General SIMS PowerPoint template

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SIMS Performance Suite – Spring 2014 Rachael Marshman


Profile s New Link Menu on Student Review List and Grid Entry to access Assessment, Attendance, Behaviour Management, Examination and Linked Documents of the individual student

Profile s Retain Profile Position on Take Register

Profile s Save Comments when Changing focus

Profile s Option to Find and Replace one word with another in Student Review, List and Grid Entry

Profile s Student Name Appears under the Photograph

Profiles Ability to Quickly Edit a Comment in Student Review

Profiles Additional Tags within the Profiles Template:  Legal Surname,     Parental Addressee, Staff initials (including middle initials), Total Session Minutes Late, Year Group (Full Name)

Assessment Additional Data Tags on an Individual Assessment Template:  Legal surname,     Parental Addressee, No of sessions late (over a given time period), Total Session Minutes Late Year Group (Full Name)

SIMS Discover

SIMS Discover – Autumn 2013

    Half Termly Graphs Attendance Graph by half-term Behaviour Points by half-term Behaviour Incidents by half-term Achievement Points by half-term

Pupil Mobility by Half Term

Quick Search on Discover catalogue items

Allow sharing of filtered graphs

New icons in the drop down menus

System Personal Shared

Copy graphs to clipboard

SIMS Discover - Spring 2014

     Post 16 Exam Graphs Year 12 AS and Year 13 A2 Point Score by Student Point Score by Result Grade Distribution Residuals

KS5 AS Point Scores per Student

KS5 AS Point Scores per Entry

KS5 AS Grade Distribution by Subject

KS5 AS Exam Residuals by Subject

KS5 A2 Point Scores per Student

KS5 A2 Point Scores per Entry

KS5 A2 Grade Distribution by Subject

KS5 A2 Exam Residuals by Subject

     Other Graphs Achievements by Half Term Bullying by type Key Pastoral Factors Lite Whole School Graph Whole School Attendance

SIMS Discover – Summer 2014

Filtering  Allow Dynamic Groups to be used for Filtering

New Graphs Students by Nationality

New Graphs Assessment stacked bar graph for Grade Distribution  Multiple Aspect  Multiple Result Set

Copy to Clipboard   Add Copy/export from Pop Up Add Copy to reverse of graph

Administration Utility  Remove step in picking SIMS aspect in Levels of Progress Graph as we can automatically pick it

      Summer 2014 - Discover Allowing groups to be used as filters Nationality graph Stacked bar assessment graph Copy to clipboard on reverse and on pop-out Administration Utility, Removed step in picking SIMS aspect in Levels of Progress Graph Discover added Result Set selector on true / false graph


Spring Resources EYFS resources schools can import and use Including;  APP Grid (Birth to ELGs) including baseline result sets    Conversion template (APP to analysis) Data Entry Templates (Birth to ELGs) Progress Calculation Templates     Tracking Grids for both attainment and progress Aspect analysis for Attainment and progress Discover Graphs for both attainment and progress Updates to CES Termly Tracking Year 1 templates to include EYFS

Spring 2014  Welsh National Numeracy test

Summer 2014  KS1 & KS2 resources – Enhanced Tracking Marksheets for Reading, Writing and Maths

Summer 2014 Assessment updated KS1 and KS2 resources  Enhanced Tracking Marksheets for Reading, Writing and Maths    Tracking Grids for both Attainment and Progress Aspect analysis for APS and Progress Discover Graphs for Attainment and Progress Schools can import and use immediately Assessment will link to Discover Graphs

 Summer 2014 Assessment Mapping Facility

 Summer 2014 Assessment Progress ‘APP’ Grid – New Curriculum

      Autumn 2014 Assessment KS3 resources Enhanced resources for the new curriculum Enhancements to assessment mapping tool Substitute Aspects when cloning Marksheet Template RaiseONLINE style SIMS School report Flight-path pupil tracking graph on student teacher view

SIMS School Report

Add Flight Path Widget to Student Teacher View

 Autumn 2014 Group Rows by Cell Colour

       Autumn 2014 Group rows by cell colour Hide & unhide selected columns in a Marksheet Ability to delete imported analysis Performance Analysis Group Membership date Adding colours to Templates / Marksheet headings Customisation of Marksheet Column Headings Scaling and Capping of Numeric Columns on Marksheet

SIMS Assessment Rachael Marshman