Distracted Driving

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Transcript Distracted Driving

Distracted Driving
Ashley DeYoung
High School Drivers
What is distracted driving?
The act of driving while engaged in other activities
Taking the drivers attention of the roads
Would you want your parents
getting this phone call?
State Rules:
1. Handheld ban for all drivers.
2. Ban on all cellphone use (handheld and
hands-free) for Bus drivers.
3. Ban on all cellphone use (handheld and
hands-free) for permit and provisional
license drivers.
4. Ban on texting for all drivers.
In 2011, 3,331 people were killed in crashes involving a
distracted driver
It takes 4.6 seconds to send or receive a text = driving
the length of a football field @ 55mph- blind.
11% of all drivers under the age of 20 involved in fatal
crashes involving distracted driving
A ¼ of teens respond to a text message once or more
every time they drive.
Statistics Contd.
13% of drivers 18-20 admitted to texting or talking on
cell phone at the time of the crash
34% admit to texting during driving at one time
77% say they are confident texting
and driving
It’s not just young
drivers, its
Jacy Good’s Story
Research Question?
What are the
attitudes of young
adults towards
distracted driving?
How we constructed our survey…
Passed out 100 surveys
Rowan College Students vs. Passaic County
Technical Institution HS Juniors and Seniors
56 to HS students and 44 to College
35 questions from background information to
actions during driving and peer drivers
How we designed our Survey…
Section 1: Demographics
Includes: gender, race, age, classification,, driving status
Section 2: Alcohol Questions
Example: Do you drink alcohol? Do you use a
designated driver when drinking?
Section 3: Electronics & Driving
Example: Do you use a hands-free device while driving?
Do you make/answer a call while driving?
How we designed our Survey Contd…
Section 4: Recreational Drugs
Example: How you ever been in a car with a driver
under the influence of drugs?
Section 5: Other Distractions
Example: Have you ever eaten while driving?
Distractions we used for survey…
Cell Phone (Phone calls & Text messages)
Recreational drug use
Some Questions Asked…
Male vs. Female amongst
14 Male Juniors
14 Female Juniors
Driving Status
8 Junior Male- Permits
4 Junior Male- Other
2 Junior Male- Provisional License
9 Junior Female- Permits
11 Male Seniors
4 Junior Female- Other
17 Female Seniors
1 Junior Female- Provisional License
24 Male College
20 Female College
2 Senior Male- Permits
6 Senior Male- Provisional License
3 Senior Male- License
3 Senior Female- Permits
3 Senior Female- Other
11 Senior Female- Provisional License
1 College Male- Other
3 College Male- Provisional License
18 College Male- License
2 College Female- Provisional License
15 College Female- License
More Questions…
Was distracted driving
involved in these
accidents if in one?
**Yes: 12**
No: 67
No Answer: 3
How often do you use
your cell phone while
Always: 46%
Sometimes: 23%
Rarely: 2%
**Never: 29%**
More Questions…
If you’re at a party, do
you have a drink?
Always: 34%
Sometimes: 28%
Rarely: 8%
Never: 30%
Once you are in a car as a
passenger, how often
does the driver check
their phone?
Always: 26%
Sometimes: 42%
Rarely: 2%
Never: 30%
If we were to do this survey over
again we would…
Survey more than 100 people
Do not limit a certain age group
Ask more specific questions/ reword certain
Limit question topics
Take the Pledge!
By taking the pledge you are..
Protecting lives
Speaking out and stopping it
Encouraging people around you
Be smart while driving,
especially with the
drivers around you.
Distracted Driving | State Laws | Texting and Driving. (n.d.). Distracted Driving |
State Laws | Texting and Driving. Retrieved December 9, 2013, from
New York Times. "Eating while driving causes 80% of all car accidents, study
shows.” <i>NY Daily News</i>. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Oct. 2013.
AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety. (2008). 2008 Traffic Safety Culture Index.
Washington, DC:AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety.