Cms2TS Troubleshooting+ tm Problem Solving, Troubleshooting, etc. Cougar Mountain Software Professional Version cms2TS Troubleshooting+ tm Accounts Payable Module-Problem Solving I duplicated some of the bills.

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Transcript Cms2TS Troubleshooting+ tm Problem Solving, Troubleshooting, etc. Cougar Mountain Software Professional Version cms2TS Troubleshooting+ tm Accounts Payable Module-Problem Solving I duplicated some of the bills.

Cms2TS Troubleshooting+ tm
Problem Solving, Troubleshooting, etc.
Cougar Mountain Software
Professional Version
cms2TS Troubleshooting+ tm
Accounts Payable Module-Problem Solving
I duplicated some of the bills when I entered them in the batch. Can I delete them?
 As long as you have not posted the transaction(s), you can clear them from the
batch or clear the batch completely. If you want to delete the duplicated bill(s),
select Enter Bills from the Enter Bills menu and use the Find button to locate
the bill(s) you want to delete.
 If you want to clear the entire batch, select Clear Bills from the Enter Bills
cms2TS Troubleshooting+ tm
Accounts Payable Module-Problem Solving
Why can't I delete a temporary vendor who has a $0 balance?
 Make sure the Secure Vendor check box is unchecked in the AP Module
Preferences window.
cms2TS Troubleshooting+ tm
Accounts Payable Module-Problem Solving
I have bills that are paid to one vendor, but I would like to expense the amount to
different General Ledger accounts. How can I do this?
 You can expense bills to different accounts by using Allocation Codes.
 Select AP Allocation Codes from the Options menu.
cms2TS Troubleshooting+ tm
Accounts Payable Module-Problem Solving
cms2TS Troubleshooting+ tm
Accounts Receivable Module-Problem Solving
Why won’t the system let me delete a duplicate customer account that was created
in error?
 In order to delete a customer account, the account has to have a $0 balance.
Since this is a duplicate account, you can merge the two accounts together
instead of deleting one.
 To do this, select Renumber Customers from the Customer menu.
cms2TS Troubleshooting+ tm
Accounts Receivable Module-Problem Solving
Why does it take longer to run reports now than when I first started using Cougar
 You may need to purge unwanted transaction information to speed up this
process. Before purging any transaction history, we recommend you back up
your data.
 If you are familiar with the backup process, you can purge your transaction
history by selecting Purge History from the Period End menu.
cms2TS Troubleshooting+ tm
Accounts Receivable Module-Problem Solving
cms2TS Troubleshooting+ tm
Bank Reconciliation Module-Problem Solving
Is there any way that I can add vendors from Accounts Payable so that I don’t have
to re-enter all of their information?
 Open Payee Card File from the Options menu.
 Select the Add From AP/PR button and enter the necessary information.
cms2TS Troubleshooting+ tm
Bank Reconciliation Module-Problem Solving
My Cash in Bank balance in General Ledger and the Bank Account balance in Bank
Reconciliation do not agree. What can I do?
 This is usually caused by a transaction posting to the Cash in Bank Account
from somewhere other than Bank Reconciliation.
 Print an Audit Trail Report for the Cash in Bank Account from the Reports menu
in General Ledger and look for items that were not posted from Bank
cms2TS Troubleshooting+ tm
Bank Reconciliation Module-Problem Solving
What is the best way to void a check that wasn't posted from Bank Reconciliation?
 Void any checks in the module from which they were posted.
 Voiding a check in Bank Reconciliation will not void it in the original module from
which it was posted.
cms2TS Troubleshooting+ tm
Bank Reconciliation Module-Problem Solving
cms2TS Troubleshooting+ tm
General Ledger Module-Problem Solving
Why are there discrepancies in my Audit Trail and Trial Balance Reports?
 Recalculate your period file by selecting File Maintenance then Recalculate
Period File from the Options menu.
 We recommend you back up your data files before using this command.
cms2TS Troubleshooting+ tm
General Ledger Module-Problem Solving
I have two companies. How can I have my reports show both companies’ financial
 You have to consolidate the ledgers for both companies in order for the
information to print on one report.
 To do this select Consolidate Ledgers from the Reports menu.
cms2TS Troubleshooting+ tm
General Ledger Module-Problem Solving
cms2TS Troubleshooting+ tm
Inventory Module-Problem Solving
Why can’t I see vendor information from within the Inventory module?
 Make sure that the AP Lookup Enabled option is selected in the Accounts
Payable drop-down list on the General tab of the IN Module Preferences
cms2TS Troubleshooting+ tm
Inventory Module-Problem Solving
My Inventory Control Report shows discrepancies in the on-hand stock quantities.
How can I fix this?
 Recalculate your inventory files. Select File Maintenance from the Options
menu and then Recalculate Inventory Files.
 You should always back up your data files and print the Inventory Control Report
before recalculating.
cms2TS Troubleshooting+ tm
Inventory Module-Problem Solving
When I try to assemble a kit and use the Lookup, all my stock items are listed. How
can I see only the kits available?
 In the IN Adjust Stock Quantities window, select the Bill of Materials Type
check box.
 Then when you access the Lookup, only your Kits will show.
cms2TS Troubleshooting+ tm
Inventory Module-Problem Solving
cms2TS Troubleshooting+ tm
Job Cost Module-Problem Solving
cms2TS Troubleshooting+ tm
Payroll Module-Problem Solving
I have some employees who work in two different companies. Is there any way to
copy employees from one company to another?
 You can use the Copy Employees window from the Employee menu to copy
employees between companies.
cms2TS Troubleshooting+ tm
Payroll Module-Problem Solving
Is there any way that I can set a User-Defined Field to only allow a certain number
of characters?
 If you use User-Defined Fields 11 and/or 12, you can set the length allowed for
data entry to between 0 and 30 alphanumeric characters.
cms2TS Troubleshooting+ tm
Payroll Module-Problem Solving
cms2TS Troubleshooting+ tm
Point of Sale Module-Problem Solving
We open the registers with the same amount of cash every day. How do I set up the
system so that my clerks don’t have to re- enter the opening amount every day?
 You can set up the registers in the PS Register Codes window.
 Enter the correct opening amount in the Opening Cash box.
cms2TS Troubleshooting+ tm
Point of Sale Module-Problem Solving
Can I save my register without it being balanced? What will happen?
 You can save your register even if the actual tender does not match the
recorded transactions.
 In this case the overage or shortage will be posted to the specified GL
Over/Short Account. (If you don’t have General Ledger installed, or if Sales is
not integrated to General Ledger, the amount will not be posted to an account
but the register can still be saved).
cms2TS Troubleshooting+ tm
Point of Sale Module-Problem Solving
When I try to generate or regenerate my checks I receive an error message
because the system does not detect a corresponding check image file (.tif file).
What should I do?
 This can occur if the corresponding image file was deleted or otherwise lost. In
this case, you need to restore from backup.
cms2TS Troubleshooting+ tm
Point of Sale Module-Problem Solving
cms2TS Troubleshooting+ tm
Purchase Order Module-Problem Solving
When I receive my POs, I don’t see anywhere to enter the freight information.
Where do I enter this information?
 The Freight tab is only available if you selected Prepaid in the Freight Terms
box when entering the original purchase order.
cms2TS Troubleshooting+ tm
Purchase Order Module-Problem Solving
I want to pre-issue PO numbers for my buyers, but I donユt see this option
anywhere. Can I do this?
 Yes. Select Pre-Issue PO Numbers on the PO Module Preferences window.
 Then go to the Options menu and select Pre-Issue POs.
cms2TS Troubleshooting+ tm
Purchase Order Module-Problem Solving
cms2TS Troubleshooting+ tm
______ Module-Problem Solving
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