Hyper-Distribution Solutions www.djingle.com Contact :  : +33 (0)9 52 055 055  : [email protected] Djingle: Company profile • Djingle is an software company expert in.

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Transcript Hyper-Distribution Solutions www.djingle.com Contact :  : +33 (0)9 52 055 055  : [email protected] Djingle: Company profile • Djingle is an software company expert in.

Hyper-Distribution Solutions
Contact :
 : +33 (0)9 52 055 055
 : [email protected]
Djingle: Company profile
• Djingle is an software company expert in Content Predictive Delivery technologies since
2002, awarded by 2 leading RnD public agencies:
Best IT (Capital IT 2004) and Best'Innov (Capital IT 2006)
Awarded by OSEO and French Ministry of Research
• The Djingle Hyper-Distribution Platform allows to improve content delivery over IP:
Making Internet infrastructure infinitely scalable
Killing distribution costs (up to 90% savings on bandwidth costs and server loads)
Guaranteeing HD Video Quality
Increasing ARPU and users’ loyalty thanks to One-to-One Predictive Delivery
• Our mission:
• Helping media to face online video market boom
• Helping Brands and corporates to enter eCRM 2.0 strategies developing video marketing
Main references
Main clients
Djingle won prestigious
Travolution Award
2008 for “Widget by
Air France”.
Video over Internet: opportunities and challenges
• Video consumption drives Internet traffic
explosion: Video on Demand, Personal TV,
P2P, UGC, sharing sites, etc.
• 15/30-year old now spend more time on Internet than
in front of their TV sets
• Video will drive 90% of the global Internet traffic in
• Huge distribution costs
Vincent Dureau, Head of TV technologies @ Google, Feb. 2007
« No web infrastructure, even not Google's one, could
face video revolution »
« Nobody will be able to provide the quality of service
people will expect »
Julien Coulon, Senior Executive @ Akamaï, Nov 2008
« The Internet won’t scale for video over IP »
Bandwidth costs + server loads:
when users
Limited infrastructures
No scalability
availability and quality NOT
guaranteed (peaks)
 Success penalty
Main value propositions
Value proposition #1
• Bandwidth costs and server loads
• Unlimited scalability
Reversing the success penalty
• Guaranteed video quality (HD) and availability
regardless to peaks
Proposition de valeur #2
Predictive delivery
The right content to the right user
• Dynamic behavior-based One-to-One push
 Boosting audience at no cost  ARPU
 Increasing users’ loyalty
 Improving users Database knowledge
• Developing and dematerializing eCRM
• One-to-One Advertising  ARPU
• Improving Quality of Experience (QoE):
Widgets, media players
New services (podcasting, desktop alerting, offline
playback, dynamic EPGs, recommendation engine)
• Demonstrating your innovation capacity, entering
the Web 2.0 era
Value proposition #1: Reversing
the success penalty
Killing bandwidth costs: You only pay the bandwidth
consumed from your server or CDN.
 Each Peer providing its own resources does not cost a cent!
 From 50 to more than 90% of bandwidth costs saved
Reducing server loads:
 Your server or CDN is freed and made available for ever more users.
Unlimiting scalability:
 The more users you have, the more seeds are available to serve the content.
The scalability is theoretically unlimited.
Making HD quality possible
Distribution under central control:
Delivery parameters monitored in real-time in order to
improve distribution efficiency and insure availability
 Peaks smoothing
 Zapping time improved (canceled), No (re)buffering
Security (Double DRM approach)
Value proposition #2:
Delivering the right content to the right user
Push = automatic distribution of contents to users upon their choices as well as a
dynamic behavior-based analysis
Boosting audience at no costs
Tiscali Player
• Views x14 in only 3 months
• Videos penetration: 73%
Developing sales and marketing
Improving users’ loyalty
Impact of video on sales: +326%
on bestbuy.com
Developing eCRM strategies
Src: Bestbuy.com, 2007
Initiating new usages:
Video Podcasting & Desktop Alerting
Offline playback
One-to-One recommendation engine
Enering C-to-C (Consumer to Consumer) and community strategies
One-to-One advertising