Transcript Slide 1

DAC Academy
Assessment 101
August 9, 2011
Colorado Department of Education
Unit of Student Assessment
DAC Academy 2011
DAC Roles & Responsibilities
In regards to the administration of the state
assessments, DACs ensure:
• Quality
• Accuracy
• Security
• Documentation
• Communication
• Training
DAC Academy 2011
DAC Roles & Responsibilities
• What is a DAC?
District Assessment Coordinator
Appointed by the district superintendent
Responsibilities and powers may vary
Need to have a specific and specialized skill
set/level of expertise
• Educational or psychometric background
DAC Academy 2011
DAC Roles & Responsibilities
Train SACs and Test Proctors
Consistent and reliable distribution of
critical information to superintendents,
teachers, and core assessment team
Manage Materials
Maintain security of all materials
Ensure accurate score reports
Pre-coded label use and student data grid
DAC Academy 2011
DAC Roles & Responsibilities
• Oversee Administration
– Scheduling
– Ethical practices
– Misadministrations
– Distribution, collection, packing and shipping
– Accommodations are provided and documented
– Document the chain of custody
– Keep the communication lines open
DAC Academy 2011
DAC Roles & Responsibilities
• Failure to implement the responsibilities of
the DAC role will probably result in some
catastrophic disaster in your district.
• Whenever you are gone, you need to have
a backup.
DAC Academy 2011
DAC Roles & Responsibilities
You Have a Vital Leadership Role!
• Official point of contact
- One DAC (One official district email
- ONLY district staff member officially
designated to communicate with the school
district, USA/CDE, and the assessment
vendor CTB
The first question we ask those who call us:
“Are you the DAC?”
DAC Academy 2011
• The DAC must forward the important
information to the appropriate people in
the district.
• When responding to a DAC email
– DO NOT click Reply
– Send an email directly to the contact person
• Forward the message to the contact person OR
click on the contact person’s email address
DAC Academy 2011
Current Assessment System
Unit of Student
(CO Model Content Standards/
CO Academic Standards)
Transitional Colorado
Assessment Program/
Colorado Alternate
College Entrance National and
State Trends
Colorado ACT
National Assessment of
Educational Progress
Language Acquisition
(Colorado ELD Standards)
Colorado English Language
Acquisition Program
DAC Academy 2011
Transitional Colorado Assessment Program
PURPOSE: To measure student achievement relative to the
Colorado Model Content Standards.
• 31 tests
• Reading(Grades 3-10)
• Writing (Grades 3-10)
• Mathematics (Grades 3-10)
• Science (Grades 5, 8, & 10)
• Lectura/Escritura (Grades 3 & 4)
DAC Academy 2011
Transitional Colorado Assessment Program
2012 Early Testing
Grade 3
Feb 13 – 24
Grade 3–10 all
other tests
Mar 5 – Apr 6
Those approved for the early
testing window have an equal,
just earlier, testing window.
2012 Regular Testing
Grade 3
Feb 27 –Mar 9
Grade 3–10 all
other tests
Mar 12 - Apr 13
DAC Academy 2011
Colorado Alternate
PURPOSE: Standards based achievement test for students with
a significant cognitive disability.
• Eligibility
 Determined through a student’s IEP team.
 Less than 1 percent of all students.
• 27 tests (the same grades and content areas as TCAP)
• Mandatory Training prior to
2012 Testing Windows
All grades and
content areas
Feb 2 – Mar 23
DAC Academy 2011
Colorado English Language Acquisition Assessment
PURPOSE: English Language Acquisition
• NOT to be confused with an achievement test
• Measures four domains of language development
 Speaking, Listening, Reading, Writing
 Academic Language & Social, Basic Interpersonal
• Given to all NEP and LEP K-12 students
 As defined per LCE Unit definitions
• Mandatory Training prior to
2012 Testing Windows
• Early Testing Window for
Grades K-12
Jan 3 – Jan 31
Speaking may begin Dec 12 All four domains
DAC Academy 2011
Colorado ACT
College Entrance Exam
 Accepted by U.S. Colleges, Universities, Military Academies and
Colorado ACT (COACT)
State test date: April 24, 2012
Make-up test date: May 8, 2012
2012 Test Date on TUESDAY
Accommodations Testing Dates: April 24 – May 8, 2012
All 11th grade students by law
11th Grade Alternate for students eligible to take CoAlt
 Managed by Exceptional Student Leadership Unit
 2012 dates TBD
 Contact Tanni Anthony, ESLU 303-866-6681
[email protected]
DAC Academy 2011
Colorado ACT
Test Supervisor (TS)
DACs may need
to develop a
process with Test
Supervisors for
*Test Supervisors must develop a
communication plan with Back-up
Test Supervisors and Test
Accommodations Coordinators.
DAC Academy 2011
ONLINE Schools
• New changes online schools: Two national
tests date options to online students ONLY:
– February, 11, 2012 & April 14, 2012
• Student can choose either OPTION
• Student can pay $20 to take April 14, 2012 if
they registered and miss Feb. 11, 2012 test
DAC Academy 2011
National Assessment of Educational Progress
2011-2012 National sample of grades 4 and 12 and ages 9,
13 and 17 yr old students (About 2,040 schools and 72,150 students
NAEP 2011-2012 Assessment Windows *Each selected student is tested in
one subject, only.
Long-Term Trend in
Reading and
Age 13: October 10—December 16,
Age 9: January 9—March 16, 2012
Age 17: March 19—May 25, 2012
Grade 12*
Grade 4
Writing (Computerbased)
January 23—March 2, 2012
DAC Academy 2011
National Assessment of Educational Progress
Participating schools selected by National
NAEP Statisticians
– Most schools identified last May-Small sample
– Most participating NAEP districts have received initial
notification from NAEP State Coordinator
– Will receive national results for 9, 13 and 17 year olds in
reading and math for Long-term Trend tests. Other tests
are field and pilot tests. Do not receive disaggregated
results for districts or individual schools- not designed for
DAC Academy 2011
National Assessment of Educational Progress
NAEP Roles
National NAEP
NAEP State
School &
Team: Westat
DAC Academy 2011
National Assessment of Educational Progress
NAEP- Relationship between NAEP & School
NAEP State Coordinator
District Contact
NAEP School
School & Community
•Assists NSC in
•Works with NSC
and the
Supervisor to
Oversee the
•Confirms the
assessment date
•Provides schools
with info for
•Responds to
•Works with
personnel to
ensure a smooth
DAC Academy 20101
NAEP-The Nation’s Report Card® public web site:
DAC Academy 2011
NAEP-The Questions Tool
DAC Academy 2011
You Live and Die by Your Data!
DAC Academy 2011
Data Operations
Essentials for DACs
• Online Enrollments
– Purpose: To get a count of needed materials
• ADE Collections
– Purpose: To collect accurate data for labels or correct
student biographical data after testing
• Logistics
– Purpose: To ensure smooth handling of testing materials
before, during, and after testing
• Final Assessment Results
– Purpose: To obtain and validate final data results
DAC Academy 2011
Data Operations
Essentials for DACs (continued)
• Online Enrollments – on CTB Navigator this fall
– CELApro – 10/3/2011 through 10/14/2011
– Co Alt – 10/17/2011 through 10/28/2011
– TCAP special populations – 10/31/11 through 11/23/2011
• Online Enrollments are used to determine what and
how many materials are shipped to your district.
• Navigator website:
Go to any of the websites on the left,
click the tab on the left for Navigator,
use your login and password
DAC Academy 2011
Data Operations
Essentials for DACs (continued)
• Automated Data Exchange (ADE) Collections:
– Pre-Coded Labels (PCL) – December 2011- January 2012
– Student Biographical Data (SBD) Review
 CELApro – mid March 2012
 TCAP/Co Alt – late May-early June 2012
 COACT - late June-early July 2012
• The respondent for each collection is authorized separately.
• SBD training will be online in late February 2012
• ADE website has links to documentation, respondent forms,
and the system to submit files.
DAC Academy 2011
Data Operations
Essentials for DACs (continued)
• Logistics – receiving, processing, and shipping test
- Training in November online
- Bubbling test invalidations and accommodations at time of
 New: More than one accommodation can be marked!
- The importance of the School Group List (SGL)
- Keeping track of the number of tests returned by content
area, grade, and school
- Separating tests for Home Schooled students
- N Count on Navigator
DAC Academy 2011
Data Operations
Essentials for DACs (continued)
• Final Assessment Results: CELApro, TCAP, Co Alt
• The final data files are known as the GRF files (General Research
• They are downloaded from Navigator
• Paper reports for parents in August
• Tentative schedules for file delivery:
CELApro: early April
TCAP and Co Alt: mid July
• Final COACT Results: sent to high schools in August
• All results are embargoed from public distribution until a
specific date
DAC Academy 2011
Data Operations
When do I use CDE’s ADE system?
• Secured Site - for authorized respondents
- To submit a file of students that has been updated since the
Student October count to create the barcode labels for TCAP,
Co Alt, and COACT.
- To download the student biographical portions of the CELApro,
TCAP, Co Alt, COACT, and 11th grade Alternate for updates
during those collections.
- To check the post SBD files for applied changes.
DAC Academy 2011
Data Operations
When do I use CTB’s Navigator?
• Secured Site – for DACs
– Online training
– Online enrollments and special populations
– Access oral scripts, translated oral scripts, teacher read
directions for CSAP
– Non-standard Accommodations Forms
– Short/Add Forms
– Archived Emails
– Data: NCounts, GRF files, official data retrieval
DAC Academy 2011
Core Assessment Team
District Assessment Coordinator (DAC)
• Oversees and manages all aspects of state
assessment administration
– Ensures standardized ethical test
• Training
• Manage data collection processes
DAC Academy 2011
Core Assessment Team
Who is it?
• District Assessment Coordinator
• ELA Director/Coordinator
• SPED Director/Coordinator
• CBLA Contact
• ADE Respondent(s)
• Title I and Title III (AYP, AMAO)
• Others…
DAC Academy 2011
Core Assessment Team
District Trainers
• Proctors, staff, faculty and administrators
must be trained through an interactive format
on a yearly basis!
– This is true for EVERYONE…
• How do you as the DAC know they have been
– Training Schedule
– Attendance List
– Copy of Materials
(November training will be discussed in future slides.)
DAC Academy 2011
CDE/USA – Support and Service
• Scoop
– Weekly newsletter sent out to districts
– Subscribe by contacting the CDE Communications Unit at:
[email protected]
– Includes important deadlines, announcements and
– Compiles multi-unit info from CDE for easy access to:
• Superintendents, DACs, etc. (anyone who subscribes)
DAC Academy 2011
Assessment Resources
• 2011-2012 Procedures Manual
• 2011-2012 Accommodations Manuals
• 2012 SAC/DAC Manuals
• Test Proctor’s/Test Examiner’s Manuals
• SBD Manual
• Technical Reports
• Data Interpretation Guidelines
• Guides to Test Interpretation
• Parent Brochures
DAC Academy
Essential Information for 2011-2012
August 9, 2011
Colorado Department of Education
Unit of Student Assessment
Adopted Assessment System Components:
Nationally-recognized college admissions
assessment (11th grade)
English Language Proficiency
School Readiness
Individual Career and Academic Plan (ICAP)
Phases of Implementation for the
Colorado Academic Standards
Awareness &
Building Readiness
SY 2010-11
Moving to the New
SY 2011-12
SY 2012-13
Making Meaning
SY 2013-14
Changing Teaching
and Learning
Summative Assessment Transition
Spring 2011 CSAP as usual
Spring 2012 Transitional Colorado Assessment
Program (TCAP) administered
Spring 2013 TCAP administered
New assessment pilot
Spring 2014 New Colorado assessment
Colorado Transitional Assessment
Program (TCAP)
How is the TCAP similar to CSAP?
• Math, reading, and writing will be assessed in 3rd-10th
• Science will be assessed in 5th, 8th, and 10th grades
• No grade level shifts in content knowledge
• Use of same test blueprint
• Application of Colorado Growth Model and accountability
ratings continues
How is the TCAP different from CSAP?
• Assessment of new Colorado Academic Standards
which are common to the old Colorado Model Content
Standards, where possible
• CDE will release a description of content eligible for
inclusion on TCAP
DAC Academy 2011
What’s New for 2011-2012
• 2011-2012 Procedure Manual
– Posted in September
• Updates with Accommodations
– Multiple accommodations may be marked on
the student data grid
– These will be explained later
• Test Security
– Test books must not be altered after students
complete test sessions
• Proctor/Examiner Trainings
– CDE will provide information that must be
included in district trainings
DAC Academy 2011
Standardized Assessment
All students will have the same test
content, resources, directions, testing
conditions, and scoring procedures.
• One score obtained by one student in
one part of Colorado, will mean the
same as the same score obtained by
another student in a different part of
DAC Investigations
• DACs must investigate all concerns that
– whether from a student, parent, staff member,
CDE, or any other source
– Notify the Unit of Student Assessment of the
results of the investigation
Test Security
• Test books and test items are secure
• Do not go through test books to erase
underlining/stray marks and do not alter
the answer bubbles.
– DAC/SAC Manuals will be updated to reflect
DAC Academy 2011
Assessment Procedure Reminders
• Chain of Custody
– Documented before, during, and after testing
– Large print, Braille, Teacher Read Directions,
Oral Scripts, Translated Oral Scripts
– Materials should not be delivered to schools
more than 1 week in advance
– Distribute only the content area being assessed
– Returned to a designated secure location
• Not stored in classrooms
DAC Academy 2011
Questions about Items
• CSAP items are developed and then reviewed by CTB
Content Editors and Content Leads
• Items are reviewed by the CDE CSAP Consultant
• Colorado Teachers and Educators review the items at
CVAR (CSAP Item Review)
• CTB and CDE have a Post-CVAR review
• CTB does their internal review of the items
• CDE does a final review of the items in the test book
• Colorado Teachers and Educators review how constructed
response items will be scored at Anchor Review
• All test items are the property of the state of Colorado
DAC Academy 2011
Questions about Items
• Proctors should not be studying items
– Items only accessed during test administration
• If a test proctor or examiner has a question about
an item…
– Contact the SAC, who will contact the DAC with the grade,
content area, and item number for CDE to review
– The DAC contacts the appropriate person at CDE in the
USA by phone
– Include in proctor training instructions:
• Do Not copy the item
• Do Not discuss the item (with other teachers, etc.)
• Do Not email the content of the item
DAC Academy 2011
Questions about Scores
• If school/district personnel or parents have a
question about a score…
– First, the DAC should review:
• GRT file
• Past results
• District assessment results
– Irresolvable questions are forwarded to CDE by the
• USA works with CTB to examine the data
• May possibly call you in to review material with us
– Parents cannot view assessments
DAC Academy 2011
• The media are not allowed to have access
to the tests, or take pictures or video of
the testing materials (including the front
or back covers of test booklets and
packaged boxes of testing materials for
shipping), during any part of the
assessment process. Not only is media
presence in the school disruptive, it
creates a non-standard assessment
environment and can lead to
DAC Academy 2011
Assessment Procedure Reminders
• Training
 “Inadvertent” misadministrations do not occur
 Comprehensive, interactive, ongoing trainings
must include:
Test Security
Standardized Environment
Test Proctor Requirements
Teacher vs. Test Proctor
 Required documentation
• Individual documentation (DACs keep)
• One form submitted to Unit of Student Assessment
 School administrations must be involved
DAC Academy 2011
Important – Procedures Manual
• Please Note: Due to the complex nature of
a standardized assessment process, any
practice not specifically permitted should
be presumed inappropriate until and
unless specifically authorized by the
program sponsor (in this case, CDE).
DAC Academy 2011
Assessment Procedure Reminders
• TCAP Testing Administration Schedules
– The DAC must ensure that all testing follow the
requirements stated in the Procedures Manual
and Proctor’s Manual.
– Allow time for the proctors to read the
directions from the Proctor’s Manual and
distribute materials before and to collect and
secure materials after the administration of
each assessment.
– The sessions for each content area must be
administered in chronological order.
DAC Academy 2011
Assessment Procedure Reminders
– Multiple grades and multiple content areas
must not be tested in the same room.
– CDE strongly recommends that the SAC keep
on file the schedules of exactly when, where
and to whom each assessment is being
– CDE strongly recommends that each proctor
be given a clear schedule of when to
administer each test by content area and
– Make sure that accommodation considerations
are included in the development of the
DAC Academy 2011
Assessment Timeline 2011-2012
TCAP, Co Alt, CELApro and CELAplace
Ordering and Delivery of Materials
Test Administration
September: ELA, Accommodations, and Procedures Manuals
November: Required training for TCAP, Co Alt, CELApro, and logistics (i.e. SAC/DAC
October: Online Enrollments for CELApro
October: Online Enrollments for Co Alt
November: Online Enrollments for TCAP special populations
November: Finalize shipping information for CTB
May: Online enrollments for CELAplace 2012-2013
October-December: Submit Nonstandard Accommodation forms for approval
November: Early testing window request completed
January: CELApro Administration window
February-April: TCAP and Co Alt Administration window
September: Student October collection opens (CELApro Pre-coded labels)
December: Pre-coded Labels collection opens (TCAP, Co Alt, and COACT
March: Grade 3 TCAP Reading Ncount and CELApro Ncount and SBD
April: Final CELApro 2012 Data Release
May: TCAP/Co Alt Ncount and SBD
July: Final TCAP/Co Alt 2012 Data Release
DAC Academy 2011
Assessment Timeline 2011-2012
Test Supervisor Checklist of Dates:
– Late September 2011:
October 2011:
Schools are reminded to submit off-site testing requests, if appropriate.
Late November 2011:
TACs receive mailing which includes procedures for requesting accommodations, quantities of individual request
forms, and an order form for practice test.
Online schools receive a special mailing which includes National Test Date Voucher Eligibility Request and Test
Mid November 2011:
Receipt Deadline for principals to return School Renewal Forms.
Receipt Deadline for TS and TACs to return renewal forms to ACT
November 2011:
ACT mails initial letter from CDE and School renew form to principals with Checklist of Dates and Standard
Testing Requirements.
Announcement of training workshop locations and dates mailed to TS, BTS, TACs, and DACs.
December 2011:
Receipt deadline for schools to submit completed proposals for off-site testing arrangements to ACT
Colorado Department of Education
Title I
• Reasonable adaptation and
accommodations for students with
• The inclusion of limited English proficient
students…and provide reasonable
accommodations on the assessment
What’s New for Assessment
Accommodations 2011-2012
• Multiple accommodations may be marked on the student
data grid
• “Specific” added to wording related to accommodation
• Clarification on Word Prediction w/audio w/o audio
• Clarification on Assistive Technology
• Clarification on using Sign Language and Oral Scripts
• Updated NSA form
• New code on charts “R”
Two Accommodations Resources
What are Accommodations?
• Definition: Accommodations are practices and
procedures in the areas of presentation,
response, setting, and timing/scheduling that
provide equitable instructional and assessment
access for students with documented needs.
• Accommodations are designed to provide
access and equity but not to provide students
with an advantage.
• The use of accommodations is
linked through each of these
Classroom Instruction
District Assessment
Types of Accommodations on
Statewide Assessments
Standard Accommodations
• Students with a documented need
Nonstandard Accommodations
• Students with an IEP or 504 plan
Linguistic Accommodations
• Students identified as English Learners
Standard Accommodations
• Students with a documented need
Based upon need
Documented in an Educational Plan
Team includes the parent
Used regularly
Table Activity
In alphabetical order by last name go
around the table and list the requirements
of using a standard accommodation on
state assessments.
Accommodations on State
• Accommodations must be based upon an individual
student’s needs.
• Accommodations may not be based on a category of
disability, EL classification, or be specific to a program
• Accommodations must be determined as the result of a
formal evaluation conducted by the educational team
which monitors and creates the student’s formal
education plan. The evaluation process and plan
formulation must include the parent and the student.
Accommodations on State Assessments
• Accommodations must be used regularly during
instruction, and on classroom and district assessments.
– They must be in place at least three months prior to
the statewide assessment.
– Accommodations must not be introduced for the first
time during state test administration.
** In the case of translation accommodations for students identified as EL,
students do not need to be consistently receiving translation in the
Accommodations on State Assessments
• Accommodations must be clearly documented in a
formal education plan such as an IEP, 504 plan,
advanced learning plan, health care plan, intervention
(RtI) plan, Individual Learning Plan (ILP), English
Language Acquisition (ELA) plan or any other school or
district formal education plan which is the result of a
formal evaluation conducted by an educational team.
– Educational teams should only select
accommodations for state assessments that do not
invalidate the student’s score.
– Documentation should be specific on what
accommodations are needed to provide access to
instruction and assessments.
Accommodations on State Assessments
• Accommodations that do not require documentation on a
state assessment data grid must still be documented as a
need on the student’s formal education plan or another
school or district document, which is the result of a formal
meeting, and kept with the formal plan.
• A student may be allowed more than one accommodation.
For example, a student who is administered the Oral Script
of TCAP may also require extra time.
• If more than one accommodation is used on the TCAP, all
accommodation bubbles must be filled in on the student
data grid.
Standard Accommodations
• Students with a documented need
Restricted Accommodations
• Students with an IEP or 504 plan who meet specific requirements
If the student does not meet the
criteria the accommodation must be
requested through the nonstandard
accommodation process
New codes on accommodation grids:
“R” = Restricted
“S” = Standard
Nonstandard Accommodations
• Students with an IEP or 504 plan
Forms now only on
If it does not appear on the
accommodations grids,
it is nonstandard… when in
doubt, Call Mira!
December 15
Nonstandard Accommodations
Policies pertaining to accommodations for statewide assessments
are set by the Colorado Department of Education (CDE) based on
current research and assessment practices. Per Code of Federal
Regulations The State's (or, in the case of a district-wide
assessment, the LEA's) guidelines must--(i) Identify only those
accommodations for each assessment that do not invalidate the
score; and(ii) Instruct IEP Teams to select, for each assessment,
only those accommodations that do not invalidate the score (34 CFR
d 300.160(b)(2). Therefore, accommodations listed for use on
statewide assessments on a student’s IEP should follow the policies
included in this manual. Use of accommodations that do not follow
these policies will result in a misadministration.
Nonstandard Accommodations
Nonstandard accommodations are
changes to the standardized testing
procedures that have not been
predetermined to maintain the integrity,
validity, reliability and comparability of the
assessment, and must be approved by
CDE Office of Assessments, Research
and Evaluation prior to use on statewide
Table Activity
• The person with the earliest birth date at
your table (Jan, Feb…), select a
nonstandard accommodation that may be
requested by your district,
– Share with the table why it is a nonstandard
accommodation, and
– discuss as a table what needs to be included
when submitting to CDE.
Nonstandard Accommodations
This example shows what a nonstandard
accommodation request contains.
Duplicating this sample does not guarantee
approval of a nonstandard accommodation request
and it is meant only as a guide.
Nonstandard accommodation requests must be
individualized for each student and based on need
documented in an IEP or 504.
Step 1
Look at the Basics
Step 2
IEP or 504
Minimum that must be included:
1. The front page (showing student name and
2. Accommodations pages from the IEP or 504 plan –
it must show:
Instructional use
District Assessment use
State Assessment use
You may include the entire IEP.
Step 3
What is being requested?
Step 4
Use of Accommodation
District Assessments
State Assessments
Step 5
Step 6
Work Samples
Step 7
Letter back to DAC - Approved
• NSA bubble is marked on
student data grid
• Student may use the
• Student receives a score
• Student is counted in
Step 7
Denied, and the student
Denied, and the student
Does not use the accommodation
• Student may use standard
• Student receives a score
• Student is counted for
Uses the accommodation
• Non-approved Nonstandard
Accommodation Bubble is
marked on student data grid
• Student receives a “no
• Student does not count
towards participation
Linguistic Accommodations
• Students Identified as English Learners
• Direct Linguistic
– Adjustments of text of
assessment to reduced
linguistic load needed to
access test
• Indirect Linguistic
– Adjustments to the
conditions under which the
assessment is given which
allow for ELs to use
linguistic resources
Linguistic Accommodations
Word to word dictionaries
Teacher read direction in native language
Translated Oral scripts
Response in native language
– Oral
– Written
Linguistic Accommodations
Grades 3 & 4
Lectura & Escritura
Decision Making Flowchart
– FEP M1 & M2
– FEP Exited
Accommodations Time Line
Prior to
Monitor Accommodations
Forms and databases used to monitor the
implementation of accommodations during
instruction and for classroom, district and state
Plan on attending Statewide Accommodations
Early November
DACs order “extra special” tests
this includes 200%
Black and White (high contrast)
Student Last Name
Content Area
December 15
• Determine scheduling considerations related to
accommodated sessions.
• Be certain test administrators and proctors know
the accommodations that must be provided to
individual students
Prior to
• Know how to administer accommodations
• Determine where accommodated sessions will
Ensuring Standardization
• Standardization: The adherence of uniform
administration procedures and conditions
during an assessment
• The objective of providing assessment
accommodations is to make fair comparisons
with other students taking the test
• Strict adherence to guidelines for instructions
and procedures for the administration of
accommodations is necessary to ensure that
test results reflect actual student learning
Questions to guide
accommodation evaluation
at the school/district level.
• Are there procedures in place to ensure test
administrators adhere to directions for the
administration of accommodations?
• How many students are receiving
• What types of accommodations are provided
and are some used more that others?
Questions to guide
accommodation evaluation
at the school/district level.
• Are students receiving accommodations as
documented in their formal educational plan?
• What are the results for students when
accommodations are used?
• If students are not demonstrating expected
level of performance, did students have access
to instruction in assessed content?
• Was the accommodation effective?
State Accommodations
• Selected Districts will have accommodations monitoring
as part of their scheduled Title I visit.
– Document review
– Interviews with District Personnel, School
Assessment Coordinators, and Proctors of
accommodated sessions
For More Information
Colorado Accommodations Manual
Mira Monroe
Colorado Accommodations Guide for
English Learners
Glen Sirakavit
DAC Academy 2011
Unit of Student Assessment
Martin Petrov – Business Process (303)866-6929
Joyce Zurkowski – Assessment Director
Margaret Lake – Data Operations
Christina Wirth-Hawkins – Assessment Research
Glen Sirakavit – Assessment Policy
Jason Clymer – TCAP
Mira Monroe – CoAlt
Vacant – CELApro
Christine Deines – COACT
Pam Sandoval – NAEP