Welcome to Fifth Grade - Mr. Shahriari`s Fifth Grade

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Transcript Welcome to Fifth Grade - Mr. Shahriari`s Fifth Grade

Welcome to Fifth Grade
Mr. Shahriari
Sit where you would like.
To Do Before You Leave:
• Sign in by Writing your email address on the list.
• Register on Parent Connect for the online grade
book (directions on your desks)
• Sign up for classroom volunteer opportunities on
• Make sure your VIPS certification is up to date.
• Find out about New HISD absence rules.
• Find out about Middle School applications and
Mr. Shahriari’s CV
• Bachelors of Art in Psychology with a minor in
Biology: State University of New York, Stony
Brook 1979
• Juris Doctor: The American University,
Washington College of Law, 1982
– Partner Gilberg and Kurent and then Porter, Wright,
Morris & Arthur – Washington, DC
– Member Emeritus of the California, District of
Columbia, and Virginia Bars
– Member of the Bar of 5 Federal Circuits and the
United State Supreme Court.
Mr. Shahriari’s CV
• Masters in Education, Marymount Univeristy,
• Certified to teach
– K-8 Generalist
– K-8 English as a Second Language
– K-12 Gifted and Talented
• 3 years – 3rd grade – Tuckahoe Elementary,
Arlington Virginia
• 7 years – 5th grade at Roberts
• 1 year -6th grade world cultures- Lanier Middle
Our Goals
• Meet Texas Requirements
• Provide Needed Skills
Writing Skills
Analysis Skills
Research Skills
Organizational Skills
Interpersonal/group skills
Metacognition skills
• Prepare students for Middle School
• Joy of learning
• Individual improvments
Our Team
–Mrs. Audi
–Ms. Berens
–Ms. McClintock
–Mr. Shahriari
How we work as a team
• Co-plan instruction
• We are not clones, so classes are not
exactly the same.
– Teaching styles
– Student needs
• Learning Lunch and Tutoring
In addition to previous year’s
• Independent Investigation Method Program (IIM)
– Focus on developing self directed research skills.
• IB Action projects
– Exhibition
• Spanish Teacher
• Science Lab Co-teach
IB Learner Profile
Fifth Grade IB
Units of Study
How the World Works
Central Idea: Interactions generate
• Matter
• Colonization
Sharing the Planet
Central Idea: Societies make decisions
based on resources.
• American Revolution
• Earth and Space Science
• Economics
How We Express
Independent/Small Group Research Project
Sharing our research through the arts
Many more details to come
How We Organize
Central Idea: Relationships drive
• Life Science
• Government
Where We Are in
Place and Time
Central Idea: Movement impacts
• Urbanization
• Technology
Who We Are
Central Idea: People envision
their future, set goals, and take
action to achieve their dreams.
• Goal Setting
• Financial Literacy
• Designed to be completed by students
– Self-inquiry
– In class
– Teacher’s role is to guide, not do
– That is your job too
• A flash drive is essential for backing up
student work
– 8 GB best
My Classroom Management
System: Class Dojo
• What is it?
• Who makes it?
• Its goal is to provide Instant Feedback for
Parents and Students.
• Points go back to Zero each week, but Dojo
keeps a running tally for me to see.
• Reporting is not as precise as I would like.
• Upgrades should fix this over time.
Conduct Plan
“I am responsible for my actions and behavior”
Student Name: _______________________________________ Date: ____________________
What did I do?
What happened as a result of my action?
What classroom Attitude, Profile Attribute, Essential Agreement, or procedure did I not follow?
What will I do next time to make a more responsible choice?
Student Signature: ____________________ Teacher Signature: _________________________
Parent Signature: _____________________ Principal Signature: _________________________
Middle School Info
• Oct 16 Middle School Info Night at Roberts
• Nov 18 CogAT GT test (replaces NNAT)
– Timed paper and pencil test
– Nonverbal
– Published by Riverside
– Some resources are online
• New GT matrix coming soon
– Teacher recommendation completed online
We prepare students for
• State Mandated Testing
- NNAT replaced by CogAT
- STANFORD replaced by IOWA
- STARR Testing
Students are prepared for
these tests through selfdirected learning in our IB
units of inquiry.
This allows for
differentiation to meet
individual student needs.
We have high expectations for our
students. We expect:
Self – Directed Learning
Self – Reliance
Self – Regulation
Self – Assessment
Self – Motivation
Self – Monitoring
PRIDE in work
We expect (and will work on)
teamwork, cooperation, and
the fun of learning.
Essential Agreements
• 50 minutes per night plus 30 minutes of
reading for their reading log
• Homework will be as follows:
– Spelling, Wordly Wise, Reading, and Math will
be assigned daily
– Science and Social Studies will be assigned
as needed.
• Some assignments will require a
computer with internet connections.
• Please contact your teacher if this is
not available to your child.
Grading Policy
• Lower than 70, it may be redone for a
higher grade (not to exceed 75)
– At home
– Student’s responsibility
– Must be completed in a timely manner
• Zero in grade book indicates
– Missing work
– No name
• Projects/Tests are 2x the value of other
• Breakfast
– Must be finished and thrown away by 8:03
before announcements
• Morning Snack
– Send a closable water bottle
– Healthy snack (per HISD policy)
• No chips, cookies, candy
• Birthday Treats
– Please notify teacher in advance if you intend
to send a treat to celebrate a birthday.
– 28 students
– Celebrate before dismissal – at 3:00
How you can help your child
• Never do your child’s work
• Let natural consequences work for you; a
low grade can teach a lot to a student.
• Provide the tools and place needed to do
school work.
• Help them check the website and grade
book online
• Personal hygiene – deodorant please!
PTO Fundraising Drive
• Goal: 100% participation by parents in my class
• Any amount, even $1, is a powerful contribution
• The first 3 classes that gain 100% participation will be
eligible for $100 in classroom supplies
Room Parents?
Tuesday Folder Parent?
International Presentations?
Keep up with our classroom:
– Tshahriari.com
– Dojo messenger
– Email [email protected]
– Parent Connect (formerly gradespeed)
– Scheduled conference times
– Impromptu Conferences