The leprechauns Quesqu'un leprechaun ● the leprechaun is a small magical creature after man of Irish folklore, the leprechaun says leipreachan in ireland and the.

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Transcript The leprechauns Quesqu'un leprechaun ● the leprechaun is a small magical creature after man of Irish folklore, the leprechaun says leipreachan in ireland and the.

Quesqu'un leprechaun
the leprechaun is a small magical creature after man of
Irish folklore, the leprechaun says leipreachan in ireland
and the farfedet then became a fictional
Sa description
leprechaun are small to be dressed like the first
emigrants américains.ils wear a top hat with a buckle, a
jacket, short pants, and shoes as loop; formerly
leprechaun was dressed in red, her green garment is
very recent.
He Tours and Cruises in the forest are carrying his bundle
and sometimes trésor.son main activity is to manufacture
and polish shoes fairy his size.
Its pot of
The clover a symbol of saint
His shoes
The magic
Saint patrick
the leprechaun is the symbol of saint patrick is
March 17, so it is for this that he has a clover on his
jacket.He is shown saint patrick cards that Irish
exchange .
Sa légende
the leprechaun is depicted with a cauldron of gold coins is
his treasure, he carries thanks to the magic. according to
legend, he hides his treasure at the foot of a rainbow and
whoever manages to capture him may to admit the place
of cahette.Mais attention, catch a leprechaun is not
guaranteed to find the trésoncar it is clever and will try
anything to protect his treasure, care should be taken to
avoid the music of his flute magical instrument he plays
the same way as the flute
À la television
the leprechaun is famous it is often used in film and TV for
example in 1959 in the studio for a disney movie called »
Darly o 'gill and leprechaun »
Dans le téléfilm « le monde magique des leprechauns »
AU cinéma il apparaît dans une saga de 6 films d'horreur
Dans le film »Harry Potter et la coupe de feu »
Dans plusieurs épisodes « des Simpson et de South Park »
Dans plusieurs séries comme « les sorciers de waverly
place »