Transcript Goal 4

Goal 4

Classification (4.01)

Aristotle Plants and Animals Linnaeus 5 Kingdoms Modern 3 Domains 6 Kingdoms (KPCOFGS) Binomial Nomeclature (scientific name)-

Genus species

a. Unicellular protist b. annelid worms c. insects d. amphibians e. mammals f. non-vascular plants g. gymnosperm h. angiosperms Organisms Life Functions (4.02)


invertebrate, closed circulatory system with hearts, nephridia, respire through skin, ectotherm, consumer


xylem/phloem, evaporation, transpiration, photosynthetic producer, pollen, ovule and seeds (embryo) protected by cones


evaporation, transpiration, photosynthesis and spores or seeds


single celled autotrohph or heterotroph with nucleus that relies on diffusion and osmosis to exchange nutrients/gases with environment


vertebrate, 4 chamber heart, kidney, lungs, enthotherm, consumer, hair, milk, care for young


vertebrate, 3 chamber heart, kidney, lungs/gills or respire through skin, ectotherm, consumer, lives on land and in water, metamorphosis


invertebrate, open circulatory system, malphigian tubules, tracchael tubules, spiracles, ectotherm, consumer, metamorphosis


xylem/phloem, evaporation, transpiration, photosynthetic autotroph, pollen and sperm found in flowers, seeds (embryos) in fruit

Adaptations (4.03) a. Xylem b. Phloem c. Transpirati on d. Autotroph e. Consumer f. Pollen g. Ovlue h. Leaf i.

Seed j.

Flower k. Fruit l.

Cone m. Vertebrate n. Heart o. Kidney p. Lungs q. Gills r. Endotherm s. Ectotherm t. Complete metamorphosis u. Incomplete metamorphosis v. Nephridia w. Malphigian tubule x. Trachale tubules

A. B. C. D. E. F. G. I.

transport water in plants transport sugar moves water through plants producer heterotroph plant sperm egg protected plant embryo


reproductive structure




. protect seed




cirulates blood






filters waste from blood




allow gas exchange with air


allow gas exchange with water


. homeostasis


regulate temp. with environment


young look different from adult


young look similar to adult


capture sunlight for photosynthesis

Question 1

• The structure of the digestive tube in the grasshopper and earthworm consists of many folds. The folds affect the efficiency of food absorption by which of the following functions?

A. increasing surface area B. reducing transpiration C. increasing hormone secretion D. reducing storage of sugar

Prokaryotes traits Eukaryotes traits Eubacteria • Unicellular • No nucleus • • Protists Unicellular (mostly) Nucleus • Autotroph or heterotroph Archaebacteria • Unicellular • No nucleus • Extreme environments • • Fungi Mostly multicellular Nucleus • decomposers Plants • Multicellular • Autotroph Animals • Multicellular • heterotroph

A. Petals B. anther C. filament D. sepal E. Ovary/ovlue AB. Style AC. Stigma What protects a leaf? Cuticle Where does gas exchange occur? Stoma/stomata Where does photosynthesis occur? Mesophyll (cells with lots of chloroplasts)

Behavior (4.05)

• Plant tropisms – Gravitropism/geotropism roots grow down and stems up – Phototropism grow toward light – Thigmotropism respond to touch – Photoperiodism flower in response to darkness

Question 2

• Soybeans planted early in the spring flower at the same time as soybeans planted early in the summer due to which factor?

A. age of the plant B. length of darkness C. amount of moisture D. amount of fertilizer

• Innate Behavior born with – Ex) suckling, blinking, instincts and reflexes • Learned Behavior acquire over time – Ex) dog salivate (drool) when ring bell with food

Question 3

• How is instinctive behavior acquired?

A. Teaching B. Experience C. Reasoning D. inheritance

• Imprinting follow mother after birth • Migration move with seasons • Circadian rhythms daily pattern • Courtship attract mate • Social live in groups • Classical conditioning- “ training ” • Hibernation/Estivation body with cold/heat slow down • Competition try get same resources • Aggression establish dominance or protect territory • Communication *pheromones share info chemicals • Suckling get milk from mom (innate) • Habituation get used to stimulus • Taxis move in response to stimulus

Question 4

• It has been observed that many bird species will defend a territory against certain other species. What is most likely true about those

other species?

A. have same predators B. eat same foods C. have similar appearance D. use similar courtship routines

Question 5

• Which of the following is an example of a circadian rhythm?

A. estivation of frogs B. hibernation of squirrels C. migration of birds D. sleeping pattern of owls

Health and Disease (4.04)

Pathogens cause disease Describe Examples Bacteria Viruses Parasites Unicellular prokaryotes Nucleic acids


release toxins Nonliving with protein coat; mutate often Malaria protist Staph, Tuberculosis HIV, HPV, Herpes Treatment Prevention antibiotics Prevention Prevention


Immune response Immunity Genetic diseases born with “predisoposed” more likely to get based on genes and lifestyle Nutrition Malnutrition lack vitamins, nutrients Obesity unhealthy food and lack of exercise Skin protection Inflammatory response fever B cells make antibodies T Cells fight infection Antibodies proteins that clump pathogens Antigen piece of antigen that stimulates immune system Acquired get sick and build up memory B and T cells Passive antibodies from mom (temporary) Vaccines injection of weak/dead pathogen to build up memory B and T cells Toxins Mercury factories Lead paint

Question 6

• Which would most likely be caused by environmental conditions?

A. lung cancer B. Hemophilia C. cystic fibrosis D. sickle cell anemia

Goal 4

1- 14

Question 1

• The structure of the digestive tube in the grasshopper and earthworm consists of many folds. The folds affect the efficiency of food absorption by which of the following functions?

A. increasing surface area B. reducing transpiration C. increasing hormone secretion D. reducing storage of sugar

Question 1

• The structure of the digestive tube in the grasshopper and earthworm consists of many folds. The folds affect the efficiency of food absorption by which of the following functions?

A. increasing surface area B. reducing transpiration C. increasing hormone secretion D. reducing storage of sugar

Question 2

• Soybeans planted early in the spring flower at the same time as soybeans planted early in the summer due to which factor?

A. age of the plant B. length of darkness C. amount of moisture D. amount of fertilizer

Question 2

• Soybeans planted early in the spring flower at the same time as soybeans planted early in the summer due to which factor?

A. age of the plant B. length of darkness C. amount of moisture D. amount of fertilizer

Question 3

• How is instinctive behavior acquired?

A. Teaching B. Experience C. Reasoning D. inheritance

Question 3

• How is instinctive behavior acquired?

A. Teaching B. Experience C. Reasoning D. inheritance

Question 4

• It has been observed that many bird species will defend a territory against certain other species. What is most likely true about those

other species?

A. have same predators B. eat same foods C. have similar appearance D. use similar courtship routines

Question 4

• It has been observed that many bird species will defend a territory against certain other species. What is most likely true about those

other species?

A. have same predators B. eat same foods C. have similar appearance D. use similar courtship routines

Question 5

• Which of the following is an example of a circadian rhythm?

A. estivation of frogs B. hibernation of squirrels C. migration of birds D. sleeping pattern of owls

Question 5

• Which of the following is an example of a circadian rhythm?

A. estivation of frogs B. hibernation of squirrels C. migration of birds D. sleeping pattern of owls

Question 6

• Which would most likely be caused by environmental conditions?

A. lung cancer B. Hemophilia C. cystic fibrosis D. sickle cell anemia

Question 6

• Which would most likely be caused by environmental conditions?

A. lung cancer B. Hemophilia C. cystic fibrosis D. sickle cell anemia

Question 7

• Which of the following is true of innate behavior?

A. requires practice to develop B. allows for adaptation and change C. may be influenced by reward D. is genetically determined

Question 7

• Which of the following is true of innate behavior?

A. requires practice to develop B. allows for adaptation and change C. may be influenced by reward D. is genetically determined

Question 8

• The graph below documents observations of an ant colony. What conclusion can be drawn from the graph?

A. Ant activity increases as temperature increases.

B. Ant activity is greatest between 25°C and 30°C.

C. Ant activity is greater in the evening than in the afternoon.

D. Ant activity is probably related to light.

Question 8

• The graph below documents observations of an ant colony. What conclusion can be drawn from the graph?

A. Ant activity increases as temperature increases.

B. Ant activity is greatest between 25°C and 30°C.

C. Ant activity is greater in the evening than in the afternoon.

D. Ant activity is probably related to light.

Question 9

• Which of the following exhibits a learned behavior?

A. Baby birds beg for food when a parent nears.

B. A person blinks when an object nears his/her eyes.

C. Salmon return to their birth place for mating.

D. A chimpanzee catches termites by poking a stick in a log.

Question 9

• Which of the following exhibits a learned behavior?

A. Baby birds beg for food when a parent nears.

B. A person blinks when an object nears his/her eyes.

C. Salmon return to their birth place for mating.

D. A chimpanzee catches termites by poking a stick in a log.

Question 10

• Which of the following is the most important

advantage of instincts?

A. They reduce predator contacts.

B. They improve food selection choices.

C. They improve survival rates.

D. They allow for smaller brains.

Question 10

• Which of the following is the most important

advantage of instincts?

A. They reduce predator contacts.

B. They improve food selection choices.

C. They improve survival rates.

D. They allow for smaller brains.

Question 11

• Which behavioral adaptation may have evolved to enable members of the same species to recognize each other?

A. courtship behavior B. Hibernation C. Migration D. territoriality

Question 11

• Which behavioral adaptation may have evolved to enable members of the same species to recognize each other?

A. courtship behavior B. Hibernation C. Migration D. territoriality

Question 12

• In a population of walruses, a single male fathers most of the offspring. This is evidence that which of the following is occurring?

A. courtship behavior B. dominance hierarchy C. female aggression D. migration

Question 12

• In a population of walruses, a single male fathers most of the offspring. This is evidence that which of the following is occurring?

A. courtship behavior B. dominance hierarchy C. female aggression D. migration

Question 13

• A student started laughing while eating her dessert and accidentally inhaled part of a cookie. She immediately began coughing and coughed up the cookie particle. This response is an example of which type of behavior?

A. Conditioning B. Instinct C. Learned D. reflex

Question 13

• A student started laughing while eating her dessert and accidentally inhaled part of a cookie. She immediately began coughing and coughed up the cookie particle. This response is an example of which type of behavior?

A. Conditioning B. Instinct C. Learned D. reflex

Question 14

• A Carolina wren is raised in an environment where it cannot hear adults of its species. Eventually, the bird sings a song that is similar to the song of Carolina wrens in the wild, but the song is not complete. What does this experiment suggest about Carolina wren behavior?

A. Wild wrens know their species’ song by instinct.

B. Wild wrens’ songs are partly instinctive behavior and partly learned.

C. Imprinting plays no role in bird song.

D. Learned behavior is dominant over innate behavior.

Question 14

• A Carolina wren is raised in an environment where it cannot hear adults of its species. Eventually, the bird sings a song that is similar to the song of Carolina wrens in the wild, but the song is not complete. What does this experiment suggest about Carolina wren behavior?

A. Wild wrens know their species’ song by instinct.

B. Wild wrens’ songs are partly instinctive behavior and partly learned.

C. Imprinting plays no role in bird song.

D. Learned behavior is dominant over innate behavior.