Summary of Recommendations:

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Transcript Summary of Recommendations:


Starter Changes to assessment.

Moderation Probing Questions Assessment grid and marking policy.

Peer Assessment Self Assessment Plenary


10 minutes 5 minutes 10 minutes 10 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes


Think / Pair / Share, Which of these AfL strategies do you do most frequently – least frequently, which do you think has the most – least impact.

Ask colleagues to look at the developing / establishing /enhancing criteria and RAG where they think the department’s current assessment policy fits with these criteria.

HD to share key points with colleagues, opportunity for colleagues to ask questions.

Moderation of pupils work that teachers have found difficult to assess. Discuss the fact that moving away from a point scoring - level system allows the teacher to clearly identify and address a gap in knowledge . Remind colleagues that from Sept, being able to allocate a level will lose relevance whereas being able to identify skills which have not yet been mastered will be increasingly important. Discuss use of intervention to address gaps in knowledge.

Discussion about what a ‘probing question’ is. Ask colleagues to work in pairs / groups to come up with a question / questions using the sentence starters. Show them the photos of the closed questions that have been used on the dialogue marking sheets and ask them how they could have tweaked the question to make it probing.

BL to Show colleagues the new assessment grids and the marking policy, discussion about how these will be used.

Briefly discuss the format of the transformations assessment which is designed for peer assessment.

Brief discussion about learning journeys, changes in expectations, pupils now only need to refer to these at the start and at the end of a unit. Collect feedback for future amendments. Time allowing discussion about self reflection tools.

Collate feedback about changes for now, for next term, for next year.

Changes to Assessment

Why / What /How

Categorise according to impact on learning

NCTL 'Seizing Success' conference on 13 June 2013

‘As part of our reforms to the national curriculum , the current system of ‘levels’ used to report children’s attainment and progress will be removed. It will not be replaced.’ ‘We believe this system is complicated and difficult to understand, especially for parents. It also encourages teachers to focus on a pupil’s current level, rather than consider more broadly what the pupil can actually do. ’ ‘Schools will be able to introduce their own approaches to formative assessment, to support pupil attainment and progression.

Report of the NAHT Commission on Assessment February 2014:

‘Using level descriptor shorthand also fails to address whether the pupil is consistently achieving that level, achieving it most of the time or on occasion or, indeed, only in some aspects. It also fails to show a pupil’s particular strengths and weaknesses.’

Report of the NAHT Commission on Assessment February 2014: The use by schools of suitably modified National Curriculum levels as an interim measure in 2014 should be supported by the government. However, schools need to be clear

that any use of levels in relation to the new curriculum can only be a temporary arrangement

to enable them to develop, implement and embed a robust new framework for assessment.

Schools need to be conscious that the new curriculum is not in alignment with the old National Curriculum levels.

Report of the NAHT Commission on Assessment February 2014: ‘Pupil progress and achievement should be communicated in terms of descriptive profiles rather than condensed to numerical summaries (although schools may wish to use numerical data for internal purposes).’


Report of the NAHT Commission on Assessment February 2014:

‘Meeting’ ‘Exceeding’

Teacher Assessment

Moderation What was it about this pupil’s work that made it hard to assess?

What gaps in knowledge did the assessment task reveal?

What strategies could be used to address the gaps in knowledge?

Making Dialogue Marking Effective

Explain what is wrong and correct the mistake?

Explain why….

Convince me that …… Give me an example of …… e.g. a triangle that has an area of 20cm 2 What is the same and what is different about…..

How do you know that …..

What clues do you look for when …..

Is it possible to ……..

How do you go about …….

What if the minimum information to be able to …….

Our example questions:-

Assessment Grids

Peer Assessment

When do our pupils do this?

How do they do this?

How is it / how will it be recorded?

Self Assessment

When do our pupils do this?

How do they do this?

How is it / how will it be recorded?

Colour in the person that represents your mindset in today’s lesson.

One question I would like answered…

Progress Pyramid

Two things I am not sure about yet….

Three things I have mastered…

Colour in the arrow, up to the statement which best describes your current understanding. I’m so confident - I could explain this to someone else!

I can get to the right answer but I don’t understand well enough to explain it yet.

I understand some of this but I don’t understand all of it yet.

I tried hard and I listened but I am finding this challenging. I will make sure that I get help with this next lesson.

I do not understand any of this yet. There are things I could do to be a better learner next lesson.

My Favourite MISTAKES















A mistake that moved my learning on……

Understanding Self Assessment………….

I’m confident enough to explain this to someone else.

I understand most of this but not well enough to explain it to someone else yet.

I’ve really struggled with this, I need help to move my understanding on.

Effort Self Assessment……….

1. I have put a lot of effort into my learning today.


2. I have put some effort into my learning today but I know I could have pushed myself further.


3. I was not a good learner in today’s lesson. I can do better.


Understanding Teacher Assessment

You made excellent progress in today’s lesson.

You made good progress in today’s lesson.

You did not make enough progress in today’s lesson.

Understanding Teacher Assessment………….

You demonstrated excellent determination and resilience. You made an effort to show your working out.

You demonstrated good determination and resilience. You made some effort to show your working out.

You gave up too quickly.

Tips I would give a friend to solve this problem are .........

I have made a link between this topic and … To help me move forward, when I got stuck today, I ….

Today I interacted with the teacher by …… Today I am still unsure about ……………… A barrier to my learning today was………..

To fill in this gap I intend to ………… I will try to overcome by …..

Today I explained to ………. how to …………..

Something I have learnt today about the way I learn is ……… At home, I need to look at ………………

Implementing and Continuing to learn

Tomorrow – what changes will you implement to your own assessmnet techniques straight away.

Next Term - what changes would you like / would you like the department to implement from next term.

Next Year - what changes would you like / would you like the department to implement from next term.