April 15 - University of Minnesota Duluth

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Transcript April 15 - University of Minnesota Duluth

Journalism 2300:
News Photography
Week Eleven
April 15, 2013
Photojournalist Presentations:
April 15: Jessica
April 22: Min Lee, Julie, Justin, Paige
April 29: Shannon, Zack F.
Born in 1982 (31 years old)
Derek is a National Guard
Veteran who loves running,
triathlons, wrestling, and
his wife and two children.
He graduated from the
University of Wisconsin
with a degree in
Journalism, Mass
Communication, and
Political Science.
He began as a journalist in
2001 and started as a
photojournalist in 2003.
He now owns his own
business: Derek
Montgomery Photography.
"I found my way into
photojournalism after I became
tired of writing. I was a reporter
at the Badger Herald, which is a
student newspaper at UWMadison. I was not enjoying
writing all that much and wanted
to get down on the field for
football games. The Photo Editor
position opened up; I applied,
and I was hired. Not only did I
get down on the field, but found
out I loved shooting just about
anything and everything under
the sun. I liked it so much that I
applied for an internship the
following summer at the Eau
Claire Leader Telegram, was
accepted, and then it was off
from there.”
UMD goaltender Kenny Reiter (right) and Wade Bergman (left) watch a
puck Reiter deflected sail over the head of Notre Dame's David Gerths
Thursday evening during an NCAA semifinal hockey game at the Xcel
Energy Center in St. Paul, Minn.
“There are a few major
responsibilities. Show up on
time. Be professional and be
prepared. Know your
assignment and what your
editors are looking for. Find the
shots that communicate the
story you are trying to
tell. Know your deadline and
get the images in before that
deadline. Then comes backing
up and archiving your pictures.
One of the best things you can
do when approaching a story is
to know some background on
the subject.”
Wayne Boniface flexes his arm while displaying a large bruise he got
while fighting an intruder at his home in Duluth's Observation Hill
“Major influences on me have
been Wisconsin State Journal
photographers Steve Apps, John
Maniaci, Craig Schreiner,
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel,
photographer Joe Koshellek, and
Dale Guldan, and Associated
Press freelancer Andy Manis.
These were photographers I
worked with multiple times a
week while a student. They'd
offer critiques and it was an
awesome way to learn on the job
from photojournalists already
working in the field. Outside of
that, the photo competitions
POYI and World Press Photo
have been major influences in
seeing what powerful
photojournalism is.”
To dramatize how deep the hole is around a damaged sewer drain,
three-foot tall Ryley Alexander McKeon stands inside a damaged
section of 10th Avenue East and Sixth Street in Duluth, Minn. Ryley's
parents Tinita Olson and John McKeon say the damaged section of
the street has been in a state of disrepair for at least the duration of
the summer.
“ Before you ever pick up a
camera, learn the ethics of
photojournalism. You can be
fresh out of college and if you
clone something out of a photo
or manipulate an image in a way
that deceives your audience,
your career is gone. There is no
space for digital manipulation
beyond basic levels, contrast and
sharpening in the world of
photojournalism as it pertains to
newspapers and editorial work.
You need to know the NPPA's
code of ethics and do not make
the mistake of cloning out an
errant arm or moving a
basketball or hockey puck
around. Those will kill your
reputation and any shot for
substantial work.”
Madison police use pepper spray to disperse an unruly crowd
Saturday, October 30, 2004 after they set fires, broke windows and
raised mayhem during State Street's annual Halloween celebrations.
“ I chose a career as a
photojournalist because I love
communicating stories. I was
the kid riding around town on
my bike when I was 11 taking
notes about downed trees and
other damage after a major
storm in my hometown. On
9/11, I was the one calling all
my family and telling them
what was happening on the
east coast. Making a strong,
story-telling picture is such a
satisfying feeling for me. I also
never want to stop learning
and being a photojournalist
gives you opportunities to learn
about new people, places and
things all the time.”
Dirt and determination mix along the homestretch of the final race of
the day at Hollywood Park in Inglewood, Calif.
“I'm a Canon user and only
started with Canon because that
is what was recommended to me
by the photographers I worked
with when I first started out. To
be specific, a Canon 5D Mark 3,
5D Mark 2 and 1D Mark IV for
cameras. For lenses, 16-35mm
f/2.8, 24-70mm f/2.8, 70-200mm
f/2.8, a 300mm f/2.8, 35mm f/1.4,
50mm f/1.2, an 85mm f/2 and a
135mm f/2.0. The prime lenses
are used more for weddings and
portraiture while the zoom lenses
are used more often on editorial
assignments. The zoom lenses
are more versatile, which is what
you want to be when covering
news. News can be
David Stevens of South Range comforts a horse that was rescued
from frigid temperatures over the weekend Tuesday afternoon at Jeff
Tucker's Raindance Farms. The colt, nicknamed "Windchill" by those
taking care of it, eventually died of exposure.
“ A typical work day includes
managing and sending
invoices, archiving images,
uploading images to online
backups, responding to clients,
keeping my Facebook page
fresh, perpetually being
indecisive about whether or not
I should get on Google plus,
budgeting, organizing images
and more. I would say 80% of
my job deals with the business
and management end of my
job while the other 20% is
Storm clouds over Wisconsin and Lake Superior provide a backdrop
for a helicopter flying over Duluth, Minn.
Hermantown's Hannah Buchite could barely watch Cloquet's Hannah Roy as she toed
the line during a shootout in the Region 7A sectional final at Public Schools Stadium in
Duluth, Minn. Roy's shot sailed over the net, which sent the Lumberjacks to the state
Representative Andy Jorgensen (D-Fort Atkinson) yells at Representative Joel Kleefisch
(R-Oconomowoc, not pictured) about his vote for Governor Walker's collective
bargaining bill at the Wisconsin State Capitol in Madison, Wisc.
Joe Mohelsky looks around floodwaters that surrounded his home on the shore of
Moosehead Lake in Moose Lake, Minn. The buoys in front of Mohelsky were placed at
9pm the previous night at the edge of floodwaters and by 5a.m., the waters had reached
his house and continued to rise throughout the day.
Upcoming major assignments
Major Assignment VI: Spot News
– Due tonight!
– Weather a bonus!!!!!!
Will drop lowest of Major I-VI assignments
Major Assignment VII: Photo Story
– Due 6 pm on Monday, April 29
Tonight in class…..
We will review your sports, weather
photographs, rank them
 Rewrite your captions from the major
assignments and resubmit them during
Let’s look at your
Winter Outdoor Event Photographs
Overall good job!
 What was the biggest challenge?
 Biggest surprise?
 What did you learn?
And the winners are…..
What do the top photos have in common???
Chapter 11: Photo Story
Finding stories:
– Personal experience
– Assignments
– Topical trends
Let’s brainstorm photo story ideas!
Review the ideas that you included on your
Textbook Quiz
Take out a sheet of paper, and put your idea in
the center
Draw spokes out for at least 5 other possible
Pass your photo idea to your right
Add another photo idea
Now, discuss the ideas at your table
By. Julie Kruse
Biographical Information
• Age: 21
• Contribution: See his work in The Statesman, Lake
Voice News, and online for Minnesota Score
• Career Path: “If I were to go into photojournalism I
want to try to get into sports photography, although
covering events of almost any form also seems
• Others influenced by his work:
Modestly, he says, “I’m not sure…”
• Education: 3rd year at UMD
• How he got into the field: “I just sort of stumbled upon
it after someone suggested I tried to take pictures for
the school newspaper. It worked out pretty well and I
kept on doing it, eventually working on it more and
• When: Little more than a year ago
• Why he chose photojournalism: “I haven't necessarily
chosen a career path as a photojournalist. It’s an
option though. I also do fine art, commercial,
landscape, and portrait photography. ”
• Current Work: Volunteer for The Statesman and the
photography intern for the UMD School of Fine Arts.
• Major Responsibilities: “When I receive assignments I
usually go out to whatever event I've been assigned and
cover the event in the way I feel best captures it. I then
give unedited photos or photos with minor edits to whoever
gave me the assignment, and they take it from there.”
• Typical Day: “There is nothing typical about a work day for
me. It continuously changes, and I have to adapt to
whatever situation I am in depending on what I'm trying to
shoot or cover. When I'm covering an event I make sure I
know what is going to happen. For example, if I'm covering
a football game I check what teams are playing and if
there is any significance to the game. Otherwise, there's
not really any secret to what I do.”
• Major Influences: Photographers that influence him are fine
art or commercial photographers like Lee Jeffries and Saul
• Advice for Aspiring Journalists: “Practice and get involved.
The only way you're going to be good at it is being out
there actually covering events. Even if you think you're not
ready, do it anyway, because you're not going to get any
better until you actually try.”
• Type of Equipment: Nikon D7000 DSLR camera with several
lens', most commonly for sporting events he chooses to
use a Nikkor 80-200 f/2.8 lens. Otherwise his lens of choice
is a Nikkor 50mm f/1.8 prime lens. He has the basic
equipment a photographer would have like a tripod, flash,
I ran into Lester on Lake Ave. and
Superior St. in Duluth. He is college
educated, although he wouldn't
tell me what he graduated with he
said for a while he was going to
be a chemical engineer. Now he
wanders around the country and
has been in Duluth for the last few
years, he likes it here and is fond
of Lake Superior.
I ran into him outside Nicollet Mall
and he was holding a sign that
said "I need a cold beer." The sign
caught my attention so I decided
to talk to him, he said it wasn't the
first time that someone has asked
to take a photo of him for a
project and it blows him away
that people take the time to talk
to him and want to take his
portrait. We walked by him later
and he gave us a huge smile and
wave. The people in Minneapolis
were surprisingly friendly, when I
work in Duluth it seems like a lot of
people are just grumpy.
Black Bear Casino
Minnesota Score Magazine
Track & Field
Ben Neimann
Tuscan Countryside
Taken from right outside San
"The Lookout" on the
shores of Lake Superior
Emily Bullivant
How We Always
Wanted It To Never Be
From my Lost series. Depicted in
this image is a couple who have
become dependent on each
other, they cannot go on without
one another. One is blind, the
other too weak to walk. Without
one, the other would not survive.
The umbrella symbolizes the
protection they provide for each
Seven Deadly Sins Series
Keith Leiran and Jenni Madsen
Self Portrait
My attempt at stop motion
photography. It turned out better
than I thought it would. This was
really difficult to do by myself,
getting the timing right, using
myself as the model. I reflected
the sky with my body too, having
the top half dark and the bottom
half light in each.
To be a better photographer…
…you need to take a lot of photos!
The week in pictures
– http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3842331/
Chapter 15: Ethics
Foundations of ethical decision-making
– Utilitarian:
 Greatest Good for the greatest number of people
– Absolutist:
 Certain principles that are fixed: Right to privacy
– The Golden Rule:
 Do unto others as you would have them do unto
Journalism as a whole: Utilitarian
Set up or just clean up?
Altering the scene: Ever OK?
 Grounds for dismissal:
– Staging a photograph
– Suggesting a pose
Tougher standards evolved
– Re-creations not OK
National Press Photographers
Association Code of Ethics
Page 357
 Be accurate
 Avoid staged photos, changing events
 Keep in context; be complete
 Treat all with dignity, respect
 No pay, gifts favors
 Don’t sabotage other journalists
When facts conflict with
Is it OK to use a model?
– Child prostitutes example
When is it OK to stage a photograph?
A continuum of control
Hidden cameras
– No control
Sports photography
 Hard news
 Features
 Portraits
 Photo illustrations
Norm Zeisloft
The case of the moving pyramids
Shifting standards
What did Janet Cooke do in 1980?
Covering tragedy and grief
Pictures can actually help victims, families
– UMD police chief
Do all tragedies need photo coverage?
– Eddie Adams
Professional or Good Samaritan?
Moral dilemmas of a picture editor
Risk of sensationalism, offending readers
Ken Jarecke:
Death of an Iraqi soldier
Charles Porter:
Tragedy in Oklahoma
Let’s look at the book…
In class assignment
Review the Sports, Weather photographs
 Email me the rankings
 Two for one – freebie for April 1; double
the fun tonight!
Time to work on websites,
practice shooting in RSOP
Need to show me April 29 where you are!
 Continue to work on your personal
website for the final project
 Bring cameras next week!