Transcript Beaglebone Library for Python
Lab 5 Environment setup
Beaglebone Library for Python Introduction to Python Programming exercise
Beaglebone Library for Python
Library for Beaglebone – PyBBIO Including bbio libraries and so on.
Provides pin configuration and functions we need when programming.
Download and update from internet.
Beaglebone Library for Python
Step1 Connect Beaglebone to PC through USB cable and to router(DHCP supporting) by Ethernet cable .
Step2 Log in to your Beaglebone with Terminal program.
Step3 Make sure your beaglebone getting on the Internet.
Using ping instruction.
Ex: ping
End it by using Ctrl+c
Beaglebone Library for Python
Step4 Download BeagleBone Library for Python python-distutils, python-mmap, python-pyserial and PyBBIO Type in ↓ opkg update && opkg install python-distutils python mmap python-pyserial
Beaglebone Library for Python
Type in ↓ cd ~ /*Changes to root directory
Beaglebone Library for Python
Type in ↓ git clone git://
Load(Clone) PyBBIO.git to your Beaglebone.
Check “root” directory by ls, make sure there is a folder “PyBBIO”
Beaglebone Library for Python
Step5 Change directory to PyBBIO and see if there is a file
Beaglebone Library for Python
Step 6 Install PyBBIO by ↓ python install All will get ready when installation has done.
Introduction to Python
Python has been provided in our Beaglebone OS Type in python –V for checking version.
Introduction to Python
Type in python for getting into conversation mode
Introduction to Python
Try to input >>> a=5 >>> b=3 >>> a+b >>> a-b >>> a*b >>> a/b >>> a%b after ‘>>>’ See what happened.
Introduction to Python
Use quit() to leave conversation mode.
Introduction to Python
Write a python source code file with .py .
Run Python source code by python
Introduction to Python
Print print xxx print ‘xxx’ or print “xxx” print value Print multiple object print ‘abc’, 10 result = root@beaglebone:# abc 10 raw_input() raw_input(“Index”)
Introduction to Python
Flow control If [condiction]: statement 1 elif [condiction]: else: statement 2 statement 3 Distinguish statement by indent.
Introduction to Python
while [condiction]: statement statement statement
Introduction to Python
for [var] in range([init.], [term.], [step]): statement Ex: for i in range (1, 16, 3 ) for [var] in [array]: statement Ex: for j in my_array
Introduction to Python
Nest loop for [var] in range(): for [var] in range(): statement2 statement1
Programming exercise
1. Write a program enable you to input your Student ID and nickname.
Print out the information.
Programming exercise
2. Write the instructions we mentioned in example of conversation mode into a file and execute it.
Print the results.
Programming exercise
3. Print out the 9*9 table.
Using flow control statement.
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