LGBTQ Cultural Competency

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LGBTQ Cultural Competency
B.J. Caldwell,
[email protected]
Webinar Guidelines
Getting to know you
Who is homophobic?
Webinar Guidelines
• Please use the chat box to ask questions and
to answer questions we ask you (Ask
questions anytime!)
• If you are having audio issues, let us know. We
do have a teleconference audio option for
• Safe Space
• Respect yourself and each other
Getting to know you
• Poll Questions
What is LGBT Cultural Competency?
• Cultural competence is a framework for working
in cross-cultural situations.
• By being culturally competent, people have the
ability and willingness to interact effectively with
individuals and groups of the same and different
• Cultural Competence can also be defined as “an
individual’s ability to respect each person’s
uniqueness” (Fusti et al, 2003).
• This same framework can be applied to diversity
related to sexual orientation and gender identity.
• The first step is learning the language
• The second step is using the language
• The third step is getting comfortable with the
LGBTT2IAQQA..: Welcome to the
Alphabet Soup
• What does the ‘L’ stand for?
What does ‘Lesbian’ mean?
A woman who loves another woman
emotionally, spiritually, physically,
romantically, and sexually.
What does the ‘G’ stand for ?
Gay (male)
What does ‘Gay (male)’ mean?
A man who loves another man
romantically, spiritually, physically,
emotionally, and sexually.
What does the ‘B’ stand for?
What does ‘Bisexual’ mean?
A bisexual is a person who loves both
men and women romantically,
spiritually, physically, emotionally, and
What does ‘T³’ stand for?
What do they mean?
• An ‘umbrella’ term which unites
the transsexual, transgender,
cross-dressing, and gender
bending community.
• Also indicative of persons who
live a gender that does not
correspond with that which was
assigned to them on the basis of
their sex.
Transgender (examples)
(gay/straight) cross dressers
Drag queens/drag kings
‘Masculine’ women
‘Feminine’ men
Gender ‘benders’, Gender queers (those that
merge the characteristics of male and female)
•A person who is biologically one sex, but
emotionally, behaviourally, and spiritually
• They may be in the process of changing
their body through surgery and/or
hormones (although this can be cost
prohibitive and is not required to be
‘considered’ transsexual)
•The psycho-social stress (and societal
stigma) of having a body that doesn’t fit
with the “mind” can be devastatingly hard
to come to terms with.
Video Break
• Check out the following video:
• (YouTube)
• Has a number of meanings in different
•With the advent of gay liberation, 2-spirit
means Aboriginal people who identify as
lesbian, gay, or bisexual. ‘2-Spirit’ is usually
preferred because it is more culturally
relevant to Aboriginal LGBs.
•Historically, it refers to Aboriginal persons
who “maintain a balance by housing both
the male and female spirit.” A rich history
that was all but lost with the forced entry of
Europeans and their values.
• Intersex
• “Intersex” is a general term used for a variety of conditions in which
a person is born with a reproductive or sexual anatomy that doesn’t
seem to fit the typical definitions of female or male. For example, a
person might be born appearing to be female on the outside, but
having mostly male-typical anatomy on the inside. Or a person may
be born with genitals that seem to be in-between the usual male
and female types—for example, a girl may be born with a
noticeably large clitoris, or lacking a vaginal opening, or a boy may
be born with a notably small penis, or with a scrotum that is divided
so that it has formed more like labia. Or a person may be born with
mosaic genetics, so that some of her cells have XX chromosomes
and some of them have XY.
• Intersex is a socially constructed category that
reflects real biological variation
• some forms of intersex signal underlying
metabolic concerns, a person who thinks she
or he might be intersex should seek a
diagnosis and find out if she or he needs
professional healthcare
• If you ask experts at medical centers how
often a child is born so noticeably atypical in
terms of genitalia that a specialist in sex
differentiation is called in, the number comes
out to about 1 in 1500 to 1 in 2000 births. But
a lot more people than that are born with
subtler forms of sex anatomy variations, some
of which won’t show up until later in life.
What does the ‘Q’ stand for?
What does Questioning mean?
Anyone who is unsure of their
sexual orientation or gender
• Asexual
• Ally
• Pansexual
LGBT³Q = ?
Is there another word for this
Alphabet Soup?
I thought that was a ‘bad’ word?
Word Reclamation
• Minority groups (or some within the group)
have historically ‘reclaimed’ words that the
majority have used to oppress them.
• By reclaiming the word as a positive, the
minority group has taken away a tool in the
arsenal of the majority.
Why reclaim ‘Queer’ ?
• The word queer has been reclaimed for two reasons:
– There is, as yet, no other word that encompasses the
alphabet soup of LGBT³IQ
– By reclaiming a negative word as a positive self-identifier, it
takes some of the ‘sting’ out of the word when some idiot
yells it at them and it also adds to a sense of pride and
**Please note: Just as in the case with other reclaimed
words, ‘queer’ is not accepted or reclaimed by every
LGBTIQ person.
Labels: The Good/The Bad
• Labels can be both freeing and very
restrictive and so they must be used
with caution.
Labels: The Good/The Bad
• Some people are not so happy with labels
• The label may often be a “best fit” rather than
an “exact fit”. (Kinsey/Klein Model)
• Sexuality and Gender as a continuum
• People feel pressured to label themselves..and
once they “choose” a label they feel confined
and having to come out again with a different
label can be stressful and traumatic for the
• Shades of Gay - Video
Sexual Orientation vs. Gender
• Sexual Orientation:
•Who you are attracted to….
• Gender Identity:
•A deep inner feeling that a person has
about whether she/he is male or female,
neither, or both.
Sexual Orientation vs. Gender
• SO and GI are two separate phenomenon.
• For ex.
– A male transsexual (born biologically female)
(male gender identity) can be heterosexual,
bisexual, or gay.
– It is important to understand the difference
between who someone is attracted to, and how
they identify as male, female, both, or neither.
• It is also important to understand the difference
between the above and sexual behaviour!!
Poll Question
Answer: We ALL are
The Riddle Scale
• Homophobia:
• Clinical Sense: an intense fear of same sex
relations that overwhelms
• Common Usage: fear of intimate relations
with persons of the same sex
• Riddle Scale – Four homophobic levels and
four positive levels of attitude (still partially
homophobic) that span the spectrum of
• A testament to the pervasive nature and
indoctrination that occurs while growing up.
Homosexuality is seen as a crime against nature. LGBTQ people are
sick, crazy, immoral, sinful or wicked
Heterosexuality is seen as more mature and certainly preferred, any
possibility of “becoming straight” should be reinforced
Homosexuality is a phase of adolescent development that most people
Characterized by statements: “You are not a lesbian to me, you’re a
person!” or “That’s fine with me as long as you don’t flaunt it (still
implies there is something to accept)
Work to safeguard the rights of LGBTQ people, are aware of the
homophobic climate and irrational unfairness
Acknowledges that being LGBTQ in our society takes strength,
willingness to examine own attitudes, values, and behaviours
Value diversity and see LGBTQ persons as a valid part of that diversity,
willing to combat homophobia in self and others
Views LGBTQ people with genuine affection and delight, willing to be
allies and advocates
Oppressor and Oppressed
Race / Racism
Gender / Sexism
Class / Classism
Orientation /
• Gender Identity
& Gender
Expression /
• Disability /
• Religious Belief /
* Most people are oppressed / targeted
in some aspects
* And the oppressor / dominant in
other aspects.
• Daily, relentless, and unearned advantage that
members of a dominant group receive =
unearned privilege
• Members of the dominant group are usually
completely unaware of these privileges;
• Members of the targeted group are usually VERY
aware of these privileges as they don’t get them
• We must all become more aware of our own,
unasked for privileges if we are to truly address
these inequalities
Heterosexual Privilege
• These dynamics are but a few examples of
this privilege.
• Can you think of some examples of
heterosexual privilege?
• LGBTQ people have a range of different
experiences, but cannot count on most of
these conditions in their lives.
• On a daily basis, as a heterosexual person...
On a daily basis, as a heterosexual person...
• I can be pretty sure that my roommates, hall-mates,
and classmates will be comfortable with my sexual
• If I pick up a magazine, watch TV, or play music, I can
be certain my sexual orientation will be represented.
• When I talk about my heterosexuality (such as in a joke
or talking about my relationships) I will not be accused
of flaunting or pushing my heterosexuality on to others
• I am not accused of being abused, warped, or
psychologically confused because of my sexual
On a daily basis, as a heterosexual person...
• I am never asked to speak for everyone who is
• People don’t ask me why I made my choice of sexual
• People don’t ask why I made my choice to be public
about my sexual orientation
• I am guaranteed to find sexual health education
literature for couples with my sexual orientation
• Whether I rent or go to the movies, I can be sure I will
not have trouble finding my sexual orientation
• I am not identified by my sexual orientation
“As a white person, I realized I had
been taught about racism as
something that puts others at a
disadvantage, but had been taught
not to see one of its corollary aspects,
white privilege which puts me at an
-- Peggy McIntosh
Referrals go a long way
• As a SP, being aware of local/regional
resources is easy and essential.
• Try to get pamphlets, posters or other
resources from these agencies (often provided
free) to have as handouts if needed
• What referral points are you already aware of
in your community?
LGBT Youthline - Ontario
• (online forum, email responses,
– [email protected]
• 1.800.268.9688
• Sunday to Friday 4:00pm – 9:30pm
• Peer support – all staff are queer identified
OUTline – Guelph/Wellington,
Monday – 3:30-6:00pm
Wednesday – 6pm-9pm
Friday – 1pm-3pm
Coming Soon: instant chat support
Provides crisis and referral resources
Peer Support – all staff are queer identified – Guelph and
surrounding area, regional
• Website with a queer community calendar
– Great for adults and youth
• Queer-specific health related information
• Qlinks Blog
• In Crisis links for the region
Pride and Prejudice Youth Groups
• Currently running in Owen Sound (through the
AIDS Committee of Guelph/Wellington)
• If you are interested in starting one up in your
community, please let me know
([email protected])
– We provide training and resources (“Meetings in a
– Two facilitators are required for each group; one
of them MUST be queer-identified
When in doubt
• Call your local AIDS Service Organization
• Check out online
• Look for a local PFLAG meeting
The next webinar
• Feb 12th/2013
– Safe Spaces for Service Providers
– Examines various strategies to make your
workplace/organization more welcoming and
supportive for LGBT persons
– Provides ideas and resources to assist you in
making changes
• Don’t forget to advertise the webinars for
queer youth ( for more info)