Transcript Meditation

Easy Meditation
Gan, Chennai
Please Do not Edit Contents
Created : 09/Jun/2011 :: Revision 04 : 23/Sep/2012
Disclaimer: All contents of this presentation are simply my random thoughts and opinions to the Best of my knowledge and
belief and ‘THE READER’ need not consider them as ‘TRUE’ or ‘TRUTH’. No Guarantee implied. Subject to Revisions.
The Purpose of Meditation is to
Transcend the Mind
Transcending the Mind means
‘Going beyond the Mind’
A Transcended Mind goes beyond
Thinking and Not Thinking
The question of Thinking and Not
Thinking does not arise at the
Transcended state of Mind as the Mind
is superceeded by Consciousness
The Mind attains almost Zero Potential
at the Meditation State as it has lost all
its powers. The Mind becomes Null
Understand the fact that ‘Thinking’ and ‘Not
Thinking’ both are the attributes of an
Active Mind
‘Not Thinking’ is different from ‘Non Thinking’
‘Not thinking’ is also part of Thinking Only.
Hence the Mind must be Transcended.
Meditation enables this ‘Non Thinking’
State of Transcendence
Steps in Meditation
1. Preparing to Meditate
2. Pre-Meditation
3. Entering the Meditation
4. Continuing the Meditation
5. Continuing the Meditation
6. Anchoring in Meditation
7. The Meditative State
8. The Meditative State Contd..
9. Ending the Meditation
10. What do you gain by Meditating
1. Preparing to Meditate
Choose a Calm Environment
Prefer the same place and same time Everyday
Be in Empty Stomach
Set an alarm for 30-45 Minutes if you want
Repeat Meditation 2-3 Times a Day preferably Morning,
Afternoon and Evening
Sit conveniently in a Chair in any position
Rest and support your Back
Preferably try to Keep your spine erect
Close your Eyes
Blind fold your Eyes using kerchief if closing your eyes is a
difficult task for you
2. Pre Mediation
Meditation will be effective if certain Pre Meditation
Techniques are followed like Pranayama.
Breathing has direct relationship with Mind.
Nadi sudhi pranayama or Kapalbhati are effective pranayama
In Nadi sudhi pranayama you Inhale through the Left Nostril
and Exhale through the Right Nostril. Then Inhale through the
Right Nostril and Exhale through the Left Nostril. This is One
Cycle . Repeat this for 10-25 Cycles.
In Kapalbhati you forcefully exhale thro’ both Nostrils. Then
inhale thro’ both Nostrils. Then forcefully exhale thro’ both
Nostrils. Repeat this for 10-25 times.
Perform any one of the above (Either Nadi sudhi or
Kapalbhati )
3. Entering the Meditation
Mind becomes 25% calm by pranayama itself. But this state is
unsustainable. You must go to the Next state in Meditation.
Simply inhale and Exhale watching your Breath attentively.
Perform Belly Breathing.
While Inhaling Belly should come out and Exhaling Belly should go in.
Watch your belly attentively while exhaling ‘Letting Go’ everything as if
Gravity takes care of the falling Belly.
Concentrate on the Belly Breathing.
Repeat this Belly Breathing for 10-20 Times.
Now you are 50% ready for Meditation.
4. Continuing the Meditation
Think in Mind slowly 100, 99,98,97,96
Think Slowly 95,94,93,92,91
Thoughts may disturb you.
Let all the Thoughts come out
Finish your Thoughts and let it go
Start once again :: Think Slowly 100, 99,98,97,96
Think Slowly 95,94,93,92,91
Repeat this as much as you can, going up to ‘0’
5. Continuing the Meditation
While thinking slowly the numbers in reverse order
like 90,89,88, 87,86 you may get confused and miss
the numbers.
Then once again go back to Thinking Slowly
Continue thinking slowly 95,94,93,92,91,
Continue thinking slowly 90,89,88,87,86,
Continue …………..
Continue ………….
Follow the Matrix given below in Mind in
the exact pattern shown below
100 99
Proceed like this till …….
If any thought comes while following the Matrix
Once again start from the beginning
And Proceed again …….
This process should be repeated whenever thoughts
come in the middle of reverse counting in the Mind
Gradually switch on to concentrating on the
Breath ………………….
Like a Pole Vault Player skips his Pole after
attaining a specific height ………………..
Merely watch the Breath ………………
Merely keep watching the Breath
As you keep going………
You attain the Thoughtless State
6. Anchoring in Meditation
Soon the Mind gets tired and goes back to its shell
The Mind is now getting Transcended. All thoughts
subside. The mind does not want to think any more
You get into ‘Thoughtless State’. Now the
Consciousness gets Awakened. Consciousness
becomes predominant in you
You can watch your own Mind using your
Consciousness. No thoughts disturb you now
7. The Meditative State
In the Meditative State you are fully Aware and Alert
You are in the Thoughtless State
The Mind has become inactive and your servant now
When Mind looses its Power Consciousness becomes predominant
You have Transcended the Mind. That means You can Think still if you
want. But you would prefer to be in the Transcended state. A sublime
state of Consciousness watching your own self.
This is Consciousness becoming aware of its own self.
8. The Meditative State Contd..
Now you are simply Aware of Yourself
Just like an Apple able to taste its own sweetness
You are still Alert. You can still be aware of people going and coming
around. You can still hear distant noises. Nothing will disturb you
unless it is extremely violent
You continue this sublime state and be in the state as long as you
wish say 30-45 Minutes
9. Ending the Meditation
Slowly come out of the Meditative State
Rub Your palms and make some Heat
Rub and Wash your face using the Heat produced
Now you have gained lot of Energy
Open your eyes very slowly
Thank God for this grand state of realization
Do not boast your experience to anybody
Continue your Daily Life as usual
God willing only, one can experience Meditation
10. What do you gain by Meditating
Meditation is the door way to Freedom. The beginning of a New Journey.
Mind looses its domination
A New Awareness begins. You become Self Aware
You are able to connect to your real self
Your Third Eye (Creativity and Imagination Power) gets activated
You overcome stress
Your Blood Pressure Reduces
Your overall Health Improves
You understanding power increases
Your Wisdom Increases
Your thoughts become very sharp
You are able to connect to the Inner World
More Avenues in the Inner World opens
A New Journey Begins from Here to Unexplored Avenues inside the Self