Drugs Media Violence - AS Physical Education OCR

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Transcript Drugs Media Violence - AS Physical Education OCR

Social Cultural Studies
Author DTA
The Oath
 In the name of all competitors, I promise that
we shall take part in these Olympic games in
London 2012....without doping and without
drugs in the true spirit of sportsmanship.
 Would the lure of being the worlds best and
being set for life be enough for you to break
that oath?
 The use of drugs that are banned substances.
There exists a covert multi-million pound
industry with it’s purpose is to enable
sportswomen and men to enhance their
performance in order to win.
Group task
 Our task is to understand the reasons why
some performers are tempted to take drugs.
 With that in mind come up with the reasons
for taking drugs.
Could you put these into
categories on your white boards?
 To build muscle
Could you put a
 Increase energy
sporting example next
 Increase o2 transport to each one of these?
 Loss of weight
 Mask an injury
 Reduce fatigue
As there are several
ensure your have a few
good examples that
you can recall.
Psychological reasons
 To steady nerve
 To increase aggression
 To increase motivation
Could you put a
sporting example
next to each one of
As there are several
ensure your have a
few good examples
that you can recall.
Social reasons
Could you put a
 Pressure to win, coaches
sporting example
 Media pressure
next to each one of
 Earn big money
 Fear of failure
As there are several
 Win at all costs ethic
ensure your have a
 Belief that everyone is doing
fewit.good examples
that you can recall.
 Morality- Gives an unfair advantage
 Health- Can cause sexual /gynaecological
 Against the law
 Role model- bad example.
Using an example explain the reasons for someone taking
drugs and explain the consequences of the actions.
She won five medals at the
2000 Summer Olympics in
Sydney, Australia
 Lost all medal
 Lost status
 Had to repay money
earned from winning.
 Was one of the best
of British Bronze in
World champs 1999.
 Banned from ever
competing in the
 Loss of status
Possible arguments for allowing
drugs in sport
Arguments against drugs in sport
 100%ME – programme promoting drug free
competitive sport in UK – by info on anti-doping and
by promoting pos attitudes and values in sport
 WADA – World Anti-Doping Agency – promotes,
coordinates and monitors fight against doping in
sport at international level with the support of
 So what would you do?
Technology and its influence
 1948 Harrison Dillard in a time of......
 10.3 secs
 2008 Beijing Usain Bolt
 9.69 secs
 Inform
 Educate
 Entertain
 Advertise
Positive Impact
Role Model
Increase in
lifelong physical
Improvement in
Formats changes
in a positive way to
speed up action
Negative Impact
Certain events are
Myths are
stereotypes can be
reinforced if coverage
is poor. (Andy Gray)
Reduction in
participation, now we
watch sports.
Media creates
sensational trivial
headlines, personal
Golden triangle
 This last question is one that I want to you to
break down and tackle as a 10 marker.
 First do the basics of identifying the:
 Command Word Subject qualifier Subject
 Q Has the dependency of each section of the
golden triangle reduced or increased mass
What’s the best example of media and its
impact on sport.
Super bowl
How long is a game of American football?
How long does it actually last?
Super bowl is 4 hours, why?
Stops for adverts
Stop for the Half time show.
Violence in Sport
Violence by participants
 What are the possible causes of such acts of
 Importance of result
 Nature of the game, (physical robust, ice hockey)
 Sledging, (provocation)
 Disappointment
 Crowd behaviour
 Emotional intensity Cauldron effect.
 De-humanised view of opposition
 Win at all costs.
Mob football
 Pre 1850
 Post 1850
 Today
Violence of Spectators
 Group notes.
 Violence of players copied
 Controversial decision
 Rival fans chanting abuse
 By being a large group there is perception of
diminished responsibility.
 Alcohol
 Increase in hype by media.
Heysel and Hillsborough
 1985 Heysel
 1989-Hillsborough