Rise of Nationalism I. NATIONALISM A. deep devotion to ones country 1. A unifying force 2.

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Transcript Rise of Nationalism I. NATIONALISM A. deep devotion to ones country 1. A unifying force 2.

Rise of Nationalism
A. deep devotion to ones country
1. A unifying force
2. Could cause intense competition between
countries, each seeking to over throw each
B. Caused rivalries among Europe’s Great
C. Cause for the Rivalries
1. Competition for materials and markets
a. Great Britain and the
Industrial Revolution
b. Others challenged Britain’s
c. Germany challenged Britain with
a growing economy due to new
d. Germany and Britain were
competing for industrial dominance
1. Rivalries grew out of
territorial disputes
e. Austria-Hungary and Russia
tried to dominate the Balkans
A. Imperialism set the stage for war in Europe
B. Europe competed for colonies in Africa and
1. Germany and France nearly fought over who
would control Morocco
2. France, supported by most of Europe,
caused Germany to back down
C. European countries continued to compete for
overseas empires creating rivalry and mistrust
A. The policy of glorifying military power and
keeping an army prepared for war
B. Nationalism led to an arms race
C. European countries believed to be great they
needed a powerful military
D. By 1914, all Great Powers except Great
Britain had large armies
E. Military experts stressed the importance
of mobilizing troops in case of a war
F. Having large armies made citizens feel
patriotic but also frightened some
IV. Alliances
A. International rivalries led to several
military alliances among Great Powers.
1. Alliances were designed to keep
B. Chancellor Otto von Bismarck of Prussia used
war to unify Germany
1. After Germany was a “satisfied power”,
Bismarck worked to maintain peace in Europe
C. Bismarck thought that France was a threat to
peace because France wanted revenge for its
defeat in the Franco-Prussian War (France vs
D. Bismarck’s first goal was to isolate France
1. Bismarck formed the Dual Alliance between
Germany and Austria-Hungary. Three years
later Italy joined creating the TRIPLE
2. Russia had a treaty with
Bismarck taking away another
ally from France
3. The Triple Alliance was
unstable because of Russia and
Austria’s bitter rivalry over the
V. Peace is threatened
A. Kaiser Wilhelm II, of
Germany, forced Bismarck to
resign because he did not
want to share power
Kaiser Wilhelm II
1. Wilhelm II wanted to assert his power
2. Show how mighty Germany had
B. Wilhelm let a treaty with Russia lapse
causing Russia to form an alliance with
1. The alliance of France and Russia was
a fear of Wilhelm
C. Germany would be forced to
fight a two front war, a war on
both its eastern and western
borders, if it went to war with
Russia or France
D. Wilhelm challenged Great
Britain because he was envious
of the large empire and navy
VI. The Balkan region was
struggling to become free
from Ottoman rule
A. Bulgaria, Greece, Montenegro, Romania,
and Serbia were formed
B. Nationalism is powerful in area
C. Russia and Austria-Hungary were in
conflict over Serbia
D. Russia supported Serbian nationalism
E. Austria feared rebellion among the Slavic
population and felt threatened by
Serbia’s growth
1. Austria ANNEXED or took over Bosnia
and Herzegovina (B&H)
2. Serbian leaders were outraged because of
the large Slavic population in B&H
F. Russia offered Serbia support but it meant little
because Russia was not ready for war
1. Germany stood behind Austria causing
Russia to back down
G. Serbia gained confidence and territory after
emerging victorious from local disputes
1. Serbia was eager to take over B&H from
2. Austria vowed to crush any Serbian who
undermine their authority
VII. Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife,
Sophie, were visiting Sarajevo, Bosnia
A. Gavirlo Princip assassinate Ferdinand and
his wife
B. Princip, a Serbian, caused Austria to
punish Serbia
C. Wilhelm urged Austria to be aggressive and
offered Germany’s support
Above: Gavirlo Princip
Left: Picture of the
Funeral Procession of the Archduke Ferdinand and his wife
D. Austria gave Serbia an ultimatum
1. List was deliberately harsh
2. Demands included ending anti-Austrian
3. Allow Austrian officials into Serbia to
investigate the assassination
4. Serbia agreed to most demands and
others were settled in an international
VIII. Austria did not want to negotiate
A. On July 28, Austria rejected Serbia’s
offer and declared war
B. Russia took action against Austria
C. Europe collapsed even though many
urged negotiations and war was set in