Environment and Health Information System in the Netherlands Brigit Staatsen, Jessica Kwekkeboom, Anne Knol, Caroline Ameling, Kees Huijsmans, Tilly Fast, Diane Houweling ER.

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Transcript Environment and Health Information System in the Netherlands Brigit Staatsen, Jessica Kwekkeboom, Anne Knol, Caroline Ameling, Kees Huijsmans, Tilly Fast, Diane Houweling ER.


Environment and Health Information System in the Netherlands

Brigit Staatsen, Jessica Kwekkeboom, Anne Knol, Caroline Ameling, Kees Huijsmans, Tilly Fast, Diane Houweling 1


• NEHAP: • aim: – develop a system to collect, analyse and present spatial and temporal trends on environment and health r Environment and health information system in NL | Diane Houweling 2

In the Netherlands:

• A lot of information available, scattered over various databases • combining • harmonising • development of an Environment and Health Information System r Environment and health information system in NL | Diane Houweling 3

Environment and health information system indicators information on dataset background information (projects etc)


indicators : information on dataholder datawarehouse E&H(Oracle) G. RIF F. EURO INDY data analysis justification of data-analysis background information on indicators


policy regulations indicator reports results

Environment and health information system in NL | Diane Houweling 4

Driving forces Affluence/disposable income Mobility etc.

Pressure Road development Road traffic density State Noise levels Exposure Noise Action Economic policies Transport policies Social policies etc.

Clean technologies, emission limits ,planning controls etc.

Environmental standards monitoring remediation etc.

Education, awareness raising ,early warning systems etc.

Counseling, treatment, rehabilitation etc.

Effect annoyance sleep disturbance Hypertension

r Environment and health information system in NL | Diane Houweling 5

Meta-information system (IMeG)

r Environment and health information system in NL | Diane Houweling 6

r Environment and health information system in NL | Diane Houweling 7

r Environment and health information system in NL | Diane Houweling 8

Indicators on noise easy available in the Netherlands

r Environment and health information system in NL | Diane Houweling 9

driving force - 1

r Environment and health information system in NL | Diane Houweling 10

driving force - 2

r Environment and health information system in NL | Diane Houweling 11

driving force - 3

r Environment and health information system in NL | Diane Houweling 12

driving force - 4 r Environment and health information system in NL | Diane Houweling 13

pressure - 1

r Environment and health information system in NL | Diane Houweling 14

exposure - 1 r Environment and health information system in NL | Diane Houweling 15

exposure - 2 r Environment and health information system in NL | Diane Houweling 16

exposure - 3

r Environment and health information system in NL | Diane Houweling 17

effect - 1 Population annoyed by noise

60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1989 1991 1993 1995


1997 r 1999 2001 Environment and health information system in NL | Diane Houweling total road traffic neighbours air traffic railway traffic industry 18

effect - 2 Population highly annoyed by noise

50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 to ta l ro ad tr af fic ne ig hb ou rs ai r t ra ffi c in du st ry en te rta in m en t ra ilw ay tr af fic r Environment and health information system in NL | Diane Houweling 1993 1998 19

effect - 3 Sleep disturbance by noise in 1998

r 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 ro ad tr af fic ai r t ra ffi c ra ilw ay tr af fic in du st ry en te rta in m en t ne ig hb ou rs Environment and health information system in NL | Diane Houweling to ta l 20

policy - 1

r Environment and health information system in NL | Diane Houweling 21

r Environment and health information system in NL | Diane Houweling 22

Evaluation by policy makers:

• EH infosystem useful • expansion and further harmonisation needed (national, regional, local) • policy evaluation sometimes based on other indicators (for instance number of environmental health professionals) • website for public: also information on how to deal with complaints about environmental health • expansion of the dataset to enable international comparisons r Environment and health information system in NL | Diane Houweling 23

Conclusions about EH information system:

• Information in NL not always according to definitions WHO methodology sheet • time consuming (harmonisation indicators and instruments; regional, national, international) • HIA: possibility to calculate health effects based on exposures • Most efforts you do for the WHO EHIS project have relevance for the


EH information system • Future: website and data exchange platform r Environment and health information system in NL | Diane Houweling 24

Indicators available in Dutch environmental data compendium http://arch.rivm.nl/environmentaldata/

r Environment and health information system in NL | Diane Houweling 25