Energy Force and Motion

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Energy Force and
Mrs. Pidgeon’s 5th Grade
KWL- What do we already know?
Kinetic vs. Potential Energy F62
Kinetic is moving energy
 Potential is stored energy
WB 330
What are Kinetic and Potential
Extended Response Question
Types of Kinetic Energy…..
Fire Safety… Thermal Energy
Forms of Energy F64
Chemical Energy
Ex: stored energy in
food and fuel.
Forms of Energy
Electrical Energy
Ex: batteries, electric
in homes
Forms of Energy
Light energy
Ex: sun and lasers
Forms of Energy
Mechanical Energy
Ex: wind, water
falling over a water
fall, sound
Forms of Energy
Thermal Energy
Ex: stove, heaters,
Transfer of Heat- REVIEW
Conduction- pot on the stove
Convection- hot air rises cold air sinks
Radiation- from the sun
Reflection- heat bouncing off
Heat energy is caused by the motion of particles
that make up matter. When you rub your hands
together, you are converting mechanical energy
into heat energy.
Forms of Energy
Nuclear Energy
Ex: Sun
Forms of Energy
Ex: The fuel in a
rocket changes from
chemical energy to
mechanical energy
when the fuel burns
Page F65 Questions 1-5
Create a flipchart
about the 4 of the
forms of energy
discussed in the
 Thermal
 Light
 Sound
 Electrical
Electricity F68- F72
– An energy
Circuit Activity
Who discovered Electricity?
Electrical Energy
Can be transformed into:
 Heat
 Light
 Mechanical Energy
Which items are insulators?
 Insulators
materials that
do not
very well.
Which items are conductors?
 Conductors
are materials
that let
energy move
through them.
circuit is a
pathway taken
by an electric
Closed Circuit
of electrical
Open Circuits
of electrical
Parallel Circuits
are 2
or more
pathways for
the current
in a parallel
Series Circuit
is only
1 pathway
for the
Electricity and Magnetism
 An
electric current creates a
magnetic field.
 A moving magnetic field
creates an electric current.
Magnetic Fields
Lines of force
extend from the
poles of a magnet
in an arched
pattern defining the
area over which
magnetic force is
Metallic Attraction
 Certain
metals attract
other such
Electromagnets Wrapping a
wire around
certain ironbearing metals
like a nail
creates a
closed circuit
and is an
example of a
What about lightning????
Review Questions
Name 3 things that are insulators.
 List 3 things that are conductors.
 What is the difference between an open
and closed circuit?
 What is the difference between a series
and a parallel circuit?
 What type of metal attracts other metals?
Workbook 335
Light F76
Key Terms
 Reflection
 Refraction
 Transparent
 Translucent
 Opaque
 Convex
 Concave
 Spectrums
 Wavelengths
Sound travels in waves- vibrations
 Key terms:
 Pitch
 Volume
 Frequency
 Decibels
 Wavelength
 Amplitude
Answers to Trivia Questions
Can sound travel under the water?
Yes sound can travel under the water. It moves four times faster
through water than through the air. It can travel such long distances
that whales can hear each other when they are nearly a hundred
miles apart.
Is there sound on the moon?
No, there is no sound in space. Sound needs something to travel
through like air or water.
What is the speed of Sound?
Sound travels through air at 1,120 feet (340 meters) per second.
Workbook 340
Open Response – Light
Workbook 346
Test Part I
Page F6-F9
Three Forces that affect objects
on Earth
Tell me at least 3 facts about each of these types
of forces.
A flag being blown by the force of the
The greater the force,
the greater the
change in motion.
The bigger an object
is, the less effect a
force will have on it.
The smaller an object
is, the more effect a
force will have on it.
 Above
Friction is a force that
opposes motion. Friction
acts in a direction
opposite to the object's
direction in motion.
Without friction, the object
would continue to move
at a constant speed
What Really Happened with the Apple?
Probably the more correct version of the
story is that Newton, upon observing an
apple fall from a tree, began to think along
the following lines: The apple is
accelerated, since its
Gravity is the attractive force between all
objects in the universe. It is the force that
pulls objects to the earth.
Galileo, a famous Italian scientist who
lived in the 1500's, was the first to
discover the force of gravity. In his
famous experiment he dropped two
cannonballs, one 10 times the mass of
the other, at exactly the same time from
the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Which
cannonball do you think hit first? Before
you answer the question set up your
own Galilean type experiment.
Explanation: Both objects should hit the
ground at the same time. Even though
the two objects had different masses,
gravity pulls each down to the ground at
the same rate. Galileo discovered that
gravity accelerates all objects at the
same rate
SIX things to know about magnets
Almost everyone knows these six basic facts about
how magnets behave:
•A magnet has two ends called poles, one of which is
called a north pole or north-seeking pole, while the
other is called a south pole or south-seeking pole.
•The north pole of one magnet attracts the south pole
of a second magnet, while the north pole of one
magnet repels the other magnet's north pole. So we
have the common saying: like poles repel, unlike poles
A magnet creates an invisible area of magnetism
all around it called a magnetic field.
The north pole of a magnet points roughly toward
Earth's north pole and vice-versa. That's because
Earth itself contains magnetic materials and
behaves like a gigantic magnet.
If you cut a bar magnet in half, it's a bit like cutting
an earthworm in half! You get two brand new,
smaller magnets, each with its own north and
south pole.
If you run a magnet a few times over an
unmagnetized piece of a magnetic material (such
as an iron nail), you can convert it into a magnet
as well. This is called magnetization.
Workbook page 294
Open Response
Force and Mass
Example OE
Balanced and Unbalanced
Forces F12-F13
A book resting on a desk illustrates balanced forces.
However, a book dropped from a desk illustrates
unbalanced forces. In this case, gravity has overcome
the balance of forces
Workbook page 299
Newton’s Project
Due 11-12
Newton’s Life
Wkbk 304Vocabulary
Motion and Speed
F34- F36
How do we know something has
By looking at the things
that are not moving
around it.
What is speed?
How fast an object is
Measure of distance.
How do I calculate
Ex:10ft/ 3 seconds=3.1 ft/sec
On the weather channel a
hurricane's path is
explained in terms of
velocity. People want to
know how fast a hurricane
is traveling but they also
need to know in what
direction it is traveling so
they can evacuate if
necessary. For instance,
the weatherman will report
a hurricane's velocity as five
kilometers per hour moving
in a northeasterly direction.
Acceleration is the rate of
change in velocity. A roller
coaster is constantly
changing its velocity as it
travels up and down and
around. To calculate the
acceleration of a roller
coaster, divide the change
in velocity by the time it
takes the velocity to
How hard it is to slow or stop an
object in motion.
An object’s speed in a particular direction
An object slows down, speeds up, turns
An object’s place or location
A measure of the distance an object moves
A measure of how hard it is to stop an object
Workbook 323
Vocabulary Check
1. Make a boat of some type out of your foil paper.
2. Put your boat into the container of water and begin to place
marbles in one at a time (See Rule # 2)
3. Place your marbles evenly throughout your boat. Make sure you
balance your weight evenly.
1. You only have one attempt. You may not start over once you
begin placing marbles in the boat.
2. You must wait three seconds before you can place another
marble in your boat.
3. When your boat sinks, count the number of marbles in your
sunken boat.
1. In what way does the size of the boats
make a difference in the amount of
marbles they hold? Please be specific.
 2. In what way does the design of the
boats make a difference in the amount of
marbles they hold? Please be specific.
 3. Please describe which design held the
most marbles and why.
 4. What would you do different next time?
Newton's first law of motion says that an object
in motion will stay in motion and an object at
rest will stay at rest unless acted on by an
unbalanced force. In the car your body was in
motion, traveling at the same speed as the car.
When the car stopped, your body stayed in
motion. If you were not wearing a seatbelt and
you were traveling very fast, your body could
continue to move forward through the
Inertia keeps an
object still or keeps it
A moving object will
keep moving until
something stops it.
An object that is not
moving will not move
until something
moves it.
If a bowling ball and a soccer ball were both
dropped at the same time from the roof of a tall
building, which would hit the ground with a
greater force? Common sense tells us that the
bowling ball would. We know that gravity
accelerates all objects at the same rate, so both
balls would hit the ground at the same time.
Therefore the difference in forces would be
caused by the different masses of the balls.
A speeding bullet and a slow moving train
both have tremendous force. The force of
the bullet can be attributed to its incredible
acceleration while the force of the train
comes from its great mass.
Imagine a rocket is being launched from the
earth. Hot gases are pushed out from the
bottom of the rocket as the rocket is thrust
upward. The force of the gases pushing
against the surface of the earth is equal and
opposite to the force with which the rocket
moves upward. The motion of the rocket can
be explained by Newton's third law, for
every action there is an equal and
opposite reaction. In other words, when one
object exerts a force on another object, the
second object exerts a force of equal
strength in the opposite direction on the first
object. Likewise, when a skeet shooter fires
his shotgun at a clay disc flying through the
air, he experiences the recoil upon the
shotgun. The "kick" felt by the shooter is the
reaction force upon the shotgun which is
equal in magnitude to the force that pushes
the pellets.
Newton Flipchart
 Law 1
 Law 2
 Law 3
Workbook Page: 317
Study Guide……