Transcript pps

Techniques for Creating Accessible, Closed Captioned Web-Based Video

David Klein K. “Fritz” Thompson California State University - Northridge 21st Annual International Technology and Persons with Disabilities Conference Los Angeles, California March 22, 2006


 Video is played back by Flash Player  Version 7 of the Flash Player in the browser required for the end user  Interface (controls, layout) located in .swf file

Flash Video

 Frustrated with “player wars”  Lack of standards compliance  Continual, relentless upgrades  Difficulty in upgrading – pushing users toward paid versions  Hijacking of media types / file extensions

Flash Rationale

 Becoming more accessible by version 6  Full integration with video by version 7  Greater installed base  Handles video well  Fast  Developer-level flexibility  Can revise interface as needed  Control over accessibility (within Flash capabilities)

Flash Files

      Video  .flv

Caption file  We use the QuickTime caption file XML configuration file  Integrates video and caption files Flash player (Shockwave)  .swf compiled from Flash code HTML Flash code file (.fla)  Optional for further development

Flash Video Player Assembly

 The Flash playback engine – videoname.swf

 The video – videoname.flv

 The caption file – videoname_captions.txt

 Same caption file as used for QT (or SAMI file is possible)  The caption control file – captions.xml

 Includes URLs to video and captions files  User can toggle captions in the video player with CC icon (on by default)

Captions.xml File Characteristics

 Use XML standards  Tags case sensitive  All elements closed  xxx (open and close tags)  (no explicit close tag; use the slash)

XML Configuration

captionfile.txt video.flv 240 180 1948.03

Flash Video Player Activity

 Handout:

Flash captions.xml Activity Assemble Files


Modify an XML file and assemble the QuickTime captions file with the Flash video player to create a captioned, Flash video.

Flash Video Player Files

 Place all files together in a folder  Video (.flv)  Caption file (video_caption.txt)  XML file (caption.xml)  Flash video player file (.swf)

Flash Security

    Keep files in same folder when possible Use BASE attribute in HTML   Test thoroughly, especially among browsers and browser versions More:  