3. Which best characterizes the rainfall pattern in India?

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Transcript 3. Which best characterizes the rainfall pattern in India?

SOL Quiz 5
1. India before the mid-20th century included what are now the
independent nations of India and
a. Tibet
b. Afghanistan and Burma
c. Sri Lanka
d. Pakistan and Bangladesh
The Indian empires of ancient and medieval times, and India as
a British colony were made up of what are now the independent
nations of India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh, though early
empires often did not include southern India. Pakistan and
Bangladesh separated from India because they are
predominantly Muslim nations, while India is predominately
2. The three major rivers of India originate
a. on the Deccan Plateau
b. in the Himalaya Mountains
c. on the Ganges Plain
d. from underground aquifers
Most major rivers have their origins in mountains. The
three major rivers of India are fed by rainfall and by
snow melt in the Himalaya Mountains to the north.
3. Which best characterizes the rainfall pattern in India?
a. India is a semi-arid region because it receives little rainfall all year.
b. India is a humid, tropical region because of heavy rainfall all year.
c. India has heavy seasonal rainfall brought by monsoon winds.
d. India receives many misty, light rains throughout the year.
Monsoon winds from the southwest bring heavy rainfall to
much of India from June through October. Winters are cool
and dry while spring is hot and dry.
4. The Indian subcontinent is bordered on the north by the
a. Himalaya and Karakoram mountains
b. Hindu Kush and Western Ghat mountains
c. Himalaya and Eastern Ghat mountains
d. Hindu Kush and Zagros mountains
The Karakoram Mountains in northwest India link up with the
Himalaya Mountains that extend across most of northern India. The
Karakoram Mountains have some of the world's highest peaks,
including K-2, the second highest mountain in the world. The
Eastern and Western Ghats are along the coasts of southern India
with a narrow coastal strip separating them, respectively, from the
Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea. The Hindu Kush is a major
mountain range on the border between India and Afghanistan. The
Zagros Mountains are farther west in what is now Iran.
5. The early cities of Mohenjo-daro and Harappa were located
a. along the Indus River
b. on the coast of India
c. along the Ganges River
d. in the valleys of the Himalaya Mountains
The cities of Mohenjo-daro and Harappa were built along the Indus
River because annual floods provided rich soil and the river waters
could be used for irrigation. Rivers were also convenient means of
transportation. Coastal cities became important later when trade
became the economic basis of cities; however, the economies of early
civilizations were based on agriculture.
6. After they became established, the early Indian civilizations
at Mohenjo-daro and Harappa carried on trade with
a. Europe
b. Japan
c. the Arabian Peninsula
d. Mesopotamia
The Indus Valley civilizations at Mohenjo-daro and Harappa
carried on trade with the early civilization in the Middle East of
Sumeria in Mesopotamia. The Mesopotamian culture preceded
that of the Indus Valley in development. Europe, Japan, and
the Arabian Peninsula at that time had more primitive cultures.
7. Which of the following is the HIGHEST caste in the Hindu caste
a. Brahmans
b. warriors and nobles
c. merchants
d. Landowners
Brahmans as priests of the Hindu religion are the highest caste of the
four basic castes. Warriors and nobles are second in importance,
merchants and landowners are in third caste, and the lowest caste is
the servant caste of peasants and laborers.
8. Whose preference is MOST important, for Hindus, in the choice
of a marriage partner?
a. bride
b. groom
c. parents of the bride and groom
d. Hindu priest
Marriage partners among Hindus are chosen by the parents of the
bride and groom who arrange the marriage, often in childhood and
often without the involvement of the bride and groom who may have
had little acquaintance with each other before the wedding.
Marriages usually take place between members of the same caste.
The value of the dowry the bride brings to the marriage is often a
factor in the negotiations between the families.
9. Which best describes the Vedas?
a. They are books written by the priests of Mohenjo-daro and Harappa.
b. They are the teachings of the person who began the Hindu religion.
c. They are a uniform code of laws set down by the Aryan king.
d. They are books written by Brahmans to preserve Aryan traditions.
The Vedas are books written by Aryan priests (Brahmans) to
preserve the traditions of the Aryan tribes. Initially the
Brahmans memorized and recited the rules, legends, and
prayers of the Aryans; however, between 1200 B.C. and 600
B.C. they began writing them down in "books of knowledge."
10. Which best describes the origin of the religion of Buddhism?
a. It was brought by the Aryans from Central Asia.
b. It was based on traditional Dravidian beliefs.
c. It was developed by Siddhartha Gautama as a reform of Hinduism.
d. It was the religion of the early civilizations of the Indus Valley.
Siddhartha Gautama developed his religious ideas after a
period of fasting and meditation because he sought an
explanation for the abundance of unhappiness and misery
in Hindu society. His teachings, which gave rise to
Buddhism, retained some Hindu beliefs while rejecting