Applications - Institute of Solid Mechanics, Mechatronics and

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Transcript Applications - Institute of Solid Mechanics, Mechatronics and

11th International Scientific Seminar
on Developments in Machinery Design and Control
Červený Kláštor ‘2007
Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical
Engineering, Technická 2, 616 69 Brno, Czech Republic,
e-mail: [email protected]
European Social Fund (ESF) - Introduction
On accession to the European Union in 2004, the Czech Republic gained
the opportunity to share in the use of resources from the Structural Funds
and the Cohesion Fund.
The oldest of these funds is the European Social Fund (ESF), which was
set up under the Treaty of Rome back in 1957. The ESF is the key
financial instrument for the implementation of the European Employment
Strategy. Its principal tasks are to develop employment, reduce
unemployment, and support social inclusion and equal opportunities with
a focus on the development of the labour market and human resources.
Human Resources Development
Operational Programme 2004-2006
The global objective of the HREOP is to increase the employment
and employability of people in the Czech Republic to the
average level of the 15 best EU countries.
The Operational Programme defines five basic specific priority axes, covering
the adaptability of employees and employers, further education,
employment and employability, including the integration of groups at risk of
social exclusion, equal opportunities, the modernization of public
administration and public services, and transnational cooperation in the field
of human resources development and employment.
Priority axis 3.2:
Support of tertiary education,
research and development
3 Calls in the Priority Axis 3.2, organized by the Min. of
Education of the Czech Republic:
Dec.2005, Aug.2006
Total number 398, total sum 65 mil. Euro
Total number 180, total sum 25 mil. Euro
Supported programs in Priority axis
• Innovation of University education programs
• Development of teacher training programs
• Development of further education at Universities
• Development of human resources in Research and
Innovation of University education
• Development of quality of undergraduate, postgraduate
and doctoral study programs, modular structure of study
and realization of suggested programs (within a 2–year
period of typical project duration)
• Cooperation of schools with external partners
Presented – 180
Accepted – 88, tot. sum 14 mil. Euro
Development of teacher training
• Development of teacher study programs of basic and
higher education and their realization
Presented – 78
Accepted – 43, tot. sum 5.5 mil. Euro
Development of further education at
• Enhancement and realization of further education
programs at Universities, compliant with active
employment policy of state
Presented – 106
Accepted – 35, tot. sum 4 mil. Euro
Development of human resources in
Research and Development
• Enhancement and realization of further education
programs oriented to financial management, innovative
business, research, technology transfer and intellectual
property management
Presented – 34
Accepted – 14, tot. sum 2 mil. Euro
Distribution of financial support
(25 mil.Euro) in Priority axis 3.2:
• Innovation of University education programs – 49%
• Development of teacher training programs – 24%
• Development of further education at Universities – 19%
• Development of human resources in Research and
Development – 8%
Problem: Complicated procedures of
application, approval and
administration of accepted projects
• Basic principle: all financial costs of the project are
paid aposteriori,
• Min. of Education checks the project administration
and financial costs in 3-month intervals, periodical
„Monitoring reports“ are presented by project leaders
• Complicated system results in probles with EU funds
drawing: of the 25 mil. Euro for the Priority 3.2 in 20042008 period, only 27% has been used by now
Project preparation, application and
administration – illustrative example:
Innovation of Mechanical Engineering Study Programs in the
Context of Information Society
• Applicant: Brno University of Technology, 4 cooperating Institutes
- Mechanics, Mechatronics and Biomechanics
- Automation
- Design
- Electronics and Power Electrotechnics
• Solution time: June 2006 – June 2008
• Budget:
285.000 Euro
- salaries
- travel costs
- material costs
- other
Project preparation, application and
administration – illustrative example:
Innovation of Mechanical Engineering Study Programs in the Context of
Information Society
• Partners: ABB s.r.o.
Bosch Diesel
Honeywell, spol. s r.o.
První brněnská strojírna Velká Bíteš a.s.
Siemens Electric Machines s.r.o.
Slovácké strojírny, a.s.
UNIS, spol s r.o.
Visteon - Autopal, s.r.o.
ŽDAS, a.s.
The aim of this project is to improve the quality of selected programs of mechanical
engineering study to give our students the flexibility, necessary for their successful
competition in contemporary industrial world. There are five of the selected
programs that should be modified: one bachelor’s program - Mechatronics, and
four master’s programs – Engineering Mechanics, Mechatronics, Engineering
Design and Applied Informatics and Control. About 50 people from two faculties of
BUT participate in the project.
Project preparation, application and
administration – illustrative example:
Innovation of Mechanical Engineering Study Programs in the Context
of Information Society
Application procedure -2nd call, Dec. 2005:
• Applicant’s handbook – 48 pages, here
• Submitted application – 34 pages, here
+ 42 pages of Appendices
(e.g. Agreements with Partners about future cooperation)
Application acceptance and project assignment – June 2006:
• Agreement between Min. of Education and BUT – 13 pages, here
Project preparation, application and
administration – illustrative example:
Innovation of Mechanical Engineering Study Programs in the Context of
Information Society
Project Administration:
• Project administration handbook – 115 pages, here
• Monitoring reports handbook – 40 pages, here
Monitoring report is submitted to Ministry 4-times a year, containing all
financial and factual activities in the project, which are paid by Ministry only
after official approval of each MR
Project stages – key activities:
Innovation of Mechanical Engineering Study Programs in the Context of
Information Society
• Formulation of needs,
• Analysis of foreign curricula,
• Suggestion of modular structure of study,
• Innovation of the content of selected courses,
• E-learning and computer aided education,
• Enhancement of laboratory activities,
• Realization and evaluation of new programs,
• Publicity
Project stages – key activities:
• Formulation of needs - question forms sent to former students and
industrial partners + their analysis:
Project stages – key activities:
• Innovation of curricula, study texts, e-learning – about 50 courses
fully described at
Project stages – key activities:
• Innovation of laboratories and lab courses
Project stages – key activities:
• Organization of meetings and seminars, publicity
Project stages – key activities:
• Realization of innovated study programs – just starting
Operational Program Education for
Competitiveness 2007-2013
Priority axis 2:
Tertiary education, research and development
Allocated funding from ESF: 1 828 mil. Euro
( + 270 mil. from the Czech Government)
First call: Nov.2007
Next calls: till 2013, projects funding till 2015
Up to 750.000 Euro per 1 project
Similar system of project assignment and administration
Thank you
for attention,
Thank EU
for funding