Transcript Rates

Main Idea and New Vocabulary
Example 1: Real-World Example
Example 2: Real-World Example
Example 3: Real-World Example
• Determine unit rates.
• rate
• unit rate
Manuel reads 1,000 words in 5 minutes. Write this
rate as a unit rate.
Write the rate that compares the number of words to
the number of minutes. Then divide.
1,000 words
5 minutes
200 words
1 minute
Answer: So, the unit rate is
Mrs. Thomas paid $180 for 30 people to visit the
science museum. Write this rate as a unit rate.
A. $6 per person
B. $8 per person
C. $9 per person
D. $18 per person
WAGES Imena earned $216 last week. If she
worked 18 hours, how much was she paid per
Write the rate that compares the amount earned to
the number of hours worked. Then divide.
18 hours
1 hour
Answer: So, Imena was paid $12 per hour.
UNIT PRICES Michael bought a 6-pack of
pudding cups for $4.50. How much did he pay per
pudding cup?
A. $0.27 per pudding cup
B. $0.54 per pudding cup
C. $0.75 per pudding cup
D. $1.33 per pudding cup
HEART RATES A cat’s heart beats about
3,600 beats every 30 minutes. A horse’s heart
beats about 1,320 times every 30 minutes. How
many more beats does a cat’s heart beat in
60 minutes than a horse’s heart?
Step 1
Find the unit rates.
A cat’s heart beats about
A horse’s heart beats about
Step 2
Using the unit rate for each, determine the
number of beats in 60 minutes.
A cat’s heart beats 120 × 60 or 7,200 beats
in 60 minutes. A horse’s heart beats
44 × 60 or 2,640 beats in 60 minutes.
Step 3
Find the difference.
7,200 – 2,640 = 4,560
Answer: So, a cat’s heart beats 4,560 more times in
60 minutes than a horse’s heart.
UNIT PRICES Gabriela paid $2.59 for a 7-ounce bag
of chips. Jeremy paid $4.20 for a 12-ounce bag of
chips. How much more per ounce did Gabriela
A. Gabriela paid $0.02 more per ounce.
B. Gabriela paid $0.20 more per ounce.
C. Gabriela paid $0.32 more per ounce.
D. Gabriela paid $1.61 more per ounce.