Leanne Knight EDLD 5362 ET8019 NETP The National Education Technology Plan, Transforming American Education: Learning Powered by Technology, calls for applying the advanced technologies used in.

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Transcript Leanne Knight EDLD 5362 ET8019 NETP The National Education Technology Plan, Transforming American Education: Learning Powered by Technology, calls for applying the advanced technologies used in.

Leanne Knight
EDLD 5362
The National Education Technology Plan, Transforming American Education:
Learning Powered by Technology, calls for applying the advanced technologies
used in our daily personal and professional lives to our entire education
system to improve student learning, accelerate and scale up the adoption of
effective practices, and use data and information for continuous
U.S. Department of Education Office of Educational Technology, 2010
Recommendations for states, districts, the
federal government, and other stakeholders
 5 Essential Components of Learning Powered
by Technology
• Learning
• Assessment
• Teaching
• Infrastructure
• Productivity
U.S. Department of Education Office of Educational Technology, 2010
1.0 Goal: All learners will have engaging and empowering learning
experiences both in and out of school that prepare them to be active,
creative, knowledgeable, and ethical participants in our globally networked
1.1 States should continue to revise, create, and implement standards
and learning objectives using technology for all content areas that reflect
21st-century expertise and the power of technology to improve learning.
1.2 States, districts, and others should develop and implement learning
resources that use technology to embody design principles from the
learning sciences.
1.3 States, districts, and others should develop and implement learning
resources that exploit the flexibility and power of technology to reach all
learners anytime and anywhere.
1.4 Use advances in learning sciences and technology to enhance STEM
learning and develop, adopt, and evaluate new methodologies with the
potential to inspire and enable all learners to excel in STEM.
U.S. Department of Education Office of Educational Technology, 2010
2.0 Goal: Our education system at all levels will leverage the power of technology to
measure what matters and use assessment data for continuous improvement.
2.1 States, districts, and others should design, develop, and implement
assessments that give students, educators, and other stakeholders timely and
actionable feedback about student learning to improve achievement and
instructional practices.
2.2 Build the capacity of educators, educational institutions, and developers to
use technology to improve assessment materials and processes for both
formative and summative uses.
2.3 Conduct research and development that explores how embedded assessment
technologies, such as simulations, collaboration environments, virtual worlds,
games and cognitive tutors, can be used to engage and motivate learners while
assessing complex skills.
2.4 Conduct research and development that explores how UDL can enable the
best accommodations for all students to ensure we are assessing what we intend
to measure rather than extraneous abilities a student needs to respond to the
assessment task.
2.5 Revise practices, policies, and regulations to ensure privacy and information
protection while enabling a model of assessment that includes ongoing gathering
and sharing of data for continuous improvement.
U.S. Department of Education Office of Educational Technology, 2010
3.0 Goal: Professional educators will be supported individually and in teams
by technology that connects them to data, content, resources, expertise,
and learning experiences that can empower and inspire them to provide
more effective teaching for all learners.
3.1 Expand opportunities for educators to have access to technologybased content, resources, and tools where and when they need them.
3.2 Leverage social networking technologies and platforms to create
communities of practice that provide career-long personal learning
opportunities for educators within and across schools, pre-service
preparation and in-service educational institutions, and professional
3.3 Use technology to provide all learners with online access to effective
teaching and better learning opportunities and options in places where
they are not otherwise available and in blended (online and offline) l
3.4 Provide pre-service and in-service educators with professional
learning experiences powered by technology to increase their digital
literacy and enable them to create compelling earning environments.
3.5 Develop a teaching force skilled in online instruction.
U.S. Department of Education Office of Educational Technology, 2010
4.0 Goal: All students and educators will have access to a comprehensive
infrastructure for learning when and where they need it.
 4.1 Ensure students and educators have broadband access to the Internet and
adequate wireless connectivity both in and out of school.
 4.2 Ensure that every student and educator has at least one Internet access
device and appropriate software and resources for research, communication,
multimedia content creation, and collaboration for use in and out of school.
 4.3 Support the development and use of open educational resources to promote
innovative and creative opportunities for all learners and accelerate the
development and adoption of new open technology-based learning tools and
 4.4 Build state and local education agency capacity for evolving an infrastructure
for learning.
 4.5 Develop and use interoperability standards for content and student-learning
data to enable collecting and sharing resources and collecting, sharing, and
analyzing data to improve decision making at all levels of our education system.
 4.6 Develop and use interoperability standards for financial data to enable datadriven decision making, productivity advances, and continuous improvement at
all levels of our education system.
U.S. Department of Education Office of Educational Technology, 2010
5.0 Goal: Our education system at all levels will redesign processes and
structures to take advantage of the power of technology to improve
learning outcomes while making more efficient use of time, money, and
5.1 Develop and adopt a common definition of productivity in education
and more relevant and meaningful measures of outcomes, along with
improved policies and technologies for managing costs, including those
for procurement.
5.2 Rethink basic assumptions in our education system that inhibit
leveraging technology to improve learning, starting with our current
practice of organizing student and educator learning around seat time
instead of the demonstration of competencies.
5.3 Develop useful metrics for the educational use of technology in states
and districts.
5.4 Design, implement, and evaluate technology-powered programs and
interventions to ensure that students progress seamlessly through our P–
16 education system and emerge prepared for college and careers.
U.S. Department of Education Office of Educational Technology, 2010
As seen in the National Education Technology Plan, we
need to help teachers and students find innovative uses for
technology. "Internet-savvy students also told us they use the
Internet as a way to collaborate on schoolwork with their
classmates. Employing email and instant messaging
technologies, students say they create, join, leave, rejoin what
might be called ‘virtual study groups’ at will" (Levin & Arafeh,
2002, pg. 11).
Stephen Heppell states in Learning to Change, Changing to
Learn, “It's the death of education but the dawn of learning”
(Pearson Foundation, 2008). Teachers need to accept twenty
first century technology because students embrace this
Texas LRPT
The Texas Education Code, Section 32.001, requires the State Board of Education
(SBOE) to develop a long-range plan for technology and requires that biennial
reports be completed and provided to the governor and Legislature on the progress
toward implementation of this plan.
Texas Education Agency, 2010
Students can expect higher performance and deeper engagement in academic,
real world endeavors by accessing digital tools and resources available 24 hours a
day, 7 days a week (24/7) appropriate to individual strengths, needs and learning
styles. Students know they will be prepared to thrive in a 21st Century workforce
with changing economic implications.
Parents can expect not only to participate more directly in their children’s
education but also to improve their own knowledge as parents and citizens.
Communications increase as parents have 24/7 access to learning resources and
student information such as achievement, attendance, and discipline.
Educators can expect to access and use information on demand in order to
individualize instruction. The use of digital tools and resources and 24/7
professional development opportunities transform the educators’ role in the
educational process. Increased communication will enhance collaboration
between school, home, and community.
Community and school board members can expect more effective and efficient
use of fiscal resources and human capital. Increased communication and
participation in the educational decision-making process is enhanced through the
use of anytime, anywhere digital tools and resources.
Texas Education Agency, 2010
“The Texas Campus STaR
Chart produces a profile of
the campus’ status toward
reaching the goals of the
Long-Range Plan for
Technology (LRPT) and No
Child Left Behind. The
profile indicators place a
campus at one of four levels
of progress in each key area
of the LRPT:
 Early Tech-1
 Developing Tech-2
 Advanced Tech-3
 Target Tech-4
Texas Education Agency, 2010
The key areas include:
Teaching and Learning
Educator Preparation and
Administration and
Instructional Support
Infrastructure for
Most campuses in Texas
show continued
improvement and are
moving from lower levels on
the campus chart towards
the Target Tech level.”(pg. 9)
Goal: Technology Literacy:
 “To assist every student in crossing the digital divide
by ensuring that every student is technology literate
by the time the student finishes the eighth grade,
regardless of the student's race, ethnicity, gender,
family income, geographic location, or disability.”
 The state defines a “technology literate” student as
one who has mastered the Technology Applications
TEKS for Grades K-8. Districts report their progress in
meeting this requirement to TEA and the United
States Department of Education. pg 14
Texas Education Agency, 2010
Technology Plan
Highland Park Independent School District, 2006
Highland Park Independent School District
has prepared this District Technology Plan to
articulate a common vision for technology in
the district and identify the strategies that
will help use technology to promote student
achievement of rigorous curriculum
standards and the development of critical
thinking skills that are essential for academic
and workplace success.
Highland Park Independent School District, 2006
Texas Long-Range Plan for Technology 20062020
Teaching and Learning
Educator Preparation and Development
Leadership, Administration and Support
Infrastructure for Technology
Highland Park Independent School District, 2006
Ensure quality teaching and learning experiences for students, staff, and the community
through the use of innovative technology resources.
Objective 1.1: Design authentic learning opportunities using
Objective 1.2: Promote the process by which individuals and
groups increase instructional effectiveness through the use of
innovative technology.
Objective 1.3: Provide effective support for all stakeholders
utilizing technology to enhance teaching and learning.
Objective 1.4: Design authentic, ongoing assessment that drives
instruction and provides effective and timely feedback.
Objective 1.5: Enrich educational opportunities for teachers,
students and community members by providing enhanced
resources, communication, and adult literacy.
Highland Park Independent School District, 2006
Ensure sustained educator preparation and development in the use of technology that is
standards-based, meaningful and engaging.
Objective 2.1: Enhance professional development
opportunities that promote teacher collaboration,
leadership opportunities, and training support in best
 Objective 2.2: Create a collaborative environment
that nurtures small, personalized and sustainable
learning communities for students and staff.
 Objective 2.3: Increase the effective use of technology
as a tool to design, deliver, and evaluate meaningful
and engaging learning experiences for students.
Highland Park Independent School District, 2006
Build a strong foundation of leadership, administration and services that support exceptional
teaching and learning through the integration of technology.
Objective 3.1: Empower leadership among
staff, students, and community to develop a
clear vision of integration of technology in all
teaching and learning.
Objective 3.2: Provide hardware/software
necessary to support the learning
environment for students.
Highland Park Independent School District, 2006
Ensure a progressive, stable and robust infrastructure for technology that supports the
educational vision of the Highland Park Independent School District.
Objective 4.1: Provide a physical support
structure that optimizes the use of
Objective 4.2: Establish effective policies and
procedures for accessibility to district
Highland Park Independent School District, 2006
Our teachers need to feel reasonably secure in the
infrastructure otherwise technology will not be utilized. “It is
essential for leaders in education and government to agree
that statewide educational networks are a vital part of the
state’s future” (Mathews, 2004, pg. 7). Without a strong
infrastructure, our teachers will not use the technology which
engages our students. Our leaders need to also take into
consideration the areas they are spending their funding. “Too
often school districts invest in technologies because of their
high-tech, 21at century appeal without fully considering their
impact on student learning and long-term total cost of
ownership” (Moore, 2006). We need to find a viable solution to
funding and proper disbursement of funding.
6-8 Early Tech
9-14 Developing Tech
15-20 Advanced Tech
21-24 Target Tech
Teaching and Learning
Educator Preparation and Development
Leadership, Administration, and Instructional Support
Infrastructure for Technology
Bradfield Highland Park Highland Park
Elementary High School Middle School Elementary
Star, 2007
6-8 Early Tech
9-14 Developing Tech
15-20 Advanced Tech
21-24 Target Tech
Teaching and Learning
Educator Preparation and Development
Leadership, Administration, and Instructional Support
Infrastructure for Technology
Bradfield Highland Park Highland Park
Elementary High School Middle School Elementary
Star, 2010
Though Highland Park ISD does not accept
Federal Funding, we make every effort to
expend 25% of our local technology funds on
professional development.
Highland Park Independent School District, 2006
University Park Elementary 2010-2011
Technology Campus Goal:
All faculty and students will have access to technologies that
enhance instruction, information, problem-solving, research,
and communication
University Park Elementary, 2010
4.01: By May 2011, 100% of University Park students and student groups will use workplace and
classroom technologies, e.g., Learning.com, web resources during open-lab, to accomplish the TA
TEKS for grade level clusters K-2 and 3-5.
4.02: By May 2011, 100% of University Park students and student groups will use technologies to
express ideas, solve problems, and information problem-solve through research using technology
4.03: By December 2010, the UP Technology Committee will review and evaluate progress on
acquisition of hardware components and software programs necessary for implementing the
Technology Action Plan.
4.04: By May 2011, 100% of University Park teachers in Classroom of the Future environments will
have completed training in the use of hardware, software, and web-based resources available to and
deployed in their classrooms.
4.05: By May 2011, University Park’s Technology Committee will conduct an end-of-year evaluation of
the impact of the new technologies on instruction and present a Summary Report to UP’s CLC, PTA
Executive Board and General PTA meeting.
4.06: By May 2011, 100% of University Park Student K-4 will have participated in two assured
experience research projects correlated to the TEKS, using an Information Problem Solving Model, as
4.06: By May 2011, 100% of UP Classroom of the Future teachers will attend 10 ActivUser Support
Group meetings.
4.07: By May 2011, 100% of UP teachers will participate in CIT and Teacher-Led Activ-Users groups to
build proficiency in the use of classroom technology tools in lesson design and classroom projects that
promote student creativity and engagement.
University Park Elementary, 2010
Patterns of Classroom Use
Frequency/Design of Instructional Setting
Using Digital Content
Content Area Connections
Technology Applications (TA) TEKS
Implementation (TAC Chapter 126)
Student Mastery of Technology
Applications (TA) TEKS
Online Learning
Content of Professional Development
Models of Professional Development
Capabilities of Educators
Access to Professional Development
Levels of Understanding and Patterns of
Professional Development for Online
Leadership and Vision
Instructional Support
Communication and Collaboration
Leadership and Support for Online Learning
Students per Computer
Internet Access Connectivity/Speed
Other Classroom Technology
Technical Support
Local Area Network Wide Area Network 4
Distance Learning Capacity
Early Tech
Developing Tech
Advanced Tech
Target Tech
6-8 Early Tech
9-14 Developing Tech
15-20 Advanced
21-24 Target Tech
Teaching and Learning
Educator Preparation and
Leadership, Administration, and
Instructional Support
Infrastructure for Technology
University Park Elementary School needs to ensure we utilize
collaborative tools with out students. Web 2.0 tools help to
achieve this goal. We need to use wireless devices to assist in
reaching our Target Tech goal. Moore states, “When combined
with notebook and with hand-held computers with Wi-Fi
capabilities, wireless connectivity gives students, teachers and
administrators unprecedented flexibility for when and where they
do their work” (2006). At our school, we utilizing our wireless in
many innovative ways. We are piloting in a third grade class to
have students bring their own devices since most of our students
have their own devices such as iTouch, iPad, etc. Our network
now allows for any “guest” on our network to use the wireless.
Those utilizing our guest wireless have a more severe filter but no
one has to worry about passwords.
With the continued decrease in funding throughout the state,
we needed to find alternatives to school purchased devices.
“Funding was listed among the most challenging issues”
(Mathews, 2004, pg. 5). We need to insure those who are in
charge of money in our districts see that the actual investments
are worthy of funding.
Another area we need to work to increase is in our online learning
in our classrooms and with our own professional development.
Moodle has become an excellent tool for our students to utilize for
online educational courses and support. “As distance educators seek
to improve the quality of online courses, they face the challenge of
meeting the needs of a diverse population that is more mobile and
technology-savvy than any previous generation. The 21st-century
learner requires educational opportunities not bound by time or place,
yet allow interaction with the instructor and peers” (Beldarrain, 2006,
pg. 150). Distance education allows teachers in a conventional school
to supplement and work with the “tech savvy” students while
assisting those who cannot physically participate in a traditional
school environment. I have seen Moodle appropriately integrated
with first graders and older students. “The importance of knowledge
about effective virtual schooling cannot be overstated” (Cavanaugh,
Gillian, Kromrey, Hess, & Blomeyer, 2004, pg. 22). Our teachers need
training on the proper utilization of online educational environments
so our students can benefit from these tools.
Beldarrain, Y. (2006). Distance education trends: Integrating new technologies to foster student interaction and collaboration. Distance Education, 27.2, 139-153.
Cavanaugh, C., Gillian, K., Kromrey, J., Hess, M., Blomeyer, R. (2004). The effects of distance education on k-12 student outcomes: A meta-analysis. North Central Educational Regional
Laboratory. Retrieved on April 25, 2011, from http://www.ncrel.org/tech/distance/k12distance.pdf
Highland Park Independent School District. (2006). HPISD District Technology Plan. [White paper]. Retrieved May 9, 2011, from
Levin, D., & Arafeh, S. (2002). The digital disconnect: The widening gap between internet-savvy students and their schools. Retrieved April 11, 2011, from Pew Internet and American Life
Project: http://pewinternet.org/~/media/Files/Reports/2002/PIP_Schools_Internet_Report.pdf.pdf
Mathews, J.B. (2004, April). Why statewide educational networks are important to state and educational leaders. Southern Regional Educational Board. Retrieved on April 18, 2011, from
Moore, R. J., (2006, August). The five best accelerators in school. School Administrator, 63.7, p.8.
Pearson Foundation. (Producer). (2008). Learning to change, changing to learn. Retrieved April 12, 2011,from http://www.schooltube.com/user/cosn_edtech
Star. (2007). Texas Campus STaR Chart Summary. [White paper]. Retrieved May 11, 2011, from http://starchart2.esc12.net/districtreport.aspx?id=d278a84b-fc9f-43d5-aae878d174b56e8b&foryear=20062007
Star. (2010). Texas Campus STaR Chart Summary. [White paper]. Retrieved May 11, 2011, from http://starchart2.esc12.net/districtreport.aspx?id=d278a84b-fc9f-43d5-aae878d174b56e8b&foryear=20092010
Texas Education Agency. (2010). 2010 Progress Report on the Long-Range Plan for Technology. [White paper]. Retrieved from
University Park Elementary. (2010). University Park Elementary Campus Improvement Plan. [White paper]. http://up.hpisd.org/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=iFx0YyKNIIw%3d&tabid=426
U.S. Department of Education Office of Educational Technology. (2010) National Education Technology Plan 2010. [White paper]. Retrieved from
Leanne Knight
EDLD 5362