Medical Forensic Response to Sexual Assault

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Transcript Medical Forensic Response to Sexual Assault

Medical Forensic Response to
Sexual Assault, Child Abuse, and
other Forms of Interpersonal
Violence: EMS
Barbara Haner, MN, ARNP
Providence Intervention Center for
Assault and Abuse
• Recognize red flags that may indicate
child sexual and/or physical abuse
• Recognize common offender behaviors
associated with child sexual abuse
• Implement treatment response consistent
with mandatory reporting laws and district
• 1 in 4 girls, 1 in 6 boys will be assaulted
before they graduate from high school
• In Snohomish County, this means that of
the over 70,000 girls and boys currently in
middle and high school approximately
8000 girls and 6000 boys will be assaulted
before they graduate
• Less than 4% of teens will report
Statistics Continued
• FBI stats indicate a 1-2% false report rate
(other studies indicate 15%)
• 80-90% of children are assaulted by a
known family member or friend (trusted
family friend/ S.O. of mother 56%, family
members 36%, strangers 8%)
• Non-familial abduction of children under
10 years usually results in fatality within 3
Medical Forensic Response to
Sexual Assault
• Variation of what your county response
• May be a “Team” or individual RNs that
have been trained. May be regular ED
• May have a CAC (Child Advocacy
Center) with scheduled assessments
with colposcopic examination
Advocacy Services
• Every County has a designated SA
(sexual assault) response center
– 24-hour crisis line response
– May have emergency room response
• Information and support
– Medical Advocacy
• Will respond to your call
• Information and referral
• Case Management
Sexual Assault Advocates
• RCW 70.125.060 makes provisions for
victims to have a sexual assault advocate
available to them throughout the
investigative and legal process
Why Aren’t Child Sexual
Assaults Reported
• Fear of retaliation (esp with teens)
• He loves me
• Fear of negativity or personal disclosure associated with
legal proceedings or CPS involvement
• Cultural stigmatization (shame, guilt, SEX)
• Child’s lack of competency and/or capacity
• Lack of knowledge based language
• Willingness to believe the offender over their child
• Co-Dependent behavior by caregiver
– Emotional
– Housing
– Financial
Why Go to the ED
Increased likelihood of reporting
Safe place to stash the victim
You don’t know what you don’t know
You never get the entire story the first time
Medical care
– Limited time frame for forensics, ECP, Toxicology, ETOH
Advocacy support
Documentation of history, injuries
Third party reporting
Every victim of interpersonal violence should receive a
medical exam
• Assume that any possible child abuse includes sexual
Offender Epidemiology
Listen to the original facts
Don’t be swayed by the delivery
Usually no disclosure until he hurts someone
They want to give you a plausible reason to make you go
• They are master manipulators
– Grooming behavior
• Singles out type/age of victim
– Gifts, secrets, special time/activities
• Their behavior is often predictable
– White knight saves the day (day care, housing, financial)
– Encourages mom to work while he provides day care
• What happens during evening activities
Common Injuries
• Only 20% of confirmed SA will have visible
medical findings. Usually fondling then
• Pre-pubescent
– Vestibule: erythema, superficial tears in skin.
May have ejaculate in belly button and folds
of skin.
• Post pubescent
– Based on history of sexual activity
• Very few serious or life threatening injuries
• Based on Locard’s Principle of Transference
• Includes
Injuries (medical findings)
Forensic Considerations
• Even if victim has showered/bathed and
changed clothes there is good chance of DNA
• Bring soiled clothes, blankets, hay bales, car
seats, sanitary pads, condoms, tampons,
diaphragms, diapers, sheets
• Encourage victim to not eat, drink, defecate,
douche, oral hygiene prior to examination
• Save toilet tissue
• Never place in plastic– always use paper bags
• Chain of Custody Documentation
Child Specific Forensic
• In cases involving pre-verbal children,
often the only chance for prosecution is
the discovery of physical evidence
• Most child SA does not include
penetration, thus usually no evidence of
• Most law enforcement and medical
personnel are focused on the safety issue
and forget the forensic portion
Child Forensic Considerations
• Bring bedding, crib toys, soiled diaper pail,
any clothing
• Bring anything that the child may have
come into contact with or may have laying
on during or since the abuse
• Diapers, wipes
• Urine
• Hair
Drug Endangered Children (DEC)
• All children removed from a lab should receive
immediate medical assessment regardless of
lack of signs and symptoms
• Usually decontamination occurs in the field
• Limited time frame for testing (Meth clears in
• Standard testing will occur to check for blood
disorders, liver damage, hair samples for long
term exposure, toxicology screens
• Children may be drug endangered without being
exposed to manufacturing
Drug Facilitated Sexual Assault
• Alcohol is most common drug (very
important to determine in teens)
• Tranquilizers and pain medication
• Veterinary Drugs
• Over the counter meds
• Rohypnol and GHB not common in this
• The use of drugs to facilitate increases the
degree of assault charged
EMS Response
• Multidisciplinary approach
• Coordinated County Protocols
– 2000 county protocols were mandated by the
Legislative body and are to be reviewed every
2 years
• Immediate coordinated investigation
– Law Enforcement
– Medical Examiner
– Victim Support Services
– Emergency Department
– Specialized medical care
– Department of Health
• Preserve Life – Render Aid
• Preserve/secure Scene
1 path of entrance/exit
Disturb physical objects as little as possible
Don’t use any household objects
Don’t open doors/windows except as required
Contact police
• Preserve Information
• Be conscious of the environment
• Presenting and on-going demeanor of those
• History provided
– What initial aid was done
• Photos if possible
• Make detailed notes as soon as possible
• Discrepancies often make the case
– Who said what
• What did the child say, verbatim if possible
• All possible evidence of injuries
• Make a Timeline if possible
– When was the child “normal” last
– Initial symptoms “tell me about how the baby has
been over the last 48-72 hours”
– Who has been with the child during this time
– Why did you call the aid car
– Who is everybody, who’s missing
Medical Exception to Hearsay
• Crawford Supreme Court Decision
• Must include what you said or asked
• Verbatim in quotes what the child said
What is Your District’s Policy
• What can you do if someone signs a
waiver and you want to take the child
4 year old female ,physically and sexually abused by mom’s
new husband
Long history of meth use and manufacturing
Whatcom Co. SA Services
– 1407 Commercial; Bellingham, 98225
– 24 hour Hot line: 360-715-1563
– Office line: 360-671-5714
• xx
PICAA Contacts
Barbara Haner (Medical): 425-297-5770
Medical Appointments: 425-297-5776
Consult with the NE : 425-258-9031
Gayle Ossenkop (Manager): 425-2975780
24 hour Advocacy Crisis Line