Internet Services - DIT School of Computing

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Object Oriented Concepts in
= slide covered in class – others for reference
Sample class…
public class Bicycle
public int cadence;
public int gear;
public int speed;
What is the class name?
What are the attributes? (fields)?
public Bicycle(int startCadence, int startSpeed, int startGear)
gear = startGear;
cadence = startCadence;
speed = startSpeed;
Pick out all
the class “do”?
the java language words
e.g. public is a reserved java word..
public void setCadence(int newValue) {
cadence = newValue;
public void setGear(int newValue) {
gear = newValue;
public void applyBrake(int decrement) {
speed -= decrement;
public void speedUp(int increment) {
speed += increment;
Brackets { }
Java words
Case conventions ..
public class Bicycle {
public int cadence;
public int gear;
public int speed;
Comments in your code
// the Bicycle class has one constructor
public Bicycle(int startCadence, int startSpeed, int startGear) {
gear = startGear;
cadence = startCadence;
speed = startSpeed;
// ALWAYS comment your code
// each method
// the Bicycle class has four methods
public void setCadence(int newValue) {
cadence = newValue;
public void setGear(int newValue) {
gear = newValue;
public void applyBrake(int decrement) {
speed -= decrement;
public void speedUp(int increment) {
speed += increment;
// each attribute..
Class vs Instance Objects
• Class members
– class fields
– class methods
• Instance members
– instance fields
– instance methods
Class Members
• Class members (fields and methods)
are associated with the class in which
they are defined
– exist only once, a single copy
– declared using the static keyword
– class members are accessed using the
class name
Class fields and Methods
• Class fields
– a class field has the same value for all instances
of the object
– a class field declared with a final modifier is a
static final double PI=3.14159;
Why would you do this?
• Class methods
– a class method cannot use any instance members
(fields or methods)
– Used for a method that is same for all objects
Class method
class MyUtils {
public static double mean(int[] p) {
int sum = 0;
// sum of all the elements
for (int i=0; i<p.length; i++) {
sum += p[i];
return ((double)sum) / p.length;
}//endmethod mean
// Called from outside the MyUtils class – uses Class name
double avgAtt = MyUtils.mean(attendance);
Instance members
• Instance members are associated with
instances of the class
– exist for each separate instance
– copied as the object is instantiated
– instance fields in different instance objects
can have different values
Example – class vs instance
public class BankAccount{
// instance fields
String name;
double balance;
// class field
static double interestRate;
// instance method
public double getBalance(){
return balance;
// class method
public static double getRate(){
return interestRate;
Example – class vs instance
• Code to setup and use BankAccountsdefault
//instantiate a BankAccount
BankAccount myAcc = new BankAccount(...);
// access its instance field balance
// access its class field interestRate
Class name
Method Overloading
• Defining methods within the same class with
the same name but with different parameter
• Java compiler determines which method to
call based on the parameter list
• Often used for constructors
BankAccount(String name){;
BankAccount(String name, double balance){;
• Inheritance allows classes to be considered in a
hierarchy with the data and methods of the
parent (super) class being passed onto
(inherited) by the child (sub) classes and not
needed in their specifications
• implemented using the extends keyword
• e.g. class subClass extends superClass {
• an instance of subClass can also be treated as
an instance of the superClass
• Examples?
Object class
• Every class defined has a superclass
• If a superclass is not explicitly defined it is the
superclass java.lang.Object
• Object is a special class
– the only class that does not have a superclass
– all Java classes inherit the methods of Object
– instances of any class can be treated as an
instance of Object
– all arrays are also considered instances of Object
Inheritance example
public class LoanAccount extends BankAccount{
double loanAmount;
int loanPeriod;
// no of yrs
• Bank account had name and balance
• LoanAccount has extra fields specific to Loan
• Constructors are not inherited by subclasses
• A subclass should call the constructor of its
superclass to perform the initialisation on the
instance fields that the superclass is
responsible for
• This is done using the super reference
• super(param1, param2,…) must always be
the first line in the subclass constructor code
super Example
public class BankAccount{
String name;
double balance=0;
public BankAccount (String name){;
public class LoanAccount extends BankAccount{
double loanAmount;
int loanPeriod;
// no of yrs
public LoanAccount(name, amt, period){
Points about Inheritance
• Multiple Inheritance
– a Java class may only extend from one superclass
- multiple inheritance is not supported
(see interfaces for work around)
• A class that is declared with the final modifier
cannot be extended or subclassed
This allows control over a class, so that no one
subclass the class and possibly introduce anoma
behavior. E.g. Java.lang. String class
Points about Inheritance
public final class MyFinalClass
{ ..
public class NotAllowed extends
MyFinalClass {...} // forbidden
Points about Inheritance
• Working within a hierarchy
– any object of a subclass can be assigned to an
object of a superclass
– any object of a superclass can be assigned to an
object of a subclass with an appropriate cast
BankAccount myAcc = new BankAccount(…);
LoanAccount myLoan = new LoanAccount(…); //subclass
myAcc = myLoan;
myLoan = myAcc
// OK assign subclass to superclass
// not OK why not?
myLoan = (LoanAccount) myAcc;
// OK
if(myAcc instanceOf LoanAccount)
LoanAccount myLoan = (LoanAccount) myAcc; // better
Overriding Methods
• Overriding is where a subclass decides to
supply its own version of an instance method
already supplied by its superclass
– general or default method provided in
– more specialised method provided in
– Any examples?
class Animal{
The benefit of
overriding is:
ability to define a
behavior that's
specific to the sub
class type.
public void move(){
System.out.println("Animals can move");
class Dog extends Animal{
public void move(){
System.out.println("Dogs can walk and run");
public class TestDog{
In OO terms,
overriding means
to override the
functionality of any
objectexisting method.
public static void main(String args[]){
Animal a = new Animal(); // Animal reference and
Animal b = new Dog(); // Animal reference but Dog
a.move();// runs the method in Animal class
b.move();//Runs the method in Dog class. This method
overrides the animal Move method
• Example - toString() method • The root Object class has a toString() method which
allows an object of the class to be output as a string
public String toString();
• The toString() method is overridden at all levels in the
hierarchy so that you can write out details of an
object in whatever suits your object
• Useful for outputing details of any object
• System.out.println(“Account details: “+myAcc);
string concatenation automatically invokes a
toString() on myAcc to convert it to a String
Overriding example
public class BankAccount {
public String toString(){
String s=“Bank Account for ”;
s+=name+”\nbalance= “+balance;
return s;
What happens if you
don’t override the
toString() method?
public class LoanAccount extends BankAccount{
public String toString(){
String s=“\nLoan Account for ”;
s+=name+”\nbalance= “+balance;
s+=“Loan of ”+loanAmt;
s+=“ for ”+loanPeriod+ “years”;
return s;
• use the super keyword to invoke the
superclass version of an overridden method
// Bank Account toString method
public String toString(){
String s=“Account for ”;
s+=name+”\nbalance= “+balance;
return s;
// Loan Account toString method
public String toString(){
String s= super.toString();
s+=“Loan of ”+loanAmt;
s+=“ for ”+loanPeriod+ “years”;
return s;
• Where there are several instances of the
same method in a hierarchy – the one in the
closest subclass is always used.
• Even if an object of the subclass is assigned
to an object of the superclass and method is
invoked from the subclass.
System.out.println(myAcc); uses BankAccount toString()
System.out.println(myLoan); uses LoanAccount toString()
System.out.println(myAcc); still uses LoanAccount toString()
Dynamic Binding
• Overriding uses dynamic binding or dynamic
method lookup to find the correct method at
run time.
• Dynamic binding is also known as virtual
method invocation
• Note: Overriding is not the same as Overloading
Overloading does not use dynamic binding (because
overloading is understood at compile time.)
Dynamic Binding
Animal myAnimal = new Dog();
The variable on the left is type Animal, but the object on the right is type Dog. If
the Dog class has a method that is the same as a method in the Animal class,
then the version of the method in the Dog class will be called. For instance, if
both classes define a method called show(), and you do this:;
the version of show() in the Dog class will be called. The type of the object that
is assigned to the Animal variable determines the method that is called.
When the compiler scans the program and sees that statement it knows that
myAnimal is of type Animal, but the compiler also knows that myAnimal can be a
reference to any class derived from Animal. Therefore, the compiler doesn't
know what version of show() that statement is calling. It's not until the
Animal myAnimal = new Dog();
is executed at runtime that the version of show() is determined: = dynamic
• Overriding + dynamic binding =
• Polymorphism “literally: different
– is the ability of different objects to respond
to the same message (method) in their
own way
• Need examples to understand this…
Polymorphism example
abstract class Account
int balance;
abstract void withdraw(int amount);
class LoanAccount extends Account
An account class,
With two subclasses –
fixed account, loan
account – both of
which withdraw money
in their own way
void withdraw(int amount)
{ /* Some sort of calculation specific to withdrawaing from a loan
account.. */ }
class FixedAccount extends Account
void withdraw(int amount)
{ /* a calcalculation specific to withdrawing from a fixed accounts
Polymorphism example
//In some other piece of
code.. An
object called “MyAcct”..
wants to
Withdraw 40 euro...//
How it withdraws money
will be decided at run
time when the system
examines its object
type..fixedAccount versus
LoanAcct..This is
Why is this important?
What coding efficiency do
you gain from this?
Supposing the behaviour of
withdrawing money from a
locan account changed..Or
you added a new type of
• Encapsulation is the packaging of the object’s fields
(and internal methods) within a protective
shell/capsule of its methods
– an object has a “public” interface that other objects
use to communicate with it
– an object maintains “private” information that can
be changed without affecting other objects that
depend on it or use it
– “blackbox” effect
• Encapsulation achieved using Information Hiding.
• Think “coffee machine”…
• To implement encapsulation
– All fields should be private
– Include ‘get’ and ‘set’ methods (accessor
methods) for all fields that need to be
accessed by users
– Hide internal methods (i.e. methods that
are not relevant to users but are only used
by the class itself).
Information Hiding
• Information Hiding – reveal only what is
needed to the user of the object
hides implementation details from user
facilitates maintenance
protects against willful or accidental damage
keeps API simple and “uncluttered”
facilitates ease of understanding and use
Accessibility Modifiers
• Information Hiding implemented through
accessibility modifiers
– public = accessible to any other object
– private = accessible within the object itself
– protected = accessible within the object
and any of its subclasses
(and to all classes within the package)
Java Packages
& Classpath
• A Package is a group of classes available for
download and use
• Java’s way of organising classes in different
• To use a package (other than java.lang) it
must be imported into your Java program
import myPackage.*; //(saw this with*;)
will make all classes in package myPackage
accessible to your class
• import myPackage.class1;
will make class1 in package myPackage
accessible to your class.
• packages are imported at the top of the
source code before any class definitions
• Eclipse takes care of this mostly…
Java packages
• Java Packages available with the JDK
– – for system input and output
– java.math – for integer and decimal arithmetic
– java.text - for handling text, dates, numbers…
– java.util – for collections, date & time facilities...
– – for implementing networking apps
– java.sql – for accessing data in a data source
– and many more…
Creating a Package
• Groups of classes which are related can be
placed in a package
• Each source file that is to be part of the
package must include
package packageName;
at the start of the source code
• The class files for the package must be
placed in a directory with the same name
as the package
• Eclipse takes care of this mostly…