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58 Questions Part B

Intoxicated appearance, slurred speech, sweet, fruity, or acetone smelling breath of alcohol are signs and symptoms of

Diabetes (high levels of sugar become poisonous)

_____________ symptoms ranges from a blank stare into space or random shaking to twitching extremities or whole body muscle contractions.


While having a ______________, the patient may stop breathing temporarily, bite his or her tongue, become incontinent, make noises, spit and have a foamy appearance around the mouth, and/or be unresponsive.


An officer leaves a patient before properly relieved by a trained professional on the side of the road is called


Signs and symptoms of an insect bite or sting are similar to those of injected




Insect bite Tick engorged with blood

Which venom contains some of the most complex poisons known.


Snakebite to the lower leg Snakebite to the lower leg several days after the bite

What is the preferred way to remove stinger in skin from an insect

• scrape the stinger away from the skin with the edge of a plastic card held at an angle

_____________ a severe allergic reaction in which air passages swell and restrict breathing

anaphylaxis shock

What is a way that can contact hepatitis A?

fecal contamination

Which type of Hepatitis is one of the most common Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)

Hepatitis B

What are the four levels of responsiveness or consciousness when assessing a patient?

Alert, verbal, pain, unresponsive

What are you looking for when comparing an injured body?

deformities, open injuries, tenderness, swelling (DOTS)

Open fracture of the legs Open fracture of the ankle

Which one of these drags is an approved emergency drag?

clothes drag

Who can refuse care at the scene?

person not under the influence, conscious, of legal age of an adult, competent

What are the most serious emergencies?

head and neck

Deep laceration of the cheek and nose Lacerated Neck

Which are types of eye traumas?

chemical burns objects impaled in the eye extruded eyeball

If air enters into a blood vessel in the neck, it could cause the possibility of

heat attack Stroke pulmonary embolism

When dealing with a dislocated bone, why should you not put the bone back in place

major blood vessels and nerve lie near the joint

When assessing Pulse Motor Sensory (PMS) function, this function can assess for movement of upper extremities.


PMS definitions Pulse: assess for circulation before and after splinting by checking for distal circulation below the injury site: upper and lower extremities.

Motor : assess for motor functions (movement) of upper extremities. Ask the patient to move his or her fingers and/or squeeze your hand. Sensory: Asses for sensation before movement. Ask the patient if he or she has feeling where you touch.

Who can't refuse care on scene?

person incompetent, under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or meets the criteria for Baker or Marchman Acts

Consent that is clearly and unmistakably stated, and express consent is affirmative consent such as verbal or physical assertion of the affirmation is called

Expressed consent

This occurs when the body cannot recover from loss of fluids and salts


A stroke is damage to part of the brain due to _________ or _________ of a blood vessel. Cross-section of brain showing a stroke

Rupture or blockage

The roles and responsibilities of the criminal justice first aid provider differs from other professionals within the EMS system by

Do not administer medication Do not restrain patients Do not staff and drives ambulance

Your primary concern as a first aid provider is the


In the __________ and ethical issues, the public has come to expect and law requires you to be competent criminal justice officers whose behavior is always above reproach.


Duty to act refers to your contractual or ___________ obligation to provide care.


______________ occurs when you either fail to act or act inappropriately.

Breach of duty

As a law enforcement officer, you have a duty to act __________ within your jurisdictional boundaries.

24 hours 7 days a week

Standard or scope of care is care that you are expected to provide to the same patient under the same conditions as would any criminal justice first aid provider who received the same level of ____________.


The ______________ protects a civilian first aid provider from liability for medical care performed in good faith or medical care similar to the expected of another first aid provider with equal training.

Good Samaritan Act

The Good Samaritan Act does not apply to

Law enforcement officer

What are the types of consent in reference to first aid

expressed implied informed

Which of the following personnel do not have authorization to honor a Do Not Resuscitate Order DNR Order or an advance directive and must immediately begin first aid.

Law enforcement officer

The Center for Disease Control & Prevention defines universal precautions as a set of procedures designed to prevent transmission of _____,_____, and _____

to first aid or health care provider. HIV hepatitis B virus blood borne pathogens

The use of medical personal protection equipment and personal behaviors that reduces risks are basic behaviors included in

BSI (Body Substance Isolation) Wear a gown for direct patient contact if the patient has uncontained secretions or excretions. Remove gown and perform hand hygiene before leaving the patient’s environment.

What serves as a barrier against infection.

Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) eye protection, gloves, protective clothing, etc.

_______________ is a type of bacteria that is highly contagious and resistant to certain antibiotics.

Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA)

Hepatitis B can live in dry blood for how long

7 days

Hepatitis A, B, and C can all cause __________ disease.


Incubation period of this blood borne disease ranges from two weeks to two months and person-to person contact primarily transmit ____________, generally through fecal contamination and oral ingestion. Poor personal hygiene, poor sanitation, and intimate contact facilitate transmission. Symptoms includes dark urine and jaundice.

Hepatitis A

This blood borne disease is primarily transmitted through sexual contact or sharing contaminated needles (through intravenous drug abuse). Symptoms includes minor flu-like symptoms, severe liver damage, various muscle and joint pains, and an enlarged and tender liver .

Hepatitis B

According to CDC reports, ____________ is the most common chronic blood borne infection in the United States. Symptoms are similar to hepatitis B.

Hepatitis C

Which airborne disease is of particular concern to officers.

10% life time risk to develop TB Non infected person Infected person (healthy) Tuberculosis (TB)

Pulse location

The brachial (inside the upper arm) The infant’s pulse is always taken here the carotid (neck) the radial (wrist) the femoral (inside upper leg)

The ___________ is a major artery in the lower arm, felt at the thumb side of the wrist.

Radial artery

An ___________ is a bright red blood spurts from a wound indicates a severe or damaged artery.

arterial bleeding (arterial bleeding from the femoral artery can cause death in two minutes)

What is severe bleeding?

Severe bleeding can come from an artery (arterial bleeding) or from a vein (venous bleeding).

Arterial bleeding: the blood pumps or spurts from the wound with each heartbeat. It is bright red.

Major venous bleeding: the blood just runs out of the wound at a steady rate. It is dark red. Minor bleeding (from capillaries), however, can also be bright red.

How long should you count a heart beat?

30 seconds

What is the normal pulse for an adult?


What is the average breathing rate for a child?

15-30 breaths per minute

The interval between heart beats is


The strength of the heart beat is


The heart rate of an infant is

120-160 bpm

What is the compression ventilation ratio with 2 rescuers for a child?


What is the recommendation for the use of an AED on an infant?

CPR for infants no recommendation

Which technique is used to remove a foreign-body airway obstruction from an infant?

back slaps / chest thrusts