Download Report


Allt om auktionen på www.saef.se
Täby Ryttarcenter 14 sept 2013 kl 13
Burt Seeger US Photo
10 ÅR
Här ses tidernas ”jackpot” när det gäller svenska åringsauktioner i galoppsporten. Hästen som
ovan vinner Dansk Derby 2013 före Rock the Legend heter Quite a Mission och han ropades in
för 170.000 kr vid SÅEF-auktionen 2011. Per den 1 augusti 2013 har han vunnit 7 löpningar av 9
möjliga och tjänat 1.926.163 kr, inkl segrar i klassiska Dansk Derby på Klampenborg och Jockeyklubbens 2000 Guineas på Täby. Finns det liknande fynd bland de 60 åringarna i denna katalog?
60 katalognummer
Tillgängliga för visning fredag 18-20
Planlagd visning lördag 10-11
Quite a Mission, 3 år, e Eishin Dunkirk-Theatre Antique e Theatrical uppfödd av Rävdansens Stuteri har sprungit in 1 926 163 kr inklusive bonus.
Stockholms åringsauktioner EF
Roslövsholm, Flyinge - ett samarbete mellan
Skånes Fullblodsauktioner och Dansk Galop
tillräckligt många gånger så är det lätt att man börjar tro att den är sann. En sådan sak är att bra hästar kommer från andra länder. Och att man måste handla
utomlands för att vara med i matchen.
VI GÅR RAKT PÅ SAK: Det är inte sant.
Av de 10 vinstrikaste svensktränade hästarna i år är sex från Sverige, tre från
Irland och en från Brasilien. Trots att vi numera har ytterst få stängda löpningar!
En av världens bästa valacker de senaste åren - PRESVIS - har en svensk
mamma (Forest Fire). Och ifjol såldes en son till svenska stoet Xaara för 2,2
miljoner kronor i Deauville.
Varje gång din svenskuppfödda häst* kommer på pengaplats i öppna löpningar
kan du också lägga till 40% på prispengarna i bonus! Kombinera den ekvationen med attraktiva inköpspriser på de svenska auktionerna och att du slipper
betala dyra pengar för att transportera hem ditt nyförvärv.
Vare sig du är sugen på att äga en häst ensam eller är nyfiken på att bli delägare så finns det massor av möjligheter.
Hjärtligt välkommen!
De flesta löpningar i Sverige är öppna för hästar
från alla länder. I dessa löpningar* har svenskfödda
hästar från 2-4 år 40% bonus på prispengarna.
*utom i löpningar med specialbonus.
Svensk Galopp
fortsätter att satsa på
Från och med den 1 januari 2012 erhåller svenskuppfödda 2-, 3-,
och 4-åriga engelska fullblod 40% i hästägarpremie (svenskbonus) på prispengar i öppna löpningar i Sverige. Undantagna är
löpningar för enbart svenskuppfödda hästar samt de storlopp där
en sär­skild bonus finns angiven i propositionen. Maxbeloppet är
75.000 kr per löpning/häst. Till detta kommer prispengar avsatta
till löpningar för enbart svensk- eller skandinaviskfödda hästar.
Total satsning på den svenskuppfödda hästen 2013:
10.000.000 kr
Välkommen till
Stockholms Åringsauktion 2013!
älkomna alla galoppvänner till årets traditionella åringsauktion, den 10e i
ordningen i vår regi! I år har vi åter förlagt auktionen till Täby Ryttarcenter.
Vi har dessutom tidigarelagt årets auktion en månad, ett gammalt önskemål från många håll.
Det ger oss samtidigt möjlighet att hålla auktionen under Stockholm Cup-helgen,
då gräddan av Skandinaviens tränare tillsammans med sina hästägare gästar Täby.
Att vi är Skandinaviens ledande fullblodsauktion känner numera de flesta galoppvänner till. Även i år återfinns 60 åringar i årets katalog och många nya avelshingstar finns representerade.
Den svenska hästnäringen ska stöttas och det ska löna sig att köpa svenskt.
Svenskuppfödda 2-, 3-, och 4-åriga fullblod får 40% i hästägarpremie på prispengar i de flesta öppna löpningarna i Sverige. Till detta kommer prispengar
avsatta till löpningar för enbart svensk- eller skandinaviskfödda hästar.
Numera är även klassikerna Jockeyklubbens 2000 Guineas, Dansk 2000 Guineas,
Dansk Derby och Dansk St Leger förbehållna skandinaviskuppfödda hästar. Till
detta kommer det penningstinna Breeders’ Trophy-paketet. Sammantaget öppnar
detta för åringarna i denna katalog att tjäna fina pengar! Vi känner att det våras
för galoppen även om det står september i almanackan.
Var med och dela på miljonerna – kom och bjud på våra fina åringar lördagen
den 14 september!
070-918 32 01
073-02 00 194
070-573 78 00
Roger Asp Petra Amoudruz
Leif Wretman
Stockholms Åringsauktioner
Ekonomisk Förening (SÅEF)
Alltså, varmt välkomna och detta gäller
även familjemedlemmar samt
vänner och bekanta!
Förteckning - Åringar
Åringarna i bokstavsordning
Ej namngivna åringar
NN u Arizona’s Child
NN u Baileys Silver
NN u Bongo Quest
NN u Celtic Flash
NN u Est Est Est
NN u I Could
NN u Magic Moment
NN u Midnight Moonlight
NN u Mirona
NN u Nova Cyngi
NN u Red Lucille
NN u Saucy Heart
NN u Tawny Eagle
NN u The Fast Lane
NN u Withywood
NN u Yaliho Bloom
Urval av fyndköp under SÅEFs 10 år
Såld/köpt på SÅEF
Statue of Liberty
King Charlemagne
Eishin Dunkirk
Eishin Dunkirk
Eishin Dunkirk
High Chaparral
Mandrake El Mago
Eishin Dunkirk
Black Sam Bellamy
Trade Fair
Swedish Shave
Sharp Matt
Most Welcome
Swedish Shave
Ägare efter auktionen
Segr Pris/bonus
Stall Gransäter
10 2 911 556
Racemusic HB
13 2 488 018
Stall Trick or Treat AB
7 1 926 168
Almrin Racing Stable
7 1 898 682
Sandås Ann-Louise
6 1 693 528
9 1 151 185
Mr Ascot
2 1 109 619
Johansson Maria, Draken, Texas 2
963 837
Stall Kyrassiär
847 478
Stall Julianus
798 734
Dysell Sigyn
797 885
Falkbolagen AB
749 031
Cabinet Racing HB
709 920
Malmborg Gunilla
692 050
Engblom Henrik
656 748
Tabellen läses fr v med åring, auktionsår, åringen född året före, ägare, antal segrar och prissumma/svenskbonus.
Stockholms Åringsauktioner
på Täby Ryttarcenter lördag 14 september
Tidsprogram för auktionshelgen
Fredag 13 september
Boxarna disponeras från kl 09.00.
Kl 18.00-20.00
Åringarna tillgängliga för visning
Lördag 14 september
Visning av åringarna - se schema nedan!
Auktionen börjar
Kl 10.00-11.00
Koordinator SÅEF
Leif Wretman 070-573 78 00
Petra Amoudruz
073-02 00 194
Göran Nilsson och Marita Wirenstål
Roger Asp 070-918 32 01
Alastair Pim (Tattersalls Ltd, UK)
Obligatoriskt tidsschema för visning av åringarna
i nummerordning lördag morgon kl 10.00-11.00 i ridhuset.
Åringarna visas i skritt, numrerade med ”hip numbers”,
och leds runt i högervarv enligt följande tidsschema:
Kl 10.00
Kl 10.10
Kl 10.20
Nr 1-10
Nr 11-20
Nr 21-30
Kl 10.30
Kl 10.40
Kl 10.50
Nr 31-40
Nr 41-50
Nr 51-60
Boka hotellrum till rabatterat pris!
Täby Park Hotel
Bokning helst via mejl: [email protected]
Ange ”Hästauktionen” för rabatt. Tel 08-506 483 00
Villkoren 2013:
Auktionsvillkoren 2013
Auktionen anordnas av Stockholms Åringsauktioner ekonomisk förening (SÅEF) lördagen
den 14 september 2013 på Täby Ryttarcenter och är förbehållen medlemmar i SFAF (Svenska
Fullblodsavelsföreningen) med hos Svensk Galopp (SG) inregistrerade svenskuppfödda
fullblodsåringar 2013 (föl födda 2012). Säljare ansvarar för att åring som utbjudes är
vederbörligen inregistrerad. Auktionen beräknas starta kl 14.00, med visning fredag kl 18-20 och
lördagen från kl 10.00. Åringarna beräknas kunna mottagas fredag från kl 09.00 samt lördag
fram till kl 09.00. För övriga exakta tidsangivelser, se sid 3 i katalogen.
Åringarna säljs i befintligt skick. Samtliga uppgifter rörande åringen är lämnade av säljaren,
som ensam svarar för riktigheten av dessa. SÅEF och säljaren friskriver sig uttryckligen för fel
och brister hos de försålda åringarna. Arrangören och säljarens ansvar gentemot köparen är
begränsat till prisavdrag eller till att som mest återbetala det klubbade priset jämte provision och
mervärdesskatt. Arrangören och säljaren ansvarar således inte för direkta eller indirekta skador
som köparen drabbas av.
För fullgörande av sin undersökningsplikt äger köpare rätt och möjlighet att besiktiga och/
eller låta veterinär undersöka hästen före auktionstillfället. Kostnaden för en sådan åtgärd skall
betalas av köparen.
Försäljningen sker i nummerordning enligt katalogen.
Anmälningstiden är förlängd till onsdagen den 26 juni. Anmälningsavgiften till auktionen
är 2.200 kr per åring och inkluderar boxplats och strö samt egen katalogsidesplats.
Anmälningsavgiften samt medlemsavgift i SFAF skall vara betald senast 31 juli. Faktura utsändes.
Anmälningsavgift återbetalas ej, oavsett skäl till strykning. Efteranmälan mottages ej.
Anmälan kan göras med den anmälningsblankett som utsändes till samtliga ägare av registrerade
svenskuppfödda fullblodsåringar. På anmälningsblanketten skall säljarens registreringsnummer
för mervärdesskatt anges. Om skyldighet att redovisa mervärdesskatt ej föreligger skall detta
markeras i avsedd ruta.
Låt din häst åka med Håkans
Hästtransporter till vinnarcirkeln!
070-591 24 00
Håkan mobil
Transportbidrag lämnas med 400 kr per häst om resvägen enkel väg överstiger 250 km.
Budgivningen skall vara på minst 1.000 kr per bud. Minimipris 10.000 kr.
Bevakning av reservpriser görs ej från SÅEF:s sida utan säljare har att själv med motbud eller på
annat sätt bevaka sin åring under det att den är i ring för försäljning.
10. Försäljningen sker kontant eller - om så överenskommes med säljaren - mot faktura per 30 dagar
netto, räknat från auktionsdagen. Resp säljare ombesörjer fakturering och kreditbevakning. Vid
försenad betalning har säljaren rätt att debitera dröjsmålsränta med 2% per månad räknat från
11. Auktionsprovision debiteras säljaren med 2% och köparen med 6%. Vid återrop debiteras
säljaren 2% i återropsprovision. Vid återrop debiteras således säljaren totalt 4%. Åring som
säljs efter auktionen och senast 16 september registreras som såld på auktionen om säljaren
dokumenterar köpet på SÅEF försäljningsblankett och anmäler köpet till SÅEF senast 2013-0916 kl 24.00. Återropsprovisionen bortfaller då och köparen debiteras sedvanlig köpprovision.
Provisioner debiteras separat genom SÅEF. Vid försenad eller utebliven betalning debiterar SÅEF
dröjsmålsränta med 2% per månad.
12. Mervärdesskatt tillkommer på anmälningsavgift, inropssumma, auktionsprovision och ev övriga
13. Om i katalogen upptagen åring utan giltig anledning dras tillbaka från auktionen, debiteras
säljaren en provision på 6% av auktionsmedelpriset. Som giltig anledning godtas endast
veterinärintyg utvisande att det av medicinska skäl är omöjligt för åringen att delta.
14. Äganderätten till såld häst övergår till köparen först när hästen är till fullo betald. Efter
klubbslaget övergår ansvaret och eventuella kostnader på köparen. Skulle häst insjukna, skadas
eller dö efter klubbslaget är köparen ändå skyldig att betala hela köpesumman inkl provision.
15. Samtliga försålda åringar, utom de som återropats, nytecknas kostnadsfritt under 30 dagar i
AGRIA Racing till klubbat pris (exkl moms och provisioner).
16. Följande veterinärintyg skall avlämnas till behörig auktionsfunktionär vid åringens ankomst till
Intyg gällande influensavaccination: Minimikravet är en grundvaccination (A) där andra
injektionen (B) ges inom 21-92 dagar efter A.
Intyg gällande smittfrihet: Intyget, som får vara högst 3 dygn gammalt, skall utvisa att såväl
åringen som övriga hästar i aktuellt stall inte uppvisar symptom på smittsam sjukdom.
17. SÅEF förbehåller sig rätt att ombesörja dopingprovtagning auktionsdagen på åringarna jämlikt
SG:s bestämmelser om otillåtna medel.
18. Inropad åring får stå kvar i sin auktionsbox på Täby Ryttarcenter till efter tävlingarna Stockholm
Cup-dagen söndagen den 15 september. I annat fall förbehåller sig SÅEF dels rätten att flytta
hästen, dels debitera en avgift om 3.000 kr per häst.
19. SÅEF (inkl SRB AB som framställer katalogen) fritar sig från allt ansvar beträffande ev
felaktigheter och tryckfel i auktionskatalogen.
Katalogens uppgifter 2013
För kataloguppgifterna ansvarar resp säljare. SÅEF påtar sig ej ansvar för ev tryckfel, så ej heller SRB
AB (tekn prod av katalogen). Betr 1-2-3-plac i större löpningar i Skandinavien, följs i denna katalog
inte ICSC-praxis (In­ter­­na­tional Cataloguing Standards Committee) betr användandet av s k ”Black
Type” - fet stil. Avsikten är dock att så snart sig göra låter, ansluta även de svenska katalogerna till
detta upplägg.
Följande praxis gäller - så konsekvent som varit möjligt - för 2013 års katalog:
1 Presentation av resp åring har skett genom mödernelinjen i tre generationer, d v s med 1. mor, 2.
mor och 3. mor. I vissa fall har ytterligare textredovisning gjorts i sammandrag.
2 Löpningars namn har endast angivits om de har eller har haft lägst L-status (Listed Race) eller
mot­­svarande, eller är traditionella s k storlöpningar i Skandinavien.
3 Grupp/Grade- och Listed Races (även R för ”restricted”) har utmärkts på vederbörligt sätt (Gr1, Gd1), (Gr2, Gd2), etc - om de om­nämnts beträffande utlandet (England, Irland, Frankrike,
Västtyskland, Italien) fr o m 1971 (USA och Kanada fr o m 1973). Nämnda länder ingår i del 1
av ICSC:s re­kom­men­dations­publikation liksom efter särskilt tillstånd vissa betydan­de löpningar i
Australien, Nya Zeeland och Sydafrika, samt i Sydamerika (Ar­gentina, Brasilien, Chile, Peru och
4 För Skandinavien - som ingår i del 2 av ICSC:s rekommendationer - där Gr- och Listed Race-systemet infördes fr o m 1976, rekommenderar ICSC att Gr-, SkGr- eller Listed Races-benämningar
ej utsätts för ifrågavarande löpningar, dock att vinnare och placerade (2:e och 3:e) utmärks med
fet stil enl mom 5. Fr o m 1997 har också SkGr-benämningarna börjat utelämnas.
5 Följande har gällt beträffande normal och fet stil. Exempel:
Vinnare i motsv kategori Gr1, Gr2, Gr3 eller L (Listed), R (restricted),
2e eller 3e i löpning enl a),
Vinnare av annan löpning. Begreppet ”vinnare” anger att hästen vunnit en löpning, eller om ospecificerat antal segrar, minst en löpning.
Övrig häst. Begreppet ”plac”, placerad, anges endast för 2:a och 3:e- placering.
d) Clondyke
6 Utslagsgivande för användandet av versaler och fet stil enl mom 5 har varit huruvida ifråga­
varande löpning vid något tillfälle varit av motsv Gr, SkGr eller L-karaktär. Fet stil har använts för
begreppen win, wins, won, winner, vinnare, segr och om hästen varit officiell Champion i
något sammanhang. Antal segrar har angivits i siffror, antal vinnare för mor i bokstäver.
7 Angivandet av suffix för uppgift om födelseland skall ses som upplysning om var hästen är född.
8 För vissa åringar har uppgifterna publicerats på engelska. Materialet har tillställts digitalt och för
att undvika förlust av uppgifter m m, har resp säljare medgivit att uppgifterna publiceras på originalspråket. Redigering och layout har därvid följt den vedertagna engelska modellen, som i vissa
fall skiljer sig något från den svenska.
9 Redaktionen har avslutats per 15 juli. Rättelser och ändringar som därefter in­­kommer pub­liceras i
förekommande fall i på www.saef.se och på uppförstorade katalogsidor vid auktionen.
10 Uppgifter om säljare på varje katalogsida har försetts med tillgängliga telefonnummer och e-post.
11 Uppgifter om åringen är anmäld i ”Breeders-serie/löpning” har i förekommande fall angivits
längst upp på sidan och på säljarens ansvar enl: Anmäld till Scandinavian Breeders’ System.
Detta innebär att åringen är ansluten till alla tre Breeders-systemen i resp Sverige, Danmark och
Norge i och med att ägaren/uppfödaren anmält åringen till något av de tre uppläggen (se sid 85).
Förteckning - Mödrar
Mödrarna i bokstavsordning
Arabian Hideway
31 SHANAKILL (ire)
Arizona’s Child
12 NN
Baileys Silver
30 NN
Bongo Quest
47 NN
Celtic Flash
56 NN
Chapel of Love
Citrine Spirit
Danetime Music
Est Est Est
25 NN
Galla Placidia
Gimme Gimme
Green Rocket
I Could
41 NN
Kings Express
Lady Alize
Learning To Fly
Lovely Eyes
Lucky Thoughts
Maggie Tulliver
Magic Moment
15 NN
Midnight Moonlight 38 NN
Miletrian Cares
Mint Whip
Nova Cyngi
34 NN
Pearly Pet
Quinzi Bloom
Quite Easy
Rambo’s Sister
Red Lucille
7 NN
Regina Ballerina
SCREAM (ire)
Saucy Heart
9 NN
Seeking the Storm 24 JULIEN DELAMARE
Sleepy Dreams
16 DREAMWOLF (ire)
Solid Snake
Sweet Chili
Tawny Eagle
1 NN
The Fast Lane
19 NN
Warning Lady
Victorian Art
Word In Spanish
Yaliho Bloom (ire) 23 NN
Katalogsidorna för åringarna kommer vid behov att löpande uppdateras på SÅEF:s hemsida (saef.se) fram till auktionsdatum. Uppdateringarna görs i röd färg och kommer även att finnas med på de sidor (A3)
som klistras upp på boxdörrarna auktionsdagen.
Förteckning - Säljare
Säljare i bokstavsordning
Peter Björnsson, Alebäcks stuteri AB
Lindärva Gård, 531 91 Vinninga
Karin Johansson, Brantshammar Stuteri AB
Brantshammar, 741 92 Knivsta
Arne Vebjörn Hoem o Babben Belle,
Diva Belle, Eidsvolls Gate 3,
1533 Moss, Norge
Kerstin Ericsson, Fällbro AB
Skålhamravägen, 187 70 Täby
Kristina Klintevall, Getåsens Getter
o Galopphästar, Getåsen 140, 830 01 Hallen
Eva Isacsson Sjunnesson, HorseNature KB
Solbacka, 186 97 Brottby
Ida Rehnström, I R Hovslageri Sport o Avel
Prästhälla Gård 3, 646 91 Gnesta
Karl-Erik Edgren, Kesire HB
Stråkvägen 18, 187 32 Täby
Stefan Larsson, Skäcklinge 309,
705 97 Glanshammar
Tor Petter Mygland, Las Pampas Polo
Team IS Efas, Box 87, Smestad,
0309 Oslo, Norge
Jenny Lindblad, Stall Joie de Vie
Carl Johansgatan 10, 633 58 Eskilstuna
Helena Gärtner, Stall Navesta
Lerbo, Navesta 1, 640 23 Valla
Pernilla Nilsson,
Råby 14, 775 96 Krylbo
Sonja Olsson, Östersäby Stuteri
Östersäby, 736 92 Kungsör
NN u Saucy Heart
NN u Magic Moment
NN u Withywood
NN u Baileys Silver
NN u Midnight Moonlight
NN u Mirona
Jesper Kask, Peep Kask Trav
o Fellowship Racing AB
Båtmansvägen 58, 192 48 Sollentuna
Nils Rehnström,
Prästhälla Gård, 646 91 Gnesta
Ivan Sjöberg, Rävdansens stuteri
Lindarsnäs Gård, 640 43 Ärla
Therese o Gösta Staffansson, Nannberga
Gammelgård 214, 732 91 Arboga
Annika Stalfelt,
Lanna Niordsta 109, 692 93 Kumla
Maria Terese Karlsson, Stall Dollar,
Götavägen 61, 187 63 Täby
Caroline Söderberg, Stall Ekeby
Ösbyvägen 26, 761 75 Norrtälje
Jan Hansson, Stall Jalih
Hjärås gård 9152, 242 97 Hörby
Thomas Gjelsås, Stall Mojito
Möllebakken 12, 1359 Eiksmarka, Norge
Staffan Lidbeck, Löberöds Hästklinik AB
Gudmuntorp Eketo, 241 94 Eslöv
NN u Yaliho Bloom
NN u I Could
Bo Helander, Svista Säteri
Svista Säteri, 186 97 Brottby
NN u Tawny Eagle
NN u Arizona’s Child
NN u The Fast Lane
NN u Est Est Est
NN u Nova Cyngi
NN u Bongo Quest
NN u Celtic Flash
Ulla Josefsson o Sofie Helander, Vägerstorps
Stuteri HB, Vägerstorp, 535 91 Kvänum
Sara Åhlander,
Herrängsvägen 15, 732 48 Arboga
NN u Red Lucille
Svenska Fullblodsavelsföreningen
SFAF, bildad 1919, är en sammanslutning av fullblodsuppfödare och and­ra som vill gagna svensk
fullblodsavel. Föreningen har som syfte att främja fullblodsavelns och galopp­spor­tens po­­sitiva
utveckling i Sverige. Årsavgiften är 300 kr. Intresserade som vill teckna med­lemskap är välkomna
att reglera årsavgiften genom plusgiro 25 30 08-7. Ange namn, adress, telefon samt ev sto/n.
SFAF:s styrelse 2013
Vice ordf
Bo Helander
Ture Lindblad
Anna Fischer
Eva CS Pettersson
Helena Sigfridsson
Stefan Uppström
Pernilla Nilsson
Therese Staffansson
Bengt Thomasson
Peter Josefsson, kassör
Nadja Bellander, sekr
Kirsten Rausing
Björn Zachrisson
c/o Nadja Bellander,
Centralvägen 8
186 31 Vallentuna
[email protected]
Tel ordf
0707-77 32 11
Tel sekr
0708-98 14 15
25 30 08-7
H i n g st a r n a
Mr Prospector - Forest Flower e Green Forest
Skandinavisk Championhingst 2012
Svensk Championhingst 2011/2012
Jimmy Mack
Årets Häst 2012, Årets 3-åring 2012
Ede Sensation
Årets Sto 2012, Årets Äldre Häst 2012
Quite a Mission
Årets vinstrikaste, högsta FT som skandinavisk 2-åring 2012
Quite a Mission (Danskt Derby och Jockeyklubbens 2000 Guineas),
Virgil, Dea Kalejs, Pretty Boy Floyd, Double Nine, Redwing, America,
Seeking Dunkirk och Paid är alla vinnande 3-åringar 2013.
6 av 15 startande i Breeders’ Trophy Mile 2013
var avkommor till Eishin Dunkirk!
Förra året (2012) hade han fyra till start i både ”Mile” och ”Classic”.
Danzig - Koyoonga e Persian Bold
Strålande avelsdebut i Skandinavien!
Alla nio levande föl från första årgången är i skandinavisk
träning som 2-åringar 2013:
Evans vinner i debuten! Frank Lloyd Wright vinner i debuten!
Wishful 2e debuten! Philadelphia 3e i debuten!
Philosofical 3e i debuten!
Sveriges ledande uppfödare 2012
Skandinaviens ledande uppfödare 2012
4.526.162 kr
tjänade våra uppfödningar 2012.
Nytt svensk uppfödarrekord
med drygt 800.000 kr!
Är det viktigt att tävla på högsta nivå
och att hästarna tjänar pengar?
Då är svaret
Läs här: Årets 3-åringar 2013!
Quite a Mission, Paid, Virgil, Pretty Boy Floyd, Seeking Dunkirk, Double Nine,
Redwing, Dea Kalejs och America är alla vinnare 2013! Och alla är födda och
uppvuxna på Rävdansen!
Till årets Breeders’ Trophy Mile var 6 av 15 uppfödda på Rävdansen: Paid, som vann,
Quite a Mission, Virgil, Pretty Boy Floyd, Double Nine, Redwing. Alla dessa f ö
fallna efter Eishin Dunkirk! Förra året hade vi fyra startande i både Breeders’ Trophy
Mile och Breeders’ Trophy Classic! 2008 segrade ARCUS, 2010 WAKAYAMA, 2012
JIMMY MACK i ”Milen”. Alla uppfödda på Rävdansen!
Årets 2-åringar att följa: Frank Lloyd Wright, Philadelphia, Hearts and Bones,
River of Dreams, Dolphin’s Smile, Magnetic South, Jesse James, North Side
Gal och Adechike.
Du kan läsa mer på vår hemsida: www.ravdansen.se
Förteckning - Hingstar
ACADEMY AWARD (IRE) br 2000 Danehill (USA) - Ingabelle (GB) e Taufan (USA)
Endast startat 2 ggr som 2-åring, sedan skadad. Halvbror till WILD BLUEBELL (e BLUEBIRD), Concorde S Gr3, 2e Belgrave S L, 1000 Guineas Trial L, Brownstown Stud S L, PRIORY BELLE (e PRIOLO),
Champion 2-årssto på Irland 1995, Moyglare Stud S Gr1, 2e Debutante S L, och till EVA’S REQUEST (e SOVIET STAR), Weld Park S Gr3, Princess Elizabeth S Gr3, 2e Prestige S Gr3.
Till avel 2003, Championhingst stora listan i Skandinavien 2010 och 2011, Champion 2-årshingst i Skandinavien 2007, 2009 och 2010, Championhingst stora listan Danmark 2008-2011.
Far i Skandinavien till bl a THEATRICAL AWARD, 12 segr, Marit Sveaas Minnelöp Gr3, M Wettermarks Minneslöpn L, Bloomers’ Vase L, Norsk Derby, Norsk 1000 Guineas, REVENTON, 7 segr,
Skand Opdraetningslöb, Dansk Kriterium, Dansk Auktionslöb, SYDNEY, 6 segr, M o T Klaveness Minne L, Mowerinalöb, MASTER KID, 8 segr, Dansk Derby, SIR HENRY, 3 segr, Dansk Derby, SIR RANDOLPH, 7 segr, Dansk 2000 Guineas, Dansk Breeders’ Cup, Skand Opdraetningslöb, Norsk Breeders
Prize, RUNNER RUNNER, 6 segr, Breeders Prize Classic, LOIS LANE, 4 segr, Dansk Kriterium, Dansk
Auktionslöb, AFRICAN AWARD, Vinterfav Ærespræmie, BUCKHAM, 7 segr, BT Juvenile, Norsk
Auksjonslöp, Norsk Mesterskap 3-årige, TIGRESS ELEVEN, 2 segr, Dansk Derby, WHISTLER, 4 segr,
Svenskt Oaks 2013, RAGAZZO, 6 segr, Polar Mile Cup 2013 L, CAPTAIN AMERICA, 3 segr, JK 2000
Guineas 2013, BE MY AWARD, 3 segr, Svenskt Derby Trial 2013, RACING LADY, 3 segr, Dianalöpn,
CANTENAC, 5 segr, Dansk Breeders’ Cup, Maltho, 7 segr, 2e Det 111. Pokallöb L, Skand Grand
Prix, 3e Swedish Open Mile, L, Ragezzo, 2e Fearnleylöpet, Blue Saphire, 2a Mowerina, Sv Oaks,
MESSI, Forsommerlöp 3-årige, Opening Day, 3e BT Mile, Pro Hunter, 2e Dansk 2000 Guineas.
Kat nr: 24, 60
AMADEUS WOLF (GB) br 2003 Mozart (IRE) - Rachelle (IRE) e Mark of Esteem (IRE)
4 wins at 2 and 4 and £388,987 incl Middle Park S Gr1, Duke of York S Gr2, Gimcrack S Gr2, 2nd
Nunthorpe S Gr1, 3rd Betfred Sprint Cup Gr1, Prix Maurice de Gheest Gr1, Coventry S Gr3.
Sire of 59 winners of 126 races and £1,070,865 incl CALEDONIAN SPRING, Ascendant S L,
Rime A Rien, 2nd Prix de la Vallee d’Auge L,
Kat nr: 16
Fri uppstallning i 30 dagar!
Loggan härintill, som återfinns på många
katalogsidor längst ned, innebär att säljaren/
uppfödaren är villig att erbjuda kostnadsfri uppstallning inkl skötsel och vård - på
köparens risk - under 30 dagar direkt efter
auktionen den 14 september för varje såld
åring. Kontakta resp säljare direkt vid auktionen för praktiska detaljer.
ART CONNOISSEUR (IRE) mbr 2006 Lucky Story (USA) - Withorwithoutyou (IRE) e Danehill (USA)
Jt-Champion 3yo sprinter in England in 2009. 4 wins at 2 and 3 and £385,999 incl Golden Jubilee
S Gr1, Coventry S Gr2, 2nd Phoenix S Gr1.
Retired to stud in 2010, his first crop now yearling, sire of 2 winners of 3 races and £16,155 from
his first crop viz. Suzi’s Connoisseur, 2 wins, and Der Blaue Reiter.
Kat nr: 8
BOSUN’S WATCH (GB) 2004 br Singspiel (IRE) - Sinking (GB) e Midyan (USA)
4 segr, 1600-2200 m, på 4 starter, Norsk 2000 Guineas, Jydsk Derby.
Fadern SINGSPIEL, Champion Turf Horse i USA 1996, Topprankad Äldre Häst i UAE 1997,
9 segr, Dubai World Cup Gr1, Japan Cup Gr1, Coronation Cup Gr1, Juddmonte International S
Gr1, Canadian International S Gr1, Select S Gr3, Gordon Richards S Gr3, 2e Breeders’ Cup Turf
Gr1, Coronation Cup Gr1, Grand Prix de Paris Gr1, Coral-Eclipse S Gr1, Princess of Wales’s S Gr2,
Great Voltigeur S Gr2, Thresher Classic Trial S Gr3. Till avel 1998 och far till 62 Black Type-vinnare.
Champion avelshingst i UAE 2003. Far till bl a MOON BALLAD, Årets Häst i UAE, Topprankad
äldre häst i UAE, Dubai World Cup Gr1, LAHUDOOD, Champion Turf Mare, Breeders’ Cup Filly
and Mare Turf Gr1, PAPINEAU, Topprankad Äldre Häst i England 2008 som 4-åring, Gold Cup
Gr1, LATERAL, Topprankad 3-åring i Tyskland, Topprankad 2-årig hingst i Italien, Gran Criterium
Gr1, LOHENGRIN, Nakayama Kinen Gr2, ASAKUSA DEN’EN, Yasuda Kinen Gr1, CONFIDENTIAL
LADY, Prix de Diane Hermes Gr1, FOLK OPERA, EP Taylor S Gr1, REWAAYA, Sir Rupert Clarke S Gr1,
SINGHALESE, Del Mar Oaks Gr1, etc.
Till avel i Skandinavien 2008. Far till bl a, Watch Me Fly, vinnare, 3e SM 2-åriga, JK Jubileums­
löpn, och vinnarna Mrs Perry, MARDI GRAZ, MIXED VA BENE och MR LIMPOPO samt till Cece Devil,
Mrs Velvet, Punco Banco, Dancing Va Bene, Moneys Honey, Quinoa och Tap On Track, alla placerade.
Kat nr: 35
CROSSPEACE (IRE) br 2002 Cape Cross (IRE) - Announcing Peace (GB) e Danehill (USA)
6 wins at 2 to 5 and £220,874 incl Glorious S L, Serlby S L, 2nd Select S Gr3, September S Gr3,
Furstenberg-Rennen Gr3, 3rd Gordon Richards S Gr3, Marit Sveaas Minnelop Gr3, Wolferton H L.
Retired to stud in 2008, no registered offspring previous to 2012.
Kat nr: 13
Dustoori (GB) mbr 2004 In the Wings (IRE) - Elfaslah (IRE) e Green Desert (USA)
2 segr, 2200-2300 m i England, TF93 som 3-åring, TF91 som 4-åring.
Fadern IN THE WINGS (GB), Topprankad äldre häst i Frankrike som 4-åring 1990, 7 segr,
Breeders’ Cup Turf Gr1, Grand Prix de Saint-Cloud Gr1, Coronation Cup Gr1, Prix du Prince d’Orange
Gr3, Prix Foy Gr3, Prix du Haras de la Huderie L, 2e Prix Ganay Gr1. Till avel 1991 och far till 15
årgångar varav drygt 60-talet Black Type-vinnare inkl SINGSPIEL, Champion gräshäst, ledande
avelshingst i UAE, Canadian International S Gr1, WINGED LOVE, Irish Derby Gr1, ADLERFLUG, Tyskt
Derby Gr1, m fl.
Till avel i Sverige 2009. Hans första årgång är 3-åringar 2013, varav 8 av totalt 15 startat och 3
svarat för 7 placeringar (Karate Kid, Maya och Duette). Dessutom har han två avkommor som startat
som 2-åringar 2013.
Kat nr: 15, 22, 54
ECHO OF LIGHT (GB) br 2002 Dubai Millennium (GB) - Spirit of Tara (IRE) e Sadler’s Wells (USA)
7 wins at 3 to 5 and £238,000 incl Prix Daniel Wildenstein Gr2, Prix Gontaut-Biron Gr3, Strensall S
Gr3 (twice), Summer Mile Gr3, 3rd Premio Vittorio di Capua Gr1.
Retired to stud 2008, sire of 31 winners of 54 races and £439,134 incl Counterglow, 3rd Al
Bastakiya L, Power of Light, 3rd Montrose Fillies S L, Sound Advice, 3rd Stonehenge S L, The Lion
Fish, 3rd Premio Gardone L.
Kat nr: 39
EISHIN DUNKIRK (USA) fux 97 Mr Prospector (USA)-Forest Flower (USA) e Green Forest (USA)
3 segr i Japan på 1000-1400 m, 39,571,000 yen, 2e Kansakura S, 3e Tenozan S.
Till avel i Sverige 2005. Championhingst Stora listan i Sverige 2010, 2011 och 2012, samt
2-åriga avk 2009, 2011 och 2012, samt Championhingst i Skandinavien 2-åriga avkommor 2012.
Far till 40 vinnare av 93 löpningar från 56 startande avk per 2013-06-30 (71%) i skandinavisk träning
från 2008, och 14.789.186 SEK (inkl 3.001.256 SEK i svenskbonus), bl a QUITE A MISSION, 7 segr,
1.926.168 kr inkl Dansk Derby, BT Juvenile, JK 2000 Guineas (Jubileumslöpn), Svenskt Kriterium och
Svensk Auktionslöpn, JIMMY MACK, 7 segr, 1.898.682 kr, Årets Häst i Sverige 2012, Årets 3-Åring
2012 i Sverige, BT Classic, BT Mile, Mischa Kahns Minneslöpn, Ede Sensation, 6 segr, 1.693.528
kr, Årets Sto 2012 i Sverige, Årets Äldre Häst i Sverige 2012, BT Stayer, Lanwades Stud S, Swedish
Champion Sprint, Ulriksdals Minneslöpn, Nordic, WAKAYAMA, 4 segr, 967.865 kr, Årets Sto 2009 i
Sverige, BT Mile, SFAF/SÅEF Auktionslöpn 2, Becky Moss Fillies Mile, JELLY ROLL, 3 segr, 847.478 kr,
JK Jubileumslöpn, Classic Trial, DOMO ARIGATO, 2 segr, 250.812 kr, SM 2-åriga, Girl from Ipanema,
2 segr, 563.202 kr, 3e M Wettermarks Minneslöpning L, RED EISHIN, 3 segr, 347.900 kr, Forsommerlöp
3-årige, GEORGEBLACK, 5 segr, 343.2000 kr, PRETTY BOY FLOYD, 2 segr, 145.880 kr, JK 2000 Guineas
Trial, och JOBIM, 3 segr, 418.763 kr, VIRGIL, 3 segr, 325.676, 4e JK 2000 Guineas, KANZEE GOLD, 2
segr, 381.939 kr, och SEEKING DUNKIRK, 2 segr, 163.521 kr, samt flera ytterligare vinnare
Kat nr: 40, 58, 59
FRAAM (GB) 1989 Lead On Time (USA) - Majestic Kahala (USA) e Majestic Prince (USA)
5 segr, Baxi Heating Joel S L, Schweppes Golden Mile, 2e Premio Natale di Roma Gr3, Prix du Chemin
de Fer du Nord Gr3, Ben Marshal S L, 3e City of York S L, Doncaster Mile L, Stressall S L.
Fadern LEAD ON TIME, 3 segr, Prix Maurice de Gheest Gr2, Criterium de Maisons-Laffitte Gr2,
2e Greenham S L, till avel 1988, bl a Black Type-vinnarna MARBLE MAIDEN, All Along S Gr2, SHIR
DAR, Palomar H Gr2, MASSIMO, Grand Prix de Bordeaux L, COOL JAZZ, Diadem S Gr3, LEADING
TIME, Curragh S Gr3, PROMPTLY, Silver Spoon S L, JUDGE DECISION, Prix Herbager L, BATISTA,
Prix Yacowlef L, GARP, Champion 3-åring i Barbados, och DA VERO, Champion steeplechaser i
Österrike. LEAD ON TIME även morfar till flerfaldige Champion och Årets Häst i Österrike, GAZDURAM.
Fraam till avel i Sverige 2005 och far i Skandinavien (inkl tid imp avk från utl) till 10 vinnare från
20 startande avk i skandinavisk träning (50%), till bl a ANEBEE, 4 segr, Coolmore Matchmaker L,
BLUSHER, 7 segr, Svealandlöpn, Amacitalöpn, Scania Sprint, STEEL­WOLF, 10 segr, Sth Hösthkp, 3e
Täby Open Sprint Championship Gr3, LOIS, 5 segr, Altamiralöpn, Irish Corner, 2 segr, 2a Mowerinalöb, Svealandlöpn, samt vinnarna FLYING FRAAM, 4 segr, LIGER, 4 segr, BORISII, 2 segr, EVER SO
RICH, 3 segr, och LIA FAL, vinnare.
Kat nr: 6, 44, 45
GLORIA DE CAMPEAO (BRZ) mbr 2003 Impresso (ARG) - Audacity (BRZ) e Clackson (BRZ)
9 segr (Black Type) och $9,258,355 i Brasilien, Singapore och UAE, Champion Äldre Häst i UAE
2010, Emirates Airline Dubai World Cup Gr1, Singapore Airlines International Cup Gr1, Grande
Premio Gervasio Seabra Gr2, Invasor Shadwell Farm Al Maktoum Challenge-Round 1 Gr3, Grande
Premio Presidente Antonio T. Assumpcao Netto Gr3, 2e Emirates Airline Dubai World Cup Gr1, Singapore Airlines International Cup Gr1, Sakhee Sheikh Maktoum bin Rashid Al Maktoum ChallengeRound 3 Gr2, Derrinstown Stud Intikhab Al Maktoum Challenge-Round 3 Gr2, Sheikh Maktoum bin
Rashid Al Maktoum Challenge-Round 1 Gr3, etc, .
Stod sin första säsong i Sverige 2011, 59 reg svenskuppfödda föl som är åringar 2013.
Kat nr: 2, 3, 11, 19, 23, 27, 32, 34, 37, 42, 46, 50, 51, 53, 57
HEART OF OAK (USA) fux 1992 Woodman (USA) - L’On Vite (USA) e Secretariat (USA)
6 segr, Toto-Lotto Sprint-Preis L, och Pramms Minneslöpning L. Halvbror till HOLY ROMAN EMPEROR, Champion 2-åring i Frankrike 2006, Phoenix S Gr1, Gran Criterium Gr1, Railway S Gr2, samt
2e Dewhurst S Gr1, och National S Gr1.
Till avel 1998 och far till 42 vinnare av 156 segr och 13.256.234 SEK (inkl 1.940.664 kr i
svenskbonus) från 107 avkommor, bl a QUEEN OF HEARTS, 4 segr, 1.730.422 kr, Norsk Breeders’
Prize, Svenskt Oaks, 2a Dianalöpn, Breeders’ Trophy Mile, LUCKY HEART, 17 segr, 1.006.020 kr, SM
Sprinters, Mandarin Premiärhandikap, 2 ggr, 4e Stora Tvååringspriset, Fidelity, 4 segr, 2a Altamiralöpn, Kaibito, 3 segr, 3e Breeders’ Trophy Classic, LACELLE, 10 segr, 748.718 kr, 4e Breeders’
Trophy Classic, 5e SM Classic, AJAZ, 8 segr, 446.7560 kr, WHITE OAK, 6 segr, 5e TGAB:s Auktionslöpn, MOGUL, 7 segr, 590.350 kr, WILLY, 5 segr, WILD AT HEART, 4 segr, 4e Scandinavia Cup L,
samt många ytterligare vinnare.
Kat nr: 5, 30, 38
INTENSE FOCUS (USA) br 2006 Giant’s Causeway (USA) - Daneleta (IRE) e Danehill (USA)
2 wins at 2 and £353,136 incl Dewhurst S Gr1, 2nd Coventry S Gr2, Leopardstown 2000 Guineas
Trial Gr3, 3rd Grand Criterium Gr1, Railway S Gr2.
Retired to stud in 2010, first crop now yearlings, sire of 5 winners of 5 races and £82,841 from
his first crop, viz. Heart Focus, 2nd Grangecon S Gr3, Coolmore Fillies Sprint L, A Childs Dream,
Astaire, Focus on Venice and Intense Feeling.
Kat nr: 48
LORD SHANAKILL (USA) mbr 2006 Speightstown (USA) - Green Room (USA) e Theatrical (IRE)
5 wins at 2 to 4 and £567,503 incl Prix Jean Prat Gr1, Lennox S Gr2, Mill Reef S Gr2, City Plate L,
2nd Dewhurst S Gr1, Veuve Clicqot Vintage S Gr2, 3rd St James’s Palace S Gr1, Prix Morny Gr1,
Lockinge S Gr1, Coventry S Gr2.
Retired to stud in 2010, his first crop are yearlings in 2013.
Kat nr: 31
MANDURO (GER) mbr 2002 Monsun (GER) - Mandellicht (IRE) e Be My Guest (USA)
Champion Older Horse in Europe in 2007. 10 wins at 2 to 5 and £1,030,481 incl Prix Jacques
Le Marois Gr1, Prince of Wales’s S Gr1, Prix d’Ispahan Gr1, Prix Foy Gr2, Prix d’Harcourt Gr2, Preis
der Deutschen Einheit Gr3, Preis der Winterfavoriten Gr3, Earl of Sefton S Gr3, 2nd Prix Jacques Le
Marois Gr1, Prix d’Ispahan Gr1, Prix Dollar Gr2, 3rd Prince of Wales’s S Gr1, Prix Ganay Gr1, Prix du
Moulin Gr1, Prix Messidor Gr3.
Sire of 74 winners of 127 races and £2,071,228 incl MANDAEAN, Criterium de Saint-Cloud
Gr1, BONFIRE, Dante S Gr2, 3rd Criterium International Gr1, Earl of Sefton S Gr3, FRACTIONAL,
Prix Quincey Gr3, Prix de Tourgeville L, 3rd Prix Eugene Adam Gr2, TROIS LUNES, Prix Vanteaux Gr3,
2nd Prix Rose de Mai L, 3rd Prix de la Nonette Gr2, CHARITY LINE, Oaks d’Italia Gr2, Premio Baggio
L), BUCKWHEAT (Prix Ridgway L), KOLONEL (Mercedes Benz Sprintpreis L), SOPRAN MONTIERI, Prix
Merano L, Global Bang, 2nd Mehl Mülhens Rennen Gr2, 2nd Dr Busch Memorial Gr3, Wildheart,
2nd Preis des Winterfavoritens Gr3, Baradari, 2nd Derby du Midi L, 3rd Prix Maurice Caillault L,
Fularmada, 3rd Premio Baggio L, Gertrude Verse, 2nd Cheshire Oaks L, Miss Manduro, 3rd Premio
Buontalenta L, Orion Moon, 3rd Prix Petite Etoile L.
Kat nr: 43
Täby Ryttarcenter är en av
Stor-Stockholms största ridanläggningar.
Auktionen avhölls här 2011 och ytterligare info
med karta hittar du på vår hemsida saef.se
och på tabyryttarcenter.se kan anläggningen beskådas närmare.
MINGUN (USA) mbr 2000 A P Indy (USA) - Miesque (USA) e Nureyev (USA)
3 wins at 3 and $208,818, 1800-2000m incl Meld S Gr3, and Celebration S L, 3rd in Diamond S L,
4th in Juddmonte International S Gr1, and Citation H Gr1.
Sire of 100+ winners in USA, South America, England, France, Germany, Sweden, Jamaica and
the Middle East, incl PAIJAN, Clasico Jose Rodriguez Razzeto Gr3 , 3rd Premio OSAF Gr2, and Clasico
Galeno L, BUG JUICE, Aspirant S L, New York Breeders’ Futurity S L, SHE’S ALL BLING, CTBA Lassie
S, 2nd Silver Cup Futurity S L, GUNNER, Governor’s S L, Brilliant Future, 2nd My Charmer S L, 3rd
President’s Cup S L, 5th First Lady S Gr1, Zareefah, 2nd Authority Cup L, Counting Days, 3rd Real
Derby Gr3 , Pasadena S L and La Puente S L , Dark Roast, 2nd Aspirant S L , Nehru, 2nd Cleveland
Gold Cup S L, 3rd Green Carpet S L , Molly Mingun, 2nd Tippett S L and MISSMYRTLEBOYRICHIE,
Champion Imported Colt in Jamaica, Real Vibes Party Wine Sprint J-Gr1, CTL Imported Mile J-Gr1,
and Sweet Ruckus Trophy J-Gr3.
To stud in 2006. His first Scandinavian crop are yearlings in 2013.
Kat nr: 20, 29, 49, 52
MIRIO (FR) fux 1997 Priolo (USA) - Mira Monte (GB) e Baillamont (USA)
6 segr i Frankrike på 2000-2400 m, 4.003.065 omräknat i SEK inkl FR-bonus, Grand Prix de Saint
Cloud Gr1, plac 6 ggr, 3e Prix Le Fabuleux L, Saint-Cloud.
Till avel i Sverige 2003 och far till 12 vinnare av 22 löpningar från 40 startande avk (30%) i
skandinavisk träning från 1998, och 3.502.716 i SEK (inkl 690.870 kr i svenskbonus), bl a MIRONA,
3 segr, 915.119 kr, SFAF/SÅEF:s Auktionslöpn, 2a Svenskt St Leger, Svenskt Oaks, Breeders’ Trophy
Classic, 4e Erik O Steens Memorial L, 5e Mowerinalöb, King Accent, 2 segr, 275.000 kr, 2e SM 2-åriga, MIROBOLANT, Dansk Derby Consolation, THE Bishop’s Joy, 3 segr, Norsk Rikstoto Cup/Stayer,
SIR THOR, 2 segr, Wing Commander, 2 segr, samt vinnarna IRISH’S FIGHTER, MAZZARIN, PICK
ME, PICCOLESSIMA och Youknowwhat Rose m fl.
Kat nr: 9
NOBILEO (GB) 2003 fux Galileo (IRE) - Nataliana (GER) e Surumu (GER)
3 segr, 1600-2800 m, 1.018.434 SEK, Svenskt St Leger, 2e Norsk Derby, Svenskt Derby L, 3e Tyskt
Derby Trial L.
Fadern GALILEO (IRE), Champion 3-åring i England 2001, 6 segr, inkl Vodafone Epsom Derby
Gr1, King George VI and Queen Elizabeth Diamond S Gr1, Irish Derby Gr1, till avel 2002, far till 1.020
vinnare (drygt 50 Black Type-vinnare), inkl CAPE BLANCO (IRE), Irish Derby Gr1, Irish Champion
S Gr1, Man O’War S Gr1, FRANKEL (GB), Middle Park S Gr1, Dewhurst S Gr1, Sussex S Gr1, 2000
Gns S Gr1, GOLDEN LILAC (IRE), Poule d’Essai des Pouliches Gr1, Prix de Diane Gr1, IGUGU (AUS),
Durban July H Gr1, RODERICK O’CONNOR (IRE), Irish 2000 Gns Gr1, Criterium International Gr1,
TREASURE BEACH (GB), Irish Derby Gr1, etc.
Till avel i Sverige 2009, Nobileos första årgång är 3 år 2013, fem har startat, bl a NOBLE BRIDE,
vinnare, Mr Broken Door, plac.
Kat nr: 55
PHILOMATHEIA (USA) br 1997 Danzig (USA) - Kooyonga (IRE) e Persian Bold (IRE)
5 segr i Japan, 1000-1400 m, bl a Black Type-löpningarna Kaike Tokubetsu o Hakucho Ohash Tokubetsu.
Fadern DANZIG (USA), 3 segr i sina enda 3 starter. Ledande avelshingst i USA 1991-1993 samt
i Spanien 1992 och i UAE 1995. Far till 24 kullar och över 1.100 föl i startbar ålder, varav 846 har
startat och 682 vunnit tillsammans 2.200 segrar, varav 198 Black Type-vinnare inkl Gr1-vinnarna
Till avel i Italien 2005 och far till bl a PATTAYA, 7 segr, inkl Premio del Giubileo, Gr3, Premio
Circo Massina (2 ggr) L, 3e Premio Presidente della Rebublica, Gr1, MASTER FITZ, 4 segr, Criterium
Partenope, L, 2e Criterium di Pisa, L, ARBIA DI RENACCIOO, 5 segr, WILD SUZIE, 4 segr, SEMINOLE
SHIELD, 3 segr, BIG DANZIG, 3 segr, ZUMAT, 2 segr, TAXI, 2 segr, samt vinnarna JEPSON FLY, BOLD
Till avel i Sverige 2010. Hans första årgång (9 avk) är 2 år 2013, 6 har startat, två vinnare, Evans,
FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT, och tre placerade, Philadelphia, Philosofical och Wishful.
Kat nr: 17, 21, 26, 28
SAKHEE (USA) br 1997 Bahri (USA) - Tawakib (IRE) e Sadler’s Wells (USA)
Champion Older Horse in Europe in 2001. 8 wins at 2 to 5 and £2,208,160 incl Prix de l’Arc de
Triomphe Gr1, Juddmonte International S Gr1, Dante S Gr2, Classic Trial Gr3, Steventon S L, 2nd
Derby S Gr1, Breeders’ Cup Classic Gr1, Prix Gontaut-Biron Gr3, 3rd Dubai World Cup Gr1.
Sire of 162 winners of 434 races and £9,875,907 incl PRESVIS (Queen Elizabeth II Cup Gr1,
Dubai Duty Free Gr1, Al Rashidiya Gr2, Jebel Hatta Gr2, TIN HORSE, Poule d’Essai des Poulains Gr1,
Prix Messidor Gr3, SAKHEE’S SECRET, July Cup Gr1, Catherdral S L, Carnarvon S L, SAMUEL, Doncaster Cup Gr2, Grand Cup L, ROYAL ROCK, Bengough Memorial S Gr3, DAN LOOSE DAUGHTER,
Premio Baggio L, PERMESSO, Premio Botticelli L, Premio Coppa d’Oro di Siracusa L, 2nd Derby Italiano Gr1, Premio Roma Gr1, NICE DANON, Premio d’Estate L, 2nd Zukunfts Rennen Gr3, Preis des
Winterfavoriten Gr3, CHANGE THE WORLD, Derby du Midi L, SHUJOON, Grand Prix Inter Regional
des 3-ans L, Prix Francois Mathet L, 3rd Prix Hocquart Gr2.
Kat nr: 47
SEPTIEME CIEL (USA) br 1987 Seattle Slew (USA) - Maximova (FR) e Green Dancer (USA)
5 wins at 2 and 3 and £214,556 incl Prix de la Foret Gr1, Criterium de Maisons-Laffitte Gr2, Prix
Messidor Gr3, Prix Thomas Bryon Gr3, 2nd Hollywood Derby Gr1, Prix de Fontainebleau Gr3, Prix de
la Jonchere Gr3, 3rd Prix Jean Prat Gr1.
Sire of 337 winners of 1.022 races and £12,563,297 incl AMERICAN GIPSY, GP Presidente
Republica Gr1, Grande Premio Presidente da Republica Gr1, VIVID ANGEL, Oak Leaf S Gr1, Del
Mar Debutante S Gr2, GLEEFULLY, Yerba Buena Breeders’ Cup H Gr3, 3rd Santa Anita Oaks Gr1,
SIXIEME SENS, Dahlia H Gr2, San Gorgonio H Gr2, Athenia H Gr3, GO LIB GO, Tropical Park Derby
Gr3), JOKERMAN, Generous S Gr3, Prix des Chenes Gr3.
Kat nr: 4
TERROIR (IRE) br 1995 Fairy King (USA) - Terracotta Hut (IRE) e Habitat (USA)
6 segr, Springer Sprint Preis L, Weser Sprint Cup L, 2e Prix de Seine-et-Oise, Gr3, Springer Sprint Cup
Gr3, Prix Hampton L, IBM Täby Vårsprint L, 3e Grosser Preis von Berlin Gr3, Prix du Cercle L, Prix Cor
de Chasse L, Bremer Sprint Cup L, Kölner Frühjahrspreis L, Silberne Peitsche L, IBM Täby Vårsprint L.
Fadern FAIRY KING, far till vinnare av mer än 1.300 löpningar och 24 milj USD, inkl Gr1-vinnarna
Till avel 2004. Per 2013-07-15 far till 10 vinnare av 24 löpningar från 20 avk som startat (50%)
och därvid vunnit 2.073.536 kr (inkl 446.412 kr i svenskbonus), bl a Graphiella, 2 segr, 2a Bloomers’
Vase L, SFAF/SÅEF Auktionslöpn, Becky Moss Fillies Mile, 3e Götalandlöpn, 4e Lanwades Stud S L,
DEL PIERO, 5 segr, Terrible Bob, 4 segr, CAP KIDNAPPERS, 3 segr, Amaretto, 2 segr, Pommes
de Terre, 2 segr, ROXBY ISLAND, 2 segr, RONALDO, 2 segr, och vinnarna MARCELIS och SINGHA
Kat nr: 7
Tertullian (USA) fux 1995 Miswaki (USA) - Turbaine (USA) e Trempolino (USA)
Jt-Champion Older Sprinter in Germany in 1999. 12 wins from 3 to 6 and £221,201 incl Prix
de la Porte Maillot Gr3, Grosser Buchmacher Springer Sprint Preis Gr3, Grosser Preis von Berlin Gr3,
Premio Chiusura Gr3 (twice), 2nd Grosser Preis der Dortmunder Wirtschaft Gr3, Grosser Buchmacher
Springer Sprint Preis Gr3, 3rd Goldene Peitsche Gr2, Holsten Trophy Gr3 (twice), Benazet Rennen
Gr3, Grosser Preis von Berlin Gr3.
Sire of 109 winners of 357 races and £5,319,800, incl Mawingo, Doombe Cup Gr1, Bavarian
Classic Gr3, 2e C F Orr Stakes Gr1, 3e Singapore Airlines International Cup Gr1, Frühjahrs Preis der
Bankhauses Metzler Gr3, IRIAN, Mehl-Mülhens Rennen Gr2, Cathay Pacific Jockey Club Cup Gr2, Dr
Busch Memorial Gr3, 3rd Prix Jean Prat Gr1, Singapore Airlines International Cup Gr1, Hong Kong
Jockey Club Cup Gr2, AVISO, Mehl-Mülhens Rennen Gr2, 3rd Jaxx Pokal Gr3, RUSSIAN TANGO,
Preis der Deutschen Einheit Gr3, SWB Derby Trial, Preis von Dahlwtiz, 3rd Deutsches Derby Gr1,
Mehl-Mülhens Rennen Gr2, ILLO, Grand Prix Premiere Gr3, Devk Jubiläums­cup, 2nd Grosser Preis der
Wirtschaft Gr3, DIATRIBE, Kronimus Rennen L, TULIANGREEN, Premio d’Estate L, IDOLINO, Preis
der Casino Baden-Baden L, 3rd Bavarian Classic Gr3, ILLIANA, Oppenheim-Rennen L, BELTANUS,
EBF Meile L, 3rd Frankfurt Meile Gr3, and in Scandinavia TERTIO BLOOM, Jagersro Sprint L (twice),
Zawawi Cup L, 2nd Hamburger Flieger Trophy, Hamburg Gr3, Svenskt Derby L, , 4e Polar Cup Gr3,
also a winner in Dubai in 2012, LATAIKA, Norsk Kriterium, and SENORITA BLOOM, 4 wins.
Kat nr: 14, 41
THREE VALLEYS (USA) fux 2001 Diesis (GB) - Skiable (IRE) e Niniski (USA)
5 wins at 2 to 5 and £371,469 incl Del Mar Breeders’ Cup H Gr2, Coventry S Gr3, Oceanport S Gr3,
2nd Dewhurst S Gr1, Craven S Gr3, 3rd Phoenix S Gr1, Citation H Gr1 (twice).
Sire of 27 winners incl Peccato di Gola, 3rd Premio Alberto Giubilo L, Saint Bernard, 2nd
Premio ITS L, 3rd Premio d’Estate L, The Nile, 2nd King Charles II S L, and in Scandinavia, ALI HOPE,
Kat nr: 36
VERGLAS (IRE) sk 1994 Highest Honor (FR) - Rahaam (USA) e Secreto (USA)
3 wins at 2 and 3 and £128,624 incl Coventry S Gr3, 2nd Irish 2000 Guineas Gr1, San Marino H L,
3rd Phoenix S Gr1.
Sire of 411 winners of 1141 races and £16,797,334 incl GLASS HARMONIUM, Mackinnon S
Gr1, Eagle Farm Cup Gr2, Gordon Richards S Gr3, Hampton Court S L, 2nd Turnbull S Gr1, Cathay Pacific Futurity S Gr1, Darley S Gr3, 3rd Doomben Cup Gr1, SILVER FROST, Poule d’Essai des
Poulains Gr1, Prix Thomas Bryon Gr3, Prix de Cabourg Gr3, STORMY RIVER, Prix Jean Prat Gr1, Prix
Messidor Gr3, Prix Fontainebleau Gr3, BLACKDOUN, Del Mar Derby Gr2, La Jolla H Gr2, GRANDEUR, Hollywood Turf Cup Gr2, Twilight Derby Gr2, 2nd Hollywood Derby Gr1, GLASS OFFICE,
Sirenia S Gr3, LOVE LOCKDOWN, Sirenia S Gr3, WILSIDE, Prix Chloe Gr3, SPIRITED ONE, Champion Fillies S Gr3, OZONE BERE, Gallorette H Gr3, TROPICAL PARADISE, Oak Tree S Gr3, Supreme S
Gr3, SPIRITED ONE, Champion Fillies S Gr3.
Kat nr: 10
ZAAHID (IRE) fux 2004 Sakhee (USA) - Murjana (IRE) e Pleasant Colony (USA)
4 segr i England, 1400-1630 m, Victoria Cup, Ascot, 2e William Hill Lincoln H, Doncaster.
Fadern SAKHEE, Champion Older Horse i Europa 2001, 8 segr, 1600-2400 m, 2,2 milj GBP,
Prix de l’Arc de Triomphe, Gr1, Juddmonte International S, Gr1, Dante S, Gr2, Classic Trial, Gr3, etc.
Till avel 2003 och far till vinnare av 354 löpningar och över 9,3 milj GBP inkl Gr1-vinnarna PRESVIS,
Till avel i Sverige 2010. Hans första årgång, 10 avk, är 2 år 2013. Per den 2013-07-15 är 8 av
dessa anmälda i träning i Sverige, varav en har startat, Uncle Alfie, plac 2e i debuten.
Kat nr: 1, 12, 18, 25, 33, 56
Förteckning - Tränare
Professionella tränare i Sverige
Björn Björkman
Claes Björling
Bodil Blomqvist
Åsa Borger
Fabricio Borges
Ylva Brandt
Sandra Brolin
Lars Bäck
Francisco Castro
Erna van Doorn
Sigyn Dysell
Åsa Edvardsson
Henrik Engblom
Johanna Ericsson
Helena Fylking
Elisabeth Gautier
Charlotte Goss
Tommy Gustafsson
Bodil Hallencreutz
Christer Hederud
Jacqueline Henriksson
Pia Höiom
Peter Jardby
Lennart Jarven
Maria Johansson
Roy Arne Kvisla
Annika Källse
Ole Larsen
Hans-Inge Larsen
Karola Larsson
Annelie Larsson
Lotta Lien
Karin Lindberger Gajda
Jessica Long
Tina Långström
Caroline Malmborg
Alex McLaren
Bo Neuman
Dennis Persson
Jan-Erik Pettersson
Träningsort MobilnummerE-postadress
0708-30 53 34 [email protected]
0708-75 67 56 [email protected]
0733-82 60 20 [email protected]
070-799 21 04 [email protected]
070-699 10 08 [email protected]
073-684 14 41 [email protected]
076-171 20 06 [email protected]
070-513 87 26 [email protected]
070-576 26 34 [email protected]
070-580 77 00 [email protected]
070-554 08 64 [email protected]
076-170 73 75 [email protected]
Mellerud/Täby 073-391 47 80 [email protected]
Täby Galopp
073-391 22 10 [email protected]
072-302 28 27 [email protected]
070-756 07 04 [email protected]
0768-55 63 48 [email protected]
070-718 03 73 [email protected]
070-345 86 32 [email protected]
070-772 27 35 [email protected]
070-731 26 39 [email protected]
0705-79 78 [email protected]
070-547 26 26 [email protected]
070-520 09 50 [email protected]
0760-16 75 76 [email protected]
0708-55 88 97 [email protected]
0708-97 29 04 [email protected]
070-755 54 40 [email protected]
0708-37 71 09
Kvarnby/Jägersro070-662 70 67 [email protected]
070-495 64 91 [email protected]
073-708 11 75 [email protected]
0739-82 44 10 [email protected]
0708-64 88 24 [email protected]
0707-74 85 11 [email protected]
070-441 18 89 [email protected]
0709-30 67 61 [email protected]
070-591 26 34
0708-20 43 86 [email protected]
Kvarnby/Jägersro0708-96 63 95 [email protected]
Lennart Reuterskiöld jr
Fredrik Reuterskiöld
Johan Reuterskiöld
Malin Roth
Vanja Sandrup
Susanne Sivrup-Rosenqvist Älvängen
Anna Skoglund-Figueroa Täby
Madeleine Smith
Katharina Stenefeldt
Mikael Tjernström
Patrick Wahl
Catharina Östlund
0708-53 98 34
0733-86 62 77
0701-60 01 60
0705-14 45 22
0709-26 35 68
070-604 73 37
073-617 49 52
070-867 41 81
070-229 63 18 070-731 19 62
070-496 16 69
070-817 83 98
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
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[email protected]
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[email protected]
To our potential buyers from abroad:
A ”Swedishbred” will
take you a lot further!
In Sweden, there are several extra benefits for horses bred and raised within the country. All
the yearlings in this sales catalogue qualify as Swedishbreds, even if they were born abroad,
which is then shown in small letters after the horse’s name, for example ”Swede Girl (ire)”.
A Swedishbred horse:
4 receives an extra owners’ premium of 40% in all races as a 2-, 3- and 4-year-old (except
in those races that are restricted to Swedishbreds only).
4 can participate in all the races in Sweden but also has a certain amount of races to choose
from that are open exclusively to Swedishbreds (for example, the Swedish Championships) or same for Scandinavianbreds (e g, The Swedish Criterium, which is closed to foreignbreds).
4 can be trained and raced in Sweden even if owned abroad, or can also be trained abroad and come to Sweden to race, which ever alternative is the most suitable.
The Scandinavian Breeders’ System
Most of the Swedishbreds are entered in the Scandinavian Breeders’ System when they are yearlings.
This concept, in which about 3.500.000 SEK is payed out in 8 races (5 in Sweden, 2 in Norway and 1 in
Denmark), is open to foreignbreds as well, but as the sire of the horse has to be entered before the progeny is even born, very few foreignbreds actually qualify. The yearlings in this catalogue that are entered
in the Scandinavian Breeders’ System has a reference about it in the top right hand corner. Get your overnight stay paid! To encourage buyers from abroad and from other parts of the country,
the Swedish Thoroughbred Breeders’ Association (SFAF) will pay for the overnight stay at a hotel,
on the condition that the buyer has purchased at least one horse for at least 75.000 SEK plus VAT at
the sale (valid for maximum two nights and/or maximum 3.000 SEK, and payment against hotel receipt
only). To claim this benefit, contact the secretary of the sale. (In Swedish): Svenska Fullblodsavelsföreningen (SFAF) betalar för övernattning på hotell för de köpare som köpt minst en åring för minst
75.000 SEK, plus moms, vid auktionen (bidraget utbetalas för max två nätter/max 3.000 SEK, och endast
mot kvitto på hotellräkning). För att göra anspråk på bidraget, kontakta sekretariatet på auktionsplatsen.
Fux hingst 120409
Anmäld till Scandinavian Breeders’ System
Kerstin o Bo Helander
Svista Säteri
186 97 Brottby
08-512 416 12
070-757 78 76
Bahri (USA)
Sakhee (USA)
Thawakib (IRE)
Zaahid (IRE), fux 2004
Pleasant Colony (USA)
Murjana (IRE)
Golden Reef (USA)
Danzig (USA)
Eagle Eyed (USA)
Razyana (USA)
Tawny Eagle, br 2000
Simply Great (FR)
Not Too Bad (IRE), 1988
Audenhove (GER), 1979
1. mor
TAWNY EAGLE, winner at 2 years in Sweden and 100.950 kr and placed 7 times, 4th SM 2-åriga
2002, FT70, dam of two winners from 4 runners and 4 foals of racing age;
KNOXVILLE, 2006 g by Most Welcome (GB), 3 wins in 8 starts at 3, 2009, 157.800 kr, 4th SM
2-åriga, FT71, fatal accident in September at 3, dead
MISS MARPLE, 2009 f by Medecis (GB), 2 wins, placed 2nd twice, 103.180 kr, FT67
Charlie Brown, 2005 g by King Charlemagne (USA), ran 10 times, 11.100 kr, FT59
El Abandonado, 2011 g by Dustoori (GB), ran once at 2, 2013, 7.420 kr
752SWE00001391T, see above
2. mor
Not Too Bad (IRE), 3 wins at 2 and 4 years in Sweden and £22,039 and placed 14 times incl 2nd
Norsk 1000 Guineas, Ovrevoll, L and 3rd Malmo Stads Pris, Jagersro, L; dam of five winners from 7
runners and 8 foals of racing ageStone Tycoon (IRE), 1998 c by Bigstone (IRE), 12 wins at 3 to 8 years, 2006 in Italy and
1.650.000 kr and placed 44 times incl 2nd Premio Nearco, Rome, L.
BONGO QUEST (IRE), 1996 f by Be My Guest (USA), 2 wins at 3 years in Sweden, £3,039 and
placed 5 times, FT74; dam of five winners,
Musical Contest, 2 wins, placed 5 times, 525.640 kr, 2nd Amacitalöpn, SM 2-åriga, FT80
CON CIO (IRE), c by Sri Pekan (USA), 8 wins in Italy and placed 3 times, ca 650.000 kr
EST EST EST (IRE), f by Shinko Forest (IRE), 4 wins, placed 7 times, 222.400 kr, FT79
Delaroche, 2008 g by Heart of Oak (USA), 3 wins and placed, 269.001 kr, FT76
I ASK YOU (IRE), f by Ashkalani (IRE), 2 wins and placed, 67.900 kr, FT67
BOYS’ CHOICE, 2004 f by Indian Danehill (IRE), winner and placed, 156.960 kr, FT73
TAWNY EAGLE, see above
NO TWO WORDS (IRE), 2002 f by Diaghlyphard (USA), winner at 2 years, 2004 in Sweden and
£3,225 and placed twice, FT72
To The Queen, 1994 f by Roi Danzig (USA), placed 3 times in Sweden, dam of four winners,
CROSSOFFISSIO, 2003 g by Diaghlyphard (USA), 5 wins, placed 3 times, 312.270 kr, 4th
Rosengårdlöpn, 5th Sofierolöpn, FT84
QUEEN OF RACING, 2005 f by Pennekamp (USA), 2 wins and placed 5 times, 228.340 kr,
also 4th in Amacitalöpn and SM för 2-åriga hästar 2007, FT71
Kingbird, 2004 c by Prince of Birds (USA), 3 wins, placed 9 times, 225.050 kr, FT65
MAZZARIN, 2006 f by Mirio (FR), winner and placed 3 times including placed twice over
hurdles, 122.200 kr, FT68
3. mor
AUDENHOVE (GER), by Marduk (GER), 4 wins at 3-4 in West Germany and 51,920 DM, placed 13 times;
Own sister to ALEGRIA (GER); dam of seven winners from 8 runners and 8 foals of racing age vizNot Too Bad (IRE), see above.
GOLDEN LUCK, 6 wins at 5 to 7 years in Hong Kong, £77,690.
ROOFTOP FLYER (IRE), winner at 2 years and £6,728 and placed 3 times; also 9 wins in Germany
and £26,745 and placed 24 times.
Anmäld till Scandinavian Breeders’ System
Brunt sto 120516
Karin Johansson
Brantshammar Stuteri
741 92 Knivsta
Impression (ARG)
Gloria De Campeao (BRZ), br 2003
Audacity (BRZ)
Kefaah (USA)
Pearly Pet (IRE), br 1995
Petrine (IRE), 1981
018-38 11 25
070-628 11 25
Rubiano (USA)
Improbable Lady (USA)
Clackson (BRZ)
Orient Girl (ARG)
Blushing Groom (FR)
Tertiary (USA)
Petorius (IRE)
Plum Fool (GB), 1972
1. mor
PEARLY PET (IRE), 3 wins at 2 years in Sweden and placed 9 times, 342.100 kr, Amacitalöpn, 3rd
Bloomers’ Vase, 5th Norsk Oaks, FT82, dam of two winners from 4 runners and 7 previous foals;
QUINT ESSENTIALS, 2003 g by Be My Chief (USA), 11 wins, plac 25 times, 1.000.554 kr, Norsk
Derby Mile, 2nd SM Classic, 3rd SM Classic, Övrevoll Mile Cup, 4th Nationaldagspokalen, FT87
LIVIGNO, 2005 g by Funambule (USA), 8 wins, placed 7 times, 634.782 kr, Skandinavisk Mesterskap For Tvååringer, 3rd Övrevoll Sprint Cup, SM Sprinters, 4th Larch Ærespræmie, FT84
Pearly Boss, 2004 c by Be My Chief (USA), ran twice at 3, dead at 3 years, 2007
Pearl Jam, 2009 c by Funambule (USA), only ran once at 2, 2011
Amazing Pet, 2011 f by Academy Award (IRE), in training
Pearly Rose, see above
2. mor
PETRINE (IRE), ran a few times at 3; dam of four winners from 6 runners and 7 foals of racing age PEARLY PET (IRE), see above.
Imperialist (IRE) (f. by Imperial Frontier (USA), 2 wins at 2 years and £23,724, placed 6 times incl
3rd Its Aviation Services Sirenia S, Kempton Park, L.
SIMPLESS (IRE), 8 wins at 2 to 6 years in Italy and £20,854 and placed 25 times.
LITTLE VENICE (IRE), 2 wins at 3 years, 2003 and £14,593 and placed 7 times.
She’s Simply Great (IRE), placed 5 times at 2 and 3 years; also placed once over hurdles.
3. mor
PLUM FOOL (GB), by Silly Season (USA), winner in France and placed 3 times; dam of eight winners from 10 runners and 12 foals of racing age viz Plum Lane, winner at 2 years, placed 4 times incl 3rd Salisbury S, Salisbury, L; also winner in
West Germany.
RED BEARD (IRE), 10 wins in Italy and placed 33 times; dam of one winner.
ZANY, 2 wins at 4 years and placed 6 times; also placed over hurdles; dam of winners.
Mr Toad (IRE), 3rd Sirenia S, Kempton Park, L.
ZANY ZANNA (IRE), 4 wins at 2 years and placed 4 times; also winner in USA
PLUM BOLD, winner at 2 years and placed 3 times; dam of winners.
PLUMBIRD (GB), winner, Premio Melton - Memorial Tudini, Rome, Gr3, 2nd Premio Melton
Memorial Tudini, Rome, Gr3.
VERY WELCOME, winner, Hong Kong Derby, Sha Tin, L, 3rd Hong Kong Cup, Sha Tin, L.
Pomona (GB), 2nd Santa Barbara H, Santa Anita, Gr2 and 3rd Yellow Ribbon H, Santa Anita,
Gr1 and Kentucky Cup Ladies’ Turf H, Kentucky Downs, L.
Plum First (GB), 5 wins at 2 to 5 years, placed 34 times incl 2nd East Riding Stks, Beverley, L.
PLUMB LINE (GB), winner in Italy.
ROMAN WALK, winner at 2 years and placed twice; dam of ROBINS (IRE), winner, Premio
Chiusura, Milan, Gr3 and Premio Daumier, Rome, L, 2nd Premio W. W. F, Rome, L and 3rd
Premio Parioli, Rome, Gr1 and Premio W. W. F, Rome, L, ROYAL MAGIC (ITY), winner in Italy,
ROMAN Wonder (IRE), winner in Italy.
HOUSE GUEST, winner at 2 years and placed once; dam of winners.
JIMMY’S DREAM, winner at 5 years and placed 6 times; also winner over hurdles, placed twice.
[email protected]
Brun hingst 120212
Anmäld till Scandinavian Breeders’ System
Alebäcks Stuteri AB/Peter Björnsson
Lindärva Gård
0510-507 51
531 91 Vinninga
0706-23 09 23
Impression (ARG)
Gloria De Campeao (BRZ), br 2003
Audacity (BRZ)
Woodman (USA)
Lucky Thoughts (USA), br 2007
Thoughts (USA), 1989
Rubiano (USA)
Improbable Lady (USA)
Clackson (BRZ)
Orient Girl (ARG)
Mr Prospector (USA)
Playmate (USA)
Seattle Slew (USA)
Lucky Spell (USA), 1971
1. mor
LUCKY THOUGHTS (USA), placed 3 times at 2 and 3 years in Sweden; above is her first foaL.
Bear Luck, see above
2. mor
THOUGHTS (USA), ran on the flat in USA at 2 and 3 years; dam of eight winners from 10 runners
and 12 foals;
Royal St Crossing (USA), 5 wins at 2 to 4 years in USA and £42,746.
Special Thoughts (USA), 4 wins at 4 and 5 years in USA and £25,424.
The Fat Man (USA), 4 wins at 3 and 4 years in USA and £39,465.
I’m So Lucky (USA), 3 wins at 3, 4 and 6 years in USA
High Thoughts Slew (USA), 3 wins at 3 years in Canada and £20,722.
Our Emm (USA), 2 wins at 4 years in USA
Prescott City (USA), winner at 4 years in USA
Cashmere Thoughts (USA), winner at 2 years in USA and £11,276.
3. mor
LUCKY SPELL (USA), by Lucky Mel (USA), 12 wins at 2 to 5 years in USA and £113,070 incl Las Palmas
H., Oak Tree, Gr3 and Princess S, Hollywood Park, Gr3, 2nd Hollywood Oaks, Hollywood Park, Gr2
and 4th Santa Maria H., Santa Anita, Gr2; dam of eight winners from 12 runners and 14 foals inc.,
MERLINS CHARM (USA), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £31,134 incl Jersey S, Royal Ascot, Gr3;
dam of seven winners inc.,
BLACK SABBATH, won Omnium International de Sterrebeek, Sterrebeek, L.
Wizardry, placed 3 times at 3 years; dam of LADY MAIL (IRE), 5 wins at 2, 3 and 5 years at
home and in USA and £44,266 incl Sun City S, Turf Paradise.
GOLDSPELL (USA), 5 wins at 3 and 5 years in USA and £149,072 incl Torrey Pines S, Del Mar,
4th Hawthorne H., Hollywood Park, Gr2; dam of six winners inc.,
BASHFUL CHARMER (USA), won Palatine Breeders’ Cup S, Arlington Int.; dam of
SATURDAY’S CHILD (USA), 2 wins at 2 years in USA and £23,280 incl Hildene S,
Delaware Park.
Lovethespell (USA), winner in USA; dam of COOL SPELL (USA), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years
in USA and £52,076 incl Gasparilla S, Tampa Bay Downs, 2nd La Troienne S, Churchill
Downs, Gr3 and 3rd Debutante S, Churchill Downs, Gr3, OUR DOUBLE PLAY (USA),
won Prairie Mile S, Prairie Meadows; grandam of COARSEGOLD (USA), won Secret
Grace S, Gulfstream Park, LET EM SHINE (USA), won Came Home S, Hollywood Park.
Foryoureyesonly (USA), winner in USA; grandam of JORGE PRINCE (VEN), won Clasico
Cavepro, La Rinconada, L, Clasico Grano de Oro, La Rinconada, L (3 times), Copa Gaceta
Hipica, La Rinconada, L, Clasico de los Sprinters, La Rinconada, L, Copa Don Fabian, La
Rinconada, L and Copa Gran Abuelo, La Rinconada, L.
Elegiac (USA), 6 wins in USA and £22,090.
Trolley Song (USA), winner at 4 years in USA and £15,683; dam of five winners inc.,
UNBRIDLED’S SONG (USA), won Florida Derby, Gulfstream Park, Gr1 and Breeders’ Cup
Juvenile, Belmont Park, Gr1; sire.
[email protected]
Brun hingst 120310
Anmäld till Scandinavian Breeders’ System
Jan Hansson/Stall Jalih
Hjärås Gård 9152
242 97 Hörby
Seattle Slew (USA)
Septieme Ciel (USA), br 1987
Maximova (FR)
Diaghlyphard (USA)
Quinzi Bloom, br 2002
Glacy Bloom, 1985
0415-402 05
0708-94 02 05
Bold Reasoning (USA)
My Charmer (USA)
Green Dancer (USA)
Baracala (USA)
Lyphard (USA)
Jump Seat (USA)
Glacial (DEN)
Nana Bloom, 1976
1. mor
QUINZI BLOOM, 3 segr, plac 5 ggr på 13 starter, 320.884 kr, 4e Svenskt Oaks, 5e Breeders’ Trophy
Mile, Breeders’ Trophy Classic, FT81, mor till två tidigare avkommor;
Cutie Bloom, 2008 s e Septieme Ciel (USA), endast startat 5 ggr
Tennessee Bloom, 2010 s e Tertullian (USA), i träning hos Patrick Wahl, Täby
Ricky Bloom, se ovan
2. mor
GLACY BLOOM, 3 segr, plac 11 ggr, 96.300 kr, FT66, mor till fyra vinnare av 5 startande och totalt
6 avkommor;
Ico Bloom, 1999 v e Diaghlyphard (USA), 2 segr, plac 5 ggr, 273.300 kr, 3e Duty Time Juvenile
Mile, 5e Svenskt St Leger, FT81
DUTTEN’S LOVE, 1994 v e Ragtime Band (USA), 5 segr, plac 29 ggr, 317.400 kr, FT62
HEFNER’S LOVE, 1997 v e Billion (USA), 3 segr, plac 8 ggr, 210.600 kr, FT79
3. mor
NANA BLOOM, e Dolman (IRE), vinnare, plac 4 ggr, 24.860 kr, mor till fem vinnare av 7 startande
och totalt 9 avkommor;
Billie Bloom, 1987 s e Billion (USA), 3 segr, plac, 141.900 kr, 2a Svenskt Oaks, FT77, mor till
två vinnare; BILLIARD, 4 segr, FT71, och BLOOMARD, 2 segr, FT68
RAPIDO, 1984 v e Jimmy Reppin (GB), 9 segr, plac 15 ggr, 255.900 kr, 5e Svenskt Derby, FT74
NICE BLOOM, 1990 v e Nice Havrais (USA), 4 segr, plac 9 ggr, 151.400 kr, 4e SM 2-åriga, FT75
GLACY BLOOM, se ovan
BOBBY BLOOM, 1994 v e Billion (USA), vinnare, plac 6 ggr, 87.400 kr, FT70
Nästa mor BLOOMERS (GB) e Floribunda (GB), mor till sex vinnare;
Bloomigunda (SWE), 5 wins, 2nd Dianalopning, Taby, Gr2, Lovey-Dovey Cup, Taby, Gr3, 4th
Amacitalopning, Taby, Gr3 and Lovey-Dovey Cup, Taby, Gr3; dam of three winners from 4
runners and 7 foals;
GYLLEN, Champion 3yr old in Sweden in 1986, 12 wins in Denmark and in Sweden,
Dansk Oaks, Dianalopn, Svenskt Oaks, Skandialopn, SM 3-åringar, Bloomers’ Vase, 2nd
KapplopningsSallskapets Stora Pris, L (twice), Bloomers’ Vase, 3rd Stockholm Cup International, L, Stockholm Stora Pris, L and 4th Preis des Casino Travemunde, Hamburg, Gr3;
dam of two winners.
ROSENOBLER (DEN), 12 wins in Denmark and in Sweden, Dansk Oaks, Svenskt Oaks, SM
3-åringar, Jockeyklubbens Avelslopn, L and Bloomers’ Vase, L, 2nd Dianalopn, Skandialopn, 3rd Svenskt Kriterium, and Morten Klaveness Minnelop, L; dam of three winners,
Godwine (SWE), 3 wins in Sweden; dam of Great White (SWE), winner at 3 years in
Sweden and £12,284 and placed 9 times.
Daler (SWE), 8 wins in Sweden, 3rd Vinterfavoriternas Pris, Svensk Uppfodningslopn.
Brunt sto 120301
Getåsens Getter o Galopphästar
Getåsen 140
0643-210 02
830 01 Hallen
070-365 23 01
Woodman (USA)
Heart of Oak (USA), fux 1992
L’On Vite (USA)
Inchrory (GB)
Inquiette, br 2004
Florette, 1997
Mr Prospector (USA)
Playmate (USA)
Secretariat (USA)
Fanfreluche (CAN)
Midyan (USA)
Applecross (GB)
Diaghlyphard (USA)
Gyllenette, 1992
1. mor
INQUIETTE (SWE), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in Sweden and £16,612 and placed 9 times; dam of 1 runner and 1 previous foal;
Duette, 2010 f by Dustoori (GB), placed once at 2 years, 2012 in Sweden, 15.960 kr, FT59
Pony The Pirate, see above.
2. mor
FLORETTE, Champion 3-y-o Filly 2000, 3 wins, placed 6 times, 1.201.330 kr, Jockeyklubbens
Avelslöpn, Duty Time Juvenile Mile, 2nd Breeders’ Trophy Classic, Norweigan Breeders Prize Classic,
Swedish Criterium, SM 2-åriga Ston, 3rd Swedish Oaks, 4th Swedish Derby, FT82; dam of three winners from 5 runners and 5 foals;
Inquiette (SWE), see above.
American Accent (SWE), 2 wins at 3 years, 2011 in Sweden and placed once.
Ace of Hearts (SWE), winner at 3 years in Sweden and placed 3 times.
Ricardo (SWE), placed 4 times at 2 and 3 years in Sweden.
3. mor
GYLLENETTE (SWE), by Modern Pleasure (USA), unraced; dam of three winners from 8 runners and
9 foals;
Farad (SWE), 14 wins in Sweden and £80,886 and placed 33 times.
Fasino (SWE), 11 wins in Sweden and £49,402 and placed 34 times.
Faldor (SWE), winner at 3 years in Sweden and placed 15 times.
Fazette (SWE), ran on the flat in Sweden; dam of two winners,
Mexican Goldfish (SWE), winner in Sweden.
Mexican Chiquita (SWE), winner in Sweden.
The next dam GYLLEN (SWE), by Trainers Seat (IRE), Champion 3yr old in Sweden in 1986, 12
wins in Denmark and in Sweden incl Dansk Oaks, Klampenborg, L, Dianalopning (1000 Guineas),
Taby, L, Svenskt Oaks, Jagersro, L, Skandialopning, Taby, L, Svenskt Masterskap For 3-Aringar, Taby, L
and Bloomers’ Vase, Taby, L, placed 2nd Kapplopnings Sallskapets Stora Pris, Taby, L (twice), Bloomers’
Vase, Taby, L, 3rd Stockholm Cup International, Taby, L, Stockholm Stora Pris, Taby, L and 4th Preis des
Casino Travemunde, Hamburg, Gr3; dam of two winners from 5 runners and 6 foals;
Yen (SWE), winner at 2 years in Sweden and placed twice.
Gyllenbloom (SWE), winner over jumps in Sweden.
Gylliana (SWE), ran on the flat in Denmark; dam of a winner,
Gyllene Tider (SWE), winner, 2011 in Denmark and in Sweden.
The next dam Bloomigunda (SWE), by My Swanee (GB), 5 wins in Sweden placed 2nd Dianalopning, Taby, Gr2, Lovey-Dovey Cup, Taby, Gr3, 4th Amacitalopning, Taby, Gr3 and Lovey-Dovey Cup,
Taby, Gr3; dam of three winners from 4 runners and 7 foals;
GYLLEN (SWE), see above.
ROSENOBLER (DEN), 12 wins in Denmark and in Sweden, Dansk Oaks, Klampenborg, L, Svenskt
Oaks, L, Volvo Derby Trial, L, Svenskt Masterskap for 3-Aringar, Taby, L, Jockeyklubbens
Avelslopn, L, Bloomers’ Vase, Taby, L, 2nd Dianalopn (1000 Guineas), L, Skandialopn.
[email protected]
Brunt sto 120501
Anmäld till Scandinavian Breeders’ System
Caroline Söderberg/Stall Ekeby
Ösbyvägen 26
0176-27 30 50
761 75 Norrtälje
073-645 19 93
Lead On Time (USA)
Fraam (GB), mbr 1989
Majestic Kahala (USA)
Rambo Dancer (CAN)
Rambo’s Sister (GB), br 1997
Shiny Kay (GB), 1983
Nureyev (USA)
Alathea (GB)
Majestic Prince (USA)
Charvak (USA)
Northern Dancer (CAN)
Fair Arabella (USA)
Star Appeal (IRE)
Kajetana (GB), 1977
1. mor
RAMBO’S SISTER (GB), winner at 3 years in Norway and placed 3 times, 42.735 kr, FT68; own sister
to RAMBO FLYER (GB); dam of five winners from 6 runners and 7 foals of racing age inclFLYFIRE, 2002 f by Duty Time (GB), 8 wins, placed 16 times, 328.401 kr, FT72
INDIAN FLYER, 2006 g by Indian Lodge (IRE), 5 wins, placed 4 times, 190.504 kr, FT74
RAMBO’S CINDERELLA, 2007 f by Arkadian Hero (USA), 5 wins, plac 13 times, 329.036 kr, FT55
MAGIC SPELL, 2003 f by Duty Time (GB), winner, placed 7 times, 141.900 kr, 5th Treåringarnas
Elitlöpn, FT76
MISS ANGÉLIQUE, 2004 f by Homme d’Honneur (FR), winner, placed 4 times, 73.100 kr, FT64
Jeune Garcon, 2008 g by Jeune Homme (USA), ran 10 times at 3, 2011, FT50
Bambo, 2009 c by Bosun’s Watch (GB), ran 5 times, FT56
Spitfire, 2010 f by Bosun’s Watch (GB), ran once at 3, 2013
Mirage Volante, 2011 f by Zaahid (IRE), in training with Rune Ohlsson, Harlösa
Caravelle, see above
2. mor
SHINY KAY (GB), winner at 4, placed 5 times; dam of nine winners from 13 runners and 14 foals;
RAMBO FLYER (GB), 1994 g by Rambo Dancer (CAN), 29 wins, 2.650.434, 5 wins at 2 to 5
years in Denmark and in Norway and 948.308 kr, Pilot Fineliner Cup, Ovrevoll, L, placed 12
times, 2nd Svenskt Derby, Norsk Derby, 3rd Svenskt St Leger; also 24 wins over jumps in
Norway and in Sweden and 1.702.126 kr.
HOME SHOPPING (GB) (f. by Superpower), 2 wins at 2 years and £25,047, Sino Group Dragon
Trophy, Sandown Park, L, 2nd Shadwell Stud Firth of Clyde S, Ayr, L; dam of seven winners,
DANISH SHOPPING (GB), 12 wins at 2 to 6 years in Denmark and £86,054, incl Copenhagen Golden Mile, L, placed 26 times, incl 2nd Klaveness Minnelop, L, Lanwades Stud S,
L, Bloomers’ Vase, L, 3rd Klaveness Minnelop, L and Bloomers’ Vase, L.
Dali Du (IRE), 6 wins at 3 to 5 years, 2009 in Italy and £25,703 and placed 18 times.
Skeptikal (IRE), 3 wins at 3 and 4 years in Italy and £13,002 and placed 13 times.
Superhouse (GB), 3 wins at 4 and 5 years in Spain.
Constant View (GB), winner at 6 years in Norway and £17,903 and placed 21 times.
Over Love (IRE), winner at 3 years in Italy and placed 6 times.
Olzai (IRE), winner at 3 years in Italy and placed 5 times.
Kayo (GB), 13 wins at 2 to 6 years and £120,513 and placed 18 times.
Ashover (GB), 9 wins at 3 to 6 years and £43,548 and placed 18 times.
Moneypower (GB), 5 wins at 3 and 5 years in Germany and £32,235 and placed 14 times.
Kestral (GB), 5 wins at 4 and 5 years and £28,503 and placed 9 times.
Lady Linnet (GB), 2 wins at 2 years and placed twice.
Slip Star (GB), winner at 5 years and placed 3 times.
3. mor
KAJETANA (FR) by Caro (IRE), unraced; dam of six winners from 11 runners and 12 foals inc;
K-BATTERY, 9 wins at 2 to 6 years and £89,822, incl Earl of Sefton EBF S, Newmarket, Gr3,
placed 2nd Gordon Richards EBF S, Sandown Park, Gr3, Grosser Preis von Dortmund, Gr3.
Uppfödd hos Sonja Olsson, Östersäby Stuteri
7 752SWE00001456T
Fux hingst 120527
Sara Åhlander
Herrängsvägen 15
732 48 Arboga
Fairy King (USA)
Terroir (GB), br 1995
Terracotta Hut (IRE)
Yester Lamberth (IRE)
Red Lucille, fux 1999
Hellandhighwater, 1989
[email protected]
0589-158 29
070-580 54 65
Northern Dancer (CAN)
Fairy Bridge (USA)
Habitat (USA)
Amiel (IRE)
Ya Zaman (USA)
Gamma (GER)
Greek Song (GB)
Rutger Eos, 1982
1. mor
Red Lucille, ej startat, mor till två tidigare avkommor;
Little Red Hood, 2007 s e Desert Sport (FR), startat 5 ggr
A Lot of Red, 2011 s e Terroir (GB), i träning
752SWE00001456T, se ovan
2. mor
HELLANDHIGHWATER, 3 segr, plac 8 ggr, 136.100 kr, FT74, mor till två vinnare av 2 startande och
totalt 3 avkommor:
TANTO, 1996 v e Yester Lamberth (IRE), 2 segr, plac 6 ggr, 125.200 kr, FT70
LI ESS, 2001 s e Diaghlyphard (USA), vinnare, plac 4 ggr, 80.340 kr, FT68
Red Lucille, se ovan
3. mor
Rutger Eos e Saritamer (USA), plac på endast 4 starter, 4.400 kr, FT60, mor till två vinnare av 6
startande och totalt 7 avkommor:
Royal Groom, plac 4 ggr på slätt, även 3 segr och plac 2 ggr över häckar, 425.500 kr, Jack Daniels Novisehekk Finale, 2e Norsk Breeders’ Prize, Lindarängen Memorial, 4e Norsk Champion
Hurdle, FT73
Thunder, plac, 17.900 kr, FT62
Nästa mor Lacebell (GB) e Royal Palace (GB), endast startat en gång, mor till sju vinnare av 11 startande och totalt 11 avkommor:
RUTGER ROYAL, 6 segr, 267.400 kr, Jockeyklubbens Jubileumslöpn
Rutger Calypso, 9 segr, 366.900 kr, 2e SM för 2-åringar, 3e Svenskt Kriterium
THRILLER, 7 segr, 416.500 kr, FT86
PRAY, 3 segr, 94.800 kr
MORICONI, vinnare, 59.100 kr
RUTGER ORKAN, vinnare, 44.600 kr
CHEAP THRILLS, vinnare och mor till två vinnare av 3 startande och totalt 3 avkommor:
OAK THRILLS, vinnare, 4e Duty TIme Trophy, FT71
HEART THRILLS, vinnare, FT69
York Thrills, plac 10 ggr, FT75
Nästa mor CORSLEY BELL e Owen Tudor, vinnare och mor till vinnare:
TOWN CRIER, TF 119 1969, 7 segr, Queen Anne S, 2e Jersey S, 3e Hungerford S, 2 ggr, avelshingst
March Bell, mor till Goldbell, som är mor till Mrs Myles, 7 segr, 2a Mowerinalöb, och mor till
GOLD AND GREY, 13 segr, plac 18 ggr, 1.861.380 kr inkl bonus, Årets 3-åring och Årets
3-åriga och äldre sto 2001, Dianalöpning, Götalandlöpning, Prince of Birds Scania Sprint,
Kay E Jensens Pris, Inchrory Sweden Cup Sprint, 2a Rosengårdlöpning.
[email protected]
Pampas Polo Team
Tor Petter Mygland, Box 87, Smestad
Brunt sto 120422
N-0309 Oslo, Norge + 47 92 88 52 00
Lucky Story (USA)
Art Connoisseur (IRE), mbr 2006
Withorwithoutyou (IRE)
High Chaparral (IRE)
Regina Ballerina (IRE), br 2006
Dos Talas (USA), 1999
Kris S (USA)
Spring Flight (USA)
Danehill (USA)
Morningsurprice (USA)
Sadler’s Wells (USA)
Kasora (USA)
You and I (USA)
Multimara (USA), 1990
1. mor
REGINA BALLERINA (IRE), ran 3 times at 3 years; dam of 1 previous foal;
St Paul’s (IRE), 2011 c by Bushranger (IRE), unraced to date.
Behind The Scream (ire), see above.
2. mor
DOS TALAS (USA), ran on the flat in France at 3 years; dam of a winner from 4 runners and 5 foals;
Hawk And I (IRE), 7 wins and placed 16 times in Norway and in Sweden, 606.980 kr, Michelets
Minnelöp, FT82
Babberina (IRE), placed twice at 3 years; dam of a winner,
Burbanza (IRE), 5 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2013 in Italy and £29,801.
She also has a 5-y-o mare by Hawk Wing (USA).
3. mor
MULTIMARA (USA), by Arctic Tern(USA), placed twice at 2 years in USA; dam of seven winners from
10 runners and 11 foals;
IMPERIAL BEAUTY (USA), 4 wins at 2, 3 and 5 years at home and in France and £191,432
incl Prix de l’Abbaye de Longchamp, Longchamp, Gr1, 2nd Shadwell Stud Cheveley Park S,
Newmarket, Gr1 and Prix de l’Abbaye de Longchamp, Longchamp, Gr1; dam of a winner,
Ipswich (IRE), winner at 3 years, 2013 in France and £10,163.
Be My Queen (IRE), winner at 3 years and £23,123 2nd Ardilaun House Hotel Oyster S, Galway,
L; dam of a winner,
Relco Nordic (GB), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2013 in Italy and £20,416.
Dubai Tower (USA), 5 wins, £17,597, 2 wins at 3 years and £10,588; also 3 wins at 5 years in
Devil’s Cove (USA), 4 wins in Venezuela.
Oil Strike (USA), 3 wins at 4 years in USA and £12,294.
King’s Ballet (USA), 3 wins at 2, 3 and 5 years and £13,953.
Gulsary (IRE), 2 wins at 3 years, 2012 in France and £31,062.
The next dam EVENING AIR (USA), unraced; dam of eight winners from 10 runners and 11 foals inc.,
MIDNIGHT AIR (USA), 2 wins at 2 years and £29,004 incl May Hill S, Doncaster, Gr3; dam of six
winners inc.,
MIDNIGHT LINE (USA), won Long Island H., Aqueduct, Gr2, 2nd Gamely Breeders’ Cup H.,
Hollywood Park, Gr1, 3rd Vodafone Oaks S, Epsom, Gr1 and E P Taylor S, Woodbine, Gr1;
dam of High Force (IRE), winner at 3 years, 2013 in Canada.
Thinking Positive (GB), winner at 3 years; dam of Thinking Spirit (GB), winner at 3 years,
2012 in France and £11,000.
L’Amour (USA), winner at 3 years; dam of Rabbit Hawk Wing (IRE), winner at 4 years,
2012 in Czech Republic.
Midnight Ransom (GB), unraced; dam of Nocturnal Secret (GB), 3 wins at 2-3 years, 2013
in France and £49,942.
Greenstead (USA), 7 wins, £57,911, 2 wins at 3 years and £16,799; also 3 wins over hurdles
at 5 and 6 years and £23,591 2nd Country Pride Champion Novices’ Hurdle, Punchestown.
[email protected]
Brunt sto 120316
Anmäld till Scandinavian Breeders’ System
Sonja Olsson
Östersäby Stuteri
736 92 Kungsör
0227-201 33
0702-81 10 48
Sovereign Dancer (USA)
Priolo (USA)
Primevere (USA)
Mirio (FR), fux 1997
Baillamont (USA)
Mira Monte (GB)
Mirea (USA)
Woodman (USA)
Heart of Oak (USA)
L’On Vite (USA)
Saucy Heart, br 2004
Taufan (USA)
Saucy Girl (FR), 1989
Saucy Singer (USA), 1982
1. mor
SAUCY HEART, 3 wins, placed 3 times, 277.900 kr, 5th Diana­löpn, FT77, this is her 2nd foal;
Stjärnan, 2010 g by Mirio (FR), unraced to date
752SWE00001375T, see above
2. mor
SAUCY GIRL (FR), 5 wins at 2 and 3 years, 680.000 kr, Danish Oaks, Norweigan Oaks, placed 9 times,
2nd Amacitalöpn, Svealandlöpn, 3rd Norweigan 1000 Guineas, Norweigan Kriterium, Peugot Pokallop,
4e Norweigan Derby, FT80, dam of ten winners from 12 runners and 13 foals of racing age viz;
Itsagroom, 2005 c by Itsabrahma (GB), 6 wins, placed 8 times, 788.354 kr, Danish Breeders’
Cup, 3rd Swedish Derby Trial, 4th Breeders’ Trophy Juvenile, 7th Swedish Derby, Breeders’
Trophy Mile, FT85
Mirona, 2006 f by Mirio (FR), 3 wins, placed 5 times, 1.015.119 kr, SFAF/SÅEF Auktions­löpn,
2nd Swedish St Leger, Swedish Oaks, Breeders’ Trophy Classic, 3rd Scandinavian Classic Challenge, 5th Mowerinalöb, Breeders’ Trophy Stayer, FT79
SAUCY BIRD, 1998 f by Diaghlyphard (USA), 2 wins, 581.002 kr, Swedish Criterium, SM för
2-åriga Ston, 5e Norweigan Oaks, Swedish Oaks, FT79
The Groom, 1997 c by French Groom (USA), 4 wins, placed 6 times, 779.500 kr, Sweden Cup
Stayers, 2e Swedish Derby, Swedish St Leger, FT82
Elegant Song, 2003 c by Songline, 6 wins and placed 12 times including 2 wins and placed 3
times over jumps, 861.804 kr, 2nd Breeders’ Trophy Classic, Kapps Stora Pris, 3rd JK Stora Pris
Stch, 4th Ulriksdals Minneslöpn, 5th Swedish St Leger, Breeders’ Trophy Stayer, Kapps Stora
Pris, SM Classic, FT84
Baggins, 2002 c by Funambule (USA), 6 wins and placed 37 times in Denmark, 432.128 kr, 2nd
Albani Store Sprint, 4th Larch Ærespræmie, FT73
ITSAGIRL, 1995 f by Itsabrahma (GB), 7 wins, placed 12 times, 480.410 kr, FT79, broodmare
SAUCY HEART, see above
Lions Prospect, 2008 c by Heart of Oak (USA), 4 wins, placed 15 times, 398.270 kr, FT73
BRAVE HEART, 2001 g by Heart of Oak (USA), winner, placed, 31.915 kr, FT65
Flying Saucer, 2009 g by Mirio (FR), placed 5 times in 14 starts at 3-4, 2013, 107.240 kr, FT71
3. mor
Saucy Singer (USA), by The Minstrel (CAN), winner at 3 years and £3265 and placed 3 times; also
placed once in Italy viz 3rd Premio Giovanni Falck, Milan, L; dam of three winners from 5 runners, 9
foals of racing age viz–
SAUCY GIRL (FR), see above.
BOLD SINGER (FR), 2 wins in France.
Septieme Symphonie (FR), winner at 3 years in France and £7407; dam of two winners inc,
SYMPHONIQUE (FR), 5 wins, £98,243, winner at 2 years in France; also 4 wins over jumps
at 3-4 years in France and £93,691 incl Prix Chambly Hurdle, L and Prix Sagan Hurdle, L.
Kitty Clive (GB), unraced; dam of four winners inc,
Kitty d’Argos (FR), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in France and £25,178; dam of Crindegun (FR), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2009 in France and £40,890.
Lety (FR), 2 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2008 in France and £14,018.
Skimmel sto 120215
Pernilla Nilsson
Råby 14
775 96 Krylbo
Highest Honor (FR)
Verglas (IRE), sk 1994
Rahaam (USA)
Dubai Destination (USA)
Capizzi (GB), fux 2007
Berkeley Lodge (IRE), 2003
[email protected]
0706-31 73 17
Kenmare (FR)
High River (FR)
Secreto (USA)
Fager’s Glory (USA)
Kingmambo (USA)
Mysterial (USA)
Grand Lodge (USA)
Searching Star (GB), 1988
1. mor
CAPIZZI (GB), unraced; Above is her first foaL.
Iceandsnow, see above
2. mor
BERKELEY LODGE (IRE), unraced; dam of one winner from 1 runner and 3 foals;
Tees And Cees (IRE), placed once at 2 years; also winner at 4 years, 2012 in Germany.
Hvasavi (IRE), 2009 f by Dubawi, broodmare.
3. mor
SEARCHING STAR (GB), by Rainbow Quest (USA), placed twice at 2 and 3 years; dam of seven winners from 7 runners and 12 foals inc.,
FA-EQ (IRE), 3 wins at 3 and 4 years and £71,246 incl Mcarthurglen City of York S, York, L, 2nd
Hibernia Foods Irish 2000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr1.
CORINIUM (IRE), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £40,221 incl Radley S, Newbury, L and EBF Conqueror S, Goodwood, L; dam of five winners inc.,
Sharaayeen (GB), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £27,897; also 2 wins at 5 years, 2012 in
U.A.E. and £31,871.
Sesentum (GB), winner at 2 years, 2012.
Ellway Star (IRE), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £18,121 3rd EBF Lansdown S, Bath, L; dam of
two winners inc.,
Elhareer (IRE), winner at 2 years; dam of KASHMIR PEAK (IRE), 3 wins, £27,188, winner
at 3 years, 2012; also 2 wins over hurdles at 3 years, 2012 and £18,332 incl betvictor.
com Summit Juvenile Hurdle, Doncaster, Gr2.
Mohawk Star (IRE), 4 wins, £42,095, 3 wins and £22,869; also winner over hurdles at 4
years and £18,763 and placed once over fences at 6 years.
Hartstown House (IRE), 2 wins at 2 years and £10,747; dam of four winners inc.,
BELDALE MEMORY (IRE), 2 wins at 2 years, 2013 and £22,917 incl Langleys Solicitors EBF
Marygate S, York, L.
Gilded Vanity (IRE), winner at 3 years; dam of three winners inc.,
Birdman (IRE), 2 wins at 2 years, 2012 and £38,527 2nd 32red.com Superlative S, Newmarket, Gr2 and 3rd Galileo EBF Futurity S, Curragh, Gr2.
A Mind of Her Own, placed 4 times at 2 and 3, 3rd Sprint S, Gr3.
Kadooment (IRE), unraced; dam of a winner,
Indian Commando (IRE), 2 wins at 3 years, 2013 in Italy and £10,178.
The next dam LITTLE WHITE STAR, ran at 3; dam of eight winners from 14 runners and 15 foals inc.,
BELDALE STAR, 9 wins, £43,822, 4 wins and £28,590 incl Racal Vodafone Blue Riband Trial S,
Epsom, L; also 5 wins over hurdles at 4 to 6 years and £15,232 2nd New Year’s Day Hurdle,
Windsor, L and 3rd Swinton Insurance Brokers Trophy Hurdle, Haydock Park, L.
MOON DROP, 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £15,030 incl Remembrance Day EBF S, Doncaster, L;
dam of ten winners inc.,
Dancing Drop (GB), 2 wins at 2 years and £31,952 2nd London Clubs Fern Hill Rated H, L.
Uppfödd hos Jan Hansson, Hjärås
Mörkbrun hingst 120515
Anmäld till Scandinavian Breeders’ System
Sten B Karlsson Invest AB
Götav 61 [email protected]
187 63 Täby
08-732 41 03
Rubiano (USA)
Impression (ARG)
Improbable Lady (USA)
Gloria De Campeao (BRZ), br 2003
Clackson (BRZ)
Audacity (BRZ)
Orient Girl (ARG)
Lyphard (USA)
Diaghlyphard (USA)
Jump Seat (USA)
Memory, br 2002
Modern Pleasure (USA)
Amourina, 1989
Amourette, 1984
1. mor
Memory, 4 segr, 458.962 kr, 2a Breeders’ Trophy Juvenile, FT80, mor till två tidigare avkommor:
Viva Lavida, 2008 s e Septieme Ciel (USA), endast 6 starter som 3-4-åring, 5.200 kr, FT67
Maya, 2010 s e Dustoori (GB), plac 3 ggr på 5 starter som 2-åring 2013, 74.620 kr, FT75
Dover, se ovan
2. mor
Amourina, 3 segr, 208.000 kr, 2a SM 2-åriga hästar, 3e Amacitalöpn, Vinterfavoriternas Pris, 5e
Svealandlöpn, FT69, mor till nio vinnare av 12 startande och totalt 12 avkommor i startbar ålder:
PAMONA, Champion 2-åring 2003, 5 segr, 1.165.465 kr (varav bonus 55.350 kr), Breeders’
Trophy Juvenile, TGAB:s Auktionslöpn, Duty Time Juvenile Mile och SM för 2-åriga hästar
2003, 3e Dianalöpn, Amacitalöpn, FT84 som 2-åring 2003, mor till en vinnare: SPADER
KNEKT, 2010 v e Academy Award (IRE), vinnare och plac, 80.500 kr, FT73
Memory, se ovan
Morell, 1995 h e Eighty Eight Keys (USA), 3 segr, 306.160 kr (varav bonus 83.000 kr), 2e Malmö
Stads Pris, 3e Götalandlöpn, 5e Rosengårdlöpn, även plac över häckar, FT80
Mohikan, 2006 v e Indian Lodge (IRE), 5 segr, plac 12 ggr, 455.924 kr, 3e Auktionslöpn, FT70
MON DIA, 2005 s e Funambule (USA), 2 segr och plac 5 ggr, 282.099 kr, 3e Melmaclöpn, 6e
Dianalöpn, Breeders’ Trophy Mile, FT76
MOONLINE, 2008 v e Songline, 2 segr, plac 5 ggr, 149.130 kr, FT70
Morina, 1998 s e Diaghlyphard (USA), plac 2 ggr på endast 4 starter, FT72, mor till en vinnare:
WELCOME IN MAY, 2005 s e Most Welcome (GB), 2 segr, plac 3 ggr, 151.700 kr, FT76
Övriga vinnare är MONTILJA, 1997 s e Talinum (USA), 4 segr, MONACO, 1996 h e Lotus Pool (USA),
3 segr, och MORENO, 1994 h e National Zenith (USA), 3 segr varav 1 på häckar.
3. mor
AMOURETTE e Montal (FR), 5 segr, 293.700 kr, Dianalöpn, Eurocard Cup, mor till sex vinnare av
6 startande:
AMOULETTE, s e Bal du Seigneur (USA), 2 segr, 234.200 kr, SFAF:s Stora Pris, 4e Amacitalöpn, mor
till tre vinnare: MISTER ADMIRAL, 8 segr, plac 14 ggr, 670.200 kr, Premiärhandicap, 2e SM
Sprinters, FT88, Fidelity, 4 segr, plac 6 ggr, 258.730 kr, 2a Altamiralöpn, FT81, och PANDURO,
5 segr, plac 11 ggr, 341.200 kr, FT77, samt Dear Profit, 2007, startat 10 ggr, 16.400 kr, FT60
Amourina, se ovan
Agena, 2001 s e Be My Chief (USA), vinnare, plac 8 ggr som 2-3-år, 196.150 kr (varav bonus
19.450 kr), 2a Sweden Cup Juvenile Mile, FT73
Amira, 1990 s e Modern Pleasure (USA), skadad som föl, mor till sex vinnare inkl:
NAMIR, 1995 h e National Zenith (USA), Champion 2-åring 1997, 19 segr, 1.883.300 kr,
SFAF:s Stora Pris, Sweden Cup Stayer, 2 ggr, Vinterfinalen Stayers, Ulriksdals Minneslöpn,
3e SM Stayers, 4e Duty Time Juv Mile, SM Stayers (2 ggr), 5e SM Stayers, FT89
TIMO, 1998 h e Lotus Pool (USA), 3 segr, 587.350 kr, Ceres Jydsk Derby, 2e Svenskt Kriterium,
3e Dansk Kriterium, 4e Duty Time Juvenile Mile, 5e Breeders’ Trophy, Vinterfav Pris, FT80
Phoenix Fabulous (ex Ritmo), 2000 h e Diaghlyphard (USA), 3 segr, plac 3 ggr, 176.840 kr,
Svenskt St Leger Consolation, Dansk Kriterium Consolation, AGRIA Breeders’ Trophy Trial,
2e Vinterfavoritternes Ærespræmie, FT79
Fux sto 120407
Anmäld till Scandinavian Breeders’ System
Kerstin o Bo Helander
Svista Säteri
186 97 Brottby
Sakhee (USA)
Zaahid (IRE), fux 2004
Murjana (IRE)
Peintre Celebre (USA)
Arizona’s Child (GB), br 2003
Miss Arizona (IRE), 1991
08-512 416 12
070-757 78 76
Bahri (USA)
Thawakib (IRE)
Pleasant Colony (USA)
Golden Reef (USA)
Nureyev (USA)
Peinture Bleue (USA)
Sure Blade (USA)
Steel Habit (IRE), 1979
1. mor
Arizona’s Child (GB), only ran 3 times, 2.200 kr, FT50. Dam of two previous foals:
Djuma, 2008 c by Orpen (USA), ran once at 2, 2010, dead at 2 years
Child of My Heart, 2009 g by Heart of Oak (USA), ran 10 times, 13.450 kr, FT54
Aracaju, 2011 c by Academy Award (IRE), in training with Kerstin Helander, Brottby
752SWE00001390T, see above
2. mor
MISS ARIZONA (IRE), 2 wins at 3 years in Germany and £6774; dam of three winners from 7 runners and 10 foals;
Manuelita (GB), 5 wins at 2 to 4 years, 2009 in France and in Spain and £33,271.
Malthouse Master (IRE), 4 wins, £25,807, 2 wins at 5 years and £11,100; also 2 wins over
hurdles at 5 years and £14,707.
Manhattan (GB), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £12,315.
She also has a 2-y-o colt by Noverre (USA). 3. mor
STEEL HABIT (IRE), by Habitat (USA), 2 wins at 3 years in Italy; Own sister to ANCESTRAL; dam of
seven winners from 8 runners and 11 foals inc,
BATSHOOF, 7 wins at 3 and 4 years and £246,081 incl Tattersalls EBF Rogers Gold Cup, Curragh, Gr2 and Prince of Wales’s S, Royal Ascot, Gr2, 3rd Juddmonte International S, York,
Gr1; sire.
REGULAR GUEST (IRE), Champion miler in Hong Kong in 1993, 8 wins at 2 to 6 years at
home and in Hong Kong and £436,239 incl Hong Kong Derby, Sha Tin, L, Steward’s Cup, Sha
Tin, L, The Centenary Cup, Sha Tin, L and The Hong Kong Classic Trial, Sha Tin, L.
Miss Arizona (IRE), see above.
Amankila (IRE), winner at 3 years; dam of a winner,
Broughtons Paradis (IRE), winner at 3 years, 2009.
Hamsaat (IRE), winner at 3 years; dam of seven winners inc,
URAIB (IRE), 5 wins at 3 to 5 years at home and in USA and £177,859 incl Buena Vista H,
Santa Anita, Gr3.
Hautchinson (GB), 4 wins at 4 and 5 years, 2008 in Italy and £20,479.
Electric Dream (GB), 3 wins at 3 years, 2008 in Italy and £12,062.
Carrig Girl (GB), winner at 3 years, 2009 and £7044.
Red Vale (IRE), unraced; dam of Vale of York (IRE), winner at 2 years, 2009 and £5181.
Night After Night (GB), unraced; dam of two winners inc,
Satono Kokuo (IRE), 5 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2008 in Japan and £439,573 2nd Nigawa S,
Hanshin, L and 3rd March S, Nakayama, Gr3. The next dam AMPULLA, 2 wins at 2 years and £12,686 incl Cherry Hinton S, Newmarket, Gr3, 3rd
Laurent Perrier Champagne S, Doncaster, Gr2; dam of two winners from 3 runners and 4 foals inc,
ANCESTRAL, 6 wins at 2 to 4 years at home and in USA and £152,119 incl Railway S, Curragh,
Gr3, McCairns Trial S, Phoenix Park, Gr3 and San Diego H, Del Mar, Gr3, 4th Californian S,
Hollywood Park, Gr1; sire.
Brun hingst 120520
Jan Hansson/Stall Jalih
Hjärås Gård 9152
242 97 Hörby
Cape Cross (IRE)
Crosspeace (IRE), br 2002
Announcing Peace (GB)
Funambule (USA)
Green Rocket, fux 2001
Ebba Grön (GB), 1992
0415-402 05
0708-94 02 05
Green Desert (USA)
Park Appeal (IRE)
Danehill (USA)
Remoosh (GB)
Lyphard (USA)
Sonoma (FR)
Rambo Dancer (CAN)
Under the Wing (GB), 1987
1. mor
GREEN ROCKET, 4 segr och plac 9 ggr, 381.010 kr inkl bonus, Amacitalöpn, 3e Götalandlöpn, Krafft
SM för 2-åriga hästar, FT78, mor till två vinnare av 3 startande och 4 avkommor i startbar ålder;
Capital Hill, 2007 v e Baryshnikov (AUS), vinnare, plac 6 ggr, 246.785 kr, 3e Jockeyklubbens
Jubileumslöpn, 6e Breeders’ Trophy Mile, FT78
Gate To Success, 2008 v e Jeune Homme (USA), vinnare, plac 8 ggr, 141.070 kr, FT62
Rocky Creek, 2010 v e Dustoori (GB), startat 5 ggr som 2-3-åring 2012-2013, 22.400 kr, FT69
Noble Rocket, 2011 s e Nobileo (GB), i träning hos Lennart Reuterskiöld jr, Jägersro
Rock The Night, se ovan
2. mor
EBBA GRÖN (GB), 2 segr, 108.500 kr, mor till fyra vinnare av 8 startande och totalt 10 avkommor:
Curious Green, 1997 s e Precocious (GB), vinnare, plac 4 ggr som 2-åring, 92.000 kr, 3a SM för
2-åriga ston, 4e Amacitalöpn, FT72, mor till tre vinnare från 6 startande och totalt 6 föl;
De Orio, 2007 v e Arkadian Hero (USA), plac 4 ggr på 11 starter, 98.000 kr, 3e Swedish
Champion Sprint, FT72
Lorena, -05 s e Funambule (USA), vinnare, plac, 149.900 kr, 5e SM för 2-åriga hästar, FT73
QUITO, -02 h e Diaghlyphard (USA), vinnare och plac på 3 starter, 44.840 kr, FT72,
THE CURER, -06 h e Funambule (USA), vinnare i debuten som 2-åring, plac, 103.000 kr, FT70
Cannon Candy, 2004 s e Troon (GB), plac 2 ggr, 43.660 kr, 4e SM 2-åriga, FT67
Green Missy, 2006 s e Funambule (USA), vinnare och plac 2 ggr, 132.700 kr, FT67
Green Harmony, 2007 s e Funambule (USA), vinnare, plac 7 ggr, 210.925 kr, FT70
Green Valley, -00 s e Jalmood (USA), plac 3 ggr som 2-3-åring, 47.250 kr, FT60
Ma Colette Chérie, -98 s e Talinum (USA), plac som 2-åring på endast 3 starter, 11.500 kr, FT60
3. mor
Under the Wing (GB), by Aragon (GB), placed 3 times at 2 years, 2nd East Midland Racing Club S,
Nottingham, and 3rd EBF Surveyors S, Sandown, and Stakis Regency Club Nursery, Lingfield, her only
season to race; dam of one winner from 2 runners and 4 foals of racing age
EBBA GRÖN (GB), see above
The next dam Royal Custody (GB) by Reform (GB), unraced, from 10 foals of racing age, dam of
Under the Wing, see above, Rabbit’s Foot (GB), placed once at 3 years, Grey Watch (GB), placed once
at 2 years, and Clapton (GB), placed once in Italy.
The next dam FOTHERINGAY by Right Royal V, winner at 3 years and placed 3 times, all her starts,
dam of five winners from 12 runners and 13 foals of racing age incL.
RAGSTONE, 7 wins, Ascot Gold Cup, Gr1, Royal Ascot, Henry II S, sire.
CASTLE KEEP, 10 wins at home and in Belgium, Grand Prix Prince Rose, Gr1, Ostende, 4th
Benson & Hedges Gold Cup, Gr1, York, Coronation Cup, Gr1, Epsom, sire
CASTLE MOON, 3 wins at 3 years, dam of winners; MOON MADNESS, won Holsten Pils St
Leger S, Gr1, Doncaster, Grand Prix de Saint-Cloud, Gr1, 2nd Gr Preis von Baden, Gr1, 3rd
Coronation Cup, Gr1, Pr von Europa, Gr1, 4th King George VI & Queen E S, Gr1, sire in Jpn.
[email protected]
Brun valack 120608
(Åringen friröntgad)
Anmäld till Scandinavian Breeders’ System
Eva Isacsson Sjunnesson
HorseNature, Solbacka 08-514 420 30
186 97 Brottby
070-735 44 80
Mr Prospector (USA)
Miswaki (USA)
Hopespringseternal (USA)
Tertullian (USA), fux 1995
Trempolino (USA)
Turbaine (USA)
Allegretta (GB)
Lyphard (USA)
Diaghlyphard (USA)
Jump Seat (USA)
Sweet Chili, br 1999
Thatching (IRE)
Sparkling Nectar (IRE), 1987
Baby Brew (GB), 1976
1. mor
Sweet Chili, Champion Swedishbred 3-year-old in Scandinavia in 2002, 6 wins, placed 8 times,
478.155 kr, Miss Stanfords Minneslöpning, 2nd VG-Sprint, 3rd SFAF:s Stora Pris Auktionslöpn, Krafft SM
för Sprinters, 5th Norsk Breeders Prize, FT84; dam of two winners from 4 runners and 5 previous foals;
Pilgrim, 2006 g by Slickly (FR), 7 wins, placed 9 times, 555.475 kr, FT79
Bittersweet, 2007 f by Academy Award (IRE), 8 wins, placed 6 times, 393.116 kr, FT77
Tabasco (den), 2009 c by Desert Prince (IRE), placed once at 3 years 2012, 10.269 kr, FT60
Pepper, 2010 g by Academy Award (IRE), ran twice at 3, 2013
Talk My Talk, 2011 g by Tertullian (USA), in training with Lennart Reuterskiöld jr, Jägersro
Tertian, see above
2. mor
Sparkling Nectar (IRE), placed at 2 and 3 years, 5e Lowther S, Gr2, 2nd EBF S, dam of four winners
from 8 runners and 11 foals of racing age;
Sweet Chili, see above
LE SAPIN, 1995 c by Bal du Seigneur (USA), 7 wins, placed 19 times, 403.345 kr, FT78
CORK, 1993 c by Diaghlyphard (USA), 2 wins, placed once, 56.500 kr, FT71
LEMON CHIEF, 2000 c by Be My Chief (USA), winner, placed 4 times, 43.905 kr, FT69
Korint, 2003 f by Be My Chief (USA), raced a few times, ran once over hurdles, 4.000 kr
Pepino, 2004 c by Diaghlyphard (USA), placed 5 times, 64.700 kr, FT72
Aubergine, 2006 f by Lord of Men (GB), only ran twice
3. mor
BABY BREW (GB) by Green God (IRE), 4 wins, TF 123 Philips Electrical Rockingham S, L, 4th Prix de
l’Abbaye de Longchamp, Gr1, dam of four winners;
DESERT THUNDER (IRE) 4 wins and placed 9 times, £33.021
FEYDAN, 3 wins and placed 6 times, £10.183
ASHWA, 2 wins and placed, £4.938
SMALL SCOTCH, winner and placed 2 times, £2.011, exp till Hong Kong
Last Gold (GB) placed and 5.183 Euro
Sparkling Nectar (IRE), see above
Kampai, exp to Italy and France, dam of three winners;
DASH OF COURAGE, 6 wins, placed 4 times, £73.123
BANKSY BOY, 2 wins, plac, £9.195 in Malaysia
KUPFERBURG, winner in Germany at 2, £ 2.113, dam of five winners: KUPFERROSE, 6 wins,
The next dam CARNIVAL PARK (GB) by Carnival Dancer (GB), winner at 3, dam of three winners;
BABY BREW, see above
MISS PUDGE, 7 wins, dam of three winners;
EXHIBITIONER (by Thatching (IRE), Champion 3-yo sprinter in Irland 1985, 3 wins, Goff´s
S, Greenlands S, Gr3; sire
Miss Informed (IRE), unraced, dam of Little White Lie (IRE), 5 wins at 2-4, £157.261, placed
11 times, 3rd Marble Hill S, L, Curragh, and KAMIA (IRE), winner at 3, 2010, in Greece.
[email protected]
Mörkbrunt sto 120322
Anmäld till Scandinavian Breeders’ System
Sonja Olsson
Östersäby Stuteri
736 92 Kungsör
In The Wings (GB)
Dustoori (GB), mbr 2004
Elfaslah (IRE)
Magic Ring (IRE)
Magic Moment (GB), mbr 1996
Epithet (USA), 1979
0227-201 33
0702-81 10 48
Sadler’s Wells (USA)
High Hawk (IRE)
Green Desert (USA)
Fair of the Furze (USA)
Green Desert (USA)
Emaline (FR)
Mill Reef (USA)
Namecaller (USA), 1971
1. mor
MAGIC MOMENT (GB), winner at 3 years and placed 3 times; dam of four winners from 6 runners
and 8 previous foals;
Vanunu, 2007 g by Trade Fair (GB), 10 wins and placed 11 times, 797.885 kr, 2nd Swedish
Champion Sprint, 3rd SM Sprinters, 5th SM Sprinters, FT85
City Bhoy (GB), 2004 c by Ishiguru (USA), 6 wins at 3 and 5 years, 2009 in France and in Spain
and £34.494 and placed 11 times.
Magic Victory (GB), 2005 c by Vettori (IRE), winner at 3 years, 2008 in Spain and £16.474
and placed 4 times
Run For The Roses, 2008 f by Heart of Oak (USA), winner in just 6 starts, 67.200 kr, FT60
Phantasmagoria (GB), 2002 f by Fraam (GB), placed twice at 3 years, broodmare.
Johannes, 2009 g by Heart of Oak (USA), placed once, 41.930 kr, FT66
Go Commando (GB), 2006 c by Fraam (GB), unraced to date.
752SWE00001124, 2011 g by Dustoori (GB), in training with Madeleine Smith, Täby
752SWE00001376T, see above
2. mor
Epithet, 2 wins at 2 years and £11,398 and placed 4 times inc 2nd Cheshire Oaks, Chester, Gr3 and
3rd Galtres S, York, L; also placed once in France and £5479, 2nd Prix de Royaumont, Chantilly, Gr3;
dam of seven winners from 7 runners and 9 foals incYakitori (GB), 6 wins in Belgium and £13,390.
Kiltimony (GB), 5 wins at 3 to 5 years, £30,728, placed 5 times; dam of two winners,
Sugar Plum Fairy, 2 wins at 3 years and £9803 and placed twice; dam of two winners,
A Chef Too Far (GB), 2 wins, £11,737, winner at 3 years and £5969 and placed twice; also
winner over hurdles and £5768 and placed 5 times.
Frisky Lady (GB), winner at 3 years and placed twice; dam of two winners inc,
Barny’s Barnato (IRE), 5 wins at 3 to 6 years, 2007 in Switzerland and £7781.
Sardous (GB), winner at 4 years in France.
Certain Story, unraced; dam of five winners incPharly Story (GB), winner at home and in Italy; also winner over jumps, 2nd Tote Placepot
Hurdle, Kempton Park, L and Beaufort Hurdle, Chepstow, L.
Atahuelpa (GB), 5 wins, £40,930, 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £18,833 and placed 6 times;
also 3 wins over hurdles at 4 years and £22,097 and placed 9 times inc 3rd Sandals
Resorts Novices’ Hurdle, Kempton Park, L.
Fairy Story (IRE), 5 wins at 2, 3 and 5 years and £31,204 and placed 6 times; dam of ZIETORY
(GB), 4 wins at 2 to 4 years at home and in France and £67,578 inc Atalanta S, Sandown,
L, Prix de Lieurey, Deauville, L, placed 2nd Fleur de Lys S, Lingfield, L, Prix Coronation,
Saint-Cloud, L, 3rd Dick Hern Fillies S, Bath, L and Fleur de Lys S, Lingfield, L, Rhuepunzel
(GB), 3 wins at 3 years, 2007, £16,799, placed once, Finnegans Rainbow (GB), placed
4 times at 3 and 4 years, 2006; winner over hurdles at 6 years, 2008 and placed 6 times.
Shomoose, unraced; dam of four winners inc,
SHAAMIT (IRE), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £584,722 inc Derby S, Epsom, Gr1, placed
3rd King George VI & Queen Elizabeth S, Ascot, Gr1; sire.
[email protected]
Brunt sto 120406
Las Pampas Polo Team
Tor Petter Mygland, Box 87, Smestad
N-0309 Oslo, Norge
+ 47 92 88 52 00
Mozart (IRE)
Amadeus Wolf (GB), 2003
Rachelle (IRE)
Invincible Spirit (IRE)
Sleepy Dreams (IRE), br 2006
Mambodorga (USA), 1997
Danehill (USA)
Victoria Cross (USA)
Mark of Esteem (IRE)
Rose Violet (GB)
Green Desert (USA)
Rafha (GB)
Kingmambo (USA)
L’Irlandaise (USA), 1982
1. mor
SLEEPY DREAMS (IRE), placed once at 2 years; dam of 1 previous foal;
Sleepy Socks (IRE), 2010 f by Amadeus Wolf (GB), unraced to date.
Dreamwolf (ire), see above.
2. mor
MAMBODORGA (USA), ran on the flat in France at 3; dam of a winner from 3 runners and 5 foals;
Mambo Spirit (IRE), 8 wins and £40,332 and placed 23 times.
3. mor
L’IRLANDAISE (USA), by Irish River (FR), 2 wins in France and 346,000 fr. incl Prix de Honfleur,
Deauville, L, placed 4 times incl 2nd Prix de Pontchartrain, Longchamp, L and Prix des Belles Filles,
Longchamp, L; dam of twelve winners from 14 runners and 16 foals;
SPRING STAR (FR), 5 wins at 3 to 5 years in France and in USA and £198,541 incl Prix de
Sandringham, Chantilly, Gr2, Palomar Breeders’ Cup H., Del Mar, Gr2 and Wilshire H.,
Hollywood Park, Gr3, placed 5 times incl 3rd Monrovia H., Santa Anita, Gr3 and Osunitas H.,
Del Mar, L, broodmare.
IRISH FLIGHT (FR), 4 wins at 3 to 6 years in France and in Sweden and 436,000 fr. and £27,340,
Swedish Open Mile, Taby, L, placed 16 times incl 2nd The Golden Mile, Klampenborg, L.
LA GROUPIE (FR), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in France and £45,945 incl Prix Solitude, Saint-Cloud, L,
placed 5 times incl 2nd Prix Coronation, Saint-Cloud, L, Prix Petite Etoile, M’-Laffitte, L, Prix La
Camargo, Saint-Cloud, L, Prix Amandine, Saint-Cloud, L; dam of five winners inc.,
Great Esteem (FR), 11 wins in France and £104,207 and placed 23 times.
Groupetime (USA), placed 3 times at 5 years; also placed 3 times at 3 years in France; dam of
Swing Alone (IRE), 2 wins at 2 and 4 years, 2013 and £22,330 and placed 10 times; also
placed once at 3 years, 2012 in France.
Wassila (FR), 4 wins at 3 to 5 years in France and in USA and £54,241 and placed 5 times incl
2nd Prix de la Seine, Longchamp, L and Prix de Lieurey, Deauville, L; dam of four winners,
Stingy (GB), 3 wins at 3 and 6 years in France and in USA and £49,333 and placed 5 times incl
2nd Prix Ridgway, Saint-Cloud, L.
Dark Green (FR), 10 wins in France and £102,003 and placed 33 times.
Irish Fashion (USA), 5 wins, £33,879, 2 wins at 2 years in France and £21,435 and placed 3
times; also 3 wins over hurdles at 5 and 6 years and £11,980 and placed 6 times and placed
once over fences.
Irish Sun, 5 wins, £32,696, 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in France and £11,311; also 3 wins over
jumps at 4 years in France and £21,385.
Trefle Rouge (IRE), 4 wins at 5 and 6 years in France and £61,250 and placed 23 times; also
placed 3 times over jumps at 4 and 5 years in France.
Golden Irish (IRE), 2 wins at 6 years in France and £47,651 and placed 17 times.
Direcvil (GB), 2 wins at 3 years in France, £33,165, placed 5 times; dam of three winners inc.,
In Tune (FR), winner at 3 years in France and £10,921 and placed once; dam of Peak Rhythm
(FR), 3 wins, £83,093, 2 wins at 3 years, £28,803 and placed 5 times; also winner over
jumps at 4 years, £54,290 and placed twice incl 2nd Prix Durtain Hurdle, Enghien-Soisy, L.
Brun hingst 120229
Anmäld till Scandinavian Breeders’ System
Pernilla Nilsson
Råby 14
775 96 Krylbo
[email protected]
0706-31 73 17
Northern Dancer (CAN)
Danzig (USA)
Pas de Nom (USA)
Philomatheia (USA), mbr 1997
Persian Bold (IRE)
Kooyonga (IRE)
Anjuli (IRE)
Danzig (USA)
Golden Snake (USA)
Dubian (GB)
Solid Snake, br 2004
Warning (GB)
Caution (GB), 1994
Fairy Flax (IRE), 1988
1. mor
Solid Snake, winner, placed 7 times, 240.018 kr, 2nd TGAB:s Auktionslöpn, 3rd Becky Moss Fillies
Mile, 4th Norsk 1000 Guineas, 5th Svenskt Kriterium, SM 2-åriga hästar, FT75, dam of one winner
from 1 runner and 1 previous foal;
Golden Hit, 2010 g by Songline, winner and placed twice, 93.800 kr, FT73
Golden Sea, 2011 c by Philomatheia (USA), in training with Tommy Gustafsson, Täby
Texas Snake, see above
2. mor
CAUTION (GB), 5 wins at 2 to 7 years and £38,878, placed 25 times incl 2nd Claro S, Ripon 3rd EBF
Volvo S40 S, Haydock, dam of one winner from 3 runners and 5 foals of racing age:
Solid Snake, see above
Dancing Street, 2007 f by Swedish Shave (FR), only ran twice
Megabite, 2008 f by Swedish Shave (FR), ran 4 times
Watch Up, 2009 c by Bosun’s Watch (GB), unraced to date
3. mor
FAIRY FLAX (IRE) by Dancing Brave (USA), winner at 3 years and £7,863 and placed twice, from only
5 starts; dam of five winners from 8 runners and 8 foals of racing age vizCAUTION (GB), see above.
Fairlie (GB), 4 wins at 2 to 4 years and £20,077 and placed 5 times; dam of two winners:
Broctune Papa Gio (GB), 2 wins at 4 years, 2011 and placed 4 times.
Fairlie Dinkum (GB), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2011 and placed twice.
Fairywings (GB), 3 wins at 3 years and £20,476 and placed 7 times; dam of two winners.
National Dance (GB), 2 wins, £24,098, winner at 3 years and placed twice; also winner at 3
years in France and £19,468 and placed 6 times.
St Wilfrid (GB), winner of a N.H. Flat Race at 4 years and placed once.
All Smiles (GB), placed once at 4 years; dam of a winner,
Having A Ball (GB), 4 wins at 4 to 6 years, 2010 and £17,040 and placed 18 times.
The next dam Fairy Tern (GB), by Milll Reef (USA), Own sister to NEMESIA; 3 wins at 2 and 3 years,
placed 8 times incl 2nd Strensall S, York, L and 3rd Duchess of Montrose H, Newmarket, L, Harry
Rosebery Challenge Trophy, Ayr, L, Prince of Wales S, York, L and 4th Salisbury 1000 Gns Trial S,
Salisbury, Gr3; also placed once in West Germany viz 3rd Grosser Kaufhof-Preis, Koln, Gr3; dam of
ten winners from 12 runners and 13 foals of racing age vizWAY OF THE WORLD (USA), 4 wins in USA incl Fleet Victress S, Belmont Park, L and placed 4
times; dam of five winners incl:
LAURIE BEGONE (USA), won Brookmeade S, Colonial Downs R.
Hoy, 3 wins at 2 and 3 years, placed 9 times incl 2nd Tara Sires Desmond S, Curragh, Gr3,
Monks Cross S, York, L, Bassett Foods Mile, Doncaster, L, Crawley Warren Heron S, Kempton
Park, L and 3rd Hennessy Ballymacoy S, Leopardstown, Gr3; sire.
Papua (GB), 9 wins, £105,339, 3 wins at 2 years and £45,979 and placed 10 times, incl 3rd
Milcars Easter S, Kempton Park, L; also placed once at 2 years in France, 2nd Prix du Haras de
la Huderie, Deauville, L; also 2 wins over hurdles and £26,078 and placed 8 times.
Fux valack 120416
Anmäld till Scandinavian Breeders’ System
Ida Rehnström Hovslageri, Sport o Avel
Prästhälla Gård 3
0158-310 39
646 91 Gnesta
073-563 23 49
Sakhee (USA)
Zaahid (IRE), fux 2004
Murjana (IRE)
Local Suitor (USA)
Tombella (SWI), fux 1992
Tocaima (GER), 1986
Bahri (USA)
Thawakib (IRE)
Pleasant Colony (USA)
Golden Reef (USA)
Blushing Groom (FR)
Home Love (USA)
Nebos (GER)
Tonila (GER), 1978
1. mor
Tombella (SWI), 5 segr i Schweiz, 109.104 kr, mor till en vinnare av 3 startande och 6 avkommor
i startbar ålder;
Tenderly (SWI), 2 segr i Schweiz
Topas (SWI), plac i Schweiz
Tamina (SWI), plac i Schweiz, 8.287 kr, mor till en startande avkomma från 3 föl i startbar ålder;
Theonewayboomerang, 2008 v e Heart of Oak (USA), startat 4 ggr, 6.240 kr, FT57
Traida, 2010 s e Dustoori (GB), i träning hos Lotta Lien, Angarn
Totilas, 2011 v e Dustoori (GB), i träning hos Anders Flodberg, Täby
Topgun, 2008 h e Lando (GER), exporterad till Schweiz som föl 2008
Tomida, 2009 s e Mirio (FR), ostartad
Tomdoori, 2010 v e Dustoori (GB), i träning hos Lotta Lien, Angarn
Tomhid, se ovan
2. mor
TOCAIMA (GER), by Nebos (GER), 2 wins in Germany and placed 6 times; dam of three winners;
Tennessee (SWI), Champion 2yr old colt in Switzerland in 1997, Champion 3yr old in
Switzerland in 1998, 7 wins in Switzerland.
Tom Dooly (SWI), 5 wins in Switzerland.
TOMBELLA (SWI), see above
3. mor
Tonila (GER), by Caracol (USA), 2 wins in West Germany, 2nd Scherping-Rennen, Baden-Baden, L;
Own sister to TOMBOS; dam of five winners from 5 runners and 7 foals inc,
Tokana (GER), 3 wins in West Germany and placed 7 times.
Timor (GER), winner in West Germany and placed 8 times.
Taragon (GER), winner in West Germany and placed twice.
Troia (GER), winner in West Germany and placed once.
The next dam Tolima (GER), 3 wins in West Germany and 33,740 D.M. and placed 5 times, incl 2nd
Niedersachsen Preis, Hannover, L and 3rd Preis des Casino Baden-Baden, Baden-Baden, L; dam of
eight winners from 10 runners and 12 foals inc,
TOMBOS, 8 wins in West Germany and £66,026, incl Henckel-Rennen, Gelsenkirchen, Gr2, UnionRennen, Koln, Gr2, Preis des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, Dusseldorf, Gr3 (twice), Spreti-Rennen,
Baden-Baden, Gr3, Dr Busch-Memorial, Krefeld, L and Schwarzwald-Rennen, Baden-Baden, L,
placed 2nd Grosser Preis der Stadt Gelsenkirchen, Gelsenkirchen, Gr3, Preis des Winterfavoriten,
Koln, Gr3, 3rd G.P. del Jockey Club Coppa d’Oro, Milan, Gr1, Moormann-Rennen, Dortmund,
L, Sierstorpff-Rennen, Koln, L and 4th Spreti-Rennen, Baden-Baden, Gr3; sire.
TOBELO, 6 wins at 6 years in West Germany and £19,873, incl Grosser Preis der Stadtsparkasse
Munchen, Munchen, L and Alexander Rennen-Valentin Seibert Mem, Frankfurt, L, placed 2nd
Preis des Casino Baden-Baden, Baden-Baden, L, Silberne Peitsche des Rheingau, Gelsenkirchen, L and Grosser Sprint Preis, Munich, L.
Brunt sto 120331
Anmäld till Scandinavian Breeders’ System
Kerstin o Bo Helander
Svista Säteri
186 97 Brottby
08-512 416 12
070-757 78 76
Rubiano (USA)
Impression (ARG)
Improbable Lady (USA)
Gloria De Campeao (BRZ), br 2003
Clackson (BRZ)
Audacity (BRZ)
Orient Girl (ARG)
Diaghlyphard (USA)
Princess Persian (IRE)
The Fast Lane, br 2007
Jareer (USA)
Just Walk On By (IRE), 1990
Avebury Ring (GB), 1979
1. mor
The Fast Lane, unraced, above is the first foaL.
752SWE00001389T, see above
2. mor
JUST WALK ON BY (IRE), 2 wins at 3 and 4 years in Sweden, placed 18 times, 159.900 kr, FT68; dam
of six winners from 6 runners and 9 foals of racing ageDOUBLE NET (ire), 1997 c by Diaghlyphard (USA), Horse of the Year in 2000, 8 wins at 2 to 6,
2.382.280 kr, placed 5 times, Svenskt Derby, Jockeyklubbens Jubileumslöpn, Breeders’ Trophy,
SM Stayers, 3rd Svenskt Kriterium, 4th Dansk Derby, track record on 2200 m dt at Jägersro,
FT87, sire of winners KNUBBLE, 10 wins, IFANNIK SACC, 3 wins, and ATHIRAT SACC, winner.
Zap Off, 2004 c by Zagreb (USA), winner, placed 7 times, 225.000 kr, 3rd Swedish St Leger,
Hurricanelöpn, FT68
ROYAL ROAD, 1999 c by Royal Abjar (USA), 7 wins at 2 to 5, 354.850 kr, placed 25 times, FT79
DOUBLE AT, 1996 c by Imp Society (USA), 2 wins, placed 3 times, 93.200 kr, FT71
TRIPLE NET (ire), 2001 c by Diaghlyphard (USA), winner at 3 years, 2004 in Denmark and 24.520
kr, and placed twice, FT67
Songmate, 2005 c by Songline, winner in just 3 starts, 59.800 kr, FT70, dead at 3
Female Voice, 2000 f by Be My Chief (USA), unraced, dam of four winners: SUMMERTIME (DEN),
2 wins, placed 5 times, 813.440 kr, Swedish Oaks, 2nd Danish Derby, VALLEY’S PRIDE (DEN), 3
wins, placed 6 times, 798.148 kr, Cinnamon Challenge, 2nd Breeders’ Trophy Stayer, Breeders’
Prize Sprint, Fawzia Stakes, Pompøs Cup, 3rd Larch Ærespræmie, 4th Breeders’ Trophy Mile, Dansk
Breeders’ Cup, 5th Götalandlöpn, FT84, MISS COOPER (DEN), 2 wins and placed twice in just
7 starts, 367.189 kr, Larch Ærespræmie, 2nd Breeders’ Trophy Mile, 3rd Danish 1000 Guineas,
FT76, and MISS MARIKO (DEN), 2 wins in 3 starts, Toåringernes Stayerprøve, FT73, dead at 2
Run Along, 2010 f by Songline, ran 11 times at 2-3-years 2012-2013, 22.540 kr, FT71
3. mor
AVEBURY RING (GB) by Auction Ring (USA), winner at 3; dam of six winners from 9 runners and 9
foals of racing age vizTWOTIME BID, 5 wins at 3 and 4 years and £22,124 and placed 7 times.
SCENE (IRE), 8 wins at 2 to 5 years and £67,860 and placed 17 times.
KICK ON MAJESTIC (IRE), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £8,152 and placed 5 times.
JUST WALK ON BY (IRE), see above.
TE AMO (IRE), 2 wins at 2 and 4 and £13,735 and placed 9 times; also placed once over hurdles.
BARRICADE, winner at 3 years and £2,691 and placed once; also placed 4 times over hurdles.
The next dam PAMPATAMY (IRE), by Immortality (IRE), placed 3 times at 2 and 3 years; dam of three
winners from 7 runners and 9 foals of racing age vizDOCTOR FAUSTUS, 2 wins at 3 years and placed 3 times; also placed twice over hurdles.
PADOVANNA, winner at 2 and placed; also winner over hurdles, placed once; dam of winners.
SINGVANNA (DEN), Champion 3yr Old Filly in Denmark, Norway in 1985, 13 wins, Dansk
Oaks, Skand Mest 3-åringer, Svenskt Oaks, Norsk 1000 Guineas, Peugot Pokallop, L Skandialöpn, L, 2nd Norsk 2000 Guineas, 3rd Jagersro Cup, 4th Norsk Oaks, Sceptre S, FT86;
dam of winners incl Nordic Express (AUS), 2nd Carbine Club S, Flemington, L.
Uppfödd hos York Stutteri, Dk o H Engblom, Mellerud
Fux hingst 120218
Anmäld till Scandinavian Breeders’ System
Diva Belle
[email protected]
Arne Vebjörn Hoem/Babben Belle
Eidsvolls Gate 3, 1533 Moss, Norge
A P Indy (USA)
Mingun (USA), br 2000
Miesque (USA)
Chineur (FR)
Victorian Art (IRE), br 2007
Alexander Nitelady (IRE), 2003
Seattle Slew (USA)
Weekend Surprise (USA)
Nureyev (USA)
Pasadoble (USA)
Fasliyev (USA)
Wardara (GB)
Night Shift (USA)
Sheezalady (GB), 1997
1. mor
Victorian Art (IRE), placed 7 times at 2, 3e Amacitalöpn, E Eckbo Legats Vandrepremie, winner at 3
and placed 4 times, 213.171 in SEK, FT74
Golden Artline (den), see above
2. mor
ALEXANDER NITELADY (IRE), unraced; dam of one winner from 3 runners and 3 foals;
Victorian Art (IRE), see above.
Queen Flush (IRE), placed 4 times at 2 and 3 years, 2013.
3. mor
SHEEZALADY (GB), by Zafonic (USA), unraced; dam of two winners from 4 runners and 7 foals;
FAST COMPANY (IRE), 2 wins at 2 years and £84,278 incl Tattersalls Millions Acomb S, York, Gr3,
placed once, 2nd Darley Dewhurst S, Newmarket, Gr1; sire.
Lady Rochford (IRE), winner at 2 years, 2011.
The next dam Canadian Mill (USA), winner at 2 years and £19,147 2nd Tattersalls Cheveley Park S,
Newmarket, Gr1; dam of five winners from 5 runners and 10 foals;
HAWAJISS (GB), 4 wins at 2 and 3 years and £157,366 incl Vodafone Nassau S, Goodwood, Gr2,
2nd Kildangan Stud Irish Oaks, Curragh, Gr1 and 3rd Energizer Oaks S, Epsom, Gr1; dam of
a winner,
Royal Kiss (IRE), placed once at 3 years; dam of NASHVILLE (NZ), 6 wins in New Zealand and
$317,125 incl Haunui Farm Otaki-Maori WFA Classic, Otaki, Gr1, China Causeway (AUS),
4 wins at 4 to 6 years in Australia and £46,790 3rd Marsh Chairman’s S, Morphettville, L.
Quidi Vidi (GB), 4 wins at 3 and 5 years in Greece and £46,273.
Mountain Rocket (GB), 3 wins at 4 years and £12,537.
Diamond Circle (GB), 2 wins at 3 years and £12,953; dam of a winner,
Golden Maharaja (AUS), winner, 2012 in Australia.
Weaver of Words (GB), winner at 3 years and £15,113; dam of five winners inc.,
DIRTY (AUS), won Nestle Vo Rogue Plate, Doomben, L.
Authoress (AUS), winner in Australia and in New Zealand, 2nd Cambridge Stud Sir Tristram
Classic (f), Te Rapa, Gr2; dam of Sense of Hite (NZ), 2nd Sportbet Pewsey Vale Cinderella
S, Morphettville, L.
Riddle Me This (AUS), winner in Australia, 3rd Brisbane Race Club Queensland Day Plate,
Doomben, L.
Restful Place (GB), unraced; dam of three winners inc.,
TORUMBA (AUS), won Christmas S, Caulfield, L and The Mercedes-Benz (c&g), Caulfield, L.
Hanging Garden (AUS), winner in Australia; dam of Lucky Kentucky (AUS), winner in
Australia 3rd Schweppes C E Mcdougall S, Eagle Farm, L.
Kooroora Blue (AUS), unraced; dam of RON’S CALL (AUS), won CMI Fabrication Fairetha S,
Ascot, L.
www.ravdansen.se - [email protected]
Brunt sto 120402
Anmäld till Scandinavian Breeders’ System
Ivan Sjöberg/Rävdansens Stuteri
Lindarsnäs Egendom
016-742 60
640 43 Ärla
070-551 09 93
Danzig (USA)
Philomatheia (USA), mbr 1997
Kooyonga (IRE)
Funambule (USA)
Word In Spanish, br 2001
Rotherfield Park (IRE), 1992
Northern Dancer (CAN)
Pas de Nom (USA)
Persian Bold (IRE)
Anjuli (IRE)
Lyphard (USA)
Sonoma (FR)
High Estate (GB)
Alriyaah (GB), 1987
1. mor
Word in Spanish, 2 segr, plac 3 ggr, 142.308 kr, 2a Skandinavisk Mesterskap för 3-åringar, FT75,
mor till tre vinnare av 3 startande och 3 tidigare föl;
Dea Kalejs, 2010 s e Eishin Dunkirk (USA), 2 segr, plac 2 ggr på 6 starter, 250.810 kr, 3a SM
2-åriga, 5a Amacitalöpn, 7e Breeders’ Trophy Juvenile, FT79
Double Again, 2009 s e Eishin Dunkirk (USA), 2 segr, 260.468 kr, 5e Jockeyklubbens Avelslöpn,
Breeders’ Trophy Mile, 6e Dianalöpn, FT79
Caliente, 2007 s e Most Welcome (GB), vinnare, plac 7 ggr, 215.104 kr, 4e Skandinavisk Mesterskap for 3-åringer, 5e Breeders’ Trophy Juvenile, FT75
Elodie, se ovan
2. mor
ROTHERFIELD PARK (IRE), vinnare som 2-åring och plac 7 ggr, Silver Birch Stakes (AW), Wolverhampton, mor till tre vinnare av 3 startande och totalt 3 avkommor,
Word in Spanish, se ovan
JAPAN, 2000 v e Caerwent (IRE), 7 segr, plac 6 ggr, 309.110 kr, FT74
MISS SUDDENLY, 1999 s e Ali-Royal (IRE), 3 segr, plac, 72.550 kr, FT78
3. mor
ALRIYAAH (GB), by Shareef Dancer (USA), winner at 2 years and placed once; dam of seven winners from 9 runners and 12 foals inc,
CATZ (IRE), 4 wins at 3 to 5 years at home and in USA and £104,876, incl Glendale H, Turf Paradise, dam of a winner.
Alekhine (IRE), 2 wins at 2 and 5 years, 2006 and £13,519 and placed 7 times; also placed
twice over hurdles at 4 years.
Conwy Lodge (IRE), 2 wins at 2 years and £10,594 and placed once.
Jayelle (IRE), 2 wins at 4 years, 2008 in Greece and £9466 and placed once.
Magic Star (IRE), winner at 3 years and £8435 and placed once, broodmare.
Mirani (IRE), winner at 3 years; dam of two winners,
Kristaki (GB), 5 wins at 2, 4 and 5 years in Greece and £27,909 and placed twice.
Calvi (GB), 3 wins at 3 years in Greece and £17,446. ,
The next dam SHARPINA, unraced; dam of six winners from 8 runners and 10 foals inc,
Special Star (GB), 19 wins at 2 to 6 years in Italy, £186,608, placed 26 times, incl 2nd Premio
Federico Tesio, Milan, Gr3, Gran Premio UNIRE Limited H, Naples, L.
Ertlon (GB), 6 wins and £51,313 and placed 34 times.
Minamino Horuzanto (GB), 2 wins at 3 and 5 years in Japan, £91,477, placed 7 times.
Paddy Egan, 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £7176 and placed twice.
Glamour Game (GB), 2 wins, £8123, winner at 3 years and placed 4 times; also winner over
hurdles at 4 years and placed 3 times; dam of two winners inc,
Sir Harry Ormesher (GB), winner of a N.H. Flat Race at 4 years, 2007; also 2 wins over
hurdles at 4 and 5 years, 2008 and £18,755 and placed twice. 45
[email protected]
22 752SWE00001379T
Brun hingst 120408
Anmäld till Scandinavian Breeders’ System
Sonja Olsson
Östersäby Stuteri
736 92 Kungsör
In The Wings (GB)
Dustoori (GB), mbr 2004
Elfaslah (IRE)
Woodman (USA)
Withywood (USA), br 2004
Castellina (USA), 1993
0227-201 33
0702-81 10 48
Sadler’s Wells (USA)
High Hawk (IRE)
Green Desert (USA)
Fair of the Furze (USA)
Mr Prospector (USA)
Playmate (USA)
Danzig Connection (USA)
Chelsey Dancer (USA), 1986
1. mor
WITHYWOOD (USA), placed once at 3 years; dam of 2 previous foals;
NN, 2009 f by Avonbridge (GB), in training
Avonbear, 2011 g by Avonbridge (GB), in training with Henrik Engblom, Mellerud, qualified 130529
752SWE00001379T, see above
2. mor
CASTELLINA (USA), winner at 3 years in USA; dam of eight winners from 11 runners and 13 foals;
Blaise Castle (USA) (f. by Irish River (FR), winner at 2 years and £19,620; also 2nd Prix Isola Bella,
Maisons-Laffitte, L; dam of two winners,
Blaise Chorus (IRE), winner at 3 years, 2011 2nd Weatherbys Bank Cheshire Oaks, Chester,
L; also placed once at 3 years, 2011 in France.
Blaise Tower (GB), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years; also 2 wins at 5 years, 2011 in Spain and
Catabound (USA), 5 wins at 4 to 6 years in Denmark and £10,653.
Avon Castle (GB), placed once at 2 years; also 4 wins at 4 and 5, 2012 in Greece and £18,950.
Castle River (USA), 3 wins, £21,508, winner at 3 years; also 2 wins over hurdles at 4 and 5
years and £13,251.
Blaise Hollow (USA), 3 wins, £21,765, 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £17,446; also winner over
hurdles at 6 years.
Miskin (GB), 2 wins at 3 years, 2012 in France and £12,917.
Blaise Wood (USA), placed once at 3 years; also winner over hurdles at 3 years and placed once
over fences at 4 years.
Castleburg (GB), winner at 4 years, 2010.
She also has a 2-y-o filly by Avonbridge (GB) and a filly foal by Motivator (GB).
3. mor
Chelsey Dancer (USA), by Affirmed (USA), ran on the flat in USA at 3 years; dam of seven winners
from 10 runners and 15 foals inc,
CHELSEY FLOWER (USA), 8 wins at 2, 4 and 5 years in USA and £368,086 inc Flower Bowl
Invitational H, Belmont Park, Gr1; dam of four winners inc,
KENTUCKY DYNAMITE (USA), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in France and £131,625 incl Prix Paul
de Moussac, Chantilly, Gr3, 2nd Prix Jean Prat, Chantilly, Gr1; sire.
Floral Beauty (USA), unraced; dam of TAPIT GIRL (TUR), won I Inonu Fillies S, Veliefendi,
L; grandam of DOUGS BUDDY (USA), won Birdcatcher S, Northlands Park, Edmonton
Juvenile S, Northlands Park, Canadian Juvenile S, Northlands Park and Western Canada
H, Northlands Park.
KEY GUY (USA), 7 wins at 2-5 years in USA, £101,235, Rushaway S, Turfway Park, L; sire.
Saturday In May (USA), 2 wins at 5 years, 2012 in USA and £14,212.
Estrella de Oro (GB), placed 5 times at 3 and 5 years in USA and £18,584; dam of a winner,
Mega Genius (USA), winner, 2012 in USA
Lucky Chelsey (USA), unraced; dam of three winners inc,
CHELSEY’S IMAGE (CAN), won Sadie Diamond Futurity (fillies), Hastings Park, L.
[email protected]
23 752SWE00001522T
Mörkbrun hingst 120514
Anmäld till Scandinavian Breeders’ System
Staffan Lidbeck/Löberöds Hästklinik AB
Gudmuntorp Eketo
241 94 Eslöv
070-374 49 17
Impression (ARG)
Gloria De Campeao (BRZ), br 2003
Audacity (BRZ)
Diaghlyphard (USA)
Yaliho Bloom (ger), fux 2004
Yankee Bloom (USA), 1996
Rubiano (USA)
Improbable Lady (USA)
Clackson (BRZ)
Orient Girl (ARG)
Lyphard (USA)
Jump Seat (USA)
El Gran Senor (USA)
Filibloom, 1979
1. mor
Yaliho Bloom (ger), 3 segr o plac, endast 6 starter, 89.628 kr, 4e Kopparmärralöpn, FT76, mor till:
Almost Julia, 2011, s e Tertullian (USA), i träning hos Fredrik Reuterskiöld, Jägersro
752SWE00001522T, se ovan
2. mor
YANKEE BLOOM (USA), 5 segr, plac 10 ggr, 869.295 kr, Jockeyklubbens Avelslöpn, Amacitalöpn,
Svealandlöpn, 2a Vinterfav Pris, Svenskt Oaks, 3e Jockeyklubbens Avelslöpn, 4e Svenskt Derby, FT86;
mor till fyra vinnare av 6 startande och totalt 6 avkommor i startbar ålder;
Tertio Bloom, 2005 v e Tertullian (USA), 11 segr, plac 12 ggr, i Sverige, Tyskland och Dubai,
2.722.137 kr, Zawawi Cup, L, Jägersro Sprint, L, 2 ggr, SM Sprinters, 2a Grosser Preis der Jungheinrich Gabelstapler, Gr3, Jägersro Sprint, L, Svenskt Derby, Jockeyklubbens Jubileumslöpn,
Scandinavian Classic Challenge, 3e Zawawi Cup, L, SM Sprinters, 4e Polar Cup, Gr3, Nickes
Minneslöpn, L, FT94
MILIBLOOM, 2008 s e Miesque’s Son (USA), 3 segr, plac 7 ggr på 11 starter, 1.138.280 kr, Swedish Champion Classic, 2a Svenskt Oaks, 3e Svenskt Derby, L, Dianalöpn, 4e Jockeyklubbens
Avelslöpn, L, FT83
Senorita Bloom (fr), 2007 s e Tertullian (USA), 4 segr, plac 8 ggr, 682.765 kr, Gothenburg Fillies,
2a Swedish Champion Classic, 3e Sofierolöpn, 4e Sv Kriterium, 5e Adalöpn, 6e Sv Oaks, FT81
Bloomeretta, 2010 s e Tertullian (USA), plac 3 ggr som 2-3-åring 2012-2013, 48.356 kr, FT68
3. mor
FILIBLOOM e Relko (GB), 7 segr, Jockeyklubbens Avelslöpn, Maninalöpn, 2a Sv Kriterium, Amacitalöpn,
Svensk Uppfödningslöpn, 3e Svenskt St Leger, Svenskt Oaks, Dansk Oaks, mor till fyra vinnare:
LECTROCAP (ire), vinnare och plac
Nästa mor BLOOMERS (GB) e Floribunda (GB), 2 segr i England som 2- och 3-åring, TF 93, 1966, mor
till sex vinnare av 7 startande och totalt 8 avkommor;
Bloomigunda, e My Swanee (GB), 5 segr, 93.600 kr, 2a Dianalöpn, Lovey Dovey Cup, mor till
fyra vinnare av 6 startande och totalt 8 avkommor inkL.
ROSENOBLER (den), 12 segr, 1.027.400 kr, Sv Oaks, Dansk Oaks, Derby Trial, SM 3-åriga, JK
Avelslöpn, Bloomers’ Vase, 2a Dianalöpn, Skandialöpn, 3e Sv Kriterium, Morten Klaveness
Minnelöp, L, FT85; mor till tre vinnare inkl GODWINE, 3 segr, FT75, och mor till vinnaren GREAT WHITE, vinnare och plac 8 ggr, FT75
GYLLEN, 12 segr, 963.400 kr, Dianalöpn, Sv Oaks, Dansk Oaks, SM 3-åriga, Fredlunds Memorial,
Skandialöpn, Bloomers’ Vase, 2a Bloomers’ Vase, SKS Stora Pris, L, 2 ggr, 3e Stockholm Cup
International, Gr3, Stockholms Stora Pris, L, 4e Preis des Casino, Gr3, mor till fem vinnare
och mormor till FLORETTE, -97 s e Diaghlyphard (USA), 3 segr, plac 6 ggr, 1.201.330 kr,
Champion 3-åriga sto 2000, JK Avelslöpn, Duty Time Juvenile Mile, 2a Agria Breeders’
Trophy, Norsk Breeders’ Prize Classic, Svenskt Kriterium, SM 2-åriga, 3a Sv Oaks, 4e Svenskt
Derby, FT82; mor till tre vinnare, INQUIETTE, ACE OF HEARTS och AMERICAN ACCENT.
[email protected]
Brun hingst 120502
Anmäld till Scandinavian Breeders’ System
Las Pampas Polo Team
Tor Petter Mygland, Box 87, Smestad
N-0309 Oslo, Norge
+ 47 92 88 52 00
Danzig (USA)
Danehill (USA)
Razyana (USA)
Academy Award (IRE), br 2000
Taufan (USA)
Ingabelle (GB)
Bodelle (USA)
Seeking The Gold (USA)
Lujain (USA)
Satin Flower (USA)
Seeking The Storm (NOR), br 2003
Catrail (USA)
Persian Flight (GB), 1998
Persian Victory (IRE), 1988
1. mor
Seeking The Storm (NOR), winner, placed 5 times, 152.880 kr, 3rd Skandinavisk Opdraetningslöb,
Malmö Stads Pris, 4th Dansk Kriterium, 5th Stig Holms Memorial, FT73, dam of two winners from 2
runners and 2 previous foals;
Tusen Takk, 2009 f by Academy Award (IRE), 2 wins and placed twice, 97.618 kr, FT70
Seeking Dunkirk, 2010, by Eishin Dunkirk (USA), 2 wins at 2 and 3, 163.520 kr, FT76
SKRIK (NOR), 2011 g by Eishin Dunkirk, winner from two runs (lost rider on debut), 73.000 kr.
Julien Delamare, see above
2. mor
Persian Flight (GB), ran once at 3 yrs, dam of six winners from 7 runners and 7 previous foals;
CATCHING THE STORM (NOR), 2006 f by Deceptor (USA), Norwegian 2-y-o Champion, 4 wins,
placed 3 times, 636.350 kr, Skandinavisk Mesterskap For 2-åringer, Norsk Auksjonslöp, Norsk
Rikstoto Oppdrettslöp, FT75
Domo Arigato, 2009 f by Eishin Dunkirk (USA), 2 wins in first 2 starts at 2, 2011, 240.000 kr,
SM för 2-åriga hästar
Luz Arcal (NOR), 2004 f by Chequer (USA), winner at 2 years and placed 6 times, 279.643 kr,
2nd Norsk Auksjonslöp, Eyvind Lyches Minnelöp, Norsk Rikstoto Oppdrettslöp, FT75
Seeking The Storm (NOR), see above
ZEN CAT (NOR), 2005 g by Joup (ARG), 4 wins, placed 4 times, 190.298 kr, FT67
Primus Motor, 2008 c by Most Welcome (GB), winner, placed 6 times, 252.000 kr, FT75
3. mor
PERSIAN VICTORY (IRE), by Persian Bold (IRE), unraced, halfsister to BIG REEF (IRE); dam of six winners from 9 runners and 10 foals;
Persian Treasure (GB), 12 wins, 2009 in Italy and £60,380 and placed 22 times.
La Data di Giulio (GB), 5 wins at 3 to 5 years, 2010 in Italy and £17,312 and placed 12 times.
Victory Roll (GB), placed once at 4 years; also 4 wins over hurdles at 5 years and £20,470 and
placed 5 times and placed twice over fences.
Final Victory (GB), 3 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2010 and £41,530 and placed 6 times.
Ocean Victory (GB), 3 wins at 3 years and £31,103 and placed 3 times.
Sir Persian (IRE), winner at 2 years in Italy and £8662 and placed once. The next dam LADY HABITAT (GB) by Habitat (USA), 4 wins at 2 and 3 years in Italy and 7,209,000
lire and placed 5 times; dam of eight winners from 11 runners and 15 foals inc,
BIG REEF, 5 wins at 3 to 5 years at home and in Italy and £79,175, incl Premio Federico Tesio,
Milan, Gr2 and Premio d’Aprile, Milan, Gr3, placed 2nd Gran Premio Citta di Napoli, Naples,
Gr3, Premio del Piazzale, Milan, L, Premio Tupini, Rome, L, 3rd Gran Premio Citta di Napoli,
Naples, Gr3, 4th G.P. del Jockey Club e Coppa d’Oro, Milan, Gr1, Premio Emilio Turati, Milan,
Gr1, Premio Federico Tesio, Milan, Gr2 and Premio Ellington, Rome, Gr3; sire.
HABIDOS, 3 wins at 2 years in Italy and 24,968,000 lire, incl Criterium Labronico, Livorno, L, placed once; dam of six winners inc,
Luna d’Estate (GB), 3 wins in Italy and £33,178 and placed 16 times; dam of ZENONE (IRE),
7 wins in Italy and £98,969, Premio del Piazzale-Mem, Milan, L, placed 16 times, 2nd
Premio Federico Regoli, Pisa, L, LUNA NEL POZZO (GB), 2 wins at 2 in Italy and £25,683.
Fux hingst 120417
Anmäld till Scandinavian Breeders’ System
Kerstin o Bo Helander
Svista Säteri
186 97 Brottby
08-512 416 12
070-757 78 76
Bahri (USA)
Sakhee (USA)
Thawakib (IRE)
Zaahid (IRE), fux 2004
Pleasant Colony (USA)
Murjana (IRE)
Golden Reef (USA)
Green Desert (USA)
Shinko Forest (IRE)
Park Express (GB)
Est Est Est (IRE), br 2003
Be My Guest (USA)
Bongo Quest (IRE), 1996
Not Too Bad (IRE), 1988
1. mor
EST EST EST (IRE), 4 wins, placed 7 times, 222.400 kr, FT79; this is her 2nd foal;
Trinity, 2011 c by Heart of Oak (USA), has run three times, 3.451 SEK.
752SWE00001393T, see above
2. mor
BONGO QUEST (IRE), 1996 f by Be My Guest (USA), 2 wins at 3 years in Sweden, £3,039 and placed
5 times, FT74; dam of five winners from 8 runners and 8 foals of racing age;
Musical Contest, 2009 f by Songline, 2 wins, placed 6 times, 545.060 kr, 2nd Amacitalöpn, SM
2-åriga, FT80
CON CIO (IRE), c by Sri Pekan (USA), 8 wins in Italy and placed 3 times, ca 650.000 kr
EST EST EST (IRE), see above
Delaroche, 2008 g by Heart of Oak (USA), 3 wins and placed twice, 306.745 kr, FT76
I ASK YOU (IRE), f by Ashkalani (IRE), 2 wins and placed, 67.900 kr, FT67
Bongo’s Stardust, 2010 f by Dustoori (GB), ran 10 times at 2-3 years 2012-2013, 27.720 kr, FT65
3. mor
Not Too Bad (IRE), by Simply Great (FR), 3 wins at 2 and 4 years in Sweden and £22,039 and placed
14 times incl 2nd Norsk 1000 Guineas, Ovrevoll, L and 3rd Malmo Stads Pris, Jagersro, L; dam of
five winners from 7 runners and 8 foals of racing ageStone Tycoon (IRE), 1998 c by Bigstone (IRE), 12 wins at 3 to 8 years, 2006 in Italy and
1.650.000 kr and placed 44 times incl 2nd Premio Nearco, Rome, L.
BONGO QUEST (IRE), see above
BOYS’ CHOICE, 2004 f by Indian Danehill (IRE), winner and placed, 156.960 kr, FT73
TAWNY EAGLE, 2000 f by Eagle Eyed (USA), winner and placed twice, 100.950 kr, FT70; dam of
two winners: KNOXVILLE, 2006 g by Most Welcome (GB), 3 wins at 3, 2009, 157.800 kr,
FT71, and MISS MARPLE, 2009 f by Medecis (GB), 2 wins and placed, 87.780 kr, FT67
NO TWO WORDS (IRE), 2002 f by Diaghlyphard (USA), winner at 2 years, 2004 in Sweden and
£3,225 and placed twice, FT72
To The Queen, 1994 f by Roi Danzig (USA), placed 3 times in Sweden, dam of four winners,
CROSSOFFISSIO, 2003 g by Diaghlyphard (USA), 5 wins, placed 3 times, 312.270 kr, 4th
Rosengårdlöpn, 5th Sofierolöpn, FT84
QUEEN OF RACING, 2005 f by Pennekamp (USA), 2 wins and placed 6 times, 228.340 kr,
also 4th in Amacitalöpn and SM för 2-åriga hästar 2007, FT71
Kingbird, 2004 c by Prince of Birds (USA), 3 wins, placed 9 times, 225.050 kr, FT65
MAZZARIN, 2006 f by Mirio (FR), winner and placed 3 times including placed twice over
hurdles, 122.200 kr, FT68
The next dam AUDENHOVE (GER), ny Marduk (GER), 4 wins at 3-4 in West Germany and 51,920 DM,
placed 13 times; Own sister to ALEGRIA (GER); dam of seven winners from 8 runners and 8 foals of
racing age vizNot Too Bad (IRE), see above.
GOLDEN LUCK, 6 wins at 5 to 7 years in Hong Kong, £77,690.
ROOFTOP FLYER (IRE), winner at 2 years and £6,728 and placed 3 times; also 9 wins in Germany
Brunt sto 120501
Anmäld till Scandinavian Breeders’ System
Nils Rehnström
Prästhälla Gård
646 91 Gnesta
Danzig (USA)
Philomatheia (USA), mbr 1997
Kooyonga (IRE)
Pennekamp (USA)
Chapel of Love, br 2005
Valley Cat (IRE), 1997
0158-310 36
0703-32 57 61
Northern Dancer (CAN)
Pas de Nom (USA)
Persian Bold (IRE)
Anjuli (IRE)
Bering (GB)
Coral Dance (FR)
Catrail (USA)
Valley Springs (GB), 1990
1. mor
CHAPEL OF LOVE (SWE), placed 8 times at 3 to 5 years, 73.800 kr, FT65; above is her first foaL.
Chapel of Queen, see above
2. mor
VALLEY CAT (IRE), unraced; dam of 3 runners and 3 foals,
Chapel of Love (SWE), see above.
Royal Cash, 2007 g by Königstiger (GER), placed twice at 2 years in Sweden, 12.600 kr, FT63
Whatacat, 2008 g by Distant Thunder (USA), ran 5 times, FT61
3. mor
VALLEY SPRINGS (GB), 2 wins at 3 years in France and placed 4 times; dam of six winners from 9
runners and 11 foals;
VALLEY CHAPEL (IRE), Champion 2yr old in Scandinavia in 1998, Champion older horse in
Scandinavia in 2000, 16 wins at 2 to 6 years in Denmark, in Norway and in Sweden and
£539,423 incl BMS Scandinavian Open Championship, Copenhagen, Gr3 (twice), Stockholm
Cup International, Taby, Gr3 (twice), Marit Sveaas Minnelop, Ovrevoll, Gr3, Polar Mile Cup,
Ovrevoll, L, Oslo Cup, Ovrevoll, L, Kapplopningssallskapets Stora Pris, Taby, L and Marit
Sveaas Minnelop, Ovrevoll, L, placed 13 times incl 2nd Prix d’Hedouville, Longchamp, Gr3,
Oslo Cup, Ovrevoll, L, IBM Stockholms Stora Pris, Taby, L, 3rd P. Jean de Chaudenay-G. P. du
Printemps, Saint-Cloud, Gr2, Monofiber Scandinavian Open Championship, Copenhagen
(Klampenborg), Gr3, Stockholm Cup International, Taby, Gr3 (twice), Marit Sveaas Minnelop,
Ovrevoll, Gr3 and Sk. Faltrittklubbens Jubileumslopn, Jagersro, L.
Val de Mar (FR), 3 wins at 3 years in Norway and in Sweden, 1.601.525 kr, and placed 6 times
inc Swedish Derby, Swedish St Leger, 2nd Bruno Schutz Memorial, Hamburg, L, and Jägersro
Cup, FT87
Visiting Professor (IRE), 5 wins in France and £30,996 and placed 8 times.
Vittoria Vetra (GB), winner at 3 years in France and £40,414 and placed 6 times, broodmare.
Victoria Page (FR), winner at 2 years in France, £24,401, placed 4 times; dam of a winner,
Zhenhua (IRE), 3 wins at 3 years, 2011 in France and £54,321 and placed 17 times.
Vallee Aux Fees (GB), winner at 2 years in France and placed 3 times; dam of 2 winners inc.,
Victory Dream (FR), 3 wins in France and £11,111 and placed 8 times; also 4 wins over
jumps at 6 years in France.
Valley Orchard (FR), unraced; dam of a winner,
VIVACISSIMO (IRE), 5 wins, £106,273, winner at 3 years in France; also 4 wins over jumps
at 5 years, 2012 in France and £101,848 incl Prix Pertemps Count Schomberg H. Hurdle,
Auteuil, L, placed 5 times.
The next dam ORCHID VALE (USA), unraced; Own sister to GALLANT BLOOM (USA); dam of seven
winners from 10 runners and 12 foals inc.,
MISTY VALLEY (USA), 6 wins at home and in USA and £127,888 incl Panasonic Smurfit EBF
Futurity S, Curragh, Gr3, placed 2nd Platinum Race, Fairyhouse, L, Beamish Stout S, Tralee, L,
McDonagh Boland S, Curragh, L and Solonaway Race, Curragh, L.
[email protected]
Svart hingst 120415
Anmäld till Scandinavian Breeders’ System
Vägerstorp Stuteri HB, Ulla Josefsson
o Sophie Helander
0512-920 82
535 91 Kvänum
076-136 39 14
Impression (ARG)
Gloria De Campeao (BRZ), br 2003
Audacity (BRZ)
Statoblest (GB)
Learning To Fly (IRE), fux 1994
Betelgeuse (GB), 1989
Rubiano (USA)
Improbable Lady (USA)
Clackson (BRZ)
Orient Girl (ARG)
Ahonoora (GB)
Statira (GB)
Kalaglow (IRE)
Feather Flower (GB), 1980
1. mor
LEARNING TO FLY (IRE), winner at 2 years in Sweden and placed once; dam of five winners from 8
runners and 8 previous foals;
White Oak (SWE) (2001 c. by Heart of Oak (USA), 6 wins at 3, 4 and 6 years in Sweden and
£25,738 and placed 20 times, FT76
Lift Off (SWE) (2000 c. by Heart of Oak (USA), 2 wins at 3 years and placed twice, FT74
Chief Commander (SWE) (2003 c. by Be My Chief (USA), winner at 3 years in Sweden and
£12,351 and placed 13 times, FT77
I Can Fly (SWE) (1999 c. by Caerwent), winner at 3 years in Sweden and £31,231 and placed 4
times, FT72
Cross My Heart (SWE) (2005 c. by Heart of Oak (USA), winner at 3 years in Sweden and placed
3 times, FT71
Flying Dutchman (SWE) (2004 c. by Desert Sport (FR), placed 4 times at 2, 3 and 5 years, FT67.
Gracey May (SWE) (2006 f. by Desert Sport (FR), placed once at 3 years in Sweden.
Stato (SWE) (2008 c. by Heart of Oak (USA), ran 5 times
Black Soul, see above.
2. mor
BETELGEUSE (GB), winner at 3 years; dam of eight winners from 11 runners and 14 foals;
Kachina Doll (IRE) (f. by Mujadil (USA), 2 wins at 2 years and £17,195 3rd Princess Margaret S,
Ascot, Gr3; also 3rd Criterium de Vitesse, Chantilly, L; dam of a winner,
Mr Lavallette (IRE) (c. by Verglas (IRE), 3rd Criterium del Mediterraneo, Siracusa, L.
Emergency Crisis (IRE), 8 wins at 3, 5 and 6 years in Italy and £23,674.
Desert Sprinter (IRE), 4 wins at 3 to 6 years in Greece and £28,159.
Don’s Little Gem (IRE), 2 wins at 3 and 4 years in Norway.
Blood Diamond (IRE), placed once at 2 years; also winner over hurdles at 4 years.
Learning To Fly (IRE), see above.
Exude (IRE), winner at 3 years in Denmark, broodmare.
Black Rocket (IRE), winner at 3 years.
Almunia (IRE), unraced; dam of a winner,
Lewisham (GB), winner at 3 years, 2013 and £16,775 2nd TNT July S, Newmarket, Gr2.
3. mor
FEATHER FLOWER (GB), by Relkino (GB), placed once at 3 years; also winner at 4 years in France and
15,200 fr.; dam of six winners from 7 runners and 7 foals inc.,
MAGGI FOR MARGARET (GB), 4 wins at 2 years at home and in France and £40,557 incl Prix de
la Vallee d’Auge, Deauville, L; dam of four winners inc.,
CADEAU FOR MAGGI (GB), 6 wins at 3 to 6 years, 2011 in France and £135,181 incl Prix
Servanne, Chantilly, L, 3rd G. P. der Jungheinrich Gabelstapler, Hamburg, Gr3.
Queen of Fairies (IRE), 2 wins at 3 and 4 years in France and £20,816; dam of Que Je T’Aime
(GB), 2 wins at 2 and 5 years, 2012 in France and £54,360, Elusive Storm (FR), winner
at 3 years, 2012 in France, Moisey (FR), winner at 3 years, 2013 in Italy.
Skimmel sto 120420
Anmäld till Scandinavian Breeders’ System
Pernilla Nilsson
Råby 14
775 96 Krylbo
Danzig (USA)
Philomatheia (USA), mbr 1997
Kooyonga (IRE)
Soviet Star (USA)
Citrine Spirit (IRE), sk 2001
Casessa (USA), 1987
[email protected]
0706-31 73 17
Northern Dancer (CAN)
Pas de Nom (USA)
Persian Bold (IRE)
Anjuli (IRE)
Nureyev (USA)
Veruschka (FR)
Caro (IRE)
Bori (USA), 1972
1. mor
CITRINE SPIRIT (IRE), winner at 3 years and placed once; dam of one winner from 5 runners and 6
previous foals;
Thundering Home (GB) (2007 g. by Storming Home (GB), 7 wins, £26.156, 5 wins at 2 to 5
years, 2012 and £17,747 and placed 18 times; also 2 wins over hurdles at 5 and 6 years,
2013 and placed 4 times.
Carmilla (IRE) (2010 f. by Dubawi (IRE), placed once at 3 years, 2013 in Italy.
Spirit Mirage (GB) (2008 g. by Bertolini (USA), only ran twice at 3, in Sweden.
Starplay (GB) (2009 c. by Dubai Destination (USA), ran on the flat in Poland.
Bluesheenmonotone (SWE) c. by Kheleyf (USA), död efter olyckshändelse som åring.
Amanita Citrina, see above.
2. mor
CASESSA (USA), placed once at 3 years; also placed once at 2 years in USA; dam of six winners
from 6 runners and 6 foals;
Temple of Artemis (GB) (g. by Spinning World (USA), winner at 2 years and £21,273 2nd
Killavullan S, Leopardstown, Gr3.
New Century (USA) (g. by Manila (USA), 4 wins at 2, 4 and 5 years and £83.070; also 2nd
Forty-Niners H., Golden Gate, L and 3rd San Diego H., Del Mar, Gr3; also placed once over
hurdles at 5 years.
Grand Cascade (USA), 4 wins at 3, 5 and 6 years in Japan and £330,538.
Smart Play (USA), winner at 3 years, and placed 4 times.
Chubasco (USA), winner at 3 years in USA and £16,876; dam of two winners,
Citrine Spirit (IRE), see above.
3. mor
BORI (USA), by Quadrangle (USA), placed twice at 3 years in USA; dam of five winners from 8 runners and 10 foals inc.,
SAFE PLAY (USA), 11 wins at 2 to 4 years in USA and £181,910 incl La Canada S, Santa Anita,
Gr1, 3rd Spinster S, Keeneland, Gr1; dam of five winners inc.,
DEFENSIVE PLAY (USA), won Charles H Strub S, Santa Anita, Gr1, Man O’War S, Belmont
Park, Gr1, 2nd Oak Tree Invitational H., Santa Anita, Gr1, Californian S, Hollywood Park,
Gr1, 3rd Suburban H., Belmont Park, Gr1 and Santa Anita H., Santa Anita, Gr1; sire.
Averti (USA), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £19,899; dam of AVERTED VIEW (USA), 6 wins
at 3, 5 and 6 years at home, in France and in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £65,063 incl
Tote Exacta Virginia Rated S, Brighton, L, TURN AWAY (USA), 4 wins at 2 to 4 years in
USA and £111,781 incl Top Secret S, Belmont Park, 3rd Golden Rod S, Churchill Downs,
Gr2 and First Flight H., Belmont Park, Gr2, Avoid (USA), 4 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2012 in
USA and £25,735, Recriminate (USA), winner at 3 years, 2013 in USA
Livry (USA), winner in France; third dam of Persiste Et Signe (FR), 4 wins at 3 to 5 years,
2012 in France and £75,378 2nd P. Carrefour Montesson Prix de Pontarme, MaisonsLaffitte, L, Prix de Suresnes, Maisons-Laffitte, L and 3rd Prix Lyphard, Deauville, L; also
placed twice over jumps at 6 years, 2013 in France and £15,931.
Mörkbrunt sto 120501
Annika Stalfelt
Lanna Niordsta 109
692 93 Kumla
[email protected]
0582-230 05
070-885 78 08
Seattle Slew (USA)
A P Indy (USA)
Weekend Surprise (USA)
Mingun (USA), br 2000
Nureyev (USA)
Miesque (USA)
Pasadoble (USA)
Music Boy (GB)
Music Streak (DEN)
Dawn Streak (GB)
Melanie, br 1991
Sterling Bay
Sterlonia (IRE), 1976
Milonia (FR), 1967
1. mor
Melanie, plac 2 ggr på endast 5 starter, 21.500 kr, FT65, mor till fem vinnare av 5 startande och
totalt 6 föl i startbar ålder;
Mellay, 2004 s e Be My Chief (USA), 3 segr, plac 7 ggr, 289.100 kr, 2a Amacitalöpn, FT70
MELHERRA, 1996 s e Inheritance (IRE), 14 segr, plac 14 ggr, 465.450 kr, FT75
Medallic, 2006 h e Funambule (USA), 4 segr och plac 9 ggr, 362.296 kr, 5e Norsk Breeders’
Prize Classic, FT77
BE BY ME, 2002 s e Be My Chief (USA), vinnare, plac 3 ggr, 65.480 kr, FT72
Mere Music, 2008 s e Songline, vinnare och plac 2 ggr, 122.900 kr, FT69
Melectric, 2010 s e Academy Award (USA), startat 3 ggr, 9.800 kr
Thunderbelle, 2000 s e Talinum (USA), ej startat
Meliza, se ovan
2. mor
STERLONIA (IRE), 3 segr, varav 2 som 2-åring, mor till sju vinnare från 10 startande och 10 föl;
Nutwood Lil, -84 s e Vaigly Great, 2 segr, 3e Molecomb S, Gr3
SRINAGAR MARBRU, -94 h e Moulin (GB), 11 segr, plac 13 ggr, 528.700 kr, 4e Juvenile Mile,
SIRIKIT, -95 s e Mas Media (GB), 12 segr, plac 14 ggr, 452.475 kr, FT70
ATROMITOS, -83 h e Monsanto, 7 segr i Norge
GALANDRIA, -85 e Sharpo, 3 segr i Frankrike
MAGIC FLAME (GB), -87 s e Sayf el Arab (USA), 3 segr, plac 8 ggr, 120.910 kr, FT73, mor till två
vinnare från 2 startande och 2 föl,
RED PEPPER (IRE), vinnare och plac 5 ggr, 66.924 kr, FT69
FLARE (nor), vinnare, plac 10 ggr, 71.000 kr, FT60, mor till en vinnare,
RISING STAR, 6 segr, plac 14 ggr, 389.125 kr, FT73
SKARABE, -92 s e Moulin (GB), vinnare som 2-åring, 45.600 kr, FT67
Melanie, se ovan
Sail Away, -90 s e Sayf el Arab (USA), endast startat 3 ggr, förolyckad
Sikkim, -93 h e Moulin (GB), startat, 4.800 kr
3. mor
Milonia (FR), e Tambourine II (USA), mor till sju vinnare inkL.
HER HIGHNESS, 5 segr i Frankrike, Prix du Conseil de Paris, Gr2, Prix Royallieu, Gr3
STERLONIA, se ovan
Milonias mor Airola e Iron Liege, vinnare som 2-åring Frankrike, 3e Criterium de Maisons-Laffitte,
mor till fyra vinnare inkL.
Oestrine, 3 segr, 3e Prix de la Colonne och Prix du Fleche.
[email protected]
30 752SWE00001373T
Fux sto 120216
Anmäld till Scandinavian Breeders’ System
Sonja Olsson
Östersäby Stuteri
736 92 Kungsör
Woodman (USA)
Heart of Oak (USA), fux 1992
L’On Vite (USA)
Marlin (USA)
Baileys Silver (USA), br 2000
Port of Silver (USA), 1990
0227-201 33
0702-81 10 48
Mr Prospector (USA)
Playmate (USA)
Secretariat (USA)
Fanfreluche (CAN)
Sword Dancer (USA)
Syrian Summer (USA)
Silver Hawk (USA)
Portuguese (USA), 1980
1. mor
Baileys Silver (USA), unraced; dam of two winners from 5 runners and 6 previous foals;
Bahama Baileys (GB) (2005 g. by Bahamian Bounty (GB), winner at 2 yrs and placed 8 times.
Ausonius (GB) (2006 g. by Kyllachy (GB), placed once at 3 years; also winner at 4 years, 2010
in Bahrain.
Silver Snipe (GB) (2004 g. by Piccolo (GB), placed twice at 3 years; also placed over hurdles at 4.
Barra Raider (GB) (2007 g. by Avonbridge (GB), placed at 3 years; also placed at 4 years, 2011
Baileys Moneypenny (GB) (2008 f. by Monsieur Bond (IRE), placed twice at 2 years, 2010.
Countryman (GB) (2010 c. by Pastoral Pursuits (GB), unraced to date.
Bollinger, 2011 g by Proclamation (IRE), ran once at 2, 2013
752SWE00001373T, see above
2. mor
PORT OF SILVER (USA), 2 wins at 2 years in USA and £45,345 incl Queen Empress S, Pimlico, L, 3rd
Miss Grillo S, Belmont Park, Gr3; dam of four winners from 8 runners and 10 foals;
Zaheemah (USA) (f. by El Prado (IRE), winner at 3 years and £16,442 2nd Shadwell Stud Nell
Gwyn S, Newmarket, Gr3; dam of five winners inc,
Calculating (IRE), 9 wins, 2011 and £68,607.
Prado Girl (USA), 2 wins, 2011 in Canada.
Hardbody (USA), winner at 3 yaers 2012 in USA
Hija de Plata (USA), 6 wins at 3 to 6 years in USA and £88,386; dam of two winners,
Strong And Tough (USA), 3 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2012 in USA
Relentless Slew (USA), winner, 2011 in USA
Porticipation (USA), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in USA and £27,261.
Silver Patina (USA), winner at 2 years in USA
3. mor
PORTUGUESE (USA), by Jacinto (USA), unraced; dam of six winners from 12 runners and 12 foals PORT OF SILVER (USA), see above.
City Of Dreams (USA), 9 wins at 2 to 6 years in USA and £85,907 2nd Old Ironsides H, Suffolk
Downs and 3rd Sam McCracken Memorial H, Rockingham Park.
Portland Park (USA), 13 wins in USA and £43,559.
Yes Virginia (USA), 5 wins at 3 and 4 years in USA and £52,142; dam of five winners inc,
Yankee Storm (GB), 7 wins and £30,269.
Always de Man (IRE), winner at 4 years, 2012 in Sweden and £11,688.
Euroexport (USA), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in USA and £47,800; dam of two winners,
Far North Port (USA), placed 9 times at 2 and 3 years in USA; dam of six winners inc,
ROCKY NORTH (USA), won Cool Air H, Calder, Delta Lady H, Calder and 3rd Georgia On My
Mind H, Calder, L.
Port Roberto (USA), placed once at 3 years in USA; dam of five winners inc,
KILGOWAN (USA), won El Camino Real Derby, Golden Gate, Gr3.
RIVOLTELLA (USA), won Washington Oaks, Emerald Downs, L.
NORTH BEACH (USA), won Miss America S, Golden Gate and 2nd Autumn Leaves H, Bay
Meadows, L.
[email protected]
Fux hingst 120515
Las Pampas Polo Team
Tor Petter Mygland, Box 87, Smestad
N-0309 Oslo, Norge
+ 47 92 88 52 00
Speightstown (USA)
Lord Shanakill (USA), mbr 2006
Green Room (USA)
Desert Prince (IRE)
Arabian Hideway (IRE), fux 2002
Lishaway (FR), 1994
Gone West (USA)
Silken Cat (USA)
Theatrical (IRE)
Chain Fern (USA)
Green Desert (USA)
Flying Fairy (GB)
Polish Precedent (USA)
Blushing Away (USA), 1987
1. mor
Arabian Hideway (IRE), unraced; Own sister to FOSS WAY (IRE); dam of one winner from 1 runner
and 5 previous foals;
Novay Essjay (IRE) (2007 g. by Noverre (USA), 5 wins at 2 to 4 years, 2011 and £12,717 and
placed 4 times.
She also has a 5-y-o mare by Hawk Wing (USA).
Austin Deane (IRE) (2010 c. by Azamour (IRE), unraced to date.
Shanakill (ire), see above.
2. mor
Lishaway (FR), placed once at 3 years in France; dam of five winners from 5 runners and 9 foals;
FOSS WAY (IRE) (c. by Desert Prince (IRE), 2 wins at 2 years and £39,534 incl Iveco Daily Solario
S, Sandown Park, Gr3.
CASINO CLIQUE (IRE) (g. by Medicean (GB), 9 wins at 3 to 5 years in Singapore and £421,852
incl Raffles Cup, Singapore, L, Committee’s Prize, Singapore, L and Singapore Derby Trial,
Singapore, L, placed 5 times incl 2nd Singapore Gold Cup, Singapore, L, Panasonic Kranji
Mile, Singapore, L and 3rd Patron’s Bowl, Singapore, L.
Legendary Lad (IRE), 12 wins, £59,567, winner at 3 years and £11,345 and placed 3 times;
also 11 wins at 5 and 6 years, 2013 in Greece and £48,222 and placed 6 times.
Tiger Ridge (IRE), 4 wins in Hong Kong and £270,765 and placed 21 times.
Ridgewood Tom (IRE), winner of a N.H. Flat Race at 5 years.
3. mor
Blushing Away (USA), by Blushing Groom (FR), winner at 3 years in France and 238,300 fr. 2nd Prix
du Cercle, Deauville, L; dam of ten winners from 12 runners and 13 foals inc.,
GOLD AWAY (IRE), Champion older miler in Europe in 1999, 5 wins at 2 to 4 years in France
and £272,920 incl Prix du Muguet, Saint-Cloud, Gr2, 2nd Emirates Prix du Moulin de
Longchamp, Longchamp, Gr1 (twice), P. Abu Dhabi Commerce/Industry Jean Prat, Chantilly,
Gr1, Prix Maurice de Gheest, Deauville, Gr1 and 3rd Prix d’Ispahan, Longchamp, Gr1; sire.
DANZIGAWAY (USA), 4 wins at 2 and 3 years in France and £94,109 incl Prix Perth, SaintCloud, Gr3, 2nd Prix d’Astarte, Deauville, Gr2; dam of six winners inc.,
SILENT NAME (JPN), won Commonwealth Breeders’ Cup S, Keeneland, Gr2, Arcadia H.,
Santa Anita, Gr2, 3rd Frank E Kilroe Mile H., Santa Anita, Gr1, Eddie Read H., Del Mar,
Gr1 and Shoemaker Breeders’ Cup Mile S, Hollywood Park, Gr1; sire.
Salto (IRE), 3 wins at 2 to 4 years, 2012 in France and in USA and £133,261 2nd Criterium
International, Saint-Cloud, Gr1.
Zagzig (GB), winner at 3 years in France and £55,485; dam of Empreinte (USA), winner
at 2 years, 2013 in France.
BLUSHING GLEAM (GB), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in France and £78,782 incl Prix du Calvados,
Deauville, Gr3; dam of six winners inc.,
Eclaircie (IRE), 2 wins at 3 years in France and £17,065; dam of Ginger Goose (GB),
winner at 2 years, 2012.
Uppfödd hos HorseNature KB
Mörkbrunt sto 120313
(Åringen friröntgad)
Anmäld till Scandinavian Breeders’ System
Thomas Gjelsås/Stall Mojito
Möllebakken 12
N-1359 Eiksmarka, Norge
Impression (ARG)
Gloria De Campeao (BRZ), br 2003
Audacity (BRZ)
Danetime (IRE)
Danetime Music (IRE), br 2004
Tuesday Morning (USA), 1987
Rubiano (USA)
Improbable Lady (USA)
Clackson (BRZ)
Orient Girl (ARG)
Danehill (USA)
Allegheny River (USA)
Sadler’s Wells (USA)
Mourwara (USA), 1980
1. mor
DANETIME MUSIC (IRE), 4 wins, £15,051, winner at 2 years and placed once; also 3 wins at 4 years
in Norway and £10,828 and placed 6 times; dam of 1 runner and 2 previous foals;
Bits And Pieces (NOR), 2010 f by Pistachio (GB), ran 8 times in Norway, 11.018 kr, FT60
Royal Music, 2011 g by Royal Experiment (USA), in training with Tommy Gustafsson, Täby
Pilula Feliz, see above.
2. mor
Tuesday Morning (USA), unraced; dam of nine winners from 12 runners and 15 foals;
DANEHILL MUSIC (IRE) (f. by Danehill Dancer (IRE), 4 wins at 2 to 4 years and £133,074 incl EBF
Park Express S, Curragh, Gr3; dam of a winner,
Seussical (IRE), 2 wins at 3 years, 2013 and £13,025 3rd King George V Cup,
Leopardstown, L.
Rocky Wednesday (IRE) (g. by Rock of Gibraltar (IRE), 3 wins, £50,307, winner at 3 years; also
2 wins over hurdles at 4 and 6 years, 2013 and £43,053 2nd boylesports.com H. Hurdle,
Leopardstown, Gr2, Weatherbys Ireland GSB Hurdle, Fairyhouse, Gr3 and 3rd Winning Fair
Juvenile Hurdle, Fairyhouse, Gr2 and placed once over fences at 5 years, 2012.
Bohemian Spirit (IRE), 8 wins, £64,830, winner over hurdles and 7 wins over fences and
£58,251; also 3 wins in point-to-points.
Danetime Music (IRE), see above.
Rock Canyon (IRE), 2 wins at 3 years, 2012.
Ruby Estate (IRE), winner at 3 years.
Questor (IRE), winner at 3 years in Turkey and £16,232.
Su Colle (IRE), winner at 3 years in Italy and £13,031.
Purple Dawn (IRE), winner at 3 years; also placed 3 times over hurdles at 4 years.
3. mor
Mourwara (USA) by Wolver Hollow (IRE), placed once at 2 years; dam of a winner from 4 runners
and 5 foals;
Masterfleet, 3 wins at 3, 5 and 6 years in West Germany 2nd Badener Jugend-Preis, BadenBaden, L, Scherping-Rennen, Baden-Baden, L and 3rd Suchard Sprint Cup, Bremen, L.
The next dam Miss Melody (USA), winner at 2 years 2nd Molecomb S, Goodwood, Gr3 and Seaton
Delaval S, Newcastle, Gr3; dam of five winners from 11 runners and 13 foals inc.,
MASARIKA, 4 wins at 2 and 3 years in France and £115,528 incl Poule d’Essai des Pouliches,
Longchamp, Gr1 and Prix Robert Papin, M’-Laffitte, Gr1, 2nd Prix Marcel Boussac,
Longchamp, Gr1 and 3rd Prix Morny, Deauville, Gr1; dam of four winners inc.,
MASSYAR (IRE), won Gallinule S, Curragh, Gr2 and 3rd Airlie Coolmore Irish 2000 Guineas,
Curragh, Gr1.
MADJARISTAN (USA), won Arcadia H., Santa Anita, Gr3 and 3rd Eddie Read H., Del Mar,
Gr1; sire.
[email protected]
Brun hingst 120511
Anmäld till Scandinavian Breeders’ System
Caroline Söderberg/Stall Ekeby
Ösbyvägen 26
0176-27 30 50
761 75 Norrtälje
0736-31 76 83
Sakhee (USA)
Zaahid (IRE), fux 2004
Murjana (IRE)
Juror (POL)
Diafa (POL), mbr 1993
Diamina (POL), 1985
Bahri (USA)
Thawakib (IRE)
Pleasant Colony (USA)
Golden Reef (USA)
Saragan (GB)
Jurystka (POL)
Parysow (GB)
Diamanta (POL), 1973
1. mor
Diafa (POL), 3 wins, placed 4 times, 2nd Rzeka Wisla S, 3rd Cardea S, Solina S, Fillies Derby Trial,
Krasne S; dam of five previous foals;
Diafanta (POL), 2006 f by Siam (USA), unraced, died at 3, 2009
Dolores (POL), 2007 f by Exaltation (IRE), unraced to date
Daphne (SWE), 2009 f by Don Corleone (GB), ran once at 3, 2012
Mosquito Fighter (SWE), 2010 g by Melmac, unraced to date
Flying Barrel, see above.
2. mor
DIAMINA (POL), 5 wins, Nagroda Liry (Oaks), Warsaw, L and Nagroda Soliny, Warsaw, L, placed 3rd
Nagroda Criterium Eqvalan, L and Wielka Warszawska Nagroda Prezydenta, L; dam of four winners
from 4 runners and 6 foals,
Diafa (POL), see above. DAHIRA (POL), 1992 f by Dakota, 2 wins, placed 9 times, dam of one winner:
Donald (POL), 2000 c by Enjoy Plan, 2 wins, placed 3 times, 2nd Doris Day S, 4th Neman S,
Aschabad S, also placed on the flat in England and 2 wins over hurdles in England, £10.259
DASMINA (POL), 1996 f by Jape, winner, placed 3 times, dam of winners
DALCIANA (POL), 1999 f by Winds of Light, 4 wins, placed 5 times, dam of winners incL.
DETERMINACJA (POL), 2005 f by Sorbie Tower, 7 wins, Czechian Oaks, Slovakian Oaks, and
three other stakes races, placed 9 times; 7 times in Stakes races and twice in steeplechase
3. mor
DIAMANTA (POL) by Mehari (FR), 4 wins, placed twice, Moszna Hcp, Rzeki Wisla S, 2nd in Wilanowska S, 4th Polish Oaks, Driada S; dam of four winners from 5 runners and 8 foals;
DIAMINA (POL), see above. DISCO (POL), 1979 c by Behistoun, 3 wins, placed twice, Polish 2000 Guineas, 2nd Polish Derby,
3rd Derby Trial, 4th Polish St Leger
DOMATINA (POL), 1988 f by Orlov, 6 wins, placed 14 times, Sac-a-Papier S, 2nd Rzeka Wisla S,
Krasne S, dam of winners.
DON CARLOS (POL), 1983 c by Conor Pass, 3 wins, placed 6 times
The next dam DEMONA (POL), by Masis, 14 wins, Polish Derby, Derby Trial, Polish 2000 Guineas,
Austrian St Leger, Berlin S, and 7 other stakes races; dam of ten winners from 11 runners and 12
DEMON CLUB (POL), 6 wins, Polish Derby, Polish 2000 Guineas, Strzegom S, 2nd St Leger, sire
DAMON (POL), 3 wins, Strzegom S, 2nd Derby Trial, sire
DiaNA (POL), 3 wins, Probna Prize, Efforta S, Solina S, 4th Polish Derby, dam of winners
DIAdema (POL), 4 wins in Poland, Driada S, Otwarcia Hcp; dam of one winner:
Diorama (POL), winner in Poland; dam of Diego (POL), 5 wins in Poland placed 2nd Nagroda Syreny, Warsaw, L, and Drink (POL), placed 2nd Nagroda Iwna, Warsaw, L.
Demonio (POL), placed 3rd Grande Crse.de Haies de Printemps Hurdle, Auteuil, L.
Danae (POL), unraced; dam of one winner: DIONIZOS (POL), won Nagroda Mokotowska, L.
Mörkbrun hingst 120508
Anmäld till Scandinavian Breeders’ System
Kerstin o Bo Helander
Svista Säteri
186 97 Brottby
Impression (ARG)
Gloria De Campeao (BRZ), br 2003
Audacity (BRZ)
Kris S (USA)
Nova Cyngi (USA), mbr 1999
Northern Trick (USA), 1981
08-512 416 12
070-757 78 76
Rubiano (USA)
Improbable Lady (USA)
Clackson (BRZ)
Orient Girl (ARG)
Roberto (USA)
Sharp Queen (USA)
Northern Dancer (CAN)
Trick Chick (USA), 1966
1. mor
Nova Cyngi (USA), unraced; dam of five winners from 6 runners and 7 previous foals;
Dodging Bullets (GB) (2008 g. by Dubawi (IRE), 2 wins at 3 years, 2011 and £22,417 and placed
5 times; also placed twice over hurdles at 4 years, 2012 and £11,247 incl 2nd WilliamhilLcom
Dovecote Novices’ Hurdle, Kempton Park, Gr2.
Seiun Rhodem (GB) (2004 c. by Singspiel (IRE), 2 wins at 3 and 5 years in Japan and £139,889
and placed 5 times.
Singitnsignit (GB) (2006 f. by Singspiel (IRE), winner at 5 years, 2011 in USA and £11,712 and
placed 5 times.
Yem Kinn (GB) (2005 c. by Dubai Destination (USA), winner at 2 years, placed, £8.159
Fraserburgh (IRE) (2010 c. by Shamardal (USA), winner (7f, Southwell) and placed twice.
Smart Panther, 2011 g by Kheleyf (USA), in training with Björn Björkman, Angarn
752SWE00001395T, see above
2. mor
NORTHERN TRICK (USA), Horse of the Year in France in 1984, Champion 3yr Old Filly in Europe
in 1984, Champion 3yr Old Filly in France 1984, 4 wins at 3 years in France and £241,094 incl Prix
de Diane Hermes, Chantilly, Gr1 and Prix Vermeille, Longchamp, Gr1, 2nd Trusthouse Forte Prix de l’Arc
de Triomphe, Longchamp, Gr1 and Prix Saint-Alary, Longchamp, Gr1; dam of seven winners from
11 runners and 12 foals;
ONDA NOVA (USA) (f. by Keos (USA), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in France and £27,687 incl Prix
Imprudence, Maisons-Laffitte, L; dam of two winners inc,
Laughing Charge (USA), winner, 2012 in USA
Evocatrice (f. by Persepolis (FR), winner at 2 years in France and £25,295 2nd Prix de Meudon,
Longchamp, L, 3rd Prix Madame Jean Couturie, Longchamp, L; dam of seven winners,
Fremen (USA), 22 wins and £118,964; also placed once in U.A.E.
Agent Cooper (FR), 11 wins in France and £78,691.
Lady Windley (GB), 3 wins at 3 years in France; dam of eight winners inc,
LETHAL WEAPON (IRE), 5 wins, £73,636, 2 wins at 3 years and £13,140; also 3 wins over
hurdles at 3 years, £60,496, Durkan New Homes Juvenile Hurdle, Leopardstown, Gr1.
Bergonzi (IRE), 5 wins at 3, 5 and 6 years, 2010 and £37,965; also 5 wins, 2012 in France,
in Germany and in Switzerland and £26,175.
Creature Du Ciel (USA), placed 4 times in France and USA, dam of winners incl
JEUNE-TURC (BRZ), Champion Older Horse in Brazil in 2009-2010, won Grande Premio
Sao Paulo-Rede Globo, Gr1, Gr Premio Brasil, Gr1, 2nd Alfredo Martinez de Hoz, Gr1.
NONNO LUIGI (BRZ), won GP Asoc Bras Criadores Cavalo de Corrida, Gr1, Gavea
Lingerie (GB), placed 6 times at 2 and 3 years in France and £16,829; dam of nine winners inc,
LIGHT SHIFT (USA), 4 wins at 2 and 3 years and £347,107 incl Vodafone Oaks S, Epsom
Downs, Gr1, 2nd Darley Irish Oaks, Curragh, Gr1 and 3rd Blue Square Nassau S, Gr1.
SHIVA (JPN), Champion Older Mare in Europe 1999 and 2000, 4 wins at 3 to 5 years and
£228,637 incl Tattersalls Gold Cup, Curragh, Gr1, 2nd Dubai Champion S, Newmarket,
Gr1 and 3rd Coral Eclipse S, Sandown Park, Gr1.
LIMNOS (JPN), 4 wins in France, Px Foy, Gr2, Prix du Printemps, Gr2, Prix Le Fabuleux, L, sire.
[email protected]
Brunt sto 120408
Anmäld till Scandinavian Breeders’ System
Peep Kask Trav o Fellowship Racing AB
Båtmansvägen 58
192 48 Sollentuna
0760-42 91 24
Singspiel (IRE)
Bosun’s Watch (GB), br 2004
Sinking (GB)
Danehill Dancer (IRE)
Eurotanz (IRE), br 2006
Eurostorm (USA), 1990
In The Wings (IRE)
Glorious Song (CAN)
Midyan (USA)
Taplow (GB)
Danehill (USA)
Mira Adonde (IRE)
Storm Bird (CAN)
Eurobird (IRE), 1984
1. mor
Eurotanz (IRE), placed twice at 2 and 3 years, this is her 2nd foal;
Dr Dagge (den), 2011 h e Sakhee (USA), in training with Roy Arne Kvisla, Täby
Rain, see above
2. mor
EUROSTORM (USA), 4 wins at 2 to 4 years at home and in USA and £76,962 incl Brownstown Stud
S, Leopardstown, L and Diamond S, Curragh, L; Own sister to Romaha (IRE); dam of four winners
from 7 runners and 7 foals;
Man O’Mystery (USA) (g. by Diesis), 4 wins, £113,381, 2 wins at 3 and 5 years and £86,915
2nd Lawdirect James Seymour S, Newmarket, L; also winner over hurdles at 6 years and
£16,096 2nd Laurel Pub Company Top Novices’ Hurdle, Aintree, Gr2 and winner over jumps
in USA and £10,370.
Cats In Boots (IRE), 3 wins at 3 and 4 years in Japan and £279,411.
Valeo Si Vales (IRE), placed 5 times at 3 years, 2011; also 2 wins at 4 years, 2012 in Sweden.
Destorm (USA), winner at 2 years and £11,186.
3. mor
EUROBIRD (IRE), by Ela-Mana-Mou (IRE), Champion 3yr old stayer in Ireland in 1987, 4 wins at 3
years and £182,647 incl Jefferson Smurfit Mem. Irish St Leger, Curragh, Gr1, 3rd Gilltown Stud Irish
Oaks, Curragh, Gr1 and Jefferson Smurfit Mem. Irish St Leger, Curragh, Gr1; dam of ten winners
from 13 runners and 14 foals inc.,
TERVEL (USA), placed once at 4 years; also 2 wins over hurdles at 4 years and £16,777 incl
Martell Mersey Novices’ Hurdle, Aintree, L.
EUROSTORM (USA), see above.
BOWMORE (IRE), 3 wins, £45,985, 2 wins at 3 years and £39,037 incl Ardilaun House Hotel
Oyster S, Galway, L; also winner over hurdles at 4 years.
Garden Society (IRE), 7 wins and £55,786 3rd Bet Direct Channel 4 Chester S, Chester, L.
Romaha (IRE), 2 wins, £25,133, winner of a N.H. Flat Race at 5 years; also winner over hurdles
and £13,433 and 3rd Paddy Fitzpatrick Memorial Novice Chase, Leopardstown, Gr2.
Wing Express (IRE), 2 wins at 3 and 4 years and £19,954 2nd Bahrain Trophy, Newmarket, L;
also placed twice at 5 years in France.
Golden Cat (USA), winner at 3 years 3rd Mitsubishi Diamond Vision S, Curragh, L; dam of five
winners inc.,
POUNCED (USA), won Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Turf (c&g), Santa Anita, Gr2 and 2nd Prix
Jean-Luc Lagardere-Grand Criterium, Longchamp, Gr1; sire.
Big Bound (USA), winner, 2012 at home and in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 2nd Bet365
Classic Trial, Sandown Park, Gr3.
Pampas Cat (USA), 2 wins at 3, £26.208, 2nd National Fairway S, L, 3rd Chester Vase. Gr3.
Castle Cat (IRE) 5 wins at 2-6, £132.811 at home and Hong Kong, 3rd Ecomb S, L.
Lord Crewe (IRE), 4 wins, £15,650, winner of a N.H. Flat Race at 4 years; also 3 wins over
hurdles, 2011 and £13,937.
Flocheck (USA), 2 wins at 3 years and £16,880.
[email protected]
Brun hingst 120328
Kerstin Ericsson/Fällbro AB
fax 08-510 201 84
187 70 Täby
0708-72 85 10
Diesis (GB)
Three Valleys (USA), 2001
Skiable (IRE)
Woodman (USA)
Gabacha (USA), br 1998
Gold Bird (FR), 1979
Sharpen Up (GB)
Doubly Sure (GB)
Niniski (USA)
Kerali (GB)
Mr Prospector (USA)
Playmate (USA)
Rheingold (IRE)
Orange Bird (USA), 1970
1. mor
GABACHA (USA), winner at 2 years in France and placed once; dam of two winners from 7 runners
and 8 previous foals;
Leyte Gulf (USA) (2003 g. by Cozzene (USA), 7 wins, £43,731, 6 wins and £24,893 and placed
19 times; also winner at 4 years in France and £18,838 and placed 8 times.
Yeokjeonui Champ (USA) (2006 f. by Stravinsky (USA), winner at 3 years in South Korea and
placed twice.
Aleut (GB) (2009 f. by Iceman (GB), placed twice at 2 years, 2011; also placed once at 3 years,
2012 in Italy.
Timbalier (USA) (2005 g. by Dixieland Band (USA), placed twice at 3 years.
They’llknowmenow (USA) (2007 c. by Rahy (USA), placed once at 2 years; also placed once at 5
years, 2012 in Germany.
Pyrenean (GB) (2008 f. by Mull of Kintyre (USA), placed once at 2 years.
Wood Woman (GB), 2011 f by Tiger Hill (IRE), in training with Peter Jardby, Trelleborg
Prometheus, see above.
2. mor
GOLD BIRD (FR), winner at 3 years in France and £26,752, Prix des Belles Filles, Longchamp, L, 2nd
Prix de Royallieu, Longchamp, Gr3 and 4th Prix Corrida, Saint-Cloud, Gr3; dam of nine winners
from 10 runners and 11 foals;
GABINA (USA) (f. by Caro), 6 wins at 2 to 4 years in France and 2,248,400 fr. incl Prix de la Foret,
Longchamp, Gr1, 2nd Prix de la Foret, Longchamp, Gr1, Prix d’Ispahan, Longchamp, Gr1, 3rd
P. du Moulin de Longchamp Ecurie Fustok, Longchamp, Gr1, P. Fresnay-le-Buffard Jacques Le
Marois, Deauville, Gr1 and 4th P. Fresnay-le-Buffard Jacques Le Marois, Deauville, Gr1; dam
of a winner,
GARZA (GB), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in France and £34,994 incl Prix de la Cochere, Evry, L;
grandam of MANBALA (FR), 2 wins at 2 years at home and in Italy and £45,088 incl
Premio Dormello, Milan, Gr3.
GALETTO (FR) (c. by Caro), 3 wins at 3 years in France and 1,267,700 fr. incl Prix Lupin, Longchamp,
Gr1, 3rd Prix du Jockey Club Lancia, Chantilly, Gr1; sire.
Gold Rose (FR) (f. by Noblequest (FR), winner at 3 years in France and 151,000 fr. 2nd Prix de
Thiberville, Deauville, L; dam of three winners inc.,
GOLDMARK (USA), won Grand Criterium, Longchamp, Gr1; sire.
Rose d’Or (IRE), placed once at 3 years; dam of BACCALAUREATE (FR), 10 wins, £62,919, 2
wins at 2 years in France and £27,131; also 8 wins over hurdles, 2013 and £35,788 incl
Betfair Finesse Juvenile Nov. Hurdle, Cheltenham, Gr2.
Gold Tear (USA), 2 wins at 3 years in France and 97,500 fr.; dam of four winners,
Gamarade (FR), winner at 4 years in France; dam of six winners,
Great Spirit (USA), winner at 4 years in France.
Guignol (USA), winner at 3 years in France and £14,530.
Gold Carter (USA), winner at 3 years in France and 132,500 fr.
Gabacha (USA), see above.
[email protected]
Brun hingst 120410
Anmäld till Scandinavian Breeders’ System
Alebäcks Stuteri AB/Peter Björnsson
Lindärva Gård
0510-507 51
531 91 Vinninga
0706-23 09 23
Impression (ARG)
Gloria De Campeao (BRZ), br 2003
Audacity (BRZ)
Funambule (USA)
Galla Placidia (NOR), fux 2007
Anna Rustung (IRE), 2000
Rubiano (USA)
Improbable Lady (USA)
Clackson (BRZ)
Orient Girl (ARG)
Lyphard (USA)
Sonoma (FR)
Charnwood Forest (IRE)
Cap And Gown (IRE)
1. mor
Galla Placidia (NOR), winner at 3 in Norway and £27,141, placed 6 times, 2nd Norwegian Breeders’
Prize Sprint, FT75; above is her first foaL.
Bear Glorious, see above
2. mor
ANNA RUSTUNG (IRE), 2 wins at 3 and 4 years in Norway and £12,486 and placed 13 times; dam of
three winners from 4 runners and 4 foals;
Maria MÖy (SWE), 5 wins at 2 and 3 years in Norway and £68,245 and placed 9 times,
Norwegian Breeders’ Prize Sprint, Norsk Rikstoto Opdrettslöp, FT75
Galla Placidia (NOR), see above.
William Hepburn (SWE), 4 wins at 3 and 5, 2011 in Norway and £23,221 and placed 17 times.
Styrbjorn (DEN), placed twice at 2 and 3 years, 2013 in Norway.
3. mor
CAP AND GOWN (IRE), by Royal Academy (USA), winner at 3 years and placed 5 times; also placed
once at 4 years in U.A.E.; dam of three winners from 5 runners and 5 foals;
Anna Rustung (IRE), see above.
Arch of Titus (IRE), 2 wins at 3 years and placed 7 times.
Love Call (IRE), winner at 3 years.
The next dam Wrapping (USA), by Kris (GB), placed 6 times at 3 years and £16,461 incl 2nd Marley Roof
Tile Oaks Trial S, Lingfield Park, L, 3rd EBF Meld S, Curragh, Gr3, Lancashire Oaks, Haydock Park, Gr3
and John T L Jones EBF Diamond S, Phoenix Park, L; also placed once at 3 years in Italy and £53,695, 2nd
Oaks d’Italia, Milan, Gr1; Own sister to REACH; dam of three winners from 3 runners and 4 foals inc.,
PAPERING (IRE), Champion older mare in Italy in 1997, 5 wins at 2 to 4 years at home and in
Italy and £227,558 incl Premio Lydia Tesio, Rome, Gr2, Premio Federico Tesio, Milan, Gr3,
Golden Daffodil S, Chepstow, L and Grosvenor Casinos Middleton S, York, L, placed 2nd
Yorkshire Oaks, York, Gr1, Prix Vermeille, Longchamp, Gr1, Vodafone Nassau S, Goodwood,
Gr2, Crowson Prestige S, Goodwood, Gr3, Premio Legnano, Milan, Gr3, 3rd Vodafone Nassau
S, Goodwood, Gr2 and Tripleprint Lupe S, Goodwood, L; dam of four winners,
DONN HALLING (IRE), 6 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2012 in Czech Republic and in Italy and
£36,631 incl Premio St Leger Italiano, Milan, Gr3, placed once, 3rd Preis des Casino
Baden-Baden, Baden-Baden, L.
PRIMA VISTA (GB), 4 wins, £79,411, placed once, 2013; also winner of a N.H. Flat Race
at 4 years; also 3 wins over hurdles at 5 and 6 years, 2011 and £69,920 incl Rathbarry
& Glenview Studs Novice Hurdle, Fairyhouse, Gr2, placed 6 times incl 2nd Cathal Ryan
Memorial Champion Nov Hurdle, Punchestown, Gr1, Johnstown Novice Hurdle, Naas,
Gr2 and 3rd Lismullen Hurdle, Navan, Gr2 and placed 3 times over fences, 2013.
DOSSIER (GB), 2 wins at 3 years and £46,968 incl King Charlemagne Platinum S, Cork,
L, placed twice, 3rd betfair.com Matron S, Leopardstown, Gr2 and Irish National Stud
Blandford S, Curragh, Gr3; dam of Crowning Star (IRE), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years,
2012 and placed 10 times.
[email protected]
38 752SWE00001380T
Fux sto 120422
Anmäld till Scandinavian Breeders’ System
Sonja Olsson
Östersäby Stuteri
736 92 Kungsör
Woodman (USA)
Heart of Oak (USA), fux 1992
L’On Vite (USA)
Bahamian Bounty (GB)
Midnight Moonlight (GB), sk 2003
Magnolia (GB), 1994
0227-201 33
0702-81 10 48
Mr Prospector (USA)
Playmate (USA)
Secretariat (USA)
Fanfreluche (CAN)
Cadeaux Genereux (GB)
Clarentia (IRE)
Petong (GB)
Daffodil Fields (GB), 1985
1. mor
Midnight Moonlight (GB), placed in only 2 starts at 3, 2006, 13.193 kr, dam of four previous foals;
Big Red, 2009 g by Heart of Oak (USA), placed twice in 9 starts, 44.150 kr, FT65
Madame Puteaux, 2008 f by Bertolini (USA), ran 6 times, 4.000 kr
Mister Grey, 2010 g by Mirio (FR), ran twice at 3, 2013
Monette, 2011 f by Maybach (GB), in training with Åsa Edvardsson, Brålanda
752SWE00001380T, see above
2. mor
MAGNOLIA (GB), placed once at 2 years; Own sister to PETULA (GB); dam of two winners from 7
runners and 7 foals;
Lujarun (GB), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2007 in Italy and £6635 and placed 18 times.
One Upmanship (GB), winner at 3 years and £9206 and placed 8 times. 3. mor
DAFFODIL FIELDS (GB) by Try My Best (USA), placed 6 times at 2 and 3 years; dam of seven winners
from 11 runners and 11 foals inc,
NAAHY (GB), 8 wins at 2 to 4 years and £139,474, incl Ballycorus S, Leopardstown, Gr3, placed
8 times, incl 2nd Vodafone Surrey S, Epsom Downs, L.
PAPPA REALE (GB), 13 wins at 2 to 5 years in Italy and £202,354, incl Premio Bersaglio Limited
H, Milan, L, Premio Certosa, Milan, L and Premio Alessandro Perrone, Rome, L, placed 20
times, incl 3rd Premio Capannelle Limited H, Rome, L, Premio Divino Amore, Rome, L and
Premio Torricola, Rome, L; dam of four winners inc,
PATAPAN (USA), 16 wins at 2 to 5 years, 2007 in Italy and £216,247, incl Premio Umbria,
Rome, Gr3 and Premio Divino Amore, Rome, L, placed 17 times, incl 2nd Premio Certosa,
Milan, L, 3rd Premio Alberto Giubilo, Rome, L, Gran Premio Citta’ di Napoli, Naples, L
(twice), Premio Certosa, Milan, L and Premio Eupili, Milan, L.
PER INCANTO (USA), 5 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2007 in Italy and £57,036, incl Premio Tudini,
Rome, Gr3, placed twice.
Cantastorie Muto (USA), 3 wins, £26,921, 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in Italy and £17,891
and placed 4 times; also winner over jumps at 4 years in Italy and £9030 and placed 5
times, incl 3rd Corsa Corona Ferrea Hurdle, Milan, L.
PETULA (GB), 2 wins at 2 years and £21,900, incl St Hugh’s S, Newbury, L, placed 7 times, 2nd
Sandy Lane S, L and 3rd Nestle Rowntree Black Duck S, York, L; dam of five winners inc,
Coffee Time (IRE), placed 19 times at 2 to 4 years and £14,720, incl 3rd Hilary Needler Trophy,
Beverley, L; dam of Compton Ford (GB), 2 wins at 2-3 years, 2009, and placed once.
Night Life (IRE), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £13,758 and placed 5 times; dam of New
Awakening (USA), 4 wins at 2, 3 and 5 years, 2008 in USA and placed 3rd John Battaglia Memorial S, Turfway Park, L, Fabrigas (IRE), winner at 2 years and £14,908 and
placed 3 times; also 2 wins at 4 years, 2008 in Hong Kong and £50,316.
Petfield (GB), 19 wins in Italy and £53,796 and placed 47 times.
Giunchiglio (GB), 2 wins at 5 years and £12,605 and placed 8 times.
Yellow Trumpet (GB), winner at 2 years; dam of four winners inc,
City of Tribes (IRE), 7 wins; 2 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2007 and £38,305 and placed 5 times.
incl 2nd Abergwaun S, Tipperary, L, Scurry S, Sandown Park, L.
Brunt sto 120413
Las Pampas Polo Team
Tor Petter Mygland, Box 87, Smestad
N-0309 Oslo, Norge +47 92 88 52 00
Dubai Millennium (GB)
Echo of Light (GB), br 2002
Spirit of Tara (IRE)
Invincible Spirit (IRE)
Spiritina (IRE), br 2005
Clairification (IRE), 1990
Seeking the Gold (USA)
Colorade Dancer (IRE)
Sadler’s Wells (USA)
Flame of Tara (GB)
Green Desert (USA)
Rafha (GB)
Shernazar (IRE)
St Clair Star (GB), 1982
1. mor
SPIRITINA (IRE), winner at 3 years and placed 3 times, Above is her first foaL.
Visual Perception (ire), see above 2. mor
CLAIRIFICATION (IRE), 3 wins at 3 and 4 years and £15,572 and placed 9 times; dam of six winners
from 7 runners and 8 foals;
The Jobber (IRE), 9 wins and £94,179 and placed 20 times.
Flying Knight (IRE), 6 wins and £47,364 and placed 3 times; also placed twice over hurdles.
Miss Toughy Lux (IRE), 5 wins at 3 and 4 years in South Africa and £17,801; dam of a winner,
Central Coast (IRE), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £16,005 and placed 4 times.
Guns And Butter (IRE), placed 3 times in N.H. Flat Races at 4 and 5 years; also winner over
hurdles at 6 years and placed 3 times and placed 11 times over fences, 2011; also placed once
in a point-to-point at 4 years.
Spiritina (IRE), see above.
3. mor
ST CLAIR STAR (GB), by Sallust (GB), winner at 3 years in USA; dam of nine winners from 13 runners and 15 foals inc.,
ST CLAIR RIDGE (IRE), 6 wins at 2 to 4 years at home and in USA and £148,018 incl Korea
Racing Association Futurity, Curragh, Gr3, Hillsborough H., Tampa Bay Downs, L and Marie
P Debartalo Oaks, Louisiana Downs, L, placed 2nd Mrs Revere S, Churchill Downs, Gr2 and
Pebbles S, Gulfstream Park, L; dam of three winners inc.,
CAT BY THE TALE (USA), won San Gorgonio H., Santa Anita, Gr2, 2nd Santa Ana H., Santa
Anita, Gr2, Wilshire H., Hollywood Park, Gr3, 3rd Gamely S, Hollywood Park, Gr1, Las
Palmas H., Santa Anita, Gr2 and Bayakoa H., Hollywood Park, Gr2.
Bubber (USA), winner, 2012 in USA
Don’t Surrender (IRE), 4 wins, £50,832, 3 wins at 2 and 4 years and £33,602 and placed 6 times
incl 3rd Sandy Lane Rated Classified S, Haydock Park, L; also winner at 4 years in Singapore
and £17,230.
Yonge Tender, 7 wins at 3, 4 and 6 years and £33,883 and placed 16 times; dam of a winner,
Echo Rock (IRE), 7 wins, £206,812, winner at 2 years and £10,037 and placed twice; also 6
wins at 3 to 5 years in Hong Kong and £196,775.
Trademark (IRE), 4 wins at 4 years in Hong Kong and £102,321 and placed 5 times.
Clairification (IRE), see above.
Indienne (IRE), placed once at 4 years; dam of three winners inc.,
Afkar (IRE), winner at 4 years, 2012 and £12,735 and placed 12 times.
Brave Acclaim (IRE), winner at 3 years, 2013 and placed once.
The next dam CLARIDEN (GB), placed twice at 2 years; dam of eight winners from 13 runners and
14 foals inc.,
SUPERLATIVE, 5 wins at 2 and 3 years and £84,179 incl Flying Childers S, Doncaster, Gr2 and
Anglia Television July S, Newmarket, Gr3, placed 2nd William Hill Middle Park S, Newmarket,
Gr1, Prix Robert Papin, M’-Laffitte, Gr1, Ladbroke European Free H., Newmarket, L.
www.ravdansen.se - [email protected]
Fux sto 120513
Anmäld till Scandinavian Breeders’ System
Ivan Sjöberg/Rävdansens Stuteri
Lindarsnäs Egendom
016-742 60
640 43 Ärla
070-551 09 93
Mr Prospector (USA)
Eishin Dunkirk (USA), fux 1997
Forest Flower (USA)
Indian Charlie (USA)
Lady Alize (USA), br 2004
Marina Duff (IRE), 1986
Raise A Native (USA)
Gold Digger (USA)
Green Forest (USA)
Leap Lively (USA)
In Excess (IRE)
Soviet Sojourn (USA)
Caerleon (USA)
Jeanie Duff (USA), 1972
1. mor
Lady Alize (USA), winner and placed 7 times, 149.522 kr, 5th Radley S, L, Montrose Fillies S, L,
TF87, dam of two previous foals;
Scilla, 2010 f by Most Welcome (GB), ran 3 times at 2-3 years, 2012-2013
Magnetic South, 2011 g by Eishin Dunkirk (USA), in training with Fredrik Reuterskiöld, Jägersro
Astrud, see above
2. mor
MARINA DUFF (IRE), 5 wins at 2 to 4 years in Italy and £65,078 incl Premio Dormello, Milan, Gr3;
dam of eight winners from 11 runners and 15 foals;
SOPRAN MARIDUFF (GB) (f. by Persian Bold), 5 wins at 2 to 4 years in Italy and in USA and
£226,143 incl Black Helen H, Hialeah Park, Gr2, 3rd Oaks d’Italia, Milan, Gr1; dam of five
winners inc,
STATUE (USA), won Sweettrickydancer S, Calder.
Constant Touch (USA), winner in USA, 3rd Omnibus S, Monmouth Park; dam of Riopelle
(USA), winner at 4 years, 2012 in Canada and £59,900.
Art of Quill (JPN), winner, 2012 in Japan.
Great Times Ahead (USA), unraced; dam of INDIAN INK (USA), 13 wins in USA incl Dr T
F Classen Memorial S, Thistledown, Vivacious H, River Downs (twice), Bobbie Bricker
Memorial H, Beulah Park and Scarlet and Gray H, Beulah Park.
Everdream (USA), unraced; dam of Chilean Dreams (USA), winner at 2 years, 2011 in USA
Miss Mariduff (USA), unraced; dam of Lawboy (IRE), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2012 in Italy
and £13,036, and Porsenna (IRE), winner at 2 years, 2012 in Italy.
Sopran Woomari (USA) (f. by Woodman (USA), 2 wins at 3 years in Italy and £37,397 3rd Premio
Torricola, Rome, L; dam of two winners,
Invisibile (IRE), 4 wins at 2 to 4 years, 2011 in Italy and £36,810.
Sopran Sokrar (ITY), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2012 in Italy and £13,838.
Riselva (FR), unraced; dam of Sidum (ITY), winner at 2 years, 2011 in Italy.
Sopran Martha (IRE), 3 wins at 2-3 years in Italy and £23,900; dam of three winners inc,
Magico Marte (ITY), 5 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2011 in Italy and £16,195.
Harlan’s Dancer (USA), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2011 in Jamaica and £1,615,100.
Sopran Marida (IRE), 2 wins at 3 years in Italy; dam of seven winners inc,
Talk of Saafend (IRE), 7 wins, 2012 and £60,897; also winner over hurdles, 2012.
Ad Value (IRE), 2 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2012.
Morvan Marida (ITY), unraced; dam of More Solito (ITY), 3 wins at 2 to 4 years in Italy and
£27,690; also 3rd Premio del Prato Hurdle, Merano, L, Green More (ITY), 6 wins at 3
and 4 years, 2011 in Italy and £16,402, Anyway Anyplace (FR), 5 wins, 2011 in Italy
and £32,822.
Lady Alize (USA), see above.
Premier Dream (USA), winner at 3 years.
Bogey (USA), winner at 3 years in USA and £15,958.
Snowfield (USA), unraced; dam of a winner,
Yes It’s Snowing (USA), winner, 2011 in USA.
[email protected]
41 752SWE00001521T
Fux hingst 120422
Anmäld till Scandinavian Breeders’ System
Staffan Lidbeck/Löberöds Hästklinik AB
Gudmuntorp Eketo
241 94 Eslöv
070-374 49 17
Miswaki (USA)
Tertullian (USA), fux 1995
Turbaine (USA)
Johannesburg (USA)
I Could (USA), br 2006
How Could You (USA), 1996
Mr Prospector (USA)
Hopespringseternal (USA)
Trempolino (USA)
Allegretta (GB)
Hennessy (USA)
Myth (USA)
Boundary (USA)
Raise A Ten (USA), 1979
1. mor
I Could (USA), ran on the flat in Sweden at 3 years; this is her 2nd foal
Mouchie (SWE), 2010 g by Mirio (FR), ran once at 3, 2013
752SWE00001521T, see above
2. mor
How Could You (USA), 4 wins in USA, $152,230 placed 2nd Shenandoah Valley H., Charles Town, L
and 3rd Likely Exchange S, Turfway Park; dam of five winners from 6 runners and 9 foals inc.,
Vegas Storm (USA), 6 wins at 3 to 5 years in USA and £46,873 and placed 3 times.
Pride of India (USA), placed twice at 3 years; also 2 wins at 4 years in Belgium and £10,766 and
placed 6 times.
Red Bar Spin (USA), 2 wins at 3 years in Japan.
I Want You (USA), winner in USA; dam of winners inc.,
Mylilsecret (USA), 2nd Red Legend S, Charles Town, L.
3. mor
Raise A Ten (USA), by Raise A Native (USA), ran on the flat in USA; dam of seven winners from 8
runners and 12 foals inc.,
SPORTIN PHIL (USA), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in USA, $31,055 incl Philmont S, Philadelphia Pk.
How Could You (USA), see above.
Ten Foil (USA), 7 wins in USA
Raising Martin (USA), 3 wins in USA
Leading Bird (USA), 2 wins at 2 years.
Beside (USA), unraced; dam of winners inc.,
WARSIDE (USA), won Salem County S, Meadowlands, Green River S, Keeneland and 2nd
Pucker Up S, Arlington Int., Gr3; grandam of TEJANO TROUBLE (USA), won Gold
Breeders’ Cup S, Assiniboia Down, TENSAS CAT (USA), won Gentilly S, Fair Grounds,
Tensas Cold Front (USA), 2 wins at 3 years, 2012 in USA and £43,483 2nd Super Derby
Prelude S, Louisiana Downs, L.
The next dam Perfect Foil (USA), ran on the flat in USA; dam of eight winners from 9 runners and
12 foals inc.,
PRETTY PERFECT (USA), 9 wins in USA and $246,448 incl Orchid H., Gulfstream Park, Gr2; dam
of winners inc.,
Shuttlecock (USA), winner in USA; dam of JOURNEY FEVER (USA), won Pat Whitmor
Illinois Debutante S, Hawthorne, L.
WICKED PARK (USA), 13 wins in USA incl Militia S, Keystone, Gr3.
Bold Foil (USA), 2 wins in USA and $71,890 2nd Caesar’s Wish H., Bowie and 4th Alabama S,
Saratoga, Gr1; dam of winners inc.,
Unfoiled (USA), winner in USA; grandam of HOKKO TARUMAE (JPN), winner at 3 years,
2012 in Japan and £50,893 Antares S, Hanshin, Gr3 and The Leopard S, Niigata, Gr3, 3rd
Japan Cup Dirt, Hanshin, Gr1.
Perfect Preview (USA), 26 wins in USA and $176,270 2nd CoL R S McLaughlin S, Woodbine, L,
Valedictory H., Greenwood, L and 3rd Display S, Greenwood, L.
Brunt sto 120529
Anmäld till Scandinavian Breeders’ System
Pernilla Nilsson
Råby 14
775 96 Krylbo
Impression (ARG)
Gloria De Campeao (BRZ), br 2003
Audacity (BRZ)
Inchinor (GB)
Inching (GB), br 2000
Tshusick (GB), 1991
[email protected]
0706-31 73 17
Rubiano (USA)
Improbable Lady (USA)
Clackson (BRZ)
Orient Girl (ARG)
Ahonoora (GB)
Inchmurrin (IRE)
Dancing Brave (USA)
Infanta Real (GB), 1985
1. mor
Inching (GB), placed 9 times at 2-4 yrs; dam of three winners from 3 runners and 5 previous foals;
Casanova Star (SWE), 2010 c by Sixties Icon (GB), 3 wins, placed 4 times, 550.560 kr, SM 2-åriga,
2nd Götalandlöpn, Voter Juvenile, Manoustielöpn, 5th Jockeyklubbens 2000 Guineas, FT83
Vera’s Moscou (IRE) (2006 g. by Kheleyf (USA), 2 wins at 2 and 4 years, 2010 in France and
£57,140 and placed 12 times.
Chilworth Lass (IRE) (2008 f. by Imperial Dancer (GB), winner at 2 years, placed 5 times.
Mooching Along (IRE) (2005 f. by Mujahid (USA), unraced, dam of
SAFARI SUNSEEKER (IRE), 2011, 2 wins, 3 places, £12.431.
Turlington (SWE), 2011, dead as ylg.
Impressive, see above
2. mor
TSHUSICK (GB), winner at 3 years , placed 3 times; dam of seven winners from 9 rnrs and 12 foals;
MAJESTIC MISSILE (IRE), c by Royal Applause (GB), 6 wins at 2-5 years at home and in France and
£169,225, incl Willmott Dixon Cornwallis S, Ascot, Gr3, Betfair Molecomb S, Goodwood, Gr3,
P. Petit Couvert-Casino Barriere Dinard, Longchamp, Gr3 and Earth Mortgages Scarbrough S,
Doncaster, L, 2nd Dubai International Airport World Trophy, Newbury, Gr3, City Wall S, Chester,
L, 3rd Nunthorpe S, York, Gr1 and King of Beer S, Curragh, L; sire.
Santo Padre (IRE) (g. by Elnadim (USA), 5 wins at 4 and 5 years, 2009 and £130,370 and placed
8 times, incl Woodlands S, Naas, L, 2nd Piper-Heidsieck Achilles S, Haydock Park, L, Abergwaun
S, Tipperary, L, 3rd Weatherbys Ireland Greenlands S, Curragh, Gr3.
Parisian Elegance (GB) (f. by Zilzal (USA), 2 wins at 2 years and £18,321 and placed 5 times, incl
3rd Princess Margaret S, Ascot, Gr3, Weatherbys VAT Returns Service S, Haydock Park, L and
Rose Bowl S, Newbury, L; dam of four winners,
March On Beetroot (GB), 2 wins, 2010 and £55.830 and placed twice, incl 2nd Blue Square
Sandy Lane S, Haydock Park, L.
Silca Elegance (GB), winner at 3, placed 5 times; also 3 wins at 4-5 in Greece, £14,500.
Cosmopolitan (GB), 3 wins at 4 years, 2009 and £24,171 and placed once.
Rappel (GB), 2 wins at 3 years, 2009 in France and £50,966 and placed 8 times.
Black Moth (IRE) (c. by Invincible Spirit (IRE), 2 wins at 2 years, 2010 and £18,021 and placed 4
times, incl 3rd Ripon Champion 2yo Trophy, Ripon, L.
Agata Laguna (IRE), 5 wins at 2 and 3 years in Italy and £42,249, placed 11 times, broodmare.
Tribal Prince (GB), 4 wins at 3, 5 and 6 years and £34,703 and placed 19 times.
Liberty Bound (GB), 3 wins at 3 and 4 years and £11,033 and placed 6 times; dam of two
winners, incl Billy Red (GB), 13 wins at 3 to 6 years, 2010 and £61.557, placed 27 times.
3. mor
INFANTA REAL (GB) by Formidable (USA), 2 wins at 2 years, incl Doncaster S, Doncaster, L, placed
once; dam of four winners from 4 runners and 5 foals, incl INFORMANT (GB), 7 wins at 3, 4 and 6
years in Denmark, in France and in Sweden and £84,644, incl Taby Open Sprint Championship, Taby,
L, IBM Store Sprint, Klampenborg, L and Verdexa Cup, Jagersro, L, placed 5 times, incl 2nd IdunaNova Flieger Preis, Koln, L and Taby Park Hotell Varsprint, Taby, L; sire in Sweden.
[email protected]
Brunt sto 120429
Karin Johansson
Brantshammar Stuteri
741 92 Knivsta
Monsun (GER)
Manduro (GER), mbr 2002
Mandellicht (IRE)
Whipper (USA)
Mint Whip (IRE), br 2007
Aminata (IRE), 1987
018-38 11 25
070-628 11 25
Königsstuhl (GER)
Mosella (GER)
Be My Guest (USA)
Mandelauge (GER)
Miesque’s Son (USA)
Myth To Reality (FR)
Glenstal (USA)
Belle Epoque (IRE), 1980
1. mor
MINT WHIP (IRE), winner at 3 years, 2010 and placed 4 times; this is her 2nd foal;
Arresting Boy (ire), 2011 c by Lawman (FR), in training with Anna Skoglund-Figueroa, Täby
Mint Chocolate, see above
2. mor
AMINATA (IRE), 3 wins at 2 years and £37,078 incl Shernazar EBF Curragh S, Curragh, Gr3, 4th
Heinz 57 Phoenix S, Phoenix Park, Gr1; dam of ten winners from 13 runners and 16 foals;
SWIFT GULLIVER (IRE) (c. by Gulch (USA), 4 wins at 2, 3 and 5 years at home and in USA and
£49,647 incl Ridgewood Pearl Desmond S, Curragh, Gr3; sire.
ABDERIAN (IRE) (g. by Machiavellian (USA), 9 wins at home and in USA and £232,611 incl Turf
Monster H, Philadelphia Park, L and Smile H, Arlington Inter, L, 3rd Shakertown S, Keeneland,
Minatonic (IRE) (f. by Zafonic (USA), winner at 2 years and £15,451 2nd Aga Khan Studs Blenheim
S, Curragh, L.
Prince Minata (IRE), 4 wins and £14,538; also placed once over hurdles at 6 years.
Requested Pleasure (IRE), 2 wins at 3 years and £22,008; dam of a winner,
Govenor General (IRE), winner at 3 years, 2011; also placed twice at 3, 2011 in Italy.
Mint Whip (IRE), see above.
Musadaf (IRE), winner at 2 years; also placed twice over hurdles at 3 and 4 years.
Danon Buddy (IRE), winner at 3 years in Japan and £38,604.
Turquoise Sea (USA), winner at 3 years; dam of winners.
Amandian (IRE), winner at 3 years; dam of four winners inc,
Tamarind Hill (IRE), 3 wins at 3 years, 2010 and £11,456; also 2 wins at 5 years, 2012 in
King of The Desert (IRE), placed once at 2 years, 2010; also 2 wins at 4 years, 2012 in Serbia
& Montenegro and in Serbia.
She also has a yearling colt in 2013 by Intense Focus (USA).
3. mor
BELLE EPOQUE (IRE), by Habitat (USA), placed 7 times at 3 and 4 years, own sister to DOUBLE FORM;
dam of five winners incl AMINATA (IRE), see above
The next dam Fanghorn, 2 wins in France, 3rd Poule d’Essai des Pouliches, Longch, Gr1, dam of
seven winners, incl DOUBLE FORM, 7 wins at home and in France, incl Kings Stand S, Gr1, Px de
l’Abbaye, Gr1, Vernons Sprint Cup, Haydock, Gr2, Temple S, Sandown, Gr3, 2nd Cork and Orrey S,
Royal Ascot, Gr3, 3rd July Cup, Newmarket, Gr1, Px de l’Abbaye, Gr1, sire; SCIMITARRA, 3 wins,
at 2-3, incl Sheraton Park Tower Lite S, L, dam of winners, SMAOINEAMH, winner at 2 and 3, incl
Norelands Stud Trial, Gowran Park, L, and Dawn Milk EBF Challenge, L, dam of six winners, incl
LUMINATA, 2 wins at 2, incl Vodafone Silver Flash S, L, 2nd Moyglare Stud S, Gr1, 3e Px Marcel
Boussac Royal Barriere, Deauville, Gr1, Areta, 2 wins at 2-3, 2nd Leopardstown 1000 Guineas Trial S,
L, 3rd C L Weld Park S, Gr3, Flying Five S, The Curragh, Gr3.
[email protected]
Fux sto 120408
Anmäld till Scandinavian Breeders’ System
Navesta Hästklinik, Equo Bloodstock HB
Helena Gärtner, Lerbo, Navesta 1
640 23 Valla
070-254 77 14
Nureyev (USA)
Lead On Time (USA)
Alathea (GB)
Fraam (GB), mbr 1989
Majestic Prince (USA)
Majestic Kahala (USA)
Charvak (USA)
Danehill (USA)
Desert King (IRE)
Sabaah (USA)
Kings Express (IRE), fux 1999
Soviet Star (USA)
Lady Express (IRE), 1990
Park Express (GB), 1983
1. mor
KINGS EXPRESS (IRE), 5 segr, 1.177.735 kr, Jockeyklubbens Avelslöpning, L, 3e Gestüt Fährhof
Scandinavia Cup, L, FT87, mor till fyra tidigare föl;
Duty Free (NOR) 2006 s e Funambule (USA), ej startat, i avel
NN (NOR) 2007 e Royal Experiment (USA), död som åring pga olyckshändelse
NN (NOR) 2009 e Funambule (USA), skadad
Queens Park, 2010 s e Deceptor (USA), avlivad p g a träningsskada
Royal Approach, se ovan
2. mor
LADY EXPRESS (IRE), vinnare och plac i Frankrike, £11,470, mor till två vinnare av 6 startande och
totalt 11 föl;
RAHLEX (IRE), 1998 e Rahy, 2 segr och plac i England, £6,114.
3. mor
PARK EXPRESS (GB), e Ahonoora (GB), delat bästa 2-årssto i Irland 1985, delat tredje bästa sto i England 1986; 5 segr och plac 7 ggr, £346.894, Champion S, Phoenix Park, Gr1, Nassau S, Goodwood,
Gr2, Lancashire Oaks, Haydock Park, Gr3; 2a Yorkshire Oaks, York, Gr1, Blandford S, Curragh, Gr2,
Leopardstown S, Leopardstown, Gr3; 3e Dubai Champion S, Newmarket, Gr1, 1000 Guineas Trial,
Phoenix Park, Gr3; mor till åtta vinnare av 11 föl;
DAZZLING PARK (IRE) (1996); tredje bästa treårssto i Europa 1999; 3 segr och plac 5 ggr,
£168.482; Matron S, Curragh, Gr3, och Platinum S, Cork, L, 2a Champion S, Leopardstown,
Gr1, Park S, Curragh, Gr3; 3e Irish 1000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr1, Gallinule S, Curragh, Gr3;
mor till vinnare, bl a till:
GLINTING DESERT (IRE) (2002); vinnare och plac 2 ggr i England/Irland - £5,293; mor till:
ALFRED NOBEL (IRE) (2007); 3 segr och plac 3 ggr i Irland - £244.633; vann Phoenix S,
Curragh, Gr1, Railway S, Curragh, Gr2
NEW APPROACH (IRE) (2005); Champion 2-åring i Europa 2007, Champion 3-åring i Europa
2008, 8 segr och plac 3 ggr, £1.992.070, Derby S, Epsom Downs, Gr1, Tattersalls Millions
Irish Champion Stks, Leopardstown, Gr1, Dewhurst S, Newmarket, Gr1, National S, Curragh, Gr1, Champion S, Newmarket, Gr1, EBF Futurity, Curragh, Gr2, Tyros S, Leopardstown,
Gr3; 2e 2000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr1, Irish 2000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr1, 1m, 2008; 3e
Juddmonte International S, Newmarket, Gr1, framgångsrik avelshingst, far till bl a DAWN
APPROACH, 8 seg r av 9 starter, bl a 2013, 2000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr1, St James’s Palace
S, Royal Ascot, Gr1.
SHINKO FOREST (IRE) (1993); 9 segr och plac 6 ggr i Japan - £1.756.254; £658,210, vann bl a
3 Listed races; avelshingst
Tycoon King (IRE) (1992); 7 segr i Frankrike och Italien och plac 32 ggr, £166.052, samt 2 segr
och plac över hinder I Frankrike, £16.096.
[email protected]
Mörkbrunt sto 120427
Anmäld till Scandinavian Breeders’ System
Caroline Söderberg/Stall Ekeby
Ösbyvägen 26
0176-27 30 50
761 75 Norrtälje
073-645 19 93
Lead On Time (USA)
Fraam (GB), mbr 1989
Majestic Kahala (USA)
Rossini (USA)
L’Italiana (IRE), br 2003
Paganina (FR), 1992
Nureyev (USA)
Alathea (GB)
Majestic Prince (USA)
Charvak (USA)
Miswaki (USA)
Touch of Greatness (USA)
Galetto (USA)
Parforce (FR), 1977
1. mor
L’Italiana (IRE), placed once at 2 years; also placed 6 times at 3 and 4 years in Sweden, 54.227 kr,
FT67; this is her 2nd foal;
Sopwith Pup, 2011 f by Zaahid (IRE), in training with Lotta Lien, Angarn
Night Hawk, see above
2. mor
Paganina (FR), unraced; dam of three winners from 9 runners and 10 foals;
Imshy (IRE), placed once at 2 years; also 3 wins at 2 and 4 years in France and £34,481 and
placed 4 times, broodmare.
Mystic Venture (IRE), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £10,378 and placed 7 times.
Keep Faith (IRE), winner at 3 years in Greece and £15,640 and placed 10 times.
3. mor
PARFORCE (FR), by Mill Reef (USA), 3 wins at 3 years in France and 46,000 fr. and placed once; dam
of four winners from 5 runners and 6 foals inc.,
PHILIPPI (FR), 6 wins at 2 to 4 years in France and £122,610 incl Prix Robert Papin, M’Laffitte, Gr2, Prix du Pin, Longchamp, L, Prix Pharel, M’-Laffitte, L and Prix de Montretout,
Longchamp, L, placed 7 times incl 2nd Prix de la Porte Maillot, Longchamp, Gr3, 3rd Prix de
la Foret, Longchamp, Gr1 and Criterium de Maisons-Laffitte, M’-Laffitte, Gr2; sire.
Phantastica (FR), 5 wins at 3 to 5 years in France and £10,100 and placed 22 times; dam of
5 winners inc Massaya (FR), winner in Spain; dam of Sir Pepo (SPA), winner at 2 years,
2012 in Spain and placed 3 times.
The next dam PIA (GB), 5 wins at 2 and 3 years and £36,797 incl Oaks S, Epsom, 2nd Cheveley Park
S, Newmarket, 4th Champion S, Newmarket and 1000 Guineas S, Newmarket; dam of five winners
from 8 runners and 11 foals inc.,
Principia (FR), 3 wins at 3 years in France and 126,062 fr. 4th Prix de Sandringham, Chantilly,
Gr3; dam of three winners inc.,
CHIEF SINGER, 4 wins at 2 and 3 years and £263,591 incl Norcros July Cup, Newmarket,
Gr1 and Swettenham Stud Sussex S, Goodwood, Gr1, 2nd General Accident 2000
Guineas, Newmarket, Gr1 and 3rd Benson & Hedges Gold Cup, York, Gr1; sire.
Querida, winner at 2 years; dam of KIROV PREMIERE (GB), 5 wins at 2 and 3 years at
home and in USA and £92,579 incl Rutgers H., Meadowlands, Gr3, THEATRE CRITIC,
4 wins at 2 to 5 years in France and in USA and £110,850 incl G. P. Europeen l’ElevageRoland Chambure, Deauville, L, 2nd Grand Prix de Deauville Lancel, Deauville, Gr2
and Prix Greffulhe, Longchamp, Gr2; sire, QUINTILLION, 11 wins at home and in
USA and £165,163 incl San Matean H., Bay Meadows, 3rd Hillsdale S, Bay Meadows,
L; grandam of CESARIO (JPN), Champion 3yr old filly in Japan in 2005, 5 wins at
2 and 3 years in Japan and in USA and £1,395,734 incl American Oaks Invitational S,
Hollywood Park, Gr1, ANNA PAVLOVA (GB), 10 wins at 2 to 5 years at home and
in France and £382,486 incl Bet 365 Lancashire Oaks, Haydock Park, Gr2 and P. de
Royallieu Hotel Hermitage Barriere, Longchamp, Gr2, 3rd Audi Pretty Polly S, Curragh,
Gr1, GOTHENBERG (IRE), 7 wins at 2 to 4 years at home, in Germany and in Italy and
£288,179 incl Sea World International S, Curragh, Gr2, Premio Emilio Turati, Milan.
Brunt sto 120422
Anmäld till Scandinavian Breeders’ System
Pernilla Nilsson
Råby 14
775 96 Krylbo
Impression (ARG)
Gloria De Campeao (BRZ), br 2003
Audacity (BRZ)
Linamix (FR)
Gryngolette (GB), sk 2000
Imperial Scholar (IRE), 1994
[email protected]
0706-31 73 17
Rubiano (USA)
Improbable Lady (USA)
Clackson (BRZ)
Orient Girl (ARG)
Mendez (FR)
Lunadix (FR)
Royal Academy (USA)
Last Ball (IRE), 1988
1. mor
Gryngolette (GB), 4 wins, 454.135 kr; winner at 3 years in England and placed 4 times; also 3
wins at 4 and 5 years in Sweden and £29,637 and placed 10 times, Cinnamon Challenge, 2nd Jockeyklubbens Avelslopn, L, 3rd Erik O Steens Memorial, L, Lanwades Stud S, L, Coolmore Matchmaker
S, L, 4th Peugeot Pokallöp, L, and Scandinavia Cup, L, Erik O Steens Memorial, L, 5th Lanwades Stud
S, L, Bloomers’ Vase, L, FT88; dam of three winners from 3 runners and 3 previous foals;
HALLÖJSA (DEN), 2008 c by Academy Award (IRE), 3 wins and placed 3 times at 2-4, 2012,
425.890 kr, Dansk Kriterium, Skandinavisk Opdraetningslöb, 2nd Dansk Auktionslöb, FT80
Dantolini (DEN), 2007 c by Bertolini (USA), 2 wins and placed 5 times at 2-6 years, 2013, 325.756
kr, 2nd Jockeyklubbens Jubileumslöpn, 3rd Larch Aerespraemie, 4th Dansk Kriterium, FT78
Binamix, 2009 f by Binary File (USA), winner and placed twice, 163.055 kr, 4th Norsk Oaks,
Hightower, 2011 c by Songline, qualified at Täby July 20, 2013
Starmix, see above
2. mor
IMPERIAL SCHOLAR (IRE), placed 4 times at 2 and 3 years in just 6 starts; dam of two winners from
3 runners and 5 foals;
Gryngolette (GB), see above.
Komoto (GB), winner at 3 years; also placed 4 times over hurdles at 5 years. 3. mor
LAST BALL (IRE), by Last Tycoon (IRE), unraced; dam of one winner from 3 runners and 6 foals;
Lucky Ahead (GB), winner at 3 years in Hong Kong and £23,795. The next dam RACQUETTE, 2 wins at 3 years and £17,191 and $11,122, Azalea S, Phoenix Park, L
and April Fillies’ S, Curragh, L, 3rd Irish Guinness Oaks, Curragh, Gr1; dam of nine winners from 11
runners and 15 foals inc,
GRAND CHELEM, 3 wins at 2 and 4 years in France and in USA and £34,833 incl Prix La Rochette, Longchamp, Gr3; sire.
EVENING KISS, 3 wins at 3 years in France and in Italy and £56,644 incl Premio Bagutta - Memorial Sergio Cumani, Milan, Gr3; dam of five winners inc,
EPALO (GER), won Singapore Airlines International Cup, Singapore, Gr1, 2nd G.DallmayrPreis Bayerisches Zuchtrennen, Munich, Gr1, Man O’War S, Belmont Park, Gr1, 3rd
Premio Roma at The Races, Rome, Gr1 and Arlington Million S, Arlington Int, Gr1; sire.
ELOPA (GER), 4 wins at 3 and 4 years in France and in Germany and £119,022 incl Prix Corrida, Saint-Cloud, Gr2, 3rd Audi Pretty Polly S, Curragh, Gr1; dam of a winner: Wedding March (IRE), winner at 2 years, 2009 in France and £28,281.
EVENING BREEZE (GER), won Nereide Rennen, Gelsenkirchen, L; dam of EAGLE RISE (IRE),
Champion 2yr old in Germany in 2002, 8 wins at 2 to 5 years in Germany and in Italy
and £207,582 incl Premio Ribot, Rome, Gr2, Grosser Europa Meile, Cologne, Gr2 and
pferdewetten.de-Trophy, Cologne, Gr2; sire, EYE OF THE TIGER (GER), 5 wins at 3 to
5 years, 2010 in France and in Germany and £80,888 incl Gerling Preis, Cologne, Gr2,
EVENSONG (GER), 4 wins at 3 years in France and in Germany and £37,817 incl Prix
Solitude, Fontainebleau, L.
Fux sto 120330
Kerstin o Bo Helander
Svista Säteri
186 97 Brottby
Bahri (USA)
Sakhee (USA), br 1997
Thawakib (IRE)
Be My Guest (USA)
Bongo Quest (IRE), fux 1996
Not Too Bad (IRE), br 1988
08-512 416 12
070-757 78 76
Riverman (USA)
Wasnah (IRE)
Sadler’s Wells (USA)
Tobira Celeste (USA)
Northern Dancer (CAN)
What A Treat (USA)
Simply Great (FR)
Audenhove (GER), 1979
1. mor
BONGO QUEST (IRE), 2 wins at 3 years in Sweden, £3,039 and placed 5 times, FT74; dam of five
winners from 8 runners and 8 foals of racing ageMusical Contest, 2009 f by Songline, 2 wins, placed 6 times, 545.060 kr, 2nd Amacitalöpn, SM
2-åriga, FT80
CON CIO (IRE), c by Sri Pekan (USA), 8 wins in Italy and placed 3 times, ca 650.000 kr
EST EST EST (IRE), 2003 f by Shinko Forest (IRE), 4 wins, placed 7 times, 222.400 kr, FT79
DELAROCHE, 2008 g by Heart of Oak (USA), 3 wins, placed twice, 306.801 kr, FT76
I ASK YOU (IRE), 2004 f by Ashkalani (IRE), 2 wins and placed, 67.900 kr, FT67
Bongo’s Stardust, 2010 f by Dustoori (GB), ran 10 times at 2-3 years 2012-2013, 27.720 kr, FT65
752SWE00001388T, see above
2. mor
Not Too Bad (IRE), 3 wins at 2-4 yrs and £22,039 and placed 14 times incl 2nd Norsk 1000 Guineas,
L, and 3rd Malmo Stads Pris, L; dam of five winners from 7 runners and 8 foals of racing ageStone Tycoon (IRE) (1998 c. by Bigstone (IRE), 14 wins at 3 to 8 years, 2006 in Italy and
£149,566 and placed 44 times incl 2nd Premio Nearco, Rome, L.
BONGO QUEST (IRE), see above
BOYS’ CHOICE, 2004 f by Indian Danehill (IRE), winner and placed, 156.960 kr, FT73
TAWNY EAGLE, 2000 f by Eagle Eyed (USA), winner and placed twice, 100.950 kr, FT70; dam of
two winners: KNOXVILLE, 2006 g by Most Welcome (GB), 3 wins at 3, 2009, 157.800 kr,
FT71, and MISS MARPLE, 2009 f by Medecis (GB), 2 wins and placed, 87.780 kr, FT67
NO TWO WORDS (IRE), 2002 f by Diaghlyphard (USA), winner at 2 years, 2004 in Sweden and
£3,225 and placed twice, FT72
Devils Date, 2006 g by Malvernico (IRE), placed 7 times in 13 starts, 68.800 kr, FT65
To The Queen, placed 3 times, dam of four winners from 5 runners and 6 foals of racing age;
CROSSOFFISSIO, 2003 g by Diaghlyphard (USA), 5 wins, placed 3 times, 312.270 kr, 4th
Rosengårdlöpn, 5th Sofierolöpn, FT84
QUEEN OF RACING, 2005 f by Pennekamp (USA), 2 wins and placed 6 times, 228.340 kr, 4th
in Amacitalöpn and SM för 2-åriga hästar, FT71
Kingbird, 2004 c by Prince of Birds (USA), 3 wins and placed 9 times, 225.050 kr, FT65
Mazzarin, 2006 f by Mirio (FR), winner and placed, also placed twice over hurdles,
122.200, FT68
3. mor
AUDENHOVE (GER), by Marduk (GER), 4 wins at 3 and 4 years in West Germany and 51,920 D.M.
and placed 13 times; Own sister to ALEGRIA (GER); dam of seven winners from 8 runners and 8
foals of racing age vizNot Too Bad (IRE), see above.
GOLDEN LUCK, 6 wins at 5 to 7 years in Hong Kong, £77,690.
ROOFTOP FLYER (IRE), 11 wins; winner at 2 years and £6,728 and placed 3 times; also 10 wins
in Germany and £26,745 and placed 24 times.
ANGEL OF ZURICH (IRE), 4 wins; 2 wins at 3 and 6 years in West Germany and in Switzerland,
£3,615; also 2 wins over jumps in Switzerland and £7,898.
[email protected]
48 LEGALIZER (ire)
Brun hingst 120129
Las Pampas Polo Team
Tor Petter Mygland, Box 87, Smestad
N-0309 Oslo, Norge
+ 47 92 88 52 00
Giant’s Causeway (USA)
Intense Focus (USA), br 2006
Daneleta (IRE)
Statue of Liberty (USA)
Legalize (IRE), br 2007
La Luna (USA), 1985
Storm Cat (USA)
Mariah’s Storm (USA)
Danehill (USA)
Zavaleta (IRE)
Storm Cat (USA)
Charming Lassie (USA)
Lyphard (USA)
Belga (FR), 1968
1. mor
Legalize (IRE), ran a few times at 3 years; Above is her first foaL.
Legalizer (IRE), see above
2. mor
LA LUNA (USA), winner at 3 years in France and £10,973; Own sister to BELLYPHA; dam of seven
winners from 14 runners and 18 foals;
CORRINE (IRE) (f. by Spectrum (IRE), 4 wins at 4 and 5 years in Norway and £24,050 incl Peugeot
Pokallob for Hopper, Ovrevoll, L; dam of two winners,
Liszt (IRE), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £35,538; also winner over hurdles at 6 years, 2012
and £10,600.
Al Emirati (IRE), winner at 2 years, 2012.
Etoile (FR) (f. by Kris), winner at 2 years and £16,318 3rd Tattersalls Musidora S, York, Gr3; dam
of two winners,
Moon Shot (GB), 10 wins, £53,164, 7 wins and £40,172; also 3 wins over hurdles at 4 years
and £12,053 and placed once over fences.
Locatelli (FR), 5 wins in France and in Germany and £46,372.
Lakalda (GB), 2 wins at 3 and 4 years in France and £15,784; dam of two winners,
Waratah (IRE), winner at 3 years in Italy; dam of two winners,
La Lyra (GB), winner at 2 years in West Germany; dam of seven winners inc.,
Lysuna (GER), 3 wins at 3 to 5 years in Germany and £44,903 2nd P.Jubilaum.Firma
Jungheinrich Gabstapler, Hamburg, Gr3; dam of LUCKY SPEED (IRE), 2 wins at 3 years,
2013 in Germany and £39,024 incl onextwo.com Bavarian Classic, Munich, Gr3, LYVIUS
(GB), 5 wins, £40,052, 2 wins at 3 years, 2011 in Germany and £13,792; also 3 wins
over hurdles at 4 years, 2012 and £26,260 incl Sportingbet Gerry Feilden H. Hurdle,
Newbury, L, Lyssio (GER), 4 wins, £61,550, winner at 5 years, 2012; also 2 wins at
3 years in Germany and £47,879 2nd Shadwell Farm Grosser Bavaria Preis, Munich, L,
3rd Preis des Casino Baden-Baden, Baden-Baden, L and BWIN Sachsen Preis, Dresden,
L; also winner over hurdles at 6 years, 2013, Lysino (GER), winner at 3 years, 2012 in
Close Regards (IRE), unraced; dam of three winners inc.,
Fast In The Wind (IRE), winner at 2 years, 2013 and £10,536.
She also has a 3-y-o colt by Dylan Thomas (IRE).
3. mor
BELGA (FR), by Le Fabuleux (FR), winner at 3 years in France and 30,000 fr.; dam of eight winners
from 12 runners and 15 foals inc.,
RUN AND DELIVER (USA), 3 wins in Peru incl Clasico Ernesto Ayulo Pardo, Hipo Mont’o, Gr1; sire.
BELLMAN (FR), 4 wins at 3 years in France and £64,928 incl Prix Eugene Adam, Saint-Cloud, Gr2,
3rd G.P. del Jockey Club Coppa d’Oro, Milan, Gr1; sire.
BELLYPHA, 6 wins in France and 857,900 fr. incl Prix Daphnis, Evry, Gr3, Prix de la Jonchere,
Longchamp, Gr3, Prix Quincey, Deauville, Gr3, Prix Thomas Bryon, Saint-Cloud, Gr3, 2nd Prix
Jacques Le Marois, Deauville, Gr1 and 4th Prix du Jockey Club, Chantilly, Gr1; Champion sire.
Brun hingst 120407
Anmäld till Scandinavian Breeders’ System
Therese o Gösta Staffansson
Nannberga Gammelgård 214
732 91 Arboga
070-438 02 87
A P Indy (USA)
Mingun (USA), br 2000
Miesque (USA)
Nicolotte (GB)
Loreley, br 2003
Next Information (GB), 1994
Seattle Slew (USA)
Weekend Surprise (USA)
Nureyev (USA)
Pasadoble (USA)
Night Shift (USA)
Nicoletta (GB)
Chilibang (GB)
Mary Miller (GB), 1986
1. mor
LORELEY (SWE), 6 wins in Sweden and £40,889 and placed 30 times, FT81; Above is her first foaL.
Mr Minley, see above 2. mor
NEXT INFORMATION (GB), 6 wins at 2 to 4 years in Sweden and £10,876, 3rd Scania Sprint; dam of
two winners from 2 runners and 3 foals;
Loreley (SWE), see above.
Next Amber (SWE), 2 wins at 3 and 4 years in Norway and £11,568.
3. mor
Mary Miller (GB), by Sharpo (GB), placed once at 3 years; dam of three winners from 7 runners and
7 foals;
Next Information (GB), see above.
Bright Moth (GB), winner at 3 years in Sweden; dam of 2 winners,
Lady (SWE), winner in Sweden.
Betowa (SWE), winner in Sweden.
Colne Valley (GB), placed 6 times at 2 years; also winner at 3 years in Hungary; dam of,
Caro Dama (HUN), unraced; dam of Califa (HUN), 4 wins at 2 to 4 years in Hungary.
The next dam ALTEZA REAL (GB) by Mansingh (USA), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years; Own sister to Provaci
Ancora; dam of three winners from 9 runners and 10 foals inc.,
INFANTA REAL, 2 wins at 2 years incl Doncaster S, Doncaster, L; dam of 4 winners inc.,
INFORMANT (GB), won Taby Open Sprint Championship, Taby, L, IBM Store Sprint,
Klampenborg, L and Verdexa Cup, Jagersro, L; sire.
Mary Cornwallis (GB), 2 wins at 4 years and £10,283; dam of SIR ALBERT (GB), 3 wins
at 2 and 6 years at home and Hong Kong and £163,341 incl Costcutter Roses S, York, L.
Tshusick (GB), winner at 3 years; dam of MAJESTIC MISSILE (IRE), 6 wins at 2, 4
and 5 years at home and in France and £169,225 incl Willmott Dixon Cornwallis S,
Ascot, Gr3, Betfair Molecomb S, Goodwood, Gr3 and P. Petit Couvert-Casino Barriere
Dinard, Longchamp, Gr3, 3rd VC Bet Nunthorpe S, York, Gr1; sire, SANTO PADRE
(IRE), 5 wins, 2012 and £130,370 incl Woodlands S, Naas, L, 3rd Weatherbys Ireland
Greenlands S, Curragh, Gr3 and Goffs Flying Five S, Curragh, Gr3, Parisian Elegance
(GB), 2 wins at 2 years and £18,321 3rd Princess Margaret S, Ascot, Gr3, Black Moth
(IRE), 2 wins at 2 years and £18,021 3rd Ripon Champion 2yo Trophy, Ripon, L; also
placed once at 4 years, 2012 in Hong Kong and £13,823, Majestic Alexander (IRE),
2 wins, £17.139; TSHUSICK also granddam of March On Beetroot (GB), 2 wins,
£55,830, winner at 2 years and £10,818 2nd Blue Square Sandy Lane S, Haydock Park,
L; also winner at 4 years, 2012 in Hong Kong and £45,012.
Anziano (GB), 7 wins in Germany and £33,140.
Hoh Dancer (GB), placed 3 times at 2 and 3 years; dam of four winners inc.,
Henry Allingham (GB), 3 wins at 3 years, 2012 and £29,903.
[email protected]
Brun hingst 120307
Anmäld till Scandinavian Breeders’ System
Alebäcks Stuteri AB/Peter Björnsson
Lindärva Gård
0510-507 51
531 91 Vinninga
0706-23 09 23
Impression (ARG)
Gloria De Campeao (BRZ), br 2003
Audacity (BRZ)
Ransom O’War (USA)
Lousiana (GER), fux 2006
Lady Fox (GER), 1997
Rubiano (USA)
Improbable Lady (USA)
Clackson (BRZ)
Orient Girl (ARG)
Red Ransom (USA)
Sombreffe (GB)
Monsun (GER)
Laufzeit (IRE), 1990
1. mor
LOUSIANA (GER), winner at 2 in Norway and £13,902 and placed 7 times; this is her 2nd foal;
Lui Va Bene, 2011 f by Needwood Blade (GB), in training with H Engblom, has run once.
Bear De Campeao, see above
2. mor
LADY FOX (GER), winner at 3 years in Germany and placed twice; dam of four winners from 4
runners and 4 foals;
Lord Hill (GER) (c. by Tiger Hill (IRE), winner at 2 years in Germany and £67,951 and placed 13
times incl 2nd Furstenberg-Rennen, Baden-Baden, Gr3, Preis der Sparkassen Finanzgruppe,
Baden-Baden, Gr3, 3rd Lando-Trophy, Hannover, Gr3 and G.P. der Landeshauptstadt
Dusseldorf, Dusseldorf, Gr3.
Latakia (GER) (f. by Tertullian (USA), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in Norway and £49,621 and placed
10 times incl 2nd Morten Og Torvald Klaveness Minnelop, Ovrevoll, L.
Lupinie (GER), 2 wins at 3 and 5 years in Germany and placed 9 times, broodmare.
Lousiana (GER), see above.
3. mor
LAUFZEIT (IRE) by Never So Bold (IRE), 2 wins at 3 years in Germany and placed 5 times; dam of four
winners from 5 runners and 6 foals inc.,
Laudrups (GER), 3 wins at 4 and 5 years in Germany and placed 15 times.
Lasuna (GER), winner at 3 years in Germany and placed 5 times; dam of a winner,
Lancoon (GER), winner at 4 years, 2013 in Germany.
The next dam LADY HESTER (IRE), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and placed once; dam of eight winners
from 10 runners and 13 foals inc.,
L’IRRESPONSABLE, Champion 3yr old miler in Italy in 1985, 2 wins at 3 years in France and
£41,928 incl Prix Daphnis, Evry, Gr3, placed 5 times incl 2nd Premio Federico Tesio, Milan,
Gr2 and 3rd Prix de l’Avre, Longchamp, L; sire.
NAJABA, 7 wins at 4 to 6 years in New Zealand and £19,775 incl South Island TB Breeders’ S,
Canterbury Park, L, placed 3rd Gordon Wyborn NZ TB Breeders’ S, Te Aroha, Gr2, Booth
Insurance Galilee S, Te Awamutu, L and Ord O’Connor Grieve Breeders S, Tauherenikau, L; dam
of six winners incl,
Imzadi (NZ), winner in Australia; dam of CHARTREUSE (NZ), 3 wins in New Zealand,
New Zealand Bloodstock 2yo Fillies S, Te Rapa, L, New Zealand Bloodstock Castletown
S, Foxton, L and Racehorse Owners T.Thomson Mem. S, Wanganui, L; grandam of
ZENNISTA (NZ), 6 wins in New Zealand incl Stella Artois Tauranga S, Tauranga, Gr3, AG
Challenge Jackson S, Wanganui, L and James Bull Rangitikei Marton Gold Cup, Awapuni,
L, placed 2nd Wellfield New Zealand Oaks, Trentham, Gr1, Hawke’s Bay Breeders Gold
Trail S, Hastings, Gr3, G. Thompson Antique Jewellery H., Trentham, Gr3, Windsor Park
Rotorua S, Arawa Park, L, Courtesy Ford Ryder S, Otaki, L, 3rd Croser Brisbane Cup,
Eagle Farm, Gr2 and Channel 7 Premier’s Cup, Doomben, Gr3.
[email protected]
Anmäld till Scandinavian Breeders’ System
Navesta Hästklinik, Equo Bloodstock HB
Helena Gärtner, Lerbo, Navesta 1
640 23 Valla
070-254 77 14
Mörkbrunt sto 120501
Impression (ARG)
Gloria De Campeao (BRZ), br 2003
Audacity (BRZ)
Red Ransom (USA)
Lovely Eyes (IRE), br 2007
Polygueza (FR), 1993
Rubiano (USA)
Improbable Lady (USA)
Clackson (BRZ)
Orient Girl (ARG)
Roberto (USA)
Arabia (USA)
Be My Guest (USA)
Polifontaine (FR), 1976
1. mor
Lovely Eyes (IRE), placed 4 times at 2 and 3 years; Above is her first foaL.
Glory Days, see above
2. mor
POLYGUEZA (FR), winner at 3 years; dam of six winners from 11 runners and 11 foals;
THE GEEZER (GB) (g. by Halling (USA), 4 wins at 3 years and £255,035 incl ABN Amro Gordon S,
Goodwood, Gr3, 2nd Ladbrokes St Leger S, Doncaster, Gr1.
Big Sinisa (IRE) (c. by Barathea (IRE), 6 wins in Italy and £61,394 2nd Premio Rumon, Rome, L.
Doctored (GB), 7 wins, £33,495, 6 wins at 3 years and £28,276; also winner over hurdles.
The Twelve Steps (GB), 5 wins, £10,750, 2 wins at 2 and 3 years; also 3 wins, 2012 in Bahrain.
Flight Captain (GB), 3 wins, £28,776, winner at 2; also 2 wins at 4 years in USA and £24,141.
Maziona (GB), winner at 2 years and £10,647, broodmare.
3. mor
POLIFONTAINE (FR), by Bold Lad (USA), 2 wins at 2 years in France and £13,985; dam of five winners from 8 runners and 8 foals inc.,
LEPOUSHKA, 3 wins at 3 and 4 years and £20,687 incl EBF Solonaway Race, Curragh, L; dam of
four winners inc.,
Silvretta (IRE), winner at 3 years; dam of Cottiers Den (IRE), placed once over fences at 6
years, 2013; also winner of a point-to-point at 5 years, 2012.
Polikiss (FR), 6 wins, £41,608, winner at 3 years in France and £13,138; also placed once over
fences and 5 wins over jumps in France and £28,114.
I’ll Try, 4 wins, £36,382, winner at 2 years; also 3 wins at 3 and 4 years in USA and £35,586;
dam of seven winners inc.,
INTERSKY FALCON (GB), 12 wins, £391,000, placed 3 times in N.H. Flat Races at 4 years;
also 11 wins over hurdles at 4 to 6 years and £384,190 incl Pertemps Christmas Hurdle,
Kempton Park, Gr1 (twice), John James McManus Memorial Hurdle, Tipperary, Gr1 and
Pertemps Fighting Fifth Hurdle, Newcastle, Gr2, 3rd Smurfit Champion Challenge Trophy
Hurdle, Cheltenham, Gr1 and winner over fences.
Steel Mirror (GB), 8 wins, £43,879, 2 wins at 4 and 6 years; also 5 wins over hurdles at 4
to 6 years and £28,988 and winner over fences at 6 years 2nd EBF Series Final Novice H.
Chase, Fairyhouse, L; also winner of a point-to-point.
Fundamental (GB), placed once at 3 years; also 3 wins over hurdles at 4 and 5 years and
£30,588 2nd Martell Cordon Bleu H. Hurdle, Aintree, L.
Polynorix (FR), 3 wins at 4 and 6 years in France and £59,776.
The next dam MORTEFONTAINE (FR), winner at 4 years in France and 164,200 fr.; Own sister to
POLYFOTO, and Chagrin Falls; dam of five winners from 8 runners and 10 foals inc.,
KATIES, Champion 3yr old filly in England in 1984, 4 wins at 2 and 3 years and £105,570 incl
Goffs Irish 1000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr1; dam of twelve winners inc.,
HISHI AMAZON (USA), Champion 2 & 3yr old filly in Japan in 1993 & 1994, Champion
older mare in Japan in 1995, won Sankei Sho All Comers S, Nakayama, L, Hanshin
Sansai Himba S, Hanshin, L, Kyoto Daishoten, Kyoto, L, Daily Hai Queen Cup, L, Tokyo.
[email protected]
Mörkbrunt sto 120404
Anmäld till Scandinavian Breeders’ System
Jan Hansson/Stall Jalih
Hjärås Gård 9152
242 97 Hörby A P Indy (USA)
Mingun (USA), br 2000
Miesque (USA)
Funambule (USA)
Gimme Gimme, br 2005
Imsoexited (IRE), 2000
0415-402 05
0708-94 02 05
Seattle Slew (USA)
Weekend Surprise (USA)
Nureyev (USA)
Pasadoble (USA)
Lyphard (USA)
Sonoma (FR)
Mujadil (USA)
Ex-Imager (IRE), 1987
1. mor
GIMME GIMME, 5 wins, placed 4 times, 879.104 kr, Dianalöpn, SFAF:s Stora Pris Auktionslöpn, 3rd
Bloomers’ Vase, L, 4th Margareta Wettermarks Minneslöpn, L, Breeders’ Trophy Mile, FT83, dam of;
Girl On Fire, see above
2. mor
IMSOEXCITED (IRE), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in Sweden and £15,567 and placed 7 times; dam of
two winners from 3 runners and 4 foals;
Gimme Gimme, see above
ELDIVO, 2 wins, placed twice, 120.400 kr, FT67
Encore Belle, placed in just 6 starts, 24.600 kr, FT69
3. mor
Ex-Imager (IRE), by Exhibitioner (GB), unraced; dam of five winners from 10 runners and 13 foals;
Demon Dancer (IRE), 10 wins in Norway and £12,716 and placed 8 times.
Modern Style (IRE), 9 wins at 2 to 5 years in Italy and £82,777 and placed 22 times; dam of a
winner: Barrique (ITY), winner at 3 years, 2008 in Italy and placed 5 times.
Dissidentia (IRE), 4 wins in Belgium and in France; dam of two winners,
GOLDEN LEGACY (IRE), 3 wins at 2 years and £46,360 incl Tsg Firth of Clyde S, Ayr, Gr3,
placed 3 times.
Pari E Dispari (IRE), 8 wins at 2 to 5 years in Italy, £51,275 and placed 23 times.
Zack’s Key (IRE), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in Sweden and £15,021 and placed 7 times.
The next dam MANX IMAGE (IRE) by Dancer’s Image (USA), placed 4 times at 3; dam of two winners
from 5 runners and 9 foals;
Ballad Dancer, 9 wins and £39,774 and placed 24 times.
Lady Attiva, winner at 3 years and placed once; dam of,
Double Resolve (GB), placed twice in N.H. Flat Races at 4 years; dam of Double Measure
(GB), winner of a point-to-point, 2007 and placed once.
The next dam EL GALGO (GB) by Miralgo (GB), winner at 3 years; dam of three winners from 6
runners and 7 foals inc.,
ATTIVO, 10 wins, £41,391, 5 wins and £23,294 incl Ladbroke Chester Cup H., Chester, L and
Joe Coral Northumberland Plate H., Newcastle, L; also 5 wins over hurdles and £17,029 incl
Daily Express Triumph Hurdle, Cheltenham, L.
The Shaker, 5 wins, £10,580, 4 wins at 3 and 4 years 2nd Hennessy H., Leopardstown, L
(twice), 3rd Whitehall S, Phoenix, Gr3; also winner in USA
Go Friendly, ran a few times and ran 3 times over hurdles; dam of six winners inc.,
GAROZZO, won Premio d’Estate, Milan, Gr3, 4th Premio Tevere, Rome, Gr2.
Kristallina, winner at 3 years; dam of Krisfield, winner at 2 years and £10,159 4th
Gimcrack S, York, Gr2; sire, Dona Krista, winner at 2 years 4th Waterford Candelabra
S, Goodwood, Gr3; grandam of RISKY (GB), won Molecomb S, Goodwood, Gr3.
[email protected]
Mörkbrunt sto 120501
Anmäld till Scandinavian Breeders’ System
Stefan Larsson, Odmark, Zeiloth, Doorn
Skäcklinge 309
705 97 Glanshammar
0705-53 54 85
Impression (ARG)
Gloria De Campeao (BRZ), br 2003
Audacity (BRZ)
Spectrum (IRE)
Maggie Tulliver (IRE), mbr 2002
Eliza Acton (GB), 1995
Rubiano (USA)
Improbable Lady (USA)
Clackson (BRZ)
Orient Girl (ARG)
Rainbow Quest (USA)
River Dancer (GB)
Shirley Heights (GB)
Sing Softly (GB), 1979
1. mor
MAGGIE TULLIVER (IRE), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £12,323 and placed twice; dam of 3 previous
Lucy Deane (GB), 2007 f by Leporello (IRE), unraced, died at 3 years
Eurika (SWE), 2008 f by Diktat (GB), unraced, died at 3 years
Eeze Lady, 2010 f by Notnowcato (GB), in training with Ylva Brandt, Angarn
Gloria Ekotell, see above
2. mor
ELIZA ACTON (GB), winner at 2 years; Own sister to TOP CEES (GB); dam of three winners from 6
runners and 8 foals;
STOTSFOLD (GB) (g. by Barathea (IRE), 9 wins at home and in France and £338,008 incl Blue
Square Brigadier Gerard S, Sandown Park, Gr3, Select Racing UK On Sky 432 S, Goodwood,
Gr3, Toteswinger Winter Hill S, Windsor, Gr3 and La Coupe, Longchamp, Gr3, 3rd Arlington
Million S, Arlington International, Gr1.
Maggie Tulliver (IRE), see above.
Mrs Beeton (IRE), winner at 3 years, broodmare.
3. mor
SING SOFTLY (GB), by Luthier (FR), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £50,477 incl Lancashire Oaks,
Haydock Park, Gr3, 2nd Ribblesdale S, Royal Ascot, Gr2, 3rd Park Hill S, Doncaster, Gr2 and 4th Nassau S, Goodwood, Gr2; dam of five winners from 8 runners and 10 foals inc.,
SUPREME SOUND (GB), 10 wins at 2 to 5 years at home and in USA and £321,921 incl
Hawthorne Gold Cup H., Hawthorne, Gr3, 2nd United Nations H., Monmouth Park, Gr1.
TOP CEES (GB), 12 wins, £278,986, 9 wins and £231,755; also 3 wins over hurdles and
£47,231 incl Coral Cup H. Hurdle, Cheltenham, Gr3.
Dominant Serenade (GB), 6 wins, £44,556, placed 9 times; also 4 wins over hurdles at 3 and
4 years and £29,518 2nd Sandown H. Hurdle, Sandown Park, L and 2 wins over fences at 6
years and £10,854.
Whispered Melody (GB), 3 wins at 4 years; dam of two winners inc.,
Prayers For Rain (IRE), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £23,235; dam of Pasiega (IRE), 2
wins at 3 years, 2012 in Spain and £12,392.
Rosy Lydgate (GB), placed once at 3 years; dam of six winners inc.,
Diamond Charlie (IRE), 5 wins at 2, 3 and 5 years, 2013 and £25,468.
Symbol of Peace (IRE), 3 wins at 3 and 4 years and £14,373; dam of All Nighter (IRE),
winner at 3 years, 2012; also placed once over hurdles at 3 years, 2012.
Why So Silent, unraced; dam of ten winners inc.,
LEPORELLO (IRE), 6 wins at 3 years and £146,834 incl Tote Select S, Goodwood, Gr3 and
Stan James Now Online Winter Hill S, Windsor, Gr3; sire.
POPPY CAREW (IRE), 4 wins at 2 to 4 years and £62,731 incl John Musker S, Yarmouth,
L, 3rd Sun Chariot S, Newmarket, Gr2; dam of Argaum (IRE), placed 5 times at 2 and 3
years; also 3 wins over hurdles at 4 and 5 years, 2012 and £11,582, Kings Story (IRE), 2
wins over hurdles, 2012, Mick Duggan (GB), winner at 2 years, 2012.
[email protected]
Brun hingst 120504
Anmäld till Scandinavian Breeders’ System
Sonja Olsson/Ingbritt Stefansson
Östersäby Stuteri
0227-201 33
736 92 Kungsör
0702-81 10 48
Sadler’s Wells (USA)
In The Wings (GB)
High Hawk (IRE)
Dustoori (GB), mbr 2004
Green Desert (USA)
Elfaslah (IRE)
Fair of the Furze (USA)
Warning (GB)
Warningford (GB)
Barford Lady (GB)
Warning Lady, mbr 2005
Shareef Dancer (USA)
Natural Dancer (GB), 1999
Naturally Fresh (GB), 1984
1. mor
Warning Lady, winner and placed 3 times, 125.200 kr, FT72, this is her 2nd foal;
Awa, 2011 f by Academy Award (IRE), in training with Henrik Engblom, Mellerud
Sir Walter, see above
2. mor
Natural Dancer (GB), ran at 2-4 years; dam of three winners from 4 runners and 6 previous foals;
Sir Thor, 2009 c by Mirio (FR), 3 wins, placed 9 times, 371.282 kr, 3rd Norsk St Leger, FT82
Warning Lady, see above
Saturday Gift, 2010 f by Heart of Oak (USA), winner at 3 years, placed 3 times, 144.060 kr,
Iron Lady, 2006 f by Heart of Oak (USA), placed 5 times, 57.028 kr, FT57, dead at 4 years
Dancing Moon, 2007 f by Mirio (FR), ran 9 times, 16.800 kr, FT65
Crash For Cash, 2008 g by Heart of Oak (USA), unraced, dead at 2
3. mor
Naturally Fresh (GB), by Thatching (IRE), 2 wins at 2 years and £8455 and placed once, 4th Queen
Mary S, Royal Ascot, Gr3; dam of five winners from 10 runners and 13 foals;
Mystery Storm (GB), 8 wins at 2 to 5 years in Turkey and £155,175 and placed once.
Never To Louse (IRE), 3 wins at 3 and 4 years in Germany, £5794 and placed once.
Famous Fellow (IRE), placed twice at 2 years; also 2 wins at 3 and 4 years in Sweden and
£7220 and placed 10 times.
Perlethorpe (GB), placed 6 times at 3 years; also winner over hurdles at 4 and placed twice.
Wintertime (GB), winner over hurdles at 5 years and placed twice.
Nattier (GB), placed twice at 3 years. 
The next dam Lady Gaylord (USA), by Double Jump (GB), unraced; dam of six winners from 7 runners and 8 foals;
Naturally Fresh (GB), see above.
Sage King, 5 wins at 2 to 4 years and £12,884 and placed 4 times.
Mig, 2 wins, £7588, placed twice at 4 years; also winner over hurdles at 5 years and placed
twice and winner over fences at 6 years and placed twice.
God Bless, 2 wins, £7971, winner at 3 years and placed 3 times; also winner in South Africa.
Ribbons of Blue, winner at 5 years and placed 5 times; also placed 4 times over hurdles at 3, 4
and 6 years; dam of one winner:
Weekly (GB), winner at 3 years in Italy.
Winter Queen, winner at 2 years and placed 3 times.
The next dam ROMPING (USA), 2 wins at 3 years; dam of five winners from 8 runners and 11 foals;
ROMPER, 5 wins at home and in Italy and £12,757, Ladbroke Blue Riband Trial S, Epsom, Gr3,
placed 2nd Peter Hastings H, Newbury, L and 3rd Ladbroke Derby Trial S, Lingfield Park, Gr3.
Mallard Song, 6 wins, £8632, 4 wins at 3 and 5 years and £7188 and placed 7 times; also 2
wins over hurdles at 5 years and placed twice.
Uppfödd hos Karin Johansson, Brantshammar
Fux sto 120415
Anmäld till Scandinavian Breeders’ System
Kesire HB/Karl-Erik Edgren
Stråkvägen 18 [email protected]
187 32 Täby
08-758 91 86
Sadler’s Wells (USA)
Galileo (IRE)
Urban Sea (USA)
Nobileo (GB), fux 2003
Surumu (GER)
Nataliana (GER)
Nathia (USA)
Nureyev (USA)
Bal du Seigneur (USA)
Sonoma (FR)
Manick, mbr 2001
River Scape (USA)
Niece, 1991
Nigella, 1976
1. mor
Manick, 2001 s e Bal du Seigneur (USA), 6 segr, plac 14 ggr, 494.900 kr, Juvenile Fillies, 2a Amacitalöpn, 6e Dianalöpn, FT76, mor till tre tidigare avkommor;
Annicka, 2009 s e Songline, död som åring
Tommie Song, 2010 v e Songline, startat 9 ggr som 2- och 3-åring, 9.520 kr, FT62
Heart Man, 2011 v e Heart of Oak (USA), i träning hos Ylva Brandt, Angarn
Nobelick, se ovan
2. mor
Niece, ej startat, mor till fem vinnare av 5 startande och totalt 8 avkommor i startbar ålder;
DICK, 1997 v e Diligo (FR), 2 segr, plac 2 ggr på endast 5 starter, 203.500 kr, SM Sprinters, FT77
Manick, se ovan
Micke, 2002 v e Bal du Seigneur (USA), 5 segr, plac 7 ggr, inkl vinnare och plac över häckar,
291.082 kr, 3e Skandinavisk Mesterskap for 3-åringer, HM Drottningens Pris (häcklöpn), 7e
Breeders’ Trophy Mile, FT79
DANNICKE, 1996 v e Diligo (FR), 2 segr, plac 5 ggr, 94.600 kr, FT68
FIRE NICK, 1999 v e Fire Worshipper (IRE), vinnare, plac 6 ggr, 101.550 kr, FT68
Jannicke, 1998 s e Sparkling Boy (IRE), ej startat
Unica, 2003 s e Nicolotte (GB), ej startat
Sica Girl, 2005 s e Bal du Seigneur (USA), ej startat
3. mor
NIGELLA e Moderne (FR), 6 segr, plac 6 ggr, Diana Trial, 5e Svenskt Oaks, helsyster till NICKE, mor
till tre vinnare av 5 startande och totalt 7 avkommor;
NIGALLO, 1983 h e Glacial (DEN), 6 segr, plac 12 ggr, 113.800 kr, FT77
NICKAN, 1984 s e Tammer Fors (IRE), 2 segr, 33.300 kr, mor till en vinnare:
NIVA, 1991 s e Viking (USA), vinnare, plac 2 ggr, 29.100 kr, FT54
IRISH NICK, 1989 v e Bold Irish (IRE), vinnare, plac 4 ggr, 35.700 kr, FT57
Niece, se ovan
Nästa mor Niga e Hyperbole (GB), ej startat, mor till åtta vinnare;
NICKE, 1974 h e Moderne (FR), Årets Häst 1978, 1980 och 1984; 24 segr, plac 20 ggr, 1.194.865
kr, Stockholm Cup 3 ggr, Skandinavisk Grand Prix 2 ggr, Stockholms Stora Pris, L, SFK:s Jubileumslöpn, L, Dansk Eclipse S, L, SKS Stora Pris 5 ggr, Tvååringarnas Stayerprov, FT94, avelshingst
och far till 17 vinnare av 20 startande och totalt 23 avkommor inkl ALGOL, 4 segr, FT78,
Dansk Derby, Torino, 11 segr, FT78, 2e Svenskt Derby, 3e Sv St Leger, Vital, 3 segr, FT79, 2e
Sv St Leger, 3e Skand Mesterskap 3-år, QUICK NICK, 2 segr, FT75, LOVELY TALK, 3 segr, FT68,
NIZZE, 15 segr, FT70, NUTZ, 11 segr, FT66, NIKE, 5 segr, FT70, NICCO, 4 segr, FT64, etc
Billie Boy, 1964 h e Carnoustie (GB), 6 segr, 2e Norsk Derby
Nial, 1972 h e Montal (FR), 3 segr, 2e Vinterfavoriternas Pris, Svenskt Derby
MONITOR, 1969 v e Moderne (FR), 10 segr
NIGELLA, se ovan
NICOTINE, 1980 v e Tammer Fors (IRE), 3 segr, plac 9 ggr, FT69
CARITA, 1966 s e Hurricane, vinnare
Fux sto 120330
Anmäld till Scandinavian Breeders’ System
Kerstin o Bo Helander
Svista Säteri
186 97 Brottby
08-512 416 12
070-757 78 76
Bahri (USA)
Sakhee (USA)
Thawakib (IRE)
Zaahid (IRE), fux 2004
Pleasant Colony (USA)
Murjana (IRE)
Golden Reef (USA)
Damister (USA)
Celtic Swing (GB)
Celtic Ring (GB)
Celtic Flash, br 2005
Be My Guest (USA)
Bongo Quest (IRE), 1996
Not Too Bad (IRE), 1988
1. mor
Celtic Flash, only ran a few times, this is her 2nd foal;
Blixten McQueen, 2011 g by Zaahid (IRE), in training with Anna Axner, Angarn
752SWE00001394T, see above
2. mor
BONGO QUEST (IRE), 2 wins at 3 years in Sweden, £3,039 and placed 5 times, FT74; dam of five
winners from 8 runners and 8 foals of racing ageMusical Contest, 2009 f by Songline, 2 wins, placed 6 times, 545.060 kr, 2nd Amacitalöpn, SM
2-åriga hästar, FT80
CON CIO (IRE), c by Sri Pekan (USA), 8 wins in Italy and placed 3 times, ca 650.000 kr
EST EST EST (IRE), 2003 f by Shinko Forest (IRE), 4 wins, placed 7 times, 306.801 kr, FT79
DELAROCHE, 2008 g by Heart of Oak (USA), 3 wins, placed twice, 265.326 kr, FT76
I ASK YOU (IRE), 2004 f by Ashkalani (IRE), 2 wins and placed, 67.900 kr, FT67
Bongo’s Stardust, 2010 f by Dustoori (GB), ran 10 times at 2-3 years 2012-2013, 27.270 kr, FT65
3. mor
Not Too Bad (IRE), by Simply Great (FR), 3 wins at 2-4 yrs and £22,039 and placed 14 times incl 2nd
Norsk 1000 Guineas, L, and 3rd Malmo Stads Pris, L; dam of five winners from 7 runners and 8
foals of racing ageStone Tycoon (IRE) (1998 c. by Bigstone (IRE), 14 wins at 3 to 8 years, 2006 in Italy and
£149,566 and placed 44 times incl 2nd Premio Nearco, Rome, L.
BONGO QUEST (IRE), see above
BOYS’ CHOICE, 2004 f by Indian Danehill (IRE), winner and placed, 156.960 kr, FT73
TAWNY EAGLE, 2000 f by Eagle Eyed (USA), winner and placed twice, 100.950 kr, FT70; dam of
two winners: KNOXVILLE, 2006 g by Most Welcome (GB), 3 wins at 3, 2009, 157.800 kr,
FT71, and MISS MARPLE, 2009 f by Medecis (GB), 2 wins and placed twice, 103.180 kr, FT67
NO TWO WORDS (IRE), 2002 f by Diaghlyphard (USA), winner at 2 years, 2004 in Sweden and
£3,225 and placed twice, FT72
Devils Date, 2006 g by Malvernico (IRE), placed 7 times in 13 starts, 68.800 kr, FT65
To The Queen, placed 3 times, dam of four winners from 5 runners and 6 foals of racing age;
CROSSOFFISSIO, 2003 g by Diaghlyphard (USA), 5 wins, placed 3 times, 312.270 kr, 4th
Rosengårdlöpn, 5th Sofierolöpn, FT84
QUEEN OF RACING, 2005 f by Pennekamp (USA), 2 wins and placed 6 times, 228.340 kr, 4th
in Amacitalöpn and SM för 2-åriga hästar, FT71
Kingbird, 2004 c by Prince of Birds (USA), 3 wins and placed 9 times, 225.050 kr, FT65
Mazzarin, 2006 f by Mirio (FR), winner and placed, also placed twice over hurdles,
122.200, FT68
The next dam AUDENHOVE (GER), by Marduk (GER), 4 wins at 3 and 4 years in West Germany and
51,920 D.M. and placed 13 times; Own sister to ALEGRIA (GER); dam of seven winners from 8
runners and 8 foals of racing age vizNot Too Bad (IRE), see above.
GOLDEN LUCK, 6 wins at 5 to 7 years in Hong Kong, £77,690.
[email protected]
Brun hingst 120131
Anmäld till Scandinavian Breeders’ System
Alebäcks Stuteri AB/Peter Björnsson
Lindärva Gård
0510-507 51
531 91 Vinninga
0706-23 09 23
Impression (ARG)
Gloria De Campeao (BRZ), br 2003
Audacity (BRZ)
Nicolotte (GB)
Premier, br 2005
Fernet-Branca, 1988
Rubiano (USA)
Improbable Lady (USA)
Clackson (BRZ)
Orient Girl (ARG)
Night Shift (USA)
Nicoletta (GB)
Diligo (FR)
Almunicar (GB), 1977
1. mor
PREMIER, 5 wins at 2 to 4 years in Sweden and £36,364 and placed 12 times, Götalandlöpn, 2nd
Becky Moss Fillies Mile, 4th Scania Sprint, 5th Altamiralöpn, FT80; Own sister to AUCHROISK (SWE);
Above is her first foaL.
Bear Premier, see above
2. mor
FERNET-BRANCA (SWE), 6 wins at 2 to 4 years in Sweden and placed 12 times; dam of eight winners from 10 runners and 11 foals;
AUCHROISK (SWE) (f. by Nicolotte (GB), 3 wins at 2, 4 and 5 years, £68,240 incl Jockeyklubbens Avelslopn, L, placed 13 times incl 2nd Margareta Wettermarks Minneslopn, L, 3rd
Jockeyklubbens Avelslopn, L and Margareta Wettermarks Minneslopn, L.
Premier (SWE), see above.
Tebheagnaneilan (SWE), 3 wins at 2, 3 and 5 years, £48,312 and placed 10 times.
Black Grouse (SWE), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2011, £30,281 and placed 9 times.
Lochranza (SWE), 2 wins at 3 years in Sweden and placed 4 times.
Glenury Royal (SWE), 2 wins at 3 years in Sweden and placed once.
Tamnavulin (SWE), winner at 5 years in Sweden and placed 5 times.
Glen Edward’s (SWE), winner at 2 years in Sweden and placed 3 times.
3. mor
ALMUNICAR (GB), by Sharpen Up (GB), winner at 2 years and placed 3 times; dam of six winners
from 8 runners and 13 foals;
ROMI MARTANG (SWE), 4 wins at 2, 3 and 5 years in Sweden and £27,805 incl
Svealandlopning, Taby, L, placed 2nd Dianalopning (1000 Guineas), Taby, L and 3rd Avianca
de Colombi Amacitalopning, Taby, L; dam of a winner,
Fernet-Branca (SWE), see above.
First Skyline (SWE), 6 wins at 2 to 4 years in Sweden and placed 11 times.
Springbank (SWE), 3 wins at 4 to 6 years in Denmark and in Sweden and placed 24 times.
Hogmanay (SWE), 3 wins at 3 and 4 years in Sweden and placed 8 times.
Brancamenta (SWE), 2 wins at 4 and 5 years in Sweden and placed 9 times.
Brora (SWE), unraced; dam of a winner,
Prince of Darkness (SWE), winner, 2012 in Norway and in Sweden.
The next dam Zorelia (FR), winner in France and 38,200 fr. and placed 4 times incl 2nd Prix des
Reves d’Or, Vichy; Own sister to ZORONGO (FR); dam of three winners from 3 runners and 4 foals,
Zorepane (FR), unraced; dam of three winners inc.,
Pampered Sue, winner at 4 years and placed 6 times; also 2 wins over hurdles at 5 years
and placed twice; dam of FOR WILLIAM, 8 wins, £57,507, 2 wins in N.H. Flat Races
at 4 years and placed 4 times; also 2 wins over hurdles at 4 and 5 years and placed 8
times and 4 wins over fences and £44,643 incl Denny Gold Medal Extended H. Chase,
Tralee, L and National Trial H. Chase, Punchestown, L, placed 19 times incl 2nd Guinness
Kerry National Ext. H’cap Chase, Listowel, L (twice) and 3rd Lee & Co Shop Local Ext. H.
Chase, Leopardstown, L; also winner of a point-to-point.
Uppfödd på Rävdansens Stuteri
Brun hingst 120317
Anmäld till Scandinavian Breeders’ System
Jenny och Ture Lindblad
Carl Johansgatan 10 teamlindblad.com
633 58 Eskilstuna
070-658 42 97
Mr Prospector (USA)
Eishin Dunkirk (USA), fux 1997
Forest Flower (USA)
Hamas (IRE)
Miletrian Cares (IRE), br 1996
Goodnight Girl (IRE), 1990
Raise A Native (USA)
Gold Digger (USA)
Green Forest (USA)
Leap Lively (USA)
Danzig (USA)
Fall Aspen (USA)
Alzao (USA)
I Want My Say (USA), 1984
1. mor
Miletrian Cares (IRE), ran 3 times at 2; dam of three winners from 6 runners, 7 previous foals;
Gottany O’s (GB) (2008 g. by Storming Home (GB), 6 wins, £28,899, 5 wins at 3 years, 2011
and £25,144 and placed twice; also winner over hurdles at 4 years, 2012 and placed twice,
TF92/flat, died at 4.
Arry Dash (GB), 2000 g by Fraam (GB), 5 wins, £44,298, 4 wins at 3 to 5 years and £39,938 and
placed 18 times; also winner over hurdles at 5 years and placed once, TF91/flat.
Gee Ceffyl Bach (GB), 2004 f by Josr Algarhoud (IRE), 2 wins at 3 and 4 and placed 4 times.
Prince Afram (GB), 2005 c by Fraam (GB), placed twice at 3 years.
Sir Blackbrown, 2011 c by Dustoori (GB), in training with Vanja Sandrup, Jägersro
Breaking News, see above
2. mor
Goodnight Girl (IRE), unraced; dam of three winners from 7 runners and 7 foals;
Sharaman Brick (IRE), 4 wins at 3 and 4 years in Italy and £14,084.
Muscle Power (IRE), 4 wins, £15,209, 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in Italy and £10,825; also winner
over jumps at 3 years in Italy.
Patavium Princess (IRE), 2 wins at 2 years and £13,626.
3. mor
I Want My Say (USA), by Tilt Up (USA), ran on the flat in France at 3 years; dam of three winners
from 9 runners and 12 foals;
Lingus (IRE), 12 wins in Turkey and £110,526.
Chincheta (IRE), 5 wins at 3 to 5 years in Spain, broodmare.
Dantesque (IRE), 3 wins at 4 years and £16,656.
The next dam RAJPUT PRINCESS, 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in France and 323,399 fr. incl Poule d’Essai
des Pouliches, Longchamp, 2nd Prix Saint-Alary, Longchamp; dam of seven winners from 12 runners
and 14 foals inc,
ESPRIT DU NORD (USA), 4 wins at 2 to 4 years in France, in West Germany and in Italy and
£367,969 incl Gran Premio di Milano, Milan, Gr1 and Preis von Europa, Koln, Gr1, 2nd St Leger
S, Doncaster, Gr1, Grosser Preis von Baden, Baden-Baden, Gr1, 3rd Grand Prix de Saint-Cloud,
Saint-Cloud, Gr1, Prix du Jockey Club, Chantilly, Gr1, Rothman’s International S, Woodbine,
Gr1, Japan Cup, Tokyo, Gr1, 4th Trusthouse Forte P. de l’Arc de Triomphe, Longchamp, Gr1
and Premio Roma, Rome, Gr1; sire.
REGAL EXCEPTION (USA), 2 wins at 3 years at home and in France and £35,954 incl Irish Guinness
Oaks, Curragh, Gr1, 2nd Oaks S, Epsom, Gr1 and 4th Prix de l’Arc de Triomphe, Longchamp,
Gr1; dam of six winners inc,
ORBAN (USA), Champion older stayer in Europe and Italy in 1987, won Premio Roma, Gr1.
TWILIGHT HOUR (USA), won Prix Fille de l’Air, Saint-Cloud, Gr3.
SIKORSKY (USA), won Services Memorial Cup, Randwick, L; sire.
Catherine Parr (USA), placed in France 2nd Prix d’Aumale, Longchamp, Gr3, Prix de Psyche,
Deauville, Gr3, Prix d’Angerville, Evry, L and 3rd Prix d’Astarte, Deauville, Gr2; dam of
ALONDITE (JPN), won Japan Cup Dirt, Tokyo, L, 2nd Hai Tokai S, Chukyo, Gr2.
Fux hingst 120402
Anmäld till Scandinavian Breeders’ System
Karin Johansson
Brantshammar Stuteri
741 92 Knivsta
Mr Prospector (USA)
Eishin Dunkirk (USA), fux 1997
Forest Flower (USA)
Roi Danzig (USA)
Quite Easy (IRE), br 1996
Quietly Impressive (IRE), 1988
018-38 11 25
070-628 11 25
Raise A Native (USA)
Gold Digger (USA)
Green Forest (USA)
Leap Lively (USA)
Danzig (USA)
Gdynia (USA)
Taufan (USA)
Way Ahead (IRE), 1977
1. mor
QUITE EASY (IRE), 7 wins and placed 5 times, 384.500 kr, Juvenile Mile, 2nd Scandinavia Cup and
Amacitalöpn, 5th in Norwegian 1000 Guineas, FT85, dam of five winners from 9 runners and 10
foals of racing age QUITE LUCKY, 2001 f by Sharp Matt (GB), 3 wins and placed 6 times, 252.535 kr, Cinnamon
Challenge, 2nd Cinnamon Challenge, 5th Norwegian 1000 Guineas, SM Sprinters, FT80
Quite Nice, 2003 f by Sharp Matt (GB), 2 wins, placed 3 times, 162.800 kr, FT74
Quite Sharp, 2002 g by Sharp Matt (GB), winner and placed 6 times, 91.850 kr, FT65
Trainer’s Trial, 2006 c by Funambule (USA), winner in first and only start at 2, 80.000 kr, FT70
Quiteria, 2010 f by Funambule (USA), winner, placed 4 times at 2, 2012, 167.240 kr, FT74
Quite The Best, 2004 c by Malvernico (IRE), ran 6 times at 2 and 3 years, 2.500 kr, FT59
Quick Step, 2008 g by Sharp Matt (GB), ran 7 times at 3, 2011, FT54
Quite Flirty, 2009 f by Funambule (USA), exported to Norway, ran 5 times at 3, 2012
Qigong, 2011 c by Heart of Oak (USA), in training with Ole Larsen, Jägersro
Quinto, see above
2. mor
QUIETLY IMPRESSIVE (IRE), 3 wins at 3 years and £13,203 and placed 6 times; also placed once over
hurdles; dam of four winners from 6 runners and 8 foals of racing age viz QUITE EASY (IRE), see above.
QUIET TRAVELLER (IRE), 3 wins at 3 years and £27,621 and placed 13 times.
Quity (IRE), 3 wins at 3 to 5 years, 2010 in Hungary and in Slovakia.
PERUVIAN BREEZE (IRE), winner at 3 years, 2004 and £3,619 and placed once; also placed twice
over hurdles at 4 years.
3. mor
WAY AHEAD (IRE) by Sovereign Path (GB), Own sister to EVERYTHING NICE, winner at 3 years, from
only 2 starts; dam of one winner from 6 runners and 10 foals of racing age QUIETLY IMPRESSIVE (IRE), see above.
The next dam Emma Canute, 2 wins at 2 years, placed 6 times incl 2nd Princess Margaret S, Ascot;
dam of six winners from 7 runners and 9 foals of racing age incl EVERYTHING NICE, 7 wins at home and in USA incl Cherry Hinton S, Newmarket, Gr3 and Musidora S, York, Gr3, 2nd Pretty Polly S, Curragh, Gr2, Pretty Polly S, L; dam of ten winners;
NICER (IRE), won The I.A.W.S. Irish 1000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr1, 3rd Premio Vittorio di
Capua-Consiglio d’ Europa, Milan, Gr1, grandam of PYRRHA (GB), 4 wins at 2 to 4
years, 2010 and £140,597, incl Totesport Chartwell S, Lingfield Park, Gr3.
Nice Noble (USA), winner in Italy, 3rd Premio Novella, Milan, L; grandam of KELANTAN
(NZ), 9 wins at 3, 4 and 6 in Malaysia, New Zealand and Singapore and £180,748, South
Island 2yo S, L, Sultan Gold Vase, L and Japan Bloodhorse Breeders Asoc.3yo Chall, L.
Naxos (USA), winner in U.S.A, 3rd Villager S, Keystone; dam of Noble Choice (GB), 6 wins,
£30,423, 3 wins at 3 and 4 years and £10,325; also 3 wins over hurdles at 4 years and
£20,098 3rd Lartigue H. Hurdle, Listowel, L; grandam of Show Blessed (IRE), 7 wins,
£85,249, 2 wins and £22,510; also 3 wins over hurdles, 2009 and £27,579.
[email protected]
Brun hingst 120326
Anmäld till Scandinavian Breeders’ System
Sonja Olsson
Östersäby Stuteri
736 92 Kungsör
0227-201 33
0702-81 10 48
Danzig (USA)
Danehill (USA)
Razyana (USA)
Academy Award (IRE), br 2000
Taufan (USA)
Ingabelle (GB)
Bodelle (USA)
Priolo (USA)
Mirio (FR)
Mira Monte (GB)
Mirona, br 2006
Taufan (USA)
Saucy Girl (FR), 1989
Saucy Singer (USA), 1982
1. mor
Mirona, 3 wins, placed 5 times, 1.015.119 kr, SFAF/SÅEF Auktions­löpn, 2nd Swedish St Leger, Swedish
Oaks, Breeders’ Trophy Classic, 3rd Scandinavian Classic Challenge, 5th Mowerinalöb, Breeders’ Trophy
Stayer, FT79, above is the first foal;
752SWE00001377T, see above
2. mor
SAUCY GIRL (FR), 5 wins at 2 and 3 years, 680.000 kr, Danish Oaks, Norweigan Oaks, placed 9 times,
2nd Amacitalöpn, Svealandlöpn, 3rd Norweigan 1000 Guineas, Norweigan Kriterium, Peugot Pokallop,
4e Norweigan Derby, FT80, dam of ten winners from 12 runners and 13 foals of racing age viz;
Itsagroom, 2005 c by Itsabrahma (GB), 6 wins, placed 8 times, 788.354 kr, Danish Breeders’
Cup, 3rd Swedish Derby Trial, 4th Breeders’ Trophy Juvenile, 7th Swedish Derby, Breeders’
Trophy Mile, FT85
Mirona, see above
SAUCY BIRD, 1998 f by Diaghlyphard (USA), 2 wins, 581.002 kr, Swedish Criterium, SM för
2-åriga Ston, 5e Norweigan Oaks, Swedish Oaks, FT79
The Groom, 1997 c by French Groom (USA), 4 wins, placed 6 times, 779.500 kr, Sweden Cup
Stayers, 2e Swedish Derby, Swedish St Leger, FT82
Elegant Song, 2003 c by Songline, 6 wins and placed 12 times including 2 wins and placed 3
times over jumps, 861.804 kr, 2nd Breeders’ Trophy Classic, Kapps Stora Pris, 3rd Jockeyklubbens Stora Pris Steeplechase, 4th Ulriksdals Minneslöpn, 5th Swedish St Leger, Breeders’
Trophy Stayer, Kapps Stora Pris, SM Classic, FT84
Baggins, 2002 c by Funambule (USA), 6 wins and placed 37 times in Denmark, 432.128 kr, 2nd
Albani Store Sprint, 4th Larch Ærespræmie, FT73
ITSAGIRL, 1995 f by Itsabrahma (GB), 7 wins, placed 12 times, 480.410 kr, FT79, broodmare
SAUCY HEART, 2004 f by Heart of Oak (USA), 3 wins, placed 3 times, 277.900 kr, 5th Diana­löpn,
FT77, broodmare
Lions Prospect, 2008 c by Heart of Oak (USA), 4 wins, placed 15 times, 398.270 kr, FT73
BRAVE HEART, 2001 g by Heart of Oak (USA), winner, placed, 31.915 kr, FT65
Flying Saucer, 2009 g by Mirio (FR), placed 5 times in 14 starts at 3-4, 2013, 107.240 kr, FT71
3. mor
Saucy Singer (USA), by The Minstrel (CAN), winner at 3 years and £3265 and placed 3 times; also
placed once in Italy viz 3rd Premio Giovanni Falck, Milan, L; dam of three winners from 5 runners, 9
foals of racing age viz–
SAUCY GIRL (FR), see above.
BOLD SINGER (FR), 2 wins in France.
Septieme Symphonie (FR), winner at 3 years in France and £7407; dam of two winners inc,
SYMPHONIQUE (FR), 5 wins, £98,243, winner at 2 years in France; also 4 wins over jumps
at 3-4 years in France and £93,691 incl Prix Chambly Hurdle, L and Prix Sagan Hurdle, L.
Kitty Clive (GB), unraced; dam of four winners inc,
Kitty d’Argos (FR), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in France and £25,178; dam of Crindegun (FR), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2009 in France and £40,890.
Från och med 2012 har vi ett nytt system med gemensam anmälan till de tre
Breedersloppen i Skandinavien. Breeders’ Trophy i Sverige, Breeders Prize
i Norge och Breeders’ Cup i Danmark har de två första insatserna gemensamma.
Detta innebär att en åring som har anmälts till någon
av de tre serierna, automatiskt är anmäld till alla tre!
Även den andra insatsen, som ska erläggas den 2 december 2013, är gemensam. Därefter delas loppen upp så att tredje insats erläggs separat till de
tre olika systemen. Detta betyder att hästägare, som inte önskar kvarstå i
samtliga tre system, måste stryka sin häst före nästkommande insats till
respektive organisation; Svensk Galopp, Dansk Galop eller Norsk Jockeyklub.
Skandinaviskt Breeders-system för löpningar 2014-2016:
Första insatsen
är redan erlagd av uppfödaren
Andra insatsen
erläggs den 2 dec 2013 och är även den
gemensam för alla tre Breeders-systemen
Tredje insatsen
erläggs under 2014 (se resp arrangörs proposition)
Svensk Galopp
Dansk Galop
Norsk Jockeyklub
Lång erfarenhet och pålitlig hög klass!
Sedan starten 1982 har Svista Säteris uppfödningar
tillsammmans sprungit in nära 32.000.000 kr.
Vi har varit uppfödarchampion i Sverige 2010 och 2011
(samt tidigare även 1999, 2000 och 2001).
Vi har 7 åringar i årets katalog till SÅEF-auktionen:
Katalognr 1, 12, 19, 25, 34, 47 och 56
Några av
våra bästa
Uppercut Action
JK Jubileumslöpn, Sv Kriterium, Voterlöpn, SÅEF/SFAF
Auktionslöpn, SM 2-åriga
2010, 2e Sv Derby 2011, FT 90
Erroll, JK Jubileumslöpn,
Swedish Open Mile (L),
Svenskt Kriterium, SFAF/SÅEF
Auktionslöpn och SM 2-åriga,
3e Sth Stora Pris, FT93
Double Net, Svenskt Derby,
JK Jubileumslöpn, Breeders’
Tr, SM Stayers
Svista Säteris ZAAHID har sin första kull med 10 2-åringar på
banan 2013 och tränarna är mycket nöjda med dem.
Selous, Svenskt St Leger, 3e
Vinterfavoriternas Pris
Salad Days
Breeders’ Trophy
Stone Tycoon
2e i Listed, 12 segr i Italien
Simply Coolawinnia
Svenskt Oaks, JK Avelslöpn,
2a Sv St Leger
2e SM 2-åriga,
3e JK Jubileums­löpn
Blue Secret
2e i Listed, 8 segr i Italien
Pris, hindervinnare
i Frankrike och Schweiz
Turtle Turmoil
5 raka segr på häckar inkl
Svenskt Champion Hurdle
Musical Contest
2 segr, 2e Amacita, SM 2-år
Malvern Lass
Årets 2-åring på Täby 2004
Easy Way
3 segr, 2a SM 2-åriga,
4e Sv Oaks, Scand
Classic Challenge
Donn Eagle
Svealandlöpning, 2e Vinter­
favoriternas Pris, Malmö
Stads Pris
JK Jubileumslöpning
I’m Proposing
Stakesvinnare i England,
TF 110
Buzz Lightyear
Årets 2-åring 2011, 2 segr,
Vinterfavoriternas Pris
. . . och många fler!
Välkomna att
bese vår åringskull!
Kerstin o Bo Helander
på Svista Säteri
Tel 08-512 416 12
Bo 0707-77 32 11
Kerstin 0707-57 78 76
Rätt försäkrad
Tryggt hästägande med Agria
lägre prem
Säkra ditt
rvård för
449 kro
Veterinärvårdsförsäkringen A2 ökar du enkelt tryggheten för
Vi Med
på plats och hjälper dig att försäkra
din nhäst,
dig och din häst – för bara 449 kronor om året. Maxersättningen är
om året r
000 du
är 2 800 kronor
samt enåret,
rörlig del om
du köpt häst på
20 procent. I försäkringen ingår buköppning och kolik utan extra
Hästar sålda
på auktionen
kostnad. En olycksfallsförsäkring
för ryttare
eller kusk ingår i allaär automatiskt/gratis
Agrias hästförsäkringar.
livförsäkrade i en månad hos Agria till köpeskilling!
Ring oss redan i dag så berättar vi mer. Du hittar ditt lokala
ditt lokala
Nilsson 070-811
på agria.se
eller kontakta
på 020-8849
88. Lars Lindh 070-557 87 07,
eller ring 020-88 88 88.
Kerstin Åker Werner 070-371 60 56 för att få veta mer. Du kan också ringa 020-88 88 88.
för djuroch grödaförsäkring.
Djurförsäkring är
är länsförsäkringsgruppens
för djuroch grödaförsäkring.
A Porto betalt/Sverige
Adressreturer: SRB, Box 14, 182 05 Djursholm
Inte bara salt.
Magnesium, Selen, Biotin, E-vitamin,
Koppar, Jod, Zink, Järn, Mangan
och Kobolt.
Salinity Horse är inte bara salt. Det är ett helt program av salter för hästar.
Prepress SRB AB, Djursholm, tryck Strands Grafiska, Lindesberg 2013 - 1.200 ex
Tio skillnader mellan vanligt
salt och SP Häst.