2011 IMCA Annual Conference

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Transcript 2011 IMCA Annual Conference

What The Next Few Years
Hold for 401(k) Plans
and Retirement Savings
and What It Means for
Advisors and Their Clients
Marcia S. Wagner, Esq.
 Impending Retirement Plan Crisis.
– Social Security.
– Employer-Sponsored Plans.
– Private Savings.
 Current Private Pension System.
– Half of workers have no plan.
– Plans have low saving rates and hidden costs.
– Fewer than half of workers will have adequate retirement income.
 Role of Policymakers.
1.Increasing Savings
2.Protecting Returns
3.Decumulation Planning
4.Tax Reform
Increasing Savings Thru Automatic Features
 Existing tools to overcome employee inertia
• Auto-Enrollment
• Auto-Escalation
 Plan Sponsor and Advisor Initiatives
• Re-Enrollment
• Re-Allocation
Administration Initiatives to Increase Retirement
Savings Through IRAs
 Administration pushing automatic IRAs featuring:
3% default contribution rate
Choice of traditional pre-tax IRA or after-tax Roth
Multiple alternatives for selecting IRA provider
Government designated default investments
 MyRA Initiative
Starter program does not require legislative authorization
Contributions to Roth accounts
Permits small investments ($25 / $5)
Low rate of return from Treasury bonds
Maximum $15,000 balance
Summing Up
 Push for auto investments expected to continue.
 Auto IRA legislation unlikely in current form.
 But some reform can be expected in future.
– Retirement needs of aging middle class will force lawmakers
to act.
– $5,000 cap on Auto IRA contributions would not discourage
formation of qualified plans.
– Auto IRAs would help close retirement gap
1.Increasing Savings
2.Protecting Returns
3.Decumulation Planning
4.Tax Reform
 Policymakers focusing on protection for
investment returns.
 Regulatory Agenda
– Improving fee transparency.
– Broadening “fiduciary” definition.
Fee Transparency
 Policymakers want plans to get fair price for services.
 Plan Sponsor-Level Disclosure Regs.
– Effective July 1, 2012.
– Providers must disclose direct & indirect (“hidden”) compensation.
 Participant-Level Disclosure Regs.
– Effective August 30, 2012 (for calendar year plans).
– Compare investment options and provide quarterly fee disclosures.
 Disclosures expected to drive down fees.
Proposal to Expand Fiduciary Definition
 ERISA’s Functional Fiduciary Definition.
– Fiduciary status contingent on offering investment advice under 5-factor test
– Advice is fiduciary only if it is a primary basis for plan decisions and given on
regular basis
– Ellis v. Rycenga Homes
 DOL’s Initial Proposal
– Advice is fiduciary if it may be considered for plan decision
– One-time, casual advice may trigger fiduciary status
– Re-proposed definition pending
 Effect of Expanded Definition.
– Fiduciaries may not receive variable fees
– Plan expense accounts – levelize fee arrangements
◦ 2013 DOL opinion approves typical expense account
Summing Up
 Administration has launched initiatives
– Fee disclosures for plan sponsors and participants
– Pushing boundaries of fiduciary status
 Pressure on Fees
– Interest in levelized fee arrangements
– Downward pressure on 401(k) pricing
1.Increasing Savings
2.Protecting Returns
3.Decumulation Planning
4.Tax Reform
Administration’s Goals
 Help retirees take plan distributions without outliving them.
– Motivate retirees to annuitize accounts.
– Retirement paycheck for life.
 Encourage plan sponsors to voluntarily offer annuity options.
– Permit longevity annuities.
– Remove regulatory hurdles.
– Facilitate default annuities.
– Promote education and disclosures.
Removing Regulatory Obstacles to Plan Annuities
 IRS proposal would relax required minimum distribution (RMD) rules for plans
– RMD rules mandate start at age 70 ½ but longevity annuities provide income stream
for later in life
 Proposed Regulations.
Exception from RMD rules for longevity annuity investments
Investment capped at $100,000 or 25% of account
Must start no later than age 85
 Rollovers to DB Plans - Rev. Rul. 2012-4.
401(k) accounts may be rolled over and converted to DB plan annuity benefits.
Provides favorable annuity rates for participants
 Relief for DC Plans With Deferred Annuities - Rev. Rul. 2012-3
401(k) plans typically exempt from onerous death benefit rules
Ruling confirms that 401(k) plans with deferred annuities can still avoid them
Default Annuities
 Should annuity option be default for plan?
 Possible Approach: Amend QDIA Rules
– Permit annuity option to qualify as QDIA.
– Critics argue annuities not appropriate for all.
– Default annuity investments not easily reversed.
 Possible Approach: 2-Year Trial Period
– Retirees receive annuity during trial period (unless opt out).
Education and Disclosures for Participants
 GAO Recommendations
– Update DOL’s “investment education” guidance to cover
– But DOL is concerned about conflicts
– Guidance likely to restrict sales pitches
 Lifetime Income Disclosure Act
– Plan to show account balances converted into guaranteed
monthly amount
– Encourages participants to think about retirement paycheck
for life
DOL Proposal for Lifetime Income Disclosures
Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
 Lifetime income illustration in participant statements .
 Must provide estimated income streams based on
(1) current account and (2) projected account at NRA.
Safe Harbor for Projected Account
 Assume 7% investment return.
 Assume current contribution level, with 3% increase.
 Use 3% discount rate to convert to current dollars.
Lifetime Income Illustration
Illustration for 50-Year Old Participant
Current Account (2014)
Projected Amount (2029)
Projected Account (Current Dollars) $321,000.00
● Required Disclosures/Disclaimers
- Explanation of assumptions
- Estimates are not benefit guarantees
Estimated Monthly
Lifetime Payment
$ 700.00
Summing UP
 Consensus emerging on lifetime income options.
– Proposal for longevity annuities to be finalized in near future.
– Recent IRS annuity rulings are plan-friendly.
– Guidance on decumulation education expected from DOL
 Practical impact on participants would be shown by implementation of
regulations to be proposed regarding lifetime income disclosures
– Debate on use of annuities as QDIA likely to follow
1.Increasing Savings
2.Protecting Returns
3.Decumulation Planning
4.Tax Reform
Tax Cost of Retirement Plans
 Impact of retirement plans on federal deficit
– DC / 401(k)
• $61 billion (2015)
• $414 billion (2015 – 2019)
‒ DB
• $42 billion (2015)
• 235 billion (2015 – 2019)
 Tax reform
 Pension system reform
Tax Reform
2014 Plan limitations that can be reduced to limit deficit:
– Annual additions from all sources - $52,000
– Elective deferrals - $17,500
– Plan sponsor deduction - 25% participant compensation
– Compensation limit to determine benefits/contributions - $260,000
Proposed Tax Reform Act of 2014
− Freezes DC limits until 2024
‒ $63.4 billion revenue gain over 10 years
‒ Additional $144 billion from treating half of 401(k) deferrals as Roth
Tax Reform (continued)
 National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility.
• 20/20 Cap: limits contributions to lesser of $20,000 or 20% compensation
• Maximum contribution: $20,000
 Brookings Institution
• Tax all employer and employee contributions
• Contribution limits would not change
• Flat rate refundable tax credit deposited to retirement savings account
Administration Tax Reform Proposals
Obama FY 2015 proposed $3.2 million cap on aggregate
lifetime contributions
− Cap to vary based on age.
− Double tax if prohibited amount not withdrawn.
Obama proposal limiting tax deductions for plan contributions
• 11.6% tax on employer & employee plan contributions
• High earners only
• Basis adjustment for extra tax
Pension System Reform – Federal Level
USA Retirement Funds
USA Retirement Funds proposed by Sen. Tom Harkin in January 2014
Harkin “report” in July 2012 proposes new retirement system
- Automatic/universal enrollment required by employers with no plan
Regular stream of income starting at retirement age
No lump sum withdrawals
Financed by employee payroll contributions & government credits
Privately managed investment by new entities: USA Retirement Funds
Limited employer involvement and no fiduciary responsibility
Unspecified level of required employer contributions.
Employees can increase/decrease contributions or opt out.
Pension System Reform – Federal Level
SAFE Retirement Act
 SAFE Retirement Act - 2013 proposal by Sen. Orrin Hatch
– Starter 401(k) Plans
 Up to $8,000 participant contributions annually
 Reduced administration and no discrimination testing
 Auto deferrals from 3% to 5%
– Government sponsors may adopt SAFE Retirement Plan
 Annual purchase of fixed annuities for participants
 Insurers to be selected by bidding process
 Improve funding and security but pays smaller benefits
– Restores jurisdiction over prohibited transactions to IRS
Pension System Reform:
State-Sponsored Initiatives
 Secure Plan Proposal by National Conference on Public
Employee Retirement Systems
• State sponsored cash balance plans for private-sector
° 6% annual credits
° Minimum 3% interest credits
° Employer fiduciary responsibility
• Participation voluntary but withdrawal liability assessed on
terminating employers
• Seeks to benefit from economies of scale
• Funding shortfall would be state responsibility
Pension System Reform: State-Sponsored
Initiatives (continued)
 California Secure Choice Retirement Savings Program
− Mandatory payroll deduction auto-IRA program
° Auto enrollment at 3% unless employee opts out
° Required for enterprises with 5 or more workers if no current plan
° State chooses investment managers
° Guaranteed rate of return
− Signed by governor but implementation subject to IRS and DOL approval
 Other State Initiatives
− Massachusetts enactment of defined contribution multiple employer plan
for non-profits
− At least 11 other states said to be considering plans for private-sector
Summing Up
 Significant Transformation of Private Retirement System Possible.
 Tax Reform
• Reducing tax incentives will shrink system
• Lower contributions result at all income levels if tax exclusions cut
Obama proposal for general limit on benefit from tax exclusions.
°Does not focus directly on 401(k) contributions
° Provides political cover
° Same effect on contributions as direct cutback on excludible amount
Summing Up (continued)
− Proposed Systemic Changes intended to create access for low-wage employees
• Government would replace private employers in system
°Mandated benefits
°Guaranteed benefits and/or investment results
°Creation of new interest group to lobby for expansion of benefits
°Government influence in choosing investment managers or control of
investments could drive many out of the retirement industry.
• State-level programs may cause breakdown in uniformity of pension laws,
effective since enactment of ERISA
− Inflection Point regarding the types of retirement schemes nation wants / needs
• Interesting Times ……
Marcia S. Wagner, Esq.
99 Summer Street, 13th Floor
Boston, MA 02110
Tel: (617) 357-5200 Fax: (617) 357-5250
Website: www.wagnerlawgroup.com
[email protected]