AUSTRIA Graz University of Technology Institute of Experimental Physics Ass. Prof. Dr. Bodil Holst [email protected].

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Transcript AUSTRIA Graz University of Technology Institute of Experimental Physics Ass. Prof. Dr. Bodil Holst [email protected].

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Graz University of Technology
Institute of Experimental Physics
Ass. Prof. Dr. Bodil Holst
[email protected]

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Background Information

Why am I participating in this meeting?
– Because I am a member of the Steering

Committee for the China Frontier Project. This
means I have to provide input and comments to
the project at different stages.

Why was I chosen to be a member of this
– Because I coordinate a NEST Adventure Project –

High risk frontier research (pr. definition)
– As a representative of young scientists at a
relatively early stage of a university careere.

I am also a member of the Advisory panel for
the FP7 priority: Nanosciences,
Nanotechnologies, Materials and new
Production Technologies

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Imaging with Neutral Atoms
(EU NEST Adventure Project)
The objective is to develop a new type of microscopy – Helium atom
microscopy, where a focused beam of He-atoms is used to investigate
samples. The Helium atoms are neutral and have a very low energy (less
than 60 meV for a wavelength around 0.6 A, compared to 600 eV for
electrons at a similar wavelength. This means we can develop a unique
imaging method for fragile, insolating samples with a wide application
range (bio-physical, bio-medical, electronics, etc.).
10 of 180

Total Budget
W. Allison, Cambridge UK
D. Litwin, INOS Poland,
1.4 Million Euro
B. Surma ITME Poland,
Over 3 years
D. Farias Univ. Madrid Spain,
E. Soendergaard Saint Gobain, France

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First image ever using neutral
atoms as the imaging probe:

Imaged object: Hexagonal Transmission grating, 36 micron period, imaged
with a He-beam focused down to about 5 micron.

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The Academic Careere Path in
Europe for Young Scientists
The Bologna Model: 3+2+5 = 8 years of education in
total to complete a Ph.D. The countries in Europe are
trying to adjust to this model.
– Bachelor (18-21 when you begin)
– Master
– PhD
 Postdoc
 Assistant Professor without tenure track (mostly) and
usually no start up money. 5-6 years.
– Often you depend heavily on an older professor. Typically

you do not have the freedom of an American assistant
professor. For example you are not allowed to act as the
main supervisor for a Ph.D. student

Some variations between countries – France and the
UK are quite different.

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Bottom Line

Assistant Professor is a very critical period.
You have to establish your scientific
reputation, set up your own group, do your
first serious teaching etc.
 You cannot afford many unsuccessful
research projects.
 You don’t have many years to cultivate
– Therefore for Collaborations:

Scientific risks – yes
Human risks – preferably not.

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What can be done to encourage cooperation?
 The main obstacles for cooperation with China as I
see them are:
– The Language Obstacle

What can China Frontiers do:
– Set up a database on the Project Website with scientists who received
their Ph.D. abroad or spent at least 2 years working abroad and are now
working as scientists in China, Ideally in cooperation with the Chinese
Government so that the database contain information about all such
scientists. Presumably they have this information. FOR ME AS A

– Lack of Knowledge about the Chinese Research

Environment (where do the best people go?)

What can China Frontiers do:
– Provide an overview of the most important scientific institutions in China
and the highest ranking universities. At the moment I would hesitate to
take on a Chinese PhD because I know nothing about the standards of
Chinese education (and I only have few positions available so I can only
afford to hire good people).

Very Important: Link to the China Frontiers web page from the relevant
EU pages (Main Cordis website etc.): “Interested in Cooperation with
China? Click here”

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Thank you for your attention

“A problem worthy of attack
proves its worth by hitting back”
P. Hein
I already look forward to my next visit to China!