Kåre Sand Isager Legal Adviser and Specialconsultant The Youth Center - Jobcenter Aarhus Departement of Employment City of Aarhus Agenda 1.

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Transcript Kåre Sand Isager Legal Adviser and Specialconsultant The Youth Center - Jobcenter Aarhus Departement of Employment City of Aarhus Agenda 1.

Kåre Sand Isager Legal Adviser and Specialconsultant The Youth Center - Jobcenter Aarhus

Departement of Employment

City of Aarhus


1. Danish labour market model - Flexicurity 2. Disability compensating schemes 3. Examples of use  Morfeus  Staff

Departement of Employment

City of Aarhus

Security Relatively high wellfare

Departement of Employment

City of Aarhus Flexicurity Flexible Hiring and firing ALMP/ Active measures

The flexible and incluisve labourmarket

Flexicurity model ALMP 1. Act on active employment initiatives – normal measures 2. Reduced ability to work a) Rehabilitation b) Compensation schemes c) Flexjob d) Sparejob

Departement of Employment

City of Aarhus

The flexible and inclusive labourmarket - Overview

Disability compensating schemes

• Act on disabled people in jobs • The Act on active employment initiatives • The Act on active social policy Workplace design and aids The Icebreaker scheme Special pedagogical support Personal assistance social mentor flexjob Privileged access to job interviews Sparejobs Rehabilitation

Departement of Employment

City of Aarhus

Examples of use

Project Morfeus

Integrating people with schizophrenia on the labour market

Departement of Employment

City of Aarhus

Project Morfeus - Flexjob

• Target group –

Are under the pensionable age (65)

Have a permanent and significant reduced ability to working

– Is not receiving early retirement pension / disability pension –

As unable to obtain or retain employment under normal conditions in the labor market Departement of Employment

City of Aarhus

Project Morfeus - Flexjob

• Wages and working conditions – Assesment of ability to work in the concrete job • Full productivity in a reduced number of hours • Full time with reduced productivity • Reduced hours with reduced productivity • Hours x productivity (%) = efficient hours

Departement of Employment

City of Aarhus

Project Morfeus - Flexjob

• Flex subsidy from the municipality – Max subsidy 17.0008 kr pr month – Is reduced by 30 % of income up til 13.208 Kr • Ex : Wage 5200 kr. 17.008 kr.- ( 5200kr x 0,30)= 15.448 kr + wage=total wage – Is also reduced by 55 % of income above 13208 kr • Ex wage 17333 kr 17008 kr. – ((13208 x 0,3)= (17333-13208) x 0,55 = 3962,40 kr.

2268,75 kr 6231,15 6231,15-17008 kr= 10776,85 kr + wage =total wage

Departement of Employment

City of Aarhus

Project Morfeus

• • • • • • OPUS offers: Talks between the patient and doctors, psychologists etc Medical treatment Education in schizophrenia for the patient and family Groups that teach social skills Group for people who hear voices Cooperation with municipalities  Jobcenter

Departement of Employment

City of Aarhus

The goals

• The candidates starts an education or gets a job on normal or special conditions ( flexjob) .

• The candidates are achieving real and long lasting attachment to the labor market • The candidates experiences an earlier, more qualified, coordinated and coherent employment assistance effort • The candidates experience increased ability to cope with life, life quality and de-stigmatization.

Departement of Employment

City of Aarhus

The goals

• 50 candidates in the project in a two year period ( 01.12.13 – 30.11.15) • 60 % starts an education or gets a job • 90 % experience an increased ability to cope with life and more insight in own resources • 60 % experience improved quality of life ( Based on the QoL scale – questionnaire)

Departement of Employment

City of Aarhus

The candidates

• • • Positive symptoms: Negative thoughts, hear voices, anxiety, Hallucinations, delusions Negative symptoms: Lack of drive or initiative, emotional reaction, enthusiasm, social interaction Cognitive disorders Memory, overview, concentration, slow, Lack of self-awareness of the disease

Departement of Employment

City of Aarhus


• • Pre-vokational training”(PVT): “Train then place” Supported employment (SE): “Place then train” • Evidence-based approach method in 7 steps The key principles of Individual Placement and Support (IPS) 1. Everyone who wants it is eligible for employment support  No eligibility criteria, regardless of job readiness

Departement of Employment

City of Aarhus


2. Employment specialists and clinical teams work close together 

Positive symptoms:

Negative thoughts, hear voices, anxiety Hallucinations, delusions

Negative symptoms:

Lack of drive or initiative, emotional reaction, enthusiasm, social interaction

Cognitive disorders

Memory, overview, concentration, slow Lack of self-awareness of the disease Company Consultants

Departement of Employment

City of Aarhus OPUS Candidates Social Worker Psykoeduaction Company


3. The goal is employment on the ordinary labor market

Departement of Employment

City of Aarhus



Guidance on employment law and how work will have influence on social services 5.

Job outplacement is rapid and starts immediately after inclusion in the programme 6.

Follow-up and support as long as needed 7.

Job search is consistent with individual preferences want to work, what do you want to do and what are your dreams ?

 Do you

Departement of Employment

City of Aarhus

Results so fare

• • • • • • • 68 participants has enrolled in the project 49 participants has participated in comapany practices / interships 6 participants has started education 5 participants are about to start education 12 participants are being visitated to flexjob 1 has started flexsjob 61 companies has been involved i company practices / internships

Departement of Employment

City of Aarhus

Examples of use Project Staff

Integrating people who are mentally disabled on the labour market

Departement of Employment

City of Aarhus

Staff - Sparejob

• SpareJobs is jobs with a wage subsidy for people on early retirement pension • The special thing about sparejob is that the wage and working condtions are designed for the indvidual.

Departement of Employment

City of Aarhus

Staff – Sparejob

• • • The municipality pays a wage subsidy to the employer The wage subsidy is 26,15 kr. pr. hour for both private and public employers In special cases, the wage subsidy, however, constitute 45,79 kr. pr hour. The employer pays the difference between the the subsidy and the agreed wage

Departement of Employment

City of Aarhus

Departement of Employment

City of Aarhus



• • • • Everyone who wants it is eligible ( mentally disabled) The goal is employment on the ordinary labor market ( mostly sparejobs) Job outplacement is rapid and starts immediately after inclusion in the programme Follow-up and support as long as needed

Departement of Employment

City of Aarhus



Coop Dansk Supermarked Ikea Municipality Others* Kiwi


2 27 7 19 30 7


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*Others: Matas, Silvan, McDonalds, Sportsmaster, Netto, Cinemaxx, Kindergardens, other smaller companies .

15 Departement of Employment

City of Aarhus


2 31 7 21 39 7 3


Departement of Employment

City of Aarhus

Peter - Bilka

"Peter creates a good work environment- especially Monday mornings"