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Theory of Computation
CS3102 – Spring 2014
A tale of computers, math, problem solving, life,
love and tragic death
Nathan Brunelle
Department of
Computer Science
University of Virginia
Complexity Classes
Def: DTIME(t(n))={L | L is decidable within
time O(t(n)) by some deterministic TM}
Def: NTIME(t(n))={L | L is decidable within
time O(t(n)) by some non-deterministic TM}
Def: DSPACE(s(n))={L | L decidable within
space O(s(n)) by some deterministic TM}
Def: NSPACE(s(n))={L | L decidable within
space O(s(n)) by some non-deterministic TM}
Non-Robustness of TM Complexity
• Computability: all variations on TMs have the same
computing power
– If there is a multi-tape TM that can decide L, there is a
regular TM that can decide L.
– If there is a nondeterministic TM that can decide L, there is a
deterministic TM that can decide L.
• Complexity: variations on TM can solve problems in
different times
– Is a multi-tape TM faster than a regular TM?
– Is a nondeterministic TM faster than a regular TM?
Complexity Class P
P =U
P is the class of languages that can be decided
in Polynomial Time on a deterministic, singletape Turing machine.
Classes in P
Yes! We can simulate each step of a 2tape TM by making 2 passes over the
whole tape ~ 2(n+t(n))
(See Theorem 7.8)
b) TIME(O(n7))
c) TIME(O(2n))
d) Class of languages that can be decided in
Polynomial Time by a 2-tape TM
e) Class of languages that can be decided in
Polynomial Time by a nondeterministic TM
Unknown! This is the P = NP question. Focus of this class…
P Examples
• What are some examples of problems in P?
– Arithmetic
– Matrix Multiplication
– Matrix Inversion
– Sorting
Non-deterministic polynomial time
• Deterministic Polynomial Time: TM takes at
most O(nc) steps to accept a string of length n
• Non-deterministic Polynomial Time: The TM
takes at most O(nc) steps on some path to
accept a string of length n
Complexity Class NP
NP = U
P is the class of languages that can be decided
in Polynomial Time on a non-deterministic
Turing Machine.
Alternative Definition
• A language is in NP if some execution path answers in
polynomial time
• What if we had a “list of directions”?
• Some information that told us which path accepted
• L is in NP if there is a “verifier” which given a string x in L
and a polynomial length “witness” it can verify x is a
member of L in polynomial time
• NP = “easy to verify” problems
Definition of NP
Using Descriptive
Neil Immerman
Argue why these are in NP
• Sets of integers which sum to 0
– Add them together, check if sum is 0
• Sets of integers which have a subset with sum 0
– Given a “witness” w (a particular subset which sums to 0) we can:
• Verify w is indeed a subset of the input
• Verify that w sums to 0
• Sets of integers which have a subset of size 3 which sums to 0
– Try all subsets of size 3, check if any sum to 0
– Called “3-Sum”
• Primality testing: Given an integer, is it prime?
– Given a “witness” (a pair of numbers) we can:
• Verify the product of these numbers gives the input (just 1 multiplication)
• Surprisingly, this can be solved in Polynomial time (AKS, 2002)
The Class P and the Class NP
• P = { L | L is accepted by a deterministic Turing
Machine in polynomial time }
• NP = { L | L is accepted by a non-deterministic
Turing Machine in polynomial time }
• They are sets of languages
Most important CS Problem
• Does P = NP?
• Are all “easily verifiable problems” also “easily
• How much more efficient are nondeterministic Turing Machines?
• P = NP if every NP problem has a deterministic
polynomial time algorithm
• We could find an algorithm for every NP problem
• Seems… hard…
• Study an “archetypical” example
– An NP problem which is in P iff P=NP
– Called Complete
• We need: At least one such problem
NP Hardness & Completeness
Def: A problem L’ is NP-hard if:
(1) Every L in NP reduces to L’ in polynomial time.
Def: A problem L’ is NP-complete if:
(1) L is NP-hard; and
(2) L is in NP.
If one NPC problem is in P P=NP
NP Completeness Benefits
Saves time & effort of trying to solve intractable problems
Saves money by not separately working to efficiently solve
different problems;
Helps systematically build on & leverage the work (or lack of
progress) of others;
Transformations can be used to solve new problems by reducing
them to known ones;
Illuminates the structure & complexity of seemingly unrelated
NP Completeness Benefits
Informs as to when we should use approximate solutions vs.
exact ones;
7. Helps understand the ubiquitous concept of parallelism (via nondeterminism);
8. Enabled vast, deep, and general studies of other “completeness”
9. Helps explain why verifying proofs seems to be easier than
constructing them;
10. Illuminates the fundamental nature of algorithms and
NP Completeness Benefits
11. Gave rise to new and novel mathematical approaches, proofs,
and analyses;
12. Robustly decouples / abstracts complexity from underlying
computational models;
13. Gives disciplined techniques for identifying “hardest” problems /
14. Forged new unifications between computer science,
mathematics, and logic;
15. NP-Completeness is interesting and fun!
Our “Favorite” NP Complete Problem
Satisfiability (SAT): Given a Boolean expression in conjuctive
normal form, is there some assignment of T/F to its
variables such that the expression resolves to “True”?
Note: we may restrict each disjunction to have 3 variables (3-SAT)
¬𝑎 ∨ 𝑏 ∨ ¬𝑐 ∧ 𝑎 ∨ 𝑑 ∨ 𝑐 ∧ (𝑑 ∨ 𝑏 ∨ ¬𝑒)
Satisfied if: 𝑎 = 𝐹, 𝑏 = 𝐹, 𝑐 = 𝑇, 𝑑 = 𝑇
𝑎 ∨ 𝑏 ∧ ¬𝑎 ∨ ¬𝑏 ∧ (¬𝑎 ∨ 𝑏) ∧ (𝑎 ∨ ¬𝑏)
Can’t be Satisfied!
The Cook/Levin Theorem
Theorem [Cook/Levin, 1971]: SAT is NP-complete.
Proof idea: given a non-deterministic polynomial
time TM M and input w, construct a CNF
formula that is satisfiable iff M accepts w.
Create boolean variables:
q[i,k]  at step i, M is in state k
h[i,k]  at step i, M’s RW head scans tape cell k
s[i,j,k]  at step i, M’s tape cell j contains symbol Sk
Stephen Cook
Leonid Levin
M halts in polynomial time p(n)
 total # of variables is polynomial in p(n)
The Cook/Levin Theorem
Add clauses to the formula to enforce necessary
restrictions on how M operates / runs:
• At each time i:
M is in exactly 1 state
r/w head scans exactly 1 cell
All cells contain exactly 1 symbol
• At time 0  M is in its initial state
• At time P(n)  M is in a final state
• Transitions from step i to i+1
all obey M's transition function
Resulting formula is satisfiable iff M accepts w!
Stephen Cook
Leonid Levin
“Guess and Verify” Approach
Note: SAT  NP.
Idea: Nondeterministically “guess” each Boolean
variable value, and then verify the guessed solution.
 polynomial-time nondeterministic algorithm  NP
This “guess & verify” approach is general.
Idea: “Guessing” is usually trivially fast ( NP)
 NP can be characterized by the “verify” property:
NP  set of problems for which proposed
solutions can be quickly verified
 set of languages for which string
membership can be quickly tested.
Historical Note
The Cook/Levin theorem was independently proved by Stephen Cook
and Leonid Levin
Denied tenure at Berkeley (1970)
Invented NP completeness (1971)
Won Turing Award (1982)
Student of Andrei Kolmogorov
Seminal paper obscured by
Russian, style, and Cold War
An NP-Complete Encyclopedia
Classic book: Garey & Johnson, 1979
• Definitive guide to NP-completeness
• Lists hundreds of NP-complete problems
• Gives reduction types and refs
Michael Garey
David Johnson
NP-Completeness Proof Method
• To show that Q is NP-Complete:
• 1) Show that Q is in NP
– Usually by “guess and verify”
• 2) Pick an instance, R, of your favorite NPComplete problem (ex: 3-SAT)
• 3) Show a polynomial algorithm to transform R
into an instance of Q
Reducing Reduction Proofs
• Conjecture: A has some property Y.
• Proof by reduction from B to A:
– Assume A has Y. Then, we know there is an M that decides A.
– We already know B does not have property Y.
– Show how to build S that solves B using M.
• Since we know B does not have Y, but having S would
imply B has Y, S cannot exist. Therefore, M cannot exist,
and A does not have Y.
Undecidability Proofs
• Conjecture: A has some property Y.
• Proof by reduction from B to A:
– Assume A has Y. Then, we know an M exists.
– We already know B does not have property Y.
– Show how to build S that solves B using M.
• Since we know B does not have Y, but having S would imply B has Y,
S cannot exist. Therefore, M cannot exist, and A does not have Y.
Y = “can be decided by a TM”
B = a known undecidable problem (e.g., ATM, HALTTM, EQTM, …)
M = “a TM that decides A”
NP-Hardness Proofs
• Conjecture: A has some property Y.
• Proof by reduction from B to A:
– Assume A has Y. Then, we know an M exists.
– We already know B does not have property Y.
– Show how to build S that solves B using M.
• Since we know B does not have Y, but having S would imply B has Y,
S cannot exist. Therefore, M cannot exist, and A does not have Y.
Y = “is NP-Hard”
B = a known NP-Hard problem (e.g., 3-SAT, SUBSET-SUM, …)
M = “a TM that decides A in polynomial-time”
• Suppose we know ATM is undecidable, but do
not yet know if EQTM is.
EQTM = { <M1, M2> | M1 and M2 are TMs where L(M1) = L(M2) }
ATM = { <M>, w | M is TM, w is string, w in L(M) }
Conjecture: EQTM is undecidable.
What do we need to do to prove conjecture?
Reduce from ATM to EQTM: show that a solver for EQTM could be used to
solve ATM.
Pitfall #1: Make sure you do reduction in right direction.
Showing how to solve B using MA, shows A is as hard as B.
Building Solvers
ATM = { <M, w> | M is TM, w is string, w in L(M) }
EQTM = { <M1, M2> | M1 and M2 are TMs where L(M1) = L(M2) }
Conjecture: EQTM is undecidable.
Reduce from EQTM to ATM: show that MEQ, a solver for EQTM can be used to
solve ATM.
MB(<M, w>): machine that decides ATM
Simulate MEQ on <M1, M2>:
M1 = a TM that simulates M running on w
M2 = a TM that always accepts
If it accepts, accept; if it rejects, reject.
Pitfall #2: Get the inputs to the solver to match correctly.
To solve B using MA, must transform inputs to B into inputs to A.
Legal Transformations
• Undecidability proofs: your transformation can do
anything a TM can do, but must be guaranteed to
– E.g., cannot include, “simulate M and if it halts, accept”
• NP-Hardness proofs: your transformation must finish in
polynomial time
– E.g., cannot include, “do an exponential search to find the
answer, and output that”