Transcript Naturalism

1880-1910 (roughly)
I. Background and Conceptual
A. Extreme extension of Realism…
► realism
is a style (i.e. use of vernacular and
naturalism is a philosophy which uses
realistic techniques
► Unlike
realism, where characters have
choice, naturalism expresses the theory of
► Characters
do not have free will; external and
internal forces control their behavior.
 This belief is called determinism. All determinists
believe in the existence of the will, but the will is
enslaved due to a multitude of reasons.
 Life is prison of sorts; to think that we possess the key
is tragically misguided
B. Emile Zola
► French
novelist (Paris,
► “Writer
should be like a
scientist”…examining human
condition “as is,”
► We
are “human beasts”…
and should be studied in
relation to our environment
C. Darwinism (+ social Darwinism)
► Prevailing
social/biological philosophy in
► Based
on Darwin’s theories about “Survival
of the Fittest”
► Human
beings are subject to the laws of
nature, including our base instincts
D. The “dark underbelly” of Realism
brutal, laced
with despair
►Author remains
detached and
II. Naturalistic Plots and
Subject Matter
A. “Slice of Life” dramas
► “Chronicles
of Despair”….raw, unpleasant
experiences which reduce characters to
degrading behavior in struggle to survive
► Reader
views characters and events “under
a microscope”…we never get too close to
our “subjects” and feel distance
-narratives almost always in 3rd person
B. Characters “conditioned” and controlled by
environment, heredity, chance, instinct
 Struggle for survival = dignity (closest
thing to “heroic” in Naturalism)
 Naturalistic writers often use nameless
and/or nondescript characters
-removes focus from character and
places it on their situation
C. Endings often “tragic”….
► …but
not in classic Greek sense (no startling
revelations or catharsis)
► An
indifferent world wipes them away & the
reader is left to ponder brutal realities of life
► Characters
confront limitations in the face of
immutable forces & degenerate
III. Naturalistic
A. Victims….
► …of
social, natural and/or hereditary conditions
► …of their own animal-like instincts and desires
B. Often ill-educated, lower class,
socially deprived individuals
► Life
is not fair, was never meant to be fair,
and this is essentially the human condition
► Their
lives are governed by forces of
society, heredity, instinct, chance
► Free
will is an illusion…attempts at free will
are doomed by forces beyond their control
 Any form of hubris is severely punished
C. Subject to Darwinism
► “Natural
helps explain their
Society is a “habitat” in which all
forces of nature apply and those
least equipped to survive do not
D. Principal characters are often
representative types rather than
distinctive individuals
IV. Settings in
A. Urban, dehumanizing
B. “Out in Nature”
…against the elements
C. Realistic,
meticulously described
V. Common Themes
A. The “Brute Within”
 Lust/taboo
 Survival instinct
 Violence
B. Types of Conflict…
► Man
vs. Nature or Man vs. Himself
(instead of Man vs. Society or Man vs. Man)
► Characters
struggle to retain “veneer of
civilization” as pressures threaten to release
“brute within”
C. Nature…
► …An
indifferent force acting upon the lives
of human beings
► Romantic
vision (Wordsworth, Emerson)
becomes Crane’s “Open Boat”
D. Man’s futile attempt at Free Will
► Determinism:
Free Will revealed as an
illusion…one has little or no control
► Forces
of heredity and environment as they
affect—and afflict—the human condition
► Naturalism
often darkly ironic, mocking in
tone, little sympathy for the human
A man said to the universe:
“Sir, I exist!”
“However,” replied the universe,
“The fact has not created in me
A sense of obligation.”
-Stephen Crane (from
“The Open Boat”)