Transcript Title slide

Why comms?
Building public awareness fosters an enabling environment and
increases political will to invest in trachoma elimination
and advocacy
ICTC’s communications strategy aims to guide ICTC and its
members to promote the positive impact of its work on the lives
of people affected by trachoma
ICTC - Celebrating our ten year anniversary in 2014
Telling the story of impact, progress
Comms & advocacy working group is uniquely
positioned to tell the story of progress towards
trachoma eliminations.
Working on how to improve our access to data and
information from the field.
ICTC - Celebrating our ten year anniversary in 2014
ICTC communications strategy
• Why comms?
• Building public awareness
fosters an enabling
environment and increases
political will to invest in
trachoma elimination
ICTC’s communications
strategy aims to guide ICTC
and its members to promote
the positive impact of its work
on the lives of people affected
by trachoma
Importance of internal
First we all need to know the story
• Focus on gathering stories and
communicating data and data
• So everyone can own and further
profile and communicate the
successes of this unique partnership
A priority – we are working on it!
ICTC - Celebrating our ten year anniversary in 2014
Annual report
• Collate and celebrate successes
internally and externally
• Demonstrate the diversity of
the coalition
• Promote a sense of community
within ICTC
• Advocate for members’ work
ICTC - Celebrating our ten year anniversary in 2014
ICTC joins the Twittersphere!
• Promotes the work and
achievements of our
• Brings the activities of the
trachoma together in one
• Channel for increasing traffic
to the ICTC website
ICTC - Celebrating our ten year anniversary in 2014
Speaking of the website….
ICTC - Celebrating our ten year anniversary in 2014
…which links to branding
• Need to improve and modernise
ICTC’s look and feel
• Consistency needed in:
• Language
• Design
• So that our work is easily
identified and engaging
• Working on this!
ICTC - Celebrating our ten year anniversary in 2014
Also working on…
• Supporting the comms plan of the
funded initiatives
• Providing project support on the
update of the 2020 INSight report:
• Central advocacy tool
• Inform and guide our work
• And raise the urgency of the
2020 deadline
• Recruiting new members
• Developing the advocacy plan
ICTC - Celebrating our ten year anniversary in 2014
Messaging on
– Global campaign petitioning a specific target
with a call to action
– Global hand washing day
– World Sight Day
ICTC - Celebrating our ten year anniversary in 2014
Stockholm Water Week
• Good for:
• Raising ICTC’s profile
• Making connections
• Mapping out potential
opportunities for
engagement with WASH
• Also raised awareness of NTDs tools and the NNN
ICTC - Celebrating our ten year anniversary in 2014
We want to hear from you!
• Please share any ideas or feedback you
may have on the flipchart during the
• We’ll be in touch to gather case studies,
quotes and interviews to the annual report
– looking forward to speaking to you!
ICTC - Celebrating our ten year anniversary in 2014