Transcript Slide 1

The impact of previous recessions on mental
health: implications for the current
economic crisis
Eva Elliott, Emily Harrop, Michael
Shepherd, Heather Rothwell, Gareth
Research objectives
• To identify and explain how the recession may impact directly
on health and through its determinants across the social
• To identify additional population groups who may be
particularly vulnerable or resilient to the effects of the
• To characterise the effects of previous government and public
agency measures taken to respond to financial crises on
• To identify and characterise the potential material, cultural,
and psycho-social resources that reside within communities
themselves that produce related vulnerability and resilience
• To map available evidence on impact to existing policy
divisions and service areas in the Welsh Assembly
Government, local government, regeneration, and health and
social care services.
• Literature review: what is known about the effects
of recession as well as the effectiveness of measures
to respond to them
• Expert interviews: officials in two localities working
in sectors associated with main determinants
• Policy dialogue, with national and local stakeholders,
to discuss emerging findings and issues to provide
the review with a context to refine conclusions and
recommendations (February 2010)
Recession today
• Different in character to earlier recessions in UK –
financial sector relatively stable previously
• Significant national debt (predicted impact on public
• Interaction with pension insecurity, unsustainable
housing loans/debt, interaction with welfare
‘reforms’ (conditionality)
• Impact greatest on younger people, rise in
employment in post –state retirement age, impact
greatest in men but set to change with public sector
Source: Audit Commission (2009) When it comes to the
Crunch…Responding to the economic downturn: the role and
potential of partnerships
Recession, unemployment and health
• Some positive health impacts associated with economic
• Links between economic recession and health behaviours
(smoking, alcohol and physical activity) are contested but
stronger associations with long term unemployment
• However unemployment a key factor affecting health in a
• Unemployment associated with increases in increased
mortality (all causes, cardiovascular disease, suicide) and
mental health
• However the impact of recession depends on how
governments deal with them
Theories for understanding better
health through hard times
• Coping
“cognitive and behavioural efforts used to contend
with events appraised as stressful”
• Resilience
“the successful” adaptation to life tasks in the face of
social disadvantage or highly adverse conditions’
• Salutogenesis
Factors associated with health (ease) as opposed to
disease processes
• Most of the literature focuses on individual coping styles and
strategies (problem based and symptom based) in relation to
perceived stressors (job insecurity and job demand), how job loss is
appraised and personality type
• Suggestion that HR departments have a role in supporting people
coping with job insecurity and possible job loss
• Strategies aimed at finding jobs not necessarily best for health
(measures of resilience or hardiness not protective over time) –
dependent on local labour markets
• Involvement in non-work activities may provide latent functions of
work in areas of job scarcity
• Most research stresses the importance of social support in
minimising distress
• Having a supportive partner is an important protective factor in
coping with job loss (however job loss also erodes family and
marital relationships)
• High levels of small area ‘social cohesion’ may protect mental
health in areas of deprivation and through hard times
• However the social capital produced in these environments is
threaten by chronic labour market insecurity and inequality
• Investment in local economies crucial to prevent widening
spatial inequality
• Collective efforts to address unemployment has psychological
benefits for redundant workers as well as addressing the
community impacts of unemployment
National Policy
• Suggestion that governments with strong
social/financial support for low
income/unemployed protective of health
• Levels of psychological distress may be lower
in countries with high levels of government
financial support for the unemployed
• Cross sectional data from the European Social
Survey found the magnitude of
unemployment/ health relationships varied by
type of welfare state regime
• Few interventions directed at supporting
unemployed have been evaluated on health
• Youth Opportunity Schemes found to have a
negative impact on mental health.
• Three main approaches in those that have
been evaluated
– Strengthening individuals
– Supportive environments
JOBS programme (USA)
Developed in late 80s in Michigan – (replicated in Finland,
Israel and China)
– dual aims of promoting reemployment and enhancing coping
capacities for the unemployed and their families
– Provided skills on how to seek reemployment how to deal with
barriers and setbacks
– RCT – higher levels of self confidence and self efficacy and lower levels
of depression than control group
– Particularly effective with persons at high risk of depression
– Differences in outcome when used during economic stability and in
– Similar programme in Sweden (but poor evaluation study)
A mentorship program for men
• Aimed at developing:
– social networks of people who were unemployed
– the capacity of local community organisations to develop social networks that
would reduce isolation, support skill development, and increase access to
information and resources
• Participants were men over 40 (n = 126) still looking for work
• Groups of 5-10 allocated 1-2 mentors
• Group sessions lasted for 2 hours over an 8 week period and served the
dual role of providing practical skills as well as a social support network
• Results demonstrated improvements in mental health (using measures of
depression and anxiety) as well as improved measuring in efficacy,
optimism, self-esteem and social support.
“Use for Everyone” (Sweden)
• Aimed to stimulate grass roots initiatives to create supportive
environments for the unemployed, people on long-term sick leave or
those otherwise involuntarily excluded from the active labour force
• Outcomes - psychosocial health, defined as “a measure of how much
influence people have over their own lives”
• Project leaders were recruited and trained from the target groups. These
groups were to become self governing social environments
• Over a 3 year period 850 people participated in the project. Longitudinal
data indicate that self-rated health and quality of life improved during
participation, and were maintained at 6 month follow up
• Criticism that improvements in mental health may have been associated
with adaptation to unemployment role rather than empowerment
Are our communities prepared?
“when you had industry in the local area you had a community and I think even on
the news recently you’ve probably seen articles about why don’t we know our
neighbours anymore, well most of us used to work together and a lot of the adults
used to mentor young people when they first started work… you know, where
somebody’s working alongside them, not just monitoring them and watching them
every half hour and peeping in to see what they’re up to but actually doing the job
with them and showing them the ropes and that sort of thing.’ (health & social care)
I don’t think that I’ve really seen the community spirit to the fore, at the moment in
this part of the recession. There’s not the working together to look for ways out of it
and that’s probably because there’s been so much over the last 30 years, with the
rundown of the steel and iron works, that people can’t see how there can be a major
change in opportunities locally that they can influence. The, I kind of think that is
reflected in the sort of turn outs for elections and participation in community events,
carnivals, you know generally folk is a good indicator of community participation and
despite trying to, a number of organisations trying to revive the carnival, it just isn’t
happening.’ (community development)
What is to be done?
Recognise that efforts to protect health and address inequality need to be
developed now
HR departments in public sector organisations should be developing support
strategies to address job uncertainty within their own organisations
Interventions are needed to prevent debt and support those in debt
Identify ways of pooling resources across sectors to strengthen health and welfare
Ensure that new approaches to delivery of essential services to vulnerable people
retain quality and are sustained in hard financial times.
Health impact assessments need to be undertaken on public services expenditure
to ensure vulnerable groups are protected and supported
Need to address barriers that prevent young people from entering training and
further education
Support existing community level initiatives that strengthen social cohesion and
promote social support
Evaluate job support interventions in terms of their impact on health and