Transcript Warm Up #15

Warm Up #15
• Answer in complete sentences
• What was the last “official” crusade to the
Holy Land and how did it end?
• Why did European and Muslim rulers expel
Jews from their territories?
The Reconquista
How this movement propelled Spain
into the New World and beyond
Key Terms
Iberian Peninsula
Christian Kingdoms
Taifa Kingdoms
Ferdinand and Isabella
Spanish Inquisition
Mr. Morrow, Monday was a long time
ago, what did we learn again?
• The Crusades and the Mongol invasion was
halted by the Mamluks, who were the Islamic
culture based in Egypt.
• The Hapsburg family gains control of Central
Europe, where they will dominate politics until
World War One.
The Reconquista in 5 Slides!
• In 711 the Muslim
Moors invaded the
Visigothic Kingdom in
• In 722 the remnant
Christian soldiers
regrouped in Asturias
and started a campaign
to reclaim their lands.
• In 732 Charles Martel
defeated the Moors at
the battle of Tours,
halting their advance
into Europe.
• By 1236 half of the
Iberian peninsula had
been retaken by the
Christian kingdoms.
• At first the Christians
were simply fighting to
remain independent
• Over time they
developed a desire to
remove all nonChristians from Iberia
• This coincided and
perhaps inspired the
Crusader movement in
• The Spanish Inquisition
became a particularly
cruel expression of the
Christian desire to rid
the peninsula of
“heretics”, which
included the Muslims
and Jews.
• The Muslim Moors were
initially Berbers from
North Africa, but over
time many native Iberians
• Eventually the Berbers
returned home due to
feelings of discrimination
from the natives.
• The Muslims formed
several independent
states called the Taifa
• The Christians were
initially Visigoths and
• Over time they brought in
mercenaries, mainly
Franks and Normans.
• They began as both
independent Kingdoms
and vassal duchies of the
Frankish Empire.
• They eventually
consolidated into Spain
and Portugal.
What about the little people?
• The Reconquista caused
many converted
Muslims to move south,
abandoning lands in the
• The Christians used this
opportunity to populate
these abandoned areas
with peasants from
• These peasants were
able to leave behind the
Feudal System.
• The towns that they
settled were known as
Fueros and were given
charters that
established their
How did it all end?
• Over time the Muslims
were driven into the
Emirate of Grenada in
Southeastern Iberia.
• In 1492, Ferdinand and
Isabella, who were the
King and Queen of Aragon
and Castille (two of the
Christian Kingdoms)
defeated the Muslims and
drove them from Iberia
• As part of their
celebration of victory
they sponsored
Christopher Columbus’
voyage that would
(re)discover the Americas
• The Spanish and
Portuguese conquest of
the Americas was driven
by their 700 plus years of
Reconquista Comic Strip
• Due on Friday 2/1/2013
• Be Original
• You can do a small part
of the reconquista, an
idea about the
reconquista or a
broader view of the
whole affair.
• Yes, it needs to be
• Yes, it should be in color
and in fact you will
receive extra credit if
you do.
• No, you cannot do stick