RP foreningen i Norge - Dansk Oftalmologisk Selskab

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Transcript RP foreningen i Norge - Dansk Oftalmologisk Selskab

Meld deg på idag!
Påmeldingsskjema finner du på følgende lenke: http://rpfn.no/symposium.
Deltakeravgiften er kr. 500,- og faktureres i ettertid. Siste frist for
påmelding er 2.desember 2013.
Vi håper å se mange av dere i desember!
I 2011 arrangerte RP-foreningen i samarbeid med Øyeavdelingen ved OUS Ullevål et fagsymposium
om netthinneforskning og fremskritt i arbeidet med å finne behandling for arvelige
netthinnesykdommer. Fredag 6. desember 2013 skal vi igjen arrangere et symposium på OUS
Ullevål. Denne gangen blir symposiet også en markering av RP-foreningens 20-års jubileum.
Hovedtemaet blir denne gangen de kliniske forsøk som er i gang med forskjellige arvelige
netthinnesykdommer, og den forskningen som foregår ved OUS med elektrostimulering av netthinnen
vil bli presentert. Særlig vekt vil også bli lagt på de utfordringene som ligger i stamcelleforskningen og
det nye feltet epigenetikk, som gir en ny dimensjon til den presise diagnostisering av disse
sykdommene. Det nye forskningfeltet optogenetikk, der strategien er å tilføre lysømfintlige gener til
netthinnens øvrige celler til erstatning for døde synsceller, blir et viktig tema.
En rekke foredragsholdere med internasjonal kompetanse vil holde innlegg på symposiet. Det gjelder
størrelser som professorene Alan Bird fra London, Barbara Wilhelm fra Tûbingen og Serge Picaud fra
Paris. Fra OUS deltar blant andre professor Morten C. Moe og professor i medisinsk genetikk Dag
Undlien. Fagansvarlig og leder av symposiet vil være overlege Ragnheidur Bragadottir. Endelig
program ligger vedlagt denne eposten.
Med vennlig hilsen,
RP-foreningen i Norge
Register your attendance today through the following link:
There is a participation fee of NOK 500 for which you will receive an
invoice. The last day of registration is December 1st 2013.
We hope to see many of you in December!
In 2011, the RP Association in Norway in cooperation with the Eye Institute at Oslo University Hospital
hosted a symposium on hereditary retinal diseases and the progress in research towards finding a
treatment. On Friday the 6th of December, we will again host a symposium at OUS Ullevål. This
time, the symposium will also mark the 20th anniversary of the RP Association.
The main topic will be clinical trials on different types of retinal degenerative diseases, and the
research currently being done at OUS Ullevål on electrostimulation of the retina will be presented. The
challenges that lie in stemcell research will be adressed, and the new field epigenetics will bring an
added dimension to precise diagnosing of these diseases. Optogenetics, where the strategy is to
infuse light-sensitive genes into the retina to replace dead cells, will also be an important subject.
A range of speakers with the highest competence are giving lectures at the symposium. They are
heavyweighters like professors Alan Bird from London, Barbara Wilhelm from Tûbingen and Serge
Picaud from France. From OUS, Prof. Morten C. Moe and professor in Medical Genetics Dag Undlien
will participate among others. Supervisor and leader of the symposium is Associate
Professor Ragnheidur Bragadottir. The official program is attached to this email.
Best regards,
The RP Association in Norway
Symposium on Hereditary Retinal Diseases
“Entering the Era of Clinical Trials”
Department of Ophthalmology, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo,
Norway and The Norwegian RP Association
Auditorium, 1st floor, Building 36, OUS at Ullevål, Kirkeveien 166
December 6th, 2013
09:00 – 09:30
09:30 – 09:45
Ragnheiður Bragadóttir, Associate Professor at Retina
Section, Dep. of Ophthalmology, OUS Ullevål
09:45 – 10:45
Challenges and perspectives on moving from
research to clinical trials in the field of retinal
degenerative diseases.
Alan Bird, Professor at University College, London
10:45 – 11:30
Focus on clinical trials in visually impaired patients
– an update from Tübingen
Barbara Wilhelm, Professor at University of Tübingen
11:30 – 12:00
Coffee break
12:00 – 12:30
Clinical trials of a treatment for RP at Oslo
University Hospital - TESOLA
Josephine Prener Holtan, Dep. of Ophthalmology, OUS
12:30 – 13:00
Retinal stem cells and treatments – where are we
Morten C. Moe, Professor at Department of Ophthalmology,
OUS Ullevål
13:00 – 14:00
14:00 – 14:45
Optogenetic research - moving towards clinical
trials for RP
Serge Picaud, Principle Investigator at Institut de la Vision,
INSERM, University Paris VI
14:45 – 15:15
Epigenetics – what may it contribute to greater
understanding of hereditary retinal diseases?
Dag Undlien, Professor at Dep. of Medical Genetics, OUS
15:15 – 15:45
Summary of additional strategies towards
treatments for hereditary retinal diseases
Ole Christian Lagesen, member of the scientific advisory
boards of The Norwegian Association for Blind and Partially
Sighted (NABP) and The Norwegian RP Association.
15:45 – 16:00
Closing remarks
Ragnheiður Bragadóttir, Associate Professor at Retina
Section, Dep. of Ophthalmology, OUS Ullevål
The symposium commemorates the 20th anniversary since the
founding of The Norwegian RP Association in 1993.