Previous Editions - Shri Sant Gajanan Maharaj College of

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“Mere Desh Ki, Dharti Sona Ugle
Ugle Hire-Moti, Mere Desh Ki Dharti”
The land thus described is our motherland ‘India’. A land bestowed with rich diversity
of culture, education, scholars, cuisine, beauty, literature, landscapes and many more goodies
to make it comparable to heaven. When I think of this song from the film ‘Upkar’, I feel we
have travelled a long way. Where we stand today the words that best describe our land are,
“Dekh Tere Sansar Ki Halat Kya Hogai Bhagwan
Kitna Badal Gya Insan”
The contemporary India is facing situations wherein the title that our motherland bore
in the past seems to have faded. We once were called ‘Sone Ki Chidiya’. But what we see today
is 35 % of malnutrition, 40 % level of poverty, 39 % of debts that India carries today depict an
altogether different scenario. Although we carry forward the tradition of gifting the world with
the best scholars. Still a question arises why our researchers are stationed outside India. Can’t
the researches be carried out on our land? Is this our incapability to meet their necessities?
Today we proudly state that every fourth employee at IBM is an Indian. But holding senior
positions at these firms, is it enough? Why don’t we have Indian MNCs where the outside
world feel pride to work at? Why no Indian could make such an endeavour?
Female foeticide and the current scenario of woman security in India makes me wonder,
as a girl, do I really live in a stable society? Has our society really progressed in the right
When we dream of India as a superpower by 2020 what we actually need is to trace
back our own footsteps. We are beholding a crucial moment. With the maximum youth
population and being one of the oldest civilizations we have the momentum to lead the world.
All we have to do is to confluence these two rivulets so that they together could bring prosperity
and strength to our land.
We need to stop criticizing others for our own lacunas. We need to stand up and work
together, fighting amongst ourselves won’t do the job. Differentiating on the basis of caste,
creed, language and sex are increasing the divide in our society. We have to understand that
unless and until we progress as one single unit, one nation, any progress we attain, would prove
to be unsustainable. We have to ensure growth for all. We as the upcoming generation of this
nation shoulder the responsibility to achieve the above stated goals for our nation.
So considering it as our social responsibility we have tried our little bit to make students
keen on thinking about current scenario. We have tried to surface their feelings and ideologies
about India. We hereby present the tender yet burning views of my friends, faculty and staff. I
would like to thank my teammates for their dedication and hard work to bring this edition to
life. Last but not the least I would like to thank our faculty advisor Dr. J. S. Bakare for his
valuable time and guidance. Hope you enjoy reading…….!!
Sanchit Jain
Chief Editor
Tattwadarshi’ 14
Message from Managing Head
I extend warm wishes to all our readers.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the students who actively
participated in Tattwadarshi’14 – Swadesh Edition by submitting their articles,
poems and sketches all over the year. I would also like to mention the support
given by our principal Dr. S. B. Somani at every stage of development of the
magazine and I would specially like to mention that this magazine would be only
a dream if our Faculty Advisor Dr. J. S. Bakare would have not guided us to the
completion. I would also like to thank my editorial team for overcoming all the
challenges to bring you the magazine in its finest form as it is now. Here I would
like to share few words of wisdom with all of you that “In the presence of
trouble, some buy crutches, others grow wings.” You may fall in problems, but
these are to test you to do your best. The difficulty is that some of us stop trying
in the trying times. We should always face a challenge with “How we can?” and
not with “Why we can’t?”
Patience, Will power, Determination, Courage and Confidence are the sterling
qualities of the mind which are indispensable in the struggle of life. Lives of great
people are nothing but success stories, where it has been proved that sooner or
later the man who wins, is the man who think, he can. So have a positive attitude
as by being an optimist, you can turn scars into stars and thus win laurels in life.
Remember that “Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice. It is
not a thing to be waited for. It is a thing to be achieved.”
As we all know, a magazine mirrors a College-Its aims and objectives. It also
highlights events, activities, student’s creativity to express their thoughts and
achievements. In this edition, we have tried to focus on India-Our Nation, which
is also the main theme of the magazine. I do hope that the magazine encourages
many more students to use it as a platform to express their creativity. This issue
enhances our knowledge about development, culture, colors and customs and
let us know many more facts about our INDIA. I sincerely hope that this year's
edition makes for an interesting read.
Akshaya Bajad
Managing Head
Tattwadarshi ‘14
As the English editor of this magazine, it was an honourable opportunity to
work as a part of this team. The theme of Tattwadarshi 2013-14 was “Swadesh”. It
portrayed each aspect of our country, from the signature village life of the country, its
traditions to the unity, politics and the diversity in life. The team worked very hard
and it was educational as well as a great experience for me. The motive of the theme
was to inculcate knowledge and create a feeling of attachment and pride for the
country. It was also an eye-opener for the people who considered that India is not in a
good shape as compared to the other countries in all aspects.
The meetings were held at least twice a month and topics for research were
extensively discussed. As an editor, the materials and articles, I received were great
and showed the deep feeling and views of the students for our country. The posters
created by the students truly showed the efforts taken by them and were very creative.
There was a very good participation from the students of SSGMCE.
The inauguration of our Enlarged Edition was done by our honourable
Principal, Dr. S. B. Somani during Annuvrutti, the cultural festival of SSGMCE held
on 3rd April 2014. It was a moment of pride and ecstasy for the whole team. All the
faculty members & students liked the contents of the magazine & appreciated the
efforts of the team.
My personal experience as the English editor was truly amazing. During the
whole time, there was a special bond developed among all the team members and
each one was special in his/her own. The meetings were full of fun, we got to know
the views & opinions of each other, which helped us a lot & was a huge stepping
stone to the success of the team and the magazine.
Dr. J. S. Bakare is the faculty advisor of Tattwadarshi editorial team. He was a
great supporter and encouraged in all sorts of activities which helped the students to
grow and work better. A hearty thanks to him for his support and guidance. Also,
special thanks to the whole team for the great co-ordination and hard work.
Aaveg Barole
English Editor
Editorial Team Tattwadarshi
English Section
Sr No.
Name of articles and poems
Page no.
(A beautiful idea from a class 7th student)
Corruption according to dictionary means spiritual or moral impurity or deviations
from ideal. But, for a 12 year old school boy, corruption is improper use of the monetary
resources for personal gains.
I am a 1st year MBA student. I have done my graduation from Pune University.
During graduation, we had conducted an event for school children from class 5th to 10th –
‘Ideas for India’ we called it. One of the topics was ‘Can India fight Corruption?’ We got
some wonderful responses from some very talented teenagers. It was one idea that thrilled me
the most.
‘Yash’ (fictions), a class 7th boy who was still into his half pants, held onto the
microphone with a task at hand and a beautiful idea in his mind. He said - “Corruption can be
easily fought if all the money in India has a record”. This should not happen in our country.
The most thrilling part about his idea is the way in which he feels and suggests it
could be done. He says “Like medicines, currency (notes) should also have all expiry date”.
When the notes approach their date of expiry, the person having that note will have to
approach a bank to get it replaced and record could thus be maintained.
I, by this article, do not want to create any debate on the feasibility of this idea. I just
want to draw all the reader’s attention to the thought process of the 12 year old school boy.
All I want to convey through this article is if properly channelized, the next generation of
India could certainly fight any evils that the country would face in the times to come and
would even bail the country out of any such situation.
Gaurav Gandhi
MBA 1st year
‘‘Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
The constitution of India is the Magna for the women of India. For them, the centuries
of slavery are over. Indian womanhood is on the march. They are coming into their own.
Today women enjoy equal status with men.
In Vedic times women occupied the highest place in society. They were given all
opportunities to develop themselves, socially, intellectually and morally. They could choose
their own partners of life, according to their own wishes. They were given thorough education
including military training. But in the middle ages, she fell from her pedestal. Her position
became inferior. She began to be regarded as a plaything of man, a decoration of drawing
room and a slave of man’s passion and dumb-driven cattle. She lived behind the pardah and
had no rights to education and property.
But the woman in free India enjoys perfect equality with man. She is no longer a
slave. She is no longer at the mercy of man. She has a voice in shaping the destiny of the
We have women in different roles as administrators, ambassadors, governors, doctors,
engineers, teachers, officers, educationists and even in defence services. They are proving
good administrators. They are cool-headed and dispassionate. They have on their side brain,
beauty and personality. They are sweet, soft and peace loving.
In a free India, she has right to vote. In any election, women comprise 50% of the
voters. This gives women half the voice in the government of country. There are women
legislator and women ministers. The “Hindu Succession Act” has given to sisters the right to
property along with their brothers. The “Hindu Marriage Act” has given them the right of
divorce. Our constitution has done away with all distinctions based on religion, race or sex.
She is entitled to hold any post that a man can. She can become a Deputy Commissioner, an
I.A.S. or an I.P.S. Even the army is no longer the monopoly of man. There are women pilots.
Today woman’s future is as bright as her past has been dark. Women have shown
their worth as leaders and administrators and time is not far off, when India will have at the
helm of affairs women who will lead the country from strength to strength. In future, she may
lead men as Joan of Arc led the French soldiers against the enemies of France.
Ayushi Gaidhani
B.E. 1st year
Electrical Engg.
‘‘Even a little gift may be vast with loving kindness."
India is a vast country constituting different religions, castes in it, which indeed is a
symbol of different rituals and beliefs that are followed by the people belonging to different
parts of India.
In our India, there are rituals which are followed from the time of ancestors which do not
have any logical reasoning but still they are followed blindly. The severe problem among that
is a “Dowry system”
In India, dowry is the payment in cash on some kind of gifts given to bridegroom’s family
along with the bride. Generally they include cash, jewellery, electrical appliances, furniture,
bedding, crockery, utensils and other household items that help the newlywed set up her
The Dowry system is thought to put great financial burden on the bride’s family. It has been
one of the reasons for families and women in India reasoning to sex selection, in favor of
sons. This has distorted the sex ratio of India (940 females per 1000 males) and has given rise
to female feticide. The payment of a dowry has been prohibited under ‘The 1961 Dowry
Prohibition Act’ in Indian Civil Law and subsequently by sections 304 b and 498 a of the
Indian Penal Code (IPC).
The Dowry Law (article 498a) is thought to sometimes have been misused by the women to
lodge false or exaggerated complaints against husbands and entire extended family accusing
them of cruel behavior. As per the data only 2% led to the conviction of the groom or
groom’s family. This has raised questions about rampant misuse of dowry laws in India by
women to harass husband’s family. Perhaps this question may arise in someone’s mind that,
“Why the greed of people increasing day by day? This is due to lavish lifestyle that every
individual wants to live without any hard work, but from unfair means from bride’s family in
terms of dowry so, it is duty of every individual to take oath that we should not take and give
dowry and we have to take serious actions against the people who are following such illegal
By taking such initiative and conducting workshops, we can eradicate dowry from the roots
of India and by doing that every woman will get equal status as a man and there will be
equality in men and women. And hence, it should be eradicated from roots of India.
Satyajeet Jay Munje
B.E.1st year
Information Technology
‘‘The mind is like an umbrella - it only works when it is open."
Human being is a social animal. He has to undergo various phases from birth
till the death. Each phase has its’ own importance which mould person’s personality as well
as character. Swami Vivekananda had aptly said,” Nation building is nothing but character
building “. Therefore, to build such a character one must possess that optimum knowledge;
which is obtained by education.
Basically, education is the manifestation of perfection already in man. What is
education? Is it book learning? No. Is it diverse knowledge? Not even that. The training by
which the current and expression of will are brought under control and becomes fruitful is
called education. The education which does not help the common mass of people to equip
themselves for struggle for life, which does not bring out strength of a character, a spirit of
philanthropy and the courage of lion – is it worth the name ? Real education is that which
enables one to stand on one’s own legs.
Education is not the amount of information that is put into your brain and runs riot
there, undigested, all your life. We must have life – building, man- making, character- making
assimilation of ideas. If one who assimilates these five ideas in his life and character, has
more education than any man who has got by heart a whole library.
Knowledge is inherent in man, no knowledge comes from outside, it is all inside…
We say Newton discovered gravitation. Was it sitting anywhere in a corner waiting for him?
It was in his own mind; the time came and he found it out. Knowledge that the world has ever
received comes from the mind; the infinite library of universe is in our own mind. The
external world is simply the suggestion, the occasion which sets you to study our own mind.
The external world which mainly includes society has an integral part in development
of our character and knowledge as well. Now-a-days, every person has been involved in
doing job, business or other. While doing them, one learns various tactics of business; also a
part of learning (education). One should look around himself, small changes in his/her
surroundings, teaches him which tries to develop his own mind and to increase the intellect.
Perseverance, simplicity and purity are the basic qualities which should be possessed by
every individual to lead a healthy life in society. Possessing knowledge does not mean to be
most intellectual personality; but the one who knows how to implement for the welfare of
society is regarded as the intellectual person.
A person should be capable of developing new ideas; this will come through free
thinking. Free thinking and interacting with society leads to sharing of which uplifts the basic
level of knowledge of the masses. This leads to development and prosperity of society and the
person is recognized by his views. The legendary speaker at Chicago Religious meet Swami
Vivekananda once said,” All power is within you, you have to believe in yourself, don’t point
out the weakness; make them strong and search for divinity within yourself “. We should
think and implement in our life for our betterment and society. We all are the creator of our
destiny; to make it bright we should have optimized and perfect balance of our education and
the society.
‘‘Comment is free, but facts are sacred."
Abhishek A. Channewar
B.E. 2nd year
Mechanical Engg.
Today India stands at the cross-roads in the history of its national life. As a free nation, it has
taken place in the modern world and is facing the highly complex challenges of the century in
all aspects- economic, social, political, educational, & national development. The scientific
and technical progress of last century has removed physical barrier between man and nations.
What the world most needs today is a spiritual re-awakening not a new religion but a
reaffirmation of eternal truth.
Mahatma Gandhi {the architect of the India`s freedom} was that person who not only
channelized education as the weapon for national fight for freedom, but also took pains for its
growth & progress.
He clearly stated in his interview with Asha Devi Aryanayarami (writer) that “A free
democratic India will gladly associate herself with other free nations for mutual defence
against aggressions & for economic cooperation. It will work for the establishment of real
world based on freedom & democracy, utilised with world`s knowledge and resources for
progress and advancement of humanity.”
His “Christ-influenced” views of satyagraha, non-violence, love for enemy touches hearts till
Gandhiji was student cum teacher because he himself told as many of us from study of
arithmetic, geography, history to handicrafts like weaving, carpentry, sandal making. This
later led him to introduce “charkha” producing threads from cotton and textile industries. He
practised domestic chores with love and devotion as a mother`s chore looking after details of
diet, health, personal hygiene. He gave a new vision of truth and a new philosophy of life to a
whole nation in wide sense.
Gandhiji had a active approach towards learning those tactics which could assist him to reach
out remote and untouched areas of India as well as abroad. For instance, he especially learnt
Tamil language to communicate those non-indentured Indians in Phoenix, South Africa. He
learnt sandal making from Mr.Kallenbach (German tappets Monarch) to learn craft so that he
could teach this to his community students at Tolstoy farm.
Gandhiji educational reform was the most radical. He made socially useful activity as a
medium of instruction. It must be done meticulously and must have some utility or value. He
wanted to combine learning with doing socially useful work. Though Gandhiji conceived the
idea of co-relating education with this activity, it was entirely new.
Besides learning and extra-curricular activities, many young children arrive at school with
needs that are related to structure of their families, socio-economic status or cultural
background of their family. These children require additional support and resources which
can bring them to a level where they will be burning balls of fire in the process of national
As a good nation`s developer, Gandhiji knew that two weaker sections needed
1] Women and girl child.
2] Untouchables and minority sects.
Also he knew it well, that using religion and communalism as means of upliftment of these
two sectors was a “dead stalk” decision. Indeed he made a right choice of using education of
these people with rationalism and fire to achieve freedom.
For this, Gandhiji signed Poona Pact in 1932 with Ambedkar in which 30% of seats were
reserved for backward classes in education as well as job facilities.
Thus, when we sum up the results of Gandhiji`s educational experiments in South Africa
and in India, we see that in all the fundamental principles of his philosophy call of education
were already there. The recognition of the educational values of cooperative and purposeful
manual work to fulfil some need of community life {whether in farm or press or through
crafts of carpentry and sandal making}, The importance of simplicity of life and observance
of rules of health and hygiene in personal and collective life, the reverence for all religions
and races and the sharing of social and religious life and courageous experiments in coeducation.
The fact that the educational programme was conducted not within the four walls of a school
divorced from life but was as integral part of the movement of nonviolent resistance to
injustice and oppression gave his educational experiments significance and vitality in national
development. We may note here that these fundamentals reached by Gandhiji through
experiments are universally accepted educational principles of all ages.
Thus all we can say that we portray Gandhiji as one parts of personality of Jesus who walked
down from heaven into the streets of villages; where Jesus preached the message of love ,
peace and kingdom of heaven and Gandhi preached over peace, love in kingdom of earth .
Thus Gandhiji won a war, not of blood but of peace. His weapons were not armours but were
tolerance and love. He fought with a sword that not hurted but healed; Satyagraha.
Yet they leave their light to enlighten this world ahead.
‘‘The most subversive people are those who
ask questions."
Ashutosh V Chopde
B.E. 2nd Year
Electronics & Telecommunication Engg.
If you want to give
If you want to give – give smile
If you want to see – see yourself
If you want to speak – speak truth
If you want to make –make goodness
If you want to live –live with simplicity
If you want to cultivate – cultivate sympathy
If you want to respect – respect law
If you want to show – show compassion
If you want to admire – admire beauty
If you want to think – think about friendship
If you want to control – control your anger
If you want to offer – offer love
If you want to kill – kill your pride
If you want to love – love humanity
If you want to dress – dress the wounds of others
If you want to come – come and help poor
If you want to die – die for your country!!!!!!
Ayushi Gaidhani
1st year
Electrical Engg.
‘‘A wise man proportions his belief to the evidence."
I want to fly,
Breaking the boundary of caste.
Across the ocean of religion,
To conquer the foe of unity.
To build-up the Everest of humanity,
To reach the goal of equality.
For this heavenly cause,
I’m ready for chronic pain.
O unknown almighty
Give me strength,
Give me strength or,
Just give me difficulties.
Shubham Raut
B.E. 2nd Year
Mechanical Engineering
‘‘It is not things in themselves that trouble us but our opinion of things. ‘‘It is
not things in themselves that trouble us but our opinion of things."
Oh! The wonderful beauty of Himalaya puzzles me;
The Rajasthani Thar desert sweats me;
The clouds of Cherrapunji shower me;
The Switzerland of India, Kashmir shivers me;
The music of Hindustani and carnatic wonders me;
The land of great national leaders and genius proud me;
More than hundred crores of population, living without any confusion
The Gateway of India opens a way for love and affection;
The History of India made its inscription;
Many civilizations have its evolution.
A wide variety of agriculture and culture
Is, this the gift of nature?
The white marbles of Tajmahal reflects the skills of India;
The country has its strong military, born to make many victories;
INDIA, a country of HUMANISM,
This acts against terrorism.
INDIA is a ‘‘super-power" in 2020,
The dream of Abdul Kalam.
Abha Raut
B.E. 2nd Year
Electronics & Telecommunication Engg.
‘‘A memorandum is written not to inform the reader but to protect the writer."
Famous for its heritage
Different states unit to cook?
A wonderful assemblage
Punjab for sacrifice,
Bengal for art,
Kashmir for beauty,
Rajasthan for history,
Maharashtra for victory,
Mysore for silk,
Haryana for milk,
Gujarat for places
Assam for tea,
Kerala for brains for dance,
Goa for romance,
U.P. for sugar canes,
Himachal for apples,
Orissa for temples,
M.P. for tribal’s,
Bihar for minerals,
State for unity,
“Education ends with death. Or after, according to your
Dinesh Dhage
B.E. 1st Year
Kashmir for looking
Madras for cooking
Kerala for dance
Mysore for romance
Ahmadabad for mills
Kanyakumari for hills
Bombay for beauty
Delhi for majesty
Bengal for writing
Punjab for sighting
Bihar for writing
Rajasthan for health
Gujarat for wealth
Andhra for hand-weaving
Maharashtra for learning
Sarita Pendpawar
Ankita Gothane
B.E. 1st year
“Perfection of means and confusion of goals seem, in my opinion, to
characterise our age."
The constitution of India is the Magna for the women of India. For them, the centuries
of slavery are over. Indian womanhood is on the march. They are coming into their own.
Today women enjoy equal status with men.
In Vedic times women occupied the highest place in society. They were given all
opportunities to develop themselves, socially, intellectually and morally. They could choose
their own partners of life, according to their own wishes. They were given thorough education
including military training. But in the middle ages, she fell from her pedestal. Her position
became inferior. She began to be regarded as a plaything of man, a decoration of drawing
room, and a slave of man’s passion and dumb-driven cattle. She lived behind the pardah, and
had no rights to education and property.
But the woman in free India enjoys perfect equality with man. She is no longer a
slave. She is no longer at the mercy of man. She has a voice in shaping the destiny of the
We have women in different roles as administrators, ambassadors, governors, doctors,
engineers, teachers, officers, educationists and even in defence services. They are proving
good administrators. They are cool-headed and dispassionate. They have on their side brain,
beauty and personality. They are sweet, soft and peace loving.
In a free India, she has right to vote. In any election, women comprise 50% of the
voters. This gives women half the voice in the government of country. There are women
legislator and women ministers. The “Hindu Succession Act” has given to sisters the right to
property along with their brothers. The “Hindu Marriage Act” has given them the right of
divorce. Our constitution has done away with all distinctions based on religion, race or sex.
She is entitled to hold any post that a man can. She can become a Deputy Commissioner, an
I.A.S. or an I.P.S. Even the army is no longer the monopoly of man. There are women pilots.
Today woman’s future is as bright as her past has been dark. Women have shown
their worth as leaders and administrators and time is not far off, when India will have at the
helm of affairs women who will lead the country from strength to strength. In future, she may
lead men as Joan of Arc led the French soldiers against the enemies of France.
Ayushi Gaidhani
B.E. 1st year
Electrical Engg.
“Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is mystery. Today is a gift. That's why it's called
the present."
I am an Indian by birth, so I love India more than any other country of the world. I am
proud of my country. I jealously guard the honour of my country. I am prepared at all times to
sacrifice my all at its altar. It is the cradle of civilization. Indian civilization and culture are
the oldest in the world. The Vedas are the best and oldest books in the library of the world. It
has given birth to great prophets like Ram, Krishna, Buddha and Nanak etc. From time
immemorial, we have preached peace and non-violence in thought, word and deed. India’s
policy has always been, “live and let live”. In our long history, we have never waged
aggressive wars. How many great men have taken birth in our land?
What great truths have found utterance here? What great austerities have been
performed? From what a variety of standpoints has religion been studied? And how many
solutions to the mystery of life have been found in this land?
The country is just like the fort. On the North, it is bounded by impassable Himalayas
and on the other three sides, by the oceans.
India is a vast country. It has many states in it. Different states have different dresses, food,
climate, behaviour, health, etc., but a bond of unity and oneness runs under all this diversity.
From North to South and West to east, there is one culture, one soul and one heart.
Every state has its own novelties and peculiarities. Some states exhibit art and craft;
some present ancient buildings and gardens some are famous for their temples while others
are known for fairs, beauty spots and rivers.
India has seen the rise and fall of many kings and kingdoms. It was at first ruled by
Hindus, then by the Mughals and the Sikhs. Then it fell into the hands of English. We won
freedom on August 15, 1947. Hundreds of young men and women laid down their lives to
wrest freedom from the unwilling hands of British. Mahatma Gandhi, Lala Lajpat Rai, Bal
Ganga Dhar Tilak, Pandit. Nehru and S. Bhagat Singh were the foremost leaders of the
freedom movement in the country. They bore untold sufferings and made great sacrifices to
win freedom for their country. They lived, worked and died for their country. By their golden
deeds and great sacrifices, they made themselves immortal in the history of India. Their noble
examples shall continue to inspire the coming generations.
Apart from internal and external disturbances, our country has been able to highlight
the grim side of terrorism. India has seen a panorama of races of religious mix ups and the
institutions of education have given opportunities for the people of other nations to be a part
of this elitist nation.
‘‘Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Prachi Yenugwar
B.E. 1st year
Electronics & Telecommunication Engg.
“Amazing facts about INDIA”
India is great in spirit and stature, in expanse and economy, in geography and history,
in nature’s beauty and technological knowledge.
The name ‘INDIA’ is derived from the river Indus, the valleys around which early
settlers lived.
The world highest cricket ground is in Chail, Himachal Pradesh, built in 1893 after
levelling a hilltop, this cricket pitch is 2444 meters above sea level.
INDIA has largest number of post offices in the world.
Until 1896, INDIA was the only source of diamonds in the world.
The Indian Railways is the largest employer in the world. It employs over a million
The ‘place value system’ and the ‘Decimal system’ were developed in India 100 B.C.
The foundation of the modern Indian navy was laid in the 17th century when the East
India Company had established a maritime force, there by graduating in time to the
establishment of the Royal Indian Navy in 1934.
The ‘Baily Bridge’ is the highest bridge in the world. It is located in the Ladakh
Valley between the Dras and Suru rivers in the Himalayan Mountains. It was built by
the Indian army in August, 1982.
Lalit K. Joshi
B.E. 1st year
‘‘Neither fire nor wind, birth nor death can erase our good deeds."
Little girl I am
What can I say about?
You are the motherland
Every one praises you
Agricultural country,
Holy land “INDIA”
Though have diversity
Languages, religions,
Festival and so on…….
Where unity is the strength
Such a country you are!
Little girl I am
What can I say about?
One of the wonders of the
World ‘TAJMAHAL’ you have,
Gifted with great saint
Like Tukaram,
May be your name,
Proud to be Bhartia,
All over to be an “INDIAN”
Payal S. Khuje
B.E. 1st year
Electronics & Telecommunication Engg.
‘‘The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be ignited."
God made me – It was not accident
No happenstance
I was in God’s plan
And he doesn’t make junk ever
I was born to be
A successful human being.
I am somebody special, unique
Definitely one of a kind, and I love me.
That is essential so that
I might love you, too.
I have talents, potentials, yes
There is greatness in me
If I harness that specialness,
Then I’ll write my name
In sands of time with my deeds.
Yes! I must work harder longer with greater drive.
If I am to excel, and I will pay that price
For talents demands daily care
And honing
I was born in god’s image
And likeness
And I’ll strive to God’s will.
Rahul P. Agrawal
B.E.2nd year
Electronics & Telecommunication Engg.
‘‘Most smiles are started by another smile."
Destiny sits upon the morning horizon
Always in site but never clear
And as I travel along the road I have chosen
Destiny remains forever in place
Sitting upon the Morning horizon
But as the year pass
And the road spans the distance
Between yesterday and tomorrow
For time alone will close the gap
So yesterday becomes dust filled memories
And the horizon of tomorrow
Will be the road of today
For them, there will be no yesterday or tomorrow only today.
And when that day arrives
I’ll find peace and be complete
For I’ll be one with my destiny.
It seems like “Destiny”.
Utkarsha A. Kadam
MBA 1st year
"My country is the world and my religion is to do good."
1) ATOM BOMB – An invention to end all inventions.
2) BOSS – Someone who is early when you are late and late.
3) DICTIONARY – The only place where divorce come before marriage.
4) DIVORCE – A future tense of marriage.
5) SCHOOL – A place where we pay and son / daughter plays.
6) MARRIAGE – An institution in which the boy loses his Bachelor’s degree and the
girl gets her Master.
7) YAWN – Opening one’s mouth hoping that all other would close theirs.
8) NURSE – A person who wakes you up to give you a sleeping pill.
9) WORRY – Interest paid on troubles before it falls due.
Priyanka Bhatkar
B.E.3rd year
Electronics & Telecommunication Engg
‘‘When you would have a cordial for your spirits, think of the good qualities
of your friends."
Now-a-days, corruption can be seen everywhere. It is like cancer in public life, which
has not become so rampant and perpetuated overnight, but in course of time. A country where
leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Sardar Patel, Lal Bahadur Shastri and Kamraj have taken birth
and led a value-based is now facing the problem of corruption.
When we talk of corruption in public life, it covers corruption in politics, state
governments, central governments, business, industry and so on. Public dealing counters in
almost all government offices, the places where corruption is most evident. If anybody does
not pay for the work, it is sure work won't be done.
People have grown insatiable appetite for money in them and they can go to any
extent to get money. Undoubtedly they talk of morality and the importance of value-based life
but that is for outer show. Their inner voice is something else.
It has been seen the officers who are deputed to look into the matters of corruption
turn out to be corrupt. Our leaders too are not less corrupt. Thus the network of corruption
goes on as usual and remains undeterred.
Corruption is seen even in the recruitment department where appointments are
ensured through reliable middle agencies. Nexus between politicians and bureaucrats works
in a very sophisticated manner. Nexus does also exist between criminals and police.
Everybody knows that criminals have no morals, hence nothing good can we expect
from them. But police are supposed to be the symbol of law and order and discipline. Even
they are indulged in corruption. This is more so because they enjoy unlimited powers and
there is no action against them even on complaints and sufficient proof of abuse of office
atrocities and high handedness.
Corruption can be need-based or greed-based. Better governance can at least help to
check need-based corruption. Better governance can check greed based corruption also
because punishment for the corrupt will be very effective and prompt in a better-governed
The steps should be taken to correct the situation overall. Declarations of property and
assets of the government employees are made compulsory and routine and surprise
inspections and raids be conducted at certain intervals.
Though it is seriously very difficult to control corruption but it is not impossible. It is
not only the responsibility of the government but ours too. We can eliminate corruption if
there will be joint effort. We must have some high principles to follow so that we may be
models for the coming generation. Let us take a view to create an atmosphere free from
corruption. That will be our highest achievement as human beings.
Chinmay Anand Choudhary
‘‘Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not
B.E. 3rd year
Electrical Engg.
I want to fly,
Breaking the boundary of caste.
Across the ocean of religion,
To conquer the foe of unity.
To buildup the Everest of humanity,
To reach the goal of equality.
For this heavenly cause,
I’m ready for chronic pain.
O unknown almighty
Give me strength,
Give me strength or,
Just give me difficulties ……
Shubham Raut
B.E. 2nd year
Mechanical Engg.
‘‘This time, like all times, is a very good one if we but know what to do with it."
Be strong enough to face the world each day.
Be weak enough to know you can’t do everything alone.
Be generous to those who need your help.
Be frugal with what you need yourself.
Be wise enough to know that you do not know everything.
Be foolish enough to believe in miracles.
Be willing to share your joys.
Be willing to share the sorrows of others.
Be a leader when you see a path others have missed.
Be a follower when you are shrouded in the midst of uncertainty.
Be the first to congratulate an opponent who succeeds.
Be the last to criticize a colleague who fails.
Be sure where your next step will fall, so that you will not stumble.
Be yourself of your final destination, in case, you are going the wrong way.
Be loving to those who love you.
Be loving to those who do not love you, and they may change.
Above all, be yourself….
Prachi Yenugwar
B.E. 1st year
Electronics & Telecommunication Engg
‘‘Problems cannot be solved by thinking within the framework in which they were
दरवर्षीप्रमाणे या वर्षीही तत्त्वदर्शी वार्र्षिकाांक प्रकाशर्शत होत आहे . तत्त्वदर्शी २०१३-२०१४
चे ‘स्वदे र्श’ या मध्यवती सांकल्पनेवरील वार्र्षिकाांकात मराठी सांपादकाची भूशमका पार पाडण्यात
मला आनांद शमळालेला आहे . तत्त्वदर्शी मध्ये काम करण्याचा हा माझा अगदी नवखाच अनुभव
होता. थोडा का होईना आपला खारीचा वाटा दे ण्याचे भाग्य मला लाभले आणण त्यातही मराठी
सांपादकाची भशू मका पार पडण्याची ददव्य अनभ
ु ूती मला शमळाली, त्याबद्दल मी तत्त्वदर्शीचे
ि आभारी आहे .
‘स्वदे र्श’- या एका र्वर्षयाभोवती फिरणाऱ्या या वार्र्षिकाांकात भारताचा इततहास, वतिमान
आणण भर्वष्य केंदित करण्यात आलेलां आहे . तसेच ‘सारे जहााँ से अच्छा’ या तत्त्वदर्शीच्या अांकात
भारत दे र्शाचे गुणगान गाण्यात आले आहे त आणण ‘नया भारत नया साल ’ या अांकात नवीन
वर्षािकडून असलेल्या त्याांच्या अपेक्षा आणण सददच्छा साांगण्यात आल्या आहे त. नवीन भारतातील
स्री, र्शेतकरी याांची कथा आणण व्यथा र्शब्दात व्यक्त करण्यात आली आहे . भारतातील एकांदरीत
सामाजजक, आर्थिक, वैचाररक, राजकारणीय आणण नैतीक परीजस्थतीांवर भर दे ण्यात आलेला आहे .
या एकांदरीत प्रफियेत बऱ्याच नवीन नवीन गोष्टी शर्शकायला शमळाल्या. तत्त्वदर्शी बरोबर
काम करायला मला पुढेही आवडणार. मराठी सह-सांपादकाच्या आणण सदस्याचा सहकायािमुळेच मी
हे कायि पण
ू त्ि वास ने
र्शकली. तत्त्वदर्शीच्या या वार्र्षिकाांकाला माझ्या हाददि क र्शभ
ु ेच्छा
तत्त्वदर्शी असेच बहरत राहो हीच ईश्वर चरणी सददच्छा.
कु. समीक्षा प्रकार्श पाांडे
मराठी सांपादक
त वदश २०१४
आपला भारत
आदराने शीर झक
ु े
भा कत ठरवू खरे
येतो मातीतन
ू गंध
वाढवू दे शाची शान
व वधतेतून ऐ य
ेमाचे संबंध
कर माझे बलवान
परततात ग नमी
न फळ यांची
ु े आता
र णाथ या भूमी या
व ने
फडकत राह सदा
क येकांचे ब लदान
य न सु
श च
ू े
तरं गा मा या डौलाने
श ू आमुचा नादान
लाल क
यावर होई
य नाने
उ च पदाचा स मान
हर दशेला गौरव
ओठाओठांवर येई
आपला भारत सदा
मेरा भारत महान
अ सर अ भनव.
गाय ी रतन ड गरे
थम वष
मा हती तं
दे श सेवा ह च ई वर सेवा
ान अ भयां क
त वदश २०१४
वागत क या नववषाचे
“सव म क वता”
वागत क या नववषाचे
वस न
संग भत
ू काळाचे
अनेक आ हाने जर असतील सारे
आ ह खेचन
ु ी आणू
ु ी तारे
वस न जावू भेदभाव नती
ु श
ा त क नी, दाखवू
ृ ूमीचे संर ण क या
टाचार मु त भारत बनवू या
वरा याची
योती अखंड ठे वू
महागाईचा भ मासूर गाडून दे वू
क ट क नी घाम गळुनी दे श घडवू
लाचखोर न ट क नी
व छ भारत बनवू
दै य पी श तींना समूळ न ट क या
भारत मातेची सेवा क नी क त
पे म या
वागत क या नववषाचे
वषदोन हजार चौदाचे
नववष सवाना सुखाचे जावो
उ रो र सवाची
गती होवो!
शांत नामदे व जाधव
थम वष ,परमाणु आ ण दरू संचार अ भयां ीक
वत:चं मन िजंकलं याने जग िजंकलं.
त वदश २०१४
ू ार
प ह याच दवशी वगाम ये सरांचे आगमन झाले. ओळखीचे स
काय? तुमचे गाव काय? असे
कर यात आले. तुमचे नाव
न वचार यात आले. कुणाचे बाबा वक ल, डॉ टर तर कुणाचे
इंिजनीअर. माझा नंबर येताच, मी पटकन उभी रा हले व चटकन सां गतले “सरं , माझे बाबा
शेतकर आहे त.” मी असा
हटले “सरं मी नाह
हणताच सगळा वग हसायला लागला. मला याचा फार राग आला. मी
हणत, या सा यांचा धंदा छोटा हाय. पण, या का या आईची शपथ सर,
या सा याहून माया बाप मोठा हाय. हाडाची काडं क न रात दन राबत असतो, तो राबतो
तु ह आ ह
दसतो. का याकु याचं िजनं
याचं पण, सा या जगाला भाकर दे तो. अणं सा या
जगाला भाकर दे णारा, कधी कधी उपाशीच झोपतो.
मा हत नसतांना पाऊस येईल, नाह येईल, हजारो
मातीसंग, जग
ू ारच खेळत असतो. सगळे जणं जग यासाठ
पये मातीत गाळतो, खरच सरं तो
ू ार खेळतात पण, माया बाप
जग यासाठ जूगार खेळतो. अनं, या जग या या जुगार म ये तो नेहमीच हरतो. माणुसक या
गावाम ये अजून
याची व ती हाय, खरच सरं . माया बापाची मरणासंग दो ती हाय. फाटके
तुटके कपडे सरं तो अजूनह अंगावर लेतो, पण, सरं मला तुम या कपडयाचाह
या याच घामाचा
वास येतो.
टाकून पहा मातीत सरं तु ह
जग याचा जूगार.
पाच-प नास हजार, ते हाच तु हाला कळे ल,
हणते सरं अ भमान हाय मला माझा बाप शेतकर
या या
अस याचा,
अ भमान आहे मला, मी या शेतक याचा वारस अस याचा.
जग ल हते आईसाठ , जग ल हते सा यांसाठ पण,
मी ल हते बापासाठ , या याच जीवनाचा जग
ू ार..
पूजा मडावी
ृ ीय वष
संगणक व ान आ ण अ भयां क
तकूलतेतह अनक
ु ू लता नमाण करतो तोच खरा माणस
ू !
त वदश २०१४
नवीन वष नवीन भारत
नवीन वष नवीन भारत
हणजे नेमकं तर काय?आप या भाषेत नवीन वष
“से ल ेशन तो बनता है बॉस.” ह आजकालची फँशन
न क च. आता “ से ल ेशन
हणा कंवा टे ड सी
हणजे लेट नाईट पाट स ् आ ण
इंटरे ि टं ग” असं मुलांना वाटतं आ ण मुल ह
हणा, पण आहे ते
वदाऊट ग स इज नॉट अॅन
यात सहभागी होतात. हे च आतापयत चुकत आलं
आहे आ ण एवढं ह समजन
ू उमजन
ू आताह आपण
आ ण कतीसं नाह हे आपण
याच वळणावर आहे , हे कतीसं खरं आहे
वतः ठरवायला पा हजे.
मै णींनो आज
द ल मधील सामु हक बला कारा या
उलटून गेलेला नाह . यानंतरह असे बरे चशे असे
करणावर फारसा काळ
करण होत रा हले आ ण अजूनह ते थांबलेच
नाह त.
पण का असं घडतंय???
आज याच सामु हक बला कारा या
गेला आहे . या भारत सरकारने आ वासन
करणावर त बल एक वषाचा काळ उलटून
दले होते सग या ि
ृ दे हाला क , ह पर ि थती आ ह लवकरच बदल याचा
या दा मनी या
य न क ....”पण हे
ु े सरसावले काय?” कोणते बदल या एका वषा या काळात घडून आले? कोठे कोठे
य नाचे पाय
ीर णाचे
काय म आयोिजत कर यात आले होते, पो लस आयु तालयाकडून. पण एव याने होईल काय?
इथेच थांबायचं आहे का आप याला.....
मोठमो या
खे यापा यांचं, व तीचं आ ण पहाडप ट तील आ दवासी भागांचं काय? िजथे
धूळ साचून
करणाचा मत
ृ दे ह ग
अंश मळतील अ या
करणांचे पण
करण घडते आ ण
यात गाडला जातो, कधीह न मळ यासाठ . एकेकाळी
यावर कोणती कृती कर यात येईल का कंवा झाल आहे
का? या एका वषा या कालावधीत अशा
करणांचा आकडा कमी झाला का? अशीच मो या गो ट
त वदश २०१४
लोकां या घरात घडल , तर
यावर चटकन कारवाह
कर यात येते पण ह च गो ट मो या
लोकां या हातून घडल तर ती पुसून टाकल जाते. असं घडता कामा नये.
असेच मत
करण उखडून काढून
नाह तर यावर
चला, “
यावर तोडगा काढायला हवा. फ त वचार क न चालणार
या करायला हवी.
येक नवीन वषाला एक नवा संक प क या, आ ण
दे शाला
नार भारत दे श बनवूया.”
आरती ग. गु हाने
वतीय वष,
संगणक व ान आ ण अ भयां क
ामा णक राह यापे ा आधी
ामा णक रहा.
त वदश २०१४
आयु य हे असंच का असतं या
नांच उ र मला कधीच मळाल नाह आ ण हे च शोध यासाठ
येक जण आपण जगत असतो असं मला वाटतं
वेग या.
आप यावर.
येक जण वेगळे
ण वेगळा असं का? कारण आयु य हे
यांचे वचार वेगळे , भावना
णांवर अवलंबन
ू असत आ ण
ण आप याला शोधत असतात आ ण आपण या
खरं च
हणतातन आयु यात
हातात नसतो जगात
थोडं साहिजकच
णाला हे समजून
आहे .
कोनाजावळून हरावुन घेत नाह आ ण या
णांना !
यावचं लागत. कारण
न ठा वाढत चालल आहे , कारण
ण हे
ण आप या
ण हा कोणीपण
णांनाच जग यासाठ खास आपण आलो आहोत.
आनंद, द:ु ख, गमावणं, मळवणं, हे खर तर सव
नाह , कारण आपण कधी द:ु खाची वाटच पाहत नाह .
यथ, पण आपण ते मानत
येक वेळी आपण आनंद, आनंद
वाट पाहत असतो आ ण हा जगाच नयम आहे , जे हव असत ते कधी मळत नसत. नेहमी
णांची आपण वाट पाहत असतो.
यात आपण
वताला बघत असतो.
या मध या
णांना बघत असतो.
खरच सुखानंतर द:ु ख येत असले – मग ते ताबडतोब येवो क खप
ू उ शरा येवो
ह च तर खर सख
ु ,द:ु खाची पाठ शवणी. हा चढ-उतार, हा अंधार-उजेडाच लपंडाव, यां या जीवनात
असतो तोच
ते हे च
ण जगत असतो.
ण जग याच मु य कारण
वताची घण
ृ ा न करणे. उ नत होऊन गे यास आधी
ई वरानंतर
ण जगताना
याचा व वास नाह
वतःवर व वास आव यक आहे .
याचा ई वरावर व वास कसला बसणार!
वाटतो, कारण आपण या
ण आप याला नकोसा
तकार हणजे तर कार करतो. पण आप याला
सु धा आठवण क न
यावीच लागेल मग ते द:ु खाचे
या आयु यात
ण होतील, बरोबर ना! खरं च कठ णच आहे .
वतःवरचा व वास हा कायम हवा.
आप या कोणालाच द:ु ख हवे नसते , कारण तो
हणजे कत य
णसु धा आपले
हणजे मह वाचे
णी वासाची मोजणी करण तसाच
णभर जगणं.
त वदश २०१४
खरं च दे वाने दले या आयु यात आप याला भरपूर काह हवे असते, नेहमी हवे
आ ण हवेचं असते, कारण या अ व मरणीय
णांची आपण वाट पाहत असतो, नेहमीच तीच
अपे ा ठे वत असतो. या येव या या आयु यात भरपूर काह जगू पाहतो,
क न घे याचा
या णांना आपलसं
य न करतो.
आयु या याया
येक मागावर
ण- णभर जगले मी
चालताना आयु याची पारख करत गेले मी,
वाटले,आयु याचे
ओंजळ कमी पडेल
पण आभाळ सु धा
हणून आभाळाची साथ मा गतल मी,
का कोण जाणे,
हटले मी
ण साठवताना
येक आनंद
णासाठ सु धा जगतो मी.
णांना पारख नसते, आनंदाची कधी
णांना थांब रे थोडा होऊ दे जगून
मला आनंद दे थोडा मळून
ण सु धा
नाह मजा या जग याला
आहे खर मजा मला द:ु खं पचवायला
पारख हवी दःु खाची मग,
होते ओळख आनंद
चैताल जोशी
(एम.बी.ए.- प हले वष)
जे झालं याचा वचार क
नका; जे होणार आहे याचा वचार करा.
त वदश २०१४
ी या अतु य भारताची
ी या अतु य भारताची,
मीच करे ल तझ
ु े दफन!
नका बघू वाट मा यात या श तीची!
‘ह लढाई मा यात या आ म व वासाची,
मी कारणीभत
ू महाभारत रामायणासाठ
नका बघू मा याकडे असे नयन
‘शपथ आहे मा यात या
मी सु वात या स ृ ट ची
मरणा शवाय पयाय ठे वणार नाह तुला!
शेवट होईल अशा वाईट
ट ची
ी या अतु य भारताची !!
नका बघू वाट मा यात या
मीच तुमचा आधार
नका क
मी नाह दे णार अ नी– पर
मला नराधार ,
माझी दब
ु लता माझी श ती आहे
आज माझी वेळ, उ या तुमची आहे
आ म व वासाने होईल, मी उभी कशीबशी
पण तु हाला न क होईल फाशी
वा भमानाची
ी या अतु य भारताची!!
ा आता,
कारण तु ह नाह राम आ ण मी नाह
भान बाळगा आप या सं कृतीचे
तु ह ह नाग रक आहात अतु य भारताचे!!
नका बघू वाट मा यात या काल ची
ीची मला,
ी या अतु य भारताची !!
कु. सपना काळे
थम वष
मा हती तं
ान अ भयां क
नाह होत आता सहन ,
कुणीह चो
शकत नाह अशी संप ी कमाव याचा
य न करा.
त वदश २०१४
नववष दोन हजार चौदा
हे नववषा,
हे नववषा,
कती वषापासून येतोस डो याला दे तोस
तुला यायचे आहे तर खुशाल ये
तुझे नामकरण दोन हजार चौदा,
अ याय, अ याचार, कुपोषण
था पतांना
आ ह ठरवले तु याशी करावा सौदा,
भरती मेळावे
अ याय, अ याचार, बला कार
व हतासाठ राबती योजना
नरबळी, भूकबळी, कुपोषण,
भकार बनूनी मागती जोगवा
आम या श द कानी पडू दे वू नकोस
दे श वदे शी बँकेत
ट नाणे
कंटाळतो लोकशाह त या गंड
ु गर ला,
कोण घेणार आता मागावा
ताव आणून भाषण दे णा या छ
सुर खप
ु सून लाथ मारणा या गाढवाला
हे नववष,
आ ह
न मतो अ न, व
हे नववषा,
वीज.. ते चकन, वाईन, ढे कर दे त एसीत
वाथ गरजवंतांना नवांत
माते या लुग या चोळीला गाठ कु या
सूड उगवून चांगल स बु धी दे
सं कृती या मसळले मातीत गर ब नसे इथे
आ हासाठ
श ण अन ् उ योग
ीमंती घेती भरार आकाशी वमानाने
श ण उ योग नोकर
वातं य, शांती घेवून
आलास तर तुझे
वागत क
गाडया, घोडया, माडयावर मजा मारती
अ यथा नव वष दोन हजार चौदा
आ ह टाकतो मान खाल लािजरवाणे..
तु याशी का क
नये क ट चा सौदा!
- शांत नामदे व जाधव
थम वष
परमाणु आ ण दरू संचार अ भयां ीक
जीवना या या धाव या प ट वर माणस
वतःच करतो आहे , वतः या आयु याचा सौदा
त वदश २०१४
ु ं या मनात....”
लहायला गेलं तर मल
ु ं या मनात काय चाललं असते, या वषयावर लहायला खूप आहे
आ ण तसेह या
सहसा मुल हा
पण यां या
वचार करणे
हणजे मुल ंची बाजू मांड यासारखे होईल . कारण
न सतत करत असतात. कधी
ट कोन जरा वेगळा असतो
वतःला, तर कधी म ांना .... नाह का ?
हणजे उपरोधीच असतो.
काय मुल तर नेहमी रडतच राहतात, कवा मग ‘मुल तर वेगळे च बोलतात आ ण
वेगळे च करतात’ तर कधी ‘मुल
वतःला काय समजतात?’ असे अनेक
न ते मुळात
मुल ं या मनात काय सु , याचाच शोध घे यासाठ डोकावत असतात, होय ना !!! पण कधी
मुल ं या मान सकतेचा अन तला करा या लागणा या तडजोडीचा कुणी वचार करत नाह . खर
तर मल
ु ंच मन हे फ त एक मल
ु गी कंवा एक
ीच समजू शकते असं मला वाटत. मी असं
हणत नाह य क मुल चं सव गो ट ंचा वचार करतात अथवा तडजोड करतात पण मुलांपे ा
जा त करतात कंवा तला करावी लागतात असं मी
तला फ त एका नाह
तर अनेक
रं गमं यावर ना य सादर करावे लागते. या
सावरत , समजत पुढे जाव लागत. ता
पांम ये नटून
तला आयु या या या
पात तला वेगवेग या ना यांना सांभाळत,
यात महा व यालयात म मै णीबरोबर एक वेगळे नात
असत. बनधा त, म तीखोर, चढाओढ चं वंतं
य त कर याच असं तीच
लगेच ....लगेच ल ना या रे शीमगाठ त बांध या गे यावरच तीच
प, थोड
प. पण मग
ेमाच, आपल
ु क चं,
यागाचं, जबाबदार चं, व वासाचं आ ण दोन घरांना जोडणारं असं ते नात तला सांभाळायला
यात, ती एक वेगळ
प घेऊन ना य सदर कर त असते .
हणजे त ण असताना अन ् ल नानंतर असं अगद दोन वेग या वभागात, ती आयु य जगते .
अन हे सगळ करत असते आ ण हे करताना त या मनात कतीतर गो ट ंचा ग धळ चालत
असेल, नाह
ल नानंतरच मा
का ? महा व यालयात
तला फ त
मै णीचीच काळजी असते, पण
तला कुठ या कुठ या गो ट चा वचार करावा लागतो.
ते नाते, नवीन लोकां या आवडी- नवडी, यांचे
वतःला सांभाळून यावे लागते. अगद
वभाव, यां या सवयी, यांचे वचार या सवामधे
वतःच आडनावसु धा सोडावं लागते .
त वदश २०१४
एकंदर त आयु या या
वचार सु
असतात. पण हो, मुल ं या मनाचा अंदाज लावणे हे फार कठ ण आहे , हे तर खरे च
आहे . कारण
पा ाशी,
येक भागात त या मनात या भागाशी जुळवणूक कर याचे
यां या आयु या या या नाटकात कती पा
या याशी समानतेने वागन
त या आयु यात येतात
संगाला तशाच
कारे सामोरे जाण हे फ त तीचं
तलाच कळतं. मग अशावेळी कुणी दस
ु र त या मनातील कस ओळखू शकेल बरे !!!!
आयु यात
येक वळणावर तला फ त वचारच नाह करावा लागत तर सवाची
मने सांभाळावी लागतात. कधी आई-व डलांचा, तर कधी म -मै णीचा, कधी पुढ या आयु याचा,
कधी एक बह ण
ू भावासाठ चा, तर कधी एक मै ीण
हणून सास यांसाठ चा तर कधी कधी बायको
म ासाठ चा, कधी सन
हणून नव यांसाठ चा अशा अनेक
वचारां या
ओ यात तला वाहाव लागत. हे सगळं करताच तला नोकर , त या इ छा, इतरां या अपे ा
चारजौघात जपावं लागणार
सव गो ट म ये मुल
वतःच अि त व या सवावरह
तला ल
नेहमी ग धळले या असतात....असं काह
ठे वाव लागतं..... मग या
मळतं....अहो, आता
इतक सगळ जपता–जपता ग धळ तर होणारच ना!
मुल ं या मनात या
लहणं खरतर एक मोठ
ु ं या मन हे पारदश काचासारखं असतं ,
पारदश , अगद
आ ण काह
चरु शी या वाचकांसाठ
मानाचा नाह तर
आहे . कारण
वतःत फार कणखर आ ण घ ट पण अगद
मनातले भाव चेह यावर उमटवणारे आ ण तसह
ल ह यासारखे आहे , पण मी एक मुलगी आहे
काम गर
वषयावर खप
ू काह
हणून मी आपल बाजू मांड यासारखे होईल
अॅट यड
ु दाखव या गत होईल. मल
ु गी असणे हा फ त
ी व जप याचा अन
यासाठ करा या लागणा या संघषाचं एक
तक आहे . ते हा ‘मुल ं या मनात’ जे चालायचे ते चालतच राहणार आहे , पण यां या मनात
डोकावून पाहणा यांना, यां या
नांची उ र मळण हे ततकेच कठ ण आहे .
वशाखा मोरे
चतुथ वष,
यां क
अ भयां क
न सोडवन
ू सट
ु त नाह त, काह सोडून दले क आपोआप सट
ु तात.
त वदश २०१४
श क आ ण नतीमु य
श ण हे आज या युगाम ये
समाजातील सवच
य तीचे, समाजाचे आ ण रा
ाचेह अ वभा य अंग बनले आहे .
तरातील, सवच लोकांना श णाचे मह व पटले आहे . य तीचे आ थक आ ण
थैयव भ वत य
श णावरच अवलंबन
ू आहे .
य तीचे जीवन
एक प झाले आहे . आज केवळ बा य स यता व पांढरपे शय सं कृतीचे
साधन रा हले नसून ते
संजीवनी ठरल आहे .
श णाचा रा
दशन यांचे दखाऊ
य तीस प रपूण व, आ म नभर व मानव व
य ती आ ण समाज यां यात
याच माणे
ाचा वकास हा श णावरच आधा रत आहे . रा
आ थक, राजक य, सामािजक व सां कृतीक
चा र य शल यि त समाजाचा आ ण रा
ा त क न दे णार
श णाचा संबंध जसा आव यक आहे .
ाशीह संबंध अटळ आहे . रा
श णाशी
श णच क
ाचा वकास व
गती क
शकते. सुजाण, शहाणी,
शकेल आ ण हा सुजाणपणा
व चा र य ह मु ये श णानेच य ती या ठकाणी सं कार त होऊ शकतात.
ु ाम ये नसगताच काह श ती असतात,
करणे हे खरे
श णाचे काय आहे . मल
ु ा या
या श तींना जागत
ृ क न
वकासाची तल
ु ना
या वक सत
वकास पावणा या
रोप याशी केल आहे . श काचे काय रोपटयाची जोपासना करणा या माळया माणे आहे . बजात
व श ट गुणधम मुळात असतातच, ते
वकसीत होऊन
पांतर व ृ ात होते.
बालकातील श ती सु ताव थेत असतात. ते सु तश ती गुण हे न
श काचे काय होय.
माळी व वध
नर नरा या व ृ ां या गुणधमानुसार
कारची खते वापरतो. खते, पाणी,
ट ने श काने
ाचीन काळी श कांची व ृ ी
काश या- या व ृ ांना मानवेल अशा प दतीने
वतः चा र यवान बनून
आहे त.
श कां शवाय
युगात अनेक
करणार कॉ
येत अनेक घटकांपैक
श णा या
व याथ ,
नमाण झाल
श यांना
ाहक दक
ु ानदाराचे न हते.
श क व अ यास म मह वाचे घटक
येत पूण व येऊच शकणार नाह . आज या वै ा नक
ु ा य यं ासाधने उपल ध झाल आहे त.
ु स
व पाचे आहे . मुलांना अनुकरण
ान व े याची न हती, व या या या मनात श कां वषयी
आदराची भावना होती. व व या याचे संबंध गु - श यांचे होते.
श ण
वकास करणे हे
या- या व ृ ांची दे खभाल करणारा
यव था करतो व व ृ ांचे संर ण करतो. श णाचे कायह याच
करावयाचे आहे .
याच माणे
आहे त.
ान घरबस या
णाधात असं य आक यांची ग णत
व या याना
मळते. परं तु
त वदश २०१४
व वध
ान दे णा या
जडणघडण करणा या
श क यावर श ण
ु ा य अमानवी यं ाची तुलना व या या या
श कांशी के हाह
होऊ शकणार नाह .
व याथ , अ यास म आ ण
या अ धि ठत आहे . या त ह घटकात श कांचे
श कां या कायाचे समाजा या आ ण रा
तयार कर याचे उपयु त काय
ा या
य तीम व
श काला करावयाचे आहे . इतर
कर याचा
थान उ च आहे .
ट ने मोठे आहे . रा
य न
ाची त ण पढ
यवसायापे ा
यवसाय हा उ च दजाचा आहे . श क पेशा ि वकार या नंतर श कांनी
यि तम वाची
श काला
श णाचा
तारणा न
आप या
श या वषयी अ भमान व िज हाळा वाटायला पा हजे.
ी. गजानन द. इंगळे
यां क वभाग
“श ण
हणजे माणसाचा समाजोपयोगी वकास”
त वदश २०१४
योती सा व ी माउल चे
आ ह कसे मानू आभार,
याच बळावर आकाशात
या ध य माऊल ने दला
उं च उं च भरार
ांती योती सा व ीचे
व न क
ीला श णाचा आधार
साकार ,
आई तूच दल लेखणी
आ ह कसे मानू आभार
आ ण जाणीव क न दल ,
आ ह कसे मानू आभार.
द या तू आ हाला
जु या रोगट
ढ आ ण बुरसटले या परं परा
आई तु यामुळे आले
आम या नणय आम या हाती,
ू ा भगत
थम वष
व यत
ु अ भयां क
“उपकारांची जाणीव ठे वतो , तोच खरा माणूस .”
त वदश २०१४
दे शासाठ
रोज उठतो राबतो, रोज राबतो,
अ धकार मळवतो,
कुणासाठ ? दे शासाठ , दे शासाठ .
कुणासाठ ? दे शासाठ , दे शासाठ
शेती करतो, यापारसांभाळतो,
इमानदार ने- न ठे ने रा ं दवस सेवा करतो,
कुणासाठ ? दे शासाठ , दे शासाठ
आपले कत य पार पाडू
उगाच कायालयात दांडी,
आपले अ धकार मळवू
मी नाह मारत
हात भार लाऊ
सवाची कामे मी करतो सदा,
कुणासाठ ? दे शासाठ , दे शासाठ .
कुणासाठ दे शासाठ , दे शासाठ .
कु. अि वनी गजानन जाधव
मतदान मी करतो,
मा हती अन ् श णाचा
तसरे वष,
परमाणु आ ण दरू संचार अ भयां क
“जगा त णांनो दे शासाठ जगा.”
त वदश २०१४
वदे श
“ सव म लेख ”
वदे श
सनेमाम ये जी
शाह ख
याची भू मका दाखवल आहे , क ती
‘ वदे श’
च पट
य ती मोठ वै ा नक आहे , मो या
तेह ‘नासा’ सार या रसच सटरला. तो जे हा आप या गावात येतो . ते हा या या
असं ल ात येते क , गाव अजून तथ या तथेच आहे . गावाची काह च
गती झाल नाह
आहे . गावात जी वीज, इंटरनेट ची सोय नाह आहे , अशावेळी आप या दे शाला आपल गरज
आहे , असे या या ल ात येत,े ते हा तो आपल सगळ परदे शातल सोडून मायदे शी परत येतो.
या सनेमाचा शेवट अ तशय सुखद वाटणारा आहे . पण असे खरच घडते का?
कती ट के
माणात हे घडते आहे स या?
आजकाल सवच नस
ु ते परदे शात जात आहे त. जाणारयांपे ा परत येणारे , जरा
कमीच ऐकायला येतात. ठ क आहे , तु ह
तकडे जाऊन भरपरू शका, पण शकून
उपयोग आप या दे शासाठ , आप या दे शा या
तु हाला तेवढा पगार नाह
गतीसाठ करणे यो य नाह का? ठ क आहे ,
मळणार, जेवढा परदे शात मळे ल, पण आप या मातीत ज म
घेत याचे आ ण एक जबाबदार नागर क
गरजेचे आहे .
हणून काह कत ये आहे त आपल , हे समजणे
आपला दे श खरं च वकसनशील आहे का, हे तपासणे गरजेचे आहे . सग याच
े ात काह ना काह तर
कमतरता आहे .
श ण
े ात ब घतलं तर संपूण
जगात या प ह या १०० उ च दजा या व यापीठांम ये भारतातीलच काय तर संपूण आ शया
खंडातील एकह
व यापीठाचा नाव नाह . भारतातील IIT द ल व IIT मंब
ु ई सार या
आप या भारतात या सवात उ च श णसं था मान या जातात,
यांचाह या प ह या १००
म ये समावेश नाह , ह अ तशय लािजरवाणी अशी बाब आहे . भारताची
ि थती बघता , ती पण चांगल नाह . आपला भारतीय
यानंतरची आ थक
पया, दवस दवस घसरत चालला
आहे , डॉलर या तल
ु नेत यामळ
ु े दे शात महागाई सतत वाढत आहे . महागाई वाढत अस यामळ
ु े
टाचार , लट
ु मार , चो या तसेच मह वाचं
तसेच भारतीय सुर ा
हणजे भेसळीचे
यव था बघता , जी श
वापरल , ती आपण आजह वापरतो आहोत. तसेच तं
माण वाढले आहे .
े अमे रकेने १९८० म ये
ान पण जुने आहे . जर काह नवीन
े वापरले असते तर २६/११ ला जो ह ला झाला मुंबईवर,
आप याला प हलेच लागल असती.
आप या दे शाची राजनीती ,काह बोलायची
याची चाहूल
यव थाच नाह .सगळे नुसते पैसे
कसे घशात टाकता येतील, हे च बघता आहे त . सग यात आ चयाची बाब
हणजे नुसते ८
त वदश २०१४
वी,१० वी पास,नापास असलेले आमदार, खासदार होतातच कसे, हे च समजत नाह . सग यात
मह वाचा वादाचा वषय असा क , वदे शी व तु आज
उपयोगी पडणा या छो या छो या व तू आहे त, या तर
येका या घराम ये आ ण
या रोज
वदे शी आहे त का? याचा जर सव
केला तर असे ल ात येईल क , १०० ट के व तंम
ू ये, ८० ट के व तू परदे शी आहे त. आज
भारताम ये चीनी व तू कती वक या जात आहे त? आप या भारतीय व तू वक या जातात
का चीनम ये एव यामो या
माणावर? तर याचे उ र नाह च मळे ल. रामदे वबाबा
वदे शी व तू वापरा पण, आप याला मा
भारताबाहे र ल
आपण भारतीय का
परदे शी व तच
ु चं
हणजेच परदे शी लोक जर
े झ आहे .
यांची परं परा सोडत नाह तर
हणून आप या सग या सं कृती परं परा सोडत चाललो आहोत. लोक
कती आनंदाने, गवाने सांगतातक माझा मुलगा कंवा मुलगी अमे रकेत सेटल झालेत, खरच
ह अ भमानाची गो ट आहे का? अरे
य तीला माती वषयी,दे शा वषयी अ भमान नाह ,
ओढ नाह तो कसला हुशार ? तु ह शका पा हजे या दे शात, ड ी पण आप या भारतासाठ
काम करा ना. चार पैसे कमी मळतील, पण दे शा या वकासात तम
ु चा हातभार लागेल .
भारत आ ण भारतातील लोक, येथील युवा
बाजूला ठे वून, पैशा या मागे न धावता, थोडी दे शभ ती बाळगल
भारताची न चीतच
यांनी थोडा
आ ण काम केले तर
गती होईल.
णीता संजय भालेराव
वतीय वष
व यत
ु अ भयां क
“ जेथे एका मतेचा सू
महान तोच आमचा भारत छान.”
त वदश २०१४
आजचा भारत आ ण त ण
आजच २१ वं शतकं. व ान-तं
हो याचे
व न पाहत आहे . एकेकाळी ‘सोनेक
ानचं युग. आपला दे श जगातील महास ाक
च डया,
हटले या दे शाला वक सत
इत या सम यांना समोरे जावे लागते आहे , पण का? हा
येकच भारतीय सामा य
नाग रकाला पडू शकतो. आपण कुठे कमी पडतोय? काय आहे त आप या उणीवा? याचा
सव वी वचार हायला हवा.
आजचा भारत
ी अ याचार, आ थक दारे , ग रबी या गो ट ंमुळे
पोखरला जातो आहे . पण याला जवाबदार कोण? स याची ि थती वचारात घेता,
दे शात ग ल ते द ल
टाचार पाहायला मळतोय.
आप या
ीवर होणारे अ याचार इतके वाढले
आहे त क कोण याह वतमानप ात ह बातमी नसेल तर नवल! समाजातील काह घटक
आ थक
बळ होत आहे , तर एक कडे दोन वेळेच जेवणासाठ राब-राब राबावे लागते
आहे . पण असं कती दवस चालणार? कोण थांबवणार हे सगळ?
न सहजच मा या,तम
ु या मनात चटकनच घर करतो. या सव सम या
दरू सा न न या भारताला न या उमे दनं उभं क
व ान-तं
शकतो, तर तो आहे “आजचा त ण.
ानाला गवसणी घालणारा. आजचा त ण न क च उ याचा वक सत भारत घडवू
शकतो. पण गरज आहे ती संधीची. आज या त णाला राजकारणात स
य हो याची गरज
आहे . भारत महास ा ते हाच ठरे ल, जे हा इथ या त णा या हातात स ेची दोर असेल.
दे शाला जर आधु नकतेकडे, वकासाकडे, पुरोगामी
वचारांकडे वळायचं असेल
यात आजचा त ण फार मह वाची भू मका बजावू शकतो.त णांची काम कर याची
प धत, नवी उमेद, प र मांची िज द, चकाट
नि चतच बदल घडवन
ू आणू शकते. त णांचे
ेरणा थान असलेले ववेकानंद त णांना उ बोधनपर
”सभी शि तयाँ आपके भीतर है , आप कुछभी कर सकते है कुछभी..........
सफ अपने आप पे व वास क िजये.”
खरच आपण नि चतपणे एक वक सत दे श घडवू
जगात आपल नाव
शकतो. तसेच जाग तक महास ा होऊन
भावी ठरवू शकतो.
चेतन दे शमख
वतीय वष
यां क अ भयां क
“दे श आमचा जर
वकसनशील असला पण सारा व व आम यावर जगला.”
त वदश २०१४
लढा अि त वाचा
आयु य हे असच असत. कधी
न करत, तर कधी उ र मागत. आपण मा
न–उ रां या जा यात घ ट गरु फटत जातो. कधी वचार केलाय ? क जर आयु य हे
वजे या तारे सारखं सरळ असतं. न कुठले वळण न कुठले चढ-उतार. पण वा त वक पाहता
कळत क , सवाकडे ओढ लागल आहे , ती
ावी याची ,वच व
ा त कर याची
. याला पाहावं तो पेलतोय लढा अि त वाचा....
ज म हा माझा असाच का आहे ?
आयु य हे माझे न
र का आहे ?
लढा हा अि त वाचा अंत का पाहे
खरं च आज आपण जीवनातला गोडवा, आपल
ु क , आदर
वस न
बसलोय. नजरे तील ‘ नरागसता ‘ तर कधीची दरू सोडून आलोय . धावपळी या या युगात एक
खेळण बनन
ू जगतोय आपण ...! मनात एक भीती दाटल आहे ती
हणजे , मी या
वकसनशील युगात कुठे हरवलाय नको. माझे अि त व मला टकवन
ू ठे वायचे आहे . रोज नवे
काह अ व कार होतात , जीवन जग याला एक नवे वळण लाभते. जर आपण या बदल या
युगासोबत सम वय साध यात यश वी होऊ शकलो तरच आपण हा लढा कायम ठे वू शकतो .
सवाकडे आतंकवाद, अ याचार , असुर
तता सतत वाढतच आहे .
गतीकडे एक पाऊल वाढवतांना हजार पावलांचा सामना करावा लागतो.
नवी पर
यावी लागते . ि
मनु याने कतीह
यांसाठ तर आज ‘सुर
तता ‘ हा गंभीर
णा- णाला एक
न झाला आहे .
गती केल तर कुठे ना कुठे ‘अमानष
ु पणा’ पापात आहे . तो मळ
ु ापासन
न ट कर यात आजचा आधु नक यव
ु क फारसा यश वी झालेला नाह .
वेळ आल
मता जाणव याची आ ण समोर
येणा या
आप याला लाभले या या अमु य भेट ची आपण परु े परू उपयोग करायला हवा. ह
यायला हवी क
अ याचार, आतंकवाद,
कंवा ‘असुर
तता’ यासार या
ु लक
गो ट ंना आप या अि त वावर घाव घालता कामा नये ........!
श द हे माझे अबोल का झाले ?
त वदश २०१४
पाऊल हे माझे अडखळत का चाले ?
मन हे माझे सैरा–वैरा का धावे ?
अि त वाला मा या
न च हच का यावे ?
पूनम गवा े
ु वष
परमाणु आ ण दरू संचार अ भयां क
फ त
वत:साठ जगलास तर मेलास आ ण
वत:साठ जगन
ू दस
ु यांसाठ जगलास तर जगलास !”
तत्त्वदर्शी २०१४
नया साल नया िारत
नई उमंग नया साल,
या िमल िे फूल खखलें गे|
नया भारत नये विचार,
पुशलस योजनायें रचें गी,
उपलब्धिया पाएँगे मंगलयान,
लड़कियाँ अत्याचारसे िचें गी|
चकित होंगें अमेररिा, चीन, जापान|
होंगी प्रदष
ु ण मुक्त िायु,
िढ़े गी सििी आय|ु
लोिपाल बिखेरेंगा रं ग,
क्योंकि इस िार नया साल नए विचार|
भ्रष्टाचारी होंगे िेरंग|
शिक्षा से ही है िान,
चलेगा ‘आम’ िा जाद,ू
चाहे जाओ चारो िाम|
या पंजा होंगा िेिाि,ू
विज्ञान ही लायेगा इस िार,
क्या शििसेना,मनसे शमलेंगे,
नया भारत नये विचार|
सपना काले
प्रथम वर्ष
ू ना प्रौद्योगिकी अभियाांत्रिकी)
इततहास में िभी भी विचार-विमिश से िोई ठोस पररितशन नहीं हाशसल किया गया है | - सुभाष चन्द्र िोस
तत्त्वदर्शी २०१४
जाि उठो
भारत माँ िे िीर सप
ु त
ु ो जाग उठो
कफरसे आग लगेना इस भारत िो,
घर िे चचराग से िौन िचाए इस भारतिो,
घर िे दश्ु मनो से आग लगेना इस भारत िो,
घर िे चचराग से |
गांिीजी, नेहरु चाचा िो भूले लोग यहाँ िे,
लक्ष िनािर िेिल िनसे ब्जते लोग यहाँ िे,
िौन िचाए इस भारत िो घर िे
दश्ु मनो से, आग लगेना इस भारत िो,
घर िे चचराग से |
ु ा र. माडेवार
प्रथम वर्ष
महान सपने दे खने िालों िे महान सपने हमेिा पुरे होते है | - अधदल
ु िलाम
तत्त्वदर्शी २०१४
िारत के उद्दार!
अक्सर याद आती है मुझे सन सत्तािन िी
किस किस िा मै नाम पुिारू?
अनचगनत थे िे मेरे सपत
ू हजारों,
जि आसमान पर आज़ादी िी बिजली थी
ब्जन्द्होंने अपना रक्त िहािर, किया जटटल
याद िर इस िीरांगना िी तरुण, तेज़
तलिार िी िार,
आँखों से झर-झर आंसू झरे , िही अनिरत
अश्रु िार.
उसिे िाद िहीदों िी है लम्िी क़तार,
ब्जसमे प्रमुख िापू, ततलि, गोखले और
सुभाष चन्द्र, भगत शसंह और चन्द्र िेखर
िाम महान,
स्िखणशम अक्षरों में शलख गए,
मेरे आज़ादी िे फरमान.
िि ति नफरत, टहंसा, लहु लािें और
विनाि ?
तनमाशण िी िातें िरो, होंने दो प्रगतत और
सहज िोटट िाहुिल ,अि प्रगतत पथ पर
डाल दो,
ु य भारत िो, नि-प्रभात नि-सिेरा दो
वैर्शाली पाटील
ब्जनिी मेरे सीने में अि भी है अशमट
प्रथम वर्ष
ू ना प्रौद्योगिकी अभियाांत्रिकी)
हीरो िह होता है जो स्ितंत्रता िे साथ आई ब्जम्मेदाररयों िो समझता है | -िौि डाइलेन
तत्त्वदर्शी २०१४
ू े और िी है दनु नया में !
अपना ताजमहल दतु नया िे साथ अजूिो में िुमार हो गया, इसिे शलए अखिार और
दरू ध्िनी िालों िा तहे टदल से िकु िया| अगर मीडडया या दरू ध्िनी िी सवु ििा नहीं होती तो
जनता िी आिाज़ ‘िल्डश अजि
ू ा शसलेक्िन सशमतत’ ति िैसे पहुँचती? क्योंकि यहाँ सरिार
िे िानो ति आिाज़ पहुँच जाए तो यह अजूिा होता है | िैसे भारत में ताज िे अलािा और
भी अजूिे है !
अजूिा नंिर 2 : यह है िी यहाँ िी व्यिस्था तंत्र में भ्रष्टाचार ऊपर से नीचे ति
समाया हुआ है , और हर चन
ु ाि में ‘िोट अगें स्ट िरप्िन’ िा नारा उछालने िे िािजुद
व्यिस्था तंत्र पीसा िे लीतनंग टािर िी तरह िही िे िही जमा रहता है | जो इसे तनचे से
टहलाता है , िुछ टदन िाद िही इसिे ऊपर चढ़ िर िैठा नज़र आता है |
अजूिा नंिर 3 : यह है िी भारत िे राजनीतत में शमब्क्संग और रर-शमब्क्संग िी
प्रकिया चौिीस घंटे चलते रहती है | यहाँ राजनीतत िे हमाम में गैंगस्टर, डॉन, दलाल और
डािू भी अपने अपने िपडे उतारे नज़र आते है | जनसेिि भी उनसे गल-िटहयाँ लेते दीखते
है | इससे िड़ा अजूिा और क्या होंगा|
अजूिा नंिर 4: यह है िी यहाँ िभी भी व्यब्क्त िर अचििाररयो िी मदत से या
कफर राजनेताओं िे आिीिाशद से किसी भी गरीि आदमी िी ज़मीन पर िधज़ा जमा सिता
है | यह भी एि अजूिा ही है |
अजूिा नंिर 5 : यह है कि भारत में दसिी फेल भी M.B.B.S. िी डडग्री लेिर लोगो
िी ब्जंदचगयों से खेल सिता है | दतु नया इसे भी अजूिा मान सिती है कि विश्ि गुरु िहलाने
िाले भारत में जाली डडग्री िारी गुरु भी िम नहीं है |
अजूिा नंिर 6 : यह है िी भारत िे किसी भी दफ्तर में िोई भी िाम िरिाना िोई
मुब्श्िल िाम नहीं है | ’निद नारायण’ िे प्रताप से यहाँ फाइलों
िो पंख लगते दे र नहीं
लगती और िायदे -िानून रातों रात िदल जाते है |
अजूिा नंिर 7 : यह है िी यहाँ आज़ादी िे ६६ िषों िाद भी टहंदी िो िह दजाश नहीं
शमल पाया, जो एि राष्र भाषा िा होता है |
असफलता तभी आती है , जि हम अपने आदिश, उद्दे ि और शसद्िांत भूल जाते है | -जिाहरलाल नेहरु
तत्त्वदर्शी २०१४
िस सिैिातनि तौर पर िहने िो यह हमारी राष्र भाषा है ,और तो लोग िहते है
समय िे साथ िदलना चाटहए|अजूिे भारत में और भी है | लेकिन जि दतु नया िे अजूिों िी
चगनती सात ति है तो िाकि िे अजूिे ितािर दतु नयां िालों िा िक़्त क्यों ििाशद िरे ?
मीडडया से हमारा वििेष अनुरोि है िी िह अजूिों िो दस
ु रे फालतू लफडो िी तरह
िड़ी उत्सुिता िे सात उजागर िरें ताकि भविष्य में जि भी दतु नया िे साथ अजूिों पर िोई
सशमतत पुनः विचार िरने िैठे तो भारत िे सात अजूिे ही विश्ि िे सात अजूिे में िाशमल
हो जाएँ|
-श्रुनत अग्रवाल
प्रथम वर्ष
(परमाणु एवां दरू सांचार अभियाांत्रिकी)
सपने दे खना िेहद जरुरी है, लेकिन िेिल सपने दे खिर ही मंब्जल िो हाशसल नहीं किया जा सिता|
-डॉ. अधदल
ु िलाम
तत्त्वदर्शी २०१४
ृ ध िारत के सपने
हमारी आँखों में समद्
ृ ि भारत िे
इषाश, आघात और उपहास िे तीर है सहने,
ु ोततयों िे आिेग से विचशलत न हो
कितना भी दग
श पल हो, तुम हताि ना
ु म
हम सि ने शमल िर ही नए इततहास है
अभी तो दीप्त िल िे रे खा चचत्र है रं गने,
सपने, आज नहीं तो िल िो होंगे मुठ्ठी
में अपने,
छल, िपट, मक्िारी, लोभ िे िंठ है
ु ोततयों िे आिेग से विचशलत न हो
हम सि ने शमल िर ही नए इततहास है
हम सि ने शमल िर ही नए इततहास है
वैर्शाली पाटील
प्रथम वर्ष
ू ना प्रौद्योगिकी अभियाांत्रिकी)
“जि ति गलती िरने िी स्ितंत्रता ना हो ति ति स्ितंत्रता िा िोई अथश नहीं है |” - महात्मा गाँिी
तत्त्वदर्शी २०१४
दे र्श की कथा
दे ि से पूछ शलया मैंने, तू पब्श्चम िो क्यों
िहीदों िी इज्जत नहीं इन्द्हें ये तािूतों से
क्या है िहाँ पर ऐसा जो तुझिो लुभाता है
िोटों िो पाने िी खाततर मगरमच्छ िे
आँसू िहाते हैं|
जिाि शमला मुझे ऐसा िी मैं सच िहते
औरत िी इज्ज़त थी यहाँ अि उसिे
िमाशता हूँ ,
ब्जस्म से रोटी खाते हैं,
पर थोड़ी टहम्मत िरिे िो नज़ारा तम्
ु हें
दे िी िो भी िक्षा नहीं अिला पर िल
टदखाता हूँ |
आजमाते हैं|
िहने लगा िे :
मेरे अपने ही िच्चे मुझपर तलिार चलाते
जाता है ,
वििासिील होते हुए भी मेरे िच्चे भख
ू े
रहते हैं,
सोने िी चचडड़या था, जो अि उसे गरीि
क्यों िहते हैं |
भी खाते हैं,
जात-िमश िा नाम ले, दं गे यहाँ िरिाते हैं|
टहन्द्द ू या शसख हो चाहे िोई, पर मेरा ही
ू िहाते हैं,
संसद मे जािर गुंडे क्यों नेता िहलाते हैं ,
िाप िे िंिे पर िेटे िी अथी उठिाते हैं|
ं े
रोता है टदल मेरा जि, मेरे िाशिद
ू िी नटदयां थी जहां, िहाँ िराि िहाँ
बिखलाते हैं|
से आई है ,
सीमा पर तो जिान गोली खा िर मर
जाते हैं,
पर सत्ता िे गशलयारे िहाँ भी रं ग टदखाते
माँ क्यों िेटे िो िेटा िहते िमाशयी है |
ससरु ाल से िहू िी डोली िापस घर क्यों
आई है ,
हैं |
दे र्श की कथा
ब्जतना िठीन संघषश होगा जीत उतनी ही िानदार होगी| -िुभाष चन्द्र िोस
तत्त्वदर्शी २०१४
िचा िर क्या रखा है तुमने मेरी संस्िृतत
घर मे रहते हैं क्यों विभीषण, जयचंद िहाँ
क्यों ठुिराई है |
से आते हैं|
राम–लखन िे इस दे ि मे, दश्ु मन क्यों
जगतगुरु रहे हैं हम अि जगिाले हमें
मयाशदा िो गए हैं भूल, िुछ संत भी िने
हालत दे खिर ऐसी अपनी आँसू खद
ु ही
अि ओर न पूछो िुछ मुझसे, मेरी आँखे
इज्जत लूट रहे हैं अपने तभी तो हम
ऐसा लगता है तम
ु ने मेरी तिाही िी िसमें
इतने चगर गए हैं हम, िे अि खद
ु से ही
भाई भाई हैं,
िसाई हैं|
ही भर आई हैं,
खाई हैं|
शसखाते हैं,
आते हैं|
घिराते हैं,
िमाशते हैं |
मुझे अपने ही लूट रहे हैं, गैर तो घिराते
- स्वप्ननल नतवारी
( याांत्रिकी
ृ ीय वर्ष
भारत में राष्रिाद ने एि ऐसी िब्क्त िा संचार किया है जो लोगों िे अन्द्दर सटदयों से
तनब्ष्िय पड़ी थी|
-सुभाष चन्द्र िोस
तत्त्वदर्शी २०१४
सोच को बदलो
सोच िो िदलो शसतारे िदल जायेगे |
िश्ती हर तफ़
ू ान िो पार िर सिती है ,
नज़र िो िदलो नज़ारे िदल जायेगे |
बिगड़ी हुई िात कफर िन सिती है |
िब्श्तयाँ िदलने िी ज़रूरत नहीं,
हौसले रख िुलंद, इरादे ना िदल,
टदिा िो िदलो किनारे अपने आप िदल
तिदीर किसी भी ओर िदल सिती है |
रखेगा जो तु हौसला तो रस्ते खद
ु िन
अभेद अंिेरे िो खंगालो, तो िोई िात िने,
एि नया खरु िीद तनिालो तो िोई िात
उतरे गा सागर में गहरा तो मोती तुझे शमल
जायेगे |
िक़्त िे साँचे में ढ़लना तो सििो आता
महिना-महिाना खि
ु िु िा िाम नहीं,
है ,
ु िु िहा मोहताज़ होती है िरदानों िी |
िक़्त िो साँचे में ढोलो तो िोई िात िने|
आसमान से िूंद चगरीपानी िन िर फूंट
, गई
िहाँ तालीम दी जाती है पररंदों िो उड़ने
िो तो खद
ु ही नाप शलया िरते है िल
ु ंदी
यह ब्ज़न्द्दगी किस िाम िी, जो माता-
आसमानों िी|
वपता िो भुल गई |
नेहा आनांद्परा
ु ी हुए िमा कफर जल सिती है ,
तुफानो से िब्श्तयाँ तनिल सिती है ,
हो िे मायस
ु तु इरादे ना िदलना,
प्रथम वर्ष
( सांिणक एवां वाान अभियाांत्रिकी)
िभी भी तेरी किस्मत िदल सिती है |
जो अपने शलए तनयम नहीं िनाता उसे दस
ू रों िे तनयमों पर चलना पड़ता है |
तत्त्वदर्शी २०१४
क्यों की मै बेटी थी
िहुत लोगो ने िोि मनाया , उनिी हर ब्ज़ल्लातो िो खि
ु ी-खि
ु ी
अपनाया हर छोटी िात पर रोिी गई , ब्जस खुिी िी थी हिदार, िो भी नहीं मुझे दी गई,
हर ज़ुल्म िो सह लेती थी, क्योंकि मैं िेटी थी |
नहीं तम
ु मोहल्ले मे खेलने जाओगी, डर है िी बिरादरी मे हमारी नाि िटिाओगी,
हुई थोड़ी िड़ी तो घर से िाहर अिेले जाना रोि टदया, अगर िी जरा सी किसी से िात तो
िि भरी आिाज़ से टोि टदया | अिेले बिना किसी से िुछ िहे रो लेती थी, क्योंकि मैं िेटी
थी |
नहीं तुम िहार िही पढ़ने जाना, क्योंकि खराि िहुत है ज़माना, विश्िास है तुम पर
ज़माने पर नहीं, िहीं तम्
ु हे िहाँ किसी ने अपने से जोड़ शलया, और तम
ु ने अपने पररिार से
ु मोड़ शलया तो क्या इज्ज़त हमारी रह जाएगी | ऐसा होने से रहे गी आस िी िि मौत
हमें आयेगी, ये इलज़ाम मैं सह लेती थी, क्योंकि मैं िेटी थी |
ये पुिार है मेरी हर माँ-िाप से, पालो िेटटयों िो िड़े नाज़ से, क्या किसीिो चाहना गलत
है ? क्या अपनी पसंद
िा साथी
पाना गलत है ? क्यों हर िार लड़कियों पर ऊँगली उठाई
जाती है , क्यों जो किया नहीं उसिे शलए गाली सुनाई जाती है | क्या लड़िी िो ब्ज़न्द्दगी
अपनी मजी से जीने िा हि नहीं, अपनी ख्िाइि िा दम घोटिर तुम्हे खि
ु रखती हैं| इसमें
िोई िि नहीं है | अगर तुम्हारी उम्मीद उनसे तो िो भी िुछ उम्मीद रखती हैं, पर िही
दःु ख न हो तुम्हे इस िात से डरती हैं, एि िार शमलती है ब्ज़न्द्दगी उन्द्हें अपनी ब्ज़न्द्दगी
जीने दो, ख्याल रखो उनिा न किसी िात िा गम उन्द्हें होने दो| मैं तुम्हारी हर छोटी िात
से सेहेम जाती थी, क्योंकि मैं िेटी थी |
ु ाांिी दे र्शमख
ृ ीय वर्ष
( वद्यत
ु अभियाांत्रिकी)
िेटी एि ठं डी हिा िा झोंिा है , हर ताप िो ब्जसने सोखा है
तत्त्वदर्शी २०१४
लड़ेंिे हम
लडेंगे हम और होंगे िमािे और फटें गे
इस पर िार िरने िाला हर तनिाचर होंगा
पर हमारे अन्द्दर िा जोि िभी न होंगा
दे िो िी इस िरी पे, एि न िचें गा
हर मब्ु श्िल पररब्स्थतत में एि रहें गे हम,
खडग उठाये हम खड़े, आतंकियों िा होंगा
पुरे विश्ि में िायर नहीं िीर िहलायेंगे
ऐ िहीदों तुम्हारे िशलदानों िी याद रखें गे
जी तोड़ मेहनत िर लो, पर िभी न डरें गे
तुम्हारी ही तरह इस दे ि िे िीर िहलायेंगे
दाशमनी सा गरजेंगे, किसी भी मौसम में
हम |
चेतन ित
ू ड़ा
प्रथम वर्ष
ये िरा हमारी माता है , इसिे लाल है हम,
( वद्यत
ु अभियाांत्रिकी)
असफलता तभी आती है जि हम अपने आदिश, उद्दे श्य, और शसद्िांत भूल जाते हैं|
तत्त्वदर्शी २०१४
वजेता और पराजीत में अांतर
विजेता हमेिा एि समािान िा टहस्सा
होता है |
पराजीत हमेिा समस्या िा टहस्सा होता है |
विजेता िे पास िुछ िरने िा एि प्रोग्राम
रहता है |
पराजीत िे पास िुछ ना िरने िा एि
विजेता टीम िा टहस्सा होता है |
पराजीत टीम िे टहस्से िरता है |
विजेता दे खता है िी क्या संभि है |
पराजीत दे खता है क्या असंभि है |
विजेता आनेिाले िल िो दे खता है |
िहाना होता है |
पराजीत िीते हुए िल िो दे खता है |
विजेता िे पास समािान है , हर समस्या
विजेता सोचिर िोलता है |
िे शलए|
पराजीत िे पास समस्या है , हर समािान
िे शलए|
विजेता िशमटमें ट िरता है |
पराजीत िेिल िायदा िरता है |
पराजीत िोलिर सोचता है |
विजेता िर िे टदखता है |
पराजीत िुछ होने िा इंतज़ार िरता है |
विजेता िो अपने िाम पर पूरा विश्िास
होता है |
और विश्िास िे साथ िाम िरनेिाला ही
विजेता होता है |
- प्रया दग्ु िड़
ृ ीय वर्ष
(सांिणक एवां वाान अभियाांत्रिकी)
ब्जसे जीत शलए जाने िा भय होता है , उसिी हार न तनब्श्चत होती | -नेपोशलयन िोनापाटश
तत्त्वदर्शी २०१४
िारत में भर्शक्षा प्रणाली कहााँ तक सहकारी?
आज भारत िो आने िाले िक़्त िा विश्ि िा सिसे िब्क्तिाली दे ि िे रूप में दे खा
जाता है | इसिा सिसे महत्िपण
ू श िारण यह है िी भारत में यि
ु ाओ िी संख्या सि से
ज्यादा है | युिा जो दे ि िा भविष्य है , अगर उनिो िचपन से ही सही राह टदखाई जाये, तो
ऊपर शलखे िथन िो सत्य होने में ज्यादा समय नहीं लगेगा | किन्द्तु इस प्रगतत िे मागश में
साक्षरता में िमी सिसे िड़ा रोड़ा है | आज भारत िी जनसंख्या १३० िरोड़ है परन्द्तु इस
जनसंख्या िा मात्र ७४% ही साक्षर है | ब्जन में पुरुष िी संख्या ८२% है और मटहलाओ िी
संख्या ६५% है | इन संख्याओ िो दे खिर ऐसा लगता है कि भारत िा वििशसत दे ि िनाने
िा ख्िाि एि ख्िाि िनिर ही रहा जायेगा |
हमारा संवििान सभी िो मौशलि शिक्षा िा हि प्रदान िरता है , सरिार हर िषश िजट
में शिक्षा िो अहम ् महत्ि दे ते हुए हज़ारो िरोडो रुपये खचश िरती है | िषश २०११-१२ िे
शिक्षा िजट िे अनुसार सरिार ५२०५७ िरोड़ रुपये शिक्षा सुिार तथा नये शिक्षण संस्थानों
िी स्थापना िे शलए खचश किए | सिश साक्षरता अशभयान, आंगनिाड़ी योजना और इसिे जैसे
िई योजनाये भारत में शिक्षा व्यिस्था िे शलए िायशरत है | सरिार िे साथ-साथ गैर
सरिारी संस्थाए भी इस क्षेत्र में महत्िपण
ू श योगदान दे रही है |
यह सि िातो िो दे ख िर लगता है िी हमारी शिक्षा व्यिस्था िीघ्र ही नयी ऊंचाईयाँ
छूने िाली है | परन्द्तु अगर गौर से दे खा जाये तो हर िसिे और गाँि में , जहाँ गरीिी िी
मार झेलते हुए लोग और क़ज़श िे भार में जीने िाली जनता रहती है , इन शिक्षा प्रणाशलयों
िो गहरी नािामयािी झेलनी पड़ती है | सडिो पर िड़ी संख्या में भीख मांगते िच्चे, ढािो
और घरो में िाम िरने िाले िच्चे इसी चीज़ िी गिाही दे ते है िी िानूनी किताि में तो
भले ही ये बिल पास हो गया, पर दे ि िे इततहास में शलखते शलखते न जाने कितने साल
लग जायेंगे | दे ि िी मौजूदा हालत िे शलए शसफश जनता ही ब्जम्मेदार नहीं है , सरिार भी
इसमें अपरािी है |
बिना शिक्षा प्राप्त किये िोई व्यब्क्त अपनी परम ऊचेयों िो नहीं छू सिता| -होरे स मैंन
तत्त्वदर्शी २०१४
गाँि में स्िूल तो है , शिक्षि नहीं, िही-िही तो एि ही िक्षा में िई िगों िे छात्र
पढ़ रहे है | गाँि में शिक्षि िेिल िेतन लेते है परन्द्तु िाम नहीं िरते, उनिे पढ़ाने िा स्तर
भी िहुत अच्छा नहीं
है | आंगनिाड़ी योजना िे तहत शिक्षा िे साथ िच्चो िो भोजन भी
उपलधि िराया जाएगा, परन्द्तु ये भोजन गरीिो िे पेट में जाने िे िजाए शिक्षि तथा अन्द्य
िमशचाररयों िे घरो में जाता है |
मटहलाओ में असाक्षरता ज्यादा है , ब्जसिा सिसे महत्िपूणश िारण है पुरानी सोच और
विचार ब्जसे हमें त्यागना होगा | मटहलाएँ जो जनसंख्या िा लगभग आिा टहस्सा है , अगर
िो अशिक्षक्षत है तो दे ि िा वििास िैसे हो सिता है |
अंततः मै ये भी िहना चाहूँगी कि अगर हमें अपने भारत िो सपनो िा भारत
िनाना है तो दे ि िे भविष्य “यि
ु ा िब्क्त” िो शिक्षा रूपी प्रिाि टदखािर अच्छे पथ पर
चलना शसखाना होगा |िहा गया है िी िच्चो िा मन एि गीली शमट्टी िी तरह होता है
ब्जसे हम िोई भी रूप दे सिते है , इसीशलए ये सरिार िी ही नहीं, िब्ल्ि भारत िे हर
नागररि िा ितशव्य है कि िो अपने िच्चे िे साथ-साथ पड़ोस िे गरीि तथा वपछड़े िगश िे
िच्चो में
तत्त्वदर्शी २०१४
भी शिक्षा िी ज्योत उज्िल िरे | सरिार िो भी यह ध्यान रखना चाटहए िी िो
योजनाए िनाये परन्द्तु उनिा पालन हो रहा है , यह भी सुतनब्च्चत िरे .
“आओ हम सि शमलिर भारत िो शिक्षक्षत, समद्
ृ ि तथा िब्क्तिाली िनाए |”
- वर्शाखा दे र्शलहरा
प्रथम वर्ष
(परमाणु एवां दरू सांचार अभियाांत्रिकी)
शिक्षा ने ऐसी िहुत िड़ी आज़ादी पैदा िी है , जो पढ तो सिती है पर ये नहीं पहचान सिती िी
क्या पढने लायि है |
-जी.एम ्.रे िेल्यन
तत्त्वदर्शी २०१४
िहाँ से होय
िस्त्र हो गए छोटे , लाज िहाँ से होय ||
अनाज हो गए हायब्रीड, ताक़त िहाँ से
होय ||
व्यापार हो गया िॉब्म्पटटिन िा, उन्द्नतत
िहाँ से होय ||
भक्त हो गया स्िाथश िा, भगिान िहाँ से
चेहरे हो गए मेिअप िे, रूप िहाँ से होय
होय ||
नेता हो गए िुसी िे, दे ि प्रेम िहाँ से
शिक्षि हो गए ट्यूिन िे, विद्या िहाँ से
होय ||
होय ||
चोरी हो गई अपनी सोने िी चचडड़याँ,
भोजन हो गया होटल िा, तंदरु
ु स्त िहाँ से
भारत उन्द्नत िहाँ से होय ||
होय ||
- रोमा व्यास
प्रोग्राम हो गए िेिल िे, संस्िार िहाँ से
होय ||
ृ ीय वर्ष
मनुष्य हो गए पैसे िे, दया िहाँ से
(सांिणक एवां वाान अभियाांत्रिकी)
होय ||
लोगों िी िला उनिे टदमाग िा सही दपशण है |
-जिाहरलाल नेहरु
तत्त्वदर्शी २०१४
सात जन्द्म जो िर नहीं पाते,
किया दे ि आज़ाद िापू ने,
एि जन्द्म में िर िे टदखाया|
जीिन किया समवपशत|
िही महात्मा आगे चलिर
ऐसे महान पुरुष िो मेरी,
िापू भी िहलाया|
सत्य, अटहंसा, परमोिमश था
उनिा हचथयार,
ू , लाठी और िटारी,
हो अवपशत|
- मोहहनी करवा
हद्तीय वर्ष
(परमाणु एवां दरू सांचार अभियाांत्रिकी)
यह थे सि िेिार|
ये हमारा ितशव्य है कि हम अपनी स्ितंत्रता िा मोल अपने खून से चुिाएं. हमें अपने िशलदान और
पररश्रम से जो आज़ादी शमले, हमारे अन्द्दर उसिी रक्षा िरने िी ताित होनी चाटहए\ -सुभाष चन्द्र िोस
तत्त्वदर्शी २०१४
मैं और मेरे पता
जि मैं 3 िषश िा था ति मै सोचता था िी मेरे वपता दतु नया िे सिसे मज़िूत और
ताितिर व्यब्क्त है |
जि मैं 6 िषश िा हुआ ति मैंने महसूस किया, िी मेरे वपता दतु नया िे सिसे ताितिर
ही नहीं िब्ल्ि सिसे समझदार व्यब्क्त भी है |
जि मैं 9 िषश िा हुआ ति मैंने महसूस किया, िे मेरे वपता िो दतु नया िी हर चीज़ िे
िारे में ज्ञान है |
जि मैं 12 िषश िा हुआ ति मैं महसूस िरने लगा, िी मेरे शमत्रों िे वपता मेरे वपता िे
मुिािले ज्यादा समझदार है |
जि मैं 15 िषश िा हुआ ति मेने महसूस किया, िी मेरे वपता िो दतु नया िे साथ चलने
िे शलए िुछ और ज्ञान िी ज़रूरत है |
जि मैं 20 िषश िा हुआ ति मुझे महसूस हुआ, िी मेरे वपता किसी और ही दतु नया िे है
और िे हमारी सोच िे साथ नहीं चल सिते |
जि मैं 25 िषश िा हुआ ति मुझे महसूस हुआ, िी मुझे किसी भी िाम िे िारे में अपने
वपता से सलाह नहीं िरनी चाटहए, क्यूंकि उनमे हर िाम में िमी तनिलने िी आदत सी पङ
गई है |
जि मै 30 िषश िा हुआ ति मैं महसूस िरने लगा िी मेरे वपता िो मेरे नक़ल िरने से
िुछ समझ आ गई है |
जि मैं 35 िषश िा हुआ ति मैं महसूस िरने लगा, िी उनसे छोटी-मोटी िातों िे िारे में
सलाह ली जा सिती है |
जि मई 40 िषश िा हुआ ति मेने महसूस किया, िी िुछ ज़रूरी मामलों में वपताजी से
सलाह ली सिती है |
महान सपने दे खने िालों िे महान सपने हमेिा पूरे होते हैं|-अधदल
ु िलाम
तत्त्वदर्शी २०१४
जि मैं 50 िषश िा हुआ ति मेने फैसला किया, िी मुझे अपने वपता िी सलाह िे बिना
िुछ नहीं िरना चाटहये,
क्यूंकि मुझे ज्ञान हो चि
ू ा है िी मेरे वपता दतु नया िे सिसे समझदार व्यब्क्त
है |पर इससे पहले िी में अपने इस फैसले पर अमल िर पाता मेरे वपताजी इस संसार िो
अलविदा िह गए और मैं अपने वपता िी हर सलाह और तजुिे से िंचचत रह गया |
-ॠर्ि राठी
ृ ीय वर्ष
ू ना प्रौद्योगिकी अभियाांत्रिकी )
“यहाँ होते है वपता भगिन िे समान यही है भारत दे ि महान |”
- विंस्टन चचचशल
तत्त्वदर्शी २०१४
हहांदी बोलना हमारी ड्यूटी है ......
लेडङज एंङ जेंटलमन,
इंडडया हमारी िंरी है ,
और हम इंडडया िे शसटटज़न
इसीशलए टहन्द्दी िोलना हमारी ड्यूटी है |
पर िेचारी टहन्द्दी िी किस्मत ही फूटी है |
आजिल िी ये यंग जनरे िन !!!!!
िेनेिर माउथ खोलती है ,
ओन्द्ली इंग्लीि ही िोलती है |
पसशन िी ऐबिशलटी िो,
इंग्लीि से ही तोलती है |
ये सि िेरी रोंग है ,
ये रे आशलटी ये ढोंग है |
राष्र भाषा िे बिना राष्र गुग
ं ा है | - महात्मा गाँिी
तत्त्वदर्शी २०१४
हमे अपनी डेली लाइफ मे,
टहन्द्दी लैंग्िेज िो लाना है |
िल्डश िाईङ फैलाना है |
दे न एंङ ओन्द्ली दे न......!!!!
मेरे भारतमाता िे
ड्रीम्स होंगे सच.....
ु ी अग्रवाल
प्रथम वर्ष
(परमाणु एवां दरू सांचार अभियाांत्रिकी)
सभी भारतीय भाषाओँ िे शलए यटद िोई एि शलवप आिश्यि हो तो िो दे िनागरी ही हो सिती है | - जब्स्टस
िृष्णास्िामी अय्यर
तत्त्वदर्शी २०१४
खोया हुआ ककनारा
इस िश्ती िो चाटहए एि नया किनारा,
अभी भी आगे नहीं है भारत हमारा |
मंब्जल िी ओर िढ़े है िदम,
पर न जाने क्यों विचशलत है मन |
व्यथश न होने पाए सभी िशलदातनयों िा िशलदान,
ब्जन्द्हें था अपने दे ि पर अशभमान |
दिी न रहने पाए ये छोटी सी आिाज़,
िस अि एि येही है आस |
“जि ति गलती िरने िी स्ितंत्रता ना हो ति ति स्ितंत्रता िा िोई अथश नहीं है |” -- महात्मा गाँिी
तत्त्वदर्शी २०१४
िढ़ना पड़ेगा िस थोडा आगे,
इतना िी भ्रष्टाचारी डर िर भागे |
यहाँ ज़रूरत नहीं है तलिारों िी,
िस िम िरनी है ताक़त भ्रष्टाचारों िी |
जैसे िँद
ू -िँद
ू से िनता है सागर,
िैसे आओ चले सि शमलिर इस डगर |
िुरू िरे एि छोटा सा प्रयास,
तािी पुरी हो समद्
ृ ि भारत िनाने िी आस |
-क्षीप्रा सेंिर
ृ ीय वर्ष
(सांिणक एवां वाान अभियाांत्रिकी)
इंसान िो िटठनाइयों िी आिश्यिता होती है , क्योंकि सफलता िा आनंद उठाने कि शलए ये ज़रूरी हैं| - अधदल
तत्त्वदर्शी २०१४
ज़रा कर के तो दे ख......
ज़रा मस्
ु िुरािे तो दे ख,
मेहनत िरिे तो दे ख,
दतु नया हस्ती नज़र आएगी |
पैसो िी तंगी चली जाएगी |
सुिह सैर िरिे तो दे ख,
संसार िी अच्छाई तो दे ख,
तेरी सेहत ठीि हो जाएगी |
तेरी िुराई भाग जाएगी |
व्यसन छोड़िे तो दे ख,
ईश्िर िा ध्यान िर िे तो दे ख,
तेरी इज़्जज़त िन जाएगी |
तेरी उलझने दरू हो जाएगी |
खचश घटा िे तो दे ख,
माता-वपता िी िात मान िे तो दे ख,
तुझे अच्छी नींद आएगी |
तेरी ब्जंदगी सिर जाएगी |
आचल कालपाांडे
प्रथम वर्ष
(परमाणु एवां दरू सांचार अभियाांत्रिकी)
“यटद आप दृढ संिल्प और पूणत
श ा िे साथ िाम िरें गे तो सफलता ज़रूर शमलेगी |” - िीरूभाई अंिानी
तत्त्वदर्शी २०१४
ये हमारी जन्मिूभम
िन िान्द्य पुष्प भरी िसुंिरा ये हमारी ,
उसमे है ये दे ि हमारा सि दे िो से न्द्यारा ,
इसे सपनो से सजाया हमने स्मतृ तयो से है घेरा ,
ऐसा दे ि जहाँ में ढूंढें पायेगा न िोई ,
सि दे िो िी रानी है ये हमारी जन्द्मभूशम
ये प्यारी जन्द्मभूशम, ये हमारी जन्द्मभूशम ||१||
एैसी प्यारी नटदयाँ िहॉ,ं िहॉ ं एैसे िम्र
ू पहाड़
िहॉ ं खेत हररयाली एैसी िरती चम
ु े आिाि
यहाँ हरे भरे खेतो पे डोले पुरिईया होले होले
ऐसा दे ि जहॉ ं मे ढूंढें पायेगा न िोई,
सि दे िो िी रानी है ये हमारी जन्द्मभशू म ,
ये प्यारी जन्द्मभूशम, ये हमारी जन्द्मभूशम ||२||
ध्यान दीब्जये कि सिसे िठोर पेड़ सिसे आसानी से टूट जाते हैं , जिकि , िांस हिा िे साथ मड़
ु िर िच
जाते है । - ब्रस
ू ली
तत्त्वदर्शी २०१४
माँ भाई िा प्यार है जैसा,
िहॉ ं शमलेगा जग में ऐसा
माँ तुम्हारे चरणों िो मै शसने से लगा लू
इस दे ि में मैंने जनम शलया माँ अंततम
साँस यहाँ लू,एैसा दे ि जहाँमे ढूंढें पायेगा न िोई
सि दे िो िी रानी है ये हमारी जन्द्मभूशम
ये प्यारी जन्द्मभशू म, ये हमारी जन्द्मभशू म ||३||
स्नेहल दे र्शमख
प्रथम वर्ष
ू ना प्रौद्योगिकी अभियाांत्रिकी)
“यटद इस िरती पर िोई ऐसी जगह है जहाँ प्रारं शभि टदनों से ही जि मनुष्य ने सपने दे खने िुरू किये
और उसिे सभी सपनो िो आश्रय शमला तो िो जगह भारत है |”
-रोमेन रोलैंड
तत्त्वदर्शी २०१४
स्वदे र्श
ु नीय ब्जनिे प्रताप िा
साक्षी है प्रत्यक्ष टदिािर |
घुम घम
ु िर दे ख चि
ू ा है ,
ब्जनिी तनमशल िीततश तनिािर |
दे ख चि
ु े है ब्जनिा िैभि
ये नभ िे अनंत तारांगण |
अगखणत िार सुन चि
ू ा है नभ ,
ब्जनिा विजय-घोष रण-गजशन|
िोशभत है सिोच्च मि
ु ु ट से
ब्जनिे टदव्य दे ि िा मस्ति |
गुंज रही है सफल टदिाये ,
ब्जनिे जय गीतों से अि ति |
ब्जनिी मटहमा िा है अविरल ,
साक्षी सत्य रूप टहमाचगररिर |
उतरा िरते थे विमान-दल,
ब्जसिे विस्तुत स्थल पर |
“एि अरि िषश परु ाने जीिाश्म साबित िरते हैं िी जीिन िी िरु
ु आत भारत में हुई थी |”
- ऐ ऍफ़ पी िाशिंगटन
तत्त्वदर्शी २०१४
सागर तनज छाती पर ब्जनिे
अणशि-पोत उठािर |
पहुचाया िरता था प्रमुटदत ,
ू ंडल िे सफल तटो पर |
नटदया ब्जनिी यि-िरा सी ,
िहती है अि भी तनशि-िासर |
ढूंढो उनिे चरण चचन्द्ह भी ,
पाओंगे तुम इनिे तट पर |
सच्चा प्रेम िही है ब्जसिी
तवृ पत आत्मा-िशल पर हो तनभशर |
त्याग बिना तनष्प्राम प्रेम है ,
िरो प्रेम पर प्राण तनछािर |
दे ि-प्रेम िह पुण्य क्षेत्र है ,
अमल असीम त्याग से विलशसत |
आत्मा िे वििास से ब्जसमे ,
मनुष्यता होती है वििशसत |
अांककता दहाके
प्रथम वर्ष
( वद्यत
ु अभियाांत्रिकी)
“भारत में िीस लाख दे िी-दे िता हैं और िे सभी िी पूजा िरते हैं . िमश िे मामले में िािी सभी दे ि िंगाल
है , भारत ही िरोडपतत है |”
- मािश ट्िेन
तत्त्वदर्शी २०१४
भर्शक्षा का जीवन में महत्त्व
िािी में गंगा िे तट पर एि संत िा आश्रम था। एि टदन उनिे एि शिष्य ने पूछा,
‘गुरुिर, शिक्षा िा तनचोड़ क्या है ?’ संत ने मुस्िरा िर िहा, ‘एि टदन तुम खद
ु -ि-खद
ु जान
जाओगे।’ िात आई और गई। िुछ समय िाद एि रात संत ने उस शिष्य से िहा, ‘ित्स,
इस पुस्ति िो मेरे िमरे में तखत पर रख दो।’ शिष्य पुस्ति लेिर िमरे में गया लेकिन
तत्िाल लौट आया। िह डर से िांप रहा था। संत ने पूछा, ‘क्या हुआ? इतना डरे हुए क्यों
हो?’ शिष्य ने िहा, ‘गुरुिर, िमरे में साँप है ।’
संत ने िहा, ‘यह तम्
ु हारा भ्रम होगा। िमरे में साँप िहाँ से आएगा। तम
ु कफर जाओ और
किसी मंत्र िा जाप िरना। साँप होगा तो भाग जाएगा।’ शिष्य दोिारा िमरे में गया। उसने
मंत्र िा जाप भी किया लेकिन साँप उसी स्थान पर था। िह डर िर कफर िाहर आ गया और
संत से िोला, ‘साँप िहाँ से जा नहीं रहा है ।’ संत ने िहा, ‘इस िार दीपि लेिर जाओ। साँप
होगा तो दीपि िे प्रिाि से भाग जाएगा।’
शिष्य इस िार दीपि लेिर गया तो दे खा िी िहाँ साँप नहीं है । साँप िी जगह एि रस्सी
लटिी हुई थी। अंििार िे िारण उसे रस्सी िा िह टुिड़ा साँप नजर आ रहा था। िाहर
आिर शिष्य ने िहा, ‘गुरुिर, िहाँ साँप नहीं रस्सी िा टुिड़ा है । अंिेरे में मैंने उसे साँप
समझ शलया था।’ संत ने िहा, ‘ित्स, इसी िो भ्रम िहते हैं। संसार गहन भ्रम जाल में
जिड़ा हुआ है । ज्ञान िे प्रिाि से ही इस भ्रम जाल िो शमटाया जा सिता है लेकिन
अज्ञानता िे िारण हम िहुत सारे भ्रम जाल पाल लेते हैं और आंतररि दीपि िे अभाि में
उसे दरू नहीं िर पाते। यह आंतररि दीपि िा प्रिाि संतों और ज्ञातनयों िे सत्संग से
शमलता है । जि ति आंतररि दीपि िा प्रिाि प्रज्िशलत नहीं होगा, लोग भ्रमजाल से मब्ु क्त
नहीं पा सिते।
मनीर्ा हरिन
ु ानी
ृ ीय वर्ष
(सांिणक एवां वाान अभियाांत्रिकी )
“शिक्षा िा उद्दे श्य है यि
ु ाओं िो खुद िो जीिन भर शिक्षक्षत िरने िे शलए तैयार िरना |”
रािटश एम ्. हचचंस
Technical Section
Technical Section
From Editor’s Desk
Hello Friends…welcome to the world of Tattwadarshi….!!
First of all I congratulate you all, my Tattwadarshi teammates and all the writers for
their worth efforts, what the team has worked over is now in front of all of us as a fruitful
outcome. It gives me immense pleasure to work as a Technical Editor in our college
magazine & lot of experience too, especially when this time the theme of our magazine is
“Swadesh-Saarejaha Se Acha”
India is a big country and its influence over the world is ever increasing. Technically
too India is strong. India is considered as mine of talent. We are highlighting these points of
India through this magazine. Hope you like it.
It is overwhelming pleasure to be a part of our college magazine Tattwadarshi. It
really gives a good team work spirit. Indeed, Tattwadarshi is true to its name. It represents
different colors of our campus in various shades.
Of course, with our technical background, we the engineers are need to be technically
strong. As a Technical Editor I put my sincere efforts to bring latest technical updates to this
campus with this magazine. It loaded me with some beautiful experience.
In this edition, I have put my best efforts to enrich Tattwadarshi with new exciting
flavor so as to make it more readable.
And I would like to thanks Prof. J. S. Bakare Sir for giving me opportunity to serve
Tattwadarshi as an editor. I am also very grateful to the readers for whom we worked.
With best wishes…
Akash Masne
(3rd year, EXTC)
Technical Editor
Technical Section
Technical Section
OLED (active-matrix organic lightemitting diode) is a display technology
for use in mobile devices and
televisions. OLED describes a specific
type of thin-film-display technology in
which organic compounds form
the electroluminescent material,
and active matrix refers to the technology
behind the addressing of pixels.
OLED display TV
OLEDs are solid-state devices composed of thin films of organic molecules that create light
with the application of electricity. OLEDs can provide brighter, crisper displays on electronic
devices and use less power than conventional light-emitting diodes (LEDs) or liquid crystal
displays (LCDs) used today.
An OLED consists of the following parts:
Substrate (clear plastic, glass, foil) - The substrate supports the OLED.
Anode (transparent) - The anode removes electrons (adds electron "holes") when a current
flows through the device.
Organic layers - These layers are made of organic molecules or polymers.
Conducting layer - This layer is made of organic plastic molecules that transport "holes"
from the anode. One conducting polymer used in OLEDs is polyaniline.
Emissive layer - This layer is made of organic plastic molecules (different ones from the
conducting layer) that transport electrons from the cathode; this is where light is made. One
polymer used in the emissive layer is polyfluorene.
Cathode (may or may not be transparent depending on the type of OLED) - The cathode
injects electrons when a current flows through the device.
Technical Section
How do OLEDs Emit Light?
OLEDs emit light in a similar manner to LEDs, through a process called electro
The process is as follows:
1. The power supply of the device containing the OLED applies a voltage across the OLED.
2. An electrical current flows from the cathode to the anode through the organic layers. The
cathode gives electrons to the emissive layer of organic molecules. The anode removes
electrons from the conductive layer of organic molecules.
3. At the boundary between the emissive and the conductive layers, electrons find electron
holes. When an electron finds an electron hole, the electron fills the hole (it falls into an
energy level of the atom that's missing an electron). When this happens, the electron gives up
energy in the form of a photon of light.
4. The OLED emits light.
5. The color of the light depends on the type of organic molecule in the emissive layer.
Manufacturers place several types of organic films on the same OLED to make color
6. The intensity or brightness of the light depends on the amount of electrical current applied:
the more current, the brighter the light.
Problems with OLED
Lifetime -shorter lifetimes (46,000 to 230,000 hours)
Manufacturing - expensive
Water - Water can easily damage OLEDs.
Scope: Currently, OLEDs are used in small-screen devices such as cell phones, PDAs
and digital cameras. Because OLEDs refresh faster than LCDs -- almost 1,000 times faster -a device with an OLED display could change information almost in real time.
Collected by:
Akash Masne
Technical Editor
B.E. Third Year EXTC
OLEDs refresh faster than LCDs -- almost 1,000 times faster
Technical Section
Artificial intelligence involves two basic ideas. First, it involves studying the thought
processes of human beings. Second, it deals with representing those processes via machines
(like computers, robots, etc.). Artificial Intelligence is behavior of a machine, which, if
performed by a human being, would be called intelligent. It makes machines smarter and
more useful and is less expensive than natural intelligence.
Natural language processing (NLP) refers to artificial intelligence methods of
communicating with a computer in a natural language like English. The main objective of a
NLP program is to understand input and initiate action.
The input words are scanned and matched against internally stored known words.
Identification of a keyword causes some action to be taken. In this way, one can
communicate with computer in one language. AI methods are applied for speech recognition.
Speech recognition (in many contexts, also known as automatic speech recognition, computer
speech recognition or voice recognition) is the process of converting a speech signal to a set
of words, by means of an algorithm implemented as a computer program. Speech recognition
applications that have emerged over the last years include voice dialing, call routing and
simple data entry, also used in command to control the machines and the house hold
appliances and preparation of structured documents. One of the main benefits of speech
recognition system is that it lets user do other works simultaneously. The user communicates
with the application through the appropriate input device i.e. a microphone. The Recognizer
converts the analog signal into digital signal for the speech processing. A stream of text is
generated after the processing. This source-language text becomes input to the Translation
Engine, which converts it to the target language text.
Technical Section
By using this speech recognition technology, we can achieve many uses. This technology
helps physically challenged skilled persons. These people can do their works by using this
technology without pushing any buttons. This ASR technology is also used in military
weapons and in Research centers. Now days this technology was also used by CID officers.
They used this to trap the criminal activities.
Submitted by:
Shiva M. Farkade
B.E. Final year Electrical
Join The Dots!
Vinod Dahm, the Indian scientist who invented Pentium chip.
Technical Section
How to Tap the Sun’s Energy through Heat as Well as Light
A new approach to harvesting solar energy, developed by MIT researchers, could
improve efficiency by using sunlight to heat a high-temperature material whose infrared
radiation would then be collected by a conventional photovoltaic cell.
This technique could also make it easier to store the energy for later use, the
researchers say. A nanophotonic solar thermo photovoltaic device composed of an array of
multi-walled carbon nanotubes as the absorber, a one-dimensional silicon/silicon dioxide
photonic crystal as the emitter, and a 0.55 eV photovoltaic cell. In this case, adding the extra
step improves performance; because this makes it possible to take advantage of wavelengths
of light that ordinarily go to waste. The process is described in a paper published this week in
the journal Nature Nanotechnology.
A conventional silicon-based solar cell “doesn’t take advantage of all the photons,”
Wang explains. That’s because converting the energy of a photon into electricity requires that
the photon’s energy level match that of a characteristic of the photovoltaic (PV) material
called a band gap. Silicon’s band gap responds to many wavelengths of light, but misses
many others.
To address that limitation, the team inserted a two-layer absorber-emitter device —
made of novel materials including carbon nanotubes and photonic crystals — between the
sunlight and the PV cell. This intermediate material collects energy from a broad spectrum of
sunlight, heating up in the process. When it heats up, as with a piece of iron that glows red
hot, it emits light of a particular wavelength, which in this case is tuned to match the band
Technical Section
gap of the PV cell mounted nearby. There have been many practical obstacles to realizing
that potential; previous experiments have been unable to produce a STPV device with
efficiency of greater than 1 percent. But Lenert Wang, and their team have already produced
an initial test device with a measured efficiency of 3.2 percent, and they say with further
work they expect to be able to reach 20 percent efficiency — enough, they say, for a
commercially viable product.
The design of the two-layer absorber-emitter material is key to this improvement. Its
outer layer, facing the sunlight, is an array of multi-walled carbon nanotubes, which very
efficiently absorbs the light’s energy and turns it to heat. This layer is bonded tightly to a
layer of a photonic crystal, which is precisely engineered so that when it is heated by the
attached layer of nanotubes, it “glows” with light whose peak intensity is mostly above the
band gap of the adjacent PV, ensuring that most of the energy collected by the absorber is
then turned into electricity.
In their experiments, the researchers used simulated sunlight, and found that its peak
efficiency came when its intensity was equivalent to a focusing system that concentrates
sunlight by a factor of 750. This light heated the absorber-emitter to a temperature of 962
degrees Celsius.
Such a system, the team says, combines the advantages of solar photovoltaic
systems, which turn sunlight directly into electricity and solar thermal systems, which can
have an advantage for delayed use because heat can be more easily stored than electricity.
The new solar thermo photovoltaic systems, they say, could provide efficiency because of
their broadband absorption of sunlight; scalability and compactness, because they are based
on existing chip-manufacturing technology and ease of energy storage, because of their
reliance on heat.
Collected by:
Vaibhav Vilasrao Andge
B.E. Third Year (EXTC)
The first mouse was invented by Doug Engelbart around 1964 and was made of wood.
Technical Section
Due to high prices of oil, one needs to find the alternative to petrol in future. Many
engineers are working on it and some of them have succeeded. It took two months for the
system to develop completely. The development of this system will help to increase the
economy of India. The main aim of developing this system was to replace the fossil fuel as
the system has high energy content and delivers high output without compromising on
Why petrol price is rising in India?
India is the world’s fourth largest consumer of energy but with low per capita energy
consumption. With the ever increasing number of private vehicles, an overall domestic
consumption of petrol and petroleum product is on rise in India. There was a registered
growth of 5% of the same in the year 2011-12 and to meet the increasing demand, govt. has
to import more and more petrol. If spending of country as a whole is considered then 80-90%
is done to pay the import bills on petroleum products, which is accounted as country’s
expenditure. Hence more demand of petrol than supply is a leading factor of its rising price in
As we know that petrol price is rising step by step and the people which are below the
poverty line were affected due to this petrol price, they cannot afford much money to buy
petrol. So hydrogen is a smart choice.
What will be the social impact of the project? Hydrogen combines with atmospheric
oxygen in the fuel cell stack, where energy from the reaction is converted into electric power
which is used to propel the vehicles. Effectively the fuel cell operates like a battery. I think
hydrogen will replace the petrol, diesel and natural gas as the main fuel for cars, buses and
trucks our next few decades. It boasts the advantages of not adding to air pollution in our
congested cities.
For ethanol:Cost: - $0.57 to $ 0.63 per litre
Pollution: - minimal
Mileage: - High
Renewable: - Yes
Technical Section
 Describe here our scope and limitation
We are replacing the petrol by hydrogen fuel gas because; it seems that hydrogen powered
transport as the key to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The advantages of hydrogen fuel
is that it`s renewable and it has more potential energy per unit weight than oil. Its cost is low
as compared to the oil, petrol and diesel.
 It gives off less energy than oil, takes lot of storage space as it is a highly volatile gas.
 The main disadvantage of hydrogen gas is that it catches fire very quickly.
 As to make a hydrogen fuel cell, fossil fuels are required. As I believe, without fossil
fuel (i.e. our coal, oil and gas). We wouldn’t be able to produce hydrogen
Why we use hydrogen gas in spite of other fuel gasses?
Advantages of fossil fuel:Easily combustible and produces high energy upon combustion helping in locomotion and in
the generation of electricity and various other forms of energy;
 Good availability
 Inexpensive
 Very large amounts of electricity can be generated in one place using coal, fairly
cheaply. Gas-fired power stations are very efficient.
 A fossil-fuel power station can be built almost anywhere, so long as you can get
large quantities of fuel to it.
Disadvantages of fossil fuel:They are Non-renewable (in the sense that once used it is no longer available) and
take millions of years to form. Prices for fossil fuels are rising. They release a poisonous gas
called carbon monoxide. This gas is very toxic for humans and animals. Mining coal is a very
dangerous job to do and it involves deforestation. Power stations which make use of coal
need lots of fuel. They regularly get this supply through truck or train, to operate/generate
electricity. The disadvantage is that you would be causing global warming and eventually run
out and it would force us to use other resources such as solar, hydro water and electricity. As
we visited the Patel motors company which is situated in Indore, Madhya Pradesh. We got
into the company and searched for our topic i.e. “Petrol is replaced by hydrogen gas”, and
Technical Section
they suggested that this topic is new and it hasn’t come in their company. But still they have
given information about our topic. They also gave us information about their company, about
sensors which are used in vehicles.
We know that, in a combustion engine, a mixture of air & petrol is compressed &
ignited by an electric spark which causes oxidation of hydrocarbon molecules. So if we can
use hydrogen gas with the mixture of air, so if we use petrol and hydrogen as combined then
the petrol is not waste and it acts as pollution free. It cannot cause global warming. So as we
concluded that we can use hydrogen as petrol because it is light in weight and its density is
very low.
Collected By: Yashi Mishra
Vaishali Patil
Vrushali Manwar
B.E. First Year (IT)
On e-bay there is an average of $680 worth of transactions each second.
Technical Section
About space...
 The sun is 330,330 times larger than the Earth.
 The Moon weighs 81 billion tons.
 Every year the sun loses 360 million tons.
 The diameter of Jupiter is 152,800 km (88 700 miles).
 The sun is 330,330 times larger than the Earth.
 If your DNA was stretched out, it would reach to the moon 6,000 times.
 A full moon is 9 times brighter than a half moon.
 Venus is the only planet that rotates clockwise.
 There is no sound in space.
 Mars appears red because it's covered in rust.
 Earth is the only planet not named after a god.
 An area of the Suns surface to the equivalent of a postage stamp would shine with the
brightness of over 1,500,000 candles.
 Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the Universe (75%).
 The moon is 27% the size of the Earth.
 The centre of the Sun is approximately 15 million ºC (27 million ºF)
 An astronaut can be up to 2 inches taller returning from space (the cartilage disks in
the spine expand in the absence of gravity).
 Fleas can accelerate 50 times faster than a space shuttle.
 Over 500 meteorites hit the Earth each year.
 More than 1,000,000 Earths could fit inside the Sun.
 If you could drive to the sun at a speed of 88.5 km/h (55 mp/h) it would take around
193 years
Courtesy of
Akshay Deole
B.E. Third Year (EXTC)
Technical Section
……The Best Article Of the Edition
Figure: A cryogenic engine
One of the India’s most ambitious dreams become a reality on Sunday 5th of Jan 2014
When its Geosynchronous satellite launch vehicle (GSLV-D5) powered by an indigenous
cryogenic engine, effortlessly put the GSAT 14 communication satellite into a perfect orbit
after it minutes of flight.
The cryogenic engine built by the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO)
fired for 12 of those 17 minutes.
The precision of the cryogenic upper stage was such that it put the GSAT-14 into
an orbit with perigee of 179 km, against the target of 180 km, and the apogee achieved was
off by a mere 50 km for target of 36,000 km.
The grand success caps 20 years of hard work by ISRO’S engineers, after being
denied cryogenic technology under pressure from U.S. suffering a heart breaking failure with
an indigenous cryogenic engine flight in April 2010 and had its second attempt with an
indigenous cryogenic engine in August 2013.
Technical Section
The mission’s success means India now has the ability to put satellite weighing more
than two tones in orbit joining the elite club of the U.S., Russia, Japan, France and China who
have mastered this perilous technology of using cryogenic engine propellants liquid oxygen
at -1830 C and liquid hydrogen at -2530C.
A series of satellite flights of GSLV with indigenous cryogenic engine and they
would put into orbit GSAT 6,7 & 9, communication satellites of 2 tons class, also a mission
of GLSV mark 3rd is announced to carry 41000 kg satellite into orbit.
A number of satellites had been lined up to be put into ISRO’s polar satellite launch
vehicle. Many countries are now tied up with ISRO to launch their communication satellites
by IRSO with satellite launch vehicle along with indigenous cryogenic engine.
Indeed IRSO will have a busy schedule, with fire navigational satellite under the
Indian Regional Navigation satellite system in 2015.
Collected by
Pratik Umale
B.E. Third Year (MECH)
The domain name was registered on February 14, 2005.
Technical Section
Blue Brain
The Blue Brain Project is an attempt to create a synthetic brain by reverseengineering the mammalian brain down to the molecular level. The aim of the project,
founded in May 2005 by the Brain and Mind Institute of the École Polytechnique Fédérale de
Lausanne (EPFL) in Switzerland, is to study the brain's architectural and functional
The project is headed by the founding director Henry Markram and co-directed
by Felix Schürmann and Sean Hill. Using a Blue Gene supercomputer running Michael
Hines's NEURON software, the simulation does not consist simply of an artificial neural
network, but involves a biologically realistic model of neurons. It is hoped that it will
eventually shed light on the nature of consciousness.
There are a number of sub-projects, including the Cajal Blue Brain, coordinated by
the Supercomputing and Visualization Center of Madrid (CeSViMa), and others run by
universities and independent laboratories
Reconstructing the brain piece by piece and building a virtual brain in a
supercomputer—these are some of the goals of the Blue Brain Project. The virtual brain will
be an exceptional tool giving neuroscientists a new understanding of the brain and a better
understanding of neurological diseases.
The Blue Brain project began in 2005 with an agreement between the EPFL and IBM, which
supplied the Blue Genel supercomputer acquired by EPFL to build the virtual brain.
Technical Section
The computing power needed is considerable. Each simulated neuron requires the
equivalent of a laptop computer. A model of the whole brain would have billions.
Supercomputing technology is rapidly approaching a level where simulating the whole brain
becomes a concrete possibility.
As a first step, the project succeeded in simulating a rat cortical column. This
neuronal network, the size of a pinhead, recurs repeatedly in the cortex. A rat’s brain has
about 100,000 columns of in the order of 10,000 neurons each. In humans, the numbers are
dizzying a human cortex may have as many as two million columns, each having in the order
of 100,000 neurons each.
Blue Brain is a resounding success. In five years of work, Henry Markram’s team has
perfected a facility that can create realistic models of one of the brain’s essential building
blocks. This process is entirely data driven and essentially automatically executed on the
supercomputer. Meanwhile the generated models show a behavior already observed in years
of neuroscientific experiments. These models will be basic building blocks for larger scale
models leading towards a complete virtual brain.
The initial goal of the project, completed in December 2006 was the simulation of a
rat neocortical column, which is considered by some researchers to be the smallest functional
unit of the neocortex (the part of the brain thought to be responsible for higher functions such
as conscious thought). Such a column is about 2 mm tall, has a diameter of 0.5 mm and
contains about 60,000 neurons in humans; rat neocortical columns are very similar in
structure but contain only 10,000 neurons. Between 1995 and 2005, Markram mapped the
types of neurons and their connections in such a column.
Collected By:
Anuja Deshmukh
B.E. Third Year (EXTC)
The first artificial cellular neocortical column of 10,000 cells was built by 2008.
Technical Section
Want to remember that delightful dream you had? There’s an app for that! An app
that helps! An app that helps people record, remember and analyze their dreams has been
created and if it successes scientists can learn various aspects of dream.
The app called SHADOW, looks likes an alarm clock but works differently .Its wakes its s
users up over a 5 to 30 minutes period of escalating sounds. The slow gradual call is intended
to preserve states in which people can more easily recall their dreams.
Modern alarm clock actually destroys dream because what they do is they rip you through
your hypnopompic sleep (states between sleeping and waking) so fast.
As soon as the user turns off the alarm, a microphone setting turns on, and user can
recount their dreams, which the app will transcribe into text. User can type, speak or answer
questions to record their dreams. You are really struggling to remember what you dreamed,
you can opt to answer a series of 5 to 10 questions designed to joy your memory. The whole
process takes less than 5 minutes
SHADOW visualizes the user’s sleep and dream patterns and identifies common themes.
Using dreams content of other users, this app turns the symbol and experiences into sights.
Collected By
Sunny Borkar
B.E. First year
Each time you see a full moon you always see the same side.
Technical Section
What is this principle? 10% of life is made of what happens to you and 90% of life is
decided by how you react. What does this mean? We have no control over 10 %. But 90% is
different. We determine 90%. How? By your reaction!!!
Do not let people fool you. You can control how to react.
Let us see an example.
Suppose you are having breakfast with your family. Your daughter knocks over cup of coffee
onto your business shirt.
You have no control what has just happened.
What is next will be determined by how you react to this situation.
You scold your daughter for knocking cup over.
She breaks down in tears. After scolding, you turn to your wife. You criticize her for placing
cup too close to edge of table. A short verbal battle follows.
You storm upstairs and you change your shirt.
Back downstairs, you see your daughter is busy in crying. She has to finish her breakfast. She
has to get ready to school. In all this, she misses her school bus. Your wife must leave
immediately for work.
You rush to car and drive your daughter to school.
Because you are late. You drive your car very fast.
After 15 minutes late and throwing Rs. 500 traffic fines away, you arrive at school, your
daughter runs into the building without saying goodbye.
Finally, arriving at office 20 minutes late, you realized that you forgot your briefcase.
Your day has started terribly. As it continues, it seems to get worse and worse.
Now you look forward for coming home.
When you arrive at home .You find a small wedge in your relationship with your wife and
Why? Because of how you reacted on the morning.
Technical Section
Why did you have bad day?
Did the coffee cause it?
Did the daughter cause it?
Did policeman cause it?
Did you cause it?
Yes Answer is D.
You had no control what happened with coffee.
How you reacted is what caused you a bad day.
Now I would like to tell what could have and should have happened.
Coffee splashes over you.
Your daughter is about to cry.
You gently say:”its o.k. You need to be more careful next time”
Grabbing your towel, you go upstairs, change your shirt. You look through window and see
your child is getting to the bus. She turns and waves. You arrive at office 5 minutes early to
greet your staff.
Notice the difference.
See two different scenarios.
Both started same.
But it ended differently.
Because of “how you reacted.”
Now you know 10/90 principle. Apply it. You will be amazed at the result of it. You will not
lose anything if you try it.
Collected By
Ashutosh V Chopde
BE 2nd year (EXTC)
Technical Section
Earth is the mother of gravity
That holds the nature in captivity
With a very fine regularity
May be, it will do so till eternity.
Friction is the son of gravity
Who tries to stop anything moving in velocity?
Altered to everything in chastity
As if curious to show its entity.
Heat is the darling daughter of friction
A product of all working engines
If born of a nuclear explosion
Can destroy the whole population.
Losses are borne of heat
The machines they badly treat and greatly
Effect the efficiency
Technical Section
I think it’s their actual tendency.
Power is reduced due to losses
In all the three different phase
You may wonder about the other causes
But it’s the strongest of all cases.
Power has a relative called power factor
Whose value does greatly matter?
If you don’t attend well to this actor
It can cause the machine to shatter.
Collected By:
Samiksha S. Deshkar
B.E. Third year EXTC
12% of Scientists in USA are Indians.
Technical Section
Virtualization is a proven software technology that is rapidly transforming the IT
landscape and fundamentally changing the way that people compute. Today’s powerful x86
computer hardware was designed to run a single operating system and a single application.
This leaves most machines vastly underutilized. Virtualization lets you run multiple virtual
machines on a single physical machine, sharing the resources of that single computer across
multiple environments. Different virtual machines can run different operating systems and
multiple applications on the same physical computer.
Virtualization is a framework or methodology of dividing the resources of a computer
into multiple execution environments, by applying one or more concepts or technologies such
as hardware and software partitioning, time-sharing, partial or complete machine simulation,
emulation, quality of service and many others.
Virtualization is technology for supporting execution of computer program code, from
applications to entire operating systems, in a software-controlled environment. Such a Virtual
Machine (VM) environment abstracts available system resources (memory, storage, CPU
core(s), I/O, etc.) and presents them in a regular fashion, such that “guest” software cannot
distinguish VM-based execution from running on bare physical hardware.
Fig (1): Virtual Machine
Technical Section
Virtualization commonly refers to native virtualization, where the VM platform and
the guest software target the same microprocessor instruction set and comparable system
architectures. Virtualization can also involve execution of guest software cross-compiled for
a different instruction set or CPU architecture; such emulation or simulation environments
help developers bring up new processors and cross-debug embedded hardware.
A virtual machine provides a software environment that allows software to run on
bare hardware. This environment is created by a virtual-machine monitor, also known as a
hypervisor. A virtual machine is an efficient, isolated duplicate of the real machine. The
hypervisor presents an interface that looks like hardware to the “guest” operating system. It
allows multiple operating system instances to run concurrently on a single computer; it is a
means of separating hardware from a single operating system. It can control the guests’ use of
CPU, memory and storage, even allowing a guest OS to migrate from one machine to
It is also a method of partitioning one physical server computer into multiple “virtual”
servers, giving each the appearance and capabilities of running on its own dedicated machine.
Each virtual server functions as a full-fledged server and can be independently rebooted.
Submitted By:
Nayan Jain
B.E. Final year Electrical
The famous board game called Chess was invented in India.
Technical Section
A nanofiber is a continuous fiber which has a diameter in the range of billionths of a
meter. Nanofibers are easily made from manmade polymers such as nylon and natural
polymers such as proteins. The salient features properties are of nanofibers are dealt in the
Electro spinning is a unique method to produce nano-micro size (3 nm – 30 nm)
polymeric wires/fibers that consist of higher surface area, porosity and flexibility, which in
turn can enhance the absorption rate of the noise more than conventional micro-fibers (50100 nm). Three methods are described here to launch multiple electro spun liquid jets.
There are several application of nanofibers based upon their unique properties. The
main application will be dealing with is reduction of noise in aircraft interior. Various sizes of
PVC and PVP fibers using the electro spinning method are produced by the author for the
sound absorption purposes. Impedance tube studies show that high surface nanofibers can
absorb the sound better than conventionally used micro scale sound absorbers. It is therefore
concluded that these high surface nanofibers can be used as alternative materials to make
lighter sound absorbers to reduce the interior noise of the aircrafts, as well as many other
noise control applications.
Submitted by:
B.E. Final year Mechanical
A Carbon nano tube made from Nano fibres can be 1000 times stronger than steel.
News Reporters
 Institute Profile
 Department Report
 Pride of SSGMCE
 Library
 E D Cell
 T&P
 NSS, NCC, Sports, Alumni Associates
 Students’ Council
 Student Chapters
 Annual Events 1.Pursuit x4
2. Culfest 14
Shri Sant Gajanan Maharaj College of Engineering, Shegaon (SSGMCE) was established in
1983 by Shri. Gajanan Shiskhan Sanstha, Shegaon. It is affiliated to Sant Gadge Baba Amravati
University, Amravati and recognized by AICTE, New Delhi. SSGMCE has recognition to be
an accredited institute by NBA, New Delhi & NAAC, Bangalore. The Institution is
selected as Network Institute under NPIU’s TEQIP, MHRD, Govt. of India.
For more than 30 years, it has successfully nurtured young Indians in engineering and
managerial professionals for the betterment of society and humanity as a whole. In 21st
century, the college shifted its focus on consolidating its strength and Quality Orientation
which have aptly been rewarded . It obtained permanent affiliation from SGBAU (2001)
and UGC recognition under 2f (1999) and 12b (2003). It is the first self-financed engineering
college in Vidarbha and only second after VNIT, Nagpur amongst all colleges of the region to
have obtained Accreditation from National Board of Accreditation - NBA in 2001 for its three
B.E. programmes and also the institutional Accreditation from NAAC (National Assessment
and Accreditation Council) in B+ grade in 2003 and reaccredited in 2010 for five years.
The institute is well known for its visionary management, dedicated and devoted faculty, the
state of art infrastructure and discipline. It is also known for all round development of students’
personality with distinct value based spiritual environment. The institute provides facilities for
the pursuit of excellence and academically suitable climate of the scholarship in terms of
curriculum and curricular performance of students . The Management of the institute has
provided adequate resources to meet the requirements of an Autonomous College. It was
initially started with three degree courses i.e. B. E. Electrical Power System Engineering,
Electronics Engineering and Industrial Electronics Engineering having 60 intake each.
Subsequently, it started B.E. Computer Sciences and engineering in 1985 with an intake of 60.
Later on in 1987, the Industrial Electronics have been converted to Electronics and
Telecommunication Engineering & in 1993 and in 1994 two courses namely B.E. in Mechanical
Engineering and Master of Business Administration were added respectively.
Afterwards the courses, M. E. in Electrical Power System (1996) with an intake of 18,
M.E. in Digital Electronics (1998) with an intake of 30, B.E. in Information Technology (2001)
with an intake of 60, M.E. in Computer Engineering (2012) with an intake of 18 and M.E. in
Advanced Manufacturing and Mechanical Systems Design (2012) with an intake 24 started in
SSGMCE. All these courses were approved by the All India Council for Technical Education,
New Delhi. SSGMCE offers 5 undergraduate engineering courses and 5 post graduate
courses . All the laboratories have been recognized as center for Ph. D programme. SSGMCE
has excellent physical facilities in the form of residential and academic buildings, library,
laboratories, equipments, gymkhana, sports, hostels, etc. of its own spread over neat and clean 80
acres of campus. It also provides the administrative set up and the pattern of governance
involving the faculty members who are conducive to academic innovations and development.
SSGMCE promotes healthy practices such as community service, extension activities and
projects for the benefit of the society at large.
SSGMCE is considered as one of the best in the region and it holds the strength to be
accountable for the content and quality of education. SSGMCE has its own vision and
mission to steer the institute to become one of the best institutes in the region. Due to
globalization, technology is changing rapidly and to cope up with the rapid changes SSGMCE
has its own dedicated research center which contains the state of the art set up with VLSI and
Embedded System Design Center (CADENCE & XILINX equipped), Sant Gajanan Tool Room
(Advanced VMC & CNC machines), CAD/CAM and CFD center, SAP-ERP Center, Data
Centre, Electrical Power Research Lab, IP Cell, Multimedia Unit and Entrepreneurship
Development Cell by DST, Govt. of India. Also the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium
Enterprises, Govt. of India has sanctioned a scheme titled “Financial Assistance for
Entrepreneurial Development”.
SSGMCE is recognized as Scientific and Industrial Research Organization by DSIR, Govt. of
India. It has established Solar Radiation Monitoring Centre by CWET, Chennai, MNRE Govt. of
India, Specially designed Energy Storage Bank tested by CPRI, Bangalore & ERTL Mumbai
having its own Solar Research Center and its Solar Energy Products are approved by MNRE,
Govt. of India and used by various sections of the society. It has its own PV Cell Design,
Development and Module Assembling Unit.
The institution pursues high standards as reflected in its consistently good placement record and
performance of students at the University examinations. The institute has its unique Central
Library having 28120 titles, 80224 books, 2005 electronic information collection, 6364 bound
volumes/projects and large subscription of international, national journals with 502 online access
journals with a total expenditure worth of Rs. 2.34 Corers. The institute has academic
collaborations with De Montfort University, Leicester, UK and many MOU’s are signed with
Industry partners like Ador Welding, Scientech Ltd., OASIS, ORACLE, MSME-DI, Legrant
India Pvt. Ltd, Hindustan Unilever Ltd., Vardhan Sintex etc. for Technology Transfer, Project
Work and Training Courses for Summer Internship Project.
In all 1981 students are on roll for the session 2012-2013 with 797 girl students. All the students
and their legal guardian (Father Or Mother) are insured under “Amartya Shiksha Yojana
Insurance Policy and Students’ Accident Insurance” (Only Accidental Death) in which amount
of Rs.1,00,000/- is covered. In case of accidental death of legal guardian the insurance company
will pay the remaining year’s tuition fees along with Hostel, Library and University Examination
fees to the claimant.
The institute has well equipped Central Administrative Office which covers all the administrative
work of the students and faculty. The admissions and keeping the record of the students and
faculty is well maintained in the Administrative Office. Institute sponsors Scholarship, Merit
Scholarship, GATE Scholarship and Donor’s Scholarship with various Government Caste
Quotas Scholarship and Free-ship are also served through the administrative office. Every year
students of SSGMCE excels in University examinations, Intercollegiate Technical events, Sports
and Co-curricular activities. Students of SSGMCE participate in all those events with zeal and
enthusiasm with a remarkable performance.
Prof. A. V. Patil
The Department of Electrical Engineering offers a vibrant environment for undergraduate and
postgraduate education and research in Electrical Engineering. The Department is committed to
the advancement of the frontiers of knowledge in electrical engineering and to provide the
students with a stimulating and rewarding learning experience.
The department has good industry interaction and has been involved in the development of State
of the art products for Industry, and consultancy projects. The department is strong with senior
faculty members and experts in various fields of electrical engineering.
Prof S. R. Paraskar who is leading the department is elected as a Member of Editorial Team of
International Journal of Electrical & Electronics Engineering Research – Academic Journal &
International Journal of Soft Computing & Engineering. He is a reviewer of International Journal
of Recent Patent on Electrical Engineering. Bentham, Science Publisher Ltd. Prof. S. R.
Paraskar is also elected as a Member of BOS in North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon.
In SGB Amravati University Examination (Summer 2013), Ashutosh Rajurkar, Dipesh Atkar,
Dipak Thombare & Jayant Kumar from final Year BE secured the place in the University Merit
List. Overall result of final year B.E. is 85 % & 27 students passed with Distinction. Eleven
students from final Year B.E. are placed in M/s. TCS Ltd. Pune through Campus Recruitment.
Students from third year B.E. have visited substations & various manufacturing Industries in
MIDC Pune which helps them to understand the practical implementation of their knowledge.
The department has also organized one week training program on “Industrial Automation – PLC
SACADA” for UG student. Number of Eminent personalities visited our department & delivered
technical lectures for our students on recent development in the field of Electrical Engineering.
Prof. Mrs. A.U. Jawadekar, Prof. S.S. Jadhao and Mr. Ghodeswar (ME student) has received the
Best Technical paper award with trophy in an International Conference held at Godawari College
of Engineering, Jalgaon
Four faculty members attended two week faculty development programme sponsored by DST,
Govt of India on Entrepreneurship Development. Five faculty members attended two week
Workshop on signal and System organized jointly by IIT, Mumbai and IIT Kharagpur.
Seven students from the department found a place in college football team & this team secured
Runner Up position. The department has organized two day training program under CDES cell
for ITI, Shegaon students. Cricket team of our final year B.E. is winner in Interclass Tournament
held in college.
Prof. S. R. Paraskar
Head, Department of Electrical Engg.
In session 2013-14, Information Technology Department organized guest-lectures/
seminars/workshops. Various renowned faculties like Mr. A. K. Yogi, The Doctors Company,
California, USA, Mr. Tejas V. Hoskatee and Mr. Sameer Gowaikar were invited for guest
lectures. Dr. S. S. Prabhune has been recognized as Supervisor for Ph.D. work by SGBAU,
Amravati in Computer Science & Engg., and Information Technology. He organized workshop
on Hands-on Exposure to Oracle Utility for third year I.T. and C.S.E. students on 05.03.2014. He
also published two papers at IEEE Explore.
Prof. N. M. Kandoi organized workshop on Joomala Technology for both I.T. and C.S.E.
students. Prof. G. Y. Patil and Prof. A. K. Shahade presented papers in International journal of
Pure and Applied Research in Engineering and Technology (IJPRET-2013), Research in Advent
Technology (IJRAT-2013) , Advance Research in Computer Science and Management Studies
(IJARCSMS-2013) and Research in Advent Technology(IJRAT-2014). Prof G. Y. Patil also
attended Sneh Desai’s Mind Power workshop at Nashik in Oct. 2013.
Prof. Ms. P. V. Kale attended IIT, Kharagpur workshop on Signals & Systems under the
National Mission on Education through ICT (MHRD, Govt. of India) from 02.01.2014 to
12.01.2014. Prof. A. G. Sharma also presented paper in International Journal of Latest Trends in
Engineering and Technology (IJTET-2013). Under Information Technology Students’
Association (ITSA), following activities were organized in this year1) Workshop on HTML & HTML 5
2) Web Page Design Competition
3) Workshop Joomala Technology
5) Workshop on Technotrends
6) Technoventure
Students of I.T. department had placed in renowned companies like TCS, PSL, Genpact.
No. of Students Placed
PSL Pvt. Ltd.
Prof G.S.GAWANDE has been working as the Head of the Department.
Our Long Range Goals:
To fully develop the Department, as a part of an Institution of repute and standard at
International level.
To produce competent and creative engineers
To organize tie up with Institutions of International standard in areas such as Research
and development, Consultancy Projects, technology transfer & Exchange program.
To enhance consultancy service, sponsored projects, R&D and similar other activities and
to file at least 02 patents a year.
To intensify the man making and value based education.
Our Short-Range Goals:
To establish center of excellence in signal, image processing and Embedded System
To start advanced courses in emerging areas of Electronics & Telecommunication
To further improve the academic performance and overall personality of the students
To further strengthen the consultancy and research activities
To upgrade laboratories not only to fulfill the existing needs but also to suit the
requirements of the courses to be taught in near future
To attract outstanding faculty and students
To motivate students to pursue higher studies
WORKSHOPS at EXTC DEPARTMENT:1. PCB Design Workshop:The department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering also organized PCB
Design Workshop from 06/10/2013 to 10/10/2013 for 2nd year Electronics & Electrical
Students. Total 50 students were enrolled and successfully completed workshop.
It was conducted by Mr. P. R. Wankhede, Mr. A. N. Dolas and Mr. V. K. Bhangdiya,
faculty of EXTC dept. In the workshop, the basic concepts of Circuit Design along with
PCB Design were explained and demonstrated to students. Also electronics kit was given
to each student. Students had designed their own PCB using software and hardware
2. Microwave Communication:The department of Electronics & Telecommunication engineering conducted
AICTE sponsored short term training programme on “RF & MICROWAVE
during 03-07 Dec., 2013 at SSGMCE, Shegaon. The main objective of the
programme was to provide platform for knowledge sharing to the intellectuals in
the field of microwave engineering. During the programme various eminent
personalities have delivered their expert talk on the recent trends in microwave
communications. Especially, sessions by Dr. V. M. Pandharipande (VCAurangabad) and Waman Jogalekar (Director-Synergy Measurement, Pune) were
highly appreciated by the participants. Participants from various renowned
engineering colleges are benefited though this programme. There were 41
participants who attended this STTP.
INDUSTRIAL TOUR:Industrial tours were also organized in this session. 63 students from 3U1 and 3
Staff Members visited Indore industry from 01/02/2014 to 02/02/2014 and 3 Staff
Members and 68 students from 3U2 visited Pune industry from 14/02/2014 to
17/02/2014. Industrial visit was also organized for staff members. The total 22 staff
members attended this visit to Pune.
ACHIEVEMENTS IN SESSION 2012-13: Ms. Vaishnavi Zawar, a student from class 4U2, got selected as "Trainee Engineer" By
IBM Ltd., Bangalore
 Ms. Farhinjaha Pathan, a student from class 4U2, also got selected (4U2) as "Trainee
Engineer" By Genpact.
 Ms. Sneha Sham Gachake got selected in Maharashtra Yoga OLYMPIAD under Indian
Yoga Federation
In this way the EXTC department has shown its progress in a very short time.
Prof. G. S. Gawande
Prof. Dr. N .A. Patil has been working as a Head of Applied Sciences & Humanities. This
department has 11 teaching and 6 non-teaching staff. Out of the 11 teaching faculty, three are
Ph.D holder, four are M. Phil. and others are M.Sc., M.A., B.Ed. and M.B.A, NET/SET, etc.
Prof. R .M .Kharate had been awarded Ph.D. Degree by SGB Amravati University, Amravati in
2013. Two faculty members have registered for Ph.D. ASH Department has three laboratories
for Physics, Chemistry and English Language.
Faculty members of our department also engage themselves successfully in organizing various
extra-curricular activities such as NSS, NBA, NAAC, ISO, ISTE, Alumni Meet, Cultural
Activities, Sports, Tattwadarshi-College Magazine, Science World, Guest Lectures, Workshops
and Spiritual activities at the college level. Prof. Dr. N. A. Patil, Head, as a NBA coordinator,
Dr. J. S. Bakare looks after the Tattwadarshi College Magazine, Prof. S. V. Yenkar looks after
Community Development and Extension Services as a Chief coordinator. Dr. R .M .Kharate
handles the Hostels (Boys & Girls) as Chief Warden. Prof. A. S. Alane and Prof. N. S. Thakare
is in charge of NSS as a Program Officer. They conduct various events under the Science World.
Prof. A .S .Alane carries CDES activity. Many faculties have taken active participation and have
presented research work in workshops and conferences in their respective fields organized at
National level.
In academic year 2013-14: Prof. Dr. N. A. Patil (09), Dr. J. S. Bakare (01) and Dr. R .M .Kharate
(02) have presented 12 research papers at various National & International journals and
conferences. In the following academic year, ASH department has organized two day
Conference (Pursuit) on Mathematics, Physics & Chemistry on 14th – 15th March 2014 at
National Level.
We have extreme pleasure to announce that we have maintained the record of excellent academic
result from last 3 years and ranked top most in first year B.E. among all the engineering colleges
under SGBAU Amravati with average result of 69.55% in Summer 2013 exam. With reference
to the letter received on 25th April 2012, for the year 2010-11 from Amravati university, our
college Magazine – Tattwadarshi had received 2nd prize (Rs.2000/-) in Inter-College "Annual
College Magazine Competition".
From the first year of engineering, we aspire to develop the scientific and technical attitude
among students for their bright future. So every year, 28th February is celebrated as National
Science Day with the event like Debate competition, Story Telling, Poster and Project
Exhibition. Guest lecture is organized to bring about the overall personality development of the
students and also to create awareness and importance about our mother nature.
All the teaching and non-teaching staff members from our department take active part in
organizing all these events successful and hence contribute their best in teaching learning process
and growth of our institution with their hard work and dedication.
- Dr. N. A. Patil
Professor & Head
The department has, a total of 18 faculty members, of which 02 are Professor, 03 are Associate
Professors. All the faculty members of the department extend their support and guidance to the
students for their overall development.
Highlights of the department:
 A total of 21 students got placement in the different companies such as Tata Consultancy
Ltd., Pune, GE India Ltd., Pune, Triveni Turbines Ltd., Bangalore.
 This year, the department organized two training programs under Community
Development Cell: 1) Introduction to Auto CAD, 2) Advance Welding Technology. The
students from nearby ITI attended the programme.
 The department conducted ‘Two week work-shop on Engineering Mechanics’ supported
by IIT Bombay under ‘Eklavya Project’ for Polytechnic and Engineering Faculties.
Prof. S. S. Bhambale was the coordinator for the workshop.
 Prof. S.P. Trikal and other faculty members of the department take efforts towards
collaboration with various industries of the region.
 SAE Chapter of the department conducts many programme for the students under the
guidance of Faculty Adviser, Prof. M. B. Bhambere and Prof. S. Q. Syed. Ku. Ashwini
Bhusari is the Chairperson and Mr. Suraj Fase is the Vice Chairperson for the Chapter.
Recently, on 8th Feb. 2014, the event, ‘Contraption’ was organized by the students’
chapter committee, of the mechanical department. It was accomplished with great zeal
and enthusiasm. The response for the event was marvelous with participation of 17
Students Achievements (Session 2013-14)
Mr. Aniket Raut, the final year student, participated in ‘Technodocx’ in AXIS- 2013 at
VNIT, Nagpur, (20 - 22 Sept. 2014).
Mr. Arvind Dev, the final year student, got second position in “IGNITE- 2014” at
MGCOET, Shegaon. (17–18 January, 2014).
Mr. Harshal Aagashe, Mr. Sharad Ingle, Mr. Rupesh Narwade and Mr. Digamber Pawar
3rd year have presented their papers on various topics like Turbo charger, Solar
Chimney, Automotive cooling systems and Dual clutch transmission system at Mauli
COE, Shegaon.
Mr. Chinmay Pachchhao and Mr. Abhilesh Dhomne participated in the event ‘Hydro –
noid Rush’ organized by IIT Bombay.
Mr. Brajesh Kumar, attended training at Bokaro Steel Plant. Mr. Mukush Bhutekar
attended training program at Rourkela in Mechanical Shop &Foundary of the plant.
Ku. Ashwini Bhusari, Mr. Ankit Wankhede, Mr. Suraj Fase attended training
programme& prepared mini projects at Central Institute of Tool Design (CITD),
Mr. Swalnil Tiwari and Mr. Pratik Umale got 1st Posiotion in the Mini Project
Competition conducted by IEEE students chapter at our college. Mr. Sharque Ahssan and
Mr. Suraj Fase got 3rd prize in the quiz competition conducted by IEEE.
Mr. Ketain Shirbhate and Mr. Sharique Ahssan of 3rd year student attended workshop
conducted by IIT Pawai during TECHFEST programme.
Many students of the department are also ahead in the sports. Mr. Sharique Ahssan is the
Captain of Basket-Ball and Hand-Ball team of the College and played university-level
matches. Mr. Suraj Tare of the department is the VC of Cricket team of our college.
Prof. P. M. Ardhapurkar
HOD, Mech Dept.
The Department of Business Administration and Research of our college commenced the
academic session 2012-13 on 10th June 2013. The department continued to enjoy its reputation in
terms of its admission through CAP rounds in spite of the fact that the academic session 20132014 saw a major policy change in MBA admissions through CMAT at national level and
management institutions found it difficult to get even 50% of admissions. The MBA second year
registration and classes started on pre-notified date of 23rd July 2013 while for MBA first year it
started as per announced schedule of Director of Technical Education, Mumbai from 27th July
2013 with 60 students on roll. The pedagogical innovations introduced in the department during
the preceding academic sessions such as corporate interactions, monthly faculty meeting
including CRs, project-based learning, Prakalpakriti – a national level summer internship project
competition, community-based learning projects, Vishal Mihani Business Plan Competition, case
analysis competition, SEBI sponsored FE workshops, MSME-DI, Nagpur sponsored MDPs and
ESDPs, master classes by senior faculty members were continued besides introduction of
frequent visits of students to business exhibitions from this year in order to give more industry
orientation to pedagogical methods. The details of the activities in the department during 2013 –
2014 are shown in the table below.
Name of Activity / Event held
Date on which held
Monthly Faculty Meeting including Class
Representatives (Boys & Girls) of MBA First &
Final years
First Saturday of Every Month
Faculty Seminar
Once a month during entire
Freshers’ Orientation Programme
July 27, 2013
Freshers’ Welcome Party
August 8, 2013
Teachers’ Day Programme
September 5, 2012
Maurya Utsav
Sept 9 –11, 2014
Guest Lectures by Swami Satyarupanandaji and
Swami Tanmayanandji
Sept. 30, 2013 and Oct. 3-4,
Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI) –
Sponsored Financial Education Workshops – 10
During whole year on different
dates and at different
institutions and places
Prakalpakriti 2013 – A National Level SIP
Competition for B-Schools
October 26, 2013
Motivational Talk by Dr. H. M. Jha “Bidyarthi” to
District Managers of Maharashtra State Other
Backward Castes Finance and Development
Corporation, Mumbai, Maharashtra
April 4, 2013
Visit of MBA final Year Students (03) to
Khadyakhurak Exhibition, Ahmedabad
January 4 – 6, 2014
Volunteering by Students (21) at national level
exhibition organized by Kalash Seeds, Jalgaon
January 15 – 17, 2014
MSME-DI, Nagpur Sponsored One-Week
Management Development Program on Human
Resource Management
January 8 – 15, 2014
MSME-DI, Nagpur Sponsored One-Week
Management Development Program on Financial
January 9 – 16, 2014
MSME-DI, Nagpur Sponsored Entrepreneurship
Skill Development Program on 30-Days Certificate
Course on House Wiring for unemployed educated
January 9, 2014 – February 19,
MSME-DI, Nagpur Sponsored One-Week
Management Development Program on Marketing
January 10 – 17, 2014
MSME-DI, Nagpur Sponsored Entrepreneurship
January 10, 2014 – February
Skill Development Program on 30-Days Garments
Making for unemployed educated women of SC
20, 2014
SMRITI 2014 – Alumni Meet
January 19, 2014
Participation of students and faculty (21) in the
concluding program of 150th birth anniversary
celebration of Swami Vivekananda by Ramakrishna
Mission, Belur Math, Howrah
January 29-30, 2014
Pro-learning (Project-based Learning) Fortnights
1st – 2nd Week February 2014
Community-Based Learning Month
February 2014
Corporate Interaction with VinodbhaiDidwania
February. 8, 2014
Case Analysis Competition
February 10, 2012
There were publications of one paper in international journal and eight papers in conference
proceedings of international and national conferences. Four faculty members presented papers in
international and national conferences and got it published. Dr. H. M. Jha “Bidyarthi” continued
on the International Programme Committee of International Conference on E-Government and
was also nominated on the International Advisory Council of International Conference on
Management cases of Birla Institute of management Technology (BIMTECH), Greater Noida.
Eighty four students participated in activities in other institutes of the State and outside and a few
of them published papers in conference proceedings. A number of students won prizes at events
organized in our department and elsewhere. This led the department to getting accredited for the
third time by the National Board of Accreditation (NBA), New Delhi awarding it a score of 776
out of 1000 marks. It was also ranked under A-Grade consecutively for fourth year by Business
India Best B-Schools Survey 2013. The department was placed under “excellent group” by GoEducation Business School Placement Survey 2013 based on its placement performance during
this session. The Career360 magazine listed our department amongst top 21 B-Schools of
Maharashtra with AA+ rating in its B-Schools Survey 2014 which is a huge jump from 43rd rank
last year and has brought the department in line with NITIE, Mumbai, Shailesh Mehta School of
Management, IIT Bombay, SP Jain Management institute etc.
The Malkapur Urban Cooperative Bank Ltd., Malkapur sponsored Parishkriti with Rs. 51,000
this year. The theme of this year’s Parishkriti was “Stop Child Labor”. Faculty members have
been awarded incentives for their publication in international journal and three of them were
felicitated with teaching excellence award.
Our recruiters in past like Axis Bank Ltd., Bajaj Finserve and BejoSheetal conducted campus
recruitment of our students this year too short listing 27students (Axis Bank) and 20 Students
(Bajaj Finserv) from our department which is a sign of their faith in our students. Our college
awarded 19 students of the department with prizes / scholarships under different categories out of
donors’ sponsorship amount and also college prizes as was done in the past years.
Significant Achievements during this Session:
Significant Achievements
Accreditation by National Board of Accreditation, New Delhi for the third time to
MBA Course of the department awarding a score of 774 out of 1000
Department has been listed amongst top 21 management institutes of Maharashtra
with AA+ ranking by Career 360 magazine’s B-Schools Survey 2014 as published
in its December 2013 issue
Five MSME-DI, Nagpur Sponsored MDPs and ESDPs were organized
Consultancy Revenues by holding Financial Education Workshops Series
Sponsored by SEBI, Mumbai
Dr. H. M. Jha “Bidyarthi” continues to be Member on International Programme
Committee of International Conference on E-Governance and on International
Advisory Committee of ICMC, BIMTECH, Greater Noida
Chairing a Technical Session by Dr. H. M. Jha “Bidyarthi” at International
Conference on Management Cases at BIMTECH, Greater Noida
Ranked under Grade – A consecutively fourth year by Business India Best BSchools Survey 2013, Ranked under Grade A++ (Double Plus) by Go-Education
Best B-Schools Survey consecutively for second year and grouped under
“Excellent Category” on the basis of its placement performance
Students continued their participation in conferences and other activities in other
institutions in the State and outside it and published their papers
One research paper in international journal was published and four faculty members
presented papers at international conferences
Blood Donation Camp was organized by our department in collaboration with the
NSS wing of our college for fourth year in continuation with 228 number of blood
donors participated.
The Malkapur Urban Cooperative Bank Ltd., Malkapur sponsored PARISHKRITI
2014 was organized by the students of the department in 2014
Third Business Plan Competition was organized in the department with sponsorship
from its alumni, Mr. Vishal Mihani, Director, Best Cold Storage, Nandura.
Dr. H. M. Jha “Bidyarthi”
Professor and Head
% of Marks
Ashish Mankar
Prasad Pradip Peshkar
Brajesh Kumar
Vilas Jagannath Sawadatkar
Shyam Arun Dharaskar
Mayur Santosh Mantri
Nisarkhan Pathan
Ku. Chanchal Dattatray
Ku. Bhagyashri Avinash
Pratik Suryakant Shirbhate
Prof A.V.Patil
The library is a social institution charged with the most enviable function of dispensing
knowledge to the ignorant informed alike. “Vidya - Dan “i.e. the imparting of knowledge has
been considered as the most sacred task. The core mission of the library is the collection,
preservation and creation of knowledge for its dissemination and future generation. Its
conservation is also an important duty of the library. The library is the service organization; its
worth is measured in terms of quality of service rendered. Now a day’s libraries are using
information and communication technologies (ICT) such as Barcodes, e-commerce e-journals
and CD-ROMs. In the present scenario much of communication link between the library and its
users is based on LAN and the Internet instead of personal contact. Due to this communication
link, our college library gives more emphasis on E-information 8 collection; E-information based
services and enabling information technologies. Due to globalization, our library is sharing
information with DELNET, 4 Million bibliographic records of books, articles and journals,
statistics related to India on, Online access to journals of the IEEE – ASPP,
Science Direct, ASME, ASTM Digital Library, Mc-GRAW Hill Online access Engineering,
EBSCO – Business Sources, e-journal Collection, Online access to full ACM digital library and
access to 1100 e-books of ACM, 300 e-books on IEEE Computer Society, ,
Photocopying, lamination and comb binding machines are installed in the reprographic section at
the left side of ground floor of the library. Besides each department has their own library with
latest books and journals.
The library is open from 8 am to 8 pm on weekdays and 10 am to 5 pm on Sunday &
Library Services:
1. Online access to E-books & journals and also online access to library information system
through SLIM 27 Software by Internal members of the Institute.
2. Digital learning Material: DVDs, CDs, VCDs, Audio Cassettes
3. Personalized Reference Information Service
4. Internet / Intranet Services
5. Network Resource Sharing
6. Reprographics Services (Lamination / Xerox / Binding)
7. Inter Library Loan Service
8. Current awareness Service
9. Selective Dissemination Service
10. LCD Projector
11. Books for competitive exam such as Gate, TOFEL, GRE, CAT etc.,
12. Paper Clipping
13. WI-Fi Connectivity
SERVICES PROVIDED BY THE LIBRARY: The SSGMCE Library has been fully automated by using the SLIM Library software. The
library websites offer an online public access searchable digital catalogue of its entire holdings,
both on the campus wide intranet and internet. All the staff, students and users can access the
online catalogue of the library through the campus network of the college and search for books,
journals, reports, thesis and dissertations and trace the availability in the library.
List of Online National / International e-Journals Subscribed:
IEEE-ASPP (All Societies Periodicals Package) 146 Journals
Science Direct (275 e-journals, engineering + Computer Science & Back Files)
ASME E-journals Package, 26 journals & backfile to 2000
McGraw Hill Access Engineering
EBSCO-Business sources elite e-journal collection.
ASTM Digital Library
Statistics related to India on
Professional Society Membership:
1. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
2. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
3. Bombay Natural History Society
4. Computer Society of India (CSI)
5. Calcutta Mathematical Society
6. Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
7. Institution of Engineers (INDIA) Life Membership
8. Indian Society of Technical Education
9. Indian Academy of Sciences
10. Institution of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering (IETE)
11. National Geographic’s Society
12. The Energy & Resources Institute
13. National Metallurgical Laboratory, Jamshedpur
Digital Library Resources:
1. IEEE [All Society Periodicals Package (ASPP)] 2013, 146 Journals plus Back file to 2000
2. Science Direct Periodicals Package 2013, 275 Journals on Engineering + Computer
Science Collection & Back file access from 2000 onwards
3. ASME Journals Package 26 Journals Plus Back files to 2000 onwards
4. McGraw Hill, Access Engineering 363 Journals
5. ASTM Digital Library 13000 e-journals & articles
6. ACM (Association of Computing Machinery- New York) Digital Library online Access
7. EBSCO: Business Source Elite 1802 E Journal collection
8. Statistics related to India on
9. 895 DVD, CD ROMs.
10. Electronics Information Collection - 2005
11. Server based GATE Practice Question Papers software for Unlimited Users
Library at a Glance:-
Number of
Number of
of Back
Project &
Technical International Journals
Technical National Journals 47
Nontechnical Journals - 66
& Journals
Online Journals - 2618
- 12
Shri S. S. Kanthale
"In The Interest of All, For the Happiness of All"
Shri. Gajanan Invention and Advanced Research Centre is committed to provide state of the
art facilities, fostering invention and research activities, which will translate into:
 Ecologically balanced, economically viable product, technologies and patents meant to
uplift the society
Developing tools and technologies to enable learning
Creating “Entrepreneurs” people with creative and innovative bent of mind
Making developed knowledge and technology reach the end user
Attaining self-sustainability and a competitive edge
Committed to set high ethical and moral standards
 Making available state-of-art-facilities in the identified areas to researchers.
 Looking for and attracting potential research talent in the identified areas regularly.
 Designing, developing and running programs to inculcate creative mindset and learning
through inquiry.
 Identifying the broad areas for Invention and Research Periodically.
 Promoting the research and development of products and technologies of social
relevance, which are environment friendly, by providing the right resources to our
 State of the art facilities for carrying research in diversified fields.
 Highly Qualified and experienced Researchers and Faculties.
 Highly integrated and motivated team.
 Inclination towards innovation and value addition.
1. SSGMCE is recognized as Scientific and Industrial Research Organization by DSIR, New
2. Registered with C-DAC, Pune for Patent Search facility.
3. Signed MOU with Dr. PDKV Akola, Scientech Indore, S. M. Wireless, Nagpur, NCC
Amravati, Vrunda Consultancy Services Ahmadabad, Chaitanya consultancy, Pune.
Reviews and recommends research proposals.
Examines progress reports submitted to the SGIARC.
Recommends to the Director / Chairman; termination or continuation of financing of the
Members of RPC
1) Hon’ble Managing Director
2) Coordinator, Project
3) Coordinator, Administration
4) Coordinator, IP cell
5) Invitee from Industry
6) Subject Expert from SSGMCE
General procedure for selection of projects in the SGIARC:
1] Condition monitoring of various electrical equipments
2] Solar Power Systems
3] VLSI and Embedded System Design
4] Mechanical Engineering
5] Agricultural Engineering
6] Automobile Engineering
8] Ayurvedic medicines
 VLSI and Embedded System Design Lab (Cadence & Xilinx Equipped)
 Power Electrical Lab.
 Solar Research Lab. and Production Center
 Entrepreneurship Development(ED) Cell
 Intellectual Property(IP) Cell
 SAP-ERP Lab.
 Mechanical Engineering Lab.
 Agriculture Engineering Lab.
 Audio and Video Lab.
 International Cell
VLSI & EMBEDDED System Design Lab. Facilities:
 Cadence Design Suit for Digital, Analog and Mixed Signal Design
Xilinx EDA Tool
 FPGA and CPLD Boards for Prototyping
Publications and Projects:
 Publications in reputed Journal and National and International Conferences
 More than 20 UG and PG Projects
 Won National CDN Live 2006 Award of Rs 1.5Lakhs
Collaboration with
S. M. Wireless Technologies, Nagpur (Sister Concern of RFIC, USA) and Cadence
India Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore.
SRL aims at providing the Research facility in nonconventional energy sources. Recently
solar production center has been started.
Product Range:
 Street Lights
 Home Lighting System
 Lantern
 Water Pump
 Blinkers
 Solarized T.V.
 Educational Kits
Business (2011-12):-Annual turnover: Rs. 1.77 Crore
POWER Electrical Lab
 Collaborative research with Dr. PDKV Akola in the field of Agriculture Engineering
 Receives a grant of Rs 24 Lakhs (Approx.) from ICAR, Government of India for phase-I
development of cotton picking mechanism and expecting Rs. 3 crores for Phase-II
development of the same
 Automotive transfer switch for Cummins India, Pune
 Design of Low Cost Induction motor for NAC, Aurangabad
Electrodes for Tower Earthing, NarsimhaConstruction , Amravati
Atomize Fault Detection in Soap for Hindustan Univlever, Khamgaon
Providing successful commercial consultancy services to various Industries from Pune,
Aurangabad and nearby area
IP Cell facilitates the process of filing applications for Patents, Copyright, designs &
Geographical Indications. It also arranges trainings on Intellectual Property & Intellectual
Property Rights to create awareness amongst the students & staff.
• Number of patents filed:-18
• Proposal submitted for grant from Government of India:-01
• Trainings/Workshop Conducted: - 02
 Made several abroad visits to strengthen the R&D and academic activities
 Providing opportunities to Faculty, staff members and students to go abroad for
upgrading qualifications and skill development
 Intellectual Property Facilitation Center
 Technical Business Incubation Centre
 State-of-the art DSP Lab
 Marketing Division
• Hon’ble Shri Shrikantdada Patil, Managing Director
• Prof. S. B. Patil, Coordinator Administration
• Dr. G. M. Dhole, Coordinator- Project
• Dr. A. M. Agarkar, Researcher and coordinator IP Cell
• Ajay Kumar Damral, Coordinator-SRC
Research Lab
• S. D. Fuse Coordinator-SAP Lab
• D. P. Tarale Coordinator-SAP Lab
• Miss Shital Songirkar Research Associate
• M. R. Ekade Advisor-ED Cell
• H. B. Pise Audio/Video Lab
• A. R. Kanherkar Building Supervisor
Prof. Milind Herode
Development Board of DST, New Delhi sanctioned an Entrepreneurship
Development Cell in the institute with initial grant of around Rs. 8,81,000/- on 01/Jan/2009. In
subsequent years, it has received grant as follows:
For year 2010-11: Rs.4.12 Lakhs (From DST, New Delhi)
For year 2011-12: Rs.4.70 Lakhs (From DST, New Delhi)
For year 2011-12: Rs.0.67 Lakhs (From EDI, Ahmedabad)
• Entrepreneurship Awareness Programmes being conducted for SSGMCE students every year.
Tie-up with MGIRI Wardha is in progress.
• Exhibited the Products and Technologies in the Industrial exhibition “Mahavend”, Aurangabad
• Also participated in the International Conference and Exhibition organized by Indian
Science & Technology Entrepreneurs Parks And Business Incubators Association
(ISBA), New Delhi
Shri. M. R. Ekade
In-charge, ED CELL
Sant Gajanan Tool Room (SGTR) is one of the pioneer techno-invention centres established in
June 2007 under the banner of SSGMCE, Shegaon. SGTR mainly aimed at promoting
purposeful skill oriented technical education for the youth in India. The center implements its
program of technical training through its training centre & on job training in the production
centre. The institute offers various courses to cover a wide spectrum of technical manpower at
post graduate, degree, diploma & certificate level. Besides above number of short term courses
in the specialized area of design & CNC machining as well as tailor made modules are designed
and conducted to suit customer’s requirement.
The various activities of SGTR are:
1. Training
2. Product Development
Training: - Centre completely equipped with the conventional & advance CNC machines offers
scientifically designed long term, medium term & short term training courses in the field of CNC
technology for various stack holders. Till date, nearly 3800 students have passed out from SGTR
after taking CNC operating and programming training out of which 3150 students are working as
a CNC operator in various industries of Maharashtra state.
Product Development: - Centre is having all the manufacturing facilities under single roof
to develop the products from various nearby industries.
Some of the facilities of SGTR are:-
Training facilities:
CNC Lathe
VMC Machine
Conventional machines
Product development:
VMC Machine
CNC Lathe
Milling Machines
Conventional lathe machines
Tool & Cutter
Valuable Customers for Product Development:
KEC International, Nagpur
AbhijitMihan Power Plant, Nagpur
Hindustan Unilever, Khamgaon
Electronica Group of Companies, Pune
Jadhav Icons, Amravati
SS Controls, Aurangabad
Saraswati Auto Components, Aurangabad
Jitendra Scaling System, Khamgaon
Kasturi Metal and Fabrics Pvt. Ltd, Amravati
M.M. Industries, Akola
Dr. S. P. Trikal,
Head, SGTR
Name of Company
Tata Consultancy Ltd.,
28, 29 & 30 Oct.
No. of
GE India Ltd., Pune
16th Nov. 2013
IBM Ltd., Bangalore
16 & 17 Jan 2014
Mphasis India Ltd.,
21 & 22/01/14
Triveni Turbines Ltd.,
L & T Infotech Ltd.,
NTT Data, Pune
Persistent Systems
Ltd., Nagpur
Total Students Placed
Prof. V. K. Thute
Head, T&P
National Service Scheme gives inspiration and realization to engineering students to perform their duty
for Society. The Motto of NSS is Not Me, But For You. National Service Scheme carries out every year
lots of social activities for benefit of society and for over all development of students. NSS activities are
categorized in to two parts 1. Regular Programme at College Level 2. Special Camp Activities at
Adopted Village
1. Activities Regular Programme at College Level (Session 2013-14)
1) Interview and Registration of new NSS Unit for Session 2013-2014
2) Formation of Advisory Committee
3) Formation of Disaster Management Committee
4) Formation of Red Ribbon Club
5) NSS-First Orientation Programme
6) Rushi Panchami Celebration and Palkhi Marg Swachata
7) Independence Day Celebration
8) Blood Donation Camp-I
9) Guest Lecture on Swami Vivekananda’s Preaching to Youth
10) Participation in Pulse Polio Programme
11) Participation in Pragat Din Celebration
12) Blood Donation Camp-II
2. Activities at Adopted Village (Session 2013-14)
Activities are carried out at adopted village to aware the engineering students about Rural Problems.
1) Inauguration of NSS Camp
2) Blood Donation and Blood Group Check-up Camp
3) Guest Lecture on Competitive Exams and Rural Youth
4) Domestic Animal Check-up Camp
5) Farmer Training Camp
6) Guest Lecture on Rural Village Development and Cleanness
8) Eye Check-Up Camp
09) Health Check Up Camp for Rural Women
10) Guest Lecture on Gitetil Bhakti Sugandh
11) Snake Awareness Programme
12) Tree Plantation Programme
13) Use of Radium to Bulk Carts
14) Construction of Vanrai Bandhara
15) Yogasan and Pranayam Camp
16) Computer Awareness Camp
17) Closing Ceremony and Visit to Hanuman Wari Dam
Prof. N. S. Thakre / Prof. Ms. Aarti Ghule
NSS Programme Officer
Prof. A S. Alane
NSS Programme Officer
Aims of NCC:
To develop character, comradeship, discipline, leadership, secular outlook, spirit of
adventure and the ideals of selfless service amongst the youth of the country
To create a human resource of organized, trained and motivated youth, to provide
leadership in all walks of life and always available for the service of the nation
To provide a suitable environment to motivate the youth to take up a career in the Armed
In 1993 NCC unit was started in college which is affiliated to 3MAH. SIGNAL COY
Enrolled Strength -54 Cadets
15 Aug 2013
20 Sept 2013
25 Nov 2013
09 – 18 July 2013
19 - 28 Aug2013
12 Jan 2014
26 Jan 2014
01-07 Jan 2014
02Feb 2014
09Feb 2014
Achievements: -Examination Result:-
Participation of NCC Cadets in College and Community Service Activity:
1) Youth Day & Youth Week Celebration
2) College Cultural festival CULFEST & Ganapati Festival
3) Pulse Polio Program of Maharashtra Health department
4) Various Rallies & Programs Conducted at SHEGAON TOWN
5) Discipline committee volunteer service
Capt. D. L. Bhombe
Various students were successful in the different competitions organized by SGB Amravati
University Sports Department for the session 2013-2014
A) University Colour Holders
1. Miss Himali Jadhav was colour Holder in Basket Ball for consecutive 2 years.
2. Mr. Ashish Shastri of ME (Mechanical) got Colour Coat in Hand Ball.
B) Competitions organized by the college
1. This year, the college, under SGB Amravati University, organized Intercollegiate
Cricket, Football and Badminton Competitions.
2. The college organized a State Level Women’s and Men’s Badminton Competition on
1st & 2nd Feb. 2014. In this Competition near about 64 Teams for Doubles, Mixed
Doubles & 32 Teams for Singles participated. Mr. Uday Sane, International Umpire,
was the Chief Guest for the function. Cash prize of Rs. 36000/- were given to
winners & Runners with Trophy.
3. College organized a District level Volley Ball Selection Trials for Boys’.
4. The college celebrated National Youth Day on 12th January on the account of the
Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda. In this event, foot procession, youth
enlightenment, ‘Mahaprasad’ were also organized in which nearly 6500 people
enjoyed the Mahaprasad. Honorable Managing Director Shri Shrikant Dada Patil and
Principal Dr. S. B. Somani showed their enthusiasm and extended their cooperation
for these events.
A Team of HVPM, Amaravati (Near about 150 Students) performed Physical &
Cultural Demonstration on this occasion.
In the Academic Session 2013-14, Mr. Rajat Bhattalwar and Miss Asavari Shirsat
selected as the Sports Coordinator of our College.
C) New Facilities in the Department
Skating Ring with Expert Coaching
Olympic Level Wrestling Mats with Proper Coaching
Cricket Academy with proper Guidance and Coaching
High Class Wooden Flooring in the Badminton Courts with
Proper Coaching
5. High Tech Gymnasium with Proper Coaching from Experts
Shri. G. L. Bayaskar
Director, Sports Department
strong interaction
ASSOCIATION” (Regd No. F-10852). Alumni association has its chapters around all over India
in cities like Mumbai, Pune, Nagpur, Nashik, Delhi, Banglore and in abroad at places like SAN
FRANSISCO. It organizes ALUMNI MEET at various parts of country and abroad. It also
publishes SMARAN-Contact Address Book of its Alumni members every year. So for 27
Batches passed out till 2014 and around 8650 Engineers and Managers are proving their talents
at different organizations. Out of those, more than 900 students are working abroad. Associations
also arrange guest lectures and helps students in summer training and industry sponsored project.
Alumni Association also helps in Placement activity of institute.
Activities Conducted in 2013-14
Sr. No.
Date of Activity
Registration Of Alumni
Taking Feedback from parents
Taking Feedback from Alumni
July 2013
Alumni Association BOD Meeting
Oct 2013
Contact to Alumni through e-mail
Diwali Greeting through e-mail
Nov 2013
Alumni Scholarship
New Year Greetings through post
Jan 2014
Alumni Association Annual General Meeting
March 2014
July 2013
July 2013
Prof. D. L. Bhombe
Name of
Title of
of Electrical
From I.T.I
Basic of
engineering and
Introduction to
27-28 Nov.
2 days,
25+ one
Name of
Prof. R. B.
of Applied
science and
9 th Std.
schools of
and Manki
Role of science
in our life
77 + few
Prof. A. S. Alane
22 + 2
Prof. P. T. Patokar
Introduction to
20 + 2
Prof. P. T. Patokar
Prof. R. D. Palhade
Chief coordinator, CDES-Cell-2013-14
Students’ Council at SSGMCE was formed in September 2013 as per the directions received
from SGBAU, Amravati with Prof. C. V. Patil acting as Faculty Advisor and Mr. Nikhil Dhole
acting as Secretary. The council has a large body of 71 members which include Class
Representatives (CR), Nominated Class Representatives (NCR) from all classes of Engineering
and Management Course, representatives of the different student’s chapters, associations and
committees in the institute along with representatives from Sports, NSS and NCC section.
Students’ Council has organized two general meetings, one in each semester, where the members
were given an open platform not only for discussing difficulties related to the students but also
for innovative suggestions for improvements. Further the suggestions, objections and difficulties
are recorded and reported to higher authorities for appropriate actions. The council is acting as a
bridge between the students and authorities and committed for solving grievances.
Students’ Council is also executing social projects with Ignited Innovators of India, Government
College of Engineering, Pune. The projects which are to be executed in nearby villages in
different phases have brought our students close to rural part of our country. Till date 60 projects
have been cleared in second phase, out of which 13 projects of our students are selected. Apart
from this, the Council was involved in the celebration of “Fresher’s Day” of first year.
Prof. C. V. Patil
Faculty Advisor
Electrical Engineering Students Association is a technical society of electrical students
(SSGMCE, Shegaon) the key objective of EESA is to provide a continuous professional
development program to the members of the society it provides a continuous professional
development program for SSGMCE.
Aims and Objectives:
To further the knowledge and awareness in the field of Electricity & Engineering
through the meetings, discussions, Quizzes and like.
To create a spirit of brotherhood & co-operation among the members of the association.
To develop a leadership and initiative and to inculcate a sense of responsibility amongst
the members of association.
Events Conducted by EESA: Introductory Session:
This session was about introduction of our new EESA team to our new members. The
presentation was given on the importance of EESA. Its advantages, its activities and post
structure along with the video.
 Gaming Event:
This Event was conducted for second year ELPO to boost up there interest and was biased on
General Knowledge, word games, Technical Questions, one minute show and etc…All students
enjoyed it and very large response was there.
 Teachers’ Day Celebration:
In this event, we celebrated the event for lecturers of Electrical Dept. In this event, there were
various games for lecturers & we felicitated them by offering gifts & bouquet.
Gen Tec Q
0test .The one who qualified the test wereelegible to participate in the quize. The winners were
given cash prizes and certificates.
Prof. Mrs. A. U. Jawadekar
Faculty Advisor, EESA
“Where Art meets Technology”
It is a Computer Science and Engineering Student Association that gives opportunities to
students to build up their skills and show up their own skills by conducting Intellectual and
Innovative Events And Motivated Workshops. By considering this thought we kept our tag line
as “Where Art meets Technology”. This is a platform for students to nourish and improve their
skill and enhance personality in all ways.
For this year CSESA planned various activities such as C the Magic of C, workshop to
Build and Enhance Aptitude Skills, Android and Video Editing workshop Start to Linux and
Basics of .net etc among them “C the Magic of C” workshop and to “Build and Enhance
Aptitude Skills workshop” are conducted very successfully and received the grand response from
students and Android and Video Editing workshop is going to be conducted. The planned events
will also get conducted soon.
Prof. Mr. R. G. Deshmukh
Prof. Ms. D. S. Mate
Faculty Advisor,CSESA
1. We focus on achievement which is largely the product of steadily raising one’s level of
aspiration and expectation.
2. We extend various teaching and strategies assessment in order to achieve the determined
learning outcomes.
3. Ensure that graduates are well prepared and are well to join the national and international
workforce through training programs.
4. To foster various activities to bring out the creative talent of the students.
5. Exchange the technical information for knowing the latest developments.
The various events that were conducted during the year 2013-14 till date are as below:
Prof. A. K. Shahade
Prof. G. C. Iyer
Prof. F. I. Khandwani
Faculty Advisors, ITSA
ESSA denotes the association, unity of all students and staff with the help and effort of which a
platform for the carrier upliftment is built up. The purpose of the ESSA Committee is to provide
policy guidance to promote a safe and intellectually stimulating environment that encourages
academic success, personal development, and student’s satisfaction.
ESSA provide students with a framework for gaining control over how they interact with
information in their environment. It helps to sensitize them to the need to develop a
metacognitive approach to learning, making them conscious of the explicit actions required for
gathering, analyzing, and using the information.
Our Roadmap starts with our mission, which is enduring. It declares our purpose as an
organization and serves as the standard against which we weigh our actions and decisions.
To bring off potential of every individual
To inspire students through various activities
To create value and make a difference
Our vision serves as the framework for our Roadmap and guides every aspect of our activities by
describing what we need to accomplish in order to continue achieving success in whatever
activities we do.
EVENTS CONDUCTED BY ESSA1] Aptitude Test & Personal Interview Conduction:
The very first task of the newly selected core committee is to add new members from
second year.
So the aptitude test & personal interviews were arranged for the second year students.
First 60 members were selected out of 105 participants for the final interview. After
interview 31 members were finalized as executive members.
There was a relevant guidance of faculty advisors of ESSA whom we are very gratefulProf. V. V. Ratnaparkhi
Prof. P.D. Kale
2] One Week Workshop on PCB Design:
(Dt - 6/10/13 to 12/10/13)
The Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Design Workshop was one of the most successful
workshops in the history of SSGMCE.
Total 50 students of Second year Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
participated in this workshop which was then divided into two batches.
Basic Robotics was also taught to the participants along with different circuits.
The Workshop was conducted by Prof. P. R. Wankhede.
The feedback from the students was very positive regarding the workshop.
3] Expert Lecture On Multisim Software for Second year Students:- (Dt28/9/13 )
An Expert lecture was arranged on the Multisim software for the Second Year students of
Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering.
The expert lecture was conducted by Prof. A.N. Dolas.
The feedback from the students was very positive regarding the Expert lecture.
The lecture was taken separately for the two sections of EXTC Department and the
response of the students was over the mark.
4] Expert Lecture on Matlab Software for Third year Students:
Considering the needs of the students an Expert lecture was arranged on the Matlab
Software for the Third year students of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering.
The expert lecture was conducted by Prof. G. S. Gawande sir to whom we are very
The lecture was taken in the Electronics seminar hall for the Third Year Students.
The lecture was conducted over an hour and students learnt a lot of things from the
5] CRACK-O-MACHEN Gaming Event:-
( Dt- 12/2/14 & 13/2/14 )
CRACK-O-MACHEN is the yearly gaming event organized by ESSA for entertainment
of students by organizing various outdoor and indoor games.
This year CRACK-O-MACHEN was a blast, more powerful & reloaded.
It was one of the biggest events of SSGMCE this year in which many students
participated. 20 teams of 4 members each were selected randomly from a large response
that we got. They all participated & made this event grand. There were total 4 games
conducted on first day in the ground in front of library and the final round was for the
second day.
The first round was Primary Elimination round out of which 4 teams were selected.
The Final round was a relay of games. The winner of the final round was “Second year &
Then there was price distribution for the winner & runner up teams.
DATE: 20/2/2014
Science World, First year Student Association, provides platform to First Year students to
explore their skills & abilities. Under the banner of Science World, the various programmes are
organized every year. The key objective is to provide continuous development of B.E. First year
students to enhance their confidence; stage daring, communication skills etc. Science World
aims to promote & motivate every engineering student to achieve his/her goals in life. Every year
National Science Day is celebrated on February 28 in the memory of Sir C. V. Raman. Prof. N.
S. Thakare is the faculty advisor of the committee.
Our Objectives…….
 To encourage students to get involved in outside of class engineering activities
 To foster activities to bring out the creative talent of students
 To build the basic concepts in engineering by participating in Science World activities
 To build up Team Spirit, Leadership Qualities among the students
Poster Competition…….
Every year Poster competition is arranged by Science World on current topics. Almost all
students participate actively. The event was organized on September 21, 2013 by Science World
members. The event was judged & evaluated by following respected judges:
Dr. N. A. Patil
Prof. S. V. Yenkar
Our goal of arranging this event was to raise awareness of endangered modern Red Panda,
native to Asia on special day of ‘RED PANDA DA
Every year Debate Competition was arranged by Science World. This year, two times,
the debate competition was arranged due to the huge response from the students.
First Debate was arranged on October10, 2013. The topic of event was ‘Is Our Current
Education System able to produce extraordinary minds?’ The event was judged and evaluated
by following respect judges:
1. Prof. Pranali Deshmukh
2. Prof. Nitin Borkar
The winners & runner up students are awarded with certificates & prizes.
Guest Lecture……
Guest Lectures are usually arranged by Science World. This year Guest Lecture was arranged on
topic “Wireless Communications” on January 22, 2014. Resource person for the Guest Lecture
was Dr. Mahendra A. Gaikwad. He is the member of AICTE. He has completed his M-Tech
from IIT Bombay, MBA from Nagpur University & Ph.D. from VNIT and presently he is
working as principal at Bapurav Deshmukh Engineering College, Sevegram, Dist. Wardha.
Nearly all the students of B.E. 1st year attended the same & whole event was appreciated by all,
which resulted into positive end.
Prof. N. S. Thakare
Faculty In-charge, Science World
The past year has been a very successful one for IEEE. Under the guidance of Prof. U A Rane
the executive committee was formed. Mr. Chinmay Kotwaliwale became the Chairperson for the
year. IEEE organized two events for the students of SSGMCE namely “Ideas on Fire” and
“Cerebro - The weakest link”.
Ideas on Fire was a project making competition. It aimed to give a platform to the students for
presenting their ideas in the form of a project. Students learned to work as a team and present
their ideas effectively. The projects were evaluated by a panel of lecturers from various fields.
The winners of the competition were Ms. Chetana Shikhariya and team. The runners up were Mr.
Ravindra Dambre and team.
Cerebro – The Weakest Link was a quiz competition to know the intellectual and technical level
of the students organized on the 23rd and 24th of January 2014. The event was implemented in
two phases. In the first phase, an aptitude test focusing on technical and general knowledge took
place. The top 20 teams were selected for the final quiz. The winners of the quiz were Mr. Rohit
Satarke and Mr. Parimal Sadanshive.
We hope to continue with the same valor in the coming years with many more exciting events to
Prof. U. A. Rane
(Faculty Advisor, IEEE)
Indian society for technical education students’ chapter SSGMCE, Shegaon works for the
technical growth of students in college and even aims the same outside. The team of ISTE
Students’ chapter for year 2013-14 was formed by highly experienced delegates. The panel
decided core committee and executive members of the team.
The first event organized under ISTE head was “Software Testing”. This event was conducted by
the team. This event was for second year students. It benefited the students a lot.
The second event was introduced for first year students. This event helped in improving the
communication skills of the students . This event was a great success.
A mega workshop was conducted by our team. For this event, Mr. Sameer Dudhgaonkar-Chief
Mentor of UGTG delivered a lecture on Economic Changes Affecting Careers.
The next event conducted by the committee was BOLLYWOOD CLASSROOM.
Prof. S. S. Jadhav
Faculty Advisor, ISTE
SAEINDIA is an affiliate society of SAE International, registered as Indian nonprofit
engineering and scientific society dedicated to the advancement of mobility community in India.
As an individual member driven society of mobility practitioners, SAEINDIA comprises
members who are individuals from the mobility community, which includes engineers,
executives from industry, government officials, academics and students. Principal emphasis is
placed on transport industries such as automotive, aerospace, and commercial vehicles.
SAEINDIA was formed in India in 1994-95 with Dr. Pawan Goenka, appointed as advisor for
India. The SAE president held discussions with the Indian automotive industry and as a result,
the Western India Section was established. SAEINDIA sections were formed all across the
country. In 2007 Baja SAEINDIA was launched which proved to be the growing crop of
engineers from colleges across the country to showcase their talent and fuel the growth of the
Indian automotive industry In 2008, Formula SAEINDIA was launched with the name of
SUPRA SAEINDIA. This event provides a real world engineering challenge for the SAEINDIA
student members that reflect the steps involved in the entire process from design and engineering
to production to marketing and endurance.
With the kind support from Hon’ble Principal, Dr. S. B. Somani and the proper guidance from
HOD of Mechanical Engineering Department Prof. Ardhapurkar, and consistently directed by
the faculty advisors Prof. M. B. Bhambere and Prof. S. Q. Syed, the event was made successful
with the great effort of SAE members from third and second year of mechanical engineering.
As judged by the faculty advisors, the top scorer was the team from second year carrying
150 points and to the surprise of all the 1st and 2nd runner-up, both were from the fresher batch
carrying 145 and 143 pts respectively. The closing ceremony included the prize distribution i.e.
cash prize of Rs 1000 , Rs 700 and Rs 400 for the winners-Ashwin Sahare and Shubham
Katmusre, 1st runner-up and 2nd runner-up respectively. They were also felicitated with the
certificates by the faculty advisors. And all the participants were given the participation
Thus the great event came to its closure at 5:00 PM, with the concluding speech and vote of
thanks from Prof. M. B. Bhambere with the hope that the forth coming events will compete this
event in all sense. Thus this event increased the level for the forth coming tech events in
Prof. M. B. Bhambere
Faculty Advisor, SAE
The Indian Society for Technical Education is a national, professional, non-profit making
Society. ISTE assist and contribute in the production and development of top quality professional
engineers and technicians needed by the industries and other organizations. ISTE Faculty
Chapter of SSGMCE has membership of about 77 from all discipline.
The major objectives of the ISTE are:
To formulate the general goals & responsibilities of technical education.
To adjust curriculum & educational processes to changing conditions.
To develop effective teachers & educational administrators.
To improve instructional methods & practices & administrative usages.
To enhance professional ideals & standards.
To foster research as a function complementary to teaching.
To cultivate fraternal spirit amongst the teachers, administrators, industrialists &
8. To bring about effective linkage between technical institutions industry & society.
9. To award honorary fellowships, Awards and Prizes, for furthering the objectives of
Technical Education.
To fulfill the above objectives ISTE Faculty Chapter of SSGMCE conduct various short term
training programs, workshops, seminars and conferences including recently conducted ISTE
sponsored STTP on “UHF & Microwaves” and “RF & Microwave Communication”. Also under
the banner of ISTE two major workshops on “Analog Electronics” & “Signals and Systems”
under National Mission on Education through ICT (MHRD, Government of India) and IIT,
Kharagpur are conducted. Faculty members who are attending the technical events at different
Institute or Organization, ISTE Faculty Chapter arranged the Feedback lectures of these
members at department or at institute level in order to circulate the technical material and give
the exposure to other members. Seminar/Workshops are arranged on “Topic for Discussion”
given in the ISTE News Letter. ISTE Faculty Chapter also encourages and sponsors faculties for
participating in various technical events across the India.
ISTE Faculty Chapter
Pursuit X4 was a mega event of the year. It was inaugurated on 13th of march with great
enthusiasm by our Principal Dr S B Somani. Various competitions were organized by all the
Few of the events are as follows .Death Race, contraption, circuit chaser and pick and place were
organized by electrical department.
Events like aqua boat, leath war, junkyard war ,mud race were organized by mechanical
Events like ambigeneous, robo race, line follower, and pool bot were organized by electronics
department and other successful events were organized. The whole event Pursuit X4 was a great
Prof .P. R. Wankhede
Faculty Co-ordinator, Pursuit 2014
Cultural council of our college conducts various cultural activities in our college. The
importance of social and cultural activities in preparing students for real life and strengthening
their personal skills cannot be questioned. Cultural activities not only help students to identify
themselves with the university, but also assist students to develop themselves in a desired field
and also improve skills such as organizational, presentation, leadership and interpersonal
communication. Student life in the college should help them out to focus on their various skills
along with academics.
Our Cultural council provides a platform where students can explore their skills in Dance,
Drama, and Singing, along with these, there are other events such as “ कृष्णजन्माष्टमी”,
“गणेशचतुर्थी” which students celebrate in our college, in such events student’s unknowingly
works on their organizational, presentation and leadership skills.
The various Cultural Activities during academic session 2013-14 are,
 Participation in Youth Festival :
Students of our college participated in Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University’s Youth
Festival and various intercollegiate competitions.
 Teachers Day Celebration:
Every year on 5th September we celebrate the birth date, of the second President of India,
academic philosopher Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. It is considered a "celebration" day,
where teachers and students report to college as usual but the usual activities and classes are
replaced by activities of celebration, thanks and remembrance and on this day, the
responsibility of teaching is taken up by the students to show appreciation for their teachers.
 Music Examination:
Our college provides Music learning facility at “NaadBramha” (Music section) by extending
the music examination facility to the local Examination centers.
 “Krishna Janmashtami” :
Students celebrated the Birthday of Lord Krishna with breaking “DahiHandi” with great zeal.
 Ganesh Festival:
In Ganesh Festival, after setting up the idol of god of wit Shri Ganesh, various events
such as Rangoli competitions, BahajanSandhya etc. were conducted.
 Staff Gathering:
Along with the students activities in our college we arranged a special staff Gathering
named “Saptarang” comprising of Sports, Drama, Dance and Singing events.
 Culfest:
It is most awaited and grand event of cultural celebration in SSGMCE. In this event
students participate with full zeal and enthusiasm. This year the event was named as
Prof. Nilesh H. Khandare
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Session: 2013-14
(Head of Dept- Dr. S.B.Somani)
In Department of Computer Science & Engineering, we offer courses of
Bachelor of Engineering as well as Masters of Engineering with highly advanced facilities and
well equipped laboratories, class rooms, seminar hall etc. In our department we have dedicated
and experienced faculty members and Lab assistants. Also Computer Maintenance Department
works rigorously in maintaining and repairing computer systems throughout institution.
In this academic year 3 GATE qualified students have taken admission
for Masters Degree. Our results of both B.E. and M.E. courses are excellent. In Summer-2013
Examination, our result was 89.61% in which Ms. Pallavi Mandhana passed in Distinction and
secured 3rd Rank in University Toppers list.
Computer systems from laboratories are used for various online
examinations such as campus recruitment of companies like TCS, Pune , PSL Nagpur. Also on
22nd and 23rd February 2014, TCS Pune conducted online examination for Department of
In session 2013-14, 32 students have been placed in various reputed
companies and selection process is still going on. In collaboration with Training & Placement
Department, Industrial Visit had been organized during 20th - 22nd March 2014 for 3rd year CSE
students under the guidance of Prof R. G. Deshmukh in which students visited renowned IT
Company, Persistent Software Private Limited, Pune. Also during 19-23rd March 2014, Prof S.
V. Paranjape and Shri. P.N. Nikhade visited Adani Group, Gujarat, as a member of Industrial
Visit organized by MBA Department.
In session 2013-14, faculty development program for faculty members
was organized and several workshops had been organized at our Department for improving
technical skills of students. In addition to this, Department conducted AICTE sponsored
workshop on “Image Processing and Hands on Training using MATLAB” during 24th-28th
March 2014. In this workshop, Expert Speakers from respective domain guided participants from
various colleges. Also from our Department, Prof. S. V. Paranjape, Prof. D. R. Dhotre and Prof.
V. S. Mahalle delivered lecture in the same where Prof. D. R. Dhotre worked as a Coordinator of
the workshop. Also, as a Remote Center of IIT Bombay, during 22nd -31st May 2013,
Department organized workshop on” Database Management Systems” in which candidates from
various colleges participated in which Prof. J. M. Patil worked as a Coordinator of the workshop.
For getting familiar with computer system, for non-teaching staff from
institution, One week workshop on “Hardware Maintenance & Software Installation” was
organized by Department in collaboration with IT Department, in which Shri S. A. Mankhair &
Shri Suraj Pawar worked as a Course Instructor while Prof. R. G. Deshmukh and Prof. Faizan
Khandwani worked as a coordinator.
In session 2013-14, 20 Research papers had been published by faculty
members in various reputed National and International Journals and Conferences. Also Prof. C.
M. Mankar, Prof D. R. Dhotre & Prof J. M. Patil attended workshop on “Recent Trends in
Computer Science and Information Technology” organized by IBM at Pune, during 02-06
December 2013. Also faculty member of Department Prof. S. V. Paranjape and Prof. D. R.
Dhotre were invited as experts for guest lectures in various colleges.
Students Association like Computer Science & Engineering Students
Association (CSSESA) and ISTE Chapter also organized several workshops for students like “C
the magic of C ” by Mitanshu and Subhanshu, “Techno-Trends” by Rajan Yergatwar and
Krishna Bang and so many. Along with workshop, Guest lectures from renowned speakers on
“Built & Enhance Aptitude Skill” by Mr. Kunal Kashelani from VJTI, Mumbai and “Current
Scenario in IT Industry” by Mr. Jayant Tayde from TCS, New Jersey USA had also been
Students also actively participated in various National and International
Level workshops, conferences and contest etc. Ms. Neha Wahane from 3rd year was rewarded as
a “Best Ambassador” in project organized by BHAU Institute & COE Pune, and her group got
1st prize for social project titled as “Safe and Unsafe Touch” for Women’s safety.
Dr. S. B. Somani
Deptt of Comp.Sci. & Engg.