MODAL VERBS Can ,could ,shall ,should ,may ,might ,must ,will ,would May ,Might  May as a principal verb is used to denote: 1- permission.

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Transcript MODAL VERBS Can ,could ,shall ,should ,may ,might ,must ,will ,would May ,Might  May as a principal verb is used to denote: 1- permission.

Can ,could ,shall ,should ,may
,might ,must ,will ,would
May ,Might
 May as a principal verb is used to denote:
1- permission ; as:
May I go out?
2- Doubt ,uncertainty ;as:
He may arrive at station in time if he hurries.
3- Possibility ;as:
It may rain tonight.
 May and might are used in question
Ex :May I trouble you to pass the salt?
Can ,could
 Can is used as a principal verb to express:
1- power or ability ;as:
He can speak English.
2-permission ;as:
You can go.
Could I have that dictionary ,please?
 Must is used to express:
1- compulsion or strong moral obligation; as:
We must keep our promises.
2- fixed determinate ;as:
I must have my money book.
3-duty; as:
ajudge must be upright.
 Must not can only be used when you want to tell
somebody that they are not allowed to do
Shall, should
A- Shall:
 In assertive sentences, shall in first person
simply gives information about the future action;
I shall help you.
 Shall in second and third person is used denote:
1-A promise ; as:
You shall have holiday tomorrow .
2- command ;as:
He shall go.
B- Should:
should, the past form of shall, is
1- to express duty or obligation in all
persons ;as:
We should help the poor.
2-when giving or asking advice ;as:
You shouldn’t laugh at her mistakes.
Will ,would
A- Will:
1- In assertive sentence ,will in the second and third persons indicates
simple futurity , without any reference to the wish of agent ;as:
He will win the first prize.
2- will in the first person is used to denote ,
1- A promise ; as,
I will help you.
2- wish ;as,
I will go home.
B- Would:
Would ,the past form of will ,is used :
1- to express a wish ;as ,
I would know what my duty is.
2-to indicate refusal ; as,
She wouldn’t answer any questions.