Diapositiva 1 - Luxe à Boire

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A prestigious brand in the world of great wines. Each of our wines is produced and available in quantities not exceeding 2000/2500 bottles, with the exception of collection wines that do not even reach the 2,000 bottles per year. Our mission is to offer to a limited number of selected clustomers a personalized service and high quality for the purchase of exclusive wines. Our customers are all connoisseurs, lovers of fine wines, the Luxury hotels, the great restaurants recommended by specialized guides and the best Wine Bar.

Wine us lifestyle

Luxe à Boire

Few of the prestigious restaurants where are our wines


Aqua of Ritz Carlton Hotel - Wolfsburg Germany 3 Stars Michelin Guide

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Villa Toscana St Regis Hotel - Abu Dhabi UAE Restaurant Yain - Teruel Spain Luxe à Boire Kasteel Eyckholt - Roosteren Holland 3

Il Pagliaccio – Rome Italy 2 Stars Michelin Guide Terrazza Bosquet Grand Hotel Excelsior Vittoria Sorrento Italy 1 Stars Michelin Guide Luxe à Boire

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Antica Pesa - Rome Italy Il Papavero - Eboli Italy 1 Stars Michelin Guide 4

Le Mythique Luxe à Boire

Pinot Nero Sparkling wine DOC Bottle: Burgundy of 1500 ml.

Type of grapes Pinot nero 100% Plantation area: Riva dei Ghiaioni Vineyard age: 40 years Luxe à Boire

Le Mythique Luxe à Boire

Pinot Nero Sparkling wine DOC made from grapes grown in an excellent cru, only in the best years, this elegant sparkling wine is produced in about two thousand bottles.

It marries with gala nights, refined party and exclusive banquets. It ‘s produced exclusively in magnums of 1500 ml.

an exclusive cadeau for your friends

Luxe à Boire

the wines of our collections


our brands

Luxe à Boire is an initiative aimed at an exclusive international clientele, which offers a selection of prestigious wines. The project was designed to assimilate these great products to the cultural and historical heritage of their territories, through the realization of brands and denominations, consistent with the historical references of the context, contextualizing them in a specific period of time.

We wished fix the historical period from 1200 onwards, with the brand Château de Plaissis, with a follow La Francigena, Ducato Longobardo, Rocca dei Simoncelli, Castello di Gambatesa Feudi d'Avalos, linked together by historical and temporal connections.

The map of our wines leaves from south of France, from Provence, and continues to the Italian through the Astigiano in Piedmont, the Oltrepò Pavese in Lombardy and the Collio in Friuli Venezia Giulia. Then descend in the hills of Siena and in the Florentine ones in Tuscany, and then forking between the hills of Pescara in Abruzzo and the Valtappino in Molise .

Château de Plaissis

This brand, realized ​​for French wines, is inspired by the Knights Templar, Order very powerful and widespread in France, until its destruction took place in the early years of the fourteenth century.

The order possessed estates and castles in the whole of France, and particularly in Provence.

The brand is dedicated to Philippe de Plaissis, thirteenth Grand Master of the Order and the name “the Baussant", attributed to the two wines, refers to the flag of the Templars cavalry.

Baussant or Baucent as translated by some "I’m worth per hundred“.

The Baussant was half black and half white and these two colors standing for the dualism of the Knights Templar, which can be seen in the seal portraying a horse ridden by two Knights.

The wines selected are:   Le Baussant Cote de Provence Rouge AOP Le Baussant Cote de Provence Ros é AOP Luxe à Boire 7

La Francigena

After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, it remained a rich heritage of roads, built over the centuries by the Romans, the so-called “Vie Romee” which indicated to pilgrims, merchants, kings and emperors how to get to Rome. One of the best known and most important was the Via Francigena, that was born in France.

The Diary of Sigerico, Archbishop of Canterbury, is the first document that allows us to reconstruct its original route. The Francigena has done for centuries, the historical function as a place of encounter and exchange between different cultures anticipating, de facto cultural and political unification of Europe. Along the whole its route, the Templars and the Hospitallers of St.

John of Jerusalem - later the Knights of Malta - provided hospitality to travelers and pilgrims, as well as numerous buildings, abbeys and even hospitals to aid the needy. This brand has been studied for the wines of two different territories crossed by the Francigena, or the Oltrepò Pavese and the Florentine Hills of Gambassi.

Oltrepò Pavese wines

Passed the territory of the the Piedmontese plain, after crossing the river Sesia and the Ticino is arrived in the territory of Pavia, which was obligatory stop for pilgrims.

The role of Pavia, for the particular location along the Ticino almost to the confluence with the Po it was always forced passage between the North and South of the Peninsula.

With the crossing of the Apennines is reached then the Tuscan territory, where the landscape sloping gently down to the Tyrrhenian Sea between vineyards and olive groves.

Wines of this selection are:     Riesling italico DOC Pinot nero DOC Borgto Pavese Barbera DOC Sigillum Pinot nero DOC Luxe à Boire 8

La Francigena wines of Fiorentine hills

The territory of Gambassi, in the medieval period was crossed by a series of roads and trails that are part of the Via Francigena, which in this stretch ran through Tuscany. The most famous route of the territory of Gambassi, was recalled by Archbishop Sigerio, returning from Rome that described the Pieve di Santa Maria a Chianni, between San Gimignano and Coiano. In Gambassi was also the Castle of the Counts Cadolingi with the surrounding feuds. We have dedicated to this castle one of the wines of the selection, while the other was entitled to the many wayfarers and pelllegrini who have crossed over the centuries the Francigena.

The wines selected are: Castello di Gambassi Chianti Riserva Il Pellegrino IGT Rosso di Toscana Luxe à Boire 9

Ducato Longobardo

The Duchy of Friuli was the first established by the Longobards in Italy. It was founded in 569 by Alboin and was among the most influential of the entire Longobard kingdom. The capital of the duchy was Cividale, the old "Forum Julii". The Dukes that followed in his regency contributed actively to the development of this important feud.

So also in recognition and appreciation of the quality obtained by our winemakers of Friuli we have selected this glorious historical period which brand for wines chosen, to which we have devoted the names of some feudal lords dukes, who made limportant, this territory. The wines selected are: Grasulfo Cabernet Sauvignon Collio Riserva Rodoaldo Schioppettino Friuli Venezia Giulia Rachis Sauvignon Collio Astolfo Ribolla gialla Collio Luxe à Boire 10

Rocca dei Simoncelli

Simoncelli's Family, originated in 1300 by a branch of the Carvajal of Spain, arrived in Italy in the wake of Cardinal Egidio de Albornoz, captain of the King of Castile. Before to Viterbo and then at Orvieto, hence the family expanded and acquired feuds in various regions of Italy, including Tuscany.

Its descendants dressed the insignia of the Order St. John of Jerusalem since 1554. Rocca dei Simoncelli is located in Trevignano and consists of the ruins of one of the castles that belonged to them. This brand brings together two lines of exclusive wines, from regions with deep wine-making vocation: Tuscany and Piedmont. The names of Tuscan wines are dedicated to the descendants of the Family and the excellent Super Tuscan "Prius" to the founder Simoncello de Carvajal. For the names of Piedmont wines, the Viognier was dedicated to Crotin, characteristics caves present in the subsurface of the ancient village of Calosso. While the Barbera d'Asti Reserve is dedicated to the cru where it is product "Rodotiglia."

Wines of Tuscany

Line of Siena hills: Scipione Chianti Classico Riserva Line of Siena hills: Belisario Chianti Classico Line of Florence hills: Prius IGT di Toscana Luxe à Boire 11

Carvajale Brunello di Montalcino Piermartino Rosso di Montalcino

Rocca dei Simoncelli

Wines of Tuscany Line of Montalcino:

Wines of Piedmont

Line of Asti: Riserva Rodotiglia Barbera d’Asti Sensation Sparkling wines brut classic Crotin Viogner Luxe à Boire 12

Feudi d’Avalos

The Family d'Avalos is one of the most important dynasties of the Kingdom of Naples. They came from Spain in the Italian peninsula in the wake of Alfonso V of Aragon.

Among the various titles and feuds they had, by inheritance, the Marquisate of Pescara, in this territiorio are located the vineyards that produce the grapes of our fine wines Montepulciano d'Abruzzo, in their different expressions. The names of the wines in this line are dedicated to illustrious descendants of this lineage, such as Lords of Pescara.

These wines are a significant example of the dedication addressed by the winemakers of these excellent products to the lands Aprutine, the best expression of viticulture in Abruzzo.

Wines of this selection are: Don Diego Montepulciano Riserva Don Alfonso Montepulciano Don Cesare Montepulciano Luxe à Boire 13

Castello di Gambatesa

The territory of Gambatesa is an area of ​​the border between the mountain ranges of the plateau of Puglia and Molise. The castle dominates the valley of Tappino, where there are the vineyards that produce our exclusive Tintilia of Molise.

The first Lord of this feud known to the news of the end of the thirteenth century was Richard of Pietravalle, who suffers from a physical defect, he was nicknamed Gambatesa, a name that also gave its name to the castle and the hamlet. At the end of the fifteenth century the feud passed to Capua and the Castle began to transform it self from a defensive structure in noble structure. In 1550 Vincenzo di Capua commissioned the fresco decoration of the house to Donato de Cumbertino, a bizarre painter follower of the Vasari, who made the very important works, including the "hall of the masks“. So in line with our project, about the historical and cultural development of the territories, we have dedicated the brand of these important wines of Molise to the Castle of Gambatesa, attributing to the two Tintilia the names of illustrious feudal lords.

To this collection belong two wines and an oil: Don Riccardo Tintilia del Molise Riserva Organic extra virgin oil Don Vincenzo Tintilia del Molise Luxe à Boire 14

Luxe à Boire

our wines

After illustrating our brand now we proceed to show all our wines, through explanatory sheets containing the main information.

Private Collection Carvajale Rocca dei Simoncelli

Brunello di Montalcino DOCG Vintages 2008 / 2009 Bottle: Bordelaise 0.750 ml.

Type of grapes: Sangiovese grosso 100% Plantation area: Castelnuovo dell'Abate Vineyard age: 13 years

Private Collection Don Diego Feudi d’Avalos

Montepulciano d’Abruzzo DOC Riserva Vintages 2007 / 2008 Bottle: Bordelaise 0.750 ml.

Tiype of grapes: Montepulciano Plantation area: Loreto Aprutino Vineyard age: 36 years 15

Luxe à Boire

our wines

After illustrating our brand now we proceed to show all our wines, through explanatory sheets containing the main information.

Private Collection Scipione Rocca dei Simoncelli

Chianti Classico Riserva DOCG Vintage 2011 Bottle: Bordelaise 0.750 ml.

Type of grapes: Sangiovese 100% Plantation area: San Gusmè Vineyard age: 40 years

Private Collection Riserva Rodotiglia Rocca dei Simoncelli

Barbera d’Asti DOCG Riserva Vintage 2011 Bottle: Bordelaise 0.750 ml.

Type of grapes: Barbera d’Asti 100% Plantation area: Rodotiglia Vineyard age: 60 years

Luxe à Boire

our wines

After illustrating our brand now we proceed to show all our wines, through explanatory sheets containing the main information.

Private Collection Prius Rocca dei Simoncelli

IGT Toscana Sangiovese Vintages 2007 / 2008 Bottle: Bordelaise 0.750 ml.

Type of grapes: Sangiovese 90% - Merlot 10% Plantation area: Gambassi Vineyards age: 30 years

Collezione Privata Don Riccardo Castello di Gambatesa

Tintilia del Molise DOC Riserva Vintage 2007 Bottle: Burgundy 0.750 ml.

Type of grapes: Tintilia Plantation area: Campobasso Vineyards age: 100 years

Luxe à Boire

our wines

After illustrating our brand now we proceed to show all our wines, through explanatory sheets containing the main information.

Platinum Card Piermartino Rocca dei Simoncelli

Rosso di Montalcino DOC vintages 2011 / 2012 Bottle: Bordelaise 0.750 ml.

Tiype of grapes: Sangiovese 100% Plantation area: Castelnuovo Abbate Vineyard age: 20 years

Platinum Card Don Vincenzo Castello di Gambatesa

Tintilia del Molise DOP vintage 2010 Bottle: Burgundy 0.750 ml.

Type of grapes: Tintilia Plantation area: Campobasso Vineyards age: 100 years

Luxe à Boire

our wines

After illustrating our brand now we proceed to show all our wines, through explanatory sheets containing the main information.

Platinum Card Crotin Rocca dei Simoncelli

Viognier Vintage 2011 Bottle: Bordelaise 0.750 ml.

Type of grapes: Viognier 100% Plantation area: San Marzano Oliveto Vineyard age: 7 years

Platinum Card Don Alfonso Feudi d’Avalos

Montepulciano d’Abruzzo DOP Vintage 2007 Bottle: Burgundy 0.750 ml.

Type of grapes: Montepulciano 100% Plantation area: Loreto Aprutino Vineyard age: 36 years

Luxe à Boire

our wines

After illustrating our brand now we proceed to show all our wines, through explanatory sheets containing the main information.

Platinum Card Grasulfo Ducato Longobardo

Cabernet Sauvignon DOC Riserva Vintage 2011 Bottle: Burgundy 0.750 ml.

Type of grapes: Cabernet Sauvignon 100% Plantation area: Dolegna del Collio Vineyards age: 20 years

Platinum Card Sensation Rocca dei Simoncelli

Brut Metodo Classico Vintage 2010 Bottle: Burgundy 0.750 ml.

Type of grapes: Chardonnay, Barbera in white, Viognier Plantation area: Calosso Vineyard age: 30 years

Luxe à Boire

our wines

After illustrating our brand now we proceed to show all our wines, through explanatory sheets containing the main information.

Platinum Card Le Baussant Rouge Château de Plaissis

Cote de Provence Rouge AOP Vintage 2010 Bottle: Bordelaise 0.750 ml.

Type of grapes: Grenache 5%, Cinsault 25%, Carignan 40%, Syrah 5%, Mourvèdre 25% Plantation area: Puget le Ville Vineyard age: 20 years

Platinum Card Le Baussant Rosè Château de Plaissis

Cote de Provence Rouge AOP Vintage 2013 Bottle: Bordelaise 0.750 ml.

Type of grapes: Grenache, Tibouren, Cinsault, Carignan, Syrah Plantation area: Puget Le Ville Vineyard age: 20 years

Luxe à Boire

our wines

After illustrating our brand now we proceed to show all our wines, through explanatory sheets containing the main information.

Gold Card Belisario Rocca dei Simoncelli

Chianti Classico DOCG Vintages 2011/2012 Bottle: Bordelaise 0.750 ml.

Type of grapes: Sangiovese 100% Plantation area: San Gusmè Vineyard age: 20 years

Gold Card Il Pellegrino La Francigena

IGT Toscana Sangiovese Vintage 2009 Bottle: Bordelaise 0.750 ml.

Type of grapes: Sangiovese 85%, Merlot 15% Plantation area: Gambassi Vineyard age: 30 years

Luxe à Boire

our wines

After illustrating our brand now we proceed to show all our wines, through explanatory sheets containing the main information.

Gold Card Gold Card La Francigena

Bonarda DOC Vintage 2011 Bottle: Bordelaise 0.750 ml.

Type of grapes: Croatina 95% – Barbera e Uva rara 5% Plantation area: Montalto Pavese Vineyard age: 30 years

La Francigena

Pinot Nero DOC Vintage 2012 Bottle: Bordelaise 0.750 ml.

Type of grapes: Pinot Nero 100% Plantation area: Montalto Pavese Età del Vigneto: 30 years

Luxe à Boire

our wines

After illustrating our brand now we proceed to show all our wines, through explanatory sheets containing the main information.

Gold Card Borgo Pavese La Francigena

Barbera DOC Vintage 2012 Bottle: Bordelaise 0.750 ml.

Type of grapes: Barbera 85%, Croatina 5% Cabernet Sauvignon 10% Plantation area: Montalto Pavese Vineyard age: 20 anni

Gold Card Sigillum La Francigena

Pinot Nero DOC vinificato in bianco Vintage 2012 Bottle: Bordelaise 0.750 ml.

Type of grapes: Pinot Nero 100% Plantation area: Montalto Pavese Vineyard age: 15 years

Luxe à Boire

our wines

After illustrating our brand now we proceed to show all our wines, through explanatory sheets containing the main information.

Gold Card La Francigena

Riesling DOC Vintage 2013 Bottle: Bordelaise 0.750 ml.

Type of grapes: Riesling Italico 100% Plantation area: Montalto Pavese Vineyard age: 15 years

Gold Card Rodoaldo Ducato Longobardo

Schioppettino IGT Friuli Venezia G. Vintage 2012 Bottle: Bordelaise 0.750 ml.

Type: Schioppettino100% Plantation area: Dolegna del Collio Vineyard age: 40 years

Luxe à Boire

our wines

After illustrating our brand now we proceed to show all our wines, through explanatory sheets containing the main information.

Gold Card Don Cesare Feudi d’Avalos

Montepulciano DOP Vintage 2011 Bottle: Bordelaise 0.750 ml.

Type of grapes: Montepulciano 100% Plantation area: Loreto Aprutino Vineyard age: 29 years

Gold Card Castello di Gambassi La Francigena

Chianti Riserva DOCG Vintage 2010 Bottle: Bordelaise 0.750 ml.

Type pf grapes: Sangiovese 85%, Merlot 15% Plantation area: Gambassi Vineyard age: 30 years

Luxe à Boire

our wines

After illustrating our brand now we proceed to show all our wines, through explanatory sheets containing the main information.

Gold Card Rachis Ducato Longobardo

Sauvignon Collio DOC Vintage: 2013 Bottle: Bordelaise 0.750 ml.

Type of grapes: Sauvignon 100% Plantation area: Dolegna del Collio Vineyard age: 20 years

Gold Card Astolfo Ducato Longobardo

Ribolla Collio DOC Vintage 2013 Bottle: Bordelaise 0.750 ml.

Type of grapes: Ribolla 100% Plantation area: Dolegna del Collio Vineyard age: 20 years