Special Education Budget Presentation FY 2014

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Transcript Special Education Budget Presentation FY 2014




January 17, 2013


2100B, 2300B, 2350B, 2400B, 2700B, 2800B, 3300B, 9100B

FY 14 Proposed Budget

Special Education and VoTech 2100B 2300B 2350B 2400B 2700B 2800B 3300B 9100B Sped Supervision Sped Instruction Sped Prof. Development Sped Textbooks Sped Counseling Sped Psychological Services Sped Transportation Sped Prog w/other Districts Total Special Education $204,300 $5,128,518 $10,700 $900 $372,524 $196,285 $559,305 $2,977,918 $9,450,450 $238,244 $5,457,819 $10,700 $900 $388,316 $231,753 $627,287 $3,543,599 $10,498,618 $242,314 $5,692,823 $9,900 $900 $403,720 $245,277 $569,553 $3,400,388 $10,564,875 4,070 235,004 -800 0 15,404 13,524 -57,734 -143,211 $66,256 0.63% 3300E 9100E Vocational Transportation Vocational Tuition Total Votech $10,400 $62,100 $72,500 $10,400 $135,108 $145,508 $10,400 $127,892 $138,292 0 -7,216 -$7,216 -4.96% Total Proposed Budget $38,434,395 $40,567,321 $42,568,038 $2,000,718 4.93%

FY 2014 ADMINISTRATION - PROPOSED BUDGET “AT A GLANCE ” Regular Education $31,864,872 ( + 6.49 % from FY ‘13) Special Education $10,564,875 ( + 0.63 % from FY ‘13) Vocational Education $138,292 ( - 4.96 % from FY ’13) Combined Budgets $42,568,038

( + 4.93 % from FY ‘13)

Proposed FY 14 School Budget By Program Area Regular Instruction; 21 770 528,979; 51% Special Education; 10 564 875; 25% Vocational Education; 138 292; 0% Athletics and Student Activities; 698 931; 2% School Committee and Central Office; 914 805; 2% Regular Transportation; 1 286 998; 3% Counseling & Health Services; 1 784 005; 4% Principals Offices; 1 965 454; Custodial, Main't & Utilities; 3 444 151; 8%

SPECI AL EDUCATI ON BUD GET AS % OF TOTAL SCH OOL OPERATI N G BUD GET - FY ’9 8 TO FY ’1 4 Fiscal Year % of Tot al Operat ing Circuit Break er FY 9 8 FY 9 9 FY 0 0 FY 0 1 FY 0 2 FY 0 3 FY 0 4 FY 0 5 FY 0 6 FY 0 7 FY 0 8 FY 0 9 FY 1 0 FY 1 1 FY 1 2 FY 1 3 FY 1 4 1 5 .7 % 1 6 .8 % 1 7 .8 % 1 7 .1 % 1 7 .7 % 1 9 .0 % 2 0 .1 % 2 0 .9 % 2 0 .6 % 2 0 .6 % 2 2 .5 % 2 3 .3 % 2 3 .3 % 2 1 .5 % 2 4 .6 % 2 5 .9 % 2 4 .8 % $ 1 2 5 ,8 0 4 1 5 0 ,0 0 0 5 8 9 ,3 8 4 5 5 6 ,9 1 2 6 4 1 ,7 7 7 6 0 7 ,3 6 6 8 4 5 ,0 8 1 5 1 3 ,0 3 9 4 3 8 ,6 7 0 7 6 7 ,6 2 5 $ 7 7 7 ,1 1 8 Budget figures are net of grant s and offset s, including Circuit Break er.

Facilities and Operations; 3 444 151; 8% Health And Student Activities; 1 191 031; 3% VoTech; 138 292; 0% Special Ed; 10 564 875; 25% Sch Committee and Admin; 1 130 541; 3% Regular Ed; 26 099 149; 61% 2013-2014 Proposed Budget By Function

FY 14 Budget Budget Offsets (Gross and Net Budget)

Budget 2011-2012 11,032,854 Budget Proposed Budget 2012-2013 2013-2014 12,268,184 12,473,748 Gross Special Ed Spending Grants IDEA ECC CB Tuition Revolving Other Revolving SSEC/Grant Total Offsets Net Spending - Special Ed -808,244 -13,490 -438,670 -257,000 -65,000 -1,582,404 9,450,450 -783,951 -13,490 -767,625 -200,000 -4,500 -1,769,566 -825,265 -13,490 -777,118 -250,000 -43,000 -1,908,873 10,498,618 10,564,875 Gross Regular Ed Spending Revenue Offsets Athletics Middle School Activity Field Revolving Account Building Revolving Account Kids In Action Drivers Ed Continuing Ed Other (Drama, Student Parking) Cable Grant Total Offsets Net Spending Regular Ed

Total Offsets v ia Grants/Fees and Receipts

29,370,996 30,367,784 32,324,925 -233,250 -60,000 -66,000 -33,850 0 -10,000 -10,000 -13,000 -33,451 -459,551 28,911,445 -224,000 -53,789 -66,500 -23,850 -10,000 -10,000 -10,000 -13,000 -33,451 -444,590 -260,000 -64,949 -76,500 -7,500 0 -10,000 -10,000 -13,000 -18,104 -460,053 29,923,194 31,864,872

-2,041,955 -2,214,156 -2,368,926

1 141 945; 3% 2 366 685; 6% 959 546; 2% 217 926; 0% 3 528 280; 8% 34 353 657; 81% Personnel Tuitions (Net of CB) Contracted Services Heating, Electric, Utilities Text, Equipment Other



By Level ( Pre-K Elem. K-5 MS 6-8 HS 9-12+ TOTALS In + Out of District ) 35 + 2 211 + 16 + (1#) 150 + 15 + (2#) 152 + 29 + (3#) 548 + 62 + (6#) 610 # NON-SPED PRIVATE SCHOOL, BUT SERVICE ELIGIBLE By Building EAST FOSTER PRS SOUTH MS HS 60 K-5 + 35 PK 55 K-5 54 K-5 42 K-5 150 6-8 147+5 9-12+ TOTAL 548

Object 4 covers covers specialized contracted services including services in the following areas: hearing impairment, visual impairment, behavioral intervention (including parent training and home services), life skills training related to intellectual impairment and Autism, major medical or health disorders, out-of district liaison services, specialized equipment, repair and maintenance of individually designed equipment. This is an area of increased costs. There is an increase of $58,132 in this object (partially offset by $37,368 more from IDEA). Costs for purchase, updating, and repair of new technology resources continue to escalate. Objects 5 and 6 are level funded. TOTAL: $5,692,823 Increase: 4.31%

FY2014 - Special Education Staffing

FTEs under 2300 B FTEs in other functions 3.0 Pre-K (E) 3.0 Ext K. (E,S) 4.O Foster (K-5 ) 4.0 PRS* (K-5) 4.0 East (K-5) 4.0 South (K-5) 7.0 MS (6-8) 7.0 HS (9-12+) 5.0 Speech/Lang.** (see CS) 2.0 Occup. Therapy 5.8 Reading Support Para-educators, tutors, building clerical (hourly) (* includes 1.0 new) 2100B Director 1.0

2100B C.O. Clerical 1.85

2700B Elem. Psych./Chairs (4.0) 2700B E. Childhood Coord. (.7) 2800B Sec. Psychologists (2.5) Contracted Services (CS) English Support Tutor, ASL Interpreter (2), Phys. Ther.(1), ABA Spec.( PT), O of D Coord. (PT), **Sp./Lang. (PT)

Function 2400 B: SPECIAL EDUCATI ON TEXTBOOKS This Function includes modified and specialized textbooks and software that correspond to children’s individual needs and specialized testing materials. General text materials for special education students are included in the regular education budget Object 5 covers specialized supplies and materials unique to individual children’s specific disabilities (ex. expanded visual text, specialized scanners and language producing software for children with visual impairments, and augmented auditory computer-driven speaking program software). This budget Object has not risen significantly and is level funded because the district has taken advantage of past grant funding to develop a repertoire of software licenses for recording for blind and dyslexic students at the elementary and secondary levels. Some parents have also chosen to individually purchase software and the CD hardware that can be primarily used at home. Word processing documents can be easily emailed to school or carried via flash drives. Advanced technology has helped in this area. TOTAL: $900 Increase: 0.00%

Page 27, S-1

Object 1 includes the salaries of the now three secondary special education chairpersons/school psychologists, one (,5 FTE) hired in Summer 2012. The increase reflects the new person and HEA contractual benefits Object 4 reflects evaluation services that are contracted for outside the school district, including specialized testing and funding for parent requested independent educational evaluations. This Object is budgeted at anticipated cost. Object 5 includes the anticipated cost of supplies and accommodated materials for MCAS testing in accordance with M CAS guidelines for special education, three-year psycho-educational evaluations and accommodated learning materials. I t is presently level funded. Function 2800 B: SECONDARY SPECIAL EDUCATION PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES TOTAL: $245,277 Increase: 5.84%

Page 29, S-2

1 141 945; 3% 2 366 685; 6% 959 546; 2% 217 926; 0% 3 528 280; 8% 34 353 657; 81% Personnel Tuitions (Net of CB) Contracted Services Heating, Electric, Utilities Text, Equipment Other


Function 9100 B: SPECI AL EDUCATI ON PROGRAM S WI TH OTHER DI STRI CTS (OUT-OF-DI STRI CT TUI TI ONS) Other Public Districts (Scituate and Braintree) Collaborative Programs (SSEC + Other) 5 26 +10 = 36 Special Education in I nstitutional Settings Private Day School Private Residential Total Budgeted for September, 2013 2 12 11 66 Actual Budgeted as of January 1, 2013



The currently proposed budget includes several tuitions for students whose placements are pending or under discussion. I t may be possible to reduce this allowance as on-going discussions are resolved.

Page 31, S-3

Out of District *Tuitions (2013-2014, projected for 66 students)

Type of School *Tuition Range Private Day Schools (12) $ 40,492 to $ 106,000 Private Residential Schools (11) SEIS (Public) Residential (2) Other Public Schools (5) South Shore Educ. Collab. (26) Other Local Collaboratives (10) $ 69,812 to $ 213,570 Deducted from Chapter 70 $ 32,270 $ 32,270 $ 29,750 to to to $ 42,700 $ 56,120 $ 56,650 *Tuitions include known increases and projections for OSD requested increases. Some tuitions are for year-round services.

SEIS - Special Education in Institutional Settings(add’ services only) OSD – Operational Services Division


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School Committee’s initial discussions and prioritizing of requests (January 24) Presentation to Joint Meeting of Selectmen and AdCom (January 31) Formal Public Hearing on Budgets (February 11) School Committee adoption of its budgets (February 11 or later) Selectmen and AdCom vote on budgets to be recommended to Town Meeting (TBD) Town Meeting vote on Article 6 -Town Budgets (April 22)