee engagement,
including leading several efforts to recover from poorly
planned experiments of moving towards self-managed
work teams.

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby worked with Dr. Daryl
Conner and came up with his own
approach to Conner’s
Sponsor/Agent/Target/Advocate (SATA)
theory. Dr. Crosby’s clarity about the
role of Sponsor—specifically, the
critical distinction being that you can
only “sponsor” your direct reports is
critical to effectively managing crossfunctional work and change. Dr.
Crosby’s clarity about the role of each
subsequent layer of sponsorship - the
sustaining sponsors - is the key to
successful matrixed work.
© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s approach is also heavily influenced
by Family Systems thinking through the work of
Dr. Murray Bowen, Dr. Edwin Friedman, Dr.
Salvador Minuchin, and Dr. Carl Whitaker.

For example, our habitual reactions to authority
(to having a boss or being the boss) begin early in
life. Family Systems thinking helps one
understand these and other reactions learned
early in life (such as our habits during conflict), so
as to adapt a broader range of behavioral choices
and become a more effective leader.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Business Application
© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
designed to both train your leaders and
obtain bottom line business results. To do
this there is a constant focus on
application of ALP activity to your
immediate business needs.

© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

A case study based on a mission critical project or
initiative and approved by their area VP. The case study
includes business results.

A mid-point assessment and conversation with the
participants direct report about their developmental
plan linking it to leadership development objectives.

A day of onsite coaching to ensure maximum learning
and integration with the ALP models.

A final behavioral competency based assessment.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule
© Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program
contains six one week modules and a half
day of individual coaching for each
participant. The Modules are separated by
about 1 ½ months. Each program is custom
built for the client based on their unique
needs and closely tied to business results.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Example Schedule

Module 1

Module 2

Module 3

Module 4

EQ Profile

Leadership &
Systems Theory
Related to

Skills 1

Skills 2

Coaching Skills &

Individual and


Helping Skills

Jay Hall Conflict


3rd Party

Authority in

Case Study
Process Begins

Business Change



Case Study Due/

Family Ties
That Bind


Intro to Family of Sponsor Agent
Prep for Group
Leadership Skills


Goal Clarity

Basic Self Skills

© Crosby & Associates

Basic Self Skills

Case Study

On Site
(Faculty with
students in

In Field

Module 5

Module 6

and Group

Synthesis &



Group Process

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Faculty Standards

Crosby & Associates

At Crosby & Associates we hold a strong belief
that Organization Development is a
professional discipline. Our trainings involve
experiential learning using a group process
that holds to strict behavioral science
standards. All our faculty hold Masters
Degrees as well as at least ten years of
coaching and training with a master in the
© Crosby & Associates


Dr. Robert P Crosby
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby has 60 years of
experience helping organizations.
He is a master in his field, having
founded the Leadership Institute of
Seattle (LIOS) in 1969, and held
faculty roles through LIOS contracts
at universities such as Antioch in
Seattle and Martin University in
Indianapolis, Indiana. Crosby led
successful efforts at PECO Nuclear,
Addy Washington (72% productivity
gain as quoted by Business Week),
The Riverfront Park Project in
Spokane Washington, and
numerous others.


Crosby & Associates

Chris has 20 years of experience coaching
leaders and their teams throughout the
USA and internationally in Germany, Costa
Rica, Wales, Jamaica, England, Hungary,
Egypt, The Philippines, Korea, China, Peru,
Spain and Mexico. He holds two Master of
Arts degrees from the Leadership Institute
of Seattle in both Counseling and
Organizational Development. He knows
how to engage the workforce in such a
way as to build ownership and
commitment yet does not let go of the
realities of structure and authority. Also a
published author, Chris did a significant
portion of the editing in “Cultural Change
in Organizations”.

Chris Crosby, MA
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Gil has 29 years of experience in
the field of OD. He specializes in
Leadership and Organizational
Development. His expertise is in
facilitating cultural change in
support of key initiatives including
technology implementation, cost
reduction, productivity increases,
employee morale, and mergers.
He is a published author whose
book “Fight, Flight, Freeze” helps
leaders improve their interactive
skills and is a do-it-yourself version
of Tough Stuff.

Gil Crosby, MSW
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Past Outcomes
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

The following are a
selection of outcomes by
graduates or participants of
Dr. Crosby’s leadership
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• CSI achieved 6 R&D project in one year after they had not successfully
completed any for the past year.
• Alcoa plants at Warrick, Indiana and Knoxville, Tennessee were managed
by the same person who began using Dr. Crosby in 1992. In 1994 those two
plants created 1/3 of Alcoa’s world wide profits after having gone through
two years of intensive OD work. 500 of the population went through Tough
Stuff (Dr. Crosby’s short leadership program), including many steelworkers.
In addition, 30 students were in Dr. Crosby’s corporate based Master
Program from which the ALP program is based.
• In November of 2011 the President of the United States visited the
Davenport Iowa plant to highlight its remarkable business results. From
2002 to 2010, 60% of all Davenport Employees had completed a Dr. Crosby
leadership program.

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• A graduate created the Bench Mark Change Management Program in the
largest software implementation in the history of Alcoa and achieved go
lives in 20 plants with minimal disruption and no missed shipments. The
previous Alcoa BU had 50% on time delivery for one year after its Oracle
• Dr. Crosby led a project to recover the Alcoa plant in Badin, North Carolina.
At the time the Associated Press reported that Alcoa was threatening to
close the plant if cost reductions of $5.5 million could not be achieved. Six
months after implementing the project, the plant was able to confidently
project a budget far exceeding that goal. Dr. Crosby developed a significant
amount of people in the plant through his leadership programs.
• Dr. Crosby led the OD portion of the turnaround at PECO Nuclear. In 1987
the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) shutdown the Peach Bottom
Atomic Station. Following years of extensive OD work PECO was designated
in 1996 as excellent by INPO, and given a strong Systematic Assessment of
Licensee Performance (SALP) rating by the NRC.
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• Following years of Dr. Crosby’s leadership programs and interventions in
the plant Jamalco went from the worst on cash curve amongst Alcoa
bauxite refineries in 1999 to tied for best on cash curve in 2005.
Improvements included a reduction of $38 million in annual operating
costs. Jamalco was the only refinery in Jamaica to stay at full production
throughout the Great Recession.
• After a critical mass of employees went through Dr. Crosby’s leadership
programs Sherwin Alumina was the only US bauxite refinery to stay in
production throughout the Great Recession.

Slide 7

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated
Leadership Program (ALP)
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
Theoretical Basis
Business Application
Program Schedule
Past Outcomes

Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is based
on the life work of Dr. Robert P Crosby.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s History

Crosby & Associates

• 1953 Attended his first experiential process in communication skills.
• 1957 Attended his first training at National Training Laboratory (NTL) led
by Dr. Ronald Lippitt, Dr. Leland Bradford, and Dr. Ken Benne.
• 1957 – 1986 Mentored by Dr Ronald Lippitt the primary graduate
student of Dr. Kurt Lewin (creator of Action Research and T-Groups).
• 1965 Attended first ever Organizational Development (OD) training at
NTL led by founders in the field of OD.
• 1969 Founded institute called LIOS in Spokane Washington, USA.
• 1973 LIOS became a fully accredited Master Degree program led by
Crosby with two other faculty, Dr. Ronald Short and Dr. John Scherer.
• 1980 Created the People Performance Profile (PPP) with Dr. Scherer. The
PPP is an OD effectiveness survey.
• 1981-82 Son Gil Crosby attended LIOS and joined Dr. Crosby’s consulting
business in 1984.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Son Chris Crosby (West Coast President of Crosby & Associates)
attended LIOS.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s Programs

Crosby & Associates

• 1973 Created the LIOS Graduate Program.
• 1987 While working at PECO Nuclear created Tough Stuff™, a 1 week
with one or two 3 day follow ups that uses the experiential education
foundations of the graduate program. The emphasis is Emotional
Intelligence (EQ) at work.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Created the High Performance Leadership Program (HPL).
• 2008 Sons Gil and Chris, using the basis of Dr. Crosby’s above work,
created the Accelerated Leadership Program (ALP). ALP is a 7 week
program (each week separated by approximately 1 ½ months). ALP is
tied to business goals more directly than any other training program
Crosby has created to date.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis
© Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis

Crosby & Associates

Through his years of experience and exposure to the
founders of OD and Family Systems Theory, Dr. Robert P
Crosby created a unique theory of authority in systems. It
can be summed up by the title of his first book “Walking the
Empowerment Tight Rope: Balancing Management
Authority and Employee Influence.” Crosby’s theory is
intertwined throughout his three business books. His
advantage over other OD authors is that he wrote his books
out of years of experience working in business rather than
from a purely academic/theoretical perspective. His books
are based on applied theory, grounded in practice.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s first book is derived
from the PPP. After giving it to
600 workplaces a trend was
seen in the highest performing
work groups. Those groups
performed the best in all key
indicators such as Safety,
Productivity, Absenteeism,
Quality, and Costs. Crosby
identified 25 factors from the
PPP and first presented it in his
work with NASA in 1986 after
the Challenger disaster.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

While working at Aldus (the
creator of PageMaker) Crosby
noticed an emerging trend of
dotted line relationships and
matrixed workplaces. Aldus lost
millions because they were late on
their software implementation of
PageMaker 5. This book outlines
how he helped them implement
PageMaker 6 on time and with
quality. It’s principles apply to all
projects and initiatives.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Cultural Change in Organizations
was written after years of helping
plants align their leadership and
reach results. It’s a composite story
on how to create a change of culture
and get business results. It is a
rewrite of Dr. Crosby’s 1998 The
Authentic Leader and is co-written
by West Coast President Chris
Crosby. Both father and sons have
replicated the methods in this book,
which consistently lead to record
setting business results!
© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

Crosby & Associates

The following page outlines the
extensive Organizational
Development influences in Dr.
Robert P Crosby’s career.

© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence related to work
Experiential Education
Systems Theory
Personal Growth

© Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
grounded in Emotional Intelligence (EQ).
The methods used by Dr. Crosby starting
in the 1950’s were popularized by Daniel
Goleman in his ground breaking book
“Emotional Intelligence” in 1986.
Research has shown that EQ is a much
better predictor of success than IQ.
Ironically, at the time of Goleman’s book,
Dr. Crosby had been teaching EQ for over
30 years.

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Daniel Goleman pointed out in “Working with Emotional
Intelligence” (only one of his numerous texts on the subject):

EQ accounted for 67% of the abilities deemed necessary for
superior performance

EQ mattered TWICE as much as technical expertise or IQ

Unlike IQ (which is a fixed capacity - we either use it, or we
don’t, but it can’t be increased), whatever your current EQ, with
intention and guidance, you can improve. ALP increases EQ!

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

EQ has 3 Core Capacities
All the capacities of EQ are intended to increase ones capacity to notice,
name and own their experience.

Capacity One
Self Awareness – In Tense Moments
• Awareness of my Emotions
• From moment to moment
• Access to a full range of Emotions
• Ability to differentiate
• Judgments from observable facts (behavioral specifics)
• Thoughts from Feelings
• My experience (self) from others
• Clearly articulate wants (Goals, Expectations, etc., from up, down, and across
the workplace)

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Capacity Two
My Patterns – How I manage tense moments
• Recognize my patterns (especially during conflict)
• Increase capacity to calm down during and after tense moments
Capacity Three
How I Honor Others – Empathy
• Accuracy –Getting their experience
• Compassion – Feeling and understanding their experience
• Interaction –Actively demonstrating it
Plus providing space for the others to be different

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby learned about experiential education starting in the
1950’s and continuing throughout his career. All of his leadership
programs utilize experiential education as their foundation. From
his beginnings in 1953 he understood that you cannot learn
about leadership or communication skills through lecture alone.
There must be a significant aspect of experiential techniques to
truly impact behavior.
ALP utilizes experiential education as its primary learning

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Levels of Experiential Learning

Level 1 - Pure Cognitive Learning – learning through lecture and testing,
reading books, memorization, etc.
Largest impact is to IQ.
Little or slow behavioral change.
Level 2 - Mainly Cognitive Learning - Reflective learning from the past - such
as thinking back, looking at your side of things (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments), and thinking through other
Largest impact is to IQ with some impact to EQ.
Slow behavioral change.
© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Level 3 - Mainly Experiential Learning- Reflective learning from the present
interaction - such as receiving feedback (coaching) about actual behavior in
recent situation (scientifically verifiable as to what you said and did only, no
judgments), thinking about what you were feeling, thinking, and doing, and
then re-engaging with situation.
Large impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.

High behavioral change.
Level 4 - Pure Experiential Learning – Debriefing your immediate situation
with person you are having the experience with. This involves giving and
receiving feedback on immediate interactions (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments).
Largest impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.
Highest behavioral change.

© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Robert P Crosby was heavily
influenced by two seminal thinkers
in the twentieth century: Dr. Kurt
Lewin (1890-1947) and Dr. John
Dewey (1859-1952). Not only did he
study their work, but he also was
trained by Dr. Goodwin Watson, a
colleague of Dr. John Dewey, and
had a 30-year mentorship and
colleagueship with Dr. Ronald Lippitt
(starting in 1957), one of Dr. Lewin’s
top graduate students.


Kurt Lewin
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Both Dr. Dewey and Dr. Lewin believed that
democratic leadership is a learned behavior. Further, it
is more difficult to learn than either autocratic or
permissive styles of leadership and therefore must be
learned anew in each generation. Crosby has spent his
life helping organizations learn how to balance
management authority and employee engagement,
including leading several efforts to recover from poorly
planned experiments of moving towards self-managed
work teams.

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby worked with Dr. Daryl
Conner and came up with his own
approach to Conner’s
Sponsor/Agent/Target/Advocate (SATA)
theory. Dr. Crosby’s clarity about the
role of Sponsor—specifically, the
critical distinction being that you can
only “sponsor” your direct reports is
critical to effectively managing crossfunctional work and change. Dr.
Crosby’s clarity about the role of each
subsequent layer of sponsorship - the
sustaining sponsors - is the key to
successful matrixed work.
© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s approach is also heavily influenced
by Family Systems thinking through the work of
Dr. Murray Bowen, Dr. Edwin Friedman, Dr.
Salvador Minuchin, and Dr. Carl Whitaker.

For example, our habitual reactions to authority
(to having a boss or being the boss) begin early in
life. Family Systems thinking helps one
understand these and other reactions learned
early in life (such as our habits during conflict), so
as to adapt a broader range of behavioral choices
and become a more effective leader.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Business Application
© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
designed to both train your leaders and
obtain bottom line business results. To do
this there is a constant focus on
application of ALP activity to your
immediate business needs.

© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

A case study based on a mission critical project or
initiative and approved by their area VP. The case study
includes business results.

A mid-point assessment and conversation with the
participants direct report about their developmental
plan linking it to leadership development objectives.

A day of onsite coaching to ensure maximum learning
and integration with the ALP models.

A final behavioral competency based assessment.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule
© Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program
contains six one week modules and a half
day of individual coaching for each
participant. The Modules are separated by
about 1 ½ months. Each program is custom
built for the client based on their unique
needs and closely tied to business results.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Example Schedule

Module 1

Module 2

Module 3

Module 4

EQ Profile

Leadership &
Systems Theory
Related to

Skills 1

Skills 2

Coaching Skills &

Individual and


Helping Skills

Jay Hall Conflict


3rd Party

Authority in

Case Study
Process Begins

Business Change



Case Study Due/

Family Ties
That Bind


Intro to Family of Sponsor Agent
Prep for Group
Leadership Skills


Goal Clarity

Basic Self Skills

© Crosby & Associates

Basic Self Skills

Case Study

On Site
(Faculty with
students in

In Field

Module 5

Module 6

and Group

Synthesis &



Group Process

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Faculty Standards

Crosby & Associates

At Crosby & Associates we hold a strong belief
that Organization Development is a
professional discipline. Our trainings involve
experiential learning using a group process
that holds to strict behavioral science
standards. All our faculty hold Masters
Degrees as well as at least ten years of
coaching and training with a master in the
© Crosby & Associates


Dr. Robert P Crosby
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby has 60 years of
experience helping organizations.
He is a master in his field, having
founded the Leadership Institute of
Seattle (LIOS) in 1969, and held
faculty roles through LIOS contracts
at universities such as Antioch in
Seattle and Martin University in
Indianapolis, Indiana. Crosby led
successful efforts at PECO Nuclear,
Addy Washington (72% productivity
gain as quoted by Business Week),
The Riverfront Park Project in
Spokane Washington, and
numerous others.


Crosby & Associates

Chris has 20 years of experience coaching
leaders and their teams throughout the
USA and internationally in Germany, Costa
Rica, Wales, Jamaica, England, Hungary,
Egypt, The Philippines, Korea, China, Peru,
Spain and Mexico. He holds two Master of
Arts degrees from the Leadership Institute
of Seattle in both Counseling and
Organizational Development. He knows
how to engage the workforce in such a
way as to build ownership and
commitment yet does not let go of the
realities of structure and authority. Also a
published author, Chris did a significant
portion of the editing in “Cultural Change
in Organizations”.

Chris Crosby, MA
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Gil has 29 years of experience in
the field of OD. He specializes in
Leadership and Organizational
Development. His expertise is in
facilitating cultural change in
support of key initiatives including
technology implementation, cost
reduction, productivity increases,
employee morale, and mergers.
He is a published author whose
book “Fight, Flight, Freeze” helps
leaders improve their interactive
skills and is a do-it-yourself version
of Tough Stuff.

Gil Crosby, MSW
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Past Outcomes
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

The following are a
selection of outcomes by
graduates or participants of
Dr. Crosby’s leadership
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• CSI achieved 6 R&D project in one year after they had not successfully
completed any for the past year.
• Alcoa plants at Warrick, Indiana and Knoxville, Tennessee were managed
by the same person who began using Dr. Crosby in 1992. In 1994 those two
plants created 1/3 of Alcoa’s world wide profits after having gone through
two years of intensive OD work. 500 of the population went through Tough
Stuff (Dr. Crosby’s short leadership program), including many steelworkers.
In addition, 30 students were in Dr. Crosby’s corporate based Master
Program from which the ALP program is based.
• In November of 2011 the President of the United States visited the
Davenport Iowa plant to highlight its remarkable business results. From
2002 to 2010, 60% of all Davenport Employees had completed a Dr. Crosby
leadership program.

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• A graduate created the Bench Mark Change Management Program in the
largest software implementation in the history of Alcoa and achieved go
lives in 20 plants with minimal disruption and no missed shipments. The
previous Alcoa BU had 50% on time delivery for one year after its Oracle
• Dr. Crosby led a project to recover the Alcoa plant in Badin, North Carolina.
At the time the Associated Press reported that Alcoa was threatening to
close the plant if cost reductions of $5.5 million could not be achieved. Six
months after implementing the project, the plant was able to confidently
project a budget far exceeding that goal. Dr. Crosby developed a significant
amount of people in the plant through his leadership programs.
• Dr. Crosby led the OD portion of the turnaround at PECO Nuclear. In 1987
the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) shutdown the Peach Bottom
Atomic Station. Following years of extensive OD work PECO was designated
in 1996 as excellent by INPO, and given a strong Systematic Assessment of
Licensee Performance (SALP) rating by the NRC.
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• Following years of Dr. Crosby’s leadership programs and interventions in
the plant Jamalco went from the worst on cash curve amongst Alcoa
bauxite refineries in 1999 to tied for best on cash curve in 2005.
Improvements included a reduction of $38 million in annual operating
costs. Jamalco was the only refinery in Jamaica to stay at full production
throughout the Great Recession.
• After a critical mass of employees went through Dr. Crosby’s leadership
programs Sherwin Alumina was the only US bauxite refinery to stay in
production throughout the Great Recession.

Slide 8

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated
Leadership Program (ALP)
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
Theoretical Basis
Business Application
Program Schedule
Past Outcomes

Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is based
on the life work of Dr. Robert P Crosby.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s History

Crosby & Associates

• 1953 Attended his first experiential process in communication skills.
• 1957 Attended his first training at National Training Laboratory (NTL) led
by Dr. Ronald Lippitt, Dr. Leland Bradford, and Dr. Ken Benne.
• 1957 – 1986 Mentored by Dr Ronald Lippitt the primary graduate
student of Dr. Kurt Lewin (creator of Action Research and T-Groups).
• 1965 Attended first ever Organizational Development (OD) training at
NTL led by founders in the field of OD.
• 1969 Founded institute called LIOS in Spokane Washington, USA.
• 1973 LIOS became a fully accredited Master Degree program led by
Crosby with two other faculty, Dr. Ronald Short and Dr. John Scherer.
• 1980 Created the People Performance Profile (PPP) with Dr. Scherer. The
PPP is an OD effectiveness survey.
• 1981-82 Son Gil Crosby attended LIOS and joined Dr. Crosby’s consulting
business in 1984.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Son Chris Crosby (West Coast President of Crosby & Associates)
attended LIOS.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s Programs

Crosby & Associates

• 1973 Created the LIOS Graduate Program.
• 1987 While working at PECO Nuclear created Tough Stuff™, a 1 week
with one or two 3 day follow ups that uses the experiential education
foundations of the graduate program. The emphasis is Emotional
Intelligence (EQ) at work.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Created the High Performance Leadership Program (HPL).
• 2008 Sons Gil and Chris, using the basis of Dr. Crosby’s above work,
created the Accelerated Leadership Program (ALP). ALP is a 7 week
program (each week separated by approximately 1 ½ months). ALP is
tied to business goals more directly than any other training program
Crosby has created to date.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis
© Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis

Crosby & Associates

Through his years of experience and exposure to the
founders of OD and Family Systems Theory, Dr. Robert P
Crosby created a unique theory of authority in systems. It
can be summed up by the title of his first book “Walking the
Empowerment Tight Rope: Balancing Management
Authority and Employee Influence.” Crosby’s theory is
intertwined throughout his three business books. His
advantage over other OD authors is that he wrote his books
out of years of experience working in business rather than
from a purely academic/theoretical perspective. His books
are based on applied theory, grounded in practice.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s first book is derived
from the PPP. After giving it to
600 workplaces a trend was
seen in the highest performing
work groups. Those groups
performed the best in all key
indicators such as Safety,
Productivity, Absenteeism,
Quality, and Costs. Crosby
identified 25 factors from the
PPP and first presented it in his
work with NASA in 1986 after
the Challenger disaster.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

While working at Aldus (the
creator of PageMaker) Crosby
noticed an emerging trend of
dotted line relationships and
matrixed workplaces. Aldus lost
millions because they were late on
their software implementation of
PageMaker 5. This book outlines
how he helped them implement
PageMaker 6 on time and with
quality. It’s principles apply to all
projects and initiatives.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Cultural Change in Organizations
was written after years of helping
plants align their leadership and
reach results. It’s a composite story
on how to create a change of culture
and get business results. It is a
rewrite of Dr. Crosby’s 1998 The
Authentic Leader and is co-written
by West Coast President Chris
Crosby. Both father and sons have
replicated the methods in this book,
which consistently lead to record
setting business results!
© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

Crosby & Associates

The following page outlines the
extensive Organizational
Development influences in Dr.
Robert P Crosby’s career.

© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence related to work
Experiential Education
Systems Theory
Personal Growth

© Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
grounded in Emotional Intelligence (EQ).
The methods used by Dr. Crosby starting
in the 1950’s were popularized by Daniel
Goleman in his ground breaking book
“Emotional Intelligence” in 1986.
Research has shown that EQ is a much
better predictor of success than IQ.
Ironically, at the time of Goleman’s book,
Dr. Crosby had been teaching EQ for over
30 years.

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Daniel Goleman pointed out in “Working with Emotional
Intelligence” (only one of his numerous texts on the subject):

EQ accounted for 67% of the abilities deemed necessary for
superior performance

EQ mattered TWICE as much as technical expertise or IQ

Unlike IQ (which is a fixed capacity - we either use it, or we
don’t, but it can’t be increased), whatever your current EQ, with
intention and guidance, you can improve. ALP increases EQ!

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

EQ has 3 Core Capacities
All the capacities of EQ are intended to increase ones capacity to notice,
name and own their experience.

Capacity One
Self Awareness – In Tense Moments
• Awareness of my Emotions
• From moment to moment
• Access to a full range of Emotions
• Ability to differentiate
• Judgments from observable facts (behavioral specifics)
• Thoughts from Feelings
• My experience (self) from others
• Clearly articulate wants (Goals, Expectations, etc., from up, down, and across
the workplace)

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Capacity Two
My Patterns – How I manage tense moments
• Recognize my patterns (especially during conflict)
• Increase capacity to calm down during and after tense moments
Capacity Three
How I Honor Others – Empathy
• Accuracy –Getting their experience
• Compassion – Feeling and understanding their experience
• Interaction –Actively demonstrating it
Plus providing space for the others to be different

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby learned about experiential education starting in the
1950’s and continuing throughout his career. All of his leadership
programs utilize experiential education as their foundation. From
his beginnings in 1953 he understood that you cannot learn
about leadership or communication skills through lecture alone.
There must be a significant aspect of experiential techniques to
truly impact behavior.
ALP utilizes experiential education as its primary learning

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Levels of Experiential Learning

Level 1 - Pure Cognitive Learning – learning through lecture and testing,
reading books, memorization, etc.
Largest impact is to IQ.
Little or slow behavioral change.
Level 2 - Mainly Cognitive Learning - Reflective learning from the past - such
as thinking back, looking at your side of things (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments), and thinking through other
Largest impact is to IQ with some impact to EQ.
Slow behavioral change.
© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Level 3 - Mainly Experiential Learning- Reflective learning from the present
interaction - such as receiving feedback (coaching) about actual behavior in
recent situation (scientifically verifiable as to what you said and did only, no
judgments), thinking about what you were feeling, thinking, and doing, and
then re-engaging with situation.
Large impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.

High behavioral change.
Level 4 - Pure Experiential Learning – Debriefing your immediate situation
with person you are having the experience with. This involves giving and
receiving feedback on immediate interactions (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments).
Largest impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.
Highest behavioral change.

© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Robert P Crosby was heavily
influenced by two seminal thinkers
in the twentieth century: Dr. Kurt
Lewin (1890-1947) and Dr. John
Dewey (1859-1952). Not only did he
study their work, but he also was
trained by Dr. Goodwin Watson, a
colleague of Dr. John Dewey, and
had a 30-year mentorship and
colleagueship with Dr. Ronald Lippitt
(starting in 1957), one of Dr. Lewin’s
top graduate students.


Kurt Lewin
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Both Dr. Dewey and Dr. Lewin believed that
democratic leadership is a learned behavior. Further, it
is more difficult to learn than either autocratic or
permissive styles of leadership and therefore must be
learned anew in each generation. Crosby has spent his
life helping organizations learn how to balance
management authority and employee engagement,
including leading several efforts to recover from poorly
planned experiments of moving towards self-managed
work teams.

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby worked with Dr. Daryl
Conner and came up with his own
approach to Conner’s
Sponsor/Agent/Target/Advocate (SATA)
theory. Dr. Crosby’s clarity about the
role of Sponsor—specifically, the
critical distinction being that you can
only “sponsor” your direct reports is
critical to effectively managing crossfunctional work and change. Dr.
Crosby’s clarity about the role of each
subsequent layer of sponsorship - the
sustaining sponsors - is the key to
successful matrixed work.
© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s approach is also heavily influenced
by Family Systems thinking through the work of
Dr. Murray Bowen, Dr. Edwin Friedman, Dr.
Salvador Minuchin, and Dr. Carl Whitaker.

For example, our habitual reactions to authority
(to having a boss or being the boss) begin early in
life. Family Systems thinking helps one
understand these and other reactions learned
early in life (such as our habits during conflict), so
as to adapt a broader range of behavioral choices
and become a more effective leader.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Business Application
© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
designed to both train your leaders and
obtain bottom line business results. To do
this there is a constant focus on
application of ALP activity to your
immediate business needs.

© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

A case study based on a mission critical project or
initiative and approved by their area VP. The case study
includes business results.

A mid-point assessment and conversation with the
participants direct report about their developmental
plan linking it to leadership development objectives.

A day of onsite coaching to ensure maximum learning
and integration with the ALP models.

A final behavioral competency based assessment.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule
© Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program
contains six one week modules and a half
day of individual coaching for each
participant. The Modules are separated by
about 1 ½ months. Each program is custom
built for the client based on their unique
needs and closely tied to business results.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Example Schedule

Module 1

Module 2

Module 3

Module 4

EQ Profile

Leadership &
Systems Theory
Related to

Skills 1

Skills 2

Coaching Skills &

Individual and


Helping Skills

Jay Hall Conflict


3rd Party

Authority in

Case Study
Process Begins

Business Change



Case Study Due/

Family Ties
That Bind


Intro to Family of Sponsor Agent
Prep for Group
Leadership Skills


Goal Clarity

Basic Self Skills

© Crosby & Associates

Basic Self Skills

Case Study

On Site
(Faculty with
students in

In Field

Module 5

Module 6

and Group

Synthesis &



Group Process

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Faculty Standards

Crosby & Associates

At Crosby & Associates we hold a strong belief
that Organization Development is a
professional discipline. Our trainings involve
experiential learning using a group process
that holds to strict behavioral science
standards. All our faculty hold Masters
Degrees as well as at least ten years of
coaching and training with a master in the
© Crosby & Associates


Dr. Robert P Crosby
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby has 60 years of
experience helping organizations.
He is a master in his field, having
founded the Leadership Institute of
Seattle (LIOS) in 1969, and held
faculty roles through LIOS contracts
at universities such as Antioch in
Seattle and Martin University in
Indianapolis, Indiana. Crosby led
successful efforts at PECO Nuclear,
Addy Washington (72% productivity
gain as quoted by Business Week),
The Riverfront Park Project in
Spokane Washington, and
numerous others.


Crosby & Associates

Chris has 20 years of experience coaching
leaders and their teams throughout the
USA and internationally in Germany, Costa
Rica, Wales, Jamaica, England, Hungary,
Egypt, The Philippines, Korea, China, Peru,
Spain and Mexico. He holds two Master of
Arts degrees from the Leadership Institute
of Seattle in both Counseling and
Organizational Development. He knows
how to engage the workforce in such a
way as to build ownership and
commitment yet does not let go of the
realities of structure and authority. Also a
published author, Chris did a significant
portion of the editing in “Cultural Change
in Organizations”.

Chris Crosby, MA
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Gil has 29 years of experience in
the field of OD. He specializes in
Leadership and Organizational
Development. His expertise is in
facilitating cultural change in
support of key initiatives including
technology implementation, cost
reduction, productivity increases,
employee morale, and mergers.
He is a published author whose
book “Fight, Flight, Freeze” helps
leaders improve their interactive
skills and is a do-it-yourself version
of Tough Stuff.

Gil Crosby, MSW
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Past Outcomes
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

The following are a
selection of outcomes by
graduates or participants of
Dr. Crosby’s leadership
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• CSI achieved 6 R&D project in one year after they had not successfully
completed any for the past year.
• Alcoa plants at Warrick, Indiana and Knoxville, Tennessee were managed
by the same person who began using Dr. Crosby in 1992. In 1994 those two
plants created 1/3 of Alcoa’s world wide profits after having gone through
two years of intensive OD work. 500 of the population went through Tough
Stuff (Dr. Crosby’s short leadership program), including many steelworkers.
In addition, 30 students were in Dr. Crosby’s corporate based Master
Program from which the ALP program is based.
• In November of 2011 the President of the United States visited the
Davenport Iowa plant to highlight its remarkable business results. From
2002 to 2010, 60% of all Davenport Employees had completed a Dr. Crosby
leadership program.

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• A graduate created the Bench Mark Change Management Program in the
largest software implementation in the history of Alcoa and achieved go
lives in 20 plants with minimal disruption and no missed shipments. The
previous Alcoa BU had 50% on time delivery for one year after its Oracle
• Dr. Crosby led a project to recover the Alcoa plant in Badin, North Carolina.
At the time the Associated Press reported that Alcoa was threatening to
close the plant if cost reductions of $5.5 million could not be achieved. Six
months after implementing the project, the plant was able to confidently
project a budget far exceeding that goal. Dr. Crosby developed a significant
amount of people in the plant through his leadership programs.
• Dr. Crosby led the OD portion of the turnaround at PECO Nuclear. In 1987
the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) shutdown the Peach Bottom
Atomic Station. Following years of extensive OD work PECO was designated
in 1996 as excellent by INPO, and given a strong Systematic Assessment of
Licensee Performance (SALP) rating by the NRC.
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• Following years of Dr. Crosby’s leadership programs and interventions in
the plant Jamalco went from the worst on cash curve amongst Alcoa
bauxite refineries in 1999 to tied for best on cash curve in 2005.
Improvements included a reduction of $38 million in annual operating
costs. Jamalco was the only refinery in Jamaica to stay at full production
throughout the Great Recession.
• After a critical mass of employees went through Dr. Crosby’s leadership
programs Sherwin Alumina was the only US bauxite refinery to stay in
production throughout the Great Recession.

Slide 9

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated
Leadership Program (ALP)
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
Theoretical Basis
Business Application
Program Schedule
Past Outcomes

Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is based
on the life work of Dr. Robert P Crosby.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s History

Crosby & Associates

• 1953 Attended his first experiential process in communication skills.
• 1957 Attended his first training at National Training Laboratory (NTL) led
by Dr. Ronald Lippitt, Dr. Leland Bradford, and Dr. Ken Benne.
• 1957 – 1986 Mentored by Dr Ronald Lippitt the primary graduate
student of Dr. Kurt Lewin (creator of Action Research and T-Groups).
• 1965 Attended first ever Organizational Development (OD) training at
NTL led by founders in the field of OD.
• 1969 Founded institute called LIOS in Spokane Washington, USA.
• 1973 LIOS became a fully accredited Master Degree program led by
Crosby with two other faculty, Dr. Ronald Short and Dr. John Scherer.
• 1980 Created the People Performance Profile (PPP) with Dr. Scherer. The
PPP is an OD effectiveness survey.
• 1981-82 Son Gil Crosby attended LIOS and joined Dr. Crosby’s consulting
business in 1984.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Son Chris Crosby (West Coast President of Crosby & Associates)
attended LIOS.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s Programs

Crosby & Associates

• 1973 Created the LIOS Graduate Program.
• 1987 While working at PECO Nuclear created Tough Stuff™, a 1 week
with one or two 3 day follow ups that uses the experiential education
foundations of the graduate program. The emphasis is Emotional
Intelligence (EQ) at work.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Created the High Performance Leadership Program (HPL).
• 2008 Sons Gil and Chris, using the basis of Dr. Crosby’s above work,
created the Accelerated Leadership Program (ALP). ALP is a 7 week
program (each week separated by approximately 1 ½ months). ALP is
tied to business goals more directly than any other training program
Crosby has created to date.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis
© Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis

Crosby & Associates

Through his years of experience and exposure to the
founders of OD and Family Systems Theory, Dr. Robert P
Crosby created a unique theory of authority in systems. It
can be summed up by the title of his first book “Walking the
Empowerment Tight Rope: Balancing Management
Authority and Employee Influence.” Crosby’s theory is
intertwined throughout his three business books. His
advantage over other OD authors is that he wrote his books
out of years of experience working in business rather than
from a purely academic/theoretical perspective. His books
are based on applied theory, grounded in practice.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s first book is derived
from the PPP. After giving it to
600 workplaces a trend was
seen in the highest performing
work groups. Those groups
performed the best in all key
indicators such as Safety,
Productivity, Absenteeism,
Quality, and Costs. Crosby
identified 25 factors from the
PPP and first presented it in his
work with NASA in 1986 after
the Challenger disaster.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

While working at Aldus (the
creator of PageMaker) Crosby
noticed an emerging trend of
dotted line relationships and
matrixed workplaces. Aldus lost
millions because they were late on
their software implementation of
PageMaker 5. This book outlines
how he helped them implement
PageMaker 6 on time and with
quality. It’s principles apply to all
projects and initiatives.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Cultural Change in Organizations
was written after years of helping
plants align their leadership and
reach results. It’s a composite story
on how to create a change of culture
and get business results. It is a
rewrite of Dr. Crosby’s 1998 The
Authentic Leader and is co-written
by West Coast President Chris
Crosby. Both father and sons have
replicated the methods in this book,
which consistently lead to record
setting business results!
© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

Crosby & Associates

The following page outlines the
extensive Organizational
Development influences in Dr.
Robert P Crosby’s career.

© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence related to work
Experiential Education
Systems Theory
Personal Growth

© Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
grounded in Emotional Intelligence (EQ).
The methods used by Dr. Crosby starting
in the 1950’s were popularized by Daniel
Goleman in his ground breaking book
“Emotional Intelligence” in 1986.
Research has shown that EQ is a much
better predictor of success than IQ.
Ironically, at the time of Goleman’s book,
Dr. Crosby had been teaching EQ for over
30 years.

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Daniel Goleman pointed out in “Working with Emotional
Intelligence” (only one of his numerous texts on the subject):

EQ accounted for 67% of the abilities deemed necessary for
superior performance

EQ mattered TWICE as much as technical expertise or IQ

Unlike IQ (which is a fixed capacity - we either use it, or we
don’t, but it can’t be increased), whatever your current EQ, with
intention and guidance, you can improve. ALP increases EQ!

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

EQ has 3 Core Capacities
All the capacities of EQ are intended to increase ones capacity to notice,
name and own their experience.

Capacity One
Self Awareness – In Tense Moments
• Awareness of my Emotions
• From moment to moment
• Access to a full range of Emotions
• Ability to differentiate
• Judgments from observable facts (behavioral specifics)
• Thoughts from Feelings
• My experience (self) from others
• Clearly articulate wants (Goals, Expectations, etc., from up, down, and across
the workplace)

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Capacity Two
My Patterns – How I manage tense moments
• Recognize my patterns (especially during conflict)
• Increase capacity to calm down during and after tense moments
Capacity Three
How I Honor Others – Empathy
• Accuracy –Getting their experience
• Compassion – Feeling and understanding their experience
• Interaction –Actively demonstrating it
Plus providing space for the others to be different

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby learned about experiential education starting in the
1950’s and continuing throughout his career. All of his leadership
programs utilize experiential education as their foundation. From
his beginnings in 1953 he understood that you cannot learn
about leadership or communication skills through lecture alone.
There must be a significant aspect of experiential techniques to
truly impact behavior.
ALP utilizes experiential education as its primary learning

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Levels of Experiential Learning

Level 1 - Pure Cognitive Learning – learning through lecture and testing,
reading books, memorization, etc.
Largest impact is to IQ.
Little or slow behavioral change.
Level 2 - Mainly Cognitive Learning - Reflective learning from the past - such
as thinking back, looking at your side of things (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments), and thinking through other
Largest impact is to IQ with some impact to EQ.
Slow behavioral change.
© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Level 3 - Mainly Experiential Learning- Reflective learning from the present
interaction - such as receiving feedback (coaching) about actual behavior in
recent situation (scientifically verifiable as to what you said and did only, no
judgments), thinking about what you were feeling, thinking, and doing, and
then re-engaging with situation.
Large impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.

High behavioral change.
Level 4 - Pure Experiential Learning – Debriefing your immediate situation
with person you are having the experience with. This involves giving and
receiving feedback on immediate interactions (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments).
Largest impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.
Highest behavioral change.

© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Robert P Crosby was heavily
influenced by two seminal thinkers
in the twentieth century: Dr. Kurt
Lewin (1890-1947) and Dr. John
Dewey (1859-1952). Not only did he
study their work, but he also was
trained by Dr. Goodwin Watson, a
colleague of Dr. John Dewey, and
had a 30-year mentorship and
colleagueship with Dr. Ronald Lippitt
(starting in 1957), one of Dr. Lewin’s
top graduate students.


Kurt Lewin
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Both Dr. Dewey and Dr. Lewin believed that
democratic leadership is a learned behavior. Further, it
is more difficult to learn than either autocratic or
permissive styles of leadership and therefore must be
learned anew in each generation. Crosby has spent his
life helping organizations learn how to balance
management authority and employee engagement,
including leading several efforts to recover from poorly
planned experiments of moving towards self-managed
work teams.

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby worked with Dr. Daryl
Conner and came up with his own
approach to Conner’s
Sponsor/Agent/Target/Advocate (SATA)
theory. Dr. Crosby’s clarity about the
role of Sponsor—specifically, the
critical distinction being that you can
only “sponsor” your direct reports is
critical to effectively managing crossfunctional work and change. Dr.
Crosby’s clarity about the role of each
subsequent layer of sponsorship - the
sustaining sponsors - is the key to
successful matrixed work.
© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s approach is also heavily influenced
by Family Systems thinking through the work of
Dr. Murray Bowen, Dr. Edwin Friedman, Dr.
Salvador Minuchin, and Dr. Carl Whitaker.

For example, our habitual reactions to authority
(to having a boss or being the boss) begin early in
life. Family Systems thinking helps one
understand these and other reactions learned
early in life (such as our habits during conflict), so
as to adapt a broader range of behavioral choices
and become a more effective leader.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Business Application
© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
designed to both train your leaders and
obtain bottom line business results. To do
this there is a constant focus on
application of ALP activity to your
immediate business needs.

© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

A case study based on a mission critical project or
initiative and approved by their area VP. The case study
includes business results.

A mid-point assessment and conversation with the
participants direct report about their developmental
plan linking it to leadership development objectives.

A day of onsite coaching to ensure maximum learning
and integration with the ALP models.

A final behavioral competency based assessment.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule
© Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program
contains six one week modules and a half
day of individual coaching for each
participant. The Modules are separated by
about 1 ½ months. Each program is custom
built for the client based on their unique
needs and closely tied to business results.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Example Schedule

Module 1

Module 2

Module 3

Module 4

EQ Profile

Leadership &
Systems Theory
Related to

Skills 1

Skills 2

Coaching Skills &

Individual and


Helping Skills

Jay Hall Conflict


3rd Party

Authority in

Case Study
Process Begins

Business Change



Case Study Due/

Family Ties
That Bind


Intro to Family of Sponsor Agent
Prep for Group
Leadership Skills


Goal Clarity

Basic Self Skills

© Crosby & Associates

Basic Self Skills

Case Study

On Site
(Faculty with
students in

In Field

Module 5

Module 6

and Group

Synthesis &



Group Process

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Faculty Standards

Crosby & Associates

At Crosby & Associates we hold a strong belief
that Organization Development is a
professional discipline. Our trainings involve
experiential learning using a group process
that holds to strict behavioral science
standards. All our faculty hold Masters
Degrees as well as at least ten years of
coaching and training with a master in the
© Crosby & Associates


Dr. Robert P Crosby
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby has 60 years of
experience helping organizations.
He is a master in his field, having
founded the Leadership Institute of
Seattle (LIOS) in 1969, and held
faculty roles through LIOS contracts
at universities such as Antioch in
Seattle and Martin University in
Indianapolis, Indiana. Crosby led
successful efforts at PECO Nuclear,
Addy Washington (72% productivity
gain as quoted by Business Week),
The Riverfront Park Project in
Spokane Washington, and
numerous others.


Crosby & Associates

Chris has 20 years of experience coaching
leaders and their teams throughout the
USA and internationally in Germany, Costa
Rica, Wales, Jamaica, England, Hungary,
Egypt, The Philippines, Korea, China, Peru,
Spain and Mexico. He holds two Master of
Arts degrees from the Leadership Institute
of Seattle in both Counseling and
Organizational Development. He knows
how to engage the workforce in such a
way as to build ownership and
commitment yet does not let go of the
realities of structure and authority. Also a
published author, Chris did a significant
portion of the editing in “Cultural Change
in Organizations”.

Chris Crosby, MA
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Gil has 29 years of experience in
the field of OD. He specializes in
Leadership and Organizational
Development. His expertise is in
facilitating cultural change in
support of key initiatives including
technology implementation, cost
reduction, productivity increases,
employee morale, and mergers.
He is a published author whose
book “Fight, Flight, Freeze” helps
leaders improve their interactive
skills and is a do-it-yourself version
of Tough Stuff.

Gil Crosby, MSW
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Past Outcomes
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

The following are a
selection of outcomes by
graduates or participants of
Dr. Crosby’s leadership
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• CSI achieved 6 R&D project in one year after they had not successfully
completed any for the past year.
• Alcoa plants at Warrick, Indiana and Knoxville, Tennessee were managed
by the same person who began using Dr. Crosby in 1992. In 1994 those two
plants created 1/3 of Alcoa’s world wide profits after having gone through
two years of intensive OD work. 500 of the population went through Tough
Stuff (Dr. Crosby’s short leadership program), including many steelworkers.
In addition, 30 students were in Dr. Crosby’s corporate based Master
Program from which the ALP program is based.
• In November of 2011 the President of the United States visited the
Davenport Iowa plant to highlight its remarkable business results. From
2002 to 2010, 60% of all Davenport Employees had completed a Dr. Crosby
leadership program.

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• A graduate created the Bench Mark Change Management Program in the
largest software implementation in the history of Alcoa and achieved go
lives in 20 plants with minimal disruption and no missed shipments. The
previous Alcoa BU had 50% on time delivery for one year after its Oracle
• Dr. Crosby led a project to recover the Alcoa plant in Badin, North Carolina.
At the time the Associated Press reported that Alcoa was threatening to
close the plant if cost reductions of $5.5 million could not be achieved. Six
months after implementing the project, the plant was able to confidently
project a budget far exceeding that goal. Dr. Crosby developed a significant
amount of people in the plant through his leadership programs.
• Dr. Crosby led the OD portion of the turnaround at PECO Nuclear. In 1987
the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) shutdown the Peach Bottom
Atomic Station. Following years of extensive OD work PECO was designated
in 1996 as excellent by INPO, and given a strong Systematic Assessment of
Licensee Performance (SALP) rating by the NRC.
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• Following years of Dr. Crosby’s leadership programs and interventions in
the plant Jamalco went from the worst on cash curve amongst Alcoa
bauxite refineries in 1999 to tied for best on cash curve in 2005.
Improvements included a reduction of $38 million in annual operating
costs. Jamalco was the only refinery in Jamaica to stay at full production
throughout the Great Recession.
• After a critical mass of employees went through Dr. Crosby’s leadership
programs Sherwin Alumina was the only US bauxite refinery to stay in
production throughout the Great Recession.

Slide 10

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated
Leadership Program (ALP)
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
Theoretical Basis
Business Application
Program Schedule
Past Outcomes

Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is based
on the life work of Dr. Robert P Crosby.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s History

Crosby & Associates

• 1953 Attended his first experiential process in communication skills.
• 1957 Attended his first training at National Training Laboratory (NTL) led
by Dr. Ronald Lippitt, Dr. Leland Bradford, and Dr. Ken Benne.
• 1957 – 1986 Mentored by Dr Ronald Lippitt the primary graduate
student of Dr. Kurt Lewin (creator of Action Research and T-Groups).
• 1965 Attended first ever Organizational Development (OD) training at
NTL led by founders in the field of OD.
• 1969 Founded institute called LIOS in Spokane Washington, USA.
• 1973 LIOS became a fully accredited Master Degree program led by
Crosby with two other faculty, Dr. Ronald Short and Dr. John Scherer.
• 1980 Created the People Performance Profile (PPP) with Dr. Scherer. The
PPP is an OD effectiveness survey.
• 1981-82 Son Gil Crosby attended LIOS and joined Dr. Crosby’s consulting
business in 1984.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Son Chris Crosby (West Coast President of Crosby & Associates)
attended LIOS.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s Programs

Crosby & Associates

• 1973 Created the LIOS Graduate Program.
• 1987 While working at PECO Nuclear created Tough Stuff™, a 1 week
with one or two 3 day follow ups that uses the experiential education
foundations of the graduate program. The emphasis is Emotional
Intelligence (EQ) at work.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Created the High Performance Leadership Program (HPL).
• 2008 Sons Gil and Chris, using the basis of Dr. Crosby’s above work,
created the Accelerated Leadership Program (ALP). ALP is a 7 week
program (each week separated by approximately 1 ½ months). ALP is
tied to business goals more directly than any other training program
Crosby has created to date.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis
© Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis

Crosby & Associates

Through his years of experience and exposure to the
founders of OD and Family Systems Theory, Dr. Robert P
Crosby created a unique theory of authority in systems. It
can be summed up by the title of his first book “Walking the
Empowerment Tight Rope: Balancing Management
Authority and Employee Influence.” Crosby’s theory is
intertwined throughout his three business books. His
advantage over other OD authors is that he wrote his books
out of years of experience working in business rather than
from a purely academic/theoretical perspective. His books
are based on applied theory, grounded in practice.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s first book is derived
from the PPP. After giving it to
600 workplaces a trend was
seen in the highest performing
work groups. Those groups
performed the best in all key
indicators such as Safety,
Productivity, Absenteeism,
Quality, and Costs. Crosby
identified 25 factors from the
PPP and first presented it in his
work with NASA in 1986 after
the Challenger disaster.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

While working at Aldus (the
creator of PageMaker) Crosby
noticed an emerging trend of
dotted line relationships and
matrixed workplaces. Aldus lost
millions because they were late on
their software implementation of
PageMaker 5. This book outlines
how he helped them implement
PageMaker 6 on time and with
quality. It’s principles apply to all
projects and initiatives.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Cultural Change in Organizations
was written after years of helping
plants align their leadership and
reach results. It’s a composite story
on how to create a change of culture
and get business results. It is a
rewrite of Dr. Crosby’s 1998 The
Authentic Leader and is co-written
by West Coast President Chris
Crosby. Both father and sons have
replicated the methods in this book,
which consistently lead to record
setting business results!
© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

Crosby & Associates

The following page outlines the
extensive Organizational
Development influences in Dr.
Robert P Crosby’s career.

© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence related to work
Experiential Education
Systems Theory
Personal Growth

© Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
grounded in Emotional Intelligence (EQ).
The methods used by Dr. Crosby starting
in the 1950’s were popularized by Daniel
Goleman in his ground breaking book
“Emotional Intelligence” in 1986.
Research has shown that EQ is a much
better predictor of success than IQ.
Ironically, at the time of Goleman’s book,
Dr. Crosby had been teaching EQ for over
30 years.

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Daniel Goleman pointed out in “Working with Emotional
Intelligence” (only one of his numerous texts on the subject):

EQ accounted for 67% of the abilities deemed necessary for
superior performance

EQ mattered TWICE as much as technical expertise or IQ

Unlike IQ (which is a fixed capacity - we either use it, or we
don’t, but it can’t be increased), whatever your current EQ, with
intention and guidance, you can improve. ALP increases EQ!

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

EQ has 3 Core Capacities
All the capacities of EQ are intended to increase ones capacity to notice,
name and own their experience.

Capacity One
Self Awareness – In Tense Moments
• Awareness of my Emotions
• From moment to moment
• Access to a full range of Emotions
• Ability to differentiate
• Judgments from observable facts (behavioral specifics)
• Thoughts from Feelings
• My experience (self) from others
• Clearly articulate wants (Goals, Expectations, etc., from up, down, and across
the workplace)

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Capacity Two
My Patterns – How I manage tense moments
• Recognize my patterns (especially during conflict)
• Increase capacity to calm down during and after tense moments
Capacity Three
How I Honor Others – Empathy
• Accuracy –Getting their experience
• Compassion – Feeling and understanding their experience
• Interaction –Actively demonstrating it
Plus providing space for the others to be different

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby learned about experiential education starting in the
1950’s and continuing throughout his career. All of his leadership
programs utilize experiential education as their foundation. From
his beginnings in 1953 he understood that you cannot learn
about leadership or communication skills through lecture alone.
There must be a significant aspect of experiential techniques to
truly impact behavior.
ALP utilizes experiential education as its primary learning

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Levels of Experiential Learning

Level 1 - Pure Cognitive Learning – learning through lecture and testing,
reading books, memorization, etc.
Largest impact is to IQ.
Little or slow behavioral change.
Level 2 - Mainly Cognitive Learning - Reflective learning from the past - such
as thinking back, looking at your side of things (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments), and thinking through other
Largest impact is to IQ with some impact to EQ.
Slow behavioral change.
© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Level 3 - Mainly Experiential Learning- Reflective learning from the present
interaction - such as receiving feedback (coaching) about actual behavior in
recent situation (scientifically verifiable as to what you said and did only, no
judgments), thinking about what you were feeling, thinking, and doing, and
then re-engaging with situation.
Large impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.

High behavioral change.
Level 4 - Pure Experiential Learning – Debriefing your immediate situation
with person you are having the experience with. This involves giving and
receiving feedback on immediate interactions (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments).
Largest impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.
Highest behavioral change.

© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Robert P Crosby was heavily
influenced by two seminal thinkers
in the twentieth century: Dr. Kurt
Lewin (1890-1947) and Dr. John
Dewey (1859-1952). Not only did he
study their work, but he also was
trained by Dr. Goodwin Watson, a
colleague of Dr. John Dewey, and
had a 30-year mentorship and
colleagueship with Dr. Ronald Lippitt
(starting in 1957), one of Dr. Lewin’s
top graduate students.


Kurt Lewin
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Both Dr. Dewey and Dr. Lewin believed that
democratic leadership is a learned behavior. Further, it
is more difficult to learn than either autocratic or
permissive styles of leadership and therefore must be
learned anew in each generation. Crosby has spent his
life helping organizations learn how to balance
management authority and employee engagement,
including leading several efforts to recover from poorly
planned experiments of moving towards self-managed
work teams.

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby worked with Dr. Daryl
Conner and came up with his own
approach to Conner’s
Sponsor/Agent/Target/Advocate (SATA)
theory. Dr. Crosby’s clarity about the
role of Sponsor—specifically, the
critical distinction being that you can
only “sponsor” your direct reports is
critical to effectively managing crossfunctional work and change. Dr.
Crosby’s clarity about the role of each
subsequent layer of sponsorship - the
sustaining sponsors - is the key to
successful matrixed work.
© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s approach is also heavily influenced
by Family Systems thinking through the work of
Dr. Murray Bowen, Dr. Edwin Friedman, Dr.
Salvador Minuchin, and Dr. Carl Whitaker.

For example, our habitual reactions to authority
(to having a boss or being the boss) begin early in
life. Family Systems thinking helps one
understand these and other reactions learned
early in life (such as our habits during conflict), so
as to adapt a broader range of behavioral choices
and become a more effective leader.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Business Application
© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
designed to both train your leaders and
obtain bottom line business results. To do
this there is a constant focus on
application of ALP activity to your
immediate business needs.

© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

A case study based on a mission critical project or
initiative and approved by their area VP. The case study
includes business results.

A mid-point assessment and conversation with the
participants direct report about their developmental
plan linking it to leadership development objectives.

A day of onsite coaching to ensure maximum learning
and integration with the ALP models.

A final behavioral competency based assessment.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule
© Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program
contains six one week modules and a half
day of individual coaching for each
participant. The Modules are separated by
about 1 ½ months. Each program is custom
built for the client based on their unique
needs and closely tied to business results.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Example Schedule

Module 1

Module 2

Module 3

Module 4

EQ Profile

Leadership &
Systems Theory
Related to

Skills 1

Skills 2

Coaching Skills &

Individual and


Helping Skills

Jay Hall Conflict


3rd Party

Authority in

Case Study
Process Begins

Business Change



Case Study Due/

Family Ties
That Bind


Intro to Family of Sponsor Agent
Prep for Group
Leadership Skills


Goal Clarity

Basic Self Skills

© Crosby & Associates

Basic Self Skills

Case Study

On Site
(Faculty with
students in

In Field

Module 5

Module 6

and Group

Synthesis &



Group Process

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Faculty Standards

Crosby & Associates

At Crosby & Associates we hold a strong belief
that Organization Development is a
professional discipline. Our trainings involve
experiential learning using a group process
that holds to strict behavioral science
standards. All our faculty hold Masters
Degrees as well as at least ten years of
coaching and training with a master in the
© Crosby & Associates


Dr. Robert P Crosby
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby has 60 years of
experience helping organizations.
He is a master in his field, having
founded the Leadership Institute of
Seattle (LIOS) in 1969, and held
faculty roles through LIOS contracts
at universities such as Antioch in
Seattle and Martin University in
Indianapolis, Indiana. Crosby led
successful efforts at PECO Nuclear,
Addy Washington (72% productivity
gain as quoted by Business Week),
The Riverfront Park Project in
Spokane Washington, and
numerous others.


Crosby & Associates

Chris has 20 years of experience coaching
leaders and their teams throughout the
USA and internationally in Germany, Costa
Rica, Wales, Jamaica, England, Hungary,
Egypt, The Philippines, Korea, China, Peru,
Spain and Mexico. He holds two Master of
Arts degrees from the Leadership Institute
of Seattle in both Counseling and
Organizational Development. He knows
how to engage the workforce in such a
way as to build ownership and
commitment yet does not let go of the
realities of structure and authority. Also a
published author, Chris did a significant
portion of the editing in “Cultural Change
in Organizations”.

Chris Crosby, MA
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Gil has 29 years of experience in
the field of OD. He specializes in
Leadership and Organizational
Development. His expertise is in
facilitating cultural change in
support of key initiatives including
technology implementation, cost
reduction, productivity increases,
employee morale, and mergers.
He is a published author whose
book “Fight, Flight, Freeze” helps
leaders improve their interactive
skills and is a do-it-yourself version
of Tough Stuff.

Gil Crosby, MSW
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Past Outcomes
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

The following are a
selection of outcomes by
graduates or participants of
Dr. Crosby’s leadership
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• CSI achieved 6 R&D project in one year after they had not successfully
completed any for the past year.
• Alcoa plants at Warrick, Indiana and Knoxville, Tennessee were managed
by the same person who began using Dr. Crosby in 1992. In 1994 those two
plants created 1/3 of Alcoa’s world wide profits after having gone through
two years of intensive OD work. 500 of the population went through Tough
Stuff (Dr. Crosby’s short leadership program), including many steelworkers.
In addition, 30 students were in Dr. Crosby’s corporate based Master
Program from which the ALP program is based.
• In November of 2011 the President of the United States visited the
Davenport Iowa plant to highlight its remarkable business results. From
2002 to 2010, 60% of all Davenport Employees had completed a Dr. Crosby
leadership program.

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• A graduate created the Bench Mark Change Management Program in the
largest software implementation in the history of Alcoa and achieved go
lives in 20 plants with minimal disruption and no missed shipments. The
previous Alcoa BU had 50% on time delivery for one year after its Oracle
• Dr. Crosby led a project to recover the Alcoa plant in Badin, North Carolina.
At the time the Associated Press reported that Alcoa was threatening to
close the plant if cost reductions of $5.5 million could not be achieved. Six
months after implementing the project, the plant was able to confidently
project a budget far exceeding that goal. Dr. Crosby developed a significant
amount of people in the plant through his leadership programs.
• Dr. Crosby led the OD portion of the turnaround at PECO Nuclear. In 1987
the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) shutdown the Peach Bottom
Atomic Station. Following years of extensive OD work PECO was designated
in 1996 as excellent by INPO, and given a strong Systematic Assessment of
Licensee Performance (SALP) rating by the NRC.
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• Following years of Dr. Crosby’s leadership programs and interventions in
the plant Jamalco went from the worst on cash curve amongst Alcoa
bauxite refineries in 1999 to tied for best on cash curve in 2005.
Improvements included a reduction of $38 million in annual operating
costs. Jamalco was the only refinery in Jamaica to stay at full production
throughout the Great Recession.
• After a critical mass of employees went through Dr. Crosby’s leadership
programs Sherwin Alumina was the only US bauxite refinery to stay in
production throughout the Great Recession.

Slide 11

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated
Leadership Program (ALP)
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
Theoretical Basis
Business Application
Program Schedule
Past Outcomes

Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is based
on the life work of Dr. Robert P Crosby.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s History

Crosby & Associates

• 1953 Attended his first experiential process in communication skills.
• 1957 Attended his first training at National Training Laboratory (NTL) led
by Dr. Ronald Lippitt, Dr. Leland Bradford, and Dr. Ken Benne.
• 1957 – 1986 Mentored by Dr Ronald Lippitt the primary graduate
student of Dr. Kurt Lewin (creator of Action Research and T-Groups).
• 1965 Attended first ever Organizational Development (OD) training at
NTL led by founders in the field of OD.
• 1969 Founded institute called LIOS in Spokane Washington, USA.
• 1973 LIOS became a fully accredited Master Degree program led by
Crosby with two other faculty, Dr. Ronald Short and Dr. John Scherer.
• 1980 Created the People Performance Profile (PPP) with Dr. Scherer. The
PPP is an OD effectiveness survey.
• 1981-82 Son Gil Crosby attended LIOS and joined Dr. Crosby’s consulting
business in 1984.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Son Chris Crosby (West Coast President of Crosby & Associates)
attended LIOS.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s Programs

Crosby & Associates

• 1973 Created the LIOS Graduate Program.
• 1987 While working at PECO Nuclear created Tough Stuff™, a 1 week
with one or two 3 day follow ups that uses the experiential education
foundations of the graduate program. The emphasis is Emotional
Intelligence (EQ) at work.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Created the High Performance Leadership Program (HPL).
• 2008 Sons Gil and Chris, using the basis of Dr. Crosby’s above work,
created the Accelerated Leadership Program (ALP). ALP is a 7 week
program (each week separated by approximately 1 ½ months). ALP is
tied to business goals more directly than any other training program
Crosby has created to date.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis
© Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis

Crosby & Associates

Through his years of experience and exposure to the
founders of OD and Family Systems Theory, Dr. Robert P
Crosby created a unique theory of authority in systems. It
can be summed up by the title of his first book “Walking the
Empowerment Tight Rope: Balancing Management
Authority and Employee Influence.” Crosby’s theory is
intertwined throughout his three business books. His
advantage over other OD authors is that he wrote his books
out of years of experience working in business rather than
from a purely academic/theoretical perspective. His books
are based on applied theory, grounded in practice.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s first book is derived
from the PPP. After giving it to
600 workplaces a trend was
seen in the highest performing
work groups. Those groups
performed the best in all key
indicators such as Safety,
Productivity, Absenteeism,
Quality, and Costs. Crosby
identified 25 factors from the
PPP and first presented it in his
work with NASA in 1986 after
the Challenger disaster.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

While working at Aldus (the
creator of PageMaker) Crosby
noticed an emerging trend of
dotted line relationships and
matrixed workplaces. Aldus lost
millions because they were late on
their software implementation of
PageMaker 5. This book outlines
how he helped them implement
PageMaker 6 on time and with
quality. It’s principles apply to all
projects and initiatives.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Cultural Change in Organizations
was written after years of helping
plants align their leadership and
reach results. It’s a composite story
on how to create a change of culture
and get business results. It is a
rewrite of Dr. Crosby’s 1998 The
Authentic Leader and is co-written
by West Coast President Chris
Crosby. Both father and sons have
replicated the methods in this book,
which consistently lead to record
setting business results!
© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

Crosby & Associates

The following page outlines the
extensive Organizational
Development influences in Dr.
Robert P Crosby’s career.

© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence related to work
Experiential Education
Systems Theory
Personal Growth

© Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
grounded in Emotional Intelligence (EQ).
The methods used by Dr. Crosby starting
in the 1950’s were popularized by Daniel
Goleman in his ground breaking book
“Emotional Intelligence” in 1986.
Research has shown that EQ is a much
better predictor of success than IQ.
Ironically, at the time of Goleman’s book,
Dr. Crosby had been teaching EQ for over
30 years.

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Daniel Goleman pointed out in “Working with Emotional
Intelligence” (only one of his numerous texts on the subject):

EQ accounted for 67% of the abilities deemed necessary for
superior performance

EQ mattered TWICE as much as technical expertise or IQ

Unlike IQ (which is a fixed capacity - we either use it, or we
don’t, but it can’t be increased), whatever your current EQ, with
intention and guidance, you can improve. ALP increases EQ!

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

EQ has 3 Core Capacities
All the capacities of EQ are intended to increase ones capacity to notice,
name and own their experience.

Capacity One
Self Awareness – In Tense Moments
• Awareness of my Emotions
• From moment to moment
• Access to a full range of Emotions
• Ability to differentiate
• Judgments from observable facts (behavioral specifics)
• Thoughts from Feelings
• My experience (self) from others
• Clearly articulate wants (Goals, Expectations, etc., from up, down, and across
the workplace)

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Capacity Two
My Patterns – How I manage tense moments
• Recognize my patterns (especially during conflict)
• Increase capacity to calm down during and after tense moments
Capacity Three
How I Honor Others – Empathy
• Accuracy –Getting their experience
• Compassion – Feeling and understanding their experience
• Interaction –Actively demonstrating it
Plus providing space for the others to be different

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby learned about experiential education starting in the
1950’s and continuing throughout his career. All of his leadership
programs utilize experiential education as their foundation. From
his beginnings in 1953 he understood that you cannot learn
about leadership or communication skills through lecture alone.
There must be a significant aspect of experiential techniques to
truly impact behavior.
ALP utilizes experiential education as its primary learning

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Levels of Experiential Learning

Level 1 - Pure Cognitive Learning – learning through lecture and testing,
reading books, memorization, etc.
Largest impact is to IQ.
Little or slow behavioral change.
Level 2 - Mainly Cognitive Learning - Reflective learning from the past - such
as thinking back, looking at your side of things (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments), and thinking through other
Largest impact is to IQ with some impact to EQ.
Slow behavioral change.
© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Level 3 - Mainly Experiential Learning- Reflective learning from the present
interaction - such as receiving feedback (coaching) about actual behavior in
recent situation (scientifically verifiable as to what you said and did only, no
judgments), thinking about what you were feeling, thinking, and doing, and
then re-engaging with situation.
Large impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.

High behavioral change.
Level 4 - Pure Experiential Learning – Debriefing your immediate situation
with person you are having the experience with. This involves giving and
receiving feedback on immediate interactions (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments).
Largest impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.
Highest behavioral change.

© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Robert P Crosby was heavily
influenced by two seminal thinkers
in the twentieth century: Dr. Kurt
Lewin (1890-1947) and Dr. John
Dewey (1859-1952). Not only did he
study their work, but he also was
trained by Dr. Goodwin Watson, a
colleague of Dr. John Dewey, and
had a 30-year mentorship and
colleagueship with Dr. Ronald Lippitt
(starting in 1957), one of Dr. Lewin’s
top graduate students.


Kurt Lewin
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Both Dr. Dewey and Dr. Lewin believed that
democratic leadership is a learned behavior. Further, it
is more difficult to learn than either autocratic or
permissive styles of leadership and therefore must be
learned anew in each generation. Crosby has spent his
life helping organizations learn how to balance
management authority and employee engagement,
including leading several efforts to recover from poorly
planned experiments of moving towards self-managed
work teams.

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby worked with Dr. Daryl
Conner and came up with his own
approach to Conner’s
Sponsor/Agent/Target/Advocate (SATA)
theory. Dr. Crosby’s clarity about the
role of Sponsor—specifically, the
critical distinction being that you can
only “sponsor” your direct reports is
critical to effectively managing crossfunctional work and change. Dr.
Crosby’s clarity about the role of each
subsequent layer of sponsorship - the
sustaining sponsors - is the key to
successful matrixed work.
© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s approach is also heavily influenced
by Family Systems thinking through the work of
Dr. Murray Bowen, Dr. Edwin Friedman, Dr.
Salvador Minuchin, and Dr. Carl Whitaker.

For example, our habitual reactions to authority
(to having a boss or being the boss) begin early in
life. Family Systems thinking helps one
understand these and other reactions learned
early in life (such as our habits during conflict), so
as to adapt a broader range of behavioral choices
and become a more effective leader.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Business Application
© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
designed to both train your leaders and
obtain bottom line business results. To do
this there is a constant focus on
application of ALP activity to your
immediate business needs.

© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

A case study based on a mission critical project or
initiative and approved by their area VP. The case study
includes business results.

A mid-point assessment and conversation with the
participants direct report about their developmental
plan linking it to leadership development objectives.

A day of onsite coaching to ensure maximum learning
and integration with the ALP models.

A final behavioral competency based assessment.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule
© Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program
contains six one week modules and a half
day of individual coaching for each
participant. The Modules are separated by
about 1 ½ months. Each program is custom
built for the client based on their unique
needs and closely tied to business results.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Example Schedule

Module 1

Module 2

Module 3

Module 4

EQ Profile

Leadership &
Systems Theory
Related to

Skills 1

Skills 2

Coaching Skills &

Individual and


Helping Skills

Jay Hall Conflict


3rd Party

Authority in

Case Study
Process Begins

Business Change



Case Study Due/

Family Ties
That Bind


Intro to Family of Sponsor Agent
Prep for Group
Leadership Skills


Goal Clarity

Basic Self Skills

© Crosby & Associates

Basic Self Skills

Case Study

On Site
(Faculty with
students in

In Field

Module 5

Module 6

and Group

Synthesis &



Group Process

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Faculty Standards

Crosby & Associates

At Crosby & Associates we hold a strong belief
that Organization Development is a
professional discipline. Our trainings involve
experiential learning using a group process
that holds to strict behavioral science
standards. All our faculty hold Masters
Degrees as well as at least ten years of
coaching and training with a master in the
© Crosby & Associates


Dr. Robert P Crosby
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby has 60 years of
experience helping organizations.
He is a master in his field, having
founded the Leadership Institute of
Seattle (LIOS) in 1969, and held
faculty roles through LIOS contracts
at universities such as Antioch in
Seattle and Martin University in
Indianapolis, Indiana. Crosby led
successful efforts at PECO Nuclear,
Addy Washington (72% productivity
gain as quoted by Business Week),
The Riverfront Park Project in
Spokane Washington, and
numerous others.


Crosby & Associates

Chris has 20 years of experience coaching
leaders and their teams throughout the
USA and internationally in Germany, Costa
Rica, Wales, Jamaica, England, Hungary,
Egypt, The Philippines, Korea, China, Peru,
Spain and Mexico. He holds two Master of
Arts degrees from the Leadership Institute
of Seattle in both Counseling and
Organizational Development. He knows
how to engage the workforce in such a
way as to build ownership and
commitment yet does not let go of the
realities of structure and authority. Also a
published author, Chris did a significant
portion of the editing in “Cultural Change
in Organizations”.

Chris Crosby, MA
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Gil has 29 years of experience in
the field of OD. He specializes in
Leadership and Organizational
Development. His expertise is in
facilitating cultural change in
support of key initiatives including
technology implementation, cost
reduction, productivity increases,
employee morale, and mergers.
He is a published author whose
book “Fight, Flight, Freeze” helps
leaders improve their interactive
skills and is a do-it-yourself version
of Tough Stuff.

Gil Crosby, MSW
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Past Outcomes
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

The following are a
selection of outcomes by
graduates or participants of
Dr. Crosby’s leadership
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• CSI achieved 6 R&D project in one year after they had not successfully
completed any for the past year.
• Alcoa plants at Warrick, Indiana and Knoxville, Tennessee were managed
by the same person who began using Dr. Crosby in 1992. In 1994 those two
plants created 1/3 of Alcoa’s world wide profits after having gone through
two years of intensive OD work. 500 of the population went through Tough
Stuff (Dr. Crosby’s short leadership program), including many steelworkers.
In addition, 30 students were in Dr. Crosby’s corporate based Master
Program from which the ALP program is based.
• In November of 2011 the President of the United States visited the
Davenport Iowa plant to highlight its remarkable business results. From
2002 to 2010, 60% of all Davenport Employees had completed a Dr. Crosby
leadership program.

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• A graduate created the Bench Mark Change Management Program in the
largest software implementation in the history of Alcoa and achieved go
lives in 20 plants with minimal disruption and no missed shipments. The
previous Alcoa BU had 50% on time delivery for one year after its Oracle
• Dr. Crosby led a project to recover the Alcoa plant in Badin, North Carolina.
At the time the Associated Press reported that Alcoa was threatening to
close the plant if cost reductions of $5.5 million could not be achieved. Six
months after implementing the project, the plant was able to confidently
project a budget far exceeding that goal. Dr. Crosby developed a significant
amount of people in the plant through his leadership programs.
• Dr. Crosby led the OD portion of the turnaround at PECO Nuclear. In 1987
the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) shutdown the Peach Bottom
Atomic Station. Following years of extensive OD work PECO was designated
in 1996 as excellent by INPO, and given a strong Systematic Assessment of
Licensee Performance (SALP) rating by the NRC.
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• Following years of Dr. Crosby’s leadership programs and interventions in
the plant Jamalco went from the worst on cash curve amongst Alcoa
bauxite refineries in 1999 to tied for best on cash curve in 2005.
Improvements included a reduction of $38 million in annual operating
costs. Jamalco was the only refinery in Jamaica to stay at full production
throughout the Great Recession.
• After a critical mass of employees went through Dr. Crosby’s leadership
programs Sherwin Alumina was the only US bauxite refinery to stay in
production throughout the Great Recession.

Slide 12

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated
Leadership Program (ALP)
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
Theoretical Basis
Business Application
Program Schedule
Past Outcomes

Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is based
on the life work of Dr. Robert P Crosby.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s History

Crosby & Associates

• 1953 Attended his first experiential process in communication skills.
• 1957 Attended his first training at National Training Laboratory (NTL) led
by Dr. Ronald Lippitt, Dr. Leland Bradford, and Dr. Ken Benne.
• 1957 – 1986 Mentored by Dr Ronald Lippitt the primary graduate
student of Dr. Kurt Lewin (creator of Action Research and T-Groups).
• 1965 Attended first ever Organizational Development (OD) training at
NTL led by founders in the field of OD.
• 1969 Founded institute called LIOS in Spokane Washington, USA.
• 1973 LIOS became a fully accredited Master Degree program led by
Crosby with two other faculty, Dr. Ronald Short and Dr. John Scherer.
• 1980 Created the People Performance Profile (PPP) with Dr. Scherer. The
PPP is an OD effectiveness survey.
• 1981-82 Son Gil Crosby attended LIOS and joined Dr. Crosby’s consulting
business in 1984.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Son Chris Crosby (West Coast President of Crosby & Associates)
attended LIOS.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s Programs

Crosby & Associates

• 1973 Created the LIOS Graduate Program.
• 1987 While working at PECO Nuclear created Tough Stuff™, a 1 week
with one or two 3 day follow ups that uses the experiential education
foundations of the graduate program. The emphasis is Emotional
Intelligence (EQ) at work.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Created the High Performance Leadership Program (HPL).
• 2008 Sons Gil and Chris, using the basis of Dr. Crosby’s above work,
created the Accelerated Leadership Program (ALP). ALP is a 7 week
program (each week separated by approximately 1 ½ months). ALP is
tied to business goals more directly than any other training program
Crosby has created to date.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis
© Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis

Crosby & Associates

Through his years of experience and exposure to the
founders of OD and Family Systems Theory, Dr. Robert P
Crosby created a unique theory of authority in systems. It
can be summed up by the title of his first book “Walking the
Empowerment Tight Rope: Balancing Management
Authority and Employee Influence.” Crosby’s theory is
intertwined throughout his three business books. His
advantage over other OD authors is that he wrote his books
out of years of experience working in business rather than
from a purely academic/theoretical perspective. His books
are based on applied theory, grounded in practice.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s first book is derived
from the PPP. After giving it to
600 workplaces a trend was
seen in the highest performing
work groups. Those groups
performed the best in all key
indicators such as Safety,
Productivity, Absenteeism,
Quality, and Costs. Crosby
identified 25 factors from the
PPP and first presented it in his
work with NASA in 1986 after
the Challenger disaster.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

While working at Aldus (the
creator of PageMaker) Crosby
noticed an emerging trend of
dotted line relationships and
matrixed workplaces. Aldus lost
millions because they were late on
their software implementation of
PageMaker 5. This book outlines
how he helped them implement
PageMaker 6 on time and with
quality. It’s principles apply to all
projects and initiatives.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Cultural Change in Organizations
was written after years of helping
plants align their leadership and
reach results. It’s a composite story
on how to create a change of culture
and get business results. It is a
rewrite of Dr. Crosby’s 1998 The
Authentic Leader and is co-written
by West Coast President Chris
Crosby. Both father and sons have
replicated the methods in this book,
which consistently lead to record
setting business results!
© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

Crosby & Associates

The following page outlines the
extensive Organizational
Development influences in Dr.
Robert P Crosby’s career.

© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence related to work
Experiential Education
Systems Theory
Personal Growth

© Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
grounded in Emotional Intelligence (EQ).
The methods used by Dr. Crosby starting
in the 1950’s were popularized by Daniel
Goleman in his ground breaking book
“Emotional Intelligence” in 1986.
Research has shown that EQ is a much
better predictor of success than IQ.
Ironically, at the time of Goleman’s book,
Dr. Crosby had been teaching EQ for over
30 years.

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Daniel Goleman pointed out in “Working with Emotional
Intelligence” (only one of his numerous texts on the subject):

EQ accounted for 67% of the abilities deemed necessary for
superior performance

EQ mattered TWICE as much as technical expertise or IQ

Unlike IQ (which is a fixed capacity - we either use it, or we
don’t, but it can’t be increased), whatever your current EQ, with
intention and guidance, you can improve. ALP increases EQ!

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

EQ has 3 Core Capacities
All the capacities of EQ are intended to increase ones capacity to notice,
name and own their experience.

Capacity One
Self Awareness – In Tense Moments
• Awareness of my Emotions
• From moment to moment
• Access to a full range of Emotions
• Ability to differentiate
• Judgments from observable facts (behavioral specifics)
• Thoughts from Feelings
• My experience (self) from others
• Clearly articulate wants (Goals, Expectations, etc., from up, down, and across
the workplace)

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Capacity Two
My Patterns – How I manage tense moments
• Recognize my patterns (especially during conflict)
• Increase capacity to calm down during and after tense moments
Capacity Three
How I Honor Others – Empathy
• Accuracy –Getting their experience
• Compassion – Feeling and understanding their experience
• Interaction –Actively demonstrating it
Plus providing space for the others to be different

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby learned about experiential education starting in the
1950’s and continuing throughout his career. All of his leadership
programs utilize experiential education as their foundation. From
his beginnings in 1953 he understood that you cannot learn
about leadership or communication skills through lecture alone.
There must be a significant aspect of experiential techniques to
truly impact behavior.
ALP utilizes experiential education as its primary learning

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Levels of Experiential Learning

Level 1 - Pure Cognitive Learning – learning through lecture and testing,
reading books, memorization, etc.
Largest impact is to IQ.
Little or slow behavioral change.
Level 2 - Mainly Cognitive Learning - Reflective learning from the past - such
as thinking back, looking at your side of things (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments), and thinking through other
Largest impact is to IQ with some impact to EQ.
Slow behavioral change.
© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Level 3 - Mainly Experiential Learning- Reflective learning from the present
interaction - such as receiving feedback (coaching) about actual behavior in
recent situation (scientifically verifiable as to what you said and did only, no
judgments), thinking about what you were feeling, thinking, and doing, and
then re-engaging with situation.
Large impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.

High behavioral change.
Level 4 - Pure Experiential Learning – Debriefing your immediate situation
with person you are having the experience with. This involves giving and
receiving feedback on immediate interactions (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments).
Largest impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.
Highest behavioral change.

© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Robert P Crosby was heavily
influenced by two seminal thinkers
in the twentieth century: Dr. Kurt
Lewin (1890-1947) and Dr. John
Dewey (1859-1952). Not only did he
study their work, but he also was
trained by Dr. Goodwin Watson, a
colleague of Dr. John Dewey, and
had a 30-year mentorship and
colleagueship with Dr. Ronald Lippitt
(starting in 1957), one of Dr. Lewin’s
top graduate students.


Kurt Lewin
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Both Dr. Dewey and Dr. Lewin believed that
democratic leadership is a learned behavior. Further, it
is more difficult to learn than either autocratic or
permissive styles of leadership and therefore must be
learned anew in each generation. Crosby has spent his
life helping organizations learn how to balance
management authority and employee engagement,
including leading several efforts to recover from poorly
planned experiments of moving towards self-managed
work teams.

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby worked with Dr. Daryl
Conner and came up with his own
approach to Conner’s
Sponsor/Agent/Target/Advocate (SATA)
theory. Dr. Crosby’s clarity about the
role of Sponsor—specifically, the
critical distinction being that you can
only “sponsor” your direct reports is
critical to effectively managing crossfunctional work and change. Dr.
Crosby’s clarity about the role of each
subsequent layer of sponsorship - the
sustaining sponsors - is the key to
successful matrixed work.
© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s approach is also heavily influenced
by Family Systems thinking through the work of
Dr. Murray Bowen, Dr. Edwin Friedman, Dr.
Salvador Minuchin, and Dr. Carl Whitaker.

For example, our habitual reactions to authority
(to having a boss or being the boss) begin early in
life. Family Systems thinking helps one
understand these and other reactions learned
early in life (such as our habits during conflict), so
as to adapt a broader range of behavioral choices
and become a more effective leader.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Business Application
© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
designed to both train your leaders and
obtain bottom line business results. To do
this there is a constant focus on
application of ALP activity to your
immediate business needs.

© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

A case study based on a mission critical project or
initiative and approved by their area VP. The case study
includes business results.

A mid-point assessment and conversation with the
participants direct report about their developmental
plan linking it to leadership development objectives.

A day of onsite coaching to ensure maximum learning
and integration with the ALP models.

A final behavioral competency based assessment.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule
© Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program
contains six one week modules and a half
day of individual coaching for each
participant. The Modules are separated by
about 1 ½ months. Each program is custom
built for the client based on their unique
needs and closely tied to business results.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Example Schedule

Module 1

Module 2

Module 3

Module 4

EQ Profile

Leadership &
Systems Theory
Related to

Skills 1

Skills 2

Coaching Skills &

Individual and


Helping Skills

Jay Hall Conflict


3rd Party

Authority in

Case Study
Process Begins

Business Change



Case Study Due/

Family Ties
That Bind


Intro to Family of Sponsor Agent
Prep for Group
Leadership Skills


Goal Clarity

Basic Self Skills

© Crosby & Associates

Basic Self Skills

Case Study

On Site
(Faculty with
students in

In Field

Module 5

Module 6

and Group

Synthesis &



Group Process

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Faculty Standards

Crosby & Associates

At Crosby & Associates we hold a strong belief
that Organization Development is a
professional discipline. Our trainings involve
experiential learning using a group process
that holds to strict behavioral science
standards. All our faculty hold Masters
Degrees as well as at least ten years of
coaching and training with a master in the
© Crosby & Associates


Dr. Robert P Crosby
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby has 60 years of
experience helping organizations.
He is a master in his field, having
founded the Leadership Institute of
Seattle (LIOS) in 1969, and held
faculty roles through LIOS contracts
at universities such as Antioch in
Seattle and Martin University in
Indianapolis, Indiana. Crosby led
successful efforts at PECO Nuclear,
Addy Washington (72% productivity
gain as quoted by Business Week),
The Riverfront Park Project in
Spokane Washington, and
numerous others.


Crosby & Associates

Chris has 20 years of experience coaching
leaders and their teams throughout the
USA and internationally in Germany, Costa
Rica, Wales, Jamaica, England, Hungary,
Egypt, The Philippines, Korea, China, Peru,
Spain and Mexico. He holds two Master of
Arts degrees from the Leadership Institute
of Seattle in both Counseling and
Organizational Development. He knows
how to engage the workforce in such a
way as to build ownership and
commitment yet does not let go of the
realities of structure and authority. Also a
published author, Chris did a significant
portion of the editing in “Cultural Change
in Organizations”.

Chris Crosby, MA
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Gil has 29 years of experience in
the field of OD. He specializes in
Leadership and Organizational
Development. His expertise is in
facilitating cultural change in
support of key initiatives including
technology implementation, cost
reduction, productivity increases,
employee morale, and mergers.
He is a published author whose
book “Fight, Flight, Freeze” helps
leaders improve their interactive
skills and is a do-it-yourself version
of Tough Stuff.

Gil Crosby, MSW
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Past Outcomes
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

The following are a
selection of outcomes by
graduates or participants of
Dr. Crosby’s leadership
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• CSI achieved 6 R&D project in one year after they had not successfully
completed any for the past year.
• Alcoa plants at Warrick, Indiana and Knoxville, Tennessee were managed
by the same person who began using Dr. Crosby in 1992. In 1994 those two
plants created 1/3 of Alcoa’s world wide profits after having gone through
two years of intensive OD work. 500 of the population went through Tough
Stuff (Dr. Crosby’s short leadership program), including many steelworkers.
In addition, 30 students were in Dr. Crosby’s corporate based Master
Program from which the ALP program is based.
• In November of 2011 the President of the United States visited the
Davenport Iowa plant to highlight its remarkable business results. From
2002 to 2010, 60% of all Davenport Employees had completed a Dr. Crosby
leadership program.

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• A graduate created the Bench Mark Change Management Program in the
largest software implementation in the history of Alcoa and achieved go
lives in 20 plants with minimal disruption and no missed shipments. The
previous Alcoa BU had 50% on time delivery for one year after its Oracle
• Dr. Crosby led a project to recover the Alcoa plant in Badin, North Carolina.
At the time the Associated Press reported that Alcoa was threatening to
close the plant if cost reductions of $5.5 million could not be achieved. Six
months after implementing the project, the plant was able to confidently
project a budget far exceeding that goal. Dr. Crosby developed a significant
amount of people in the plant through his leadership programs.
• Dr. Crosby led the OD portion of the turnaround at PECO Nuclear. In 1987
the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) shutdown the Peach Bottom
Atomic Station. Following years of extensive OD work PECO was designated
in 1996 as excellent by INPO, and given a strong Systematic Assessment of
Licensee Performance (SALP) rating by the NRC.
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• Following years of Dr. Crosby’s leadership programs and interventions in
the plant Jamalco went from the worst on cash curve amongst Alcoa
bauxite refineries in 1999 to tied for best on cash curve in 2005.
Improvements included a reduction of $38 million in annual operating
costs. Jamalco was the only refinery in Jamaica to stay at full production
throughout the Great Recession.
• After a critical mass of employees went through Dr. Crosby’s leadership
programs Sherwin Alumina was the only US bauxite refinery to stay in
production throughout the Great Recession.

Slide 13

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated
Leadership Program (ALP)
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
Theoretical Basis
Business Application
Program Schedule
Past Outcomes

Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is based
on the life work of Dr. Robert P Crosby.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s History

Crosby & Associates

• 1953 Attended his first experiential process in communication skills.
• 1957 Attended his first training at National Training Laboratory (NTL) led
by Dr. Ronald Lippitt, Dr. Leland Bradford, and Dr. Ken Benne.
• 1957 – 1986 Mentored by Dr Ronald Lippitt the primary graduate
student of Dr. Kurt Lewin (creator of Action Research and T-Groups).
• 1965 Attended first ever Organizational Development (OD) training at
NTL led by founders in the field of OD.
• 1969 Founded institute called LIOS in Spokane Washington, USA.
• 1973 LIOS became a fully accredited Master Degree program led by
Crosby with two other faculty, Dr. Ronald Short and Dr. John Scherer.
• 1980 Created the People Performance Profile (PPP) with Dr. Scherer. The
PPP is an OD effectiveness survey.
• 1981-82 Son Gil Crosby attended LIOS and joined Dr. Crosby’s consulting
business in 1984.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Son Chris Crosby (West Coast President of Crosby & Associates)
attended LIOS.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s Programs

Crosby & Associates

• 1973 Created the LIOS Graduate Program.
• 1987 While working at PECO Nuclear created Tough Stuff™, a 1 week
with one or two 3 day follow ups that uses the experiential education
foundations of the graduate program. The emphasis is Emotional
Intelligence (EQ) at work.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Created the High Performance Leadership Program (HPL).
• 2008 Sons Gil and Chris, using the basis of Dr. Crosby’s above work,
created the Accelerated Leadership Program (ALP). ALP is a 7 week
program (each week separated by approximately 1 ½ months). ALP is
tied to business goals more directly than any other training program
Crosby has created to date.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis
© Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis

Crosby & Associates

Through his years of experience and exposure to the
founders of OD and Family Systems Theory, Dr. Robert P
Crosby created a unique theory of authority in systems. It
can be summed up by the title of his first book “Walking the
Empowerment Tight Rope: Balancing Management
Authority and Employee Influence.” Crosby’s theory is
intertwined throughout his three business books. His
advantage over other OD authors is that he wrote his books
out of years of experience working in business rather than
from a purely academic/theoretical perspective. His books
are based on applied theory, grounded in practice.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s first book is derived
from the PPP. After giving it to
600 workplaces a trend was
seen in the highest performing
work groups. Those groups
performed the best in all key
indicators such as Safety,
Productivity, Absenteeism,
Quality, and Costs. Crosby
identified 25 factors from the
PPP and first presented it in his
work with NASA in 1986 after
the Challenger disaster.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

While working at Aldus (the
creator of PageMaker) Crosby
noticed an emerging trend of
dotted line relationships and
matrixed workplaces. Aldus lost
millions because they were late on
their software implementation of
PageMaker 5. This book outlines
how he helped them implement
PageMaker 6 on time and with
quality. It’s principles apply to all
projects and initiatives.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Cultural Change in Organizations
was written after years of helping
plants align their leadership and
reach results. It’s a composite story
on how to create a change of culture
and get business results. It is a
rewrite of Dr. Crosby’s 1998 The
Authentic Leader and is co-written
by West Coast President Chris
Crosby. Both father and sons have
replicated the methods in this book,
which consistently lead to record
setting business results!
© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

Crosby & Associates

The following page outlines the
extensive Organizational
Development influences in Dr.
Robert P Crosby’s career.

© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence related to work
Experiential Education
Systems Theory
Personal Growth

© Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
grounded in Emotional Intelligence (EQ).
The methods used by Dr. Crosby starting
in the 1950’s were popularized by Daniel
Goleman in his ground breaking book
“Emotional Intelligence” in 1986.
Research has shown that EQ is a much
better predictor of success than IQ.
Ironically, at the time of Goleman’s book,
Dr. Crosby had been teaching EQ for over
30 years.

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Daniel Goleman pointed out in “Working with Emotional
Intelligence” (only one of his numerous texts on the subject):

EQ accounted for 67% of the abilities deemed necessary for
superior performance

EQ mattered TWICE as much as technical expertise or IQ

Unlike IQ (which is a fixed capacity - we either use it, or we
don’t, but it can’t be increased), whatever your current EQ, with
intention and guidance, you can improve. ALP increases EQ!

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

EQ has 3 Core Capacities
All the capacities of EQ are intended to increase ones capacity to notice,
name and own their experience.

Capacity One
Self Awareness – In Tense Moments
• Awareness of my Emotions
• From moment to moment
• Access to a full range of Emotions
• Ability to differentiate
• Judgments from observable facts (behavioral specifics)
• Thoughts from Feelings
• My experience (self) from others
• Clearly articulate wants (Goals, Expectations, etc., from up, down, and across
the workplace)

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Capacity Two
My Patterns – How I manage tense moments
• Recognize my patterns (especially during conflict)
• Increase capacity to calm down during and after tense moments
Capacity Three
How I Honor Others – Empathy
• Accuracy –Getting their experience
• Compassion – Feeling and understanding their experience
• Interaction –Actively demonstrating it
Plus providing space for the others to be different

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby learned about experiential education starting in the
1950’s and continuing throughout his career. All of his leadership
programs utilize experiential education as their foundation. From
his beginnings in 1953 he understood that you cannot learn
about leadership or communication skills through lecture alone.
There must be a significant aspect of experiential techniques to
truly impact behavior.
ALP utilizes experiential education as its primary learning

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Levels of Experiential Learning

Level 1 - Pure Cognitive Learning – learning through lecture and testing,
reading books, memorization, etc.
Largest impact is to IQ.
Little or slow behavioral change.
Level 2 - Mainly Cognitive Learning - Reflective learning from the past - such
as thinking back, looking at your side of things (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments), and thinking through other
Largest impact is to IQ with some impact to EQ.
Slow behavioral change.
© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Level 3 - Mainly Experiential Learning- Reflective learning from the present
interaction - such as receiving feedback (coaching) about actual behavior in
recent situation (scientifically verifiable as to what you said and did only, no
judgments), thinking about what you were feeling, thinking, and doing, and
then re-engaging with situation.
Large impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.

High behavioral change.
Level 4 - Pure Experiential Learning – Debriefing your immediate situation
with person you are having the experience with. This involves giving and
receiving feedback on immediate interactions (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments).
Largest impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.
Highest behavioral change.

© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Robert P Crosby was heavily
influenced by two seminal thinkers
in the twentieth century: Dr. Kurt
Lewin (1890-1947) and Dr. John
Dewey (1859-1952). Not only did he
study their work, but he also was
trained by Dr. Goodwin Watson, a
colleague of Dr. John Dewey, and
had a 30-year mentorship and
colleagueship with Dr. Ronald Lippitt
(starting in 1957), one of Dr. Lewin’s
top graduate students.


Kurt Lewin
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Both Dr. Dewey and Dr. Lewin believed that
democratic leadership is a learned behavior. Further, it
is more difficult to learn than either autocratic or
permissive styles of leadership and therefore must be
learned anew in each generation. Crosby has spent his
life helping organizations learn how to balance
management authority and employee engagement,
including leading several efforts to recover from poorly
planned experiments of moving towards self-managed
work teams.

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby worked with Dr. Daryl
Conner and came up with his own
approach to Conner’s
Sponsor/Agent/Target/Advocate (SATA)
theory. Dr. Crosby’s clarity about the
role of Sponsor—specifically, the
critical distinction being that you can
only “sponsor” your direct reports is
critical to effectively managing crossfunctional work and change. Dr.
Crosby’s clarity about the role of each
subsequent layer of sponsorship - the
sustaining sponsors - is the key to
successful matrixed work.
© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s approach is also heavily influenced
by Family Systems thinking through the work of
Dr. Murray Bowen, Dr. Edwin Friedman, Dr.
Salvador Minuchin, and Dr. Carl Whitaker.

For example, our habitual reactions to authority
(to having a boss or being the boss) begin early in
life. Family Systems thinking helps one
understand these and other reactions learned
early in life (such as our habits during conflict), so
as to adapt a broader range of behavioral choices
and become a more effective leader.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Business Application
© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
designed to both train your leaders and
obtain bottom line business results. To do
this there is a constant focus on
application of ALP activity to your
immediate business needs.

© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

A case study based on a mission critical project or
initiative and approved by their area VP. The case study
includes business results.

A mid-point assessment and conversation with the
participants direct report about their developmental
plan linking it to leadership development objectives.

A day of onsite coaching to ensure maximum learning
and integration with the ALP models.

A final behavioral competency based assessment.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule
© Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program
contains six one week modules and a half
day of individual coaching for each
participant. The Modules are separated by
about 1 ½ months. Each program is custom
built for the client based on their unique
needs and closely tied to business results.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Example Schedule

Module 1

Module 2

Module 3

Module 4

EQ Profile

Leadership &
Systems Theory
Related to

Skills 1

Skills 2

Coaching Skills &

Individual and


Helping Skills

Jay Hall Conflict


3rd Party

Authority in

Case Study
Process Begins

Business Change



Case Study Due/

Family Ties
That Bind


Intro to Family of Sponsor Agent
Prep for Group
Leadership Skills


Goal Clarity

Basic Self Skills

© Crosby & Associates

Basic Self Skills

Case Study

On Site
(Faculty with
students in

In Field

Module 5

Module 6

and Group

Synthesis &



Group Process

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Faculty Standards

Crosby & Associates

At Crosby & Associates we hold a strong belief
that Organization Development is a
professional discipline. Our trainings involve
experiential learning using a group process
that holds to strict behavioral science
standards. All our faculty hold Masters
Degrees as well as at least ten years of
coaching and training with a master in the
© Crosby & Associates


Dr. Robert P Crosby
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby has 60 years of
experience helping organizations.
He is a master in his field, having
founded the Leadership Institute of
Seattle (LIOS) in 1969, and held
faculty roles through LIOS contracts
at universities such as Antioch in
Seattle and Martin University in
Indianapolis, Indiana. Crosby led
successful efforts at PECO Nuclear,
Addy Washington (72% productivity
gain as quoted by Business Week),
The Riverfront Park Project in
Spokane Washington, and
numerous others.


Crosby & Associates

Chris has 20 years of experience coaching
leaders and their teams throughout the
USA and internationally in Germany, Costa
Rica, Wales, Jamaica, England, Hungary,
Egypt, The Philippines, Korea, China, Peru,
Spain and Mexico. He holds two Master of
Arts degrees from the Leadership Institute
of Seattle in both Counseling and
Organizational Development. He knows
how to engage the workforce in such a
way as to build ownership and
commitment yet does not let go of the
realities of structure and authority. Also a
published author, Chris did a significant
portion of the editing in “Cultural Change
in Organizations”.

Chris Crosby, MA
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Gil has 29 years of experience in
the field of OD. He specializes in
Leadership and Organizational
Development. His expertise is in
facilitating cultural change in
support of key initiatives including
technology implementation, cost
reduction, productivity increases,
employee morale, and mergers.
He is a published author whose
book “Fight, Flight, Freeze” helps
leaders improve their interactive
skills and is a do-it-yourself version
of Tough Stuff.

Gil Crosby, MSW
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Past Outcomes
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

The following are a
selection of outcomes by
graduates or participants of
Dr. Crosby’s leadership
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• CSI achieved 6 R&D project in one year after they had not successfully
completed any for the past year.
• Alcoa plants at Warrick, Indiana and Knoxville, Tennessee were managed
by the same person who began using Dr. Crosby in 1992. In 1994 those two
plants created 1/3 of Alcoa’s world wide profits after having gone through
two years of intensive OD work. 500 of the population went through Tough
Stuff (Dr. Crosby’s short leadership program), including many steelworkers.
In addition, 30 students were in Dr. Crosby’s corporate based Master
Program from which the ALP program is based.
• In November of 2011 the President of the United States visited the
Davenport Iowa plant to highlight its remarkable business results. From
2002 to 2010, 60% of all Davenport Employees had completed a Dr. Crosby
leadership program.

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• A graduate created the Bench Mark Change Management Program in the
largest software implementation in the history of Alcoa and achieved go
lives in 20 plants with minimal disruption and no missed shipments. The
previous Alcoa BU had 50% on time delivery for one year after its Oracle
• Dr. Crosby led a project to recover the Alcoa plant in Badin, North Carolina.
At the time the Associated Press reported that Alcoa was threatening to
close the plant if cost reductions of $5.5 million could not be achieved. Six
months after implementing the project, the plant was able to confidently
project a budget far exceeding that goal. Dr. Crosby developed a significant
amount of people in the plant through his leadership programs.
• Dr. Crosby led the OD portion of the turnaround at PECO Nuclear. In 1987
the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) shutdown the Peach Bottom
Atomic Station. Following years of extensive OD work PECO was designated
in 1996 as excellent by INPO, and given a strong Systematic Assessment of
Licensee Performance (SALP) rating by the NRC.
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• Following years of Dr. Crosby’s leadership programs and interventions in
the plant Jamalco went from the worst on cash curve amongst Alcoa
bauxite refineries in 1999 to tied for best on cash curve in 2005.
Improvements included a reduction of $38 million in annual operating
costs. Jamalco was the only refinery in Jamaica to stay at full production
throughout the Great Recession.
• After a critical mass of employees went through Dr. Crosby’s leadership
programs Sherwin Alumina was the only US bauxite refinery to stay in
production throughout the Great Recession.

Slide 14

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated
Leadership Program (ALP)
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
Theoretical Basis
Business Application
Program Schedule
Past Outcomes

Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is based
on the life work of Dr. Robert P Crosby.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s History

Crosby & Associates

• 1953 Attended his first experiential process in communication skills.
• 1957 Attended his first training at National Training Laboratory (NTL) led
by Dr. Ronald Lippitt, Dr. Leland Bradford, and Dr. Ken Benne.
• 1957 – 1986 Mentored by Dr Ronald Lippitt the primary graduate
student of Dr. Kurt Lewin (creator of Action Research and T-Groups).
• 1965 Attended first ever Organizational Development (OD) training at
NTL led by founders in the field of OD.
• 1969 Founded institute called LIOS in Spokane Washington, USA.
• 1973 LIOS became a fully accredited Master Degree program led by
Crosby with two other faculty, Dr. Ronald Short and Dr. John Scherer.
• 1980 Created the People Performance Profile (PPP) with Dr. Scherer. The
PPP is an OD effectiveness survey.
• 1981-82 Son Gil Crosby attended LIOS and joined Dr. Crosby’s consulting
business in 1984.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Son Chris Crosby (West Coast President of Crosby & Associates)
attended LIOS.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s Programs

Crosby & Associates

• 1973 Created the LIOS Graduate Program.
• 1987 While working at PECO Nuclear created Tough Stuff™, a 1 week
with one or two 3 day follow ups that uses the experiential education
foundations of the graduate program. The emphasis is Emotional
Intelligence (EQ) at work.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Created the High Performance Leadership Program (HPL).
• 2008 Sons Gil and Chris, using the basis of Dr. Crosby’s above work,
created the Accelerated Leadership Program (ALP). ALP is a 7 week
program (each week separated by approximately 1 ½ months). ALP is
tied to business goals more directly than any other training program
Crosby has created to date.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis
© Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis

Crosby & Associates

Through his years of experience and exposure to the
founders of OD and Family Systems Theory, Dr. Robert P
Crosby created a unique theory of authority in systems. It
can be summed up by the title of his first book “Walking the
Empowerment Tight Rope: Balancing Management
Authority and Employee Influence.” Crosby’s theory is
intertwined throughout his three business books. His
advantage over other OD authors is that he wrote his books
out of years of experience working in business rather than
from a purely academic/theoretical perspective. His books
are based on applied theory, grounded in practice.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s first book is derived
from the PPP. After giving it to
600 workplaces a trend was
seen in the highest performing
work groups. Those groups
performed the best in all key
indicators such as Safety,
Productivity, Absenteeism,
Quality, and Costs. Crosby
identified 25 factors from the
PPP and first presented it in his
work with NASA in 1986 after
the Challenger disaster.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

While working at Aldus (the
creator of PageMaker) Crosby
noticed an emerging trend of
dotted line relationships and
matrixed workplaces. Aldus lost
millions because they were late on
their software implementation of
PageMaker 5. This book outlines
how he helped them implement
PageMaker 6 on time and with
quality. It’s principles apply to all
projects and initiatives.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Cultural Change in Organizations
was written after years of helping
plants align their leadership and
reach results. It’s a composite story
on how to create a change of culture
and get business results. It is a
rewrite of Dr. Crosby’s 1998 The
Authentic Leader and is co-written
by West Coast President Chris
Crosby. Both father and sons have
replicated the methods in this book,
which consistently lead to record
setting business results!
© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

Crosby & Associates

The following page outlines the
extensive Organizational
Development influences in Dr.
Robert P Crosby’s career.

© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence related to work
Experiential Education
Systems Theory
Personal Growth

© Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
grounded in Emotional Intelligence (EQ).
The methods used by Dr. Crosby starting
in the 1950’s were popularized by Daniel
Goleman in his ground breaking book
“Emotional Intelligence” in 1986.
Research has shown that EQ is a much
better predictor of success than IQ.
Ironically, at the time of Goleman’s book,
Dr. Crosby had been teaching EQ for over
30 years.

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Daniel Goleman pointed out in “Working with Emotional
Intelligence” (only one of his numerous texts on the subject):

EQ accounted for 67% of the abilities deemed necessary for
superior performance

EQ mattered TWICE as much as technical expertise or IQ

Unlike IQ (which is a fixed capacity - we either use it, or we
don’t, but it can’t be increased), whatever your current EQ, with
intention and guidance, you can improve. ALP increases EQ!

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

EQ has 3 Core Capacities
All the capacities of EQ are intended to increase ones capacity to notice,
name and own their experience.

Capacity One
Self Awareness – In Tense Moments
• Awareness of my Emotions
• From moment to moment
• Access to a full range of Emotions
• Ability to differentiate
• Judgments from observable facts (behavioral specifics)
• Thoughts from Feelings
• My experience (self) from others
• Clearly articulate wants (Goals, Expectations, etc., from up, down, and across
the workplace)

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Capacity Two
My Patterns – How I manage tense moments
• Recognize my patterns (especially during conflict)
• Increase capacity to calm down during and after tense moments
Capacity Three
How I Honor Others – Empathy
• Accuracy –Getting their experience
• Compassion – Feeling and understanding their experience
• Interaction –Actively demonstrating it
Plus providing space for the others to be different

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby learned about experiential education starting in the
1950’s and continuing throughout his career. All of his leadership
programs utilize experiential education as their foundation. From
his beginnings in 1953 he understood that you cannot learn
about leadership or communication skills through lecture alone.
There must be a significant aspect of experiential techniques to
truly impact behavior.
ALP utilizes experiential education as its primary learning

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Levels of Experiential Learning

Level 1 - Pure Cognitive Learning – learning through lecture and testing,
reading books, memorization, etc.
Largest impact is to IQ.
Little or slow behavioral change.
Level 2 - Mainly Cognitive Learning - Reflective learning from the past - such
as thinking back, looking at your side of things (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments), and thinking through other
Largest impact is to IQ with some impact to EQ.
Slow behavioral change.
© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Level 3 - Mainly Experiential Learning- Reflective learning from the present
interaction - such as receiving feedback (coaching) about actual behavior in
recent situation (scientifically verifiable as to what you said and did only, no
judgments), thinking about what you were feeling, thinking, and doing, and
then re-engaging with situation.
Large impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.

High behavioral change.
Level 4 - Pure Experiential Learning – Debriefing your immediate situation
with person you are having the experience with. This involves giving and
receiving feedback on immediate interactions (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments).
Largest impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.
Highest behavioral change.

© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Robert P Crosby was heavily
influenced by two seminal thinkers
in the twentieth century: Dr. Kurt
Lewin (1890-1947) and Dr. John
Dewey (1859-1952). Not only did he
study their work, but he also was
trained by Dr. Goodwin Watson, a
colleague of Dr. John Dewey, and
had a 30-year mentorship and
colleagueship with Dr. Ronald Lippitt
(starting in 1957), one of Dr. Lewin’s
top graduate students.


Kurt Lewin
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Both Dr. Dewey and Dr. Lewin believed that
democratic leadership is a learned behavior. Further, it
is more difficult to learn than either autocratic or
permissive styles of leadership and therefore must be
learned anew in each generation. Crosby has spent his
life helping organizations learn how to balance
management authority and employee engagement,
including leading several efforts to recover from poorly
planned experiments of moving towards self-managed
work teams.

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby worked with Dr. Daryl
Conner and came up with his own
approach to Conner’s
Sponsor/Agent/Target/Advocate (SATA)
theory. Dr. Crosby’s clarity about the
role of Sponsor—specifically, the
critical distinction being that you can
only “sponsor” your direct reports is
critical to effectively managing crossfunctional work and change. Dr.
Crosby’s clarity about the role of each
subsequent layer of sponsorship - the
sustaining sponsors - is the key to
successful matrixed work.
© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s approach is also heavily influenced
by Family Systems thinking through the work of
Dr. Murray Bowen, Dr. Edwin Friedman, Dr.
Salvador Minuchin, and Dr. Carl Whitaker.

For example, our habitual reactions to authority
(to having a boss or being the boss) begin early in
life. Family Systems thinking helps one
understand these and other reactions learned
early in life (such as our habits during conflict), so
as to adapt a broader range of behavioral choices
and become a more effective leader.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Business Application
© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
designed to both train your leaders and
obtain bottom line business results. To do
this there is a constant focus on
application of ALP activity to your
immediate business needs.

© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

A case study based on a mission critical project or
initiative and approved by their area VP. The case study
includes business results.

A mid-point assessment and conversation with the
participants direct report about their developmental
plan linking it to leadership development objectives.

A day of onsite coaching to ensure maximum learning
and integration with the ALP models.

A final behavioral competency based assessment.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule
© Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program
contains six one week modules and a half
day of individual coaching for each
participant. The Modules are separated by
about 1 ½ months. Each program is custom
built for the client based on their unique
needs and closely tied to business results.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Example Schedule

Module 1

Module 2

Module 3

Module 4

EQ Profile

Leadership &
Systems Theory
Related to

Skills 1

Skills 2

Coaching Skills &

Individual and


Helping Skills

Jay Hall Conflict


3rd Party

Authority in

Case Study
Process Begins

Business Change



Case Study Due/

Family Ties
That Bind


Intro to Family of Sponsor Agent
Prep for Group
Leadership Skills


Goal Clarity

Basic Self Skills

© Crosby & Associates

Basic Self Skills

Case Study

On Site
(Faculty with
students in

In Field

Module 5

Module 6

and Group

Synthesis &



Group Process

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Faculty Standards

Crosby & Associates

At Crosby & Associates we hold a strong belief
that Organization Development is a
professional discipline. Our trainings involve
experiential learning using a group process
that holds to strict behavioral science
standards. All our faculty hold Masters
Degrees as well as at least ten years of
coaching and training with a master in the
© Crosby & Associates


Dr. Robert P Crosby
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby has 60 years of
experience helping organizations.
He is a master in his field, having
founded the Leadership Institute of
Seattle (LIOS) in 1969, and held
faculty roles through LIOS contracts
at universities such as Antioch in
Seattle and Martin University in
Indianapolis, Indiana. Crosby led
successful efforts at PECO Nuclear,
Addy Washington (72% productivity
gain as quoted by Business Week),
The Riverfront Park Project in
Spokane Washington, and
numerous others.


Crosby & Associates

Chris has 20 years of experience coaching
leaders and their teams throughout the
USA and internationally in Germany, Costa
Rica, Wales, Jamaica, England, Hungary,
Egypt, The Philippines, Korea, China, Peru,
Spain and Mexico. He holds two Master of
Arts degrees from the Leadership Institute
of Seattle in both Counseling and
Organizational Development. He knows
how to engage the workforce in such a
way as to build ownership and
commitment yet does not let go of the
realities of structure and authority. Also a
published author, Chris did a significant
portion of the editing in “Cultural Change
in Organizations”.

Chris Crosby, MA
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Gil has 29 years of experience in
the field of OD. He specializes in
Leadership and Organizational
Development. His expertise is in
facilitating cultural change in
support of key initiatives including
technology implementation, cost
reduction, productivity increases,
employee morale, and mergers.
He is a published author whose
book “Fight, Flight, Freeze” helps
leaders improve their interactive
skills and is a do-it-yourself version
of Tough Stuff.

Gil Crosby, MSW
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Past Outcomes
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

The following are a
selection of outcomes by
graduates or participants of
Dr. Crosby’s leadership
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• CSI achieved 6 R&D project in one year after they had not successfully
completed any for the past year.
• Alcoa plants at Warrick, Indiana and Knoxville, Tennessee were managed
by the same person who began using Dr. Crosby in 1992. In 1994 those two
plants created 1/3 of Alcoa’s world wide profits after having gone through
two years of intensive OD work. 500 of the population went through Tough
Stuff (Dr. Crosby’s short leadership program), including many steelworkers.
In addition, 30 students were in Dr. Crosby’s corporate based Master
Program from which the ALP program is based.
• In November of 2011 the President of the United States visited the
Davenport Iowa plant to highlight its remarkable business results. From
2002 to 2010, 60% of all Davenport Employees had completed a Dr. Crosby
leadership program.

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• A graduate created the Bench Mark Change Management Program in the
largest software implementation in the history of Alcoa and achieved go
lives in 20 plants with minimal disruption and no missed shipments. The
previous Alcoa BU had 50% on time delivery for one year after its Oracle
• Dr. Crosby led a project to recover the Alcoa plant in Badin, North Carolina.
At the time the Associated Press reported that Alcoa was threatening to
close the plant if cost reductions of $5.5 million could not be achieved. Six
months after implementing the project, the plant was able to confidently
project a budget far exceeding that goal. Dr. Crosby developed a significant
amount of people in the plant through his leadership programs.
• Dr. Crosby led the OD portion of the turnaround at PECO Nuclear. In 1987
the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) shutdown the Peach Bottom
Atomic Station. Following years of extensive OD work PECO was designated
in 1996 as excellent by INPO, and given a strong Systematic Assessment of
Licensee Performance (SALP) rating by the NRC.
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• Following years of Dr. Crosby’s leadership programs and interventions in
the plant Jamalco went from the worst on cash curve amongst Alcoa
bauxite refineries in 1999 to tied for best on cash curve in 2005.
Improvements included a reduction of $38 million in annual operating
costs. Jamalco was the only refinery in Jamaica to stay at full production
throughout the Great Recession.
• After a critical mass of employees went through Dr. Crosby’s leadership
programs Sherwin Alumina was the only US bauxite refinery to stay in
production throughout the Great Recession.

Slide 15

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated
Leadership Program (ALP)
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
Theoretical Basis
Business Application
Program Schedule
Past Outcomes

Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is based
on the life work of Dr. Robert P Crosby.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s History

Crosby & Associates

• 1953 Attended his first experiential process in communication skills.
• 1957 Attended his first training at National Training Laboratory (NTL) led
by Dr. Ronald Lippitt, Dr. Leland Bradford, and Dr. Ken Benne.
• 1957 – 1986 Mentored by Dr Ronald Lippitt the primary graduate
student of Dr. Kurt Lewin (creator of Action Research and T-Groups).
• 1965 Attended first ever Organizational Development (OD) training at
NTL led by founders in the field of OD.
• 1969 Founded institute called LIOS in Spokane Washington, USA.
• 1973 LIOS became a fully accredited Master Degree program led by
Crosby with two other faculty, Dr. Ronald Short and Dr. John Scherer.
• 1980 Created the People Performance Profile (PPP) with Dr. Scherer. The
PPP is an OD effectiveness survey.
• 1981-82 Son Gil Crosby attended LIOS and joined Dr. Crosby’s consulting
business in 1984.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Son Chris Crosby (West Coast President of Crosby & Associates)
attended LIOS.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s Programs

Crosby & Associates

• 1973 Created the LIOS Graduate Program.
• 1987 While working at PECO Nuclear created Tough Stuff™, a 1 week
with one or two 3 day follow ups that uses the experiential education
foundations of the graduate program. The emphasis is Emotional
Intelligence (EQ) at work.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Created the High Performance Leadership Program (HPL).
• 2008 Sons Gil and Chris, using the basis of Dr. Crosby’s above work,
created the Accelerated Leadership Program (ALP). ALP is a 7 week
program (each week separated by approximately 1 ½ months). ALP is
tied to business goals more directly than any other training program
Crosby has created to date.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis
© Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis

Crosby & Associates

Through his years of experience and exposure to the
founders of OD and Family Systems Theory, Dr. Robert P
Crosby created a unique theory of authority in systems. It
can be summed up by the title of his first book “Walking the
Empowerment Tight Rope: Balancing Management
Authority and Employee Influence.” Crosby’s theory is
intertwined throughout his three business books. His
advantage over other OD authors is that he wrote his books
out of years of experience working in business rather than
from a purely academic/theoretical perspective. His books
are based on applied theory, grounded in practice.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s first book is derived
from the PPP. After giving it to
600 workplaces a trend was
seen in the highest performing
work groups. Those groups
performed the best in all key
indicators such as Safety,
Productivity, Absenteeism,
Quality, and Costs. Crosby
identified 25 factors from the
PPP and first presented it in his
work with NASA in 1986 after
the Challenger disaster.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

While working at Aldus (the
creator of PageMaker) Crosby
noticed an emerging trend of
dotted line relationships and
matrixed workplaces. Aldus lost
millions because they were late on
their software implementation of
PageMaker 5. This book outlines
how he helped them implement
PageMaker 6 on time and with
quality. It’s principles apply to all
projects and initiatives.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Cultural Change in Organizations
was written after years of helping
plants align their leadership and
reach results. It’s a composite story
on how to create a change of culture
and get business results. It is a
rewrite of Dr. Crosby’s 1998 The
Authentic Leader and is co-written
by West Coast President Chris
Crosby. Both father and sons have
replicated the methods in this book,
which consistently lead to record
setting business results!
© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

Crosby & Associates

The following page outlines the
extensive Organizational
Development influences in Dr.
Robert P Crosby’s career.

© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence related to work
Experiential Education
Systems Theory
Personal Growth

© Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
grounded in Emotional Intelligence (EQ).
The methods used by Dr. Crosby starting
in the 1950’s were popularized by Daniel
Goleman in his ground breaking book
“Emotional Intelligence” in 1986.
Research has shown that EQ is a much
better predictor of success than IQ.
Ironically, at the time of Goleman’s book,
Dr. Crosby had been teaching EQ for over
30 years.

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Daniel Goleman pointed out in “Working with Emotional
Intelligence” (only one of his numerous texts on the subject):

EQ accounted for 67% of the abilities deemed necessary for
superior performance

EQ mattered TWICE as much as technical expertise or IQ

Unlike IQ (which is a fixed capacity - we either use it, or we
don’t, but it can’t be increased), whatever your current EQ, with
intention and guidance, you can improve. ALP increases EQ!

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

EQ has 3 Core Capacities
All the capacities of EQ are intended to increase ones capacity to notice,
name and own their experience.

Capacity One
Self Awareness – In Tense Moments
• Awareness of my Emotions
• From moment to moment
• Access to a full range of Emotions
• Ability to differentiate
• Judgments from observable facts (behavioral specifics)
• Thoughts from Feelings
• My experience (self) from others
• Clearly articulate wants (Goals, Expectations, etc., from up, down, and across
the workplace)

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Capacity Two
My Patterns – How I manage tense moments
• Recognize my patterns (especially during conflict)
• Increase capacity to calm down during and after tense moments
Capacity Three
How I Honor Others – Empathy
• Accuracy –Getting their experience
• Compassion – Feeling and understanding their experience
• Interaction –Actively demonstrating it
Plus providing space for the others to be different

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby learned about experiential education starting in the
1950’s and continuing throughout his career. All of his leadership
programs utilize experiential education as their foundation. From
his beginnings in 1953 he understood that you cannot learn
about leadership or communication skills through lecture alone.
There must be a significant aspect of experiential techniques to
truly impact behavior.
ALP utilizes experiential education as its primary learning

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Levels of Experiential Learning

Level 1 - Pure Cognitive Learning – learning through lecture and testing,
reading books, memorization, etc.
Largest impact is to IQ.
Little or slow behavioral change.
Level 2 - Mainly Cognitive Learning - Reflective learning from the past - such
as thinking back, looking at your side of things (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments), and thinking through other
Largest impact is to IQ with some impact to EQ.
Slow behavioral change.
© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Level 3 - Mainly Experiential Learning- Reflective learning from the present
interaction - such as receiving feedback (coaching) about actual behavior in
recent situation (scientifically verifiable as to what you said and did only, no
judgments), thinking about what you were feeling, thinking, and doing, and
then re-engaging with situation.
Large impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.

High behavioral change.
Level 4 - Pure Experiential Learning – Debriefing your immediate situation
with person you are having the experience with. This involves giving and
receiving feedback on immediate interactions (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments).
Largest impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.
Highest behavioral change.

© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Robert P Crosby was heavily
influenced by two seminal thinkers
in the twentieth century: Dr. Kurt
Lewin (1890-1947) and Dr. John
Dewey (1859-1952). Not only did he
study their work, but he also was
trained by Dr. Goodwin Watson, a
colleague of Dr. John Dewey, and
had a 30-year mentorship and
colleagueship with Dr. Ronald Lippitt
(starting in 1957), one of Dr. Lewin’s
top graduate students.


Kurt Lewin
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Both Dr. Dewey and Dr. Lewin believed that
democratic leadership is a learned behavior. Further, it
is more difficult to learn than either autocratic or
permissive styles of leadership and therefore must be
learned anew in each generation. Crosby has spent his
life helping organizations learn how to balance
management authority and employee engagement,
including leading several efforts to recover from poorly
planned experiments of moving towards self-managed
work teams.

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby worked with Dr. Daryl
Conner and came up with his own
approach to Conner’s
Sponsor/Agent/Target/Advocate (SATA)
theory. Dr. Crosby’s clarity about the
role of Sponsor—specifically, the
critical distinction being that you can
only “sponsor” your direct reports is
critical to effectively managing crossfunctional work and change. Dr.
Crosby’s clarity about the role of each
subsequent layer of sponsorship - the
sustaining sponsors - is the key to
successful matrixed work.
© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s approach is also heavily influenced
by Family Systems thinking through the work of
Dr. Murray Bowen, Dr. Edwin Friedman, Dr.
Salvador Minuchin, and Dr. Carl Whitaker.

For example, our habitual reactions to authority
(to having a boss or being the boss) begin early in
life. Family Systems thinking helps one
understand these and other reactions learned
early in life (such as our habits during conflict), so
as to adapt a broader range of behavioral choices
and become a more effective leader.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Business Application
© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
designed to both train your leaders and
obtain bottom line business results. To do
this there is a constant focus on
application of ALP activity to your
immediate business needs.

© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

A case study based on a mission critical project or
initiative and approved by their area VP. The case study
includes business results.

A mid-point assessment and conversation with the
participants direct report about their developmental
plan linking it to leadership development objectives.

A day of onsite coaching to ensure maximum learning
and integration with the ALP models.

A final behavioral competency based assessment.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule
© Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program
contains six one week modules and a half
day of individual coaching for each
participant. The Modules are separated by
about 1 ½ months. Each program is custom
built for the client based on their unique
needs and closely tied to business results.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Example Schedule

Module 1

Module 2

Module 3

Module 4

EQ Profile

Leadership &
Systems Theory
Related to

Skills 1

Skills 2

Coaching Skills &

Individual and


Helping Skills

Jay Hall Conflict


3rd Party

Authority in

Case Study
Process Begins

Business Change



Case Study Due/

Family Ties
That Bind


Intro to Family of Sponsor Agent
Prep for Group
Leadership Skills


Goal Clarity

Basic Self Skills

© Crosby & Associates

Basic Self Skills

Case Study

On Site
(Faculty with
students in

In Field

Module 5

Module 6

and Group

Synthesis &



Group Process

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Faculty Standards

Crosby & Associates

At Crosby & Associates we hold a strong belief
that Organization Development is a
professional discipline. Our trainings involve
experiential learning using a group process
that holds to strict behavioral science
standards. All our faculty hold Masters
Degrees as well as at least ten years of
coaching and training with a master in the
© Crosby & Associates


Dr. Robert P Crosby
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby has 60 years of
experience helping organizations.
He is a master in his field, having
founded the Leadership Institute of
Seattle (LIOS) in 1969, and held
faculty roles through LIOS contracts
at universities such as Antioch in
Seattle and Martin University in
Indianapolis, Indiana. Crosby led
successful efforts at PECO Nuclear,
Addy Washington (72% productivity
gain as quoted by Business Week),
The Riverfront Park Project in
Spokane Washington, and
numerous others.


Crosby & Associates

Chris has 20 years of experience coaching
leaders and their teams throughout the
USA and internationally in Germany, Costa
Rica, Wales, Jamaica, England, Hungary,
Egypt, The Philippines, Korea, China, Peru,
Spain and Mexico. He holds two Master of
Arts degrees from the Leadership Institute
of Seattle in both Counseling and
Organizational Development. He knows
how to engage the workforce in such a
way as to build ownership and
commitment yet does not let go of the
realities of structure and authority. Also a
published author, Chris did a significant
portion of the editing in “Cultural Change
in Organizations”.

Chris Crosby, MA
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Gil has 29 years of experience in
the field of OD. He specializes in
Leadership and Organizational
Development. His expertise is in
facilitating cultural change in
support of key initiatives including
technology implementation, cost
reduction, productivity increases,
employee morale, and mergers.
He is a published author whose
book “Fight, Flight, Freeze” helps
leaders improve their interactive
skills and is a do-it-yourself version
of Tough Stuff.

Gil Crosby, MSW
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Past Outcomes
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

The following are a
selection of outcomes by
graduates or participants of
Dr. Crosby’s leadership
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• CSI achieved 6 R&D project in one year after they had not successfully
completed any for the past year.
• Alcoa plants at Warrick, Indiana and Knoxville, Tennessee were managed
by the same person who began using Dr. Crosby in 1992. In 1994 those two
plants created 1/3 of Alcoa’s world wide profits after having gone through
two years of intensive OD work. 500 of the population went through Tough
Stuff (Dr. Crosby’s short leadership program), including many steelworkers.
In addition, 30 students were in Dr. Crosby’s corporate based Master
Program from which the ALP program is based.
• In November of 2011 the President of the United States visited the
Davenport Iowa plant to highlight its remarkable business results. From
2002 to 2010, 60% of all Davenport Employees had completed a Dr. Crosby
leadership program.

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• A graduate created the Bench Mark Change Management Program in the
largest software implementation in the history of Alcoa and achieved go
lives in 20 plants with minimal disruption and no missed shipments. The
previous Alcoa BU had 50% on time delivery for one year after its Oracle
• Dr. Crosby led a project to recover the Alcoa plant in Badin, North Carolina.
At the time the Associated Press reported that Alcoa was threatening to
close the plant if cost reductions of $5.5 million could not be achieved. Six
months after implementing the project, the plant was able to confidently
project a budget far exceeding that goal. Dr. Crosby developed a significant
amount of people in the plant through his leadership programs.
• Dr. Crosby led the OD portion of the turnaround at PECO Nuclear. In 1987
the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) shutdown the Peach Bottom
Atomic Station. Following years of extensive OD work PECO was designated
in 1996 as excellent by INPO, and given a strong Systematic Assessment of
Licensee Performance (SALP) rating by the NRC.
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• Following years of Dr. Crosby’s leadership programs and interventions in
the plant Jamalco went from the worst on cash curve amongst Alcoa
bauxite refineries in 1999 to tied for best on cash curve in 2005.
Improvements included a reduction of $38 million in annual operating
costs. Jamalco was the only refinery in Jamaica to stay at full production
throughout the Great Recession.
• After a critical mass of employees went through Dr. Crosby’s leadership
programs Sherwin Alumina was the only US bauxite refinery to stay in
production throughout the Great Recession.

Slide 16

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated
Leadership Program (ALP)
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
Theoretical Basis
Business Application
Program Schedule
Past Outcomes

Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is based
on the life work of Dr. Robert P Crosby.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s History

Crosby & Associates

• 1953 Attended his first experiential process in communication skills.
• 1957 Attended his first training at National Training Laboratory (NTL) led
by Dr. Ronald Lippitt, Dr. Leland Bradford, and Dr. Ken Benne.
• 1957 – 1986 Mentored by Dr Ronald Lippitt the primary graduate
student of Dr. Kurt Lewin (creator of Action Research and T-Groups).
• 1965 Attended first ever Organizational Development (OD) training at
NTL led by founders in the field of OD.
• 1969 Founded institute called LIOS in Spokane Washington, USA.
• 1973 LIOS became a fully accredited Master Degree program led by
Crosby with two other faculty, Dr. Ronald Short and Dr. John Scherer.
• 1980 Created the People Performance Profile (PPP) with Dr. Scherer. The
PPP is an OD effectiveness survey.
• 1981-82 Son Gil Crosby attended LIOS and joined Dr. Crosby’s consulting
business in 1984.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Son Chris Crosby (West Coast President of Crosby & Associates)
attended LIOS.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s Programs

Crosby & Associates

• 1973 Created the LIOS Graduate Program.
• 1987 While working at PECO Nuclear created Tough Stuff™, a 1 week
with one or two 3 day follow ups that uses the experiential education
foundations of the graduate program. The emphasis is Emotional
Intelligence (EQ) at work.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Created the High Performance Leadership Program (HPL).
• 2008 Sons Gil and Chris, using the basis of Dr. Crosby’s above work,
created the Accelerated Leadership Program (ALP). ALP is a 7 week
program (each week separated by approximately 1 ½ months). ALP is
tied to business goals more directly than any other training program
Crosby has created to date.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis
© Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis

Crosby & Associates

Through his years of experience and exposure to the
founders of OD and Family Systems Theory, Dr. Robert P
Crosby created a unique theory of authority in systems. It
can be summed up by the title of his first book “Walking the
Empowerment Tight Rope: Balancing Management
Authority and Employee Influence.” Crosby’s theory is
intertwined throughout his three business books. His
advantage over other OD authors is that he wrote his books
out of years of experience working in business rather than
from a purely academic/theoretical perspective. His books
are based on applied theory, grounded in practice.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s first book is derived
from the PPP. After giving it to
600 workplaces a trend was
seen in the highest performing
work groups. Those groups
performed the best in all key
indicators such as Safety,
Productivity, Absenteeism,
Quality, and Costs. Crosby
identified 25 factors from the
PPP and first presented it in his
work with NASA in 1986 after
the Challenger disaster.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

While working at Aldus (the
creator of PageMaker) Crosby
noticed an emerging trend of
dotted line relationships and
matrixed workplaces. Aldus lost
millions because they were late on
their software implementation of
PageMaker 5. This book outlines
how he helped them implement
PageMaker 6 on time and with
quality. It’s principles apply to all
projects and initiatives.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Cultural Change in Organizations
was written after years of helping
plants align their leadership and
reach results. It’s a composite story
on how to create a change of culture
and get business results. It is a
rewrite of Dr. Crosby’s 1998 The
Authentic Leader and is co-written
by West Coast President Chris
Crosby. Both father and sons have
replicated the methods in this book,
which consistently lead to record
setting business results!
© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

Crosby & Associates

The following page outlines the
extensive Organizational
Development influences in Dr.
Robert P Crosby’s career.

© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence related to work
Experiential Education
Systems Theory
Personal Growth

© Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
grounded in Emotional Intelligence (EQ).
The methods used by Dr. Crosby starting
in the 1950’s were popularized by Daniel
Goleman in his ground breaking book
“Emotional Intelligence” in 1986.
Research has shown that EQ is a much
better predictor of success than IQ.
Ironically, at the time of Goleman’s book,
Dr. Crosby had been teaching EQ for over
30 years.

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Daniel Goleman pointed out in “Working with Emotional
Intelligence” (only one of his numerous texts on the subject):

EQ accounted for 67% of the abilities deemed necessary for
superior performance

EQ mattered TWICE as much as technical expertise or IQ

Unlike IQ (which is a fixed capacity - we either use it, or we
don’t, but it can’t be increased), whatever your current EQ, with
intention and guidance, you can improve. ALP increases EQ!

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

EQ has 3 Core Capacities
All the capacities of EQ are intended to increase ones capacity to notice,
name and own their experience.

Capacity One
Self Awareness – In Tense Moments
• Awareness of my Emotions
• From moment to moment
• Access to a full range of Emotions
• Ability to differentiate
• Judgments from observable facts (behavioral specifics)
• Thoughts from Feelings
• My experience (self) from others
• Clearly articulate wants (Goals, Expectations, etc., from up, down, and across
the workplace)

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Capacity Two
My Patterns – How I manage tense moments
• Recognize my patterns (especially during conflict)
• Increase capacity to calm down during and after tense moments
Capacity Three
How I Honor Others – Empathy
• Accuracy –Getting their experience
• Compassion – Feeling and understanding their experience
• Interaction –Actively demonstrating it
Plus providing space for the others to be different

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby learned about experiential education starting in the
1950’s and continuing throughout his career. All of his leadership
programs utilize experiential education as their foundation. From
his beginnings in 1953 he understood that you cannot learn
about leadership or communication skills through lecture alone.
There must be a significant aspect of experiential techniques to
truly impact behavior.
ALP utilizes experiential education as its primary learning

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Levels of Experiential Learning

Level 1 - Pure Cognitive Learning – learning through lecture and testing,
reading books, memorization, etc.
Largest impact is to IQ.
Little or slow behavioral change.
Level 2 - Mainly Cognitive Learning - Reflective learning from the past - such
as thinking back, looking at your side of things (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments), and thinking through other
Largest impact is to IQ with some impact to EQ.
Slow behavioral change.
© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Level 3 - Mainly Experiential Learning- Reflective learning from the present
interaction - such as receiving feedback (coaching) about actual behavior in
recent situation (scientifically verifiable as to what you said and did only, no
judgments), thinking about what you were feeling, thinking, and doing, and
then re-engaging with situation.
Large impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.

High behavioral change.
Level 4 - Pure Experiential Learning – Debriefing your immediate situation
with person you are having the experience with. This involves giving and
receiving feedback on immediate interactions (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments).
Largest impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.
Highest behavioral change.

© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Robert P Crosby was heavily
influenced by two seminal thinkers
in the twentieth century: Dr. Kurt
Lewin (1890-1947) and Dr. John
Dewey (1859-1952). Not only did he
study their work, but he also was
trained by Dr. Goodwin Watson, a
colleague of Dr. John Dewey, and
had a 30-year mentorship and
colleagueship with Dr. Ronald Lippitt
(starting in 1957), one of Dr. Lewin’s
top graduate students.


Kurt Lewin
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Both Dr. Dewey and Dr. Lewin believed that
democratic leadership is a learned behavior. Further, it
is more difficult to learn than either autocratic or
permissive styles of leadership and therefore must be
learned anew in each generation. Crosby has spent his
life helping organizations learn how to balance
management authority and employee engagement,
including leading several efforts to recover from poorly
planned experiments of moving towards self-managed
work teams.

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby worked with Dr. Daryl
Conner and came up with his own
approach to Conner’s
Sponsor/Agent/Target/Advocate (SATA)
theory. Dr. Crosby’s clarity about the
role of Sponsor—specifically, the
critical distinction being that you can
only “sponsor” your direct reports is
critical to effectively managing crossfunctional work and change. Dr.
Crosby’s clarity about the role of each
subsequent layer of sponsorship - the
sustaining sponsors - is the key to
successful matrixed work.
© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s approach is also heavily influenced
by Family Systems thinking through the work of
Dr. Murray Bowen, Dr. Edwin Friedman, Dr.
Salvador Minuchin, and Dr. Carl Whitaker.

For example, our habitual reactions to authority
(to having a boss or being the boss) begin early in
life. Family Systems thinking helps one
understand these and other reactions learned
early in life (such as our habits during conflict), so
as to adapt a broader range of behavioral choices
and become a more effective leader.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Business Application
© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
designed to both train your leaders and
obtain bottom line business results. To do
this there is a constant focus on
application of ALP activity to your
immediate business needs.

© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

A case study based on a mission critical project or
initiative and approved by their area VP. The case study
includes business results.

A mid-point assessment and conversation with the
participants direct report about their developmental
plan linking it to leadership development objectives.

A day of onsite coaching to ensure maximum learning
and integration with the ALP models.

A final behavioral competency based assessment.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule
© Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program
contains six one week modules and a half
day of individual coaching for each
participant. The Modules are separated by
about 1 ½ months. Each program is custom
built for the client based on their unique
needs and closely tied to business results.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Example Schedule

Module 1

Module 2

Module 3

Module 4

EQ Profile

Leadership &
Systems Theory
Related to

Skills 1

Skills 2

Coaching Skills &

Individual and


Helping Skills

Jay Hall Conflict


3rd Party

Authority in

Case Study
Process Begins

Business Change



Case Study Due/

Family Ties
That Bind


Intro to Family of Sponsor Agent
Prep for Group
Leadership Skills


Goal Clarity

Basic Self Skills

© Crosby & Associates

Basic Self Skills

Case Study

On Site
(Faculty with
students in

In Field

Module 5

Module 6

and Group

Synthesis &



Group Process

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Faculty Standards

Crosby & Associates

At Crosby & Associates we hold a strong belief
that Organization Development is a
professional discipline. Our trainings involve
experiential learning using a group process
that holds to strict behavioral science
standards. All our faculty hold Masters
Degrees as well as at least ten years of
coaching and training with a master in the
© Crosby & Associates


Dr. Robert P Crosby
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby has 60 years of
experience helping organizations.
He is a master in his field, having
founded the Leadership Institute of
Seattle (LIOS) in 1969, and held
faculty roles through LIOS contracts
at universities such as Antioch in
Seattle and Martin University in
Indianapolis, Indiana. Crosby led
successful efforts at PECO Nuclear,
Addy Washington (72% productivity
gain as quoted by Business Week),
The Riverfront Park Project in
Spokane Washington, and
numerous others.


Crosby & Associates

Chris has 20 years of experience coaching
leaders and their teams throughout the
USA and internationally in Germany, Costa
Rica, Wales, Jamaica, England, Hungary,
Egypt, The Philippines, Korea, China, Peru,
Spain and Mexico. He holds two Master of
Arts degrees from the Leadership Institute
of Seattle in both Counseling and
Organizational Development. He knows
how to engage the workforce in such a
way as to build ownership and
commitment yet does not let go of the
realities of structure and authority. Also a
published author, Chris did a significant
portion of the editing in “Cultural Change
in Organizations”.

Chris Crosby, MA
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Gil has 29 years of experience in
the field of OD. He specializes in
Leadership and Organizational
Development. His expertise is in
facilitating cultural change in
support of key initiatives including
technology implementation, cost
reduction, productivity increases,
employee morale, and mergers.
He is a published author whose
book “Fight, Flight, Freeze” helps
leaders improve their interactive
skills and is a do-it-yourself version
of Tough Stuff.

Gil Crosby, MSW
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Past Outcomes
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

The following are a
selection of outcomes by
graduates or participants of
Dr. Crosby’s leadership
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• CSI achieved 6 R&D project in one year after they had not successfully
completed any for the past year.
• Alcoa plants at Warrick, Indiana and Knoxville, Tennessee were managed
by the same person who began using Dr. Crosby in 1992. In 1994 those two
plants created 1/3 of Alcoa’s world wide profits after having gone through
two years of intensive OD work. 500 of the population went through Tough
Stuff (Dr. Crosby’s short leadership program), including many steelworkers.
In addition, 30 students were in Dr. Crosby’s corporate based Master
Program from which the ALP program is based.
• In November of 2011 the President of the United States visited the
Davenport Iowa plant to highlight its remarkable business results. From
2002 to 2010, 60% of all Davenport Employees had completed a Dr. Crosby
leadership program.

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• A graduate created the Bench Mark Change Management Program in the
largest software implementation in the history of Alcoa and achieved go
lives in 20 plants with minimal disruption and no missed shipments. The
previous Alcoa BU had 50% on time delivery for one year after its Oracle
• Dr. Crosby led a project to recover the Alcoa plant in Badin, North Carolina.
At the time the Associated Press reported that Alcoa was threatening to
close the plant if cost reductions of $5.5 million could not be achieved. Six
months after implementing the project, the plant was able to confidently
project a budget far exceeding that goal. Dr. Crosby developed a significant
amount of people in the plant through his leadership programs.
• Dr. Crosby led the OD portion of the turnaround at PECO Nuclear. In 1987
the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) shutdown the Peach Bottom
Atomic Station. Following years of extensive OD work PECO was designated
in 1996 as excellent by INPO, and given a strong Systematic Assessment of
Licensee Performance (SALP) rating by the NRC.
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• Following years of Dr. Crosby’s leadership programs and interventions in
the plant Jamalco went from the worst on cash curve amongst Alcoa
bauxite refineries in 1999 to tied for best on cash curve in 2005.
Improvements included a reduction of $38 million in annual operating
costs. Jamalco was the only refinery in Jamaica to stay at full production
throughout the Great Recession.
• After a critical mass of employees went through Dr. Crosby’s leadership
programs Sherwin Alumina was the only US bauxite refinery to stay in
production throughout the Great Recession.

Slide 17

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated
Leadership Program (ALP)
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
Theoretical Basis
Business Application
Program Schedule
Past Outcomes

Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is based
on the life work of Dr. Robert P Crosby.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s History

Crosby & Associates

• 1953 Attended his first experiential process in communication skills.
• 1957 Attended his first training at National Training Laboratory (NTL) led
by Dr. Ronald Lippitt, Dr. Leland Bradford, and Dr. Ken Benne.
• 1957 – 1986 Mentored by Dr Ronald Lippitt the primary graduate
student of Dr. Kurt Lewin (creator of Action Research and T-Groups).
• 1965 Attended first ever Organizational Development (OD) training at
NTL led by founders in the field of OD.
• 1969 Founded institute called LIOS in Spokane Washington, USA.
• 1973 LIOS became a fully accredited Master Degree program led by
Crosby with two other faculty, Dr. Ronald Short and Dr. John Scherer.
• 1980 Created the People Performance Profile (PPP) with Dr. Scherer. The
PPP is an OD effectiveness survey.
• 1981-82 Son Gil Crosby attended LIOS and joined Dr. Crosby’s consulting
business in 1984.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Son Chris Crosby (West Coast President of Crosby & Associates)
attended LIOS.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s Programs

Crosby & Associates

• 1973 Created the LIOS Graduate Program.
• 1987 While working at PECO Nuclear created Tough Stuff™, a 1 week
with one or two 3 day follow ups that uses the experiential education
foundations of the graduate program. The emphasis is Emotional
Intelligence (EQ) at work.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Created the High Performance Leadership Program (HPL).
• 2008 Sons Gil and Chris, using the basis of Dr. Crosby’s above work,
created the Accelerated Leadership Program (ALP). ALP is a 7 week
program (each week separated by approximately 1 ½ months). ALP is
tied to business goals more directly than any other training program
Crosby has created to date.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis
© Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis

Crosby & Associates

Through his years of experience and exposure to the
founders of OD and Family Systems Theory, Dr. Robert P
Crosby created a unique theory of authority in systems. It
can be summed up by the title of his first book “Walking the
Empowerment Tight Rope: Balancing Management
Authority and Employee Influence.” Crosby’s theory is
intertwined throughout his three business books. His
advantage over other OD authors is that he wrote his books
out of years of experience working in business rather than
from a purely academic/theoretical perspective. His books
are based on applied theory, grounded in practice.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s first book is derived
from the PPP. After giving it to
600 workplaces a trend was
seen in the highest performing
work groups. Those groups
performed the best in all key
indicators such as Safety,
Productivity, Absenteeism,
Quality, and Costs. Crosby
identified 25 factors from the
PPP and first presented it in his
work with NASA in 1986 after
the Challenger disaster.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

While working at Aldus (the
creator of PageMaker) Crosby
noticed an emerging trend of
dotted line relationships and
matrixed workplaces. Aldus lost
millions because they were late on
their software implementation of
PageMaker 5. This book outlines
how he helped them implement
PageMaker 6 on time and with
quality. It’s principles apply to all
projects and initiatives.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Cultural Change in Organizations
was written after years of helping
plants align their leadership and
reach results. It’s a composite story
on how to create a change of culture
and get business results. It is a
rewrite of Dr. Crosby’s 1998 The
Authentic Leader and is co-written
by West Coast President Chris
Crosby. Both father and sons have
replicated the methods in this book,
which consistently lead to record
setting business results!
© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

Crosby & Associates

The following page outlines the
extensive Organizational
Development influences in Dr.
Robert P Crosby’s career.

© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence related to work
Experiential Education
Systems Theory
Personal Growth

© Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
grounded in Emotional Intelligence (EQ).
The methods used by Dr. Crosby starting
in the 1950’s were popularized by Daniel
Goleman in his ground breaking book
“Emotional Intelligence” in 1986.
Research has shown that EQ is a much
better predictor of success than IQ.
Ironically, at the time of Goleman’s book,
Dr. Crosby had been teaching EQ for over
30 years.

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Daniel Goleman pointed out in “Working with Emotional
Intelligence” (only one of his numerous texts on the subject):

EQ accounted for 67% of the abilities deemed necessary for
superior performance

EQ mattered TWICE as much as technical expertise or IQ

Unlike IQ (which is a fixed capacity - we either use it, or we
don’t, but it can’t be increased), whatever your current EQ, with
intention and guidance, you can improve. ALP increases EQ!

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

EQ has 3 Core Capacities
All the capacities of EQ are intended to increase ones capacity to notice,
name and own their experience.

Capacity One
Self Awareness – In Tense Moments
• Awareness of my Emotions
• From moment to moment
• Access to a full range of Emotions
• Ability to differentiate
• Judgments from observable facts (behavioral specifics)
• Thoughts from Feelings
• My experience (self) from others
• Clearly articulate wants (Goals, Expectations, etc., from up, down, and across
the workplace)

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Capacity Two
My Patterns – How I manage tense moments
• Recognize my patterns (especially during conflict)
• Increase capacity to calm down during and after tense moments
Capacity Three
How I Honor Others – Empathy
• Accuracy –Getting their experience
• Compassion – Feeling and understanding their experience
• Interaction –Actively demonstrating it
Plus providing space for the others to be different

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby learned about experiential education starting in the
1950’s and continuing throughout his career. All of his leadership
programs utilize experiential education as their foundation. From
his beginnings in 1953 he understood that you cannot learn
about leadership or communication skills through lecture alone.
There must be a significant aspect of experiential techniques to
truly impact behavior.
ALP utilizes experiential education as its primary learning

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Levels of Experiential Learning

Level 1 - Pure Cognitive Learning – learning through lecture and testing,
reading books, memorization, etc.
Largest impact is to IQ.
Little or slow behavioral change.
Level 2 - Mainly Cognitive Learning - Reflective learning from the past - such
as thinking back, looking at your side of things (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments), and thinking through other
Largest impact is to IQ with some impact to EQ.
Slow behavioral change.
© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Level 3 - Mainly Experiential Learning- Reflective learning from the present
interaction - such as receiving feedback (coaching) about actual behavior in
recent situation (scientifically verifiable as to what you said and did only, no
judgments), thinking about what you were feeling, thinking, and doing, and
then re-engaging with situation.
Large impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.

High behavioral change.
Level 4 - Pure Experiential Learning – Debriefing your immediate situation
with person you are having the experience with. This involves giving and
receiving feedback on immediate interactions (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments).
Largest impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.
Highest behavioral change.

© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Robert P Crosby was heavily
influenced by two seminal thinkers
in the twentieth century: Dr. Kurt
Lewin (1890-1947) and Dr. John
Dewey (1859-1952). Not only did he
study their work, but he also was
trained by Dr. Goodwin Watson, a
colleague of Dr. John Dewey, and
had a 30-year mentorship and
colleagueship with Dr. Ronald Lippitt
(starting in 1957), one of Dr. Lewin’s
top graduate students.


Kurt Lewin
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Both Dr. Dewey and Dr. Lewin believed that
democratic leadership is a learned behavior. Further, it
is more difficult to learn than either autocratic or
permissive styles of leadership and therefore must be
learned anew in each generation. Crosby has spent his
life helping organizations learn how to balance
management authority and employee engagement,
including leading several efforts to recover from poorly
planned experiments of moving towards self-managed
work teams.

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby worked with Dr. Daryl
Conner and came up with his own
approach to Conner’s
Sponsor/Agent/Target/Advocate (SATA)
theory. Dr. Crosby’s clarity about the
role of Sponsor—specifically, the
critical distinction being that you can
only “sponsor” your direct reports is
critical to effectively managing crossfunctional work and change. Dr.
Crosby’s clarity about the role of each
subsequent layer of sponsorship - the
sustaining sponsors - is the key to
successful matrixed work.
© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s approach is also heavily influenced
by Family Systems thinking through the work of
Dr. Murray Bowen, Dr. Edwin Friedman, Dr.
Salvador Minuchin, and Dr. Carl Whitaker.

For example, our habitual reactions to authority
(to having a boss or being the boss) begin early in
life. Family Systems thinking helps one
understand these and other reactions learned
early in life (such as our habits during conflict), so
as to adapt a broader range of behavioral choices
and become a more effective leader.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Business Application
© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
designed to both train your leaders and
obtain bottom line business results. To do
this there is a constant focus on
application of ALP activity to your
immediate business needs.

© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

A case study based on a mission critical project or
initiative and approved by their area VP. The case study
includes business results.

A mid-point assessment and conversation with the
participants direct report about their developmental
plan linking it to leadership development objectives.

A day of onsite coaching to ensure maximum learning
and integration with the ALP models.

A final behavioral competency based assessment.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule
© Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program
contains six one week modules and a half
day of individual coaching for each
participant. The Modules are separated by
about 1 ½ months. Each program is custom
built for the client based on their unique
needs and closely tied to business results.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Example Schedule

Module 1

Module 2

Module 3

Module 4

EQ Profile

Leadership &
Systems Theory
Related to

Skills 1

Skills 2

Coaching Skills &

Individual and


Helping Skills

Jay Hall Conflict


3rd Party

Authority in

Case Study
Process Begins

Business Change



Case Study Due/

Family Ties
That Bind


Intro to Family of Sponsor Agent
Prep for Group
Leadership Skills


Goal Clarity

Basic Self Skills

© Crosby & Associates

Basic Self Skills

Case Study

On Site
(Faculty with
students in

In Field

Module 5

Module 6

and Group

Synthesis &



Group Process

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Faculty Standards

Crosby & Associates

At Crosby & Associates we hold a strong belief
that Organization Development is a
professional discipline. Our trainings involve
experiential learning using a group process
that holds to strict behavioral science
standards. All our faculty hold Masters
Degrees as well as at least ten years of
coaching and training with a master in the
© Crosby & Associates


Dr. Robert P Crosby
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby has 60 years of
experience helping organizations.
He is a master in his field, having
founded the Leadership Institute of
Seattle (LIOS) in 1969, and held
faculty roles through LIOS contracts
at universities such as Antioch in
Seattle and Martin University in
Indianapolis, Indiana. Crosby led
successful efforts at PECO Nuclear,
Addy Washington (72% productivity
gain as quoted by Business Week),
The Riverfront Park Project in
Spokane Washington, and
numerous others.


Crosby & Associates

Chris has 20 years of experience coaching
leaders and their teams throughout the
USA and internationally in Germany, Costa
Rica, Wales, Jamaica, England, Hungary,
Egypt, The Philippines, Korea, China, Peru,
Spain and Mexico. He holds two Master of
Arts degrees from the Leadership Institute
of Seattle in both Counseling and
Organizational Development. He knows
how to engage the workforce in such a
way as to build ownership and
commitment yet does not let go of the
realities of structure and authority. Also a
published author, Chris did a significant
portion of the editing in “Cultural Change
in Organizations”.

Chris Crosby, MA
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Gil has 29 years of experience in
the field of OD. He specializes in
Leadership and Organizational
Development. His expertise is in
facilitating cultural change in
support of key initiatives including
technology implementation, cost
reduction, productivity increases,
employee morale, and mergers.
He is a published author whose
book “Fight, Flight, Freeze” helps
leaders improve their interactive
skills and is a do-it-yourself version
of Tough Stuff.

Gil Crosby, MSW
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Past Outcomes
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

The following are a
selection of outcomes by
graduates or participants of
Dr. Crosby’s leadership
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• CSI achieved 6 R&D project in one year after they had not successfully
completed any for the past year.
• Alcoa plants at Warrick, Indiana and Knoxville, Tennessee were managed
by the same person who began using Dr. Crosby in 1992. In 1994 those two
plants created 1/3 of Alcoa’s world wide profits after having gone through
two years of intensive OD work. 500 of the population went through Tough
Stuff (Dr. Crosby’s short leadership program), including many steelworkers.
In addition, 30 students were in Dr. Crosby’s corporate based Master
Program from which the ALP program is based.
• In November of 2011 the President of the United States visited the
Davenport Iowa plant to highlight its remarkable business results. From
2002 to 2010, 60% of all Davenport Employees had completed a Dr. Crosby
leadership program.

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• A graduate created the Bench Mark Change Management Program in the
largest software implementation in the history of Alcoa and achieved go
lives in 20 plants with minimal disruption and no missed shipments. The
previous Alcoa BU had 50% on time delivery for one year after its Oracle
• Dr. Crosby led a project to recover the Alcoa plant in Badin, North Carolina.
At the time the Associated Press reported that Alcoa was threatening to
close the plant if cost reductions of $5.5 million could not be achieved. Six
months after implementing the project, the plant was able to confidently
project a budget far exceeding that goal. Dr. Crosby developed a significant
amount of people in the plant through his leadership programs.
• Dr. Crosby led the OD portion of the turnaround at PECO Nuclear. In 1987
the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) shutdown the Peach Bottom
Atomic Station. Following years of extensive OD work PECO was designated
in 1996 as excellent by INPO, and given a strong Systematic Assessment of
Licensee Performance (SALP) rating by the NRC.
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• Following years of Dr. Crosby’s leadership programs and interventions in
the plant Jamalco went from the worst on cash curve amongst Alcoa
bauxite refineries in 1999 to tied for best on cash curve in 2005.
Improvements included a reduction of $38 million in annual operating
costs. Jamalco was the only refinery in Jamaica to stay at full production
throughout the Great Recession.
• After a critical mass of employees went through Dr. Crosby’s leadership
programs Sherwin Alumina was the only US bauxite refinery to stay in
production throughout the Great Recession.

Slide 18

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated
Leadership Program (ALP)
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
Theoretical Basis
Business Application
Program Schedule
Past Outcomes

Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is based
on the life work of Dr. Robert P Crosby.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s History

Crosby & Associates

• 1953 Attended his first experiential process in communication skills.
• 1957 Attended his first training at National Training Laboratory (NTL) led
by Dr. Ronald Lippitt, Dr. Leland Bradford, and Dr. Ken Benne.
• 1957 – 1986 Mentored by Dr Ronald Lippitt the primary graduate
student of Dr. Kurt Lewin (creator of Action Research and T-Groups).
• 1965 Attended first ever Organizational Development (OD) training at
NTL led by founders in the field of OD.
• 1969 Founded institute called LIOS in Spokane Washington, USA.
• 1973 LIOS became a fully accredited Master Degree program led by
Crosby with two other faculty, Dr. Ronald Short and Dr. John Scherer.
• 1980 Created the People Performance Profile (PPP) with Dr. Scherer. The
PPP is an OD effectiveness survey.
• 1981-82 Son Gil Crosby attended LIOS and joined Dr. Crosby’s consulting
business in 1984.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Son Chris Crosby (West Coast President of Crosby & Associates)
attended LIOS.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s Programs

Crosby & Associates

• 1973 Created the LIOS Graduate Program.
• 1987 While working at PECO Nuclear created Tough Stuff™, a 1 week
with one or two 3 day follow ups that uses the experiential education
foundations of the graduate program. The emphasis is Emotional
Intelligence (EQ) at work.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Created the High Performance Leadership Program (HPL).
• 2008 Sons Gil and Chris, using the basis of Dr. Crosby’s above work,
created the Accelerated Leadership Program (ALP). ALP is a 7 week
program (each week separated by approximately 1 ½ months). ALP is
tied to business goals more directly than any other training program
Crosby has created to date.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis
© Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis

Crosby & Associates

Through his years of experience and exposure to the
founders of OD and Family Systems Theory, Dr. Robert P
Crosby created a unique theory of authority in systems. It
can be summed up by the title of his first book “Walking the
Empowerment Tight Rope: Balancing Management
Authority and Employee Influence.” Crosby’s theory is
intertwined throughout his three business books. His
advantage over other OD authors is that he wrote his books
out of years of experience working in business rather than
from a purely academic/theoretical perspective. His books
are based on applied theory, grounded in practice.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s first book is derived
from the PPP. After giving it to
600 workplaces a trend was
seen in the highest performing
work groups. Those groups
performed the best in all key
indicators such as Safety,
Productivity, Absenteeism,
Quality, and Costs. Crosby
identified 25 factors from the
PPP and first presented it in his
work with NASA in 1986 after
the Challenger disaster.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

While working at Aldus (the
creator of PageMaker) Crosby
noticed an emerging trend of
dotted line relationships and
matrixed workplaces. Aldus lost
millions because they were late on
their software implementation of
PageMaker 5. This book outlines
how he helped them implement
PageMaker 6 on time and with
quality. It’s principles apply to all
projects and initiatives.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Cultural Change in Organizations
was written after years of helping
plants align their leadership and
reach results. It’s a composite story
on how to create a change of culture
and get business results. It is a
rewrite of Dr. Crosby’s 1998 The
Authentic Leader and is co-written
by West Coast President Chris
Crosby. Both father and sons have
replicated the methods in this book,
which consistently lead to record
setting business results!
© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

Crosby & Associates

The following page outlines the
extensive Organizational
Development influences in Dr.
Robert P Crosby’s career.

© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence related to work
Experiential Education
Systems Theory
Personal Growth

© Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
grounded in Emotional Intelligence (EQ).
The methods used by Dr. Crosby starting
in the 1950’s were popularized by Daniel
Goleman in his ground breaking book
“Emotional Intelligence” in 1986.
Research has shown that EQ is a much
better predictor of success than IQ.
Ironically, at the time of Goleman’s book,
Dr. Crosby had been teaching EQ for over
30 years.

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Daniel Goleman pointed out in “Working with Emotional
Intelligence” (only one of his numerous texts on the subject):

EQ accounted for 67% of the abilities deemed necessary for
superior performance

EQ mattered TWICE as much as technical expertise or IQ

Unlike IQ (which is a fixed capacity - we either use it, or we
don’t, but it can’t be increased), whatever your current EQ, with
intention and guidance, you can improve. ALP increases EQ!

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

EQ has 3 Core Capacities
All the capacities of EQ are intended to increase ones capacity to notice,
name and own their experience.

Capacity One
Self Awareness – In Tense Moments
• Awareness of my Emotions
• From moment to moment
• Access to a full range of Emotions
• Ability to differentiate
• Judgments from observable facts (behavioral specifics)
• Thoughts from Feelings
• My experience (self) from others
• Clearly articulate wants (Goals, Expectations, etc., from up, down, and across
the workplace)

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Capacity Two
My Patterns – How I manage tense moments
• Recognize my patterns (especially during conflict)
• Increase capacity to calm down during and after tense moments
Capacity Three
How I Honor Others – Empathy
• Accuracy –Getting their experience
• Compassion – Feeling and understanding their experience
• Interaction –Actively demonstrating it
Plus providing space for the others to be different

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby learned about experiential education starting in the
1950’s and continuing throughout his career. All of his leadership
programs utilize experiential education as their foundation. From
his beginnings in 1953 he understood that you cannot learn
about leadership or communication skills through lecture alone.
There must be a significant aspect of experiential techniques to
truly impact behavior.
ALP utilizes experiential education as its primary learning

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Levels of Experiential Learning

Level 1 - Pure Cognitive Learning – learning through lecture and testing,
reading books, memorization, etc.
Largest impact is to IQ.
Little or slow behavioral change.
Level 2 - Mainly Cognitive Learning - Reflective learning from the past - such
as thinking back, looking at your side of things (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments), and thinking through other
Largest impact is to IQ with some impact to EQ.
Slow behavioral change.
© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Level 3 - Mainly Experiential Learning- Reflective learning from the present
interaction - such as receiving feedback (coaching) about actual behavior in
recent situation (scientifically verifiable as to what you said and did only, no
judgments), thinking about what you were feeling, thinking, and doing, and
then re-engaging with situation.
Large impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.

High behavioral change.
Level 4 - Pure Experiential Learning – Debriefing your immediate situation
with person you are having the experience with. This involves giving and
receiving feedback on immediate interactions (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments).
Largest impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.
Highest behavioral change.

© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Robert P Crosby was heavily
influenced by two seminal thinkers
in the twentieth century: Dr. Kurt
Lewin (1890-1947) and Dr. John
Dewey (1859-1952). Not only did he
study their work, but he also was
trained by Dr. Goodwin Watson, a
colleague of Dr. John Dewey, and
had a 30-year mentorship and
colleagueship with Dr. Ronald Lippitt
(starting in 1957), one of Dr. Lewin’s
top graduate students.


Kurt Lewin
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Both Dr. Dewey and Dr. Lewin believed that
democratic leadership is a learned behavior. Further, it
is more difficult to learn than either autocratic or
permissive styles of leadership and therefore must be
learned anew in each generation. Crosby has spent his
life helping organizations learn how to balance
management authority and employee engagement,
including leading several efforts to recover from poorly
planned experiments of moving towards self-managed
work teams.

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby worked with Dr. Daryl
Conner and came up with his own
approach to Conner’s
Sponsor/Agent/Target/Advocate (SATA)
theory. Dr. Crosby’s clarity about the
role of Sponsor—specifically, the
critical distinction being that you can
only “sponsor” your direct reports is
critical to effectively managing crossfunctional work and change. Dr.
Crosby’s clarity about the role of each
subsequent layer of sponsorship - the
sustaining sponsors - is the key to
successful matrixed work.
© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s approach is also heavily influenced
by Family Systems thinking through the work of
Dr. Murray Bowen, Dr. Edwin Friedman, Dr.
Salvador Minuchin, and Dr. Carl Whitaker.

For example, our habitual reactions to authority
(to having a boss or being the boss) begin early in
life. Family Systems thinking helps one
understand these and other reactions learned
early in life (such as our habits during conflict), so
as to adapt a broader range of behavioral choices
and become a more effective leader.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Business Application
© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
designed to both train your leaders and
obtain bottom line business results. To do
this there is a constant focus on
application of ALP activity to your
immediate business needs.

© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

A case study based on a mission critical project or
initiative and approved by their area VP. The case study
includes business results.

A mid-point assessment and conversation with the
participants direct report about their developmental
plan linking it to leadership development objectives.

A day of onsite coaching to ensure maximum learning
and integration with the ALP models.

A final behavioral competency based assessment.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule
© Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program
contains six one week modules and a half
day of individual coaching for each
participant. The Modules are separated by
about 1 ½ months. Each program is custom
built for the client based on their unique
needs and closely tied to business results.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Example Schedule

Module 1

Module 2

Module 3

Module 4

EQ Profile

Leadership &
Systems Theory
Related to

Skills 1

Skills 2

Coaching Skills &

Individual and


Helping Skills

Jay Hall Conflict


3rd Party

Authority in

Case Study
Process Begins

Business Change



Case Study Due/

Family Ties
That Bind


Intro to Family of Sponsor Agent
Prep for Group
Leadership Skills


Goal Clarity

Basic Self Skills

© Crosby & Associates

Basic Self Skills

Case Study

On Site
(Faculty with
students in

In Field

Module 5

Module 6

and Group

Synthesis &



Group Process

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Faculty Standards

Crosby & Associates

At Crosby & Associates we hold a strong belief
that Organization Development is a
professional discipline. Our trainings involve
experiential learning using a group process
that holds to strict behavioral science
standards. All our faculty hold Masters
Degrees as well as at least ten years of
coaching and training with a master in the
© Crosby & Associates


Dr. Robert P Crosby
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby has 60 years of
experience helping organizations.
He is a master in his field, having
founded the Leadership Institute of
Seattle (LIOS) in 1969, and held
faculty roles through LIOS contracts
at universities such as Antioch in
Seattle and Martin University in
Indianapolis, Indiana. Crosby led
successful efforts at PECO Nuclear,
Addy Washington (72% productivity
gain as quoted by Business Week),
The Riverfront Park Project in
Spokane Washington, and
numerous others.


Crosby & Associates

Chris has 20 years of experience coaching
leaders and their teams throughout the
USA and internationally in Germany, Costa
Rica, Wales, Jamaica, England, Hungary,
Egypt, The Philippines, Korea, China, Peru,
Spain and Mexico. He holds two Master of
Arts degrees from the Leadership Institute
of Seattle in both Counseling and
Organizational Development. He knows
how to engage the workforce in such a
way as to build ownership and
commitment yet does not let go of the
realities of structure and authority. Also a
published author, Chris did a significant
portion of the editing in “Cultural Change
in Organizations”.

Chris Crosby, MA
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Gil has 29 years of experience in
the field of OD. He specializes in
Leadership and Organizational
Development. His expertise is in
facilitating cultural change in
support of key initiatives including
technology implementation, cost
reduction, productivity increases,
employee morale, and mergers.
He is a published author whose
book “Fight, Flight, Freeze” helps
leaders improve their interactive
skills and is a do-it-yourself version
of Tough Stuff.

Gil Crosby, MSW
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Past Outcomes
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

The following are a
selection of outcomes by
graduates or participants of
Dr. Crosby’s leadership
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• CSI achieved 6 R&D project in one year after they had not successfully
completed any for the past year.
• Alcoa plants at Warrick, Indiana and Knoxville, Tennessee were managed
by the same person who began using Dr. Crosby in 1992. In 1994 those two
plants created 1/3 of Alcoa’s world wide profits after having gone through
two years of intensive OD work. 500 of the population went through Tough
Stuff (Dr. Crosby’s short leadership program), including many steelworkers.
In addition, 30 students were in Dr. Crosby’s corporate based Master
Program from which the ALP program is based.
• In November of 2011 the President of the United States visited the
Davenport Iowa plant to highlight its remarkable business results. From
2002 to 2010, 60% of all Davenport Employees had completed a Dr. Crosby
leadership program.

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• A graduate created the Bench Mark Change Management Program in the
largest software implementation in the history of Alcoa and achieved go
lives in 20 plants with minimal disruption and no missed shipments. The
previous Alcoa BU had 50% on time delivery for one year after its Oracle
• Dr. Crosby led a project to recover the Alcoa plant in Badin, North Carolina.
At the time the Associated Press reported that Alcoa was threatening to
close the plant if cost reductions of $5.5 million could not be achieved. Six
months after implementing the project, the plant was able to confidently
project a budget far exceeding that goal. Dr. Crosby developed a significant
amount of people in the plant through his leadership programs.
• Dr. Crosby led the OD portion of the turnaround at PECO Nuclear. In 1987
the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) shutdown the Peach Bottom
Atomic Station. Following years of extensive OD work PECO was designated
in 1996 as excellent by INPO, and given a strong Systematic Assessment of
Licensee Performance (SALP) rating by the NRC.
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• Following years of Dr. Crosby’s leadership programs and interventions in
the plant Jamalco went from the worst on cash curve amongst Alcoa
bauxite refineries in 1999 to tied for best on cash curve in 2005.
Improvements included a reduction of $38 million in annual operating
costs. Jamalco was the only refinery in Jamaica to stay at full production
throughout the Great Recession.
• After a critical mass of employees went through Dr. Crosby’s leadership
programs Sherwin Alumina was the only US bauxite refinery to stay in
production throughout the Great Recession.

Slide 19

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated
Leadership Program (ALP)
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
Theoretical Basis
Business Application
Program Schedule
Past Outcomes

Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is based
on the life work of Dr. Robert P Crosby.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s History

Crosby & Associates

• 1953 Attended his first experiential process in communication skills.
• 1957 Attended his first training at National Training Laboratory (NTL) led
by Dr. Ronald Lippitt, Dr. Leland Bradford, and Dr. Ken Benne.
• 1957 – 1986 Mentored by Dr Ronald Lippitt the primary graduate
student of Dr. Kurt Lewin (creator of Action Research and T-Groups).
• 1965 Attended first ever Organizational Development (OD) training at
NTL led by founders in the field of OD.
• 1969 Founded institute called LIOS in Spokane Washington, USA.
• 1973 LIOS became a fully accredited Master Degree program led by
Crosby with two other faculty, Dr. Ronald Short and Dr. John Scherer.
• 1980 Created the People Performance Profile (PPP) with Dr. Scherer. The
PPP is an OD effectiveness survey.
• 1981-82 Son Gil Crosby attended LIOS and joined Dr. Crosby’s consulting
business in 1984.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Son Chris Crosby (West Coast President of Crosby & Associates)
attended LIOS.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s Programs

Crosby & Associates

• 1973 Created the LIOS Graduate Program.
• 1987 While working at PECO Nuclear created Tough Stuff™, a 1 week
with one or two 3 day follow ups that uses the experiential education
foundations of the graduate program. The emphasis is Emotional
Intelligence (EQ) at work.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Created the High Performance Leadership Program (HPL).
• 2008 Sons Gil and Chris, using the basis of Dr. Crosby’s above work,
created the Accelerated Leadership Program (ALP). ALP is a 7 week
program (each week separated by approximately 1 ½ months). ALP is
tied to business goals more directly than any other training program
Crosby has created to date.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis
© Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis

Crosby & Associates

Through his years of experience and exposure to the
founders of OD and Family Systems Theory, Dr. Robert P
Crosby created a unique theory of authority in systems. It
can be summed up by the title of his first book “Walking the
Empowerment Tight Rope: Balancing Management
Authority and Employee Influence.” Crosby’s theory is
intertwined throughout his three business books. His
advantage over other OD authors is that he wrote his books
out of years of experience working in business rather than
from a purely academic/theoretical perspective. His books
are based on applied theory, grounded in practice.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s first book is derived
from the PPP. After giving it to
600 workplaces a trend was
seen in the highest performing
work groups. Those groups
performed the best in all key
indicators such as Safety,
Productivity, Absenteeism,
Quality, and Costs. Crosby
identified 25 factors from the
PPP and first presented it in his
work with NASA in 1986 after
the Challenger disaster.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

While working at Aldus (the
creator of PageMaker) Crosby
noticed an emerging trend of
dotted line relationships and
matrixed workplaces. Aldus lost
millions because they were late on
their software implementation of
PageMaker 5. This book outlines
how he helped them implement
PageMaker 6 on time and with
quality. It’s principles apply to all
projects and initiatives.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Cultural Change in Organizations
was written after years of helping
plants align their leadership and
reach results. It’s a composite story
on how to create a change of culture
and get business results. It is a
rewrite of Dr. Crosby’s 1998 The
Authentic Leader and is co-written
by West Coast President Chris
Crosby. Both father and sons have
replicated the methods in this book,
which consistently lead to record
setting business results!
© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

Crosby & Associates

The following page outlines the
extensive Organizational
Development influences in Dr.
Robert P Crosby’s career.

© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence related to work
Experiential Education
Systems Theory
Personal Growth

© Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
grounded in Emotional Intelligence (EQ).
The methods used by Dr. Crosby starting
in the 1950’s were popularized by Daniel
Goleman in his ground breaking book
“Emotional Intelligence” in 1986.
Research has shown that EQ is a much
better predictor of success than IQ.
Ironically, at the time of Goleman’s book,
Dr. Crosby had been teaching EQ for over
30 years.

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Daniel Goleman pointed out in “Working with Emotional
Intelligence” (only one of his numerous texts on the subject):

EQ accounted for 67% of the abilities deemed necessary for
superior performance

EQ mattered TWICE as much as technical expertise or IQ

Unlike IQ (which is a fixed capacity - we either use it, or we
don’t, but it can’t be increased), whatever your current EQ, with
intention and guidance, you can improve. ALP increases EQ!

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

EQ has 3 Core Capacities
All the capacities of EQ are intended to increase ones capacity to notice,
name and own their experience.

Capacity One
Self Awareness – In Tense Moments
• Awareness of my Emotions
• From moment to moment
• Access to a full range of Emotions
• Ability to differentiate
• Judgments from observable facts (behavioral specifics)
• Thoughts from Feelings
• My experience (self) from others
• Clearly articulate wants (Goals, Expectations, etc., from up, down, and across
the workplace)

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Capacity Two
My Patterns – How I manage tense moments
• Recognize my patterns (especially during conflict)
• Increase capacity to calm down during and after tense moments
Capacity Three
How I Honor Others – Empathy
• Accuracy –Getting their experience
• Compassion – Feeling and understanding their experience
• Interaction –Actively demonstrating it
Plus providing space for the others to be different

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby learned about experiential education starting in the
1950’s and continuing throughout his career. All of his leadership
programs utilize experiential education as their foundation. From
his beginnings in 1953 he understood that you cannot learn
about leadership or communication skills through lecture alone.
There must be a significant aspect of experiential techniques to
truly impact behavior.
ALP utilizes experiential education as its primary learning

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Levels of Experiential Learning

Level 1 - Pure Cognitive Learning – learning through lecture and testing,
reading books, memorization, etc.
Largest impact is to IQ.
Little or slow behavioral change.
Level 2 - Mainly Cognitive Learning - Reflective learning from the past - such
as thinking back, looking at your side of things (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments), and thinking through other
Largest impact is to IQ with some impact to EQ.
Slow behavioral change.
© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Level 3 - Mainly Experiential Learning- Reflective learning from the present
interaction - such as receiving feedback (coaching) about actual behavior in
recent situation (scientifically verifiable as to what you said and did only, no
judgments), thinking about what you were feeling, thinking, and doing, and
then re-engaging with situation.
Large impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.

High behavioral change.
Level 4 - Pure Experiential Learning – Debriefing your immediate situation
with person you are having the experience with. This involves giving and
receiving feedback on immediate interactions (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments).
Largest impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.
Highest behavioral change.

© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Robert P Crosby was heavily
influenced by two seminal thinkers
in the twentieth century: Dr. Kurt
Lewin (1890-1947) and Dr. John
Dewey (1859-1952). Not only did he
study their work, but he also was
trained by Dr. Goodwin Watson, a
colleague of Dr. John Dewey, and
had a 30-year mentorship and
colleagueship with Dr. Ronald Lippitt
(starting in 1957), one of Dr. Lewin’s
top graduate students.


Kurt Lewin
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Both Dr. Dewey and Dr. Lewin believed that
democratic leadership is a learned behavior. Further, it
is more difficult to learn than either autocratic or
permissive styles of leadership and therefore must be
learned anew in each generation. Crosby has spent his
life helping organizations learn how to balance
management authority and employee engagement,
including leading several efforts to recover from poorly
planned experiments of moving towards self-managed
work teams.

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby worked with Dr. Daryl
Conner and came up with his own
approach to Conner’s
Sponsor/Agent/Target/Advocate (SATA)
theory. Dr. Crosby’s clarity about the
role of Sponsor—specifically, the
critical distinction being that you can
only “sponsor” your direct reports is
critical to effectively managing crossfunctional work and change. Dr.
Crosby’s clarity about the role of each
subsequent layer of sponsorship - the
sustaining sponsors - is the key to
successful matrixed work.
© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s approach is also heavily influenced
by Family Systems thinking through the work of
Dr. Murray Bowen, Dr. Edwin Friedman, Dr.
Salvador Minuchin, and Dr. Carl Whitaker.

For example, our habitual reactions to authority
(to having a boss or being the boss) begin early in
life. Family Systems thinking helps one
understand these and other reactions learned
early in life (such as our habits during conflict), so
as to adapt a broader range of behavioral choices
and become a more effective leader.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Business Application
© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
designed to both train your leaders and
obtain bottom line business results. To do
this there is a constant focus on
application of ALP activity to your
immediate business needs.

© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

A case study based on a mission critical project or
initiative and approved by their area VP. The case study
includes business results.

A mid-point assessment and conversation with the
participants direct report about their developmental
plan linking it to leadership development objectives.

A day of onsite coaching to ensure maximum learning
and integration with the ALP models.

A final behavioral competency based assessment.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule
© Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program
contains six one week modules and a half
day of individual coaching for each
participant. The Modules are separated by
about 1 ½ months. Each program is custom
built for the client based on their unique
needs and closely tied to business results.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Example Schedule

Module 1

Module 2

Module 3

Module 4

EQ Profile

Leadership &
Systems Theory
Related to

Skills 1

Skills 2

Coaching Skills &

Individual and


Helping Skills

Jay Hall Conflict


3rd Party

Authority in

Case Study
Process Begins

Business Change



Case Study Due/

Family Ties
That Bind


Intro to Family of Sponsor Agent
Prep for Group
Leadership Skills


Goal Clarity

Basic Self Skills

© Crosby & Associates

Basic Self Skills

Case Study

On Site
(Faculty with
students in

In Field

Module 5

Module 6

and Group

Synthesis &



Group Process

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Faculty Standards

Crosby & Associates

At Crosby & Associates we hold a strong belief
that Organization Development is a
professional discipline. Our trainings involve
experiential learning using a group process
that holds to strict behavioral science
standards. All our faculty hold Masters
Degrees as well as at least ten years of
coaching and training with a master in the
© Crosby & Associates


Dr. Robert P Crosby
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby has 60 years of
experience helping organizations.
He is a master in his field, having
founded the Leadership Institute of
Seattle (LIOS) in 1969, and held
faculty roles through LIOS contracts
at universities such as Antioch in
Seattle and Martin University in
Indianapolis, Indiana. Crosby led
successful efforts at PECO Nuclear,
Addy Washington (72% productivity
gain as quoted by Business Week),
The Riverfront Park Project in
Spokane Washington, and
numerous others.


Crosby & Associates

Chris has 20 years of experience coaching
leaders and their teams throughout the
USA and internationally in Germany, Costa
Rica, Wales, Jamaica, England, Hungary,
Egypt, The Philippines, Korea, China, Peru,
Spain and Mexico. He holds two Master of
Arts degrees from the Leadership Institute
of Seattle in both Counseling and
Organizational Development. He knows
how to engage the workforce in such a
way as to build ownership and
commitment yet does not let go of the
realities of structure and authority. Also a
published author, Chris did a significant
portion of the editing in “Cultural Change
in Organizations”.

Chris Crosby, MA
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Gil has 29 years of experience in
the field of OD. He specializes in
Leadership and Organizational
Development. His expertise is in
facilitating cultural change in
support of key initiatives including
technology implementation, cost
reduction, productivity increases,
employee morale, and mergers.
He is a published author whose
book “Fight, Flight, Freeze” helps
leaders improve their interactive
skills and is a do-it-yourself version
of Tough Stuff.

Gil Crosby, MSW
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Past Outcomes
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

The following are a
selection of outcomes by
graduates or participants of
Dr. Crosby’s leadership
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• CSI achieved 6 R&D project in one year after they had not successfully
completed any for the past year.
• Alcoa plants at Warrick, Indiana and Knoxville, Tennessee were managed
by the same person who began using Dr. Crosby in 1992. In 1994 those two
plants created 1/3 of Alcoa’s world wide profits after having gone through
two years of intensive OD work. 500 of the population went through Tough
Stuff (Dr. Crosby’s short leadership program), including many steelworkers.
In addition, 30 students were in Dr. Crosby’s corporate based Master
Program from which the ALP program is based.
• In November of 2011 the President of the United States visited the
Davenport Iowa plant to highlight its remarkable business results. From
2002 to 2010, 60% of all Davenport Employees had completed a Dr. Crosby
leadership program.

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• A graduate created the Bench Mark Change Management Program in the
largest software implementation in the history of Alcoa and achieved go
lives in 20 plants with minimal disruption and no missed shipments. The
previous Alcoa BU had 50% on time delivery for one year after its Oracle
• Dr. Crosby led a project to recover the Alcoa plant in Badin, North Carolina.
At the time the Associated Press reported that Alcoa was threatening to
close the plant if cost reductions of $5.5 million could not be achieved. Six
months after implementing the project, the plant was able to confidently
project a budget far exceeding that goal. Dr. Crosby developed a significant
amount of people in the plant through his leadership programs.
• Dr. Crosby led the OD portion of the turnaround at PECO Nuclear. In 1987
the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) shutdown the Peach Bottom
Atomic Station. Following years of extensive OD work PECO was designated
in 1996 as excellent by INPO, and given a strong Systematic Assessment of
Licensee Performance (SALP) rating by the NRC.
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• Following years of Dr. Crosby’s leadership programs and interventions in
the plant Jamalco went from the worst on cash curve amongst Alcoa
bauxite refineries in 1999 to tied for best on cash curve in 2005.
Improvements included a reduction of $38 million in annual operating
costs. Jamalco was the only refinery in Jamaica to stay at full production
throughout the Great Recession.
• After a critical mass of employees went through Dr. Crosby’s leadership
programs Sherwin Alumina was the only US bauxite refinery to stay in
production throughout the Great Recession.

Slide 20

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated
Leadership Program (ALP)
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
Theoretical Basis
Business Application
Program Schedule
Past Outcomes

Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is based
on the life work of Dr. Robert P Crosby.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s History

Crosby & Associates

• 1953 Attended his first experiential process in communication skills.
• 1957 Attended his first training at National Training Laboratory (NTL) led
by Dr. Ronald Lippitt, Dr. Leland Bradford, and Dr. Ken Benne.
• 1957 – 1986 Mentored by Dr Ronald Lippitt the primary graduate
student of Dr. Kurt Lewin (creator of Action Research and T-Groups).
• 1965 Attended first ever Organizational Development (OD) training at
NTL led by founders in the field of OD.
• 1969 Founded institute called LIOS in Spokane Washington, USA.
• 1973 LIOS became a fully accredited Master Degree program led by
Crosby with two other faculty, Dr. Ronald Short and Dr. John Scherer.
• 1980 Created the People Performance Profile (PPP) with Dr. Scherer. The
PPP is an OD effectiveness survey.
• 1981-82 Son Gil Crosby attended LIOS and joined Dr. Crosby’s consulting
business in 1984.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Son Chris Crosby (West Coast President of Crosby & Associates)
attended LIOS.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s Programs

Crosby & Associates

• 1973 Created the LIOS Graduate Program.
• 1987 While working at PECO Nuclear created Tough Stuff™, a 1 week
with one or two 3 day follow ups that uses the experiential education
foundations of the graduate program. The emphasis is Emotional
Intelligence (EQ) at work.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Created the High Performance Leadership Program (HPL).
• 2008 Sons Gil and Chris, using the basis of Dr. Crosby’s above work,
created the Accelerated Leadership Program (ALP). ALP is a 7 week
program (each week separated by approximately 1 ½ months). ALP is
tied to business goals more directly than any other training program
Crosby has created to date.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis
© Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis

Crosby & Associates

Through his years of experience and exposure to the
founders of OD and Family Systems Theory, Dr. Robert P
Crosby created a unique theory of authority in systems. It
can be summed up by the title of his first book “Walking the
Empowerment Tight Rope: Balancing Management
Authority and Employee Influence.” Crosby’s theory is
intertwined throughout his three business books. His
advantage over other OD authors is that he wrote his books
out of years of experience working in business rather than
from a purely academic/theoretical perspective. His books
are based on applied theory, grounded in practice.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s first book is derived
from the PPP. After giving it to
600 workplaces a trend was
seen in the highest performing
work groups. Those groups
performed the best in all key
indicators such as Safety,
Productivity, Absenteeism,
Quality, and Costs. Crosby
identified 25 factors from the
PPP and first presented it in his
work with NASA in 1986 after
the Challenger disaster.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

While working at Aldus (the
creator of PageMaker) Crosby
noticed an emerging trend of
dotted line relationships and
matrixed workplaces. Aldus lost
millions because they were late on
their software implementation of
PageMaker 5. This book outlines
how he helped them implement
PageMaker 6 on time and with
quality. It’s principles apply to all
projects and initiatives.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Cultural Change in Organizations
was written after years of helping
plants align their leadership and
reach results. It’s a composite story
on how to create a change of culture
and get business results. It is a
rewrite of Dr. Crosby’s 1998 The
Authentic Leader and is co-written
by West Coast President Chris
Crosby. Both father and sons have
replicated the methods in this book,
which consistently lead to record
setting business results!
© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

Crosby & Associates

The following page outlines the
extensive Organizational
Development influences in Dr.
Robert P Crosby’s career.

© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence related to work
Experiential Education
Systems Theory
Personal Growth

© Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
grounded in Emotional Intelligence (EQ).
The methods used by Dr. Crosby starting
in the 1950’s were popularized by Daniel
Goleman in his ground breaking book
“Emotional Intelligence” in 1986.
Research has shown that EQ is a much
better predictor of success than IQ.
Ironically, at the time of Goleman’s book,
Dr. Crosby had been teaching EQ for over
30 years.

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Daniel Goleman pointed out in “Working with Emotional
Intelligence” (only one of his numerous texts on the subject):

EQ accounted for 67% of the abilities deemed necessary for
superior performance

EQ mattered TWICE as much as technical expertise or IQ

Unlike IQ (which is a fixed capacity - we either use it, or we
don’t, but it can’t be increased), whatever your current EQ, with
intention and guidance, you can improve. ALP increases EQ!

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

EQ has 3 Core Capacities
All the capacities of EQ are intended to increase ones capacity to notice,
name and own their experience.

Capacity One
Self Awareness – In Tense Moments
• Awareness of my Emotions
• From moment to moment
• Access to a full range of Emotions
• Ability to differentiate
• Judgments from observable facts (behavioral specifics)
• Thoughts from Feelings
• My experience (self) from others
• Clearly articulate wants (Goals, Expectations, etc., from up, down, and across
the workplace)

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Capacity Two
My Patterns – How I manage tense moments
• Recognize my patterns (especially during conflict)
• Increase capacity to calm down during and after tense moments
Capacity Three
How I Honor Others – Empathy
• Accuracy –Getting their experience
• Compassion – Feeling and understanding their experience
• Interaction –Actively demonstrating it
Plus providing space for the others to be different

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby learned about experiential education starting in the
1950’s and continuing throughout his career. All of his leadership
programs utilize experiential education as their foundation. From
his beginnings in 1953 he understood that you cannot learn
about leadership or communication skills through lecture alone.
There must be a significant aspect of experiential techniques to
truly impact behavior.
ALP utilizes experiential education as its primary learning

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Levels of Experiential Learning

Level 1 - Pure Cognitive Learning – learning through lecture and testing,
reading books, memorization, etc.
Largest impact is to IQ.
Little or slow behavioral change.
Level 2 - Mainly Cognitive Learning - Reflective learning from the past - such
as thinking back, looking at your side of things (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments), and thinking through other
Largest impact is to IQ with some impact to EQ.
Slow behavioral change.
© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Level 3 - Mainly Experiential Learning- Reflective learning from the present
interaction - such as receiving feedback (coaching) about actual behavior in
recent situation (scientifically verifiable as to what you said and did only, no
judgments), thinking about what you were feeling, thinking, and doing, and
then re-engaging with situation.
Large impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.

High behavioral change.
Level 4 - Pure Experiential Learning – Debriefing your immediate situation
with person you are having the experience with. This involves giving and
receiving feedback on immediate interactions (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments).
Largest impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.
Highest behavioral change.

© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Robert P Crosby was heavily
influenced by two seminal thinkers
in the twentieth century: Dr. Kurt
Lewin (1890-1947) and Dr. John
Dewey (1859-1952). Not only did he
study their work, but he also was
trained by Dr. Goodwin Watson, a
colleague of Dr. John Dewey, and
had a 30-year mentorship and
colleagueship with Dr. Ronald Lippitt
(starting in 1957), one of Dr. Lewin’s
top graduate students.


Kurt Lewin
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Both Dr. Dewey and Dr. Lewin believed that
democratic leadership is a learned behavior. Further, it
is more difficult to learn than either autocratic or
permissive styles of leadership and therefore must be
learned anew in each generation. Crosby has spent his
life helping organizations learn how to balance
management authority and employee engagement,
including leading several efforts to recover from poorly
planned experiments of moving towards self-managed
work teams.

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby worked with Dr. Daryl
Conner and came up with his own
approach to Conner’s
Sponsor/Agent/Target/Advocate (SATA)
theory. Dr. Crosby’s clarity about the
role of Sponsor—specifically, the
critical distinction being that you can
only “sponsor” your direct reports is
critical to effectively managing crossfunctional work and change. Dr.
Crosby’s clarity about the role of each
subsequent layer of sponsorship - the
sustaining sponsors - is the key to
successful matrixed work.
© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s approach is also heavily influenced
by Family Systems thinking through the work of
Dr. Murray Bowen, Dr. Edwin Friedman, Dr.
Salvador Minuchin, and Dr. Carl Whitaker.

For example, our habitual reactions to authority
(to having a boss or being the boss) begin early in
life. Family Systems thinking helps one
understand these and other reactions learned
early in life (such as our habits during conflict), so
as to adapt a broader range of behavioral choices
and become a more effective leader.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Business Application
© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
designed to both train your leaders and
obtain bottom line business results. To do
this there is a constant focus on
application of ALP activity to your
immediate business needs.

© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

A case study based on a mission critical project or
initiative and approved by their area VP. The case study
includes business results.

A mid-point assessment and conversation with the
participants direct report about their developmental
plan linking it to leadership development objectives.

A day of onsite coaching to ensure maximum learning
and integration with the ALP models.

A final behavioral competency based assessment.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule
© Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program
contains six one week modules and a half
day of individual coaching for each
participant. The Modules are separated by
about 1 ½ months. Each program is custom
built for the client based on their unique
needs and closely tied to business results.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Example Schedule

Module 1

Module 2

Module 3

Module 4

EQ Profile

Leadership &
Systems Theory
Related to

Skills 1

Skills 2

Coaching Skills &

Individual and


Helping Skills

Jay Hall Conflict


3rd Party

Authority in

Case Study
Process Begins

Business Change



Case Study Due/

Family Ties
That Bind


Intro to Family of Sponsor Agent
Prep for Group
Leadership Skills


Goal Clarity

Basic Self Skills

© Crosby & Associates

Basic Self Skills

Case Study

On Site
(Faculty with
students in

In Field

Module 5

Module 6

and Group

Synthesis &



Group Process

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Faculty Standards

Crosby & Associates

At Crosby & Associates we hold a strong belief
that Organization Development is a
professional discipline. Our trainings involve
experiential learning using a group process
that holds to strict behavioral science
standards. All our faculty hold Masters
Degrees as well as at least ten years of
coaching and training with a master in the
© Crosby & Associates


Dr. Robert P Crosby
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby has 60 years of
experience helping organizations.
He is a master in his field, having
founded the Leadership Institute of
Seattle (LIOS) in 1969, and held
faculty roles through LIOS contracts
at universities such as Antioch in
Seattle and Martin University in
Indianapolis, Indiana. Crosby led
successful efforts at PECO Nuclear,
Addy Washington (72% productivity
gain as quoted by Business Week),
The Riverfront Park Project in
Spokane Washington, and
numerous others.


Crosby & Associates

Chris has 20 years of experience coaching
leaders and their teams throughout the
USA and internationally in Germany, Costa
Rica, Wales, Jamaica, England, Hungary,
Egypt, The Philippines, Korea, China, Peru,
Spain and Mexico. He holds two Master of
Arts degrees from the Leadership Institute
of Seattle in both Counseling and
Organizational Development. He knows
how to engage the workforce in such a
way as to build ownership and
commitment yet does not let go of the
realities of structure and authority. Also a
published author, Chris did a significant
portion of the editing in “Cultural Change
in Organizations”.

Chris Crosby, MA
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Gil has 29 years of experience in
the field of OD. He specializes in
Leadership and Organizational
Development. His expertise is in
facilitating cultural change in
support of key initiatives including
technology implementation, cost
reduction, productivity increases,
employee morale, and mergers.
He is a published author whose
book “Fight, Flight, Freeze” helps
leaders improve their interactive
skills and is a do-it-yourself version
of Tough Stuff.

Gil Crosby, MSW
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Past Outcomes
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

The following are a
selection of outcomes by
graduates or participants of
Dr. Crosby’s leadership
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• CSI achieved 6 R&D project in one year after they had not successfully
completed any for the past year.
• Alcoa plants at Warrick, Indiana and Knoxville, Tennessee were managed
by the same person who began using Dr. Crosby in 1992. In 1994 those two
plants created 1/3 of Alcoa’s world wide profits after having gone through
two years of intensive OD work. 500 of the population went through Tough
Stuff (Dr. Crosby’s short leadership program), including many steelworkers.
In addition, 30 students were in Dr. Crosby’s corporate based Master
Program from which the ALP program is based.
• In November of 2011 the President of the United States visited the
Davenport Iowa plant to highlight its remarkable business results. From
2002 to 2010, 60% of all Davenport Employees had completed a Dr. Crosby
leadership program.

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• A graduate created the Bench Mark Change Management Program in the
largest software implementation in the history of Alcoa and achieved go
lives in 20 plants with minimal disruption and no missed shipments. The
previous Alcoa BU had 50% on time delivery for one year after its Oracle
• Dr. Crosby led a project to recover the Alcoa plant in Badin, North Carolina.
At the time the Associated Press reported that Alcoa was threatening to
close the plant if cost reductions of $5.5 million could not be achieved. Six
months after implementing the project, the plant was able to confidently
project a budget far exceeding that goal. Dr. Crosby developed a significant
amount of people in the plant through his leadership programs.
• Dr. Crosby led the OD portion of the turnaround at PECO Nuclear. In 1987
the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) shutdown the Peach Bottom
Atomic Station. Following years of extensive OD work PECO was designated
in 1996 as excellent by INPO, and given a strong Systematic Assessment of
Licensee Performance (SALP) rating by the NRC.
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• Following years of Dr. Crosby’s leadership programs and interventions in
the plant Jamalco went from the worst on cash curve amongst Alcoa
bauxite refineries in 1999 to tied for best on cash curve in 2005.
Improvements included a reduction of $38 million in annual operating
costs. Jamalco was the only refinery in Jamaica to stay at full production
throughout the Great Recession.
• After a critical mass of employees went through Dr. Crosby’s leadership
programs Sherwin Alumina was the only US bauxite refinery to stay in
production throughout the Great Recession.

Slide 21

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated
Leadership Program (ALP)
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
Theoretical Basis
Business Application
Program Schedule
Past Outcomes

Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is based
on the life work of Dr. Robert P Crosby.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s History

Crosby & Associates

• 1953 Attended his first experiential process in communication skills.
• 1957 Attended his first training at National Training Laboratory (NTL) led
by Dr. Ronald Lippitt, Dr. Leland Bradford, and Dr. Ken Benne.
• 1957 – 1986 Mentored by Dr Ronald Lippitt the primary graduate
student of Dr. Kurt Lewin (creator of Action Research and T-Groups).
• 1965 Attended first ever Organizational Development (OD) training at
NTL led by founders in the field of OD.
• 1969 Founded institute called LIOS in Spokane Washington, USA.
• 1973 LIOS became a fully accredited Master Degree program led by
Crosby with two other faculty, Dr. Ronald Short and Dr. John Scherer.
• 1980 Created the People Performance Profile (PPP) with Dr. Scherer. The
PPP is an OD effectiveness survey.
• 1981-82 Son Gil Crosby attended LIOS and joined Dr. Crosby’s consulting
business in 1984.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Son Chris Crosby (West Coast President of Crosby & Associates)
attended LIOS.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s Programs

Crosby & Associates

• 1973 Created the LIOS Graduate Program.
• 1987 While working at PECO Nuclear created Tough Stuff™, a 1 week
with one or two 3 day follow ups that uses the experiential education
foundations of the graduate program. The emphasis is Emotional
Intelligence (EQ) at work.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Created the High Performance Leadership Program (HPL).
• 2008 Sons Gil and Chris, using the basis of Dr. Crosby’s above work,
created the Accelerated Leadership Program (ALP). ALP is a 7 week
program (each week separated by approximately 1 ½ months). ALP is
tied to business goals more directly than any other training program
Crosby has created to date.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis
© Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis

Crosby & Associates

Through his years of experience and exposure to the
founders of OD and Family Systems Theory, Dr. Robert P
Crosby created a unique theory of authority in systems. It
can be summed up by the title of his first book “Walking the
Empowerment Tight Rope: Balancing Management
Authority and Employee Influence.” Crosby’s theory is
intertwined throughout his three business books. His
advantage over other OD authors is that he wrote his books
out of years of experience working in business rather than
from a purely academic/theoretical perspective. His books
are based on applied theory, grounded in practice.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s first book is derived
from the PPP. After giving it to
600 workplaces a trend was
seen in the highest performing
work groups. Those groups
performed the best in all key
indicators such as Safety,
Productivity, Absenteeism,
Quality, and Costs. Crosby
identified 25 factors from the
PPP and first presented it in his
work with NASA in 1986 after
the Challenger disaster.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

While working at Aldus (the
creator of PageMaker) Crosby
noticed an emerging trend of
dotted line relationships and
matrixed workplaces. Aldus lost
millions because they were late on
their software implementation of
PageMaker 5. This book outlines
how he helped them implement
PageMaker 6 on time and with
quality. It’s principles apply to all
projects and initiatives.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Cultural Change in Organizations
was written after years of helping
plants align their leadership and
reach results. It’s a composite story
on how to create a change of culture
and get business results. It is a
rewrite of Dr. Crosby’s 1998 The
Authentic Leader and is co-written
by West Coast President Chris
Crosby. Both father and sons have
replicated the methods in this book,
which consistently lead to record
setting business results!
© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

Crosby & Associates

The following page outlines the
extensive Organizational
Development influences in Dr.
Robert P Crosby’s career.

© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence related to work
Experiential Education
Systems Theory
Personal Growth

© Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
grounded in Emotional Intelligence (EQ).
The methods used by Dr. Crosby starting
in the 1950’s were popularized by Daniel
Goleman in his ground breaking book
“Emotional Intelligence” in 1986.
Research has shown that EQ is a much
better predictor of success than IQ.
Ironically, at the time of Goleman’s book,
Dr. Crosby had been teaching EQ for over
30 years.

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Daniel Goleman pointed out in “Working with Emotional
Intelligence” (only one of his numerous texts on the subject):

EQ accounted for 67% of the abilities deemed necessary for
superior performance

EQ mattered TWICE as much as technical expertise or IQ

Unlike IQ (which is a fixed capacity - we either use it, or we
don’t, but it can’t be increased), whatever your current EQ, with
intention and guidance, you can improve. ALP increases EQ!

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

EQ has 3 Core Capacities
All the capacities of EQ are intended to increase ones capacity to notice,
name and own their experience.

Capacity One
Self Awareness – In Tense Moments
• Awareness of my Emotions
• From moment to moment
• Access to a full range of Emotions
• Ability to differentiate
• Judgments from observable facts (behavioral specifics)
• Thoughts from Feelings
• My experience (self) from others
• Clearly articulate wants (Goals, Expectations, etc., from up, down, and across
the workplace)

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Capacity Two
My Patterns – How I manage tense moments
• Recognize my patterns (especially during conflict)
• Increase capacity to calm down during and after tense moments
Capacity Three
How I Honor Others – Empathy
• Accuracy –Getting their experience
• Compassion – Feeling and understanding their experience
• Interaction –Actively demonstrating it
Plus providing space for the others to be different

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby learned about experiential education starting in the
1950’s and continuing throughout his career. All of his leadership
programs utilize experiential education as their foundation. From
his beginnings in 1953 he understood that you cannot learn
about leadership or communication skills through lecture alone.
There must be a significant aspect of experiential techniques to
truly impact behavior.
ALP utilizes experiential education as its primary learning

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Levels of Experiential Learning

Level 1 - Pure Cognitive Learning – learning through lecture and testing,
reading books, memorization, etc.
Largest impact is to IQ.
Little or slow behavioral change.
Level 2 - Mainly Cognitive Learning - Reflective learning from the past - such
as thinking back, looking at your side of things (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments), and thinking through other
Largest impact is to IQ with some impact to EQ.
Slow behavioral change.
© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Level 3 - Mainly Experiential Learning- Reflective learning from the present
interaction - such as receiving feedback (coaching) about actual behavior in
recent situation (scientifically verifiable as to what you said and did only, no
judgments), thinking about what you were feeling, thinking, and doing, and
then re-engaging with situation.
Large impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.

High behavioral change.
Level 4 - Pure Experiential Learning – Debriefing your immediate situation
with person you are having the experience with. This involves giving and
receiving feedback on immediate interactions (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments).
Largest impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.
Highest behavioral change.

© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Robert P Crosby was heavily
influenced by two seminal thinkers
in the twentieth century: Dr. Kurt
Lewin (1890-1947) and Dr. John
Dewey (1859-1952). Not only did he
study their work, but he also was
trained by Dr. Goodwin Watson, a
colleague of Dr. John Dewey, and
had a 30-year mentorship and
colleagueship with Dr. Ronald Lippitt
(starting in 1957), one of Dr. Lewin’s
top graduate students.


Kurt Lewin
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Both Dr. Dewey and Dr. Lewin believed that
democratic leadership is a learned behavior. Further, it
is more difficult to learn than either autocratic or
permissive styles of leadership and therefore must be
learned anew in each generation. Crosby has spent his
life helping organizations learn how to balance
management authority and employee engagement,
including leading several efforts to recover from poorly
planned experiments of moving towards self-managed
work teams.

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby worked with Dr. Daryl
Conner and came up with his own
approach to Conner’s
Sponsor/Agent/Target/Advocate (SATA)
theory. Dr. Crosby’s clarity about the
role of Sponsor—specifically, the
critical distinction being that you can
only “sponsor” your direct reports is
critical to effectively managing crossfunctional work and change. Dr.
Crosby’s clarity about the role of each
subsequent layer of sponsorship - the
sustaining sponsors - is the key to
successful matrixed work.
© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s approach is also heavily influenced
by Family Systems thinking through the work of
Dr. Murray Bowen, Dr. Edwin Friedman, Dr.
Salvador Minuchin, and Dr. Carl Whitaker.

For example, our habitual reactions to authority
(to having a boss or being the boss) begin early in
life. Family Systems thinking helps one
understand these and other reactions learned
early in life (such as our habits during conflict), so
as to adapt a broader range of behavioral choices
and become a more effective leader.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Business Application
© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
designed to both train your leaders and
obtain bottom line business results. To do
this there is a constant focus on
application of ALP activity to your
immediate business needs.

© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

A case study based on a mission critical project or
initiative and approved by their area VP. The case study
includes business results.

A mid-point assessment and conversation with the
participants direct report about their developmental
plan linking it to leadership development objectives.

A day of onsite coaching to ensure maximum learning
and integration with the ALP models.

A final behavioral competency based assessment.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule
© Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program
contains six one week modules and a half
day of individual coaching for each
participant. The Modules are separated by
about 1 ½ months. Each program is custom
built for the client based on their unique
needs and closely tied to business results.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Example Schedule

Module 1

Module 2

Module 3

Module 4

EQ Profile

Leadership &
Systems Theory
Related to

Skills 1

Skills 2

Coaching Skills &

Individual and


Helping Skills

Jay Hall Conflict


3rd Party

Authority in

Case Study
Process Begins

Business Change



Case Study Due/

Family Ties
That Bind


Intro to Family of Sponsor Agent
Prep for Group
Leadership Skills


Goal Clarity

Basic Self Skills

© Crosby & Associates

Basic Self Skills

Case Study

On Site
(Faculty with
students in

In Field

Module 5

Module 6

and Group

Synthesis &



Group Process

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Faculty Standards

Crosby & Associates

At Crosby & Associates we hold a strong belief
that Organization Development is a
professional discipline. Our trainings involve
experiential learning using a group process
that holds to strict behavioral science
standards. All our faculty hold Masters
Degrees as well as at least ten years of
coaching and training with a master in the
© Crosby & Associates


Dr. Robert P Crosby
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby has 60 years of
experience helping organizations.
He is a master in his field, having
founded the Leadership Institute of
Seattle (LIOS) in 1969, and held
faculty roles through LIOS contracts
at universities such as Antioch in
Seattle and Martin University in
Indianapolis, Indiana. Crosby led
successful efforts at PECO Nuclear,
Addy Washington (72% productivity
gain as quoted by Business Week),
The Riverfront Park Project in
Spokane Washington, and
numerous others.


Crosby & Associates

Chris has 20 years of experience coaching
leaders and their teams throughout the
USA and internationally in Germany, Costa
Rica, Wales, Jamaica, England, Hungary,
Egypt, The Philippines, Korea, China, Peru,
Spain and Mexico. He holds two Master of
Arts degrees from the Leadership Institute
of Seattle in both Counseling and
Organizational Development. He knows
how to engage the workforce in such a
way as to build ownership and
commitment yet does not let go of the
realities of structure and authority. Also a
published author, Chris did a significant
portion of the editing in “Cultural Change
in Organizations”.

Chris Crosby, MA
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Gil has 29 years of experience in
the field of OD. He specializes in
Leadership and Organizational
Development. His expertise is in
facilitating cultural change in
support of key initiatives including
technology implementation, cost
reduction, productivity increases,
employee morale, and mergers.
He is a published author whose
book “Fight, Flight, Freeze” helps
leaders improve their interactive
skills and is a do-it-yourself version
of Tough Stuff.

Gil Crosby, MSW
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Past Outcomes
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

The following are a
selection of outcomes by
graduates or participants of
Dr. Crosby’s leadership
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• CSI achieved 6 R&D project in one year after they had not successfully
completed any for the past year.
• Alcoa plants at Warrick, Indiana and Knoxville, Tennessee were managed
by the same person who began using Dr. Crosby in 1992. In 1994 those two
plants created 1/3 of Alcoa’s world wide profits after having gone through
two years of intensive OD work. 500 of the population went through Tough
Stuff (Dr. Crosby’s short leadership program), including many steelworkers.
In addition, 30 students were in Dr. Crosby’s corporate based Master
Program from which the ALP program is based.
• In November of 2011 the President of the United States visited the
Davenport Iowa plant to highlight its remarkable business results. From
2002 to 2010, 60% of all Davenport Employees had completed a Dr. Crosby
leadership program.

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• A graduate created the Bench Mark Change Management Program in the
largest software implementation in the history of Alcoa and achieved go
lives in 20 plants with minimal disruption and no missed shipments. The
previous Alcoa BU had 50% on time delivery for one year after its Oracle
• Dr. Crosby led a project to recover the Alcoa plant in Badin, North Carolina.
At the time the Associated Press reported that Alcoa was threatening to
close the plant if cost reductions of $5.5 million could not be achieved. Six
months after implementing the project, the plant was able to confidently
project a budget far exceeding that goal. Dr. Crosby developed a significant
amount of people in the plant through his leadership programs.
• Dr. Crosby led the OD portion of the turnaround at PECO Nuclear. In 1987
the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) shutdown the Peach Bottom
Atomic Station. Following years of extensive OD work PECO was designated
in 1996 as excellent by INPO, and given a strong Systematic Assessment of
Licensee Performance (SALP) rating by the NRC.
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• Following years of Dr. Crosby’s leadership programs and interventions in
the plant Jamalco went from the worst on cash curve amongst Alcoa
bauxite refineries in 1999 to tied for best on cash curve in 2005.
Improvements included a reduction of $38 million in annual operating
costs. Jamalco was the only refinery in Jamaica to stay at full production
throughout the Great Recession.
• After a critical mass of employees went through Dr. Crosby’s leadership
programs Sherwin Alumina was the only US bauxite refinery to stay in
production throughout the Great Recession.

Slide 22

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated
Leadership Program (ALP)
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
Theoretical Basis
Business Application
Program Schedule
Past Outcomes

Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is based
on the life work of Dr. Robert P Crosby.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s History

Crosby & Associates

• 1953 Attended his first experiential process in communication skills.
• 1957 Attended his first training at National Training Laboratory (NTL) led
by Dr. Ronald Lippitt, Dr. Leland Bradford, and Dr. Ken Benne.
• 1957 – 1986 Mentored by Dr Ronald Lippitt the primary graduate
student of Dr. Kurt Lewin (creator of Action Research and T-Groups).
• 1965 Attended first ever Organizational Development (OD) training at
NTL led by founders in the field of OD.
• 1969 Founded institute called LIOS in Spokane Washington, USA.
• 1973 LIOS became a fully accredited Master Degree program led by
Crosby with two other faculty, Dr. Ronald Short and Dr. John Scherer.
• 1980 Created the People Performance Profile (PPP) with Dr. Scherer. The
PPP is an OD effectiveness survey.
• 1981-82 Son Gil Crosby attended LIOS and joined Dr. Crosby’s consulting
business in 1984.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Son Chris Crosby (West Coast President of Crosby & Associates)
attended LIOS.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s Programs

Crosby & Associates

• 1973 Created the LIOS Graduate Program.
• 1987 While working at PECO Nuclear created Tough Stuff™, a 1 week
with one or two 3 day follow ups that uses the experiential education
foundations of the graduate program. The emphasis is Emotional
Intelligence (EQ) at work.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Created the High Performance Leadership Program (HPL).
• 2008 Sons Gil and Chris, using the basis of Dr. Crosby’s above work,
created the Accelerated Leadership Program (ALP). ALP is a 7 week
program (each week separated by approximately 1 ½ months). ALP is
tied to business goals more directly than any other training program
Crosby has created to date.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis
© Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis

Crosby & Associates

Through his years of experience and exposure to the
founders of OD and Family Systems Theory, Dr. Robert P
Crosby created a unique theory of authority in systems. It
can be summed up by the title of his first book “Walking the
Empowerment Tight Rope: Balancing Management
Authority and Employee Influence.” Crosby’s theory is
intertwined throughout his three business books. His
advantage over other OD authors is that he wrote his books
out of years of experience working in business rather than
from a purely academic/theoretical perspective. His books
are based on applied theory, grounded in practice.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s first book is derived
from the PPP. After giving it to
600 workplaces a trend was
seen in the highest performing
work groups. Those groups
performed the best in all key
indicators such as Safety,
Productivity, Absenteeism,
Quality, and Costs. Crosby
identified 25 factors from the
PPP and first presented it in his
work with NASA in 1986 after
the Challenger disaster.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

While working at Aldus (the
creator of PageMaker) Crosby
noticed an emerging trend of
dotted line relationships and
matrixed workplaces. Aldus lost
millions because they were late on
their software implementation of
PageMaker 5. This book outlines
how he helped them implement
PageMaker 6 on time and with
quality. It’s principles apply to all
projects and initiatives.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Cultural Change in Organizations
was written after years of helping
plants align their leadership and
reach results. It’s a composite story
on how to create a change of culture
and get business results. It is a
rewrite of Dr. Crosby’s 1998 The
Authentic Leader and is co-written
by West Coast President Chris
Crosby. Both father and sons have
replicated the methods in this book,
which consistently lead to record
setting business results!
© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

Crosby & Associates

The following page outlines the
extensive Organizational
Development influences in Dr.
Robert P Crosby’s career.

© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence related to work
Experiential Education
Systems Theory
Personal Growth

© Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
grounded in Emotional Intelligence (EQ).
The methods used by Dr. Crosby starting
in the 1950’s were popularized by Daniel
Goleman in his ground breaking book
“Emotional Intelligence” in 1986.
Research has shown that EQ is a much
better predictor of success than IQ.
Ironically, at the time of Goleman’s book,
Dr. Crosby had been teaching EQ for over
30 years.

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Daniel Goleman pointed out in “Working with Emotional
Intelligence” (only one of his numerous texts on the subject):

EQ accounted for 67% of the abilities deemed necessary for
superior performance

EQ mattered TWICE as much as technical expertise or IQ

Unlike IQ (which is a fixed capacity - we either use it, or we
don’t, but it can’t be increased), whatever your current EQ, with
intention and guidance, you can improve. ALP increases EQ!

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

EQ has 3 Core Capacities
All the capacities of EQ are intended to increase ones capacity to notice,
name and own their experience.

Capacity One
Self Awareness – In Tense Moments
• Awareness of my Emotions
• From moment to moment
• Access to a full range of Emotions
• Ability to differentiate
• Judgments from observable facts (behavioral specifics)
• Thoughts from Feelings
• My experience (self) from others
• Clearly articulate wants (Goals, Expectations, etc., from up, down, and across
the workplace)

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Capacity Two
My Patterns – How I manage tense moments
• Recognize my patterns (especially during conflict)
• Increase capacity to calm down during and after tense moments
Capacity Three
How I Honor Others – Empathy
• Accuracy –Getting their experience
• Compassion – Feeling and understanding their experience
• Interaction –Actively demonstrating it
Plus providing space for the others to be different

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby learned about experiential education starting in the
1950’s and continuing throughout his career. All of his leadership
programs utilize experiential education as their foundation. From
his beginnings in 1953 he understood that you cannot learn
about leadership or communication skills through lecture alone.
There must be a significant aspect of experiential techniques to
truly impact behavior.
ALP utilizes experiential education as its primary learning

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Levels of Experiential Learning

Level 1 - Pure Cognitive Learning – learning through lecture and testing,
reading books, memorization, etc.
Largest impact is to IQ.
Little or slow behavioral change.
Level 2 - Mainly Cognitive Learning - Reflective learning from the past - such
as thinking back, looking at your side of things (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments), and thinking through other
Largest impact is to IQ with some impact to EQ.
Slow behavioral change.
© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Level 3 - Mainly Experiential Learning- Reflective learning from the present
interaction - such as receiving feedback (coaching) about actual behavior in
recent situation (scientifically verifiable as to what you said and did only, no
judgments), thinking about what you were feeling, thinking, and doing, and
then re-engaging with situation.
Large impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.

High behavioral change.
Level 4 - Pure Experiential Learning – Debriefing your immediate situation
with person you are having the experience with. This involves giving and
receiving feedback on immediate interactions (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments).
Largest impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.
Highest behavioral change.

© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Robert P Crosby was heavily
influenced by two seminal thinkers
in the twentieth century: Dr. Kurt
Lewin (1890-1947) and Dr. John
Dewey (1859-1952). Not only did he
study their work, but he also was
trained by Dr. Goodwin Watson, a
colleague of Dr. John Dewey, and
had a 30-year mentorship and
colleagueship with Dr. Ronald Lippitt
(starting in 1957), one of Dr. Lewin’s
top graduate students.


Kurt Lewin
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Both Dr. Dewey and Dr. Lewin believed that
democratic leadership is a learned behavior. Further, it
is more difficult to learn than either autocratic or
permissive styles of leadership and therefore must be
learned anew in each generation. Crosby has spent his
life helping organizations learn how to balance
management authority and employee engagement,
including leading several efforts to recover from poorly
planned experiments of moving towards self-managed
work teams.

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby worked with Dr. Daryl
Conner and came up with his own
approach to Conner’s
Sponsor/Agent/Target/Advocate (SATA)
theory. Dr. Crosby’s clarity about the
role of Sponsor—specifically, the
critical distinction being that you can
only “sponsor” your direct reports is
critical to effectively managing crossfunctional work and change. Dr.
Crosby’s clarity about the role of each
subsequent layer of sponsorship - the
sustaining sponsors - is the key to
successful matrixed work.
© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s approach is also heavily influenced
by Family Systems thinking through the work of
Dr. Murray Bowen, Dr. Edwin Friedman, Dr.
Salvador Minuchin, and Dr. Carl Whitaker.

For example, our habitual reactions to authority
(to having a boss or being the boss) begin early in
life. Family Systems thinking helps one
understand these and other reactions learned
early in life (such as our habits during conflict), so
as to adapt a broader range of behavioral choices
and become a more effective leader.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Business Application
© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
designed to both train your leaders and
obtain bottom line business results. To do
this there is a constant focus on
application of ALP activity to your
immediate business needs.

© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

A case study based on a mission critical project or
initiative and approved by their area VP. The case study
includes business results.

A mid-point assessment and conversation with the
participants direct report about their developmental
plan linking it to leadership development objectives.

A day of onsite coaching to ensure maximum learning
and integration with the ALP models.

A final behavioral competency based assessment.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule
© Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program
contains six one week modules and a half
day of individual coaching for each
participant. The Modules are separated by
about 1 ½ months. Each program is custom
built for the client based on their unique
needs and closely tied to business results.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Example Schedule

Module 1

Module 2

Module 3

Module 4

EQ Profile

Leadership &
Systems Theory
Related to

Skills 1

Skills 2

Coaching Skills &

Individual and


Helping Skills

Jay Hall Conflict


3rd Party

Authority in

Case Study
Process Begins

Business Change



Case Study Due/

Family Ties
That Bind


Intro to Family of Sponsor Agent
Prep for Group
Leadership Skills


Goal Clarity

Basic Self Skills

© Crosby & Associates

Basic Self Skills

Case Study

On Site
(Faculty with
students in

In Field

Module 5

Module 6

and Group

Synthesis &



Group Process

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Faculty Standards

Crosby & Associates

At Crosby & Associates we hold a strong belief
that Organization Development is a
professional discipline. Our trainings involve
experiential learning using a group process
that holds to strict behavioral science
standards. All our faculty hold Masters
Degrees as well as at least ten years of
coaching and training with a master in the
© Crosby & Associates


Dr. Robert P Crosby
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby has 60 years of
experience helping organizations.
He is a master in his field, having
founded the Leadership Institute of
Seattle (LIOS) in 1969, and held
faculty roles through LIOS contracts
at universities such as Antioch in
Seattle and Martin University in
Indianapolis, Indiana. Crosby led
successful efforts at PECO Nuclear,
Addy Washington (72% productivity
gain as quoted by Business Week),
The Riverfront Park Project in
Spokane Washington, and
numerous others.


Crosby & Associates

Chris has 20 years of experience coaching
leaders and their teams throughout the
USA and internationally in Germany, Costa
Rica, Wales, Jamaica, England, Hungary,
Egypt, The Philippines, Korea, China, Peru,
Spain and Mexico. He holds two Master of
Arts degrees from the Leadership Institute
of Seattle in both Counseling and
Organizational Development. He knows
how to engage the workforce in such a
way as to build ownership and
commitment yet does not let go of the
realities of structure and authority. Also a
published author, Chris did a significant
portion of the editing in “Cultural Change
in Organizations”.

Chris Crosby, MA
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Gil has 29 years of experience in
the field of OD. He specializes in
Leadership and Organizational
Development. His expertise is in
facilitating cultural change in
support of key initiatives including
technology implementation, cost
reduction, productivity increases,
employee morale, and mergers.
He is a published author whose
book “Fight, Flight, Freeze” helps
leaders improve their interactive
skills and is a do-it-yourself version
of Tough Stuff.

Gil Crosby, MSW
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Past Outcomes
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

The following are a
selection of outcomes by
graduates or participants of
Dr. Crosby’s leadership
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• CSI achieved 6 R&D project in one year after they had not successfully
completed any for the past year.
• Alcoa plants at Warrick, Indiana and Knoxville, Tennessee were managed
by the same person who began using Dr. Crosby in 1992. In 1994 those two
plants created 1/3 of Alcoa’s world wide profits after having gone through
two years of intensive OD work. 500 of the population went through Tough
Stuff (Dr. Crosby’s short leadership program), including many steelworkers.
In addition, 30 students were in Dr. Crosby’s corporate based Master
Program from which the ALP program is based.
• In November of 2011 the President of the United States visited the
Davenport Iowa plant to highlight its remarkable business results. From
2002 to 2010, 60% of all Davenport Employees had completed a Dr. Crosby
leadership program.

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• A graduate created the Bench Mark Change Management Program in the
largest software implementation in the history of Alcoa and achieved go
lives in 20 plants with minimal disruption and no missed shipments. The
previous Alcoa BU had 50% on time delivery for one year after its Oracle
• Dr. Crosby led a project to recover the Alcoa plant in Badin, North Carolina.
At the time the Associated Press reported that Alcoa was threatening to
close the plant if cost reductions of $5.5 million could not be achieved. Six
months after implementing the project, the plant was able to confidently
project a budget far exceeding that goal. Dr. Crosby developed a significant
amount of people in the plant through his leadership programs.
• Dr. Crosby led the OD portion of the turnaround at PECO Nuclear. In 1987
the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) shutdown the Peach Bottom
Atomic Station. Following years of extensive OD work PECO was designated
in 1996 as excellent by INPO, and given a strong Systematic Assessment of
Licensee Performance (SALP) rating by the NRC.
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• Following years of Dr. Crosby’s leadership programs and interventions in
the plant Jamalco went from the worst on cash curve amongst Alcoa
bauxite refineries in 1999 to tied for best on cash curve in 2005.
Improvements included a reduction of $38 million in annual operating
costs. Jamalco was the only refinery in Jamaica to stay at full production
throughout the Great Recession.
• After a critical mass of employees went through Dr. Crosby’s leadership
programs Sherwin Alumina was the only US bauxite refinery to stay in
production throughout the Great Recession.

Slide 23

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated
Leadership Program (ALP)
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
Theoretical Basis
Business Application
Program Schedule
Past Outcomes

Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is based
on the life work of Dr. Robert P Crosby.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s History

Crosby & Associates

• 1953 Attended his first experiential process in communication skills.
• 1957 Attended his first training at National Training Laboratory (NTL) led
by Dr. Ronald Lippitt, Dr. Leland Bradford, and Dr. Ken Benne.
• 1957 – 1986 Mentored by Dr Ronald Lippitt the primary graduate
student of Dr. Kurt Lewin (creator of Action Research and T-Groups).
• 1965 Attended first ever Organizational Development (OD) training at
NTL led by founders in the field of OD.
• 1969 Founded institute called LIOS in Spokane Washington, USA.
• 1973 LIOS became a fully accredited Master Degree program led by
Crosby with two other faculty, Dr. Ronald Short and Dr. John Scherer.
• 1980 Created the People Performance Profile (PPP) with Dr. Scherer. The
PPP is an OD effectiveness survey.
• 1981-82 Son Gil Crosby attended LIOS and joined Dr. Crosby’s consulting
business in 1984.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Son Chris Crosby (West Coast President of Crosby & Associates)
attended LIOS.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s Programs

Crosby & Associates

• 1973 Created the LIOS Graduate Program.
• 1987 While working at PECO Nuclear created Tough Stuff™, a 1 week
with one or two 3 day follow ups that uses the experiential education
foundations of the graduate program. The emphasis is Emotional
Intelligence (EQ) at work.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Created the High Performance Leadership Program (HPL).
• 2008 Sons Gil and Chris, using the basis of Dr. Crosby’s above work,
created the Accelerated Leadership Program (ALP). ALP is a 7 week
program (each week separated by approximately 1 ½ months). ALP is
tied to business goals more directly than any other training program
Crosby has created to date.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis
© Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis

Crosby & Associates

Through his years of experience and exposure to the
founders of OD and Family Systems Theory, Dr. Robert P
Crosby created a unique theory of authority in systems. It
can be summed up by the title of his first book “Walking the
Empowerment Tight Rope: Balancing Management
Authority and Employee Influence.” Crosby’s theory is
intertwined throughout his three business books. His
advantage over other OD authors is that he wrote his books
out of years of experience working in business rather than
from a purely academic/theoretical perspective. His books
are based on applied theory, grounded in practice.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s first book is derived
from the PPP. After giving it to
600 workplaces a trend was
seen in the highest performing
work groups. Those groups
performed the best in all key
indicators such as Safety,
Productivity, Absenteeism,
Quality, and Costs. Crosby
identified 25 factors from the
PPP and first presented it in his
work with NASA in 1986 after
the Challenger disaster.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

While working at Aldus (the
creator of PageMaker) Crosby
noticed an emerging trend of
dotted line relationships and
matrixed workplaces. Aldus lost
millions because they were late on
their software implementation of
PageMaker 5. This book outlines
how he helped them implement
PageMaker 6 on time and with
quality. It’s principles apply to all
projects and initiatives.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Cultural Change in Organizations
was written after years of helping
plants align their leadership and
reach results. It’s a composite story
on how to create a change of culture
and get business results. It is a
rewrite of Dr. Crosby’s 1998 The
Authentic Leader and is co-written
by West Coast President Chris
Crosby. Both father and sons have
replicated the methods in this book,
which consistently lead to record
setting business results!
© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

Crosby & Associates

The following page outlines the
extensive Organizational
Development influences in Dr.
Robert P Crosby’s career.

© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence related to work
Experiential Education
Systems Theory
Personal Growth

© Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
grounded in Emotional Intelligence (EQ).
The methods used by Dr. Crosby starting
in the 1950’s were popularized by Daniel
Goleman in his ground breaking book
“Emotional Intelligence” in 1986.
Research has shown that EQ is a much
better predictor of success than IQ.
Ironically, at the time of Goleman’s book,
Dr. Crosby had been teaching EQ for over
30 years.

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Daniel Goleman pointed out in “Working with Emotional
Intelligence” (only one of his numerous texts on the subject):

EQ accounted for 67% of the abilities deemed necessary for
superior performance

EQ mattered TWICE as much as technical expertise or IQ

Unlike IQ (which is a fixed capacity - we either use it, or we
don’t, but it can’t be increased), whatever your current EQ, with
intention and guidance, you can improve. ALP increases EQ!

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

EQ has 3 Core Capacities
All the capacities of EQ are intended to increase ones capacity to notice,
name and own their experience.

Capacity One
Self Awareness – In Tense Moments
• Awareness of my Emotions
• From moment to moment
• Access to a full range of Emotions
• Ability to differentiate
• Judgments from observable facts (behavioral specifics)
• Thoughts from Feelings
• My experience (self) from others
• Clearly articulate wants (Goals, Expectations, etc., from up, down, and across
the workplace)

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Capacity Two
My Patterns – How I manage tense moments
• Recognize my patterns (especially during conflict)
• Increase capacity to calm down during and after tense moments
Capacity Three
How I Honor Others – Empathy
• Accuracy –Getting their experience
• Compassion – Feeling and understanding their experience
• Interaction –Actively demonstrating it
Plus providing space for the others to be different

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby learned about experiential education starting in the
1950’s and continuing throughout his career. All of his leadership
programs utilize experiential education as their foundation. From
his beginnings in 1953 he understood that you cannot learn
about leadership or communication skills through lecture alone.
There must be a significant aspect of experiential techniques to
truly impact behavior.
ALP utilizes experiential education as its primary learning

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Levels of Experiential Learning

Level 1 - Pure Cognitive Learning – learning through lecture and testing,
reading books, memorization, etc.
Largest impact is to IQ.
Little or slow behavioral change.
Level 2 - Mainly Cognitive Learning - Reflective learning from the past - such
as thinking back, looking at your side of things (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments), and thinking through other
Largest impact is to IQ with some impact to EQ.
Slow behavioral change.
© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Level 3 - Mainly Experiential Learning- Reflective learning from the present
interaction - such as receiving feedback (coaching) about actual behavior in
recent situation (scientifically verifiable as to what you said and did only, no
judgments), thinking about what you were feeling, thinking, and doing, and
then re-engaging with situation.
Large impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.

High behavioral change.
Level 4 - Pure Experiential Learning – Debriefing your immediate situation
with person you are having the experience with. This involves giving and
receiving feedback on immediate interactions (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments).
Largest impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.
Highest behavioral change.

© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Robert P Crosby was heavily
influenced by two seminal thinkers
in the twentieth century: Dr. Kurt
Lewin (1890-1947) and Dr. John
Dewey (1859-1952). Not only did he
study their work, but he also was
trained by Dr. Goodwin Watson, a
colleague of Dr. John Dewey, and
had a 30-year mentorship and
colleagueship with Dr. Ronald Lippitt
(starting in 1957), one of Dr. Lewin’s
top graduate students.


Kurt Lewin
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Both Dr. Dewey and Dr. Lewin believed that
democratic leadership is a learned behavior. Further, it
is more difficult to learn than either autocratic or
permissive styles of leadership and therefore must be
learned anew in each generation. Crosby has spent his
life helping organizations learn how to balance
management authority and employee engagement,
including leading several efforts to recover from poorly
planned experiments of moving towards self-managed
work teams.

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby worked with Dr. Daryl
Conner and came up with his own
approach to Conner’s
Sponsor/Agent/Target/Advocate (SATA)
theory. Dr. Crosby’s clarity about the
role of Sponsor—specifically, the
critical distinction being that you can
only “sponsor” your direct reports is
critical to effectively managing crossfunctional work and change. Dr.
Crosby’s clarity about the role of each
subsequent layer of sponsorship - the
sustaining sponsors - is the key to
successful matrixed work.
© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s approach is also heavily influenced
by Family Systems thinking through the work of
Dr. Murray Bowen, Dr. Edwin Friedman, Dr.
Salvador Minuchin, and Dr. Carl Whitaker.

For example, our habitual reactions to authority
(to having a boss or being the boss) begin early in
life. Family Systems thinking helps one
understand these and other reactions learned
early in life (such as our habits during conflict), so
as to adapt a broader range of behavioral choices
and become a more effective leader.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Business Application
© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
designed to both train your leaders and
obtain bottom line business results. To do
this there is a constant focus on
application of ALP activity to your
immediate business needs.

© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

A case study based on a mission critical project or
initiative and approved by their area VP. The case study
includes business results.

A mid-point assessment and conversation with the
participants direct report about their developmental
plan linking it to leadership development objectives.

A day of onsite coaching to ensure maximum learning
and integration with the ALP models.

A final behavioral competency based assessment.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule
© Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program
contains six one week modules and a half
day of individual coaching for each
participant. The Modules are separated by
about 1 ½ months. Each program is custom
built for the client based on their unique
needs and closely tied to business results.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Example Schedule

Module 1

Module 2

Module 3

Module 4

EQ Profile

Leadership &
Systems Theory
Related to

Skills 1

Skills 2

Coaching Skills &

Individual and


Helping Skills

Jay Hall Conflict


3rd Party

Authority in

Case Study
Process Begins

Business Change



Case Study Due/

Family Ties
That Bind


Intro to Family of Sponsor Agent
Prep for Group
Leadership Skills


Goal Clarity

Basic Self Skills

© Crosby & Associates

Basic Self Skills

Case Study

On Site
(Faculty with
students in

In Field

Module 5

Module 6

and Group

Synthesis &



Group Process

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Faculty Standards

Crosby & Associates

At Crosby & Associates we hold a strong belief
that Organization Development is a
professional discipline. Our trainings involve
experiential learning using a group process
that holds to strict behavioral science
standards. All our faculty hold Masters
Degrees as well as at least ten years of
coaching and training with a master in the
© Crosby & Associates


Dr. Robert P Crosby
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby has 60 years of
experience helping organizations.
He is a master in his field, having
founded the Leadership Institute of
Seattle (LIOS) in 1969, and held
faculty roles through LIOS contracts
at universities such as Antioch in
Seattle and Martin University in
Indianapolis, Indiana. Crosby led
successful efforts at PECO Nuclear,
Addy Washington (72% productivity
gain as quoted by Business Week),
The Riverfront Park Project in
Spokane Washington, and
numerous others.


Crosby & Associates

Chris has 20 years of experience coaching
leaders and their teams throughout the
USA and internationally in Germany, Costa
Rica, Wales, Jamaica, England, Hungary,
Egypt, The Philippines, Korea, China, Peru,
Spain and Mexico. He holds two Master of
Arts degrees from the Leadership Institute
of Seattle in both Counseling and
Organizational Development. He knows
how to engage the workforce in such a
way as to build ownership and
commitment yet does not let go of the
realities of structure and authority. Also a
published author, Chris did a significant
portion of the editing in “Cultural Change
in Organizations”.

Chris Crosby, MA
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Gil has 29 years of experience in
the field of OD. He specializes in
Leadership and Organizational
Development. His expertise is in
facilitating cultural change in
support of key initiatives including
technology implementation, cost
reduction, productivity increases,
employee morale, and mergers.
He is a published author whose
book “Fight, Flight, Freeze” helps
leaders improve their interactive
skills and is a do-it-yourself version
of Tough Stuff.

Gil Crosby, MSW
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Past Outcomes
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

The following are a
selection of outcomes by
graduates or participants of
Dr. Crosby’s leadership
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• CSI achieved 6 R&D project in one year after they had not successfully
completed any for the past year.
• Alcoa plants at Warrick, Indiana and Knoxville, Tennessee were managed
by the same person who began using Dr. Crosby in 1992. In 1994 those two
plants created 1/3 of Alcoa’s world wide profits after having gone through
two years of intensive OD work. 500 of the population went through Tough
Stuff (Dr. Crosby’s short leadership program), including many steelworkers.
In addition, 30 students were in Dr. Crosby’s corporate based Master
Program from which the ALP program is based.
• In November of 2011 the President of the United States visited the
Davenport Iowa plant to highlight its remarkable business results. From
2002 to 2010, 60% of all Davenport Employees had completed a Dr. Crosby
leadership program.

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• A graduate created the Bench Mark Change Management Program in the
largest software implementation in the history of Alcoa and achieved go
lives in 20 plants with minimal disruption and no missed shipments. The
previous Alcoa BU had 50% on time delivery for one year after its Oracle
• Dr. Crosby led a project to recover the Alcoa plant in Badin, North Carolina.
At the time the Associated Press reported that Alcoa was threatening to
close the plant if cost reductions of $5.5 million could not be achieved. Six
months after implementing the project, the plant was able to confidently
project a budget far exceeding that goal. Dr. Crosby developed a significant
amount of people in the plant through his leadership programs.
• Dr. Crosby led the OD portion of the turnaround at PECO Nuclear. In 1987
the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) shutdown the Peach Bottom
Atomic Station. Following years of extensive OD work PECO was designated
in 1996 as excellent by INPO, and given a strong Systematic Assessment of
Licensee Performance (SALP) rating by the NRC.
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• Following years of Dr. Crosby’s leadership programs and interventions in
the plant Jamalco went from the worst on cash curve amongst Alcoa
bauxite refineries in 1999 to tied for best on cash curve in 2005.
Improvements included a reduction of $38 million in annual operating
costs. Jamalco was the only refinery in Jamaica to stay at full production
throughout the Great Recession.
• After a critical mass of employees went through Dr. Crosby’s leadership
programs Sherwin Alumina was the only US bauxite refinery to stay in
production throughout the Great Recession.

Slide 24

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated
Leadership Program (ALP)
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
Theoretical Basis
Business Application
Program Schedule
Past Outcomes

Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is based
on the life work of Dr. Robert P Crosby.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s History

Crosby & Associates

• 1953 Attended his first experiential process in communication skills.
• 1957 Attended his first training at National Training Laboratory (NTL) led
by Dr. Ronald Lippitt, Dr. Leland Bradford, and Dr. Ken Benne.
• 1957 – 1986 Mentored by Dr Ronald Lippitt the primary graduate
student of Dr. Kurt Lewin (creator of Action Research and T-Groups).
• 1965 Attended first ever Organizational Development (OD) training at
NTL led by founders in the field of OD.
• 1969 Founded institute called LIOS in Spokane Washington, USA.
• 1973 LIOS became a fully accredited Master Degree program led by
Crosby with two other faculty, Dr. Ronald Short and Dr. John Scherer.
• 1980 Created the People Performance Profile (PPP) with Dr. Scherer. The
PPP is an OD effectiveness survey.
• 1981-82 Son Gil Crosby attended LIOS and joined Dr. Crosby’s consulting
business in 1984.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Son Chris Crosby (West Coast President of Crosby & Associates)
attended LIOS.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s Programs

Crosby & Associates

• 1973 Created the LIOS Graduate Program.
• 1987 While working at PECO Nuclear created Tough Stuff™, a 1 week
with one or two 3 day follow ups that uses the experiential education
foundations of the graduate program. The emphasis is Emotional
Intelligence (EQ) at work.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Created the High Performance Leadership Program (HPL).
• 2008 Sons Gil and Chris, using the basis of Dr. Crosby’s above work,
created the Accelerated Leadership Program (ALP). ALP is a 7 week
program (each week separated by approximately 1 ½ months). ALP is
tied to business goals more directly than any other training program
Crosby has created to date.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis
© Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis

Crosby & Associates

Through his years of experience and exposure to the
founders of OD and Family Systems Theory, Dr. Robert P
Crosby created a unique theory of authority in systems. It
can be summed up by the title of his first book “Walking the
Empowerment Tight Rope: Balancing Management
Authority and Employee Influence.” Crosby’s theory is
intertwined throughout his three business books. His
advantage over other OD authors is that he wrote his books
out of years of experience working in business rather than
from a purely academic/theoretical perspective. His books
are based on applied theory, grounded in practice.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s first book is derived
from the PPP. After giving it to
600 workplaces a trend was
seen in the highest performing
work groups. Those groups
performed the best in all key
indicators such as Safety,
Productivity, Absenteeism,
Quality, and Costs. Crosby
identified 25 factors from the
PPP and first presented it in his
work with NASA in 1986 after
the Challenger disaster.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

While working at Aldus (the
creator of PageMaker) Crosby
noticed an emerging trend of
dotted line relationships and
matrixed workplaces. Aldus lost
millions because they were late on
their software implementation of
PageMaker 5. This book outlines
how he helped them implement
PageMaker 6 on time and with
quality. It’s principles apply to all
projects and initiatives.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Cultural Change in Organizations
was written after years of helping
plants align their leadership and
reach results. It’s a composite story
on how to create a change of culture
and get business results. It is a
rewrite of Dr. Crosby’s 1998 The
Authentic Leader and is co-written
by West Coast President Chris
Crosby. Both father and sons have
replicated the methods in this book,
which consistently lead to record
setting business results!
© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

Crosby & Associates

The following page outlines the
extensive Organizational
Development influences in Dr.
Robert P Crosby’s career.

© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence related to work
Experiential Education
Systems Theory
Personal Growth

© Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
grounded in Emotional Intelligence (EQ).
The methods used by Dr. Crosby starting
in the 1950’s were popularized by Daniel
Goleman in his ground breaking book
“Emotional Intelligence” in 1986.
Research has shown that EQ is a much
better predictor of success than IQ.
Ironically, at the time of Goleman’s book,
Dr. Crosby had been teaching EQ for over
30 years.

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Daniel Goleman pointed out in “Working with Emotional
Intelligence” (only one of his numerous texts on the subject):

EQ accounted for 67% of the abilities deemed necessary for
superior performance

EQ mattered TWICE as much as technical expertise or IQ

Unlike IQ (which is a fixed capacity - we either use it, or we
don’t, but it can’t be increased), whatever your current EQ, with
intention and guidance, you can improve. ALP increases EQ!

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

EQ has 3 Core Capacities
All the capacities of EQ are intended to increase ones capacity to notice,
name and own their experience.

Capacity One
Self Awareness – In Tense Moments
• Awareness of my Emotions
• From moment to moment
• Access to a full range of Emotions
• Ability to differentiate
• Judgments from observable facts (behavioral specifics)
• Thoughts from Feelings
• My experience (self) from others
• Clearly articulate wants (Goals, Expectations, etc., from up, down, and across
the workplace)

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Capacity Two
My Patterns – How I manage tense moments
• Recognize my patterns (especially during conflict)
• Increase capacity to calm down during and after tense moments
Capacity Three
How I Honor Others – Empathy
• Accuracy –Getting their experience
• Compassion – Feeling and understanding their experience
• Interaction –Actively demonstrating it
Plus providing space for the others to be different

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby learned about experiential education starting in the
1950’s and continuing throughout his career. All of his leadership
programs utilize experiential education as their foundation. From
his beginnings in 1953 he understood that you cannot learn
about leadership or communication skills through lecture alone.
There must be a significant aspect of experiential techniques to
truly impact behavior.
ALP utilizes experiential education as its primary learning

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Levels of Experiential Learning

Level 1 - Pure Cognitive Learning – learning through lecture and testing,
reading books, memorization, etc.
Largest impact is to IQ.
Little or slow behavioral change.
Level 2 - Mainly Cognitive Learning - Reflective learning from the past - such
as thinking back, looking at your side of things (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments), and thinking through other
Largest impact is to IQ with some impact to EQ.
Slow behavioral change.
© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Level 3 - Mainly Experiential Learning- Reflective learning from the present
interaction - such as receiving feedback (coaching) about actual behavior in
recent situation (scientifically verifiable as to what you said and did only, no
judgments), thinking about what you were feeling, thinking, and doing, and
then re-engaging with situation.
Large impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.

High behavioral change.
Level 4 - Pure Experiential Learning – Debriefing your immediate situation
with person you are having the experience with. This involves giving and
receiving feedback on immediate interactions (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments).
Largest impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.
Highest behavioral change.

© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Robert P Crosby was heavily
influenced by two seminal thinkers
in the twentieth century: Dr. Kurt
Lewin (1890-1947) and Dr. John
Dewey (1859-1952). Not only did he
study their work, but he also was
trained by Dr. Goodwin Watson, a
colleague of Dr. John Dewey, and
had a 30-year mentorship and
colleagueship with Dr. Ronald Lippitt
(starting in 1957), one of Dr. Lewin’s
top graduate students.


Kurt Lewin
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Both Dr. Dewey and Dr. Lewin believed that
democratic leadership is a learned behavior. Further, it
is more difficult to learn than either autocratic or
permissive styles of leadership and therefore must be
learned anew in each generation. Crosby has spent his
life helping organizations learn how to balance
management authority and employee engagement,
including leading several efforts to recover from poorly
planned experiments of moving towards self-managed
work teams.

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby worked with Dr. Daryl
Conner and came up with his own
approach to Conner’s
Sponsor/Agent/Target/Advocate (SATA)
theory. Dr. Crosby’s clarity about the
role of Sponsor—specifically, the
critical distinction being that you can
only “sponsor” your direct reports is
critical to effectively managing crossfunctional work and change. Dr.
Crosby’s clarity about the role of each
subsequent layer of sponsorship - the
sustaining sponsors - is the key to
successful matrixed work.
© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s approach is also heavily influenced
by Family Systems thinking through the work of
Dr. Murray Bowen, Dr. Edwin Friedman, Dr.
Salvador Minuchin, and Dr. Carl Whitaker.

For example, our habitual reactions to authority
(to having a boss or being the boss) begin early in
life. Family Systems thinking helps one
understand these and other reactions learned
early in life (such as our habits during conflict), so
as to adapt a broader range of behavioral choices
and become a more effective leader.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Business Application
© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
designed to both train your leaders and
obtain bottom line business results. To do
this there is a constant focus on
application of ALP activity to your
immediate business needs.

© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

A case study based on a mission critical project or
initiative and approved by their area VP. The case study
includes business results.

A mid-point assessment and conversation with the
participants direct report about their developmental
plan linking it to leadership development objectives.

A day of onsite coaching to ensure maximum learning
and integration with the ALP models.

A final behavioral competency based assessment.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule
© Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program
contains six one week modules and a half
day of individual coaching for each
participant. The Modules are separated by
about 1 ½ months. Each program is custom
built for the client based on their unique
needs and closely tied to business results.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Example Schedule

Module 1

Module 2

Module 3

Module 4

EQ Profile

Leadership &
Systems Theory
Related to

Skills 1

Skills 2

Coaching Skills &

Individual and


Helping Skills

Jay Hall Conflict


3rd Party

Authority in

Case Study
Process Begins

Business Change



Case Study Due/

Family Ties
That Bind


Intro to Family of Sponsor Agent
Prep for Group
Leadership Skills


Goal Clarity

Basic Self Skills

© Crosby & Associates

Basic Self Skills

Case Study

On Site
(Faculty with
students in

In Field

Module 5

Module 6

and Group

Synthesis &



Group Process

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Faculty Standards

Crosby & Associates

At Crosby & Associates we hold a strong belief
that Organization Development is a
professional discipline. Our trainings involve
experiential learning using a group process
that holds to strict behavioral science
standards. All our faculty hold Masters
Degrees as well as at least ten years of
coaching and training with a master in the
© Crosby & Associates


Dr. Robert P Crosby
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby has 60 years of
experience helping organizations.
He is a master in his field, having
founded the Leadership Institute of
Seattle (LIOS) in 1969, and held
faculty roles through LIOS contracts
at universities such as Antioch in
Seattle and Martin University in
Indianapolis, Indiana. Crosby led
successful efforts at PECO Nuclear,
Addy Washington (72% productivity
gain as quoted by Business Week),
The Riverfront Park Project in
Spokane Washington, and
numerous others.


Crosby & Associates

Chris has 20 years of experience coaching
leaders and their teams throughout the
USA and internationally in Germany, Costa
Rica, Wales, Jamaica, England, Hungary,
Egypt, The Philippines, Korea, China, Peru,
Spain and Mexico. He holds two Master of
Arts degrees from the Leadership Institute
of Seattle in both Counseling and
Organizational Development. He knows
how to engage the workforce in such a
way as to build ownership and
commitment yet does not let go of the
realities of structure and authority. Also a
published author, Chris did a significant
portion of the editing in “Cultural Change
in Organizations”.

Chris Crosby, MA
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Gil has 29 years of experience in
the field of OD. He specializes in
Leadership and Organizational
Development. His expertise is in
facilitating cultural change in
support of key initiatives including
technology implementation, cost
reduction, productivity increases,
employee morale, and mergers.
He is a published author whose
book “Fight, Flight, Freeze” helps
leaders improve their interactive
skills and is a do-it-yourself version
of Tough Stuff.

Gil Crosby, MSW
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Past Outcomes
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

The following are a
selection of outcomes by
graduates or participants of
Dr. Crosby’s leadership
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• CSI achieved 6 R&D project in one year after they had not successfully
completed any for the past year.
• Alcoa plants at Warrick, Indiana and Knoxville, Tennessee were managed
by the same person who began using Dr. Crosby in 1992. In 1994 those two
plants created 1/3 of Alcoa’s world wide profits after having gone through
two years of intensive OD work. 500 of the population went through Tough
Stuff (Dr. Crosby’s short leadership program), including many steelworkers.
In addition, 30 students were in Dr. Crosby’s corporate based Master
Program from which the ALP program is based.
• In November of 2011 the President of the United States visited the
Davenport Iowa plant to highlight its remarkable business results. From
2002 to 2010, 60% of all Davenport Employees had completed a Dr. Crosby
leadership program.

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• A graduate created the Bench Mark Change Management Program in the
largest software implementation in the history of Alcoa and achieved go
lives in 20 plants with minimal disruption and no missed shipments. The
previous Alcoa BU had 50% on time delivery for one year after its Oracle
• Dr. Crosby led a project to recover the Alcoa plant in Badin, North Carolina.
At the time the Associated Press reported that Alcoa was threatening to
close the plant if cost reductions of $5.5 million could not be achieved. Six
months after implementing the project, the plant was able to confidently
project a budget far exceeding that goal. Dr. Crosby developed a significant
amount of people in the plant through his leadership programs.
• Dr. Crosby led the OD portion of the turnaround at PECO Nuclear. In 1987
the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) shutdown the Peach Bottom
Atomic Station. Following years of extensive OD work PECO was designated
in 1996 as excellent by INPO, and given a strong Systematic Assessment of
Licensee Performance (SALP) rating by the NRC.
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• Following years of Dr. Crosby’s leadership programs and interventions in
the plant Jamalco went from the worst on cash curve amongst Alcoa
bauxite refineries in 1999 to tied for best on cash curve in 2005.
Improvements included a reduction of $38 million in annual operating
costs. Jamalco was the only refinery in Jamaica to stay at full production
throughout the Great Recession.
• After a critical mass of employees went through Dr. Crosby’s leadership
programs Sherwin Alumina was the only US bauxite refinery to stay in
production throughout the Great Recession.

Slide 25

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated
Leadership Program (ALP)
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
Theoretical Basis
Business Application
Program Schedule
Past Outcomes

Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is based
on the life work of Dr. Robert P Crosby.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s History

Crosby & Associates

• 1953 Attended his first experiential process in communication skills.
• 1957 Attended his first training at National Training Laboratory (NTL) led
by Dr. Ronald Lippitt, Dr. Leland Bradford, and Dr. Ken Benne.
• 1957 – 1986 Mentored by Dr Ronald Lippitt the primary graduate
student of Dr. Kurt Lewin (creator of Action Research and T-Groups).
• 1965 Attended first ever Organizational Development (OD) training at
NTL led by founders in the field of OD.
• 1969 Founded institute called LIOS in Spokane Washington, USA.
• 1973 LIOS became a fully accredited Master Degree program led by
Crosby with two other faculty, Dr. Ronald Short and Dr. John Scherer.
• 1980 Created the People Performance Profile (PPP) with Dr. Scherer. The
PPP is an OD effectiveness survey.
• 1981-82 Son Gil Crosby attended LIOS and joined Dr. Crosby’s consulting
business in 1984.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Son Chris Crosby (West Coast President of Crosby & Associates)
attended LIOS.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s Programs

Crosby & Associates

• 1973 Created the LIOS Graduate Program.
• 1987 While working at PECO Nuclear created Tough Stuff™, a 1 week
with one or two 3 day follow ups that uses the experiential education
foundations of the graduate program. The emphasis is Emotional
Intelligence (EQ) at work.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Created the High Performance Leadership Program (HPL).
• 2008 Sons Gil and Chris, using the basis of Dr. Crosby’s above work,
created the Accelerated Leadership Program (ALP). ALP is a 7 week
program (each week separated by approximately 1 ½ months). ALP is
tied to business goals more directly than any other training program
Crosby has created to date.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis
© Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis

Crosby & Associates

Through his years of experience and exposure to the
founders of OD and Family Systems Theory, Dr. Robert P
Crosby created a unique theory of authority in systems. It
can be summed up by the title of his first book “Walking the
Empowerment Tight Rope: Balancing Management
Authority and Employee Influence.” Crosby’s theory is
intertwined throughout his three business books. His
advantage over other OD authors is that he wrote his books
out of years of experience working in business rather than
from a purely academic/theoretical perspective. His books
are based on applied theory, grounded in practice.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s first book is derived
from the PPP. After giving it to
600 workplaces a trend was
seen in the highest performing
work groups. Those groups
performed the best in all key
indicators such as Safety,
Productivity, Absenteeism,
Quality, and Costs. Crosby
identified 25 factors from the
PPP and first presented it in his
work with NASA in 1986 after
the Challenger disaster.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

While working at Aldus (the
creator of PageMaker) Crosby
noticed an emerging trend of
dotted line relationships and
matrixed workplaces. Aldus lost
millions because they were late on
their software implementation of
PageMaker 5. This book outlines
how he helped them implement
PageMaker 6 on time and with
quality. It’s principles apply to all
projects and initiatives.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Cultural Change in Organizations
was written after years of helping
plants align their leadership and
reach results. It’s a composite story
on how to create a change of culture
and get business results. It is a
rewrite of Dr. Crosby’s 1998 The
Authentic Leader and is co-written
by West Coast President Chris
Crosby. Both father and sons have
replicated the methods in this book,
which consistently lead to record
setting business results!
© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

Crosby & Associates

The following page outlines the
extensive Organizational
Development influences in Dr.
Robert P Crosby’s career.

© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence related to work
Experiential Education
Systems Theory
Personal Growth

© Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
grounded in Emotional Intelligence (EQ).
The methods used by Dr. Crosby starting
in the 1950’s were popularized by Daniel
Goleman in his ground breaking book
“Emotional Intelligence” in 1986.
Research has shown that EQ is a much
better predictor of success than IQ.
Ironically, at the time of Goleman’s book,
Dr. Crosby had been teaching EQ for over
30 years.

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Daniel Goleman pointed out in “Working with Emotional
Intelligence” (only one of his numerous texts on the subject):

EQ accounted for 67% of the abilities deemed necessary for
superior performance

EQ mattered TWICE as much as technical expertise or IQ

Unlike IQ (which is a fixed capacity - we either use it, or we
don’t, but it can’t be increased), whatever your current EQ, with
intention and guidance, you can improve. ALP increases EQ!

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

EQ has 3 Core Capacities
All the capacities of EQ are intended to increase ones capacity to notice,
name and own their experience.

Capacity One
Self Awareness – In Tense Moments
• Awareness of my Emotions
• From moment to moment
• Access to a full range of Emotions
• Ability to differentiate
• Judgments from observable facts (behavioral specifics)
• Thoughts from Feelings
• My experience (self) from others
• Clearly articulate wants (Goals, Expectations, etc., from up, down, and across
the workplace)

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Capacity Two
My Patterns – How I manage tense moments
• Recognize my patterns (especially during conflict)
• Increase capacity to calm down during and after tense moments
Capacity Three
How I Honor Others – Empathy
• Accuracy –Getting their experience
• Compassion – Feeling and understanding their experience
• Interaction –Actively demonstrating it
Plus providing space for the others to be different

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby learned about experiential education starting in the
1950’s and continuing throughout his career. All of his leadership
programs utilize experiential education as their foundation. From
his beginnings in 1953 he understood that you cannot learn
about leadership or communication skills through lecture alone.
There must be a significant aspect of experiential techniques to
truly impact behavior.
ALP utilizes experiential education as its primary learning

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Levels of Experiential Learning

Level 1 - Pure Cognitive Learning – learning through lecture and testing,
reading books, memorization, etc.
Largest impact is to IQ.
Little or slow behavioral change.
Level 2 - Mainly Cognitive Learning - Reflective learning from the past - such
as thinking back, looking at your side of things (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments), and thinking through other
Largest impact is to IQ with some impact to EQ.
Slow behavioral change.
© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Level 3 - Mainly Experiential Learning- Reflective learning from the present
interaction - such as receiving feedback (coaching) about actual behavior in
recent situation (scientifically verifiable as to what you said and did only, no
judgments), thinking about what you were feeling, thinking, and doing, and
then re-engaging with situation.
Large impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.

High behavioral change.
Level 4 - Pure Experiential Learning – Debriefing your immediate situation
with person you are having the experience with. This involves giving and
receiving feedback on immediate interactions (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments).
Largest impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.
Highest behavioral change.

© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Robert P Crosby was heavily
influenced by two seminal thinkers
in the twentieth century: Dr. Kurt
Lewin (1890-1947) and Dr. John
Dewey (1859-1952). Not only did he
study their work, but he also was
trained by Dr. Goodwin Watson, a
colleague of Dr. John Dewey, and
had a 30-year mentorship and
colleagueship with Dr. Ronald Lippitt
(starting in 1957), one of Dr. Lewin’s
top graduate students.


Kurt Lewin
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Both Dr. Dewey and Dr. Lewin believed that
democratic leadership is a learned behavior. Further, it
is more difficult to learn than either autocratic or
permissive styles of leadership and therefore must be
learned anew in each generation. Crosby has spent his
life helping organizations learn how to balance
management authority and employee engagement,
including leading several efforts to recover from poorly
planned experiments of moving towards self-managed
work teams.

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby worked with Dr. Daryl
Conner and came up with his own
approach to Conner’s
Sponsor/Agent/Target/Advocate (SATA)
theory. Dr. Crosby’s clarity about the
role of Sponsor—specifically, the
critical distinction being that you can
only “sponsor” your direct reports is
critical to effectively managing crossfunctional work and change. Dr.
Crosby’s clarity about the role of each
subsequent layer of sponsorship - the
sustaining sponsors - is the key to
successful matrixed work.
© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s approach is also heavily influenced
by Family Systems thinking through the work of
Dr. Murray Bowen, Dr. Edwin Friedman, Dr.
Salvador Minuchin, and Dr. Carl Whitaker.

For example, our habitual reactions to authority
(to having a boss or being the boss) begin early in
life. Family Systems thinking helps one
understand these and other reactions learned
early in life (such as our habits during conflict), so
as to adapt a broader range of behavioral choices
and become a more effective leader.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Business Application
© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
designed to both train your leaders and
obtain bottom line business results. To do
this there is a constant focus on
application of ALP activity to your
immediate business needs.

© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

A case study based on a mission critical project or
initiative and approved by their area VP. The case study
includes business results.

A mid-point assessment and conversation with the
participants direct report about their developmental
plan linking it to leadership development objectives.

A day of onsite coaching to ensure maximum learning
and integration with the ALP models.

A final behavioral competency based assessment.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule
© Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program
contains six one week modules and a half
day of individual coaching for each
participant. The Modules are separated by
about 1 ½ months. Each program is custom
built for the client based on their unique
needs and closely tied to business results.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Example Schedule

Module 1

Module 2

Module 3

Module 4

EQ Profile

Leadership &
Systems Theory
Related to

Skills 1

Skills 2

Coaching Skills &

Individual and


Helping Skills

Jay Hall Conflict


3rd Party

Authority in

Case Study
Process Begins

Business Change



Case Study Due/

Family Ties
That Bind


Intro to Family of Sponsor Agent
Prep for Group
Leadership Skills


Goal Clarity

Basic Self Skills

© Crosby & Associates

Basic Self Skills

Case Study

On Site
(Faculty with
students in

In Field

Module 5

Module 6

and Group

Synthesis &



Group Process

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Faculty Standards

Crosby & Associates

At Crosby & Associates we hold a strong belief
that Organization Development is a
professional discipline. Our trainings involve
experiential learning using a group process
that holds to strict behavioral science
standards. All our faculty hold Masters
Degrees as well as at least ten years of
coaching and training with a master in the
© Crosby & Associates


Dr. Robert P Crosby
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby has 60 years of
experience helping organizations.
He is a master in his field, having
founded the Leadership Institute of
Seattle (LIOS) in 1969, and held
faculty roles through LIOS contracts
at universities such as Antioch in
Seattle and Martin University in
Indianapolis, Indiana. Crosby led
successful efforts at PECO Nuclear,
Addy Washington (72% productivity
gain as quoted by Business Week),
The Riverfront Park Project in
Spokane Washington, and
numerous others.


Crosby & Associates

Chris has 20 years of experience coaching
leaders and their teams throughout the
USA and internationally in Germany, Costa
Rica, Wales, Jamaica, England, Hungary,
Egypt, The Philippines, Korea, China, Peru,
Spain and Mexico. He holds two Master of
Arts degrees from the Leadership Institute
of Seattle in both Counseling and
Organizational Development. He knows
how to engage the workforce in such a
way as to build ownership and
commitment yet does not let go of the
realities of structure and authority. Also a
published author, Chris did a significant
portion of the editing in “Cultural Change
in Organizations”.

Chris Crosby, MA
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Gil has 29 years of experience in
the field of OD. He specializes in
Leadership and Organizational
Development. His expertise is in
facilitating cultural change in
support of key initiatives including
technology implementation, cost
reduction, productivity increases,
employee morale, and mergers.
He is a published author whose
book “Fight, Flight, Freeze” helps
leaders improve their interactive
skills and is a do-it-yourself version
of Tough Stuff.

Gil Crosby, MSW
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Past Outcomes
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

The following are a
selection of outcomes by
graduates or participants of
Dr. Crosby’s leadership
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• CSI achieved 6 R&D project in one year after they had not successfully
completed any for the past year.
• Alcoa plants at Warrick, Indiana and Knoxville, Tennessee were managed
by the same person who began using Dr. Crosby in 1992. In 1994 those two
plants created 1/3 of Alcoa’s world wide profits after having gone through
two years of intensive OD work. 500 of the population went through Tough
Stuff (Dr. Crosby’s short leadership program), including many steelworkers.
In addition, 30 students were in Dr. Crosby’s corporate based Master
Program from which the ALP program is based.
• In November of 2011 the President of the United States visited the
Davenport Iowa plant to highlight its remarkable business results. From
2002 to 2010, 60% of all Davenport Employees had completed a Dr. Crosby
leadership program.

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• A graduate created the Bench Mark Change Management Program in the
largest software implementation in the history of Alcoa and achieved go
lives in 20 plants with minimal disruption and no missed shipments. The
previous Alcoa BU had 50% on time delivery for one year after its Oracle
• Dr. Crosby led a project to recover the Alcoa plant in Badin, North Carolina.
At the time the Associated Press reported that Alcoa was threatening to
close the plant if cost reductions of $5.5 million could not be achieved. Six
months after implementing the project, the plant was able to confidently
project a budget far exceeding that goal. Dr. Crosby developed a significant
amount of people in the plant through his leadership programs.
• Dr. Crosby led the OD portion of the turnaround at PECO Nuclear. In 1987
the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) shutdown the Peach Bottom
Atomic Station. Following years of extensive OD work PECO was designated
in 1996 as excellent by INPO, and given a strong Systematic Assessment of
Licensee Performance (SALP) rating by the NRC.
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• Following years of Dr. Crosby’s leadership programs and interventions in
the plant Jamalco went from the worst on cash curve amongst Alcoa
bauxite refineries in 1999 to tied for best on cash curve in 2005.
Improvements included a reduction of $38 million in annual operating
costs. Jamalco was the only refinery in Jamaica to stay at full production
throughout the Great Recession.
• After a critical mass of employees went through Dr. Crosby’s leadership
programs Sherwin Alumina was the only US bauxite refinery to stay in
production throughout the Great Recession.

Slide 26

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated
Leadership Program (ALP)
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
Theoretical Basis
Business Application
Program Schedule
Past Outcomes

Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is based
on the life work of Dr. Robert P Crosby.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s History

Crosby & Associates

• 1953 Attended his first experiential process in communication skills.
• 1957 Attended his first training at National Training Laboratory (NTL) led
by Dr. Ronald Lippitt, Dr. Leland Bradford, and Dr. Ken Benne.
• 1957 – 1986 Mentored by Dr Ronald Lippitt the primary graduate
student of Dr. Kurt Lewin (creator of Action Research and T-Groups).
• 1965 Attended first ever Organizational Development (OD) training at
NTL led by founders in the field of OD.
• 1969 Founded institute called LIOS in Spokane Washington, USA.
• 1973 LIOS became a fully accredited Master Degree program led by
Crosby with two other faculty, Dr. Ronald Short and Dr. John Scherer.
• 1980 Created the People Performance Profile (PPP) with Dr. Scherer. The
PPP is an OD effectiveness survey.
• 1981-82 Son Gil Crosby attended LIOS and joined Dr. Crosby’s consulting
business in 1984.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Son Chris Crosby (West Coast President of Crosby & Associates)
attended LIOS.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s Programs

Crosby & Associates

• 1973 Created the LIOS Graduate Program.
• 1987 While working at PECO Nuclear created Tough Stuff™, a 1 week
with one or two 3 day follow ups that uses the experiential education
foundations of the graduate program. The emphasis is Emotional
Intelligence (EQ) at work.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Created the High Performance Leadership Program (HPL).
• 2008 Sons Gil and Chris, using the basis of Dr. Crosby’s above work,
created the Accelerated Leadership Program (ALP). ALP is a 7 week
program (each week separated by approximately 1 ½ months). ALP is
tied to business goals more directly than any other training program
Crosby has created to date.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis
© Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis

Crosby & Associates

Through his years of experience and exposure to the
founders of OD and Family Systems Theory, Dr. Robert P
Crosby created a unique theory of authority in systems. It
can be summed up by the title of his first book “Walking the
Empowerment Tight Rope: Balancing Management
Authority and Employee Influence.” Crosby’s theory is
intertwined throughout his three business books. His
advantage over other OD authors is that he wrote his books
out of years of experience working in business rather than
from a purely academic/theoretical perspective. His books
are based on applied theory, grounded in practice.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s first book is derived
from the PPP. After giving it to
600 workplaces a trend was
seen in the highest performing
work groups. Those groups
performed the best in all key
indicators such as Safety,
Productivity, Absenteeism,
Quality, and Costs. Crosby
identified 25 factors from the
PPP and first presented it in his
work with NASA in 1986 after
the Challenger disaster.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

While working at Aldus (the
creator of PageMaker) Crosby
noticed an emerging trend of
dotted line relationships and
matrixed workplaces. Aldus lost
millions because they were late on
their software implementation of
PageMaker 5. This book outlines
how he helped them implement
PageMaker 6 on time and with
quality. It’s principles apply to all
projects and initiatives.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Cultural Change in Organizations
was written after years of helping
plants align their leadership and
reach results. It’s a composite story
on how to create a change of culture
and get business results. It is a
rewrite of Dr. Crosby’s 1998 The
Authentic Leader and is co-written
by West Coast President Chris
Crosby. Both father and sons have
replicated the methods in this book,
which consistently lead to record
setting business results!
© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

Crosby & Associates

The following page outlines the
extensive Organizational
Development influences in Dr.
Robert P Crosby’s career.

© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence related to work
Experiential Education
Systems Theory
Personal Growth

© Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
grounded in Emotional Intelligence (EQ).
The methods used by Dr. Crosby starting
in the 1950’s were popularized by Daniel
Goleman in his ground breaking book
“Emotional Intelligence” in 1986.
Research has shown that EQ is a much
better predictor of success than IQ.
Ironically, at the time of Goleman’s book,
Dr. Crosby had been teaching EQ for over
30 years.

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Daniel Goleman pointed out in “Working with Emotional
Intelligence” (only one of his numerous texts on the subject):

EQ accounted for 67% of the abilities deemed necessary for
superior performance

EQ mattered TWICE as much as technical expertise or IQ

Unlike IQ (which is a fixed capacity - we either use it, or we
don’t, but it can’t be increased), whatever your current EQ, with
intention and guidance, you can improve. ALP increases EQ!

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

EQ has 3 Core Capacities
All the capacities of EQ are intended to increase ones capacity to notice,
name and own their experience.

Capacity One
Self Awareness – In Tense Moments
• Awareness of my Emotions
• From moment to moment
• Access to a full range of Emotions
• Ability to differentiate
• Judgments from observable facts (behavioral specifics)
• Thoughts from Feelings
• My experience (self) from others
• Clearly articulate wants (Goals, Expectations, etc., from up, down, and across
the workplace)

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Capacity Two
My Patterns – How I manage tense moments
• Recognize my patterns (especially during conflict)
• Increase capacity to calm down during and after tense moments
Capacity Three
How I Honor Others – Empathy
• Accuracy –Getting their experience
• Compassion – Feeling and understanding their experience
• Interaction –Actively demonstrating it
Plus providing space for the others to be different

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby learned about experiential education starting in the
1950’s and continuing throughout his career. All of his leadership
programs utilize experiential education as their foundation. From
his beginnings in 1953 he understood that you cannot learn
about leadership or communication skills through lecture alone.
There must be a significant aspect of experiential techniques to
truly impact behavior.
ALP utilizes experiential education as its primary learning

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Levels of Experiential Learning

Level 1 - Pure Cognitive Learning – learning through lecture and testing,
reading books, memorization, etc.
Largest impact is to IQ.
Little or slow behavioral change.
Level 2 - Mainly Cognitive Learning - Reflective learning from the past - such
as thinking back, looking at your side of things (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments), and thinking through other
Largest impact is to IQ with some impact to EQ.
Slow behavioral change.
© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Level 3 - Mainly Experiential Learning- Reflective learning from the present
interaction - such as receiving feedback (coaching) about actual behavior in
recent situation (scientifically verifiable as to what you said and did only, no
judgments), thinking about what you were feeling, thinking, and doing, and
then re-engaging with situation.
Large impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.

High behavioral change.
Level 4 - Pure Experiential Learning – Debriefing your immediate situation
with person you are having the experience with. This involves giving and
receiving feedback on immediate interactions (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments).
Largest impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.
Highest behavioral change.

© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Robert P Crosby was heavily
influenced by two seminal thinkers
in the twentieth century: Dr. Kurt
Lewin (1890-1947) and Dr. John
Dewey (1859-1952). Not only did he
study their work, but he also was
trained by Dr. Goodwin Watson, a
colleague of Dr. John Dewey, and
had a 30-year mentorship and
colleagueship with Dr. Ronald Lippitt
(starting in 1957), one of Dr. Lewin’s
top graduate students.


Kurt Lewin
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Both Dr. Dewey and Dr. Lewin believed that
democratic leadership is a learned behavior. Further, it
is more difficult to learn than either autocratic or
permissive styles of leadership and therefore must be
learned anew in each generation. Crosby has spent his
life helping organizations learn how to balance
management authority and employee engagement,
including leading several efforts to recover from poorly
planned experiments of moving towards self-managed
work teams.

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby worked with Dr. Daryl
Conner and came up with his own
approach to Conner’s
Sponsor/Agent/Target/Advocate (SATA)
theory. Dr. Crosby’s clarity about the
role of Sponsor—specifically, the
critical distinction being that you can
only “sponsor” your direct reports is
critical to effectively managing crossfunctional work and change. Dr.
Crosby’s clarity about the role of each
subsequent layer of sponsorship - the
sustaining sponsors - is the key to
successful matrixed work.
© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s approach is also heavily influenced
by Family Systems thinking through the work of
Dr. Murray Bowen, Dr. Edwin Friedman, Dr.
Salvador Minuchin, and Dr. Carl Whitaker.

For example, our habitual reactions to authority
(to having a boss or being the boss) begin early in
life. Family Systems thinking helps one
understand these and other reactions learned
early in life (such as our habits during conflict), so
as to adapt a broader range of behavioral choices
and become a more effective leader.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Business Application
© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
designed to both train your leaders and
obtain bottom line business results. To do
this there is a constant focus on
application of ALP activity to your
immediate business needs.

© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

A case study based on a mission critical project or
initiative and approved by their area VP. The case study
includes business results.

A mid-point assessment and conversation with the
participants direct report about their developmental
plan linking it to leadership development objectives.

A day of onsite coaching to ensure maximum learning
and integration with the ALP models.

A final behavioral competency based assessment.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule
© Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program
contains six one week modules and a half
day of individual coaching for each
participant. The Modules are separated by
about 1 ½ months. Each program is custom
built for the client based on their unique
needs and closely tied to business results.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Example Schedule

Module 1

Module 2

Module 3

Module 4

EQ Profile

Leadership &
Systems Theory
Related to

Skills 1

Skills 2

Coaching Skills &

Individual and


Helping Skills

Jay Hall Conflict


3rd Party

Authority in

Case Study
Process Begins

Business Change



Case Study Due/

Family Ties
That Bind


Intro to Family of Sponsor Agent
Prep for Group
Leadership Skills


Goal Clarity

Basic Self Skills

© Crosby & Associates

Basic Self Skills

Case Study

On Site
(Faculty with
students in

In Field

Module 5

Module 6

and Group

Synthesis &



Group Process

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Faculty Standards

Crosby & Associates

At Crosby & Associates we hold a strong belief
that Organization Development is a
professional discipline. Our trainings involve
experiential learning using a group process
that holds to strict behavioral science
standards. All our faculty hold Masters
Degrees as well as at least ten years of
coaching and training with a master in the
© Crosby & Associates


Dr. Robert P Crosby
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby has 60 years of
experience helping organizations.
He is a master in his field, having
founded the Leadership Institute of
Seattle (LIOS) in 1969, and held
faculty roles through LIOS contracts
at universities such as Antioch in
Seattle and Martin University in
Indianapolis, Indiana. Crosby led
successful efforts at PECO Nuclear,
Addy Washington (72% productivity
gain as quoted by Business Week),
The Riverfront Park Project in
Spokane Washington, and
numerous others.


Crosby & Associates

Chris has 20 years of experience coaching
leaders and their teams throughout the
USA and internationally in Germany, Costa
Rica, Wales, Jamaica, England, Hungary,
Egypt, The Philippines, Korea, China, Peru,
Spain and Mexico. He holds two Master of
Arts degrees from the Leadership Institute
of Seattle in both Counseling and
Organizational Development. He knows
how to engage the workforce in such a
way as to build ownership and
commitment yet does not let go of the
realities of structure and authority. Also a
published author, Chris did a significant
portion of the editing in “Cultural Change
in Organizations”.

Chris Crosby, MA
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Gil has 29 years of experience in
the field of OD. He specializes in
Leadership and Organizational
Development. His expertise is in
facilitating cultural change in
support of key initiatives including
technology implementation, cost
reduction, productivity increases,
employee morale, and mergers.
He is a published author whose
book “Fight, Flight, Freeze” helps
leaders improve their interactive
skills and is a do-it-yourself version
of Tough Stuff.

Gil Crosby, MSW
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Past Outcomes
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

The following are a
selection of outcomes by
graduates or participants of
Dr. Crosby’s leadership
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• CSI achieved 6 R&D project in one year after they had not successfully
completed any for the past year.
• Alcoa plants at Warrick, Indiana and Knoxville, Tennessee were managed
by the same person who began using Dr. Crosby in 1992. In 1994 those two
plants created 1/3 of Alcoa’s world wide profits after having gone through
two years of intensive OD work. 500 of the population went through Tough
Stuff (Dr. Crosby’s short leadership program), including many steelworkers.
In addition, 30 students were in Dr. Crosby’s corporate based Master
Program from which the ALP program is based.
• In November of 2011 the President of the United States visited the
Davenport Iowa plant to highlight its remarkable business results. From
2002 to 2010, 60% of all Davenport Employees had completed a Dr. Crosby
leadership program.

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• A graduate created the Bench Mark Change Management Program in the
largest software implementation in the history of Alcoa and achieved go
lives in 20 plants with minimal disruption and no missed shipments. The
previous Alcoa BU had 50% on time delivery for one year after its Oracle
• Dr. Crosby led a project to recover the Alcoa plant in Badin, North Carolina.
At the time the Associated Press reported that Alcoa was threatening to
close the plant if cost reductions of $5.5 million could not be achieved. Six
months after implementing the project, the plant was able to confidently
project a budget far exceeding that goal. Dr. Crosby developed a significant
amount of people in the plant through his leadership programs.
• Dr. Crosby led the OD portion of the turnaround at PECO Nuclear. In 1987
the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) shutdown the Peach Bottom
Atomic Station. Following years of extensive OD work PECO was designated
in 1996 as excellent by INPO, and given a strong Systematic Assessment of
Licensee Performance (SALP) rating by the NRC.
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• Following years of Dr. Crosby’s leadership programs and interventions in
the plant Jamalco went from the worst on cash curve amongst Alcoa
bauxite refineries in 1999 to tied for best on cash curve in 2005.
Improvements included a reduction of $38 million in annual operating
costs. Jamalco was the only refinery in Jamaica to stay at full production
throughout the Great Recession.
• After a critical mass of employees went through Dr. Crosby’s leadership
programs Sherwin Alumina was the only US bauxite refinery to stay in
production throughout the Great Recession.

Slide 27

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated
Leadership Program (ALP)
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
Theoretical Basis
Business Application
Program Schedule
Past Outcomes

Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is based
on the life work of Dr. Robert P Crosby.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s History

Crosby & Associates

• 1953 Attended his first experiential process in communication skills.
• 1957 Attended his first training at National Training Laboratory (NTL) led
by Dr. Ronald Lippitt, Dr. Leland Bradford, and Dr. Ken Benne.
• 1957 – 1986 Mentored by Dr Ronald Lippitt the primary graduate
student of Dr. Kurt Lewin (creator of Action Research and T-Groups).
• 1965 Attended first ever Organizational Development (OD) training at
NTL led by founders in the field of OD.
• 1969 Founded institute called LIOS in Spokane Washington, USA.
• 1973 LIOS became a fully accredited Master Degree program led by
Crosby with two other faculty, Dr. Ronald Short and Dr. John Scherer.
• 1980 Created the People Performance Profile (PPP) with Dr. Scherer. The
PPP is an OD effectiveness survey.
• 1981-82 Son Gil Crosby attended LIOS and joined Dr. Crosby’s consulting
business in 1984.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Son Chris Crosby (West Coast President of Crosby & Associates)
attended LIOS.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s Programs

Crosby & Associates

• 1973 Created the LIOS Graduate Program.
• 1987 While working at PECO Nuclear created Tough Stuff™, a 1 week
with one or two 3 day follow ups that uses the experiential education
foundations of the graduate program. The emphasis is Emotional
Intelligence (EQ) at work.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Created the High Performance Leadership Program (HPL).
• 2008 Sons Gil and Chris, using the basis of Dr. Crosby’s above work,
created the Accelerated Leadership Program (ALP). ALP is a 7 week
program (each week separated by approximately 1 ½ months). ALP is
tied to business goals more directly than any other training program
Crosby has created to date.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis
© Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis

Crosby & Associates

Through his years of experience and exposure to the
founders of OD and Family Systems Theory, Dr. Robert P
Crosby created a unique theory of authority in systems. It
can be summed up by the title of his first book “Walking the
Empowerment Tight Rope: Balancing Management
Authority and Employee Influence.” Crosby’s theory is
intertwined throughout his three business books. His
advantage over other OD authors is that he wrote his books
out of years of experience working in business rather than
from a purely academic/theoretical perspective. His books
are based on applied theory, grounded in practice.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s first book is derived
from the PPP. After giving it to
600 workplaces a trend was
seen in the highest performing
work groups. Those groups
performed the best in all key
indicators such as Safety,
Productivity, Absenteeism,
Quality, and Costs. Crosby
identified 25 factors from the
PPP and first presented it in his
work with NASA in 1986 after
the Challenger disaster.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

While working at Aldus (the
creator of PageMaker) Crosby
noticed an emerging trend of
dotted line relationships and
matrixed workplaces. Aldus lost
millions because they were late on
their software implementation of
PageMaker 5. This book outlines
how he helped them implement
PageMaker 6 on time and with
quality. It’s principles apply to all
projects and initiatives.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Cultural Change in Organizations
was written after years of helping
plants align their leadership and
reach results. It’s a composite story
on how to create a change of culture
and get business results. It is a
rewrite of Dr. Crosby’s 1998 The
Authentic Leader and is co-written
by West Coast President Chris
Crosby. Both father and sons have
replicated the methods in this book,
which consistently lead to record
setting business results!
© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

Crosby & Associates

The following page outlines the
extensive Organizational
Development influences in Dr.
Robert P Crosby’s career.

© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence related to work
Experiential Education
Systems Theory
Personal Growth

© Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
grounded in Emotional Intelligence (EQ).
The methods used by Dr. Crosby starting
in the 1950’s were popularized by Daniel
Goleman in his ground breaking book
“Emotional Intelligence” in 1986.
Research has shown that EQ is a much
better predictor of success than IQ.
Ironically, at the time of Goleman’s book,
Dr. Crosby had been teaching EQ for over
30 years.

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Daniel Goleman pointed out in “Working with Emotional
Intelligence” (only one of his numerous texts on the subject):

EQ accounted for 67% of the abilities deemed necessary for
superior performance

EQ mattered TWICE as much as technical expertise or IQ

Unlike IQ (which is a fixed capacity - we either use it, or we
don’t, but it can’t be increased), whatever your current EQ, with
intention and guidance, you can improve. ALP increases EQ!

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

EQ has 3 Core Capacities
All the capacities of EQ are intended to increase ones capacity to notice,
name and own their experience.

Capacity One
Self Awareness – In Tense Moments
• Awareness of my Emotions
• From moment to moment
• Access to a full range of Emotions
• Ability to differentiate
• Judgments from observable facts (behavioral specifics)
• Thoughts from Feelings
• My experience (self) from others
• Clearly articulate wants (Goals, Expectations, etc., from up, down, and across
the workplace)

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Capacity Two
My Patterns – How I manage tense moments
• Recognize my patterns (especially during conflict)
• Increase capacity to calm down during and after tense moments
Capacity Three
How I Honor Others – Empathy
• Accuracy –Getting their experience
• Compassion – Feeling and understanding their experience
• Interaction –Actively demonstrating it
Plus providing space for the others to be different

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby learned about experiential education starting in the
1950’s and continuing throughout his career. All of his leadership
programs utilize experiential education as their foundation. From
his beginnings in 1953 he understood that you cannot learn
about leadership or communication skills through lecture alone.
There must be a significant aspect of experiential techniques to
truly impact behavior.
ALP utilizes experiential education as its primary learning

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Levels of Experiential Learning

Level 1 - Pure Cognitive Learning – learning through lecture and testing,
reading books, memorization, etc.
Largest impact is to IQ.
Little or slow behavioral change.
Level 2 - Mainly Cognitive Learning - Reflective learning from the past - such
as thinking back, looking at your side of things (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments), and thinking through other
Largest impact is to IQ with some impact to EQ.
Slow behavioral change.
© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Level 3 - Mainly Experiential Learning- Reflective learning from the present
interaction - such as receiving feedback (coaching) about actual behavior in
recent situation (scientifically verifiable as to what you said and did only, no
judgments), thinking about what you were feeling, thinking, and doing, and
then re-engaging with situation.
Large impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.

High behavioral change.
Level 4 - Pure Experiential Learning – Debriefing your immediate situation
with person you are having the experience with. This involves giving and
receiving feedback on immediate interactions (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments).
Largest impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.
Highest behavioral change.

© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Robert P Crosby was heavily
influenced by two seminal thinkers
in the twentieth century: Dr. Kurt
Lewin (1890-1947) and Dr. John
Dewey (1859-1952). Not only did he
study their work, but he also was
trained by Dr. Goodwin Watson, a
colleague of Dr. John Dewey, and
had a 30-year mentorship and
colleagueship with Dr. Ronald Lippitt
(starting in 1957), one of Dr. Lewin’s
top graduate students.


Kurt Lewin
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Both Dr. Dewey and Dr. Lewin believed that
democratic leadership is a learned behavior. Further, it
is more difficult to learn than either autocratic or
permissive styles of leadership and therefore must be
learned anew in each generation. Crosby has spent his
life helping organizations learn how to balance
management authority and employee engagement,
including leading several efforts to recover from poorly
planned experiments of moving towards self-managed
work teams.

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby worked with Dr. Daryl
Conner and came up with his own
approach to Conner’s
Sponsor/Agent/Target/Advocate (SATA)
theory. Dr. Crosby’s clarity about the
role of Sponsor—specifically, the
critical distinction being that you can
only “sponsor” your direct reports is
critical to effectively managing crossfunctional work and change. Dr.
Crosby’s clarity about the role of each
subsequent layer of sponsorship - the
sustaining sponsors - is the key to
successful matrixed work.
© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s approach is also heavily influenced
by Family Systems thinking through the work of
Dr. Murray Bowen, Dr. Edwin Friedman, Dr.
Salvador Minuchin, and Dr. Carl Whitaker.

For example, our habitual reactions to authority
(to having a boss or being the boss) begin early in
life. Family Systems thinking helps one
understand these and other reactions learned
early in life (such as our habits during conflict), so
as to adapt a broader range of behavioral choices
and become a more effective leader.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Business Application
© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
designed to both train your leaders and
obtain bottom line business results. To do
this there is a constant focus on
application of ALP activity to your
immediate business needs.

© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

A case study based on a mission critical project or
initiative and approved by their area VP. The case study
includes business results.

A mid-point assessment and conversation with the
participants direct report about their developmental
plan linking it to leadership development objectives.

A day of onsite coaching to ensure maximum learning
and integration with the ALP models.

A final behavioral competency based assessment.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule
© Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program
contains six one week modules and a half
day of individual coaching for each
participant. The Modules are separated by
about 1 ½ months. Each program is custom
built for the client based on their unique
needs and closely tied to business results.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Example Schedule

Module 1

Module 2

Module 3

Module 4

EQ Profile

Leadership &
Systems Theory
Related to

Skills 1

Skills 2

Coaching Skills &

Individual and


Helping Skills

Jay Hall Conflict


3rd Party

Authority in

Case Study
Process Begins

Business Change



Case Study Due/

Family Ties
That Bind


Intro to Family of Sponsor Agent
Prep for Group
Leadership Skills


Goal Clarity

Basic Self Skills

© Crosby & Associates

Basic Self Skills

Case Study

On Site
(Faculty with
students in

In Field

Module 5

Module 6

and Group

Synthesis &



Group Process

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Faculty Standards

Crosby & Associates

At Crosby & Associates we hold a strong belief
that Organization Development is a
professional discipline. Our trainings involve
experiential learning using a group process
that holds to strict behavioral science
standards. All our faculty hold Masters
Degrees as well as at least ten years of
coaching and training with a master in the
© Crosby & Associates


Dr. Robert P Crosby
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby has 60 years of
experience helping organizations.
He is a master in his field, having
founded the Leadership Institute of
Seattle (LIOS) in 1969, and held
faculty roles through LIOS contracts
at universities such as Antioch in
Seattle and Martin University in
Indianapolis, Indiana. Crosby led
successful efforts at PECO Nuclear,
Addy Washington (72% productivity
gain as quoted by Business Week),
The Riverfront Park Project in
Spokane Washington, and
numerous others.


Crosby & Associates

Chris has 20 years of experience coaching
leaders and their teams throughout the
USA and internationally in Germany, Costa
Rica, Wales, Jamaica, England, Hungary,
Egypt, The Philippines, Korea, China, Peru,
Spain and Mexico. He holds two Master of
Arts degrees from the Leadership Institute
of Seattle in both Counseling and
Organizational Development. He knows
how to engage the workforce in such a
way as to build ownership and
commitment yet does not let go of the
realities of structure and authority. Also a
published author, Chris did a significant
portion of the editing in “Cultural Change
in Organizations”.

Chris Crosby, MA
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Gil has 29 years of experience in
the field of OD. He specializes in
Leadership and Organizational
Development. His expertise is in
facilitating cultural change in
support of key initiatives including
technology implementation, cost
reduction, productivity increases,
employee morale, and mergers.
He is a published author whose
book “Fight, Flight, Freeze” helps
leaders improve their interactive
skills and is a do-it-yourself version
of Tough Stuff.

Gil Crosby, MSW
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Past Outcomes
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

The following are a
selection of outcomes by
graduates or participants of
Dr. Crosby’s leadership
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• CSI achieved 6 R&D project in one year after they had not successfully
completed any for the past year.
• Alcoa plants at Warrick, Indiana and Knoxville, Tennessee were managed
by the same person who began using Dr. Crosby in 1992. In 1994 those two
plants created 1/3 of Alcoa’s world wide profits after having gone through
two years of intensive OD work. 500 of the population went through Tough
Stuff (Dr. Crosby’s short leadership program), including many steelworkers.
In addition, 30 students were in Dr. Crosby’s corporate based Master
Program from which the ALP program is based.
• In November of 2011 the President of the United States visited the
Davenport Iowa plant to highlight its remarkable business results. From
2002 to 2010, 60% of all Davenport Employees had completed a Dr. Crosby
leadership program.

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• A graduate created the Bench Mark Change Management Program in the
largest software implementation in the history of Alcoa and achieved go
lives in 20 plants with minimal disruption and no missed shipments. The
previous Alcoa BU had 50% on time delivery for one year after its Oracle
• Dr. Crosby led a project to recover the Alcoa plant in Badin, North Carolina.
At the time the Associated Press reported that Alcoa was threatening to
close the plant if cost reductions of $5.5 million could not be achieved. Six
months after implementing the project, the plant was able to confidently
project a budget far exceeding that goal. Dr. Crosby developed a significant
amount of people in the plant through his leadership programs.
• Dr. Crosby led the OD portion of the turnaround at PECO Nuclear. In 1987
the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) shutdown the Peach Bottom
Atomic Station. Following years of extensive OD work PECO was designated
in 1996 as excellent by INPO, and given a strong Systematic Assessment of
Licensee Performance (SALP) rating by the NRC.
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• Following years of Dr. Crosby’s leadership programs and interventions in
the plant Jamalco went from the worst on cash curve amongst Alcoa
bauxite refineries in 1999 to tied for best on cash curve in 2005.
Improvements included a reduction of $38 million in annual operating
costs. Jamalco was the only refinery in Jamaica to stay at full production
throughout the Great Recession.
• After a critical mass of employees went through Dr. Crosby’s leadership
programs Sherwin Alumina was the only US bauxite refinery to stay in
production throughout the Great Recession.

Slide 28

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated
Leadership Program (ALP)
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
Theoretical Basis
Business Application
Program Schedule
Past Outcomes

Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is based
on the life work of Dr. Robert P Crosby.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s History

Crosby & Associates

• 1953 Attended his first experiential process in communication skills.
• 1957 Attended his first training at National Training Laboratory (NTL) led
by Dr. Ronald Lippitt, Dr. Leland Bradford, and Dr. Ken Benne.
• 1957 – 1986 Mentored by Dr Ronald Lippitt the primary graduate
student of Dr. Kurt Lewin (creator of Action Research and T-Groups).
• 1965 Attended first ever Organizational Development (OD) training at
NTL led by founders in the field of OD.
• 1969 Founded institute called LIOS in Spokane Washington, USA.
• 1973 LIOS became a fully accredited Master Degree program led by
Crosby with two other faculty, Dr. Ronald Short and Dr. John Scherer.
• 1980 Created the People Performance Profile (PPP) with Dr. Scherer. The
PPP is an OD effectiveness survey.
• 1981-82 Son Gil Crosby attended LIOS and joined Dr. Crosby’s consulting
business in 1984.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Son Chris Crosby (West Coast President of Crosby & Associates)
attended LIOS.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s Programs

Crosby & Associates

• 1973 Created the LIOS Graduate Program.
• 1987 While working at PECO Nuclear created Tough Stuff™, a 1 week
with one or two 3 day follow ups that uses the experiential education
foundations of the graduate program. The emphasis is Emotional
Intelligence (EQ) at work.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Created the High Performance Leadership Program (HPL).
• 2008 Sons Gil and Chris, using the basis of Dr. Crosby’s above work,
created the Accelerated Leadership Program (ALP). ALP is a 7 week
program (each week separated by approximately 1 ½ months). ALP is
tied to business goals more directly than any other training program
Crosby has created to date.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis
© Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis

Crosby & Associates

Through his years of experience and exposure to the
founders of OD and Family Systems Theory, Dr. Robert P
Crosby created a unique theory of authority in systems. It
can be summed up by the title of his first book “Walking the
Empowerment Tight Rope: Balancing Management
Authority and Employee Influence.” Crosby’s theory is
intertwined throughout his three business books. His
advantage over other OD authors is that he wrote his books
out of years of experience working in business rather than
from a purely academic/theoretical perspective. His books
are based on applied theory, grounded in practice.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s first book is derived
from the PPP. After giving it to
600 workplaces a trend was
seen in the highest performing
work groups. Those groups
performed the best in all key
indicators such as Safety,
Productivity, Absenteeism,
Quality, and Costs. Crosby
identified 25 factors from the
PPP and first presented it in his
work with NASA in 1986 after
the Challenger disaster.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

While working at Aldus (the
creator of PageMaker) Crosby
noticed an emerging trend of
dotted line relationships and
matrixed workplaces. Aldus lost
millions because they were late on
their software implementation of
PageMaker 5. This book outlines
how he helped them implement
PageMaker 6 on time and with
quality. It’s principles apply to all
projects and initiatives.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Cultural Change in Organizations
was written after years of helping
plants align their leadership and
reach results. It’s a composite story
on how to create a change of culture
and get business results. It is a
rewrite of Dr. Crosby’s 1998 The
Authentic Leader and is co-written
by West Coast President Chris
Crosby. Both father and sons have
replicated the methods in this book,
which consistently lead to record
setting business results!
© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

Crosby & Associates

The following page outlines the
extensive Organizational
Development influences in Dr.
Robert P Crosby’s career.

© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence related to work
Experiential Education
Systems Theory
Personal Growth

© Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
grounded in Emotional Intelligence (EQ).
The methods used by Dr. Crosby starting
in the 1950’s were popularized by Daniel
Goleman in his ground breaking book
“Emotional Intelligence” in 1986.
Research has shown that EQ is a much
better predictor of success than IQ.
Ironically, at the time of Goleman’s book,
Dr. Crosby had been teaching EQ for over
30 years.

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Daniel Goleman pointed out in “Working with Emotional
Intelligence” (only one of his numerous texts on the subject):

EQ accounted for 67% of the abilities deemed necessary for
superior performance

EQ mattered TWICE as much as technical expertise or IQ

Unlike IQ (which is a fixed capacity - we either use it, or we
don’t, but it can’t be increased), whatever your current EQ, with
intention and guidance, you can improve. ALP increases EQ!

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

EQ has 3 Core Capacities
All the capacities of EQ are intended to increase ones capacity to notice,
name and own their experience.

Capacity One
Self Awareness – In Tense Moments
• Awareness of my Emotions
• From moment to moment
• Access to a full range of Emotions
• Ability to differentiate
• Judgments from observable facts (behavioral specifics)
• Thoughts from Feelings
• My experience (self) from others
• Clearly articulate wants (Goals, Expectations, etc., from up, down, and across
the workplace)

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Capacity Two
My Patterns – How I manage tense moments
• Recognize my patterns (especially during conflict)
• Increase capacity to calm down during and after tense moments
Capacity Three
How I Honor Others – Empathy
• Accuracy –Getting their experience
• Compassion – Feeling and understanding their experience
• Interaction –Actively demonstrating it
Plus providing space for the others to be different

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby learned about experiential education starting in the
1950’s and continuing throughout his career. All of his leadership
programs utilize experiential education as their foundation. From
his beginnings in 1953 he understood that you cannot learn
about leadership or communication skills through lecture alone.
There must be a significant aspect of experiential techniques to
truly impact behavior.
ALP utilizes experiential education as its primary learning

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Levels of Experiential Learning

Level 1 - Pure Cognitive Learning – learning through lecture and testing,
reading books, memorization, etc.
Largest impact is to IQ.
Little or slow behavioral change.
Level 2 - Mainly Cognitive Learning - Reflective learning from the past - such
as thinking back, looking at your side of things (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments), and thinking through other
Largest impact is to IQ with some impact to EQ.
Slow behavioral change.
© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Level 3 - Mainly Experiential Learning- Reflective learning from the present
interaction - such as receiving feedback (coaching) about actual behavior in
recent situation (scientifically verifiable as to what you said and did only, no
judgments), thinking about what you were feeling, thinking, and doing, and
then re-engaging with situation.
Large impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.

High behavioral change.
Level 4 - Pure Experiential Learning – Debriefing your immediate situation
with person you are having the experience with. This involves giving and
receiving feedback on immediate interactions (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments).
Largest impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.
Highest behavioral change.

© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Robert P Crosby was heavily
influenced by two seminal thinkers
in the twentieth century: Dr. Kurt
Lewin (1890-1947) and Dr. John
Dewey (1859-1952). Not only did he
study their work, but he also was
trained by Dr. Goodwin Watson, a
colleague of Dr. John Dewey, and
had a 30-year mentorship and
colleagueship with Dr. Ronald Lippitt
(starting in 1957), one of Dr. Lewin’s
top graduate students.


Kurt Lewin
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Both Dr. Dewey and Dr. Lewin believed that
democratic leadership is a learned behavior. Further, it
is more difficult to learn than either autocratic or
permissive styles of leadership and therefore must be
learned anew in each generation. Crosby has spent his
life helping organizations learn how to balance
management authority and employee engagement,
including leading several efforts to recover from poorly
planned experiments of moving towards self-managed
work teams.

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby worked with Dr. Daryl
Conner and came up with his own
approach to Conner’s
Sponsor/Agent/Target/Advocate (SATA)
theory. Dr. Crosby’s clarity about the
role of Sponsor—specifically, the
critical distinction being that you can
only “sponsor” your direct reports is
critical to effectively managing crossfunctional work and change. Dr.
Crosby’s clarity about the role of each
subsequent layer of sponsorship - the
sustaining sponsors - is the key to
successful matrixed work.
© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s approach is also heavily influenced
by Family Systems thinking through the work of
Dr. Murray Bowen, Dr. Edwin Friedman, Dr.
Salvador Minuchin, and Dr. Carl Whitaker.

For example, our habitual reactions to authority
(to having a boss or being the boss) begin early in
life. Family Systems thinking helps one
understand these and other reactions learned
early in life (such as our habits during conflict), so
as to adapt a broader range of behavioral choices
and become a more effective leader.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Business Application
© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
designed to both train your leaders and
obtain bottom line business results. To do
this there is a constant focus on
application of ALP activity to your
immediate business needs.

© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

A case study based on a mission critical project or
initiative and approved by their area VP. The case study
includes business results.

A mid-point assessment and conversation with the
participants direct report about their developmental
plan linking it to leadership development objectives.

A day of onsite coaching to ensure maximum learning
and integration with the ALP models.

A final behavioral competency based assessment.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule
© Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program
contains six one week modules and a half
day of individual coaching for each
participant. The Modules are separated by
about 1 ½ months. Each program is custom
built for the client based on their unique
needs and closely tied to business results.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Example Schedule

Module 1

Module 2

Module 3

Module 4

EQ Profile

Leadership &
Systems Theory
Related to

Skills 1

Skills 2

Coaching Skills &

Individual and


Helping Skills

Jay Hall Conflict


3rd Party

Authority in

Case Study
Process Begins

Business Change



Case Study Due/

Family Ties
That Bind


Intro to Family of Sponsor Agent
Prep for Group
Leadership Skills


Goal Clarity

Basic Self Skills

© Crosby & Associates

Basic Self Skills

Case Study

On Site
(Faculty with
students in

In Field

Module 5

Module 6

and Group

Synthesis &



Group Process

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Faculty Standards

Crosby & Associates

At Crosby & Associates we hold a strong belief
that Organization Development is a
professional discipline. Our trainings involve
experiential learning using a group process
that holds to strict behavioral science
standards. All our faculty hold Masters
Degrees as well as at least ten years of
coaching and training with a master in the
© Crosby & Associates


Dr. Robert P Crosby
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby has 60 years of
experience helping organizations.
He is a master in his field, having
founded the Leadership Institute of
Seattle (LIOS) in 1969, and held
faculty roles through LIOS contracts
at universities such as Antioch in
Seattle and Martin University in
Indianapolis, Indiana. Crosby led
successful efforts at PECO Nuclear,
Addy Washington (72% productivity
gain as quoted by Business Week),
The Riverfront Park Project in
Spokane Washington, and
numerous others.


Crosby & Associates

Chris has 20 years of experience coaching
leaders and their teams throughout the
USA and internationally in Germany, Costa
Rica, Wales, Jamaica, England, Hungary,
Egypt, The Philippines, Korea, China, Peru,
Spain and Mexico. He holds two Master of
Arts degrees from the Leadership Institute
of Seattle in both Counseling and
Organizational Development. He knows
how to engage the workforce in such a
way as to build ownership and
commitment yet does not let go of the
realities of structure and authority. Also a
published author, Chris did a significant
portion of the editing in “Cultural Change
in Organizations”.

Chris Crosby, MA
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Gil has 29 years of experience in
the field of OD. He specializes in
Leadership and Organizational
Development. His expertise is in
facilitating cultural change in
support of key initiatives including
technology implementation, cost
reduction, productivity increases,
employee morale, and mergers.
He is a published author whose
book “Fight, Flight, Freeze” helps
leaders improve their interactive
skills and is a do-it-yourself version
of Tough Stuff.

Gil Crosby, MSW
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Past Outcomes
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

The following are a
selection of outcomes by
graduates or participants of
Dr. Crosby’s leadership
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• CSI achieved 6 R&D project in one year after they had not successfully
completed any for the past year.
• Alcoa plants at Warrick, Indiana and Knoxville, Tennessee were managed
by the same person who began using Dr. Crosby in 1992. In 1994 those two
plants created 1/3 of Alcoa’s world wide profits after having gone through
two years of intensive OD work. 500 of the population went through Tough
Stuff (Dr. Crosby’s short leadership program), including many steelworkers.
In addition, 30 students were in Dr. Crosby’s corporate based Master
Program from which the ALP program is based.
• In November of 2011 the President of the United States visited the
Davenport Iowa plant to highlight its remarkable business results. From
2002 to 2010, 60% of all Davenport Employees had completed a Dr. Crosby
leadership program.

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• A graduate created the Bench Mark Change Management Program in the
largest software implementation in the history of Alcoa and achieved go
lives in 20 plants with minimal disruption and no missed shipments. The
previous Alcoa BU had 50% on time delivery for one year after its Oracle
• Dr. Crosby led a project to recover the Alcoa plant in Badin, North Carolina.
At the time the Associated Press reported that Alcoa was threatening to
close the plant if cost reductions of $5.5 million could not be achieved. Six
months after implementing the project, the plant was able to confidently
project a budget far exceeding that goal. Dr. Crosby developed a significant
amount of people in the plant through his leadership programs.
• Dr. Crosby led the OD portion of the turnaround at PECO Nuclear. In 1987
the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) shutdown the Peach Bottom
Atomic Station. Following years of extensive OD work PECO was designated
in 1996 as excellent by INPO, and given a strong Systematic Assessment of
Licensee Performance (SALP) rating by the NRC.
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• Following years of Dr. Crosby’s leadership programs and interventions in
the plant Jamalco went from the worst on cash curve amongst Alcoa
bauxite refineries in 1999 to tied for best on cash curve in 2005.
Improvements included a reduction of $38 million in annual operating
costs. Jamalco was the only refinery in Jamaica to stay at full production
throughout the Great Recession.
• After a critical mass of employees went through Dr. Crosby’s leadership
programs Sherwin Alumina was the only US bauxite refinery to stay in
production throughout the Great Recession.

Slide 29

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated
Leadership Program (ALP)
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
Theoretical Basis
Business Application
Program Schedule
Past Outcomes

Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is based
on the life work of Dr. Robert P Crosby.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s History

Crosby & Associates

• 1953 Attended his first experiential process in communication skills.
• 1957 Attended his first training at National Training Laboratory (NTL) led
by Dr. Ronald Lippitt, Dr. Leland Bradford, and Dr. Ken Benne.
• 1957 – 1986 Mentored by Dr Ronald Lippitt the primary graduate
student of Dr. Kurt Lewin (creator of Action Research and T-Groups).
• 1965 Attended first ever Organizational Development (OD) training at
NTL led by founders in the field of OD.
• 1969 Founded institute called LIOS in Spokane Washington, USA.
• 1973 LIOS became a fully accredited Master Degree program led by
Crosby with two other faculty, Dr. Ronald Short and Dr. John Scherer.
• 1980 Created the People Performance Profile (PPP) with Dr. Scherer. The
PPP is an OD effectiveness survey.
• 1981-82 Son Gil Crosby attended LIOS and joined Dr. Crosby’s consulting
business in 1984.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Son Chris Crosby (West Coast President of Crosby & Associates)
attended LIOS.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s Programs

Crosby & Associates

• 1973 Created the LIOS Graduate Program.
• 1987 While working at PECO Nuclear created Tough Stuff™, a 1 week
with one or two 3 day follow ups that uses the experiential education
foundations of the graduate program. The emphasis is Emotional
Intelligence (EQ) at work.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Created the High Performance Leadership Program (HPL).
• 2008 Sons Gil and Chris, using the basis of Dr. Crosby’s above work,
created the Accelerated Leadership Program (ALP). ALP is a 7 week
program (each week separated by approximately 1 ½ months). ALP is
tied to business goals more directly than any other training program
Crosby has created to date.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis
© Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis

Crosby & Associates

Through his years of experience and exposure to the
founders of OD and Family Systems Theory, Dr. Robert P
Crosby created a unique theory of authority in systems. It
can be summed up by the title of his first book “Walking the
Empowerment Tight Rope: Balancing Management
Authority and Employee Influence.” Crosby’s theory is
intertwined throughout his three business books. His
advantage over other OD authors is that he wrote his books
out of years of experience working in business rather than
from a purely academic/theoretical perspective. His books
are based on applied theory, grounded in practice.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s first book is derived
from the PPP. After giving it to
600 workplaces a trend was
seen in the highest performing
work groups. Those groups
performed the best in all key
indicators such as Safety,
Productivity, Absenteeism,
Quality, and Costs. Crosby
identified 25 factors from the
PPP and first presented it in his
work with NASA in 1986 after
the Challenger disaster.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

While working at Aldus (the
creator of PageMaker) Crosby
noticed an emerging trend of
dotted line relationships and
matrixed workplaces. Aldus lost
millions because they were late on
their software implementation of
PageMaker 5. This book outlines
how he helped them implement
PageMaker 6 on time and with
quality. It’s principles apply to all
projects and initiatives.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Cultural Change in Organizations
was written after years of helping
plants align their leadership and
reach results. It’s a composite story
on how to create a change of culture
and get business results. It is a
rewrite of Dr. Crosby’s 1998 The
Authentic Leader and is co-written
by West Coast President Chris
Crosby. Both father and sons have
replicated the methods in this book,
which consistently lead to record
setting business results!
© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

Crosby & Associates

The following page outlines the
extensive Organizational
Development influences in Dr.
Robert P Crosby’s career.

© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence related to work
Experiential Education
Systems Theory
Personal Growth

© Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
grounded in Emotional Intelligence (EQ).
The methods used by Dr. Crosby starting
in the 1950’s were popularized by Daniel
Goleman in his ground breaking book
“Emotional Intelligence” in 1986.
Research has shown that EQ is a much
better predictor of success than IQ.
Ironically, at the time of Goleman’s book,
Dr. Crosby had been teaching EQ for over
30 years.

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Daniel Goleman pointed out in “Working with Emotional
Intelligence” (only one of his numerous texts on the subject):

EQ accounted for 67% of the abilities deemed necessary for
superior performance

EQ mattered TWICE as much as technical expertise or IQ

Unlike IQ (which is a fixed capacity - we either use it, or we
don’t, but it can’t be increased), whatever your current EQ, with
intention and guidance, you can improve. ALP increases EQ!

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

EQ has 3 Core Capacities
All the capacities of EQ are intended to increase ones capacity to notice,
name and own their experience.

Capacity One
Self Awareness – In Tense Moments
• Awareness of my Emotions
• From moment to moment
• Access to a full range of Emotions
• Ability to differentiate
• Judgments from observable facts (behavioral specifics)
• Thoughts from Feelings
• My experience (self) from others
• Clearly articulate wants (Goals, Expectations, etc., from up, down, and across
the workplace)

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Capacity Two
My Patterns – How I manage tense moments
• Recognize my patterns (especially during conflict)
• Increase capacity to calm down during and after tense moments
Capacity Three
How I Honor Others – Empathy
• Accuracy –Getting their experience
• Compassion – Feeling and understanding their experience
• Interaction –Actively demonstrating it
Plus providing space for the others to be different

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby learned about experiential education starting in the
1950’s and continuing throughout his career. All of his leadership
programs utilize experiential education as their foundation. From
his beginnings in 1953 he understood that you cannot learn
about leadership or communication skills through lecture alone.
There must be a significant aspect of experiential techniques to
truly impact behavior.
ALP utilizes experiential education as its primary learning

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Levels of Experiential Learning

Level 1 - Pure Cognitive Learning – learning through lecture and testing,
reading books, memorization, etc.
Largest impact is to IQ.
Little or slow behavioral change.
Level 2 - Mainly Cognitive Learning - Reflective learning from the past - such
as thinking back, looking at your side of things (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments), and thinking through other
Largest impact is to IQ with some impact to EQ.
Slow behavioral change.
© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Level 3 - Mainly Experiential Learning- Reflective learning from the present
interaction - such as receiving feedback (coaching) about actual behavior in
recent situation (scientifically verifiable as to what you said and did only, no
judgments), thinking about what you were feeling, thinking, and doing, and
then re-engaging with situation.
Large impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.

High behavioral change.
Level 4 - Pure Experiential Learning – Debriefing your immediate situation
with person you are having the experience with. This involves giving and
receiving feedback on immediate interactions (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments).
Largest impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.
Highest behavioral change.

© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Robert P Crosby was heavily
influenced by two seminal thinkers
in the twentieth century: Dr. Kurt
Lewin (1890-1947) and Dr. John
Dewey (1859-1952). Not only did he
study their work, but he also was
trained by Dr. Goodwin Watson, a
colleague of Dr. John Dewey, and
had a 30-year mentorship and
colleagueship with Dr. Ronald Lippitt
(starting in 1957), one of Dr. Lewin’s
top graduate students.


Kurt Lewin
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Both Dr. Dewey and Dr. Lewin believed that
democratic leadership is a learned behavior. Further, it
is more difficult to learn than either autocratic or
permissive styles of leadership and therefore must be
learned anew in each generation. Crosby has spent his
life helping organizations learn how to balance
management authority and employee engagement,
including leading several efforts to recover from poorly
planned experiments of moving towards self-managed
work teams.

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby worked with Dr. Daryl
Conner and came up with his own
approach to Conner’s
Sponsor/Agent/Target/Advocate (SATA)
theory. Dr. Crosby’s clarity about the
role of Sponsor—specifically, the
critical distinction being that you can
only “sponsor” your direct reports is
critical to effectively managing crossfunctional work and change. Dr.
Crosby’s clarity about the role of each
subsequent layer of sponsorship - the
sustaining sponsors - is the key to
successful matrixed work.
© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s approach is also heavily influenced
by Family Systems thinking through the work of
Dr. Murray Bowen, Dr. Edwin Friedman, Dr.
Salvador Minuchin, and Dr. Carl Whitaker.

For example, our habitual reactions to authority
(to having a boss or being the boss) begin early in
life. Family Systems thinking helps one
understand these and other reactions learned
early in life (such as our habits during conflict), so
as to adapt a broader range of behavioral choices
and become a more effective leader.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Business Application
© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
designed to both train your leaders and
obtain bottom line business results. To do
this there is a constant focus on
application of ALP activity to your
immediate business needs.

© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

A case study based on a mission critical project or
initiative and approved by their area VP. The case study
includes business results.

A mid-point assessment and conversation with the
participants direct report about their developmental
plan linking it to leadership development objectives.

A day of onsite coaching to ensure maximum learning
and integration with the ALP models.

A final behavioral competency based assessment.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule
© Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program
contains six one week modules and a half
day of individual coaching for each
participant. The Modules are separated by
about 1 ½ months. Each program is custom
built for the client based on their unique
needs and closely tied to business results.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Example Schedule

Module 1

Module 2

Module 3

Module 4

EQ Profile

Leadership &
Systems Theory
Related to

Skills 1

Skills 2

Coaching Skills &

Individual and


Helping Skills

Jay Hall Conflict


3rd Party

Authority in

Case Study
Process Begins

Business Change



Case Study Due/

Family Ties
That Bind


Intro to Family of Sponsor Agent
Prep for Group
Leadership Skills


Goal Clarity

Basic Self Skills

© Crosby & Associates

Basic Self Skills

Case Study

On Site
(Faculty with
students in

In Field

Module 5

Module 6

and Group

Synthesis &



Group Process

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Faculty Standards

Crosby & Associates

At Crosby & Associates we hold a strong belief
that Organization Development is a
professional discipline. Our trainings involve
experiential learning using a group process
that holds to strict behavioral science
standards. All our faculty hold Masters
Degrees as well as at least ten years of
coaching and training with a master in the
© Crosby & Associates


Dr. Robert P Crosby
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby has 60 years of
experience helping organizations.
He is a master in his field, having
founded the Leadership Institute of
Seattle (LIOS) in 1969, and held
faculty roles through LIOS contracts
at universities such as Antioch in
Seattle and Martin University in
Indianapolis, Indiana. Crosby led
successful efforts at PECO Nuclear,
Addy Washington (72% productivity
gain as quoted by Business Week),
The Riverfront Park Project in
Spokane Washington, and
numerous others.


Crosby & Associates

Chris has 20 years of experience coaching
leaders and their teams throughout the
USA and internationally in Germany, Costa
Rica, Wales, Jamaica, England, Hungary,
Egypt, The Philippines, Korea, China, Peru,
Spain and Mexico. He holds two Master of
Arts degrees from the Leadership Institute
of Seattle in both Counseling and
Organizational Development. He knows
how to engage the workforce in such a
way as to build ownership and
commitment yet does not let go of the
realities of structure and authority. Also a
published author, Chris did a significant
portion of the editing in “Cultural Change
in Organizations”.

Chris Crosby, MA
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Gil has 29 years of experience in
the field of OD. He specializes in
Leadership and Organizational
Development. His expertise is in
facilitating cultural change in
support of key initiatives including
technology implementation, cost
reduction, productivity increases,
employee morale, and mergers.
He is a published author whose
book “Fight, Flight, Freeze” helps
leaders improve their interactive
skills and is a do-it-yourself version
of Tough Stuff.

Gil Crosby, MSW
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Past Outcomes
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

The following are a
selection of outcomes by
graduates or participants of
Dr. Crosby’s leadership
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• CSI achieved 6 R&D project in one year after they had not successfully
completed any for the past year.
• Alcoa plants at Warrick, Indiana and Knoxville, Tennessee were managed
by the same person who began using Dr. Crosby in 1992. In 1994 those two
plants created 1/3 of Alcoa’s world wide profits after having gone through
two years of intensive OD work. 500 of the population went through Tough
Stuff (Dr. Crosby’s short leadership program), including many steelworkers.
In addition, 30 students were in Dr. Crosby’s corporate based Master
Program from which the ALP program is based.
• In November of 2011 the President of the United States visited the
Davenport Iowa plant to highlight its remarkable business results. From
2002 to 2010, 60% of all Davenport Employees had completed a Dr. Crosby
leadership program.

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• A graduate created the Bench Mark Change Management Program in the
largest software implementation in the history of Alcoa and achieved go
lives in 20 plants with minimal disruption and no missed shipments. The
previous Alcoa BU had 50% on time delivery for one year after its Oracle
• Dr. Crosby led a project to recover the Alcoa plant in Badin, North Carolina.
At the time the Associated Press reported that Alcoa was threatening to
close the plant if cost reductions of $5.5 million could not be achieved. Six
months after implementing the project, the plant was able to confidently
project a budget far exceeding that goal. Dr. Crosby developed a significant
amount of people in the plant through his leadership programs.
• Dr. Crosby led the OD portion of the turnaround at PECO Nuclear. In 1987
the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) shutdown the Peach Bottom
Atomic Station. Following years of extensive OD work PECO was designated
in 1996 as excellent by INPO, and given a strong Systematic Assessment of
Licensee Performance (SALP) rating by the NRC.
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• Following years of Dr. Crosby’s leadership programs and interventions in
the plant Jamalco went from the worst on cash curve amongst Alcoa
bauxite refineries in 1999 to tied for best on cash curve in 2005.
Improvements included a reduction of $38 million in annual operating
costs. Jamalco was the only refinery in Jamaica to stay at full production
throughout the Great Recession.
• After a critical mass of employees went through Dr. Crosby’s leadership
programs Sherwin Alumina was the only US bauxite refinery to stay in
production throughout the Great Recession.

Slide 30

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated
Leadership Program (ALP)
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
Theoretical Basis
Business Application
Program Schedule
Past Outcomes

Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is based
on the life work of Dr. Robert P Crosby.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s History

Crosby & Associates

• 1953 Attended his first experiential process in communication skills.
• 1957 Attended his first training at National Training Laboratory (NTL) led
by Dr. Ronald Lippitt, Dr. Leland Bradford, and Dr. Ken Benne.
• 1957 – 1986 Mentored by Dr Ronald Lippitt the primary graduate
student of Dr. Kurt Lewin (creator of Action Research and T-Groups).
• 1965 Attended first ever Organizational Development (OD) training at
NTL led by founders in the field of OD.
• 1969 Founded institute called LIOS in Spokane Washington, USA.
• 1973 LIOS became a fully accredited Master Degree program led by
Crosby with two other faculty, Dr. Ronald Short and Dr. John Scherer.
• 1980 Created the People Performance Profile (PPP) with Dr. Scherer. The
PPP is an OD effectiveness survey.
• 1981-82 Son Gil Crosby attended LIOS and joined Dr. Crosby’s consulting
business in 1984.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Son Chris Crosby (West Coast President of Crosby & Associates)
attended LIOS.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s Programs

Crosby & Associates

• 1973 Created the LIOS Graduate Program.
• 1987 While working at PECO Nuclear created Tough Stuff™, a 1 week
with one or two 3 day follow ups that uses the experiential education
foundations of the graduate program. The emphasis is Emotional
Intelligence (EQ) at work.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Created the High Performance Leadership Program (HPL).
• 2008 Sons Gil and Chris, using the basis of Dr. Crosby’s above work,
created the Accelerated Leadership Program (ALP). ALP is a 7 week
program (each week separated by approximately 1 ½ months). ALP is
tied to business goals more directly than any other training program
Crosby has created to date.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis
© Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis

Crosby & Associates

Through his years of experience and exposure to the
founders of OD and Family Systems Theory, Dr. Robert P
Crosby created a unique theory of authority in systems. It
can be summed up by the title of his first book “Walking the
Empowerment Tight Rope: Balancing Management
Authority and Employee Influence.” Crosby’s theory is
intertwined throughout his three business books. His
advantage over other OD authors is that he wrote his books
out of years of experience working in business rather than
from a purely academic/theoretical perspective. His books
are based on applied theory, grounded in practice.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s first book is derived
from the PPP. After giving it to
600 workplaces a trend was
seen in the highest performing
work groups. Those groups
performed the best in all key
indicators such as Safety,
Productivity, Absenteeism,
Quality, and Costs. Crosby
identified 25 factors from the
PPP and first presented it in his
work with NASA in 1986 after
the Challenger disaster.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

While working at Aldus (the
creator of PageMaker) Crosby
noticed an emerging trend of
dotted line relationships and
matrixed workplaces. Aldus lost
millions because they were late on
their software implementation of
PageMaker 5. This book outlines
how he helped them implement
PageMaker 6 on time and with
quality. It’s principles apply to all
projects and initiatives.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Cultural Change in Organizations
was written after years of helping
plants align their leadership and
reach results. It’s a composite story
on how to create a change of culture
and get business results. It is a
rewrite of Dr. Crosby’s 1998 The
Authentic Leader and is co-written
by West Coast President Chris
Crosby. Both father and sons have
replicated the methods in this book,
which consistently lead to record
setting business results!
© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

Crosby & Associates

The following page outlines the
extensive Organizational
Development influences in Dr.
Robert P Crosby’s career.

© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence related to work
Experiential Education
Systems Theory
Personal Growth

© Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
grounded in Emotional Intelligence (EQ).
The methods used by Dr. Crosby starting
in the 1950’s were popularized by Daniel
Goleman in his ground breaking book
“Emotional Intelligence” in 1986.
Research has shown that EQ is a much
better predictor of success than IQ.
Ironically, at the time of Goleman’s book,
Dr. Crosby had been teaching EQ for over
30 years.

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Daniel Goleman pointed out in “Working with Emotional
Intelligence” (only one of his numerous texts on the subject):

EQ accounted for 67% of the abilities deemed necessary for
superior performance

EQ mattered TWICE as much as technical expertise or IQ

Unlike IQ (which is a fixed capacity - we either use it, or we
don’t, but it can’t be increased), whatever your current EQ, with
intention and guidance, you can improve. ALP increases EQ!

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

EQ has 3 Core Capacities
All the capacities of EQ are intended to increase ones capacity to notice,
name and own their experience.

Capacity One
Self Awareness – In Tense Moments
• Awareness of my Emotions
• From moment to moment
• Access to a full range of Emotions
• Ability to differentiate
• Judgments from observable facts (behavioral specifics)
• Thoughts from Feelings
• My experience (self) from others
• Clearly articulate wants (Goals, Expectations, etc., from up, down, and across
the workplace)

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Capacity Two
My Patterns – How I manage tense moments
• Recognize my patterns (especially during conflict)
• Increase capacity to calm down during and after tense moments
Capacity Three
How I Honor Others – Empathy
• Accuracy –Getting their experience
• Compassion – Feeling and understanding their experience
• Interaction –Actively demonstrating it
Plus providing space for the others to be different

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby learned about experiential education starting in the
1950’s and continuing throughout his career. All of his leadership
programs utilize experiential education as their foundation. From
his beginnings in 1953 he understood that you cannot learn
about leadership or communication skills through lecture alone.
There must be a significant aspect of experiential techniques to
truly impact behavior.
ALP utilizes experiential education as its primary learning

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Levels of Experiential Learning

Level 1 - Pure Cognitive Learning – learning through lecture and testing,
reading books, memorization, etc.
Largest impact is to IQ.
Little or slow behavioral change.
Level 2 - Mainly Cognitive Learning - Reflective learning from the past - such
as thinking back, looking at your side of things (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments), and thinking through other
Largest impact is to IQ with some impact to EQ.
Slow behavioral change.
© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Level 3 - Mainly Experiential Learning- Reflective learning from the present
interaction - such as receiving feedback (coaching) about actual behavior in
recent situation (scientifically verifiable as to what you said and did only, no
judgments), thinking about what you were feeling, thinking, and doing, and
then re-engaging with situation.
Large impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.

High behavioral change.
Level 4 - Pure Experiential Learning – Debriefing your immediate situation
with person you are having the experience with. This involves giving and
receiving feedback on immediate interactions (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments).
Largest impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.
Highest behavioral change.

© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Robert P Crosby was heavily
influenced by two seminal thinkers
in the twentieth century: Dr. Kurt
Lewin (1890-1947) and Dr. John
Dewey (1859-1952). Not only did he
study their work, but he also was
trained by Dr. Goodwin Watson, a
colleague of Dr. John Dewey, and
had a 30-year mentorship and
colleagueship with Dr. Ronald Lippitt
(starting in 1957), one of Dr. Lewin’s
top graduate students.


Kurt Lewin
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Both Dr. Dewey and Dr. Lewin believed that
democratic leadership is a learned behavior. Further, it
is more difficult to learn than either autocratic or
permissive styles of leadership and therefore must be
learned anew in each generation. Crosby has spent his
life helping organizations learn how to balance
management authority and employee engagement,
including leading several efforts to recover from poorly
planned experiments of moving towards self-managed
work teams.

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby worked with Dr. Daryl
Conner and came up with his own
approach to Conner’s
Sponsor/Agent/Target/Advocate (SATA)
theory. Dr. Crosby’s clarity about the
role of Sponsor—specifically, the
critical distinction being that you can
only “sponsor” your direct reports is
critical to effectively managing crossfunctional work and change. Dr.
Crosby’s clarity about the role of each
subsequent layer of sponsorship - the
sustaining sponsors - is the key to
successful matrixed work.
© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s approach is also heavily influenced
by Family Systems thinking through the work of
Dr. Murray Bowen, Dr. Edwin Friedman, Dr.
Salvador Minuchin, and Dr. Carl Whitaker.

For example, our habitual reactions to authority
(to having a boss or being the boss) begin early in
life. Family Systems thinking helps one
understand these and other reactions learned
early in life (such as our habits during conflict), so
as to adapt a broader range of behavioral choices
and become a more effective leader.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Business Application
© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
designed to both train your leaders and
obtain bottom line business results. To do
this there is a constant focus on
application of ALP activity to your
immediate business needs.

© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

A case study based on a mission critical project or
initiative and approved by their area VP. The case study
includes business results.

A mid-point assessment and conversation with the
participants direct report about their developmental
plan linking it to leadership development objectives.

A day of onsite coaching to ensure maximum learning
and integration with the ALP models.

A final behavioral competency based assessment.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule
© Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program
contains six one week modules and a half
day of individual coaching for each
participant. The Modules are separated by
about 1 ½ months. Each program is custom
built for the client based on their unique
needs and closely tied to business results.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Example Schedule

Module 1

Module 2

Module 3

Module 4

EQ Profile

Leadership &
Systems Theory
Related to

Skills 1

Skills 2

Coaching Skills &

Individual and


Helping Skills

Jay Hall Conflict


3rd Party

Authority in

Case Study
Process Begins

Business Change



Case Study Due/

Family Ties
That Bind


Intro to Family of Sponsor Agent
Prep for Group
Leadership Skills


Goal Clarity

Basic Self Skills

© Crosby & Associates

Basic Self Skills

Case Study

On Site
(Faculty with
students in

In Field

Module 5

Module 6

and Group

Synthesis &



Group Process

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Faculty Standards

Crosby & Associates

At Crosby & Associates we hold a strong belief
that Organization Development is a
professional discipline. Our trainings involve
experiential learning using a group process
that holds to strict behavioral science
standards. All our faculty hold Masters
Degrees as well as at least ten years of
coaching and training with a master in the
© Crosby & Associates


Dr. Robert P Crosby
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby has 60 years of
experience helping organizations.
He is a master in his field, having
founded the Leadership Institute of
Seattle (LIOS) in 1969, and held
faculty roles through LIOS contracts
at universities such as Antioch in
Seattle and Martin University in
Indianapolis, Indiana. Crosby led
successful efforts at PECO Nuclear,
Addy Washington (72% productivity
gain as quoted by Business Week),
The Riverfront Park Project in
Spokane Washington, and
numerous others.


Crosby & Associates

Chris has 20 years of experience coaching
leaders and their teams throughout the
USA and internationally in Germany, Costa
Rica, Wales, Jamaica, England, Hungary,
Egypt, The Philippines, Korea, China, Peru,
Spain and Mexico. He holds two Master of
Arts degrees from the Leadership Institute
of Seattle in both Counseling and
Organizational Development. He knows
how to engage the workforce in such a
way as to build ownership and
commitment yet does not let go of the
realities of structure and authority. Also a
published author, Chris did a significant
portion of the editing in “Cultural Change
in Organizations”.

Chris Crosby, MA
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Gil has 29 years of experience in
the field of OD. He specializes in
Leadership and Organizational
Development. His expertise is in
facilitating cultural change in
support of key initiatives including
technology implementation, cost
reduction, productivity increases,
employee morale, and mergers.
He is a published author whose
book “Fight, Flight, Freeze” helps
leaders improve their interactive
skills and is a do-it-yourself version
of Tough Stuff.

Gil Crosby, MSW
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Past Outcomes
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

The following are a
selection of outcomes by
graduates or participants of
Dr. Crosby’s leadership
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• CSI achieved 6 R&D project in one year after they had not successfully
completed any for the past year.
• Alcoa plants at Warrick, Indiana and Knoxville, Tennessee were managed
by the same person who began using Dr. Crosby in 1992. In 1994 those two
plants created 1/3 of Alcoa’s world wide profits after having gone through
two years of intensive OD work. 500 of the population went through Tough
Stuff (Dr. Crosby’s short leadership program), including many steelworkers.
In addition, 30 students were in Dr. Crosby’s corporate based Master
Program from which the ALP program is based.
• In November of 2011 the President of the United States visited the
Davenport Iowa plant to highlight its remarkable business results. From
2002 to 2010, 60% of all Davenport Employees had completed a Dr. Crosby
leadership program.

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• A graduate created the Bench Mark Change Management Program in the
largest software implementation in the history of Alcoa and achieved go
lives in 20 plants with minimal disruption and no missed shipments. The
previous Alcoa BU had 50% on time delivery for one year after its Oracle
• Dr. Crosby led a project to recover the Alcoa plant in Badin, North Carolina.
At the time the Associated Press reported that Alcoa was threatening to
close the plant if cost reductions of $5.5 million could not be achieved. Six
months after implementing the project, the plant was able to confidently
project a budget far exceeding that goal. Dr. Crosby developed a significant
amount of people in the plant through his leadership programs.
• Dr. Crosby led the OD portion of the turnaround at PECO Nuclear. In 1987
the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) shutdown the Peach Bottom
Atomic Station. Following years of extensive OD work PECO was designated
in 1996 as excellent by INPO, and given a strong Systematic Assessment of
Licensee Performance (SALP) rating by the NRC.
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• Following years of Dr. Crosby’s leadership programs and interventions in
the plant Jamalco went from the worst on cash curve amongst Alcoa
bauxite refineries in 1999 to tied for best on cash curve in 2005.
Improvements included a reduction of $38 million in annual operating
costs. Jamalco was the only refinery in Jamaica to stay at full production
throughout the Great Recession.
• After a critical mass of employees went through Dr. Crosby’s leadership
programs Sherwin Alumina was the only US bauxite refinery to stay in
production throughout the Great Recession.

Slide 31

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated
Leadership Program (ALP)
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
Theoretical Basis
Business Application
Program Schedule
Past Outcomes

Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is based
on the life work of Dr. Robert P Crosby.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s History

Crosby & Associates

• 1953 Attended his first experiential process in communication skills.
• 1957 Attended his first training at National Training Laboratory (NTL) led
by Dr. Ronald Lippitt, Dr. Leland Bradford, and Dr. Ken Benne.
• 1957 – 1986 Mentored by Dr Ronald Lippitt the primary graduate
student of Dr. Kurt Lewin (creator of Action Research and T-Groups).
• 1965 Attended first ever Organizational Development (OD) training at
NTL led by founders in the field of OD.
• 1969 Founded institute called LIOS in Spokane Washington, USA.
• 1973 LIOS became a fully accredited Master Degree program led by
Crosby with two other faculty, Dr. Ronald Short and Dr. John Scherer.
• 1980 Created the People Performance Profile (PPP) with Dr. Scherer. The
PPP is an OD effectiveness survey.
• 1981-82 Son Gil Crosby attended LIOS and joined Dr. Crosby’s consulting
business in 1984.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Son Chris Crosby (West Coast President of Crosby & Associates)
attended LIOS.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s Programs

Crosby & Associates

• 1973 Created the LIOS Graduate Program.
• 1987 While working at PECO Nuclear created Tough Stuff™, a 1 week
with one or two 3 day follow ups that uses the experiential education
foundations of the graduate program. The emphasis is Emotional
Intelligence (EQ) at work.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Created the High Performance Leadership Program (HPL).
• 2008 Sons Gil and Chris, using the basis of Dr. Crosby’s above work,
created the Accelerated Leadership Program (ALP). ALP is a 7 week
program (each week separated by approximately 1 ½ months). ALP is
tied to business goals more directly than any other training program
Crosby has created to date.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis
© Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis

Crosby & Associates

Through his years of experience and exposure to the
founders of OD and Family Systems Theory, Dr. Robert P
Crosby created a unique theory of authority in systems. It
can be summed up by the title of his first book “Walking the
Empowerment Tight Rope: Balancing Management
Authority and Employee Influence.” Crosby’s theory is
intertwined throughout his three business books. His
advantage over other OD authors is that he wrote his books
out of years of experience working in business rather than
from a purely academic/theoretical perspective. His books
are based on applied theory, grounded in practice.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s first book is derived
from the PPP. After giving it to
600 workplaces a trend was
seen in the highest performing
work groups. Those groups
performed the best in all key
indicators such as Safety,
Productivity, Absenteeism,
Quality, and Costs. Crosby
identified 25 factors from the
PPP and first presented it in his
work with NASA in 1986 after
the Challenger disaster.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

While working at Aldus (the
creator of PageMaker) Crosby
noticed an emerging trend of
dotted line relationships and
matrixed workplaces. Aldus lost
millions because they were late on
their software implementation of
PageMaker 5. This book outlines
how he helped them implement
PageMaker 6 on time and with
quality. It’s principles apply to all
projects and initiatives.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Cultural Change in Organizations
was written after years of helping
plants align their leadership and
reach results. It’s a composite story
on how to create a change of culture
and get business results. It is a
rewrite of Dr. Crosby’s 1998 The
Authentic Leader and is co-written
by West Coast President Chris
Crosby. Both father and sons have
replicated the methods in this book,
which consistently lead to record
setting business results!
© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

Crosby & Associates

The following page outlines the
extensive Organizational
Development influences in Dr.
Robert P Crosby’s career.

© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence related to work
Experiential Education
Systems Theory
Personal Growth

© Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
grounded in Emotional Intelligence (EQ).
The methods used by Dr. Crosby starting
in the 1950’s were popularized by Daniel
Goleman in his ground breaking book
“Emotional Intelligence” in 1986.
Research has shown that EQ is a much
better predictor of success than IQ.
Ironically, at the time of Goleman’s book,
Dr. Crosby had been teaching EQ for over
30 years.

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Daniel Goleman pointed out in “Working with Emotional
Intelligence” (only one of his numerous texts on the subject):

EQ accounted for 67% of the abilities deemed necessary for
superior performance

EQ mattered TWICE as much as technical expertise or IQ

Unlike IQ (which is a fixed capacity - we either use it, or we
don’t, but it can’t be increased), whatever your current EQ, with
intention and guidance, you can improve. ALP increases EQ!

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

EQ has 3 Core Capacities
All the capacities of EQ are intended to increase ones capacity to notice,
name and own their experience.

Capacity One
Self Awareness – In Tense Moments
• Awareness of my Emotions
• From moment to moment
• Access to a full range of Emotions
• Ability to differentiate
• Judgments from observable facts (behavioral specifics)
• Thoughts from Feelings
• My experience (self) from others
• Clearly articulate wants (Goals, Expectations, etc., from up, down, and across
the workplace)

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Capacity Two
My Patterns – How I manage tense moments
• Recognize my patterns (especially during conflict)
• Increase capacity to calm down during and after tense moments
Capacity Three
How I Honor Others – Empathy
• Accuracy –Getting their experience
• Compassion – Feeling and understanding their experience
• Interaction –Actively demonstrating it
Plus providing space for the others to be different

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby learned about experiential education starting in the
1950’s and continuing throughout his career. All of his leadership
programs utilize experiential education as their foundation. From
his beginnings in 1953 he understood that you cannot learn
about leadership or communication skills through lecture alone.
There must be a significant aspect of experiential techniques to
truly impact behavior.
ALP utilizes experiential education as its primary learning

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Levels of Experiential Learning

Level 1 - Pure Cognitive Learning – learning through lecture and testing,
reading books, memorization, etc.
Largest impact is to IQ.
Little or slow behavioral change.
Level 2 - Mainly Cognitive Learning - Reflective learning from the past - such
as thinking back, looking at your side of things (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments), and thinking through other
Largest impact is to IQ with some impact to EQ.
Slow behavioral change.
© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Level 3 - Mainly Experiential Learning- Reflective learning from the present
interaction - such as receiving feedback (coaching) about actual behavior in
recent situation (scientifically verifiable as to what you said and did only, no
judgments), thinking about what you were feeling, thinking, and doing, and
then re-engaging with situation.
Large impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.

High behavioral change.
Level 4 - Pure Experiential Learning – Debriefing your immediate situation
with person you are having the experience with. This involves giving and
receiving feedback on immediate interactions (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments).
Largest impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.
Highest behavioral change.

© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Robert P Crosby was heavily
influenced by two seminal thinkers
in the twentieth century: Dr. Kurt
Lewin (1890-1947) and Dr. John
Dewey (1859-1952). Not only did he
study their work, but he also was
trained by Dr. Goodwin Watson, a
colleague of Dr. John Dewey, and
had a 30-year mentorship and
colleagueship with Dr. Ronald Lippitt
(starting in 1957), one of Dr. Lewin’s
top graduate students.


Kurt Lewin
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Both Dr. Dewey and Dr. Lewin believed that
democratic leadership is a learned behavior. Further, it
is more difficult to learn than either autocratic or
permissive styles of leadership and therefore must be
learned anew in each generation. Crosby has spent his
life helping organizations learn how to balance
management authority and employee engagement,
including leading several efforts to recover from poorly
planned experiments of moving towards self-managed
work teams.

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby worked with Dr. Daryl
Conner and came up with his own
approach to Conner’s
Sponsor/Agent/Target/Advocate (SATA)
theory. Dr. Crosby’s clarity about the
role of Sponsor—specifically, the
critical distinction being that you can
only “sponsor” your direct reports is
critical to effectively managing crossfunctional work and change. Dr.
Crosby’s clarity about the role of each
subsequent layer of sponsorship - the
sustaining sponsors - is the key to
successful matrixed work.
© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s approach is also heavily influenced
by Family Systems thinking through the work of
Dr. Murray Bowen, Dr. Edwin Friedman, Dr.
Salvador Minuchin, and Dr. Carl Whitaker.

For example, our habitual reactions to authority
(to having a boss or being the boss) begin early in
life. Family Systems thinking helps one
understand these and other reactions learned
early in life (such as our habits during conflict), so
as to adapt a broader range of behavioral choices
and become a more effective leader.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Business Application
© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
designed to both train your leaders and
obtain bottom line business results. To do
this there is a constant focus on
application of ALP activity to your
immediate business needs.

© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

A case study based on a mission critical project or
initiative and approved by their area VP. The case study
includes business results.

A mid-point assessment and conversation with the
participants direct report about their developmental
plan linking it to leadership development objectives.

A day of onsite coaching to ensure maximum learning
and integration with the ALP models.

A final behavioral competency based assessment.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule
© Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program
contains six one week modules and a half
day of individual coaching for each
participant. The Modules are separated by
about 1 ½ months. Each program is custom
built for the client based on their unique
needs and closely tied to business results.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Example Schedule

Module 1

Module 2

Module 3

Module 4

EQ Profile

Leadership &
Systems Theory
Related to

Skills 1

Skills 2

Coaching Skills &

Individual and


Helping Skills

Jay Hall Conflict


3rd Party

Authority in

Case Study
Process Begins

Business Change



Case Study Due/

Family Ties
That Bind


Intro to Family of Sponsor Agent
Prep for Group
Leadership Skills


Goal Clarity

Basic Self Skills

© Crosby & Associates

Basic Self Skills

Case Study

On Site
(Faculty with
students in

In Field

Module 5

Module 6

and Group

Synthesis &



Group Process

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Faculty Standards

Crosby & Associates

At Crosby & Associates we hold a strong belief
that Organization Development is a
professional discipline. Our trainings involve
experiential learning using a group process
that holds to strict behavioral science
standards. All our faculty hold Masters
Degrees as well as at least ten years of
coaching and training with a master in the
© Crosby & Associates


Dr. Robert P Crosby
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby has 60 years of
experience helping organizations.
He is a master in his field, having
founded the Leadership Institute of
Seattle (LIOS) in 1969, and held
faculty roles through LIOS contracts
at universities such as Antioch in
Seattle and Martin University in
Indianapolis, Indiana. Crosby led
successful efforts at PECO Nuclear,
Addy Washington (72% productivity
gain as quoted by Business Week),
The Riverfront Park Project in
Spokane Washington, and
numerous others.


Crosby & Associates

Chris has 20 years of experience coaching
leaders and their teams throughout the
USA and internationally in Germany, Costa
Rica, Wales, Jamaica, England, Hungary,
Egypt, The Philippines, Korea, China, Peru,
Spain and Mexico. He holds two Master of
Arts degrees from the Leadership Institute
of Seattle in both Counseling and
Organizational Development. He knows
how to engage the workforce in such a
way as to build ownership and
commitment yet does not let go of the
realities of structure and authority. Also a
published author, Chris did a significant
portion of the editing in “Cultural Change
in Organizations”.

Chris Crosby, MA
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Gil has 29 years of experience in
the field of OD. He specializes in
Leadership and Organizational
Development. His expertise is in
facilitating cultural change in
support of key initiatives including
technology implementation, cost
reduction, productivity increases,
employee morale, and mergers.
He is a published author whose
book “Fight, Flight, Freeze” helps
leaders improve their interactive
skills and is a do-it-yourself version
of Tough Stuff.

Gil Crosby, MSW
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Past Outcomes
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

The following are a
selection of outcomes by
graduates or participants of
Dr. Crosby’s leadership
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• CSI achieved 6 R&D project in one year after they had not successfully
completed any for the past year.
• Alcoa plants at Warrick, Indiana and Knoxville, Tennessee were managed
by the same person who began using Dr. Crosby in 1992. In 1994 those two
plants created 1/3 of Alcoa’s world wide profits after having gone through
two years of intensive OD work. 500 of the population went through Tough
Stuff (Dr. Crosby’s short leadership program), including many steelworkers.
In addition, 30 students were in Dr. Crosby’s corporate based Master
Program from which the ALP program is based.
• In November of 2011 the President of the United States visited the
Davenport Iowa plant to highlight its remarkable business results. From
2002 to 2010, 60% of all Davenport Employees had completed a Dr. Crosby
leadership program.

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• A graduate created the Bench Mark Change Management Program in the
largest software implementation in the history of Alcoa and achieved go
lives in 20 plants with minimal disruption and no missed shipments. The
previous Alcoa BU had 50% on time delivery for one year after its Oracle
• Dr. Crosby led a project to recover the Alcoa plant in Badin, North Carolina.
At the time the Associated Press reported that Alcoa was threatening to
close the plant if cost reductions of $5.5 million could not be achieved. Six
months after implementing the project, the plant was able to confidently
project a budget far exceeding that goal. Dr. Crosby developed a significant
amount of people in the plant through his leadership programs.
• Dr. Crosby led the OD portion of the turnaround at PECO Nuclear. In 1987
the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) shutdown the Peach Bottom
Atomic Station. Following years of extensive OD work PECO was designated
in 1996 as excellent by INPO, and given a strong Systematic Assessment of
Licensee Performance (SALP) rating by the NRC.
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• Following years of Dr. Crosby’s leadership programs and interventions in
the plant Jamalco went from the worst on cash curve amongst Alcoa
bauxite refineries in 1999 to tied for best on cash curve in 2005.
Improvements included a reduction of $38 million in annual operating
costs. Jamalco was the only refinery in Jamaica to stay at full production
throughout the Great Recession.
• After a critical mass of employees went through Dr. Crosby’s leadership
programs Sherwin Alumina was the only US bauxite refinery to stay in
production throughout the Great Recession.

Slide 32

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated
Leadership Program (ALP)
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
Theoretical Basis
Business Application
Program Schedule
Past Outcomes

Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is based
on the life work of Dr. Robert P Crosby.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s History

Crosby & Associates

• 1953 Attended his first experiential process in communication skills.
• 1957 Attended his first training at National Training Laboratory (NTL) led
by Dr. Ronald Lippitt, Dr. Leland Bradford, and Dr. Ken Benne.
• 1957 – 1986 Mentored by Dr Ronald Lippitt the primary graduate
student of Dr. Kurt Lewin (creator of Action Research and T-Groups).
• 1965 Attended first ever Organizational Development (OD) training at
NTL led by founders in the field of OD.
• 1969 Founded institute called LIOS in Spokane Washington, USA.
• 1973 LIOS became a fully accredited Master Degree program led by
Crosby with two other faculty, Dr. Ronald Short and Dr. John Scherer.
• 1980 Created the People Performance Profile (PPP) with Dr. Scherer. The
PPP is an OD effectiveness survey.
• 1981-82 Son Gil Crosby attended LIOS and joined Dr. Crosby’s consulting
business in 1984.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Son Chris Crosby (West Coast President of Crosby & Associates)
attended LIOS.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s Programs

Crosby & Associates

• 1973 Created the LIOS Graduate Program.
• 1987 While working at PECO Nuclear created Tough Stuff™, a 1 week
with one or two 3 day follow ups that uses the experiential education
foundations of the graduate program. The emphasis is Emotional
Intelligence (EQ) at work.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Created the High Performance Leadership Program (HPL).
• 2008 Sons Gil and Chris, using the basis of Dr. Crosby’s above work,
created the Accelerated Leadership Program (ALP). ALP is a 7 week
program (each week separated by approximately 1 ½ months). ALP is
tied to business goals more directly than any other training program
Crosby has created to date.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis
© Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis

Crosby & Associates

Through his years of experience and exposure to the
founders of OD and Family Systems Theory, Dr. Robert P
Crosby created a unique theory of authority in systems. It
can be summed up by the title of his first book “Walking the
Empowerment Tight Rope: Balancing Management
Authority and Employee Influence.” Crosby’s theory is
intertwined throughout his three business books. His
advantage over other OD authors is that he wrote his books
out of years of experience working in business rather than
from a purely academic/theoretical perspective. His books
are based on applied theory, grounded in practice.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s first book is derived
from the PPP. After giving it to
600 workplaces a trend was
seen in the highest performing
work groups. Those groups
performed the best in all key
indicators such as Safety,
Productivity, Absenteeism,
Quality, and Costs. Crosby
identified 25 factors from the
PPP and first presented it in his
work with NASA in 1986 after
the Challenger disaster.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

While working at Aldus (the
creator of PageMaker) Crosby
noticed an emerging trend of
dotted line relationships and
matrixed workplaces. Aldus lost
millions because they were late on
their software implementation of
PageMaker 5. This book outlines
how he helped them implement
PageMaker 6 on time and with
quality. It’s principles apply to all
projects and initiatives.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Cultural Change in Organizations
was written after years of helping
plants align their leadership and
reach results. It’s a composite story
on how to create a change of culture
and get business results. It is a
rewrite of Dr. Crosby’s 1998 The
Authentic Leader and is co-written
by West Coast President Chris
Crosby. Both father and sons have
replicated the methods in this book,
which consistently lead to record
setting business results!
© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

Crosby & Associates

The following page outlines the
extensive Organizational
Development influences in Dr.
Robert P Crosby’s career.

© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence related to work
Experiential Education
Systems Theory
Personal Growth

© Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
grounded in Emotional Intelligence (EQ).
The methods used by Dr. Crosby starting
in the 1950’s were popularized by Daniel
Goleman in his ground breaking book
“Emotional Intelligence” in 1986.
Research has shown that EQ is a much
better predictor of success than IQ.
Ironically, at the time of Goleman’s book,
Dr. Crosby had been teaching EQ for over
30 years.

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Daniel Goleman pointed out in “Working with Emotional
Intelligence” (only one of his numerous texts on the subject):

EQ accounted for 67% of the abilities deemed necessary for
superior performance

EQ mattered TWICE as much as technical expertise or IQ

Unlike IQ (which is a fixed capacity - we either use it, or we
don’t, but it can’t be increased), whatever your current EQ, with
intention and guidance, you can improve. ALP increases EQ!

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

EQ has 3 Core Capacities
All the capacities of EQ are intended to increase ones capacity to notice,
name and own their experience.

Capacity One
Self Awareness – In Tense Moments
• Awareness of my Emotions
• From moment to moment
• Access to a full range of Emotions
• Ability to differentiate
• Judgments from observable facts (behavioral specifics)
• Thoughts from Feelings
• My experience (self) from others
• Clearly articulate wants (Goals, Expectations, etc., from up, down, and across
the workplace)

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Capacity Two
My Patterns – How I manage tense moments
• Recognize my patterns (especially during conflict)
• Increase capacity to calm down during and after tense moments
Capacity Three
How I Honor Others – Empathy
• Accuracy –Getting their experience
• Compassion – Feeling and understanding their experience
• Interaction –Actively demonstrating it
Plus providing space for the others to be different

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby learned about experiential education starting in the
1950’s and continuing throughout his career. All of his leadership
programs utilize experiential education as their foundation. From
his beginnings in 1953 he understood that you cannot learn
about leadership or communication skills through lecture alone.
There must be a significant aspect of experiential techniques to
truly impact behavior.
ALP utilizes experiential education as its primary learning

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Levels of Experiential Learning

Level 1 - Pure Cognitive Learning – learning through lecture and testing,
reading books, memorization, etc.
Largest impact is to IQ.
Little or slow behavioral change.
Level 2 - Mainly Cognitive Learning - Reflective learning from the past - such
as thinking back, looking at your side of things (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments), and thinking through other
Largest impact is to IQ with some impact to EQ.
Slow behavioral change.
© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Level 3 - Mainly Experiential Learning- Reflective learning from the present
interaction - such as receiving feedback (coaching) about actual behavior in
recent situation (scientifically verifiable as to what you said and did only, no
judgments), thinking about what you were feeling, thinking, and doing, and
then re-engaging with situation.
Large impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.

High behavioral change.
Level 4 - Pure Experiential Learning – Debriefing your immediate situation
with person you are having the experience with. This involves giving and
receiving feedback on immediate interactions (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments).
Largest impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.
Highest behavioral change.

© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Robert P Crosby was heavily
influenced by two seminal thinkers
in the twentieth century: Dr. Kurt
Lewin (1890-1947) and Dr. John
Dewey (1859-1952). Not only did he
study their work, but he also was
trained by Dr. Goodwin Watson, a
colleague of Dr. John Dewey, and
had a 30-year mentorship and
colleagueship with Dr. Ronald Lippitt
(starting in 1957), one of Dr. Lewin’s
top graduate students.


Kurt Lewin
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Both Dr. Dewey and Dr. Lewin believed that
democratic leadership is a learned behavior. Further, it
is more difficult to learn than either autocratic or
permissive styles of leadership and therefore must be
learned anew in each generation. Crosby has spent his
life helping organizations learn how to balance
management authority and employee engagement,
including leading several efforts to recover from poorly
planned experiments of moving towards self-managed
work teams.

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby worked with Dr. Daryl
Conner and came up with his own
approach to Conner’s
Sponsor/Agent/Target/Advocate (SATA)
theory. Dr. Crosby’s clarity about the
role of Sponsor—specifically, the
critical distinction being that you can
only “sponsor” your direct reports is
critical to effectively managing crossfunctional work and change. Dr.
Crosby’s clarity about the role of each
subsequent layer of sponsorship - the
sustaining sponsors - is the key to
successful matrixed work.
© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s approach is also heavily influenced
by Family Systems thinking through the work of
Dr. Murray Bowen, Dr. Edwin Friedman, Dr.
Salvador Minuchin, and Dr. Carl Whitaker.

For example, our habitual reactions to authority
(to having a boss or being the boss) begin early in
life. Family Systems thinking helps one
understand these and other reactions learned
early in life (such as our habits during conflict), so
as to adapt a broader range of behavioral choices
and become a more effective leader.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Business Application
© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
designed to both train your leaders and
obtain bottom line business results. To do
this there is a constant focus on
application of ALP activity to your
immediate business needs.

© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

A case study based on a mission critical project or
initiative and approved by their area VP. The case study
includes business results.

A mid-point assessment and conversation with the
participants direct report about their developmental
plan linking it to leadership development objectives.

A day of onsite coaching to ensure maximum learning
and integration with the ALP models.

A final behavioral competency based assessment.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule
© Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program
contains six one week modules and a half
day of individual coaching for each
participant. The Modules are separated by
about 1 ½ months. Each program is custom
built for the client based on their unique
needs and closely tied to business results.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Example Schedule

Module 1

Module 2

Module 3

Module 4

EQ Profile

Leadership &
Systems Theory
Related to

Skills 1

Skills 2

Coaching Skills &

Individual and


Helping Skills

Jay Hall Conflict


3rd Party

Authority in

Case Study
Process Begins

Business Change



Case Study Due/

Family Ties
That Bind


Intro to Family of Sponsor Agent
Prep for Group
Leadership Skills


Goal Clarity

Basic Self Skills

© Crosby & Associates

Basic Self Skills

Case Study

On Site
(Faculty with
students in

In Field

Module 5

Module 6

and Group

Synthesis &



Group Process

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Faculty Standards

Crosby & Associates

At Crosby & Associates we hold a strong belief
that Organization Development is a
professional discipline. Our trainings involve
experiential learning using a group process
that holds to strict behavioral science
standards. All our faculty hold Masters
Degrees as well as at least ten years of
coaching and training with a master in the
© Crosby & Associates


Dr. Robert P Crosby
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby has 60 years of
experience helping organizations.
He is a master in his field, having
founded the Leadership Institute of
Seattle (LIOS) in 1969, and held
faculty roles through LIOS contracts
at universities such as Antioch in
Seattle and Martin University in
Indianapolis, Indiana. Crosby led
successful efforts at PECO Nuclear,
Addy Washington (72% productivity
gain as quoted by Business Week),
The Riverfront Park Project in
Spokane Washington, and
numerous others.


Crosby & Associates

Chris has 20 years of experience coaching
leaders and their teams throughout the
USA and internationally in Germany, Costa
Rica, Wales, Jamaica, England, Hungary,
Egypt, The Philippines, Korea, China, Peru,
Spain and Mexico. He holds two Master of
Arts degrees from the Leadership Institute
of Seattle in both Counseling and
Organizational Development. He knows
how to engage the workforce in such a
way as to build ownership and
commitment yet does not let go of the
realities of structure and authority. Also a
published author, Chris did a significant
portion of the editing in “Cultural Change
in Organizations”.

Chris Crosby, MA
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Gil has 29 years of experience in
the field of OD. He specializes in
Leadership and Organizational
Development. His expertise is in
facilitating cultural change in
support of key initiatives including
technology implementation, cost
reduction, productivity increases,
employee morale, and mergers.
He is a published author whose
book “Fight, Flight, Freeze” helps
leaders improve their interactive
skills and is a do-it-yourself version
of Tough Stuff.

Gil Crosby, MSW
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Past Outcomes
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

The following are a
selection of outcomes by
graduates or participants of
Dr. Crosby’s leadership
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• CSI achieved 6 R&D project in one year after they had not successfully
completed any for the past year.
• Alcoa plants at Warrick, Indiana and Knoxville, Tennessee were managed
by the same person who began using Dr. Crosby in 1992. In 1994 those two
plants created 1/3 of Alcoa’s world wide profits after having gone through
two years of intensive OD work. 500 of the population went through Tough
Stuff (Dr. Crosby’s short leadership program), including many steelworkers.
In addition, 30 students were in Dr. Crosby’s corporate based Master
Program from which the ALP program is based.
• In November of 2011 the President of the United States visited the
Davenport Iowa plant to highlight its remarkable business results. From
2002 to 2010, 60% of all Davenport Employees had completed a Dr. Crosby
leadership program.

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• A graduate created the Bench Mark Change Management Program in the
largest software implementation in the history of Alcoa and achieved go
lives in 20 plants with minimal disruption and no missed shipments. The
previous Alcoa BU had 50% on time delivery for one year after its Oracle
• Dr. Crosby led a project to recover the Alcoa plant in Badin, North Carolina.
At the time the Associated Press reported that Alcoa was threatening to
close the plant if cost reductions of $5.5 million could not be achieved. Six
months after implementing the project, the plant was able to confidently
project a budget far exceeding that goal. Dr. Crosby developed a significant
amount of people in the plant through his leadership programs.
• Dr. Crosby led the OD portion of the turnaround at PECO Nuclear. In 1987
the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) shutdown the Peach Bottom
Atomic Station. Following years of extensive OD work PECO was designated
in 1996 as excellent by INPO, and given a strong Systematic Assessment of
Licensee Performance (SALP) rating by the NRC.
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• Following years of Dr. Crosby’s leadership programs and interventions in
the plant Jamalco went from the worst on cash curve amongst Alcoa
bauxite refineries in 1999 to tied for best on cash curve in 2005.
Improvements included a reduction of $38 million in annual operating
costs. Jamalco was the only refinery in Jamaica to stay at full production
throughout the Great Recession.
• After a critical mass of employees went through Dr. Crosby’s leadership
programs Sherwin Alumina was the only US bauxite refinery to stay in
production throughout the Great Recession.

Slide 33

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated
Leadership Program (ALP)
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
Theoretical Basis
Business Application
Program Schedule
Past Outcomes

Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is based
on the life work of Dr. Robert P Crosby.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s History

Crosby & Associates

• 1953 Attended his first experiential process in communication skills.
• 1957 Attended his first training at National Training Laboratory (NTL) led
by Dr. Ronald Lippitt, Dr. Leland Bradford, and Dr. Ken Benne.
• 1957 – 1986 Mentored by Dr Ronald Lippitt the primary graduate
student of Dr. Kurt Lewin (creator of Action Research and T-Groups).
• 1965 Attended first ever Organizational Development (OD) training at
NTL led by founders in the field of OD.
• 1969 Founded institute called LIOS in Spokane Washington, USA.
• 1973 LIOS became a fully accredited Master Degree program led by
Crosby with two other faculty, Dr. Ronald Short and Dr. John Scherer.
• 1980 Created the People Performance Profile (PPP) with Dr. Scherer. The
PPP is an OD effectiveness survey.
• 1981-82 Son Gil Crosby attended LIOS and joined Dr. Crosby’s consulting
business in 1984.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Son Chris Crosby (West Coast President of Crosby & Associates)
attended LIOS.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s Programs

Crosby & Associates

• 1973 Created the LIOS Graduate Program.
• 1987 While working at PECO Nuclear created Tough Stuff™, a 1 week
with one or two 3 day follow ups that uses the experiential education
foundations of the graduate program. The emphasis is Emotional
Intelligence (EQ) at work.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Created the High Performance Leadership Program (HPL).
• 2008 Sons Gil and Chris, using the basis of Dr. Crosby’s above work,
created the Accelerated Leadership Program (ALP). ALP is a 7 week
program (each week separated by approximately 1 ½ months). ALP is
tied to business goals more directly than any other training program
Crosby has created to date.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis
© Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis

Crosby & Associates

Through his years of experience and exposure to the
founders of OD and Family Systems Theory, Dr. Robert P
Crosby created a unique theory of authority in systems. It
can be summed up by the title of his first book “Walking the
Empowerment Tight Rope: Balancing Management
Authority and Employee Influence.” Crosby’s theory is
intertwined throughout his three business books. His
advantage over other OD authors is that he wrote his books
out of years of experience working in business rather than
from a purely academic/theoretical perspective. His books
are based on applied theory, grounded in practice.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s first book is derived
from the PPP. After giving it to
600 workplaces a trend was
seen in the highest performing
work groups. Those groups
performed the best in all key
indicators such as Safety,
Productivity, Absenteeism,
Quality, and Costs. Crosby
identified 25 factors from the
PPP and first presented it in his
work with NASA in 1986 after
the Challenger disaster.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

While working at Aldus (the
creator of PageMaker) Crosby
noticed an emerging trend of
dotted line relationships and
matrixed workplaces. Aldus lost
millions because they were late on
their software implementation of
PageMaker 5. This book outlines
how he helped them implement
PageMaker 6 on time and with
quality. It’s principles apply to all
projects and initiatives.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Cultural Change in Organizations
was written after years of helping
plants align their leadership and
reach results. It’s a composite story
on how to create a change of culture
and get business results. It is a
rewrite of Dr. Crosby’s 1998 The
Authentic Leader and is co-written
by West Coast President Chris
Crosby. Both father and sons have
replicated the methods in this book,
which consistently lead to record
setting business results!
© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

Crosby & Associates

The following page outlines the
extensive Organizational
Development influences in Dr.
Robert P Crosby’s career.

© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence related to work
Experiential Education
Systems Theory
Personal Growth

© Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
grounded in Emotional Intelligence (EQ).
The methods used by Dr. Crosby starting
in the 1950’s were popularized by Daniel
Goleman in his ground breaking book
“Emotional Intelligence” in 1986.
Research has shown that EQ is a much
better predictor of success than IQ.
Ironically, at the time of Goleman’s book,
Dr. Crosby had been teaching EQ for over
30 years.

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Daniel Goleman pointed out in “Working with Emotional
Intelligence” (only one of his numerous texts on the subject):

EQ accounted for 67% of the abilities deemed necessary for
superior performance

EQ mattered TWICE as much as technical expertise or IQ

Unlike IQ (which is a fixed capacity - we either use it, or we
don’t, but it can’t be increased), whatever your current EQ, with
intention and guidance, you can improve. ALP increases EQ!

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

EQ has 3 Core Capacities
All the capacities of EQ are intended to increase ones capacity to notice,
name and own their experience.

Capacity One
Self Awareness – In Tense Moments
• Awareness of my Emotions
• From moment to moment
• Access to a full range of Emotions
• Ability to differentiate
• Judgments from observable facts (behavioral specifics)
• Thoughts from Feelings
• My experience (self) from others
• Clearly articulate wants (Goals, Expectations, etc., from up, down, and across
the workplace)

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Capacity Two
My Patterns – How I manage tense moments
• Recognize my patterns (especially during conflict)
• Increase capacity to calm down during and after tense moments
Capacity Three
How I Honor Others – Empathy
• Accuracy –Getting their experience
• Compassion – Feeling and understanding their experience
• Interaction –Actively demonstrating it
Plus providing space for the others to be different

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby learned about experiential education starting in the
1950’s and continuing throughout his career. All of his leadership
programs utilize experiential education as their foundation. From
his beginnings in 1953 he understood that you cannot learn
about leadership or communication skills through lecture alone.
There must be a significant aspect of experiential techniques to
truly impact behavior.
ALP utilizes experiential education as its primary learning

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Levels of Experiential Learning

Level 1 - Pure Cognitive Learning – learning through lecture and testing,
reading books, memorization, etc.
Largest impact is to IQ.
Little or slow behavioral change.
Level 2 - Mainly Cognitive Learning - Reflective learning from the past - such
as thinking back, looking at your side of things (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments), and thinking through other
Largest impact is to IQ with some impact to EQ.
Slow behavioral change.
© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Level 3 - Mainly Experiential Learning- Reflective learning from the present
interaction - such as receiving feedback (coaching) about actual behavior in
recent situation (scientifically verifiable as to what you said and did only, no
judgments), thinking about what you were feeling, thinking, and doing, and
then re-engaging with situation.
Large impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.

High behavioral change.
Level 4 - Pure Experiential Learning – Debriefing your immediate situation
with person you are having the experience with. This involves giving and
receiving feedback on immediate interactions (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments).
Largest impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.
Highest behavioral change.

© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Robert P Crosby was heavily
influenced by two seminal thinkers
in the twentieth century: Dr. Kurt
Lewin (1890-1947) and Dr. John
Dewey (1859-1952). Not only did he
study their work, but he also was
trained by Dr. Goodwin Watson, a
colleague of Dr. John Dewey, and
had a 30-year mentorship and
colleagueship with Dr. Ronald Lippitt
(starting in 1957), one of Dr. Lewin’s
top graduate students.


Kurt Lewin
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Both Dr. Dewey and Dr. Lewin believed that
democratic leadership is a learned behavior. Further, it
is more difficult to learn than either autocratic or
permissive styles of leadership and therefore must be
learned anew in each generation. Crosby has spent his
life helping organizations learn how to balance
management authority and employee engagement,
including leading several efforts to recover from poorly
planned experiments of moving towards self-managed
work teams.

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby worked with Dr. Daryl
Conner and came up with his own
approach to Conner’s
Sponsor/Agent/Target/Advocate (SATA)
theory. Dr. Crosby’s clarity about the
role of Sponsor—specifically, the
critical distinction being that you can
only “sponsor” your direct reports is
critical to effectively managing crossfunctional work and change. Dr.
Crosby’s clarity about the role of each
subsequent layer of sponsorship - the
sustaining sponsors - is the key to
successful matrixed work.
© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s approach is also heavily influenced
by Family Systems thinking through the work of
Dr. Murray Bowen, Dr. Edwin Friedman, Dr.
Salvador Minuchin, and Dr. Carl Whitaker.

For example, our habitual reactions to authority
(to having a boss or being the boss) begin early in
life. Family Systems thinking helps one
understand these and other reactions learned
early in life (such as our habits during conflict), so
as to adapt a broader range of behavioral choices
and become a more effective leader.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Business Application
© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
designed to both train your leaders and
obtain bottom line business results. To do
this there is a constant focus on
application of ALP activity to your
immediate business needs.

© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

A case study based on a mission critical project or
initiative and approved by their area VP. The case study
includes business results.

A mid-point assessment and conversation with the
participants direct report about their developmental
plan linking it to leadership development objectives.

A day of onsite coaching to ensure maximum learning
and integration with the ALP models.

A final behavioral competency based assessment.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule
© Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program
contains six one week modules and a half
day of individual coaching for each
participant. The Modules are separated by
about 1 ½ months. Each program is custom
built for the client based on their unique
needs and closely tied to business results.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Example Schedule

Module 1

Module 2

Module 3

Module 4

EQ Profile

Leadership &
Systems Theory
Related to

Skills 1

Skills 2

Coaching Skills &

Individual and


Helping Skills

Jay Hall Conflict


3rd Party

Authority in

Case Study
Process Begins

Business Change



Case Study Due/

Family Ties
That Bind


Intro to Family of Sponsor Agent
Prep for Group
Leadership Skills


Goal Clarity

Basic Self Skills

© Crosby & Associates

Basic Self Skills

Case Study

On Site
(Faculty with
students in

In Field

Module 5

Module 6

and Group

Synthesis &



Group Process

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Faculty Standards

Crosby & Associates

At Crosby & Associates we hold a strong belief
that Organization Development is a
professional discipline. Our trainings involve
experiential learning using a group process
that holds to strict behavioral science
standards. All our faculty hold Masters
Degrees as well as at least ten years of
coaching and training with a master in the
© Crosby & Associates


Dr. Robert P Crosby
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby has 60 years of
experience helping organizations.
He is a master in his field, having
founded the Leadership Institute of
Seattle (LIOS) in 1969, and held
faculty roles through LIOS contracts
at universities such as Antioch in
Seattle and Martin University in
Indianapolis, Indiana. Crosby led
successful efforts at PECO Nuclear,
Addy Washington (72% productivity
gain as quoted by Business Week),
The Riverfront Park Project in
Spokane Washington, and
numerous others.


Crosby & Associates

Chris has 20 years of experience coaching
leaders and their teams throughout the
USA and internationally in Germany, Costa
Rica, Wales, Jamaica, England, Hungary,
Egypt, The Philippines, Korea, China, Peru,
Spain and Mexico. He holds two Master of
Arts degrees from the Leadership Institute
of Seattle in both Counseling and
Organizational Development. He knows
how to engage the workforce in such a
way as to build ownership and
commitment yet does not let go of the
realities of structure and authority. Also a
published author, Chris did a significant
portion of the editing in “Cultural Change
in Organizations”.

Chris Crosby, MA
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Gil has 29 years of experience in
the field of OD. He specializes in
Leadership and Organizational
Development. His expertise is in
facilitating cultural change in
support of key initiatives including
technology implementation, cost
reduction, productivity increases,
employee morale, and mergers.
He is a published author whose
book “Fight, Flight, Freeze” helps
leaders improve their interactive
skills and is a do-it-yourself version
of Tough Stuff.

Gil Crosby, MSW
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Past Outcomes
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

The following are a
selection of outcomes by
graduates or participants of
Dr. Crosby’s leadership
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• CSI achieved 6 R&D project in one year after they had not successfully
completed any for the past year.
• Alcoa plants at Warrick, Indiana and Knoxville, Tennessee were managed
by the same person who began using Dr. Crosby in 1992. In 1994 those two
plants created 1/3 of Alcoa’s world wide profits after having gone through
two years of intensive OD work. 500 of the population went through Tough
Stuff (Dr. Crosby’s short leadership program), including many steelworkers.
In addition, 30 students were in Dr. Crosby’s corporate based Master
Program from which the ALP program is based.
• In November of 2011 the President of the United States visited the
Davenport Iowa plant to highlight its remarkable business results. From
2002 to 2010, 60% of all Davenport Employees had completed a Dr. Crosby
leadership program.

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• A graduate created the Bench Mark Change Management Program in the
largest software implementation in the history of Alcoa and achieved go
lives in 20 plants with minimal disruption and no missed shipments. The
previous Alcoa BU had 50% on time delivery for one year after its Oracle
• Dr. Crosby led a project to recover the Alcoa plant in Badin, North Carolina.
At the time the Associated Press reported that Alcoa was threatening to
close the plant if cost reductions of $5.5 million could not be achieved. Six
months after implementing the project, the plant was able to confidently
project a budget far exceeding that goal. Dr. Crosby developed a significant
amount of people in the plant through his leadership programs.
• Dr. Crosby led the OD portion of the turnaround at PECO Nuclear. In 1987
the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) shutdown the Peach Bottom
Atomic Station. Following years of extensive OD work PECO was designated
in 1996 as excellent by INPO, and given a strong Systematic Assessment of
Licensee Performance (SALP) rating by the NRC.
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• Following years of Dr. Crosby’s leadership programs and interventions in
the plant Jamalco went from the worst on cash curve amongst Alcoa
bauxite refineries in 1999 to tied for best on cash curve in 2005.
Improvements included a reduction of $38 million in annual operating
costs. Jamalco was the only refinery in Jamaica to stay at full production
throughout the Great Recession.
• After a critical mass of employees went through Dr. Crosby’s leadership
programs Sherwin Alumina was the only US bauxite refinery to stay in
production throughout the Great Recession.

Slide 34

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated
Leadership Program (ALP)
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
Theoretical Basis
Business Application
Program Schedule
Past Outcomes

Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is based
on the life work of Dr. Robert P Crosby.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s History

Crosby & Associates

• 1953 Attended his first experiential process in communication skills.
• 1957 Attended his first training at National Training Laboratory (NTL) led
by Dr. Ronald Lippitt, Dr. Leland Bradford, and Dr. Ken Benne.
• 1957 – 1986 Mentored by Dr Ronald Lippitt the primary graduate
student of Dr. Kurt Lewin (creator of Action Research and T-Groups).
• 1965 Attended first ever Organizational Development (OD) training at
NTL led by founders in the field of OD.
• 1969 Founded institute called LIOS in Spokane Washington, USA.
• 1973 LIOS became a fully accredited Master Degree program led by
Crosby with two other faculty, Dr. Ronald Short and Dr. John Scherer.
• 1980 Created the People Performance Profile (PPP) with Dr. Scherer. The
PPP is an OD effectiveness survey.
• 1981-82 Son Gil Crosby attended LIOS and joined Dr. Crosby’s consulting
business in 1984.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Son Chris Crosby (West Coast President of Crosby & Associates)
attended LIOS.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s Programs

Crosby & Associates

• 1973 Created the LIOS Graduate Program.
• 1987 While working at PECO Nuclear created Tough Stuff™, a 1 week
with one or two 3 day follow ups that uses the experiential education
foundations of the graduate program. The emphasis is Emotional
Intelligence (EQ) at work.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Created the High Performance Leadership Program (HPL).
• 2008 Sons Gil and Chris, using the basis of Dr. Crosby’s above work,
created the Accelerated Leadership Program (ALP). ALP is a 7 week
program (each week separated by approximately 1 ½ months). ALP is
tied to business goals more directly than any other training program
Crosby has created to date.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis
© Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis

Crosby & Associates

Through his years of experience and exposure to the
founders of OD and Family Systems Theory, Dr. Robert P
Crosby created a unique theory of authority in systems. It
can be summed up by the title of his first book “Walking the
Empowerment Tight Rope: Balancing Management
Authority and Employee Influence.” Crosby’s theory is
intertwined throughout his three business books. His
advantage over other OD authors is that he wrote his books
out of years of experience working in business rather than
from a purely academic/theoretical perspective. His books
are based on applied theory, grounded in practice.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s first book is derived
from the PPP. After giving it to
600 workplaces a trend was
seen in the highest performing
work groups. Those groups
performed the best in all key
indicators such as Safety,
Productivity, Absenteeism,
Quality, and Costs. Crosby
identified 25 factors from the
PPP and first presented it in his
work with NASA in 1986 after
the Challenger disaster.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

While working at Aldus (the
creator of PageMaker) Crosby
noticed an emerging trend of
dotted line relationships and
matrixed workplaces. Aldus lost
millions because they were late on
their software implementation of
PageMaker 5. This book outlines
how he helped them implement
PageMaker 6 on time and with
quality. It’s principles apply to all
projects and initiatives.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Cultural Change in Organizations
was written after years of helping
plants align their leadership and
reach results. It’s a composite story
on how to create a change of culture
and get business results. It is a
rewrite of Dr. Crosby’s 1998 The
Authentic Leader and is co-written
by West Coast President Chris
Crosby. Both father and sons have
replicated the methods in this book,
which consistently lead to record
setting business results!
© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

Crosby & Associates

The following page outlines the
extensive Organizational
Development influences in Dr.
Robert P Crosby’s career.

© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence related to work
Experiential Education
Systems Theory
Personal Growth

© Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
grounded in Emotional Intelligence (EQ).
The methods used by Dr. Crosby starting
in the 1950’s were popularized by Daniel
Goleman in his ground breaking book
“Emotional Intelligence” in 1986.
Research has shown that EQ is a much
better predictor of success than IQ.
Ironically, at the time of Goleman’s book,
Dr. Crosby had been teaching EQ for over
30 years.

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Daniel Goleman pointed out in “Working with Emotional
Intelligence” (only one of his numerous texts on the subject):

EQ accounted for 67% of the abilities deemed necessary for
superior performance

EQ mattered TWICE as much as technical expertise or IQ

Unlike IQ (which is a fixed capacity - we either use it, or we
don’t, but it can’t be increased), whatever your current EQ, with
intention and guidance, you can improve. ALP increases EQ!

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

EQ has 3 Core Capacities
All the capacities of EQ are intended to increase ones capacity to notice,
name and own their experience.

Capacity One
Self Awareness – In Tense Moments
• Awareness of my Emotions
• From moment to moment
• Access to a full range of Emotions
• Ability to differentiate
• Judgments from observable facts (behavioral specifics)
• Thoughts from Feelings
• My experience (self) from others
• Clearly articulate wants (Goals, Expectations, etc., from up, down, and across
the workplace)

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Capacity Two
My Patterns – How I manage tense moments
• Recognize my patterns (especially during conflict)
• Increase capacity to calm down during and after tense moments
Capacity Three
How I Honor Others – Empathy
• Accuracy –Getting their experience
• Compassion – Feeling and understanding their experience
• Interaction –Actively demonstrating it
Plus providing space for the others to be different

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby learned about experiential education starting in the
1950’s and continuing throughout his career. All of his leadership
programs utilize experiential education as their foundation. From
his beginnings in 1953 he understood that you cannot learn
about leadership or communication skills through lecture alone.
There must be a significant aspect of experiential techniques to
truly impact behavior.
ALP utilizes experiential education as its primary learning

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Levels of Experiential Learning

Level 1 - Pure Cognitive Learning – learning through lecture and testing,
reading books, memorization, etc.
Largest impact is to IQ.
Little or slow behavioral change.
Level 2 - Mainly Cognitive Learning - Reflective learning from the past - such
as thinking back, looking at your side of things (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments), and thinking through other
Largest impact is to IQ with some impact to EQ.
Slow behavioral change.
© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Level 3 - Mainly Experiential Learning- Reflective learning from the present
interaction - such as receiving feedback (coaching) about actual behavior in
recent situation (scientifically verifiable as to what you said and did only, no
judgments), thinking about what you were feeling, thinking, and doing, and
then re-engaging with situation.
Large impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.

High behavioral change.
Level 4 - Pure Experiential Learning – Debriefing your immediate situation
with person you are having the experience with. This involves giving and
receiving feedback on immediate interactions (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments).
Largest impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.
Highest behavioral change.

© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Robert P Crosby was heavily
influenced by two seminal thinkers
in the twentieth century: Dr. Kurt
Lewin (1890-1947) and Dr. John
Dewey (1859-1952). Not only did he
study their work, but he also was
trained by Dr. Goodwin Watson, a
colleague of Dr. John Dewey, and
had a 30-year mentorship and
colleagueship with Dr. Ronald Lippitt
(starting in 1957), one of Dr. Lewin’s
top graduate students.


Kurt Lewin
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Both Dr. Dewey and Dr. Lewin believed that
democratic leadership is a learned behavior. Further, it
is more difficult to learn than either autocratic or
permissive styles of leadership and therefore must be
learned anew in each generation. Crosby has spent his
life helping organizations learn how to balance
management authority and employee engagement,
including leading several efforts to recover from poorly
planned experiments of moving towards self-managed
work teams.

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby worked with Dr. Daryl
Conner and came up with his own
approach to Conner’s
Sponsor/Agent/Target/Advocate (SATA)
theory. Dr. Crosby’s clarity about the
role of Sponsor—specifically, the
critical distinction being that you can
only “sponsor” your direct reports is
critical to effectively managing crossfunctional work and change. Dr.
Crosby’s clarity about the role of each
subsequent layer of sponsorship - the
sustaining sponsors - is the key to
successful matrixed work.
© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s approach is also heavily influenced
by Family Systems thinking through the work of
Dr. Murray Bowen, Dr. Edwin Friedman, Dr.
Salvador Minuchin, and Dr. Carl Whitaker.

For example, our habitual reactions to authority
(to having a boss or being the boss) begin early in
life. Family Systems thinking helps one
understand these and other reactions learned
early in life (such as our habits during conflict), so
as to adapt a broader range of behavioral choices
and become a more effective leader.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Business Application
© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
designed to both train your leaders and
obtain bottom line business results. To do
this there is a constant focus on
application of ALP activity to your
immediate business needs.

© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

A case study based on a mission critical project or
initiative and approved by their area VP. The case study
includes business results.

A mid-point assessment and conversation with the
participants direct report about their developmental
plan linking it to leadership development objectives.

A day of onsite coaching to ensure maximum learning
and integration with the ALP models.

A final behavioral competency based assessment.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule
© Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program
contains six one week modules and a half
day of individual coaching for each
participant. The Modules are separated by
about 1 ½ months. Each program is custom
built for the client based on their unique
needs and closely tied to business results.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Example Schedule

Module 1

Module 2

Module 3

Module 4

EQ Profile

Leadership &
Systems Theory
Related to

Skills 1

Skills 2

Coaching Skills &

Individual and


Helping Skills

Jay Hall Conflict


3rd Party

Authority in

Case Study
Process Begins

Business Change



Case Study Due/

Family Ties
That Bind


Intro to Family of Sponsor Agent
Prep for Group
Leadership Skills


Goal Clarity

Basic Self Skills

© Crosby & Associates

Basic Self Skills

Case Study

On Site
(Faculty with
students in

In Field

Module 5

Module 6

and Group

Synthesis &



Group Process

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Faculty Standards

Crosby & Associates

At Crosby & Associates we hold a strong belief
that Organization Development is a
professional discipline. Our trainings involve
experiential learning using a group process
that holds to strict behavioral science
standards. All our faculty hold Masters
Degrees as well as at least ten years of
coaching and training with a master in the
© Crosby & Associates


Dr. Robert P Crosby
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby has 60 years of
experience helping organizations.
He is a master in his field, having
founded the Leadership Institute of
Seattle (LIOS) in 1969, and held
faculty roles through LIOS contracts
at universities such as Antioch in
Seattle and Martin University in
Indianapolis, Indiana. Crosby led
successful efforts at PECO Nuclear,
Addy Washington (72% productivity
gain as quoted by Business Week),
The Riverfront Park Project in
Spokane Washington, and
numerous others.


Crosby & Associates

Chris has 20 years of experience coaching
leaders and their teams throughout the
USA and internationally in Germany, Costa
Rica, Wales, Jamaica, England, Hungary,
Egypt, The Philippines, Korea, China, Peru,
Spain and Mexico. He holds two Master of
Arts degrees from the Leadership Institute
of Seattle in both Counseling and
Organizational Development. He knows
how to engage the workforce in such a
way as to build ownership and
commitment yet does not let go of the
realities of structure and authority. Also a
published author, Chris did a significant
portion of the editing in “Cultural Change
in Organizations”.

Chris Crosby, MA
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Gil has 29 years of experience in
the field of OD. He specializes in
Leadership and Organizational
Development. His expertise is in
facilitating cultural change in
support of key initiatives including
technology implementation, cost
reduction, productivity increases,
employee morale, and mergers.
He is a published author whose
book “Fight, Flight, Freeze” helps
leaders improve their interactive
skills and is a do-it-yourself version
of Tough Stuff.

Gil Crosby, MSW
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Past Outcomes
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

The following are a
selection of outcomes by
graduates or participants of
Dr. Crosby’s leadership
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• CSI achieved 6 R&D project in one year after they had not successfully
completed any for the past year.
• Alcoa plants at Warrick, Indiana and Knoxville, Tennessee were managed
by the same person who began using Dr. Crosby in 1992. In 1994 those two
plants created 1/3 of Alcoa’s world wide profits after having gone through
two years of intensive OD work. 500 of the population went through Tough
Stuff (Dr. Crosby’s short leadership program), including many steelworkers.
In addition, 30 students were in Dr. Crosby’s corporate based Master
Program from which the ALP program is based.
• In November of 2011 the President of the United States visited the
Davenport Iowa plant to highlight its remarkable business results. From
2002 to 2010, 60% of all Davenport Employees had completed a Dr. Crosby
leadership program.

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• A graduate created the Bench Mark Change Management Program in the
largest software implementation in the history of Alcoa and achieved go
lives in 20 plants with minimal disruption and no missed shipments. The
previous Alcoa BU had 50% on time delivery for one year after its Oracle
• Dr. Crosby led a project to recover the Alcoa plant in Badin, North Carolina.
At the time the Associated Press reported that Alcoa was threatening to
close the plant if cost reductions of $5.5 million could not be achieved. Six
months after implementing the project, the plant was able to confidently
project a budget far exceeding that goal. Dr. Crosby developed a significant
amount of people in the plant through his leadership programs.
• Dr. Crosby led the OD portion of the turnaround at PECO Nuclear. In 1987
the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) shutdown the Peach Bottom
Atomic Station. Following years of extensive OD work PECO was designated
in 1996 as excellent by INPO, and given a strong Systematic Assessment of
Licensee Performance (SALP) rating by the NRC.
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• Following years of Dr. Crosby’s leadership programs and interventions in
the plant Jamalco went from the worst on cash curve amongst Alcoa
bauxite refineries in 1999 to tied for best on cash curve in 2005.
Improvements included a reduction of $38 million in annual operating
costs. Jamalco was the only refinery in Jamaica to stay at full production
throughout the Great Recession.
• After a critical mass of employees went through Dr. Crosby’s leadership
programs Sherwin Alumina was the only US bauxite refinery to stay in
production throughout the Great Recession.

Slide 35

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated
Leadership Program (ALP)
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
Theoretical Basis
Business Application
Program Schedule
Past Outcomes

Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is based
on the life work of Dr. Robert P Crosby.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s History

Crosby & Associates

• 1953 Attended his first experiential process in communication skills.
• 1957 Attended his first training at National Training Laboratory (NTL) led
by Dr. Ronald Lippitt, Dr. Leland Bradford, and Dr. Ken Benne.
• 1957 – 1986 Mentored by Dr Ronald Lippitt the primary graduate
student of Dr. Kurt Lewin (creator of Action Research and T-Groups).
• 1965 Attended first ever Organizational Development (OD) training at
NTL led by founders in the field of OD.
• 1969 Founded institute called LIOS in Spokane Washington, USA.
• 1973 LIOS became a fully accredited Master Degree program led by
Crosby with two other faculty, Dr. Ronald Short and Dr. John Scherer.
• 1980 Created the People Performance Profile (PPP) with Dr. Scherer. The
PPP is an OD effectiveness survey.
• 1981-82 Son Gil Crosby attended LIOS and joined Dr. Crosby’s consulting
business in 1984.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Son Chris Crosby (West Coast President of Crosby & Associates)
attended LIOS.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s Programs

Crosby & Associates

• 1973 Created the LIOS Graduate Program.
• 1987 While working at PECO Nuclear created Tough Stuff™, a 1 week
with one or two 3 day follow ups that uses the experiential education
foundations of the graduate program. The emphasis is Emotional
Intelligence (EQ) at work.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Created the High Performance Leadership Program (HPL).
• 2008 Sons Gil and Chris, using the basis of Dr. Crosby’s above work,
created the Accelerated Leadership Program (ALP). ALP is a 7 week
program (each week separated by approximately 1 ½ months). ALP is
tied to business goals more directly than any other training program
Crosby has created to date.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis
© Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis

Crosby & Associates

Through his years of experience and exposure to the
founders of OD and Family Systems Theory, Dr. Robert P
Crosby created a unique theory of authority in systems. It
can be summed up by the title of his first book “Walking the
Empowerment Tight Rope: Balancing Management
Authority and Employee Influence.” Crosby’s theory is
intertwined throughout his three business books. His
advantage over other OD authors is that he wrote his books
out of years of experience working in business rather than
from a purely academic/theoretical perspective. His books
are based on applied theory, grounded in practice.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s first book is derived
from the PPP. After giving it to
600 workplaces a trend was
seen in the highest performing
work groups. Those groups
performed the best in all key
indicators such as Safety,
Productivity, Absenteeism,
Quality, and Costs. Crosby
identified 25 factors from the
PPP and first presented it in his
work with NASA in 1986 after
the Challenger disaster.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

While working at Aldus (the
creator of PageMaker) Crosby
noticed an emerging trend of
dotted line relationships and
matrixed workplaces. Aldus lost
millions because they were late on
their software implementation of
PageMaker 5. This book outlines
how he helped them implement
PageMaker 6 on time and with
quality. It’s principles apply to all
projects and initiatives.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Cultural Change in Organizations
was written after years of helping
plants align their leadership and
reach results. It’s a composite story
on how to create a change of culture
and get business results. It is a
rewrite of Dr. Crosby’s 1998 The
Authentic Leader and is co-written
by West Coast President Chris
Crosby. Both father and sons have
replicated the methods in this book,
which consistently lead to record
setting business results!
© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

Crosby & Associates

The following page outlines the
extensive Organizational
Development influences in Dr.
Robert P Crosby’s career.

© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence related to work
Experiential Education
Systems Theory
Personal Growth

© Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
grounded in Emotional Intelligence (EQ).
The methods used by Dr. Crosby starting
in the 1950’s were popularized by Daniel
Goleman in his ground breaking book
“Emotional Intelligence” in 1986.
Research has shown that EQ is a much
better predictor of success than IQ.
Ironically, at the time of Goleman’s book,
Dr. Crosby had been teaching EQ for over
30 years.

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Daniel Goleman pointed out in “Working with Emotional
Intelligence” (only one of his numerous texts on the subject):

EQ accounted for 67% of the abilities deemed necessary for
superior performance

EQ mattered TWICE as much as technical expertise or IQ

Unlike IQ (which is a fixed capacity - we either use it, or we
don’t, but it can’t be increased), whatever your current EQ, with
intention and guidance, you can improve. ALP increases EQ!

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

EQ has 3 Core Capacities
All the capacities of EQ are intended to increase ones capacity to notice,
name and own their experience.

Capacity One
Self Awareness – In Tense Moments
• Awareness of my Emotions
• From moment to moment
• Access to a full range of Emotions
• Ability to differentiate
• Judgments from observable facts (behavioral specifics)
• Thoughts from Feelings
• My experience (self) from others
• Clearly articulate wants (Goals, Expectations, etc., from up, down, and across
the workplace)

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Capacity Two
My Patterns – How I manage tense moments
• Recognize my patterns (especially during conflict)
• Increase capacity to calm down during and after tense moments
Capacity Three
How I Honor Others – Empathy
• Accuracy –Getting their experience
• Compassion – Feeling and understanding their experience
• Interaction –Actively demonstrating it
Plus providing space for the others to be different

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby learned about experiential education starting in the
1950’s and continuing throughout his career. All of his leadership
programs utilize experiential education as their foundation. From
his beginnings in 1953 he understood that you cannot learn
about leadership or communication skills through lecture alone.
There must be a significant aspect of experiential techniques to
truly impact behavior.
ALP utilizes experiential education as its primary learning

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Levels of Experiential Learning

Level 1 - Pure Cognitive Learning – learning through lecture and testing,
reading books, memorization, etc.
Largest impact is to IQ.
Little or slow behavioral change.
Level 2 - Mainly Cognitive Learning - Reflective learning from the past - such
as thinking back, looking at your side of things (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments), and thinking through other
Largest impact is to IQ with some impact to EQ.
Slow behavioral change.
© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Level 3 - Mainly Experiential Learning- Reflective learning from the present
interaction - such as receiving feedback (coaching) about actual behavior in
recent situation (scientifically verifiable as to what you said and did only, no
judgments), thinking about what you were feeling, thinking, and doing, and
then re-engaging with situation.
Large impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.

High behavioral change.
Level 4 - Pure Experiential Learning – Debriefing your immediate situation
with person you are having the experience with. This involves giving and
receiving feedback on immediate interactions (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments).
Largest impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.
Highest behavioral change.

© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Robert P Crosby was heavily
influenced by two seminal thinkers
in the twentieth century: Dr. Kurt
Lewin (1890-1947) and Dr. John
Dewey (1859-1952). Not only did he
study their work, but he also was
trained by Dr. Goodwin Watson, a
colleague of Dr. John Dewey, and
had a 30-year mentorship and
colleagueship with Dr. Ronald Lippitt
(starting in 1957), one of Dr. Lewin’s
top graduate students.


Kurt Lewin
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Both Dr. Dewey and Dr. Lewin believed that
democratic leadership is a learned behavior. Further, it
is more difficult to learn than either autocratic or
permissive styles of leadership and therefore must be
learned anew in each generation. Crosby has spent his
life helping organizations learn how to balance
management authority and employee engagement,
including leading several efforts to recover from poorly
planned experiments of moving towards self-managed
work teams.

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby worked with Dr. Daryl
Conner and came up with his own
approach to Conner’s
Sponsor/Agent/Target/Advocate (SATA)
theory. Dr. Crosby’s clarity about the
role of Sponsor—specifically, the
critical distinction being that you can
only “sponsor” your direct reports is
critical to effectively managing crossfunctional work and change. Dr.
Crosby’s clarity about the role of each
subsequent layer of sponsorship - the
sustaining sponsors - is the key to
successful matrixed work.
© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s approach is also heavily influenced
by Family Systems thinking through the work of
Dr. Murray Bowen, Dr. Edwin Friedman, Dr.
Salvador Minuchin, and Dr. Carl Whitaker.

For example, our habitual reactions to authority
(to having a boss or being the boss) begin early in
life. Family Systems thinking helps one
understand these and other reactions learned
early in life (such as our habits during conflict), so
as to adapt a broader range of behavioral choices
and become a more effective leader.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Business Application
© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
designed to both train your leaders and
obtain bottom line business results. To do
this there is a constant focus on
application of ALP activity to your
immediate business needs.

© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

A case study based on a mission critical project or
initiative and approved by their area VP. The case study
includes business results.

A mid-point assessment and conversation with the
participants direct report about their developmental
plan linking it to leadership development objectives.

A day of onsite coaching to ensure maximum learning
and integration with the ALP models.

A final behavioral competency based assessment.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule
© Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program
contains six one week modules and a half
day of individual coaching for each
participant. The Modules are separated by
about 1 ½ months. Each program is custom
built for the client based on their unique
needs and closely tied to business results.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Example Schedule

Module 1

Module 2

Module 3

Module 4

EQ Profile

Leadership &
Systems Theory
Related to

Skills 1

Skills 2

Coaching Skills &

Individual and


Helping Skills

Jay Hall Conflict


3rd Party

Authority in

Case Study
Process Begins

Business Change



Case Study Due/

Family Ties
That Bind


Intro to Family of Sponsor Agent
Prep for Group
Leadership Skills


Goal Clarity

Basic Self Skills

© Crosby & Associates

Basic Self Skills

Case Study

On Site
(Faculty with
students in

In Field

Module 5

Module 6

and Group

Synthesis &



Group Process

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Faculty Standards

Crosby & Associates

At Crosby & Associates we hold a strong belief
that Organization Development is a
professional discipline. Our trainings involve
experiential learning using a group process
that holds to strict behavioral science
standards. All our faculty hold Masters
Degrees as well as at least ten years of
coaching and training with a master in the
© Crosby & Associates


Dr. Robert P Crosby
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby has 60 years of
experience helping organizations.
He is a master in his field, having
founded the Leadership Institute of
Seattle (LIOS) in 1969, and held
faculty roles through LIOS contracts
at universities such as Antioch in
Seattle and Martin University in
Indianapolis, Indiana. Crosby led
successful efforts at PECO Nuclear,
Addy Washington (72% productivity
gain as quoted by Business Week),
The Riverfront Park Project in
Spokane Washington, and
numerous others.


Crosby & Associates

Chris has 20 years of experience coaching
leaders and their teams throughout the
USA and internationally in Germany, Costa
Rica, Wales, Jamaica, England, Hungary,
Egypt, The Philippines, Korea, China, Peru,
Spain and Mexico. He holds two Master of
Arts degrees from the Leadership Institute
of Seattle in both Counseling and
Organizational Development. He knows
how to engage the workforce in such a
way as to build ownership and
commitment yet does not let go of the
realities of structure and authority. Also a
published author, Chris did a significant
portion of the editing in “Cultural Change
in Organizations”.

Chris Crosby, MA
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Gil has 29 years of experience in
the field of OD. He specializes in
Leadership and Organizational
Development. His expertise is in
facilitating cultural change in
support of key initiatives including
technology implementation, cost
reduction, productivity increases,
employee morale, and mergers.
He is a published author whose
book “Fight, Flight, Freeze” helps
leaders improve their interactive
skills and is a do-it-yourself version
of Tough Stuff.

Gil Crosby, MSW
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Past Outcomes
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

The following are a
selection of outcomes by
graduates or participants of
Dr. Crosby’s leadership
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• CSI achieved 6 R&D project in one year after they had not successfully
completed any for the past year.
• Alcoa plants at Warrick, Indiana and Knoxville, Tennessee were managed
by the same person who began using Dr. Crosby in 1992. In 1994 those two
plants created 1/3 of Alcoa’s world wide profits after having gone through
two years of intensive OD work. 500 of the population went through Tough
Stuff (Dr. Crosby’s short leadership program), including many steelworkers.
In addition, 30 students were in Dr. Crosby’s corporate based Master
Program from which the ALP program is based.
• In November of 2011 the President of the United States visited the
Davenport Iowa plant to highlight its remarkable business results. From
2002 to 2010, 60% of all Davenport Employees had completed a Dr. Crosby
leadership program.

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• A graduate created the Bench Mark Change Management Program in the
largest software implementation in the history of Alcoa and achieved go
lives in 20 plants with minimal disruption and no missed shipments. The
previous Alcoa BU had 50% on time delivery for one year after its Oracle
• Dr. Crosby led a project to recover the Alcoa plant in Badin, North Carolina.
At the time the Associated Press reported that Alcoa was threatening to
close the plant if cost reductions of $5.5 million could not be achieved. Six
months after implementing the project, the plant was able to confidently
project a budget far exceeding that goal. Dr. Crosby developed a significant
amount of people in the plant through his leadership programs.
• Dr. Crosby led the OD portion of the turnaround at PECO Nuclear. In 1987
the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) shutdown the Peach Bottom
Atomic Station. Following years of extensive OD work PECO was designated
in 1996 as excellent by INPO, and given a strong Systematic Assessment of
Licensee Performance (SALP) rating by the NRC.
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• Following years of Dr. Crosby’s leadership programs and interventions in
the plant Jamalco went from the worst on cash curve amongst Alcoa
bauxite refineries in 1999 to tied for best on cash curve in 2005.
Improvements included a reduction of $38 million in annual operating
costs. Jamalco was the only refinery in Jamaica to stay at full production
throughout the Great Recession.
• After a critical mass of employees went through Dr. Crosby’s leadership
programs Sherwin Alumina was the only US bauxite refinery to stay in
production throughout the Great Recession.

Slide 36

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated
Leadership Program (ALP)
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
Theoretical Basis
Business Application
Program Schedule
Past Outcomes

Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is based
on the life work of Dr. Robert P Crosby.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s History

Crosby & Associates

• 1953 Attended his first experiential process in communication skills.
• 1957 Attended his first training at National Training Laboratory (NTL) led
by Dr. Ronald Lippitt, Dr. Leland Bradford, and Dr. Ken Benne.
• 1957 – 1986 Mentored by Dr Ronald Lippitt the primary graduate
student of Dr. Kurt Lewin (creator of Action Research and T-Groups).
• 1965 Attended first ever Organizational Development (OD) training at
NTL led by founders in the field of OD.
• 1969 Founded institute called LIOS in Spokane Washington, USA.
• 1973 LIOS became a fully accredited Master Degree program led by
Crosby with two other faculty, Dr. Ronald Short and Dr. John Scherer.
• 1980 Created the People Performance Profile (PPP) with Dr. Scherer. The
PPP is an OD effectiveness survey.
• 1981-82 Son Gil Crosby attended LIOS and joined Dr. Crosby’s consulting
business in 1984.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Son Chris Crosby (West Coast President of Crosby & Associates)
attended LIOS.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s Programs

Crosby & Associates

• 1973 Created the LIOS Graduate Program.
• 1987 While working at PECO Nuclear created Tough Stuff™, a 1 week
with one or two 3 day follow ups that uses the experiential education
foundations of the graduate program. The emphasis is Emotional
Intelligence (EQ) at work.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Created the High Performance Leadership Program (HPL).
• 2008 Sons Gil and Chris, using the basis of Dr. Crosby’s above work,
created the Accelerated Leadership Program (ALP). ALP is a 7 week
program (each week separated by approximately 1 ½ months). ALP is
tied to business goals more directly than any other training program
Crosby has created to date.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis
© Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis

Crosby & Associates

Through his years of experience and exposure to the
founders of OD and Family Systems Theory, Dr. Robert P
Crosby created a unique theory of authority in systems. It
can be summed up by the title of his first book “Walking the
Empowerment Tight Rope: Balancing Management
Authority and Employee Influence.” Crosby’s theory is
intertwined throughout his three business books. His
advantage over other OD authors is that he wrote his books
out of years of experience working in business rather than
from a purely academic/theoretical perspective. His books
are based on applied theory, grounded in practice.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s first book is derived
from the PPP. After giving it to
600 workplaces a trend was
seen in the highest performing
work groups. Those groups
performed the best in all key
indicators such as Safety,
Productivity, Absenteeism,
Quality, and Costs. Crosby
identified 25 factors from the
PPP and first presented it in his
work with NASA in 1986 after
the Challenger disaster.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

While working at Aldus (the
creator of PageMaker) Crosby
noticed an emerging trend of
dotted line relationships and
matrixed workplaces. Aldus lost
millions because they were late on
their software implementation of
PageMaker 5. This book outlines
how he helped them implement
PageMaker 6 on time and with
quality. It’s principles apply to all
projects and initiatives.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Cultural Change in Organizations
was written after years of helping
plants align their leadership and
reach results. It’s a composite story
on how to create a change of culture
and get business results. It is a
rewrite of Dr. Crosby’s 1998 The
Authentic Leader and is co-written
by West Coast President Chris
Crosby. Both father and sons have
replicated the methods in this book,
which consistently lead to record
setting business results!
© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

Crosby & Associates

The following page outlines the
extensive Organizational
Development influences in Dr.
Robert P Crosby’s career.

© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence related to work
Experiential Education
Systems Theory
Personal Growth

© Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
grounded in Emotional Intelligence (EQ).
The methods used by Dr. Crosby starting
in the 1950’s were popularized by Daniel
Goleman in his ground breaking book
“Emotional Intelligence” in 1986.
Research has shown that EQ is a much
better predictor of success than IQ.
Ironically, at the time of Goleman’s book,
Dr. Crosby had been teaching EQ for over
30 years.

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Daniel Goleman pointed out in “Working with Emotional
Intelligence” (only one of his numerous texts on the subject):

EQ accounted for 67% of the abilities deemed necessary for
superior performance

EQ mattered TWICE as much as technical expertise or IQ

Unlike IQ (which is a fixed capacity - we either use it, or we
don’t, but it can’t be increased), whatever your current EQ, with
intention and guidance, you can improve. ALP increases EQ!

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

EQ has 3 Core Capacities
All the capacities of EQ are intended to increase ones capacity to notice,
name and own their experience.

Capacity One
Self Awareness – In Tense Moments
• Awareness of my Emotions
• From moment to moment
• Access to a full range of Emotions
• Ability to differentiate
• Judgments from observable facts (behavioral specifics)
• Thoughts from Feelings
• My experience (self) from others
• Clearly articulate wants (Goals, Expectations, etc., from up, down, and across
the workplace)

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Capacity Two
My Patterns – How I manage tense moments
• Recognize my patterns (especially during conflict)
• Increase capacity to calm down during and after tense moments
Capacity Three
How I Honor Others – Empathy
• Accuracy –Getting their experience
• Compassion – Feeling and understanding their experience
• Interaction –Actively demonstrating it
Plus providing space for the others to be different

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby learned about experiential education starting in the
1950’s and continuing throughout his career. All of his leadership
programs utilize experiential education as their foundation. From
his beginnings in 1953 he understood that you cannot learn
about leadership or communication skills through lecture alone.
There must be a significant aspect of experiential techniques to
truly impact behavior.
ALP utilizes experiential education as its primary learning

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Levels of Experiential Learning

Level 1 - Pure Cognitive Learning – learning through lecture and testing,
reading books, memorization, etc.
Largest impact is to IQ.
Little or slow behavioral change.
Level 2 - Mainly Cognitive Learning - Reflective learning from the past - such
as thinking back, looking at your side of things (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments), and thinking through other
Largest impact is to IQ with some impact to EQ.
Slow behavioral change.
© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Level 3 - Mainly Experiential Learning- Reflective learning from the present
interaction - such as receiving feedback (coaching) about actual behavior in
recent situation (scientifically verifiable as to what you said and did only, no
judgments), thinking about what you were feeling, thinking, and doing, and
then re-engaging with situation.
Large impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.

High behavioral change.
Level 4 - Pure Experiential Learning – Debriefing your immediate situation
with person you are having the experience with. This involves giving and
receiving feedback on immediate interactions (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments).
Largest impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.
Highest behavioral change.

© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Robert P Crosby was heavily
influenced by two seminal thinkers
in the twentieth century: Dr. Kurt
Lewin (1890-1947) and Dr. John
Dewey (1859-1952). Not only did he
study their work, but he also was
trained by Dr. Goodwin Watson, a
colleague of Dr. John Dewey, and
had a 30-year mentorship and
colleagueship with Dr. Ronald Lippitt
(starting in 1957), one of Dr. Lewin’s
top graduate students.


Kurt Lewin
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Both Dr. Dewey and Dr. Lewin believed that
democratic leadership is a learned behavior. Further, it
is more difficult to learn than either autocratic or
permissive styles of leadership and therefore must be
learned anew in each generation. Crosby has spent his
life helping organizations learn how to balance
management authority and employee engagement,
including leading several efforts to recover from poorly
planned experiments of moving towards self-managed
work teams.

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby worked with Dr. Daryl
Conner and came up with his own
approach to Conner’s
Sponsor/Agent/Target/Advocate (SATA)
theory. Dr. Crosby’s clarity about the
role of Sponsor—specifically, the
critical distinction being that you can
only “sponsor” your direct reports is
critical to effectively managing crossfunctional work and change. Dr.
Crosby’s clarity about the role of each
subsequent layer of sponsorship - the
sustaining sponsors - is the key to
successful matrixed work.
© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s approach is also heavily influenced
by Family Systems thinking through the work of
Dr. Murray Bowen, Dr. Edwin Friedman, Dr.
Salvador Minuchin, and Dr. Carl Whitaker.

For example, our habitual reactions to authority
(to having a boss or being the boss) begin early in
life. Family Systems thinking helps one
understand these and other reactions learned
early in life (such as our habits during conflict), so
as to adapt a broader range of behavioral choices
and become a more effective leader.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Business Application
© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
designed to both train your leaders and
obtain bottom line business results. To do
this there is a constant focus on
application of ALP activity to your
immediate business needs.

© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

A case study based on a mission critical project or
initiative and approved by their area VP. The case study
includes business results.

A mid-point assessment and conversation with the
participants direct report about their developmental
plan linking it to leadership development objectives.

A day of onsite coaching to ensure maximum learning
and integration with the ALP models.

A final behavioral competency based assessment.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule
© Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program
contains six one week modules and a half
day of individual coaching for each
participant. The Modules are separated by
about 1 ½ months. Each program is custom
built for the client based on their unique
needs and closely tied to business results.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Example Schedule

Module 1

Module 2

Module 3

Module 4

EQ Profile

Leadership &
Systems Theory
Related to

Skills 1

Skills 2

Coaching Skills &

Individual and


Helping Skills

Jay Hall Conflict


3rd Party

Authority in

Case Study
Process Begins

Business Change



Case Study Due/

Family Ties
That Bind


Intro to Family of Sponsor Agent
Prep for Group
Leadership Skills


Goal Clarity

Basic Self Skills

© Crosby & Associates

Basic Self Skills

Case Study

On Site
(Faculty with
students in

In Field

Module 5

Module 6

and Group

Synthesis &



Group Process

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Faculty Standards

Crosby & Associates

At Crosby & Associates we hold a strong belief
that Organization Development is a
professional discipline. Our trainings involve
experiential learning using a group process
that holds to strict behavioral science
standards. All our faculty hold Masters
Degrees as well as at least ten years of
coaching and training with a master in the
© Crosby & Associates


Dr. Robert P Crosby
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby has 60 years of
experience helping organizations.
He is a master in his field, having
founded the Leadership Institute of
Seattle (LIOS) in 1969, and held
faculty roles through LIOS contracts
at universities such as Antioch in
Seattle and Martin University in
Indianapolis, Indiana. Crosby led
successful efforts at PECO Nuclear,
Addy Washington (72% productivity
gain as quoted by Business Week),
The Riverfront Park Project in
Spokane Washington, and
numerous others.


Crosby & Associates

Chris has 20 years of experience coaching
leaders and their teams throughout the
USA and internationally in Germany, Costa
Rica, Wales, Jamaica, England, Hungary,
Egypt, The Philippines, Korea, China, Peru,
Spain and Mexico. He holds two Master of
Arts degrees from the Leadership Institute
of Seattle in both Counseling and
Organizational Development. He knows
how to engage the workforce in such a
way as to build ownership and
commitment yet does not let go of the
realities of structure and authority. Also a
published author, Chris did a significant
portion of the editing in “Cultural Change
in Organizations”.

Chris Crosby, MA
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Gil has 29 years of experience in
the field of OD. He specializes in
Leadership and Organizational
Development. His expertise is in
facilitating cultural change in
support of key initiatives including
technology implementation, cost
reduction, productivity increases,
employee morale, and mergers.
He is a published author whose
book “Fight, Flight, Freeze” helps
leaders improve their interactive
skills and is a do-it-yourself version
of Tough Stuff.

Gil Crosby, MSW
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Past Outcomes
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

The following are a
selection of outcomes by
graduates or participants of
Dr. Crosby’s leadership
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• CSI achieved 6 R&D project in one year after they had not successfully
completed any for the past year.
• Alcoa plants at Warrick, Indiana and Knoxville, Tennessee were managed
by the same person who began using Dr. Crosby in 1992. In 1994 those two
plants created 1/3 of Alcoa’s world wide profits after having gone through
two years of intensive OD work. 500 of the population went through Tough
Stuff (Dr. Crosby’s short leadership program), including many steelworkers.
In addition, 30 students were in Dr. Crosby’s corporate based Master
Program from which the ALP program is based.
• In November of 2011 the President of the United States visited the
Davenport Iowa plant to highlight its remarkable business results. From
2002 to 2010, 60% of all Davenport Employees had completed a Dr. Crosby
leadership program.

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• A graduate created the Bench Mark Change Management Program in the
largest software implementation in the history of Alcoa and achieved go
lives in 20 plants with minimal disruption and no missed shipments. The
previous Alcoa BU had 50% on time delivery for one year after its Oracle
• Dr. Crosby led a project to recover the Alcoa plant in Badin, North Carolina.
At the time the Associated Press reported that Alcoa was threatening to
close the plant if cost reductions of $5.5 million could not be achieved. Six
months after implementing the project, the plant was able to confidently
project a budget far exceeding that goal. Dr. Crosby developed a significant
amount of people in the plant through his leadership programs.
• Dr. Crosby led the OD portion of the turnaround at PECO Nuclear. In 1987
the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) shutdown the Peach Bottom
Atomic Station. Following years of extensive OD work PECO was designated
in 1996 as excellent by INPO, and given a strong Systematic Assessment of
Licensee Performance (SALP) rating by the NRC.
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• Following years of Dr. Crosby’s leadership programs and interventions in
the plant Jamalco went from the worst on cash curve amongst Alcoa
bauxite refineries in 1999 to tied for best on cash curve in 2005.
Improvements included a reduction of $38 million in annual operating
costs. Jamalco was the only refinery in Jamaica to stay at full production
throughout the Great Recession.
• After a critical mass of employees went through Dr. Crosby’s leadership
programs Sherwin Alumina was the only US bauxite refinery to stay in
production throughout the Great Recession.

Slide 37

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated
Leadership Program (ALP)
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
Theoretical Basis
Business Application
Program Schedule
Past Outcomes

Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is based
on the life work of Dr. Robert P Crosby.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s History

Crosby & Associates

• 1953 Attended his first experiential process in communication skills.
• 1957 Attended his first training at National Training Laboratory (NTL) led
by Dr. Ronald Lippitt, Dr. Leland Bradford, and Dr. Ken Benne.
• 1957 – 1986 Mentored by Dr Ronald Lippitt the primary graduate
student of Dr. Kurt Lewin (creator of Action Research and T-Groups).
• 1965 Attended first ever Organizational Development (OD) training at
NTL led by founders in the field of OD.
• 1969 Founded institute called LIOS in Spokane Washington, USA.
• 1973 LIOS became a fully accredited Master Degree program led by
Crosby with two other faculty, Dr. Ronald Short and Dr. John Scherer.
• 1980 Created the People Performance Profile (PPP) with Dr. Scherer. The
PPP is an OD effectiveness survey.
• 1981-82 Son Gil Crosby attended LIOS and joined Dr. Crosby’s consulting
business in 1984.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Son Chris Crosby (West Coast President of Crosby & Associates)
attended LIOS.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s Programs

Crosby & Associates

• 1973 Created the LIOS Graduate Program.
• 1987 While working at PECO Nuclear created Tough Stuff™, a 1 week
with one or two 3 day follow ups that uses the experiential education
foundations of the graduate program. The emphasis is Emotional
Intelligence (EQ) at work.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Created the High Performance Leadership Program (HPL).
• 2008 Sons Gil and Chris, using the basis of Dr. Crosby’s above work,
created the Accelerated Leadership Program (ALP). ALP is a 7 week
program (each week separated by approximately 1 ½ months). ALP is
tied to business goals more directly than any other training program
Crosby has created to date.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis
© Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis

Crosby & Associates

Through his years of experience and exposure to the
founders of OD and Family Systems Theory, Dr. Robert P
Crosby created a unique theory of authority in systems. It
can be summed up by the title of his first book “Walking the
Empowerment Tight Rope: Balancing Management
Authority and Employee Influence.” Crosby’s theory is
intertwined throughout his three business books. His
advantage over other OD authors is that he wrote his books
out of years of experience working in business rather than
from a purely academic/theoretical perspective. His books
are based on applied theory, grounded in practice.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s first book is derived
from the PPP. After giving it to
600 workplaces a trend was
seen in the highest performing
work groups. Those groups
performed the best in all key
indicators such as Safety,
Productivity, Absenteeism,
Quality, and Costs. Crosby
identified 25 factors from the
PPP and first presented it in his
work with NASA in 1986 after
the Challenger disaster.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

While working at Aldus (the
creator of PageMaker) Crosby
noticed an emerging trend of
dotted line relationships and
matrixed workplaces. Aldus lost
millions because they were late on
their software implementation of
PageMaker 5. This book outlines
how he helped them implement
PageMaker 6 on time and with
quality. It’s principles apply to all
projects and initiatives.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Cultural Change in Organizations
was written after years of helping
plants align their leadership and
reach results. It’s a composite story
on how to create a change of culture
and get business results. It is a
rewrite of Dr. Crosby’s 1998 The
Authentic Leader and is co-written
by West Coast President Chris
Crosby. Both father and sons have
replicated the methods in this book,
which consistently lead to record
setting business results!
© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

Crosby & Associates

The following page outlines the
extensive Organizational
Development influences in Dr.
Robert P Crosby’s career.

© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence related to work
Experiential Education
Systems Theory
Personal Growth

© Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
grounded in Emotional Intelligence (EQ).
The methods used by Dr. Crosby starting
in the 1950’s were popularized by Daniel
Goleman in his ground breaking book
“Emotional Intelligence” in 1986.
Research has shown that EQ is a much
better predictor of success than IQ.
Ironically, at the time of Goleman’s book,
Dr. Crosby had been teaching EQ for over
30 years.

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Daniel Goleman pointed out in “Working with Emotional
Intelligence” (only one of his numerous texts on the subject):

EQ accounted for 67% of the abilities deemed necessary for
superior performance

EQ mattered TWICE as much as technical expertise or IQ

Unlike IQ (which is a fixed capacity - we either use it, or we
don’t, but it can’t be increased), whatever your current EQ, with
intention and guidance, you can improve. ALP increases EQ!

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

EQ has 3 Core Capacities
All the capacities of EQ are intended to increase ones capacity to notice,
name and own their experience.

Capacity One
Self Awareness – In Tense Moments
• Awareness of my Emotions
• From moment to moment
• Access to a full range of Emotions
• Ability to differentiate
• Judgments from observable facts (behavioral specifics)
• Thoughts from Feelings
• My experience (self) from others
• Clearly articulate wants (Goals, Expectations, etc., from up, down, and across
the workplace)

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Capacity Two
My Patterns – How I manage tense moments
• Recognize my patterns (especially during conflict)
• Increase capacity to calm down during and after tense moments
Capacity Three
How I Honor Others – Empathy
• Accuracy –Getting their experience
• Compassion – Feeling and understanding their experience
• Interaction –Actively demonstrating it
Plus providing space for the others to be different

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby learned about experiential education starting in the
1950’s and continuing throughout his career. All of his leadership
programs utilize experiential education as their foundation. From
his beginnings in 1953 he understood that you cannot learn
about leadership or communication skills through lecture alone.
There must be a significant aspect of experiential techniques to
truly impact behavior.
ALP utilizes experiential education as its primary learning

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Levels of Experiential Learning

Level 1 - Pure Cognitive Learning – learning through lecture and testing,
reading books, memorization, etc.
Largest impact is to IQ.
Little or slow behavioral change.
Level 2 - Mainly Cognitive Learning - Reflective learning from the past - such
as thinking back, looking at your side of things (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments), and thinking through other
Largest impact is to IQ with some impact to EQ.
Slow behavioral change.
© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Level 3 - Mainly Experiential Learning- Reflective learning from the present
interaction - such as receiving feedback (coaching) about actual behavior in
recent situation (scientifically verifiable as to what you said and did only, no
judgments), thinking about what you were feeling, thinking, and doing, and
then re-engaging with situation.
Large impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.

High behavioral change.
Level 4 - Pure Experiential Learning – Debriefing your immediate situation
with person you are having the experience with. This involves giving and
receiving feedback on immediate interactions (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments).
Largest impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.
Highest behavioral change.

© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Robert P Crosby was heavily
influenced by two seminal thinkers
in the twentieth century: Dr. Kurt
Lewin (1890-1947) and Dr. John
Dewey (1859-1952). Not only did he
study their work, but he also was
trained by Dr. Goodwin Watson, a
colleague of Dr. John Dewey, and
had a 30-year mentorship and
colleagueship with Dr. Ronald Lippitt
(starting in 1957), one of Dr. Lewin’s
top graduate students.


Kurt Lewin
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Both Dr. Dewey and Dr. Lewin believed that
democratic leadership is a learned behavior. Further, it
is more difficult to learn than either autocratic or
permissive styles of leadership and therefore must be
learned anew in each generation. Crosby has spent his
life helping organizations learn how to balance
management authority and employee engagement,
including leading several efforts to recover from poorly
planned experiments of moving towards self-managed
work teams.

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby worked with Dr. Daryl
Conner and came up with his own
approach to Conner’s
Sponsor/Agent/Target/Advocate (SATA)
theory. Dr. Crosby’s clarity about the
role of Sponsor—specifically, the
critical distinction being that you can
only “sponsor” your direct reports is
critical to effectively managing crossfunctional work and change. Dr.
Crosby’s clarity about the role of each
subsequent layer of sponsorship - the
sustaining sponsors - is the key to
successful matrixed work.
© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s approach is also heavily influenced
by Family Systems thinking through the work of
Dr. Murray Bowen, Dr. Edwin Friedman, Dr.
Salvador Minuchin, and Dr. Carl Whitaker.

For example, our habitual reactions to authority
(to having a boss or being the boss) begin early in
life. Family Systems thinking helps one
understand these and other reactions learned
early in life (such as our habits during conflict), so
as to adapt a broader range of behavioral choices
and become a more effective leader.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Business Application
© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
designed to both train your leaders and
obtain bottom line business results. To do
this there is a constant focus on
application of ALP activity to your
immediate business needs.

© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

A case study based on a mission critical project or
initiative and approved by their area VP. The case study
includes business results.

A mid-point assessment and conversation with the
participants direct report about their developmental
plan linking it to leadership development objectives.

A day of onsite coaching to ensure maximum learning
and integration with the ALP models.

A final behavioral competency based assessment.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule
© Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program
contains six one week modules and a half
day of individual coaching for each
participant. The Modules are separated by
about 1 ½ months. Each program is custom
built for the client based on their unique
needs and closely tied to business results.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Example Schedule

Module 1

Module 2

Module 3

Module 4

EQ Profile

Leadership &
Systems Theory
Related to

Skills 1

Skills 2

Coaching Skills &

Individual and


Helping Skills

Jay Hall Conflict


3rd Party

Authority in

Case Study
Process Begins

Business Change



Case Study Due/

Family Ties
That Bind


Intro to Family of Sponsor Agent
Prep for Group
Leadership Skills


Goal Clarity

Basic Self Skills

© Crosby & Associates

Basic Self Skills

Case Study

On Site
(Faculty with
students in

In Field

Module 5

Module 6

and Group

Synthesis &



Group Process

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Faculty Standards

Crosby & Associates

At Crosby & Associates we hold a strong belief
that Organization Development is a
professional discipline. Our trainings involve
experiential learning using a group process
that holds to strict behavioral science
standards. All our faculty hold Masters
Degrees as well as at least ten years of
coaching and training with a master in the
© Crosby & Associates


Dr. Robert P Crosby
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby has 60 years of
experience helping organizations.
He is a master in his field, having
founded the Leadership Institute of
Seattle (LIOS) in 1969, and held
faculty roles through LIOS contracts
at universities such as Antioch in
Seattle and Martin University in
Indianapolis, Indiana. Crosby led
successful efforts at PECO Nuclear,
Addy Washington (72% productivity
gain as quoted by Business Week),
The Riverfront Park Project in
Spokane Washington, and
numerous others.


Crosby & Associates

Chris has 20 years of experience coaching
leaders and their teams throughout the
USA and internationally in Germany, Costa
Rica, Wales, Jamaica, England, Hungary,
Egypt, The Philippines, Korea, China, Peru,
Spain and Mexico. He holds two Master of
Arts degrees from the Leadership Institute
of Seattle in both Counseling and
Organizational Development. He knows
how to engage the workforce in such a
way as to build ownership and
commitment yet does not let go of the
realities of structure and authority. Also a
published author, Chris did a significant
portion of the editing in “Cultural Change
in Organizations”.

Chris Crosby, MA
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Gil has 29 years of experience in
the field of OD. He specializes in
Leadership and Organizational
Development. His expertise is in
facilitating cultural change in
support of key initiatives including
technology implementation, cost
reduction, productivity increases,
employee morale, and mergers.
He is a published author whose
book “Fight, Flight, Freeze” helps
leaders improve their interactive
skills and is a do-it-yourself version
of Tough Stuff.

Gil Crosby, MSW
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Past Outcomes
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

The following are a
selection of outcomes by
graduates or participants of
Dr. Crosby’s leadership
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• CSI achieved 6 R&D project in one year after they had not successfully
completed any for the past year.
• Alcoa plants at Warrick, Indiana and Knoxville, Tennessee were managed
by the same person who began using Dr. Crosby in 1992. In 1994 those two
plants created 1/3 of Alcoa’s world wide profits after having gone through
two years of intensive OD work. 500 of the population went through Tough
Stuff (Dr. Crosby’s short leadership program), including many steelworkers.
In addition, 30 students were in Dr. Crosby’s corporate based Master
Program from which the ALP program is based.
• In November of 2011 the President of the United States visited the
Davenport Iowa plant to highlight its remarkable business results. From
2002 to 2010, 60% of all Davenport Employees had completed a Dr. Crosby
leadership program.

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• A graduate created the Bench Mark Change Management Program in the
largest software implementation in the history of Alcoa and achieved go
lives in 20 plants with minimal disruption and no missed shipments. The
previous Alcoa BU had 50% on time delivery for one year after its Oracle
• Dr. Crosby led a project to recover the Alcoa plant in Badin, North Carolina.
At the time the Associated Press reported that Alcoa was threatening to
close the plant if cost reductions of $5.5 million could not be achieved. Six
months after implementing the project, the plant was able to confidently
project a budget far exceeding that goal. Dr. Crosby developed a significant
amount of people in the plant through his leadership programs.
• Dr. Crosby led the OD portion of the turnaround at PECO Nuclear. In 1987
the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) shutdown the Peach Bottom
Atomic Station. Following years of extensive OD work PECO was designated
in 1996 as excellent by INPO, and given a strong Systematic Assessment of
Licensee Performance (SALP) rating by the NRC.
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• Following years of Dr. Crosby’s leadership programs and interventions in
the plant Jamalco went from the worst on cash curve amongst Alcoa
bauxite refineries in 1999 to tied for best on cash curve in 2005.
Improvements included a reduction of $38 million in annual operating
costs. Jamalco was the only refinery in Jamaica to stay at full production
throughout the Great Recession.
• After a critical mass of employees went through Dr. Crosby’s leadership
programs Sherwin Alumina was the only US bauxite refinery to stay in
production throughout the Great Recession.

Slide 38

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated
Leadership Program (ALP)
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
Theoretical Basis
Business Application
Program Schedule
Past Outcomes

Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is based
on the life work of Dr. Robert P Crosby.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s History

Crosby & Associates

• 1953 Attended his first experiential process in communication skills.
• 1957 Attended his first training at National Training Laboratory (NTL) led
by Dr. Ronald Lippitt, Dr. Leland Bradford, and Dr. Ken Benne.
• 1957 – 1986 Mentored by Dr Ronald Lippitt the primary graduate
student of Dr. Kurt Lewin (creator of Action Research and T-Groups).
• 1965 Attended first ever Organizational Development (OD) training at
NTL led by founders in the field of OD.
• 1969 Founded institute called LIOS in Spokane Washington, USA.
• 1973 LIOS became a fully accredited Master Degree program led by
Crosby with two other faculty, Dr. Ronald Short and Dr. John Scherer.
• 1980 Created the People Performance Profile (PPP) with Dr. Scherer. The
PPP is an OD effectiveness survey.
• 1981-82 Son Gil Crosby attended LIOS and joined Dr. Crosby’s consulting
business in 1984.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Son Chris Crosby (West Coast President of Crosby & Associates)
attended LIOS.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s Programs

Crosby & Associates

• 1973 Created the LIOS Graduate Program.
• 1987 While working at PECO Nuclear created Tough Stuff™, a 1 week
with one or two 3 day follow ups that uses the experiential education
foundations of the graduate program. The emphasis is Emotional
Intelligence (EQ) at work.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Created the High Performance Leadership Program (HPL).
• 2008 Sons Gil and Chris, using the basis of Dr. Crosby’s above work,
created the Accelerated Leadership Program (ALP). ALP is a 7 week
program (each week separated by approximately 1 ½ months). ALP is
tied to business goals more directly than any other training program
Crosby has created to date.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis
© Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis

Crosby & Associates

Through his years of experience and exposure to the
founders of OD and Family Systems Theory, Dr. Robert P
Crosby created a unique theory of authority in systems. It
can be summed up by the title of his first book “Walking the
Empowerment Tight Rope: Balancing Management
Authority and Employee Influence.” Crosby’s theory is
intertwined throughout his three business books. His
advantage over other OD authors is that he wrote his books
out of years of experience working in business rather than
from a purely academic/theoretical perspective. His books
are based on applied theory, grounded in practice.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s first book is derived
from the PPP. After giving it to
600 workplaces a trend was
seen in the highest performing
work groups. Those groups
performed the best in all key
indicators such as Safety,
Productivity, Absenteeism,
Quality, and Costs. Crosby
identified 25 factors from the
PPP and first presented it in his
work with NASA in 1986 after
the Challenger disaster.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

While working at Aldus (the
creator of PageMaker) Crosby
noticed an emerging trend of
dotted line relationships and
matrixed workplaces. Aldus lost
millions because they were late on
their software implementation of
PageMaker 5. This book outlines
how he helped them implement
PageMaker 6 on time and with
quality. It’s principles apply to all
projects and initiatives.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Cultural Change in Organizations
was written after years of helping
plants align their leadership and
reach results. It’s a composite story
on how to create a change of culture
and get business results. It is a
rewrite of Dr. Crosby’s 1998 The
Authentic Leader and is co-written
by West Coast President Chris
Crosby. Both father and sons have
replicated the methods in this book,
which consistently lead to record
setting business results!
© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

Crosby & Associates

The following page outlines the
extensive Organizational
Development influences in Dr.
Robert P Crosby’s career.

© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence related to work
Experiential Education
Systems Theory
Personal Growth

© Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
grounded in Emotional Intelligence (EQ).
The methods used by Dr. Crosby starting
in the 1950’s were popularized by Daniel
Goleman in his ground breaking book
“Emotional Intelligence” in 1986.
Research has shown that EQ is a much
better predictor of success than IQ.
Ironically, at the time of Goleman’s book,
Dr. Crosby had been teaching EQ for over
30 years.

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Daniel Goleman pointed out in “Working with Emotional
Intelligence” (only one of his numerous texts on the subject):

EQ accounted for 67% of the abilities deemed necessary for
superior performance

EQ mattered TWICE as much as technical expertise or IQ

Unlike IQ (which is a fixed capacity - we either use it, or we
don’t, but it can’t be increased), whatever your current EQ, with
intention and guidance, you can improve. ALP increases EQ!

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

EQ has 3 Core Capacities
All the capacities of EQ are intended to increase ones capacity to notice,
name and own their experience.

Capacity One
Self Awareness – In Tense Moments
• Awareness of my Emotions
• From moment to moment
• Access to a full range of Emotions
• Ability to differentiate
• Judgments from observable facts (behavioral specifics)
• Thoughts from Feelings
• My experience (self) from others
• Clearly articulate wants (Goals, Expectations, etc., from up, down, and across
the workplace)

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Capacity Two
My Patterns – How I manage tense moments
• Recognize my patterns (especially during conflict)
• Increase capacity to calm down during and after tense moments
Capacity Three
How I Honor Others – Empathy
• Accuracy –Getting their experience
• Compassion – Feeling and understanding their experience
• Interaction –Actively demonstrating it
Plus providing space for the others to be different

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby learned about experiential education starting in the
1950’s and continuing throughout his career. All of his leadership
programs utilize experiential education as their foundation. From
his beginnings in 1953 he understood that you cannot learn
about leadership or communication skills through lecture alone.
There must be a significant aspect of experiential techniques to
truly impact behavior.
ALP utilizes experiential education as its primary learning

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Levels of Experiential Learning

Level 1 - Pure Cognitive Learning – learning through lecture and testing,
reading books, memorization, etc.
Largest impact is to IQ.
Little or slow behavioral change.
Level 2 - Mainly Cognitive Learning - Reflective learning from the past - such
as thinking back, looking at your side of things (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments), and thinking through other
Largest impact is to IQ with some impact to EQ.
Slow behavioral change.
© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Level 3 - Mainly Experiential Learning- Reflective learning from the present
interaction - such as receiving feedback (coaching) about actual behavior in
recent situation (scientifically verifiable as to what you said and did only, no
judgments), thinking about what you were feeling, thinking, and doing, and
then re-engaging with situation.
Large impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.

High behavioral change.
Level 4 - Pure Experiential Learning – Debriefing your immediate situation
with person you are having the experience with. This involves giving and
receiving feedback on immediate interactions (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments).
Largest impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.
Highest behavioral change.

© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Robert P Crosby was heavily
influenced by two seminal thinkers
in the twentieth century: Dr. Kurt
Lewin (1890-1947) and Dr. John
Dewey (1859-1952). Not only did he
study their work, but he also was
trained by Dr. Goodwin Watson, a
colleague of Dr. John Dewey, and
had a 30-year mentorship and
colleagueship with Dr. Ronald Lippitt
(starting in 1957), one of Dr. Lewin’s
top graduate students.


Kurt Lewin
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Both Dr. Dewey and Dr. Lewin believed that
democratic leadership is a learned behavior. Further, it
is more difficult to learn than either autocratic or
permissive styles of leadership and therefore must be
learned anew in each generation. Crosby has spent his
life helping organizations learn how to balance
management authority and employee engagement,
including leading several efforts to recover from poorly
planned experiments of moving towards self-managed
work teams.

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby worked with Dr. Daryl
Conner and came up with his own
approach to Conner’s
Sponsor/Agent/Target/Advocate (SATA)
theory. Dr. Crosby’s clarity about the
role of Sponsor—specifically, the
critical distinction being that you can
only “sponsor” your direct reports is
critical to effectively managing crossfunctional work and change. Dr.
Crosby’s clarity about the role of each
subsequent layer of sponsorship - the
sustaining sponsors - is the key to
successful matrixed work.
© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s approach is also heavily influenced
by Family Systems thinking through the work of
Dr. Murray Bowen, Dr. Edwin Friedman, Dr.
Salvador Minuchin, and Dr. Carl Whitaker.

For example, our habitual reactions to authority
(to having a boss or being the boss) begin early in
life. Family Systems thinking helps one
understand these and other reactions learned
early in life (such as our habits during conflict), so
as to adapt a broader range of behavioral choices
and become a more effective leader.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Business Application
© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
designed to both train your leaders and
obtain bottom line business results. To do
this there is a constant focus on
application of ALP activity to your
immediate business needs.

© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

A case study based on a mission critical project or
initiative and approved by their area VP. The case study
includes business results.

A mid-point assessment and conversation with the
participants direct report about their developmental
plan linking it to leadership development objectives.

A day of onsite coaching to ensure maximum learning
and integration with the ALP models.

A final behavioral competency based assessment.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule
© Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program
contains six one week modules and a half
day of individual coaching for each
participant. The Modules are separated by
about 1 ½ months. Each program is custom
built for the client based on their unique
needs and closely tied to business results.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Example Schedule

Module 1

Module 2

Module 3

Module 4

EQ Profile

Leadership &
Systems Theory
Related to

Skills 1

Skills 2

Coaching Skills &

Individual and


Helping Skills

Jay Hall Conflict


3rd Party

Authority in

Case Study
Process Begins

Business Change



Case Study Due/

Family Ties
That Bind


Intro to Family of Sponsor Agent
Prep for Group
Leadership Skills


Goal Clarity

Basic Self Skills

© Crosby & Associates

Basic Self Skills

Case Study

On Site
(Faculty with
students in

In Field

Module 5

Module 6

and Group

Synthesis &



Group Process

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Faculty Standards

Crosby & Associates

At Crosby & Associates we hold a strong belief
that Organization Development is a
professional discipline. Our trainings involve
experiential learning using a group process
that holds to strict behavioral science
standards. All our faculty hold Masters
Degrees as well as at least ten years of
coaching and training with a master in the
© Crosby & Associates


Dr. Robert P Crosby
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby has 60 years of
experience helping organizations.
He is a master in his field, having
founded the Leadership Institute of
Seattle (LIOS) in 1969, and held
faculty roles through LIOS contracts
at universities such as Antioch in
Seattle and Martin University in
Indianapolis, Indiana. Crosby led
successful efforts at PECO Nuclear,
Addy Washington (72% productivity
gain as quoted by Business Week),
The Riverfront Park Project in
Spokane Washington, and
numerous others.


Crosby & Associates

Chris has 20 years of experience coaching
leaders and their teams throughout the
USA and internationally in Germany, Costa
Rica, Wales, Jamaica, England, Hungary,
Egypt, The Philippines, Korea, China, Peru,
Spain and Mexico. He holds two Master of
Arts degrees from the Leadership Institute
of Seattle in both Counseling and
Organizational Development. He knows
how to engage the workforce in such a
way as to build ownership and
commitment yet does not let go of the
realities of structure and authority. Also a
published author, Chris did a significant
portion of the editing in “Cultural Change
in Organizations”.

Chris Crosby, MA
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Gil has 29 years of experience in
the field of OD. He specializes in
Leadership and Organizational
Development. His expertise is in
facilitating cultural change in
support of key initiatives including
technology implementation, cost
reduction, productivity increases,
employee morale, and mergers.
He is a published author whose
book “Fight, Flight, Freeze” helps
leaders improve their interactive
skills and is a do-it-yourself version
of Tough Stuff.

Gil Crosby, MSW
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Past Outcomes
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

The following are a
selection of outcomes by
graduates or participants of
Dr. Crosby’s leadership
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• CSI achieved 6 R&D project in one year after they had not successfully
completed any for the past year.
• Alcoa plants at Warrick, Indiana and Knoxville, Tennessee were managed
by the same person who began using Dr. Crosby in 1992. In 1994 those two
plants created 1/3 of Alcoa’s world wide profits after having gone through
two years of intensive OD work. 500 of the population went through Tough
Stuff (Dr. Crosby’s short leadership program), including many steelworkers.
In addition, 30 students were in Dr. Crosby’s corporate based Master
Program from which the ALP program is based.
• In November of 2011 the President of the United States visited the
Davenport Iowa plant to highlight its remarkable business results. From
2002 to 2010, 60% of all Davenport Employees had completed a Dr. Crosby
leadership program.

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• A graduate created the Bench Mark Change Management Program in the
largest software implementation in the history of Alcoa and achieved go
lives in 20 plants with minimal disruption and no missed shipments. The
previous Alcoa BU had 50% on time delivery for one year after its Oracle
• Dr. Crosby led a project to recover the Alcoa plant in Badin, North Carolina.
At the time the Associated Press reported that Alcoa was threatening to
close the plant if cost reductions of $5.5 million could not be achieved. Six
months after implementing the project, the plant was able to confidently
project a budget far exceeding that goal. Dr. Crosby developed a significant
amount of people in the plant through his leadership programs.
• Dr. Crosby led the OD portion of the turnaround at PECO Nuclear. In 1987
the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) shutdown the Peach Bottom
Atomic Station. Following years of extensive OD work PECO was designated
in 1996 as excellent by INPO, and given a strong Systematic Assessment of
Licensee Performance (SALP) rating by the NRC.
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• Following years of Dr. Crosby’s leadership programs and interventions in
the plant Jamalco went from the worst on cash curve amongst Alcoa
bauxite refineries in 1999 to tied for best on cash curve in 2005.
Improvements included a reduction of $38 million in annual operating
costs. Jamalco was the only refinery in Jamaica to stay at full production
throughout the Great Recession.
• After a critical mass of employees went through Dr. Crosby’s leadership
programs Sherwin Alumina was the only US bauxite refinery to stay in
production throughout the Great Recession.

Slide 39

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated
Leadership Program (ALP)
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
Theoretical Basis
Business Application
Program Schedule
Past Outcomes

Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is based
on the life work of Dr. Robert P Crosby.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s History

Crosby & Associates

• 1953 Attended his first experiential process in communication skills.
• 1957 Attended his first training at National Training Laboratory (NTL) led
by Dr. Ronald Lippitt, Dr. Leland Bradford, and Dr. Ken Benne.
• 1957 – 1986 Mentored by Dr Ronald Lippitt the primary graduate
student of Dr. Kurt Lewin (creator of Action Research and T-Groups).
• 1965 Attended first ever Organizational Development (OD) training at
NTL led by founders in the field of OD.
• 1969 Founded institute called LIOS in Spokane Washington, USA.
• 1973 LIOS became a fully accredited Master Degree program led by
Crosby with two other faculty, Dr. Ronald Short and Dr. John Scherer.
• 1980 Created the People Performance Profile (PPP) with Dr. Scherer. The
PPP is an OD effectiveness survey.
• 1981-82 Son Gil Crosby attended LIOS and joined Dr. Crosby’s consulting
business in 1984.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Son Chris Crosby (West Coast President of Crosby & Associates)
attended LIOS.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s Programs

Crosby & Associates

• 1973 Created the LIOS Graduate Program.
• 1987 While working at PECO Nuclear created Tough Stuff™, a 1 week
with one or two 3 day follow ups that uses the experiential education
foundations of the graduate program. The emphasis is Emotional
Intelligence (EQ) at work.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Created the High Performance Leadership Program (HPL).
• 2008 Sons Gil and Chris, using the basis of Dr. Crosby’s above work,
created the Accelerated Leadership Program (ALP). ALP is a 7 week
program (each week separated by approximately 1 ½ months). ALP is
tied to business goals more directly than any other training program
Crosby has created to date.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis
© Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis

Crosby & Associates

Through his years of experience and exposure to the
founders of OD and Family Systems Theory, Dr. Robert P
Crosby created a unique theory of authority in systems. It
can be summed up by the title of his first book “Walking the
Empowerment Tight Rope: Balancing Management
Authority and Employee Influence.” Crosby’s theory is
intertwined throughout his three business books. His
advantage over other OD authors is that he wrote his books
out of years of experience working in business rather than
from a purely academic/theoretical perspective. His books
are based on applied theory, grounded in practice.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s first book is derived
from the PPP. After giving it to
600 workplaces a trend was
seen in the highest performing
work groups. Those groups
performed the best in all key
indicators such as Safety,
Productivity, Absenteeism,
Quality, and Costs. Crosby
identified 25 factors from the
PPP and first presented it in his
work with NASA in 1986 after
the Challenger disaster.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

While working at Aldus (the
creator of PageMaker) Crosby
noticed an emerging trend of
dotted line relationships and
matrixed workplaces. Aldus lost
millions because they were late on
their software implementation of
PageMaker 5. This book outlines
how he helped them implement
PageMaker 6 on time and with
quality. It’s principles apply to all
projects and initiatives.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Cultural Change in Organizations
was written after years of helping
plants align their leadership and
reach results. It’s a composite story
on how to create a change of culture
and get business results. It is a
rewrite of Dr. Crosby’s 1998 The
Authentic Leader and is co-written
by West Coast President Chris
Crosby. Both father and sons have
replicated the methods in this book,
which consistently lead to record
setting business results!
© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

Crosby & Associates

The following page outlines the
extensive Organizational
Development influences in Dr.
Robert P Crosby’s career.

© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence related to work
Experiential Education
Systems Theory
Personal Growth

© Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
grounded in Emotional Intelligence (EQ).
The methods used by Dr. Crosby starting
in the 1950’s were popularized by Daniel
Goleman in his ground breaking book
“Emotional Intelligence” in 1986.
Research has shown that EQ is a much
better predictor of success than IQ.
Ironically, at the time of Goleman’s book,
Dr. Crosby had been teaching EQ for over
30 years.

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Daniel Goleman pointed out in “Working with Emotional
Intelligence” (only one of his numerous texts on the subject):

EQ accounted for 67% of the abilities deemed necessary for
superior performance

EQ mattered TWICE as much as technical expertise or IQ

Unlike IQ (which is a fixed capacity - we either use it, or we
don’t, but it can’t be increased), whatever your current EQ, with
intention and guidance, you can improve. ALP increases EQ!

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

EQ has 3 Core Capacities
All the capacities of EQ are intended to increase ones capacity to notice,
name and own their experience.

Capacity One
Self Awareness – In Tense Moments
• Awareness of my Emotions
• From moment to moment
• Access to a full range of Emotions
• Ability to differentiate
• Judgments from observable facts (behavioral specifics)
• Thoughts from Feelings
• My experience (self) from others
• Clearly articulate wants (Goals, Expectations, etc., from up, down, and across
the workplace)

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Capacity Two
My Patterns – How I manage tense moments
• Recognize my patterns (especially during conflict)
• Increase capacity to calm down during and after tense moments
Capacity Three
How I Honor Others – Empathy
• Accuracy –Getting their experience
• Compassion – Feeling and understanding their experience
• Interaction –Actively demonstrating it
Plus providing space for the others to be different

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby learned about experiential education starting in the
1950’s and continuing throughout his career. All of his leadership
programs utilize experiential education as their foundation. From
his beginnings in 1953 he understood that you cannot learn
about leadership or communication skills through lecture alone.
There must be a significant aspect of experiential techniques to
truly impact behavior.
ALP utilizes experiential education as its primary learning

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Levels of Experiential Learning

Level 1 - Pure Cognitive Learning – learning through lecture and testing,
reading books, memorization, etc.
Largest impact is to IQ.
Little or slow behavioral change.
Level 2 - Mainly Cognitive Learning - Reflective learning from the past - such
as thinking back, looking at your side of things (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments), and thinking through other
Largest impact is to IQ with some impact to EQ.
Slow behavioral change.
© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Level 3 - Mainly Experiential Learning- Reflective learning from the present
interaction - such as receiving feedback (coaching) about actual behavior in
recent situation (scientifically verifiable as to what you said and did only, no
judgments), thinking about what you were feeling, thinking, and doing, and
then re-engaging with situation.
Large impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.

High behavioral change.
Level 4 - Pure Experiential Learning – Debriefing your immediate situation
with person you are having the experience with. This involves giving and
receiving feedback on immediate interactions (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments).
Largest impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.
Highest behavioral change.

© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Robert P Crosby was heavily
influenced by two seminal thinkers
in the twentieth century: Dr. Kurt
Lewin (1890-1947) and Dr. John
Dewey (1859-1952). Not only did he
study their work, but he also was
trained by Dr. Goodwin Watson, a
colleague of Dr. John Dewey, and
had a 30-year mentorship and
colleagueship with Dr. Ronald Lippitt
(starting in 1957), one of Dr. Lewin’s
top graduate students.


Kurt Lewin
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Both Dr. Dewey and Dr. Lewin believed that
democratic leadership is a learned behavior. Further, it
is more difficult to learn than either autocratic or
permissive styles of leadership and therefore must be
learned anew in each generation. Crosby has spent his
life helping organizations learn how to balance
management authority and employee engagement,
including leading several efforts to recover from poorly
planned experiments of moving towards self-managed
work teams.

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby worked with Dr. Daryl
Conner and came up with his own
approach to Conner’s
Sponsor/Agent/Target/Advocate (SATA)
theory. Dr. Crosby’s clarity about the
role of Sponsor—specifically, the
critical distinction being that you can
only “sponsor” your direct reports is
critical to effectively managing crossfunctional work and change. Dr.
Crosby’s clarity about the role of each
subsequent layer of sponsorship - the
sustaining sponsors - is the key to
successful matrixed work.
© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s approach is also heavily influenced
by Family Systems thinking through the work of
Dr. Murray Bowen, Dr. Edwin Friedman, Dr.
Salvador Minuchin, and Dr. Carl Whitaker.

For example, our habitual reactions to authority
(to having a boss or being the boss) begin early in
life. Family Systems thinking helps one
understand these and other reactions learned
early in life (such as our habits during conflict), so
as to adapt a broader range of behavioral choices
and become a more effective leader.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Business Application
© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
designed to both train your leaders and
obtain bottom line business results. To do
this there is a constant focus on
application of ALP activity to your
immediate business needs.

© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

A case study based on a mission critical project or
initiative and approved by their area VP. The case study
includes business results.

A mid-point assessment and conversation with the
participants direct report about their developmental
plan linking it to leadership development objectives.

A day of onsite coaching to ensure maximum learning
and integration with the ALP models.

A final behavioral competency based assessment.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule
© Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program
contains six one week modules and a half
day of individual coaching for each
participant. The Modules are separated by
about 1 ½ months. Each program is custom
built for the client based on their unique
needs and closely tied to business results.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Example Schedule

Module 1

Module 2

Module 3

Module 4

EQ Profile

Leadership &
Systems Theory
Related to

Skills 1

Skills 2

Coaching Skills &

Individual and


Helping Skills

Jay Hall Conflict


3rd Party

Authority in

Case Study
Process Begins

Business Change



Case Study Due/

Family Ties
That Bind


Intro to Family of Sponsor Agent
Prep for Group
Leadership Skills


Goal Clarity

Basic Self Skills

© Crosby & Associates

Basic Self Skills

Case Study

On Site
(Faculty with
students in

In Field

Module 5

Module 6

and Group

Synthesis &



Group Process

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Faculty Standards

Crosby & Associates

At Crosby & Associates we hold a strong belief
that Organization Development is a
professional discipline. Our trainings involve
experiential learning using a group process
that holds to strict behavioral science
standards. All our faculty hold Masters
Degrees as well as at least ten years of
coaching and training with a master in the
© Crosby & Associates


Dr. Robert P Crosby
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby has 60 years of
experience helping organizations.
He is a master in his field, having
founded the Leadership Institute of
Seattle (LIOS) in 1969, and held
faculty roles through LIOS contracts
at universities such as Antioch in
Seattle and Martin University in
Indianapolis, Indiana. Crosby led
successful efforts at PECO Nuclear,
Addy Washington (72% productivity
gain as quoted by Business Week),
The Riverfront Park Project in
Spokane Washington, and
numerous others.


Crosby & Associates

Chris has 20 years of experience coaching
leaders and their teams throughout the
USA and internationally in Germany, Costa
Rica, Wales, Jamaica, England, Hungary,
Egypt, The Philippines, Korea, China, Peru,
Spain and Mexico. He holds two Master of
Arts degrees from the Leadership Institute
of Seattle in both Counseling and
Organizational Development. He knows
how to engage the workforce in such a
way as to build ownership and
commitment yet does not let go of the
realities of structure and authority. Also a
published author, Chris did a significant
portion of the editing in “Cultural Change
in Organizations”.

Chris Crosby, MA
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Gil has 29 years of experience in
the field of OD. He specializes in
Leadership and Organizational
Development. His expertise is in
facilitating cultural change in
support of key initiatives including
technology implementation, cost
reduction, productivity increases,
employee morale, and mergers.
He is a published author whose
book “Fight, Flight, Freeze” helps
leaders improve their interactive
skills and is a do-it-yourself version
of Tough Stuff.

Gil Crosby, MSW
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Past Outcomes
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

The following are a
selection of outcomes by
graduates or participants of
Dr. Crosby’s leadership
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• CSI achieved 6 R&D project in one year after they had not successfully
completed any for the past year.
• Alcoa plants at Warrick, Indiana and Knoxville, Tennessee were managed
by the same person who began using Dr. Crosby in 1992. In 1994 those two
plants created 1/3 of Alcoa’s world wide profits after having gone through
two years of intensive OD work. 500 of the population went through Tough
Stuff (Dr. Crosby’s short leadership program), including many steelworkers.
In addition, 30 students were in Dr. Crosby’s corporate based Master
Program from which the ALP program is based.
• In November of 2011 the President of the United States visited the
Davenport Iowa plant to highlight its remarkable business results. From
2002 to 2010, 60% of all Davenport Employees had completed a Dr. Crosby
leadership program.

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• A graduate created the Bench Mark Change Management Program in the
largest software implementation in the history of Alcoa and achieved go
lives in 20 plants with minimal disruption and no missed shipments. The
previous Alcoa BU had 50% on time delivery for one year after its Oracle
• Dr. Crosby led a project to recover the Alcoa plant in Badin, North Carolina.
At the time the Associated Press reported that Alcoa was threatening to
close the plant if cost reductions of $5.5 million could not be achieved. Six
months after implementing the project, the plant was able to confidently
project a budget far exceeding that goal. Dr. Crosby developed a significant
amount of people in the plant through his leadership programs.
• Dr. Crosby led the OD portion of the turnaround at PECO Nuclear. In 1987
the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) shutdown the Peach Bottom
Atomic Station. Following years of extensive OD work PECO was designated
in 1996 as excellent by INPO, and given a strong Systematic Assessment of
Licensee Performance (SALP) rating by the NRC.
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• Following years of Dr. Crosby’s leadership programs and interventions in
the plant Jamalco went from the worst on cash curve amongst Alcoa
bauxite refineries in 1999 to tied for best on cash curve in 2005.
Improvements included a reduction of $38 million in annual operating
costs. Jamalco was the only refinery in Jamaica to stay at full production
throughout the Great Recession.
• After a critical mass of employees went through Dr. Crosby’s leadership
programs Sherwin Alumina was the only US bauxite refinery to stay in
production throughout the Great Recession.

Slide 40

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated
Leadership Program (ALP)
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
Theoretical Basis
Business Application
Program Schedule
Past Outcomes

Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is based
on the life work of Dr. Robert P Crosby.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s History

Crosby & Associates

• 1953 Attended his first experiential process in communication skills.
• 1957 Attended his first training at National Training Laboratory (NTL) led
by Dr. Ronald Lippitt, Dr. Leland Bradford, and Dr. Ken Benne.
• 1957 – 1986 Mentored by Dr Ronald Lippitt the primary graduate
student of Dr. Kurt Lewin (creator of Action Research and T-Groups).
• 1965 Attended first ever Organizational Development (OD) training at
NTL led by founders in the field of OD.
• 1969 Founded institute called LIOS in Spokane Washington, USA.
• 1973 LIOS became a fully accredited Master Degree program led by
Crosby with two other faculty, Dr. Ronald Short and Dr. John Scherer.
• 1980 Created the People Performance Profile (PPP) with Dr. Scherer. The
PPP is an OD effectiveness survey.
• 1981-82 Son Gil Crosby attended LIOS and joined Dr. Crosby’s consulting
business in 1984.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Son Chris Crosby (West Coast President of Crosby & Associates)
attended LIOS.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s Programs

Crosby & Associates

• 1973 Created the LIOS Graduate Program.
• 1987 While working at PECO Nuclear created Tough Stuff™, a 1 week
with one or two 3 day follow ups that uses the experiential education
foundations of the graduate program. The emphasis is Emotional
Intelligence (EQ) at work.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Created the High Performance Leadership Program (HPL).
• 2008 Sons Gil and Chris, using the basis of Dr. Crosby’s above work,
created the Accelerated Leadership Program (ALP). ALP is a 7 week
program (each week separated by approximately 1 ½ months). ALP is
tied to business goals more directly than any other training program
Crosby has created to date.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis
© Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis

Crosby & Associates

Through his years of experience and exposure to the
founders of OD and Family Systems Theory, Dr. Robert P
Crosby created a unique theory of authority in systems. It
can be summed up by the title of his first book “Walking the
Empowerment Tight Rope: Balancing Management
Authority and Employee Influence.” Crosby’s theory is
intertwined throughout his three business books. His
advantage over other OD authors is that he wrote his books
out of years of experience working in business rather than
from a purely academic/theoretical perspective. His books
are based on applied theory, grounded in practice.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s first book is derived
from the PPP. After giving it to
600 workplaces a trend was
seen in the highest performing
work groups. Those groups
performed the best in all key
indicators such as Safety,
Productivity, Absenteeism,
Quality, and Costs. Crosby
identified 25 factors from the
PPP and first presented it in his
work with NASA in 1986 after
the Challenger disaster.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

While working at Aldus (the
creator of PageMaker) Crosby
noticed an emerging trend of
dotted line relationships and
matrixed workplaces. Aldus lost
millions because they were late on
their software implementation of
PageMaker 5. This book outlines
how he helped them implement
PageMaker 6 on time and with
quality. It’s principles apply to all
projects and initiatives.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Cultural Change in Organizations
was written after years of helping
plants align their leadership and
reach results. It’s a composite story
on how to create a change of culture
and get business results. It is a
rewrite of Dr. Crosby’s 1998 The
Authentic Leader and is co-written
by West Coast President Chris
Crosby. Both father and sons have
replicated the methods in this book,
which consistently lead to record
setting business results!
© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

Crosby & Associates

The following page outlines the
extensive Organizational
Development influences in Dr.
Robert P Crosby’s career.

© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence related to work
Experiential Education
Systems Theory
Personal Growth

© Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
grounded in Emotional Intelligence (EQ).
The methods used by Dr. Crosby starting
in the 1950’s were popularized by Daniel
Goleman in his ground breaking book
“Emotional Intelligence” in 1986.
Research has shown that EQ is a much
better predictor of success than IQ.
Ironically, at the time of Goleman’s book,
Dr. Crosby had been teaching EQ for over
30 years.

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Daniel Goleman pointed out in “Working with Emotional
Intelligence” (only one of his numerous texts on the subject):

EQ accounted for 67% of the abilities deemed necessary for
superior performance

EQ mattered TWICE as much as technical expertise or IQ

Unlike IQ (which is a fixed capacity - we either use it, or we
don’t, but it can’t be increased), whatever your current EQ, with
intention and guidance, you can improve. ALP increases EQ!

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

EQ has 3 Core Capacities
All the capacities of EQ are intended to increase ones capacity to notice,
name and own their experience.

Capacity One
Self Awareness – In Tense Moments
• Awareness of my Emotions
• From moment to moment
• Access to a full range of Emotions
• Ability to differentiate
• Judgments from observable facts (behavioral specifics)
• Thoughts from Feelings
• My experience (self) from others
• Clearly articulate wants (Goals, Expectations, etc., from up, down, and across
the workplace)

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Capacity Two
My Patterns – How I manage tense moments
• Recognize my patterns (especially during conflict)
• Increase capacity to calm down during and after tense moments
Capacity Three
How I Honor Others – Empathy
• Accuracy –Getting their experience
• Compassion – Feeling and understanding their experience
• Interaction –Actively demonstrating it
Plus providing space for the others to be different

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby learned about experiential education starting in the
1950’s and continuing throughout his career. All of his leadership
programs utilize experiential education as their foundation. From
his beginnings in 1953 he understood that you cannot learn
about leadership or communication skills through lecture alone.
There must be a significant aspect of experiential techniques to
truly impact behavior.
ALP utilizes experiential education as its primary learning

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Levels of Experiential Learning

Level 1 - Pure Cognitive Learning – learning through lecture and testing,
reading books, memorization, etc.
Largest impact is to IQ.
Little or slow behavioral change.
Level 2 - Mainly Cognitive Learning - Reflective learning from the past - such
as thinking back, looking at your side of things (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments), and thinking through other
Largest impact is to IQ with some impact to EQ.
Slow behavioral change.
© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Level 3 - Mainly Experiential Learning- Reflective learning from the present
interaction - such as receiving feedback (coaching) about actual behavior in
recent situation (scientifically verifiable as to what you said and did only, no
judgments), thinking about what you were feeling, thinking, and doing, and
then re-engaging with situation.
Large impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.

High behavioral change.
Level 4 - Pure Experiential Learning – Debriefing your immediate situation
with person you are having the experience with. This involves giving and
receiving feedback on immediate interactions (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments).
Largest impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.
Highest behavioral change.

© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Robert P Crosby was heavily
influenced by two seminal thinkers
in the twentieth century: Dr. Kurt
Lewin (1890-1947) and Dr. John
Dewey (1859-1952). Not only did he
study their work, but he also was
trained by Dr. Goodwin Watson, a
colleague of Dr. John Dewey, and
had a 30-year mentorship and
colleagueship with Dr. Ronald Lippitt
(starting in 1957), one of Dr. Lewin’s
top graduate students.


Kurt Lewin
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Both Dr. Dewey and Dr. Lewin believed that
democratic leadership is a learned behavior. Further, it
is more difficult to learn than either autocratic or
permissive styles of leadership and therefore must be
learned anew in each generation. Crosby has spent his
life helping organizations learn how to balance
management authority and employee engagement,
including leading several efforts to recover from poorly
planned experiments of moving towards self-managed
work teams.

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby worked with Dr. Daryl
Conner and came up with his own
approach to Conner’s
Sponsor/Agent/Target/Advocate (SATA)
theory. Dr. Crosby’s clarity about the
role of Sponsor—specifically, the
critical distinction being that you can
only “sponsor” your direct reports is
critical to effectively managing crossfunctional work and change. Dr.
Crosby’s clarity about the role of each
subsequent layer of sponsorship - the
sustaining sponsors - is the key to
successful matrixed work.
© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s approach is also heavily influenced
by Family Systems thinking through the work of
Dr. Murray Bowen, Dr. Edwin Friedman, Dr.
Salvador Minuchin, and Dr. Carl Whitaker.

For example, our habitual reactions to authority
(to having a boss or being the boss) begin early in
life. Family Systems thinking helps one
understand these and other reactions learned
early in life (such as our habits during conflict), so
as to adapt a broader range of behavioral choices
and become a more effective leader.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Business Application
© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
designed to both train your leaders and
obtain bottom line business results. To do
this there is a constant focus on
application of ALP activity to your
immediate business needs.

© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

A case study based on a mission critical project or
initiative and approved by their area VP. The case study
includes business results.

A mid-point assessment and conversation with the
participants direct report about their developmental
plan linking it to leadership development objectives.

A day of onsite coaching to ensure maximum learning
and integration with the ALP models.

A final behavioral competency based assessment.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule
© Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program
contains six one week modules and a half
day of individual coaching for each
participant. The Modules are separated by
about 1 ½ months. Each program is custom
built for the client based on their unique
needs and closely tied to business results.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Example Schedule

Module 1

Module 2

Module 3

Module 4

EQ Profile

Leadership &
Systems Theory
Related to

Skills 1

Skills 2

Coaching Skills &

Individual and


Helping Skills

Jay Hall Conflict


3rd Party

Authority in

Case Study
Process Begins

Business Change



Case Study Due/

Family Ties
That Bind


Intro to Family of Sponsor Agent
Prep for Group
Leadership Skills


Goal Clarity

Basic Self Skills

© Crosby & Associates

Basic Self Skills

Case Study

On Site
(Faculty with
students in

In Field

Module 5

Module 6

and Group

Synthesis &



Group Process

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Faculty Standards

Crosby & Associates

At Crosby & Associates we hold a strong belief
that Organization Development is a
professional discipline. Our trainings involve
experiential learning using a group process
that holds to strict behavioral science
standards. All our faculty hold Masters
Degrees as well as at least ten years of
coaching and training with a master in the
© Crosby & Associates


Dr. Robert P Crosby
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby has 60 years of
experience helping organizations.
He is a master in his field, having
founded the Leadership Institute of
Seattle (LIOS) in 1969, and held
faculty roles through LIOS contracts
at universities such as Antioch in
Seattle and Martin University in
Indianapolis, Indiana. Crosby led
successful efforts at PECO Nuclear,
Addy Washington (72% productivity
gain as quoted by Business Week),
The Riverfront Park Project in
Spokane Washington, and
numerous others.


Crosby & Associates

Chris has 20 years of experience coaching
leaders and their teams throughout the
USA and internationally in Germany, Costa
Rica, Wales, Jamaica, England, Hungary,
Egypt, The Philippines, Korea, China, Peru,
Spain and Mexico. He holds two Master of
Arts degrees from the Leadership Institute
of Seattle in both Counseling and
Organizational Development. He knows
how to engage the workforce in such a
way as to build ownership and
commitment yet does not let go of the
realities of structure and authority. Also a
published author, Chris did a significant
portion of the editing in “Cultural Change
in Organizations”.

Chris Crosby, MA
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Gil has 29 years of experience in
the field of OD. He specializes in
Leadership and Organizational
Development. His expertise is in
facilitating cultural change in
support of key initiatives including
technology implementation, cost
reduction, productivity increases,
employee morale, and mergers.
He is a published author whose
book “Fight, Flight, Freeze” helps
leaders improve their interactive
skills and is a do-it-yourself version
of Tough Stuff.

Gil Crosby, MSW
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Past Outcomes
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

The following are a
selection of outcomes by
graduates or participants of
Dr. Crosby’s leadership
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• CSI achieved 6 R&D project in one year after they had not successfully
completed any for the past year.
• Alcoa plants at Warrick, Indiana and Knoxville, Tennessee were managed
by the same person who began using Dr. Crosby in 1992. In 1994 those two
plants created 1/3 of Alcoa’s world wide profits after having gone through
two years of intensive OD work. 500 of the population went through Tough
Stuff (Dr. Crosby’s short leadership program), including many steelworkers.
In addition, 30 students were in Dr. Crosby’s corporate based Master
Program from which the ALP program is based.
• In November of 2011 the President of the United States visited the
Davenport Iowa plant to highlight its remarkable business results. From
2002 to 2010, 60% of all Davenport Employees had completed a Dr. Crosby
leadership program.

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• A graduate created the Bench Mark Change Management Program in the
largest software implementation in the history of Alcoa and achieved go
lives in 20 plants with minimal disruption and no missed shipments. The
previous Alcoa BU had 50% on time delivery for one year after its Oracle
• Dr. Crosby led a project to recover the Alcoa plant in Badin, North Carolina.
At the time the Associated Press reported that Alcoa was threatening to
close the plant if cost reductions of $5.5 million could not be achieved. Six
months after implementing the project, the plant was able to confidently
project a budget far exceeding that goal. Dr. Crosby developed a significant
amount of people in the plant through his leadership programs.
• Dr. Crosby led the OD portion of the turnaround at PECO Nuclear. In 1987
the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) shutdown the Peach Bottom
Atomic Station. Following years of extensive OD work PECO was designated
in 1996 as excellent by INPO, and given a strong Systematic Assessment of
Licensee Performance (SALP) rating by the NRC.
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• Following years of Dr. Crosby’s leadership programs and interventions in
the plant Jamalco went from the worst on cash curve amongst Alcoa
bauxite refineries in 1999 to tied for best on cash curve in 2005.
Improvements included a reduction of $38 million in annual operating
costs. Jamalco was the only refinery in Jamaica to stay at full production
throughout the Great Recession.
• After a critical mass of employees went through Dr. Crosby’s leadership
programs Sherwin Alumina was the only US bauxite refinery to stay in
production throughout the Great Recession.

Slide 41

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated
Leadership Program (ALP)
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
Theoretical Basis
Business Application
Program Schedule
Past Outcomes

Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is based
on the life work of Dr. Robert P Crosby.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s History

Crosby & Associates

• 1953 Attended his first experiential process in communication skills.
• 1957 Attended his first training at National Training Laboratory (NTL) led
by Dr. Ronald Lippitt, Dr. Leland Bradford, and Dr. Ken Benne.
• 1957 – 1986 Mentored by Dr Ronald Lippitt the primary graduate
student of Dr. Kurt Lewin (creator of Action Research and T-Groups).
• 1965 Attended first ever Organizational Development (OD) training at
NTL led by founders in the field of OD.
• 1969 Founded institute called LIOS in Spokane Washington, USA.
• 1973 LIOS became a fully accredited Master Degree program led by
Crosby with two other faculty, Dr. Ronald Short and Dr. John Scherer.
• 1980 Created the People Performance Profile (PPP) with Dr. Scherer. The
PPP is an OD effectiveness survey.
• 1981-82 Son Gil Crosby attended LIOS and joined Dr. Crosby’s consulting
business in 1984.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Son Chris Crosby (West Coast President of Crosby & Associates)
attended LIOS.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s Programs

Crosby & Associates

• 1973 Created the LIOS Graduate Program.
• 1987 While working at PECO Nuclear created Tough Stuff™, a 1 week
with one or two 3 day follow ups that uses the experiential education
foundations of the graduate program. The emphasis is Emotional
Intelligence (EQ) at work.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Created the High Performance Leadership Program (HPL).
• 2008 Sons Gil and Chris, using the basis of Dr. Crosby’s above work,
created the Accelerated Leadership Program (ALP). ALP is a 7 week
program (each week separated by approximately 1 ½ months). ALP is
tied to business goals more directly than any other training program
Crosby has created to date.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis
© Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis

Crosby & Associates

Through his years of experience and exposure to the
founders of OD and Family Systems Theory, Dr. Robert P
Crosby created a unique theory of authority in systems. It
can be summed up by the title of his first book “Walking the
Empowerment Tight Rope: Balancing Management
Authority and Employee Influence.” Crosby’s theory is
intertwined throughout his three business books. His
advantage over other OD authors is that he wrote his books
out of years of experience working in business rather than
from a purely academic/theoretical perspective. His books
are based on applied theory, grounded in practice.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s first book is derived
from the PPP. After giving it to
600 workplaces a trend was
seen in the highest performing
work groups. Those groups
performed the best in all key
indicators such as Safety,
Productivity, Absenteeism,
Quality, and Costs. Crosby
identified 25 factors from the
PPP and first presented it in his
work with NASA in 1986 after
the Challenger disaster.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

While working at Aldus (the
creator of PageMaker) Crosby
noticed an emerging trend of
dotted line relationships and
matrixed workplaces. Aldus lost
millions because they were late on
their software implementation of
PageMaker 5. This book outlines
how he helped them implement
PageMaker 6 on time and with
quality. It’s principles apply to all
projects and initiatives.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Cultural Change in Organizations
was written after years of helping
plants align their leadership and
reach results. It’s a composite story
on how to create a change of culture
and get business results. It is a
rewrite of Dr. Crosby’s 1998 The
Authentic Leader and is co-written
by West Coast President Chris
Crosby. Both father and sons have
replicated the methods in this book,
which consistently lead to record
setting business results!
© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

Crosby & Associates

The following page outlines the
extensive Organizational
Development influences in Dr.
Robert P Crosby’s career.

© Crosby & Associates

OD Roots

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence related to work
Experiential Education
Systems Theory
Personal Growth

© Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
grounded in Emotional Intelligence (EQ).
The methods used by Dr. Crosby starting
in the 1950’s were popularized by Daniel
Goleman in his ground breaking book
“Emotional Intelligence” in 1986.
Research has shown that EQ is a much
better predictor of success than IQ.
Ironically, at the time of Goleman’s book,
Dr. Crosby had been teaching EQ for over
30 years.

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Daniel Goleman pointed out in “Working with Emotional
Intelligence” (only one of his numerous texts on the subject):

EQ accounted for 67% of the abilities deemed necessary for
superior performance

EQ mattered TWICE as much as technical expertise or IQ

Unlike IQ (which is a fixed capacity - we either use it, or we
don’t, but it can’t be increased), whatever your current EQ, with
intention and guidance, you can improve. ALP increases EQ!

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

EQ has 3 Core Capacities
All the capacities of EQ are intended to increase ones capacity to notice,
name and own their experience.

Capacity One
Self Awareness – In Tense Moments
• Awareness of my Emotions
• From moment to moment
• Access to a full range of Emotions
• Ability to differentiate
• Judgments from observable facts (behavioral specifics)
• Thoughts from Feelings
• My experience (self) from others
• Clearly articulate wants (Goals, Expectations, etc., from up, down, and across
the workplace)

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Capacity Two
My Patterns – How I manage tense moments
• Recognize my patterns (especially during conflict)
• Increase capacity to calm down during and after tense moments
Capacity Three
How I Honor Others – Empathy
• Accuracy –Getting their experience
• Compassion – Feeling and understanding their experience
• Interaction –Actively demonstrating it
Plus providing space for the others to be different

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby learned about experiential education starting in the
1950’s and continuing throughout his career. All of his leadership
programs utilize experiential education as their foundation. From
his beginnings in 1953 he understood that you cannot learn
about leadership or communication skills through lecture alone.
There must be a significant aspect of experiential techniques to
truly impact behavior.
ALP utilizes experiential education as its primary learning

© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Levels of Experiential Learning

Level 1 - Pure Cognitive Learning – learning through lecture and testing,
reading books, memorization, etc.
Largest impact is to IQ.
Little or slow behavioral change.
Level 2 - Mainly Cognitive Learning - Reflective learning from the past - such
as thinking back, looking at your side of things (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments), and thinking through other
Largest impact is to IQ with some impact to EQ.
Slow behavioral change.
© Crosby & Associates

Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Level 3 - Mainly Experiential Learning- Reflective learning from the present
interaction - such as receiving feedback (coaching) about actual behavior in
recent situation (scientifically verifiable as to what you said and did only, no
judgments), thinking about what you were feeling, thinking, and doing, and
then re-engaging with situation.
Large impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.

High behavioral change.
Level 4 - Pure Experiential Learning – Debriefing your immediate situation
with person you are having the experience with. This involves giving and
receiving feedback on immediate interactions (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments).
Largest impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.
Highest behavioral change.

© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Robert P Crosby was heavily
influenced by two seminal thinkers
in the twentieth century: Dr. Kurt
Lewin (1890-1947) and Dr. John
Dewey (1859-1952). Not only did he
study their work, but he also was
trained by Dr. Goodwin Watson, a
colleague of Dr. John Dewey, and
had a 30-year mentorship and
colleagueship with Dr. Ronald Lippitt
(starting in 1957), one of Dr. Lewin’s
top graduate students.


Kurt Lewin
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Both Dr. Dewey and Dr. Lewin believed that
democratic leadership is a learned behavior. Further, it
is more difficult to learn than either autocratic or
permissive styles of leadership and therefore must be
learned anew in each generation. Crosby has spent his
life helping organizations learn how to balance
management authority and employee engagement,
including leading several efforts to recover from poorly
planned experiments of moving towards self-managed
work teams.

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby worked with Dr. Daryl
Conner and came up with his own
approach to Conner’s
Sponsor/Agent/Target/Advocate (SATA)
theory. Dr. Crosby’s clarity about the
role of Sponsor—specifically, the
critical distinction being that you can
only “sponsor” your direct reports is
critical to effectively managing crossfunctional work and change. Dr.
Crosby’s clarity about the role of each
subsequent layer of sponsorship - the
sustaining sponsors - is the key to
successful matrixed work.
© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s approach is also heavily influenced
by Family Systems thinking through the work of
Dr. Murray Bowen, Dr. Edwin Friedman, Dr.
Salvador Minuchin, and Dr. Carl Whitaker.

For example, our habitual reactions to authority
(to having a boss or being the boss) begin early in
life. Family Systems thinking helps one
understand these and other reactions learned
early in life (such as our habits during conflict), so
as to adapt a broader range of behavioral choices
and become a more effective leader.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Business Application
© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
designed to both train your leaders and
obtain bottom line business results. To do
this there is a constant focus on
application of ALP activity to your
immediate business needs.

© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

A case study based on a mission critical project or
initiative and approved by their area VP. The case study
includes business results.

A mid-point assessment and conversation with the
participants direct report about their developmental
plan linking it to leadership development objectives.

A day of onsite coaching to ensure maximum learning
and integration with the ALP models.

A final behavioral competency based assessment.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule
© Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program
contains six one week modules and a half
day of individual coaching for each
participant. The Modules are separated by
about 1 ½ months. Each program is custom
built for the client based on their unique
needs and closely tied to business results.
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Example Schedule

Module 1

Module 2

Module 3

Module 4

EQ Profile

Leadership &
Systems Theory
Related to

Skills 1

Skills 2

Coaching Skills &

Individual and


Helping Skills

Jay Hall Conflict


3rd Party

Authority in

Case Study
Process Begins

Business Change



Case Study Due/

Family Ties
That Bind


Intro to Family of Sponsor Agent
Prep for Group
Leadership Skills


Goal Clarity

Basic Self Skills

© Crosby & Associates

Basic Self Skills

Case Study

On Site
(Faculty with
students in

In Field

Module 5

Module 6

and Group

Synthesis &



Group Process

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Faculty Standards

Crosby & Associates

At Crosby & Associates we hold a strong belief
that Organization Development is a
professional discipline. Our trainings involve
experiential learning using a group process
that holds to strict behavioral science
standards. All our faculty hold Masters
Degrees as well as at least ten years of
coaching and training with a master in the
© Crosby & Associates


Dr. Robert P Crosby
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby has 60 years of
experience helping organizations.
He is a master in his field, having
founded the Leadership Institute of
Seattle (LIOS) in 1969, and held
faculty roles through LIOS contracts
at universities such as Antioch in
Seattle and Martin University in
Indianapolis, Indiana. Crosby led
successful efforts at PECO Nuclear,
Addy Washington (72% productivity
gain as quoted by Business Week),
The Riverfront Park Project in
Spokane Washington, and
numerous others.


Crosby & Associates

Chris has 20 years of experience coaching
leaders and their teams throughout the
USA and internationally in Germany, Costa
Rica, Wales, Jamaica, England, Hungary,
Egypt, The Philippines, Korea, China, Peru,
Spain and Mexico. He holds two Master of
Arts degrees from the Leadership Institute
of Seattle in both Counseling and
Organizational Development. He knows
how to engage the workforce in such a
way as to build ownership and
commitment yet does not let go of the
realities of structure and authority. Also a
published author, Chris did a significant
portion of the editing in “Cultural Change
in Organizations”.

Chris Crosby, MA
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

Gil has 29 years of experience in
the field of OD. He specializes in
Leadership and Organizational
Development. His expertise is in
facilitating cultural change in
support of key initiatives including
technology implementation, cost
reduction, productivity increases,
employee morale, and mergers.
He is a published author whose
book “Fight, Flight, Freeze” helps
leaders improve their interactive
skills and is a do-it-yourself version
of Tough Stuff.

Gil Crosby, MSW
© Crosby & Associates

Crosby & Associates

Past Outcomes
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

The following are a
selection of outcomes by
graduates or participants of
Dr. Crosby’s leadership
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• CSI achieved 6 R&D project in one year after they had not successfully
completed any for the past year.
• Alcoa plants at Warrick, Indiana and Knoxville, Tennessee were managed
by the same person who began using Dr. Crosby in 1992. In 1994 those two
plants created 1/3 of Alcoa’s world wide profits after having gone through
two years of intensive OD work. 500 of the population went through Tough
Stuff (Dr. Crosby’s short leadership program), including many steelworkers.
In addition, 30 students were in Dr. Crosby’s corporate based Master
Program from which the ALP program is based.
• In November of 2011 the President of the United States visited the
Davenport Iowa plant to highlight its remarkable business results. From
2002 to 2010, 60% of all Davenport Employees had completed a Dr. Crosby
leadership program.

© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• A graduate created the Bench Mark Change Management Program in the
largest software implementation in the history of Alcoa and achieved go
lives in 20 plants with minimal disruption and no missed shipments. The
previous Alcoa BU had 50% on time delivery for one year after its Oracle
• Dr. Crosby led a project to recover the Alcoa plant in Badin, North Carolina.
At the time the Associated Press reported that Alcoa was threatening to
close the plant if cost reductions of $5.5 million could not be achieved. Six
months after implementing the project, the plant was able to confidently
project a budget far exceeding that goal. Dr. Crosby developed a significant
amount of people in the plant through his leadership programs.
• Dr. Crosby led the OD portion of the turnaround at PECO Nuclear. In 1987
the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) shutdown the Peach Bottom
Atomic Station. Following years of extensive OD work PECO was designated
in 1996 as excellent by INPO, and given a strong Systematic Assessment of
Licensee Performance (SALP) rating by the NRC.
© Crosby & Associates


Crosby & Associates

• Following years of Dr. Crosby’s leadership programs and interventions in
the plant Jamalco went from the worst on cash curve amongst Alcoa
bauxite refineries in 1999 to tied for best on cash curve in 2005.
Improvements included a reduction of $38 million in annual operating
costs. Jamalco was the only refinery in Jamaica to stay at full production
throughout the Great Recession.
• After a critical mass of employees went through Dr. Crosby’s leadership
programs Sherwin Alumina was the only US bauxite refinery to stay in
production throughout the Great Recession.

Slide 42

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated
Leadership Program (ALP)
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Crosby & Associates

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Historical Foundations
Theoretical Basis
Business Application
Program Schedule
Past Outcomes

Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations
© Crosby & Associates

Historical Foundations

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is based
on the life work of Dr. Robert P Crosby.
© Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s History

Crosby & Associates

• 1953 Attended his first experiential process in communication skills.
• 1957 Attended his first training at National Training Laboratory (NTL) led
by Dr. Ronald Lippitt, Dr. Leland Bradford, and Dr. Ken Benne.
• 1957 – 1986 Mentored by Dr Ronald Lippitt the primary graduate
student of Dr. Kurt Lewin (creator of Action Research and T-Groups).
• 1965 Attended first ever Organizational Development (OD) training at
NTL led by founders in the field of OD.
• 1969 Founded institute called LIOS in Spokane Washington, USA.
• 1973 LIOS became a fully accredited Master Degree program led by
Crosby with two other faculty, Dr. Ronald Short and Dr. John Scherer.
• 1980 Created the People Performance Profile (PPP) with Dr. Scherer. The
PPP is an OD effectiveness survey.
• 1981-82 Son Gil Crosby attended LIOS and joined Dr. Crosby’s consulting
business in 1984.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Son Chris Crosby (West Coast President of Crosby & Associates)
attended LIOS.
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Dr. Crosby’s Programs

Crosby & Associates

• 1973 Created the LIOS Graduate Program.
• 1987 While working at PECO Nuclear created Tough Stuff™, a 1 week
with one or two 3 day follow ups that uses the experiential education
foundations of the graduate program. The emphasis is Emotional
Intelligence (EQ) at work.
• 1990 Started the Corporate Leadership Masters Program affiliated with
LIOS and internal to ALCOA.
• 1993 Created the High Performance Leadership Program (HPL).
• 2008 Sons Gil and Chris, using the basis of Dr. Crosby’s above work,
created the Accelerated Leadership Program (ALP). ALP is a 7 week
program (each week separated by approximately 1 ½ months). ALP is
tied to business goals more directly than any other training program
Crosby has created to date.
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Crosby & Associates

Theoretical Basis
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Theoretical Basis

Crosby & Associates

Through his years of experience and exposure to the
founders of OD and Family Systems Theory, Dr. Robert P
Crosby created a unique theory of authority in systems. It
can be summed up by the title of his first book “Walking the
Empowerment Tight Rope: Balancing Management
Authority and Employee Influence.” Crosby’s theory is
intertwined throughout his three business books. His
advantage over other OD authors is that he wrote his books
out of years of experience working in business rather than
from a purely academic/theoretical perspective. His books
are based on applied theory, grounded in practice.

© Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Crosby’s first book is derived
from the PPP. After giving it to
600 workplaces a trend was
seen in the highest performing
work groups. Those groups
performed the best in all key
indicators such as Safety,
Productivity, Absenteeism,
Quality, and Costs. Crosby
identified 25 factors from the
PPP and first presented it in his
work with NASA in 1986 after
the Challenger disaster.
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Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

While working at Aldus (the
creator of PageMaker) Crosby
noticed an emerging trend of
dotted line relationships and
matrixed workplaces. Aldus lost
millions because they were late on
their software implementation of
PageMaker 5. This book outlines
how he helped them implement
PageMaker 6 on time and with
quality. It’s principles apply to all
projects and initiatives.
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Crosby’s Books

Crosby & Associates

Cultural Change in Organizations
was written after years of helping
plants align their leadership and
reach results. It’s a composite story
on how to create a change of culture
and get business results. It is a
rewrite of Dr. Crosby’s 1998 The
Authentic Leader and is co-written
by West Coast President Chris
Crosby. Both father and sons have
replicated the methods in this book,
which consistently lead to record
setting business results!
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OD Roots

Crosby & Associates

The following page outlines the
extensive Organizational
Development influences in Dr.
Robert P Crosby’s career.

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OD Roots

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Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence related to work
Experiential Education
Systems Theory
Personal Growth

© Crosby & Associates

Emotional Intelligence

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
grounded in Emotional Intelligence (EQ).
The methods used by Dr. Crosby starting
in the 1950’s were popularized by Daniel
Goleman in his ground breaking book
“Emotional Intelligence” in 1986.
Research has shown that EQ is a much
better predictor of success than IQ.
Ironically, at the time of Goleman’s book,
Dr. Crosby had been teaching EQ for over
30 years.

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Daniel Goleman pointed out in “Working with Emotional
Intelligence” (only one of his numerous texts on the subject):

EQ accounted for 67% of the abilities deemed necessary for
superior performance

EQ mattered TWICE as much as technical expertise or IQ

Unlike IQ (which is a fixed capacity - we either use it, or we
don’t, but it can’t be increased), whatever your current EQ, with
intention and guidance, you can improve. ALP increases EQ!

© Crosby & Associates

EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

EQ has 3 Core Capacities
All the capacities of EQ are intended to increase ones capacity to notice,
name and own their experience.

Capacity One
Self Awareness – In Tense Moments
• Awareness of my Emotions
• From moment to moment
• Access to a full range of Emotions
• Ability to differentiate
• Judgments from observable facts (behavioral specifics)
• Thoughts from Feelings
• My experience (self) from others
• Clearly articulate wants (Goals, Expectations, etc., from up, down, and across
the workplace)

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EQ Defined

Crosby & Associates

Capacity Two
My Patterns – How I manage tense moments
• Recognize my patterns (especially during conflict)
• Increase capacity to calm down during and after tense moments
Capacity Three
How I Honor Others – Empathy
• Accuracy –Getting their experience
• Compassion – Feeling and understanding their experience
• Interaction –Actively demonstrating it
Plus providing space for the others to be different

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Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby learned about experiential education starting in the
1950’s and continuing throughout his career. All of his leadership
programs utilize experiential education as their foundation. From
his beginnings in 1953 he understood that you cannot learn
about leadership or communication skills through lecture alone.
There must be a significant aspect of experiential techniques to
truly impact behavior.
ALP utilizes experiential education as its primary learning

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Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Levels of Experiential Learning

Level 1 - Pure Cognitive Learning – learning through lecture and testing,
reading books, memorization, etc.
Largest impact is to IQ.
Little or slow behavioral change.
Level 2 - Mainly Cognitive Learning - Reflective learning from the past - such
as thinking back, looking at your side of things (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments), and thinking through other
Largest impact is to IQ with some impact to EQ.
Slow behavioral change.
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Experiential Education

Crosby & Associates

Level 3 - Mainly Experiential Learning- Reflective learning from the present
interaction - such as receiving feedback (coaching) about actual behavior in
recent situation (scientifically verifiable as to what you said and did only, no
judgments), thinking about what you were feeling, thinking, and doing, and
then re-engaging with situation.
Large impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.

High behavioral change.
Level 4 - Pure Experiential Learning – Debriefing your immediate situation
with person you are having the experience with. This involves giving and
receiving feedback on immediate interactions (scientifically verifiable as to
what you said and did only, no judgments).
Largest impact is to EQ with some impact to IQ.
Highest behavioral change.

© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Robert P Crosby was heavily
influenced by two seminal thinkers
in the twentieth century: Dr. Kurt
Lewin (1890-1947) and Dr. John
Dewey (1859-1952). Not only did he
study their work, but he also was
trained by Dr. Goodwin Watson, a
colleague of Dr. John Dewey, and
had a 30-year mentorship and
colleagueship with Dr. Ronald Lippitt
(starting in 1957), one of Dr. Lewin’s
top graduate students.


Kurt Lewin
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Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Both Dr. Dewey and Dr. Lewin believed that
democratic leadership is a learned behavior. Further, it
is more difficult to learn than either autocratic or
permissive styles of leadership and therefore must be
learned anew in each generation. Crosby has spent his
life helping organizations learn how to balance
management authority and employee engagement,
including leading several efforts to recover from poorly
planned experiments of moving towards self-managed
work teams.

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby worked with Dr. Daryl
Conner and came up with his own
approach to Conner’s
Sponsor/Agent/Target/Advocate (SATA)
theory. Dr. Crosby’s clarity about the
role of Sponsor—specifically, the
critical distinction being that you can
only “sponsor” your direct reports is
critical to effectively managing crossfunctional work and change. Dr.
Crosby’s clarity about the role of each
subsequent layer of sponsorship - the
sustaining sponsors - is the key to
successful matrixed work.
© Crosby & Associates

Systems Theory

Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby’s approach is also heavily influenced
by Family Systems thinking through the work of
Dr. Murray Bowen, Dr. Edwin Friedman, Dr.
Salvador Minuchin, and Dr. Carl Whitaker.

For example, our habitual reactions to authority
(to having a boss or being the boss) begin early in
life. Family Systems thinking helps one
understand these and other reactions learned
early in life (such as our habits during conflict), so
as to adapt a broader range of behavioral choices
and become a more effective leader.
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Crosby & Associates

Business Application
© Crosby & Associates

Business Application

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program is
designed to both train your leaders and
obtain bottom line business results. To do
this there is a constant focus on
application of ALP activity to your
immediate business needs.

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Business Application

Crosby & Associates

A case study based on a mission critical project or
initiative and approved by their area VP. The case study
includes business results.

A mid-point assessment and conversation with the
participants direct report about their developmental
plan linking it to leadership development objectives.

A day of onsite coaching to ensure maximum learning
and integration with the ALP models.

A final behavioral competency based assessment.

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Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule
© Crosby & Associates

Program Schedule

Crosby & Associates

The Accelerated Leadership Program
contains six one week modules and a half
day of individual coaching for each
participant. The Modules are separated by
about 1 ½ months. Each program is custom
built for the client based on their unique
needs and closely tied to business results.
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Crosby & Associates

Example Schedule

Module 1

Module 2

Module 3

Module 4

EQ Profile

Leadership &
Systems Theory
Related to

Skills 1

Skills 2

Coaching Skills &

Individual and


Helping Skills

Jay Hall Conflict


3rd Party

Authority in

Case Study
Process Begins

Business Change



Case Study Due/

Family Ties
That Bind


Intro to Family of Sponsor Agent
Prep for Group
Leadership Skills


Goal Clarity

Basic Self Skills

© Crosby & Associates

Basic Self Skills

Case Study

On Site
(Faculty with
students in

In Field

Module 5

Module 6

and Group

Synthesis &



Group Process

Crosby & Associates

© Crosby & Associates

Faculty Standards

Crosby & Associates

At Crosby & Associates we hold a strong belief
that Organization Development is a
professional discipline. Our trainings involve
experiential learning using a group process
that holds to strict behavioral science
standards. All our faculty hold Masters
Degrees as well as at least ten years of
coaching and training with a master in the
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Dr. Robert P Crosby
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Crosby & Associates

Dr. Crosby has 60 years of
experience helping organizations.
He is a master in his field, having
founded the Leadership Institute of
Seattle (LIOS) in 1969, and held
faculty roles through LIOS contracts
at universities such as Antioch in
Seattle and Martin University in
Indianapolis, Indiana. Crosby led
successful efforts at PECO Nuclear,
Addy Washington (72% productivity
gain as quoted by Business Week),
The Riverfront Park Project in
Spokane Washington, and
numerous others.


Crosby & Associates

Chris has 20 years of experience coaching
leaders and their teams throughout the
USA and internationally in Germany, Costa
Rica, Wales, Jamaica, England, Hungary,
Egypt, The Philippines, Korea, China, Peru,
Spain and Mexico. He holds two Master of
Arts degrees from the Leadership Institute
of Seattle in both Counseling and
Organizational Development. He knows
how to engage the workforce in such a
way as to build ownership and
commitment yet does not let go of the
realities of structure and authority. Also a
published author, Chris did a significant
portion of the editing in “Cultural Change
in Organizations”.

Chris Crosby, MA
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Crosby & Associates

Gil has 29 years of experience in
the field of OD. He specializes in
Leadership and Organizational
Development. His expertise is in
facilitating cultural change in
support of key initiatives including
technology implementation, cost
reduction, productivity increases,
employee morale, and mergers.
He is a published author whose
book “Fight, Flight, Freeze” helps
leaders improve their interactive
skills and is a do-it-yourself version
of Tough Stuff.

Gil Crosby, MSW
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Crosby & Associates

Past Outcomes
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Crosby & Associates

The following are a
selection of outcomes by
graduates or participants of
Dr. Crosby’s leadership
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Crosby & Associates

• CSI achieved 6 R&D project in one year after they had not successfully
completed any for the past year.
• Alcoa plants at Warrick, Indiana and Knoxville, Tennessee were managed
by the same person who began using Dr. Crosby in 1992. In 1994 those two
plants created 1/3 of Alcoa’s world wide profits after having gone through
two years of intensive OD work. 500 of the population went through Tough
Stuff (Dr. Crosby’s short leadership program), including many steelworkers.
In addition, 30 students were in Dr. Crosby’s corporate based Master
Program from which the ALP program is based.
• In November of 2011 the President of the United States visited the
Davenport Iowa plant to highlight its remarkable business results. From
2002 to 2010, 60% of all Davenport Employees had completed a Dr. Crosby
leadership program.

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Crosby & Associates

• A graduate created the Bench Mark Change Management Program in the
largest software implementation in the history of Alcoa and achieved go
lives in 20 plants with minimal disruption and no missed shipments. The
previous Alcoa BU had 50% on time delivery for one year after its Oracle
• Dr. Crosby led a project to recover the Alcoa plant in Badin, North Carolina.
At the time the Associated Press reported that Alcoa was threatening to
close the plant if cost reductions of $5.5 million could not be achieved. Six
months after implementing the project, the plant was able to confidently
project a budget far exceeding that goal. Dr. Crosby developed a significant
amount of people in the plant through his leadership programs.
• Dr. Crosby led the OD portion of the turnaround at PECO Nuclear. In 1987
the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) shutdown the Peach Bottom
Atomic Station. Following years of extensive OD work PECO was designated
in 1996 as excellent by INPO, and given a strong Systematic Assessment of
Licensee Performance (SALP) rating by the NRC.
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Crosby & Associates

• Following years of Dr. Crosby’s leadership programs and interventions in
the plant Jamalco went from the worst on cash curve amongst Alcoa
bauxite refineries in 1999 to tied for best on cash curve in 2005.
Improvements included a reduction of $38 million in annual operating
costs. Jamalco was the only refinery in Jamaica to stay at full production
throughout the Great Recession.
• After a critical mass of employees went through Dr. Crosby’s leadership
programs Sherwin Alumina was the only US bauxite refinery to stay in
production throughout the Great Recession.