Kirat Karo - Sikhi Resources

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Kirat Karo
Understand what it means to earn an honest living and what impact it has
on our jeevan
Understand what dishonest earning is and it’s impact
Analyse how honest earning contributes to the wider community.
Greeting Task:
Read through and check your homework. Have
you included your name?
Special prizes for students who share/show and
Let’s get alert again......
Say: a A e s h
Do: R R L B L
k K g G |
c C j J \
t T f F x
q Q d D n
p P b B m
X r l v V
S ^ Z z & L
Which two principles have we studied already???
Naam Jappo
Wand Ke Shako
Collective Memory Task 1:
Are you up for the challenge?
From your group each member will have ten seconds to look at
a picture. To begin with pick one person to draw.
Following the 10 seconds the viewer feeds back to the rest of
the group for 1 minute to enable them to start reproducing the
original image
After 1 minute the next member of the group has 10 seconds
with the image. The drawer views last.
After a few rounds the group’s version is compared to the
Same picture throughout!
Group Questions
In your group jot down the answers to the
following questions:
1.How did you do the task?
2.How did you work together?
3.What was hard about having 10 seconds?
4.What would you do differently?
Group Questions
In your group jot down the answers to the following
1.What is the picture telling us?
2.What can I guess from the picture?
3.What does the picture not tell me?
4.What further questions do I need to ask?
Collective Memory Task 2:
Are you up for the challenge?
From your group each member will have ten seconds to look at
a picture. To begin with pick one person to draw.
Following the 10 seconds the viewer feeds back to the rest of
the group for 1 minute to enable them to start reproducing the
original image
After 1 minute the next member of the group has 10 seconds
with the image. The drawer views last.
After a few rounds the group’s version is compared to the
Same picture throughout!
Group Questions
In your group jot down the answers to the following
1.What is the picture telling us?
2.What can I guess from the picture?
3.What does the picture not tell me?
4.What further questions do I need to ask?
Bhai Lalo and Malik Bhago
Watch the summary
video carefully.
You will be set a task
What’s the moral of the Sakhi?
Bhai Mardana really loved the taste of the food & asked Guru Ji why it tasted like
Guru Ji replied “That was the sweet flavour of truthfulness and honesty that you
Malik Bhago realised that what he was doing was wrong. He fell at the feet of Guru
Nanak Dev Ji
Guru Nanak Dev Ji being the Guru forgave Malik Bhago for being dishonest
Malik Bhago promised to earn a honest living going forward.
What do this tell us about Guru Ji?
Story Board Bhai Lalo and Malik Bhago Sakhi
Task: Open two fresh A4 pages so you can make an A3 storyboard
Put the below boxes in order and draw images to match the text
Best storyboards will receive commendations
EXTENSION TASK: Write down the moral of the story
1.Once when
Guru Nanak
came to the
small town of
Saidpur in
West Punjab
he choose to
stay there with
Lalo, a low
2.At the same time
the local chief of
the town Malik
Bhago, who was
quite wealthy and
a very proud man
was holding a feast
to which all holy
men were invited.
3.When Malik Bhago
found out that Guru
Nanak would not
attend his feast but
instead partook of the
simple fare of his host
Lalo, he was quite
angry and had the
Guru brought to him
for questioning.
4.When asked why he
didn’t join in the feast,
the Guru sent for the
meal served by Malik
Bhago and also some of
the simple meal served
by Lalo.
5.Holding these in separate
hands he squeezed them, blood
appeared out the rich food of
Malik Bhago, while milk oozed
out of Lalo’s simple food.
6.Malik Bhago was
put to shame and
realised that his
riches had been
amassed by
exploiting the poor,
while Lalo’s offering
was a the milk of
hard earned honest
How does one make a dishonest living?
Do dishonest people get away with things?
kwr kmwvih sc kI lwhw imlY rjwie ]
kaar kamaavehi sach kee laahaa milai
rajaae ||
Those who practice Truth reap the profits,
abiding in the Will of God.
lwBu imlY qotw ihrY swDsMig ilv lwie ]
laabh milai thottaa hirai
saadhhasa(n)g liv laae ||
People reap their profits, and suffer no
loss, when they embrace love for the
Saadh Sangat, the Company of the
nwmu lwhw lY gurmiq ibgsw ]2]
naam laahaa lai guramath bigasaa ||2||
Reaping the profit of the Naam, through the
Guru's Teachings, my soul has blossomed
forth. ||2||
jyhw bIau qyhw Plu pwieAw ]1]
jaehaa beeo thaehaa fal
paaeiaa ||1||
As someone sows, so he
Do dishonest people get away with things?
lUik kmwvY iks qy jw vyKY sdw
hdUir ]
look kamaavai kis thae jaa
vaekhai sadhaa hadhoor
From whom are you trying
to hide your actions? God
sees all;
blbMc Cip krq aupwvw pyKq sunq
pRB AMqrjwmI ]
balaba(n)ch shhap karath
oupaavaa paekhath sunath
prabh a(n)tharajaamee ||
I try to hide my deception,
but God, the Inner-knower,
the Searcher of Hearts,
sees and hears all.
jil Qil mhIAil pUirAw pRBu AwpxI ndir
inhwil ]2]
jal thhal meheeal pooriaa
prabh aapanee nadhar nihaal
God is pervading the water,
the land and the sky; He sees
all with His Glance of Grace.
AMqrjwmI pRB sujwnu ]
a(n)tharajaamee prabh
sujaan ||
God is All-knowing, the
Inner-knower, the Searcher
of hearts.
How can we incorporate all three Sikh
principles into our lives at the same
TASK: In groups mind map the above question. Think of home, school,
can you pray, work hard and serve others?
We all have busy lives, think of as many practical things as possible.
Best group work and mind maps
win commendations
Video Ideas.....
How can we incorporate all three
Sikh principles into our lives at
the same time?
How can we incorporate all three
Sikh principles into our lives at
the same time?
Hands up...
What is tax?
Why are people so negative
about taxes?
What do you think the Sikh
perspective is on taxes?
TAX: A contribution for the support of the
local, national and global community
TASK 1: Copy the definition
TASK 2: Write a list of how taxes help us?
Use the hints.......
0.7% of our GDP goes to developing well as your dasvand,
your earnings help the needy
Taxes- Discussion
Class discussion:
Should the rich have to pay more tax?
In the summer were the rioters right to ‘re-claim’ their taxes?
Every Lesson Counts
Task: Write a paragraph explaining why
YOU THINK hard work- kirat karo is
important to Sikhi and to your life.
Homework: Use your family, the internet etc to research what is
happening in these pictures.
Write your answers in the space provided.