On Computational Mathematics in Cameroon

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On Computational
Mathematics in Central
Jacques Tagoudjeu
Ecole Nationale Supérieure Polytechnique,
University of Yaoundé I,
What is Computational Mathematics?
Goal and Requirement
Interest for Central Africa
Resources of Computational
Situation in Central Africa
What Solution?
What is Computational Mathematics
Computational mathematics involves
mathematical research in areas of science
where computing plays a central and essential
role, emphasizing algorithms, numerical
methods, and symbolic methods (wikipedia).
It combines core studies in mathematics,
computer sciences and their applications in
several other scientific disciplines
It is a combination of mathematics and science
and involves a lot of computing.
Some Areas of Applications
Physics and engineering;
Actuarial science and finance;
Search engine;
Major Fields:
Numerical Linear Algebra;
Numerical Solution of Differential and
Integro-Differential Equations;
Optimization and Optimal Control;
Computational Statistics;
Statistical Applications;
Large Scale Scientific Computing.
Goal and Requirement
 Develop and Analyze Algorithms that
solve problems computationally (using
Goal and Requirement (continue)
Requirement for algorithms:
 Accuracy: Able to return a result that is
numerically very close to the analytical
 Efficiency: Able to quickly solve the
problem using reasonable computational
 Robustness: work for a wide variety of
 Stability: not sensitive to small changes
in the inputs
Resources of Computational Mathematics
 Computational
 Robust computing facilities
Interest for Central Africa
Simulating climate change and the
impact on environment;
Traffic modeling and simulation;
Reservoir simulation for petroleum and
gas resources;
Weather forecasting and impact on
hydrologic energy production;
Optimization of electrical and water
Interest for Central Africa
Strategic planning for financial institutions;
Epidemic diseases spreading and effect of
Reservoir simulation of ground water;
Water sources detection by remote sensing;
Monitoring agricultural farm using
hyperspectral imaging;
What about Central Africa?
Universities offering Graduate
courses in Computational Math: 1
(University of Yaoundé I: UYI)
 Number of Ph.D in the last 20
years: < 10
 Registered Ph.D student for the
ongoing academic year: <5
Number of Specialists: <15
What about Central Africa? (continue)
UYI hosts an international laboratory
of computer science and applied
mathematics (LIRIMA), but
Computational Math is not enough
representative therein.
Lack of computational facilities.
Number of private and institutional
contracts from here and abroad: 0
Scientific events on Computational
Mathematics and related: 0
Worst Situation !!!
Some solutions
Creation of Computational Mathematics
centers to strengthen postgraduate
training and research;
Acquirement of computational facilities;
Mutualisation of computational
Creation of sub-regional and regional
Networks of excellence in computational
Some solutions (continue)
Involving the Diaspora in teaching and
train the trainer programs;
Development of exchange programs;
Communicate on the usefulness of the
computational mathematics;
Some Good News
Master program in Applied Statistic at
ENSP since 2003 (54 Master’s and 5
Ph.D Graduated);
Coming soon at ENSP:
An international Master program in
Mechanical Structure Analysis including
computational mechanic ;
A computational engineering program ;
Center of Computational Science