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Transcript CONSTITUTION REVIEW - Fort Osage R

What is ex post facto?
A law punishing people for an
act that was not illegal when
Which branch of the
government settles cases,
disputes, or controversies?
The Judicial Branch
 How were Senators chosen
 Senators were originally chosen by
their state legislatures. (not elected
by the people)
 A court’s right to review a case that
has already been heard in a lower
court is called?
 Appellate Jurisdiction
Which branch of the
government makes laws?
The Legislative Branch
What is a writ of habeas corpus?
An order requiring that a
prisoner be brought before a
judge to determine whether he
or she is being held lawfully.
How many votes are in the
Electoral College?
538 in the Electoral College
(435 + 100 + 3 = 538)
How often does the
government conduct the
Every 10 years
 Who elects the President?
 The Electoral College.
 What is a republican form
of government?
 A government in which
the citizens choose
representatives to make
decisions for them.
 Who presides over the House of
 Speaker of the House.
 Who presides over the Senate?
(according to the Constitution) &
Who presides “everyday” over the
 According to the Constitution: Vice
 Everyday: President Pro Tempore
What are reserved
 Powers saved specifically
for the states.
 Bi-cameral means what?
 A two chambered
 What are the goals of the
 To set up a strong central govt.
 Improve the court system
 Peaceful country
 Power to defend
 Good living conditions
 Freedom now & in the future
 What is the Preamble and what is
it’s purpose?
 Introduction to the Constitution
 Explains the purpose and goals of
the Constitution
 When did the Constitutional
Convention meet? Which city and
how many people?
 May, 1787; Philadelphia; 55
What are amendments?
How many do we have?
 Changes made to the
Constitution. 27.
 Who leads the Executive
 The President.
Each state has at least
how many U.S. District
 One
 How many terms may a
President serve?
 2 full terms.
 List some things that Congress cannot
 Suspend Habeus Corpus in peacetime
 Bills of Attainer
 Ex post facto Laws
 Titles of nobility
 Gifts from other countries
 Have their salary lowered or raised
during their term
 Two things the President cannot do
are what?
 Receive gifts
 Have his salary lowered or raised
during his term
 Who appoints a VP if no one is
serving in that office?
 The President, with Senate
 True or False: Representatives and
Senators can be arrested and/or
sued for anything illegal or
erroneous they say during
 False.
 Who appoints federal judges?
 The President (with Senate
 There are several things that states
CANNOT do. List some.
 Make treaties
 Coin or print money
 Bills of attainder
 Ex post facto laws
 Give titles of nobility
 Conduct foreign affairs
 Carry on war
 Control interstate or foreign commerce
 Import or export taxes
 What are some expressed powers of
 Borrow money, Tax, Pay debts
 Regulate commerce, Patents & Copyrights
 Post offices, Naturalization, Bankruptcy
 Deal with Counterfeiting and Piracy
 Declare war, Defend country
 Set up fed courts below Supreme Court
 Set weights/measures, Coin money
 Maintain armed forces, regulate militia
 Manage the District of Columbia
What is Original
 The right of a court to hear
the facts of a case first and
to conduct the trial.
 How long is a term for a
federal judge?
 Life.
True or False: Congress has
always had the power to tax.
 False, not under the Articles
of Confederation.
Who decides if there is
enough evidence for a case to
be tried?
A grand jury.
 The federal government is
divided into how many branches?
Name them.
 Three branches.
 Legislative
 Executive
 Judicial
 Who are the U.S. Representatives
from our area of Missouri?
 Emmanuel Cleaver and Sam
What is the Congressional
 A daily record of discussions
and debate in Congress.
 Who can declare war?
 Only Congress can declare
 What are the two ways to propose
 By Congress with 2/3 vote of both Houses.
 By National Constitutional Convention
called by Congress at the request of 2/3 of
the State Legislatures.
 What are the two ways to ratify
 By Legislatures in ¾ of the states.
 By Constitutional conventions of ¾ of the
What was Prohibition?
 A ban on the
manufacture, sale, and
use of alcoholic beverages.
 Who must approve an
“acting President”?
 The Cabinet.
What is “separation of
The division of governmental
power into 3 branches.
What are implied powers?
Powers not listed in the
Constitution but drawn from
the powers that are listed.
 What are enumerated, or expressed
 The list of powers given to Congress by
the Constitution.
 Who does the President appoint?
 The President appoints:
 Foreign dignitaries
 Federal Judges (including Supreme
 Most of the Cabinet
At what age can you vote?
You can vote when you are 18
years old. (You must register
 How can Congress override a
President’s veto?
 With a 2/3 majority vote in
each chamber of Congress.
 What are some powers and duties of the
 State of the Union Address
 Call special session of Congress
 Appoints judges, Cabinet
 Foreign policy, political party leader
 Make treaties with foreign govt.
 Grants reprieves of pardons
 Appoints foreign dignitaries
 Commander in chief
 Head of Executive branch
How many Senators are
elected from each state?
 2 Senators from each state.
 How many Representatives
are elected from each state?
 Depends on population
(each state gets at least one)
How long is a term for the
4 years.
How long is a term for a
 6 years.
 Who chooses the Speaker of the
 The Speaker is chosen by the
members of the House of
 List the qualifications for President.
 Natural born citizen
 At least 35 years old
 Lived in the U.S. for at least 14 years
prior to running.
 Define: “Checks and Balances”
 Each branch of government may
block (or limit) actions of the other
two branches.
 List the qualifications for
 At least 25 years old
 At least 7 years as a U.S. citizen
 Resident of state & district
What is Federalism?
Power is divided between
national and state
How long is a term for a
2 years.
How many Representatives
does Missouri have?
8 Representatives
What is a Bill of Attainder?
A law that punishes a
specific person without
benefit of a trial
The Great Compromise dealt
with what?
How many Representatives
should come from each state for
the law making group.
How many people serve in the
House of Representatives?
 435 members.
What does ratify mean?
To approve.
If the President dies,
resigns, or is removed
from office, who becomes
The Vice President.
How many people serve in the
100 members.
What was the first
constitutional document of
the US?
The Articles of Confederation.
 Why do we have an Electoral
 The writers of the Constitution did
not believe the citizens were
informed enough and/or a radical
candidate could enflame the
majority and oppress the minority.
 Who is your Representative in the
 Emmanuel Cleaver or Sam Graves.
Name Missouri’s Senators.
Claire McCaskill and Roy
How many Senators are
elected in each general
One-third [33, 33, 34].
True or False: The residents of
Washington D.C. do NOT vote
for president because they
have no electors.
False. They have 3 electors.
What is the approximate salary
of your federal Senators and
Over $150,000 per year.
What rights do persons accused
of committing a crime have?
You have a right to:
Be informed of charges
A speedy, jury trial
A lawyer
Confront witnesses against
you, & call witnesses in your
Search & Seizure rights
Reasonable bail & punishment
It required positive votes
in how many states to
ratify the Constitution?
9 states
Which branch of the
government carries out
The Executive Branch.
All bills for raising money must
begin where?
House of Representatives
When is the general election
First Tuesday after the first
Monday in November of evennumbered years.
What group impeaches an
House of Representatives.
What is extradition?
To return a person
suspected of committing a
crime from one state to
How many justices are on
the Supreme Court?
What is eminent domain?
The right of the government
to take private property for
public use.
List the qualifications for a
At least 30 years old
At least 9 years as a U.S. citizen
Resident of state
Who conducts an impeachment
The Senate.
The first 10 Amendments
are known as?
The Bill of Rights.
What is judicial review?
Supreme Court’s power to
declare laws
True or False: A person born in
a foreign country is
automatically a citizen of the
U.S. if one parent is a citizen.
What does impeach mean?
To accuse a high official of a
serious misbehavior.
True or False: Bills must be
approved by both houses with
exactly the same words before it
is sent to the President.
Who is the leader of the
Executive Branch?
The President
The ceremony at which an
official is sworn into office
is known as what?
What is double jeopardy?
Being tried twice for the
same crime.
How many amendments
are there in the US
Emancipate means?
To set free
 What is a quorum?
 The number of persons, usually
more than half, that must be
present to conduct its business.
 True or False: The Magna Carta was
signed in 1215 and listed the rights
of the nobles and the limits on the
king of England, and established
limited government.
 True