The Industrial Revolution 1750s - 1914

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The Industrial Revolution
1750s - 1914
Reading & Comprehension Quiz
1. What name is given to the new economic system that
is based on the use of machines rather than human
and animal power?
2. Where did this new economic system begin?
3. What was the enclosure movement?
4. The mass production of textiles by a combination of
machines and workers together was what type of system?
5. What term is given to the movement of people from a
rural area to a town or city?
1. Industrialization
2. Great Britain
3. Landowners fencing off common lands for
4. Factory System
5. Urbanization
Causes of the Industrial Revolution
• Factor 1: “The Agricultural Revolution” In England
A. New Farming Methods:
B. Enclosure Movement: Fencing Land
- Crop Rotation & The Seed Drill
- Produce better quality food and more of it.
- Selective breeding and fencing in animals
A. English Population Grows and life expectancy
B. Peasants are forced off rural lands and move to
towns and cities.
• Factor 2: “The Cottage System” or Domestic
A. Many men, women, and children skilled in
spinning, weaving, and dying wool.
B. Rural homes become textile production sites
during the non planting and harvesting months of
the year.
C. Textile industry is successful and profitable.
D. New Machines are created that “speed up”
Textile production Greatly!
• Factor 3: New Economic Conditions
1. Increase in Global Trade
and a
demand for manufactured goods and textiles.
New Economic Theory called capitalism
2. Capitol & Labor
A. Money: from New Farming Techniques & Colonial
Trading to invest in manufacturing
B. Workers: Thousands of peasant farmers were
forced off lands because of the enclosure movement
3. Natural Resources:
A. Running Water
- England Had lots of “Running Water” Year Round!
Rivers were used to powered the earliest textile
B. Coal
_ England was full of coal which was used to
power steam engines.
C. Iron
_ England had lots or Iron Ore which is used to
make steel!
4. Markets: People to sell goods and
A. A new English Market because of population
B. A global market to sell finished products too.
Especially North & South American Colonies.
C. A big fleet of ships to transport their product
around the world
After the Industrial Revolution Started in England it
spread to the United States, All of Europe, then
A. Economic Changes
B. Cultural / Social Changes
C. Political Changes
Economic changes started with the invention of
A. Textile Machines
weaving cloth goods
were built for spinning and
B. This revolutionized the textile industry
• New Inventions:
• A. Flying Shuttle: Doubled the amount of weaving a
worker could do in one day
• B. Spinning Jenny: Spin 8 threads at a time instead of 1
• C. Water Frame: New Machine that powered textile
• D. Power Loom: Water powered spinning machine that
increased the speed of weaving cloth again
• E. Cotton Gin: Cleaned cotton 50 times faster than a person
Rise of the Factory
• Increase demand for the new machines and their
products led to the building of factories.
• Because the new machines relied on water to
power them the factories were built on rivers
• All of the textile jobs once done in individuals
homes were now done in factories
Steam Engine!
a) Factories can be built away from waters sources.
b) This engine becomes the NEW power source for most
c) This engine runs on Coal
A. Cheap to Power with Coal
B. New Transportation
The new steam engine led to the building of New
1. Steamboats= Building canals
2. Locomotives= Building more railways
3. The Railroad Boom increased the amount and speed of
This created a demand for new railroad jobs and coal
mining jobs!
Reading Pages 117-123 Review Quiz
1. What was the biggest change Industrialism brought to Europe?
The growth of cities -- or-- low prices for textiles
2. What term is the given to the Capital or money earned from
the industrial production of products?
Industrial Capital -- or-- Return Investment
3. A business that involved two or more entrepreneurs is called a
Industry Union -- or -- Partnership
4. Why did people continue to want and compete for jobs at
factories despite the bad working conditions?
Job Security -- or – Better Pay Checks
Review Quiz
5. What did factory workers do when they were
unable to get working rights from factory owners?
Create Trade Unions -- or – Quit their Jobs
6. The philosophy that society as a whole should
own and control factories, land, raw materials, and
business profits is called what?
Capitalism – or --Socialism
Economic Change:
• Migration of people from Rural to Urban living
• Division of Labor: Workers were assigned a specific task
and did that same task the entire time they were at
Increased Production
of manufactured goods
• Mass production = more and cheaper goods
the population as a whole. ( ie poor people could afford
to buy stuff now)
• Working conditions
in factories were long and
dangerous and often resulted in injury.
• No workers compensation or unemployment
• Factory workers
made much more money
than hired (tenant) farmers
Result: Families rarely saw each other anymore
Women and child labor increased
Men saw a small decrease
in being able to
find work to provide
for their families.
Industrial Capitalism: Large amounts of goods produced
resulted in lots of money for business owners
and a large middle class
Free Enterprise: Investors and inventors could open and
operate businesses and factories without government
controlling their dealings
Organizing Business:
1. Partnerships: Investors build business together
2. Corporations: Businesses are owned by stockholders
who require a profit
Social Change:
1. Rise of an Industrial Working Class
a) Men, Women, Children work 16 hours
a day
6 days
a week
b) They do it because it pays more than farming
c) People work for a set wage
without protection
from injury
Negative Results: Family unit
begins to break down,
living conditions are bad, and alcoholism
becomes a
Positive Results: Public Education
, Hospitals, recreation,
Political Change:
1. Trade Unions are created: Unions were created
among workers to protect wages
, benefits, and
working conditions
2. Strikes: Workers stop working to force factory owners
to negotiate with them for their pay and worker rights
3. Socialism: A Society where the government
should own and control all Means Of Production
in Agriculture
and what is
produced, where money is invested , and control the
flow of raw materials
to businesses