2013 Doctoral programme grant

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Kansliets noteringar
Doctoral programme grant
Area of science
Educational Science
Announced grants
Forskarskola för lärare och förskollärare
Total amount for which applied (kSEK)
Name(Last name, First name)
Date of birth
Bengtsson, Stefan
Email address
Academic title
[email protected]
Doctoral degree awarded (yyyy-mm-dd)
040 - 6657884
University/corresponding, Department, Section/Unit, Address, etc.
Malmö Högskola
Gemensam förvaltning
20506 Malmö,
Administrating Organisation
Malmö Högskola
Project title, Swedish (max 200 char)
Forskarskola för förskollärare med inriktning mot bedömning och dokumentation (FoBeDok)
Project title, English (max 200 char)
Research school for preschool teachers with a focus on assessment and documentation
Abstract (max 1500 char)
The aim of the research school is to offer an innovative postgraduate studies program for the development of preschool
professionals. It also aims to uncover new knowledge about the assessment and documentation that take their starting point from the
purpose of the preschool and its relation to the children´s learning and development. The research school will highlight the actor in
relation to the construction of content and to the form of assessment and documentation. The content may cover literacy and
communication, as well as mathematics and science. There is a strong and crucial need for research and professional development
in this area. We assume that documentation and assessment practices can empower and strengthen children, parents, and
professionals, but can also weaken and restrict them. The research school is founded on a national cooperation between Malmö
University, the University of Gothenburg, Karlstad University, Kristianstad University, Linköping University, Linnaeus University, and
Mälardalen University, and is enhanced by the Nordic Network for Assessment and Documentation Studies in Early Childhood
Education. The research school is firmly grounded in the teacher education program which is conducted at all the universities
involved, and is characterized by its close connection to preschool practice. It represents a supportive structure for a high-priority
albeit largely neglected field of research
Vetenskapsrådet, Box 1035, SE-101 38 Stockholm, tel. +46 (0)8 546 44 000, [email protected]
Name of Applicant
Bengtsson, Stefan
Date of birth
Abstract language
Bedömning, dokumentation, förskola, lärande, utveckling
Research areas
Review panel
Classification codes (SCB) in order of priority
50301, 50302, 50304
Ethical considerations are described in enclosed appendix A on page: 10
Application is also submitted to
similar to:
identical to:
Animal studies
No animal experiments
Name(Last name, First name)
University/corresponding, Department, Section/Unit, Addressetc.
Vallberg Roth, Ann-Christine
Malmö Högskola
Lärande och Samhälle
Date of birth
Academic title
Doctoral degree awarded (yyyy-mm-dd)
Name(Last name, First name)
University/corresponding, Department, Section/Unit, Addressetc.
Jönsson, Anders
Högskolan i Kristianstad
Sektionen för Lärande och Miljö
Date of birth
Academic title
Doctoral degree awarded (yyyy-mm-dd)
Name(Last name, First name)
University/corresponding, Department, Section/Unit, Addressetc.
Karlsudd, Peter
Institutionen för pedagogik
Date of birth
Academic title
Doctoral degree awarded (yyyy-mm-dd)
Name(Last name, First name)
University/corresponding, Department, Section/Unit, Addressetc.
Löfdahl, Annica
Karlstads universitet
Institutionen för pedagogiska studier
Date of birth
Academic title
Doctoral degree awarded (yyyy-mm-dd)
Name(Last name, First name)
University/corresponding, Department, Section/Unit, Addressetc.
Markström, Ann-Marie
Linköpings universitet
Vetenskapsrådet, Box 1035, SE-101 38 Stockholm, tel. +46 (0)8 546 44 000, [email protected]
Name of Applicant
Bengtsson, Stefan
Date of birth
Institutionen för beteendevetenskap och lärande, (IBL)
Date of birth
Academic title
Doctoral degree awarded (yyyy-mm-dd)
Associate professor
Name(Last name, First name)
University/corresponding, Department, Section/Unit, Addressetc.
Nihlholm, Claes
Malmö Högskola
Lärande & samhälle, Skolutveckling och ledarskap (SoL)
Date of birth
Academic title
Doctoral degree awarded (yyyy-mm-dd)
Associate professor
Name(Last name, First name)
University/corresponding, Department, Section/Unit, Addressetc.
Sandberg, Anette
Mälardalens Högskola
Akademin för utbildning, kultur och kommunikation
Date of birth
Academic title
Doctoral degree awarded (yyyy-mm-dd)
Name(Last name, First name)
University/corresponding, Department, Section/Unit, Addressetc.
Sheridan, Sonja
Göteborgs universitet
Institutionen för pedagogik, kommunikation och lärande IPKL
Date of birth
Academic title
Doctoral degree awarded (yyyy-mm-dd)
Name(Last name, First name)
University/corresponding, Department, Section/Unit, Addressetc.
Tallberg Broman, Ingegerd
Malmö Högskola
Lärande & Samhälle, Barn Unga Samhälle (BUS)
Date of birth
Academic title
Doctoral degree awarded (yyyy-mm-dd)
Name(Last name, First name)
University/corresponding, Department, Section/Unit, Addressetc.
Date of birth
Academic title
Doctoral degree awarded (yyyy-mm-dd)
A, B, C, N, S
Funding period (planned start and end date)
2014-01-01 -- 2017-12-31
Staff/ salaries (kSEK)
Main applicant
% of full time in the project
Ann-Christine Vallberg Roth
Vetenskapsrådet, Box 1035, SE-101 38 Stockholm, tel. +46 (0)8 546 44 000, [email protected]
Name of Applicant
Bengtsson, Stefan
Date of birth
Other staff
Ingegerd Tallberg Broman
Sonja Sheridan/ Pia Williams
Annica Löfdahl/ Karin Franzén
A Jönsson, A Ljung Djärf, S Thulin 5
A-M Markström, Maria Simonsson 5
P Karlsudd, A Emilsson, A
Sandberg, Anne Lillkvist
Lotta Nyren
Magnus Gudmundsson
Supervision, International lectures
Total, salaries (kSEK):
Other projectrelated costs (kSek)
1634 1709 1779 1810
Nordic conference
Total, other costs (kSEK):
Total amount for which applied (kSEK)
Other VR-projects (granted and applied) by the applicant and co-workers, if applic. (kSEK)
Proj.no.(M) or reg.nr.
Funded 2013
Funded 2014 Applied 2014
Synliggörande, dokumentation och
en förändrad lärarprofession i
Karlstads universitet
Proj.no.(M) or reg.nr.
Funded 2013
Forskarskola för ämnesdidaktik i
mångfaldens förskola
Malmö högskola
Proj.no.(M) or reg.nr.
Funded 2013
Project title
Project title
Funded 2014 Applied 2014
Funded 2014 Applied 2014
Vetenskapsrådet, Box 1035, SE-101 38 Stockholm, tel. +46 (0)8 546 44 000, [email protected]
Name of Applicant
Bengtsson, Stefan
Date of birth
Project title
Gruppstorlekens betydelse för
barns möjligheter att lära och
utvecklas i förskolan
Funds received by the applicant from other funding sources, incl ALF-grant (kSEK)
Popularscience heading and description (max 4500 char)
Forskarskola för förskollärare med inriktning mot bedömning och dokumentation
Forskarskolan har fokus på bedömning och dokumentation relaterad till förskolans ämnesområden och yngre barns lärande och
utveckling i områden som språk, kommunikation, matematik och naturvetenskap. Det övergripande syftet är att erbjuda en innovativ
forskarutbildning, genom en nationell samverkan mellan sju lärosäten med samlad spetskompetens inom forskarskolans tema.
Syftet är vidare att utgöra ett nav för att stärka det vetenskapliga förhållningssättet hos förskollärare och att öka kunskapsbasen i
frågor som har hög aktualitet och omfattande kunskapsbehov i dagens förskola Forskarskolan tar utgångspunkt i samhällsprocesser
som migration, medialisering och ökande segregation uppväxtvillor och belyser inledningsvis familj och barndom i förändring.
Framhävande av vikten av barns rättigheter har skapat förutsättningar för ökat deltagande och demokratisering. Tilliten till ett
kompetent, självstyrande barn kombineras dock med en omfattande uppmärksamhet genom dokumentation och bedömning.
Revideringen av den svenska förskolans läroplan har medfört ett fokus på utvärdering, som kan tolkas på olika sätt. Det finns
formuleringar om att verksamheten ska utvärderas, samtidigt som varje barns utveckling och lärande ska följas, dokumenteras och
analyseras. I förslaget till ny skollag framförs att förskolebarn inte ska bedömas utifrån fastställda normer och inte jämföras med
någon annan än sig själv. Dessa skrivningar har utmanat de professionella och utgör ett av flera skäl till att utveckla forskningen om
bedömning i förskola. Vad är det som gäller för den systematiska dokumentationen, kvalitetsarbetet och utvärderingen i förskola?
Vilka typer av bedömnings- och utvärderingsmodeller anses bäst anpassade för att följa och granska förskolans verksamhet och
pedagogiska uppdrag, bland annat genom analys av vilka argument som åberopas för och emot en viss modell och vilka
vetenskapsteoretiska utgångspunkter den grundas på. Forskarskolans konstruktion, där de forskarstuderande arbetar halvtid i
förskola och studerar halvtid, ger förutsättningar för en dialog mellan forskning och verksamhet och ett stöd att på vetenskaplig grund
och beprövad erfarenhet vidareutveckla professionell kompetens i förhållande till dessa problem. Den ökade användningen av
begreppet kvalitet har också medfört att forskare intresserat sig för fenomenet i termer av ?the Quality turn? (Segerholm, 2012). I
forskarskolan diskuteras frågan om vad som ligger bakom utbildningen som en målrationell process som huvudsakligen är till för
ekonomisk tillväxt. Forskarskolan intresserar sig också för frågor om (o)jämlikhet relaterade till genus, social klass och etnicitet, för
att kritiskt problematisera förskolans policy och hur professioner och identiteter förhandlas i dokumentations- och
bedömningspraktiker. Sammantaget utgår forskarskolan från att bedömning och dokumentation å ena sidan kan
Vetenskapsrådet, Box 1035, SE-101 38 Stockholm, tel. +46 (0)8 546 44 000, [email protected]
Name of Applicant
Bengtsson, Stefan
Date of birth
försvaga och vilseleda och andra sidan kan stödja och förstärka barns utveckling och lärande, föräldrar och professionella.
Forskarskolan baseras på ett nationellt samarbete mellan Malmö högskola, Göteborgs universitet, Högskolan Kristianstad, Karlstad
universitet, Linköpings universitet, Linnéuniversitetet och Mälardalens högskola. Dess handledarkollegium och sammantagna
forskningsmiljö utgörs av en framstående grupp forskare. Tillsammans med de forskarstuderande ska de bidra till en kraftfull
utveckling av det rubricerade kunskapsfältet. Forskarskolan kommer att vara av stort värde för förskolläraryrkets akademisering,
liksom för en lärarutbildning i förändring och för motsvarande förskoleverksamheters vidareutveckling. Genom satsningar på
upprättande av nationellt samarbete och nordiskt nätverk, på webplattform och öppet forum, samt en konferens under forskarskolans
avslutande termin ska den uppnå sin målsättning, att utgöra ett nav för utveckling av forskningsfältet i nordiskt avseende. Forskning
inom detta fält avser sammantaget att bidra till kunskapsutveckling i frågor som rör professionen och verksamheten för att
därigenom öka barns förutsättningar för utveckling och lärande och välbefinnande i förskolan, liksom föräldrars rättigheter till
delaktighet och påverkan på sina barns vardagliga tillvaro i förskolan. Forskarskolans bidrag innebär en förstärkning och
vidareutveckling såväl teoretiskt som begreppsmässigt inom bedömnings- och dokumentationsfältet med inriktning mot förskola.
Vetenskapsrådet, Box 1035, SE-101 38 Stockholm, tel. +46 (0)8 546 44 000, [email protected]
Name of applicant
Bengtsson, Stefan
Date of birth
Title of research programme
Research school for preschool teachers with a focus on assessment and documentation
Research programme
VRAPS/VR-Direct bilaga 2004.Ae
Vetenskapsrådet, Box 1035, SE-101 38 Stockholm, tel. +46 (0)8 546 44 000, [email protected]
Bilaga A
Research school for preschool teachers with a focus on assessment and
documentation (FoBeDok)
Focus of the research school
The proposed research school will focus on assessment and documentation related to
preschool disciplines as well as early childhood learning and development. The overall aim is
to offer innovative research training through a national collaboration involving seven
universities with expertise in the mission of the research school, and to serve as a hub to
strengthen the scientific approach to preschool education and provide increased knowledge of
issues relevant to today’s preschools.
Studies in the Nordic countries (e.g., Andersen-Østergaard etc., 2008; Vallberg-Roth, 2012;
Pettersvold & Østrem, 2012; Sheridan, Williams & Sandberg, 2013) have shown that
preschool teachers work with many types of documentation and assessment. Despite the
general idea that early childhood education (ECE) is not about assessing children, an
increasing number of practices that include explicit or implicit assessment are being applied
in preschools, such as individual development talks and plans (IDPs), portfolios, observations,
pedagogical documentation, evaluations, self-assessments, standardized materials, tests, and
digital documentation (Alasuutari, Markström & Vallberg-Roth, 2013). Assessment is
typically intertwined with documentation, and children and parents often participate.
Assessment and documentation can be seen as fundamental pillars of the professional practice
in preschool.
The research school will focus on assessment and documentation as a professional activity in
a changed childhood, taking its point of departure from processes such as migration,
mediatization, and increasing segregation in housing and childhood homes, while highlighting
change in the family and childhood. As the importance of the rights and perspective of
children has been underscored, the conditions have been created for increased participation
and democratization, accompanied by demands for a communicative, reflective, and
responsible child. However, trust in this competent, autonomous child is combined with
extensive attention through documentation and assessment (cf. Axelsson, 2012; Bruce, 2004;
Karlsudd, 2011; Lunneblad & Asplund Carlsson, 2013; Lund, 2012; Nilholm et al., 2012;
Palla, 2011; Rubinstein Reich, 2013; Tallberg Broman, 2011).
To handle the many new requirements for preschool teachers, professional preschool teacher
qualifications need to include reflective knowledge with a scientific basis on assessment and
documentation in relation to various contents. The differentiated and segregated education of
today places greater requirements on preschool teachers’ professional knowledge,
responsibility for documentation, and efficiency; the teacher, as leader of the children's
learning, should be able to meet the increasingly complex reality of the present and the future.
Changes in communicative practices challenge the methods and contents in preschool and
have entailed new demands and challenges for preschool teachers' knowledge, just as the
entry of the preschool into the education system did. (Persson & Tallberg Broman, 2002;
Åsén & Vallberg-Roth, 2012).
More specifically, the revision of the Swedish preschool curriculum has entailed a focus on
assessment that can be interpreted in several ways. The curriculum states that the activity
must be evaluated, and that each child’s development and learning will be monitored,
documented, and analyzed. The proposed new Education Act (Ds 2009:25) states that
preschoolers should not be assessed on the basis of established standards, nor should they be
compared with anyone but themselves. These statements have challenged professionals, and
represent one of many reasons to develop research on assessment in preschool (Åsén &
Vallberg-Roth, 2012). The question is, which forms of assessment are suitable for examining
preschool operations and educational missions, based on an analysis of the policy and of
arguments in relation to different theoretical frames. The structure of the research school, in
which graduate students divide their time between studying and working in preschools, will
create suitable conditions for dialogue between research and practice, and provide scientific
and empirical support for further developing the students’ professional skills in relation to
these problems.
Background: Policy – changes in the profession – knowledge needs and requirements
The revised curriculum for preschool in Sweden took effect in July 2011, and includes a new
section on evaluation, monitoring, and development (Education Department, 2010). Preschool
teachers’ responsibility for documentation is governed by several points. As well as the
requirement to continually and systematically document and analyze the child’s development
and learning, teachers are also responsible for communicating with and involving the parents
(Alasuutari & Markström, 2011; de Caravalho, 2001; Löfdahl, 2013; Markström &
Simonsson, 2013; Tallberg Broman, 2009). The rights of both children and parents in relation
to preschool are given increased attention in the curriculum, as is the importance of parental
involvement in education. Furthermore, preschool teachers are responsible for critically
scrutinizing the methods used for documentation and evaluation. According to the curriculum,
even preschool children should be given the opportunity to document and communicate their
experiences. This can be described in terms of compulsory and statutory documentation. We
also consider relational and self-governed documentation, in which individuals voluntarily
document themselves; this documentation can be both public and private. This can be
exemplified through documentation and communication, both offline and online. Most
children and adults in Sweden have access to the Internet, which is used for documentation
and communication in everyday life (Medierådet, 2010). We are interested in both the
compulsory statutory documentation and the relational self-governed documentation.
Overall, the professional responsibilities within a preschool may be described as having
moved from responsibility-through-confidence to responsibility-through-accountability.
Accountability and professional skills may be developed, discussed, and assessed in
professional education (cf. Carlsson, Gerrevall & Pettersson, 2007; Hegender, Lindqvist &
Nordänger, 2010). There is also an increasing interest in high-quality preschools from a
transnational policy perspective, relating to the design of national curricula and standards
(Jönsson, Sandell & Tallberg Broman, 2013; OECD, 2012). The term “quality” is frequently
used in education policy, not only in relation to assurance, assessment, education, evaluation,
accountability, and control, but also as a means to create better conditions for children’s
lifelong learning (cf. Biesta, 2007; Dahlberg, Moss & Pence, 1999; Dahler-Larsen 2008;
Håkansson, 2013; Löfdahl & Pérez Prieto, 2009; Åsén & Vallberg-Roth, 2012). In Sweden,
systematic quality work in preschools is regulated by the new Education Act. This focus on
Bilaga A
quality in education has been described as the Quality Turn (Segerholm, 2012), drawing
attention to the need to critically scrutinize the language and policy of education quality, and,
not least, the practices of measuring quality in education and its consequences.
It is difficult to question the political intentions to improve education globally; what needs to
be questioned is the Quality Turn, and its underlying assumptions about the meaning of
education as a rational process with the primary goal of advancing economic growth. We may
see the assessments as political governance, as expertise in a commodified mode and science,
or both (Abbott, 1991; Hasselberg, 2013). Thomas Schwandt (2012) discusses the balance
between the importance of standards, accountability, and quality and the parallel risks of
standardization, over-regulation, and control. In the research school, we intend to study and
discuss the Quality Turn and the possibility of balancing accountability with human
responsibility (cf. Schwandt, 2012; Segerholm, 2012; Williams & Sheridan, 2006). We are
also interested in issues of (in)equality relating to gender, social class, and ethnicity and in the
critical problematization of early childhood educational policy and the ways in which
professional identities are negotiated in ECE documentation and assessment operations (cf.
Johansson, Emilson, Fugelsnes, Rosell & Röthle, 2011; Löfdahl, 2013; Osgood, 2011).We
assume that documentation and assessment practices can empower, support, and strengthen
children, parents, and professionals, but can also weaken, mislead, and restrict them.
Andersen-Østergaard et al. (2008, 2012) point out that documentation and evaluation are
predominantly perceived as relatively positive and neutral activities that make learning visible
without affecting it. Preschool teachers, also, may view documentation and assessment as
different phenomena, not as intertwined (Vallberg-Roth, 2012). Professionally, the intensified
responsibility for documentation requires an expanded symbolic competence including the
skills to express, communicate, and account for action. One challenge is to translate and
transform the everyday practices to a symbolic account (Andersen-Østergaard et al., 2008).
Assessmentss in the symbolic accounts express the knowledge of professionals (cf.
Wallander, 2012). Previous research shows that different types of documentation and
assessment in the preschool setting can be influenced by theories from developmental
psychology as well as sociocultural, market economy (competition/customer satisfaction,
goal-result-quality), and post-humanistic theories (Vallberg-Roth, 2012). These theories can
be both consistent and inconsistent in relation to policy. Preschool teachers need to be able to
justify their assessments and choice of type of documentation, and reflect on the knowledge
sources of the assessments. Overall, these teachers need to develop competence in taking a
critical approach to assessment and documentation. This critical approach could be
characterized as an interplay between believing and doubting games (cf. Elbow, 2008).
The research school will provide further knowledge about assessment and documentation
related to preschools and the subsequent changes they face. The need for research in the area
is strong and crucial (Vallberg-Roth, 2010). Basic concepts such as documentation and
assessment (summative, formative, etc.) are not clearly defined. Hence, there is a need for
research that defines these concepts and their nuances, and relates them to each other—not
least in relation to practices and regulation in Swedish and other Nordic preschools, with
goals to strive towards but without specified objects of achievement. Summative and
formative assessments are concepts developed in accordance with goals to achieve,
knowledge requirements and learning outcomes with a focus on the micro level; that is, the
individual and the classroom. These concepts are not developed with focus on preschool
activity, in a policy design with goals to strive for, without specified objects of achievement
on an individual level. Current research on documentation in preschool is typically seen as
having a positive, democratic, and emancipatory potential (Andersen-Østergaard et al., 2012;
Vallberg-Roth, 2010). However, documentation and assessment practices need to be studied
through a more critical lens, viewing assessment as being inevitably interwoven with
documentation and documents in use.
Potential theoretical and analytical resources
Overall, the research school will deal with educational and childhood perspectives. Based on
childhood studies, we will critically examine how assessment and documentation are used in
the context of a child’s perspective in relation to the practices and intentions of the various
policy documents. Hence, an ethical perspective will be active within the research school (cf.
Emilsson & Johansson, 2009; Emilson & Folkesson, 2004; Johansson, 2007). Lindgren and
Sparrman (2003) argue that children who are documented should be given the same
protection as subjects in a research study. Furthermore, they propose that the documentation
around a child can be seen as a new way to become a child (Lindgren & Sparrman, 2003, p.
62). Documentation of activities of daily living always leads to questions about positions of
power. Pettersvold and Østrem (2012) have described the “search for the normal child”,
showing how preschool practices are invaded by different documentation tools in the name of
the power of goodness. This may be further studied in the research school.
The transformations of goals and content are related to the didactic design of assessment and
documentation in the preschools (cf. Broström, 2012; Selander & Kress, 2010). In other
words, we aim to analyze assessments and documentation of different types based on our
view of the teacher, parent, and child as actors/subjects (the “who?” question). We will
highlight the actor in relation to the construction of content activities and forms of assessment
and documentation (the “what?” and “how?” questions). The content could, for example,
cover literacy and communication, mathematics, science, and creative and/or physical activity
(cf. Alm, 2009; Bruce, 2004; Ericsson, 2008; Jönsson et al., 2013; Ideland & Malmberg,
2010; Ljung-Djärf, 2013; Thulin, 2011; Åkerblom, 2008). We will ask how the children’s
learning, questions, ideas, and actions are reflected. The idea is to use this approach to try to
capture stories of children´s learning, and show how assessment and documentation are
related to different content and actions. Additional didactic questions may also be asked, such
as “when?” and “where?”. By asking “why?”, the studies will also deal with the functions of
assessment and documentation, and overall be rooted in an educational and childhood
The concept of assessment is complex. Assessing someone or something may involve
evaluating, reviewing, or rating the person or thing. The term “evaluation” focuses on the
institutional, system, and program level, in both an internal and an external form (cf.
Sheridan, 2009; Åsén & Vallberg-Roth, 2012). At an individual level, the umbrella term
“knowledge assessment” (see e.g. Lundahl, 2006; Pettersson, 2008) is used; this “can be
understood as the production of knowledge of a child and their relationship to their
knowledge” (Lundahl, 2006, p. 407). Grades, scores, and other similar assessments can be
attributed to the concept of summative assessment, which can be regarded as backward4
Bilaga A
looking and judicial in nature. Formative assessment has been described as forward-looking,
since it encourages and supports students’ continued learning and emphasizes feedback and
active participation in the assessment process (see e.g. Black et al., 2002; Jönsson, 2011).
Summative and formative assessment can be seen as complementary to each other (Giota,
2006). On the other hand, any assessment may be seen as essentially summative, and it may
be argued that there is no purely formative assessment (Taras, 2009). The concepts are closely
linked—they are broad and difficult to disentangle (Bennet, 2011). Further research is needed
to define, examine, and refine the concepts and how they relate to each other—not least in
relation to assessment and documentation in preschool. A variety of assessment forms are
used in preschool, and these cannot be completely reduced to formative or summative
assessments. The documentation in previous studies provides a sample of developmentalpsychological assessments, knowledge assessments, personal assessments, self-assessments,
narrative assessments, and center-performance-focused assessments (Vallberg-Roth, 2012).
The question that needs to be asked is: What forms and functions of assessment and
documentation appear in preschools?
Documents are a form of registered objects, and documentation can be seen as socio-material
acts and actors (Lenz Taguchi, 2012; Prior, 2011). This means that in a relational material
perspective, documents are not seen as passive instruments and tools, but as something that is
constructed in the relation between people and materialities. Documents are seen as active
participants and co-actors in educational processes. They take part in the processes and shape
our focus, our assessments, our beginnings, and our meaning making. The practices of
assessment and documentation have an impact on the individual’s ability to act as a subject in
the context of societal structures, institutional practices, traditions, and prevailing ideologies.
A child who is part of a cultural practice such as attending preschool learns a language and
participates in different practices that have embedded values. The preschool participates in the
shaping of the student’s identity. The individual child’s identity and positions cannot be
understood merely as a separate individual choice; instead, they are shaped in intersubjective
acts or intra-actions (cf. Åsberg, Hultman, & Francis Lee, 2012), and “young children need to
appropriate the culture before real critical thinking and action can be expressed” (Broström,
2012, p 6). In this context, it is important to ask what kind of (self)-assessments and possible
positions for children, parents, and teachers can be seen in the documentation practices.
An overall concept is documentality, introduced in its relationship with governmentality
(Foucault). This term describes the line between governance and the production of temporary
truth claims (Ferraris, 2012; Steyerl, 2003). Documentality, or documentarism, may be
interpreted as a policy of truth. Documentation is embedded in power relations and social
conventions; however, it also reveals the unexpected in these power relations. Documentation
makes it possible to express what is unthinkable, unsaid, unknown, or absurd. In this regard, it
can be liberating. Assessment and documentation practices can both empower and strengthen,
and weaken and limit all parties concerned. The Italian philosopher Maurizio Ferraris (2012)
gives documentation a central position in an ontology of social reality which he calls
documentality. Ferrari argues that social objects are social acts that have been registered by
some form of support on paper, in electronic documents, or as impressions and memories.
The collective intentionality is placed in documents, and so the profession of teacher cannot
exist as a social object without document. Social objects are intimately tied to registration.
Registration may be interpreted as socio-material acts; in our research school, the emphasis
will be placed on the socio-side of the relation. When the physical documents are stored, they
are also maintained in our collective memory; this is necessary for creating and maintaining
the social order required by a complex society. These collective memories can be viewed as
mentalities. Documents are, in other words, fundamental elements of society. In our use of the
concept of documentality, assessment is interwoven in the registration, documentation, and
documents in use (cf. Prior, 2011). Furthermore, assessment and documentation in an
ecological view can be defined as objects at the micro level (individual and group activity),
the meso level (between institutions, different service provisions, etc.), and the macro level
(state government, the market, etc.) (Vallberg-Roth, 2012; cf. Sheridan, Pramling Samuelson
& Johansson, 2009).
Collaborative research environments
The participating universities have strong existing research environments focusing on
assessment and documentation of preschool practices. The documentation is made available
to all enrolled graduate students through the collaborative research environments. The
research school will commence at a residential conference center where the participating
universities and research environments will be presented to the graduate students and their
supervisors; these will serve as a resource for the students’ upcoming thesis plans.
Malmö University
Research environment: Malmö University is a professional university that works in close
collaboration with the surrounding region. Cooperation with municipalities in the region is
strongly developed in the joint production of knowledge, especially collaboration with the
City of Malmö and the RD unit. The research environment has five professors, three
associate professors, and several PhDs and graduate students. Malmö University has been the
host university for three national research schools in the field of early childhood since 2008.
Malmö University will finance the salary for a licentiate position for employment at the
university. The BeDok profile focuses on assessment and documentation as a professional
activity in a changed childhood, including a special education perspective. The various
formats of assessment and documentation by preschool staff will be studied with a focus on
the motives, choices and sources of knowledge for assessment of the professional operation.
Further lines of interest include professional activities that involve assessment and
documentation on the micro, meso, and macro levels.
University of Gothenburg
Research environment includes about 20 teachers with PhDs (lecturers, associate professors,
and professors) and an equivalent number of doctoral candidates pursuing research in the field
of ECE. The group has extensive national and international networks. The research
environment is associated with an international masters degree program and has been
collaborating in a mobility project with universities in Australia, England, and Denmark for
the past three years. The BeDok profile focuses on the quality of preschool education as well
as the conditions created for children’s learning in preschool. The focus is on the relationship
between the children’s learning, the teacher’s skills, the context in which learning takes place,
and the objectives in the curriculum.
Bilaga A
Kristianstad University
Research environment: The School of Education and Environment at Kristianstad University
carries out research specializing in childhood, preschool, and preschool teacher education in
several different research environments. The university is engaged in nationally and
internationally recognized research within the field of assessment and evaluation in relation to
different educational environments. The school is staffed by 16 teachers with PhDs (lecturers,
assistant professors, and professors) who conduct research focusing on the preschool. The
university’s BeDok profile focuses on documentation, assessment, and science in the
preschool and early years of elementary school.
Karlstad University
Research environment: The Department of Educational Studies at Karlstad University has an
established research environment with a focus on children and childhood learning. The
research group includes three professors, six associate professors, and about ten doctoral and
licentiate candidates. Research of particular relevance for the research school includes
projects studying the relationship between quality work, documentation, and assessment on
the one hand and changing professions and practices on the other. The BeDok profile involves
studying various forms of documentation as part of quality work, the implications of such
work and content for the profession and professionalism of teachers, and the changes in
conditions that thereby arise, by extension an evolving teaching profession in preschool, an
evolving preschool, an evolving childhood.
Linköping University
Research environment: Researchers from two departments at Linköping University
collaborate in the research environment: the Department of Behavioral Sciences and Learning
(IBL) and the Department of Social and Welfare Studies (ISV). The research is directed by
two professors along with several assistant professors and associate professors, and performed
by about 25 lecturers and associate professors and about 20 doctoral and licentiate candidates.
At ISV, research into preschool and early education is conducted by approximately two
professors, twelve senior researchers (associate professors and assistant professors), and eight
doctoral candidates. The BeDok profile focuses on assessment and documentation concerning
the home-preschool-school relationship, such as individual development conferences and the
complexity of documentation in time and space pertaining to such conferences.
Linnaeus University
Research environment: Linnaeus University has established a research environment for
children and childhood education. Areas of focus include professional research, didactic
research, and research centered on values in education. There are 12 researchers with the
expertise to participate in, operate, and develop a research school with a focus on
documentation and assessment in the preschool, including three professors, three associate
professors, and six lecturers. Linnaeus University will accept five licentiate candidates as part
of a municipality-funded project. The project is a collaboration involving 12 municipalities,
Ifous, and Linnaeus University. The BeDok profile focuses on educational documentation and
the profession, as well as ethical and special education perspectives on documentation and
Mälardalen University
The research at the School for Education, Culture, and Communication (UKK)
is characterized by its interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary nature. Five professors, three
associate professors, and ten senior lecturers work within two main
research environments: children and young people in school and society, and the Mälardalen Evaluation Academy (MEA). The aim of MEA's research and the BeDok profile is
to study evaluation as an activity and a social phenomenon, to develop theories and methods
for evaluation, and to provide theoretical knowledge of evaluation to the field. Another key
area of research is the question of evaluation as a learning process.
The research school curriculum
The research school’s planned curriculum consists of courses, seminars, and supervision, for
which the research school’s steering committee are responsible. The courses are arranged in
collaboration with the various participating universities, and linked to ongoing research
projects at the universities and to the national and international networks associated with the
research environments. Internationalization will be encouraged at all levels, and international
speakers will be invited to participate in various courses. The research school’s steering
group, postgraduate student committee, and coordination committee will meet once each term
at a residential conference center during the entire research school period. The meetings will
alternate between the various universities, giving access to each of their research
The research school will use online communication and the IT platform learning to maintain
communication between graduate students, coordinators, and responsible officials. The
website nordicassessment.net will serve as a base, complemented during the third year of the
research school with an e-zine that will provide an open forum for discussion and research
presentation, where active teachers, student teachers, and researchers can meet. The intention
is for the research school to serve as a writing culture, with contributions from both licentiates
and senior researchers.The participating universities possess solid experience of developing
and running research schools and doctoral education with a focus on childhood, learning, and
teaching (see www.mah.se/foba). The principal supervisors will be based at their own
universities, while supervisors and, where appropriate, expert supervisors, could be recruited
from other research schools at the participating universities. We will intentionally work to
shape the profile of the research school by taking advantage of the vast scientific expertise
that is available.
The courses will be divided into 30 credits in common required courses, then (depending on
the university) 15-30 credits for other courses and 60-75 credits for the licentiate thesis, for a
total of 120 credits over eight terms. The FoBeDok courses will provide a total of 30 credits,
as follows:
Childhood in transition 7.5 credits (spring term 2014-fall term 2014)
This course will address societal changes and processes such as migration, mediatization,
technification, and segregation and their impact on and implications for childhood. The independent,
communicative, negotiating - and increasingly controlled and assessed child – will be elucidated.
Bilaga A
Assessment – Documentation – Profession 15 credits (spring term 2014-spring term 2015)
This profile course of the research school will address the main concepts of assessment, documentation,
and profession in various perspectives. The course will alternate between the universities (two sessions
at each university) with national, Nordic, and international lecturers.
Research and development in the preschool 7.5 credits (spring term 2016)
This course will cover research and development in the preschool and municipalities through research
circles, participatory design, and action research. It will help develop the ability of participants to
engage in research and development in the municipality.
Other theoretical and methodological courses will be held primarily at each university. In
addition, parts of the course will be held as optional workshops or elective courses in the
research school.
Organization of the research school
The program will be organized as a research school similar to those established according to
the proposals in the Research and Innovation bill (bill 2000/01:3), and taking into account the
views expressed in various evaluations of research schools (National Agency for Higher
Education, 2004,18; 2012:9R). The research school will be characterized by a clear
organization, a focus on supervision, a systematic curriculum, and organized cooperation
involving several subjects and universities. Licentiates will be admitted to both the individual
university and the research school. The doctoral candidates will follow general study plans in
the third-cycle subject area to which they are accepted in the existing postgraduate education
program at the respective university. Practicing teachers who are admitted to the postgraduate
program will usually work half-time at the preschool where they are employed. The research
school will benefit from the working model that the teacher training program at Malmö
University developed in cooperation with Malmö municipality,
Steering committee: The research school will be led by a steering group composed of the
scientists responsible at each university, as well as representatives of the graduate students.
The steering group will address issues of admission, formulation, and follow-up of the
curriculum, course content, and seminar program. The coordinator and host university will
have course responsibility. The coordinator will serve as the chairperson of the steering
group. The host university, Malmö University, will have administrative responsibility. The
appointed coordinators at the various universities will have operational responsibility for the
research school (see applicants). The coordinators are a cohesive group who will represent the
views of all participants, coordinate courses, and handle issues related to division of work
among supervisors, examiners, and course providers to achieve efficiency and synergy. The
university coordinators will also meet with the graduate students’ employers each term for
mutual information and exchange.
Supervisor committee: The supervisors will belong to both a subject-related committee at
their own university and the research school’s supervisor committee.
The steering committee will consist of representatives from the graduate students’ various
principals. The group will meet with the steering group three times during the course of the
research school. Otherwise, the university coordinators will maintain contact with the
principals and the students’ workplaces.
Admission and focus of licentiate positions
Licentiate candidates will apply and 14 will be admitted in the spring of 2014. Students
applying to the University of Gothenburg, Linnaeus University, Kristianstad University, and
Malmö University will be eligible for admission to the graduate program in education.
Students applying to Karlstad University and the Norrköping campus of Linköping University
will be eligible for admission to educational work and to Didactics in Mälardalen University.
Nordic Network for Assessment and Documentation Studies in Early Childhood Education
Researchers at the research school have a well-developed partnership with prestigious Nordic
researchers in the field. The research school will develop these contacts and formalize a
Nordic network as a meeting place for senior researchers and graduate students within the
field of the research school. The Nordic network allows for a productive dialogue to develop
through the interaction of the various scientific knowledge horizons and approaches at each
university, region and nation.
Significance of the research school
The research school will be of great value for the academization of the preschool teaching
profession, as well as for an evolving teacher training program and the corresponding
evolution of the preschool. It represents a structure for providing support to a prioritized but
underrepresented field of research. The research school will support cooperation between
various research fields and disciplines to enable the development of new knowledge.
Research in this field collectively aims to contribute to knowledge on issues concerning the
profession and the activities in preschools, in order to increase opportunities for childhood
learning, development, and well-being in the preschool, as well as the rights of parents to
access, participate in, and influence the lives of their children in preschool. Through
continuous dialogue with the field, graduate students will serve as links in the highly desirable
relationship between research and the practical setting , in a discipline that has rapidly gained
a prominent position and scope in practice but without a solid foundation of knowledge. The
scientific contributions of the research school will strengthen and develop the field of
preschool assessment and documentation.
International and national collaboration
The supervisor group is involved in extensive international networks, creating good
conditions for the internationalization promoted by the research school. International lecturers
will be invited to speak during the courses, and the students will be encouraged to participate
in international conferences and exchanges. The structure of the research school, including
Nordic-based researchers from four countries, will provide access to a highly qualified and
skilled network. The research school will also be related to national and international
networks such as CiCe, the Organisation Mondiale pour l`Éducation Préscolair, the European
Early Childhood Education Research Association, Network for Children and Child Care and
Network for Children, Young People, and Families in a Welfare Perspective.
Ethical considerations
Ethical approaches will be emphasized in general and specifically addressed as points in the
profile course “Ethics in relation to documentation and assessment”. All thesis projects will
be discussed in relation to the guidelines set under the Research Council’s research ethics
principles in humanistic-social scientific research. Special emphasis will be placed on issues
involving consent and information in research with children.
Bilaga A
Key References
Abbott, Andrew (1991). The future of professions: Occupation and expertise in an age of organization.
Sociology of Organizations, 8, 17-42.
Alasuutari, Maarit, Markström, Ann-Marie & Vallberg-Roth, Ann-Christine (2013). Assessment and
Documentation in Early Childhood Education. UK: Routledge (book in progress)
Andersen-Østergaard, Peter (2012). Målrationalitet og forestillingen om neutralitet i evaluering og
dokumentation. Cepra striben, 12, 12-18
Biesta, Gert (2007). Why ”what works” won’t work: Evidence-based practice and the democratic
deficit of educational research. Educational theory, 57(1), 1-22.
Bjervås, Lise-Lotte (2011). Samtal om barn och pedagogisk dokumentation som bedömningspraktik i
förskolan – en diskursanalys. Göteborg: Institutionen för pedagogik, kommunikation och lärande,
Göteborgs universitet.
Black, Peter & Wiliam, Dylan (2009). Developing the theory of formative assessment. Educational
Assessment Evaluation and Accountability, 21 (1), 5-31.
Broström, Stig (2012). Curriculum in preschool: Adjustment or a possible liberation? Nordic Early
Childhood Education Research, 5 (11), 1–14.
Ferraris, Maurizio (2012). Documentality: Why it is Necessary to Leave Traces (översättning av
Richard Davies). New York, USA: Oxford University Press.
Johansson, Eva, Emilson, Anette, Fugelsnes, Kristin, Rosell, Lars Yngve & Röthle, Monika (2011)
Values and gender communicated between teachers and children in Norwegian and Swedish
preschools. Symposia at the EECERA 21. Annual Conference, Geneva, Switzerland, 14. – 17. 9.
Jönsson, Anders (2011). Lärande bedömning, (2:a uppl). Malmö: Gleerups.
Jönsson, Ingrid, Sandell, Anna & Tallberg Broman, Ingegerd (2013).Change or Paradigm Shift in the
Swedish Preschool? Article_journal Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas. No 69.47-62.
Karlsudd, Peter (2011). Sortering och diskriminering eller inkludering. Specialpedagogiska rapporter
och notiser, nr 6. Högskolan i Kristianstad
Löfdahl, Annika (2013). Distance, closeness and the art of balancing - maintaining and developing the
preschool teacher profession in relation to parents. Paper presented in the symposium
“Changing teacher profession in the Swedish preschool – parental relations and the work with
systematic documentation” at the Nordic Educational Research Association Congress in
Reykjavik, March 2013.
Sheridan, Sonja, Williams, Pia & Sandberg, Anette (2013). Systematic quality-work in preschool.
International Journal of Early Childhood, 45(1), 123-150.
Vallberg-Roth, Ann-Christine (2012). Different forms of assessment and documentation in Swedish
preschools. Nordic Early Childhood Education Research, 5(23), 1-18.
See also the publications listed in Appendix C.
Name of applicant
Bengtsson, Stefan
Date of birth
Title of research programme
Research school for preschool teachers with a focus on assessment and documentation
Curriculum vitae
VRAPS/VR-Direct bilaga 2004.Be 3
Vetenskapsrådet, Box 1035, SE-101 38 Stockholm, tel. +46 (0)8 546 44 000, [email protected]
Malmö University
Professor Ann-Christine Vallberg Roth
Professor Ingegerd Tallberg Broman
Professor Claes Nilholm
Professor Sven Persson
Professor Lena Rubinstein Reich
Associate professor Malin Ideland
Thom Axelsson, PhD
Barbro Bruce, PhD
Ingegerd Ericsson, PhD
Linda Palla, PhD
Pernilla Seversson, PhD
Annika Åkerblom, PhD
Specific positions of responsibility in the research school:
Adminstrative Coordinator, Lotta Nyrén
Webmaster, Magnus Gudmundsson, PhD
Responsible for cooperation with stakeholders, professor Ingegerd Tallberg
Principal, sscientific leader and chair in steering committee, professor AnnChristine Vallberg Roth
Professor Ann-Christine Vallberg Roth, Faculty of Education and Society
Family name
First names
Year of birth
Home address:
Vallberg Roth
May Ann-Christine
Blacksväg 10
236 41 Höllviken, Sweden
Malmö University,
Nordenskiöldsgatan 10
SE-205 06 Malmö, Sweden
+0046 – 6658327, +0046-197258
[email protected]
1981 - Pre-school Teacher
1992 - Licentiate: Licentiate of Philosophy degree, University of Lund, Teacher Education
1998 - Doctorate: Ph.D., Education Malmö/Lund University
Associate Professor: 2010-03 Associate Professor of Educational Sciences, focusing on
young children's development and learning, Faculty of Education Malmö University
Professor: 2011-11 Professor of Early Childhood Education at the Faculty of Education
and Society, Malmö University
Lecturer in Early Childhood Education, Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society,
Department of Children, Youth, and Society, BUS.
Researcher at Centre for Profession Studies (CPS), Malmö University
Lecturer in undergraduate education and supervisor of master's program and doctoral
program in Education.
2013-08-01 - Guest professor at Linneus University, Kalmar
Fields of research
Studies on ECEC curricula in a historic and Nordic perspective; Studies on assessment
and documentation practices in ECE.
Selections of previous employment and scientific leadership
1998-2002 senior lecturer in Education at the Department of Education and preschool teacher
education, Teachers College/University of Lund. Duties: teaching, supervision and principal
examiner for diploma work, and research.
Spring 2000 - graduate studies in Education at the Department of Education and Special
Methodology, Teacher Education, Malmö University/Lund University.
2004-02-01-2005-08-31 Research Coordinator of the Unit LFH (Lek Fritid Hälsa/Play
Leisure Health), Teacher Education, Malmö University
2005-09-01-2007-01-19 Research Coordinator of Faculty of Education, Malmö University
2010-2013- Project leader: Preschool teachers in intensified documentation and assessment
practices, funded by Malmö University, Center for Profession Studies (CPS)
Interruption of research
Parental leave 1992 and 1994
Supervision of doctoral and licentiate thesis
Head supervisor: FoBa, Ylva Holmberg, Traces of Musicship (ongoing)
2011 Malmo University, Education - Examined licentiate, Kristina Westlund: Preschool
teachers work with children's influence in preschool
2013 FöFoBa- Examined licentiate, Laurence Delacour: Didactic contract in preschool: Preschool teachers transforming of mathematical objectives
FoBaSM, Magdalena, Sjöstrand-Öhrfelt: Swedish outdoor preschool – a facilitator for
Other of relevance for the research school
2004-2010 - During the past years an article, concerning curriculum for young children, has
been on the top-ten-list of a scientific journal: Vallberg Roth, Ann-Christine (2001).
Curriculum for young children: The development of the mid-1800s to today. Journal of
Swedish Educational Research, 6 (4), 241-269.
2005 -2009 - Member of the editorial board of the scientific and peer-reviewed journal,
EDUCARE, Malmö University
2012- ongoing, Member of the editorial board of the Journal of Swedish Educational
2013 - Guest editor of a special issue on assessment and documentation, together with
Associate professor Anders Jönsson, Kristianstad University
2008 – Member of evaluation panel: Didactic Aspects, Swedish Research Council,
Committee for Educational Sciences. Head responsibility for applications regarding Early
Childhood Education Didactics
2008-2011 Member of board of the research group Childhood, Learning and Subject
Didactics at Malmö University.
2008-2010 – participated in application and member of steering group FöFoBa (Lic
research school specializing in pre-school)
2011- ongoing - participated in application and steering group FoBaSM (Lic research school
specializing language and mathematics in preschool)
2012-11-06 – external Assessor or opponent in halfway and 90 % assessment in doctoral and
licentiate studies (6).
2012 - Head of steering group BeDok (Assessment and Documentation in Early Childhood
Education) a faculty united group at Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society)
2006-2007 - expert mission by National School Agency, regarding a project of Individual
Development Plans together with Associate Professor Annika Månsson, Malmö University
2009-2010 – expert mission by National School Agency, regarding a research review on
Assessment and documentation in Early Childhood Education
2012- expert mission by the Swedish Research Council, Committee for Educational
Sciences, regarding a research review on Evaluation in preschool in a Scandinavian
perspective, together with Professor Gunnar Åsén, Stockholm University
2013- ongoing - expert mission by Ministry of Education and Research in Norway
(Kunskapsdepartementet), regarding a comparative analysis of content and quality in the
Nordic preschool curricula and guidelines
Ann-Christine Vallberg Roth leads the Research school. Her work on assessment and
documentation is done in local (Centre for Professional Studies, CPS; Children, Youth, and
Society, BUS), national (the Universities of Uppsala, Stockholm, Linköping, and Linnaeus
University), and Nordic research groups (e.g. Danish-Finnish-Norwegian-Swedish). Locally
Vallberg Roth, has also initiated a faculty united research group to develop and strengthen a
research field geared to assessment and documentation in the relationship between preschool,
family, and the early years of compulsory school (BeDok).
She completed her licentiate thesis in 1992 and six years later her Ph.D. in Education and
has since 2003 been employed as a lecturer with a focus on Early Childhood Education, at
Malmö University. In 2010 she was appointed associate professor and 2011 professor of
Early Childhood Education, Faculty of Education and Society. The professor position
represents an area of knowledge that has long developed outside the academy. The research
field is expanding and characterized by closeness to professional practice related to
representatives of various professions in the preschool, primary education and other rooms of
learning for young children. As part of this Vallberg Roth with field experience has been a
leader and cooperated with researchers in a variety of scientific projects, both nationally and
internationally, with emphasis on Nordic network and co-productions. She has also
contributed to the research field of Childhood, Learning and Didactics developed at Malmö
University, which successfully resulted in National Research Schools, in cooperation with
five other universities, where Malmö University is the host university.
Vallberg Roth's research interest was early focused on curriculum issues in a historic and
didactic sense. She has studied the curriculum for young children in Sweden from the mid19th century to the present. Her research is highlighted in a societal perspective and discussed
from a childhood in transition. In recent years, her studies are focused on intensified
documentation and assessment practice of young children's learning and education. In the
multidisciplinary project Multi-contextual childhood – school, family and leisure time in
transition, she has developed studies on assessment and systematic documentation at a micro
level. The research highlights how the documentation and assessment of children varies
depending on where the children grow up and attend preschool. She is currently working on a
research project at the Center for Profession Studies (CPS) dealing with Preschool teachers in
intensified documentation and assessment practice – shown as transformative assessment at a
micro, meso and macro level (see Appendix C). She also work on an ongoing expert mission
by Ministry of Education and Research in Norway (Kunnskapsdepartementet), regarding a
comparative analysis of content and quality in the Nordic preschool curricula and guidelines.
Furthermore, Vallberg Roth has held management and administrative tasks such as
research coordinator, and various expert assignments. Vallberg Roth's teaching skills are also
well documented with course design and supervision responsibilities from undergraduate to
graduate levels. She is active in various networks and conferences both nationally and
internationally and has contributed to the interaction with the community in the form of
seminars, lectures and articles in both newspapers and specialized publications.
Ann-Christine Vallberg Roth's research is unique in Sweden in educational research
directed at younger ages. The research also highlights key issues for teacher training and
active in the field. She has produced texts for different target groups, both international
articles and popular scientific papers and books (see Appendix C).
Professor Ingegerd Tallberg Broman Faculty of Education and Society
Family name
First name
Year of birth
Home address:
Tallberg Broman
Råbygatan 11 A , 22361 Lund
Malmö University,
Nordenskiöldsgatan 10
SE-205 06 Malmö, Sweden
+0046 – 6658138
[email protected]
1971 – As Psychologist
1977 – As Subject Teacher
1991 - Ph.D., Education Malmö/Lund University
Associate Professor: 1997-2003 Associate Professor of Educational Sciences, focusing
on young children's development and learning, Faculty of Education Malmo University
Professor: 2003-2012 Professor of Early Childhood Education at the Faculty of Education
and Society, Malmö University
Professor emerita : 2012Fields of research
Studies on Childhood (s) and ECEC in an historical and gender perspective.
Supervision of doctoral thesis
Ann-Christine Vallberg Roth (1998). Könsdidaktiska mönster i förskolepedagogiska
Texter. (Head supervisor)
Margareta Havung (2000). Anpassning till rådande ordning. En studie av manliga
förskollärare i förskoleverksamhet. . (Head supervisor)
Annika Månsson (2000). Möten som formar. Interaktionsmönster på förskola mellan
pedagoger och de yngsta barnen i ett genusperspektiv. . (Head supervisor)
Anna Sandell (2007). Utbildningssegregation och självsortering. Om gymnasieval, genus
och lokala praktiker. . (Head supervisor)
Angerd Eilard (2008). Svensk, modern och jämställd Om barn, familj och omvärld i
grundskolans läseböcker. . (Head supervisor)
Kristian Lutz (2009). Kategoriseringar av barn i förskoleåldern: styrning &
administrativa processer . (Head supervisor)
Margareta Ekborg (2003). Naturvetenskaplig utbildning för hållbar utveckling (Supervisor)
Johan Dahlbeck (2012). On childhood and the good will: thoughts on ethics and early
childhood education. Malmö University. (Supervisor)
Ylva Holmberg, Traces of Musicship – Music Didactics in preschool (ongoing). (Supervisor)
Other of relevance for the research school
2008-2011 Head of the steering group of the research group Childhood, Learning and Subject
Didactics at Malmö University.
Research schools
2008-2012 Head of steering group FoBa (Childhood, Learning and Subject Didactics ;
doctoral research school)
2010-2013 – Head of steering group FöFoBa (Lic research school specializing in pre-school)
2011- ongoing - participated in application and steering group FoBaSM (Lic research school
specializing language and mathematics in preschool)
2012 – Member of steering group BeDok (Assessment and Documentation in Early Childhood Education) a faculty united group at Malmö University, Faculty of Education and
Expert missions
Member in different governmental investigations (for example: ―Children at risk‖; ―Teacher
Education‖ and evaluations, Teacher Education I Sweden and Norway),
From 2008- ongoing – different expert missions for Ministry of Education and the National
School Agency
2003-2004; 2008 Evaluating panel for applications. Research Council of Sweden
2011- (ongoing) Expert for Swedish Schools Inspectorate
Chairman in many and member in several dissertation committees.
Faculty opponent 5 times
2009-2012 Member of the Swedish Research Council, Committee for Educational Sciences.
2009- (ongoing). Member of the Research Council of Norway.
Head of research programs (example)
―Gender equality in the multiethnic preschool and school‖. (Financed by the
Swedish Research Council and National School Agency).
2006-2011 ―Multi-contextual childhood – school, family and leisure time in transition‖,
(financed by the Swedish Research Council).
Together with Professor Sven Persson
1997- 2002 The professionals' beliefs about their mission in terms of child care, upbringing
and education
Professor Claes Nilholm
Degree in psychology University of Umeå universitet: 83.06.30
PhD in Communications studies, University of Linköping 91.05.29
Dissertation: Communicative challenges – a comparative study of mother-child interaction.
Supervisors: Roger Säljö (main) Per Linell.
Docent in Communication Studies, Linköping University 99.08.31
3. Current employment
Professor in Education, especially Special Needs Education
Department of Leadership and School Development
Malmö University
4. Supervision
Main supervisor for one dissertation (Kristina Karlsson, 2007) and two licentiate´s
dissertations (Hans Larsson, 2008 och Reidun Carlsson, 2009). Second supervisor for three
dissertations. At present main supervisor for three dissertations planned for 2013 (Åsa Hirsh,
Gunilla Lindqvist and Ulli Samuelsson).
5. Additional information
Chairman in many and member in several dissertation committees.
Faculty opponent 4 times (one in Norway and one in Finland)
Provided expert opinion regarding employment at academic positions on several occasions
(two regarding employment as professor; one of these in Denmark)
Research Projects financed by the national research council (Vetenskapsrådet)
1) In the margins of democracy – a project about children in difficult school situations .
(Main applicant: 2006-2010)
2) The work of charter schools with children in need of special support. (Main applicant:
3) Special occupations? – a project about the education and work of SENCOs and special
teachers (Co-applicant: 20124) A school for the deviant: A study of teaching- and learning practices and the
formation of identity i special classes. (Co-applicant 2012- )
Professor Sven Persson
Malmö University
PhD in Pedagogy at Lund University
Associate Professor
Associate professor at Lund University
Professor in Pedagogy
Full Professor in Pedagogy
Professor in Pedagogy at the Faculty for Learning and Society,
Malmö University
2009Scientific leader and co-ordinator at Centre for Studies on professions,
Malmö University
2009 Guest professor at University of Linneus, Växjö
Guest professor at University College of Jönköping,
Supervising doctoral students (finished)
Birgitte Malm: 2003, Mariann Enö. 2005, Laid Bouakaz: 2007, Fanny Jonsdottir: 2007.
Niklas Gustafson, 2010, Johan Dahlbeck 2012.
Selected funding and research projects
The national research school of didactics in the diversified preschool
Relational pedagogy and teacher professional / personal development
The professionals' beliefs about their mission in terms of child care, upbringing and
Professional development through mentoring.
Training Cultures - a study of learning and its terms.
Democracy in Primary School in Europe (DIPSIE, EU – project, 3 year)
Conflict Resolution in Primary School in Europe (CRIPSIE, EU-project, 3 year)
Children as Researchers in Primary School in Europe (CARIPSIE, EU-project, 3 year)
Scientific Assignments
Research reviews
Research on age and school entry (Department of Education)
Learning in the institutionalised childhood (National School agency)
Conditions for childrens learning in preschool, preschool class and after-school
institutions (National Agency for Research)
Other Scientific Assignments
Danish Clearing House – Annual review of Nordic research on preschool, 2011Research Council of Norway - Evaluating applications for Quality in early education
and care, 2012
Research Council of Norway – Evaluating Panel for large and long term research
programs (Uddaning 2020, Praksis FoU, PRAKUT), 2012
Research Council of Sweden – Evaluating panel for applications in didactic, 20112012
Commission for a sustainable Malmö – Social determinants for health. Review of
research on preschools impact on children´s development, learning and health, 20112012
Coordinator for research on Children, learning and dicactics at Malmö University
Member of steering group
National Research School: Childhood, Learning and Didactics
National Research School for preschool teachers. Childhood, learning and didactics
National Research School in Educational work
Selected Courses
Current educational research in Education
A qualitative approach in research
Supervising doctoral students in higher education
What it takes to co-ordinate large projects
2008Class, gender and ethnicity – an intersectional perspective on
preschool and school
Diversity, childhood and educational actions in preschool 2012
Professor Lena Rubinstein Reich
Higher education degree(s):
BA (Psychology, Education, Sociology, Statistics) 1972
Upper secondary and adult teacher degree 1976, (Social and Behavioral Sciences)
Doctoral degree: 1993, Education, ―Samling i förskolan‖ (Circle Time in Preschool), Lund
University, professor Horst Löfgren
Postdoctoral positions :
Docent Senior Lecturer level: 2005
Present position
Professor in Education, since 2011-09-30, 40% research (Malmö University)
Previous positions
Senior Lecturer, 1994-07-01 – 2011-09-29 (Lund University, from 1998 Malmö
Guest-Professor, 2010-01-01 – 2010-06-30, part-time (Kristianstad University
Lecturer, 1977-01-01 – 1994-06-30. (Malmö School of Education, Lund University)
Interruption in research Since 2006, 25% permanent medical-leave.
Supervision (main supervisor, doctoral degree)
Ingrid Lindahl, 2002, Anna-Karin Svensson, 2011
Other relevant information
Supervision - Lena Jönsson, doctoral degree (supervisor), Vanja Lozic, doctoral
degree 2010 (third reader), 2010 Anders Skans, licentiate degree, 2010 (main
supervisor), Currently main supervisor for two licentiate students
Have together with professor Ingegerd Tallberg Broman and professor Sven Persson
been in charge of a standing group seminar of doctoral students, 1996 - 2009.
Supervisor together with Ingegerd Tallberg Broman for the seminar ‖Multicultural
interdisciplinary group of doctoral students.‖, 2000-2002.
R&D project SKYM – Language- and cultural support for younger minority children
1986-1988. Financed by Bernhard van Leer Foundation.
Participating researcher in a European project on quality in pre-school within the
framework of CIDREE (Consortium of Institutions for Development and Research in
Education in Europe), 1992-1995. In connection to this project particpating researcher,
1993-1997) in a Nordic project Quality in Nordic Day Care Centres.
Swedish project leader 1999-2000 Institutionalised Childhood in Malmö and
Copenhagen. Financed by Nutek and EU-Interreg.
Project leader Mentoring project Näktergalen, 1997 and researcher in charge of
evaluation 1998-2001. Financed by Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation.
Project leader together with professor Ingegerd Tallberg Broman, 1998-2002 The
Teacher and Cultural Grammar. Financed by Swedish National Agency For Higher
Project leader for writing of full application Between teaching and education Pre
school teachers’ and primary school teachers’ content priorities in a context of
diversity. 2003-2004. Financed by Swedish Research Council (planning grant).
Participating researcher, 2004-2008, Migrant academics as teachers and encounters
with Swedish schools. Financed by Institute for Labour Market Evaluation, IFAU.
Project leader Higher Education Students development towards professional
competence”, 2006-2008. Financed by Network for Studies in Higher Education,
Part of an interdisciplinary (Education, Chemistry and Odontology) and international
research project group with the task to study and develop rural education and teacher
education in Kenya. 1989 – 1992.
Lecturing in in-service education on Observations and Evaluation in Preschool and
School around Sweden, 1985-1995, based on two textbooks that were widely used in
preschool teacher education: Rubinstein Reich, L. & Wesén, B. (1986). Observera
mera! (Observe more!) Lund: Studentlitteratur. Rubinstein Reich, L. & Wesén, B.
(1992). Utveckla mera! (Develop more) Lund: Studentlitteratur
One of three members in ETEN (European Teacher Education Network) Research &
Development Committee, 1993-1996.
Together with professor Annelis Jönsson (2001-2004) conducted several
developmental projects regarding evaluation in pre-schools and primary schools in the
city of Malmö.
Member of board of the research group Childhood, Learning and Subject Didactics at
Malmö University, since 2008.
Scientific leader of research milieu BALU (Childhood, Learning, Education),
Kristianstad University College, 2010.
Since 2002-2013 teacher educator in several course modules for pre-school and
primary teacher education program Social Studies and children‘s learning at Malmö
Member of steering group BeDok (Assessment and documentation for younger
children at Malmö university, headed by professor Ann-Christine Vallberg Roth. 2012
and still.
Malin Ideland, Associate professor in Ethnology
Department of Science, Environment and Society
Faculty of Education and Society
Malmö University
SE 205 06 Malmö
Phone: +46-40-665 82 41
Email: [email protected]
Higher education degree
Filosofie kandidat (B.A) in Ethnology, Lund University, 1995
Doctoral degree
PhD, Department of European Ethnology, Lund University, 31 May, 2002. Supervisor: Professor
Susanne Lundin. Title: Dagens Gennyheter. Hur massmedier berättar om genetik och genteknik.
(Gene News of Today. How Mass Media Talk about Genetics and Gene Technology). Lund:
Nordic Academic Press.
Docent Senior Lecturer level
Malmö university, 2010
Present position
Senior lecturer, Dep. of Science, Environment and Society, School of Teachers Education, Malmö
University (since 2006)
Previous positions and periods of appointment
Researcher, Centre for Gender Research, Uppsala University (35 %) 060301-070630
Senior lecturer, Dep. of European Ethnology, Lund University 020901-060630
Researcher, Institutet för mediestudier 100% 020201-020331
Doctoral Fellowship, Dep. of European Ethnology 100% 970101-020415
Interruption of research
Parental leave 100% 990517-000531, 100% 040724-050331, 50% 050401-060228
Supervision of PhD students
Mats Lundström – ―Decision-making in health issues: Teenagers` use of science and other
discourses‖ (2011)
Anna Jobér, Social class in Science class. (2012)
Magdalena Sjöstrand-Öhrfeldt, (Planned examination 2014)
Lotta Leden, (Planned examination 2016)
Margareta Serder, (Planned examination 2014)
Funded Research projects
The ECO-certified child. About subject constructions in Education for sustainable development.
Project leader: Malin Ideland. Vetenskapsrådet. 2012-2015.
Bio-objects. Cybrid life forms in the 21st century. Project leader: Tora Holmberg and Malin
Ideland. Riksbankens jubileumsfond and Crafoord foundation. 2011-2014.
Bio-objects and their boundaries. Governing matter in the intersection of society, politics and
science. COST-ACTION, 2011-2014. Vetenskaplig ledare professor
Echo from the future. How do future decision-makers consider environmental problems of today.
Project leaders: Malin Ideland och Claes Malmberg. Funded by Education for sustainability, City
of Malmö. 2010
Educational cultures after Bologna. Project leader: Malin Ideland. Funded by Malmö University.
Dilemmas with transgenic animals. Vetenskapsrådet. Project leader: Tora Holmberg. 2006-2009
Teaching scientific issues in a social context. Vetenskapsrådet. Project Leader: Britt Lindahl.
Popular Culture as an Everyday Experience. Erik Philip-Sörensens stiftelse. Project leader: Carina
Sjöholm. 2004.
Genetics, Gene Technology and Everyday Ethics. Riksbankens jubileumsfond. Project leaders:
professor Susanne Lundin and associated professor Lynn Åkesson. 1997-2002.
Knut och Alice Wallenberg foundation, post doc. Scholarship, 2003-2004
Wahlgrenska foundation. Scholarship for media researchers. 2002
Teaching at PhD level (course leader)
Peer review assignments for VEST, Educare, Public Understanding of science, Nordina, Journal
of Medical Ethics, Utbildning och lärande, Biosocieties.
Opponent of Doctoral thesis 2011: Kristina Andersson: Lärare för förändring – att synliggöra och
utmana föreställningar om naturvetenskap och genus. Linköping University
Examination committee Cristina Carulla, Science Education Ålborgs universitet, 2012-2013
Examination committee Susanne Thulin, Education, Gothenburg University, 2011
Examination committee Hannah Grankvist, Science and Technology Studies, L Linköping
University, 2011
Discourse analysis as theory and method (2010, 2011, 2013)
Cultural perspectives on science education (2012)
Theory and method in educational sciences (2012)
Qualitative methodology (2013)
Review assignments
Arranged the international conference ‖Public Perception of Gene Technology‖, Lund University
6-7/2 1997.
Arranged the conference Erfarenhet vs. Forskning, Malmö Unversity, 2011.
Organizer of the symposium ‖Who fits into the science classroom?‖, XV IOSTE
Ethical expert in Gentekniknämnden 2007-2008.
Member of board for research and research education, Faculty of Education and Society, Malmö
university, 2012
Member of Faculty board, Faculty of Education and Society, Malmö University, from 2013
Head of Supervisor board for Science and Mathematics Education, Malmö university, 2012-2013.
Project leader of the Nordic network Cultural, Political and Social Perspectives on Science
Education, 2012-2014.. Financed by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond.
Thom Axelsson, Ph. D.
Slussgatan 12 A
211 30 Malmö
Tel. 040-210 811
Mobil 0705-745257
e-mail: [email protected]
Master in history, Linköping University, 2000.
Teaching degree, history and religion, Linköping University, 2001.
Ph.D. in Child Studies, Linköping University 2007-02-16.
Current position
Senior lecturer in Science of Education, Children – Youth – Society, Faculty of Education
and Society, Malmö University, 2008-05-01.
Previous positions
Deputy senior lecturer in Science of Education, Children – Youth – Society, Faculty of
Education and Society, Malmö University, 2007-08-01 2008-04-30
Deputy senior lecturer in Science of Education, Department of Behavioral Science and
Learning, Linköping University. Spring 2007.
Ph.D. position, Child Studies, Linköpings Universitet, 2001-2006
Ongoing reseach projects
UVK visiting scholar, ―From preparatory to permanent class - The welcoming and treatment
of newly arrived pupils in Swedish and Canadian Schools‖.
Funded by: The Swedish Research Council/ The Educational Sciences/
Budget: 76 000 SEK
Research inventory: Children and young people's health and learning in a globalized and
segregated society Together with professor Ingegerd Tallberg Broman
Funded by: Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research /FAS/ 2012
Budget: 0,5 MSEK
Barbro Bruce, Ph D. Faculty of Education and Society
Family name
First names
Year of birth
Elsa Barbro
Home address:
Stora Gråbrödersgatan 3E
222 22 Lund, Sweden
Malmö University,
Nordenskiöldsgatan 10
SE-205 06 Malmö, Sweden
+46709 655 341
[email protected]
1976 - Bachelor's Degree: Logopede (speech and language therapist)
1994 - Master’s: Degree: University of Lund, Faculty of Medicine, Department of
Logopedics and Audiology
2007 - Doctorate: Ph.D. in Logopedics, University of Lund, Faculty of Medicine, Department
of Logopedics and Audiology with the thesis: Problems of language and communication in
children, identification and intervention
Present employment
Senior lecturer in Special needs education, Malmö University, School of Education.
Work as a researcher (20 %), lecturer in undergraduate education and supervisor of master's
program and licenciate program
Fields of research
Studies on research questions in the field of special needs education and verbal interaction,
language development, reading and writing in children with a vulnerability in oral as well as
written language
Supervision of Licentiate theses
2010 – 2013: supervisor of the examined licentiate, Åsa Ljunggren: Communication
affordances in a multilingual preschool: Free and promoted fields of action, National
Graduate School with a focus on FoBa, Malmö University
2012 – ongoing: supervisor of the licenciate student Carina Berkhuizen: Small children’s
possibilities of interaction and communication at preschool outdoor environments, National
Graduate School with a focus on Childhood Learning Didactics (FoBaSM), Malmo
University FoBaSM
Selections of previous employment and scientific leadership
1977 – 1995: Logopede at the University hospitals of Malmö and Lund
1996 – 1997: Research assistant in the project Grammatical processes in language
development with financial support from HSFR
1997 – 2007: Lecturer at the program for education of logopedes, Lund University
2004 – 2006: Research assistant in the project Language impairment from a dialogistic
perspective. Studies of different intervention contexts with financial support from FAS
2008 – 2012: Post doctorate 20% in the project Children with language impairment depend
on support from the conversational partner in communication. Co-construction and re-use in
conversation with financial support from FAS
Other of relevance for the project
2008 – ongoing: Expert of the national board for applications to the national Swedish speccial
schools, the authority of special schools (SPSM)
2010 – opponent at the final seminar of the licenciate studies of Anders Skans: Didactics and
practice in a multilingual preschool, Malmö University, School of teacher‘s education
2012: Key note speaker on a national conference on the topic of language impairments in
children held at Uppsala conference centre, the lesson was recorded for the national Swedish
television: http://urplay.se/170429
2012 – 2014: Expert in a national committée for medical evaluation (SBU) of tests and
interventions for reading and writing difficulties/dyslexia in school children
Associate professor Ingegerd Ericsson, Faculty of Education and
Family name
First names
Year of birth
Home address:
Ingegerd Renate Hillevi
Saturnusvägen 19
SE-245 33 Staffanstorp, Sweden
Malmö University, Nordenskiöldsgatan 10
SE-205 06 Malmö, Sweden
+0046 – 6658317
Ingegerd. [email protected]
2003 - Doctorate: Ph.D., Pedagogy, Teacher Education Malmo/Lund University
Present employment
Senior Lecturer in Sport Sciences, Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society.
Fields of research
Relationships between physical activity, movement play, self-esteem and learning
Motor skills Development as Ground for learning [MUGI Motorisk Utveckling som Grund
för Inlärning] 1984The Bunkeflo Project –a health promoting lifestyle 1998-
Published textbooks in Swedish
MUGI Vi leker och tränar grovmotorik 1997.
RÖR DIG-LÄR DIG motorik och inlärning 2005.
MUGI Vi leker och tränar grovmotorik. Nu med mini-MUGI för förskolan 2006.
MUGI motoriklek med observationsschema för förskola och skola 2008.
Checklist for motor skills observations for pre-school and school
MUGI checklists 1998; 2003; 2008.
Doctoral Thesis
Motor skills, Attention; and academic achievements: An intervention study in school years 13. [Motorik, koncentrationsförmåga och skolprestationer – en interventionsstudie i skolår 1-3]
Linda Palla, PhD
1 Higher education degree(s)
Graduate Diploma in Special Education, Specialization: Children, Young People and Adults,
Master of Social Science, Subject: Education, 2004
Bachelor of Social Science, Subject: Education, 2000
Bachelor of Education in Child and Youth Education, Major in Pre-school, 1996
2 Doctoral degree
Doctor of Philosophy, Subject: Education, 2011, With the gaze on the Child: About
differences in preschool as a discursive practice. Supervisor: Prof. em. Anna-Lena
Tvingstedt, Malmö University
3 Present position
Senior lecturer, Malmö University, 120801-131231, 20 % research
4 Previous positions and periods of appointment
Senior lecturer Kristianstad University (permanent employment) 111201-120614
Postgraduate studentship Malmö University 070401-110615
Junior lecturer Kristianstad University (permanent employment) 030701-111130 (leave of
abscense during postgraduate studies 070401-110615)
Junior lecturer Kristianstad University 030101-030630
Preschool teacher Kristianstad municipality (permanent employment) 980107-040630
Preschool teacher Kristianstad municipality 971003-980106
5 Interruption of research
Partial and complete absence due to illness during 111001-120901
6 Other
Teacher training at university level/ Higher Education course 6-10 p, Kristianstad University
Teacher training at university level/ Higher Education course 1-5 p, Kristianstad University
Workshop: Problem-based learning, 3 days, Kristianstad University (2005)
School development and leadership from a Special Education perspective 41-60 p,
Kristianstad University (2004)
Swedish, a language to grow in: Teaching from a second language perspective 1-5 p, Malmö
University (2004)
Education, major subject: Special Education 61-80 p, Kristianstad University (2004)
Special Education 41-60 p, Kristianstad University (2003)
The Educator in focus, course at Teachers Union, 2 days (2000)
Special Education 21-40 p, Kristianstad University (2002)
Special Education 1-20 p, Kristianstad University (2001)
Conversation Analysis, 1-10 p, Kristianstad University (2000)
Social and Personality Psychology 21-40 p, Kristianstad University (2000)
ICT, to supervise and change with ICT 1-5 p, Kristianstad University (1999)
Psychology 1-20 p, Kristianstad University (1999)
Sociology 1-20 p, Kristianstad University (1999)
Education 41-60 p, Kristianstad University (1998)
Pernilla Seversson, PhD
Higher education degrees; Doctoral degree – 040604, Uppsala University
Current position; Senior lecturer and researcher at School of Arts and Education, Researcher
at Center for Profession Studies, Pedagogic Developer at Center for Academic Teaching.
Pedagogical qualifications: Teaching experiences show diversity in terms of level, course
length, content (philosophy of science, theory, methodology, organization, communications,
cultural industries, creativity, rhetoric, etc.), and type of teaching (lab, exercises, lectures,
projects, concept development) and responsibility and developing new courses (like
Experimental Media Production and Digital storytelling). Qualifications are grounded in
pedagogic courses and include pedagogical research: 1) Researcher ―Explicit use of structural
tensions in the interface with academic culture‖ (Funded by The Council for The Renewal of
Higher Education, active during 2005-2006). 2) Project leader ―Different Scientific Aspects in
Media Education Professionals‖ (Malmö University funded, 2011).
Funding: 1) Co-applicant ―Re:searching new media professionals‖ (3-year grant Malmö
University at Center for Profession Studies). 2) Main applicant, grant holder and project
leader ―Different Scientific Aspects in Media Education Professionals‖ (Malmö University
funded, 2011). 3) Co-applicant and researcher ―Flattr Social Micropayments – Extending to
New Countries, Methods and Cultures‖ (Vinnova funded, Jan-Aug 2011). 4) Researcher
―Moving Media Southern Sweden 1: Research and Development‖ (EU structural funds, 20092011 at MEDEA, Malmö University). 5) Project leader ―Development of research and
education for and about the experience industry‖ (Funded by the KK foundation, 2006). 6)
Researcher ―Explicit use of structural tensions in the interface with academic culture‖
(Funded by The Council for The Renewal of Higher Education, 2005-2006).
Reviewer: Peer reviews for articles to Norsk medietidskrift, during 2004.
Invited expert/speaker internationally: 1) Visiting scholar at Qeensland University of
Technology (Brisbane Australia, March-April, 2011), teaching and research on Collaborative
Media. 2) Co-leader for panel at Nordmedia Conference ―Civic Journalism as Networked
Civic Spaces‖ within the Media, Globalization and Social Change division of conference
Nordmedia, Iceland, August 2011. 3) Participating as expert and speaker theme Public service
media engaging in fan-based social networked practices, for Specialist panel on Public
Service Broadcasting and the Online Sphere, The Department of Theatre, Film and Television
at The University of York, 4th July 2013.
Scientific/scholarly collaborations and networks: 1) Swedish Association for Media and
Communication Research FSMK. 2) Nordic research community for Media and
Communication Science, NORDICOM. 3) Public Service Broadcasting network RIPE. 4) The
Social Entrepreneurship Research Network of the Nordic Countries SERNOC. 5) Swedish
Interactive Research Association SIRA.
Annika Åkerblom, PhD
Annika Åkerblom 621123-5160
Spolegatan 6
222 20 Lund
Malmoe University
[email protected]
University degrees:
2003 Master of Arts in Education
2002 Bachelor of Arts in Phonetics
Doctor´s degree:
2011 Doctor´s degree in Education. The name of the dissertation: Children making sense of
physical phenomena. Supervisor: Elsie Anderberg
Present employment:
January 2012 – Senior lecturer in Children and Youth science, 100% at the Department of
Children, Youth and Society, Malmoe University. 20% research time in the position.
Former employments:
January 2011-december 2011,Senior lecturer, 100 % in Education, Division of Education,
Department of Sociology at Lund University. 10 % research time in the position.
2007-2010, Doctoral student in Education, Division of Education, Department of Sociology at
Lund University.
1996-2006, Manager and teacher, Lekloftet Montessoriförskola, Lund
1999-2009, Partner, Illustrator and Product Developer in the publishing company ―Linguistic
Awareness‖ for publication of teaching materials and games.
1991-1996, Montessori teacher Östra Torns Montessoriförskola, Lund
Operational Coordinator Lotta Nyrén, Malmo University, Faculty of
Education and Society
Family name
First names
Year of birth
Carin Charlotta
Home address:
Vångavägen 23
241 32 Eslöv, Sweden
Malmö University,
Nordenskiöldsgatan 10
SE-205 06 Malmö, Sweden
+46 –406658303, +46-702552827
[email protected]
2000 – Master of arts in Psychology. Lund University
2003 – Master of Education for the Upper Secondary School
Civics/Psychology. Malmö University
Present employment
2006- Teacher in Education at young children's development and learning, Malmö University,
School of Education.
Magnus Gudmundsson, Ph D webmaster in the research school
Ph.D. Ethnology, Lund University (2001)
MA, Ethnology, Lund University (1995)
BA, Ethnology, Lund University (1993)
Research Communicator, Lund University 2013- present (50%)
Coordinator/Communication Manager, Malmö University 2009 – present (50%)
Research Group Leader, Centre for Life Style Issues, Skåne Regional Council, 2008 2009
Senior Lecturer, Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences, Lund University, part-time
2007 - 2012
Senior Curator, Malmö Museer, 2002 – 2008
Coordinator, Samdok Secretariat, Nordiska museet in Stockholm, 2001-2002
Doctoral Studentship, Department of Ethnology, Lund University 1999-2001
Doctoral Student, Department of Ethnology, Lund University 1995 - 2001
Teaching Assistant, Department of Ethnology, Lund University 1995-1996
Graphic Arts Production, Media and Communications, 7,5 ECTS, Halmstad
University, 2009
Multimedia and the Web, Media and Communications, 7,5 ECTS, Kalmar University,
Web Design, Media and Communications, 7,5 ECTC, Umeå University, 2006
CSS-based Web Design, Media and Communications, 7,5 ECTC, Umeå University,
Ethnology, 80 p, Lund University, Växjö University, 1992-1995
Museology, 20 p, Lund University, 1994
Archeology, 20 p, Lund University, 1994
History, 20 p, Jönköping University, 1991-1992
Religious Studies, 60 p, Lund University, 1990-1992
University of Gothenburg
Professor Sonja Sheridan
Associate professor Pia Williams
Associate professor Johannes Lunneblad
Torgeir Alvestad, PhD
Specific positions of responsibility in the research school:
Operational Coordinator, Pia Williams
Scientific leader, professor Sonja Sheridan
Professor Sonja Sheridan
Preschool teacher 1974.
PhD in Education 2001-06-28. Pedagogical Quality in preschool: An issue of perspectives.
Associate professor in Education 2007-09-04.
Professor in Education, 2011-01-10.
University lecturer from 2001, associate professor from 2007 and professor in education from
2011 at the Gothenburg University, Department of Education, Communication and Learning.
Vice head of Department of Education, Communication and Learning from 2010 and Pro head
of Department between 121218-130811, with responsibility for research and the PhD
education at our Department.
PARENTAL LEAVE - 1977 and 1979-1980
Constructive Competition within the Swedish Educational system, 2003-2005. Financed
by the Swedish Scientific Board, Project leader, Sonja Sheridan.
A Comparative study was made within the project of Constructive Competition together
with Prof. Marta Fulop, Budapest University, Hungary – 2004-2005.
A comparative study of preschool quality together with a research team from Korea, 2004
– 2006. Project leader, Ass. prof. You-Me Han, Hoseo University, Korea and Ass. prof.
Sonja Sheridan, University of Gothenburg.
International and comparative study of young children‘s experiences in preschool, 2004 –
2005. Participating researches from eight different countries and five continents.
Children‘s Early Learning, 2005-2007. Financed by the Swedish Scientific Board, Project
leader, professor Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson.
Teacher competence in changes – A study of teacher competence in preschool, 20082011. Financed by the Swedish Scientific Board, Project leader professor Sonja Sheridan.
Early childhood teacher education: students trajectories of learning about children´s
literacy, 2012-2015. Financed by the Norwegian Scientific Board, Project leader Liv
The impact of group size on children´s affordances in preschool, 2012-2015. Financed by
the Swedish Scientific Board, Project leader, associate professor Pia Williams.
EXPERT ASSIGNMENTS – a few selected assignments
For the Swedish National Agency of Education, Inspector of quality issues and evaluation
throughout the Swedish educational system during 2001-2002.
For the OECD, Stockholm 2003. Together with professor Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson
and Ph.D. Pia Williams analyse five preschool curricula and develop policy for preschool
in EU.
Expert reading of research application to the Icelandic Research Fund, 2009.
Invited by the Ministry of Education and Research in Sweden to participate in the
presidency of The Nordic Council of Ministers seminar in Iceland 28 April, 2009.
For NOKUT, expert in evaluating all preschool education on a national level in Norway,
Participation in the planning of the new preschool teacher education at Gothenburg
university, 2010.
Employed as expert by the Ministry of Education and Research to revise the Swedish
preschool curriculum, 2010.
Invited to Moscow, 13-19 February, 2011 by professor Nikolay Veraksa, Head of
Department of Education and Child Development, Moscow City Teacher's Training
University, the World Bank and UNESCO. The aim was to hold a keynote lecture at a
work shop that was arranged by the World Bank and UNESCO, and to hold a lecture at
the international conference, The eighth international conference, Trends of education
development: Issues of evidence-based management, quality assurance and enhancement.
At Moscow higher school of social and economic sciences, National Research University
– higher schools of economics, Academy of national economy of Russian Federation,
2012. Starting Strong: Implementing policies for High-Quality Early Childhood Education
and Care.
Expert assignment by OECD, to comment on and develop a literature review with relevant
Nordic research on - Monitoring and Evaluating Quality in ECEC.
Expert assignment by the Ministry of Education and Research to participate in a OECD
assignment - Monitoring Child Outcomes in ECEC, 2013.
Board member in the Research school, FobaSM, 2012-2014.
Invited keynote speaker at the Second Annual International Scientific Conference Early
Childhood Care and Education. The Public Chamber of Russia (Moscow, Miusskaya pl.,
7/1) on 6–7th December 2012. Organizers: Moscow City Department of Education,
UNESCO Moscow Office, Moscow Institute of Open Education (MIOO).
Keynote speaker together with minister Maria Arnholm, on ‖Riksstämman‖, 121024 –
What is quality in todays and tomorrows preschool.
Head supervisor, Torgeir Alvestad, PhD at University of Gothenburg, Dissertation
Head supervisor, Karin Lager, Licentiand at University of Gothenburg, Examination
Head supervisor, Karin Lager, PhD at University of Gothenburg.
Vice supervisor, Anne Kultti, PhD at University of Gothenburg, Dissertation 120907.
Vice supervisor, Tuula Vuorinen, Licentiand at Mälardalens högskola.
Head supervisor, Annika Rosenqvist, Licentiand at University of Gothenburg.
Vice supervisor Hiba Abou-Touk, Licentiand at University of Gothenburg.
Associate Professor Pia Williams
Preschool teacher 1985
PhD in Education 2001-09-28. Children learning from each other – in preschool and
Associate professor in Education 2008-03-01
University lecturer from 2001 at Gothenburg University, Department of Education,
Communication and Learning. 50 % time for research
The Swedish National Agency for Education, 2001-2002
Senior lecturer, University college of Skövde, 2003-2004
Preschool teacher in Gothenburg, Sweden, 1985-1991
Parental leave 1991 and 1996
Head supervisor, Agneta Jonsson, PhD at University of Gothenburg.
Head supervisor Panagiota Nasiopoulou, PhD at University of Gothenburg.
Vice supervisor Ingibjörg Ósk Sigurðardóttir, Reykjavik universitet, Island.
Head supervisor, Jonna Larsson, Licentiand at University of Gothenburg, Examination
Vice supervisor, Annika Rosengren, Licentiand at University of Gothenburg.
Vice supervisor, Tuula Vuorinen, Licentiand at Mälardalens högskola.
Vice supervisor Victoria C. Wahlgren, University college of Jönköping. Disputation
Vice supervisor Elin Eriksen Ödegaard, Göteborgs universitet. Disputation 2007-0625.
Constructive Competition within the Swedish Educational system, 2003-2005.
Financed by the Swedish Scientific Board, Project leader, Sonja Sheridan.
A Comparative study was made within the project of Constructive Competition
together with Prof. Marta Fülöp, Budapest University, Hungary – 2004-2005.
Teacher competence in changes – A study of teacher competence in preschool,
2008-2011. Financed by the Swedish Scientific Board, Project leader professor
Sonja Sheridan.
The impact of group size on children´s affordances in preschool, 2012-2015.
Financed by the Swedish Scientific Board, Project leader, associate professor Pia
Associate Professor Johannes Lunneblad
I. Educational background and positions:
Child and youth education
Ph.D. studies
Ph.D. Education
Post doc. (Partnerships for International Research and Education) the US National Science
Foundation och Nuffield foundation, UK. 2007
Lecturer University of Gothenburg
Associate Professor
II. Funding, Research
Learning Spaces for Inclusion and Social Justice: Success Stories from Immigrant Students
and School Communities in Four Nordic. Countries NORDFORSK 2013-2015
In the best interest of the child –Reception of refugee children and there families in the
Swedish preschool. The European Refugee Fund 2010-2012
Learning processes within and outside the school. VR 2006-2009
Genus, Ethnicity in Schools and Text. VR 2006-2009
The Children of immigrants in Schools. 2006-2010. Post doc. (Partnerships for International
Research and Education) of the US National Science Foundation och Nuffield foundation,
Diverse Teachers for Diverse Learners, NordForsk
Youth and Social Exclusion, NordForsk.
Ethnography in Education Network, Open University, UK
Supervisor (ongoing)
Jennie Sivenbring, Hiba Abou-Taouk, Christine Ericsson
Torgeir Alvestad, PhD
Year of birth: 1960
Senior Lecturer
University of Gothenburg
Department of Education
Communication and Learning
Läroverksgatan 15
PO Box 300, SE 405 30 Gothenburg, Sweden
Mail: [email protected]
1. Higher education degree(s).
1984: Preschool teacher, University College Oslo, Barnevernsakademiet
1994: Main subject of Early Childhood Education, University College Oslo,
2. Doctoral degree. Ange år, disciplin/ämnesområde, avhandlingens titel samt
2010: PhD, University of Gothenburg, Pedagogik
Preschool relationships – young children as competent participants in negotiations
Supervisors: Head supervisor: Sonja Sheridan, vice supervisor Ingrid Pramling
Senior Lecturer
University of Gothenburg
Department of Education, Communication and Learning
2003-2010: Educational adviser, Kanvas foundation, Oslo
2000-2003: Chief Officer of Early Childhood Education, Municipality of Asker,
1997-2000: Educational adviser, Pedagogisk Forum, Oslo
1994-1997: Senior Lecturer, University College Oslo
1992-1994: Assistant Lecturer, University College Oslo, Barnevernsakademiet
1984-1992: Preschool teacher
Karlstad University
Professor Annica Löfdahl
Maria Hjalmarsson, PhD
Karin Franzén, PhD
Specific positions of responsibility in the research school:
Operational Coordinator, PhD Karin Franzén
Scientific leader, professor Annica Löfdahl
Professor Annica Löfdahl
601020 -6222
1. Higher education degrees.
Preschool teacher, Karlstad University, 1996
Master in Education, Karlstad University, 1999
2. Doctoral degree in Education, Karlstad University. Förskolebarns lek: en arena för kulturellt
och socialt meningsskapande, [ Pre-school Children‘s play: Arenas for cultural and social
meaning-making] 2002. Supervisor Dr Gunilla Lindqvist
Postdoktorsvistelser (Postdoctoral positions).
Short visits in India, 2005 Preschool teacher education, Dept. of Human Dev. and Family
Studies, M.S.University of Baroda(MSU), Vadodara, Gujarat, India.
3. Docent Senior Lecturer level 2007
4. Present position: Professor in educational work since 2010 – still. 40 % time for
research within my employment.
5. Previous positions and periods of appointment:
Pre-school teacher 1997-1998
Phd-student 1999-2002
Senior lecturer (substitute) – 2003- 2004
Assistent professor – 2004-2008
Senior lecturer 2008-2010
Professor – 2010- still
Supervision. Second supervisor for
Christian Augustsson, doctor in Education 2007
Stefan Wagnsson, doctor in Education 2009
Current supervisor for 4 Phd students and second supervisor for 3 phd students
Information of relevance:
Director of PhD education (education and Educatioanl Work) 2004-2011
Member of The faculty board for teacher education – 2006-2012
Member of committee for research and Phd-education related to teacher education
Member, 2008-2010, and chair of the local ethical committee at Karlstad univ. 2011still
Member of the faculty board at the faculty of arts and social science – 2013-still
Vice chairman of the research committee at the faculty of arts and social science –
Scientific leader of the research group/ didactic centre UBB, Educational studies of
children and childhood.
Research projects of relevance:
Project member Stability and change in social knowledge domains among children in preschool settings 2005-2008. The Swedish Research Council
Project leader: The performative preschool – planning project, The Swedish Research
Council 2007
Project leader: Visibility, documentation and changes in the teacher profession in preschool.
2012-2014. The Swedish Research Council
Project leader: Every-day practice in after school settings. Financed by UBB educational
studies of children and childhood. 2009-12
Project member: A new practice in after school settings and a clarified profession of leisure
time teachers: a contribution to a widened norm of profession. 2013- ongoing
Maria Hjalmarsson, PhD
Pedagogical education
Fritidspedagogexamen (University Certificate in Recreation and Leisure Education), College
of Karlstad ht-1995
Filosofie kandidatexamen i pedagogik med inriktning mot utbildningsledarskap (Degree of
Bachelor of Science in Education with Orientation towards Educational Leadership),
Gothenburg University 2009
Filosofie doktorsexamen i pedagogik (Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Education),
Gothenburg University 2009
Education for supervisors, Karlstad University 2011
Leisure-time teacher
Doctoral student, Gothenburg University
Senior lecturer in Educational Work, Karlstad University
Karin Franzén, PhD
1. University Graduate
Preschool Teacher, Karlstads university 1983
Bachelor of Science in Education 1999, Karlstads university
2. Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Education
Umeå University 2006-11-17. Avhandlingens titel: Cool Practice With a
Warm Heart. The Construction of School Leadership From a Gender
Perspective: Supervisors Britt-Marie Berge och Ulla Johansson
3. –
4. –
5. Current Employment
Senior Teacher. Educational Science. Karlstads university.
6. Previous Employments
Preschool Teacher Karlstads and Kils Municipalities, jan 1984juni 1990.
Preschool Director, Lundens preschool, Kil, juli 1990- augusti 2000
Ph.D student Umeå University, sept 2000- sept 2005
Senior Teacher, Departement of Education, Mid Sweden University, okt
2005-dec 2005
Senior Teacher, Educational Studies, Örebro university 2006 – juni 2007
Senior Teacher Educational work, Karlstads university aug from 2007
7. 8. Other Qualifications
Initiator and leader of the Nordic Network of Toddlers Mathematics with the
aim is to bringing together researchers and educators with an interest in the
younger preschool children's mathematics learning
Reviewer in International Journal of Early Childhood, International Journal
of Web Based Communities and Educational Administration Quarterly.
Kristianstad University
Associate Professor Anders Jönsson
Associate Professor Agneta Ljung Djärf
Susanne Thulin, PhD
Agneta Jonsson, PhD student
Specific positions of responsibility in the research school:
Operational Coordinator, Associate Professor Agneta Ljung Djärf/Susanne Thulin,
Ph d
Scientific leader, Associate Professor Anders Jönsson
Associate professor Anders Jönsson, 2013 (700422-3637)
1) Higher education degrees
Master of Education for the Upper Secondary School, Biology and General
Bachelor of Education for the Compulsory School Year 4-9, Mathematics and
2) Doctoral degree
Doctoral degree in Education
Title of dissertation: Educative assessment for/of teacher competency
Supervisor: Prof. Gunilla Svingby
Postdoctoral positions
Docent level
Docent in Educational Sciences
3)Present position
2012-07-01 --
Associate professor in Science Education Research with a focus on
assessment, Kristianstad University
Research in position: 22 %
4)Previous positions
2010-02-01 – 2012-06-30 Assistant professor in Science Education Research, Kristianstad
2010-02-01 – 2012-01-31 Researcher at Centre for Profession Studies, Malmö University
2008-08-01 – 2010-02-01 Assistant professor in Educational Sciences, Malmö University
Doctoral student, Malmö University
Military and officer training
Interruption in research
Supervisor for Andreia Balan (Ph.D.), finished in 2012
Associate Professor Agneta Ljung Djärf
1. Higher education degree(s)
Teacher Certification, Pre-school
Bachelor‘s degree, Education
2. Doctoral degree
Doctor of Philosophy, University of Lund
Play around the computer: Computer use as meaning-shaping practice in pre-school.
Supervisor: Professor Torgny Ottosson.
3. Postdoctoral positions
4. Docent Senior Lecturer level
Associate Professor, Kristianstad University
5. Present position
Kristianstad University, Associate professor (25% research time of full time)
6. Previous positions and periods of appointment
Pre-school teacher, Kristianstad municipality
Lecturer, Kristianstad University
Lecturer, Kristianstad University
Doctoral student (PhD), Kristianstad University
Lecturer, Kristianstad University
Senior lecturer, Kristianstad University
Associate professor, Kristianstad University
7. Interruption of research
8. Supervision
Supervision at bachelor and master degree.
9. Other information of relevance
Opponent/member of the exam board
Opponent at the final seminar, lic Susanne Thulin, Kristianstad University (050303).
Opponent and member of the exam board at University of Stavanger (UiS), Norway, PhD
Margrethe Jernes (130301).
2005: Early Education and Development
2006: Invited ‗guest editor‘ Early Education and Development, 17(3)
2010: The International Conference on Education, Informatics, and Cybernetics: WMSCI,
2010: Nordisk Børnehaveforskning, The 8th International Conference on Education and
Information Systems, Technologies and Applications, EISTA
2013: World association of lesson and learning studies (WALS)
Research grants
VR planning grant, main applicant, 150 000sek
(Decision no. 729-2007-632)
VR project grant, co-applicant, 6 300 000sek
(Decision no. 2009-15087-71557-35)
Kristianstad University has awarded me an internal incentive support for successful external
grant applications. In total 200 000sek, 2010-2015.
Conference arrangements
Invited member at the scientific committee at the international WALS conference arranged
at University of Gothenburg, September 2013 (www.walsnet.org/2013)
International research exchange
I have received two grants from the International Program Office for a total of 45 000sek.
The grants have been used for research exchange with researchers at the Hong Kong
Institute of Education, Hong Kong, 2010 and 2011.
Susanne Thulin, PhD
1. Higher education degree(s))
Teacher Certification, Pre-school
Licentiate examination
2. Doctoral degree
Doctor of Philosophy, 2011, pedagogy, University of Gothenburg. Teacher talk and
children´s queries. Communication about natural science in early childhood
Supervisor: prof. Niklas Pramling, University of Gothenburg, prof. Ingrid Pramling
Samuelsson, Göteborgs university and fil Dr. Lena Bäckström, Kristianstad university.
3. Postdoctoral positions
4. Docent Senior Lecturer level
5. Present position
Senior lecturer, Kristianstad University, 100%, includ.20% research time.
6. Previous positions and periods of appointment
Preschool teacher,
1976 – 1998
Preschool teacher, commission in- service,
1988 – 1991
Preschool teacher, commission developmental work,
1991 – 1997
Lecturer, Kristianstad University (80%)
1995-08-01 – 1996-06-30
Lecturer, Kristianstad University (100%)
1996-07-01 – 2011-11-30
Ph, d. stud. Göteborgs University,
08-09-01 - 2011-08-31
Senior lecturer, Kristianstad University (100%)
2011-12-01 –
7. Interruption of research
8. Handledning (Supervision).
Supervision degree Bachelor of arts/teacher education,
Supervision degree Master, Educational sciences
9. Other information of relevance
Opponent licentiate examination: Maria Thelander, 2011, Malmö Högskola
Member of examination committee: Laurance Delacour, Malmö Högskola, Fakulteten
för lärande och samhälle, 2013-02- 14,
Ph.D. in the National graduate school in Childhood, Learning and Didactics (FoBa),
now coordinator for the graduate school´s alumni activities.
Involved in the work with the background texts, revision preschool curriculum 20102011,
Member of the board; National Network concerning Science in preschool ( Nationella
Nätverket med inriktning Naturvetenskap i förskolan). Adm. by nationellt
resurscentrum för fysik i Lund,
Member of the board; BUNT; Children Discover Science and Technology (Barn
Upptäcker Naturvetenskap och Teknik) in cooperation with Young Technology
Sweden ( Ung Teknik, Sverige)
Member of Nord Plus-project NATGREP in cooperation with five nordic countries.
Focus of the project: Children´s learning concerning language and science.
Member of Ulla-Britta Bruuns memorial foundation.
Responsible for preschool teacher education, Kristianstad University
International Journal of Early Childhood
Nordisk Barnehageforskning (Nordic Childhood Studies)
Utbildning och Lärande http://www.his.se/forskning/ovrigforskning/lararutbildning/utbildning-och-larande/om-skriftserien/
Linköping University
Associate Professor Ann-Marie Markström
Associate Professor Maria Simonsson
Fredrik Alm, PhD
Specific positions of responsibility in the research school:
Operational Coordinator, Associate professor Maria Simonsson
Scientific leader, Associate professor Ann-Marie Markström
Associate professor Ann-Marie Markström, Faculty of Social and Welfare
Studies, Linköping University
Family name:
First names:
Year of birth:
Home address:
Ann-Marie Ingrid Elisabeth
Lövsbergsv 71, 589 37 Linköping
Linköping University, IBL, University of Linköping.
+46 13 28 20 41
[email protected]
2005 - Ph.D., Pedagogic Practices, Department of Teacher Education, Linköping University
Thesis title: Preschool as a normalizing practice. An ethnographic study.
1994 - Master Degree in social work, Örebro University
1992- Teacher education, Linköping University
1975- Bachelor in Social work, Örebro University
Associate Professor
2011-09 Associate Professor of Pedagogic practices, Linköping university.
Present employment
Senior lecturer and assistant professor (2009-2013) in Pedagogic practices, Linköping University.
Work as a researcher (80) and as a lecturer (20%) in undergraduate education, supervisor of master's
program and doctoral program in Pedagogic practices. My on-going research project concerns home
and preschool/school relations (assistant professor).
Supervision of doctoral dissertations
Pedagogic Practices, Campus Norrköping, Linköping University (1 on-going)
Selections of previous employment and scientific leadership
Project leader of a research project concerning Parent-teacher conferences in
preschool- an arena for constructions of childhood, parenthood and
professionalization‖, VR. Reported in 2011.
Project leader of a FOU-project concerning counselling and abuse of children, City
of Linköping.
Senior Lecturer in Pedagogics, Linköping university
2005-08--12-31 Lecturer in social pedagogy, Department of social care, LiU
Doctoral studies, Department of teacher Education, LiU
Lecturer in social pedagogy, Department of social care, LiU
Lecturer, Department of Teacher education, LiU
Lecturer, Department of Health Studies and Teacher education, LiU (20%)
Senior High school Teacher in psychology and social sciences, Linköping.
Social worker (city of Linköping and at the hospital in Linköping)
Other of relevance for the research school
Project leader of a research project concerning Parent-teacher conferences in preschool- an arena for
constructions of childhood, parenthood and professionalization‖, VR. Reported in 2011.
Participated in the following projects: 1) ―The change of preschool and a new childhood‖, VR
(professor Gunilla Halldén, 2001), 2) ―Social pedagogy in the society‖ VR (professor Elisabeth
Cedersund, 2001) and 3) Network in Social Pedagogy VR (professor Elisabeth Cedersund, 2008).
Referee for scientific Journals of relevance for this project – Educare, Contemporary Issues in Early
Childhood and Early Childhood Health Care.
Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal Education and Learning.
External Assessor in halfway and 90 % assessment in doctoral studies (5), opponent at Stavanger
university (1).
External expert for STINT, assessments of applications.
Member of the scientific and organizing committees of several conferences in Social Pedagogy,
Social Work and Pedagogic practices, 2000-2011.
Guest-teacher at The University of Namibia in Windhoek, July and August, 2008, LinneusPalme.
Associate professor Maria Simonsson
Full name and Swedish personal number
Maria Simonsson, Swedish personal number : 601211-1211
Business address:
Department of Social and Welfare Studies, Linköping University (LiU), S-581 83 Linköping, Sweden
Tel: +46 (0)11 363062, +46 (0)702 2470 21, E-mail: [email protected]
Home address:
Tinnerbäcksgränd 4, S-587 50 Linköping, Sweden
Tel: +46 (0)13 273852 , +46 (0)702 247021
University degrees:
-Preschool teacher, LiU, 1992
-Master of Arts and Science, in Communication, LiU, 1996
- Ph.D. in Child Studies, LiU, 2004 -04 -02 (Advisor: Prof. G. Halldén)
Thesis title: Picture Books in Preschool- An Interactional Perspective. Thesis No 287 , Linköping, Sweden
Associate Professor:
Associate Professor in of Pedagogic practices, LiU, 2011
Professional experience:
-Preschool teacher/teacher, 1983-1996
- PhD position, Departman of Childs Studies LiU, Sept. 1996 - Jan. 2004
- Senior Lecturer, ISV, LiU, Jan. 2005 No research time is associated with the position- research activities must be based on external
funding. The annular amount of teaching has typically been 70%
Interruption of research
Academic Leadership
-Director of teaching trainee program (2008-2010) Linköpings University
-Member of the leader group of the Faculty Educational Science (2008-2009)
Member of steering board of the Postgraduate studies in Pedagogic Practices, Linköping University
-On parental leave in 1992-1994 and 1997-1999 (fulltime) 1999-2002 (20%)
Advisor of graduate students:
Anders Albinsson, 2012Assistant advisor of graduate students:
Susanne Severinsson, (2007- 2010); Lina Lago Söderman (2007-2008) Linda Häll (2007-2008)
Research grants:
The Swedish Board of Education (2001-2004)
Förskolans omvandling och ny barndom. En studie av relationen mellan diskurs och praktik i
avseende på hur lärande och omsorg kommer till uttryck
With Prof. Gunilla Halldén
Lars Hierta stiftelssen (2011) 30.000 kr for the project
”Utvecklingssamtal som kommunikativ- och utvecklingspraktik mellan hem och förskola”
University/faculty grants
Faculty of Education Science
2005-2007 50% Preschool studies
2007 50% Gender studies in the preschool
2008 30% Gender studies in the preschool
2010-2012 30% Preschool studies
-Member of PhD examination committee, 1 times
-member of the Lic examination commite (70%), 2 times
-Referee jobs for
Gender and Education, 2times
Barn, 1times
International Journal of Early Childhood IJCE, 1time
-Expert in the appointment process of lecturerships, 2 times
Additional experience:
Member of The Institutional Board of Department of Social and Welfare Studies (2006-2008 Elected
Deputy Member )
Member of Board of Forum for Gender Studies and Equality at Linköpings University (2010-2012)
Teaching experience/Pedagogical qualifications:
-Lecturer and examiner for a number of undergraduate courses of A, B, C and D level during the years
2004-2013 (approx. 4 courses each year).
-Lecturer and examiner/co-examiner for a number of graduate courses during the years 2004-2012
(approx. 4-6 course each year).
-Lecturer for University pedagogy, Step 3a, Linköping University, 2010
Fredrik Alm, PhD Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning,
Family name:
First names:
Year of birth:
Home address:
Carl Fredrik
Hantverkaregatan 20, 602 32 Norrköping
Linköping University, IBL, 581 83 Linköping
+46 13 28 58 39
[email protected]
2010 - Ph.D., Education; Linköping University
Thesis title: Expressions on the Schedule; Impressions in the Classroom: A study
of Lessons in Schools Without a Set Timetable.
2001 - Master Degree in Education, Linköping University
2001- Teacher education, Linköping University
Present employment
Senior lecturer in Education, Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning, Linköping
University (LiU). Works as a course director of and teacher in the course Educational
bachelor and master thesis
Selections of previous employment and scientific leadership
2003-2012 Lecturer in Education, Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning, LiU
2003-2010 PhD studies, Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning, LiU
1996-2002 High school Teacher in mathematics and sciences, city of Motala.
Linneus University
Professor Per Gerevall
Professor Peter Karsludd
Associate professor Per Lindqvist
Associate professor Stefan Lund.
Anette Emilson, PhD
Anne-Mari Folkesson, PhD
Elisabeth Frank, PhD
Henrik Hegender, PhD
Jan Håkansson, PhD
Lise-Lotte Bjervås, PhD
PhD student Maria Magnusson,
PhD student Helena Ackesjö (disp. 2014)
PhD student Marianne Dahl (disp. 2014)
Specific positions of responsibility in the research school:
Operational Coordinator, PhD Anette Emilsson
Scientific leader, professor Peter Karlsudd
Professor Per Gerevall
Undergraduate Degree
Bachelor of Arts in Education
(Teacher Qualification)
Graduate Degree
Pedagogy (Education)
Associate Professor
Appointed as Associate Professor at Växjö universitet in 2004.
Appointed as professor at Linnæus University in 2010.
Current Employment
Professor of Pedagogy at Linnæus University.
Earlier Employments and Assignments
Senior Lecturer in Pedagogy at Växjö University, 1994-2010
Research Assistant/Educational consultant (50%) at the Medical Faculty in Lund
University (1982-08-18––1988–02-01)
Acting Assistant Professor in Pedagogy at Växjö University (1985––1989-03-31)
PhD studentship (100%) at the Department of Education, Lund University
Acting Assistant Professor in Pedagogy at Växjö University (1990-07-01––1994)
Head of the School of Education, Växjö University 1994-07-01—1997-12-31
Vice dean at the Board of Teacher Education at Växjö University 2001-07-01—2004-1231.
Dean at the Board of Teacher Education at Växjö University 2008-01-01—2009-12-31.
Dean of The Board of Educational Science at Linnæus University from 2010-01-01
to 2012-12-31.
Faculty examiner (opponent, PhD-theses)
Jörgen Tholin. Att kunna klara sig i ökänd natur. En studie av betyg och
betygskriterier - historiska betingelser och implementering av ett nytt system. Göteborgs
universitet/Högskolan i Borås, disputation 2006-09-06 (Supervisor professor Torgny
Kent Larsson. Samtal, klassrumsklimat och elevers delaktighet: överväganden kring en
deliberativ didaktik. Örebro universitet, disputation 2007-11-30. (Supervisor professor
Tomas Englund)
Helena Tsagalidis. Därför fick jag bara Godkänt...: Bedömning i karaktärsämnen på HRprogrammet. Stockholms universitet, disputation 2008-10-15 (Supervisor professor
Robert Höghielm)
Mikael Londos. Spelet på fältet: Relationen mellan ämnet idrott och hälsa i gymnasieskolan
och idrott på fritid. Malmö Högskola, 2010-10-08. (Supervisor professor Tomas Peterson)
Åsa Liljeqvist. Rum för lärande. Om kroppens bildning och utbildning i skolans
gymnastiksalar. Stockholms universitet. 2013-01-25
Supervision of Doctoral Students (PhD-exam)
Martin Stigmar, 2002-01-25 (head supervisor)
Stefan Sellbjer, 2002-12-06 (co supervisor)
Daniel Sundberg, 2005-05-20 (co supervisor)
Stefan Lund, 2006-03-03 (co supervisor)
Lena Carlsson, 2006-03-31 (co supervisor)
Linda Reneland, 2009-06-04 (head supervisor)
Barbro Gustafsson, 2010-12-10 (co supervisor)
Johanna Jormfeldt, 2011-02-18 (co supervisor)
Recent supervision
Jan Berggren (head supervisor)
Marie Hedberg (head supervisor)
Susanne Meckbach (head supervisor)
John D Kazungu, Tanzania (head supervisor)
Margreth Johansson, 2007-12-07 (head supervisor)
Project Management and Other Assignments
Project Management (Project Leader)
Research project ― The Conditions and Possibilities of Education at the Special Residential
Homes for Young People‖ financed by the Scientific Council at The Swedish National Board
of Institutional Care,1996—98.
The development of diagnostic tools for the assessment of democratic competence. Financed
by The Swedish National Agency for Education. 2001--2003.
The development of National Tools for the Assessment of Vocational Knowledge in Upper
Secondary Programmes. Financed by The Swedish National Agency for Education and the
Delegation of Validating Vocational Competence (Valideringsdelegationen). 1995--2007.
Evaluation of the introduction of Project Work in Upper Secondary Education. Financed by
the The Swedish National Agency for Education. 2003-2004
The Development of Assessment Tools for the Evaluation of Communicative Competence in
Higher Education. Financed by the Swedish National Agency for Higher Education. 2005-2008.
Reviewer Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige
Reviewer concerning appointments as associate professor and senior lecturers
Professor Peter Karsludd
Higher education degrees.
Leisure-time pedagogue
Methodology and Pedagogic teacher
Bachelor in Education
Doctoral degrees.
1999 Ph.D. in Pedagogy with the thesis Children with special needs in integrated childcare.
[Särskolebarn i integrerad skolbarnsomsorg], Supervisor Lena Holmberg.
2011 Ph.D. in Industrial Economics and Management with the thesis Support for learning–
possibilities and obstacles in learning applications. Supervisor Peter Révay.
Postdoctoral positions.
Docent Senior Lecturer level.
Växjö University 2009
Present position.
Professor of pedagogy from 20120423
Previous positions and periods of appointment.
Leisure-time pedagogue
Superintendent, director
Leisure-time pedagogue
Superintendent, director
Upper secondary school teacher in Child and Youth Education
Superintendent, director
Upper secondary school teacher in Child and Youth Education
Lecturer, instructor in Education, Växjö University
Lecturer, instructor in Education, University of Kalmar
Doctoral studentship, University of Malmö
Senior Lecturer in Education, University of Kalmar
Senior Lecturer in Education and Informatics, University of Kalmar
Associate professor
Professor of pedagogy
Guest lecturer at the University of Kristianstad, with particular
responsibility for the development of Special Education.
Deputy for Professor Jerry Rosenquist.
800623 - 841231
850101 - 850630
850701 - 861231
870101 - 881231
890101 - 891231
900101 - 900631
900701 - 910831
910901 - 960631
960701 - 980731
980801 - 981220
981221 - 020531
020601 – 090504
090505 - 120422
120423 -still
100701 - 0,20
Main supervisor for Tor Ahlbäck and Marita Pekkanen Myhrberg
Other Information
Research Projects with financial support formulated, planned, implemented, and
documented the following project:
"IT security in the Net University's distance learning”.
With funding from: Net University [Nätuniversitetet]
” Thesis web dialogue” Development of an IT support for tutors and Thesis writers.
With funding from: Net University and Board of Education [Nätuniversitetet och Nämnden
för lärarutbildning]
”KIDSS” Communication, information, documentation, collaboration and consensus.
With funding from: General Inheritance Fund [Allmänna Arvsfonden]
”Webbhang Web application for continuous connection”.
With funding from: Savings Bank Foundation [Sparbanksstiftelsen]
”Open Educational Resources”.
With funding from: Net University [Nätuniversitetet]
“A special school in remodelling”.
With funding from: The Knowledge Foundation [KK-Stiftelsen]
Guest Lectures.
Invited to lecture at elementary schools, secondary schools, other universities, associations,
etc. (approx. 45 occasions)
International Mission. Examples:
Reviewer for EISTA 2005 International Conference on Education and Information Systems:
Technologies and Applications 2005 in Orlando, Florida, USA
Member and reviewer in Program committee for Net-learning 2006
Reviewer for EISTA 2007 The 5th International Conference on Education and Information
Systems, Technologies and Applications: Orlando, Florida
Member of a delegation of the International Committee of the Swedish Agency for Networks
and Cooperation in Higher Education NSHUs for study visit to Australia, 2007
Member and reviewer in Program committee for Networking and Development [Nätverk och
utveckling], NU 2008
Member of the International Board of Reviewers, Journal of Information Technology
Education, 2008
Reviewer. The 3rd International Multi-Conference on Society, Cybernetics and Informatics:
IMSCI, 2009
Reviewer. International Symposium on Engineering Education and Educational
Technologies: EEET, 2009
Expert and expert missions. Examples:
Participated in the expert group from the National Agency for Education, to write curriculum
for a new national training for pupil assistants, 2006 - 2007
Government Expert in secondary special school investigation
[Gymnasiesärskoleutredningen], Ministry of Education, 2009- 2011
Associate professor Per Lindqvist
Higher education degre 1987, teacher education
Doctoral degree 2002-10-04.
Docent senior lecture level 2009-01-27
Present position: Senior lecturer in education, Linneaus University
Project leader Fokus 2: Research in schools/Schools in research, funded by the
National agency of school 2000-2003.
Project leader Fokus 3A: One step closer to the encounter between schools and
research and Fokus 3B: Who will educate who and into what? funded by the National
agency of school 2000-2003. 2002-2004. Collaboration with prof. Ivor Goodson,
University of Brighton and prof. Tomas Kroksmark, Högskolan i Jönköping
Initiated and coordinated a nordic network – Research on teachers’ professional lives
Formulating the proposal for and taking part in the research project – Applying
converse thinking: Exchanging practical assignments with theoretical applications.
2005-2008, Funded by the Swedish research council, 5700000 Skr
Formulating the proposal for and taking part in the research project Learning within
the school based parts of teacher education. A study of practical knowing,
apprenticeship and mentoring.. 2009-2011 Funded by the Swedish research council,
4100000 Skr
Project leader Learning in the risk zone – Schools in the risk society. Funded by
Crafoordska stiftelsen, 2007-2008, 300000 Skr.
Since 2005 coordinator for the network Teachers‘ work and lives, in cooperation with
the Nordic educational research association.
2004-2008 responsible for the development of an interdisciplinary research field and
master education - Human Services in Transition (HIT) – at University of Kalmar.
Chair of the group for the implementation of a new framework for work-based
education at the teacher education, Linnaeus university, 2011-2013
Supervisor for licentiate thesis, University of Gothenburg, Helena Ackesjö, ‖Teacher
identities in preschool classes: stories from a borderland‖. 2007-2010
Assistant supervisor for doctoral thesis, Univesity of Gothenburg, Maria Magnusson,
‖Learning study in preschool‖. Expected to be ready in october 2013.
Assistant supervisor for doctoral thesis, University of Gothenburg, Lotta Bjervås,
‖Teachers‘ views of prescool children in relation to pedagogical documentation‖.
Supervisor for doctoral thesis, Linnaeus university, Helena Ackesjö, ‖Transitions and
identities of children in preschool class‖. Expected to be ready in september 2014.
Formulating the proposal for and taking part in the research project, ”Crossroads – a
longitudinal study of choises and ideals in teachers careers. 2012 – 2014 Funded by
the Swedish reasearch council, 4500000 Skr.
Formulating the proposal for and taking part in the research project ‖let the right one
out – teacher training and induction as gatekeepers to the teaching profession, funded
by the Swedish research council, 4500000 Skr.
Associate professor Stefan Lund
Higher education degree(s)
Teacher education (Swedish/Social science, 1-7), 1998, Umeå University.
Bacholor degree education (1998), Växjö University.
Doctoral degree
PhD in Education (2006), Marknad och medborgare: elevers valhandlingar i
gymnasieutbildningens integrations- och differentieringsprocesser. Växjö: Växjö University
Press. Supervisors: Professor Christer Fritzell and Professor Per Gerrevall.
Postdoctoral positions
Post-doctoral position, School of Education, Växjö University. 080201 – 100131.
Docent level
Docent in Education 20121201, Linnaeus University.
Present position
Associated Professor, Linnaeus University, 28 % research.
Previous positions
- PhD position, School of education, Växjö University, 1999 – 2006.
- Guest lecturer, School of Education, Växjö University 2006
- Assistant professor, School of Education, Växjö University, 2007 – 2010
- Assistant professor, Department of Education, Psychology and Sport Science,
Linnaeus University, 2010-2012
- Associated professor, Department of Sport Science, 2013 –
Interruption in research.
Parental leave: 2000-09-01 – 2001-01-30
Parental leave: 2004-04-02 – 2005-01-15
Supervisor: Henrik Nilsson, December 2012 – disp. February 2014
Anette Emilson, PhD
Citizenship: Swede
Anette Emilson PhD
School of Education, Psychology and Sport Science
Board of Education Science
The Linneaus University
S-391 82 Kalmar
+46 480 446763
Fax: +46 480 446032
Email: [email protected]
Employment history
Preschool teacher in Kalmar
Guest lecturer University of Kalmar
Lecturer University of Kalmar
Lecturer/PhD student University of Kalmar/ Gothenburg University
Senior lecturer/Researcher University of Kalmar
Senior lecturer/Researcher Linneaus University 100%
Academic degrees
Preschool teacher
Pedagogy 31-120 hp
PhD in pedagogy Gothenburg University
Doctoral supervision
Marianne Dahl, phd student at Gothenburg University, Department of
Education and Educational Research. Licentiate thesis: Children‘s social life in the
leisure time centre. (co-supervisor)
2009 – 2011
Marianne Dahl, phd student at Linneaus University, School of Education, 2011 –
Psychology and Sport Science. Issue: Children‘s relational work and alliance
Building at leisure time centers. (co-supervisor)
University charges
Developing and coordinating the research field of Childhood
at the Linneaus University
2009 –
Teacher representant in the board of teacher traing programs
Representant in Liberay council The University of Kalmar
Be on the board of the institution: School of Education, Psychology and
Sport Science
2010 –
Be on the board of FHSAB (Faculty of Health, Social Work and Behavioural
2010 – 2011
Educational responsibility for Childhood-, preschool- and leisure time studies
Chairman of the Programme Council for pre-school teachers
2010 –
2010 –
Membership of research networks and organisations
Cice, Children‘s Identity and Citizenship in Europé
Nordic Educational Research Association, NERA
Organization Mondiale pour l‘Education Prescolaire (OMEP)
Nordic Network for Childcare Research
Association of Moral Education, AME
Nordic Childcare Research (Nordisk Barnehageforskning)
Fagbokforlaget, Bergen
Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies
2009 –
2011 dec
Expert committé
Appointment for lectureshipat the University of Stavanger
Bi-editor Nordic Childcare Research (Nordisk Barnehageforskning)
2013 ff
The Univesrity of Malmö, Opponent: licentiate thesis
Universitetet i Karlstad, opponent: 50%-seminar, doctoral thesis
Scientific leader for the research field Early childhood education at
the Linneaus university
Project leader for the Swedish part in the Nordic project Values
education in Nordic preschools – basis education for tomorrow
Funded by NordForsk (53581).
Anne-Mari Folkesson, PhD
Higher education degree.
1980 Leisure time pedagogue exam
Doctoral degree.
1998, Educational Science. Speech in grade 5. Development of assessment criteria.
Supervisor: Professor emerita Lena Holmberg.
Postdoctoral positions.
Docent Senior Lecturer level.
Present position.
Senior lecturer, full time, including 20% research. Presently working 85 % with research in
two different project, one of them regarding preschool.
Previous positions and periods of appointment.
Assistant, College University of Kalmar, ht 1993- vt 1995
Assistant project leader, ht 1995-ht 1996
Doctorate student, Educational science, Lund University, vt 1996- vt 1998
Senior Lecturer, Educational science, College University of Kalmar, ht 1999Interruption of research
Partly 2008-2011, firstly because of illness and thereafter work in a computer project
Other of relevance for the research school
Assistant supervisor for two persons who have finished ther PhD: Anette Emilsson
(Gothenburg University) and Maria Hedlin (Umeå University); and for two students who are
presently working on their theses: Lars Fonseca and Tor Ahlbäck (Linnaeus University)
Elisabeth Frank, PhD
Higher Education Diploma
Primary Teacher Education, University of Kalmar, Sweden
Postgraduate Diploma in Special Needs Training I, II, 60 credits, College of
Education, Malmö, Sweden
Postgraduate Diploma in Special Needs Training, III, 30 credits, College of
Education, Malmö, Sweden
Degree of Master of Arts, Pedagogy, University of Växjö, Sweden
Doctor of Philosophy
Doctoral degree, Ph D, Education, University of Gothenburg. (Title: Reading skills
among 9-10 year olds. The importance of school climate, collaboration between
school and home, teacher competence and pupil’s home background. Thesis.
Göteborg: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis. Supervisor Monica Rosén)
Current position
2000 - Associate professor, Linnaeus University, Sweden
Academic dissertation
Frank, E. (2009). Reading skills among 9-10 year olds. The importance of school climate,
collaboration between school and home, teacher competence and pupil‘s home background.
Thesis. Göteborg: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis.
Previous positions and periods of appointment
1979-1983 Psychiatric nurse, child and adolescent psychiatry department
1994 Teacher, child and adolescent psychiatry department
Special education teacher, child and adolescent psychiatry department
1996 - Lecteur children's literature, Library Service
Special education teacher, child and adolescent psychiatry department
Internal assignments
2006-2009 Chairman of the research field of Reading and Writing Skills, University of
Kalmar, Sweden
2006-2009 Member of the department board, University of Kalmar, Sweden
2010 -
Chairman of the Programme Council for Basic Teacher Training, Linneaus
University, Sweden
External assignments
Preparation of commentary to the basic school curriculum in Swedish National
Agency for Education, Stockholm
2007-2008 Development of national tests for Years 3 Swedish National Agency for
Education, Stockholm.
Participated in data collection in PISA 2000 (Programme for International Assessment)
Participated in data collection in PISA 2003
Participated in data collection in PISA 2005
Reviewer of articles for the Journal of Public Administration and Policy Research, Education
Inquiry and Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research
Project manager and conference coordinator for Nordic Teacher Education Conference "Teacher meeting with the future - quality and competence" held May 7 to 9, 2012 in Kalmar,
External funded projects
From 2003 to 2005. Research in collaboration with the University of Umeå, Sweden.
"Interactive learning in distance education." Funding from the Swedish Research Council
From 2003 to 2005. SALS project (Studies of the proficiency in Sweden) research projects in
collaboration with the University of Gothenburg
National network around the basic reading and writing skills in teacher education.
FUR: external member of the research environment for research on Prerequisites, Training,
and Performance at the University of Gothenburg.
FIGO: collaboration with researchers at the University of Stavanger on Research in early
reading and writing development
PrintOut - Writing as a meeting place and mediating tool in teacher education. Collaboration
with researchers at University College Sør-Ttøndelag.
Henrik Hegender , PhD
Higher Education Degree
Bachelor‘s Degree. Idrottspedagoglinjen 180hp, [Sports Science Education Programme],
University of Halmstad, Sweden, 1993.
Doctoral Degree
PhD in Pedagogic Practices, Linköping University, Sweden, 2010. Mellan akademi och
profession. Hur lärarkunskap formuleras och bedöms i verksamhetsförlagd lärarutbildning
[Between academy and profession. How teacher knowledge is formulated and assessed in
school-based teacher education].
Supervisors: Professor Glenn Hultman and associate professor Ulla Karin Nordänger.
Senior Lecturer in Education, Linnaeus University, Sweden, 2010-- (permanent employment,
100%). 30% research during 2010-2011. 25% research during 2012-2015.
Earlier Employments
PhD Student in Pedagogic Practices (100%), University of Kalmar, Sweden, 2005-05-01-2009-07-17.
Lecturer in Education (100%), University of Kalmar, Sweden, 2001-2005 (permanent
employment since 2004), 2009-2010.
Vocational teacher in upper secondary school, (The Children and Leisure-programme) at
Jenny Nyströmsskolan, Kalmar, Sweden 1996-1997 (fixed-term employment, 80%). 19982000 (fixed-term employment, 100%).
Current assistant supervisor to two doctoral students (Jens Gardesten, Kristina Henriksson) in
education at Linnaeus University.
Other Information
Taking part in the research project Låt den rätte komma ut! Om lärarutbildningens och
introduktionsperiodens funktioner som grindvakter till läraryrket [Let the right one out!
Teacher training and induction as gatekeepers to the teaching profession]. 2013-2015. With
grants from the Swedish Research Council; Dnr: 2012-1704.
Took part in the research project Lärandet i den verksamhetsförlagda delen av
lärarutbildningen. En studie av yrkeslärande, lärlingsprocesser och handledarskap [Learning
within the school-based parts of teacher education. A study of practical knowing,
apprenticeship and mentoring]. 2009--2011. With grants from the Swedish Research Council;
Dnr: 2008-5295.
Took part in the research project Vad händer om man tänker tvärtom? Att byta teoriuppgifter
mot praktikuppgifter i lärarutbildningen [Applying converse thinking: Exchanging practical
assignments with theoretical applications in teacher education]. 2005--2008. With grants from
the Swedish Research Council; Dnr: 2004-922.
PhD representative in the Etichs Committee SouthEast, (a cooperation committee between
University of Kalmar, Växjö University, Blekinge Institute of Technology, County Council of
Blekinge and Kalmar; http://www.epksydost.se) 2006--2009.
Jan Håkansson, PhD
Personal data
Jan Håkansson
Äskya 35
343 90 Älmhult
[email protected]
1. Higher education degree
a) Primary Teacher, 1984, University of Linköping.
b) Education (pedagogik) 1-80, 1994-1998, University College Kristianstad.
2. Doctoral degree
a) Education (pedagogik) 2006-09-22 , Växjö universitet. Lärande mellan policy och praktik
(Learning Between Policy and Practice; in Swedish). Supervisor: Prof. Christer Fritzell.
5. Present position
a) Växjö Univeristy: 2006-10-01-2009-12-31, University lecturer
b) Linneaus University: 2010-01-01 ongoing, University lecturer. Appr. 50 % research.
6. Previous positions and periods of appointment
a) Primary Teacher comprehensive school year 1-6, adult education in various municipalities,
b) Coordinator school developmnet/evaluator 1997-1999, Älmhults municipality.
c) Expert on The Swedish National Agency for Education (Skolverket) Växjö, 1999-2001.
d) Expert on The Swedish National Agency for Education (Skolverket) Linköping, 2002.
e) Expert on The Swedish National Agency for Education (Myndigheten för skolutveckling)
Karlstad 2006-2007.
f) University College Kristianstad, commitments in evaluation and education 1997 and
h)Växjö University, commitments in evaluation and education, Teacher Education, 19982006.
8. Supervision
a) Co-supervisor for doctoral student in Education, Henrik Nilsson (disp autumn 2013)
b) Co-supervisor for doctoral student in Education, Ibrahimu Nzima (disp 2016)
c) Co-supervisor for doctoral student in Education , Raymond Mwemezi Boniface (disp 2016)
9. Remaining information of importance
i) Scientific commitments
a) Stockholm‘s University, opponent at licentiate seminar, 2008-10-17
b) Stockholm‘s University, special advisor for lecturer employment, 2009, Dnr SU 612-250108
c) Stockholm‘s University, special advisor for lecturer employment,, 2009, Dnr SU 612-250208
ii) Cooperation with surrounding society (municipalities, schools, pre-schools
My cooperation with school authorities, municipalities, schools and pre-schools is very large
and include several parts. I‘m responsible for coordinating issues concerning the relationship
between research and school development on the institution for education (Institutionen för
utbildningsvetenskap). I‘m also involved in several education/evaluation/supervision
activities in a lot of municipalities in the region, but also commitments connected to Swedish
national school authorities. A big part of these commitments include experiences of popular
scientific and research information. I have a long experience as a teacher, teacher-trainer and
as an evaluator both inside and outside teacher education and the university.
iii) Research interests
In my research I have, among other issues, a special interest in policy changes in all parts of
the school system. In my research I investigate in both practical and theoretical ways national
educational initiatives in terms of professional and organizational learning. My experiences
include also methodological approaches like action research, and analysis of texts and
qualitative material from praxis-oriented research. The last years my research has addressed
research reviews in education, among other projects a comparative research review on the
research field of teaching and learning.
Lise-Lotte Bjervås, PhD
Higher education degree(s)
Preschool teacher education, University of Kalmar
Education 21-40 credits, University of Kalmar
Education 41-60 credits, University of Kalmar
Compulsory Higher Teacher training Education – advanced course, 7,5 credits
Compulsory Higher Teacher training Education – with emphasis on
practice-based research, 7,5 credits
Doctoral degree
Ph.D. degree, 240 credits, University of Gothenburg
Dissertation 2011-09-30
Doctor of Philosophy in Education
Bjervås, L. (2011). Samtal om barn och pedagogisk dokumentation som bedömningspraktik i
förskolan: en diskursanalys. [Teacher‘s views of preschool children in relation to pedagogical
documentation – a discourse analysis]. Diss. Göteborg: Göteborgs universitet.
Supervisors: Professor Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson, professor Maj Asplund Carlsson and
docent Per Lindqvist
Present position
Senior Lecturer in Education, Linnaeus University 2012-04-01 (until further notice)
Research in the service: 35%
Previous positions and periods of appointment
Preschool teacher, Kalmar
1986- 2000
Temporary employment at University of Kalmar
for supervision of essays in teacher training
1997- 2000
Lecturer in education, University of Kalmar (temporary employment)
2000-08-01 –
Lecturer in education, University of Kalmar
2001-08-01 – 2009-12-31
Lecturer in education, Linnaeus University (until further notice) 2010-01-01 – 2012-03-31
Other information relevant to the application
I have several years of experience as coordinator for both teacher training courses and
contract training programs at the University of Kalmar / Linnaeus University. Course
development has also been a big part of my service. In the case of contract education, I have
primarily been responsible for courses and/or lectured in courses about pedagogical
documentation in preschool, which is my thesis topic. I have also been responsible for
competence development courses about the revised curriculum for swedish preschool,
educations commissioned by the National Agency of Education. In collaboration with
researchers from seven different universities, I have participated in writing up a national
curriculum about documentation, monitoring, evaluation and systematic quality work with
pre-school and pre-school managers as target group. I have also participated in writing up a
national curriculum with pre-school managers as target group based on their mission to lead
and organize the systematic quality work in preschool. The courses are given in the context of
―Förskolelyftet II‖, and I have also participated in the implementation when the course has
been given at Linnaeus University. To be the chair of the Programme Council in the
preschool teacher trainingprogram is included in my service. The Programme Councils
mission is to have responsability for quality assurance in the preschool teacher training
education at Linnaeus University.
Mälardalen University
Professor Anette Sandberg
Associate Professor Laila Niklasson
Anne Lillvist, PhD
Specific positions of responsibility in the research school:
Operational Coordinator, Anne Lillkvist
Scientific leader, professor Anette Sandberg
Bilaga B - CV
Professor Anette Sandberg
1.Higher education degree(s)
1976, Preschool teacher education, Gävle Preschool Training College
1990 Lecturer in teaching methods, Stockholm Institute of Education.
1996 Master of Arts. Stockholm Institute of Education Thesis Children‘s Conceptions of
Teachers Ways of Relating to Play.
2. Doctoral degree
2003 - 01-24, Doctor of Philosophy, Ph D, University of Gothenburg Sandberg, A.
(2003). Vuxnas lekvärld. En studie om vuxnas erfarenheter av lek [The playworld of
grown ups. A study of adults play experiences]. (Göteborg studies in educational science,
189). Göteborg: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis. Supervisor Professor Ingrid Pramling
Samuelsson. Assistant supervisor professor Eva Björck-Åkesson.
4. Docent level (2007-04-19)
5. Present position
100% Professor in Early Childhood Education, 30% research
2003-2009 Senior lecturer in education, Mälardalens högskola, 100%
1999- 2003 Lecturer in education, Mälardalens högskola, 100%
1994-1999 Lecturer in child and youth studies, Mälardalens högskola, 100%
1988-1994 Lecturer in pre-school methodology, Mälardalens högskola 100%
1976-1988 Preschool teacher, Västerås kommun, 100%
8. Supervision
Supervisor for Martina Norling, Tuula Vuorinen, Anette Eriksson, Ulrika Larsdotter
Bodin. assistant supervisor for Anne Lillvist, defended 2010 and Anna Ståhlberg, 2012-.
9. Further information relevant to the application
National and international research projects
2012-2013 MR-Rätt UT– participating in an EU-funded initiative by the European Social
funding managed by Mälardalen University in collaboration with researchers from
various disciplines. The purpose of MR-Rätt UT is to educate organizations on issues
related to human rights. My responsibility is that I am the leader of two research circles.
2012-2013 Entrepreneurial learning in preschool A research project through field studies
in a preschool, where observations of "Entrepreneurial approach" are implemented by
"stimulated - recall" method. The investigation also includes a "critical incident"
questionnaire to preschool teachers.
2012 – Young children’s possibilities to participate in care situations and be able to
share their experiences - a research project between NOBAB, Mälardalen Univeristy and
2011- Professionalism of preschool teachers in an European context. A comparative
research project in Estonia, Finland, Hungary and Sweden. In order to describe Estonian,
Finnish, Hungary and Swedish preschools teachers and principals professionalism and
their leadership role.
2010-2011 JämBredd participated in an EU-funded initiative managed by Mälardalen
University together with researchers from different disciplines. The purpose of JämBredd
was to educate organizations on issues relating to equality and thereby meet regional
Bilaga B - CV
goals within gender equality and integration. My responsibility was that I was a leader of
a research circle.
2009- Swedish children's picture archive collection - involved in a project on Swedish
children's picture archive collection together with researchers from the College of Arts,
University of Stockholm, Linköping University and Mälardalen University, where
children's drawings are studied thematically.
2009-2012 Participated in a national research project Language Environments in
Preschool together with Professor Eva Björck-Åkesson, professor Mats Granlund
Jönköping University, Ph D. Polly Björk-Willén, Linköpings University. The project
funded by the Swedish Research Council.
2008-2011 Participated in the national project Teacher competence in change together
with professor Sonja Sheridan and Associate Professor Pia Williams University of
Gothenburg. The project funded by the Swedish Research Council.
2007- Preschool teachers understanding of children’s learning and participation.
Participate in a comparative research project between Denmark, Sweden, Australia,
Germany, Greece and Estonia in order to describe preschool teachers view on learning
and participation.
2006-2011 Participated in an international research project (Australia, England,
Germany,Nya Zeeland, Finland och Sweden) Day-in-the-Life-of-an-EarlyYears-Practitioner. Project leaders were Professor Linda Miller, England,
Professor Mathias Urban, Tyskland and Professor Carmen Dalli, New
2005-2006 Practioner-oriented research in child-educational networks. Funded by
Municipalities of Västerås and Eskilstuna.
2004-2011Participated in an international research project about professionalism
(England, Ireland, Israel, Germany, Australia, New Zealand, Finland and
Sweden). Project leaders were professor Mathias Urban, Tyskland och
professor Carmen Dalli, New Zealand.
2004-2008 Pedagogical activities of young children in need of special support in
preschool – general and specific together with Professor Eva Björck-Åkesson,
Mälardalen univeristy, professor Mats Granlund, Mälardalen university. Funded by The
Swedish Research Council.
Mandate as an opponent or member of the examination committee - selection
2004 - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Landscape Planing,
Alnarp, SLU. Fredrika Mårtensson. Landskapet i leken. En studie av utomhuslek på
förskolegården. [The landscape of play. A study of outdoor play in preschool yard].
Member of examination board .
2007 - Queensland University of Technology, Centre for Learning Innovation, Faculty of
Education, Australia. Lyndal O´Gorman. An Ever Better Start? Parents Conceptions of
the Preparatory Year in a Non-Government School in Queensland. Examiner for Award
of Doctor of Philosophy.
Bilaga B - CV
Associate Professor Laila Niklasson
1. Higher education degree(s)
Master degree: Social work 1997, sociology 1998, education 1998
Teacher exam: younger ages 1973, older ages and adults 1983 (mathematic, civic,
geography and history)
2. Doctoral degree
PhD in education 2007: Medborgaren som pedagogisk projekt. [Citizen as a pedagogic
project], diss. Stockholm University.
4. Docent level (2013)
Docent 2013: lecture Den fundersamme utvärderaren – håller den logiska
modellen? [The sceptical evaluator – is the logic model feasible?]. Mälardalen
5. Present position
Since 2008, senior lecturer in education at Mälardalen University, School of
education, culture and communication.
Amount of research hours depends on evaluation assignments and teaching
hours, approximately 20%.
6. Previous position
From 2000: doctoral student, lecturer, administrator at two universities: Mälardalen
University and Teacher College in Stockholm/Stockholm University.
1973 – 1999, Teacher in compulsory and non compulsory school, administrative work
in non governmental organisations.
8. Supervision
Supervisor for doctoral student at Mälardalen University aiming at licentiate degree:
Elisabeth C Andersson Utvärdering av en utbildning i processledarskap avseende
mångfald [Evaluation of education for process leadership aiming at multiculture]. Main
supervisor Pirjo Lahdenperä, professor. Andersson´s degree was completed February
9. Other information of importance
National evaluator of the support given by the National Agency of Education for
implementing revised curriculum for preschool:
Niklasson, L. (2012) Implementering av reviderad läroplan för förskola –
Utvärdering av Skolverkets stöd [Implementing revised curriculum for preschoolEvaluation of the support from the National Agency of Education]. Empirical
study, un published report. Eskilstuna: Mälardalens högskola
Program for principals, senior lecturer in course about management, goal and
Bilaga B - CV
results, evaluation, Mälardalen University 2009-on going.
Supervising the participant´s final paper.
During examination and discussion I have mainly worked with groups of preschool
Förskolelyftet [National Preschool Initiative]: Lecture about evaluation, 2012.
Bilaga B - CV
Anne Lillvist, PhD
1. Higher education degree(s)
2005 M. A. psychology, Mälardalen University.
2. Doctoral degree
2010- 01-29, Ph. D. psychology, Örebro University.
Title of thesis: The applicability of a functional approach to social competence
in preschool children in need of special support.
Main supervisor: Mats Granlund, professor disability studies and psychology, School of
Health Sciences Jönköping.
Assitant supervisors: Håkan Stattin, professor psychology Örebro University,
Anette Sandberg, professor in early chidhood education, Mälardalen University .
5. Present position
2011- 02-14 – Senior lecturer education towards preschool, Mälardalen University,
100%. Research 10% within the position
2010-2011 Lecturer education, Mälardalen University, 100%
2005-2010 Doctoral student psycholgy. Örebro University/ Mäldardalen University
7. Interruption of research
06.0501- 06.09.30 maternal leave 100%
06.10.01-07.02.28 maternal leave 80%
07.03.01- 07.08.15 maternal leave 50%
11.04.13-11.12.31 maternal leave 100%
12.01.01-12.12.31 maternal leave 50%
9. Other information of importance for application
Assistant supervisor for Martina Norling, Mälardalen University
Fellow applicant in project ‖‖ Understanding Children‘s Learning Journeys from
Preschool into Special School – Children with Learning Disabilities‖ granted 5.6mkr
from the Swedish Research Council (VR). 2013-2016.
Participant in project Promoting clientcentred competence building [PROcompetence].
Nordplus 2012- 2013.
Swedish delegate in project CHILD-ICT, Curriculum in kindergarten? Language
learning and use of ICT with small children, Nordplus 2012- 2013.
Bilaga B - CV
Evaluation of project ‖Children and teenagers with disabilities in Leningrad county‖ on
behalf of Sörmland county council of disbility and habilitation and the labour- and
social security committee Leningrad county, 2004-2005.
Bilaga B - CV
Nordic Scholars - Nordic Network for Assessment and
Documentation Studies in Early Childhood Education
Professor Stig Broström, Aarhus University
Associate professor Peter Østergaard Andersen
Associate professor Maarit Alasuutari, University of Jyväskylä
Professor Eva Johansson, University of Stavanger
Bilaga B - CV
Professor Stig Broström
Department of Education (DPU), Aarhus University
Head of Research unit Childhood, Learning and Curriculum (early childhood education
and care)
Tuborgvej 164, 2400 Copenhagen NV
Mobile: (45) 24 44 75 70
[email protected]
1998 Ph.d., from Royal Danish School of Educational Studies (Lærerhøjskolen),
1982 Master degree in Education from Royal Danish School of Educational Studies
(Lærerhøjskolen), Copenhagen
1974 Diploma in Education, University of Roskilde, RUC
1969 Preschool teacher education, Gladsaxe seminariet
2012 Professor Aarhus University, Department of Education
1999 Associate professor at The Danish University of Education,
1995 Associate professor at The Royal Danish School, Centre of Early Childhood
1991 Fellow worker at Laboratory of Comparative Human Cognition, UCSD, USA
1990 Fellow worker at Centre for Early Childhood Research, Copenhagen
1985 Teacher at The Royal Danish School. Pre-school teacher inn-service training
1972 Teacher at College for pre-school education in Hillerød
1969 Pre-school teacher education and teaching in kindergarten Helsingør
Broström has been member of a large number of national and international research and
evaluation committees and networks. He is a much coveted lecturer at international
conferences, and is active as reviewer for seven international Journals within the field of
early childhood. Broström research focus areas include:
1. Education in preschool and early years in school, Bildung and curricula
2. Early literacy in preschool and first years in school
3. Documentation and evaluation using a narrative approach, learning stories
4. Preschool teachers view at learning.
5. Well-being and learning, theoretical study
6. Transition from preschool to school
7. Play, narrative and aesthetic learning
8. Sustainability and science in preschool
Bilaga B - CV
9. Science in preschool.
At the moment, Broström coordinates or participates in not less than 7 on-going research
projects of different scope and size. He has more than 20 finalised research projects. Both
on the past and in the present research focus on the issues which are of high relevance for
the body of knowledge in the area of early childhood, and represent a contribution to the
field in terms of research as well as practice.
- Multiplicity and open minds: Values education in Nordic preschools (ValEd).
NordForsk project, Education for Tomorrow. Project leader Eva Johansson and
researchers from five Nordic countries, September 2012 to September 2015.
- School Readiness I Nordic countries. A review study. The Danish Ministry of
Child- and education. 2012-2013.
- Early literacy in preschool and school. A quantitative research on preschool
teachers and school teachers work with early literacy in Denmark. 2011-2013.
- Preschool teachers understanding of children's learning. An international research
- Science literacy in preschool. An action research together with 12 preschools.
- Municipal child-minding in Denmark. A survey investigation.
- The Child in Centre. Action research in 20 municipalities on education for
children aged 1-3 years. Aarhus University, 2012-2014.
- Laboratory for critical-democratic preschool education. Action research in 15
preschools. Aarhus University, 2012-2013.
- Dialogical reading in preschool. A developmental and evaluation project.
Founded by the Mary Foundation. 2010-2012.
- EASE, Early Years Transition Programme. An EU project with 8 European
countries on children‘s transition from preschool to school and with focus on
early literacy. Funded by: EU. 2008-2011.
- Sustainability in preschool. A Danish contribution to an international OMEP
project. 2011.
- Reading and literature in school start. A survey investigation in 15 Danish
municipalities. 2006-2008.
- Transition from preschool to school. A developmental and action research project
with four preschool and one school. 2006-Literacy in the first year in school. An
action research in one Danish school. 2002-2004.
Bilaga B - CV
C.V. – Peter Østergaard Andersen (1954)
Higher Education and doctordegree:
Mag.art. - Educational science (pædagogik), and cand.mag. - Educational science and
Sociology (pædagogik og sociologi ), University of Copenhagen 1981.
Ph.d. in Educational science (pædagogik) University of Copenhagen 1995.
Present position
Ass. Prof. – University of Copenhagen, 1997 –
Previous positions
1981-83: Teacher (Adjunkt) at Jonstrup Statsseminarium (Education of Teachers)
1982-95: Teacher at Københavns Socialpædagogiske Seminarium (Education of
preschool teachers etc.) 1995-97: Ass. Prof at Roskilde University (Educational science)
2002-2003: Ass. Prof. at Danmarks Pædagogiske Universitet (Sociology of Education)
Supervision ph.d.-students
2002-2003: Morten Nørholm (Evaluations)
2005-2010: Maja Plum (Evaluation, documentation in preschool)
2006-2010: Christian Sandbjerg Hansen (Social Work)
2007-2010: Dorthe Hansen (Children and Language) (University of South Jylland)
2009-2012: Vibeke Damlund (Education of Teachers)
2009 - : Lene Schmidt (Children, language, test)
2012 - : Martin Blok Johansen (Learning difficulties)
Større udvalgte forskningsprojekter
1985 - 1995: 5 projekter om småbørns institutionsliv eksternt financierede tilknyttet
Københavns Universitet. Omhandlende småbørns udvikling, interaktioner, køn og
pædagogers betydning. Delvis finansieret af Socialstyrelsen, De Frie Forskningsråd og
1995-1998: 6 projekter om voksnes arbejde med og forståelse af deres arbejde med børn,
dvs. omsorg, opdragelse, socialisering og læring. Tlknyttet Roskilde Universitets Center
1998-2002: Projektet ‖Pædagogik, udvikling og evaluering‖. Om pædagogiske
udviklingsprojekter og evalueringer af disse i Hobro og Aalborg Kommuner
2002-2005: Projektet ‖Magt og påvirkningsformer i professionaliseret pædagogisk
2005-2010: Leder af projektet "Styring af pædagogisk arbejde - mellem internationale
videnskonstruktioner og lokale meningsdannelser". Financieret af Statens Humanistiske
Bilaga B - CV
2007-2008: Leder af projektet "Evaluering og dokumentation". Financieret af BUPLs
Forskningsfond. Undersøgelse af evaluerings- og dokumentationsaktiviteter i tre udvalgte
kommuner – med speciel vægt på forvaltere, politikere og institutionsmedarbejdere.
2009-2013: Leder af projektet ‖Sprogtestning af børn i daginstitutioner – Når sprog får
betydning‖. Financieret af BUPLs Forskningsfond.
Andre engagementer:
1998: Evaluering af Børnerådet på opdrag af Socialministeriet.
2002-2012: Deltaget i 5 statslige evaluerings- og følgegrupper i Danmark, Norge og
Sverige af mellemlange og lange videregående uddannelser, herunder evalueringer af
norsk førskolelæreruddannelse 2010, evaluering af dansk pædagoguddannelse 2003 samt
Ministeriets følgegruppe for professionsbacheloruddannelse til pædagog 2011-2012.
Fra 1995: Underviser ved talrige kurser for pædagoger i institutioner,
professionshøjskoler og i andre sammenhænge.
Bilaga B - CV
Associate professor Maarit Alasuutari, University of Jyväskylä
Date and place of birth
Alasuutari Anja Maarit Helena
08.04.1957, Tuupovaara
Home address:
Vanha rantatie 53
37500 Lempäälä, Finland
- until July, 31st 2013
- August,1st 2013 onwards
Tel. (office)
Tel. (home)
University of Tampere, Research Collegium
FIN-33014 University of Tampere
University of Jyväskylä
Department of Education
P.O. Box 35, FIN-40014 University of Jyväskylä
+358 40 1909711
+358 40 5321674
[email protected]
Teacher’s pedagogical qualification, Tampere Polytechnic, University of Applied
Sciences, 30.04.2007
Doctor of Psychology, University of Tampere, 17.09.2003
Licentiate of Psychology, University of Tampere, 30.04.1997
Master of Arts (Psychology), University of Tampere, 12.12.1984
Psychotherapist (Family therapy), 18.05.1999
Adjunct professorships
University of Tampere, Faculty of Education, 10.06.2010
Present employment
Senior Research Fellow, Research Collegium, University of Tampere, 01.08.201131.07.2013
Senior Assistant, Department of Education/Early Childhood Education, University of
Jyväskylä, 1.8. 2009-31.7.2014 (on leave 1.8.2011-31.7.2013)
Fields of research
Client-professional collaboration and interaction, especially between parents and early
education institution; Social studies of childhood; Expertise and professionalism in early
childhood education; Parenthood
Previous employment
Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Teacher Education, Unit of Early
Childhood Education, University of Tampere, 01.01.2007-31.12.2009
Lecturer (50%), Department of Psychology, University of Tampere, 01.01.200531.12.2006
Bilaga B - CV
Senior Researcher, National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health,
Health and Social Services, 01.01.2002 – 31.12.2004
Researcher, University of Tampere, 1999-2002
Psychotherapist, Private practitioner (part time), 1999Clinical Psychologist, Family Counselling Clinic, City of Tampere, 1997-2001 (on leave
Psychologist in-charge, Family Counselling Clinic, Psychologist in-charge, City of
Hämeenlinna, 1994-1997
Clinical Psychologist, Family Counselling Clinic of Pirkanmaa, 1983, 1985, 1987-1990,
1991-1993 and psychologist in-charge 1992–1993 10 mo. and 1993 5 mo.Clinical
Psychologist, Primary Health Care, Lempäälä 1985-1986
Supervision of Doctoral Dissertations an Other Academic Thesis
Supervisor of two licentiate thesis and four doctoral thesis at the Universities of Jyväskylä and
External examiner in 9 licentiate thesis
External examiner and opponent at public defence in two doctoral dissertations (Univerisies
of Tampere and Jyväskylä)
Memberships in Scientific Societies and Networks
President of the Finnish Society for Childhood Studies, June 2010Board member of the European Sociological Association‘s Research Network ‗Sociology of
Children and Childhood‘, September 2011Chair of the steering committee of the Qualitative Social Research Unit at the University of
Tampere, 2009-2010
Member of the steering committee of the Qualitative Social Research Unit at the University of
Tampere, 2008-2009
Vice member of the board of the Finnish Society for Childhood Studies, 2008-2010
Other Scientific Expert Positions and Positions of Trust
Referee for scientific journals and publishers: Child indicators research, Childhood: A journal
of global child research, European Early Childhood Research and Education Journal, Janus,
Kasvatus, Naistutkimus – Kvinnoforskning, Psykologia, Gaudeamus, Palmenia, Vastapaino
Member of the Child Advisory Board, Ombudsman for Children in Finland, 01.06.2011 –
Expert member in the committee for preparing the legislation for early childhood education
and care in Finland, 2013-2014
Board member of the Forum for Research on Children and Youth, University of Jyväskylä,
Recent Research Grants
Postdoctoral research project ―Standardizing Childhood? The Effects of Individual Plans for
Early Childhood Education and Care‖. Academy of Finland 1.1.2007-31.12.2009 (SA
―Documentality in early childhood education‖, Research Collegium, University of Tampere,
Bilaga B - CV
Department of Early Childhood Education, Faculty of Arts and Education, University of
Stavanger, NO- 4036 Stavanger, Norway, Phone: +47 5183361, Fax: +47 51833450.
Eva Johansson is an experienced researcher in early years education with an extensive
research and publication profile in the area. She has been involved in several early
education national and international research projects involving qualitative and
quantitative data production. Johansson is responsible for the research program Learning
cultures in early education at University of Stavanger (UiS) and is the coordinator of the
research field Values in early education. Johansson is first chief investigator in the
recently initiated international research project on values and gender in early childhood
education, and a research and implemental study in collaboration with two Norwegian
municipalities. Johansson is also engaged in international collaboration on an Australian
Research Council funded project investigating how school and policy contexts in the
early years support children‘s moral and social values learning and active citizenship.
Johansson currently supervises 9 Doctoral (PhD) students in Norway (UiS), Sweden
(GU, Lnu) and Iceland (RU). Johansson is involved in academic commissions,
evaluations of academic positions, leaderships of Master and PhD-education in the field
of early education at the UiS.
Researcher University of Gothenburg (GU) (1999-2000); PhD 1999; Senior Lecturer
University of Gothenburg (2001); Associate professor University of Gothenburg (2004 2008-02); Professor, Education, University of Gothenburg 20080301-2010.09.31);
Guest lecturer/Guest professor Kalmar University College (2007- 2008); Professor
Early Childhood Education, University of Stavanger, Norway (2008.09.01 and current)
Full employment.
Academic commissions:
Cross-disciplinary scientific research-school; GU 2005-2008, coordinator. Institutional
Board; Elected Deputy Member, 1996-1998, GU. Faculty board: Elected Member, 20032006, GU. Research Education board, GU: Elected Deputy Member and Chair 20062008. Swedish Research Council: Regional Ethical board; Elected Deputy Member 20072009. Nordic Network of Philosophy and Education; Secretary and Treasurer 1997-2000,
Treasurer (2001-2007). Research Education Board, UiS, Elected member; 2011 and
Research projects: national and international grants:
Swedish Board of Education, 1999-2000; Quality in preschool–children's experiences
and teacher's attitudes, with Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson. 2) Swedish Board of
Education, 2001-2007 Children's morality. 3) Swedish Association of Local Authorities,
1999-2002: Equal rights in the multicultural school. A cross-disciplinary study
(ethnology, education) with I. Pramling Samuelsson, H. Brembeck and B. Johansson. 4)
Bilaga B - CV
Humanistic Social Scientific Committee; 2001-2007; Preschool a Base for Values. Moral
values and norms in preschool children’s worlds. 5) Swedish Research Council, 20032005; How can play and learning be integrated in a goal directed practice? A research
and implemental study about play and learning in ECE, with I. Pramling Samuelsson. 6)
Swedish Research Council; 2005-2009: Children’s early learning – a cross sectional
study of preschool as an environment for children’s learning, with I. Pramling
Samuelsson and S. Sheridan. 7) ARC-Australian research council, 2008-2010; Learning
about social and moral values for active citizenship. Educational policy and practice in
early education, with J. Brownlee, S. Walker, J. Ailwood, G. Boulton-Lewis; (QUT),
Brisbane, Australia. 8) Research leader: University of Gothenburg (2005), A CrossCultural Study of Morality from Toddlers’ Perspectives, with D. Bertlelsen QUT,
Australia. 9) Research leader: University of Stavanger and Linneaus University (LnU),
Sweden (2009, ongoing): Democratic, Caring and Disciplined Children in preschool,
with A. Emilson, K. Fugelsnes, M. Röthle and L.Y Rosell. 10) Leader: Grants and
academic status for a research program within the university: Learning cultures in early
childhood education involving three research areas A) Values and democracy, B)
Aesthetics and emotions and C) Profession, quality and learning (UiS). 11) Research
leader: Values in early childhood education – an implemental and research study about
teachers’ communication of values. With B. Grindland, K. Fugelsnes, E. Ianke
Mørkeseth, and M. Röthle. University of Stavanger and Gjesdal and Sandnes
municipalities. 2010.08.01- and current. 12) Nordic project
Airi Bigsten PhD- student at Gothenburg University, Department of education and
Educational Research Issue Preschool teachers‘ moral awareness. (First supervisor, 2005
and current)
Helena Ackesjö. PhD- student at Linneaus University, Issue: Learning in preschool class
(Second supervisor 2010 and current)
Marianne Dahl PhD student at Linneaus University, Department of education and
Educational Research. Issue: Schoolchildren‘s free learning in leisure time centers.
(First supervisor, 2010 and current)
Nina Johannesen, PhD-student Stavanger University Issue: Children’s perspectives and
teacher’s views (First supervisor 2008 and current)
Berit Grindland Phd-student Stavanger University. Issue: Mealtime in day-care – a space
for democracy? First supervisor (2008 and current)
Siv Hillershøj. PhD-student Stavanger University, Issue Children with special needs.
Second supervisor (2008 and current).
Berit Zackrisen, PhD-student Stavanger University, Issue Children‘s play from a
multicultural perspective. First supervisor (2009 and current)
Hrönn Pálmadóttir, PhD-student Reykjavik University, Issue Children‘s social
relationships. Second supervisor (2009 and current)
Bilaga B - CV
Lars-Yngve Rosell PhD-student Stavanger University, Issue Communication of moral
values between children in early childhood education. First supervisor (2010 and current)
Anita Berge PhD-student Stavanger University, Issue Learning cultures in early
childhood education First supervisor (2010 and current)
Anne Greve, phd- student at Oslo university Issue: Toddler’s and friendship. (Second
supervisor) Took her degree 2007.
Elisabeth Björklund, PhD. - student at University of Gothenburg, Department of
education and Educational Research Issue: Literacy among toddlers in preschool. (First
supervisor, 2002 -2009) Dissertation 9th of January 2009
Anette Emilson, PhD. - student at University of Gothenburg, Department of education
and Educational Research. Issue: Participation in preschool (Second supervisor, 20012008) Dissertation, November 2008.
Helena Ackesjö Lic. - student at Gothenburg University, Department of education and
Educational Research. Issue: Learning in preschool class (First supervisor, 2006 -2010)
Licentiat degree 2010.
Marianne Dahl Lic.- student at Gothenburg University, Department of education and
Educational Research. Issue: Schoolchildren‘s free learning in leisure time centers (First
supervisor, 2006-2010) Licentiat degree 2010.
Editor of journals and books:
Editor in Chief, International Journal of Early Childhood IJEC, 2008 ongoing, 2)
Editorial committee: Contemporary perspectives in ECEC, vol. 7, 3) Editorial board:
Nordisk barnehageforskning 2008 ongoing. 5) Editorial board International perspectives
on Early Childhood Education and Development, Springer, 2009 ongoing.
Name of applicant
Bengtsson, Stefan
Date of birth
Title of research programme
Research school for preschool teachers with a focus on assessment and documentation
Appendix C
List of publications
VRAPS/VR-Direct bilaga 2004.Ce
Vetenskapsrådet, Box 1035, SE-101 38 Stockholm, tel. +46 (0)8 546 44 000, [email protected]
Bilaga C
Malmö University
Professor Ann-Christine Vallberg Roth
Professor Ingegerd Tallberg Broman
Professor Claes Nilholm
Professor Sven Persson
Professor Lena Rubinstein Reich
Associate professor Malin Ideland
Thom Axelsson, PhD
Barbro Bruce, PhD
Ingegerd Ericsson, PhD
Linda Palla, PhD
Pernilla Seversson, PhD
Annika Åkerblom, PhD
Specific positions of responsibility in the research school:
Adminstrative Coordinator, Lotta Nyrén
Webmaster, Magnus Gudmundsson, PhD
Responsible for cooperation with stakeholders, professor Ingegerd Tallberg
Principal, sscientific leader and chair in steering committee, professor AnnChristine Vallberg Roth
Bilaga C
Professor Ann-Christine Vallberg Roth
Peer-reviewed articles relevant to the research school
*Vallberg Roth, A.-C. (2001). Läroplaner för yngre barn: Utvecklingen från 1800-talets
mitt till idag. Journal of Educational Research in Sweden, 6(4), 241-269.
* Vallberg Roth, A.-C. (2006).Early Childhood Curricula in Sweden - from the 1850s to
the present. International Journal of Early Childhood, 38(1), 77-98.
*Vallberg Roth, Ann -Christine & Månsson Annika (2006). Individuella
utvecklingsplaner som fenomen i tiden, samhället och skolan. Utbildning &
Demokrati, 15(3), 31-60.
*Vallberg Roth, A. -C. & Månsson, A. (2008a). Individuella utvecklingsplaner som
uttryck för reglerad barndom: Likriktning med variation. Journal of Educational
Research in Sweden, 13(2), 81-102.
*Vallberg Roth, A. -C. & Månsson, A. (2008b). Individuella utvecklingsplaner för skolår
3, 6 och 8 i fyra sydsvenska kommuner. EDUCARE, elektroniskt publicerad artikel
2008-06-26 http://www.mah.se/pages/39164/IUP.pdf
*Vallberg Roth, Ann. -Christine & Månsson, Annika (2008c). Individuella
utvecklingsplaner för yngre barn i Sverige: Ett kritiskt ämnesdidaktiskt perspektiv.
Nordic Research in Early Childhood Education and Care, 1(1), 25-39.
* Vallberg Roth, Ann -Christine & Månsson, Annika (2009). Regulated childhood equivalence with variation, Early Years, (1), 1-14.
*Vallberg Roth, Ann -Christine (2009). Styrning genom bedömning av barn.
EDUCARE, 2-3, 195-219 http://www.mah.se/PageFiles/16022/Inlaga.pdf
*Vallberg Roth, Ann -Christine (2010). Parenthood in intensified documentation and
assessment practice – with the focus on the home-school relation in Sweden.
International Journal about Parents in Education (submitted)
* Vallberg Roth, Ann -Christine & Månsson, Annika (2011). Individual development
plans in a critical didactic perspective - focusing Montessori and Reggio Emilia
profiled preschools in Sweden. Journal of Early Childhood Research (JECR), 9(3),
Vallberg Roth, Ann-Christine (2011). Föräldraskap i förtätad dokumentations- och
bedömningspraktik. Journal of Educational Research in Sweden (submitted)
*Vallberg Roth, Ann -Christine (2012). Parenthood in intensified documentation and
assessment practice – with the focus on the home-school relation in Sweden.
International Journal about Parents in Education, 6(1), xx-xx.
* Vallberg Roth, Ann-Christine (2012). Different forms of assessment and
documentation in Swedish preschools. Nordic Early Childhood Education Research,
5(23), 1-18.
Bilaga C
Research overview – meta-analysis
Vallberg Roth, Ann-Christine (2010). Att stödja och styra barns lärande – tidig
bedömning och dokumentation. I Skolverket Perspektiv på barndom och barns
lärande i förskola och grundskolans tidigare år: En kunskapsöversikt (ss. 176-234).
Skolverket: Fritzes.
* Åsén, Gunnar & Vallberg Roth, Ann-Christine (2012). Utvärdering i förskolan - en
forskningsöversikt. Stockholm: Vetenskapsrådet.
* Vallberg Roth, Ann-Christine (2013). Nordisk komparativ analys av riktlinjer för kvalitet
och innehåll i förskolorna. Oslo: Kunskapsdepartementet (in progress)
Vallberg Roth, Ann-Christine (1998) Könsdidaktiska mönster i förskolepedagogiska
texter. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell International. (Avhandling)
Vallberg Roth, Ann-Christine (2002). De yngre barnens läroplanshistoria - från 1800talets mitt till idag. Lund: Studentlitteratur. Revideras under 2010 och får sannolikt
titeln: Läroplansdidaktiska frågor i tiden – dokumentation och bedömning i förskola.
Vallberg Roth, Ann-Christine & Månsson, Annika (2007). Individuella utvecklingsplaner
för skolår 3, 6 och 8 i fyra sydsvenska kommuner. I Individuella utvecklingsplaner –
en studie efter införandet av nya bestämmelser i det obligatoriska skolväsendet (ss 2425). Stockholm: Skolverket (Dnr 75-2006:1026) Medverkat i rapporten som Oscar
Öqvist, undervisningsråd vid skolverket, är ansvarig för.
Vallberg Roth, Ann-Christine (2011) De yngre barnens läroplanshistoria - didaktik,
dokumentation och bedömning i förskola (2:a uppl.) Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Anthology chapters
Vallberg Roth, Ann-Christine (2010). Bedömning i förskolans och skolans individuella
utvecklingsplaner. I Christian Lundahl & Maria Folke Fichtelius (reds.) Bedömning i
och av skolan – praktik, principer, politik (ss.49-67). Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Vallberg Roth, Ann-Christine (2010). Bedömning av barn i förtätad kommunikation. I
Ingegerd Tallberg Broman & Jonas Qvarsebo (red.), Från storslagna visioner till
professionell bedömning: Om aktörskap, styrning och profession (ss. 93-107).
Rapporter om utbildning, Lärarutbildningen, Malmö högskola.
Vallberg Roth, Ann-Christine & Månsson, Annika (2010). Individuella
utvecklingsplaner i Montessori- och Reggio Emiliaprofilerade förskolor. I Sven
Persson (red.) Barndom, lärande, ämnesdidaktik: Exempel från en forskningsmiljö vid
Lärarutbildningen (ss.53-70), Rapporter om utbildning, Malmö: Lärarutbildningen,
Malmö högskola.
Vallberg Roth, Ann-Christine & Månsson, Annika (2010). Dokumentation och
bedömning i förskolan. I Bim Riddersporre & Sven Persson (red.).
Utbildningsvetenskap för förskolan (ss.229-252 ). Stockholm: Natur & Kultur.
Vallberg Roth, Ann-Christine (2010). Stödja och styra: Om bedömning av yngre barn.
Pocketbok. Stockholm: Skolverket.
Bilaga C
Vallberg Roth, Ann-Christine (2011). ”Gör alltid sitt bästa” ”Duktig! Kan ibland vara
lite stökig” - Om bedömning och dokumentation av barn. I Ingegerd Tallberg-Broman
(red.) Skola, barndom och sociala relationer i förändring (ss. 107-131). Malmö:
Gleerups förlag.
Vallberg Roth, Ann-Christine (2012). Därför måste vi diskutera bedömning i förskolan. I
Leif Mathiasson (red.) Uppdrag lärare – en antologi om status, yrkesskicklighet och
framtidsdrömmar (ss 129-135). Stockholm: Lärarförbundets förlag.
Vallberg Roth, Ann-Christine (2012). Föräldraskap mellan offline och online – om
dokumentation och bedömning. I Ingegerd Tallberg Broman (red.) Föräldrar och
förskola-skola: Mångfald, inklusion och dilemman. Lund: Studentlitteratur. (under
Vallberg Roth, Ann-Christine (2012). Därför måste vi diskutera bedömning i förskolan. I
Uppdrag lärare (ss 129-135). Stockholm: Lärarförbundet.
Vallberg Roth, Ann-Christine (2013).
Spår av transformativ bedömning i
multidokumentation. I Gunnar Åsén & Viveca Lindberg (red.). Utvärderingspraktiker
i förskola. Stockholm: Stockholms universitets förlag (forthcoming)
Vallberg Roth, Ann-Christine (2013). Förtätad dokumentations- och bedömningspraktik
– documentality. I Thom Axelsson, Jutta Balldin & Jonas qvarsebo (red.)
Alasuutari, Maarit, Markström, Ann-Marie & Vallberg Roth, Ann-Christine (2013).
Assessment and Documentation in Early Childhood Education. (Book proposal
submitted and accepted by publisher: Routledge)
Peer-reviewed conference contributions in the range relevant to the
Vallberg Roth, A.-C., Marjanna de Jong & Annika Månsson (2003). Paper vid NFPF
konferens – nordisk förening vid pedagogisk forskning, Köpenhamn den 6-9/3.
Individual developmental- and educational plans for young children.
Vallberg Roth, A.-C. & Månsson, A. (2005). Poster: Individuella utvecklingsplaner som
fenomen i tiden samhället och skolan. Konferensen Barn – Familj – Välfärdsstat.
Samarrangemang mellan Lunds universitet och Malmö Högskola, Malmö i oktober
Vallberg Roth, A.-C. & Månsson, A. (2007). Poster: Individual development plans
– with a focus on childhood, learning and critical subject didactics. Konferensen CiCe
Nordic (Children´s Identity & Citizenship in Europe) 2007-10-04/05.
Vallberg Roth, A.-C. & Stoltz, P. (2007). Poster: Power, Citizenship and Individual
development Plans. Konferensen CiCe Nordic (Children´s Identity & Citizenship in
Europe) 2007-10-04/05.
Vallberg Roth, A.-C. & Annika Månsson (2008). Paper vid NFPF konferens – nordisk
förening vid pedagogisk forskning, Köpenhamn den 6-9/3. Individual development
plans – with a focus on childhood, learning and critical subject didactics
Vallberg Roth, Ann-Christine (2010). Konferens Barndom och ungdom i förändring
(BUIF) Välfärdsstat i omvandling: Reglerad barndom och oregerlig ungdom? 284
Bilaga C
29/10-2010, Malmö högskola. Poster: Barn, föräldrar och lärare i förtätad
dokumentations- och bedömningspraktik – vad står på spel? Pågående
forskningsprojekt vid Centrum för professionsstudier (CPS), Malmö högskola.
Presenteras i Workshop 28/10 kl 14.00 i sal D 222
Vallberg Roth, Ann-Christine (2010). Konferens Barndom och ungdom i förändring
(BUIF) Välfärdsstat i omvandling: Reglerad barndom och oregerlig ungdom? 2829/10-2010, Malmö högskola. Poster: Styrning genom bedömning av barn i IUP.
Vallberg Roth, Ann-Christine (2012-03-08/10). Presentation of Documentation and
assessment in Swedish preschools in symposium at NERA-conference (Nordic
Educatinal Research Association) in Copenhagen.
Dissemination of research relevant to the research school
Dissemination of research has partly been done through local written series Reprints and
miniprints, Pedagogical-psychological problems and Reports on education, but also by
national and international publishers Almqvist & Wiksell International, Studentlitteratur,
Gleerup, Natur & Kultur, Taylor & Francis and Routledge (Bookproposal is accepted),
as well as in national and international journals such as Educational research in Sweden,
Education & Democracy, EDUCARE, Nordic Education, Nordic Research in Early
Childhood Education and Care, International Journal of Early Education, Early Years,
Journal of Early Childhood Research (JECR), and the International Journal about
Parents in Education. Other important distribution channels are paper-and poster
presentations at seminars and conferences, lectures, guest lectures and interviews and
debate references in the trade press, magazines and newspapers (the research is presented
in magazines such as Pedagogiska magasinet, pre-school magazines like
Förskoletidiningen, Outdoor Educator, Swedish newspaper like Svenska Dagbladet SvD.
Union journals like Lärarnas tidning and magazines such as Vi föräldrar) and the School
Administration Reports. Vallberg Roth has also been on "top-ten-list" in the Journal of
Educational research in Sweden, during the period 2004-2011. Further on the research is
published in different databases with open access (eg Muep, Forskningen.se) and a
website (eg. www.mangkontextuellbarndom.se, www.mah.se/foba,
http://mah.se/cps/ann_christine www.förskoleforum.se). A survey of curricula at all
teacher education in Sweden shows that Vallberg Roths study appears in a majority of all
teacher education (about 73%).
Bilaga C
Professor Ingegerd Tallberg Broman
Peer-reviewed articles relevant to the research school
Rubinstein Reich, Lena & Tallberg Broman, Ingegerd (2004) ‖Homogeniserings- och
särartspraktiker i svensk förskola och skola‖. Tidskrift för lärarutbildning och
Tallberg Broman, Ingegerd (2006). Att förändra den sociala ordningen. Educare, (2) 734.
Tallberg Broman, Ingegerd (2009). Inledning till temanummer En gränsöverskridande
skola. Om olika former av styrning och reglering i barndomen. Educare 2009:2-3.7-16.
Tallberg Broman, Ingegerd (2009) ‖No parent left behind‖: Föräldradeltagande för
inkludering och effektivitet. Educare 2009:2-3.221-240.
Tallberg Broman, Ingegerd (2009). Mamma, pappa, förskolebarn. Om förskolan som
jämställdhetsprojekt. I Inga Wernersson (red.). Genus i förskola och skola. Om policy,
praktik och perspektiv, Göteborg Studies in Education.
Sernhede, Ove & Tallberg Broman, Ingegerd (2011). Förord till Tema välfärdsstat i
omvandling: reglerad barndom – oregerlig ungdom? EDUCARE 2011:2
Tallberg Broman, Ingegerd (2012). Att fostra, forma och förankra, skolan i
mångfaldens barndom. I nättidningen Skola och Samhälle.
Jönsson, Ingrid, Sandell, Anna & Tallberg Broman, Ingegerd (2013).Change or Paradigm
Shift in the Swedish Preschool? Article_journal Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas. No
Jönsson, Ingrid, Sandell, Anna & Tallberg Broman, Ingegerd (2013). Les réformes de
l‘éducation préscolaire en Suède : un nouveau paradigme ? "Politiques sociales et
familiales" (in print)
Tallberg Broman, Ingegerd (2002). Pedagogiskt Arbete och kön. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Norgesnettrådet (2002). Evaluering av förskulelärarutdanninga ved fem norske
institusjonar.Rapport frå ekstern komité.
Tallberg Broman, Ingegerd (2002). ‖Kön, professionalisering och
förskollärarutbildning‖, i Birgitta Johansson: Barnomsorgsutbildningarna i Norrköping
100 år. Jubileumsskrift 2002. Ss 99-114.
Tallberg Broman, Ingegerd, Rubinstein Reich, Lena & Hägerström, Jeanette (2002 /
2003).Likvärdighet i en skola för alla. Historisk bakgrund och kritisk granskning.
Tallberg Broman, Ingegerd (2006). Förhandlande och normerande praktiker i ett vidgat
läraruppdrag. Myndigheten för Skolutveckling, Forskning i fokus, nr 29, 79-92.
Tallberg Broman, Ingegerd (2006). Om betydelsen av kön i svensk förskolehistoria. I
SOU 2006:75, 19-42
Tallberg Broman, Ingegerd (2006). Barnomsorg och jämställdhet i ett europeiskt
perspektiv,- en kommentar. I SOU 2006: 75, 43-49.
Bilaga C
Tallberg Broman, Ingegerd & Holmberg, Lena (2008). Läraryrke i förändring. Lärare i
förskola och grundskola om inflytande, jämställdhet och mångfald. Malmö Högskola:
Tallberg Broman, Ingegerd (2009). Från föräldrars ensamrätt till föräldrars delaktighet.
Om förskolan som aktör för förändrade relationer mellan familj och samhälle. I AnnMarieMarkström m fl. Barn. Barndom och föräldraskap. Stockholm: Liber Ss. 207-222.
Tallberg Broman, Ingegerd & Persson, Sven (2010). Inledning I Skolverket: Perspektiv
på barndom och barns lärande i förskola och grundskolans tidigare år Ss 9-20.
Tallberg Broman, Ingegerd (2010). Svensk förskola - ett kvalitetsbegrepp. I Bim
Riddersporre och Sven Persson Utbildningsvetenskap för förskolan. Stockholm: Natur &
Tallberg Broman, Ingegerd & Balldin, Jutta (2010). Förskolan och de utsatta barnen –
utmaningar och möjligheter. I ‖Se tidiga tecken‖ – forskare reflekterar över sju
berättelser från förskola och skola. Delbetänkande av utredningen om översyn av skolans
arbete med utsatta barn. SOU 2010:164.
Tallberg Broman, Ingegerd (2010). Gladare och livsdugligare små medborgare. I
Rapporter om utbildning, 2. Malmö: Malmö Högskola.
Tallberg Broman, Ingegerd (2011) Har fröken revolver? Om undervisning, kön och
likvärdighet i ett historiskt och nutida perspektiv. I Sven Persson och Bim Riddersporre
Utbildningsvetenskap för grundskolans tidiga år. Stockholm: Natur & Kultur.
Tallberg Broman, Ingegerd (2011) (red). Skola och barndom. Normering,
demokratisering, individualisering. Malmö: Gleerups.
Tallberg Broman, Ingegerd (2011). Gränsöverskridande skola och egenansvariga barn.
Tidskrift för undervisning och lärande.
Tallberg Broman, Ingegerd & Kolfjord, Ingela (2011) Föräldrar och skola – delaktighet,
styrning och segregaton I Ingegerd Tallberg Broman Skola o Barndom (Gleerup) 175191.
Tallberg Broman, Ingegerd (2011). Gränsöverskridande skola och egenansvariga barn.
Tidskrift för undervisning och lärande.
Tallberg Broman, Ingegerd (2011). Skola och barndom i förändring. Individualisering,
demokratisering och förändrad generationsordning. Vetenskapsrådet: Resutatdialog,
Dahlbeck, Johan & Tallberg Broman, Ingegerd (2011). Ett bättre samhälle genom
pedagogik: om högre värden och barnet som budbärare. I Pia Williams & Sonja Sheridan:
Barns lärande i ett livslångt perspektiv (Liber). 202-214.
Eilard, Angerd & Tallberg Broman, Ingegerd (2011). Barn – och barndomsforskning –
några inledande begrepp och centrala teman. I Ingegerd Tallberg Broman Skola och
barndom (Gleerups) 21-32.
Harju, Anne & Tallberg Broman, Ingegerd (2013). Föräldrar, förskola och skola. Om
mångfald, makt och möjligheter. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Pramling Samuelsson, Ingrid & Tallberg Broman, Ingegerd (2013). Barndom, lärande,
ämnesdidaktik. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Popular scientific articles/presentations
Rubinstein-Reich, Lena & Tallberg Broman, Ingegerd (2000). Den svenska skolan i det
Bilaga C
mångkulturella samhället. Konsekvenser för lärarutbildningen. Malmö Lärarutbildning.
Tallberg Broman, Ingegerd (red) (2001). Genusperspektiv på förskola, skola och
utbildning. Lärarutbildningen, Regionalt utvecklingscentrum, 1/2001
Tallberg Broman, Ingegerd (2002). ‖Likhet, olikhet, jämlikhet‖; Förskoletidningen, 27
Tallberg Broman, Ingegerd (2004) ‖Historisk upprepning och nya utmaningar‖;
Förskoletidningen 29(1).
Tallberg Broman, Ingegerd (2005). Integration av lärarutbildningar på olika villkor,
Förskolan, nr 9, s 25.
Tallberg Broman, Ingegerd (2005). Öka kunskapen om förskolan, Förskolan, nr 6, s 58.
Tallberg Broman, Ingegerd (2005). Uppvärdera kunskapen om de yngre barnen. I:
Myndigheten för Skolutveckling (2005). Förskolan ÄR Framtidens arbetsplats s 12-15.
Tallberg Broman, Ingegerd (2007). Flaggskeppet bland högskoleutbildningar – i ständig
rörelse mot nya mål. Malmö: Malmö Högskola. Rapporter om utbildning.
Tallberg Broman, Ingegerd (2009), Lämplig – och – utbildad - några aspekter på
förskolläraryrkets tidiga utveckling. (Lärarnas historia webbmaterial)
Tallberg Broman, Ingegerd m fl (2009), Artikel: ”Krymp inte förskollärarutbildningen”.
Debattartikel publicerad i Lärarnas Tidning december 2009.
Bilaga C
Professor Claes Nilholm
Peer-reviewed articles
2006. Democracy and dilemmas of self-determination. Disability & Society, 21(2), 193207. (with Kristina Karlsson, Karlsson first author)
2006. Special education, inclusion and democracy.
Education, 21(4), 431-445. *
European Journal of Special Needs
2007. Forskningen om specialpedagogik – om landvinningar och utvecklingsvägar.
Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige, 12(2), 96-109.. /Research about special needs
education – on achievements and paths of development/
2007. Power and perspectives - an investigation into international research covering
special educational needs. International Journal of Special Education, 22, 6271.
2008. Gör politiken skillnad? - exemplet "elever i behov av särskilt stöd". Utbildning och
Demokrati, 17(1), 109-123. /Does politics make a difference? – the example of
‖children in need of special support/
2009. Inclusive education in Sweden?: Ideas, policies and practices. La nouvelle revue
de l'adaptation et de la scolarisation, 5, 83-98. (with Kerstin Göransson)
2010. An inclusive classroom? On inclusiveness, teacher strategies and childen´s
experiences. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 25(3), 239-252.
(with Barbro Alm, Nilholm first author) *
2011. Inclusive education in Sweden? A critical analysis. International Journal of
Inclusive Education, 15(5), 541-555. (with Kerstin Göransson and Kristina
Karlsson; Nilholm and Göransson first authors)
2011. Different agendas? - The view of different occupational groups on special needs
education. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 26(2), 143-57. (with
Gunilla Lindqvist, Gun-Marie Wetso och Lena Almqvist; Lindqvist and Nilholm
are first authors) .*
Bilaga C
2011. Making schools inclusive? Educational leaders view on how to work with childen
in need of special support. International Journal of Inclusive Education. ifirst
article. (With Gunilla Lindqvist; Lindqvist is first author) .*
2012. School district administrators perspectives on special education policy and practice
in Norway and Sweden. Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research, 14 (3),
212-231. (with Lance Cameron and Bengt Persson)
2012. Local school ideologies and inclusion: the case of Swedish independent schools.
European Journal of Special Needs Education. Ifirst article. (with Kersin
Göransson and Johan Malmqvist; both first authors)
2012. Challenging traditions? Pupils in need of special support in Swedish independent
schools. Nordic studies in education, 32, 262-280. (med Kerstin Göransson och
Gunnlaugur Magnusson)
2012. Is it possible to get away from disability-based classification in education? An
empirical investigation of the Swedish system. Accepterad för publicering i
Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research. (Med Almqvist, Göransson och
Lindqvist; Nilholm is first author) ifirst article
2012. From my perspective – perceived participation in mainstream schools in students
with autism Falkmer, Mats Granlund och spectrum conditions. Developmental
Neurorehabilitation, 15(3), 191-201. (med Marita Torbjörn Falkmer. Marita
Falkmer försteförfattare)
Att utmana eller återskapa traditionen – sex skolors arbete med elever i
relationssvårigheter. Educare, nr 1. 29-52. (med Hans Larsson, Larsson
Accepterad för publicering. What is the Problem ? – Explanations of School Difficulties
by Eight Occupational Groups. Accepterad för publicering i International Journal
of Special Education. (Med Almqvist, Göransson och Lindqvist; Nilholm is first
2. Conference contributions: Most results are provided in the articles
Bilaga C
3. Books and book chapters, articles without peer-review1
2006 Inkludering – vad betyder det och vad vet vi ? Nätpublikation. Myndigheten för
skolutvecklings hemsida. /Inclusion – what does it mean and what do we
Specialpedagogik inom lärarutbildningen – En kartläggning utifrån
kursplanerna inom de svenska lärarutbildningarna. Rapport 1, Rapport från
Utbildnings- och forskningsavdelningen, Lärarhögskolan i Stockholm, 2006.
(with Britta Wingård, Astrid Ahl, Anders Hill, Lise-lott Malmgren) /Special
eduation within teacher education/
Möten ? – forskning om specialpedagogik i ett internationellt perspektiv.
Vetenskapsrådets rapportserie, 9:2006. /Encounters? – research about special
needs education in an international perspective-
2007. Vad och vems är kunskapsobjektet? Reflektioner över hur den specialpedagogiska
praktiken kan och bör studeras. I Nilholm, C., & Björck-Åkesson, E. (Red.)
(2007) Reflektioner kring specialpedagogik – sex professorer om
forskningsområdet och forskningsfronterna. Vetenskapsrådets rapportserie,
2007:5. /What and whose is the object of knowledge? Reflections about how
special educational practice can and should be studied/
Nilholm, C., & Björck-Åkesson, E. (Red.) Reflektioner kring specialpedagogik
– sex professorer om forskningsområdet och forskningsfronterna.
Vetenskapsrådets rapportserie, 2007:5. /Reflections on special needs education
– six professors on the research area and the research frontiers/
Inledning. In Nilholm, C., & Björck-Åkesson, E. (Eds..) Reflektioner över
specialpedagogik – 6 professorer om forskningsområdet och forskningsfronter.
Vetenskapsrådets rapportserie, 2007:5. (With Björck-Åkesson) /Introduction/
Perspektiv på specialpedagogik (ny omarbetad och utökad upplaga). Lund:
Studentlitteratur. /Perspectives on s special needs education/ New and
reworked edition. *
2007. Fakultetsopponenten sammanfattar: Karin Bengtssons avhandling "Talandet som
levd erfarenhet - en studie av fyra barn med Down´s syndrom. Pedagogisk
forskning i Sverige, 12, 166-168. /Summary by the faculty opponent: Karin
Bengtsson´s dissertation ‖Talking as lived experience – a study of four children
with Down´s syndrome‖/
Reports are included.
Bilaga C
Kommuners arbete med elever i behov av särskilt stöd-en enkätundersökning.
Insikt 2007:2. Vetenskapliga rapporter från Högskolan för lärande och
kommunikation, Högskolan i Jönköping. (with Persson, Hjerm and Runesson.
Nilholmm first author) /The work of municipalities with children in need of
special support/
2008. Fakultetsopponenten sammanfattar; Yvonne Karlssons avhandling "Att inte vilja
vara problem-social organisering och utvärdering av elever i en särskild
undervisningsgrupp. Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige. . /Summary by the
faculty opponent: Yvonne Karlsson´s dissertation ‖To not to want to be a
problem-social organization and evaluation of pupils in a special teaching
2005. Evidensbaserat skolarbete och demokrati: Mobbning som exempel. Pedagogisk
forskning i Sverige, 14, s 65-82. (with Ann-Carita Evaldsson) /Evidence-based
school work and democracy: Bullying as an example/
2009. Om smygrepresentativitet i pedagogiska avhandlingar. Pedagogisk forskning i
Sverige, 14, 136-142. (with Kerstin Göransson) /On insidous representation in
educational dissertations/
2010. Är eleven orsak till sina egna svårigheter i skolan? Om ‖I demokratins marginaler
– ett projekt om barn i problematiska skolsituationer‖. Vetenskapsrådets
rapportserie, 2010. (med Evaldsson, Nilholm försteförfattare) /Is the pupil the
cause of his/her problems in the school? On ―In the margins of democracy – a
project about children in problematic school situations/
2011. ―Lärarna är också snälla, dom gör så gott dom kan‖ – vad ger ökad lärartäthet för
möjligheter? In A-L Ericksson-Gustavsson, K. Göransson & C. Nilholm (eds),
Specialpedagogiskt arbete i grundskolan. Lund: Studentlitteratur. /‖The
teachers are also nice , they´re doing their best‖ – what possibilities are
provided by higher teacher density?/
Specialpedagogiskt arbete i grundskolan. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
(Editor together with Ericksson-Gustavsson and K. Göransson )
Inledning. In A-L Ericksson-Gustavsson, K. Göransson & C. Nilholm (eds),
Specialpedagogiskt arbete i grundskolan. Lund: Studentlitteratur. (with
Ericksson-Gustavsson and Göransson) /Introduction/
2012. Barn och elever i svårigheter. En pedagogisk utmaning. Lund: Studentlitteratur. .*
2012. Inclusive education in Sweden – past, present and future issues, I T Barrow och D.
Östlund (utg), Bildning för alla! En pedagogisk utmaning. Kristianstad:
Bilaga C
Högskolan i Kristianstad. Med Kerstin Göransson och Gunnlaugur Magnusson;
Göransson och Nilholm är försteförfattare.
6. Popular scientific presentations /debate
2009. Specialpedagogik - på gott och ont. Specialpedagogisk tidskrift, nr 4, s 10-11.
/Special needs education – for good and worse/
2009. Evidensbasering - ett hot? Magasin 360. 1/2009, 5. (med Ann-Carita Evaldsson)
/Evidencebased education – a threat?/
2009. Demokratiska aspekter på specialpedagogik. KRUT, nr 4, 50-61. /Special needs
education in the light of democracy/
2010. Förenklat resonemang om skola och vetenskap. Göteborgsposten.
(published on march12) /Simplified resonong about schooling and science/
2011- Ansvarig för forskningsinformation om specialpedagogik på Skolverkets och
SPSMs hemsidor; en stor mängd web-pulikationer (professorsintervjuer, artiklar
om internationell forskning, artiklar om klassiska artiklar inom området).
Bilaga C
Professor Sven Persson
1. Peer-reviewed articles
Ackesjö, H. & Persson, S. (2010). Skolförberedelse i förskoleklass. Att vara lärare-irelation. Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige, 15,(2/3), 142-163.
*,*Aspelin, J. & Persson, S. (2008a).
Lärares professionella/personliga utveckling.
Educare, 1, s 27-46.
Bouakaz, L. & Persson, S. (2007). What hinders and what motivates parents‘ engagement
in school? International Journal about Parents and Education, 1, 1, s 97-107.
Persson, S. (2008a). Supervision – a challenge in the post-modern society. Skriftserie.
Högskolan i Bergen.
2. Peer-reviewed conference contributions
Bouakaz, L. & Persson, S. (2007). Activating social capital. Parents‟ way of getting
involved in their children‟s education. Paper presented at CICE conferens,
Persson, S. (2008b). The Discourse of Difference. Paper presenterat vid CiCe konferens i
Istanbul, 29-31 maj.
3. Review articles, books
*, *Aspelin, J & Persson, S. (2011).
Om relationell pedagogik. Stockholm: Gleerups.
Persson, S. & Rönnerman, K. (2005). Handledningens dilemman och möjligheter.
Erfarenheter från förskola och skola. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
*, *Persson, S. (2008c).
Villkor för barns lärande i förskola, förskoleklass och
fritidshem. Vetenskapsrådets rapportserie. Stockholm: Vetenskapsrådet.
Persson, S. (2008e). Forskningscirklar – en vägledning. Malmö: Resurscentrum för
mångfaldens skola.
Persson, S. (2010c). Ålder och skolstart – en kunskapsöversikt. I SOU 2010:67. I rättan
tid. Om ålder och skolstart. Stockholm: Utbildningsdepartementet.
Persson, S. (2010b). Lärandets var och när i den institutionaliserade barndomens kontext.
I Skolverket. Perspektiv på barndom och barns lärande. En kunskapsöversikt om
lärande i förskolan och grundskolans tidiga år. Stockholm: Skolverket.
*,*Persson, Sven &
Riddersporre, Bim (red.) (2011a). Utbildningsvetenskap för
grundskolans tidiga år. Stockholm: Natur och kultur.
*Persson, S. (2012). Förskolans betydelse för barns lärande, utveckling och hälsa.
Malmö: kommissionen för ett socialt hållbart Malmö.
4. Book chapters
*Aspelin, J. & Persson, S. (2008b). Yrkeskunnande – i – relation. Teoretiska perspektiv
på lärares grundkompetens. Stockholm: Santérus.
Dahlbeck, Per & Persson, Sven (2010). Estetik i förskolan. I Bim Riddersporre & Sven
Persson (red.) Utbildningsvetenskap för förskolan. Stockholm: Natur och kultur.
Persson, S. (2007a). Handledning i forskningscirklar. I Kroksmark T. & Åberg, K.
Handledning i pedagogiskt arbete. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Bilaga C
Persson, S. (2008d). Föräldrars föreställningar om förskolan med Grounded Theory som
metodansats. I M. Vinterek & C. Rönnqvist Se skolan. Umeå: Institutionen för
svenska och samhällsvetenskapliga ämnen.
* Persson, S. (2010a). Förskolans Janusansikte i ett utbildningsvetenskapligt perspektiv. I
S. Persson & B. Riddersporre (red.) Utbildningsvetenskap för förskolan. Stockholm:
Natur och Kultur.
* Persson, Sven (red.) (2010d). Barndom, lärande, ämnesdidaktik. Malmö högskola,
lärarutbildningen: Rapporter om utbildning.
Persson, Sven (2011b). Skolan i ett samhällsperspektiv. I Sven Persson & Bim
Riddersporre, Utbildningsvetenskap för grundskolans tidiga år. Stockholm: Natur
och kultur.
Bilaga C
Professor Lena Rubinstein Reich
Referee-bedömda artiklar (Peer-reviewed articles)
Rubinstein Reich, L. & Tallberg Broman, I. (2004). Homogeniserings- och
särartspraktiker i svensk förskola och skola – en kritisk diskussion av resultat, inriktning
och begrepp i klass-, köns- och etnicitetsforskning. Tidskrift för lärarutbildning och
forskning, 11(1-2), 13-26.
Jönsson, A. & Rubinstein Reich, L. (2004). Invandrade akademiker som lärare i den
svenska skolan. (Rapport 2004:18.) Uppsala: IFAU.
Jönsson, A. & Rubinstein Reich, L. (2006a). En yrkesidentitet i förändring? Invandrade
lärares möte med den svenska skolan. Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige, 11(2), 81-93.
Jönsson, A. & Rubinstein Reich, L. (2006b). Invandrade lärares arbetssituation och
läraridentitet. Educare vetenskapliga skrifter, 2(2), 66-107.
Fresko, B. & Rubinstein Reich, L. (2008). Developing social competences among
in helping professions through the use of narratives: An experimental project in Sweden.
Al Hagova. Journal on Teaching in Higher Education, 7 (March), publicerad på
Referee-bedömda konferensbidrag (Peer-reviewed conference contributions),
Rubinstein Reich, L. (March 2004). Intercultural Education and Teacher Education in
Sweden. Presented at NFPF/NERA congress, Reykjavik, Iceland.
Rubinstein Reich, L. (August, 2005). Learning within an Institutional “free zone” –
Effects of Mentoring on Student Teachers‟ Professional Development. Presented at
EARLI-conference, Nicosia, Cyprus.
Rubinstein Reich, L. (September 2006). Migrant Teachers‟ Encounters with Swedish
Schools and Constructions of New Teacher Identities. Presented at the annual
EERA/ECER, Geneva, Switzerland.
Rubinstein Reich, L., Eriksson Sjöö, T., Fresko, B. & Sild Lönroth, C. (May 2007).
Developing professional competences through building narratives of life experiences.
Presented at the Ninth European Conference Citizenship Education in Society,
Montpellier, France.
Fresko, B. & Rubinstein Reich, L. (June, 2007). Developing professional competences
through building narratives of life experiences. International Teacher Education
Bilaga C
Conference, Beer Sheva, Israel.
Andersson, I. & Rubinstein Reich, L. (October, 2007). Personal Encounters in Preparing
Student Teachers for Citizenship Education. Paper presented at CiCe – Thematic
Network First Nordic Conference, Malmö, Sweden.
Fresko, B. & Rubinstein Reich, L. (March, 2008). Building Narratives of Experience to
Develop Interpersonal Professional Competences, Paper presented at AERA Annual
Congress, New York, USA.
Andersson, I. & Rubinstein Reich, L. (May, 2008). Teacher Education and the Core of
Citizenship Education for Young Children. Paper presented at CiCe (Children‘s identity
and Citizenship education) 10th Annual Conference, Istanbul, Turkey.
Fresko, B. & Rubinstein Reich, L. (Aug, 2008). Nurturing Professional Interpersonal
Competences Using Narratives Derived from Personal Experience. Paper presented at
ATEE Conference 2008, Brussels, Belgium.
Rubinstein Reich, L. (May, 2009). Developing Human Rights Didactics for Young
Children in Teacher Education. Paper presented at the Eleventh CiCe Network
Conference, Malmö, Sweden.
Rubinstein Reich, L. (March, 2010). Social Perspective Taking as a Didactic Tool in
Teacher Education. Paper presented at NFPF/NERA annual congress, Malmö, Sweden.
Rubinstein Reich, L. (August, 2010). Children‟s Perspectives in Early Childhood
Education. Paper presented at OMEP World Congress, Göteborg, Sweden.
Rubinstein Reich, L. (September 2012). Interculturalism/Multiculturalism in teacher
education in Sweden - a critical discussion. Paper presented at EECERA annual
conference, Oporto, Portugal.
Andersson, I., Rubinstein Reich, L., Svensson, A-K. (December 2012) Challenges in
Social Studies for Primary School in a diverse setting – a matter of didactics? Paper
presented at international symposium on Social Studies Didactics, Karlstad, Sweden.
Översiktsartiklar, bokkapitel, böcker (Review articles, book chapters, books)
Rubinstein Reich, L. (2005). Developing Intercultural Perspectives by Means of
annternational Course. In A. Sjögren & I. Ramberg (Eds.) Quality and Diversity in
HigherEducation. Experiences from Intercultural Teacher Education. Botkyrka:
Mångkulturellt centrum.
Eriksson-Sjöö, Tina, Rubinstein Reich, Lena och Sild Lönroth, Carina (2008). Att
använda erfarenheter utanför ordinarie utbildningskontext- Studentens utveckling
Bilaga C
motprofessionell kompetens. Rapporter från Myndigheten för Sveriges nätuniversitet,
Jönsson, Annelis & Rubinstein Reich, L. (2009). Redo för läraryrket!
Rubinstein Reich, Lena (2011). Elevinflytande i skolan. I Sven Persson & Bim
Riddersporre, (red.) (2011). Utbildningsvetenskap för grundskolans tidiga år. 1. utg.
Stockholm: Natur & kultur.
Rubinstein Reich, Lena (2012). ‖Nya‖ ämnesdidaktiska utmaningar i förskolan. I Sven
Persson (red.) Forskningscirklar– kunskapsutveckling för förskola, skola och högskola.
Fakulteten för Lärande och samhälle, Malmö högskola (1-2012).
Populärvetenskapliga artiklar/presentationer (Popular science
Rubinstein Reich, L. (June 2004). The Mentoring Project “Näktergalen”. Lecture at a
German national conference on children and youth, Osnabrück, Germany.
Rubinstein Reich, L. (april 2006).The teacher as a key-person – intercultural teacher
education. Lecture at an international symposium – the intercultural future and education
in our society. Hanaholmen, Finland.
Rubinstein Reich, L. (March, 2011). Student Teachers‟ Development of Professional
Competences. Lectures at Universidad Católica Silva Henriques, Santiago, Chile.
Rubinstein Reich, L. (March, 2011). Learning and Teaching in Multicultural Schools.
Lecture at Universidad Católica Silva Henriques, Santiago, Chile.
Bilaga C
Malin Ideland, Associate professor in Ethnology
1. Peer reviewed articles
- Ideland, M (2007) ‖Sick Children. How massmedial and personal experiences are
woven together‖. I: Ethnologia Scandinavica 2007
- Ekborg, M, Ideland, M & Malmberg, C (2009) Science for life - a conceptual
framework for construction and analysis of socioscientific cases. In: NorDiNa
- Ideland, M (2009) Different views on ethics. How animal ethics is situated in a
committee culture. Journal of Medical Ethics, 35 (4).
- Holmberg, T & Ideland, M (2009) Transgenic silences. The rhetoric of
comparisons and transgenic mice as ‗ordinary exclusivities‘. Biosocieties Vol.4
(2) 2009.
- Ideland, M (2009) Från bepälsade provrör till en ny arbetarklass? Om metaforers
diskursiva effekter för möss och människor. Kulturella Perspektiv, maj 2009
- Ideland, M, Malmberg, C & Winberg, M (2011) Culturally Equipped for SocioScientific Issues? A Comparative Study on How Teachers and Students in Monoand Multiethnic Schools Handle Work with Complex Issues. International
Journal of Science education 33 (13). *
- Ek, Anne-Charlotte, Ideland, Malin, Jönsson, Sandra, Malmberg, Claes (2011)
"The tension between marketisation and academisation in higher education"
Studies in Higher Education;, e-pub ahead of print. *
- Holmberg, T & Ideland, M (2012) Secrets and lies: ''selective openness'' in the
apparatus of animal experimentation. Public Understanding of Science (3) 21.
- Lindahl, Britt, Rosberg, Maria, Ekborg, Maria, Ideland, Malin, Malmberg, Claes,
Rehn, Agneta, Nyström, Eva, Winberg, Mikael, Ottander, Christina (2011)
"Socio-Scientific Issues – A Way to Improve Students‘ Interest and Learning?"
US-China education review;9, 342-347.
- Ideland, Malin, Malmberg, Claes, Ek, Anne-Charlotte, Jönsson, Sandra (2012)
"Är marknadsanpassad forskningsanknytning möjlig? Professionsutbildningar
möter akademins nya krav" Högre utbildning;2, 79-92,
- Ideland, Malin, Malmberg, Claes (2012) "Body talk: students‘ identity
construction while discussing a socioscientific issue" Cultural Studies of Science
Education;2, 279-305 *
- Lundström, M, Ekborg, M & Ideland, M (2012) To vaccinate or not to vaccinate:
how teenagers justified their decisions. Cultural studes of science education. (7)
- Holmberg, T & Ideland, M (2013) För Sverige i framtiden. Bioobjektifiering av
ny medicinsk teknologi. Sociologisk forskning 1/2013
2. Peer reviewed conference contributions (not published as articles)
- Ideland, M (2006) Transgena dilemman. Metamorfoser, Nordisk etnologkongress,
Stockholm 060615.
Bilaga C
Ideland, M & Malmberg, C (2007) Working with socio-scientific issues for
citizenship. Citizenship Education in Society – A challenge for the Nordic
Countries, Malmö 071005.
Ideland, M & Holmberg, T (2008) Mass medial silences on biotechnologies.
PCST Conference, Malmö 27 June 2008.
Ideland, M & Malmberg, C (2009) Science and Media. Who is learning from
socio-scientific issues? Poster, CiCe Annual Conference, Malmö 21-24 may 2009.
Holmberg, T & Ideland, M (2011) Bio-objekt på 2000-talet. Chimbrider och
andra arthybrider. STS-konferens, Linköping 23-24 mars 2011.
Ideland, M & Malmberg, C (2012) Vision II science as a miracle whip? XV
IOSTE International symposium on science & technology education for
development, citizenship and social justice.
Hillbur, P, Ideland, M & Malmberg, C (2012) The construction of the ‖good
child‖ in Education for Sustainable Development. XV IOSTE International
symposium on science & technology education for development, citizenship and
social justice.
Ideland, M & Malmberg, C (2012) ―Future citizens‖ discussing issues of today.
How do children handle climate change issues in relation to their own lives?
Conference 4S/EASST, October 17 – 20, Copenhagen.
Holmberg, T, Ideland, M & Mulinari, S (2012) The moral economy of the stem
cell crowd. Conference 4S/EASST, October 17 – 20, Copenhagen.
Hillbur, P, Ideland, M & Malmberg, C (2012) The Eco-labeld child.
Transboundary learning beyond disciplines - Sustainable development opening up
research dialogues. GRESD – conference, October 9 – 11, Umeå. *
3. Review articles, book chapters, books
- Hansson, K, Ideland, M & Nilsson, F (2006) ETN:003 KRY. Lund: Dep. Of
European Ethnology, Lund University.
- Ideland, M (2007) ‖Sjuka barn. Om hur mediala och personliga erfarenheter vävs
samman‖. I: Socialmedicinsk tidskrift 5/2007.
- Ideland, M (2007) "Framtidens människa? Ett medialt drama om bioteknologi‖. I:
Görman, U, Andrén, C-G & Hermerén, G (red): Att forma vår framtid.
Bioteknikens möjligheter och problem. Lund: Nordic Academic Press.
- Ideland, M & Malmberg, C (2010) Plantskola för naturvetenskap och hållbar
utveckling. I: Persson & Riddersporre (red): Utbildningsvetenskap för förskolan.
Stockholm: Natur och Kultur.
- Holmberg, T & Ideland, M (2010) Dilemman med transgena djur –
forskningspraktik och etik. Rapport. Centrum för genusvetenskap: Uppsala
- Ideland, M & Malmberg, C (2009) Att arbeta med samhällsfrågor i NOundervisningen i mångfaldens skola. Rapport. Malmö: Resurscentrum för
Mångfaldens Skola.
- Ideland, M & Malmberg, C (2010) Se till att lyssna på oss. Malmöbarn pratar
om klimatfrågan ur vardagsperspektiv. Malmö: Malmö stad. 2010.
Bilaga C
Ideland, Malin & Malmberg, Claes (2011) Naturvetenskap i skolan. I: Persson,
S & Riddersporre, B (red): Utbildningsvetenskap för grundskolans tidigare år.
Stockholm: Natur & Kultur, 148-166.
Holmberg, T & Ideland, M (2011) Challenging bio-objectification: adding
noise to transgenic silences. I: Tamminen, S, Vermeluen, N & Webster, A
(eds): Bio-objects-life in the 21st Century. Aldershot: Ashgate.
Ekborg, Margareta (red), Ideland, Malin (red), Lindahl, Britt, Malmberg,
Claes, Ottander, Christina, Rosberg, Maria (2012) Samhällsfrågor i det
naturvetenskapliga klassrummet. Malmö: Gleerups.
Ideland, Malin (red), Malmberg, Claes (red), Nelson, Johan, Nilsson, Karin,
Pettersson, Birgitta, Rehn, Agneta, Sjöström, Jesper, Zeidler, Annette (2012)
Naturvetenskap och yngre barn : om att forskningsanknyta utbildning för
förskollärare och grundlärare. Fakulteten för lärande och samhälle, Malmö
högskola. Rapport
Almqvist, Kristian, Ideland, Malin, Johansson, Åsa, Malmberg, Claes, Petri,
Lisa (2011) Hjältar i en annan värld - om ett äventyrligt pedagogiskt
arbetssätt. FoU Malmö Utbildning. Rapport
Bilaga C
Thom Axelsson, Ph.D
Axelsson, Thom, (2000), "Självmord i teorin: En analys av olika forskares tolkning av
självmord" Socialhistoria i Linköping Nu. 11.
Axelsson, Thom (2003) ‖Som man frågar får man svar: Att formulera en fråga‖, I Håkan
Hults (red.), Från kunskapskontroll: 7:e universitetspedagogiska konferensen vid
Linköpings universitet 20 november 2003, CUL-rapporter:8, Linköpings universitet.
Areschoug, Judith et al (2003) ‖Childhood and the State – the State of Childhood”. H-Net
Reviews in the Humanities & Social Sciences, H-Education, October, 2003.
Areschoug, Judith m fl (2004) ‖Childhood and the State – the State of Childhood”.
Historisk Tidskrift, 2004:1, s 171-178.
Axelsson, Thom (2006), ‖Den övernormale: Kampen om begåvningsklasser 1910–1950‖,
i Judith Lind (red.), Normalitetens förhandling och förvandling: En antologi om barn,
skola och föräldraskap, Stockholm: Symposion.
Axelsson, Thom (2007) ‖Tattarna och deras begåvning: Tekniker för styrning under det
tidiga 1940-talet‖, i Johannes Fredriksson & Esbjörn Larsson (red.), Att rätt förfoga över
tingen. Historiska studier av styrning och olika former av maktutövning.
Axelsson, Thom (2007) Rätt elev i rätt klass: Skola, begåvning och styrning 1910–1950,
(Diss.) Linköping.
Axelsson, Thom (2008) ‖Att vilja och välja rätt – att skapa produktiva medborgare‖
Locus nr 2.
Axelsson, Thom (2009) ‖Någonstans mellan sjukt och friskt: det psykopatiska barnet och
psykopatklasser‖, i Judith Lind, Cecilia Lindgren, Mats Sjöberg & Karin Zetterqvist
Nelson (red.), Historien, barnen och barndomarna: Vad är problemet?, Linköping:
Bokakademin AB.
Axelsson, Thom (2010) ‖Att lära sig välfärdsstatens normer‖ i Jonas Qvarsebo &
Ingegerd Tallberg Broman (red.) Från storslagna versioner till professionell bedömning,
Rapporter om utbildning: Lärarutbildningen Malmö högskola
Axelsson, Thom (2010) ‖Utbildningsvetenskaplig forskning vid Malmö högskola‖,
Rapport 22/6-2010.
Axelsson, Thom & Qvarsebo, Jonas (2010) ‖Barndomens historiska framväxt‖, i Sven
Persson & Bim Riddersporre (red.) Utbildningsvetenskap för förskolan, Stockholm:
Natur och kultur.
Bilaga C
Axelsson, Thom & Qvarsebo, Jonas (2011) ‖Utbildningsvetenskap och skapandet av en
normal barndom‖ i Sven Persson & Bim Riddersporre (red.) Utbildningsvetenskap för
grundskolans tidigare år, Stockholm: Natur och kultur.
Axelsson, Thom (2012) ”Att konstruera begåvning – Debatten om IQ, Educare, nr1.
Axelsson, Thom (2012) ‖Tattarna och begåvning: Manne Ohlanders
intelligensundersökningar av tattare under 1940-talet.‖ Rapport till
Arbetsmarknadsdepartementet. Arbetsmarknadsdepartementet, (Dnr: 2012/1804/DISK).
Axelsson, Thom (2012) ‖Tattare, hjälpklasser och intelligensundersökningar i den
svenska folkskolan under tidigt 1900-tal‖. I Særklasse. Inklusion og eksklusion i
grundskolen, 46. Årbog Selskabet for Skole- og Uddannelseshistoria.
Bilaga C
Barbro Bruce, PhD
Peer-reviewed articles relevant to the book project
* Bruce, B., Nettelbladt, U. & Hansson, K. (2012). The relationship between language
skills and interactional skills in children with language impairment. Journal of
Interactional Research in Communication Disorders, 3, 195-219.
*Bruce, B., Hansson, K. & Nettelbladt, U. (2010). Assertiveness, responsiveness, and
reciprocity in verbal interaction. Dialogues between children with SLI and peers with
typical language development. First Language, 30, 493-507.
* Bruce, B. & Hansson, K. (2008). Early communication skills; important in screening
for language impairment and neuropsychiatric disorders. Current Paediatric Issues, 4,
* Bruce, B., Hansson, K. & Nettelbladt, U. (2007). Interactional style, elicitation
strategies and language production in professional language intervention. Child
Language Teaching and Therapy, 23, 253-266.
*Bruce, B. (2007). Problems of language and communication – identification and
intervention. Doktorsavhandling, Institutionen för kliniska vetenskaper, Lunds
Bruce, B., Thernlund, G. and Nettelbladt, U. ADHD and Language impairment. A study
of the questionnaire Five-to-Fifteen. (2006). European Journal of Child and
Adolescent Psychiatry. 15: 52-60.
* Bruce, B. (2004). Screening of language and communication ability by the age of 18
months. In E. Schmidt, U. Mikkelsen, I. Post, J. Borcher Simonsen and K.
Fruensgaard (Eds.) Brain, Hearing and Learning, 20th Danavox Symposium 2003.
(sid. 151-162). Denmark: Holmen Center Tryk.
* Bruce, B., Kornfält, R., Radeborg, K., Hansson, K. and Nettelbladt, U. (2003).
Identifying children at risk for language impairment: screening of communication at
18 months. Acta Paediatrica 92: 1090-1095.
* Bruce, B., Kornfält, R., Radeborg, K., Hansson, K. and Nettelbladt, U. (2003).
Identifying children at risk for language impairment: screening of communication at
18 months. Correspondence section. Reply. Acta Paediatrica 93:4, 574-575.
*Bruce, B. & Riddersporre, B. (2012). Kärnämnen i förskolan – nycklar till livslångt
lärande. Stockholm: Natur & Kultur.
Anthology chapters
Anderson, L. & Bruce, B. (red.)(2010). Överbryggande specialpedagogik – goda möten
för gemenskap och lärande. Institutionen för skolutveckling och ledarskap, Fakulteten
för lärande och samhälle, Malmö högskola.
Bilaga C
* Bruce, B. (2010). Lek och språk. I: B. Riddersporre & S. Persson.
Utbildningsvetenskap i förskolan (s. 101-120). Stockholm: Natur & Kultur.
Bruce, B. (2010). Bokstavsbarnen och bokstäverna. I: L. Bjar & C. Liberg (red.). Barn
utvecklar sitt språk. (sid. 255-278). Lund: Studentlitteratur.
* Bruce, B. (2009). Språkutveckling på olika villkor. I: A. Sandberg (red.). Med sikte på
förskolan. Barn i behov av stöd (s. 55-74). Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Bruce, B. & Thernlund, G. (2007). Språkliga svårigheter i tal och skrift vid
neuropsykiatriska funktionshinder. I: L. Hartelius, U. Nettelbladt & B. Hammarberg
(red.) Logopedi. (sid. 165-173). Lund: Studentlitteratur.
* Bruce, B. Språkliga svårigheter hos skolbarn (2006). I: L. Bjar (red.): Det hänger på
språket. Utveckling och lärande i grundskolan (s. 349-371). Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Bruce, B., Lavesson, A. & Wigforss, E. (2006). Språksnabben. Lund:
Bruce, B. (in press). Att möta skolans ökade krav med sviktande verktyg. I: S. Fischbein.
Ungdomar läser och skriver. Lund: Studentlitteratur..
* Bruce, B. (2013). Språkutveckling genom dialogsamspel. I: I. Pramling & I. Tallberg
Broman. Barndom, lärande och ämnesdidaktik. (s. 69-90). Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Bilaga C
Ingegerd Ericsson, PhD
Peer reviewed articles and other publications in English
Peer reviewed articles
Ericsson, I. (2006). Motor skills, attention and academic achievements - an intervention
study in school year 1-3. Accepted 06-05-30 for publication in The British Educational
Research Journal. Available 2007-10-27 onhttp://www.informaworld.com.
Ericsson, I. (2006). Attention in a Relational perspective. [In Swedish:
Koncentrationsförmåga ur ett relationellt perspektiv.] Educare, 2(1), 38-53. Abstract.
Gustafsson, P., Ericsson, I., Lindén, C., Karlsson, M.K., Thernlund, G., & Svedin, C.G.
(2006). Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and motor function: clinical importance
of soft signs. Submitted.
Ericsson, I. (2007). Effects of Increased Physical Activity and Motor Training on Motor
Skills, Attention and Learning. Paper presented at the 13th Conference on Thinking. In
Linköping University Electronic Press, (Ed.), Proceedings Vol. In Peer Reviewed Papers
(pp. 51-57). Available 07-07-05 on http://www.liu.se/thinkingconference.
Ericsson, I. (2007). Physical activity and Learning. Abstract. Citizenship Education in
Society - A challenge for the Nordic countries. Children´s identity & Citizenship in
Europe, CiCE Conference 4th - 5th October 2007. Available 2007-09-28 på
Ericsson, I. (2007). MUGI observation checklist: An alternative to measuring motor skills
in physical education classes. The Asian Journal of Exercise & Sports Science, 4(1), 1-8.
Ericsson, I. (2007). Motor observations and school results. [In Swedish:
Motorikobservationer och skolprestationer]. Nordisk Pedagogik, 27(2), 111–118.
Abstract in English.
Ericsson, I. (2007). Motorikobservationer och skolprestationer. Nordisk pedagogik, (2),
111-118. Available 2007-08-19 on MUEP Malmö University Electronic Publishing ; 0711-21 on http://www.idrottsforum.org/articles.
Gustafsson, P., Thernlund, G., Besjakov, J., Karlsson, M., Ericsson, I., & Svedin, C.G.
(2008). ADHD symptoms and maturity – a study in primary school children. Acta
Pædiatrica, (97), 233-238.
Ericsson, I. (2008). To measure and improve motor skills in practice with the MUGI
model for motor observations and training. Paper presented at The 3rd Scandinavian
Pediatric Obesity Conference (SPOC), in Malmö, March 6-7th.
Bilaga C
Ericsson, I. (2008). To measure and improve motor skills in practice. International
Journal of Pediatric Obesity, 3(1), 21-27.
(2008). Motor skills, attention and academic achievements - an intervention study in
school year 1-3. The British Educational Research Journal, 34(3), 301-313.
Ericsson,I., Grahn, P., & Skärbäck, E. (2009). The Impact of Local Environment and how
it can be affected [In Swedish: Närmiljöns betydelse och hur den kan påverkas]. Educare,
(1), 80-101. Abstract.
Gustafsson, P., Svedin, C.G., Ericsson, I., Lindén, C., Karlsson, M., & Thernlund, G.
(2010). Reliability and validity of the assessment of soft signs in children with and
without Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Developmental Medicine & Child
Neurology, (52), 364–370.
Ericsson, I., & Cederberg, M. (2010). Physical activity among young people who do not
achieve primary objectives. A questionnaire and interview survey among IV-students in
Malmö 2008. (Paper presented at NERA´s 38th Congress). In Abstracts, active
citizenship, (p. 221). Malmö: Malmö University. Available 2010-02-10 at
Ericsson, I. (2010). Motor Skills Observations and Marks in Physical Education:
Validation of MUGI checklists. Submitted.
Ericsson, I. (2011). Effects of increased Physical Activity on Motor Skills and Selfesteem: A Longitudinal Intervention Study during Nine School Years. In T. Söderström,
J. Fahlén, & K. Wickman (Eds.), Book of abstracts, 8th European Association for
Sociology of Sport (p. 178). Umeå: Department of Education, Umeå University.
Ericsson, I. (2011). Effects of increased physical activity on motor skills and marks in
physical education: an intervention study in school years 1 through 9 in Sweden. Physical
Education & Sport Pedagogy, 16(3), 313-329. Available online: 21 Jun 2011.
Ericsson, I., & Karlsson, M. (2011). Effects of Increased Physical activity and Motor
training on Motor Skills and Self-esteem: An Intervention Study in School years 1
through 9. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 42, 461-479.
Ericsson, I., & Karlsson, M. (2011). Daily Physical Education Improves Motor Skills and
School Performance – A Nine-Year Prospective Intervention Study. Submitted.
Ericsson, I. (2011). Motorisk Utveckling som Grund för Inlärning (MUGI) Observation
Checklist [Database record]. PsycTESTS, American Psychological Association (APA).
http://www.apa.org/pubs/databases/psyctests/index.aspx. doi: 10.1037/t02819-000.
Ericsson, I., & Karlsson, M. (2012). Motor Skills and School Performance in Children
with Daily Physical Education in School – A Nine-Year Intervention Study. The
Bilaga C
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports. Available 2012-04-09 in
―Wiley Online‖.
Ericsson, I., & Karlsson, M. (2012). Daily Physical Education Improves Motor Skills and
School Performance – A Nine-Year Prospective Intervention Study. The pre-peer
reviewed version of the article: ―Motor Skills and School Performance in Children with
Daily Physical Education in School – A Nine-Year Intervention Study‖, published in
final form in Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 8 April 2012.
Available 2012-05-04 on Malmö University Electronic Publishing (MUEP) and 2012-0509 on idrottsforum.org/articles.
Ericsson, I., & Karlsson, M. (2012). Daily physical activity improves motor skills and
school performance – A nine-year prospective controlled intervention study in 220
children. In Universidade de Madeira (Ed.), Abstracts Book of the 7th European Youth
Heart Study Scientific Symposium, 22-26 October 2012, (p. 33). Funchal: Kontra Kapa.
Ericsson, I., & Cederberg, M. (2013). Physical activity and school performance: a survey
among students not qualified for upper secondary school. Physical Education and Sport
Pedagogy, DOI:10.1080/17408989.2013.788146
Book chapters
(2005). Motor skills, Attention and Academic achievements. World Summit on Physical
Education Bulletin no 44 (pp.33-39). Berlin: International Council of Sport Science and
Physical Education (ICSSPE).
(2005). Motor skills and academic achievements - Research in the Bunkeflo Project. In L.
Andersson-Stenquist (Ed.), The 8th WABC World Conference on Aquatic Education of
Babies & Young Children (p. 25). Malmö: The Swedish Swimming Federation.
Other articles
(2001). Physical Education in Swedish schools. www.bunkefloprojektet.malmo.se;
(2001). The Bunkeflo Project - for a healthy way of living.
www.bunkefloprojektet.malmo.se, 2001; www.svenskidrottsmedicin.org,2001;
www.bunkeflomodellen.com, 2002.
(2002). Pedagogics and motor skill - the importance of motor skill for development and
learning - Motor skill observations of 204 schoolchildren. Abstract of the Swedish article
Pedagogik och motorik. www.mugi.se
(2003). Pedagogic and Physical Education: Motor skill observations of 204children.
Abstract. Malmö University Electronic Publishing MUEP, www.mah.se/forskning/,
Bilaga C
1998; www. idrottsforum.org, 2003.
(2003). Motor skills, attention and academic achievements - An intervention study in
school year 1-3. Abstract of doctoral dissertation. www.mugi.se
(2006). Worth knowing about Motor Development. Review of J.P. Piek: Infant Motor
Development. Available 06-09-20 on
(2007). Conference report: Thinking Outside the Box. Available 07-08-28 on
http://www.idrottsforum.org/features; 08-05-15 onhttp://www.liu.se/thinkingconference/
(2008). New ways of learning motor skills. (Review). Available 08-04-23 on
(2008). Social aspects of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. (Review). Available
2008-10-01 at http://www.idrottsforum.org.
Cederberg, M. & Ericsson, I. (2009). Student Experiences of the Compulsory School in
Malmö: in the words of students in the IV- Programme. Summary and student
suggestions. Available 2009-09-10 on www.malmo.se.
Ericsson, I. (2010). Motor Learning & Control for Practitioners. (Review). Available
2010-09-01 on http://www.idrottsforum.org/reviews.
Ericsson, I. (2012). Key issues in childhood physical activity science. (Review).
Idrottsforum.org. Available 12-12-12 on idrottsforum.org/121212.
Ericsson, I. (2013). Useful reference book on motor development and learning from
experts in the field. (Review). Idrottsforum.org. Available 2013-04-04 on
Conference Papers
(2004). Motor skills and learning. Paper presented at the Nordic Sociological Association
(2005). Motor skills, attention and academic achievements. World Leisure European
Conference. Paper abstracts.
(2007). Effects of Increased Physical Activity and Motor Training on Motor Skills,
Attention and Learning. Paper presented at the 13th Conference on Thinking. In
Linköping University Electronic Press, (Ed.), Proceedings Vol.I Peer Reviewed Papers,
(pp. 51-57). Available 07-07-05on http://www.liu.se/thinkingconference.
(2007). Physical activity and Learning. Abstract. Citizenship Education in Society - A
Bilaga C
challenge for the Nordic countries. Children´s identity & Citizenship in Europe, CiCE
Conference 4th - 5th October 2007. Tillgänglig 2007-09-28 på http://www.mah.se.
(2008). To measure and improve motor skills in practice with the MUGI model for motor
observations and training. Paper presented at The 3rd Scandinavian Pediatric Obesity
Conference (SPOC), in Malmö, March 6-7th.
Ericsson, I. & Cederberg, M. (2010). Physical activity among young people who do not
achieve primary objectives. A questionnaire and interview survey among IV-studentsin
Malmö 2008. (Paper presented at NERA´s 38th Congress). In Abstracts, active
citizenship, (p. 221). Malmö: Malmö University. Available 2010-02-10 at
Ericsson, I. (2011). Effects of increased Physical Activity on Motor Skills and Selfesteem: A Longitudinal Intervention Study during Nine School Years. In T. Söderström,
J. Fahlén, & K. Wickman (Eds.), Book of abstracts, 8th European Association for
Sociology of Sport (p. 178). Umeå: Department of Education, Umeå University.
Ericsson, I., & Karlsson, M. (2012). Daily physical activity improves motor skills and
school performance – A nine-year prospective controlled intervention study in 220
children. In Universidade de Madeira (Ed.), Abstracts Book of the 7th European Youth
Heart Study Scientific Symposium, 22-26 October 2012, (p. 33). Funchal: Kontra Kapa.
Bilaga C
Linda Palla, PhD
1 Peer-reviewed conference contributions
Palla, L., Tullgren, C., Österlind, M-L. & Bäckström, L. (2013). Ghent, Belgien. Talk
about quality- How discourse analysis can contribute to the study of quality and quality
work in school: An example from a Swedish preschool setting. Paper at symposium
(Symposiumorg. Österlind, M.-L. & Tullgren, C. Studies of quality in school settings: A
theoretical and methodological discussion), ISATT, Ghent, Belgien 2-5 july 2013.
Tullgren, C., Österlind, M-L., Bäckström, L. & Palla, L. (2013). Relations and reflexivity
meets measurability and effectiveness: Rearticulated and transformed quality ideals in the
Swedish preschool. Paper at Nordic symposium. (Symposiumorg. Krejsler, J. & Plum, M.
Early Childhood Education and Care: Nordic transitions and Transitions in a Globalised
World. AERA, San Fransisco, 26 april-1 maj, 2013. Invited.
Tullgren, C., Österlind, M.-L, Bäckström, L. & Palla, L. (2012). Relation or Evaluation?
: Swedish Preschool Teachers Expressions Concerning Qality Work. Paper at NERA´s
40th Annual Congress of the Nordic Educational Research Association, Copenhagen 8-10
march 2012.
Palla, L. (2012). With the gaze on the Child: About differences in preschool as a
discursive practice. Paper at NERA´s 40th Annual Congress of the Nordic Educational
Research Association, Copenhagen, 8-10 march 2012.
Palla, L. (2010). With the gaze on the Child. Poster at Nordic conference Childhood and
Youth in Transition: Discipline and unrest in the modern Welfare state, Malmö 28-29 oct
Palla. L. (2010). Unofficial discourses about special education in preschool. Paper at
NERA´s 38th Congress, Malmö 11-13 march, 2010.
2 Review articles, book chapters, books etc
(*) (**) Palla, L. (2013). Constructions
of the child in need: About the "what", "who"
and intersubjectivity in a special education preschool context. In J. Aspelin (Red.)
Relational Special Education: In theory and practice (ss.183-199). Kristianstad:
Kristianstad University Press., u. p. spring 2013.
(*) (**) Palla, L. (2012). ‖What is it that should be corrected anyway? ": About
documentation in special education practices in preschool. In T. Barow & D.
Östlund(Eds.), Education (“Bildung”) for all!: An educational challenge (pp. 185−195).
Kristianstad: Kristianstad University Press.
Bilaga C
(*) (**) Palla, L. (2011).
With the gaze on the Child: About differences in preschool as a
discursive practice. (Malmö Studies in Educational Sciences, 63). Malmö: Malmö
(**)Palla, L. (2009). A Preschool for All: Three articles on preschool and (special)
education. Kristianstad: Special Education reports and notices from Kristianstad
University, 3/2009.
Rosenqvist, J. (Red.) (2009). Special Education in the diversity of Sweden: Study II:
Special school students with a foreign background in large cities. Kristianstad: Special
Education reports and notices from Kristianstad University, 4/2009.
Rosenqvist, J. (Red.) (2007). Special Education in the diversity of Sweden: About
students from other ethnic backgrounds than Swedish in the special school. Kristianstad:
Kristianstad University. Stockholm: Special Education Institute.
(*) Palla, L. (2006). The inclusive school: A study at group level about participation and
equality in terms, for students with disabilities. Kristianstad: Kristianstad University.
Stockholm: Special Education Institute.
(**) Palla, L. (200 4). Multilingualism in the multicultural preschool: Preconditions,
approaches and strategies. Report, researchorg. VuLK, 2004, series II, nr. 1 Kristianstad:
Kristianstad University.
3 Popular science articles/presentations
Palla, L. (2013/u.p.). Normalization of the diversity of children in preschool
documentation. www.forskoleforum.se (Lund: Studentlitteratur)
Palla, L. (2011). With the gaze on the Child: About differences in preschool as a
discursive practice. Paper at Disability Research Day, Conference: Research on
functional capabilities, Växjö 22 november 2011.
Jancke, H. (Red.)(2008). Supervision in preschool. Förskoletidningen (Preschool
magazine), 13(1).
Jancke, H. (Red.)(2008). Supervision in preschool. Förskoletidningen (Preschool
magazine), 43-52 (special edition).
Palla, L. (2008). In special educational needs. Förskoletidningen (Preschool magazine),
33(1), 4-9.
Palla, L. (2008). In special educational needs. Förskoletidningen (Preschool magazine),
4-10 (special edition).
Bilaga C
Palla, L. (2008). Competence in a preschool for all. Förskoletidningen (Preschool
magazine), 33(1),21-28.
Palla, L. (2008). Competence in a preschool for all. Förskoletidningen (Preschool
magazine), 21-26 (special edition).
Palla, L. (2008). Towards better knowledge. Förskoletidningen (Preschool magazine),
33(1), 37-40.
Palla, L. (2008). Towards better kowledge. Förskoletidningen (Preschool magazine), 3135 (special edition).
Palla, L. (2008). The pedagogy of opportunities. Förskoletidningen (Preschool
magazine), 33(1), 11-16.
Palla, L. (2008). The pedagogy of opportunities. Förskoletidningen (Preschool
magazine), 11-17 (special edition).
Palla, L. (2006). Mother tongue and multilingualism. Förskoletidningen (Preschool
magazine), 31(6), 22-27.
Palla, L. (2006). The inclusive school: A study at group level about participation and
equality in terms, for students with disabilities. Presentation at Special Education Institute
conference, theme: Equal Value Nynäshamn, 17-18 sept 2007.
Palla, L. (2005). Multilingualism in the multicultural preschool. Presentation at the
research conference: The changing human- learning, knowledge and relationships.
Kristianstad University, 17 aug 2005.
Palla, L. (2005). Multilingualism in the multicultural preschool. Presentation at the
conference of the Nordic Network for Special Education, Kristianstad University, 3 maj
Bilaga C
PhD Pernilla Seversson
Selected publications (max 10)
Research blogs: http://wpmu.mah.se/mip and http://nmprof.com/
Severson, P (2002) Reglerings- och policyfrågor kring Internet, i Peter Dahlgren (red):
Internet, medier och kommunikation. (Regulation and policy issues on Internet, in Peter
Dahlgren (ed) Internet, media and communication) Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Severson, P (2003): Dialogic policies for public service. In M Tarkka (red) Digital
television and the consumer perspective. Link.
Severson, P (2004) En gökunge i public service-boet? Publikens roll i digitaliseringen av
marksänd television (A cuckoo bird in the public service-nest? The audience role in the
digitization of terrestrial television”. Academic dissertation for PhD. Uppsala Studies in
Media and Communication 3. Uppsala: Uppsala university, Institution for Information
Studies. Link.
Severson, P (2006) Public service and the need for innovation through a collaborative
approach. RIPE@2006 Conference "Public Service Broadcasting in a Multimedia
Environment: Programs and Platforms". Amsterdam, Holland. *
Spurgeon C, Collis C, Foth M and Severson P (2009) A New Educational Technology for
Media and Communication Studies: Mapping Media in Australia and Sweden, in Stewart
CM, Schifter CC and Markaridian Selverian ME eds. (2009) Teaching and Learning with
Technology, Routledge.
Severson, P (forthcoming 2013) Marginal stories on future-making from media business
people, chapter in Ehn, P et al (red) Making Futures: Marginal Notes on Innovation,
Design and Democracy. MIT Press, Book project link.
Björgvinsson, E and Severson, P (forthcoming 2013) Locating Future-making in the
Creative Industries, chapter in Ehn, P et al (red) Making Futures: Marginal Notes on
Innovation, Design and Democracy. MIT Press, Book project link. *
Severson, P (forthcoming 2013): Learning innovation processes: a critical analysis of
social networked media in relation to formal information and communication systems in
a higher education organisation. Accepted chapter for book Media and Education in the
Digital Age, red Matteo Stocchetti.
Bilaga C
Annika Åkerblom, PhD
1. Articles (peer reviewed)
Åkerblom, A. (2009). Hur elever i grundskolan använder orden luft och dragningskraft
för att uttrycka sin förståelse av fysikaliska fenomen. Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige, Vol
14, No 4. p.330-353 Stockholm. ISSN 1401-6788
Åkerblom, A., Anderberg, E., Alvegård, C., & Svensson, L. (2011). Awareness of
language use in conceptualisation: A study of children‘s understanding of movement and
gravity. Scandinavian Journal of educational Research, Vol 55, No 5, p.255-271.
Anderberg, E., & Åkerblom, A. (2011). The epistemological role of language use in
children‘s explanations of physical phenomena. Cambridge Journal of Education, Vol
41, No 4, p.489-505.
2. Conference papers (peer reviewed)
Åkerblom, A. (2013). Making Sense. Paper presented at Nordic Education Research
Association, Reykjavik, Iceland.
Åkerblom, A. (2012). Exploring the pedagogic relation. Supporting 6 year olds to make
sense of physical motion. Paper presented at Nordic Education Research Association,
Copenhagen, Denmark.
Åkerblom, A. (2011). Using the intentional expressive perspective to look at the interplay
between understanding, meaning and expressions used by learners. Symposium
European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, Exeter, Great Britain.
Åkerblom, A. & Anderberg, E. (2010) Making sense in dialogue. Paper presented at
Nordic Education Research Association, Malmoe, Sweden
Åkerblom, A., Anderberg, E., Alvegård, C., & Svensson, L. (2009) Awareness of
language use in conceptualisation: A study of children‟s understanding of movement and
gravity. Paper presented at European Association for Research on Learning and
Instruction, Amsterdam, The Nederlands
Åkerblom, A., Anderberg, E., Alvegård, C., & Svensson, L. (2008) The interplay
between expressions and meanings in meaning-making. How children (6, 10 and 14 years
old) use language to express understanding of complex phenomena. Paper presented at
European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction SIG 9, Kristianstad,
Åkerblom, A., Anderberg, E., Alvegård, C., & Svensson, L. (2008) The meaning-making
process in learning – a comparison between 10 and 14 years old pupils. Paper presented
at Nordic Education Research Association, Copenhagen, Denmark
Alvegård, C., Åkerblom, A., Anderberg, E., & Svensson, L. (2007) The meaning making
process in learning – a developmental perspective. Paper presented at European Science
Education Research Association, Malmoe, Sweden
3. Monograph
Åkerblom, A. (2011). Children making sense of physical phenomena. Dissertation. Lund
Bilaga C
4. Book chapter
Åkerblom, A. (2008) Att förstå jordklotet. I I. Pramling & N. Pramling (red.),
Didaktiska studier från förskola och skola. s.83-100. Malmö: Gleerups
Bilaga C
Operativ Koordinator Lotta Nyrén
Book chapters
Nyrén, Lotta & Anna Sandell (2013). Likvärdighet i förskolan? I: Anne, Harju, Ingegerd,
Tallberg Broman (red) Föräldrar, förskola och skola- Om mångfald, makt och
möjligheter. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Research projects
Nyrén, Lotta & Liselotte Dahlbeck (2012). Kunskapsuppdraget i förskolan - några röster
från fältet. I: Persson, Sven (red) Forskningscirklar - kunskapsutveckling för
förskola, skola och högskola.Malmö högskola: Rapporter om utbildning.
Nyrén, Lotta (2012). Vilken kulturbildning är du en del av? I: Centrum för akademiskt
lärarskap (AKL) skriftserie nr 3: Adjunkt i Malmö: med fokus på lärande. Malmö:
Bilaga C
University of Gothenburg
Professor Sonja Sheridan
Associate Professor Pia Williams
Associate Professor Johannes
Torgeir Alvestad, PhD
Bilaga C
Professor Sonja Sheridan
1. Sheridan, S. (2001). Pedagogical Quality in Preschool. An issue of perspectives.
Akademisk avhandling. Göteborg: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis.
2. Sheridan, S. (2000). A comparison of external and self-evaluations of quality in
Early Childhood Education. Early Child Development and Care, 164, 63-78.
3. Sheridan, S. (2001). Quality Evaluation and Quality Enhancement in Preschool A Model of Competence Development. Early Child Development and Care, 166,
4. Sheridan, S., & Schuster, K-M. (2001). Evaluations of Pedagogical Quality in
Early Childhood Education - A cross-national perspective. Department of
Education, University of Gothenburg, Sweden. Journal of Research in Childhood
Education, Fall/Winter 2001, 16(1), 109-124.
5. Sheridan, S., & Pramling Samuelsson, I. (2001) Children‘s Conceptions of
Participation and Influence in Pre-school: a perspective on pedagogical quality.
Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood 2(2), 169-194.
6. Sheridan, S., & Samuelsson, I. P. (2003). Learning through ICT in Swedish
early childhood education from a pedagogical perspective of
quality. Childhood Education, 79(5), 276-282.
7. Pramling Samuelsson, I., & Sheridan, S. (2003). Delaktighet som värdering och
pedagogik. I Barns perspektiv och barnperspektiv (Eds. E. Johansson & I.
Pramling Samuelsson). Göteborgs universitet, Göteborg: Pedagogisk Forskning
i Sverige, 8( 1-2), 70-84.
8. Pramling Samuelsson, I., & Sheridan, S. (2004). Recent Issues in the Swedish
Preschool. International Journal of Early Childhood, 36(1), 7-22.
9. Pramling Samuelsson, Ingrid & Sheridan, Sonja (2004). Etat des lieux de
l'éducation préscolaire en Suéde. Krippen journal des crèches, (4), 5-10.
10. Saude, S., Carioca, V., Siraj-Blatchford, J., Sheridan, S., Genov, K and Nuez, R.
(2005) Kinderet: Developing Training for Early Childhood Educators in
Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in Bulgaria, England,
Portugal, Spain and Sweden, International Journal of Early Years Education,
Vol. 13 No. 3, pp.265-287.
11. Williams, P., & Sheridan, S. (2006). Collaboration as one aspect of quality: a
perspective of collaboration and pedagogical quality in educational settings.
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 50, 1, pp. 83-93.
Bilaga C
12. Pramling Samuelsson, I., Sheridan, S., & Williams, P. (2006). Five Preschool
Curricula – in a comparative perspective. International Journal of Early
Childhood, Vol.38 No. 1, pp.11-30.
13. Sheridan, S. & Williams, P. (2006). Constructive competition in preschool.
Journal of Early Childhood Research, 4, 291-310.
14. Sheridan, S. (2007). Dimensions of pedagogical quality in preschool. The
International Journal of Early Years Education, 15(2), 198-217.
15. Sheridan, S. & Williams, P. (2007). Dimensioner av konstruktiv konkurrens.
Konstruktiva konkurrensformer i förskola, skola och gymnasium. Monografi.
Göteborg: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis.
16. Sheridan, S., Giota, J., Han, Y. M., & Kwon, J. Y. (2009). A cross-cultural study
of preschool quality in South Korea and Sweden: ECERS evaluations. The Early
Childhood Research Quarterly, 24, 142-156.
17. *Sheridan, S. (2009). Discerning pedagogical quality in preschool.
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 53(3), 245-261.
18. Sheridan, S., Pramling Samuelsson, I., & Johansson, E. (Eds). (2009). Barns
tidiga lärande. En tvärsnittsstudie om förskolan som miljö för barns lärande.
Antologi. Göteborg: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis.
19. Pramling Samuelsson, I., & Sheridan, S. (2009). Preschool quality and young
children's learning in Sweden. International Journal of Child Care and
Education Policy, (3), 1-12.
20. Pramling Samuelsson, I., & Sheridan, S. (2010). A turning-point or a backward
slide - the challenge facing the Swedish preschool today. The Journal of Early
Years, 30(3), 219-227.
21. Williams, P., & Sheridan, S. (2010). Conditions for constructive collaborative
learning in educational contexts. The Journal of Educational Research, 52(4),
22. Sheridan, S., & Williams, P. (2011). Developing individual goals, shared goals
and the goals of others. Dimensions of constructive competition in learning
contexts. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 55(2), 145–164. Nr.
23. Sheridan, S., Williams, P., Sandberg, A. et al. (2011). Preschool teaching in
Sweden - a profession in change. Educational Research, 53(4), 415-437. Nr.
24. Sandberg, A., Lillvist, A., Sheridan, S., Williams, P., & Vuorinen, T. (2012).
Play competence as a window to preschool teachers‘ competence. International
Journal of Play, 1(2), 184-196. DOI:10.1080/21594937.2012.693385
25. Sheridan, S., Williams, P., & Sandberg, S. (2013). Systematic quality-work in
preschool International Journal of Early Childhood, 45(1), 123-150.
Bilaga C
Accepted articles and articles in process:
26. Sheridan, S., & Pramling Samuelsson, I. (xx). Preschool a source for young
children's learning and wellbeing. Submitted/Accepted?
27. Pramling Samuelsson, I., Sheridan, S., & Blennow, M. (2012). Sweden as a
Case Study (WHO). Submitted/Accepted?
28. Pramling Samuelsson, I., Sheridan, S., & Hansen, M. (xx). Young children‘s
experience of aesthetics in preschool. Nordisk Barnehageforskning.
29. Lillvist, A., Sandberg, A., Sheridan, S., & Williams, P. (xx). Preschool teacher
competence viewed from the perspective of students in early childhood teacher
education" Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education - Manuscript ID
UJEC-2012-0070. Submitted.
30. Williams, P., Sheridan, S., & Sandberg, A. (xx). Social competence - the strength
and specificity of preschool. Submitted to Early Child Development and Care. In
31. Vuorinen, T., Sandberg, A., Sheridan, S., & Williams, P. (submitted) Home and
Preschool Collaboration - Preschool Teachers Views on Competence" Early
Child Development and Care. acccepted
32. Sheridan, S. (2010). Envy and jealousy. A study of young children‘s experiences
of these emotions. In process
33. Sheridan, S. (1995). A. The Lerum project: Quality estimation and quality
enhancement of present daycare - Development work in times of changes with
larger childgroups and lower staff child ratio. Paper presented at the 5th
European Conference on Quality of Early Childhood Education (EECERA) in
Paris, September, 1995.
34. Kärrby, G., Giota, J., Sheridan, S., & Däversjö-Ogefelt, A. (1995). Metod för
bedömning av kvalitet i förskoleverksamhet – Forskning och utvecklingsarbete. /
Method to evaluate the quality in early childhood education – Research and
development work. / Paper presented at the Congress "Kvalitet i kommuner och
landsting," Göteborg, October 17-19.
35. Sheridan, S. (1996). A comparison between self-evaluation and independent
observations with the ECERS. Paper presented at the 6th European Conference
on Quality of Early Childhood Education (EECERA) in Lisbon, September,
Bilaga C
36. Sheridan, S. (1997). A comparison between self-evaluation and independent
observations with the ECERS. Paper presented at NFPF:s Conference in
Göteborg, March, 1997.
37. Sheridan, S., & Schuster, K-M. (1997). A.Quality in Swedish and German
Childcare Provisions - What is important for an observer from another country?
Paper presented at the 7th European Conference on the Quality of Early
Childhood Education (EECERA) in Munich, September, 1997.
38. Sheridan, S. (1997). A. Modell för kompetensutveckling med utgångspunkt i
kvalitetsbedömningar för pedagoger inom förskoleverksamheten. / A Model of
Competence Development for teachers in preschool. / Paper presenterat at the
Congress, Kvalitet i kommuner, landsting och stat, Göteborg, October, 1997.
39. Sheridan, S., & Schuster, K-M. (1998). B. Quality in Swedish and German
Childcare Provisions - What is important for an observer from another country?
OMEP:s 22nd World Congress and 50th Anniversary, Köpenhamn, August,
40. Sheridan, S. (1999). B. Modell för kompetensutveckling av pedagoger i
förskolan. / A Model of Competence Development for Teachers in Preschool. /
Paper presented at the Congress, Kvalitet i kommuner, landsting och stat,
Göteborg, oktober, 1999.
41. Sheridan, S. (2000). A study of children‟s conceptions of participation and
influence in preschool - A perspective on pedagogical quality. Paper presented at
the 10th European Conference on Quality in Early Childhood Education",
"Complexity, Diversity and Multiple Perspectives in Early Childhood" London
29 August - 1 September 2000.
42. Pramling Samuelsson, I., & Sheridan, S. (2000). Modern Tools in Modern
Society. Paper presented at the 10th European Conference on Quality in Early
Childhood Education", "Complexity, Diversity and Multiple Perspectives in
Early Childhood" London 29 August - 1 September 2000.
43. Sheridan, S., & Williams, P. (2001). Barns samlärande är kvalitet. / Children‘s
collaboration is quality. / Paper presented at NFPF:s 29th Congress in
Stockholm, 15-18 Mars, 2001.
44. Sheridan, S., & Williams, P. (2001). Children‟s collaboration is quality. Paper
presented at OMEP:s 23:rd World Congress in Chile, Santiago, 29 of July to 3:rd
of August, 2001.
45. Sheridan, S., & Williams, P. (2003). Constructive Competition. / Konstruktiv
Konkurrens / Paper presented at NFPF:s 31st Congress in Copenhagen,
Denmark, March 6-9, 2003.
46. Sheridan, S., & Pramling Samuelsson, I. (2003). The role of ICT in the cognitive,
social and emotional development of young children. Paper presented at the
Bilaga C
"Early Learning in the knowledge society: a European Conference.― Brussels,
May 22-23, 2003.
47. Williams, P., & Sherdian, S. (2004). Collaboration as an aspect of Quality. A
perspective of collaboration and pedagogical quality in educational settings.
Paper contribution to NERA‘s 32nd Congress, Iceland University of Education,
Reykjavik March 11-13.
48. Sheridan, S. (2004). Constructive competition as one aspect of pedagogical
quality. Paper presented at the XXIV World Congress of OMEP, One World:
Many Childhoods. Melbourne, Australia, 21-24 July.
49. Williams, P., & Sheridan, S. (2006). Dimensions of constructive competition in
educational settings. Paper presenterat på NFPFs kongress 9-11 mars I Örebro.
50. Sheridan, S., & Williams, P. (2006). Themes of constructive competition in
educational settings. Poster presenterad på AERA:s konferens, Education
Research in the Public Interest, 7-11 april, San Fransisco, USA.
51. Sheridan, S. (2007). Pedagogical quality in preschool and school. The
symposium in memorial of Prof. Gunni Kärrby. Paper presented at NERA 15-18
of March, 2007,Turku, Finland.
52. Sheridan, S., & Williams, P. (2007). Constructive competition in preschool.
Paper presented at the EARLI:s conference, 28-30 of August, 2007, Budapest,
53. Williams, P., & Sheridan, S. (2008). Constructive interplay. Paper presented at
the ECER-conference, Gothenburg, 2008-09-10.
54. Sheridan, S. & Williams, P. (2008). Children‟s constructive interaction patterns.
Paper presented at the EECERA-conference in Stavanger, Norway 2008-09-05.
55. Sheridan, S. (2008). Swedish preschool quality and children‟s learning. Paper
presented at the ECER-conference, Gothenburg, 2008-09-10.
56. Sheridan, S. (2008). Swedish preschool quality and children‟s early learning: A
focus on methods. Paper presented at the EECERA-conference in Stavanger,
Norway 2008-09-05.
57. Sheridan, S. & Williams, P. (2009). Teacher competence in preschool – a
multidimensional phenomenon. Paper presented at the EARLI:s conference,
Fostering communities of learners. 25-29 of August, 2009, Amsterdam,
58. Sheridan, S. (2010). Swedish preschool. Invited speaker on the OMEP World
Assembly, 9-10 of August, 2010, Gothenburg, Sweden.
59. Sheridan, S., & Williams, P. (2010). Social competence – preschool teacher‟s
perspectives. Paper presented at the XXVI OMEP World Congress, Children –
citizens in a challenged world. 11-13 of August, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Bilaga C
60. Sheridan, S., & Cunningham, K. (2010). The challenges facing the Swedish
preschool today. Paper presented in an Invited session at the XXVI OMEP
World Congress, Children – citizens in a challenged world. 11-13 of August,
Gothenburg, Sweden.
61. Mauritszon, U., & Sheridan, S. (2011). Swedish preschool. Paper presented at the
Preschool quality and assessment work-shop at the World bank, Research
Analyst, Education Europe and Central Asia Human Development Unit. The
World Bank, 36/1 Bolshaya Molchanovka, Moscow, Russia, 121069, 14
February, 2011.
62. Sheridan, S. (2011). Conditions for children‟s early learning and teachers‟
competence. Paper presented at the Preschool quality and assessment work-shop
at the World bank, Research Analyst, Education Europe and Central Asia Human
Development Unit. The World Bank, 36/1 Bolshaya Molchanovka, Moscow,
Russia, 121069, 14 February, 2011. Nr. 148408
63. Sheridan, S. (2011). Assessment of the pedagogical quality in Swedish
preschools. Paper presented at the eighth international conference, Trends of
education development: Issues of evidence-based management, quality assurance
and enhancement. At Moscow higher school of social and economic sciences,
National research university – higher schools of economics, Academy of national
economy of Russian Federation, 20110219-20110220. Nr. 148411
64. Sheridan, S. (2011). Characteristics of preschools as learning environments and
conditions for children's learning. Nordic Early Childhood Education and Care Effects and Challanges. Report, Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research.
p. 19-23. Nr. 146191
65. Pramling Samuelsson & Sheridan, S. (2011). Young children's experiences of
aesthetics in ECEC. Paper presented on the conference, Is there any knowledge
about how to handle children under three in ECEC? 17 researchers give their
views, Oslo, Thursday 8th December 2011.
66. Gjems, L., Wittek, A.L., & Sheridan, S. (2012). Early childhood teacher
education: Students‟ knowledge and understanding of early literacy at the end of
their bachelor education. Paper presented at EARLI, Belgrad 30.08.- 1.09. 2012.
67. Wittek, A.L., Gjems, L., & Sheridan, S. (2012). Student Teachers‟ Trajectories
Of Learning Through Educational Discourse Spaces. Paper presented at EARLI,
Belgrad 30.08. - 1.09. 2012.
68. Williams, P., Sheridan, S., & Pramling Samuelsson, I. (2012). Group size in
preschool and Children‘s affordances. European Early Childhood Education
Research Association (EECERA) 20120830-2012001. [Nr. 164311]
Bilaga C
69. Pramling Samuelsson, I., & Sheridan, S. (1999/2006). Lärandets Grogrund. /
The basis of learning. / Lund: Studentlitteratur.
70. Williams, P., Sheridan, S., & Pramling Samuelsson, I. (2001). Barns
Samlärande. / Children learn together. / Stockholm: Liber.
71. Kärrby, G., Sheridan, S., Giota, J., Däversjö Ogefelt, A., & Björck, Å. (2003).
Pedagogisk kvalitet i skolan - PQS. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
72. Carioca, V., Siraj-Blatchford, J., Passarinho, A., Pramling Samuelsson, I.,
Sheridan, S., Saúde, S., Espírito Santo, A., Esparteiro, B.,Genov, K. and Nuez, R.
(2005). ICT in Early Childhood Context. Kinderet Project. ISBN: 972-9171-629.
73. Sheridan, S., & Pramling Samuelsson, I. (2009). Barns lärande – Fokus i
kvalitetsarbete. Stockholm: Liber.
74. Sheridan, S., Pramling Samuelsson, I., & Johansson, E. (2010). Förskolan –
arena för barns lärande. Liber.
75. Sheridan, S., & Pramling Samuelsson, I. (2000). Pedagogisk kvalitet i
barnehagen – barns laering og utvikling i sentrum. / Pedagogical Quality in
Preschool-Focus on children‘s learning and development. / In Bleken, U.,
Heggen Larsen, T., & Rötnes, K. (Eds.), Barnehagepolitikk – for barn? Ti
Innspill til debatt, pp. 113-147. Oslo: Pedagogiskt Forum.
76. Pramling Samuelsson, I., & Sheridan, S. (2008). Play and learning in
Swedish early childhood education. In (Eds.) Ingrid Pramling
Samuelsson and Marilyn Fleer. Play and learning in early childhood
settings. International perspectives on early childhood education and
development, Vol. 1. Springer.
77. Pramling Samuelsson, I., & Sheridan, S. (2009). Kvinnors perspektiv på
föräldraskap och förskola. I A-M. Markström, M. Simonsson, I. Söderlind, & E.
Änggård (red.). Barn, barndom och föräldraskap. Stockholm: Carlsson
Bokförlag, 224 -240.
78. Sheridan, S. (2011). Pedagogical quality in preschool: A commentary. In N.
Pramling & I. Pramling Samuelsson (Eds.). Educational encounters: Nordic
studies in early childhood didactics. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer. p.
223-242. ISBN/ISSN: 978-94-007-1616-2 Nr. 146189
79. Williams, P. ; Sheridan, S. (red.) (2011). Barns lärande i ett livslångt perspektiv.
Stockholm: Liber. ISBN/ISSN: 978-91-47-10012-5 Nr. 147730
80. Sheridan, S. (2012). Et intersubjektivt perspektiv på kvalitet i førskola. I T.
Miller, B. Christensen og S. Holm-Larsen (Eds.), Innovativ evaluering i
dagtilbud. Fredrikshavn: Dafolo, s. 113-126.
Bilaga C
81. Sheridan, S. (2002). Tid för Lärande - Sju separata rapporter för Övertorenå
kommun, Lunds kommun, Växjö kommun, Borås kommun, Hietanimi friskola i
Övertorneå, Freinetskolan i Lund och Lunds Montessorigrundskola. Nationella
Kvalitetsgranskningar 2001/2002. Stockholm: Skolverket. www.skolverket.se
82. Skolverket. (2003). Tid för lärande. Nationella kvalitetsgranskningar 2001-2002.
Stockholm: Skolverket.
83. Sheridan, S. (2004). Kvalitetsdialogen Förskolan. Göteborg: Göteborgs stad
84. Sheridan, S. (2004). Kvalitetsaspekter i förskolan. Stockholm: Skolverket,
Internrapport Dnr 2004:37.
85. OECD (2004). Starting Strong. Curricula and Pedagogies in Early Childhood
Education and Care. Five Curriculum Outlines. Directorate for education. Paris:
OECD. www.SourceOECD.org (Denna rapport är skriven av professor Ingrid
Pramling Samuelsson och policyn har utarbetas av henne tillsammans med Sonja
Sheridan och Pia Williams).
86. Sheridan, S., & Williams, P. (2006). Dimensioner av konstruktiv konkurrens i
förskola och skola. Resultatdialog 2006. Forskning inom utbildningsvetenskap.
Vetenskapsrådets rapportserie 15:2006, 184-188.
87. Sheridan, S., Pramling Samuelsson, I., & Johansson, E. (2008). Barns tidiga
lärande. Resultatdialog 2008. Forskning inom utbildningsvetenskap.
Vetenskapsrådets rapportserie 12:2008, 84-89.
88. Lander, R., & Sheridan, S. (2008). En undersökning om doktoranders syn på sin
utbildning – höstterminen 2007. Göteborg, Göteborgs universitet, Institutionen
för pedagogik och didaktik, Forskarutbildningsnämnden.
89. Pramling Samuelsson, I. & Sheridan, S. (2009). Yrkesroller i utveckling.
Studiematerial för förskollärare och barnskötare. Stockholm: Lärarförbundet &
Kommunal. Nr. 94971.
90. NOKUT. (2010). Evaluering av førskolelærerutdanning i Norge 2010, Del 1:
Hovedrapport och Del 2: Institusjonsrapporter, NOKUT.
Bilaga C
91. Sheridan, S., Williams, P., & Sandberg, A. (2011). Förskollärarkompetens i
förändring. En studie om förskollärarkompetens i förskolan. Vetenskapsrådets
rapportserie Resultatdialog 2011. s. 135-142. Stockholm: vetenskapsrådet.
ISBN/ISSN: 978-91-7307-199-4 Nr. 148361
Bilaga C
Associate Professor Pia Williams
*Williams, P., & Sheridan, S. (2006). Collaboration as one aspect of
quality: a perspective of collaboration and pedagogical quality in educational
settings. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 50, 1, pp. 83-93.
*Pramling Samuelsson, I., Sheridan, S., & Williams, P. (2006). Five
Preschool Curricula – in a comparative perspective. International Journal of
Early Childhood, Vol.38 No. 1, pp.11-30.
*Sheridan, S. & Williams, P. (2006). Const ructive competition in preschool.
Journal of Early Childhood Research, 4, 291-310.
3. *Sheridan, S. & Williams, P. (2007). Dimensioner av konstruktiv konkurrens.
Konstruktiva konkurrensformer i förskola, skola och gymnasium. Monografi.
Göteborg: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis.
4. *Williams, P. (2007). Children teaching children. Early Child Development
and Care, 1, 177, 43-70. Omskriven och bearbetad version av publikation
Okay, do you understand? Children‘s awareness of teaching a peer a game.
5. *Williams, P., & Sheridan, S. (2010). Conditions for constructive
collaborative learning in educational contexts. The Journal of Educational
Research, 52(4), 335-350.
6. *Sheridan, S., & Williams, P. (2011 ). Developing individual goals, shared
goals and the goals of others. Dimensions of constructive competition in
learning contexts. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 55, 2, 145164.
7. Sheridan, S., Williams, P., & Sandberg, A. (2011). Preschool teaching in
Sweden - a profession in change. Educational Research. 53 (4), 415-437. Nr.
8. *Jonsson, A., & Williams, P. (2012). Communication with young children in
preschool. The complex matter of a child perspective. Early Child
Development and Care, DOI:10.1080/03004430.2012.678488. 1-16.
9. Sandberg, A., Lillvist, A., Sheridan, S., Williams, P. (2012). Play competence
as a window to preschool teachers‘ competence. International Journal of
Play, 1, 2, 184-196.
10. *Sheridan, S., Williams, P., & Sandberg, A. (2012). Systematic quality work
in preschool. International
Journal of Early Childhood. 45, 1, 1-27.
Accepted articles and articles in process:
11. Vuorinen, T., Sandberg, A., Sheridan, S., & Williams, P. (2013). Preschool
Teachers‘ Views on Competence in the Context of Home and Preschool
Collaboration. Early Child Development and Care, xx,xx
12. Williams, P., Sheridan, S., & Sandberg, A. (Submitted to Early Years).
Preschool - an arena for children‘s learning of social and cognitive
Bilaga C
Lillvist, A., Sandberg, A., Sheridan, S., & Williams, P. (xx). Preschool
teacher competence viewed from the perspective of students in early
childhood teacher education" Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education Manuscript ID UJEC-2012-0070. Submitted.
Williams, P., & Sheridan, S. (2006). Dimensions of constructive
competition in educational settings. Paper presenteted at NFPFs congress 9-11
March in Örebro, Sweden.
Sheridan, S., & Williams, P. (2006). Themes of constructive competition in
educational settings. Poster presented at AERA:s conference, Education
Research in the Public Interest, 7-11 April, San Fransisco, USA.
16. Williams, P. (2007). Symposium in memorial of Professor Gunni Kärrby:
Preschool children and Preschool education. Social skills and peer interaction.
Paper presented at the NERA conference 15-18 of March, 2007,Turku,
Sheridan, S., & Williams, P. (2007). Constructive competition in
preschool. Paper presented at the EARLI:s conference, 28-30 of August,
2007, Budapest, Ungern.
18. Sheridan, S. & Williams, P. (2007). Beyond dychotomies: factors that
influence motivation such as competition, cooperation and incentives.
Cooperation and competition as intertwined dimensions. Paper presented at
EARLI conference in Budapest, Ungern 28-30 of August, 2007.
Williams, P., & Sheridan, S. (2008). Constructive interplay. Paper
presented at the ECER-conference, Gothenburg, 2008-09-10.
Sheridan, S. & Williams, P. (2008). Children‟s constructive interaction
patterns. Paper presented at the EECERA-conference in Stavanger, Norway
Sheridan, S. & Williams, P. (2009). Teacher competence in preschool – a
multidimensional phenomenon. Paper presented at the EARLI:s conference,
Fostering communities of learners. 25-29 of August 2009, Amsterdam,
Bilaga C
Vuorinen, T., Sandberg, A. Sheridan, S & Williams, P. (2009). Supporting
or showing off? Teacher‟s views of competence and teachers assignment in
relation to parenthood. Paper presented at the ERNAPE:s 7th International
Conference ―Diversity in Education‖, 26th – 28th August, 2009. Malmö,
Vuorinen, T., Sandberg, A., Sheridan, S., & Williams, P. (2010).
Preschool teacher‟s views of competence in relation to home and preschool.
Paper presented at conference NERA/NFPF 38th congress, 11-13 march,
2010, Malmö, Sweden.
Sheridan, S., & Williams, P. (2010). Social competence – preschool
teacher‟s perspectives. Paper presented at the XXVI OMEP World Congress,
Children – citizens in a challenged world. 11-13 of August, Gothenburg,
Williams, P., & Pramling Samuelsson, I. (2012). International Journal of
Early Childhood Education. A history of a Journal. Paper presented at
conference NERA/NFPF 40th congress, 8-10 march, 2012, Copenhagen,
Williams, P., Sheridan, S., & Pramling Samuelsson, I. (2012). Group size
in preschool and Children‟s affordances. Paper presented at EECERAs
conference in Porto, Portugal 29th August - 1st September.
Williams, P. (2012). Children‟s collaborative learning in preschool. Paper
presented at the second annual international scientific conference Early
Childhood and education. Moscow, Russia 6-7th December.
Williams, P., Pramling Samuelsson, I., & Sheridan, S. (2013). The impact
of group size in preschool. Paper presented at NERAs conference in
Reykjavik, Island 7-9th. March.
29. Williams, P., Sheridan, S., & Pramling Samuelsson, I. (2001). Barns
Samlärande. Stockholm: Skolverket.
30. Williams, P. (2006). När barn lär av varandra. Samlärande i praktiken.
Stockholm: Liber.
31. Williams, P., & Sheridan, S. (2011). (red). Barns lärande i ett livslångt
perspektiv. Stockholm: Liber.
Bilaga C
32. Pramling Samulesson, I. & Williams, P (2010). I Lärande och bildning i en
globaliserad tid. Hugo, M., & Segolsson, M (red.). Från fredsfostran till
hållbar utveckling. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
33. Williams, P., Sheridan, S., & Arnqvist, A. (2013). I Barndom, lärande och
ämnesdidaktik. Pramling Samuelsson, I., & Tallberg Broman, I. (red.).
Dimensionernas interaktion. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Pramling, I., Klerfelt, A., Williams Graneld,
P. (1995). ”Först var det roligt, sen blev det tråkigt och sen vande man sig”.
Barns möte med skolans värld. Rapporter från Institutionen för metodik i
lärarutbildningen. Göteborgs universitet. Nr. 19.
Kullberg, B., Pramling, I., & Williams, P.
(1996). Möjligheter eller hinder till lärande. Fjorton nybörjarelevers
erfarenheter. Rapporter från Institutionen för metodik i lärarutbildningen.
Göteborgs universitet. Nr 12.
Williams, P. (2002). Tid för lärande. Fem
separata rapporter: Jokkmokks kommun; Sameskolan i Jokkmokks kommun;
Helsingborgs kommun, Borås Kristna skola; Borås kommun. Nationella
kvalitetsgranskningar 2001/2002. Stockholm: Skolverket. www.skolverket.se.
Skolverket. (2003). Tid för lärande.
Nationella kvalitetsgranskningar 2001-2002. Stockholm: Skolverket.
38. OECD (2004). Starting Strong. Curricula and Pedagogies in Early Childhood
Education and Care. Five Curriculum Outlines. Directorate for education.
Paris: OECD. www.SourceOECD.org (Denna rapport är skriven av professor
Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson och policyn har utarbetas tillsammans med Sonja
Sheridan och Pia Williams).
39. Sheridan, S., & Williams, P. (2006). Dimensioner av konstruktiv konkurrens i
förskola och skola. Resultatdialog 2006. Forskning inom
utbildningsvetenskap. Vetenskapsrådets rapportserie 15:2006, 184-188.
40. Williams, P., & Pramling, N. (2008). Att bli en berättande person. Samverkan
mellan bibliotek och förskola i syfte att främja barns språkutveckling.
Göteborgs universitet: IPD-rapporter nr. 2008:03.
41. Sheridan, S., Williams, P., & Sandberg, A. (2011). Lärarkompetens i
förändring. En studie om förskollärarkompetens i förskolan. Resultatdialog
2011. Forskning inom utbildningsvetenskap. Vetenskapsrådets rapportserie
7:2011, 136-141.
Bilaga C
Associate Professor Johannes Lunneblad
1. Referee Journal articles
Lunneblad, J. Asplund Carlsson, M. (2012). Performativity as pretence. A study of
testing practices in a compulsory school in Sweden. Ethnography and Education.
Vol. 8 (2013)
Lunneblad, J & Johansson, T. (2011) Learning from each other? Multicultural pedagogy,
parental education and governance. Race Ethnicity and Education. (oneline feb
Beach, D & Lunneblad, J (2011). Ethnographic Investigations of Issues of Race in
Scandinavian Education Research. Ethnography and Education vol 6;1
Lunneblad, J & Asplund Carlsson, M. (2010) En prövningens tid. Om det nationella
provet i svenska i skolår 5. Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige (15) nr 2 Sverige.
Lunneblad, J (2010) En målsättning för de Andra: Förskolepedagogers tal om barn och
föräldrar under planering och utvärdering på en förskola med en kulturellt blandad
barngrupp.Nordiskbarnehageforskning.Vol 2,3
Lunneblad, J (2010) Skolidentitet och managementkultur som mytologisk diskurs.
Utbildning och Demokrati. Tidskrift för didaktik och utbildningspolitik. Tema
förorten och skolan. 19 nr 1 25-45
Lunneblad, J & Asplund Carlsson, M (2009) De komma från nordost. Om
skolkonkurrens och elevidentitet i ämnet svenska som andraspråk. Utbildning och
Demokrati, 18 (2). Tema: Tidskrift för didaktik och utbildningspolitik.
Flerspråkighet i skolan.
Asplund Carlsson, M; Lunneblad, J (2007) När han är arg är han turkisk‖ Om
barnlitteratur och identitetsskapande i bokslukaråldern. Educare. 4 (1) s. 7-25. .
2. Referee Conference proceedings:
Lunneblad, J. (2012) Parenthood, Gender and Democracy. An Ethnographic Study on
integration of refugee children and their families in Sweden. Presented at: Gender
and democracy: Gender research in times of change. Gender and Education
Association Interim Conference 2012. April 11-13, 2012.
Dance, J L. & Lunneblad J. (2011) ‖I want to be a graduate but politicians treat me as a
problem‖ Middle eastern Swedes and black Americans‘ in large urban high school.
Presenterad at MESA, dec 1-4 2011 Washington D.C, US
Lunneblad, J (2011) Vulnerable Others. An Ethnographic Study on integration of refugee
children and their families in Sweden Ethnography Conference (OEC) 20011 19th21th September at New College, Oxford.
Lunneblad, J & Asplund Carlson, M (2011) Do girls fight? Reading for understanding or
for behaviour? ECER 12-16 Berlin 2011
Dance, L J & Lunneblad, J (2010) Volvos, Bush and ‖50-Cent‖: The Cross national
Triangulation Challenges of a ―white‖ Swede‖ and a ―black‖ American. Presented
at American Educational Research Association. Denver, Colorado 2010.
Bilaga C
Lunneblad, J & Asplund Carlsson M (2009) The Standardised Test as a Key Component
in the Pedagogical Apparatus. A study of testing practices in compulsory school in
Sweden. Oxford Ethnography Conference. St Hildas‟s College, Oxford University,
Tuesday 22nd & Wednesday 23r September 2009.
Lunneblad, J, Dance, L & Alexandersson, M (2009) Trapped in the Culture of
Performativity. Teaching English and Swedish Language Learners in Ethnic
Minority High Schools. Refereed paper presentation accepted at 2009
Midwestern Sociological Society Annual Conference, Des Moines, Iowa.
Lunneblad, J & Asplund Carlsson, M (2008) They come from the suburbs. About school
competition and student identities in the subject Swedish(2). Paper presented at
ECER 2008, Göteborg, September 10-12, 2008.
Lunneblad, J & Asplund Carlsson, M (2008) Nationality as a commodity on the
educational market. A study of Swedish as a second language in an inner city
school. Paper presented at Cognitive Capital and Spaces of Mobility. Gothenburg 12 November 2008.
Lunneblad, J (2008) Student centred learning - Hoodwinked by performativity culture
Teaching English Language Learners in inner-city high school. Presented at
Ethnography Conference (OEC) 2008 16th -17th september at St. Hilda's College,
Books and book chapters:
Lunneblad Johannes (2011) Mottagandet av nyanlända i förskolan – ett
utvecklingsprojekt i P, Williams & S, Sheridan (red.) Barns lärande i ett livslångt
perspektiv. (1 uppl.) Stockholm: Liber. S 235-245
Asplund Carlsson, M & Lunneblad, J (2011). Spänning och äventyr i läromedel. (red). M,
Carlsson & Kv Brömssen.
Kritisk textpedagogik – genus och etnicitet.
Studentlitteratur. Lund
Dance, L J & Lunneblad, J (2011) Bush, Volvos, and ―50 Cent‖: The Cross-National
Triangulation Challenges of a ―White‖ Swede and a ―Black‖ American, ed John
Stanfield. Rethinking Race and Ethinicity in Reasearch Methods. Left Coast Press.
Sernhede, O & Lunneblad, J (2011) 1990-talets systemskifte: Nya sociala klyftor och en
marknadsanpassad skola. i O. Sernhede (red) Förorten, skolan och
ungdomskulturen. Bokförlaget Daidalos AB. Göteborg
Lunneblad , J (2011) Identitet, kvalitet och realitet i en förortsskola. i O. Sernhede (red)
Förorten, skolan och ungdomskulturen. Bokförlaget Daidalos AB. Göteborg
Lunneblad, J (2009) Den mångkulturella förskolan. Motsägelser och möjligheter.
Studentlitteratur. Lund
Asplund Carlsson, M & Lunneblad, J (2007). The Immigrant Child in the Pre-school
curriculum. Ed M, Cochran. New Early Childhood Education: An International
Encyclopedia. Prager Press
Lunneblad, J (2006) Förskolan och mångfalden: en etnografisk studie på en förskola i ett
multietniskt område. Diss. Göteborg : Göteborgs Universitet, 2006. Göteborg.
Bilaga C
Alexandersson, M Dance J L, Lunneblad J, Martin, M & Suárez-Orozco, C (20XX)
Promising Schooling Practices for the Children of Immigrants. Slutrapport till US
National Science Foundation and Nuffield foundation, UK. NY.Press
Popular articles and presentations
Lunneblad, J (2011) Från kartläggning till pedagogisk dokumentation som
meningsskapande. Rapport. Resursenheten för introduktionen av nyanlända,
Gunnared, Lärjedalen, Göteborgsstad.
Lunneblad, J (2010) Andras ungar? Kulturell mångfald i förskola och skola. Special
pedagogisk tidskrift. Tema: Interkulturell kompetens. 2010 (3)
Lunneblad, J (2010) Okllarn rekabeti ve tgitmin piyasallastinrmasi. Politik egtim dergisi
Lunneblad, J (2010) Make a impact: utvärdering av ett projekt om föräldrasamverkan.
Göteborgs stad. opublicerat material.
Lunneblad, J (2009) Erken Cocukluk Döneminde Kûlûrû Farkhhlar Multetnik
Toplumnda Okuel Egitim. Elestrirel. Politik egtim dergisi pedagoji,6(2)
Lunneblad. J (2007) Hur firar de med barnen. i Invandrare & Minoriteter. 2007 (3)
Bilaga C
Torgeir Alvestad, PhD
1. Peer-reviewed articles
Alvestad, T & Løvberg, R. (2005): Barnehagen i endring, hva tenker førskolelærere om
det?I Norsk Pedagogisk Tidsskrift nr. 5/2005. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget
Alvestad, Torgeir (2009): Barnehagen som læringsarena for de yngste barna. I
Norsk Pedagogisk Tidsskrift nr. 2/2009, Oslo: Universitetsforlaget
Alvestad, Torgeir (2012). Young children´s negotiations about their play. I
Problemy Wczesnej Edukacji. Issues in Early Education.ROK VIII 2012 Number
2. Peer-reviewed conference contributions
NFPF/NERA's 40th Congress (2012). Preschools as learning environment for young
children as competent participants in negotiations. Abstract no. 56
OMEP European Regional Meeting (2011). Preschools as learning environment for
young children as competent participants in negotiations. Cyprus: Nicosia
Review articles, book chapters, books
Alvestad, Torgeir (2012). Små barns forhandlinger i lek. Oslo: Cappelen Damm
Alvestad, Torgeir (2013). Relasjonens betydning i barns lek. I Else Foss och Ole
Fredrik Lillemyr (red.) Til barnas beste, Veier til omsorg og lek, læring og
danning. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk
Alvestad, T., Bergem, H., Eide, B., Johansson, J.-E., Os, E., Pálmadóttir, H.,
Pramling Samuelsson, I., Winger, N. (in print). Challenges and dilemmas
expressed by teachers working in toddler groups in the Nordic countries. In Early
Child Development and care
Popular science articles/presentations
Alvestad, T & Gulden, A (2008): Arkitektur och förskolepedagogikk. I
Förskoletidningen 3/2008.
Alvestad, Torgeir (2010): Små barns forhandlinger i lek. I Tidsskriftet
Barnehagefolk 3/2010. Oslo: Pedagogisk Forum
Bilaga C
Karlstad University
Professor Annica Löfdahl
Maria Hjalmarsson, PhD
Karin Franzén, PhD
Bilaga C
Professor Annica Löfdahl
Peer reviewed articles
Löfdahl, A. (2005). Pre-school teachers' conceptions of children's chaotic play. In F. F.
McMahon, D. E. Lytle & B. Sutton-Smith (Eds.), Play: An Interdisciplinary
Synthesis. Play & Culture Studies, Volume 6 (pp. 195-204). Lanham, MD:
University Press of America.
Löfdahl, A. (2005). 'The funeral' - a study of children's shared meaning-making and its
developmental significance. Early Years, 25(1), 5-16.
Löfdahl, A. (2006). Grounds for values and attitudes - Children's play and peer-culture in
pre-school. Journal of Early Childhood Research. 4(1), 77-88.
Löfdahl, A., & Hägglund, S. (2006). Power and Participation - social representations
among children in pre-school. Social Psychology of Education, 9(2), 179-194.
Löfdahl, A (2006) Barn, kamratkulturer och agency – hur begreppen kan förenas i
forskning. http://www.bin-norden.net/
Löfdahl, A., & Hägglund, S. (2006) "Och jag har redan fyllt fyra år" -kunskaper om och
användande av ålder bland förskolebarn. BARN-Norsk senter for
barneforskning.(4), 45-63
Löfdahl, A (2006) Book review. (Doing Foucault in Early childhood Studies, Glenda
Mac Naughton, 2005). Early Years, 26(2), 224-225
Löfdahl, A., & Hägglund, S. (2007) Spaces of participation in pre-school - arenas for
establishing power orders? Children & Society
Skånfors, L., Löfdahl, A., & Hägglund, S. (2009). Hidden spaces and places in the
preschool - Withdrawal strategies in preschool children‘s peer cultures. Journal of
Early Childhood Research, 7(1), 94-109.
* Löfdahl, A., & Pérez Prieto, H. (2009). Between Control and Resistance: Planning and
Evaluation texts in the Swedish Pre-school. Journal of Education Policy 24(4),
* Löfdahl, A., & Pérez Prieto, H. (2009). Institutional Narratives within the Performative
Preschool:‗If we write that we‘re no good, that‘s not good publicity!‘ Early Years
Vol. 29, No. 3, 261–270.
* Karlsson, M., Löfdahl, A., Pérez Prieto, H. (2009). Promoting professional freedom –
public preschools dealing with the market., Educação, Sociedade & Culturas Vol
29, p 73-87
* Larsson, J., Löfdahl, A.,& Pérez Prieto, H. (2010) Rerouting: Discipline, Assessment
and Performativity in Contemporary Swedish Educational Discourse. Education
Inquiry, Vol. 1, No. 3, September 2010, pp.177–195
Löfdahl, A., & Hägglund, A. (2012) Diversity in preschool: Defusing and maintaining
differences. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood. Vo l 3 7 ,No 1, 119-126
*Saar, T., Löfdahl, A. & Hjalmarsson, M. (2012). Kunskapsmöjligheter i svenska
fritidshem. I Nordisk Barnehageforskning, Vol. 5, Nr 3, 1-13.
Karlsson, M., Löfdahl, A., & Pérez Prieto, H (2013) Morality in parents‘ stories of
preschool choice. Narrating identity positions of good parenting, British Journal
of Sociology of Education Volume 34:2 March 2013
Bilaga C
Peer-reviewed conference contributions
Löfdahl, A (2000) Pre-schoolteachers conceptions of children‘s chaotic play. Paper
presenterat vid EECERAs konferens i London aug - sept 2000.
Löfdahl, A., & Hägglund, S. (2005). Discourses on comfort and to be pleasant – parts of
children‟s social knowledge domains. Paper presented at the Nordic Educational
Research Association (NERA/NFPF), Oslo, Norway, March 10-12.
Löfdahl, A. (2005). Children‟s social knowledge domains - An integrated perspective on
childhood, peer culture and pre-school. Paper presented at the Childhoods 2005 Children and Youth in Emerging and Transforming Societies, Oslo, Norway, June
29-July 3.
Löfdahl, A (2005) Barn, kamratkulturer och agency. Paper presented at the BIN-BUK
Conference, Barn og Kultur - i teori og metode, Copenhagen, Denmark Dec 1517.
Löfdahl, A., & Pérez Prieto, H. (2006). Pedagogical work in pre-school – content and
positions of the teachers‟ activities. Paper presented at the Nordic Educational
Research Association, Örebro, Sweden March, 9-12.
Löfdahl, A., & Pérez Prieto, H. (2007). The performative preschool. Paper presented at
the Nordic Educational Research Association, Turku, Finland, March 15-17.
Skånfors, L., & Löfdahl, A. (2007). Pre-shool children's social knowledge about age and
the relation between the right to join and the right to "say no". Paper presented at
the Nordic Educational Research Association, Turku, Finland, March 15-17.
Löfdahl, A., & Pérez Prieto, H. (2007). The performative pre-school – Narratives about
„the best practice‟ in pre-school. Paper presented at the 17th EECERA‘s
Conference, Prague, Czech Republic 29th August – 1th September 2007.
Löfdahl, A. (2007). Fantasidiskurser och estetiska framföranden i barns lek. Paper
presented at the BIN, Barnkultur i Norden. Børn og kultur – det æstetiskes
betydning? Islands Pædagogiske Universitet, 25 -27 oktober 2007.
Larsson, J., Löfdahl, A., & Pérez Prieto, H. (2007). På väg mot. ordning & reda. igen!
Paper presented at the Symposium om Ordning & Reda. Interdisciplinära studier
av barn och barndom. Dömle, 22-23 november, 2007.
Berginge, S., Löfdahl, A., & Pérez Prieto, H. (2008). The visible pre-school:
presentations on the web. Paper presented at the NERA (Nordic Educational
Research Association) 36th congress in Copenhagen, March 6-9, 2008.
Löfdahl, A., Hägglund, S. (2008) Diversity in Preschool: Defusing and Maintaining
Differences. Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference 8th -10th JULY
"Representing Childhood and Youth". Centre for the Study of Childhood,
University of Sheffield, England.
Larsson, J., Löfdahl, A., Perez Prieto, H. (2008). Calling to Order: PISA and TIMSS as
Stepping-stones towards Disciplinary Action. Paper presented at the First ISA
Forum of Sociology. "Sociological Research and Public Debate". Barcelona,
September 5 - 8.
Löfdahl, A., Perez Prieto, H. (2008). Teachers‟ narratives within the performative preschool:“We don‟t sell us, because no one will buy us”. Paper presented at the
Bilaga C
ECER -Conference "From Teaching to Learning?", Gothenburg, Sweden, 10-12
Berginge, S., Karlsson, M., Löfdahl, A., & Pérez Prieto, H. (2009). The key to success is
really communication‟: Public preschools dealing with the market. Paper
presented at the NERA Nordic Educational Research Association, Trondheim,
Norway, March 5-7.
Karlsson, M., Löfdahl, A. & Perez Prieto, H. (2009) Challenging the public preschool in
Sweden: Parents‟ stories of choosing a private preschool. Paper presented at the
ECER Conference in Wienna, September 28-30, 2009.
Löfdahl. A, Perez Prieto H., & Gustafson, K., (2010) School transport in change. Paper
presented at the NERA Nordic Educational Research Association, Malmö March
Hägglund, S. & Löfdahl, A. (2010) Limits of care: violating caring values. Presentation at the
OMEP Conference in Gothenburg, August 11-13, 2010
Löfdahl, A., Saar, T. & Hjalmarsson, M. (2010) Everyday practice in after school settings/Leisuretime centres. Presented at the EECERA conference in Birmingham 6-8 September
Karlsson, M, Löfdahl, A, Rhöse-Martinsson, E., Peräla-Littunen, S., Böök, M-L.(2011)
Blurred boundaries of resposibility in Afterschool settings in Sweden and Finland. Paper
presented at the NERA-congress in Jyväskylä, March 2011.
Löfdahl, A (2011).Preschool children’s social knowledge domains. Paper presented at 21st EECERA
annual Conference, Switzerland, Geneva- Lausanne 14th to 17th September 2011.
Education from Birth: Research, Practices and Educational Policy
Karlsson, M., Löfdahl, A., Böök, M-L., & Perälä-Littunen, S. (2012). Before- and after-school care
in Finland and Sweden. Parents’ stories of children's everyday lives between home and school. Paper
presented at the annual ECER congress in Cadiz, Spain, September 18-21, 2012
Löfgren, H., Löfdahl, A., Perez Prieto H., & Folke-Fichtelus, M. (2012). Rethinking teacher
profession: New demands on visbility through documentation in the Swedish preschool. Paper
presented at the annual ECER congress in Cadiz, Spain, September 18-21, 2012.
Löfdahl, A. (2013) Distance, closeness and the art of balancing - maintaining and developing the preschool
teacher profession in relation to parents. Paper presented in the symposia “Changing teacher
profession in the Swedish preschool – parental relations and the work with systematic
documentation”, at the NERA, Nordic Educational Research Association, Congress in
Reykjavik, March 3013.
Review articles, book chapters, books
Löfdahl, A (2007) Kamratkulturer i förskolan – en lek på andras villkor. Stockholm:
Löfdahl, A. (2009). Maktspel i olika lekdiskurser. In M. Jensen & Å. Harvard (Eds.), Lek
för att lära Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Löfdahl, A. (2010) Who gets to play? Peer groups, power and play in early childhood
settings. In L. Brooker & S. Edwards (Eds.), Engaging Play. P. 122-135.
London: Open University Press.
Bilaga C
Löfdahl, A., & Perez Prieto P. (2010). Den synliggjorda förskolan. I M. Folke-Fichtelius och
C. Lundblad (red.) Bedömning i och av utbildning - Praktik, politik, principer s. 71-84.
Lund: Studentlitteratur
Hägglund, S. & Löfdahl, A. (2011) Social representations of belonging in preschool
children’s peer cultures. In M. Chaib, B. Danermark & S. Sellander (eds) Education,
Professionalization and Social Representations: On the Transformation of Social Knowledge. P.
171-184. NewYork, London: Routledge
Löfdahl, A., Saar, T & Hjalmarsson, M. (2011). Fritidshemmets potentiella didaktik och
barns och pedagogers gemensamma möjligheter. I A. Klerfelt & B. Haglund (Red).
Fritidspedagogik – Fritidshemmets teorier och praktiker. Stockholm: Liber.
Löfdahl, A. (2012) Barn- och barndomsforskning + god forskningssed = sant? I A. Löfdahl
& H. Pérez Prieto (red.) Barn, barndomar, rättigheter och utbildningar: Vänbok till Solveig
Hägglund. Sid 96-108. Karlstad: Karlstad university studies, 2012
Popular science articles/presentations
Löfdahl, A. (2005). Individualization in pre-school settings. Karlstads universitets
Pedagogiska Tidskrift -KAPET, 1(1), 23-41.
Löfdahl, A (2006) Några reflektioner från ett besök i Vadodara, Indien i november 2005.
OMEP-nytt, sid 8-12
Skånfors, L., & Löfdahl, A. (2007). "Vilken tur att vi har dig, du som är så stor" En
studie om förskolebarn och tolkande reproduktion. KAPET- Karlstads universitets
pedagogiska tidskrift, 3(1), 35-53.
Berginge, S., Löfdahl, A., & Pérez Prieto, H. (2008). På väg mot en homogeniserad
förskola? – förskolors presentationer på Internet KAPET- Karlstads universitets
pedagogiska tidskrift, 4(1), 33-48.
Saar T., Hägglund, S. & Löfdahl A. (red.) (2009) Det politiska barnet - Bidrag till
utforskandet av barn och barndom som politiska kategorier. Karlstad University
studies. 2009:39
Saar T., Hägglund, S. & Löfdahl A. (2009) Bilder av barn och barndom I T. Saar T., S.
Hägglund. & A. Löfdahl. (red.) Det politiska barnet - Bidrag till utforskandet av
barn och barndom som politiska kategorier. sid 2-7. Karlstad University studies.
Löfdahl, A. (2010) Vad har de för sig i skolan efter klockan 3? KAPET- Karlstads
universitets pedagogiska tidskrift,6(1)5-14.
Löfdahl, A. (2011) En lekkamrat så klart! Förskoletidningen, 2, 2011. s 6-10
Löfdahl, A (2102) Vart är lärarprofessionen i förskolan på väg? www.forskoleforum.se
Wangsson, S., Löfdahl, A. & Segerholm, L.(2012) ―Vi går till skogen‖ – En kartläggning
av den planerade grovmotoriska träningen i förskolan. KAPET- Karlstads
universitets pedagogiska tidskrift,8(1)67-90
Bilaga C
Maria Hjalmarsson, PhD
Refereed articles
Hjalmarsson, M. (2010). Fritidspedagogers skattningar av sitt yrkeskunnande – Resultat
från en nationell enkätundersökning. I KAPET Karlstads Pedagogiska Tidskrift,
Årgång 6, Nr 1, 39-58.
Saar, T., Löfdahl, A. & Hjalmarsson, M. (2012). Kunskapsmöjligheter i svenska
fritidshem. I Nordisk Barnehageforskning, Vol. 5, Nr 3, 1-13.
Hjalmarsson, M. (forthcoming). Governance and voluntariness for children in Swedish
leisure-time centres – leisure-time teachers interpreting their tasks and everyday
practice. Accepted. International Journal for Research on Extended Education.
Hjalmarsson, M. & Löfdahl, A. (forthcoming). Confirming and resisting an underdog
position – leisure-time teachers dealing with a new practice. Accepted. European
Early Childhood Education Research Journal.
Refereed conferens-papers
Hjalmarsson, M. (2008). Changing demands and responsibilities in the teaching
profession? The European Conference on Educational Research (ECER).
Göteborg 10-12 september 2008.
Hjalmarsson, M. (2010). Gender order of the teaching profession. Nordic Conference On
Educational Research (NERA). Malmö 11-13 mars 2010.
Löfdahl, A., Saar, T. & Hjalmarsson, M. (2010). Everyday practice in after school
setting/Leisure time centres. Paper presented at the EECERA conference.
Birmingham 6-8 september 2010.
Hjalmarsson, M. (2012). Aspects of gender and gender equality in the profession and
work of leisure time pedagogues – results from a questionnaire based study.
Paper presented at the Gender and Education Association Interim Conference
(GEA 12), Göteborg 11-13 april 2012.
Book chapters
Hjalmarsson, M. (2009). Lärarprofessionens genusordning. En studie av lärares
uppfattningar om arbetsuppgifter, kompetens och förväntningar. (Gender Order
of th Teaching Profession) (Göteborg Studies in Educational Science, 276).
Göteborg Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis.
Hjalmarsson, M. (2009). Förändrade krav i läraryrket? (Changed demands in the teaching
profession?) I I. Wernersson (Red). Genus i förskola och skola. Om förändringar
i policy, perspektiv och praktik. (105-120) (Göteborg Studies in Educational
Science). Göteborg: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis.
Hjalmarsson, M. (2011). Fritidspedagoger om genus och jämställdhet – resultat från en
nationell enkätstudie. (Leisure-time pedagogues on gender and gender equality.
Results from a questionnaire study) I A. Klerfelt & B. Haglund (Red).
Fritidspedagogik – Fritidshemmets teorier och praktiker (224-242). Stockholm:
Bilaga C
Hjalmarsson, M. (2011). Fritidshemmet – lärande i samspel med skolan. (The leisuretime centre – learning in collaboration with school) Skolverket: Stockholm.
Löfdahl, A., Saar, T & Hjalmarsson, M. (2011). Fritidshemmets potentiella didaktik och
barns och pedagogers gemensamma möjligheter. (The potential didactic of
leisure-time centres and the children‘s and teacher‘s common possibilities) I A.
Klerfelt & B. Haglund (Red). Fritidspedagogik – Fritidshemmets teorier och
praktiker (42-60) Stockholm: Liber.
Hjalmarsson, M. (kommande maj 2012). Manligt kön är en merit. (Male sex is a
qualification) I Pedagogiska Magasinets Skriftserie. Uppdrag Lärare. Stockholm:
Hjalmarsson, M. (2012). Grundskolans lärare om förändrade krav i yrket. En jämförelse
utifrån antal yrkesverksamma år. (Compulsory school teachers on changing
demands in the teaching profession) I A. Löfdahl & H. Perez Prieto (red). Barn,
barndomar, rättigheter och utbildningar. Vänbok till Solveig Hägglund, (68-82).
Karlstad University Studies 2012:13.
Hjalmarsson, M. & Löfdahl, A. (fortcoming spring 2013). Uppväxtvillkor för barn –
fritidshem som en arena för barndomens kulturella styrning. (Growing up
conditions for children – leisure-time centres as an arena for the cultural politics
of childhood) In M. Jensen & Fjällhed, A.. Bars uppväxtvillkor. Stockholm:
Popular science articles
Hjalmarsson, M. (2011). Manligt kön är en merit. I Pedagogiska Magasinet, Nr 1, 55-60.
Hjalmarsson, M. & Söderström, Å. (2012). Med sikte inställt på
vardagsproblemen.(Focusing the problems of everyday practice) I
Fritidspedagogen. Lärarförbundets tidning om fritidspedagogik, Nr 2, s. 32-35.
Hjalmarsson, M. & Söderström, Å. (2012). Egna studier lyfte kvaliteten på fritids.
(Personal studies lifted the quality of leisure-time centres) I Chef & Ledarskap, Nr
4, s. 44-46.
Hjalmarsson, M. & Saar, T. (2012). ‖Vad är det här?‖ (‖What is this?‖) I
Fritidspedagogen. Lärarförbundets tidning om fritidspedagogik, Nr 4, s. 24-27.
Research projects
Förändrade köns- och genusordningar i skola och undervisning. Policy, perspektiv och
praktik (G3P) (Changing sex-/gender orders in school and education. Policy, perspective
and practice). Project leader: Inga Wernersson, Institutionen för pedagogik och didaktik,
University of Gothenburg, 2003-2006.
Gender, teachers and leaders for young children. Funded by The Swedisch Resarch
Council. Project leader: Eva Gannerud, Institutionen för pedagogik och specialpedagogik
vid, University of Gothenburg, 2009-2011.
Bilaga C
Vardagspraktiker i fritidshem (Everday practices in leisure-time centres). Funded by
Centrumbildningen Utbildningsvetenskapliga studier av barn och barndom (UBB),
University of Karlstad.
Bilaga C
Karin Franzén, PhD
1. Peer Reviewed Articles
Franzén, Karin. (2012) ‗Swedish school leaders‘ and teachers‘ constructions of school
leadership from a gender perspective‘. I: Journal of Educational Leadership, Policy and
Practice. 27 (1)
Franzén, Karin. (kommande). ‘Under Threes‘ Mathematics‘. Accepted in: European
Early Childhood Educational Research Journal. Volume 23, Issue 1, 2015. (*)
2. Peer Reviewed Conference Papers
Franzén, Karin (2008) ‗Cool Practice With a Warm Heart – The Constructions of
Swedish School Leadership‘ Paper presented at: The annual NERA Congress .
Copenhagen, Mars 2008.
Franzén, Karin (2009) ‗ Cool Practice with a Warm Heart. The construction of School
Leadership From a Gender Perspective‘. Paper presented at: Ecer conference: Theory
and Evidence in European Educational Research. Wien, September 2009.
Franzén, Karin (2010). Mathematics for the very young. Discourses on the right to learn
and the task to teach. Paper presented at: OMEP World Congress. Göteborg, Augusti
2010. (*)
Franzén, Karin (2011). ‗Mathematics for the very young. Discourses on the right to learn
and the task to teach.‘ Paper presented at: The annual NERA congress. Jyväskylä, Mars
2011. (*)
Franzén, Karin (2011). ‗Toddlers‘ mathematics – an intense physical work‘ Paper
presented at the conference: Education from birth: Research, practice and educational
policy Geneve, September 201. (*)
Franzén, Karin. (2012). ‗Under Threes‘ Mathematical Learning‘. Paper presented at
EECERA conference: Pre-Birth to Three: Identities, Learning, Diversities. Porto, augusti
2012. (*)
3. Monographs
Franzén, Karin. (2006). “Is i magen och ett varmt hjärta. Konstruktionen skolledarskap i
ett könsperspektiv.” Akademisk avhandling nr:81. Umeå: Pedagogiska institutionen,
Umeå universitet.
Bilaga C
4. Overviews, Books, Book Chapters
Franzén, Karin. (2005).‘School Leadership And Gender; A Swedish Perspective.‘ I:
Reynolds, Cecilia & Collard, John. (eds). Leadership, Gender and Culture; Male and
Female Perspectives. Open University Press.
Franzén; Karin. (2011). ‘Att synliggöra det osynliga – hur går det till?‘ I: Ulf Blossing
(red) Skolledaren i fokus - kunskap, värden och verktyg. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Franzén, Karin. (2012). ‘Skolledarskap och kön på 2000-talet – Betydelsebärande
motstånd möter förändring. I: Kapet, Karlstads universitets pedagogiska tidskrift. Årgång
8, nummer 1.
7. Popular Science
Franzén, Karin. (2012). ‘ Todders‘ Mathematics – an intense physical workout. I:
Children in Europe Special Edition. Welkome to our world: early childhood
education and care services for children under three.
Bilaga C
Kristianstad University
Associate Professor Anders Jönsson
Associate professor Agneta Ljung Djärf
Susanne Thulin, PhD
PhD student Agneta Jonsson
Bilaga C
Associate professor Anders Jönsson (700422-3637)
1. Peer-reviewed articles
Panadero, E. & Jönsson, A. (2013). The use of scoring rubrics for formative assessment
purposes revisited: A review. Educational Research Review, 9, 129-144.
Jönsson, A. (2013). Students‘ use of feedback in higher education. Active Learning in
Higher Education, 14, 63-76.
Lucander, H., Knutsson, K., Salé, H. & Jönsson, A. (2012). ―I‘ll never forget this‖:
Evaluating a pilot workshop in effective communication. Journal of Dental
Education, 76, 1311-1316.
Jönsson, A. & Mattsson, M. (2011). Assessing teacher competency during practicum. I
M. Mattsson, T. V. Eilertsen, & D. Rorrison (Red.) A Practicum Turn in Teacher
Education. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
Jönsson, A. & Lennung, S. A. (2011). Investigating the development of analytical skills
in teacher education. Educational Measurement and Evaluation Review, 2, 3-16.
Jönsson, A. (2010). The use of transparency in the ―Interactive examination‖ for student
teachers. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice, 17, 185-199.
Jönsson, A., Baartman, L.K.J. & Lennung, S.A. (2009). Estimating the quality of
performance assessments: The case of an ―Interactive examination‖ for teacher
competency. Learning Environments Research, 12, 225-241.
Jönsson A. & Svingby, G. (2008). Underlag till ramverk för en provbank i grundskolan.
Educare, 2008:2, 57-83.
Jönsson, A., Mattheos, N., Svingby, G. & Attström, R. (2007). Dynamic assessment and
the ―Interactive examination‖. Educational Technology & Society, 10, 17-27.
Jönsson, A. & Svingby, G. (2007). The use of scoring rubrics: Reliability, validity and
educational consequences. Educational Research Review, 2, 130-144.
Jönsson, A. (2006). Interaktiv examination för självbedömning och lärande. I L. Bering,
J. Dolin, L. B. Krogh, J. Sølberg, H. Sørensen & R. Troelsen (Red.),
Naturfagsdidaktikkens mange facetter (sid. 451-456). Köpenhamn: Danmarks
Pædagogiske Universitets Forlag.
2. Peer-reviewed conference contributions (results not published elsewhere)
Jönsson, A. (2013). Rubrics as a way to provide transparency in assessment. EARLI
konferensen, München, Tyskland.
3. Monographs (Dissertation and Scientific reports)
Jönsson, A. (2012). Bedömning av förväntade läranderesultat: Utmaningar och
möjligheter. Malmö: Malmö högskola.
Bilaga C
Jönsson, A. (2009). Kunskap eller kontroll. Analys och diskussion av nytt prov- och
bedömningssystem. Intern rapport. Stockholm: Skolverket.
Jönsson, A. & Svingby, G. (2007). Underlag till ramverk för en provbankbedömningsresurs i grundskolan. Stockholm: Skolverket. (Denna rapport finns
även som förkortad och vetenskapligt granskad version, se under "peer-reviewgranskade publikationer‖).
Jönsson, A. (2008). Educative assessment for/of teacher competency. Doktorsavhandling.
Malmö: Malmö högskola.
4. Books, book chapters
Jönsson, A., Ekborg, M., Lindahl, B. & Löfgren, L. (2013). Bedömning i NO.
Grundskolans tidiga år. Malmö: Gleerups.
Jönsson, A. (2012). Bedömning av lärarstudenters förmåga till analys. I H. Strömdahl &
L. Tibell (Red.), Skola och naturvetenskap (sid. 175-187). Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Jönsson, A. (2011). Vurdering og læring. Översatt av J. Wrang. Köpenhamn: Akademisk
Jönsson, A. (2011). Att bedöma förmågan att genomföra systematiska undersökningar i
kemi. I L. Lindström, V. Lindberg & A. Pettersson (Red.), Pedagogisk bedömning,
2:a uppl. (sid. 217-231). Stockholm: Stockholms universitets förlag.
Jönsson, A. (2011). Bedömning i didaktisk belysning. I S. Persson & B. Riddersporre
(Red.), Utbildningsvetenskap för grundskolans tidiga år (sid. 318-334). Stockholm:
Natur & Kultur.
Jönsson, A. (2011). Formativ bedömning. I A. Hult & A. Olofsson (Red.) Utvärdering
och bedömning i skolan, (sid. 212-227). Stockholm: Natur & Kultur.
Jönsson, A. (2011). Lärande bedömning, 2:a uppl. Malmö: Gleerups.
Jönsson, A. (2010). Lärande bedömning. Malmö: Gleerups.
Jönsson, A. (2005). Att bedöma naturvetenskapligt arbetssätt. I L. Lindström & V.
Lindberg (Red.) Pedagogisk bedömning (sid. 219-239). Stockholm: HLS förlag.
5. Patents
6. Open access computer programs
7. Popular science articles/presentations
Articles/support material
Jönsson, A. & Thornberg, P. (2013). Sambedömning av elevprestationer i skolan.
Stockholm: Skolverket.
Jönsson, A. (2013). Bedömningsmatriser – inte bättre än sin användare.
Grundskoletidningen, 2/2013.
Jönsson, A. (2013). Likvärdig bedömning genom nationella prov? Grundskoletidningen,
Jönsson, A. (2012). Själv- och kamratbedömning. Grundskoletidningen, 1/2012.
Bilaga C
Jönsson, A. (2011). Att bedöma för lärande. I Skolverkets DiNO (Diagnosmaterial för
NO). Stockholm: Skolverket.
Jönsson, A. (2007). Bedömning. I Rapporter från Tankesmedjan. Rapport 1, 2007; IUP,
bedömning och betygsättning (sid. 34-41). Malmö: Kommunförbundet Skåne,
Malmö högskola, Högskolan Kristianstad.
Popular science presentations and blogs
Se www.larandebedomning.se/presentationer
Se Skolblogg under www.forskning.se
Letters to the press/debate articles
Newsmill: ‖Regeringens syn på nationella prov kan försämra undervisningen‖ (8 maj,
Skola och samhälle: ‖Likvärdig bedömning och nationella prov‖ i (26 september, 2011)
DN Debatt: ‖Ännu en gång fuskar regeringen i betygsfrågan‖ (25 maj, 2010)
Kristianstadsbladet: Om skriftliga omdömen (27 augusti, 2008)
Skolvärlden Debatt: Om betyg (nr 12, 2007)
Bilaga C
Associate professor Agneta Ljung Djärf
Peer reviewed articles
Ljung-Djärf, A. (2004). Spelet vid datorn: Dynamiken vid barns samvaro runt datorn i
förskolan. Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige, 2, 115-128.
Ljung-Djärf, A., Åberg-Bengtsson, L., & Ottosson, T. (2005). Ways of relating to
computer use in pre-school activity. International Journal of Early Years Education,
13(1), 31-43. (DOI) 10.1080/09669760500048295.
Ljung-Djärf, A. (2008). To play or not to play – that is the question: Approaches to
computer use in Swedish pre-schools. Early Education & Development, 19(2), 330-339.
(DOI) 10.1080/10409280801964069.
Ljung-Djärf, A. (2008). The owner, the participant and the spectator: Positions and
positioning in peer activity around the computer. Early Years: An International Journal
of Research and Development, 28(1), 61-72. (DOI) 10.1080/09575140701846487.
Ljung-Djärf, A. (2010). Illustrations in multi-media programs: a way to understand
science? In J.V. Carrasquero, D. Fonseca, F. Malpica, A. Oropeza, & F.Welsch. (Eds.),
Proceedings, Vol II, pp. 296-301. The 4th International Multi-Conference on Society,
Cybernetics and Informatics, Orlando, USA.
Ljung-Djärf, A., & Tullgren, C. (2010). Doing pre-school: knowledge utilization and
discursive patterns during pre-school planning meetings. Problems of Education in the
21st century, 25, 77-86.
Holmqvist Olander, M., & Ljung-Djärf, A. (2012). Using learning study as in-service
training in preschool. I J. Sutterby (Ed.), Early Education in a Gobal Context:
Advances in Early Education and Day Care, vol. 16 (s. 91-108). Bingley, UK: Emerald.
(DOI) 10.1108/S0270-4021(2012)0000016007.
Ljung-Djärf, A. & Holmqvist Olander, M. (nät: 2012/pappersform: 2013). Using
learning study to understand pre-schoolers´ learning: Challenges and possibilities.
International Journal of Early Childhood, 45. (DOI) 10.1007/s13158-012-0067-9.
Ljung-Djärf, A. (2012). ‖Twice as is the same as same as but twice‖: Children
discerning a basic mathematical concept during a learning study process in preschool.
Proceedings, The world organisation for early childhood education (OMEP) 28th world
conference, Campo Grande, Brasilien.
Ljung-Djärf, A. (2013). The Learning Study process: A Collaborative Way to Develop
the Use of Contrast of Critical Aspects in Preschool Educational Practice. Journal of
Studies in Education, 3(1), 33-47. (DOI) 10.5296/jse.v3i1.2743.
Peer reviewed conference contributions
Ljung-Djärf, A. (2000, Mars). Informations- och kommunikationsteknik i förskolan:
En studie med fokus på kontext och barns beskrivna erfarande. Paper presented at
Nordisk Förening för Pedagogisk Forskning (NFPF) 28th Conference, Kristiansand.
Bilaga C
Ljung-Djärf, A. (2001, Mars). Datorn i förskolans lärandemiljö. Paper presented at
Nordisk Förening för Pedagogisk Forskning (NFPF) 29th Conference, Stockholm.
Ljung-Djärf, A. (2003, Mars). Mönster i barns samvaro vid datorn i förskolan. Paper
presented at Nordisk Förening för Pedagogisk Forskning (NFPF) 31th Conference,
Ljung-Djärf, A. (2004, Mars). Protection, support and guidance: three ways of talking
about and dealing with computer use in pre-school activity. Paper presented at Nordisk
Förening för Pedagogisk Forskning (NFPF) 32th Conference, Reykjavik.
Ljung-Djärf, A. (2005, Mars). Play around the computer. Paper presented at Nordisk
Förening för Pedagogisk Forskning (NFPF) 33th Conference, Oslo.
Aili, C., Ljung-Djärf, A., Permer, K., Permer, L.G., & Tullgren, C. (2005, Mars).
What is identified as a ”problem” in pre-schools? Round table presentation at Nordisk
Förening för Pedagogisk Forskning (NFPF) 33th Conference, Oslo.
Aili, C., Ljung-Djärf, A., Permer, K., Permer, L.G., & Tullgren, C. (2006, Mars).
Problems in pre-school – a study of how problems are constituted and handled within
the discursive practicies of the Swedish pre-school. Paper presented at Nordisk
Förening för Pedagogisk Forskning (NFPF) 34th Conference, Örebro.
Ljung-Djärf, A. (2010, August). Science illustrations in multi-media context: Ants in
the pants an example from pre-school. Poster presented at The world organisation for
early childhood education´s (OMEP) worldconference, Gothenburg.
Ljung-Djärf, A., & Magnusson, A. (2010, December). Pre-school children‟s
sustainable thinking: The organic decomposition process as intended object of learning
at pre-school. Paper presented at World association of lesson studies (WALS) 2010,
Brunei Darussalam.
Ljung-Djärf, A. (2011, July). What‟s the difference between the tomatoes? : Contrast
of critical aspects and preschool children‟s generative learning. Paper presented at The
world organisation for early childhood education´s (OMEP) worldconferencce , Hong
Ljung-Djärf, A., & Holmqvist, M. (2011, July). Learning study in preschool: Some
methodological conclusions and implications. Paper presented at The world
organisation for early childhood education´s (OMEP) worldconference, Hong Kong.
Åberg Bengtsson, L., Beach, D., Ljung-Djärf, A., & von Zeipel, H. (2011, September).
Illustrations making meaning? Young pupils encountering explanatory pictures and
models in science and maths education. Paper presented at International Society for
Cultural and Activity Research (ISCAR) Conference, Rome.
Holmqvist, M., & Ljung-Djärf, A. (2011, November). Preschool teachers‟ gaining
from an in-service training course on learning study. Paper presented at World
association of lesson and learning studies (WALS), Tokyo.
Ljung-Djärf, A. (2012, July). ‖Twice as is the same as same as but twice‖: Children
discerning a basic mathematical concept during a learning study process in preschool.
Paper presented at The world organization for early childhood education (OMEP) 28th
world conference, Campo Grande, Brasilien.
Ljung-Djärf, A. (2012, November). In what ways can Lesson/Learning Study
contribute to increase preschool teaching? Symposium organized at World association
of lesson and learning studies (WALS), Singapore.
Bilaga C
Ljung-Djärf, A. (2012, November). The preschool learning study process - a joint
reflection on the use of contrast of critical aspects. Paper presented at World
association of lesson and learning studies (WALS), Singapore.
Ljung-Djärf, A., & Wennås Brante, E. (2012, November). Focus on play or the object
of learning, or both at the same time? : Examples from three learning studies
conducted in Swedish pre-school context. Paper presented at World association of
lesson and learning studies (WALS), Singapore.
Ljung-Djärf, A. (2013, May). In what way is learning study grounded in Action
Research? Symposium organized at Action Research Network of the Americas
(ARNA), San Fransisco, CA.
Ljung-Djärf, A., & Holmqvist, M. (2013, May). Theoretical based reflection on
practice. Paper presented at Action Research Network of the Americas (ARNA), San
Fransisco, CA.
Holmqvist, M., & Ljung-Djärf, A. (accepterat/2013, maj). Developing practice by the
iterative process in a learning study – a case study. Paper vid Action Research Network
of the Americas (ARNA), San Fransisco, CA.
Ljung-Djärf, A., & Wennås-Brante, E. (accepted/2013, July). ”A giant pedagogical
roll”: Conclusions from three Learning studies conducted in Swedish preschool. Paper
at The world organization for early childhood education (OMEP) 29th
worldconference, Shanghai.
Ljung-Djärf, A. (accepted/2013, September). Variation theory in early childhood
education – focus on learning. Symposium organized at World association of lesson
and learning studies (WALS), Gothenburg.
Ljung-Djärf, A. (accepted/2013, September). Learning study – putting a theory of
learning into practice. Paper at World association of lesson and learning studies
(WALS), Gotheburg.
Books and book chapters
Ljung-Djärf, A. (2002). Fröken får jag spela data?: Datorn i förskolans lärandemiljö.
In R. Säljö & J. Linderoth (Eds.), Utm@ningar och e-frestelser: IT och skolans
301). Stockholm: Prisma.
Ljung-Djärf, A. (2004). Spelet runt datorn: Datoranvändande som meningsskapande
praktik i förskolan (Malmö Studies in Educational Sciences, no. 12). Malmö: Malmö
högskola, lärarutbildningen.
Ljung-Djärf, A. (2007). ICT and pre-school: Teachers´ professional knowledge. In C.
Aili, L.-E. Nilsson, L. G. Svensson, & P. Denicolo (Eds.), In tension between
organization and profession: Professionals in Nordic public service (pp. 280 299).
Lund: Nordic Academic Press.
Ljung-Djärf, A., & Tullgren, C. (2009). ‖Dom måste ju leka‖ – om mötet mellan
datorn och barns lek i förskolan. In J. Linderoth (Ed.), Individ, teknik och lärande
199). Stockholm: Carlssons.
Bilaga C
Aili, C., Ljung-Djärf, A., & Tullgren, C. (2010). Att göra alla nöjda: Om
ansvarsgörande i förskolearbetets lokala arbetsdelningsprocesser. In G. Brante & K.
Hjort (Eds.), Dilemman i Skolan: Aktuella utmaningar och professionella omställningar
53). Kristianstad: Kristianstad University press.
Ljung-Djärf, A., & Tullgren, C. (2011). Lek och lärande i förskolan. In M. Holmqvist
(Ed.), Skolan och läraruppdraget – att bli och vara lärare
39). Lund:
Ljung-Djärf, A., Mårdsjö Olsson, A-C., & Thulin, S. (in press/2013). Förskolans
pedagogiska uppdrag. In M. Holmqvist (Ed.), Learning study i förskolan och
förskoleklassen. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Popular science articles
Aili, C., & Ljung-Djärf, A. (2001). IT och lärarkårens professionalisering.
Aili, C., & Ljung-Djärf, A. (2003). Fly inte fältet. Pedagogiska magasinet, 1,
Ljung-Djärf, A. (2004). Rollspel framför datorn. Tidningen förskolan, 9/4, 25 27.
Ljung-Djärf, A. (2005). Datorn – ett hot, ett tillgängligt val eller ett viktigt
inslag i verksamheten? Att undervisa:Specialpedagogisk tidskrift, 2, 14 16.
Hermansson, C. & Ljung-Djärf, A. (2007). Vad används arbetstiden till?
Utvärderingsrapport Linköpings kommun.
Ljung-Djärf, A., & Tullgren, C. (2009). Datorer på förskolevis. Studentlitteratur.
www.Forskoleforum.se (090601).
Ljung-Djärf, A., & Tullgren, C. (2009). Den goda datorleken. Pedagogiska magasinet,
1, 32 35.
Bilaga C
Susanne Thulin, PhD
Peer-reviewed articles
1. Thulin, Susanne, (2008). Sustainable development – Language and a sence of
belonging. I Pramling Samuelsson, I. & Kaga, Y., (Eds.) The contribution of
early childhood education to a sustainable society (128-134). Paris: Unesco.*/*
2. Thulin, Susanne. (2010). Barns frågor under en naturvetenskaplig aktivitet i
förskolan. Nordisk Barnehageforskning, 3(1), 111-124.*
3. Thulin, S. & Helldén, G. (2006). Vad händer med lärandets objekt i förskolan? En
fallstudie av hur lärare i förskolan kommunicerar naturvetenskapliga fenomen. I
L. Bering, J. Dolin, L. B. Krogh, J. Sølberg, H. Sørensen & R. Troelsen
(red.), Naturfagsdidaktikkens mange facetter. Proceedings fra det 8. nordiska
forskersymposium om undervisning i naturfag (503-509). Köpenhamn: Danmarks
pædagogiske universitets forlag.
4. Thulin, Susanne, & Pramling, Niklas. (2009). Anthropomorphically speaking: On
communication between teachers and children in early childhood biology
education. International Journal of Early Years Education, 17(2), 137 - 150. */*
5. Thulin, S. (2006). Vad händer med lärandets objekt?: En studie av hur lärare och
barn i förskolan kommunicerar naturvetenskapliga fenomen (Licentiatavhandling, Acta Wexionensia, 102/2006). Växjö: Växjö University Press.*/
6. Thulin, S. (2011). Lärares tal och barns nyfikenhet. Kommunikation om
naturvetenskapliga innehåll i förskolan. Doktorsavhandling. Göteborgs
universitet: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis*/*
Peer-reviewed conference contributions
Thulin, S. & Helldén, G. (2005). Vad händer med lärandets objekt i förskolan? En
fallstudie av hur lärare i förskolan kommunicerar naturvetenskapliga fenomen.
Paper presenterat vid Det 8. nordiska forskersymposium om undervisning i
naturfag; Aahlborg Seminarium, Aalborg Danmark d. 30 .april-3. maj 2005.
Thulin, S. & Helldén, G. (2006,). Vad händer med naturvetenskapen i förskolan?
En studie av hur lärare i förskolan kommunicerar naturvetenskapliga fenomen.
Paper presenterat vid Nordisk Förening för Pedagogisk Forskning (NFPF) 34:e
kongress, Örebro, Sverige.
Bilaga C
Thulin, S. (2007). Sustainable development – language, sense and belonging. Paper
presenterat vid The International work-shop: The Role of Early Childhood
Education for a Sustainable Society, Göteborg.
Jonsson, Agneta och Thulin, Susanne, (2009). An aesthetic dimension of children‟s
experienced world? Paper presented at NERA‘s 37th Congress Trondheim, Norway
5-7 March, 2009
Thulin, Susanne, (2010). Children‟s questions during a science activity in preschool.
Paper presenterat vid Nordisk Förening för Pedagogisk Forskning (NFPF),
NERA‘s 38 Congress Malmö, 11-13 March 2010
Jonsson, Agneta & Thulin, Susanne, (2010). An aesthetic dimension of children‟s
experienced world? Paper presented at OMEP Congress Gothenburg, Sweden 1113 August, 2010.
Thulin, Susanne & Helldén, Gustav, (2010). Teachers and children communicate about
ecological phenomena in a Swedish preschool. Paper presented at OMEP Congress
Gothenburg, Sweden 11-13 August, 2010.
Thulin, Susanne & Pramling, Niklas, (2011). Anthropomorphically speaking: On
communication between teachers and children in early childhood science
education. Paper presented at EECERA Conference, Geneva and Lausanne, 1517th September 2011.
Thulin, Susanne, (2012). Children‟s questions during a science activity in preschool.
Paper presented at European Early Childhood Education research Association
EECERA 22 conference, Oporto Portugal, 29th aug > 1 st sep 2012
Review articles, book chapters, books
Jonsson, Agneta & Thulin, Susanne. (2013). Att göra bruk av barns perspektiv. I
Pramling Samuelsson, I & Tallberg Broman, I, (red), Barndom, lärande och
ämnesdidaktik. Lund: Studentlitteratur./**
Ljung Djärf, Agneta, Mårdsjö Olsson, Ann-Charlotte & Thulin, Susanne, (i tryck).
Förskolans pedagogiska uppdrag. I Holmqvist, M., (red), Learning study i förskolan.
Lund: Studentlitteratur./**
Thulin, Susanne, & Helldén, Gustav. (2011). Chapter 4. Opening doors for learning
ecology in preschool. I N. Pramling & I. Pramling Samuelsson (Eds.), Educational
encounters: Nordic studies in early childhood didactics, pp. 65-84. Dordrecht
Holland: Springer. [276d] (GUP 146462)
Popular science articles/presentations
Thulin, S. (2004). Miljön som innehåll och arbetssätt. Förskoletidningen, Nr 3, s. 22-28.
Solna: Förskolans förlag.
Bilaga C
Thulin, S. (2007). Hva skjer med læringsinnholdet? Om hvordan førskolelærere og barn
kommuniserer om et naturvitenskaplig fenomen. Barnehagefolk, 2/2007. Oslo:
Pedagogisk Forum.
Thulin, S. (2007). Livet i stubben. Förskoletidningen, 5/2007. Solna: Förskolans förlag.
Artikel tidigare publicerad på norska i Barnehagefolk, 2/2007. Oslo: Pedagogisk
Thulin, S. (2008). Prosjektarbeid i barnehagen – en bærende tanke med ulike tolkningar.
Barnehagefolk, 1, s. 22-31. Oslo: Pedagogisk Forum.
Thulin, S. (2012). Naturvetenskap i förskolan – på skoj eller med allvar?
Förskoletidningen Nr. 1/2012. Årgång 37, s. 25-32.
Thulin, S., (2012). Barn vill veta. Vuxna vill styra och lära ut på sitt sätt.
Artikelpublicerad i Socialpolitik, NR 3, 2012, s. 32-34.
Bilaga C
Linköping University
Associate Professor Ann-Mari Markström
Associate Professor Maria Simonsson
Fredrik Alm, PhD
Bilaga C
Associate professor Ann-Marie Markström
1. Peer-reviewed articles
Alasuutari, M. & Markström, A-M. (2011) The making of the ordinary child in
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 55(5), 517-535.
Markström, A-M. (2008) Förskolans utvecklingssamtal – ett komplex av aktiviteter i tid
och rum. Educare, 1, pp 51-67.
Markström, A-M. (2009) The parent-teacher conference in the Swedish preschool. A
study of an ongoing process as a ―pocket of local order‖. Contemporary Issues in
Early Childhood, 10
Markström, A-M. & Halldén, G. (2009) Children‘s Strategies for Agency in Preschool.
Children and Society, 23 (2), 112-122.
Markström, A-M. (2010) Talking about children‘s strategies to show resistance in
preschool. Journal of Early Childhood Research, 8 (3) 303-314.
Markström, A-M. (2011) To Involve Parents in the Assessment of the Child in ParentTeacher Conferences. Early Childhood Education Journal, 38(6), 465-474 .
Markström, A-M. & Simonsson, M. (2011) Constructions of girls in preschool parentteacher
conference. International journal of Early Childhood, 43(1), 23-41.
Markström, A-M.(2011) ‖Soft governance‖ i förskolans utvecklingssamtal. Educare,
2011:2, 57-75.
Severinsson, S. & Markström, A-M. (forthcoming 2013) Resistance as a means of
accountability in child welfare institutions. Child and Family Social Work. Accepted.
Simonsson, M. & Markström, A-M. (kommande 2013) Utvecklingssamtalet som uppgift
verktyg i förskollärarnas professionssträvanden i interaktion med föräldrar. Nordisk
Barnehageforskning. Accepterad, kommande.
2. Peer-reviewed conference contributions
Markström, A-M. (2004) Negotiating time and space in a pre-school setting.
Konferensbidrag till NFPF/ NERA 32 st Congress, Reykjavik, March 2004.
Markström, A-M. (2005) Children‟s agency in time and space. Konferensbidrag till
‖Childhoods 2005‖ Oslo, June 2005.
Markström, A-M. & Halldén, Gunilla (2006) Pre-school as an arena where childhood is
institutionalised, or an arena where children have power and agency. ‖International
conference on childhood and youth: choice and participation‖, Sheffield, 4-6´th of
July, 2006.
Bilaga C
Markström, A-M. (2007) Parent-teacher conferences- a pocket of local order?
Nätverkskonferensen ―Mångkontextuell barndom i tid och rum‖, 23 augusti 2007,
Markström, A-M (2008) Constructing the child in parent-teacher conferences.
DANASWAC-conference, August, 2008, Århus.
Markström. A-M. (2008) Välfärdsinstitutioner i förändring. Några teoretiska
utgångspunkter för ett uppdragsprojekt. FORSA, Nordisk Symposium, August 2008.
Markström, A-M. (2009) The parent-teacher conference in the Swedish preschool. Paper
presenterd at 7th International Conference of the European Research Network About
in Education (ERNAPE) 26th-29th of August, Malmö
Markström, A-M. (2009) Talking about children‟s strategies to show resistance to the
practitioners in preschool. Paper presented at ESA-conference, 1st-5th of September,
Markström, A-M. (2010) Upbringing and education in the intermediate sphere between
and school. NFPF, Malmö March 2010.
Markström, A-M. (2010) Mjuk styrning i förskolans utvecklingssamtal. Inbjuden
BUIF-konferens, Malmö oktober, 2010.
Markström, A-M. (2010) Parent-teacher conferences in the Swedish preschool. AARE,
Melbourne November 2010.
Markström, A-M. (2011) Responsibilities for children‟s upbringing and education - in
the intermediate sphere between home and school. NFPF, Jyväskylä, March 2011.
Markström, A-M. (2012) Responsibilities for children‟s upbringing and education –
Swedish pupil‟s perspectives on home-school relations, Hawaii International
Conference on Education. Januar 2012.
Markström, A-M. (2012) What about home-school relations? Pupil‟s perspectives.
NFPF, Copenhagen, March 2012.
3. Doctoral thesis
Markström, A-M. (2005) Förskolan som normaliseringspraktik. En etnografisk
studie. Avhandling. Studies in Pedagogic Practicies, no 1, Linköpings universitet.
4. Books/chapters
Eriksson, L. & Markström, A-M. (2000) Den svårfångade socialpedagogiken. Lund:
Markström, A-M. (2006) Utvecklingssamtalet i förskolan. Skapande vetande,
Bilaga C
Markström, A-M. (2007) Att förstå förskolan– vardagslivets institutionella ansikten.
Eriksson, L. & Markström, A-M. (2004) The Concept of Social Pedagogy. In J.
H. Hermansson & A. Gustavsson. Perspectives and Theory in Social Pedagogy, pp 923.
Göteborg: Daidalos förlag.
Eriksson, L. & Markström, A-M. (2009) Social Pedagogy in a Swedish context. In
J. Kornbeck & N. Rosendal Jensen. The diversity of Social pedagogy in Europe.
Studien zu vergleichender Sozialpädagogik und internationaler Sozialarbeit und
Sozialpolitik. Bremen: Europäischer Hochschulverlag.
Markström, A-M. & Münger, A-C. (2004) Socialpedagogiska institutioner för barn i
tid och rum. I Eriksson,.L., Hermansson, H-E. & Münger, A-C. Socialpedagogik och
samhällsförståelse. Eslöv: Brutus Östling Symposion förlag.
Markström, A-M. (2005) Pedagogiskt arbete som forskningsområde. I Hultman, G. &
Martinsson, B-G. (Red.) Pedagogiskt arbete som forskningsfält. Några forskningsinriktningar vid Linköpings universitet. Linköpings universitet: Skapande Vetande.
Markström, A-M. (2009) Föräldrars möte med institutioner för barn. I A-M. Markström,
M. Simonsson, Söderlind & E. Änggård (Red.) Barn, barndom och föräldraskap, pp.
189206. Stockholm: Carlssons bokförlag.
Markström, A-M., Simonsson, Söderlind I. & Änggård, E. (2009) (Red.) Barn, barndom
och föräldraskap, pp. 189-206. Stockholm: Carlssons bokförlag.
Markström, A-M. (2010) Early Childhood Education- Preschool as an arena for
socialization, qualification and normalization, pp. 157-180. In L. Eriksson & O.
Sernhede (Red.) Society and learning. Social pedagogy in change, pp. 157-180.
Göteborg: Daidalos förlag.
Markström, A-M. (2011) Utvecklingssamtal i förskolan- en bedömningspraktik. I
Resultatdialog 2011:7, 110-118. Stockholm: Vetenskapsrådet.
Markström, A-M. (2013) Garderoben som en betydningsfull plas och arena for
samarbeijden og forhandlinger i skærningspunkten mellom hem og barnehage. In
Foss, E. (Ed.)“Lek, vennskap, omsorg og oppdragelse – veier til barns læring,
danning og utvikling. Oslo: Gyldendals Forlag.
Markström, A-M. (2013) Relationen hem och institution – Pedagogisering av föräldrar i
förskola och skola. I Anne Harju & Ingegerd Tallberg Broman. (red.) Föräldrar,
förskola och skola. Om mångfald, makt och möjligheter. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Markström, A-M. & Simonsson, M. (2013) Utvecklingssamtal i förskolan. Lund:
Studentlitteratur. Kommande, in press.
Bilaga C
Associate professor Maria Simonsson
1. Peer-reviewed articles
Simonsson, M. & Markström, A-M. (in press 2013) Utvecklingssamtalet som uppgift
och verktyg i förskollärarnas professionssträvanden i interaktion med
föräldrar.(Developmental talks as a task and tool in preschool teacher´s strives for
professionality ini the interaction with parents) Nordisk Barnehageforskning. Accepted.
Simonsson, M. (2012) Hällström, Catharina: Insändare i Kamratposten: uttryck för
villkor i barns kulturella sammanhang. Barnboken tidskrift för
barnlitteraturforskning/Journal of Children‟s Literature. Research. Vol 35.
Markström, A-M. & Simonsson, M. (2011) Constructions of girls in preschool parentteacher conference. International Journal of Early Childhood. 2011: 43 (1), s. 1-19.
Karlsson, I. & Simonsson, M. (2011), A question of gender sensitive pedagogy
– an analysis of discourses of gender-related work in the Swedish preschool
Contemporary Issues of early childhood education, Volume 12, Issue (3). X-X.
Simonsson, M. & Thorell, M. (2010) Att börja på förskolan. Exemplet på
barns sociala samspel under inskolningen. Educare. 2010:1 s. 53-72.
Karlsson, I. & Simonsson, M. (2008) Preschool work teams' view of ways of
working with gender - parents' involvement in "know-how" processes. Early
Childhood Education Journal. 2008, Volume
36, Nr 2, 171-177.
Karlsson, I & Simonsson, M. (2008) Genderwath still watching and
Revisiting gender training. Gender and education. Vol 20. 2008: 4. 409 –
Simonsson, M. (2006), Ny forskning om barnlitteratur och genus. Barnboken, 2006:1
Simonsson, M. (2004), Bokbruk som vila, omsorg och umgänge. Hur barn använder
bilderböcker i förskolan. Locus, 2004:4.
Simonsson, M. (2000), Bilderboken som kommunikativ praktik i förskolan. Barnboken,
Årg 23,
2000:3, Svenska Barnboksintitutets tidskrift.
Bilaga C
2. Peer-reviewed conference contributions
Simonsson, M. (2012). The Parent-Teacher Conference as a Duty and Tool in the Preschool Teachers' Professional Practice. In: 10th Annual Conference. Hawaii International
Conference on Education. Paper presented at 10th annual Conference. Hawaii
International Conference on Education, January 5-8, 2012, Honolulu, Hawaii, United
States (pp. 1-9).
Bjuremark, A & Simonsson, M (2009), Constructionof CO-supervsion in
Swedish PhD-projects. The second bi-annual international conference on
“Postgraduate Supervison: Research and Practice” ,
27 – 30 April 2009 at Spier Estate near Stellenbosch, South Africa
Karlson, I & Simonsson, M. (2009), Gender sensitive pedagogy in Sweden.
Preschool pedagogue‘s perspective. NFPF. Literacy as Worldmaking. A
Challenge to Educational Research. 2009
Trondheim, Norge 5-7 Mars.
Karlson, I & Simonsson, M. (2007), Pre-school teams‟ view of ways of working with
gender. Parents involvement in “know-how” processes. ECER- (EERA-THE
19-22 September.
Karlsson, I. & Simonsson, M. (2006), Gender sensitive pedagogy – a discourse
analysis of gender related work in Swedish preschools. ECER- (EERA-THE
Education-line http://www.leeds.ac.uk/educol/documents/158671.htm
Simonsson, M & Thorell, M. (2006), Doing childhood in a Swedish preschool:
The reception period case. OMEP Conference The Great Little Reseacher.
Tromsö, Norge den 9-11 augusti 2006
Simonsson, M. (2005), Who owns the picture book. Children and Youth in
Emerging and Transforming Societies. International Conference June 29-July 3,
CHILDHOODS 2005 Oslo, Norge. S 1-15
Karlsson, I & Simonsson, M. (2007), Genuspedagogik i förskolan. Poster
presented at: Nätverkskonferensen för barn- och barndomsforskning, Tema:
Mångkontextuell barndom i tid och rum. 23 augusti 2007 i Malmö
Simonsson, M. & Thorell, M. (2007), Att börja förskolan– att följa barns
perspektiv. Paper presented at: Nätverkskonferensen för barn- och
barndomsforskning, Tema: Mångkontextuell barndom i tid
och rum. 23 augusti 2007 i Malmö
Bilaga C
3. Doctoral thesis
Simonsson, M. (2004), Bilderboken i förskolan – en utgångspunkt för samspel.
Linköping Studies in Arts and Science 287. Skrifter utgivna av Svenska
barnboksinstitutet nr 84, Linköping:UniTryck. Diss.
4. Books/chapters
Markström, A-M. & Simonsson, M. (2013 under tryck) Utvecklingssamtal i förskolan.
(Developmental talks in preschool) Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Simonsson, M (2009) Bilder av barnet. Pija Lindenbaum protagonist Lill-Zlatan. I:
Markström, Simonsson, Söderlind Änggård (red) Barn, barndom och föräldraskap.
Stockholm: Carlsson.
Markström, A-M, Simonsson, M., Söderlind, I., Änggård, E. (2009).Barn,
barndom och föräldraskap. Stockholm: Carlsson.
Markström, A-M, Simonsson, M., Söderlind, I., Änggård, E. (2009).Barn,
barndom och föräldraskap. Inledning. I: Markström, Simonsson, Söderlind
Änggård (red) Barn, barndom och föräldraskap. Stockholm: Carlsson.
Simonsson. M. (2007), Barndom och kulturella artefakterPlatsen som skapas runt bilderboken. I: Gunilla Halldén (red) Den moderna
barndomen och barns vardagsliv. Stockholm: Carlsson
Simonsson, M. (2006), Pedagogers möte med bilderböcker i förskolan.
(Skapande Vetande nr 48). Linköping: UniTryck.
Simonsson, M. (2003), Tanterna i gröngräset: Barndoms- och kvinnobilder hos Elsa
Beskow I: Anna Sparrman, Ulrika Thorell & Eva Åhrén Snickare (red.) Visuella spår
Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Simonsson, M. (2002), Bilderboken som utgångspunkt för lek. I: Pramling
Samuelsson (red) Lek och Lärande. Konferensrapport från Nätverk för
Barnomsorgsforskning Göteborg 12-13 november 2001. IPD-rapporter, Nr
2002:04. Göteborgs universitet, Inst. för pedagogik och didaktik.
Halldén, G., & Simonsson, M. (2001), Omsorg, kroppslighet och en
traditionstyngd förskolepraktik. I: Omsorgsbegreppet i förskolan. Olika
infallsvinklar på ett begrepp och dess relation till en verksamhet. Rapport från
nätverk för barnomsorgsforskning, Göteborg 20-21 november 2000. Working
Bilaga C
Papers on Childhood and the Study of Children 2001:1. Linköpings
Simonsson, M. (2004), De professionella barnboksintroduktörerna.
Förskoletidningen. Temanummer: Litteratur i förskolan. 2004:4.
Simonsson, M (2007), Bilderböcker i barns lek. Familjedaghem. Temanummer:
Barnböcker 2007:4.
Bilaga C
Fredrik Alm, PhD
1. Peer-reviewed articles
Alm, F. & Samuelsson, J. (2009). Villkor för implementering av Naturvetenskap och Teknik för
Alla, NTA. Nordic Studies in Science Education, 5, 89-102.
2. Peer-reviewed conference contributions
Alm, F., Jungert, T., & Thornberg, R. (2011). Academic commitment and self-determination
among teacher students. Paper presented at the 39th Congress of Nordic Educational Research
Association in Jyväskylä, Finland, 10-12 March, 2011.
Jungert, T., Alm, F., & Thornberg, R. (2010). Motives to become teachers, academic selfdetermination, academic self-efficacy, and academic efforts among first-year students in
teacher education. Paper presented at the 38th Congress of Nordic Educational Research
Association in Sweden at School of Teacher Education, Malmö University, Malmö, 11-13
March, 2010.
Colnerud, G. & Alm, F. (2009). Teachers' experiences of unfair assessment. Paper presented at
the Educational assessment conference, Stockholm University, Stockholm, 20-22 October,
Alm, F. (2006). Mentor time: the content and meaning of a new school subject. Paper presented at
the 34th Congress of Nordic Educational Research Association in Sweden, Örebro University,
Örebro, 9-11 March, 2006.
Alm, F. (2005). What content is defended and stimulated by lesson labels? Paper presented at the
33th Congress of Nordic Educational Research Association in Norway, Oslo University, Oslo
10-12 March 200
3. Doctoral thesis
Alm, F. (2010). Uttryck på schemat och intryck i klassrummet: en studie av lektioner i skolor
utan timplan (Expressions on the Schedule, Impressions in the Classroom A study of Lessons
in Schools Without a Set Timetable). (1. uppl.) Diss. Linköping : Linköpings universitet, 2010.
4. Books/chapters
Alm, F. (2005). Schemats roll i en skola utan timplan. I SOU 2005:102. Utan timplan – forskning
och utvärdering (s.105-122). Stockholm: Fritzes.
Bilaga C
Alm, F. (2003). Skolämnen och alternativen – schemat som indikator på vad som händer i skolor
utan timplan (PiUS-rapport nr. 2). Linköping: Linköpings universitet, Institutionen för
Bilaga C
Linneus University
Professor Per Gerevall
Professor Peter Karsludd
Associate professor Per Lindqvist
Associate professor Stefan Lund.
Anette Emilson, PhD
Anne-Mari Folkesson, PhD
Elisabeth Frank, PhD
Henrik Hegender, PhD
Jan Håkansson, PhD
Lise-Lotte Bjervås, PhD
PhD student Maria Magnusson,
PhD student Helena Ackesjö (disp. 2014)
PhD student Marianne Dahl (disp. 2014)
Specific positions of responsibility in the research school:
Operational Coordinator, PhD Anette Emilsson
Scientific leader, Professor Peter Karlsudd
Bilaga C
Professor Per Gerevall
Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers
Gerrevall, Per (2006) Lärande och lärandets värde för ledare inom barn- och
ungdomsidrott. Paper presenterat vid NFPF:s konferens ‖Education widens Democracy –
or? Örebro, 9—11 mars, 2006.
Translation: Learning and the Benefits of Experiences for Leaders in Sports for Young
*Croona, Gill, Gerrevall, Per & Linnér, Susanne (2006) Analys av kommunikativ
kompetens inom professionsutbildning. Paper presenterat vid NFPF:s konferens
‖Education widens. Democracy – or? Örebro, 9—11 mars, 2006
Translation: An Analysis of Communicative Competence within Education for
*Croona, Gill, Gerrevall, Per & Linnér, Susanne (2008) Assessment tools f or evaluating
communicative competence. Paper presenterat vid NFPF:s konferens ‖The new
goalorientation of research strategies‖ Köpenhamn, 6—8 mars, 2008.
Nordänger, U.K., Lindqvist, P., Gerevall, P., Hegender, H. & Linnér, S. (2011). The
fuzziness of failing teacher students – indicators and procedures. Conference proceedings
vid ISATT-konferensen (International Study Association on Teacher and Teaching),
Braga, Portugal, 2011
2. Articles, Book Chapters, Books
Fritzén, Lena & Gerrevall, Per (2003) Om kunskap och demokrati i konkret skolpraktik.
Utbildning och demokrati, vol 12, Nr 3.
Translation: On Knowledge and Democracy in Actual School Practice.
Gerrevall, Per (2003) Bedömning av demokratisk kompetens – en pedagogisk utmaning.
Utbildning och demokrati, vol 12, Nr 3.
Translation: The evaluation of Democratic Competence – an Educational Challenge.*
*Gerrevall, Per & Håkansson, Jan (2004) Projektarbetet 100 poäng – det första året.
Institutionen för pedagogik och Myndigheten för skolutveckling.
Translation: Project work in Upper Secondary Programmes – Experiences from the First
*Gerrevall, Per (2006) Lärande och erfarenheters värde – en studie av ledare inom barnoch ungdomsidrott. Riksidrottsförbundet: FoU-rapport 2006:1.
Translation: Learning and the Benefits of Experiences – a Study of Leaders in Sport for
Young People
Bilaga C
Gerrevall, Per, Carlsson, Samanthi & Nilsson, Ylva (2006) Idrottsledarskapets värde.
Svensk idrottsforskning Nr 4, 2006, s 33-37.
Translation: The Benefits of Being a Leader in Sports for Young People.
Gerrevall, Per (2006) Kompetensbaserad idrottsledarutbildning – ett alternativ till dagens
idrottsledarutbildningar. Svensk idrottsforskning Nr 4, 2006, s 38-41. Translation:
Competency Based Education for Sports Leaders – an Alternativ to Existing Educational
Programmes for Sports Leaders.
Gerrevall, Per, Carlsson, Samanthi & Nilsson, Ylva (2006) Lärande som ledare inom
barn och ungdomsidrott. I: Fahlström, Per Göran, Forslund, Magnus & Stark, Tobias
(2006) Inkast. Idrottsforskning vid Växjö universitet. Växjö University Press: Acta
Wexonensia, Nr104.
Translation: Learning as a Leader in Sports for Young People.
*Gerrevall, Per (2007) Handslaget och de demokratiska värdena. Riksidrottsförbundet.
Handslaget FOU-rapport 2007:8. Gerrevall, Per (2007) Ett handslag för demokratisk
utveckling. Svensk idrottsforskning Nr 3 /4, 2007.
Translation: The Hand Shake with Sports Movement and the democratic values.
*Carlsson, Carl Gustaf, Gerrevall, Per & Pettersson, Astrid (2007) Bedömning
yrkesrelaterat kunnande. Stockholm: HLS förlag.
Translation: Assessing Vocational Competence.
*Gerrevall, Per (2008) Lärares professionalitet och betygsättningen – om bedömningens
och betygsättningens dubbla karaktär. I: Fritzell, Christer (2008) Att tolka pedagogikens
språk. Perspektiv och diskurser. Växjö universitet: Acta Wexionensis.
Translation: Teacher Professionalism and Grading – on the Dual Character of
Assessment and Grading.
Alm, Pia, Gerrevall, Per & Linnér, Susanne (2008). Utvärdering av projektet Idrottens
Ideella Ledare. Växjö universitet & Riksidrottsförbundet.
Translation: Evaluation of the Swedish Sports Confederation Project: Voluntary Leaders
in Sports
Gerrevall, Per & Blom, Malin (2008) Betygen inom sydost. En utredning om
betygsskalor inom den högre utbildningen. Växjö universitet: Rapport.
Translation: Grading in Higher Education. A Study on Grading Scales in Higher
Gerrevall, Per (2008) Educating towards civic and professional responsibility - comments
on the future of higher education. Utbildning & Demokrati: Tidskrift för didaktik och
utbildningspolitik, vol 17, Nr 2, s 115-122.
Bilaga C
*Gerrevall, Per (2009) Om examination och betygsättning. I: Stigmar, Martin (2009)
Högskolepedagogik. Att vara professionell som lärare i högskolan. Stockholm: Liber
Translation: On assessment and grading – being professional as a Higher Education
Gerrevall, Per & Hageskog Carl Axel (2011) Kvalificerade idrottstränare – 1. Kompetens
och utbildning. Svensk Idrottsforskning Nr 3/2011
Translation: Qualified Sports Coaches – 1. Competence and Education.
Gerrevall, Per & Hageskog Carl Axel (2011) Kvalificerade idrottstränare – 2. Utveckling
av tränare inom svensk tennis. Svensk Idrottsforskning Nr 3/2011
Translation: Qualified Sports Coaches
*Fahlström, P G., Gerrevall, P., Hedberg,M. & Linnér, S. (2011) Utvärdering av
idrottslyftet – slutrapport från Linnéuniversitetet. Rapport: Linnéuniversitetet och
Translation: Evaluation of the Lift in Sports – Final Report from Linnæus University.
Fahlström, P G., Gerrevall, P., Hedberg, M. & Linnér, S. (2012) Ett lyft under varierande
villkor. Svensk idrottsforskning nr.1, 2012
Translation: A Lift under Various Conditions
Bilaga C
Professor Peter Karlsudd
Peer-reviewed articles
Karlsudd, P. (2007). The ―Narrow‖ and the ―Wide‖ activity: the circumstances
of integration. The International Journal of Disability, Community & Rehabilitation.
Volume 6 (1).
Jokela, P. & Karlsudd, P. (2007). Learning with security. Journal of Information
Technology Education. Volume 6 (1).
Jokela, P. & Karlsudd, P. (2007). Thesis web dialogue. European Journal of Open
Distance and E-Learning. Issue 2007/I.
Karlsudd, P. & Tågerud, Y. (2008). Bridging the Gap- Taking the distance out of Elearning. The Electronic Journal of e-Learning. Volume 6 (1).
Karlsudd, P (2008). E- Collaboration around children with functional disabilities.
Telemedicine and e-Health. Volume 14(7): pp. 687-694.
Karlsudd, P. (2008). Web coherence learning: Web support to create context and
continuity in learning. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning
iJET. Volume 3, (3): pp. 10 - 14.
*Jokela, P; Karlsudd, P. & Östlund, M. (2008). Theory, method and tools for
evaluation using a systems-based approach. The Electronic Journal of Information
Systems Evaluation. Volume 11 (3): pp. 197 - 212.
Stigmar, M. & Karlsudd, P. (2009). On-line Education, More Than One-way
Education? Journal of emerging technologies in web intelligence, Volume.1 (1).
Jokela, P. & Karlsudd, P. (2009). Evaluation of net-based training for physicians
Volume 6 (4).
Karlsudd, P. (2010). For benefit or oblivion? From idea and vision to the
implementation and support of Learning Applications. International Journal of
Advanced Research in Computer Science. Volume 1 (2).
Bilaga C
Karlsudd, P. (2010). Assessing essays to develop writing. Problems of education in 21
Century. Volume 25 (25) pp. 67-76.
Diedrichs, P., Willén Lundgren, B., Karlsudd, P. (2012). Flexible examination as a
pathway to learning. Problems of Education in the 21st Century. Volume 40. (40) 2634.
* Karlsudd, P. (2012) Family interaction and consensus with IT support. International
Journal of Telemedicine and Applications.
Karlsudd, P. (2012) School-age care, an ideological contradiction. Problems of
Education in the 21st Century.
Peer-reviewed conference contributions
Karlsudd, P. (2004). Opportunities and conditions of integration. The Positioning of
Education in Contemporary Knowledge Society. Nordic Society for Educational
Research (NFPF). Reykjavik, 2004.
Jokela, P. & Karlsudd, P. (2004). (poster). Doctors learning on line, evaluation of a
videoconference based course in medicine. The Positioning of Education in
Contemporary Knowledge Society. Nordic Society for Educational Research (NFPF).
Reykjavik, 2004.
Jokela, P. & Karlsudd, P. (2004). Evaluation of a videoconference supported course
based on general system theory. The 48th annual conference of the International
Society for the Systems Sciences, ISSS, 2004. Asilomar, Kalifornien.
Jokela, P. & Karlsudd, P. (2005). Thesis web dialogue. e-Society 2005, Proceedings of
the IADIS International Conference. Qavra, Malta 27, 2005. ISBN 972-8939-03-5.
Karlsudd, P. (2005). KIDSS a system of communication, information, documentation,
collaboration and consensus [KIDSS, ett system för kommunikation, information,
dokumentation, samverkan och samsyn]. National Meeting of the Swedish Medical
Association, Älvsjö, Stockholm, 2005.
Karlsudd, P. & Tågerud, Y. (2005). Meetings in flexible learning [Att mötas i flexibelt
lärande]. Proceedings Utvecklingskonferensen 2005, CED Lunds
unervitetspedagogiska utvecklingsenhet. Lund: Lunds universitet.
Karlsudd, P. & Diedrichs, P. (2006). Thesis web dialogue [Uppsatsdialogen].
Netlearning: Ronneby 2006.
Bilaga C
Karlsudd, P. & Tågerud, Y. (2006). Pedagogical development of flexible learning. 6th
Conference of the International Consortium for Educational Development Enhancing
Academic Development Practice: International Perspectives Sheffield Hallam
University, United Kingdom.
Karlsudd, P. (2006). E-Effective rehabilitation: A system for communication, information,
documentation and collaboration. Proceedings of E-Learn E -World Conference on ELearning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education. Honolulu,
Hawaii, USA., 2006.
Jokela, P., Karlsudd, P. & Östlund, M. (2006). SUV, systematic evaluation [SUV,
Systematisk utvärdering. Metod och IT-stöd för utvärdering på systemvetenskaplig
grund]. National Meeting of the Swedish Medical Association, Göteborg, 2006.
Jokela, P., Karlsudd, P. & Östlund, M. (2007). Systematic evaluation of quality
improvement [Systematisk utvärdering för kvalitetsförbättring]. Conference
Innovation Capacity - learning relevance to new results, Jönköping,
Diedrichs, P. Karlsudd, P. & Willén, Lundgren, B. (2007). Flexible offer traditional
choices? An experiment with alternative assessment methods in teacher education.
[Flexibla erbjudande, traditionella val? Ett försök med alternativa examinationsformer
i lärarutbildningen]. The National Agency's quality conference at Umeå University,
Karlsudd, P. & Stigmar, M. (2008). Pass it on! Shared knowledge and competence.
International Conference on Technology, Communication, and Education TCE2008 in
Kuwait city.
Karlsudd, P. (2011). MIT seminar at Mälardalens högskola, Eskilstuna. Support for
learning? Opportunities and obstacles in the realization and implementation of web
Diedrichs, P., Karlsudd, P. (2012). Teachers‟ and students‟ opposing views on
assessment. Conference of The Academic Forum, Tampa Florida.
Review articles, book chapters, books
Jokela, P. & Karlsudd, P. (2004). “Doctor's study on link”. Experiences from an SKcourse in emergency medicine, conducted with support of video communications.
[Läkare lär på länk. Erfarenheter från en SK-kurs i akutmedicin, genomförd med stöd
av videokommunikation]. BBS research reports 2004:2.
Bilaga C
Jokela, P. & Karlsudd, P. (2005). Learning safe. IT Security in the Net University's
distance learning. [Att lära säkert. IT-säkerhet i Nätuniversitetets distansutbildningar].
Umeå: Umeå Centre for Evaluation Research.
Jokela, P. & Karlsudd, P. (2006). Essay Dialogue. The development and testing of IT
support for tutors and thesis writers. [Uppsatsdialogen. Utvecklingen och test av
IT-stöd för handledare och uppsatsskrivare]. Härnösand: NSHU, (Agency for
Networks and Cooperation in Higher Education).
Karlsudd, P. & Tågerud, Y. (2008). Meeting in flexible learning. [Att mötas i flexibelt
lärande] in Strategisk pedagogisk utveckling. Lunds universitet, Centre for
Educational Development, CED, i samarbete med NSHU, (Agency for Networks
and Cooperation in Higher Education),
Algers, A.; Fransson, T.; Karlsudd, P.; Lagergren, S.; Nilsson, A.; Oja, BM.; Tågerud,
Y.; (2008) Widening participation, distance learning and educational development
in higher education in Australia - Report from study tour December 2007. [Breddad
rekrytering, distansutbildning och pedagogisk utveckling inom högre utbildning i
Australien – rapport från studieresa december 2007]. NSHU (Agency for Networks
and Cooperation in Higher Education).
Karlsudd, P. & Dietrichs, P. (2008). Final report of the project, open educational
resources. [Slutrapport från projektet öppna lärresurser]. University of Kalmar.
Karlsudd, P. (2011). Sorting discrimination or inclusion. [Sortering och
diskriminering eller inkludering]. University of Kalmar. Specialpedagogiska rapporter
och notiser, nr 6. Högskolan i Kristianstad.
* Karlsudd, P. (2011). Support for learning– possibilities and obstacles in learning
applications. Mälardalen University.
* Karlsudd, P. (2011). "Integration reserve " - is there anything left?
[Integreringsreservatet‖– finns det kvar?] In Klerfelt, A. & Haglund, B. (Red.).
Leisure Education - Theories and practices [Fritidspedagogik - Fritidshemmets teorier
och praktiker.] Stockholm: Liber.
* Karlsudd, P. (2012). Diagnose to inclusion - a dejected reflection? [Att diagnostisera
till inkludering - en (upp)given fundering?] In Barow, T & Östlund, D. (Red).
Education for all! An educational challenge. [Bildning för alla! En pedagogisk
utmaning. Kristianstad,] Högskolan i Kristianstad. 175-184.
Bilaga C
* Karlsudd, P. (2012). Discriminatory schools [Diskriminerande skolformer.] In
Elmeroth, E. (Red). Norm Critical Perspectives - in equality work. [Normkritiska
perspektiv – i skolans likabehandlingsarbete.] Lund, Studentlitteratur
Karlsudd, P. (2012). Family Collaboration and consensus supported by IT.
[Familjesamverkan och samsyn med stöd av IT.] In Benzein, E.; Hagberg, M. &
Saveman, B-I. (Red). Meeting the families in care. [Att möta familjer inom vård och
omsorg.] Lund, Studentlitteratur.
* Willén, Lundgren, B. & Karlsudd, P. (2012). Relational markings and special
educational perspective in the leisure-practice [Relationella avtryck och
specialpedagogiska perspektiv i fritidshemmets praktik.] In Aspelin, J (Red.)
Relational special education. Perspectives on education, organisation and research.
[Relationell specialpedagogik. Perspektiv på utbildning, verksamhet och forskning.]
Kristianstad Univ. Press
Popular science. Examples
Special school national conference in Karlstad, Integration capabilities and conditions,
Lecture on distance education, conference of southern Sweden's learning centres,
University of
Växjö, 2005
Lecture and demonstration of the Essay Dialogue at the Quality Fair in Gothenburg,
VITALIS Conference, Meeting Point for IT in health cares. Invited by the Swedish
Society for Medical Informatics. Gothenburg, 2006
E-learning in medicine and nursing education. Centre for Cognition, Understanding &
Learning , Karolinska Institutet, 2006
To be developed with an intellectual disability, moment pedagogy. Organizer:
Association for special education teachers in habilitation, Kalmar, 2006
Appointed by the Agency for Networks and Cooperation in Higher Education to present
an example of educational development at the conference Online Educa Berlin 2006,
12th International Conference on Thechnology Supporteed Learning & Traning.
Biennale of special education and learning disabilities Lindköping, 2007
Disability Research Day. Theme: Inclusion past and present. Organizer: HAREC Center
for Disability and Rehabilitation Research. Kristianstad, 2009
Bilaga C
Scandinavian conference on Health Informatics. SUV - systematic evaluation - Methods
and IT support for the evaluation of systems science basis, Aalborg University, Denmark,
Bilaga C
Associate professor Per Lindqvist
Peer-reviewed articles
Lindqvist, P. & Nordänger, U.K. (2006). Who dares to disconnect in the age of
uncertainty? Teachers‘ recesses and ―off-the-clock‖ work. Teachers and
Teaching: theory & practice, Vol.12, No. 6, December 2006, pp. 623-637.
Lindqvist, P. & Nordänger, U.K. (2007). Better safe than sorry? Risk and
Educational Resarch. Educational Studies, Vol. 33, No. 1, March 2007, pp. 1527.
Lindqvist, P. & Nordänger, U.K. (2007). (Mis-?) using the E-Delphi Method. An
Attempt to Articulate Practical Knowledge of Teaching, Scientific Journals
International, Journal of Research Methods and Methodological Issues,
http://scientificjournals.org Vol. 1 Issue 1, 2007.
Lindqvist, P. & Nordänger, U.K. (2007).―Lost in translation?‖ Om relationen
mellan lärares praktiska kunnande och professionella språk [Lost in translation?
On the relation between teachers‘ practical knowledge and professional
language]. Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige, Årg. 12, Nr 3, s. 177-193.
Lindqvist, P., Nordänger, U.K. & Landahl, J. (2009). Insurance and assurance –
Teachers‘ strategies in the regimes of risk and audit. European Educational
Research Journal, Vol. 8, No. 4, pp.508-519.
Lindqvist, P. & Nordänger, U.K. (2010). Encounters in metaphors: connecting the
bridgeheads of teachers´ practical knowledge and professional language.
International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning, Vol 6, No. 1, s. 49-61.
Lindqvist, P. (2010). Ödmjuk orubblighet – en avgörande kvalitet i lärares
yrkeskunnande [Humble tenacity – a crucial quality in teacher knowledge].
Didaktisk tidskrift, Vol 19, No. 1. s.1-17. http://www.didaktisktidskrift.se
Lindqvist, P. & Nordänger, U.K. (2011). Mellan försiktighetsprinciper och
kreativitetsmod. Lärares arbete som balansakt i risk- och granskningssamhället
[Between precautinary principles and courage of creativity. Teachers‘ work as an
act of balance in the risk- and audit society]. Nordic Studies in Education, Vol.
31, pp 180-193
Nordänger, U.K., Lindqvist, P., Gerevall, P., Hegender, H. & Linnér, S. (2011). The
fuzziness of failing teacher students – indicators and procedures. Conference
proceedings vid ISATT-konferensen (International Study Association on Teacher
and Teaching) i Braga, Portugal
Nordänger, U.K. & Lindqvist, P. (2012). Att skärpa den praktiska blacken –
handledares erfarenheter av försök att förstärka kvalitet i VFU genom att rikta
uppmärksamheten mot det egna kunnandet [Sharpening the practical eye –
mentors experiences of enhancing quality in student teaching by paying attention
to their own practical knowing]. Utbildning och Lärande, Vol. 6, No 1, s. 80-97
Hegender, H.; Lindqvist. P. & Nordänger, UK. (2012). Från samspråk om
lämplighet mot förhandling om skicklighet? Bedömningssamtal under
verksamhetsförlagd lärarutbildning [From conversations about suitability to
negotiation of proficiency? Student-teaching conferences within practicum of
teacher education]. Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige, Årg. 17, Nr 1-2, s. 61-80.
Bilaga C
Peer-reviewed conference contributions
Lindqvist, P. & Nordänger, U.K. (2006). Turned on and Tuned in – teachers work
outside classrooms. Paper presenterat vid International Congress of Qualitative
Research, University of Illinois, USA, maj 2006.
Lindqvist, P. & Nordänger, U.K. (2008). Finding Ways of articulating teachers‟
practical knowledge. (Mis-?) using the e-delphi method. Paper presenterat vid
AERA (American Educational Research Association) kongress i New York mars
Lindqvist, P. & Nordänger, U.K. (2008). Lost in translation? Relations between
teachers‟ practical knowledge and professional language. Paper presenterat vid
AERA (American Educational Research Association) kongress i New York mars
Lindqvist, P. & Nordänger, U.K. (2009). School-staging and back-watching –
teachers‟ strategies in risk conscious schools. Paper presenterat vid EERA
(European Sociological Association Conference) kongressen i Lissabon
september 2009.
Lindqvist, P. (2010) Better safe than sorry- teachers‟ work in the regimes of risk
and audit. Paper presenterat vid DPR-conference (Discourse, Power and
Resistance, University of Greenwich
Lindqvist, P & Nordänger, U.K. (2011). The fuzziness of failing teacher students
– indicators and procedures. Paper accepterat till ISATT, Braga.
Review articles, book chapters, books
Lindqvist, P. (2005). En oändlig historia [A never ending story]. I M. Sjöberg & I.
Westlund (Red.). Gränslösa tider och tidlösa gränser i skolans vardag
[Boundless times and timeless boundaries in the everyday of schools]. Linköping:
Lindqvist, P. & Nordänger, U.K. (2008). Att studera lärararbetets ‖insida‖ grundad teori som vetenskapligt redskap [To study the inside of teachers‘ work –
grounded theory as a tool]. C. Aili, U. Blossing & U. Tornberg (Red.). Läraren i
blickpunkten – olika perspektiv på lärares liv och arbete [The teacher in the
limelight – different perspectives on teachers‟ lives and work]. Pedagogiska
magasinets skriftserie nr. 7. Stockholm: Lärarförbundets Förlag.
Lindqvist, P. & Nordänger, U.K. (2009b). Preventiva och promotiva strategier i
risksamhällets skola – 8000 år av erfarenhet [Preventive and promotive strategies
in schools of risk society – 800 years of experience]. . Rapport. Högskolan i
Kalmar. Humanvetenskapliga institutionen.
Bilaga C
Associate professor Stefan Lund
1. Peer-reviewed articles
Lund, S (2007). Valfrihet och konkurrens: Utvecklingstendenser inom
gymnasieutbildningen, (Educational choice and school competition – recent tendencies in
upper secondary education). Pedagogisk Forskning i Sverige, 12, (4), 281-300. (* )
Lund, S. (2008). Choice paths in the Swedish upper secondary education: a critical
discourse analysis of recent reforms, Journal of Education Policy, 23, (6), 633-648, 2008.
(* )
Lund, S & Olofsson, E (2009). Vem är idrottseleven? Idrottsprofilerad
gymnasieutbildning och selektion, (Who is the Sport pupil´s: sport profiled education and
selection), SVEBIs årsbok, 125-150.
Trondman, M, Lund A & Lund, S (2011). Socio-Symbolic Homologies: Exploring Paul
Willis‘ Theory of Cultural Forms, European Journal of Cultural Studies, 14(5) 573 –592.
(* )
Lund, S (2012) Regulation and deregulation in education policy: new reforms and school
sport in Swedish upper secondary education, Sport, Education and Society, iFirst article.
1-17. (*)
Lund, S & Sundberg, D. (2012). Kunskaper för en ny tid: Pedagogisk kritik av samtidens
kunskapspraktiker. (Knowledge for a new time: pedagogical criticue of contemporary
educational practices), Utbildning och Demokrati. 21. 5-14.
Lund, S & Sundberg, D (red) (2012). Temanummer, Utbildning & Demokrati: Kunskaper
för en ny tid (Knowledge for a new time) Örebro, Örebro universitet. (* )
Lund, S. (2013). Choice paths in the Swedish upper secondary education: a critical
discourse analysis of recent reforms Social Theory and Education Research: Fourvolume set. Thousand Oaks, Sage Publications. 1-1496.
2. Referee-bedömda konferensbidrag (Peer-reviewed conference contributions)
European Educational Research Association (EERA). Geneve, Schweiz, 13-16
september 2006. Market and Citizenship - Pupils´ Action of Choice in the
Integration and Differentiation Processes of Upper Secondary Education.
European Educational Research Association (EERA). Ghent, Belgien, 19-22
September 2007. Theoretical reflections on participatory research.
Bilaga C
European Association for Sociology of Sport (EASS). Bled, Slovenien 22 – 25
Maj, 2008: Sport, Culture & Society. Pupils‟ choices of sport profiled education
in upper secondary school.
15th SMAANZ Conference, Brisbane, 2009. Good Sport Environments.
Empowerment, Participation and Sports Performance in Golf, Athletics and Ice
American sociological association, ASA Las Vegas, USA, 20-23 19-23 augusti
2011, Round table, Educational reform and school sport in Swedish upper
secondary education
European Educational Research Association, ECER Berlin.13-16 september 2011,
Paper presentation, Regulation and deregulation in education policy: new reforms
and school sport in the Swedish upper secondary school
3. Monografier (Monographs)
Lund, S (2006). Marknad och medborgare – elevers valhandlingar i
gymnasieutbildningens integrations- och differentieringsprocesser (Market and
citizenship – Pupils´ action of choice in the integration and differentiation
processes of upper secondary education). Växjö: Växjö University Press (Diss.).
4. Översiktsartiklar, bokkapitel, böcker (Review articles, book chapters, books)
Lund, S (2006). Utbildningsexpansion och idrottsgymnasier, Svensk idrottsforskning, 15,
(4), 56-58.
Gillberg, C & Lund, S (2009). Kampen om utrymme för lärande på en arbetsplats
som förskolan (The strugle for learning in pree school). I: Angelfors, C. &
Schömer, E. (Red.) En bok om genus: Nyfikenhet, nytänkande, nytta. Växjö:
Växjö University Press. (** )
Lund, S. (2011). Barn och barndomsforskning i pedagogik under 2000-talet
(Children and childhood in Education during the 2000 century). Växjö:
Skriftserie för Institutionen för pedagogik, psykologi och idrottsvetenskap. (**)
Lund, S (2010). Idrottsutbildning och utbildningsreformer: en kartläggningsstudie
av Sveriges gymnasiala idrottsutbildning. FoU-rapport. Stockholm:
Lund, S (2011). De önskade och oönskade specialidrottseleverna, Svensk
Idrottsforskning, 20 (3) 18-20, 2011.
Lund, S (2012). Bostadsområde, klasserfarenhet och fritidspraktiker (Recidence,
class experience and lesiure). I L. Arsand & P. Arsand (red). Familjeliv och
lärande. Lund, Studentlitteratur. 225-243. (**)
Bilaga C
Lund, S (2012) Nationellt godkända idrottsgymnasier: certifiering och
talangidentifikation. Stockhom: Svenska Riksidrottsförbundet.
5. Patent (Patents)
6. Egenutvecklade allmänt tillgängliga datorprogram (Open access computer
programs that you have developed)
7. Populärvetenskapliga artiklar/presentationer (Popular science
Expertpanel, Skolverket, tillsammans med bl.a Lisbeth Lundahl, Anders
Fredriksson, Skolmarknadsseminarium, Stockholm, sept. 2010.
Föreläsare, Sveriges vägledarförening, Stockholm, 25 oktober 2012. Elevers
valhandlingar och gymnasieskolors profileringsstrategier.
Bilaga C
Anette Emilson, PhD
Peer-reviewed articles
Emilson, A. & Folkesson, A-M. (2006). Children‘s participation and Teacher control.
Early Child Development and Care, 3-4(176), 219-238.
Emilson, A. (2007). Young Children‘s Influence in Preschool. International Journal of
Early Childhood, 1(39), 11-38.
Emilson, A. (2008). Det önskvärda barnet. Fostran uttryckt i vardagliga
kommunikationshandlingar mellan lärare och barn i förskolan. [The Desirable Child.
Fostering of Values Expressed in Everyday Interactions Between Teachers and
Children in Preschool] Göteborg: ACTA Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 268.
Emilson, A. & Johansson, E. (2009). Communicated values in teacher and toddler
interactions in preschool. In D. Berthelsen, J. Brownlee, & E. Johansson (Red),
Participatory Learning and the Early years. Routledge, Taylor & Frances Group.
Emilson, E. Pramling Samuelsson, I. (2012). Jakten på det kompetenta barnet. [Looking
for the competent child] Nordisk Barnehageforskning. 5(21), 1-16.
Emilson, A. & Johansson, E. (2013). Participation and gender in circle-time situations in
preschool. International Journal of Early Years Education.
Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers
Bjervås, L. & Emilson, A. (2003). The encounter between the adult and the child in
pedagogical practice. Presented paper at the Cice Conference, Braga 2003.
Emilson, A. & Bjervås, L. (2004). The child´s perspective in pedagogical practice.
Presented paper at Nfpf 32:a Congress, Reykjavik, Island, 11-13 mars.
Emilson, A. & Folkesson, A-M. (2004). Participation in a preschool practice. Presented
paper, in press for the Cice network project, Krakov 20-23 maj.
Emilson, A. & Bjervås, B. (2004). Barns perspektiv i pedagogisk praktik. [The child‘s
perspective in educational practice] Förskolebiennalen, Norrköping, den 20-21
september 2004.
Emilson, A. (2006). Young children‟s influence in a preschool context. Presented paper at
the CiCe Conference, Riga, May 2006.
Emilson, A. (2006). Children‟s influence in preschool. Presented paper at the OMEP
international conference ―The grate little researcher‖, Tromsø, 7-11 augusti 2006.
Emilson, A. (2010). The Desirable Child in Preschool. Presented paper at the Nfpf
Conference, Malmö, 11-13 mars.
Emilson, A. & Johansson, E. (2011). Resistance and conflicts. Educational challenges
and inspirations in working with young children in preschool. (presented paper, Oslo,
Emilson, A. & Pramling Samulesson, I. (2012). Looking for the competent child.
(Presented paper, EECERA, Porto sep 2012.
Johansson, E. & Emilson, A. (2010). Rights, care and Gender in Norwegian and Swedish
preschools. Presented paper at the AME conference in St Louis USA, November.
Johansson, E. & Emilson, A. (2011). Rights and gender in circle time situations.
Presented paper at the EECERA conference, 14-17 September.
Bilaga C
Peer-Reviewed journal articles, books, chapters etc
Bjervås, L. & Emilson, A. (2003). The encounter between the adult and the child in
pedagogical practice. In: A Europe of Many Cultures. Edited by Ross, A. London: a
CiCe publication.
Emilson, A. (2002). Om barnet i centrum. [About the child in focus] I: Socialt
perspektiv,(4) 51-63. IKM, Växjö Universitet.
Emilson, A. (2003). Sätta barnet i centrum – en fråga om perspektiv.. I: Förskolan –
barns första skola. [Preschool – the child‘s first school] Red. Johansson, E. &
Pramling Samuelsson, I. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Emilson, A. & Folkesson, A-M. (2004). Participation related to a child perspective. In:
The Experience of Citizenship. Edited by Ross; A. London: a CiCe publication.
Emilson, A. (2007). ―Säger dom vetenskaplig en gång till spyr jag!‖ – examensarbetets
processaspekt. I U-K. Nordänger & M. Havung (Red.) ―Säger dom vetenskaplig en
gång till spyr jag!” – erfarenheter av att handleda examensarbeten. [‖If they say
scientifically one more time I will throw up – experiences of tutoring final essays in
teacher training programs] (65-84). Rapport från lärarutbildningen och
humanvetenskapliga institutionen, Högskolan i Kalmar.
Emilson, A. (2011). Democracy learning in a preschool context. In Pramling, N., &
Pramling Samuelsson, I. (Eds.). Educational encounters: Nordic studies in early
childhood didactics [preliminary title]. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.
Emilson, A. & Johansson, E. (2012). Kommunikation af værdier til born. I K Poulsgaard
Liberg (Red) Forskning i pædagogisk praksis. [Research in pedagogical praxis]
Køpenhavn: Akademisk forlag.
Pramling Samuelsson, I. & Emilson, A. (2003). Early Childhood Education – a meeting
place for challenges. In: Social learning, inclusiveness and exclusiveness in Europe.
Editor: Krzywosz-Rynkiewicz, B. & Ross, A. Stoke on Trent, UK and Sterling, USA:
Trentham Books.
Bilaga C
Anne-Mari Folkesson, PhD
Referee-bedömda artiklar (Peer-reviewed articles)
*Emilson, A., & Folkesson, A. -M. (2006) Children´s participation and teacher control. Early
Child Development and Care (an interdisciplinary journal).
*Folkesson, A. M., & Swalander, L. (2007). Self-regulated learning through writing on
computers: consequences for reading ability. Computers in Human Behavior, 23, 2488-2508.
*Swalander, L., & Folkesson, A. M., (2009). Computer use in primary school: A case study of
self-regulated learning. I: A. Efklides & P Misailidi (eds.), Trends and prospects in metacognition
research. New York, Springer. 395-426.
*Lindahl, M., & Folkesson, A. -M., (2012). Can we let computers change practice?
Educators‘ interpretations of preschool tradition. Computers in Human Behavior, 28, 1728-1737.
*Lindahl, M. , & Folkesson, A.-M., (2012). ICT in preschool: friendor foe? The significance of
norms in a changing practice. International Journal of Early Years Education, 20, 422-436.
Referee-bedömda konferensbidrag (Peer-reviewed conference contributions),
Översiktsartiklar, bokkapitel, böcker (Review articles, book chapters, books)
Patent (Patents), ange datum för registrering.
Egenutvecklade allmänt tillgängliga datorprogram (Open access computer programs that
you have developed)
Populärvetenskapliga artiklar/presentationer (Popular science articles/presentations)
Bilaga C
PhD Elisabeth Frank
Publications Appendix C
Elisabeth Frank 580506-5660
Doctoral thesis
Frank, E. (2009). Läsförmågan bland 9-10-åringar. Betydelsen av skolklimat, hem- och
skolsamverkan, lärarkompetens och elevers hembakgrund. Doktorsavhandling.
Göteborg: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis.
Peer-reviewed conference contributions
Emilsson, A., Frank, E. & Herrlin, K. (2005). Om ni säger vetenskapligt en gång till så
spyr jag, examensarbete i den nya lärarutbildningen. Paper presenterat vid
Utvecklingskonferens för högre utbildning. Karlstad. 17/11/2005.
Frank, E. & Herrlin, K. (2006). Den motsägelsefulla distansutbildningen. Paper
presenterat vid Neatlearning 2006. Ronneby, 09/05/06.
Frank, E. & Rosén, M. (2008). A two-level analysis of reading achievement in grade 3 in
Sweden; the impact of teacher competence and student cultural capital. Paper
presenterat vid The European Conference on Educational Research, Göteborg, 89/09/2008.
Frank, E. & Rosén, M. (2008). On the Importance of Parental Participation for Student
Achievement in Reading Literacy. Paper presenterat vid The 3rd IEA International
Research Conference, Chinese Taipei, Taiwan, 18-20/09/2008.
Frank, E & Rosén, M. (2009). Effects of a safe school and classroom climate on reading
achievement within and between classes in primary school. Paper presenterat vid The
13th biennial Conference EARLI. Amsterdam, 25-29/2009.
Frank, E. & Rosén, M. (2010). On the Importance of a Safe School and Classroom
Climate for Student Achievement in Reading Literacy. Paper presenterat vid The 4rd
IEA International Research Conference, Göteborg, 1-3/06/2010.
Frank, E.(2010). Home and school cooperation - an indicator of teacher competence.
Paper presenterat vid Nordiske læreruddannelseskonference, Hjørring, Danmark 58/05/2010.
Frank, E. & Herrlin, K. (2012). Se och hör i när och fjärran. Paper presenterat vid
NU2010 – Dialog för lärande. Stockholm, 13-15/10/2012.
Frank, E. (2011). Skriving i lærerutdanningene - Studenter minns mötet med
skriftspråket. Paper presenterat vid Skriv! Les!Nordiske Forskerkonferansen om
skriving og lesing. Stavanger, Norge, 30/5-1/6/2011.
Frank, E. (2011). Poster presenterad vid The 1th EERA-Spring School on Advanced
Methods in Educational Research. Dortmund, Tyskland, 21-25/02/2011.
Bilaga C
Review articles, book chapters, books
Folkesson, A-M, Frank, E. Herrlin, K. & Nestlog, E. (2007). Så här gjorde vi!
Erfarenheter från ett arbetslag. I M. Hawung & U-K. Nordänger (Red.) Säger dom
vetenskapligt en gång till spyr jag. Erfarenheter av att handleda examensarbeten.
Skolmästarskap i ett nytt århundrade, 5:2007.
Frank, E. & Herrlin, K. (2006). När och fjärran – En studie kring genomströmning i
utbildning på distans. Rapport från Institutionen för Hälso- och Beteendevetenskap,
2006:1. Högskolan i Kalmar.
Herrlin, K,., Frank, E. & Ackesjö, H. (2012). Förskoleklassens didaktik. Möjligheter och
utmaningar. Stockholm: Natur och Kultur.
Bilaga C
Henrik Hegender, PhD
Peer-Reviewed Articles
Gardesten, J., & Hegender, H. (2013). Underkännanden inom verksamhetsförlagd
lärarutbildning. Resultat från en forskningsexpedition i svårframkomlig terräng [Failures
in school-based teacher education. Results from a research expedition in difficult terrain].
Didaktisk Tidskrift. 23. 451-476.
Hegender, H., Lindqvist, P., & Nordänger, U.K. (2012). Från samspråk om
lämplighet mot förhandling om skicklighet? Bedömningssamtal i verksamhetsförlagd
lärarutbildning [From talking about suitability to negotiation of skills? Student-teaching
conferences in school-based teacher education]. Pedagogisk Forskning i Sverige. 12. 6179.
Hegender, H. (2010). The assessment of student teachers' academic and professional
knowledge in school-based teacher education. Scandinavian Journal of Educational
Research, 54. 151-171.
Hegender, H. (2010). Villkor och praxis. Bedömning av lärarstudenters
yrkeskunskaper under verksamhetsförlagd utbildning [Conditions and praxis. Assessment
of student teachers‘ vocational knowledge in school-based teacher education]. Nordic
Studies in Education.. 30. 180-197.
Hegender, H. (2007). Lärarutbildningars kunskapsmål för verksamhetsförlagd utbildning.
Ett mischmasch av teori och praktik [Learning objectives in teacher education programs.
A mishmash of theory and practice]. Pedagogisk Forskning i Sverige. 12. 194-207.
Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers
Nordänger, U.K., Lindqvist, P., Hegender, H., & Gardesten, J. (2011). Att skärpa den
praktiska blicken. En modell för ökad kvalitet i handledning och bedömning av
yrkeskunnande [Reinforcing the practical eye. A model for improving quality in
mentoring and assessment of professional competence]. Paper presented at the annual
VILÄR Conference (Work-integrated Learning), Skövde, Sweden.
Hegender, H., Lindqvist, P., & Nordänger, U.K. (2011). The assessment of student
teachers' vocational knowledge. A design experiment. Paper presented at the Conference
of EERA (European Educational Research Association), Berlin.
Lindqvist, P., Nordänger, U.K., Hegender, H., Gerrevall, P., & Linnér, S. (2011). The
fuzziness of failing teacher students - indicators and procedures. Paper presented at the
Conference of ISATT, Braga, Portugal.
Bilaga C
Hegender, H., Lindqvist, P., & Nordänger, U.K. (2010). The assessment of student
teachers' vocational knowledge: A design experiment. Paper presented at Forskarskolan i
pedagogisk bedömning [Graduate School of Educational Assessment] (Forsknings- och
utvecklingskonferens), Stockholm.
Hegender, H. (2009). Akademisk och professionell kunskap. Bedömning av
lärarstudenters kunskaper. Paper presented at the Conference "Gränssättning inom och
utanför professioner", NPF (Svenska Nätverket för Professionsforskning) [The Swedish
Network of Research on Professions], Malmö, Sweden.
Hegender, H. (2009). Formellt eller tyst? Bedömning av lärarstudenters
verksamhetsförlagda kunskaper [Formal or tacit? Assessment of student teachers‘ schoolbased competence]. Paper presented at the VILÄR Conference (Work-integrated
Learning), Trollhättan, Sweden.
Hegender, H. (2009). In between academy and profession. The formulation and
assessment of student teachers‘ knowledge in Swedish teacher education. Paper presented
at the 37th Congress of NERA (Nordic Educational Research Association), Trondheim,
Review Articles, Book Chapters, Books
Hegender, H. (2010). Mellan akademi och profession. Hur lärarkunskap formuleras och
bedöms i verksamhetsförlagd lärarutbildning [Between academy and profession. How
teacher knowledge is formulated and assessed in school-based teacher education; in
Swedish]. Doctoral Thesis. Linköping Studies in Pedagogic Practices, No 12. Linköping
University, Sweden.
Popular Science Articles/Presentations
Hegender, H. (in press). ‖Tyst‖ men skickligt. Bedömning av lärarstudenter i
idrottslärarpraktik [Tacit and skillful. Assessment of student teachers in physical teaching
practice]. In E. Backman, & L. Larsson. (Eds). I takt med tiden? Perspektiv på
idrottslärarutbildning i Skandinavien. Lund, Sweden: Studentlitteratur.
Hegender, H. (2011). Examinerar vi närvaro eller kunskap - det är frågan? [Do we exam
presence or knowledge – that‘s the question?] Högre Utbildning. 1. 73-74.
Bilaga C
Jan Håkansson, PhD
1. Peer-reviewed conference contributions
Håkansson, Jan & Nygren, Hans-Göran (2008). Universitetets samverkan med kommuner
och skolor – Ett integrativt perspektiv på lärarutbildning och skolutveckling. (University
Collaboration with Municipalities and Schools. An Integrative Perspective on Teacher
Education and School Improvement; in Swedish). Bidrag till den 10 nordiska
lärarutbildningskongressen, Reykjavik, maj 2008.
Håkansson, Jan (2009). Relevansen av kunskapsöversikter i skolan – passivisering eller
skolutveckling? (The Relevance of Research Reviews in School – Passivation or School
Improvement; in Swedish). Bidrag till den 3 nordiska läroplansteorikonferensen, Växjö
oktober 2009
Håkansson, Jan & Sundberg, Daniel (2010) Research Reviews and Knowledge Politics:
the Representation and Construction of the International Research Field on Teaching and
Learning 1990-2009. Bidrag till ECER-konferensen Helsingfors, augusti 2010.
Sundberg, Daniel, Håkansson, Jan, Adolfsson, Carl-Henrik (2013). The
Recontextualisation of Curriculum Reform – Local curriculum innovation under the
accountability regime of the new Swedish Curriculum, Lgr11. Bidrag till ECER
konferensen Istanbul, September 2013 (kommande).
2. Review articles, book chapters, books
Adolfsson, Carl-Henrik, Håkansson, Jan & Sundberg, Daniel (2011). Innovativa
lärandemiljöer – En fallstudie av entrepenöriellt lärande i svensk grundskola. (Innovative
Learning Environments – A Case Study of Entrepeneurial Learning i Swedish
Comprehensive School; in Swedish). OECD, ILE-projektet (Innovative learning
Håkansson, Jan (2008). Kvalitetsredovisning som lärande mellan policy och praktik.
(Quality Audits as Learning Between Policy and Practice; in Swedish). I Fritzell (red).
Att tolka pedagogikens språk – perspektiv och diskurser. (To Interprete the Language of
Pedagogics – Perspectives and Discourses; in Swedish). Acta Wexionensia Nr 143/2008.
Växjö University Press.
Håkansson, Jan & Sundberg, Daniel (2009). Skolans inre arbete och skolans resultat.
[The inner workings of schools and achievement results; in Swedish]. In Skolverket
(Ed.). Vad påverkar resultaten i grundskolan? Kunskapsöversikt om betydelsen av olika
faktorer. [What influences the results in Swedish comprehensive school? A knowledge
Bilaga C
review of the importance of different factors; in Swedish], (pp. 207-258). Stockholm:
Håkansson, Jan & Sundberg, Daniel (2012). Forskning om undervisning och lärande – en
internationell och nationell översikt. [Research on teaching and learning – an
international and national review; in Swedish]. Rapport från CARL-projektet
(Comparative Analysis of Research on Teaching and Learning). Växjö: Linneaus
University. *
Håkansson, Jan & Sundberg, Daniel (2012). Utmärkt undervisning. Framgångsfaktorer i
svensk och internationell belysning. (Excellent teaching. Success Factors in Light of
Swedish and International Research; in Swedish). Stockholm: Natur & Kultur. *
Håkansson, Jan (2013). Systematiskt kvalitetsarbete – strategier och metoder.
(Systematic Quality Work – Strategies and Methods; in Swedish) Lund: Studentlitteratur
3. Popular science articles/presentations
Håkansson, Jan (2011). Synligt lärande. Presentation av en studie om vad som påverkar
elevers studieresultat. (Visible Learning. Presentation of a Study on What Influences
Student Achievement; in Swedish). Sveriges kommuner och landsting.
Håkansson, J. (2011). Strukturerad undervisning – det nya didaktiska honnörsordet.
Perspektiv på lärares ledarskap i klassrummet. (Direct Instruction – the New Word of
Honour in Pedagogics. Perspectives on Teachers Classroom Management; in Swedish). I
Psykisk hälsa, (Mental Health; in Swedish) 4-2011, Tema skolan. Stockholm: Föreningen
psykisk hälsa.
Bilaga C
Lise-Lotte Bjervås, PhD
Peer-reviewed conference contributions
Bjervås, L. (2006). Different Ways of Viewing a Child. Presented paper at the Cice
Conference, Riga, den 23-27 maj 2006.
Emilson, A. & Bjervås, L. (2003). The encounter between the adult and the child in
pedagogical practice. Presented paper at the Cice Conference, Braga 2003.
Emilson, A. & Bjervås, L. (2004). The child‟s perspective in pedagogical practice.
Presented paper at Nfpf 32:a Congress, Reykjavik, Island, 11-13 mars.
Emilson, A. & Bjervås, L. (2004). Barns perspektiv i pedagogisk praktik. [ The child‘s
perspective in pedagogical practice]. Förskolebiennalen, Norrköping, den 20-21
september 2004.
Review articles, book chapters, books
Bjervås, L. (2003). Det kompetenta barnet. I: Eva Johansson & Ingrid Pramling
Samuelsson (red), Förskolan - barns första skola (s 55-81). Lund: Studentlitteratur. [The
competent child. In: Eva Johansson & Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson (red), Preschool –
children‟s first school]
(pp 55-81). Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Bjervås, L. & Emilson, A. (2003). The encounter between the adult and the child in
pedagogical practice. In: A Europe of Many Cultures. Edited by Ross, A.
London: a CiCe publication.
Popular science articles/presentations
Bjervås, L. (2011). Pedagogisk dokumentation – ett bedömningsverktyg [Pedagogical
documention – a tool for assessment]. I: Förskoletidningen. Kvalitet i förskolan.
6(36), 16-20.
Pramling Samuelsson, I. , Bjervås, L. & Emilson, A. (2012). Dokumentation,
kommunikation och lärprocesser i förskolan. [ Documentation, communication
and learning processes in preschool]. Samspelet mellan forskning och skola.
Stockholm: Stiftelsen SAF i samverkan med Lärarförbundet.
Bilaga C
Mälardalen University
Professor Anette Sandberg
Associate Professor Laila Niklasson
Anne Lillvist, PhD
Bilaga C
Professor Anette Sandberg
1. Peer-reviewed articles
Sandberg, A. & Pramling-Samuelsson, I. (2005). An Interview Study of Gender
Differences in Preschool Teachers' Attitudes Toward Children's Play. Early
Childhood Education Journal. Vol.32, No 5, 297-305.
Vickerius, M. & Sandberg, A. (2006). The signification of play and the environment
around play. Early Child Development and Care, Vol.176, No 3, 207-217.
Sandberg, A. & Vuorinen, T. (2007). The future is created by and within children.
Australian Journal of Early Childhood, Vol. 32, No 2, 1-7.
Almqvist, L. Sandberg, A. & Uys, K., (2007). The concepts of participation, engagement
and flow: A matter of creating optimal play experiences. South African Journal of
Occuptional Thearphy. Vol.37., No 3, 6-13.
(* *) Johansson, I., Sandberg, A. & Vuorinen, T. (2007).
Practitioner-oriented research
as a tool for professional development. European Early Childhood Education
Research Journal.Vol. 15, No 2, 151-166.
Sandberg, A, Anstett, S & Wahlgren, U (2007). The value of in-service training for
quality in pre-school. Journal of In-Service Education. Vol. 33, No 3, 301-319.
Sandberg, A. & Vuorinen, T. (2008). Dimensions of childhood play and toys. AsiaPacific Journal of Teacher Education.Vol.36, No. 2, 137-148.
Sandberg, A. & Vuorinen, T. (2008). Preschool – home cooperation in change.
International Journal of Early Years Education, Vol.16, No.2, 151-161.
Kuisma, M. & Sandberg, A. (2008). Preschool teachers‘ and student preschool teachers‘
thoughts about professionalism in Sweden. European Early Childhood Education
Research Journal. Vol. 16, No 2, 186-195.
Lillvist, A., Sandberg, A., Björck-Åkesson, E. & Granlund, M. (2009). The construct of
social competence-How preschool teachers define social competence in young
children. International Journal of Early Childhood, Vol. 41, No 1. 51-68.
Bilaga C
Sandberg, A, Norling, M, & Lillvist, A, (2009). Teachers View for Educational Support
to Preschool Children in Need of Special Support. International Journal of Early
Childhood Special Education, Vol.1, No 2, 102-116.
Johansson, I. & Sandberg, A. (2010). Learning and Participation – Two Interrelated Keyconcepts in the Preschool. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal.
Vol. 18, No 2, 229-242. DOI: 10.1080/13502931003784560
Niklasson, L. & Sandberg, A. (2010). Children and Outdoor Environment. European
Early Childhood Education Research Journal, Vol. 18, No 4, 485-496. Special
Edition on Outdoor Play and Learning. DOI: 10.1080/1350293X.2010.525945
Sandberg, A. & Eriksson, A. (2010). Children‘s participation in the pre-school– on the
conditions of the adults? Pre-school teachers concepts of children‘s participation in
pre-schools everyday life. Early Child Development and Care, Vol. 180, No 5, 619–
631. DOI: 10.1080/03004430802181759
Sandberg, A. & Heden, R. (2010). Play‘s Importance in School. Education 3-13, 1-13.
DOI: 10.1080/03004270903530441.
Sandberg, A, Lillvist, A., Eriksson, L., Björck-Åkesson, E. & Granlund, M. (2010).
―Special Support‖ in Preschools in Sweden: Preschool staff‘s definition of the construct.
International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, Vol. 57, No 1, 43-57.
DOI: 10.1080/10349120903537830
Sandberg, A. & Ottosson, L. (2010). Pre-school teachers‘, Other Professionals‘ and
Parental Concerns on Cooperation in Preschool - all Around Children in Need of
Special Support. The Swedish Perspective. International Journal of Inclusive
Education, Vol. 14, No 8, 741-754
Johansson, I. & Sandberg, A. (2011). Learning and Knowledge Development in
Preschool Teacher Education and Practicum. Early Child Development and Care,
Sandberg, A., & Heden, R. (2011). Play‘s Importance in School. Education 3-13, 1-13.
DOI: 10.1080/03004270903530441.
Bilaga C
Sandberg, A., & Ärlemalm-Hagsér, E. (2011).The Swedish National Curriculum - Play
and Learning with the fundamental values in focus. Australiasian Journal of Early
Childhood, Vol. 36, No 1, 44-50.
Ärlemalm-Hagsér, E., & Sandberg, A. (2011). Sustainable development in early
Environmental Education Research Journal, Vol. 17, No 2, 187–200. DOI:
Almqvist, A-L., Sandberg, A., & Dahlgren, L. (2011). Parental leave in Sweden.
Motives, experiences and gender equality amongst parents. Fathering: A Journal of
Research, Theory, and Practice, special issue on Men, Work and Parenting, Vol. 9,
No 1, 189-206.
(* *) Sheridan, S., Williams, P., Sandberg, A
., & Vuorinen, T. (2011). Preschool
teaching in Sweden – a profession in change. Educational Research. Vol. 53, No. 4,
Johansson, I. & Sandberg, A. (2012). Learning and Knowledge Development in
Preschool Teacher Education and Practicum. Early Child Development and Care,
182, (7), 907-920. DOI:10.1080/03004430.2011.592188.
Niklasson, L., & Sandberg, A. (2012). Reflecting on Field studies in Teacher Education Experiences From Student Teachers in Sweden. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher
Education, 33 (3), 287-299. DOI:10.1080/10901027.2012.705807
Sandberg, A., Lillvist, A., Sheridan, S., Williams, P., & Vuorinen, T. (2012) Play
Competence as a Window to Preschool teachers‘ Competence. International Journal
of Play, 1 (2), 184-196. DOI:10.1080/21594937.2012.693385
(* *) Stier, J., Tryggvason, M
-T., Sandström, M., & Sandberg, A. (2012). Diversity
management in preschools using a critical incident approach. Intercultural Education,
23, (4), 285-296.
(* *) Sheridan, S., Williams, P., & Sandberg, A.
(2013). Systematic quality work in
preschool, International Journal of Early Childhood. 45, (1), 123-150. DOI
Bilaga C
Broström, S., Johansson, I., & Sandberg, A., & Frøkjær, T., (i First, published online,
December 2012). Preschool teacher‘s View on Learning in Preschool in Sweden and
Denmark. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal.
Sandström, M., Stier, J .& Sandberg, A. (i First, published online 28 January 2013).
Working with Gender Pedagogics at Fourteen Swedish Preschools. Journal of Early
Childhood Research. DOI: 10.1177/1476718X12466205
Vuorinen, T., Sandberg, A., Sheridan, S., & Williams, P. (accepted, 2013). Preschool
Teachers‘ Views on Competence in the Context of Home and Preschool
Collaboration‖ Early Child Development and Care.
Norling, M, Sandberg, A. & Almqvist, L. (2013 accepted). Engagement and Emergent
Literacy Practices in Swedish Preschools. European Early Childhood Education
Research Journal.
2. Peer-reviewed conference contributions
Sandberg, A. (2005). The future is created by and whitin children – a research platform
for preschool. Paper presented at NFPF´s, NERA´s 33st Congress, ―A Nordic
Dimension in Education and Research – Myth or Reality?‖ 10-13 March, 2005, Oslo,
Sandberg, A., Anstett, S. & Wahlgren, U. (2005). Didactic Implementation in Preschool
after Further Education: The value of Further Education for Quality in Preschool.
Paper presented at the 15th European Conference on Quality in Early Childhood
Participation‖. 31st Aug-3rd Sept, Dublin, Ireland.
Kusima, M. & Sandberg, A. (2005). Teachers‟ and Student Teachers‟ Thoughts about
Professionalism. Paper presented at the 15th European Conference on Quality in Early
Childhood Education (EECERA). ―Young Children as Citizens: Identity, Belonging,
Participation‖. 31st Aug-3rd Sept, Dublin, Ireland.
Sandberg, A. & Vuorinen, T. (2006). Dimensions of childhood play environments. Paper
presented at NFPF´s, NERA´s 34st Congress, ―Education Widens Democracy – Or?‖
9-11 March, 2006, Örebro, Sweden.
Bilaga C
Sandberg, A. & Vuorinen, T. (2006). Pre-school – Home Cooperation in Change. Paper
presented at NFPF´s, NERA´s 34st Congress, ―Education Widens Democracy – Or?‖
9-11 March, 2006, Örebro, Sweden.
Sandberg, A. & Norling, M. (2006). Early intervention for young children in preschool –
general and specific support. Paper presented at NFPF´s, NERA´s 34st Congress,
―Education Widens Democracy – Or?‖ 9-11 March, 2006, Örebro, Sweden.
Sandberg, A., Norling, M., Lillvist, A. (2006). Vilket pedagogiskt stöd och vilka metoder
erbjuds i förskolan till barn i behov av särskilt stöd? Paper presenterat at 10:e
Forskningskonferensen ‖Funktionshinder, Vardagsliv, Habilitering‖, 4-5 april, Örebro.
Sandberg, A. & Vuorinen, T. (2006). Preschool teachers‟ and Parents‟ Views on Forms
of Cooperation. Paper presented at EECERA 16th Conference, ―Democracy and
Culture in Early Childhood Education‖, August 30th - September 2nd, 2006, Reykjavik,
Kusima, M. & Sandberg, A. (2006). Definition of the concept professionalism. Paper
presented at EECERA 16th Conference, ―Democracy and Culture in Early Childhood
Education‖, August 30th - September 2nd, 2006, Reykjavik, Iceland.
Johansson, I., Sandberg, A. & Vuorinen, T. (2006). Practitioner oriented research as a
tool for professional development. Paper presented at EECERA 16th Conference,
―Democracy and Culture in Early Childhood Education‖, August 30th-September 2nd,
2006, Reykjavik, Iceland.
Johansson, I., Sandberg, A. & Vuorinen, T. (2006). Network-based practitioner research.
What is it all about? Some experiences from Swedish pre-schools. Paper presented at
the ECER 16th Conference, ―Transforming knowledge‖, 13-16 September, 2006,
Geneva, Schweiz.
Sandberg, A., Almqvist, L. & Uys, K. (2006). Interrelatedness of participation,
engagement and enjoyment. Paper presented at Research Symposium on Intervention
and Positive Functioning, 27-29 September, 2006, Pretoria, South Africa.
Johansson, I. & Sandberg, A. (2006). Practitioner-oriented research as a tool for
professional development. Paper presenterat vid forskningskonferensen som nätverket
Bilaga C
"Kunskapsbildning och praxis – professionsinriktade examensarbeten", arrangerade 23
-24 november, 2006, Lärarhögskolan i Stockholm.
Norling, M. & Sandberg, A. (2007). Which pedagogical methods, programs and support
are applied in preschool for children in need of special support and grey zone
children? Paper presented at Research in Education and Rehabilitation Sciences. 7th
International scientific conferences. 14-16 June, 2007, Zagreb, Croatia.
Granlund, M., Björck-Åkesson, E., Lillvist, A., & Sandberg, A. (2007). Young Children
in Need of Extra Support in Sweden. Poster presented at Research in Education and
Rehabilitation Sciences. 7th International scientific conferences. 14-16 June, 2007,
Zagreb, Croatia.
Kusima, M. & Sandberg, A. (2007). A day in the Life of an Early Years Practioners:
perspectives on Professionalism. Sweden. Paper presented at EECERA 17th
Conference, ―Exploring Vygotsky´s ideas: Crossing Borders‖, August 29th-September
1nd, 2007, Prague, Czech Republic.
Sandberg, A. & Vuorinen, T. (2007). Experiences from Play Environments. Paper
presented at EECERA 17th Conference, ―Exploring Vygotsky´s ideas: Crossing
Borders‖, August 29th-September 1nd, 2007, Prague, Czech Republic.
Sandberg, A. & Lillvist, A. (2007). The Construct of Children in Need of Special
Support - How do Pre-school Staff define Children in Need of Special Support in
Sweden. Poster presented at EECERA 17th Conference, ―Exploring Vygotsky´s ideas:
Crossing Borders‖, August 29th-September 1nd, 2007, Prague, Czech Republic.
Lillvist, A. & Sandberg, A. (2007).Observations of Social Competence in Preschool
Children. Poster presented at DEC 23th Conference on Young Children with Special
Needs and their Families ―Crossing New Borders‖, October 25-28, Niagara Falls,
Ontario, Canada.
Sandberg, A. & Lillvist, A. (2007). Educational Support to Preschool Children in Need
of Special Support. Poster presented at DEC 23th Conference on Young Children with
Special Needs and their Families ―Crossing New Borders‖, October 25-28, Niagara
Falls, Ontario, Canada.
Bilaga C
Sandberg, A. & Lillvist, A. (2007). Children in Need of Special Support: How is the
Construct Defined? . Poster presented at DEC 23th Conference on Young Children
with Special Needs and their Families ―Crossing New Borders‖, October 25-28,
Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada.
Vuorinen, T. & Sandberg, A. (2007) Attitudes and values towards play and toys reflections over time. Paper presented at the conference ―Citizenship Education as a
Means for Transmitting and Transforming Values and Attitudes‖, October 25-26,
Sintra, Portugal.
Ärlemalm- Hagser, E. & Sandberg, A. (2007). Attitudes and values and pedagogic praxis
- sustainable development in focus. Paper presented at the conference ―Citizenship
Education as a Means for Transmitting and Transforming Values and Attitudes‖,
October 25-26, Sintra, Portugal
Vuorinen, T. & Sandberg, A. (2008). Values and attitudes about play – viewed from a
contemporary historical perspective. Paper presented at NFPF´s, NERA´s 36st
Congress, ―The new goal-orientation of research strategies‖ 6-8 March, 2008,
Copenhagen, Denmark.
Johansson, I. & Sandberg, A. (2008). Learning and participation are two Interrelated
Key-concepts in the Preschool. Paper presented at EECERA Annual Conference
“Reconsidering the Basics in Early Childhood Education”3rd-6th September, 2008,
Stavanger, Norway.
Kuisma, T & Sandberg, A. (2008). A day in the Life of an Early Years Practitioners:
Video from Sweden. Paper presentedat EECERA Annual Conference ―Reconsidering
the Basics in Early Childhood Education‖3rd-6th September, 2008, Stavanger, Norway.
Ärlemalm- Hagser, E. & Sandberg, A. (2008). Education for Sustainable Development in
the Pedagogical Praxis in Swedish Preschool Settings. Paper presented at EECERA
Annual Conference ―Reconsidering the Basics in Early Childhood Education‖, 3rd-6th
September, 2008, Stavanger, Norway.
Johansson, I. & Sandberg, A. (2008). How to examine professional practice knowledge
and praxis development. Paper presented at ECER Conference ―From Teaching to
Learning?‖ 10-12 September, 2008, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Bilaga C
A. &
Johansson, I. (2009). Learning and knowledge development in
preschool teacher training and practicum.
Paper presented at EECERA Annual
Conference ―Diversities in early childhood education‖ 26-29 August 2009, Strasbourg,
Miller, L., Goodliff, G., Cable, C., Woodrow, C., Karila, K., Kinos, J., Urban, M.,
Sandberg, A., Kuisma, M. & Dalli, C. (2009) Crossnational perspectives on
professionalism: Towards a critical ecology of the profession. Paper presented at
EECERA Annual Conference ―Diversities in early childhood education‖ 26-29 August
2009, Strasbourg, France.
Vuorinen, T., Sandberg, A. Sheridan, S & William, P. (2009). Supporting or showing off?
Teachers views of competence and teachers assignment in relation to parenthood.
Paper presented at the ERNAPE:s 7th International Conference
―Diversity in
Education‖, 26th – 28th August, 2009. Malmö, Sweden.
Sheridan, S & William, P, Sandberg, A. & Vuorinen, T. (2009). Teacher competence in
a multidimensional phenomenon. Paper presented at the EARLI 13th
Biennial Conference, ―Fostering Communities of Learners‖ August 25 - 29, 2009,
Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Almqvist A-L, Sandberg, A. & Dahlgren, L. (2010) Parental leave in Sweden. Motives,
perceptions and gender equality among parents. Paper presented at Sveriges
Sociologförbunds årsmöte, 11-12 mars 2010, Halmstad.
Almqvist A-L, Sandberg, A. & Dahlgren, L. (2010) Parental leave in Sweden. Motives,
experiences and gender equality among parents – focusing fathers. Paper presented at
the ISA 2010, XVII World Congress of Sociology, July 11-17, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Björk-Willén P. & Sandberg, A (2010).Preschool as the context for language
development in children. Paper presented at World Congress of OMEP, August 11-13,
2010, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Broström, S, Sandberg , A., Johansson ,I & Frøkjær,I. (2010). Preschool teacher‟s view
on learning in preschool in Sweden and Denmark. Paper presented 20th EECERA
Bilaga C
CHILDHOOD: Who knows, who speaks, who listens?‘
6th – 8th September,
Birmingham, UK.
Norling, M. Sandberg, A .,Björk-Willén,P & Hvit, S. (2010).The social language
environment. Paper presented at World Congress of OMEP, August 11-13, 2010,
Gothenburg, Sweden.
Vuorinen, T., Sandberg, A. Sheridan, S & William, P. (2010). Preschool teacher‟s views
of competence in relation to home and preschool. Paper presented at conference
NERA/NFPF 38th congress, 11-13 march, 2010, Malmö, Sweden.
Sandberg, A. (2011). Preschool teacher‟s views of play competence. Paper presented at
conference at World Forum on Early Care and Education May 3 – 6, Honolulu,
Almqvist, L., Norling, M., Almqvist, A-L., Björck-Åkesson, E., Sandberg, A., BjörkWillén, P. & Hvit, S. (2011). Children‟s Voices in Early Childhood Education. Paper
presented at International Society on Early Intervention, 3rd Conference, May, New
York USA.
Norling, M., Almqvist, L., & Sandberg, A. (2011). Qualitative Aspects of Emergent
Literacy Skills and Children´s Engagement in Swedish Preschools. Paper presented at
14th EARLI conference, ‗Education for a Global Networked Society‘, August 30th –
September 3, Exeter, United Kingdom.
Broström, S., Johansson, I., Sandberg, A., Frøkjær, T, T., Nyland, B., Margetts, K.,
Ugaste, A., Kierferle, C., Vrinioti, K. (2011). Preschool teachers view on children´s
learning – A voice from Sweden, Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Greece and Australia.
Paper presented 21th EECERA ANNUAL CONFERENCE ‗Education from birth:
Research, Practices and Educational Policy‘, 14th
– 17th
September, Genève,
Peterson, T., Veisson, M., Sandberg, A., Härkönen, U., & Hujala, E. (2011).
Professionalism of preschool teachers in European context. Paper presented 21th
EECERA ANNUAL CONFERENCE ‗Education from birth: Research, Practices and
Educational Policy‘, 14th– 17th September, Genève, Schweiz.
Bilaga C
Sandberg, A. Johansson, I., Broström, S. & Frökjer, T. (2012). Preschool teacher‟s
reflection on learning and participation in Denmark and Sweden. Paper presented
learning, diversities‘, August 29th – 1th September, Porto, Portugal.
Peterson, T., Veisson, M., Härkönen, U., Hujala, E., Sandberg, A., & Johansson, I.
(2012). Teachers´ and principals´ opinions about teachers‟ professionalism: a crosscultural study. Paper presented 22th EECERA ANNUAL CONFERENCE ‗PREBIRTH TO THREE: identities, learning, diversities‘, August 29th
– 1th September,
Porto, Portugal.
3. Review articles, book chapters, books
Book chapters
Sandberg, A. & Pramling Samuelsson, I. (2006). Preschool teachers´ play experiences
then and now. I R. Parker-Rees & J. Willan (Red.), Early Years Education: Major
Themes in Education, Abingdon: Routledge.
Johansson, I. & Sandberg, A. (2008) What knowledge develops from participation in
practitioner-oriented research? I M. Mattsson, I. Johansson, & B. Sandström. (Red.),
Examining Praxis: Assessments and knowledge construction in teacher education.
Sense Publisher.
Sandberg, A. &
Tammemäe-Orr.H. (2008). Drawings and Conceptions of Play by
Children Ages 7-12. I
P.G. Grotewell & Y.R. Burton (Red.), Early Childhood
Education: Issues and Developments. Nwe York: Nova Science Publishers.
Sandberg, A. & Vuorinen, T. (2008). Barndomens lekmiljöer -
förr och nu. I A.
Sandberg (Red.), Miljöer för lek, lärande och samspel. Lund: Studentlitteratur
Sandberg, A. & Norling, M. (2009). Pedagogiskt stöd och pedagogiska metoder. I: A.
Sandberg (Red.), Med sikte på förskolan – barn i behov av stöd. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Sandberg, A. & Vuorinen, T. (2010). Reflecting the child: play memories and images of
the child. I E. Brookers & S.Edwards (Red.), Engaging Play. Open University Press.
Kusima, M., & Sandberg, A. (2011). Preschool teachers‘ and student preschool teachers‘
thoughts about professionalism in Sweden. I: C. Dalli & M. Urban (red),
Bilaga C
Professionalism in Early Childhood and Care: International Perspectives.
Routeledge. (55-64)
Kuisma, M., & Sandberg, A. (2011). Working with a Democratic Curriculum: the
Swedish Case Study. I: L. Miller, C. Dalli & M. Urban (red), Early Childhood Grows
Up: Towards a Critical Ecology of the Profession. Springer Books. (103-118).
Sandberg, A. (2011). Variationsrikt, hemligt och jämlikt – lekmiljöer i tiden. I: P.
Williams, & S. Sheridan, (red), Barns lärande i ett livslångt perspektiv. Stockholm:
Johansson, I., & Sandberg, A. (2012). CIT-en metod för analysera professionellt arbete. I:
A. Sandberg & M. Sandström Kritiska händelser för lärande i förskolan.(11-22).
Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Johansson, I., & Sandberg, A. (2012). Lärande och delaktighet i förskolan. I: A. Sandberg
& M. Sandström (red.), Kritiska händelser för lärande i förskolan. (23-38) Lund:
Sandberg, A., & Sandström, M. (2012). Genuspraktik hos förskollärare. I: A. Sandberg &
M. Sandström (red.), Kritiska händelser för lärande i förskolan. (75-92). Lund:
Sandberg, A. & Vuorinen, T. (2007). Hem och förskola – samverkan i förändring.
Stockholm: Liber.
Sandberg, A. (2008)(red), Miljöer för lek, lärande och samspel. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Sandberg, A. (2009) (red.) Med sikte på förskolan - Barn i behov av stöd. Lund:
(* )* Sandberg, A., & Sandström, M. (2012).
Kritiska händelser för lärande i förskolan.
Lund: Studentlitteratur
Sandberg, A. & Vuorinen, T (2004). Forskningsplattform för förskolan – Framtiden
skapas i barnen. Västerås: Mälardalens högskola, ISB. CHILD rapport nr 7.
Bilaga C
Sandberg, A. & Vuorinen, T. (2005). Barndomens lekarenor. Västerås: Mälardalens
Högskola, ISB. CHILD rapport nr.9.
Sandberg, A., Anstett, S., & Wahlgren, U. (2005). Didaktiska implikationer i
förskolan efter kompetenshöjande utbildning. Västerås: Mälardalens högskola, ISB,
Sandberg, A., Johansson, & Vuorinen, T. (2006). Praktikerorienterad forskning – ett
verktyg för professionell utveckling. Forskning i Barnpedagogiska nätverk.
Västerås: Mälardalens Högskola, ISB. CHILD rapport nr.12.
Sandberg, A. & Vuorinen, T. (2006). From hayloft to own room - girls play
environments. I: J. Brodin & P. Lindstrand (Red.). Interaction in Outdoor Play
Environments - Gender, Culture and Learning. Stockholm: Stockholm Institute of
Education. Department of Human Development, Learning and Special Education.
Research Report nr 47 (s.1-22).
Sandberg, A. (2007). Språkutvecklande arbetssätt i BeKå förskolor i Enköpings
kommun. Västerås.
Sandberg, A. (2008). Språkutvecklande arbetssätt i BeKå förskoleklasser i
Enköpings kommun. Västerås.
Sandberg, A. & Vuorinen, T. (2007). Barns uppfattningar om lek ur ett
genusperspektiv. Västerås: Mälardalens Högskola, ISB. CHILD rapport nr. 13.
Sandberg, A., Lillvist, A., Björck-Åkesson, A. & Granlund, M. (2007). Pedagogisk
verksamhet för små barn i behov av särskilt stöd – generellt och specifikt stöd.
Resultatdialog 2007. Forskning inom utbildningsvetenskap. Vetenskapsrådets
rapportserie 10:2007, s.139-147.
Vuorinen, T. & Sandberg, A. (2008) Attitudes and values towards play and toys –
reflections over time. I: M. Sandström-Kjellin & J.Stier (eds). Comprehensions of
citizenship and citizenship education, Report II, EPT-PROJECT, s.85-88.
Ärlemalm- Hagser, E. & Sandberg, A. (2008). Attitudes and values and pedagogic
praxis - sustainable development in focus. I: M. Sandström-Kjellin & J.Stier (eds).
Comprehensions of citizenship and citizenship education, Report II, EPT-PROJECT,
Bilaga C
Almqvist, A.-L., Sandberg, A., & Dahlgren, L. (2010). Papporna och motiven. Den
svenska föräldraledigheten i ett geografiskt perspektiv. Working Papers in Social
Insurance 2010:1. Försäkringskassan.
Björk Willén , P., Hvit, S., Leijon, L., Sandberg, A., & Sundling, L. (2010). Förskolan
och förskoleklassens läspraktik . Högskolan i Jönköping. CHILD rapport Nummer
Tryggvason, M-T, Sandberg, A., & Sandström, M. (2011). Att utmana förskollärares
föreställningar – om lärprocessen i tre forskningscirklar. I: P. Lahdenperä (red).
Forskningscirkel – arena för verksamhetsutveckling i mångfald, Forskningsrapport
2011:1, Västerås, Mälardalens högskola, s.133-152. (19 sidor)
6. Popular science articles/presentations
Popular science articles
Sandberg, A. (2007). Hur definieras barn i behov av särskilt stöd? Att undervisa. Nr 1,
Sandberg, A. (2007). Vilket pedagogiskt stöd erbjuds i förskolan till barn i behov av
särskilt stöd? Att undervisa. Nr 1, s.12-14.
Sandberg, A. (2008). Trends in Global Early Care. Challenges facing early childhood
programs worldwide. Exchange magazine, s.6-27.
Sandberg, A. (2008). Funderingar och farhågor avseende förslaget om lärarlegitimation
och skärpta behörighetsregler. Att undervisa, nr 5.
Sandberg, A. (2009). Datoranvändning och lek i förskolan. Förskoleforum, juni 2009.
Popular science presentations
Sandberg, A. (2004). Hur ser det ut på lärarutbildningarna – hinder och möjligheter.
Paper presenterat vid konferensen "Praktiska pedagogiska konsekvenser av kunskap
om barn under 3 år", 21-23 april, Sätra Bruk, Sverige.
Bilaga C
Sandberg, A. (2004). Vuxnas minnen av platser. Paper presenterat vid forskarkonferensen
‖Plats och lärande‖, 26-27 april, Bosön/Lidingö.
Sandberg, A. & Vuorinen, T. (2005). Forskning i förskolans värld – framtiden skapas i
barnen. Paper presenterat vid konferensen ‖Forskning som berör lärande‖., 28 januari,
Mälardalens högskola.
Sandberg, A. & Norling, M. (2005). Specialpedagogik i förskolan.. Paper presenterat vid
konferensen ‖Forskning som berör lärande‖., 28 januari, Mälardalens högskola.
Sandberg, A, Granlund, M, Lillvist, A, Eriksson,L & Bjöck-Åkesson, E. (2005). Hur
definieras barn i behov av särskilt stöd? Paper presenterat vid konferensen
―Excellence in Special Education - Time to move on‖., 26-27 september, Mälardalens
Sandberg, A. (2005). Forskningsanknytning förskola-lärarutbildning. Paper presenterat
vid konferensen ‖Förskolan framtidens arbetsplats‖. 20 oktober, Mälardalens
Sandberg, A. & Vuorinen, T. (2006). Barndomens lekarena – från klippdockan till Bratz.
Paper presenterat vid konferens, ‖Sambandet‖, 22-24 mars, Eskilstuna.
Sandberg, A., Lillvist, A. Norling, M. & Eriksson, A.. (2006) Alla behöver stöd! En
intervju och observationsstudie. Paper presenterat vid konferens, ‖Sambandet‖, 22-24
mars, Eskilstuna.
Sandberg, A. (2006). Hur ser lärarutbildningen ut vid Mälardalens högskola? Paper
presenterat vid konferensen ‖Lärarutbildningar för barn i åldrarna 0-8 år‖, 21 april,
Svenska Omep och Lärarhögskolan i Stockholm.
Sandberg, A. (2006). PEGS. Paper presenterat vid konferensen ‖Forskningsseminarium CHILD‖, 28 november, 2006. Högskolan i Jönköping.
Sandberg, A. (2007). Förskollärares förväntningar på föräldrar. Paper presenterat vid
konferensen ‖Forskningsseminarium -CHILD ‖, 5 februari, 2007. Mälardalens
Bilaga C
Sandberg, A. (2007). Lek och genus. Paper presenterat vid LekaSpråkaLära konferensen,
13 februari, 2007. Mälardalens högskola.
Sandberg, A. (2007). Pedagogisk verksamhet för små barn i behov av särskilt stöd i
förskolan - generellt och specifikt.stöd. Paper presenterat vid Resultatdialog 2007.
Konferens om forskning finansierad av VR:s utbildningsvetenskapliga kommitté, 1718 oktober 2007, Göteborgs universitet.
Sandberg, A. (2008). Förskolan som pedagogisk lärandemiljö i det moderna samhället.
Paper presenterat vid konferensen ‖Förskolans läroplan 10 år‖. 6 oktober, Mälardalens
Sandberg, A. (2008). Pedagogisk verksamhet för barn i behov av särskilt stöd i förskolan.
Paper presenterat vid Förskolebiennalen, 2008. Förskolan-en NATURlig plats för
lärande. 20-21 oktober, Linköpings Universitet.
Sandberg, A. (2008). Lärarlegitimation vad innebär det för lärarutbildningarna och
huvudmännen? Paper presenterat vid Dimensioneringskonferensen ‖Ur vilka led ska
lärarna rekryteras?‖. 22-23 oktober, Mälardalens högskola.
Almqvist, L., Björk-Willen, P., Norling, M., Sandberg, A. (2009) Förskolan som barns
språkmiljö. 24-28 april, Banjul, Frankrike.
Sandberg, A. (2009). Lärarkompetens i förändring. Presenterat vid förskolechefers
konferens i Västmanland. 5 maj, Kungsörstorp, Kungsör.
Sandberg, A., Björk-Willén, P., Hvit, S., Leijon, L., & Sundling, L.(2009). Barns
läspraktik i förskola och förskoleklass. 12 augusti. Kunskapsepedidemi. Jönköping:
Akademin för skolnära forskning Högskolan i Jönköping.
Sandberg, A & Polly Björk-Willen (2009). Läsmiljön i förskolan. 13 augusti. HLKdagen.
Jönköping: Högskolan i Jönköping.
Sandberg, A & Polly Björk-Willen (2009). Språkmiljön i förskolan. 13 augusti.
HLKdagen. Jönköping: Högskolan i Jönköping.
Bilaga C
Björk-Willén, P., Hvit, S., Norling, M., & Sandberg, A. (2009). Språkliga erövringar och
uttryck i förskolan. Nätverket för svenska barn- och barndoms-forskning. 20 augusti.
Karlstad: Karlstads Universitet.
Sandberg, A., & Vuorinen, T. (2009). Lärarkompetens i tiden. Nätverket för svenska
barn- och barndomsforskning. 20 augusti. Karlstad: Karlstads Universitet.
Niklasson, L. & Sandberg, A. (2009). Flickor och pojkars preferenser när det gäller
utemiljöer. Paper presenterat vid konferensen ”Barns rätt till lek och lärande Internationella barnrättskonventionen 20 år” 5 oktober, Mälardalens Högskola.
Vuorinen, T. & Sandberg, A. (2009). Barndomens lekmiljöer - förr och nu. Paper
presenterat vid konferensen ‖Barns rätt till lek och lärande - Internationella
barnrättskonventionen 20 år‖ 5 oktober, Mälardalens Högskola.
Sandberg, A. (2009). Vilken lärarkompetens behövs i förskolan? Västmanlands läns
förening för specialpedagogik, (VSP). 10 november. Sala.
Sandberg, A. (2010). Genus i förskolan. Jämbredd. 18 februari. Aronsborg, Bålsta.
Sandberg, A. (2012) Inbjuden föreläsare till Umeå universitet den 27 mars.
Lärarkompetens i förändring
Bilaga C
Associate professor Laila Niklasson
1. Peer-reviewed articles
(**) Niklasson, L. & San
dberg, A. (2012) Reflecting on Field Studies in Teacher Education:
Experiences of Student Teachers in Sweden. I Journal of Early Childhood Teacher
Education, 33:3, 287-299.
(**) Niklasson, L. & Sandberg, A. (2010) Children and the outdoor environment. I
European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, vol. 18, nr 4, 485-496.
2. Peer-reviewed conference contributions
(**) Niklasson, L.
National reforms in education and the role of preschool in lifelong
learning – findings from Sweden. Paper, annual conferences International Journal of Arts
& Sciences Conference, March 3-7, 2013, Valetta, Malta.
(*) Carlhed, C.& Niklasson, L.
To implement a new national curriculum. Responsible
authorities‟ experience and opinion about support from the Swedish National Agency for
Education. Paper, 40e Nordic Conference on Educational Research, NERA, 8-10 mars
2012, Köpenhamn, Danmark.
(**) Assuncão Flores, M. & Niklasson, L.
Teacher Student Recruitment. Experiences from
Portugal and Sweden. Paper, 56e ICET World Assembly, 10-12 juli 2012, Cape Coast,
Niklasson, L. European Dimension in Teacher Education Program – Challenges and
Opportunities. Paper, 37e årlig Association for Teacher Education in Europe, ATEE
konferens, 25-29 augusti 2012, Eskesehir, Turkiet.
Niklasson, L. Traces of Europe. Whether the National curriculum in Sweden supports
teaching and critical discussion about European Identity. Paper, 15e biennial
International Study Association on Teachers and Teaching ISATT konferens, 5-8 juli
2011, Braga, Portugal.
Niklasson, L. Utvärdering, ledarskap och förändring – en självklar kombination? Paper,
biennial SVUF konferens, 22-23 okober 2009, Stockholm, Sverige.
EvaluationVerkstad Practice. Paper, Annual American Evaluation Association
Bilaga C
Conference, 5-8 november 2008, Denver, Colorado.
3. Review articles, book chapters, books
Niklasson, L. (2012). Becoming European. Do National Curricula and Syllabi in Sweden
Support Europeanization? I Stavroula Philippou (Red.) „Europe‟ turned local- the local
turned European? Constructions of „Europe‟ in social studies curricula across
Europe.Münster: LIT Verlag, s. 188-207.
(*) Niklasson, L. (2011). Teacher Education in Sweden: The organization of today and some
challenges for tomorrow. I Malena Zuljan Valencic, & Janez Vogrinc (Red.) European
Dimensions of Teacher Education: Similarities and Differences, Ljubljana: Faculty of
Education, University of Ljubljana, Slovenien, s. 97-114.
Niklasson, L. (2007). Medborgaren som pedagogiskt projekt. Diss. Stockholms universitet.
Stockholm: HLS förlag.
6. Popular science articles/presentations
Niklasson, L. (2011). Hur rekryteras deltagare och vem deltar? I Niklasson, L, Karlsson, PÅ (Red.) Karlsson Vestman, O, Jess, K, Green, C J, Eriksson, G. B. (Red.) och Beijer, E.
Verkstäder för utvärdering i välfärdsverksamheter – erfarenheter från några svenska
FoU enheter och högskolor. Borås: FoU i Sörmland, FoU Väst, FoU Sjuhärad Välfärd,
Mälardalens högskola och Välfärd Värmland, s. 45-58.
Niklasson, L. (Red) (2011) Aspekter på lärande utvärdering och följeforskning inom projekt
från Social fonden och Strukturfonden. Eskilstuna: Mälardalens högskola.
Bilaga C
PhD Anne Lillvist
1. Peer-reviewed articles
(* *) Sandberg, A, Lillvi
st, A, Sheridan, S & Williams, P. (2012). Play competence as a
window to preschool teacher competence. International Journal of play, 1:2, 184-196
(*) Lillvist. A, (2010). Observations of social competence in young children in need of
special support based on traditional disability categories versus a functional approach.
Early child development and care, 180 (9), 1129-1142.
Björck-Åkesson, E., Wilder, J., Granlund, M., Pless, Simoensson, R., Adolfsson, M.,
Almqvist, L., Augustine, L., Klang, N. & Lillvist, A. (2010).The International
Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health and the version for children and
youth as a tool in child habilitation/early childhood intervention – feasibility and
usefulness as a common language and frame of reference for practice. Disability and
rehabilitation,32,1 ,125-.138
Sandberg, A, Lillvist, A., Eriksson, L., Björck-Åkesson, E, & Granlund, M. (2010). ‖Special
support‖ in preschools in Sweden- preschool staff‘s definition of the construct.
International journal of disability, development and education, 57, 1, 43-57.
(*) Lillvist, A, & Granlund, M. (2009). P reschool children in need of support. Prevalence of
disability categories versus functional difficulties. Acta Paediatrica.,99(1), 131-134.
(*) Lillvist, A., San dberg, A., Björck-Åkesson, E & Granlund, M. (2009). The construct of
social competence. How preschool teachers define social competence in young children.
International Journal of Early childhood, 40 (1), 51-68.
(**) Sandberg, A., Norling, M, & Lillvist,
A. (2009). Teachers view of educational support.
International journal of early childhood special education,1,2,192-216.
(**) Ibragimova, N., Lillvist, A., Pless, M & Granlund, M. (2007). The utility of ICF for
describing interaction in non-speaking children with disabilities – caregiver ratings and
perceptions. Disability and rehabilitation, 29, 22, 1689-1700.
2. Peer-reviewed conference contributions
Bilaga C
Lillvist, A., Sandberg, A., Sheridan, S. & Williams, P. (2012). Play competence as a
window to preschool teacher competence. International conference on education. Hawaii,
USA, 5-8 January.
Lillvist, A. (2009). A functional approach to social competence in children in need of
special support. 2nd European Network for Socio- emotional competence in children
(ENSEC), Izmir, Turkey, 9- 12,September.
Lillvist, A. (2007). Profiles of social competence. Observations of preschool children in
need of special support. The 2nd international Society on Early Intervention Conference,
Zagreb, Croatia, 14-17 June.
Lillvist, A. (2007). Social competence in preschool children in need of special support.
Division of early childhood, DEC 20th Annual international conference on Young
children with special needs and their families. Niagara Falls, Ontario, 25- 27th October.
Lillvist, A. (2005). The validity of ICF in measuing involvement in lifesituations of nonspeaking children in Russia. The 13th multiprofessional AAC research Indaba. 7-8 march,
Pretoria. South Africa.
3. Review articles, book chapters, books
(*) Lillvist, A. (2010). The applicability of a functional approach to social competence in
preschool children in need of special support. Örebro studies in psychology. Doctoral
Lillvist, A. (2009). Social kompetens och barn i behov av särskilt stöd. I A. Sandberg
(2011). Med sikte på förskolan. Barn i behov av stöd. Studentlitteratur: Lund.
(**) Ibragimova, N & Lillvist, A. (2005) Utvärdering av projekt barn och tonåringar
med funktionshinder i Leningrads län. Rapport
Bilaga C
6. Popular science articles/presentations
Almqvist, L., Lillvist, A., & Granlund, M. (in press). Små barns psykiska hälsa – förskolan
som skyddande miljö. Psykisk Hälsa
Lillvist, A. (2010).Barn i behov av särskilt stöd- med och utan formell diagnos. Artikel
publicerad 13.04 2010 på www.forskoleforum.se
Lillvist, A (2007). Att leka och vara med andra- Social kompetens hos förskolebarn. Att
undervisa, nr 1. Tidskrift för svenska förbundet för specialpedagogik.
Bilaga C
Nordic Scholars - Nordic Network for Assessment and
Documentation Studies in Early Childhood Education
Professor Stig Broström, Aarhus University
Associate professor Peter Østergaard Andersen
Associate professor Maarit Alasuutari, University of Jyväskylä
Professor Eva Johansson, University of Stavanger
Bilaga C
Professor Stig Broström
Broström‘s publication list includes about 130 titles of various types, such as chapters in
books, pre-reviewed Journal articles, research and evaluations reports, popular research
communications etc. Most of the publications are with him as first author. Substantial
number of publication record demonstrates the contribution that Broström has made to
the research community in Denmark, the Nordic countries, and in the wider international
Examples of resent English publications:
Broström, S. (2013). Understanding Te Whâriki from a Danish perspective. In: Joce
Nutall (ed.) Weaving Te Whãriki. Aoteroa New Zealand's Early Childhood Curriculum
document in theory and practice. Wellington: New Zealand Council for Educational
Broström, S., Frøkjær, T., Johansson, I. & Sandberg, A. (2013) Preschool teacher‘s view
on learning in preschool in Sweden and Denmark. European early childhood
educational research journal. 1–14, iFirst Article
(ID: 746199 DOI:10.1080/1350293X.2012.746199)
Broström, S. (2012). Curriculum in preschool. Adjustment or a possible liberation?
Nordisk Barnehageforskning.Vol. 5, nr. 7, 1-14
Broström, S. (2012). Children‘s participation in research. Special issue of International
Journal of Early Years Education,Volume 20, Number 3, 1 September 2012 , pp. 257269(13)
ID: 715407 DOI:10.1080/09669760.2012.715407
Broström, S. (2010). Fiction, drawing and play in a vygotskian perspective. Moving
Forward Together: Early childhood programs as the doorway to social cohesion. An EastWest Perspective Cambridge. In the ISSA publication.
Broström, S. (2010). A Voice in Decision Making: young children in Denmark. In
Margaret Clark and Stan Tucker. Early childhoods in a changing world. Trentham
Publication in press
Broström, S. (2013). Play as main road in children‘s transition to school. In Lillemyr,
O.F., Dockett, S., & Perry, B. (eds.). Perspectives on play and learning: Theory and
research on early years‟ education. Information Age Publishing Inc. (IPA).
Jensen, S.A., Hansen, O.H., & Broström, S. (2013).Contemporary Danish perspectives:
Towards a new paradigm. In Kiening, A. & Margretts, K. (eds). International
perspectives on transitions to school: Reconceptualising belifs, policy and practice.
Broström, S. (2013). Play and dialogical reading. ICCP.
Bilaga C
Associate professor Peter Østergaard Andersen
Udvalgte publikationer (2005 - ):
Refereed articles:
*2010: Forskellige perspektiver på vurdering af kvalitet.
Tidsskrift, Vol 47, 2,89-105
Pædagogisk Psykologisk
2012: Om at undersøge klassen – som selvfølge(lighed). Pædagogisk Psykologisk
Tidsskrift, Vol 49, 6,367-379
2012: Målrationalitet og forestillingen om neutralitet i evaluering og dokumentation.
Cepra striben no 12, 12-18
*2012: Om at anvende beskrivelse og beskrive anvendelser. Dansk Pædagogisk
Tidsskrift, no 3
Books, articles etc
2005: Evaluering og professionsudvikling. I: T.R. Eriksen & A.M. Jørgensen (red.):
Professionsidentitet i forandring. København: Akaemisk Forlag
*2007: Pædagogens praksis. 2. udgave. København: Hans Reitzels Forlag
2010: Etik som alternativ? I C. Aabro (red.): Pædagogers etik. København: BUPL
*2011:P.Ø. Andersen; E.Bjørklund; D. Bleses, M. Gjervan; B. Hagtvet; H. Valvatne:
Ekspertutvalgets vurdering av verktøy som brukes til å kartlegge barns
språk i norske barnehager. Kunnskapsdepartementet, Oslo
Pædagogikken i evalueringssamfundet. København: Hans Reitzels Forlag
2011: Børns kultur, leg og pædagogik. Gjallerhorn – Tidsskrift for
professionsuddannelser, nr. 14
2012: Pædagogik og pædagogiske teorier i Danmark fra 1960. I Andersen, P.Ø. (red.):
Klassisk og moderne
pædagogisk teori. 2. udgave. København: Hans Reitzels Forlag
*2012: Principielle pædagogiske spørgsmål. I Andersen, P.Ø. (red.):
Klassisk og moderne
Bilaga C
pædagogisk teori. 2. udgave. København: Hans Reitzels Forlag
2012: Den institutionelle virkelighed og de mange pædagogikker. I Andersen, P.Ø. (red.):
Klassisk og moderne pædagogisk teori. 2. udgave. København: Hans
Reitzels Forlag
*2012: At vurdere, måle og sammenlige. I Andersen, P.Ø. (red.):
Klassisk og moderne
pædagogisk teori. 2. udgave. København: Hans Reitzels Forlag
2012: Hvad betyder din karakterer? Unge Pædagoger no 3
Pædagogiske læreplaner, dokumentation og evaluering.. København: Hans
Reitzels Forlag
Bilaga C
Maarit Alasuutari, University of Jyväskylä
1. Peer-reviewed articles in international journals
Alasuutari, Pertti & Alasuutari, Maarit (2012). The Domestication of Early
Childhood Education Plans in Finland. Global Social Policy, 12(2): 129–148.
Alasuutari, Maarit & Järvi, Anu (2012). ―My dad got depression, or something‖:
How do children talk about parental mental disorder? Qualitative Research in
Psychology, 9(2): 134-150.
Karila, Kirsti & Alasuutari, Maarit (2012). Drawing Partnership on Paper: How
do the Forms for Individual Educational Plans Frame Parent-Teacher
Relationship? International Journal about Parents in Education, 6(1): 14–26.
Alasuutari, Maarit. & Markström, Ann-Marie (2011). The Making of the Ordinary
Child in Preschool. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 55(5): 517–
Alasuutari, Maarit (2010). Striving at Partnership: Parent-Practitioner
Relationships in Finnish Early Educators‘ Talk. European Early Childhood
Education Research Journal, 18(2): 148-161.
Alasuutari, Maarit & Karila, Kirsti (2010). Framing the Picture of the Child.
Children & Society, 24(2): 100-111.
Alasuutari, Maarit (2009). What is so funny about children? Laughter in parent
practitioner interaction. International Journal of Early Years Education, 17(2):
Alasuutari, Pertti & Alasuutari, Maarit (2009). Narration and Ritual Formation of
Diasporic Identity: The Case of Second Generation Karelian Migrants. Identities:
Global Studies in Culture and Power, 16(3): 321-341.
Solantaus, Tytti, Toikka, Sini, Alasuutari, Maarit, Beardslee, William R. &
Paavonen, E.Julia (2009). Safety, Feasibility and Family Experiences of
Preventive Interventions for Children and Families with Parental Depression.
International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, 11(4): 15-24.
2. Peer-reviewed articles in international books
Alasuutari, Maarit (2013). Parent Constructions of Problem Location and
Clienthood in Child Welfare Services. Forthcoming in Gubrium, Jaber F. ja
Bilaga C
Järvinen, Margaretha (eds.), Turning Troubles into Problems. Policy and Practice
in Human Services. Routledge.
Alasuutari, Pertti & Alasuutari, Maarit (2007). Second Generation Karelian
Migrants: Narrating Belonging and Displacement. In Ruckenstein, Minna &
Karttunen, Marie-Louise (eds.), On Foreign Ground, pp. 89-101. Helsinki:
Finnish Literature Society.
3. Peer-reviewed articles in Finnish journals
Alasuutari, Maarit (2007). Kumppanuus ja asiantuntijuus varhaiskasvatuksessa
[Partnership and expertise in early childhood education]. Psykologia [Journal of
the Finnish Psychological Association], 42(6): 422-434.
Alasuutari, Maarit (2003). Miksi institutionaalista varhaiskasvatusta? Päivähoidon
merkitys vanhempien puheessa [Why institutional early childhood education?
Parents' interpretations of the role of day care]. Kasvatus [Journal of the Finnish
Educational Research Association], 34(4): 359-373.
Alasuutari, Maarit (2001). Äitiys ja kotikasvatus [Motherhood and home
education]. Psykologia [Journal of the Finnish Psychological Association], 36(6):
4. Peer-reviewed articles in Finnish books
Alasuutari, Maarit (2012). ―Jos joku lyö mua, sitten alan itkeä‖. Lapsen puhe
päiväkodin työntekijän ja vanhemman keskustelun kohteena [―If somebody hits
me I‘ll start to cry‖. Children‘s talk as a topic of conversation between a day-care
practitioner and parent]. In Pekkarinen, Elina, Vehkalahti, Kaisa & Myllyniemi,
Sami (eds.), Lapset ja nuoret instituutioiden kehyksissä. Nuorten elinolot
vuosikirja 2012 [Children and youth within the institutional frames. The yearbook
of the living conditions of young people 2012], 103-115. Helsinki:
Nuorisotutkimusverkosto, Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos, Valtion nuorisoasiain
Alasuutari, Maarit & Alasuutari, Pertti (2011). Sinun lapsesi ei ole sinun.
Yksilöllisten varhaiskasvatussuunnitelmien taustat, tavoitteet ja käytäntö [Your
children are not your children. The background, aims and practice of individual
educational plans]. In Satka Mirja, Alanen, Leena, Harrikari, Timo & Pekkarinen,
Elina (eds.) Lapset, nuoret ja muuttuva hallinta [Children, youth and the
transforming governance], 29-59. Tampere: Vastapaino.
Alasuutari, Maarit (2009). Kasvatusinstituutiot lapsuuden rakentajina [Childhood
institutions and conceptions of childhood]. In Lapsuus, lapsuuden instituutiot ja
Bilaga C
lasten toiminta [Childhood, childhood institutions and children as agents], Alanen
Leena Karila, Kirsti (eds.), 54-69. Tampere: Vastapaino.
Alasuutari, Maarit & Karila, Kirsti (2009). Lapsuuden ja lapsen tulkinnat
lapsikohtaisissa varhaiskasvatussuunnitelmissa [Conceptions of the child and
childhood in individual curricula for early childhood education]. In Lapsuus,
lapsuuden instituutiot ja lasten toiminta [Childhood, childhood institutions and
children as agents], Alanen, Leena & Karila, Kirsti (eds.), 70-88. Tampere:
Nummenmaa, Anna Raija & Alasuutari, Maarit (2008). Metaforat kulttuuristen
merkitysten kantajana [Metaphors as carriers of cultural meanings of childhood].
In Lahikainen, Anja Riitta, Punamäki Raija-Leena & Tamminen, Tuula. (eds.),
Kulttuuri lapsen kasvattajana [Culture as the educator of the child], 19-34.
Helsinki: WSOY.
Alasuutari, Maarit (2006). Kulttuuriset kehykset kasvatusvuorovaikutuksessa
[Cultural frames in educational interaction]. In Karila, Kirsti, Alasuutari, Maarit,
Hännikäinen, Maritta, Nummenmaa, Anna Raija & Rasku-Puttonen, Helena
(eds.), Kasvatusvuorovaikutus [Interaction in education], 70-90. Tampere:
Alasuutari, Maarit (2005). Mikä rakentaa vuorovaikutusta lapsen haastattelussa?
[Aspects of interaction in children‘s interviews.] In Ruusuvuori, Johanna &
Tiittula, Liisa (eds.), Haastattelu. Tutkimus, tilanteet ja vuorovaikutus
[Interviewing. Research, contexts and interaction], 145-162. Tampere:
5. Scientific books
Alasuutari, Maarit (2010). Suunniteltu lapsuus. Keskustelut lapsen
varhaiskasvatuksesta päivähoidossa [Planned childhood. Parent-teacher
discussions on the child‘s education in day care]. Tampere: Vastapaino.
Alasuutari, Maarit (2003). Kuka lasta kasvattaa? Vanhemmuuden ja
yhteiskunnallisen kasvatuksen suhde vanhempien puheessa. [Who is raising the
child? Mothers‘ and fathers‘ notions about the role of parents and professionals in
child development]. Helsinki: Gaudeamus.
Alasuutari, Pertti & Alasuutari, Maarit (2010). Mökkihulluus. Vapaa-ajan
asumisen taika ja taito [Cottage Craze: The Magic and Savvy of Leisure Living].
LUP, Lapland University Press: Rovaniemi.
Bilaga C
Edited books
Karila, Kirsti, Alasuutari, Maarit, Hännikäinen, Maritta, Nummenmaa, Anna
Raija & Rasku-Puttonen, Helena (2006). Kasvatusvuorovaikutus [Interaction in
education]. Vastapaino, Tampere.
6. Other scientific publications
6.1. Articles in scholarly journals
Alasuutari, Maarit (2004). Yhteistyön haaste kasvatuksessa [The challenge of cooperation in education]. Nuorisotutkimus [Youth Research], 22, 3, 66-71.
Alasuutari, Maarit (2000). Perheterapia ja vanhemmuus - strukturaalisesta
postmoderniin näkökulmaan [Family therapy and parenting - from structural
family therapy to post-modern movement]. Perheterapia [The Finnish journal of
family therapy], 2, 4-16.
Alasuutari, Maarit & Holm, Tuija (1991). Ratkaisukeskeisesti päiväkodissa .
[Solution oriented brief therapy framework in day care supervision]. Perheterapia
[The Finnish journal of family therapy] 1, 24-28.
6.2. Publications in report series
Aalto, Emma, Alasuutari, Maarit, Heino, Tarja, Lamponen, Tuuli & Rutanen,
Niina (2011). Suojeltu lapsuus? Raportti Lapsuudentutkimuksen IV päiviltä
[Protected Childhood? Report from the 4th Childhood Studies Conference. Report
51. Helsinki:THL (National Institute for Health and Welfare). Forthcoming.
Alasuutari, Maarit & Solantaus, Tytti (2004). Lapset ja aikuispsykiatria. [Children
and adult psychiatry]. In Rimpelä, Matti & Ollila, Eeva (eds.), Näkökulmia 2000luvun terveyspolitiikkaan. Stakesin asiantuntijoiden puheenvuoroja [Perspectives
on the Finnish health policy in the 21st century. The experts from STAKES
discussing]. STAKES, Aiheita 8.
7. Publications intended for professional communities and general audience
Alasuutari, Maarit (2010). Vanhemmat ulkopuolisia. Kasvatuskumppanuus ei
toteudu päivähoidossa odotusten mukaisesti [Parents are outsiders. Educational
partnership does not function as expected]. A commentary in the newspaper
Kaleva, 05.09.
Alasuutari, Maarit (2007). Sukupolvien välisten suhteiden kuvia. [Descriptions of
intergenerational relationships.] In Hulkko, J. (ed.) Korvassani soi mummi –
Tekstejä nuorten kirjoituskilpailusta. [I can hear grandma – Texts from a
Bilaga C
competition for young writers.] The Finnish Institute for Children's Literature,
Publication no. 28. Tampere: Majaoja Foundation.
Alasuutari, Maarit (2007). Parent-professional collaboration. An expert interview
in the series ‖Perhe-elämää‖ [Family life] by the Finnish Broadcasting Company
(YLE). http://oppiminen.yle.fi/artikkeli?id=6131.
Alasuutari, Maarit, Nummenmaa Anna Raija & Anttonen, Anneli (2007).
Lapsella tulee olla oikeus varhaiskasvatukseen. [The child should have a right for
early childhood education and care.] Helsingin Sanomat 4.6.
Aaltonen, Tarja, Alasuutari Maarit & Repo, Katja (2006). Opettajan pedagogiset
opinnot verkossa. Opetussuunnitelmatyö tutkivaa työotetta hyödyntäen.
Opettajankoulutuksen kehittämishanke. [Teacher education program by Internet.
Curriculum development project.] Tampere Polythechnic, University of Applied
Alasuutari, Maarit & Karila, Kirsti (2006). Vasu-prosessi opettaa ja kehittää.
[Planning for the child‘s early childhood education and care.] Lastentarha 5, 8-11.
Alasuutari, Maarit (2003). Toimiva perhe - sillan rakentamista aikuis- ja
lastenpsykiatristen palvelujen välille [The Efficient Family project - Building
bridges between adult and child psychiatry]. Kasper 2, 12-13.
8. Unpublished papers
Alasuutari, Maarit (1997). Lapsi, vanhemmat ja auttamistyö - vanhempien
näkökulma. [Children, parents and professional help - parental viewpoint].
Licentiate thesis, University of Tampere.
9. Presentations in scientific conferences
International conferences
Alasuutari Maarit (2012). The Individual Educational Plans and the Child's
Views. Examining pedagogical documentation: International perspectives on
methodology, methods and ethics, , 07.09., Halle/Leipzig, Germany. Invited
Alasuutari Maarit (2012). ―To give due weight to the views of the child‖ through
documentation: the case of early childhood education, Power 2012 Conference,
27.8., Tampere, Finland.
Bilaga C
Alasuutari Maarit (2012). Voicing the child in early childhood education.
American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, 20.8., Denver, USA.
Alasuutari, Maarit (2011). Giving voice to the child? Documentation of the
child‘s talk and parent-teacher interaction. The 10th Conference of European
Sociological Association, 7.–10.9., Geneve, Switzerland.
Nikander, Pirjo & Alasuutari, Maarit (2011). Tool or Tyranny? The uses of forms
and documents in professional practice. The 10th Conference of European
Sociological Association, 7.–10.9., Geneve, Switzerland.
Alasuutari, Maarit (2011). Giving voice to the child? Documentation of the
child‘s talk and parent-teacher interaction. The 21st EECERA Conference, 14.–
17.9., Geneve, Switzerland.
Alasuutari, Maarit (2011). The descriptive force of forms in parent-practitioner
interaction. The 4th Finnish Childhood Studies Conferenece, 6.–7.6., Helsinki.
Alasuutari, Maarit (2011). Governing parents through the child‘s educational
plan. NERA's 39th Congress, 9.–12.3., Jyväskylä, Finland.
Alasuutari, Maarit (2010). Parental knowledge in parent-practitioner conferences
in Finnish ECEC. The 20th EECERA Conference, 6.–8.9., Birmingham, UK.
Alasuutari, Maarit & Alasuutari, Pertti (2010). Your Children are not Your
Children. Governing the family life through the child‘s educational plan. XVII
ISA World Congress of Sociology, 11.–17.7., Gothenburg, Sweden.
Alasuutari, Maarit (2010). Parental knowledge in parent-practitioner conferences
in Finnish day care. International Conference in Childhood Studies/The 3rd
Finnish Childhood Studies Conference, 9.–12.6. Jyväskylä, Finland.
Alasuutari, Maarit (2009). Notions of a Proper Child in Finnish Day Care. The 9th
Conference of European Sociological Association, 2.–5.9., Lissabon, Portugal.
Alasuutari, Maarit (2009). Notions of a proper child in Finnish ECEC. The 19th
EECERA Annual Conference, 26.–29.8., Strasbourg, France.
Alasuutari, Maarit (2008). Vertical and Horizontal Frames in Early Educators
Talk. The American Sociological Association's 103rd Annual Meeting, 1.–4.8.,
Boston, USA.
Alasuutari, Maarit (2008). Father‘s Position in Early Childhood Education. ESFR
2008 Gongress, 25.–27.9., Jyväskylä, Finland.
Bilaga C
Alasuutari, Maarit & Karila, Kirsti (2008). The Forms for Planning the Child´s
Early Childhood Education. Children, Youth, and Social Control in
Transformation, 10.–11.10., Jyväskylä, Finland.
Alasuutari, Maarit & Karila, Kirsti (2008). Framing the Picture of the Child.
Power Conference, 22.–24.9., Tampere, Finland.
Alasuutari, Maarit (2007). Partnership and Expertise in Early Education: A
Discourse Analytic Study among Finnish Day Care Practitioners. NERA's 35th
Congress, 15.–17.3., Turku, Finland.
Alasuutari, Maarit & Karila, Kirsti (2007). Forms for Individual ECEC Plans as
Agents in Parent-Day Care Interaction. NERA's 35th Congress, 15.–17.3., Turku,
Alasuutari, Maarit (2007). What is so funny about children? ESA Conference, 3.–
6.9., Glasgow, UK.
Alasuutari, Pertti & Alasuutari, Maarit (2007). The Narrative Construction of
Karelian Identity. ESA Conference, 3.–6.9., Glasgow, UK.
Alasuutari, Maarit. & Karila, Kirsti (2007). The Individual ECEC Form as an
Actor in Parent-Practitioner Collaboration. Methodological Challenges in
Childhood and Family Research, 2007 PERLA Conference, 24.–25.10., Tampere,
Alasuutari, Maarit (2006). Interviewing Children. Aspects of Interaction in
Children‘s Interviews. The 19th Annual Conference on Interdisciplinary
Qualitative Studies (QUIG), 6.–8.1., The University of Georgia, Center for
Continuing Education, Athens, GA, USA.
Alasuutari, Maarit (2006). Parental position in child mental health services.
Qualitative Research on Mental Health Conference, 29.6.–1.7., Tampere, Finland.
Alasuutari, Maarit (2006). Changing parent-staff relations in day care. The
congress of the European Society of Family Relations (ESFR), 28.– 0.9.,
Darmstadt, Germany.
Alasuutari, Maarit (2005). The Role of Institutional Day Care in Finland. Why is
it so self-evident? International Research Symposium on Individualization and
Institutionalisation of Childhood in Contemporary Welfare Societies, 1.–3.6.,
Roskilde, Denmark.
Alasuutari, Maarit & Järvi, Anu (2005). Children Interpreting Parental Mental
Problems. The Second Conference on Text, Interaction and Communities.
Bilaga C
Qualitative Approaches to Societies and Social Action, 25.–26.5., Tampere,
Alasuutari, Maarit (2004). ‗Problem‘ Children, Family Focused Treatment and
Parents as Clients. European Congress of Family Therapy and Systemic Practice,
29.9.–2.10., Berliini, Germany.
Alasuutari, Maarit, Niemelä. Mila & Sipilä, Marianne (2004). Prevention of
Children´s Disorders in Families with Mentally III Parents: The Beardslee
Preventive Family Intervention. European Congress of Family Therapy and
Systemic Practice, 29.9.–2.10., Berliini, Germany.
Alasuutari, Maarit (2003). The Efficient Family: A Research and Development
Program for the Prevention of Mental Disorders in Children with Affectively Ill
Parents. The Annual Meeting of Society for Prevention Research, 11.–14.6.,
Washington DC, USA.
Finnish conferences
Alasuutari, Maarit (2012). Tavallista touhua vai hyvinvoinnin ongelmia:
Varhaiskasvatus lapsen toiminnan arvioijana [Everyday hassles or problems of
well-being: The evaluation of the child‘s conduct in early childhood education].
Sosiologipäivät [The Annual Conference of Finnish Sociological Association],
29.–30.3.2012, Kuopio.
Alasuutari, Maarit (2011). Lomakkeella puhuttu lapsi [Voicing the child on
paper]. Sosiologipäivät [The Annual Conference of Finnish Sociological
Association]. 24.–25.3., Tampere.
Alasuutari, Maarit (2010). Kasvatuskumppanien kohtaaminen? Vanhempi
neuvojana lapsen varhaiskasvatuksesta keskusteltaessa [Parent as an advicer in a
parent-practitioner conference in day care]. Sosiologipäivät [The Annual
Conference of Finnish Sociological Association], 19–20.3., Jyväskylä.
Alasuutari, Maarit (2010). Kasvatuskumppanien kohtaaminen? Neuvon
antaminen ja kysyminen vanhemman ja päiväkodin ammattilaisen keskustelussa
[Requesting for and giving advice in parent-practitioner conferences in day care].
Viestinnän tutkimuksen päivät [5th Finnish Conference on Communication
Research], 12–13.2. February, Tampere.
Alasuutari, Maarit (2009). Päiväkodin tavat ja tavallinen lapsi [The institutional
order and the ordinary child in day care]. Kasvatustieteen päivät [The Annual
Conference of the Finnish Educational Research Association], 26–27.3., Tampere.
Bilaga C
Alasuutari, Maarit & Alasuutari, Pertti (2009). Sinun lapsesi ei ole sinun [Your
child is not yours]. 2. Lapsuudentutkimuksen päivät [The 2nd Finnish Childhood
Studies Conference, Childhood spaces, children‘s places].1–2.6., Tampere.
Alasuutari, Maarit (2008). Mikä lapsissa huvittaa? [What is so funny about
children?] Lapsuuden tutkimuksenpäivät [Conference on childhood studies], 2–
3.6., Turku.
Alasuutari, Maarit (2006). Lapsikohtaiset varhaiskasvatussuunnitelmakeskustelut
yhteiskunnallisena, kasvatuksellisena ja vuorovaikutuksellisena ilmiönä [Social,
educational, and interactional dimensions in planning for the child‘s early
education and care]. Perhetutkimuksen päivät [The conference of family studies].
6.–7.4., Jyväskylä.
Alasuutari, Maarit (2006). Yhteistyön jännitteet lapsen
varhaiskasvatussuunnitelmaneuvotteluissa [The tensions in parent-practitioner
collaboration in day care]. Psykologia 2006 -konferenssi [Psychology 2006
Conference 23.–25.8., Tampere.
Alasuutari, Maarit (2004). Vanhemman asiakkuus lasten mielenterveyspalveluissa
[Parents as clients in child mental health services.]. Perhetutkimuksen päivät [The
conference of family studies] 25.–26.3., Jyväskylä.
Alasuutari, Maarit (2004). Lapsen laadullinen tutkimushaastattelu [Qualitative
interviews with children]. Psykologia 2004 -konferenssi [Psychology 2004
Conference]. 25.–27.8., Turku.
Nummenmaa Anna Raija & Alasuutari, Maarit (2005). Metaforat lapsuuden
kulttuuristen merkitysten kantajina [Metaphors as carriers of cultural meanings].
Kasvatustieteen päivät [The Annual Conference of the Finnish Educational
Research Association]. 17.–18.11., Jyväskylä.
Alasuutari, Maarit (2003). Lapsen koulunkäynnin vaikeudet ja yhteistyö
vanhemman tulkitsemana [How parents interpret their child‘s school problems?].
Kasvatustieteen päivät [The Annual Conference of the Finnish Educational
Research Association], 20.–21.11., Helsinki.
Alasuutari, M. (2002). Vanhemmat lasten mielenterveyspalveluissa. Miten
vanhempi tulkitsee asiakassuhdetta? [Parents and child mental health services.]
Psykologia 2002 -konferenssi [Psychology 2002 Conference], 3.–7.9., Jyväskylä.
Alasuutari, Maarit & Toikka, Sini (2002). Lasten häiriöiden ennaltaehkäiseminen,
kun vanhemmalla on mielialahäiriö: Toimiva perhe -hanke [The Efficient Family
Program]. Workshop Psykologia 2002 -konferenssissa [Workshop at the
Psychology 2002 Conference]. 3.–7.9., Jyväskylä.
Bilaga C
Alasuutari, Maarit. (2001). Miksi institutionaalista varhaiskasvatusta? [Why
institutional early education?] Kasvatustieteen päivät [The Annual Conference of
the Finnish Educational Research Association], 23.–24.11., Tampere.
Alasuutari, M. (2000). Tapausanalyysi kotiäidin puheesta [A house-wife talking: a
case-analysis]. Psykologia 2000 -konferenssi [Psychology 2000 Conference],
30.8–2.9., Joensuu.
Bilaga C
Professor Eva Johansson
Doctoral Thesis, Monograph
Johansson, E. (1999d). Etik i små barns värld. Om värden och normer bland de yngsta barnen i
förskolan [Ethics in small children's worlds. Values and norms among the youngest children in
preschool]. (Göteborg Studies in Educational Sciences, no 141). : Acta Universitatis
Gothoburgensis / pp. 296.
Books (based on research)
Johansson E. (2001). Små barns etik [Toddler's ethics]. Stockholm: Liber.
Johansson E. (2002). Små børns etik. [Toddler's ethics]. Köpenhamn. Hans Reitzels forlag.
Johansson E. (2002). Små barns etikk. [Toddler's ethics]. Oslo: Pedagogisk Forum.
Johansson E. & Johansson. B. (2003). Etiska möten i skolan. Värdefrågor i samspel mellan yngre
skolbarn och dess lärare. [Moral encounters in school. Values in interaction between
schoolchildren and their teachers]. Stockholm: Liber.
Johansson, E., & Pramling Samuelsson, I., (Eds.). (2003). Förskolan – barns första skola.
[Preschool - a child‘s first school]. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Johansson, E., & Pramling Samuelsson, I. (2007). ”Att lära är nästan som att leka” Lek och
lärande i förskola och skola. [Learning is almost like playing]. Stockholm: Liber.
Johansson, E. (2008). ‖Gustav får visst sitta i tjejsoffan.‖ Etik och genus i förskolebarns världar.
[Gustav is allowed to sit in the girl‘s sofa‖ Morality and gender in preschool-children‘s
worlds] Stockholm: Liber.
Johansson, E., & Pramling Samuelsson, I. (2009). Å lære er nesten som å leke. Leg
og læring i barnehage og skule. [Learning is almost like playing. Play and
learning in preschool and school]. Bergen: Fagboksforlaget.
Sheridan, S., Pramling Samuelsson, I., & Johansson, E. (2010). Förskolan- arena
för barns lärande. Stockholm: Liber.
Johansson, E. (2013). Små barns læring. Møter mellom barn og voksne i barnehagen. Oslo:
Gyldendal Akademisk.
Books (of scholarly/professional nature)
Johansson, E. & Pramling Samuelsson, I (Eds.). (2003). Förskolan – barns första skola.
[Preschool, the child‘s first school]. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Book chapters of refereed edition
Johansson. E. (1996). Empati och moral, grunder för ett fredsbygge? [Empathy and morality,
bases for peace?]. In Hägglund & Kamperin (Eds.), Reflektioner på temat fred [Reflections
About Peace], p.p. 39-60. Report no 1996:07 S. Department of Education and Educational
research, University of Gothenburg.
Johansson, E. (1999). Etik med små barns ögon [Ethics in a toddler‘s life-world]. In J. Bengtsson
(Ed.), Med livsvärlden som grund. Bidrag till utvecklandet av en livsvärldsfenomenologisk
ansats i pedagogisk forskning [The life-world as a base for educational research], pp. 147167. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Bilaga C
Johansson, E., & Johansson. B. (2003). Etik i skolans vardag. [Morality in everyday-life of
school]. In A. Persson, (Ed.) Skolkulturer [School-cultures]. pp.57-70. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Andersson, G., Bennich – Björkman, l., Johansson, E. & Persson A. (2003). Skolkulturer –
tröghet, förändring, framgång. In A. Persson, (Ed.), Skolkulturer [School-cultures]. pp.11-32.
Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Johansson, E. (2004). Moral i små barns värld – en fråga om autonomt tänkande eller värden som
växer i relationer? In J Bengtsson (Ed.) Variationer – utmaningar i filosofisk pedagogik.
[Variations – challenges in philosophy of education], pp.249-266. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Johansson, E. (2005). Moral i små børns verden. Et spørgsmål om autonomi eller
intersubjektivitet? In J. Bengtsson, Utfordringer i filosofisk pædagogik [Challenges in
philosophy of education], (223–239). København: Danmarks pædagogiske Universitets
Johansson, E. (2005). Etik med små barns ögon. In J. Bengtsson (Ed.), Med livsvärlden som
grund. Bidrag till utvecklandet av en livsvärldsfenomenologisk ansats i pedagogisk forskning
[The life-world as a base for educational research] (pp. 175-197). Lund: Studentlitteratur.
(second edition)
Johansson, E. (2006) Children‘s morality – Perspectives and Research. In B. Spodek & O.
Saracho (Eds.). Handbook of Research on the Education Education of Young Children. (pp.
55-83). Mahwah, New Jersey, London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Johansson, E. (2007). Morality and Gender – Preschool Children‘s Moral Contracts. In O. N.
Saracho & B. Spodek (Eds.), Contemporary Perspectives on socialization and social
development in early childhood education, (pp. 267-300). Vol. 7. Charlotte, NC: Information
Age publishers.
Johansson, E. (2007). Toddler‘s morality – rights and others‘ well-being. In R. New & M.
Cochran (Eds.), Early Childhood Education: An International Encyclopedia, Greenwood
Johansson, E., & Pramling Samuelsson I. (2007). Play and learning an integrated wholeness-two
examples. In R. New & M. Cochran (Eds.), Early Childhood Education: An International
Encyclopedia, Greenwood Press.
Johansson, E. (2008). Atmosfære och pædagogik. [Atmosphere and education]. In U. Liberg & S.
Dupont (Eds.) Pædagogisk atmosfære [Pedagogical atmosphere]. Köpenhamn: Akademisk
Johansson, E. (2008). Early Childhood Education. In F. Clark Power, Ronald J. Nuzzi, Darcia
Narvaez, Daniel K. Lapsley och Thomas C. Hunt, Moral Education. A Handbook. Volume
one: A-L (pp. 149-150). Westport, Connecticut, London: Praeger.
Johansson E. (2009). Doing the right thing. Different life-worlds and similar values in toddler
interactions. In D. Berthelsen, J. Brownlee, & E. Johansson (Eds.), Participatory Learning
and the Early Years. Research and pedagogy (pp. 44-60), New York and London Routledge,
Taylor & Frances Group.
Emilson, A., & Johansson, E. (2009). Communicated values in teacher and toddler interactions in
preschool. In D. Berthelsen, J. Brownlee, & E. Johansson (Eds.), Participatory Learning and
the Early Years. Research and pedagogy (pp. 61-77), New York and London: Routledge,
Taylor & Frances Group.
Johansson, E. & Pramling Samuelsson, I. (2009). Kreativa lek och lärandemiljöer i pedagogisk
verksamhet. In M. Jensen & Å Harvaerd (Eds), Leka för att lära. Utveckling, kognition och
Bilaga C
kultur [Playing for learning. Development, cognition, culture]. (pp.145-162). Lund:
Johansson, E. (2011) Moral discoveries and learning in preschool. In N. Pramling, & I Pramling
Samuelsson, (Eds): Educa-tional encounters: Nordic studies in early childhood didactics
(127-139). Springer Scienc+Buisness media.
Johansson, E. (2011). Investigating morality in toddler's worlds. In E. Johansson, & J. White,
(Eds), Educational research with our youngest: Voices of infants and toddlers (127-140).
Springer Scienc+Buisness media
Johansson, E. (2011). Introduction: Giving Words to Children‘s Voices in Research. In E.
Johansson, & J. White, (Eds), Educational research with our youngest: Voices of infants and
toddlers (1-14). Springer Scienc+Buisness media
Johansson, E. (2012) Læringskulturer i spenningsfeltet mellom "vi og de andre". In T. Vist & M.
Alvetsad, M. Læringskulturer i barnehagen. Flerfaglige forskningsperspektiver [Learning
cultures in early childhood education]. Cappelen Damm Akademisk 2012 ISBN 978-82-0235016-1. s. 261-
Book chapters (of scholarly/professional nature in non-refereed books)
Johansson, E. (2000). Etik i förskolan – ett nytt innehåll, en ny yrkesskicklighet och en
framtidsfråga för pedagoger? [Ethics in preschool – a new subject, a new professional identity
and a question of future for teachers?] In I. Johansson and I. Holmbäck Rolander (Eds.),
Pedagoger i förvandling /Changing Pedagogues, p. 88-105. Stockholm: Liber.
Johansson, E., & Pramling Samuelsson, I. (2003). Förskolans vardag. [Everyday life in
preschool]. In E. Johansson & I. Pramling Samuelsson, (Eds). Förskolan – barns första skola.
[Preschool, the child‟s first school.] Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Johansson, E. (2003). Förskolebarns moral. Andras väl, omsorg och inte skada andra.
[Preschoolchildren‘s morality. The other‘s wellbeing, care and not hurting others]. In O. Frank
(Ed.). Föreningen Lärare i Religionskunskaps årsbok för 2003: Liksom värden, typ. Moral och
mening med fokus på skolan. Årgång 35. [Teacher‘s association of religion, year-book, no 35.]
Malmö: Prinfo/Team Offset & Media.
Johansson E. (2004). Barns integritet – en rättighet på nåder. [A child‘s integrity- a conditional
right.] In K. Nordenfalk (Ed), Etik i princip och praktik – en antologi om lärares
yrkesetik.[Ethics in principal and practice]. Lärarnas riksförbund och Lärarförbundet.
Värnamo: Fälth and Hässler.
Editor of journals and books
E. Johansson & I. Pramling Samuelsson (Eds), (2003). Barns perspektiv och barnperspektiv i
pedagogisk forskning och praxis. Temanummer Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige, 8(1-2)
[Special Issue: Children‘s perspectives and a child perspective in education and educational
E. Johansson & I Pramling Samuelsson, I (Eds). (2003). Förskolan – barns första skola.
[Preschool – children‟s first school.] Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Bilaga C
E. Johansson (2005) (invited Ed.) Children's rights- research and pedagogical practice.
International Journal of Early Childhood.
D. Berthelsen, J. Brownlee & E. Johansson (Eds.) (2009), Participatory Learning and the Early
Years. Research and Pedagogy. New York and London: Routledge, Taylor & Frances Group.
E. Johansson & D. Berthelsen (Eds) (2012). Solidarity and individualism in education and
educational research. Gothenburg University: Acta universitatis gotoburgensis.
E. Johansson & J. White (2011) (Eds.) "Educational research with our youngest: Voices of infants
and toddlers". Springer Scienc+Buisness media.
K. Jansen, E. Johansson & E. Ødegaard Eriksen (2011) (Eds.). På jakt etter
demokratibegrep i barnehagen [Searching for democracy in early childhood
education]. Special issue Nordic Early childhood education research, 4.
Refereed Journal Articles (in scholarly refereed journals)
Johansson, E., & Pramling Samuelsson I. (2001). Omsorg – en central aspekt av
förskolepedagogiken. Exemplet måltiden. [Care – a central aspect of early childhood
education. The mealtime.] Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige / Journal of educational research
in Sweden/, 6 (2), 81-102. ISSN 1401-6788.
Johansson, E. (2001). Morality in Children's Worlds – Rationality of Thought or Values
Emanating from Relations? Studies in Philosophy and Education. An International Quarterly.
20(4), 345-358.
Johansson E. (2002). Morality in Preschool Interaction: Teachers' Strategies for Working with
Children's Morality. Early Child Development and Care, 172(2), 203-221.
Johansson, E. (2003). Att närma sig barns perspektiv. Forskares och pedagogers möten med barns
perspektiv. [To approach and understand a child‘s perspective as a teacher and a researcher].
Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige, [Journal of educational research in Sweden] 8(1-2), 46-61.
Issn 1401-6788 http://www.ped.gu.se/biorn/barnperspektiv/
Johansson, E. (2004). Learning encounters in preschool – interaction between atmosphere, view
of children and of learning. International Journal of Early Childhood 1(36), 9-26.
Johansson, E. (2005). Children‘s Integrity – A Marginalised right? International Journal of Early
Childhood 37(3), 109–124.
Johansson, E. (2007). Empathy or intersubjectivity? Understanding the origins of morality in
young children. Studies in Philosophy and Education. An International Quarterly. ISSN 00393746 (print) 1573 (online).
Johansson, E., & Pramling Samuelsson I. (Eds.) (2003). Barns perspektiv och barnperspektiv i
pedagogisk forskning och praxis. Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige, [Children‘s perspective and
Johansson, E., & Pramling Samuelsson, I. (2005). Juego y Aprendizaje: un todointegrado dos
ejemplos. Perspectiva Universidad Central. 19. Escuela de Educatión Parvularia. Facultad de
Ciencias de la Eductión.
Johansson E., & Pramling Samuelsson I. (2006). Play and learning – inseparable dimensions in
preschool practice. Early Child development and care. 1(176) 47-65.
Bilaga C
Pramling, I., & Johansson, E. (1995). Existential Questions in Early childhood
programs in Sweden; Teachers conceptions and children's experience. Child &
Youth Care Forum, 24(2), 125-146.
Pramling Samuelsson, I., Johansson, E., Davidsson, B., & Fors, B. (2001). Student
Teachers‗ and Preschool Children‗s Questions about Life. A
phenomenographical approach to learning. European Early Educational
Research Journal, 8(2), 5-23.
Pramling Samuelsson, I., & Johansson, E. (2009). Why do children involve teachers in their play
and learning? European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, (17)1, 77–94.
Johansson, E., & Pramling Samuelsson, I. (2009). To Weave Together – Play and learning in
Early Childhood Education. Australian Research in Early Childhood education. Journal of
Australian Research in Early childhood education, 16(1), 33-48.
Johansson, E. (2009). The preschool Child of today – the world citizen of tomorrow.
International Journal of Early Childhood, 2(41), 79-96.
Johansson, E., & Emilson, A. (2010) Toddlers‘ Life in Swedish Preschool. International Journal
of Early Childhood Education 2(42),165–179.
Johansson, E., Brownlee, J., Cobb-Moore, C., Boulton-Lewis, G., Walker, S., & Ailwood, J.
(2011). Practices for teaching moral values in the early years: A call for a pedagogy of
participation. Education, Citizenship & Social Justice 6(2), 109-124.
Walker, S., Brownlee, J., Whiteford, C., Cobb-Moore, C., Johansson, E., Ailwood, J., & BoultonLewis, G. (2012) Early Years Teachers‘ Epistemic Beliefs and Beliefs about Children‘s Moral
Learning. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and practice, 18(2).
Boulton-Lewis, G.M, Brownlee, J, Walker. S, Cobb-Moore, C., & Johansson, E. (2011). Moral
and social development: Teachers‘ knowledge of children‘s learning and teaching strategies in
the early years. Australian Journal of Early Childhood, 36(4), 6-14.
Ailwood, J. Brownlee, J. Johansson, E., Cobb-Moore, C., Walker, S., & Boulton-Lewis, G
(2011). Educational policy for citizenship in the early years in Australia. Journal of education
policy, 26(5), 641-653,
Brownlee, J., Syu, J-J., Mascadri, J., Cobb-Moore, C., Walker, S., Johansson, E., Boulton-Lewis,
G.,& Ailwood, J. (2012). Teachers' and children's personal epistemologies for moral
education: Case studies in early years elementary education. Teaching and Teacher
Education: An International Journal of Research and Studies 28(3), 440-450.
Wainman, B., Walker, S., Brownlee, J., Boulton-Lewis, G., Cobb, C., Whiteford, C., &
Johansson, E. (2012). Young children‘s beliefs about including others in their play:
Social and moral reasoning about inclusion and exclusion. Australasian Journal of
Early Childhood, 37(3), 137-14.
Johansson, E. & Løkken, G. (2013) Sensory pedagogy– understanding and encountering
children through the senses Educational Philosophy and Theory.
Fugelsnes, Røthle & Johansson (accepted for publication) Values at stake in interplay
between toddlers and teachers. In O.F., Lillemyr, S. Dockett, & B. Perry, (Editors)
Perspectives on play and learning: Theory and research on early years‟ education.
Information Age Publishing.
Bilaga C
Emilson, A. & Johansson, E. (2013) Participation and gender in circle time situations in preschool.
Submitted and ongoing
Brownlee, J., Johansson, E., Cobb-Moore, C., Boulton-Lewis, G., Walker, S., & Ailwood, J.
Connecting epistemic beliefs, values and pedagogies in moral education: New perspectives on
epistemic beliefs for moral pedagogy. Submitted to International Journal of Qualitative
Studies in Education.
Johansson, E. & Berthelsen, D. (submitted chapter 12.10.12) The Birthday Cake: Social
Relations and Professional Practices Around Mealtimes with Toddlers in Child Care.
Hägglund, S. & Johansson E. (submitted abstract) Belonging, value conflicts and children‘s rights
in learning for sustainability in early childhood In J Davies& Sue Elliott ‗International
Research in Early Childhood Education for Sustainability: Beginning the Conversations‟.
Application to Routledge
Johansson, E. & Thornberg R. (Eds) (in progress) Värdepedagogik i förskola och skola [Values
education in preschool and school]. Liber förlag.
Scientific Reports
Pramling, I., Davidsson, B., Fors, B., & Johansson, E. (1995). Förskolebarn och livsfrågor Ett
didaktiskt försök med blivande förskollärare [Preschool-children and questions about life. A
didactic study among students in preschool teacher education]. Rapporter från Institutionen för
metodik i lärarutbildningen. Scientific report. Gothenburg University, no 10.
Johansson. E., & Jansson. A. (2000) Delrapport no 1. Projektet Små barns erfarenheter och
pedagogers förhållningssätt. Ledning och pedagoger – perspektiv på arbete, mål och läroplan
[Quality in preschool. Children's experiences and teacher's attitudes]. Referred in Swedish
Board of Education: Missions for government D. no 99:2713 Report no 1 to Swedish Board of
Education, 1-40.
Johansson E., & Jansson A. (2001) Små barns erfarenheter och pedagogers förhållningssätt.
Pedagoger och barn – möten samspel och lärande. Slutrapport inom Projektet små barns
erfarenheter och pedagogers förhållningssätt. [Quality in preschool. Teachers and childinteraction and learning] Final report to Swedish Board of Education, 1-208.
Johansson, E. (2003). Möten för lärande. Pedagogisk verksamhet för de yngsta barnen i
förskolan. [Encounters for learning – Quality aspects of early childhood education for
toddlers]. Skolverket, Forskning i fokus no 6. [The Swedish National Board of Education
Report]. Stockholm: Fritzes.
Johansson, E., & Pramling Samuelsson, I. (2006). Lek och läroplan. Möten mellan barn och
lärare i förskola och skola [Play and learning – Encounters Between Teachers and Children in
Early Education]. (Göteborg Studies in Educational Sciences, no 249). Göteborg: Acta
Universitatis Gothoburgensis.
Bilaga C
Johansson, E. (2007). Etiska överenskommelser i förskolebarns världar [Moral agreements in
preschool children‘s worlds]. (Göteborg Studies in Educational Sciences, no 251). Göteborg:
Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis.
Johansson E. (2007). Förskolebarns moral i forskning och pedagogisk praktik. [Preschool
children‘s morality – research and education]. Forskning i fokus no 34. Myndigheten för
skolutveckling, [The Swedish National Board of Education Report]. ISSN 1651-3460.
S. Sheridan, I. Pramling Samuelsson & E. Johansson (2009) (Eds). Barns tidiga lärande. En
tvärsnittstsudie om förskolan som miljö för barns lärande [Children‘s early learning. A cross
sectional study of preschool as an environment for children‘s learning]. (Göteborg Studies in
Educational Sciences, no 284), Göteborg: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis.
Johansson, E. (2011) Möten för lärande. Pedagogisk verksamhet för de yngsta barnen i förskolan
Forskningsöversikt. (2nd rev ed.). Fritzes 2011 (ISBN 91-85128-56-2).
Report chapters
Johansson, E., & Pramling Samuelsson, I. (2002). Lek och lärande - oskiljaktiga dimensioner i
förskolans praktik. [Play and learning – inseparable dimensions in preschool practice] In I.
Pramling Samuelsson (Ed.) Lek och lärande. Konferensrapport från Nätverk för
Barnomsorgsforskning [Play and learning – conference report from Network for Childcare
Research in Sweden]. Göteborg, 15 - 16 November 2001. IPD-rapport. Göteborgs universitet:
Institutionen för pedagogik och didaktik.
Johansson, E. (2003). Barns erfarenhet av andras väl – Att förstå och gripa in i den andres
livsvärld. In M. Uljens & J. Bengtsson (Eds.), Livsvärldsfenomenologi och hermeneutik.
Aktuella humanvetenskapliga forskningsproblem. [Life-world phenomenology and
hermeneutics]. Report no 192. Helsingfors University. Pedagogiska institutionen,
forskningsrapport no 192.
Johansson, E. (2009). Barns samspel [Children‘s interactions]. In S. Sheridan, I. Pramling
Samuelsson & E. Johansson (2009) (Eds). Barns tidiga lärande. En tvärsnittstsudie om
förskolan som miljö för barns lärande [Children‘s early learning. A cross sectional study of
preschool as an environment for children‘s learning]. (pp. 185-214). (Göteborg Studies in
Educational Sciences, no 284), Göteborg: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis.
Non-Refereed Journal Articles (of scholarly/professional nature in nonrefereed journals)
Johansson, E. (2000). Små barns etik växer ur lyhördhet. [Children's morality grows out of
responsiveness]. Lokus, Journal for Children and Youth Science, 1, 6-22.
Davidsson, B., & Johansson, E. (1997). I dagboken utvecklas synen på barns livsfrågor [Writing
diary– a method to encourage teacher's reflections upon children's questions about life]. Lokus,
tidskrift för forskning om barn och ungdomar/ Lokus, Journal for Children and Youth
science], 4, 16-28.
Johansson, E. (2000). Etik i små barns värld [Ethics in toddler's worlds]. Omvårdaren [Care], 5,
Bilaga C
Johansson, E. (1994). Moralfrågor i förskola [Moral Questions in Preschool]. Didaktisk tidskrift
[Didactic Journal], 1-2, 61-80.
Johansson, E. (1999) Etik och livsfrågor med barns ögon [Ethics and questions about life from a
child's perspectiv]. Förskoletidningen [Journal of Preschool], 1, 15-21.
Johansson, E. (2001). Makt och hierarki i sandlådan. [Power and positions in the sandpit].
Pedagogiska magasinet, [Educational Magazine], 4, 27-33./
Johansson E. (2003) Att skapa möten för lärande. [To create encounters for learning].
Förskoletidningen [Journal of Preschool]. 3(28), 4-17.
Johansson, E. (2003). Rettigheder – fra små børns perspektiv. [Rights from a child‘s
perspecticve]. Social Kritik. Tidskrift for social analyse & debat. Liv og læring i
daginstitutioner [Social critics, Journal for social analyses and debate], 88(15).
Johansson, E. (2004). Vetenskapligt förhållningssätt [Scientifical approaches]. Förskoletidningen
[Journal of Preschool]. 1(29), 26-41.
Johansson, E (2004). Förhållningssätt till språket [Attitudes to language]. Förskoletidningen
[Journal of Preschool]. 4(29), 4-11.
Johansson E. (2005). Integritet, makt och lärande [Integrity, power and learning.
Förskoletidningen [Journal of Preschool]. no 1, 2005
Johansson. E. (2007). Inte vilket yrke som helst [Not any kind of job at all]. Pedagogiska
Magasinet 3, (pp. 90).
Johansson, E. (2007). Rätt till en delad värld – etiska upptäckter och dilemman i barns lek [The
right to a shared world– moral discoveries in children‘s play]. Centrum för
barnkulturforskning, 39. Stockholm: Stockholm University.
Johansson, E. (2009). Barnet og oppdraget. [The child and the assignment]. Barnehagefolk 3-4,
2009, 17-33.
Johansson, E. (2009). Dagens förskolebarn – morgondagens medborgare. Forskning om
undervisning och lärande 2. (41-56) Stiftelsen SAF i samarbete med Lärarförbundet: Grafiska
Johansson, E. (2009). Observera barns samspel. Förskoletidningen, 6,24-31.
Johansson, E. (2010). Etiske konflikter og små barns læring. Barnehagefolk 1-2010.
Johansson, E. (2010). Observera barns samspel. Didaktik i förskolan. Hur, vad, varför och för
vem? Fortbildningab/förskoletidningen.
International conferences
Johansson, E. (25-29 September, 1995). Existential Questions in Early Childhood Programs in
Sweden; Teachers conceptions and children's experience. Paper presented at the "China-AsiaPacific, Early Childhood Conference, Beijing.
Johansson E. (August 13-16, 1998). Ethics from the Point of View of Preschool Children. Paper
presented at 22nd World congress of OMEP: The child's rights to care, play and education,
Copenhagen, Denmark.
Bilaga C
Johansson, E. (24-28 August, 1999). Ethics from Preschool children's point of view, Paper
presented at 8th European Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction, Göteborg.
Johansson, E. (2002). Empati och intersubjektivitet, användbara begrepp i forskning och
pedagogisk praxis? Bidrag till workshop i livsvärldsfenomenologi och hermeneutik,
Helsingfors 8-10 februari, 2002.
Johansson, E. (2006). Morality and Gender – Preschool Children‟s Moral Agreements. Paper
presented at the AME, 32nd conference in Friburg, Sweitz.
Johansson, E. (2007). Morality in preschool interaction: Teacher‟s strategies for working with
children‟s morality. Paper presented at a symposium, Symposium: The teachers‘ role in
children‘s social and moral development in early childhood education at 17th EECERA
Annual conference, Exploring Vygotsky‘s ideas. Crossing Borders i Paha 29 October –1
September, 2007.
Johansson, E. (2008). Morality in preschool-children's worlds. Keynote speech, at the
(celebration 40 years of pre-school teacher training in Tallinn University), Estonia, Tallinn
University, April 26, 2008.
Johansson, E. (2008). The youngest children in Sweden – educational policy and research Paper
presented at a conference: Research on children under 3 in Early childhood education in
Europe, Seminar in Paris, June 23 and 24, 2008.
Johansson, E. (2008). “Doing the right thing” Different Life-worlds and Similar values in
Toddler Interactions. Symposium paper presented at the 18th EECERA annual conference, at
Stavanger University, Stavanger, Norway, 3-6 September, 2008.
Johansson, E. (2008). Teacher observations as a method for studying toddler‟s interaction.
Possibilities and challenges. Symposium paper presented at the 18th EECERA annual
conference, at Stavanger University, Stavanger, Norway, 3-6 September, 2008.
Johansson, E. (2008). The Preschool Child of Today – the World-citizen of Tomorrow?
Symposium paper presented at the 18th EECERA annual conference, at Stavanger University,
Stavanger, Norway, 3-6 September, 2008.
Johansson, E. (2008). Teacher and child interactions – bodily communication as dimensions of
learning. Symposium paper presented at the ECER annual conference, in Göteborg, Sweden,
10-12 September, 2008.
Johansson, E. (2008). Values of rights and gender-expectations in preschool children‟s morality.
Paper presented at the ECER annual conference, in Göteborg, Sweden, 10-12 September,
Johansson, E. (2009). Children‘s perspectives on rules and participation in school. Paper
presented at a Symposia: Learning about social and moral values for active citizenship, part I.
School of early education, Queensland university of technology. 10th of November 2009
Johansson, E. (2009). Doing the right thing – a moral concern from the perspectives of young
preschool children. Paper presented at a Symposia: Learning about social and moral values
for active citizenship, part II. School of early education, Queensland university of technology.
24th of November 2009.
Johansson, E., Cobb-Moore, C., Walker, S., Brownlee, J., Ailwood, J., & Boulton-Lewis, G.
(2010). Children‟s perspectives on rules and partici-pation in Australian early education.
Paper presented at OMEP World Congress in Gothenborg. 11- 13. 8. 2010.
Bilaga C
Johansson, E. (2010) Caring, disciplined and democratic girls and boys in pre-school. Invited
Symposia at the OMEP World Congress in Gothenborg. 11 - 13. 8. 2010
Johansson, E & Berthelsen, D. (2010) Mealtime in early childhood programs - a potential for
learning? Paper presentation at OMEP World Congress in Gothenborg 11 - 13. 8. 2010.
Berthelsen, D., Johansson E, Klerfelt , A. Larsson, J., & Nykänen P. (2010). Meeting the
editors: Key issues in developing articles for publication. Self organized symposia at OMEP
World Congress in Gothenborg. 11-13.8 2010.
Johansson, E. & Emilson, A. (2010). Rights, caring and gender in Norwegian and Swedish
preschool contexts. Paper presented at 36th Annual AME Conference: Gateway to Justice
Meeting the Moral challenges of Social injustice. S:t Louis USA 3-6 november 2010.
Johansson, E., Emilson, A., Fugelsnes, K., Rosell, L.Y. Röthle, M. (2011) Values and gender
communicated between teachers and children in Nowegian and Swedish preschools. Symposia
at the EECERA 21. Annual Conference, Geneva, Switzerland, 14. – 17. 9. 2011.
Nordic conferences (non refereed)
Pramling, I., Davidsson B., Fors, B., & Johansson, E. (7-10 March, 1996). Teacher
trainees' Meeting with Preschool children‟s Questions about Life. A Didactic
Study. Paper presented at NFPF 24th congress in Lillehammer, Norway.
Berndtsson, I., & Johansson. E. (6-9 March, 1977). Livsvärlden som grund för pedagogisk
forsknin [The life-world – a Base for Educational Research]. Paper presented at the Nordic
Congress for Pedagogical Research (NFPF), Göteborg.
Davidsson, B., Johansson, E., & Pramling-Samuelsson, I. (6-9 March, 1997). Dagbok som metod
[Diary as a method]. Paper presented at the Nordic Congress for Pedagogical Research
(NFPF), Göteborg.
Johansson, E (16-19 March, 1995). Gott och ont i förskolan [Good and Evil in Preschool]. Paper
presented at the 23rd Nordic Congress for Pedagogical Research in Aarhus, Denmark.
Johansson, E. (March 9-12, 2000). Ethics in small children‟s worlds. Values and Norms among
the Youngest Children in Preschool. Paper presented at Nordic Association for Educational
Research 28th Congress, Kristiansand, Norway.
Johansson, E. (March 9-12, 2000). Moral Rights – an Existential question for Small Children.
Paper presented at Nordic Association for Educational Research 28th Congress, Kristiansand,
Johansson, E and Pramling Samuelsson, I. (20-21 November, 2000). Måltidssituationen på
förskolan – ur ett omsorgs och lärandeperspektiv [Mealtime in preschool from a caring and
learning perspective]. Paper presented at a Network conference Omsorgsbegreppet i förskolan
i, Göteborg.
Johansson, E. (15-18 March, 2001). Morality in preschool. Teacher's and Children's Interaction.
Paper presented the Nordic Association for Educational Research (NFPF) 29th congress,
Johansson E., & Pramling Samuelsson I. (2005). Play and learning in early childhood education.
Paper presented at Nordisk förening för pedagogisk forskning (NFPF/NERA) 33:e congress in
Oslo, 10-12 March 2001.
Bilaga C
Pramling Samuelsson I., & Johansson, E. (2005). How do children involve teachers in their play
and learning? Paper presented at Nordisk förening för pedagogisk forskning (NFPF/NERA)
33:e congress in Oslo, 10-12 March 2001.
Name of applicant
Bengtsson, Stefan
Date of birth
Title of research programme
Appendix N
Budget and research resources
VRAPS/VR-Direct bilaga 2004.Re
Vetenskapsrådet, Box 1035, SE-101 38 Stockholm, tel. +46 (0)8 546 44 000, [email protected]
Appendix N
Budget and research resources
Main coordinator: Ann-Christine Vallberg Roth
The research school for preschool teachers with a focus on assessment and documentation
Motivation for the budget application:
The items listed below form the budgetary framework necessary for planning and running a
national research school in a collaboration involving seven universities, with Nordic and
international ambitions.
Budget items:
Steering committee
Planning and establishing the research school requires scientific leaders and university
coordinators at each of seven universities, comprising the research school’s steering
committee. We allocate a budget framework for each university that will be divided between
the two coordinators (see appendix B). The main coordinator will lead the research school’s
steering committee and have overall responsibility for the research school as a whole.
University-wide administrative coordinator and webmaster
The host institution will have a university-wide administrative coordinator and webmaster.
The research school will use online communication tools to maintain communication between
graduate students, coordinators, and officials. The website nordicassessment.net will serve as
a base, complemented during the third year of the research school with an e-zine that will
provide an open forum for discussion and research presentation, where active teachers,
student teachers, and researchers can meet.
The research school will have 14 students whose supervision is funded by the Swedish
Research Council (14 x 2 supervisors = 28 supervisors). Supervisory costs are calculated at a
slightly higher level than usual, because graduate students in this format require more effort
and the supervisors are expected to participate in various residential conference centers,
meetings, and the final conference. Each student will be assigned 200 hours over the four
Residential conference center
Courses will be held at each of the seven universities, and regular sessions will take place at
the residential conference center.
An introductory conference center session will be held for all students, supervisors, and the
steering committee (a total of about 45 people).
The students and steering committee will meet each term for seminars, courses, and analysis
of the students' texts.
The Nordic network will participate in the courses and seminars at the residential conference
The courses will be conducted by the various institutions at residential conference centers,
with invited national and international lecturers and reviewers of the students’ examinations.
New courses will be developed specifically for the school's profile and needs. (The more
common recurrent methods and theory courses will be the responsibility of individual
The costs are appropriate because the courses will be held on a nationwide basis.
Internationalization in different forms will be consistently encouraged.
The research school will hold a final conference for presentation and communication of
A specific amount is allocated for individual applications for participation at conferences to
present papers, attend international workshops, and so on. This budget line also includes
Call for applications/advertising
The research school will advertise both nationwide in professional journals and in the regional
press. Various web services will also be used.
Calculation research school
Costs including social costs and overhead
Staff Costs
Ann Christine Vallberg Roth
Ingegerd Tallberg Broman
2 014
327 600
67 020
66 150
66 150
66 150
337 428
69 031
68 135
68 135
68 135
347 551
71 102
70 179
70 179
70 179
357 977
73 235
72 284
72 284
72 284
66 150
68 135
70 179
72 284
Sonja Sheridan/ Pia Wiliams
Annica Löfdahl/ Karin Franzén
Anders Jönsson, Agneta Ljung Djärf/Susanne Thulin
Ann-Marie Markström/Maria Simonsson
Peter Karlsudd/Anette Emilsson
66 150
68 135
70 179
72 284
Anette Sandberg/Anne Lillvist
66 150
68 135
70 179
72 284
Operational coordinator
Lotta Nyren
137 970
142 109
146 372
150 764
Magnus Gudmundson
5 % year 1-2 10% year 3-4
34 380
35 411
72 947
75 136
14 licentiates x 50 hours/year based on 50% studypath.
Based on a hourly rate 680 SEK kr excluding overhead.
Corresponds to a monthly salary at 45 000 SEK.
666 400
666 400
666 400
666 400
50 000
55 000
55 000
150 000
150 000
75 000
International lectures
5 000
Other costs
Local newspapers
Residential conference centre sessions
Residential conference centre sessions
75 000
60 people x 3000 SEK /semester
30people x 2 500 SEK/semester
180 000
75 000
Nordic conference
Travel expenses
150 000
Course cost
Course cost
Course coordinaton and -examination
Course development
7,5higher education credits x 2 x 75 000 SEK
15 higher education credits
15higher education credits x 2 x 10 000 SEK
7,5higher education credits x 4 x 10 000 SEK
75 000
75 000
75 000
75 000
10 000
10 000
10 000
10 000
Travellings to internats
Travelling to courses
45 people x 1000 SEK / semester
45 000
15 000
90 000
30 000
90 000
30 000
90 000
30 000
International lectures
4 x 10 000 SEK
5 000
7 500
7 500
7 500
75 000
75 000
50 000
50 000
Marketing/communication (posters, program)
50 000
Cost each year SEK
Total cost 2014-2017
50 000
2 240 270 2 121 686 2 267 943 2 299 715
8 929 614
2013 -
Repr.of University
Bengtsson, Stefan
Date of birth
Reg date
2013-05-15 18:58:38
Title of research programme
Doctoral programme grant
Appendix S
Malmö Högskola
2014-01-01 -- 2017-12-31
Repr.of University
Clarifi cation of signature
Vetenskapsrådets noteringar
VRAPS/VR-Direct bilaga 2004.SLinee.s
Vetenskapsrådet, Box 1035, SE-101 38 Stockholm, tel. +46 (0)8 546 44 000, [email protected]