Transcript Slide 1

National Association of Student
Financial Aid Administrators
Federal Update
May 13, 2011
© NASFAA 2011
Slide 1
• Context
• Fiscal Year 2011
• Fiscal Year 2012
• Budget Resolution
• Debt Ceiling
• NASFAA Advocacy
Budget Context
FY 2012
FY 2011
Budget Characterization
Budget Characterization
Passing the
Media Circus
Horse Trading
Public Says…
YouGov Poll – April 2011
FY 2011 Budget
FY2011 Budget, In Review
• Last short-term continuing resolution (CR) expired April 14th
– This was 4th CR, cumulative total of $12 billion in cuts
• On February 19th House of Representatives passed H.R. 1, a 7month CR
– Cut $100 billion from FY 2011 requested levels
– Cuts maximum Pell Grant by $845
– Eliminates funding for FSEOG and LEAP
• H.R 1 failed in the Senate and Senate’s alternative bill also failed
FY2011 Budget, In Review
How Does It Impact Student Aid?
• Pell Cuts and/or Changes in Long-Term CR
– Maximum $5,550 maintained—VICTORY
– Elimination of Year-Round Pell
– Crossover regulation lifted for summer 2011
• Other Changes
– 0.2% percent cut across-the-board
– SEOG cut by $20 million
– Eliminate LEAP and Byrd Scholarships
– Cut $25 million from TRIO; $20 million from GEAR UP
– Cut $1.6 million from Javits Fellowships
FY 2012 Budget Process
• President Releases Budget Request - Done
• Budget resolution process - In Process
• Budget Conference Report
• President submits detailed budget request to Congress
• Appropriations Committees draft bills
• Appropriations bills voted on and passed
Pell Program Outlook
• $20 billion shortfall for 2012-13
• If take no action now, maximum grant could have been
reduced to $3,240 (a loss of $2,310) for 2012-13
• Budget reflects changes in existing Pell program and
cuts to offset the expense of retaining a Pell maximum
award of $5,550
The Pell Protection Act
President Obama’s FY 2012 Request
Elimination of 2nd Scheduled Awards
• Effective 2011-12, occurred in FY 2011 CR
• Higher costs than expected
• No federal data on acceleration
• Savings of $8 billion in 2011-12 and $60 billion
over next 10 years
Elimination of Subsidized Loans for Graduate
• Effective 2012-13
• Graduate students only
• Subsidies are not well-targeted
• Subsidies don’t encourage enrollment
• Savings of $2 billion in 2011-12 and $29 billion
over next 10 years
FAFSA and Verification, 2012-13
• Savings of $340 million in FY 2012
• Applicants who filed tax return before FAFSA will
be directed to use IRS data retrieval
– If use data retrieval, verification of that data is met
– If do not use data retrieval, or subsequently change
• Must explain why to school, and
• May be required to verify with IRS-supplied
Simplify Loan Servicing for Split Loans
• 6 million students have split loans
• Would allow all federal student loan payments to
be made to one federal loan servicer
• Not the same as consolidation
• Financial incentive to borrowers to participate
• Savings of $2 billion in 2012-13
Restructure the Perkins Loan Program
• Similar language as last year’s proposal
• Lower cost alternative to private loans
• Unsubsidized, 6.8% interest rate
• Loan funds increase from $1 billion to $8.5 billion
• Savings of $6.8 billion over 10 years
Other Proposals
• Eliminate LEAP
• Extend American Opportunity Tax Credit
• Funding at FY2010 levels for FWS, FSEOG, GEAR UP
• Small funding increase for TRIO programs
• Replace TEACH Grant program with Presidential
Teaching Fellows program
• $1.25 billion over 5 years to reward states and institutions
that help more students earn degrees
FY 2012 Budget Resolution
• Released last month by Chairman Ryan (R-WI)
• The Path to Prosperity: Restoring America’s Promise
• Cuts $6.2 trillion in government spending, compared
to President Obama’s FY 2012 request
• Reduces deficit by $4.4 billion, compared to
President Obama’s FY 2012 request
• Repeal and defund HCERA
FY 2012 House Budget Resolution
For Pell, the assumptions are:
- Lower the maximum award (apparently to pre-ARRA levels
which we believe is FY 2008 levels – apx. $17 billion
- Limit Pell grants to 6 years (12 semesters)
- Eliminate College Cost Reduction and Access Act of 2007
[CCRAA] provisions, including auto-zero, IPA amounts.
- Eliminate administrative fees paid to participating institutions.
- Elimination of HCERA could include mandatory Pell savings
and strengthened IBR provisions.
Debt Ceiling
• Debt Ceiling: Cap set by Congress on the amount
of debt the federal government can legally borrow
– Current is $14.294 trillion
– Will likely reach this amount by May 16th, but Aug 2
• Congress will have to vote to raise debt ceiling
– This is typical, done so 10x since 2001
– Likely tough fight on this ahead
What’s Going On Right Now?
What does the Senate Say?
House 302 (a) Allocations?
• Build relationships with your lawmakers now by delivering information
sheets on how their constituents—the students and families you
serve—benefit from the student aid programs.
• Follow the latest legislative developments by reading Today’s News,
the NASFAA Advocate, and following us on the NASFAA Facebook
page and the Save Student Aid Facebook page.
• Share with NASFAA all your correspondence with lawmakers so we
can support you and understand how to better work with your
Congressional delegates.
• Visit NASFAA’s “Take Action Page” to stay up-to-date on NASFAA’s
latest calls to action.
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