Transcript CCRep

Creating and Justifying
Your Research Budget
Ruth Withers
Business Manager
Research for Better Health Outcomes
2 February 2012
I have a research plan – How do I create
my budget and then justify it to the
funding agency?
Innovation Fund Budget Details Required:
• Personnel
• Consumables (supply quotes)
• Professional Services (supply breakdown)
Keep in Mind…
You cannot apply for funding from the
Innovation Fund for:
• Equipment
• Travel
“Applicants should note that it is important to
calculate budgets accurately, as requests for
additional funding will not be approved”
How do I go about getting
accurate costings for my
Obtaining Quotes
• Obtain quotes from the source you intend to
purchase them from
• Ensure quotes for procedures are in writing
and ensure supplier has the ability to provide
the service.
Obtaining Quotes
• Obtain accurate FTE and salary figures
Do not rely on quotes obtained for previous
funding applications – Prices change
How do I justify my costs to the
funding agency?
Budget Justification
Example 1:
Communication Costs - $1,000
$1,000 for communication costs.
Patient Transportation Costs - $2,000
Costs for participant parking.
Budget Justification
Example 2:
Communication Costs - $620
Researchers will be provided with a cellphone
for use during the active recruiting phase of
the study. The budget includes the initial cost
for the phone ($200), the monthly plan costs
for 6 months ($40/month) and estimated call
costs for 6 months ($30/month).
Budget Justification
Example 3:
Participant Transportation Costs - $2,500
500 visits at Middlemore Hospital with $5
parking per visit - $2,500.
Budget Justification
Example 4:
Study Coordinator - $31,500
Study Coordinator employed for 0.6 FTE for 9
months at $70,000.
The Best Way to Budget…
Get Help!
Ruth Withers – Business Manager, CCRep
Murray Farnsworth – Finance Manager, CCRep
Innovation Fund
Application Issues
Common Process Issues
Not using the application form.
Non-CMDHB employees applying for
Not obtaining accurate statistical advice.
Common Application Issues
• Poor description of the work and how it
answers the research question
• Not obtaining the necessary signatures (All
investigators, Divisional General Manager and Clinical Head)
• Not supplying the original signed version with
the application.
1. Keep to page and word limits
2. Use the correct font – Arial 11+
3. Use the checklist
4. Submit the correct number of copies (4
including the original)
The best advice…
Get Help!
Ruth Withers – [email protected]
Stuart Ryan – [email protected]
Irene Zeng – [email protected]
John Baker – [email protected]